activity guide - Town of Beaumont
activity guide - Town of Beaumont
Summer 2016 Town Of Beaumont ACTIVITY GUIDE Summer 2016 Registration starts May 9, 2016 Fall Community Awareness Event at 5:30 am unless otherwise stated September 1, 2016 Online registration available at: See Back Cover for more details TOWN OF BEAUMONT FACILITIES MAP 2 Summer 2016 Activity Guide CONTENTS Registration Information and Form......................................................... 4 Financial Support.................................................................................... 7 Aqua-Fit Centre..................................................................................... 11 Adult Community Programs................................................................. 19 Children & Teen Programs.................................................................... 21 Community Summer Programs............................................................ 22 Community Organizations & Businesses............................................. 25 Community Volunteer Organizations.................................................... 35 Events Information (Promotions Committee)....................... Back cover 3 100% Bio-inks & Chemistry-free plates 100% Responsible paper usage and recycling 100% Green electricity from Bullfrog Power 100% Committed to protecting our environment At ION we reduce greenhouse gases and solid waste. We save trees, water, and last year, enough energy to power 284 Alberta homes. That’s Environmental Leadership! See how at: Pleaseusechequeormoneyorderformailinordropoffregistrations.Makechequespayabletothe TownofBeaumont.Registrationandasignedwaiverrequiredforallprograms. Surname:________________________________ Parent/Guardian Name:______________________________________ Address:_______________________________________________________________ Postal Code:__________________ Telephone Numbers:(Home)__________________________(Work/Cell)________________________________________ E-mail Address:______________________________________________________________________________________ Where did you hear about the program ? Web Site Town Brochure Newspaper Friend Other ____________________ Participant Name Birth Date Male/ dd/mm/yy Female Program Date/Time Fee Allergies: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Medical Considerations: _________________________________________________________________________________________ Gymnastics badge last received: ________________________________________________________________________________ If the above course is full, would like to: Remain on waiting list Have a Refund Mailed Register in an Alternative Course The following Waiver for Activities must be completed before attending any program. 4 I give permission for myself/my child(ren)___________________________________________________________________________ to participate in the above noted program. I understand the nature of the activity, the limited supervision provided and that there are inherent risks associated with this activity and that I or my child(ren) could sustain personal injury through participation in this activity and I am hereby accepting to take that risk on behalf of myself or my child(ren). I hereby agree to save harmless and indemnify the Town of Beaumont, its organizers, agents or employees against claims, expenses and demands in respect to injury or death arising out of myself or my child(ren) taking part in this activity but limited to taking part in this activity. _____________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ Signature of Participant/Parent or Guardian (if under 18) Witness ___________________________________________________ Date: The personal information information requested requested on on this this form formisisbeing beingcollected collectedunder underthe theauthority authorityof ofthe theMunicipal MunicipalGovernment Governmentand andFreedom FreedomofofInformation and Protection of Information Privacy Acts. The information collected will be used as required forinsurance, program registration, program cancellation notification,purposes Privacy Acts.and The Protection informationofcollected will be used as required for program registration, program program cancellation notification, accounting accounting and medical emergencies. Photographs will used/published for advertising and promotional purposes. If you havethe anycollection questionsorabout and medicalpurposes emergencies. Photographs will be used/published forbe advertising and promotional purposes. If you have any questions about use ofthe collection or use of your personal the Town of Beaumont’s FOIP- Coordinator at 5600 - AB 49 T4X Street, AB T4X 1A1 or (780) 929-8782 your personal information, contactinformation, the Town of contact Beaumont’s FOIP Coordinator at 5600 49 Street, Beaumont, 1A1Beaumont, or (780) 929-8782. Summer 2016 Activity Guide PLAN AHEAD FOR REGISTRATION DAY! Please have your online account updated at least 3 business days before registration. REGISTRATION INFORMATION Specific Program Information Available: AQUA-FIT PROGRAMS: (780) 929-SWIM (7946) (780) 929-2099 COMMUNITY PROGRAMS: FACILITY BOOKING: (780) 929-2563 TOWN OFFICE: (780) 929-8782 WEBSITE: WWW.BEAUMONT.AB.CA Registration options: ONLINE - GET READY TO REGISTER USING CLiCk-it! PLAN AHEAD FOR REGISTRATION DAY! IF YOU ARE USING CLICK-IT FOR THE FIRST TIME, SELECT THE Please online account updated at least 3 business days before registration. ‘CLICK IT’ LOGO ON ANY OF THE FOLLOWING PAGES ONhave OUR your WEBSITE: RECREATION, PARKS & CULTURE PAGE, COMMUNITY PROGRAMS PAGE, AQUA-FIT CENTER PAGE •Once on Click-it select the ‘register’ button in the top right corner. Complete all of your information and click ‘send’ ALREADY HAVE A CLICK-IT ACCOUNT AND WOULD LIKE TO ADD A FAMILY MEMBER? •If you already have a family account you can add a family member to your account by going to the ‘groups’ section of your account and clicking the ‘add’ button •Please contact the Aqua-Fit Centre to create a family account. ALREADY HAVE A CLICK IT ACCOUNT, BUT FORGOT YOUR PASSWORD? •On the click-it homepage, select the ‘logon’ button in the top right corner. Then click on the ‘click here’ button. Enter your email address and press ‘send’! QUICKEST WAY TO REGISTER - WWW.CLICKIT.BEAUMONT.AB.CA IN PERSON BY MAIL 5600 – 49 STREET, BEAUMONT, ALBERTA, T4X 1A1 AT THE AQUA-FIT CENTRE AT THE KNRRC 5001 – RUE EAGLEMONT, BEAUMONT 5303 – 50 STREET, BEAUMONT [hours of operation in Aqua-Fit section] PAYMENT OPTIONS: Cash, Debit, MC/VISA or Cheque (made payable to Town of Beaumont). Please send signed registration form with your cheque payment. Please do not put cash in the mail. Mon – Fri, 8:30am – 4:30pm To speak to a staff member please press the red button on the assistance box. PAYMENT OPTIONS: Cash, Debit, MC/VISA or Cheque (made payable to Town of Beaumont). 5 REGISTRATION INFORMATION Registration options continued: BY PHONE Telephone registrations will only be accepted by the Aqua-Fit Centre. All in person registrations are accepted on a first come, first served basis. Confirmation of registration occurs upon receipt of fees. All registrations must include a completed registration form (available on the website), waiver and payment. REGISTRATIONS FEES Will not, at any time be accepted by instructors. N.S.F. CHEQUES Are subject to a $30 administration fee and immediate removal from class list. Re-enrollment must be paid by cash, debit, certified cheque or credit card. ACCOUNT CREDIT Can be used for registering in an alternative course. Outstanding credits over $10 may automatically be refunded by the end of the year. Unused credits under $10 will be cleared after 12 months. YOU ASKED....? 6 WAITING LIST 2.WITHDRAWAL: Waiting lists are taken for all programs. If demand is sufficient and appropriate time, space, and instructors are available, classes will be added. You will only be contacted if space becomes available or if any additional course is offered. If the child is under the required age at the time of registration and will be of age within the duration of the course, they are advised to contact Community Programs a week prior to the course start date for availability and registration if space is available. Program Coordinator will consult with instructors regarding enrollment of underage participants. COMMUNITY PROGRAMS If withdrawing more than 7 days before the course start date, the refund will be issued less the current administrative fee. If withdrawing within 7 days to the course start date, refunds will be granted only when medical circumstances arise. 