June Steward - Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church
June Steward - Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church
Remember, Rejoice, Renew June 2015 Newsletter Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church A Congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Christ Lutheran Church Carleton Ave & Nassau Street P.O. Box 205 Islip Terrace, NY 11752-0205 The Rev. Mark Kreemer, Pastor Cell: (631) 533-2446 Church OfficePhone: (631) 581-1710 Worship: Sundays, 8:45 and 10:45 am Non-Profit Org. U.S. POSTAGE PA I D Permit No. 20 Islip Terrace, NY 11752 Current Resident or Services with Holy Communion Dated Material - Please Rush Sundays 8:45 & 10:45 am Dear Friends in Christ, Edwin Hatch, who wrote a hymn titled “Breathe on Me, Breath of God”, was a great scholar. An esteemed member of the Oxford University faculty, he became widely known for his Brampton Lectures, which were translated into German by the great Adolph von Harnack, a great German scholar. Lectures of that sort tend to be challenging to read –– tough sledding, as they say. But when it came to expressing his faith in ways that would speak to the ordinary person, nobody has done it better than Edwin Hatch did with this hymn, "Breathe on Me, Breath of God." This hymn is a prayer. The first line of each stanza is "Breathe on Me, Breath of God." That phrase reminds us of the creation in which God "formed man from the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and the man became a living being" (Genesis 2:7). It reminds us of Jesus breathing on his disciples and saying to them, "Receive the Holy Spirit" (John 20:22). We need the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of God, living within us –– guiding us –– inspiring us –– helping us to live the kind of life that God created us to live. PEANUT BUTTER & JELLY SCHEDULE SPRING/SUMMER 2015 May 31 – June 6 --- Gauthier, Birsner, Eichner June 7 – 13 --- O’Toole,Picece,DeAngelis,Kreb June 14 – 20 -- Kobel, Cunnungham June 21 – 27 --- McWilliams, Musa, Smith June 28 – July 4 --- Homemakers July 5 – 11 --- McManus, Lambdin, Carioscia July 12 – 18 --- Terhune, Sukhu July 19 – 25 -- Newhoff, Swaine, O’Mara July 26 – Aug 1 -- Von Seggern, Youth Group Aug. 2 – 8 --- Sharrock, Karika Aug 9 – 15 -- Book Group Aug 16 – 22 – Gauthier, Birsner, Eichner Aug 23 – 29 --- O’Toole,Picece,DeAngelis,Kreb Aug 30 – Sept 5 -- Kobel, Cunningham Sept 6 – 12 -- McWilliams, Musa, Smith This hymn prays that God will breathe on us and fill us with life anew, even as God breathed life into Adam. It prays that God will breathe on us to purify our hearts. It prays that God will breathe on us until we are wholly devoted to God. It prays that God will breathe on us so that we might never die. This hymn, then, is a prayer for God's help in this life and throughout eternity. If your group cannot do your assigned week, please switch with another group. We are being counted on to provide two boxes of sandwiches each and every week! If your group needs help, please recruit your friends, family and neighbors!! We are beginning the season of Pentecost, the season where the first disciples waited and prayed for the coming of the promised Holy Spirit. These were ordinary men that had not accomplished anything great in their lives. In fact, they often failed: Peter denied Jesus, Thomas doubted, Judas betrayed him, and James and John (thinking only of themselves) ask to sit at Jesus right and left hands when he came into his Glory. We are tempted to remember only the great things these disciples did after the coming of the Spirit and think “I could never do that!” Sign-up in the fellowship hall, if you are interested and have any questions please speak with anyone on the property committee. Thanks. Chris Swaine& Jim Musa But what makes a person great? Is it the size of their deeds or the size of their hearts and what their hearts are filled with? I think most great people don’t think of themselves as great. But that they were simply being faithful and used the gifts God had given them. During this season of the coming