Where`s My Issue of The Bruin?
Where`s My Issue of The Bruin?
Bartlesville Public School District’s Weekly Email Newsletter The Bruin Volume 7, Number 29...Friday, March 15, 2013...www.bps-ok.org PowerSchool upgrades to take place March 25 The Bruin Brigade will perform in front of over 500,000 people during the St. Patrick’s Festival Parade. Off to Ireland: Bruin Brigade Marching Band, BHS Orchestra and BHS Choir students set to spend Spring Break across the pond Early this morning, the first members of the Bruin Brigade Marching Band, BHS Orchestra and BHS Choir began their journey to Ireland. The first group departed from the Fine Arts Center around 2:15 a.m. to catch an early morning flight and begin their trip. The group will spend a week in Ireland and have the opportunity to tour the country and perform. Accompanying the students will be staff members from the BPSD Instrumental Music Department and Vocal Music Department as well as several adult chaperones. In total, the traveling party from Bartlesville will consist of 288 people. Beginning March 25, the Bartlesville Public School District will unveil Parent Single Sign-on in PowerSchool and the PowerSchool Mobile App. The two new features will greatly increase convenience for users and enhance the accessibility of PowerSchool. The Parent Single Signon feature will allow parents/ guardians to have one login to access information for multiple students for whom they have legal/parental rights. Each parent/guardian can have a unique login, provided they are using a unique e-mail address for each account. Users will also be able to autorecover their login information if they have forgotten their username and/or password. The Parent Single Sign- The planning process began a few years ago when BPSD Director of Instrumental Music, Alex Claussen received an invitation to participate in the St. Patrick’s Festi- UPGRADES- Continued to page 9 val Parade in Dublin, Ireland on St. Patrick’s Day from the Lord Mayor of Dublin. Claussen gladly accepted the outstanding opportunity and the With Spring Break set Bruin Brigade will be marching in to unfold from March 18-22 the parade on Sunday, March 17, throughout the Bartlesville St. Patrick’s Day. If you are a UPublic School District, there Stream subscriber the parade will will be no issue of The Bruin be available live over the internet. next week. But, look for it Claussen stated, “It’s an inagain - with plenty of Bruin credible honor for our Marching news on Friday, March 29. Band to IRELAND- Continued to page 9 Where’s My Issue of The Bruin? Elks Students of the Month: March Bartlesville High ing Spanish Club, School seniors BonAcademic Team nie Pope and Gavin and National Honor Dolsky have been Society. Dolsky is named Elks Students also a member of the of the Month BHS String for the month Orchestra. of March. In FebBonnie ruary, Gavin Pope is the was named daughter of a National David and Merit Finalist. Bonnie Pope Donna Pope. Dolsky was Pope is a memamong a group ber of the Select of only 15,000 stuMixed Choir and the dents throughout the BHS National Honor country to receive the Society. honor for which 1.5 Additionally, million students were Bonnie is part of the eligible. Bartlesville Interact Next year, DolClub and the Washsky plans to attend ington County Oklahoma Young DemoState Univercrats. She also sity and major previously in Chemical participated in Engineering. French Club Elks and Spanish Students of Gavin Dolsky Club. the Month- all Outside of whom are of BHS, Pope keeps seniors- are chosen busy with a variety by a committee of of activities. She Bartlesville High has been dancing at School teachers. Art of Motion Dance They must be of high Studio for 15 years. moral character, have She also spends time initiative, show leadvolunteering at the ership capabilities, be Animal Rescue Foun- good students, and be dation and enjoys active and interested reading. in their school and Gavin Dolsky is community. the son of Ray and One female Janet Dolsky. student and one male At BHS, he is student are selected involved in various