3. MEDICAL WITHDRAWAL: Refund requests due to medical reasons must be accompanied by a Doctor’s Certificate. The amount of the refund will be prorated for the remaining classes on the date indicated in the medical slip. The current administrative fee will be applied to all refunds, full fee or pro-rated. AQUA-FIT REGISTRATION POLICIES REFUND AND CANCELLATION: DROP-IN FITNESS CLASS Registration deadlines vary with each program. Programs with insufficient enrollment may be cancelled one week prior to start date. Booking Policy: Members may reserve a spot for a fitness class. They can book over the phone or in person 48 hours in advance and up to one hour before. Community Programs reserve the right to cancel or change a program as necessary. Refunds will only be issued in case of cancellation. Cancellation Policy: Members who reserve a spot for a fitness class may cancel their reservation more than 2 hours prior to the start of the class; otherwise members who no-show 3 times will have the reservation privileges revoked. WHERE DO I CALL FOR MORE INFORMATION? To compensate for any cancelled classes during the course, the program may be extended. If this is not possible, a partial rebate will be available to those enrolled. For swim and Aqua-Fit fitness programs, please contact the Coordinator at 780-929-7946. All refunds, except if a class is full or cancelled, are subject to the current administration fee. For programs on the Community program page please contact the Coordinator at 780-929-2099 In case of credit card refund request, the information of the same credit card which was used to make the original purchase must be provided. Withdrawal Policy: Private lessons require 24 hours’ notice or the program will be charged in full. 1. TOWN CANCELLED PROGRAMS: Withdrawal Policy: $10.00 administration fee will be applied to any withdrawal from an Aqua-Fit program unless medical circumstances arise. AM I REGISTERED? Please proceed to the first class. You will NOT be contacted before the first class unless the program is cancelled or postponed. Summer 2016 Activity Guide 100% refund or pro-rated refund. AQUA-FIT RENTAL Cancellation Policy: 48 hours’ notice is required to cancel a booking or the full fee will be charged. AQUA-FIT PRIVATE LESSON AQUA-FIT PROGRAM Transfer Policy: The $10.00 administration fee is not applied if the withdrawal is followed by a program registration in the same session. FINANCIAL SUPPORT RECREATION SUBSIDY AND CREDIT INFORMATION STAY-AT-HOME PARENTS SUPPORT PROGRAM (Alberta Government) CHILDREN’S FITNESS TAX CREDIT (Canadian Government): Eligible stay-at-home parents may qualify for a new subsidy of up to $100.00 per month (to a maximum of $1,200.00 per year per child), for each pre-school age child who is participating in an approved program. The purpose of the credit is to facilitate access by children and youth to physical activity and recreation programs, as a means of helping them maintain a healthy active lifestyle. The credit applies to supervised children’s programs that have a significant physical-activity component. For information check: ELIGIBILITY * At least one parent stays at home to care for pre-school age children and does not work or go to school for more than 20 hours per week. * Children are of preschool age (six years and under) and not yet attending Grade 1. For complete program criteria, information and application forms, please go to: You can also call the Parent Information Line at 1-866-714-KIDS (5437). To find out which Town of Beaumont programs are eligible for this subsidy please contact the Community Program Coordinator. RECREATION SUBSIDY (Town of Beaumont Municipality) Application forms are available at the Town of Beaumont for families with limited income wishing to participate in recreational programs. Please contact Director, Recreation, Parks and Culture for detailed information. Canadian Tire Jumpstart is a national charitable program launched by the family of Canadian Tire companies in 2005. The program helps financially disadvantaged kids (ages 4-18) participate in organized sport and recreation by covering registration, equipment and/or transportation costs. For more information visit and click on ‘Recreation Subsidy’. GRANTS/FUNDING The Town of Beaumont benefits from the support of Community Volunteer Organizations, individuals or groups that provide a service to the community or represent the Community at or host Provincial, National or International events. Accordingly, Council offers support to these. 1. Individuals who reside within the Beaumont Regional Recreation area that are participating in Provincial, National, or International significance are eligible to apply for funding assistance up to $400.00. 2. Groups or teams with a majority of members residing within the Beaumont Regional Recreation area that are participating in Provincial, National, or International significance are eligible to apply for funding assistance up to $600.00. 3. Individuals, groups or teams with a majority of members residing within the Beaumont Regional Recreation area that are hosting events or competitions of provincial significance are eligible to apply for funding assistance up to $1,000.00. 4. Community Volunteer Organization and/or groups are eligible to apply for funding assistance to assist in the organization’s start up or operation cost up to $600.00. For additional information or application forms please view Web site at or contact the Town Office at 780-929-8782 7 Programs and additional information can be found online at Family & Community Support Services EARLY DEVELOPMENT INSTRUMENT WHAT IS FCSS AND HOW CAN WE HELP YOU? The Early Development Instrument (EDI) is a standardized tool that measures the development of five-year-old children based on the children’s social, emotional, physical and intellectual development. Across the province, some 70,000 children have group counseling, positive youth development, family violence prevention, education and support, and a plethora of programs provided to support children in the schools have been evaluated and the results of this survey can be found online at As part of our ongoing commitment to the children of Beaumont, the programs we offer are being purposefully created with one or more of the five developmental domains in mind. Where you see the symbols by the programs you will know what domains they primarily focus on. If you have any questions about the EDI, ECMap or the five developmental domains and our programming, please contact the FCSS office at 780-929-1006. Family and Community Support Services (FCSS) is a partnership between the Province of Alberta, Children and Youth Services and the municipality, designed to provide individual and group services that strengthen the individual, the family and the community. FCSS works in partnership with community groups and organizations, schools to assist with: DEVELOPMENTAL DOMAINS: Physical Health & Well-being: Encouraging physical growth and independence, gross and fine motor skills and coordination Social Competence: Encouraging playing well with others, curiosity about the world, respect for adults and other children, behavior and following rules/instructions, independence, + self-confidence and eagerness to explore new things. Emotional Maturity: Encouraging age-appropriate emotional understanding, empathy, reflection, controlled actions (thinking before doing). 