MEMORANDUM SALING PENGERTIAN ANTARA KEMENTERIAN NEGARA PEMUDA DAN OLAHRAGA REPUBLIK INDONESIA DENGAN LEMBAGA PENDIDIKAN JASMANI REPUBLIK ISLAM IRAN MENGENAI KERJASAMA Dl BIDANG OLAHRAGA Kementerian Negara Pemuda dan Olahraga Republik Indonesia dan Lembaga Pendidikan Jasmani Republik Islam Iran selanjutnya disebut " Para Pihak": BERKEINGINAN untuk mengembangkan hubungan, meningkatkan dan memperkuat ke~asama bilateral antara kedua Negara di bidang olahraga di bidang pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga; MEMPERTIMBANGKAN kebutuhan untuk memperkuat persahabatan dan meningkatkan saling pengertian antara kedua negara; SESUAI dengan hukum dan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku di kedua Negara; TELAH MENYEPAKATl HAL-HAL BERIKUT: Pasal1 Tujuan Memorandum Saling Pengertian ini adalah untuk mengembangkan kerjasama di bidang pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga yang saling menguntungkan antara kedua Negara. Pasal2 Untuk mencapai keberhasilan pelaksanaan kerjasama olahraga berdasarkan Memorandum Saling Pengertian ini, para Pihak akan : 1. saling bertukar tenaga ahli, wasit. dan pelatih di bidang pendidikan jasmani, olahraga masyarakat, ilmu kesehatan olahraga ;~an industri olahraga. 2. menyediakan fasilitas yang diperlukar, untuk pertukaran informasi, pelatihan dan pengalaman dalam ilmu keolahragaan yang diminta oleh kedua negara. 3. mendorong keikutsertaan tenaga ahli, spesialis atau pakar dan dokter olahraga pada konferensi dan seminar ilmiah bidang pendidikan jasmani, olahraga masyarakat dan ilmu kesehatan olahraga. 4. menyediakan fasilitas yang diperlukan dalam alih tehnologi di bidang peralatan dan sarana olahraga atau perlengkapan lainnya. Kedua Pihak akan menyediakan pemenuhan fasilitas untuk pemanfaatan pengalaman teknis dan pembuatan sarana olahraga. 5. mendorong pelaksanaan pertukarar. delegasi olahraga, spesialis atau pakar olahraga dan olahragawan berdasarkan pada pengaturan yang disepakati oleh lnduk Lembaga Olahraga dan perkumpulan olahraga di kedua Negara. 6. saling bertukar wawasan dan mengkoordinasikan pada berbagai hal yang berhubungan dengan Lembaga olahraga internasional. 7. saling membantu dalam menjalin hubungan dengan media cetak olahraga, radio, televisi, dan penerbitan berita olahraga dalam rangka memperkenalkan kepada masyarakat luas mengenai perkembangan prestasi bidang pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga di kedua Negara. 8. menyediakan fasilttas bagi promosi dan pengembangan olahraga Zurkaneh. Republik Islam Iran menyediakan para pelatih dan para murshed Zurkaneh, peralatan olahraga dan bahanbahan pelatihan Zurkaneh , arsitek dan bantuan teknik bagi pembangunan kompleks olahraga Zurkaneh. Republik Indonesia membantu mempromosikan dan mengembangkan olahraga Zurkaneh di kawasan Asia dan di seluruh dunia serta mendorong para olahragawan untuk berlatih Zurkaneh, serta menyediakan fasilitas untuk para pelatih dan para murshed Zurkaneh dan menyiapkan sarana bagi pelatihan dan menyediakan lahan untuk membangun kompleks olahraga Zurkaneh. 9. menyediakan fasilitas bagi promosi dan pengembangan olahraga Pencaksilat. Republik Indonesia menyediakan para pelatih Pencaksilat, peralatan dan bahan-bahan pelatihan Pencaksilat. Republik Islam Iran membantu mempromosikan dan mengembangkan olahraga Pencaksilat di kawasan Asia Selatan dan Tengah dan di seluruh dunia serta mendorong para olahragawan untuk berlatih Pencaksilat, serta menyediakan fasil~as untuk para pelatih Pencaksilat. Para Pihak sepakat untuk mempromosikan Pencaksilat menjadi olahraga yang dipertandingkan di olimpiade. 