each month from Ocof activities includtober through May. Rotary Students of the Month: March Bartlesville High for the BHS track team. School students Lillian Evans has also parGeerts and Alex Evans ticipated in several theater have been named Roproductions including tary Students of Children’s Musithe Month for the cal Theater’s promonth of March. duction of “Willie Geerts is the Wonka” and the daughter of Rolf BHS producand Valerie Geerts. tion of “Hamlet” Lillian Geerts Lillian is a standwhere he played out tennis player at Horatio. He also BHS. She has been a part took part in “Broadway of the varsity girls tennis Box” and “Bruins on team since her freshman Broadway.” year and currently plays Outside of school, number one singles for Alex is actively inthe team. volved in youth programs As a member of at Grace Community orchestra, Geerts plays Church. His hobbies inthe cello. She is also clude acting and playing involved in AP guitar. classes including The RoAP Calculus and tary students of AP English. the month- both When she seniors and juis not busy with niors are eligibleAlex Evans school related acare chosen by a tivities, Lillian works committee of BHS a part-time job. teachers. The student Alex Evans is the son should be of high moral of Eddie and Melanie Ev- character, have initiative, ans. He is involved in a show leadership capavariety of a programs and bilities, be a good student, activities at BHS particuand be active and interlarly the fine arts. ested in their school and He is a member of community. National Honor Society One female and one as well as Mixed Select male are selected each Choir and Jazz Choir. month from September Alex has also pole vaulted through May. Bartlesville Mid-High named GE Model School The good news from Great Expectations continued this week as Bartlesville Mid-High School was named a Great Expectations Model School. Bartlesville will now boast the only high school in the State of Oklahoma named a Model School. “I am extremely proud of our Mid-High students and stuff. The building has been a fantastic place for years and being named a Great Expectations Model School just reinforces that. Mr. Langham and his staff do an outstanding job,” commented BPSD Director of Secondary Education, Sam Herriman. The announcement was preceded by several other Bartlesville Public School District sites being named GE Model Schools within the last few months including Hoover, Kane, Wayside, Central and Madison. Jane Phillips and Wilson were also named Model Schools for the second consecutive year. In total, the BPSD now has eight out of 10 schools recognized as Model Schools. It is the goal of BPSD to become the first school district in Oklahoma to have every school recognized as a Model School and to become a Model District. BHS artists receive awards Several Bartlesville High School art students recently competed in two major art competitions, The Scholastic Art Awards and Young Talent in Oklahoma. In the Scholastic Art Awards competition Ricky Cuellar (Gold Key), Beth Fentress (Gold Key and Silver Key awards), Beth Fentress (Portfolio Honorable mention) and Felicity Bunch (Honorable Mention Individual) garnered recognition for their great work. Several students received Merit Awards in the Young Talent in Oklahoma competition including Makaela Luellan (Photography) and Elle Denyer (dress). General Exhibition Honors recipients included Jenna Ewert (Drawing), Letesa Sayles (digital photography), Letesa Sayles (second photo), Hayley Snowden (collage portrait), Jenna Ewert (collage portrait) and Beth Fentress (digital photography). Winners of the YTIO competition will be recognized at an awards ceremony on April 6 in Norman and have their work on display in the University of Oklahoma Lightwell Gallery. A list of artists and their award winning work is listed below. Pictured above front row (left to right): Lana Hughes – 11th grade - Scholastic Art Competition – Honorable Mention – Drawing – title “ Marilyn” Felicity Bunch – 11th grade – Scholastic Art Competition – Honorable Mention – Drawing – title “Mary” Beth Fentress – 12th grade – Scholastic Art Competition: -Gold Key Award – Photo – title: “An Unexpected Surprise” -Silver Key Award – Photo – title: “Flicker” -Honorable Mention – Portfolio entry -Young Talent in Oklahoma Competition: Exhibition Honors – photo – title “Crystal Eruption” Makaela Luallen – 12th grade – Young Talent In Oklahoma Competition – Exhibition Honor : photograph – title “Stop Judging Me” Back row (left to right): Letesa Sayles – 12th grade – Young Talent In Oklahoma Competition: -Two Exhibition Honors titled: “Descending Stairwell” and “Glowing Earrings” Ricky Cuellar – 11th grade – Scholastic Art Competition – Silver Key – Painting: “The Piano” Haley Snowden – 11th grade – Young Talent In Oklahoma Competition: Exhibition Honor – Collage – title “Self Portrait” Jenna Ewert – 11th grade – Young Talent In Oklahoma Competition: -Two Exhibition Honors including sepia drawing titled: “Study of Feet” and a collage titled: “Jenna” Elle Denyer – 11th grade – Young Talent In Oklahoma Competition: Exhibition Honor – dress – title “Starry Night” BPSD loses a great friend Longtime local radio personality and great friend of the Bartlesville Public School District, Mike Sauter passed away on Tuesday night. Sauter was known throughout the Bartlesville community for his work on KWON radio. He had been with Bartlesville Radio for 15 years and served in a variety of capacities. Mike was also active throughout the BPSD. He volunteered weekly at Richard Kane Elementary School and also served as the Public Address Announcer for Bruin football games and the Bruin Brigade Marching Band for many years. The contributions made by Mike to the Bartlesville Community and the Bartlesville Public School District will be remembered for years to come. BMHS to host technology demonstration Bartlesville Mid-High School will be hosting a technology demonstration on Wednesday, March 27 at 4 p.m. in the BMHS library. Butch Holland, a representative from E-Instruction, will be demonstrating a product that enables the integration of the Classroom Performance System (“Clickers”) with the Edusoft data mining pro- gram. Assisting Holland will be BMHS teachers Matt Hancock and Stacey Wosel. Also on display at the event will be Insight 360 for I-Pads, an instructional tool that can provide more individualized learning for students. All BPSD staff members are encouraged to attend the informative event. Central wins Battle of the Books Photo Special to The Bruin/ Central Middle School won the Battle of the Books Contest last week. The final score was Central Middle School 39, St. John’s School 29, Osage Hills 16 and Madison Middle School 12. Pictured holding the trophy (left to right) are Russell Drummond, Melody Brown Clark and Jack Williams. Congratulations Central! BPSD Pre-K enrollment now underway Pre-Kindergarten enrollment for all Bartlesville Public School District elementary schools is now underway. To be eligible, the prospective student must turn four years old on or before September 1, 2013. In order to enroll, parents/guardians must go to the elementary school in their district and complete an enrollment form. Parents/guardians must also bring the child’s birth certificate, shot records, proof of residency and the child’s social security card at the time of enrollment. To identify the elementary dis- trict serving a street address please visit http://epts4. edulogweb.com/Bartlesville2/webquery/. If you would like more information about BPSD elementary schools please visit the BPSD website at http://www.bartlesville.k12.ok.us/ and click on the schools tab at the top of the page. Pre-Kindergarten class space is limited and parents are encouraged to enroll as soon as possible. Please contact Christie Young at 918-336-8600 ext. 1030 or [email protected] with any general enrollment questions. Central students earn honors in OSSM contest Special to The Bruin/Middle school students from 30 counties throughout Oklahoma were recognized for their math skills and achievements during the 11th annual “Oklahoma School of Science and Mathematics