of the Spirit let us wait and pray for the Spirit to come upon us and inspire us to faithfully use God’s gifts. Blessings, Pastor Mark A FEW GOOD LAWN MOWERS NEEDED PROPERTY & MAINTENANCE Property Work DAY SATURDAY June, 6th Beginning at 9 am Chores and tasks for all ages and abilities! If you are available for work on another day, please see or call Joe or Chris. ALL ARE WELCOME! Community Notes and Information Christ Lutheran Church Food Pantry - Hours are Mondays from 1:30 to 3:30 pm Cub Scout Pack 38 - For boys from 1st grade through 5th grade. Call Emy Terhune 631-258-8452 for more information Boy Scout Troop 327 - For boys from 5th grade to the age of 18. Meets every Friday night in the Wolpert Building from 7:30 to 9:00 pm. Call Ralph Savarese, Scoutmaster at 277-4821for more information. Homemakers - Meets at Christ Lutheran Church every Tuesday morning. Call Sandy Deck at 5811289 for more information. AA - High Noon Group - meets every weekday at 12:00 noon in the Wolpert Building. AA - Evening Group - Meets Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursdays in the Wolpert Building at 8:00 pm Take Your Faith Outside this Summer! The 83rd Annual Lutheran Summer Conference at Silver Bay “A week unlike any other.” We invite you to join three hundred others this summer at the annual Lutheran Summer Conference on the YMCA’s spectacular campus at Silver Bay on beautiful Lake George in the Adirondacks. An all-inclusive, Christian getaway with fun for every age All on-campus accommodations include all meals and activity costs. A Conference Fee ($65/ person or $325 maximum for families) includes all Lutheran programming, including evening activities, classes and discounted conference rates for Silver Bay. Silver Bay also offers morning camp programming for all children through age 13. Saturday, July 11th — Friday, July 17th, 2015 Welcome to Camp Ma-He-Tu Best. Camp. Ever. A sleep away camp for girls ages 7-15. Celebrating our 78th summer on the shores of Lake Kanawaukee in Harriman State Park, Bear Mountain, just 40 miles north of New York City. Not ready to let your daughter go to camp on her own or do you need a break? Check out Ma-He-Tu’s Women in the Woods - July 4th to July 8th 2015 Girls of ALL ages just wanna have fun! Mothers and daughters - Aunts and nieces - Friends young... and not so young.... All women and girls are welcome. Come spend one day, or even a few playing, laughing, singing and relaxing . For more information on Silver Bay contact our registrar, Karen Hoffman, for information: [email protected] , (203) 454-2842 Check out the website at http:// www.mahetu.org Pinecrest is a Lutheran Leadership school which meets annually for a one-week session in August to train young leaders in Christ. http://pinecrestbuzz.weebly.com/ Stuffed Animal Collection Drive CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCH SAVE THE DATE SATURDAY OCTOBER 17TH 2015 CELEBRATE OUR 100th Anniversary CAPTAIN BILL’S RESTAURANT 6-10 PM Cocktail Hour, Plated Dinner & Dessert A Commemorative Coffee Mug is included $60 per person, seating limited to 150. Reservations made be made by placing payment in a yellow envelope noted for the 100th Anniversary Dinner See Order forms and samples in the Fellowship Hall 100th Anniversary Festival Service with Bishop Rimbo Sunday, November 8, 2015 4 Now that spring cleaning and purging is on everyone's mind, could you all remember the residents at Our Lady of Consolation stuffed animals are used for gifts and prizes for many programs. They make the residents smile. Thank you from Vanessa UPDATES IN PHONE NUMBERS If your telephone number has changed please notify the church office so our contact information can be kept up to date. Thank you. 2015 Christ Lutheran Council Karl Von Seggern Chris Swaine Ricci Ordway Jason Terhune Alan Cunningham Marie Von Seggern Joe Callis Judy Gauthier Ellen McManus Jean Musa Peter Sharrock Gail Callis Helen Carioscia Lorraine Hajek Jr. Holly Von Seggern CHRISTLUTHERANIT.ORG PASTORAL ACTS Your Passport to Everything at Christ Lutheran Church! BAPTISMS Sabrina Emily