8 Language & Thinking: Encouraging reading, writing, classification of shapes, numbers, colours, sizes and concepts. Communication Skills & General Knowledge: Encouraging open communication of needs and wants in a socially appropriate way, storytelling and an appropriate awareness of the outside world. Summer 2016 Activity Guide • Subsidized counselling (where eligible) • Information and Referrals • Family and Youth programming • Family Violence Prevention education and awareness • Outreach Home Support Services • Community Development • Youth Outreach Lots of people need help at some point and whether it is for you, a family member, colleague or a friend we are here to offer assistance and aim to help guide you to the service you need quickly. Programs and additional information can be found online at For more information on any FCSS programs or services offered please contact (780) 929-1006 or: Brodie Stenhouse, FCSS Community Development Coordinator Email: [email protected] Carey Cameron, FCSS Community Development Coordinator Email: [email protected] Kim Williston, Beaumont FCSS Director Email: [email protected] Linda Mix-Kondratski, Youth Outreach Coordinator Phone: (780) 504-5969 Sarah Fodchuk CBYC Youth Centre Supervisor Phone: (780) 929-5155 AQUA-FIT ACTIVITIES ALL FEES INCLUDE GST MON - FRI 5:30am - 10:00pm SAT 6:00am - 10:00pm SUN 7:00am - 9:00pm Holidays 8:00am - 8:00pm JULY 1 - Aquatic Area 3:00pm - 8:00pm - Fitness Area 7:00am - 8:00pm SEPTEMBER SHUTDOWN TBD ADULT (18-59) SENIOR (60-74) SUPER SENIOR (75+) YOUTH (13-17) CHILD (3-12) TOT (2 & Under) FAMILY (2 Adults & All Children) $9.25 $6.50 FREE $6.50 $5.75 FREE $20.00 ANNUAL 3 MONTH PASS Adult (18-59) $521.50 Senior (60-74)$404.25 Super Senior (75+) FREE Youth (13-17) $404.25 Child (3-12) $337.25 Tot (2 & Under) FREE Family (Immediate Members) 1st Adult $521.50 2nd Adult $443.25 (15% off) Each Youth/Child $174.00 Adult (18-59) $139.00 Senior (60-74)$115.50 Super Senior (75+) FREE Youth (13-17) $115.50 Child (3-12) $87.00 Tot (2 & Under) FREE Family (Immediate Members) 1st Adult $139.00 2nd Adult $118.25 (15% off) Each Youth/Child $49.00 1 MONTH PASS 10 VISIT PASS Adult (18-59) $52.25 Senior (60-74)$40.50 Super Senior (75+) FREE Youth (13-17) $40.50 Child (3-12) $32.50 Tot (2 & Under) FREE Family (Immediate Members) 1st Adult $52.25 2nd Adult (15% OFF) $44.50 Each Child/Youth $30.00 Adult (18-59) $83.20 Senior (60-74)$58.50 Super Senior (75+) FREE Youth (13-17) $58.50 Child (3-12) $51.70 Tot (2 & Under) FREE Family (2 Adults & All Children) $180.00 PRICES PUNCH PASSES 9 MON 8:30am - 1:00pm TUE 8:30am - 1:00pm WED 8:30am - 1:00pm THU 8:30am - 1:00pm FRI 8:30am - 1:00pm SAT 8:00am - 12:00pm EVENINGSCLOSED SUN/HolidaysCLOSED 10 HOUR 20 HOUR 30 HOUR $41.80 $69.60 $94.80 DROP IN 1 HOUR $5.00 Drop in times are prorated for each 1/2 hour. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION Please contact the front desk staff at 780-929-7946 Prices subject to council approval $101.50 (Up to 25 guests) • Includes 1 hour in the pool • Includes 1 hour in the multipurpose room Meeting Room Only = Youth $22.50/hr Meeting Room Only = Adult $33.00/hr EXTRAS • Additional 30 minutes in pool = $23.25 • Additional 30 minutes in room = $11.25 • Additional 20 guests = $23.25 MEMBERSHIPS PLAY TIME HOURS SUMMER BIRTHDAY PARTY BOOKINGS PLEASE NOTE: Pool rentals are not exclusive! GENERAL INFORMATION DROP-IN PRICES SUMMER HOURS OF OPERATION *All children under the age of 8 must be actively supervised and within arm’s reach of someone 14 years of age or older. All children (even under 2) are included in the attendance count. If you need to cancel or change a booking, please contact the centre 48 hours prior to the confirmed booking time. Payment is required at the time of booking. Please contact the facility 780.929.7946 • Membership card holders MUST bring their card with them every time. If your card is lost or stolen, you will be required to pay a replacement fee or drop in rate. • Family members, living at the same address, that are purchasing a family pass, must purchase all passes on the same day to qualify for the family rate. • 6 months to 7 years old. • 2 hour time limit. • Bring all nut-free snacks and personal items (diapers, bottles, clothes, etc.). They are not provided by the centre. • To pre-book you must purchase a punch pass. • Drop-ins are on a first come, first served basis (availability is not guaranteed). • Cancellations must be made no later than 8:30 am on the day of the booking. No shows will be charged without notification. • Parents/guardians must remain at the facility while the child is in the care of the facility. • Times are subject to change without notice, please contact the Play Time area to have your child booked in. FITNESS CENTRE - Open during regular Facility Hours - Drop in classes are included with any membership or drop in purchase. - Registered Classes are only for those who have registered and paid; please inquire with the front desk staff on times and availability. Aqua-Fit Programs Information 780.929.SWIM (7946) 9 LOCATED AT 5001 RUE EAGLEMONT BEAUMONT, AB • 780.929.SWIM (7946) SWIMMING PROGRAMS AQUA-FIT ACTIVITIES Public Swim – Open to Close Daily Lane Swim – Open to Close Daily - There is always a minimum of one lane available at all times; lane availability may change without notice; please contact front desk for more information. PRICES at a GLANCE PRESCHOOL SWIM 10 CLASSES – $61.25 9 CLASSES – $55.08 SWIM KIDS 1- 7 PRESCHOOL 1 STARFISH AGE MINIMUM: 6 MONTHS $61.25 PRESCHOOL 3 SEA TURTLE $61.25 AGE MAXIMUM: 24 MONTHS AGE MINIMUM: 24 MONTHS AGE MAXIMUM: 36 MONTHS This is the first step in our pre-school program. Skills learned include: Getting wet, submersion, breath control, front movement, back movement, vertical position and arm movement. This is a parent assisted class. Proper swimwear is required. See front desk staff for more information. ‘Little Swimmers’ water diapers are $3.50 each. 6153 MON-FRI 9:00-9:30AM JUL 4 – JUL 15 6267 MON-FRI 5:40-6:10PM JUL 4 – JUL 15 6189 MON-FRI 9:00-9:30AM JUL 18 – JUL 29 6365 MON-FRI 5:40-6:10PM JUL 18 – JUL 29 6213 MON-FRI 10:40-11:10AM AUG 2 – AUG 12 6332 MON-FRI 5:35-6:05PM AUG 2 – AUG 12 10 CLASSES – $71.00 6214 MON-FRI 10:10-10:40AM AUG 15 – AUG 26 9 CLASSES – $63.90 6341 MON-FRI 4:25-4:55PM AUG 15 – AUG 26 SWIM KIDS 8 - 10 10 CLASSES – $74.50 9 CLASSES – $67.05 ADULT & TEEN COMBINED 10 CLASSES – $66.75 9 CLASSES – $60.08 10 PRESCHOOL 2 DUCK AGE MINIMUM: 6 MONTHS AGE MAXIMUM: 24 MONTHS 6168 MON-FRI 9:35-10:05AM JUL 4 – JUL 15 6289 MON-FRI 5:05-5:35PM JUL 4 – JUL 15 6202 MON-FRI 9:35-10:05AM JUL 18 – JUL 29 6243 MON-FRI 5:10-5:40PM JUL 18 – JUL 29 6242 MON-FRI 10:10-10:40AM AUG 2 – AUG 12 6337 MON-FRI 5:00-5:30PM AUG 2 – AUG 12 6354 MON-FRI 6:10-6:40PM AUG 15 – AUG 26 PRESCHOOL 4 SEA OTTER AGE MINIMUM: 3 YEARS $61.25 AGE MAXIMUM: 6 YEARS This is the second step in our preschool program. Skills learned include: Getting wet, submersion, breath control, front movement, back movement, vertical position and arm movement. This is a parent assisted class. Proper swimwear is required. See front desk staff for more information. ‘Little Swimmers’ water diapers are $3.50 each. This is the first lesson offered where swimmers participate in the class without a parent/ guardian in the water with them. Swimmers work on front and back floats and glides, kicking on front with a buoyant object, and will be able to swim 1 metre upon completion of this level. Swimmers must be 3 years of age prior to course start date. 6158 MON-FRI 9:00-9:30AM JUL 4 – JUL 15 6150 MON-FRI 9:35-10:05AM JUL 4 – JUL 15 6276 MON-FRI 5:40-6:10PM JUL 4 – JUL 15 6178 MON-FRI 10:10-10:40AM JUL 4 – JUL 15 6194 MON-FRI 9:00-9:30AM JUL 18 – JUL 29 6185 MON-FRI 11:20-11:50AM JUL 4 – JUL 15 MON-FRI 4:00-4:30PM JUL 4 – JUL 15 6277 MON-FRI 5:40-6:10PM JUL 18 – JUL 29 6207 6230 MON-FRI 10:40-11:10AM AUG 2 – AUG 12 6211 MON-FRI 4:35-5:05PM JUL 4 – JUL 15 6334 MON-FRI 5:35-6:05PM AUG 2 – AUG 12 6295 MON-FRI 5:10-5:40PM JUL 4 – JUL 15 6229 MON-FRI 10:10-10:40AM AUG 15 – AUG 26 6294 MON-FRI 6:15-6:45PM JUL 4 – JUL 15 AUG 15 – AUG 26 6188 MON-FRI 9:35-10:05AM JUL 18 – JUL 29 6347 Summer 2016 Activity Guide $61.25 This is the third step in our pre-school program for children 2 years of age. Learned skills include: Entries and exits, jumping into chest deep water, submersion, rhythmic breathing, shallow water movement, front floats, back floats, front swim (assisted). This class is parent assisted. Proper swimwear is required. See front desk staff for more information. ‘Little Swimmers’ water diapers are $3.50 each. MON-FRI 4:25-4:55PM No Classes: August 1 AQUA-FIT ACTIVITIES Age minimum must be met prior to the course start date. MON-FRI 10:10-10:40AM JUL 18 – JUL 29 6187 MON-FRI 11:20-11:50AM JUL 18 – JUL 29 PRESCHOOL 6 SUNFISH 6300 MON-FRI 4:00-4:30PM JUL 18 – JUL 29 AGE MINIMUM: 3 YEARS 6297 MON-FRI 6:15-6:45PM JUL 18 – JUL 29 6208 MON-FRI 9:35-10:05AM AUG 2 – AUG 12 6210 MON-FRI 11:15-11:45AM AUG 2 – AUG 12 $61.25 AGE MAXIMUM: 6 YEARS PRESCHOOL 8 WHALE AGE MINIMUM: 3 YEARS $61.25 AGE MAXIMUM: 6 YEARS 6301 MON-FRI 4:25-4:55PM AUG 2 – AUG 12 6302 MON-FRI 5:35-6:05PM AUG 2 – AUG 12 6212 MON-FRI 9:00-9:30AM AUG 15 – AUG 26 Sunfish is the 6th step in the 8 step program (Salamander is the prerequisite). They will learn their front and back glides as well as front swim for 2 metres upon completion of this level. 6209 MON-FRI 10:10-10:40AM AUG 15 – AUG 26 6156 MON-FRI 10:45-11:15AM JUL 4 – JUL 15 6339 MON-FRI 4:25-4:55PM AUG 15 – AUG 26 6180 MON-FRI 11:15-11:45AM JUL 4 – JUL 15 6340 MON-FRI 5:00-5:30PM AUG 15 – AUG 26 6272 MON-FRI 5:10-5:40PM JUL 4 – JUL 15 Whale is designed to build on the skills learn in Crocodile. Upon completion of this level your child will be able to do their front and back glides with kicks for 5 metres, the front crawl for 7 metres and their back swim for 7 metres. **Crocodile & Whale have been combined due to low registration.