Middle School Math: An Awesome Contest” held recently on the OSSM’s Oklahoma City campus. Over 200 students from 56 schools, grades six through eight, participated in the final round of the competition. Several students received individual trophies and medals in four divisions. All students received certificates of achievement. Duke Schaffner(left), eighth grader at Central Middle School, earned third place Eighth Grade Male in Division III. Courtney Hodgson(middle), sixth grader at Central Middle School, earned first place Sixth Grade Female in Division III. Peihan Liu(right), sixth grader at Central Middle School, earned first place Sixth Grade Male in Division III. 66 Federal Credit Union 2013 Movin’ On Up Scholarship Contest Special to The Bruin Attention High School Seniors! 66 Federal Credit Union’s annual scholarship contest has begun. To aid in college expenses, 66 FCU will grant $1,000 to one deserving senior this spring. Applying is easy. Simply visit www.66fcu.org to submit the online application and review official rules. Winners will be announced at the year-end awards assembly in May. Deadline to enter is March 15, 2013. Bartlesville Public School District partners with the Credit Union throughout the year in several ways including the scholarship contest, various sponsorships of school events, and the Bruin Debit Card program. BHS students have breakfast with Representative Sears and Senator Ford On March portunity to 2, 14 Bartlesville ask questions, High School stuwhich ranged dents from Mr. from school Walden's U.S. Hiseffectiveness tory class attended and safety to a private breakfast taxes and the with Oklahoma national debt. Representative Earl During Sears and Oklathe discushoma Senator John sion, both Ford. Students Sears and were accompanied Photo Special to The Bruin/Representative Sears and Senator Ford enjoyed breakfast Ford emphawith BHS students. by BHS Principal sized their Mrs. LaDonna Chancellor and Mr. Stephen Walden. advocacy for public education. Representative Representative Sears and Senator Ford gave Sears served as Principal for Central Middle School the students a chance to learn about their role in for 24 years and Senator Ford is a vocal supporter of representing their respective constituencies, with an Oklahoma’s Promise, a college access program. emphasis on the necessity of youth participation in The Barltesville Public School District would the political process. like to thank Representative Sears and Senator Ford Additionally, the students were given an opfor the outstanding opportunity. Hoover celebrates GE Model School status On Monday, Hoover Elementary School received a Great Expectations Model School Flag during an assembly. Students and staff had the chance to celebrate their hard work and enjoy their outstanding accomplishment of becoming a Model School. Pictured above (left to right) Hoover Principal Rene Hammock, GE mentor Betty Sheofee, BPSD Superintendent Dr. Gary Quinn, GE Board Member Ginger Griffin and GE Director Dr. Linda Dzialo unveil the GE Model School Flag that will be proudly displayed at Hoover. BPSD students excel at Vocal Solo Contest Special to The Bruin Bartlesville Public School District’s Vocal Music Program hosted its annual Vocal Solo Contest on Saturday, March 9 at the Bartlesville High School Fine Arts Center. Approximately 120 students in grades 7-12 were judged on a prepared solo by an expert in the field of voice. Each student was given constructive feedback and scored on their performance. In total 46 students received the highest rating of “Superior” from the judges. Bartlesville Mid-High and Bartlesville High School students receiving a “Superior” rating were Kailyn Brown, Anna Buhlinger, Paige Cleveland, Thomas Dykstra, Blake Holcombe, Sarah Klawun, Emily Leupp, Kaitlin Quinn, Katrina Randolph, Christina Reburn, Janie Sherrock, Molly Singleton, Julie Welch, and Rachel Wittenbach. Students from Central Middle School and Madison Middle School who received “Superior” ratings were Maddie Amaro, Bruce Anderegg, Melody Baxter, Gwen Belyea, Grayson