Siaca on May 16, 2015 Parents—Anothony & Ashley Sponsors—Marsha Rojas & Robert Nieves A monthly publication by and for the members of Christ Lutheran Church, Islip Terrace, NY. Submissions should be made by the 20th of each month. Rev. Mark Kreemer, Pastor Cell: (631) 533-2446 Office: (631)581-1710 E-mail: [email protected] Deacon: Janet O’Mara Congregation Officers: President: Joe Callis Vice President: Karl Von Seggern Secretary: Jason Terhune Treasurer: Ricci Ordway Assistant Treasurer: Gail Callis Financial Secretary: Ellen McManus Parish Coordinator: Madeline Sharrock [email protected] CHECK OUT OUR HOMEPAGE ON THE WORLDWIDE WEB! Miss a special event or need a little inspiration--check out the links to listen to the Festival Choir sing a Cantata, relive the Sunday School pageant, be inspired by the fabulous voices of the Central Islip High School Concert Choir. Need to check a date — check out the online calendar of events. Much more is waiting for you. Go on-line today! Become a STEWARD BOOSTER for $10 and have your name printed in the issue with the designation of your choice. In memory of ___________________________ In honor of _____________________________ In thanksgiving for __________________________ On the occasion of _________________________ Your Name ______________________________ STEWARD BOOSTERS FOR JUNE 2015 In honor of Ricci Ordway and in thanksgiving for all our friends at Christ Church by Lynn & George Fisher On the occasion of Skylar Madison McClain’s Baptism by The Seda Family Brantley Cooper Carrier on May 16, 2015 Parents — William & Ashley Sponsors — Rebecca Soto & Matthew Wesnofske The Family of Christ Lutheran Offers Prayers of Sympathy for the Families of : James Kindberg, Sr. Husband of Anita Kindberg Father of Thomas & Warren Kindberg Father-in-law of Susan Kindberg Grandfather of Michael, Eric, Chris, Kaitlin & Cory Richard Silverthorn Husband of Karen Silverthorn Father of Karen Carter Father-in-law of Jack Carter Grandfather of Erica & Charlotte Mabel Marie Jorgensen MEMORIALS The following gifts have been received in the Memorial Fund In memory of Traude Lempin by Mark Alice DePietro, John & Maryellen Carew, Joe & Heidi McGough & Diane Gedney In memory of Lillian Miller by Mr. Robert Werner In memory of James Kindberg, Sr. by Carole & Earle Davis, Marie Von Seggern, Alan & Betsy Cunningham, Betty Palazzolo, Walter & Mary Moule, John & Phyllis Kobel & Irene Montgomery In memory of Richard Silverthorn by Alan & Betsy Cunningham, Pat Lagrange, Renée, Michael & Brendan O’Cannor, George & Kathl een Markwalter, Mary Anne Schiffert, Joe Cervenka, Peter & Jean Freeman, Eugene Sheldon & Sue Gardner Shreve PLEASE KEEP THESE PEOPLE IN YOUR PRAYERS Alyssa Furlani, Marie & Thomas Curr, Fran Lawrence, Jim Musa, Christine Sparacino, Christine Gauthier, Melvin Schreiber, Gail Callis, Linda Smith, Dorothy Jenssen, Gloria Marsh, Louis Albertelli, Steve Sparacino, Gary Patera, Lorraine O’Donnel, Paul Bouchard, Bill Paddack, Janet Ross, Bob Lobacz, Daniel Taddei, Danielle Johnstone, Donald Lemp, Miecia Webb, Frieda Costa, John & Janice Reilly, George Diener, Scott Cunningham, Bob Wilson, Kevin Wispell, Kristen Gilliar, Paulette Schery, Nazema Singh, Lillian Weast, Joan Deangelis, Tina Crachiolo, Bebe Zalina Singh, Kailey Marie Johnstone, Albert Trabold, Kenneth Longacre, Jennifer Hassig, Rose Crowe, Christine Lambert, Lane Romano, Marie Schrader, John Jansen, Thomas Mulieri, Anita Joanni, Christopher McCarthy, Eugene Diaz, Al Smith, Barbara Bouchard, Mary Ann Osborne, Mary Ann Rescigno, Theodore Papamarcos, Brigitte Meyer, Anne Marie Lowe, Henry Bouchard, James Hansen, Helen Muller, Steve Caruso, Diana Mancini, Betty-Jo Molina, Barbara Johnson, Ivy Sukhu, Donna Vito, Robert Burns, Danielle Fischetti, Cathy Roosa, Edna Muller, Dick Guenste, Christopher Mayotte, Todd Panzner, Petya Licheva, Cathy M., Jamie Rodriguez, Heather Panzner, Barbara Suchopar, Ron Weber, Dawn Rotolo, Marisa Carney, John Musa, and Liam Kruer John Flynn, Paul Harrington, Ruth DeMartino, Linda & John Jeziorkowski, Ashley Thornberg, Helen Gronus, Reggie