** 6273 MON-FRI 6:55-7:25PM JUL 4 – JUL 15 DAYTIME: 6193 MON-FRI 10:45-11:15AM JUL 18 – JUL 29 6165 MON-FRI 10:05-10:35AM JUL 4 – JUL 15 6224 MON-FRI 11:15-11:45AM JUL 18 – JUL 29 6363 MON-FRI 6:20-6:50PM JUL 4 – JUL 15 6318 MON-FRI 5:30-6:00PM JUL 18 – JUL 29 6200 MON-FRI 10:05-10:35AM JUL 18 – JUL 29 MON-FRI 6:50-7:20PM JUL 18 – JUL 29 PRESCHOOL 5 SALAMANDER $61.25 AGE MINIMUM: 3 YEARS AGE MAXIMUM: 6 YEARS This is the fifth step in our preschool program (Sea Otter is the prerequisite). Learned skills include: distance swim of 2 metres, open eyes underwater, rhythmic breathing, front floats, back floats, glides, roll-over glides, and front swim (assisted). This is not a parent assisted class. 6157 MON-FRI 10:10-10:40AM JUL 4 – JUL 15 6181 MON-FRI 10:40-11:10AM JUL 4 – JUL 15 6275 MON-FRI 4:35-5:05PM JUL 4 – JUL 15 6223 MON-FRI 9:30-10:00AM AUG 2 – AUG 12 6286 6319 MON-FRI 5:00-5:30PM AUG 2 – AUG 12 6240 MON-FRI 10:40-11:10AM AUG 2 – AUG 12 6257 MON-FRI 9:35-10:05AM AUG 15 – AUG 26 6285 MON-FRI 6:10-6:40PM AUG 2 – AUG 12 6222 MON-FRI 11:15-11:45AM AUG 15 – AUG 26 6241 MON-FRI 9:00-9:30AM AUG 15 – AUG 26 AUG 15 – AUG 26 6352 MON-FRI 5:35-6:05PM AUG 15 – AUG 26 6359 MON-FRI 5:35-6:05PM PRESCHOOL 7 CROCODILE AGE MINIMUM: 3 YEARS $61.25 AGE MAXIMUM: 6 YEARS 6303 MON-FRI 4:35-5:05PM JUL 18 – JUL 29 Crocodile is the 7th step and whale is the final step in the preschool program (Sunfish is the prerequisite). They will be able to front swim and back swim for 5 metres upon completion of this level. **Crocodile & Whale have been combined due to low registration.** 6304 MON-FRI 6:05-6:35PM JUL 18 – JUL 29 DAYTIME: 6226 MON-FRI 9:00-9:30AM AUG 2 – AUG 12 6160 MON-FRI 10:05-10:35AM JUL 4 – JUL 15 6225 MON-FRI 10:05-10:35AM AUG 2 – AUG 12 6278 MON-FRI 6:20-6:50PM JUL 4 – JUL 15 6296 MON-FRI 5:45-6:15PM JUL 4 – JUL 15 6274 MON-FRI 6:50-7:20PM JUL 4 – JUL 15 6205 MON-FRI 10:10-10:40AM JUL 18 – JUL 29 6206 MON-FRI 10:40-11:10AM JUL 18 – JUL 29 6305 MON-FRI 4:25-4:55PM AUG 2 – AUG 12 6195 MON-FRI 10:05-10:35AM JUL 18 – JUL 29 6308 MON-FRI 6:10-6:40PM AUG 2 – AUG 12 6279 MON-FRI 6:50-7:20PM JUL 18 – JUL 29 6227 MON-FRI 9:35-10:05AM AUG 15 – AUG 26 6232 MON-FRI 10:40-11:10AM AUG 2 – AUG 12 6228 MON-FRI 10:40-11:10AM AUG 15 – AUG 26 6329 MON-FRI 6:10-6:40PM AUG 2 – AUG 12 6345 MON-FRI 5:00-5:30PM AUG 15 – AUG 26 6231 MON-FRI 9:00-9:30AM AUG 15 – AUG 26 6346 MON-FRI 6:10-6:40PM AUG 15 – AUG 26 6348 MON-FRI 5:35-6:05PM AUG 15 – AUG 26 SWIMMING PROGRAMS 6186 Aqua-Fit Programs Information 780.929.SWIM (7946) 11 No Classes: August 1 SWIMMING PROGRAMS AQUA-FIT ACTIVITIES SWIM KIDS 1 $71.00 6199 MON-FRI 10:45-11:30AM JUL 18 – JUL 29 AGE MINIMUM: 5 YEARS 6236 MON-FRI 4:50-5:35PM JUL 18 – JUL 29 Swimmers receive an orientation to water and the pool area and work on floats, glides and kicking. Swimmers build their endurance by working on the 5 metres front swim. ***Due to low registration, Swim Kids 1 may be combined with Swim Kids 2*** 6328 MON-FRI 6:40-7:25PM JUL 18 – JUL 29 6154 MON-FRI 9:00-9:45AM JUL 4 – JUL 15 6179 MON-FRI 11:35-12:20PM JUL 4 – JUL 15 6268 MON-FRI 4:00-4:45PM JUL 4 – JUL 15 6269 MON-FRI 5:40-6:25PM JUL 4 – JUL 15 6190 MON-FRI 9:00-9:45AM JUL 18 – JUL 29 6191 MON-FRI 11:35-12:20PM JUL 18 – JUL 29 6215 MON-FRI 4:50-5:35PM JUL 18 – JUL 29 6312 MON-FRI 6:40-7:25PM JUL 18 – JUL 29 6239 MON-FRI 9:00-9:45AM AUG 2 – AUG 12 6237 MON-FRI 10:40-11:25AM AUG 2 – AUG 12 6331 MON-FRI 4:50-5:35PM AUG 2 – AUG 12 6330 MON-FRI 5:40-6:25PM AUG 2 – AUG 12 6238 MON-FRI 10:40-11:25AM AUG 15 – AUG 26 6350 MON-FRI 4:00-4:45PM AUG 15 – AUG 26 6351 MON-FRI 6:30-7:15PM AUG 15 – AUG 26 SWIM KIDS 3 $71.00 AGE MINIMUM: 5 YEARS 6216 MON-FRI 9:00-9:45AM AUG 2 – AUG 12 6218 MON-FRI 10:40-11:25AM AUG 2 – AUG 12 6310 MON-FRI 4:00-4:45PM AUG 2 – AUG 12 6309 MON-FRI 5:40-6:25PM AUG 2 – AUG 12 This level provides an introduction to the front crawl (3 x 5 metres) and diving, and teaches making wise choices about where and when to swim. Endurance is achieved by building strength in the flutter kick and a 15-metre swim. ***Due to low registration, Swim Kids 3 may be combined with Swim Kids 4*** 6217 MON-FRI 9:00-9:45AM AUG 15 – AUG 26 6175 MON-FRI 9:50-10:35AM JUL 4 – JUL 15 6342 MON-FRI 4:00-4:45PM AUG 15 – AUG 26 6184 MON-FRI 11:30-12:15PM JUL 4 – JUL 15 6343 MON-FRI 6:30-7:15PM AUG 15 – AUG 26 6292 MON-FRI 4:50-5:35PM JUL 4 – JUL 15 6293 MON-FRI 6:30-7:15PM JUL 4 – JUL 15 6204 MON-FRI 9:50-10:35AM JUL 18 – JUL 29 6249 MON-FRI 11:30-12:15PM JUL 18 – JUL 29 6317 MON-FRI 4:00-4:45PM JUL 18 – JUL 29 SWIM KIDS 2 $71.00 AGE MINIMUM: 5 YEARS 12 Age minimum must be met prior to the course start date. Swimmers work on propulsion skills to move through the water and to remain at the surface. Work on front swim (3 x 5 metres) and back swims, and create awareness about deep-water activities and proper use of a Personal Flotation Device (PFD). Fitness activities include the flutter kick 15 metres and a distance swim 10 metres. ***Due to low registration, Swim Kids 2 may be combined with Swim Kids 1*** 6314 MON-FRI 5:40-6:25PM JUL 18 – JUL 29 6248 MON-FRI 9:50-10:35AM AUG 2 – AUG 12 6315 MON-FRI 4:00-4:45PM AUG 2 – AUG 12 6316 MON-FRI 6:30-7:15PM AUG 2 – AUG 12 6250 MON-FRI 9:50-10:35AM AUG 15 – AUG 26 6264 MON-FRI 11:30-12:15PM AUG 15 – AUG 26 6357 MON-FRI 4:50-5:35PM AUG 15 – AUG 26 6358 MON-FRI 5:40-6:25PM AUG 15 – AUG 26 6164 MON-FRI 9:50-10:35AM JUL 4 – JUL 15 6182 MON-FRI 10:45-11:30AM JUL 4 – JUL 15 SWIM KIDS 4 6283 MON-FRI 4:00-4:45PM JUL 4 – JUL 15 AGE MINIMUM: 5 YEARS 6289 MON-FRI 5:40-6:25PM JUL 4 – JUL 15 6198 MON-FRI 9:50-10:35AM JUL 18 – JUL 29 This level further develops the front crawl (3 x 10 metres) and back glides with shoulder roll for back crawl. Summer 2016 Activity Guide $71.00 Swimmers work on kneeling dives, surface support (45 seconds, deep water) and developing a greater sense of self-safety by understanding their own limits. Endurance is built through a 25-metre swim. ***Due to low registration, Swim Kids 4 may be combined with Swim Kids 3*** 6174 MON-FRI 11:30-12:15PM JUL 4 – JUL 15 6291 MON-FRI 5:40-6:25PM JUL 4 – JUL 15 6290 MON-FRI 6:30-7:15PM JUL 4 – JUL 15 6203 MON-FRI 11:30-12:15PM JUL 18 – JUL 29 6183 MON-FRI 4:00-4:45PM JUL 18 – JUL 29 6323 MON-FRI 5:40-6:25PM JUL 18 – JUL 29 6246 MON-FRI 9:50-10:35AM AUG 2 – AUG 12 6322 MON-FRI 4:50-5:35PM AUG 2 – AUG 12 6338 MON-FRI 6:30-7:15PM AUG 2 – AUG 12 6247 MON-FRI 9:50-10:35AM AUG 15 – AUG 26 6245 MON-FRI 11:30-12:15PM AUG 15 – AUG 26 6356 MON-FRI 4:50-5:35PM AUG 15 – AUG 26 6355 MON-FRI 5:40-6:25PM AUG 15 – AUG 26 SWIM KIDS 5 $71.00 AGE MINIMUM: 5 YEARS This level introduces the back crawl (3 x 15 metres), sculling skills, whip kick on the back and stride dives. Front crawl focus is on the hand entry and the distance is increased to 3 x 15 metres. An introduction to safe boating skills is also included. Endurance is developed through the dolphin kick and a 50-metre swim. ***Due to low registration, Swim Kids 5 may be combined with Swim Kids 6*** 6155 MON-FRI 10:40-11:25AM JUL 4 – JUL 15 6271 MON-FRI 6:35-7:20PM JUL 4 – JUL 15 6192 MON-FRI 10:40-11:25AM JUL 18 – JUL 29 6270 MON-FRI 5:45-6:30PM JUL 18 – JUL 29 6219 MON-FRI 10:45-11:30AM AUG 2 – AUG 12 6333 MON-FRI 5:40-6:25PM AUG 2 – AUG 12 6220 MON-FRI 10:45-11:30AM AUG 15 – AUG 26 6344 MON-FRI 5:40-6:25PM AUG 15 – AUG 26 AQUA-FIT PROGRAMS INFORMATION: 780.929.SWIM (7946) $71.00 SWIM KIDS 8 $74.50 SWIM KIDS 10 $74.50 AGE MINIMUM: 5 YEARS AGE MINIMUM: 5 YEARS AGE MINIMUM: 5 YEARS This level refines front crawl with a focus on body roll and breathing (3 x25metres), back crawl with a focus on arm positions (3 x 25 metres) and introduces elementary backstroke (3 x 15 metres), safety on ice and rescue of others with throwing assists. Swimmers demonstrate their ability to tread water in deep water for 1½ minutes and the front dive. Endurance is built through a 75-metre swim. ***Due to low registration, Swim Kids 6 may be combined with Swim Kids 5*** Swim Kids 8: This level is an introduction to breaststroke (3 x 15 metres), feet-first surface dives and rescue entries. Swimmers learn about the dangers of open water, hypothermia and the performance of rescue breathing on children and adults. Endurance is built on the dolphin kick and a 300-metre swim. Front crawl and back crawl distances are increased to 75 metres each. ***Due to low registration, Swim Kids 8 will be combined with Swim Kids 7*** 6166 MON-FRI 9:00-9:45AM JUL 4 – JUL 15 In level 10, a final assessment of the strokes for technique and distance front crawl 100 metres, back crawl 100 metres, elementary backstroke 50 metres, breast stroke 50 metres and introduces butterfly and scissor kick as a warm-up/cool-down stroke for fitness. Swimmers