10. mendorong pengkajian dalam rangka meningkatkan performa yang tinggi, serta ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi di bidang olahraga. 11. mendorong pemberian penghargaan atas pencapaian prestasi di bidang olahraga. Pasal3 Para Pihak menyepakati bahwa segala kegiatan yang diatur dalam Memorandum Saling Pengertian ini akan dilaksanakan sepanjang dimungkinkan dalam anggaran tahunan masingmasing dan telah disetujui sebelumnya oleh para Pihak. Pasal4 Setiap perselisihan yang btimbul dalam kaitan dengan penafsiran atau pelaksanaan 2 4JHOFE 4JHOFE 'i-t~ _ 6r~ , · .Mer r'· ~ H~ r('• (6r 71 ~ 6 X,"l 4~ 0 ~(l ,6 r.r· ~· , 1H 6 o-((-51 ,r ~ ~ .r!~ i--Tf1• H~ rf' ~f1· ~.; .~~ 1~ 4~ S0"5' -?1~ ~c r ,..,..r ·~ · I· -, ·· ,..,..r~, -, . .t cr-b r I~ I' r·M. · r'? ~ ·· .. ·· O')C'O ;Jo-( 0 o;r 51 ~ Q1)51 ,r (0 (((1 'l11~ ( cr-b .. ~ lrr:---<· ~ r··;.>;>...-.,51 ·1 6((~ (---( • ... . ~ 51 -~- 1' ~ 1\.I. .~~ 1~ .rf~ ~r·~ ,r ~ 0 .r!~ rrf1 6 6r~ r(' ~(l c-6 r.r K ~51 ~C'O -~- ~6 "<'? <rr ~-p .rflf.1 r~:r: r6 1ror c-6~:r> 6 Me- .~~ ~1' ~0 ,6 r.r. ,r 4r -<:bn ~~~ 6 o-fr10 , 1 ~ -?,, ~ ·· ( "~51 .... ~~··, ( 1.((1 b . . C"<):""\? cr-b.(;b cf ~ " -?1:ro ·(.,.v(l " ~( '10 .r!~ rrf1 C' r;(l b ~( ( ( .. 6(( rr0 · '>·: ·C'.~ . .. ~ ~:r) ~ ·<=-o>~u51 I<"Y\~ 6. . .. 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CQ')S' ~ ~r ,r ~c-o- .,..~·rr ~ M, br( rf' -<:~ fP cr ~ K ( ~~.} qr-( ~r.' ,r (K" r< ~crp ,r -9r .¢r, ~~ 1 r :>'? ,r ,.4- 5' 6 ~ 6 1 r: 16r)1 6r( ~· ;.<1 51 (~:1 br( rf' K1 4~ 0 ·~ ~ r{~S' I~ ~lllf:T ~c-· ~ 1"?1!10 CYMC' br( ~:s{(, rl ~ !1( o-<';5"1 (I r:ri P. c-· fl~ ~l'l11 ~C'' c(~ ~~ .~rf' (I ,r 1-.:0 r ~ 6r( ~ .~·cf.' ?1<l11 ~c-· ~n l~' 1~5' o-<' f.S' 6 f ~r51 I"""K~ ~(5' ~~ 6 ~5' H rM" 1 ~ cr f" (KI;>' !flro 6 «,0 ~ ~~~ ;-<c- 6 ~ (~:1 6 ~~ 6r( (K(, 6 .~1° 6 ~ f:~" o-{(Si fl~ ~'01"?1~0 f_(.} 'b' rf' r0 4~ 0 ,r ~ "'9lr 1~( ~ rl ~~~ ~~~ ;.(1)1 (~:1 6 -~~ 6r( rf' (( ~ ;:(1 -9Mt\0 . .~ ( ~ "1~ ;.(I )I 'I~ (6( "80" ~ ;.( ~Q c( f" 1~ 6 ~'1'(S'l ~ 'lc:::'T' ~r' !1( o-<'fSI ~ rl b o-<' c:::'T r< slS' c- 6ro 'l1! 51 l~( ~ fl~ ~l<l11 ;-<,. 4JHOFE 4JHOFE "In the name of God" MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE MINISTRY OF YOUTH AND SPORTS AFFAIRS OF THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA AND THE PHYSICAL EDUCATION ORGANIZATION OF THE ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF IRAN ON COOPERATION IN THE FIELD OF SPORTS The Ministry of Youth and Sports Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia and the Physical Education Organization of the Islamic Republic of Iran hereinafter referred to as "the Parties", DESIRING to develop contacts, promote and strengthen the existing bilateral cooperation between the two countries in the field of sports, CONSIDERING the need to strengthen the friendship and improving mutual understanding between the two states; PURSUANT to the prevailing laws and regulations of the two countries; HAVE AGREED AS FOLLOWS: Article 1 The objective of this Memorandum of Understanding is to develop cooperation in the field of physical education and sports between the two countries on the basis of mutual benefit. Article 2 In order to reach successful realization of sport cooperation under this Memorandum of Understanding, the Parties shall : 1. exchange experts, referees, and coaches in the sphere of physical education, sport for all, sport -medical science, sport industry, Zurkhaneh, and Pencaksilat. 2. provide the necessary facilities for exchanging information, training and sportscientific experiences requested by the two countries. 3. encourage the participation of experts, physicians and sport specialist in scientific seminars and conferences on physical education, sport for all and sport-medicine. 