Fountain, Gene Fairbrother, Russell Weber, Peg Bartnick, Barbara Krause, Frances Quervalu, Sally Sukhu, Dolores Johnson, Asen Traykov, Charles Moonsammy, Millie Ramos, Nora-Jo Cervenka, Brian Doherty, Jeffery Belford, Dorothy Heusel, Karen Sussman, Linda Hanna, Pat Geist, Justin Coco, Leigh & Dalton Families, Michelle Diaz, Thorleif Berntsen, Tom Connors, Joan McDonald, Tricia Ciccone, Michael Schimmoller, Iris Simmons, Ryan Hall, Christian Jean-Pierre, Marie vonBargen, Heather McNamara, Kari Dinges, Neil Blam, Diane Lorelli, Larry Hanna, Fortunado Paturso, Helen Cacavas, Cathy Murray, Benjamin Archer, Lauren McCormack, Banfalvy family, Kathleen Connors, Sophia Montorano, Robert Sharrock, and Dean Franciotti. YOUTH MINISTRY AT CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCH SUNDAY SCHOOL SUNDAY SCHOOL RECOGNITION, SUNDAY, JUNE 21 at 10:45 service 3 year olds to 5th Graders Every Sunday during the 10:45 Service Start your lesson in church with your family, listen to a special children’s sermon delivered by Pastor and then head to your classroom to discuss and participate in activities based on the Bible readings of the day. Confirmation Class Notes Make sure to complete your Confirmation Notes at each service. Forms can be picked up and returned to the basket in the narthex. JUNIOR YOUTH GROUP (Nursery through 5th Grade) Sunday, June 14th — Last Regular Meeting after the late service before the summer Vacation Bible School Aug 10-12 If you or someone you asked to be placed on the prayer list should be removed from the list, please let the church office or Pastor know. SERVING IN THE MILITARY: Travis Montgomery, Billy DeCarlo, Matthew Gallino, Gregory Longacre, Justin Holke, Michael Beiner, Brian McClain, Daniel Eichner, Sean Moller, Christopher Gaudio, Daniel Riley, Evan Book, Eric Thomesen, Brett Marcinik, Alexandria Gentry WORSHIP MUSIC NEWS All Festival Choir members and non-choir members wishing to worship through music are invited to sing solos (or duets, quartets, etc.) during services in which the choir is not singing. Instrumentalists are also welcome. Please talk to Konstantza for further details. 9:00 am - 2:30pm Learn about the Creation, Adam & Eve and their sons, Cain & Abel. At VBS every day, each child will: Enjoy Bible stories, make a craft, eat snacks (provided), play games, sing songs, eat lunch (Not provided, bring a bag lunch) and meet new friends. Registration is $15.00/ child Register by Aug. 1, 2015 Checks Payable To Christ Lutheran Church Registration form is on the next page. Annual Women’s Retreat, August 21-24, 2015. Join us at the newly renovated Blue Gentian Inn in Londonderry Vermont (we carpool together) for an inspiring program, fellowship and fun. We stay from Friday-Sunday, with the option to stay over until Monday morning. Pricing is $125 pp (includes 2 nights lodging, 2 breakfasts, dinner on Saturday night). Add $45 pp (optional) to stay over Sunday night and enjoy breakfast on Monday). Please see Holly Von Seggern with questions (631-581-4165) or to reserve your spot with a $50 deposit! In Need of a walker, crutch or other supply to help you get moving again? Our church has several items to lend out. Contact Pat Guenste at 631-650-7401 who has volunteered to connect people in need with the supplies that have accumulated in the church closet. FATHER’S DAY GARDEN DEDICATIONS Please print In memory of ___________________________ Given by _______________________________ In honor of _______________________________ Given by ___________________________________ Father’s Day Memorials are due by Sunday, June 14, 2015 Worship & Music - June 2015 ALTAR FLOWERS & SANCTUARY CANDLE The 2015 Altar Flower and Candle Charts are posted on the Communication Bulletin Board outside Pastor’s Office. Please remember your loved ones with an arrangement of flowers for $18 or by lighting the candle for $10. Use a yellow envelope and mark it Altar Flowers and Candle for your donation. 