learn about sun safety, rescue of others from the ice, and head-first and feet-first surface dives. Endurance is built using the dolphin kick and butterfly drills and a 500-metre swim. ***Due to low registration, Swim Kids 10 will be combined with Swim Kids 9*** 6162 MON-FRI 10:40-11:25AM JUL 4 – JUL 15 6287 MON-FRI 4:50-5:35PM JUL 4 – JUL 15 6281 MON-FRI 6:30-7:15PM JUL 4 – JUL 15 6201 MON-FRI 9:00-9:45AM JUL 18 – JUL 29 6197 MON-FRI 10:40-11:25AM JUL 18 – JUL 29 6327 MON-FRI 6:35-7:20PM JUL 18 – JUL 29 6254 MON-FRI 11:15-12:00PM AUG 2 – AUG 12 6261 MON-FRI 9:00-9:45AM AUG 15 – AUG 26 6361 MON-FRI 6:30-7:15PM AUG 15 – AUG 26 6282 MON-FRI 5:45-6:30PM JUL 18 – JUL 29 6235 MON-FRI 10:45-11:30AM AUG 2 – AUG 12 6335 MON-FRI 5:40-6:25PM AUG 2 – AUG 12 6234 MON-FRI 10:45-11:30AM AUG 15 – AUG 26 6349 MON-FRI 5:40-6:25PM AUG 15 – AUG 26 SWIM KIDS 7 $71.00 AGE MINIMUM: 5 YEARS Swim Kids 7 This level builds skills and endurance for the front crawl (50 metres), back crawl (50 metres) and elementary backstroke (3 x 25 metres) and introduces whip kick on the front. Swimmers learn about airway and breathing obstructions and participate in timed treading water using the eggbeater skill for 3 minutes to improve their ability to remain at the surface of the water in the event of an unexpected fall into water. Swimming endurance is increased to a 150-metre swim. ***Due to low registration, Swim Kids 7 will be combined with Swim Kids 8*** SWIM KIDS 9 $74.50 AGE MINIMUM: 5 YEARS In this level swimmers work on refining front crawl 100 metres, back crawl 100 metres, elementary backstroke 50 metres, breaststroke 3 x 25 metres and encouraging swimmers to combine different strokes and kicks (3 min) for fitness. They also work on head-first surface dives and standing dives and learn about wise choices, peer influences and self-rescue from ice. Endurance is built through a 400-metre swim. ***Due to low registration, Swim Kids 9 will be combined with Swim Kids 10*** 6266 MON-FRI 5:45-6:30PM JUL 4 – JUL 15 6324 MON-FRI 6:30-7:15PM JUL 18 – JUL 29 6325 MON-FRI 6:30-7:15PM AUG 2 – AUG 12 6161 MON-FRI 9:00-9:45AM JUL 4 – JUL 15 6280 MON-FRI 4:50-5:35PM JUL 4 – JUL 15 6196 MON-FRI 9:00-9:45AM JUL 18 – JUL 29 6151 MON-FRI 11:35-12:20PM AUG 15 – AUG 26 6366 MON-FRI 4:00-4:45PM AUG 15 – AUG 26 6326 MON-FRI 6:35-7:20PM JUL 18 – JUL 29 6233 MON-FRI 11:15-12:00PM AUG 2 – AUG 12 6259 MON-FRI 9:00-9:45AM AUG 15 – AUG 26 6360 MON-FRI 6:30-7:15PM AUG 15 – AUG 26 6288 MON-FRI 5:45-6:30PM JUL 4 – JUL 15 6321 MON-FRI 6:30-7:15PM JUL 18 – JUL 29 6336 MON-FRI 6:30-7:15PM AUG 2 – AUG 12 6167 MON-FRI 11:35-12:20PM AUG 15 – AUG 26 6353 MON-FRI 4:00-4:45PM AUG 15 – AUG 26 SWIMMING PROGRAMS SWIM KIDS 6 AQUA-FIT ACTIVITIES SPLASH REHASH MINI $27.00 AGE MINIMUM: 3 YEARS This is a new program that is designed to benefit those swimmers who require some one on one time to help complete one or two swim skill items for the Salamander level. This class focuses on swim skills alone and may be the right choice for your child. Splash Rehash mini is for swimmers who are repeating Salamander. With the main focus on glides, roll overs, basic kicks and front swim up to 2 metres. 6163 TUE-THUR 9:30-10:00AM JUL 26 – JUL 28 6260 TUE-THUR 10:10-10:40AM AUG 16 – AUG 18 Aqua-Fit Programs Information 780.929.SWIM (7946) 13 SWIMMING PROGRAMS AQUA-FIT ACTIVITIES SPLASH REHASH LEVEL 1 $27.00 SPLASH REHASH LEVEL 3 $30.00 ADULT & TEEN COMBINED CLASSES $66.75 AGE MINIMUM: 4 YEARS AGE MINIMUM: 6 YEARS This is a new program that is designed to benefit those swimmers who require some one on one time to help complete one or two stroke items for their designated swim level. This class focuses on swim skills alone and may be the right choice for your child. Splash Rehash Level 1 is for swimmers who are repeating Sunfish, Swim Kids 1 or Swim Kids 2. With the main focus on glides, basic kicks and front swim up to 10 metres. All swimming abilities are welcome!!! Teens and adults alike will develop water confidence and smooth, strong strokes to use for lane swimming. When ready you will do floats, glides and kicking on your front and back without assistance. You will even explore jumping into deep water and treading water with a PFD on. Fitness drills suitable for your skill level will increase your strength and endurance. For the more advanced adult and teen swimmers it is now time to master your lifesaving kicks and swimming strokes. With the interval training and sprint racing drills you will work on a 300 metre endurance workout. Shallow dives, stride jumps and compact jumps put some spice into class, along with underwater swims to recover objects, and underwater back somersaults. Let your instructor know the skills you would like to work on. 6171 TUE-THUR 9:00-9:30AM JUL 26 – JUL 28 This is a new program that is designed to benefit those swimmers who require some one on one time to help complete one or two stroke items for their designated swim level. This class focuses on swim skills alone and may be the right choice for your child. Splash Rehash Level 3 is for swimmers who are repeating Swim Kids Levels 5, 6 or 7. With the main focus on the technique front crawl, back crawl, mastering whip kick & elementary back with a distance swim of up to 150m. 6263 TUE-THUR 9:00-9:30AM AUG 16 – AUG 18 6152 TUE-THUR 9:35-10:20AM JUL 19 – JUL 21 6256 TUE-THUR 11:35-12:20PM AUG 16 – AUG 18 SPLASH REHASH LEVEL 2 $27.00 AGE MINIMUM: 4 YEARS This is a new program that is designed to benefit those swimmers who require some one on one time to help complete one or two stroke items for their designated swim level. This class focuses on swim skills alone and may be the right choice for your child. Splash Rehash Level 2 is for swimmers who are repeating Crocodile/Whale, Swim Kids 3 or Swim Kids 4. With the main focus on front glide-side glide combination, building a stronger efficient flutter kick & the basic technique for front crawl up to 25 metres. SPLASH REHASH LEVEL 4 $33.00 AGE MINIMUM: 6 YEARS 6172 TUE-THUR 9:00-9:30AM JUL 19 – JUL 21 This is a new program that is designed to benefit those swimmers who require some one on one time to help complete one or two stroke items for their designated swim level. This class focuses on swim skills alone and may be the right choice for your child. Splash Rehash Level 4 is for swimmers who are repeating Swim Kids Levels 8, 9 or 10. With the main focus on the technique & distance of front crawl, back crawl, mastering breast stroke & elementary back with a distance swim of up to 500m. 6262 TUE-THUR 9:35-10:05AM AUG 16 – AUG 18 6159 TUE-THUR 10:25-11:10AM JUL 19-JUL 21 6258 TUE-THUR 10:45-11:30AM AUG 16 – AUG 18 14 Summer 2016 Activity Guide 6364 MON-FRI 7:30-8:30PM JUL 4 – JUL 15 6170 MON-FRI 7:30-8:30PM JUL 18 – JUL 29 TRIPLE PLAY $126.88 Come and join this camp for children aged 3 - 6 years old. This course will introduce a wide range of activities lead by experienced leaders. Activities include a daily craft, Red Cross swimming skills, an interactive creative movement program and of course lots of FUN!!! Please remember to provide your child with a daily peanut/nut free snack and proper swim wear. If your child is not potty trained please ensure you provide a swim diaper. 6169 MON-FRI 9:00-12:00PM JUL 4 – JUL 8 6244 MON-FRI 9:00-12:00PM JUL 18 – JUL 22 6253 MON-FRI 9:00-12:00PM AUG 8 – AUG 12 6265 MON-FRI 9:00-12:00PM AUG 22- AUG 26 AQUA-FIT PROGRAMS INFORMATION: 780.929.SWIM (7946) $94.00 Individualized lessons are for those with physical or mental challenges. Special Needs lessons are a one on one set of lessons. The Instructor works with both the child and parent/guardian. Due to extra availability times, Adapted Aquatic lessons will now be booked by the Head Guards. Call the centre at 780-929-7946 to book today! PRIVATE/SEMI PRIVATE SWIM LESSONS Private/Semi Private lessons are a great way to develop specific swimming skills through personalized coaching. If you or your child are looking for a one on one lesson with specific goals in mind this could be right for you! swim. Rescue skills involve an increased skill level in ABC first aid basics, victim recognition and noncontact rescues. Star Patrol: An excellent preparation for the Bronze Star award, Star Patrol demands good physical conditioning and lifesaving judgment for timed 300 metres swims, 600 metres workouts and 20 metres tow with towing aid. Whistle signals, airway and bleeding first aid priorities are taught. 