4. provide the necessary facilities for satisfying the needs of sport Infrastructure and sports goods or other equipments. Both Parties shall provide each other with the necessary facilities in order to use the technical experiences and manufacture sport infrastructure. 5. encourage the realization of exchanging sport teams, athletes and specialists based on arrangements between sports federations and clubs of both countries. 6. exchange their views and coordinate on matters related to the international sport organizations. 7. assist each other to make connection with sports press, radio, television, and sports publications in order to acquaint the public with the achievements in the development of physical education and sports in their countries. 8. provide the necessary facilities for promoting and developing Zurkhaneh sports. Islamic Republic of Iran shall provide zurkhaneh sports coaches and mursheds, zurkhaneh sports' equipment and any educational materials, architect and engineering assistance in constructing zurkhaneh sports complex. Republic of Indonesia shall assist to promote and develop Zurkhaneh sports in that region of Asia and all around this continent and the world and attract athletes to practice Zurkhaneh, as well as provide facilities for coach and murshed, proper sports gyms to set up the training courses and proper lands to construct Zurkhaneh sports complex. 9. provide the necessary facilities for promoting and developing Pencaksilat martial arts. Republic of Indonesia provides pencaksilat coach, equipment and any educational materials. Islamic Republic of Iran shall assist to promote and develop pencaksilat in the regions of south and central Asia and around this continent and the world and attract athletes to practice pencaksilat, as well as provide facilities for coach. And the parties shall do their best to promote Pencaksilat to become an Olympic sport. 2 10. encourage consideration of improving the field of high performance sport and sport science and technology. 11. encourage consideration of the achievements. Article 3 The Parties shall agree that all initiatives mentioned in this program shall be carried out within the limits of the financial resources annually established by their budget and shall be agreed by the Parties in advance. Article 4 Any dispute between the parties arising in connection with the interpretation or implementation of this Memorandum of Understanding shall be settled amicably through consultation and negotiation between the Parties. Article 5 This Memorandum of Understanding may be amended by mutual written consent between the Parties. Article 6 1. This Memorandum of Understanding shall enter into force on the date of its signing. 2. This memorandum of understanding shall be valid for a period of three (3) years and shall be automatically extended for three (3) years consecutively unless stated otherwise in writing by the Parties at least six (6) months prior to the expiration of the Memorandum of Understanding. 3. The termination of this Memorandum of Understanding shall not affect the validity and duration of any on-going programs or activities made prior to the termination of this Memorandum of Understanding until the completion of such programs or activities. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned have signed this Memorandum of Understanding. DONE in duplicate at Tehran on this ninteenth day of December in the year two thousand and six, in the Indonesian, Persian, and English languages, all texts being equally ,., .) 4JHOFE 4JHOFE
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