100TH Anniversary Christ Lutheran Pictorial Directory Picture Day Coming Soon! Tuesday, June 16 & Wednesday, June 17th 2—9 pm Help us celebrate 100 years of Chris Lutheran Church Sign up on-line at: https://www.securedata-trans14.com/ap/christlutheranchurch28/ index.php?page=10 or sign-up in the Fellowship Hall or call Dawn Rotolo DUCKS TICKETS are going to be raffled off again this year. Get your chances in the Fellowship Hall during coffee hours. (2 tickets per to a game.) 2 chances at $8.00. These are VIP tickets! Proceeds benefit the Major Maintenance Fund. Notes from the Stewardship Committee E-GIVING Did you know that you can have your weekly offering given to church every week automatically without an envelope? There are quite a few parishioners that take advantage of E-Giving. Every week their designated offering is taken out of their bank account and sent directly to church. It’s very simple and you don’t have to worry about forgetting your envelope when you come to church, or for that matter your weekly offering will be at church when you are not able to attend. This year, we have decided to try something different for the summer. Instead of having one service on Sunday and a mid-week service, we will have two services on Sundays at our usual times of 8:45 and 10:45. There are a few reasons for this. The first being a lack of attendance at the mid-week service the past two summers. Another reason is that whenever we go from two services to one, there is a noticeable decrease in attendance. Another consideration is the fact that we now have air conditioning, so a later service will remain comfortable. The service itself will be shorter than our usual Sunday service; there will be a Children’s sermon at both services. There will be one Coffee Hour between services. The Sunday Server Schedule will remain the same. If you are scheduled to serve and can not be there, please arrange for someone to substitute for you. Madeline will continue to send reminder E-mails early in the week. Please make an effort to come to your usual worship service or, if you want to mix it up a bit, come to the one you do not normally attend! Remember, we now have air conditioning; it will be a comfortable worship experience! Janet O’Mara W&M Chair SUNDAY SERVERS 1st Sunday 2nd Sunday 3rd Sunday Greeters Ushers Helen Gronus Irene Ellen McManus 8:45 Montgomery Bob Lobacz Jean Musa 10:45 Chris Swaine Barbara Carney Phyllis Kobel Vanessa Von Marie Von Seggern Seggern Joe Callis Alan 8:45 Cunningham Alan Don Lemp Cunningham Alan Bruce Dochnahl Cunningham Karl Von Al Smith Seggern Bill Schrader Jason Terhune 10:45 Billy Schrader Edward Pruess Ricci Ordway Eucharistic Betsy Nancy Hill 8:45 Cunningham Ken Hill Ministers Marie Von Seggern Marie Von Karl Von Seggern 10:45 Seggern Marcia Coco Assistant Madeline Cathy 8:45 Sharrock Ministers McWilliams Acolytes Nursery Coffee Hour Phyllis Kobel John Kobel Nicholos Hober Doug Hajek Ellen McManus Helen Gronus 4th Sunday Kevin O'Mara Irene Montgomery Alan Cunningham Kevin O'Mara Jan Coco Ron Fuzia Jim Musa Janet O'Mara Madeline Sharrock Judy Gauthier Karl Von Jason Terhune Seggern Dolores Johnson Judy Gauthier Janet O'Mara Karl Von 10:45 Judy Gauthier Karen Carrier Seggern Phil Bertuglia Joseph Picece 8:45 Nicholas Picece Dylan Nicholas Hober Corinne Von 10:45 Campson Nicholas Monz Seggern Jason Birsner Ginny Da Silva Amanda Da Regina Campson Geradine Emy Terhune 10:45 Silva Carol Bushelon Lambdin Joshua Terhune Carol Carty Nancy Hill Jean Musa 8:45 Billy Carty Ken Hill Jim Musa Phil Bertuglia Lorraine Hajek, Jr. Mary Varak Sr. Youth Janice Fuzia 10:45 Stan Fuzia Craig Kadane Group Ron Fuzia SENIOR YOUTH GROUP Friday, June 19, 2015, 4:00 – 7:00 pm Food Drive at Best Market — Sunrise Highway, West Babylon August 19, 2015 Splish Splash Friends Welcome! Calling all Class of 2015 Graduates! Let us celebrate your achievement with you! Please notify church office of your accomplishment at [email protected] Things That Didn’t Go Bump in the Night th Back in 2000, and just prior to it, there was an 85 Anniversary Committee doing much what our Centennial Committee is doing to honor our 100th year. Meanwhile, committees and corporations and governments were gnashing their teeth