6255 MON-FRI 10:00-12:00PM BRONZE STAR AUG 2 – AUG 12 $72.00 PRIVATE SWIM LESSONS Train to become a lifeguard sooner! Once you have completed your Bronze Star you can take Bronze Medallion before you are 13 years of age. Develop your basic safety, fitness and lifesaving skills. It is recommended that you have completed Red Cross swim level 10 prior to registering. $26.00 PER PERSON PER 30MIN CLASS 6177 MON-FRI 10:00-12:00PM JUL 4 – JUL 8 Private lessons can be booked for a variety of dates and times.Please contact the Head Guard at 780.929.7946. 6221 MON-FRI 10:45-11:45AM AUG 15 – AUG 26 SEMI PRIVATE SWIM LESSONS $19.50 PER PERSON PER 30MIN CLASS ROOKIE, RANGER, STAR $169.50 Take these 3 courses all in one week and be fully prepared for Bronze Medallion/Cross! Rookie Patrol: Practices develop fitness levels to meet a timed 100 metres swim and 350 metres workout. Water proficiency skills include: swims with clothes, ready position, foot first and head first surface dives. Rescue Breathing and initiating EMS are included as first aid skills. Victim recognition and throwing assists are other key elements of the program. LIFESAVING SOCIETY NATIONAL LIFEGUARD$461.25 National Lifeguard (NL) certification is recognized as the standard for lifeguards in Canada. NL training develops the basic lifeguarding skills, principles and decision making process to help lifeguards create a safe and enjoyable facility. This course teaches lifeguards to prevent emergencies and respond effectively. Other additions to this course package are as follows: Aquatic Emergency Care (AEC), Automatic External Defibrillator (AED), Oxygen Administration (O2) SWIMMING PROGRAMS ADAPTED AQUATICS: AQUA-FIT ACTIVITIES **Prerequisite(s): 16 years of age; current Bronze Cross** 6251 MON-FRI 9:00-5:00PM JUL 18 – JUL 22 BRONZE MEDALLION/ CROSS COMBO $ 288.50 Bronze Medallion teaches an understanding of the lifesaving principles embodied in the four components of water rescue education judgment, knowledge, skill and fitness. Bronze Cross is designed for lifesavers who want the challenge of more advanced training including learning the difference between lifesaving and lifeguarding, the principles of emergency procedures and teamwork. 15 **Prerequisite: 13 years of age or Bronze Star** 6173 MON-FRI 9:00-5:00PM JUL 11 – JUL 15 Ranger Patrol: enhances capability in the water, including compact jumps from 1 metres heights, lifesaving eggbeater kick and increased fitness levels to meet a 200 metres timed SWIMMING PROGRAMS AQUA-FIT ACTIVITIES Water Safety Instructor Course COST: $365.00 Course Code: 6252 This course covers the foundation of instructional skills including teaching methods, learning styles, planning, teaching and evaluating swimmers. Candidates are evaluated throughout the course and through individual study assignments. Upon successful completion of the course, candidates are certified as Water Safety Instructors and will be able to teach the Red Cross Swim programs. Intro Session: Saturday, June 4, 9:00 am - 1:00 pm This session will include a welcome and information about the course including the four course components: • Water Safety Instructor – Online information • Water Safety Instructor Course package • Water Safety Instructor Course outline • Water Safety Instructor – Skills Evaluation • All registrants are required to show proof of age (15 years or older by the last day of the WSI – Classroom and Pool component). WSI - Online Component: The candidates will have from June 4 – July 25 to complete the 14-20 hour online component prior to the start of the WSI – Teaching Experience. WSI – Co-Teach Component The candidates are required to complete a minimum of 4 hours teaching with a Red Cross Preschool Class & a minimum of 4 hours teaching with a Red Cross Swim Kids class. It is the responsibility of the candidate to arrange their co-teaching at the facility of their choice. Teaching experience must be completed prior to the classroom component. WSI – Classroom Component: Monday – Friday, July 25 – July 29, 9am – 3pm 16 All registrants are required to show proof of: • Age (15 years or older by the last day of the WSI – Classroom and Pool component). • Skills Evaluation (should have been completed June 4) • Confirmation of completion of the Water Safety Instructor Online Component • Teaching Experience components completed and signed by the supervising WSI (co-teach leader) • Classroom and Pool Component. All candidates are expected to attend 100% of this course. Summer 2016 Activity Guide Registered = pink Pool classes= blue No classes Jul 1, August 1 Learn to Run 5km 9:15-10:00am Robyn Aqua-Fit 7:30-8:15pm Leana Spin& Strength 7:00-8:30pm Dianne M Aqua-Fit 7:30-8:15pm Diane C 6:15-7:00pm Diane C Butts & Guts BOSU Step Plus 5:30-6:15pm Diane C Aqua-Fit 7:30-8:15pm Erin Bootcamp 6:15-7:00pm Dianne M Gentler Aqua 12:1012:55pm Diane C Gentler Aqua 12:10-12:55pm Diane C Pick your Pace Bootcamp 9:15-10:00am Kim M Gentler Stretch and Strength 11:15am-12:00pm Diane C Baby and Me Bootcamp 10:00-10:45am Summer Circuits 9:15-10:00am Robyn Bootcamp Mixer 6:00-6:45am Kim M Thu Gentler Stretch and Strength 11:15am-12:00pm Diane C Step Plus 9:15-10:00am Diane C Deep Aqua-Fit 8:15-9:00am Colleen Spin & Core 6:00-6:45am Bonnie Early Bird Bootcamp 6:00-6:45am Dianne M *Schedule subject to change based on attendance and instructor availability. Visit for the most up-to-date schedule. *Class may take place in Multi Purpose Room Spin 60 7:00-8:00pm Corrina Stroller size 10:00-11:00am Bonnie Spin and Strength 10:15-11:00am Robyn Bootcamp 9:15-10:00am Dianne M Deep Aqua-Fit 8:15-9:00am Robyn Water Jogging 6:00-6:45am Bonnie Wed Tue Yoga 9:15-10:15am Kristen Yoga 9:15-10:30am Cindy HIIT 8:00-9:00am Various Instructors Sat Sun 17|P a g e - F i t n e s s P r o g r a m s Aqua-Fit Combo 8:15-9:00am Erin Fri WEEKLY FITNESS CLASSES Mon Weekly Fitness Classes*(Jul 2 – Aug 31) Drop In=yellow Registered = pinkPool classes=blue( No classes Jul 1, August 1 ) WEEKLY FITNESS CLASSES Jul 2 – Aug 31 Drop In = yellow AQUA-FIT ACTIVITIES 17 With ANY type of Membership you get 10% discount on Registered Classes!!! DROP-IN CLASS DESCRIPTIONS AQUA-FIT ACTIVITIES AQUA-FIT (DEEP) GENTLER AQUAFIT SPIN & STRENGTH OR CORE Get your heart rate up and increase your strength with this challenging yet fun Aqua class. Aqua belts and various other pieces of equipment will help you challenge yourself in the deep water’s resistance These classes take the basic aquatic skills and drills and bring them down just a step but keep ALL the fun so come join us for a drop in class designed for anyone who needs to tone it down or just starting out! Add a little something to your basic spin class. Challenge upper body and core muscles in addition to working on your cardiovascular abilities AQUA-FIT (SHALLOW) GENTLER STRETCH AND STRENGTH Get your workout in the water! Take some of the strains and pains off those joints. Excellent class for everyone including: those recovering from injuries, prenatal clients and seniors BOOTCAMP Get a bit of everything in these faster paced classes using some weights and lots of your own body weight BUTTS AND GUTS Butts and Guts is a half hour of intense core and glutes work. Set to upbeat music, you’ll work your entire core and learn new exercises to help sculpt the body! This class is for all fitness levels, and is a great way to fit a quick but challenging workout into your busy day 18 For those restricted in mobility, this class allows you to experience resistance training and stretches designed to improve mobility in a safe format through corrective postural approaches HATHA YOGA This traditional yoga class will help build strength, focus and muscle tone in addition to the relaxation and meditation yoga is known for PICK YOUR PACE A mix of cardio and strength that is appropriate for everyone; you can pick your pace! Lots of options for Hi or Low Impact and plenty of modifications for anyone who needs it HIIT SPIN Challenge yourself in this fun, fast paced workout. High Intensity Interval Training is an effective fat blasting cardio and strength workout for varied fitness levels Work on your strength and endurance as you pedal your way to fitness on first class stationary bikes SPIN 60 Join the certified CORE cycle instructor for a full 60 mins of riding. Help improve your strength and stamina all while getting a fabulous cardio work out finishing with some gentle stretching to improve flexibility STEP PLUS Classic step choreography with a twist! Each week the instructor will introduce variations such as sticks, multibench, partner stepping, intervals or just good old chain choreography WATER JOGGING Water Jogging is your low impact running! With speed drills, endurance tests & cardio conditioning! Running in the water reduces the risk of joint pain! Great way to get your heart rate elevated! This is not your regular Aquatic Class! ALL LEVELS OF EXPERIENCE AND