Boles, Katelynn Brink, Miranda Bromagem, Dekota Bromagem, Melody Brown Clark, Brigette Bulleigh, Kennedy Cleveland, Kaitlyn Cole, Alexis Cordrey, Echo Davis, Noah Estes, Robbyn Gill, Stacie Grayson, Abby Hales, Chandler Henderson, Gerrith KetcherThompson, Joe Lard, Garrett Lee, Jamie Leeson, Clayton McFarland, Ethan McKinnis, Natalie Miller, Katie Newcomb, Matt Russell, Izzy Vaclaw, Sydney Walker, Hayleigh White, and Nicole White. Congratulations to all the students who worked hard and participated in the Vocal Solo Contest. Students attend Energy Days at Bartlesville Community Center Energy Days took place at the Bartlesville Community Center on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. An education program which is now in its 16th year, Energy Days gives area fifth-grade students hands-on insight into a wide array of energy sources, from oil to solar to wind. The students moved from station to station over a two-hour period learning about everything from refinement to cleanup and the various uses of a wide array of products. The event was organized by Phillips 66. Volunteer opportunities available within BPSD Have you been searching for a way to help out Bartlesville youth? The Bartlesville Public School District has volunteer opportunities available throughout the district. Currently, volunteers are needed to serve as tutors, mentors, Elementary crossing guards and state test proctors. With state testing beginning soon, test proctors are especially needed. If you are not interested in any of the above volunteer opportunities, the BPSD will still gladly take volunteers and find tasks that fit your interests. In order to become a BPSD volunteer, you must be of legal age, be of good moral character, complete a volunteer inquiry form and pass a background check. Additionally, all volunteers must receive a school orientation and work under the direct supervision of BPSD staff while completing assigned volunteer tasks. To receive more information please contact Christina Rigdon, District Volunteer Coordinator at 918-3376231 ext. 1635. Musicians excel at contest On Saturday, March 2, band students from throughout the Bartlesville Public School District participated in the OSSAA District Solo and Ensemble Contest held at Skiatook High School. During the competition, many BPSD musicians received Superior and Excellent ratings. “This is an excellent event for our students. Through this process, students become better independent musicians while building essential ensemble skills, such as critical thinking, balance, blend and intonation that transfer to our concert ensembles. For those students who perform as a soloist, it gives them the opportunity to explore the freedoms of expression and dynamics on another level,” commented Bartlesville Mid-High band instructor Wendy Benford. Below is a list of students who participated in the event and earned a Superior rating medals. High School Superior Ensembles Woodwind Choir – Brooke Wong, Anna Smoot, Melissa Evans, Hannah Roseborough, Bailey Brurud, Gabriela Aranda, Katie Eubank, Mario Salazar, Talyssa Dorsey, Tiffany Luey, Nick Dillon, Taylor Hunt, Tarrah White, Devin Laurence, Brian Lea, Nicole Shigley, Tim Snow, Riley Neal and Josh Phelps. Brass Choir – Dresan Alexander, Matthew Hixon, Scott Henthorne, Stephen Phillippe, Julie Benyshek, Dylan Adkins, Hannah Divelbiss, Tori Toth, Kyland Taylor, Katrina Bullock, Jeremy Shidler, Austin Raatz, Andrew Satterfield, Jonathan Spalding, Michael Wilkinson, Jacob Coordsen and Justin Fredenburg. Tuba/Euphonium Choir – Austin Raatz, Andrew Satterfield, Jacob Coordsen, Justin Fredenburg, Andrew Redding, Devin Fritz, Adam Fogle, Adam Libby, Taylor Hunkapillar, Madison Zaun, Ben Epperson, Nathan Coordsen, Ty Merritt Trombone Choir – Collin Sanders, Jonathan Spalding, Matthew Harroun, Michael Wilkinson, Ammon Jeffery, David Turinetti, Ben Grief, Josh Reich and Emily Jacobs. Brass Quintet – Matthew Hixon, Dresan Alexander, Dylan Adkins, Collin Sanders and Jacob Coordsen. Woodwind Quintet – Gabriela Aranda, Brooke Wong, Tarrah White, Taylor Hunt and Dylan