over the end, not only of a century, but a MILLENNIUM! If all the catastrophic possibilities that caused angst had occurred, we would have proceeded a lot differently in our plannings. While this is not going to be a litany of millennial fears that didn’t come to fruition, it’s just a reflection on what juicy little tremors must have accompanied, or may have, as the committee was a stalwart and fearless group in their deliberations and planning. The fear for all things catastrophic was that faulty calibration of all things computer – from your cell phone going berserk, to your digital alarm clock, to this (and this was a biggie) would airplanes fall out of the sky after midnight –- major technological infrastructures would crumble! Because of this impending crisis, wise minds were at work years before. Predictions were made and offset, plans to save the world from millennial disaster! Marketing even got in the act with a commercial run on millennial products, novelties, and “preventive” gizmos. Then there were the apocalyptic warnings to get your house and affairs in order. Whether you did that or not, 2000 breezed past us (in order or not) and the committee produced a lovely 85th year celebration - no one fell out of the sky. And it would have continued to be lovely, breezing along to our next celebratory commemoration - had things not fallen out of the sky. Not long after the millennium “scare” we were totally terrified when our world was changed forever on 9/11! While we, as a congregation, didn't lose any members to this unspeakable act of terrorism, a few lost friends and loved ones. It took a lot of faith in our God not to wonder, “What was He thinking when He let that happen?” Faith and an abiding understanding that the people who caused this disaster had been promised paradise as their reward – our Lord promised paradise to a thief on the cross – for his faith in Him. So, in our 100 years as a congregation we have seen major wars, a millennial omen, terrorist acts, and -oh yes- the 2012 warning from Mayan calculations that it was going to be all over anyway. Another bullet dodged – and we go on as a faithful, loving congregation – fixing leaks, replacing, repairing, feeding others, loving the unloveable, and holding onto that Hand that has showered us with blessings – seen and unseen, earned and sometimes not even deserved – for it is He who maketh us dwell in safety. JG How do we explain ‘evangelical’? Ask a Pastor Someone asked me what church I attend, and I answered All Saints Lutheran Church. That person’s response was, “Oh, we checked out that congregation, but we found out it is ‘evangelical,’ as in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.” I wonder how many people are turned off because of the word “evangelical.” Do they not realize the word’s true meaning, which has been co-opted by many to mean something different? How should I respond?” – Denny, All Saints Lutheran Church Brian: Denny, you’re not alone in experiencing the disappointment of having the word “evangelical” twisted into a meaning it didn’t originally have. Still, it’s a great word. I would suggest saying something like, “‘Evangelical’ simply means ‘rooted in good news,’ and that’s what you’ll find in ELCA congregations – people who live the good news of God’s love, welcoming everyone and striving to do God’s work with our hands.” Anna: "Evangelical" is one of those words that is used very differently by different people. And it sounds like you know it! Evangelical literally means "gospel" or "good news." The reason the "Evangelicals" (by which we mean "conservative Christians") use it is because they believe they have a monopoly on the gospel – which is just not true! Next time it comes up, I'd point out that it's an old word that has a far broader meaning than the conservative branch of American Protestantism that uses it to describe itself. We're gospel-centered, too – we just understand the gospel differently than they do. - See more at: http://www.elca.org/LivingLutheran/Ask-a-Pastor/2015/04/150427-Howdo-we-explainevangelical#sthash.HFavQvON.dpuf