FITNESS ARE WELCOME! AQUA-FIT ACTIVITIES STROLLER-SIZE LEARN TO RUN 5KM If your baby is too young to go in to the playtime you can bring them to classes with you. These 10 weeks will gradually progress you to get stronger and feel more powerful in this Bootcamp style class. Get a great workout, have fun with other Moms too. (8 classes) Want to stay fit this summer but also stay outside and spend quality time with your little one? Stroller-size is a class that keeps you moving and healthy while you walk outside with your stroller of course. Meet at the Aqua-fit centre. (7 classes) 6369 WEDNESDAY 10:00 -10:45AM JUL 6 – AUG 24 $78.40 STUDIO ROBYN 6371 MONDAY 10:00 -11:00AM JUL 4 – AUG 22 $66.50 OUTSIDEBONNIE Interested in building up your strength and stamina to run a full 5km? Or would you just like a bit of motivation while out there hitting the trails? Sign up for this class to get some great tips from the instructor that will help you meet your goals one step at a time. Suitable for beginners. BUTTS AND GUTS BOSU 6412 MONDAY 9:15 -10:00AM JUL 4 – AUG 22 $66.50 OUTSIDEROBYN The ultimate midsection toner with the added challenge of using the BOSU ball for many of the exercises. (8 classes) 6370WEDNESDAY6:15-7:00PM JUL 6 – AUG 24 $76.00 STUDIO DIANE C. REGISTERED FITNESS CLASSES BABY AND ME BOOTCAMP REGISTRATION OPTIONS In person at the Aqua-Fit Centre (5001 Rue Eaglemont) or Town of Beaumont Office (5600 49 Street) or Online at Or over the phone at 780-929-7946 19 Aqua-Fit Programs Information 780.929.SWIM (7946) ADULT PROGRAMS URBAN POLING PLEASE NOTE: ALL FEES INCLUDE GST. Why Try Urban Poling? •A full body workout that strengthens your core muscles •Burns 20-47% more calories than regular walking •Increases cardiac workload (10-15 Urban Poling is an active exercise more heart beats per minute than class for anyone looking for a fun regular walking) new way to improve their health and •Takes stress off of your hip, knee fitness. Urban Poling combines the and ankle joints upper body technique similar to cross •Improves balance and stability country skiing with the lower body •Increases confidence when walking technique of regular walking to give •Improves coordination and helps you a low impact, total body workout. to prevent falls Please come comfortably dressed for the •Helps maintain and correct posture weather. All equipment provided; All •Increases walking speed lessons taught by a certified instructor. •Makes going up and down hills easier (NORDIK WALKING) 20 Summer 2016 Activity Guide MON (4 CLASSES) 9:30-10:30AM JUNE 6, 13, 20, 27 $35 MEET BY THE SPRAY PARK IN FOUR SEASONS 6375 MON 11:30AM-12:30PM (4 CLASSES) $35 JULY 4, 11, 18, 25 MEET BY THE SPRAY PARK IN FOUR SEASONS 6377 MON 11:30AM-12:30PM (4 CLASSES) $35 B ONNIE J. B ONNIE J. AUG 8, 15, 22, 29 MEET BY THE SPRAY PARK IN FOUR SEASONS B ONNIE J. CHILDREN & TEEN PROGRAMS SPORTBALL – MULTISPORT OUTDOOR (2 – 5 YRS) SPORTBALL – FOOTBALL/ULTIMATE SPORTBALL – SUMMER SOCCER FRISBEE JUST THE GAME (3.5- 8 YRS.) Sportball is a noncompetitive sport program for children 2 - 5 years old. Children are introduced to 8 popular sports: soccer, hockey, basketball, baseball volleyball, tennis, football and golf. The high-energy, fun and creative program promotes confidence, self-esteem and team work. It teaches balance, strength, coordination, timing and endurance while having a lot of fun. Sportball Just the Game programs are perfect for kids 6 and up who want to play for the love of the game. Classes start off with warm ups based on fitness and physical literacy. Classes then take the Sportballers through a quick skills session working on game like scenarios. Finally we have a fantastic controlled scrimmage where coaches act as referees, teaching skills through leaguestyle games and a few key drills. 6378 2-3.5 YRS. [PARENTED] THU 9:30-10:15 AM JUL 7 – AUG 25 (8 CLASSES) $130 6381 6-8 YRS. THU 1:00-2:00PM JUL 7 – AUG 25 (8 CLASSES) $130 6379 2-3.5 YRS. [PARENTED] THU 10:15-11:00 AM JUL 7 – AUG 25 (8 CLASSES) $130 6382 6380 3.5 – 5 YRS. 11:00AM-12:00PM JUL 7 – AUG 25 (8 CLASSES) 8-10 YRS. THU 2:00-3:00PM JUL 7 – AUG 25 (8 CLASSES) $130 THU $130 Sportball is a non-competitive sport program for children. Children are taught the fundamental skills necessary to excel in soccer: throw-ins, dribbling, passing, goalie skills and more in a supervised, non-competitive environment. They learn about field positions, importance of teamwork and good sportsmanship while having a great time. Fee includes jersey and ball for each child. PLEASE NOTE: Program runs rain or shine, except in the case of severe weather. 6404 3.5-5 YRS. THU 5:00-6:00PM JUL 7 – AUG 25 (8 CLASSES) SPORTBALL COACH $130 6405 2-3.5 YRS. JUL 7 – AUG 25 (8 CLASSES) THU 6:00-6:45PM SPORTBALL COACH 6406 5-8 YRS. THU 6:45-7:45PM JUL 7 – AUG 25(8 CLASSES) SPORTBALL COACH $130 $130 FCSS Sponsored Sessions PD Day Programs FCSS is excited to offer Children & Change program over the summer. We will run 2 four week sessions on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10am-11:30am. This program includes discussion and activities to help your child(ren) (Ages 6-12) better understand his or her feelings related to recent, significant changes surrounding family, such as divorce or separation ,a move, a death in the family , a new baby and many others. Please contact Kaylene McKinney at FCSS, 780-929-1006 or [email protected] 21 COMMUNITY SUMMER PROGRAMS 2016 For more information please call (780) 554-6911 or register online at Camp Notes • For your child’s best experience, they must be fully toilet trained. Parents will be contacted by phone to attend to any changing needs. • Parents/ guardians are required to sign children in and out each day. • Due to the increasing severity of nut allergies, we request that lunches and snacks do not include peanut butter or nuts of any kind. • All classes begin and end at the times listed; our doors will open at the start time of each camp, and we will ensure programs end at the proper time as well. A parent will be contacted if they are later than 15 minutes after the program end time. • Art and craft sessions may get messy, please ensure you child is dressed in craft friendly clothing. • Please send your child to camp with: sunscreen, bug spray, a hat and a water bottle. • Clearly label your child’s belongings. • All electronic games and devices should be left at home. • If your child has an allergy please ensure their epi pen is sent to camp with them; all staff are trained in first aid. • If your child is asthmatic, please ensure their inhaler is sent to camp with them. • Summer Programs Staff cannot administer medication; please ensure child is capable of administering their own medication if needed. • Any additional information will be supplied by Summer Programs Staff. • For more information please call (780) 554-6911 or register online at What Your Child Needs For Each Camp 22 Full Day Camps Half Day Camps • If your child wants to walk or ride their bike to and from camp every day, an additional waiver must be filled out on the first day of camp by a parent or guardian • Children must be signed in and out by a parent/ guardian every day of camp • Send a nut free lunch and 1 – 2 snacks for your child each day • Please ensure your child is wearing proper foot wear and clothing for games, activities and crafts Summer 2016 Activity Guide • Send a nut free snack and a water bottle to camp with your child • Ensure your child is wearing proper foot wear and clothing for games, activities and crafts COMMUNITY SUMMER PROGRAM 2016 The Town of Beaumont is offering FULL DAY camps, as well as half day PRESCHOOL CAMPS! There’s something to do EVERY DAY this summer, so SIGN UP now and kick your boredom to the curb! FULL DAY CAMPS (5-11YRS) (As these group sizes demand, these programs may group 5-8 and 9-11 yrs.) Early Bird Registration ends May 16, 2016 HARRY POTTER WEEK Dear Mr. /Miss. (insert name here), we are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of necessary books and equipment. First years will require: a fun attitude, an active imagination, team spirit, and of course, an aptitude for magic. We happily await your arrival. First years will be studying exploding potions, magical creatures, transfigurations, charms, and of course Quidditch! 