Adkins. Flute Quartet – Bailey Brurud, Hannah Roseborough, Brooke Wong and Taylor Hunt. Saxophone Trio – Devin Laurence, Josh Phelps and Cory Petersen. Flute Trio – Brooke Wong, Andres Andujar and Kaitlin Maze. High School Superior Soloists Devin Laurence, Saxophone; Josh Phelps, Saxophone; Collin Sanders, Trombone; Dylan Adkins, French horn; Jacob Coordsen, Tuba; Cameron Villines, Snare Drum; Katy Layman, Marimba; Melody Schmidt, Marimba & Steel Pan. Mid-High Superior Ensembles Brass Choir – Alex Shipman, Claire Sauer, Jacob Henderson, Jordan Vallandingham, J.J. Hough, Cody Petersen, Austin Raatz, Chris Shehi, Ben Grief, Josh Reich, Taylor Hunkapillar and Madison Zaun Brass Quintet – Alex Shipman, Claire Sauer, Cody Petersen, Ben Grief and Nathan Coordsen. Woodwind Trio – Kaitlin Maze, Katie Eubank and Tarrah White. Mid-High Superior Solos Kaitlin Maze, Flute & Piccolo; Tarrah White, Oboe; Jaden Adkins, Bassoon; Ben Grief, Trombone; Nathan Coordsen, Tuba; Taylor Hunkapillar, Tuba; Madison Zaun, Tuba; Bailey Covell, Marimba; John Martinez, Marimba. Central Superior Ensembles Percussion Ensemble – Sarah Covell, Olivia Casner, John Cone, Genevieve Walters-Miller, Chase Deibert and Jacob Cheverton. Mallet Duet – Sarah Covell and Olivia Casner. Central Superior Solos Paige Sauer, Oboe and Spencer Hayes, Euphonium Madison Superior Ensembles Percussion Ensemble – Dylan Butler, Tyler Gerth, Connor Burns, Jack Terry, Matthew Coordsen, River Hill, Blue Hasse and Cade Butler. Brass/Woodwind Duet – Emily Davis and Kristy Ausland. Madison Superior Solos Kristy Ausland, Flute; Ashton Cowart, Flute; Kyleen Villines, French horn; Matthew Coordsen, Percussion; Connor Burns, Percussion. be able to participate in the St. Patrick’s Festival Parade. International travel is extremely rewarding for students as they are able to share their gift of music with the rest of the world as well as learning life skills from a tour like this.” BPSD Director of Vocal Music, Wes Singleton, echoed a similar sentiment stating, “It is a privilege to provide this opportunity for our students. The community of Bartlesville is exceptionally supportive of the fine arts programs in our schools.” The BHS Orchestra and BHS Choir each have two great performance opportunities taking place IRELAND- Continued from page 1 during the trip. The BHS Orchestra will perform with the Fermoy Concert Band to celebrate the band’s 85th anniversary and the BHS Choir will sing in St. Patrick’s Cathedral in Dublin. Both the BHS Orchestra and BHS Choir will also hold a joint concert at St. Canices Cathedral in Kilkenny, Ireland. Singleton stated, “Our students will sing in some wonderful historic cathedrals, an incredibly unique experience. This is likely to be some of the most memorable moments in their high school choral career. I am extremely pleased with the music that we will share with the people of on feature will be available only for parents/guardians. Students will continue to login using their current ID and password. The only difference for students will be the appearance of the login page. Also set to be unveiled on March 25, PowerSchool will now be available as an App for smart phone users. In order to implement the upgrades, all parents/ guardians will be required to create a new account. UPGRADES- Continued from page 1 Ireland.” Aside from the outstanding performance opportunities, students will have the opportunity to see a variety of fascinating sites throughout Ireland. “It’s the trip of a lifetime for many students. It will provide many firsts and amazing opportunities for our students. We will be visiting the Rock of Cashel, Kilkenny Castle and Charles Fort Kinsale Harbor among many other great sites” commented Claussen. The group will be touring Ireland throughout the upcoming week and will return to the states on Thursday, March 21. This process should only take a few minutes. When the new PowerSchool features are implemented on March 25, parents/guardians will no longer be able to log in to PowerSchool using current usernames and passwords. Once a new account has been created, parents/ guardians will need to link the records of students to the new account. It will also be necessary to set up e-mail notifications once again for each student. In order to complete this process, parents/guardians will need the PowerSchool parent access ID and password for each student. The PowerSchool parent access ID and password is the same username and password that has been used to sign on to the parent portal in the past. A letter going home to all parents and guardians will have username and password information should it have been forgotten or misplaced. For more information please visit the BPSD website at http://www.bartlesville.k12.ok.us/ and click on the PowerSchool changes link. Please contact school secretaries or PowerSchool Coordinator Julie Woody at 918-336-8600 ext. 1003 if you have any questions. Reminder: Spring Break will take place next week and all BPSD Schools will be closed March 18-22. Stellar Sites The Bartlesville Public School District offers a wide array of useful tools for students as well as parents. For some extra educational insight, give these web sites a look: PowerSchool http://www.bps-ok.org Click on the PowerSchool link toward the top of the home page. - Parents and legal guardians can check with office personnel at their student’s school to find out how to access PowerSchool. - Information on students - such as grades and attendance records available via PowerSchool. Study Island http://www.studyisland.com Use the “Member Login.” - Student login information must be obtained from teachers. Facebook http://www.facebook.com/BartlesvillePublicSchools or http://www.facebook.com/BartlesvilleHighSchool - Everyone can keep up with what’s going throughout the BPSD or at Bartlesville High School by becoming fans of these pages, which are updated regularly with news and events. Twitter https://twitter.com/#!/BPSDBruins - Keep up with the latest news and announcements from throughout the BPSD. Bartlesville Public School District Activities (March 15 - March 28) Friday, March 15 -Enrollment appointments for current freshmen -Speech team at Regionals -Band, Choir Orchestra Ireland Trip -JV baseball (blue) @ Barnsdall (4 p.m.) -Varsity track @ Broken Arrow Saturday, March 16 -Speech team at Regionals -Band, Choir Orchestra Ireland Trip Sunday, March 17 -Band, Choir Orchestra Ireland Trip Monday, March 18 ***Spring Break*** -Band, Choir, Orchestra Ireland Trip Tuesday, March 19 ***Spring Break*** -Band, Choir, Orchestra Ireland Trip Wednesday, March 20 ***Spring Break*** -Band, Choir, Orchestra Ireland Trip Thursday, March 21 ***Spring Break*** -Band, Choir, Orchestra Ireland Trip Friday, March 22 ***Spring Break*** Saturday, March 23 (No events scheduled) Monday, March 25 -BMHS Spring Pictures -Junior High tennis @ Ponca City Tournament Tuesday, March 26 -Enrollment appointments for current freshmen -8th Grade Rewards Lunch @ Central -Classified Person of the Year Reception -Varsity baseball vs. Pembroke Hill (6 p.m.) -JV baseball (white) @ Sapulpa (4:30 p.m.) -JV baseball (blue) vs. Pembroke Hill (3:30 p.m. -Varsity boys tennis @ Claremore Invitational -JV tennis @ Ponca City Tournament -Junior High track @ Tahlequah Wednesday, March 27 -Lunch and Learn @ Kane (12 p.m.) -Peaceful Warriors @ Kane -Enrollment appointments for current freshmen -7th Grade Rewards Lunch @ Central -Varsity girls golf @ Jenks Thursday, March 28 -Hoover Spring Pictures -6th Grade Rewards Lunch @ Central -Senior graduation announcement pick-up @ BHS -8th Grade Cheer tryouts @ Mid-High small gym (5:45 p.m. - 8 p.m.) -Varsity baseball Bruin Classic -JV baseball (blue) @ Owasso Tournament -Varsity boys golf @ Union -Junior High boys golf @ Stillwater Invitational -Varsity girls and boys soccer @ Bronco Cup -Varsity girls tennis @ Claremore Invitational -JV tennis @ Bixby Tournament Sunday, March 24 (No events scheduled) Editing, writing, design and photography by Chris Tanea, Bartlesville Public School District Community Relations Coordinator, unless otherwise noted
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