6383 MON - FRI 9:00-3:00PM JUL 4 - 8 EARLY BIRD FEE: $165/CHILD AFTER MAY 16: $175/CHILD COLONIALE SCHOOL (37 COLONIALE WAY) 100 FUN SUMMER THINGS: Back by popular demand! Summer is always full of opportunity, and here we plan to make the most of it! Eating Ice Cream, painting pictures, playing games, and mixing vinegar and Baking Soda are only four of the 100 Fun Summer Things we are going to do this week! Dress for the weather, and come ready to have some fun! 6384 MON - FRI 9:00-3:00PM JUL 11 - 15 EARLY BIRD FEE: $175/CHILD AFTER MAY 16: $185/CHILD COLONIALE SCHOOL (37 COLONIALE WAY) SUPERHERO TRAINING WEEK: Welcome to Superhero Training! Every great superhero from Squirrel Girl to Superman has always started from somewhere- this is your chance to start right now! Here you will hone your skills, learn how to save and protect people, make your own costume, and maybe even save the day! Keep your eyes peeled… Supervillains could be right around the corner! 6385 MON - FRI 9:00-3:00PM JUL 18 - 22 EARLY BIRD FEE: $165/CHILD AFTER MAY 16: $175/CHILD COLONIALE SCHOOL (37 COLONIALE WAY) WILDERNESS WEEK: Put down the iPhone, turn off the screens, it’s time to explore the biggest simulation of all time: REAL LIFE! This week we’ll be learning what it really takes to live on the wild side. Orienteering, survival skills, and fun camp games are just a few of the things that we’ll be lucky enough to do. And of course, we’ll be going on a grand adventure, somewhere away from Beaumont. See you soon! Note*** This Camp will be spending maximum time outside as possible. Please be prepared! 6386 MON - FRI 9:00-3:00PM JUL 25 – 29 EARLY BIRD FEE: $175/CHILD AFTER MAY 16: $185/CHILD COLONIALE SCHOOL (37 COLONIALE WAY) SPORTS AND ARTS CAMP: Do you have a passion for sports or art? Have you always wanted to try one or the other, but never really had the chance to? Look no further. From basketball to painting to kickball to theatre to fencing to music, this camp has it all! By the time we are all finished together, you’ll have a new appreciation and love for sports and art! 6387 TUE - FRI 9:00-3:00PM AUG 2 - 5 EARLY BIRD FEE: $165/CHILD AFTER MAY 16: $175/CHILD BELLEVUE SCHOOL (5103 50 AVENUE) MAGICAL QUESTS: Ever read a book or watched a movie, and wished right away that you could be there, right alongside your favorite characters? This is the camp that will take you to far away lands, new planets, and other dimensions! We’ll be meeting crazy characters, helpful heroes, and vile villains! Great ready for the greatest journey through fandom anyone has ever had. 6388 MON - FRI 9:00-3:00PM AUG 8 - 12 EARLY BIRD FEE: $165/CHILD AFTER MAY 16: $175/CHILD BELLEVUE SCHOOL (5103 50 AVENUE) SPY WEEK: Special Agent X, your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to attend Beaumont Summer Programs Spy Week. You will learn how to gather intelligence, remain unseen, and work some of the most high tech gadgetry that Summer Programs has ever had. With your skills, you and your fellow agents will eventually be charged with the task of… well, spies don’t divulge secrets, do they? 6389 MON - FRI 9:00-3:00PM AUG 15 - 19 EARLY BIRD FEE: $165/CHILD AFTER MAY 16: $175/CHILD KEN NICHOL REC CENTRE - BQT ROOM (5303 50 AVENUE) 23 For more information please call (780) 554-6911 or register online at COMMUNITY SUMMER PROGRAMS 2016 COMMUNITY SUMMER PROGRAMS 2016 HALF DAY CAMPS! (3-5YRS) Maximum 14 children per camp. Perfect for your little preschooler who can’t quite handle a full day at camp yet. These programs will include recreational activities and leave your children rosy cheeked! DISNEY WEEK: What are your childhood favorite stories? Well, it just so happens that most of them are ours too! Come and join us for a week of Disney themed adventure! From Simba’s mane to Frozen snow, we will be making crafts, playing games, and reading stories. 6390 MON - THU 9:30AM-12:30PM JUL 4-7 FEE: $80/CHILD COLONIALE SCHOOL (37 COLONIALE WAY) 6393 MON - THU 9:30AM-12:30PM JUL 25-28 FEE: $80/CHILD COLONIALE SCHOOL (37 COLONIALE WAY) HOLIDAZE: Oh bummer! It’s summer! Do you love the holidays? Well, we do too! And because there aren’t really any holidays in summertime we decided to celebrate them all! And you’re invited! Join us for our very own Summer Christmas party, haunted Halloween, nifty New Years, super St. Patricks Day! And More. 6391 MON - THU 9:30AM-12:30PM JUL 11 -14 FEE: $80/CHILD COLONIALE SCHOOL (37 COLONIALE WAY) MINI SUPERHEROS: 24 NATURE ADVENTURES: Are you ready for adventure? Do you love playing outside? Do your parents say you’re a bit of a wild animal? Well, this is the week for you! We will be exploring our wild side! Campfires, nature walks, story time, and nature crafts are just a few of the nature adventures that we will be embarking on. Calling all superheroes! Are you the next Incredible Hulk, Hawk Girl, Flash, or Captain America? It is time to start honing those skills! Join us for a week of superhero activities, crafts, games, and more! 6392 MON - THU 9:30AM-12:30PM JUL 18 -21 FEE: $80/CHILD COLONIALE SCHOOL (37 COLONIALE WAY) Summer 2016 Activity Guide FAIRYTALE FANTASY: Calling all princes and princesses! Come and join us for an exciting adventure through some of your favorite fairytales! We will be making magical crafts, playing fantastical games, and reading some of our favorite stories! Feel free to dress up! 6402 MON - THU 9:30AM-12:30PM AUG 8 -11 FEE: $80/CHILD BELLEVUE SCHOOL (5103 50 AVENUE) LIFE IN THE CIRCUS: Acrobats, animals, and carnivals, oh my! Step right up ladies and gentlemen! The circus is in town! This week we will roar with the lions, tumble with the tumblers, and have our very own mini carnival! Complete with neat crafts, nifty games, and neverending activities! 6401 TUE-FRI 9:30AM-12:30PM AUG 2-5 FEE: $80/CHILD BELLEVUE SCHOOL (5103 50 AVENUE) indicate necessary changes. that colours shown here represent as closely as possible the colours on the final printed piece, but due to differences in monitors and printing devices, they may not be exact. Please fax promtly to 780.929.8729 Half Page Quarter Page 6.875” 3.375” Program Registration August 8, 2016 for all Town of Beaumont Programs starting September 2016 École catholique francophone, maternelle à 7e année 5505, avenue Magasin, Beaumont [email protected] 780 929-1183 4.5” COMMUNITY ORGANIZATIONS AND BUSINESSES OUR NEXT ISSUE: Looking for a great way to get some exercise? Come to adult drop-in tennis on Wednesdays at 7:00 PM from May 11th to the end of August (weather permitting) at the tennis courts in Parc Gobeil Park. 55 Avenue & 50 Street 25 CANADA DAY AD ACTIVITY GUIDE PROOF ______________________ COMMUNITY ORGANIZATIONS AND BUSINESSES ttention: ____________________ he following advertisement/ listing will e published in the 016 SUMMER Activity Guide. lease review the information for factual ccuracy, then sign as approved, or ndicate necessary changes. Approved with Changes CONTACT: Sandra Ampem • Tel: 780.929.1353 Email: [email protected] Additional proof required PLEASE NOTE: Approved Date: While every effort is made to ensure that details are correct, we ask that you read this proof carefully, checking the address, phone and fax information. ______________________ Signature: ____________________ The publisher does not assume any responsibility for errors. Also note that colours shown here represent as closely as possible the colours on the final printed piece, but due to differences in monitors and printing devices, they may not be exact. lease fax promtly to 780.929.8729 Half Page Quarter Page 6.875” 3.375” 4.5” CANADA DAY2016 FRIDAY, JULY 1, FOUR SEASONS PARK H ET A D TO N G R O W M SE IN EN G IR BL E Summer 2016 Activity Guide G 780-929-2848 [email protected] /BeaumontAB ER 4:00 - 11:30pm R 26 G ate: 1/2 PAGE VILLE DE / TOWN OF BEAUMONT ACTIVITY GUIDE 3.375” OxfOrd Learning is… Approved CONTACT: Sandra Ampem • Tel: 780.929.1353 Email: [email protected] ______________________ Attention: Approved with Changes Summer Pre-School ProgramS ____________________ Additional proof required dOn’t Waste anOther summer! ______________________ The following advertisement/ listing will be published in the 2016 SUMMER Activity Guide. PLEASE NOTE: While every effort is made to ensure that details are correct, we ask that you read this proof carefully, checking the address, phone and fax information. Date: ask us aBOut Our LittLe readers The publisher does not assume any responsibility for errors. Also note Signature: ____________________ colours shown here represent as closely as possible the colours on prOgram fOr ages 3-6! register tOday!that the final printed piece, but due to differences in monitors and printing Please review the information for factual accuracy, then sign as approved, or indicate necessary changes. Please fax promtly to 780.929.8729 devices, they may not be exact. Proudly Canadian Beaumont 780.929.1626 5021B-52 Ave Beaumont, AB T4X 1E5 Half Page 6.875” Quarter Page 3.375” Fast & Fun! 4.5” COMMUNITY ORGANIZATIONS AND BUSINESSES Date: 1/2 PAGE Quarter Page 4.5” PROOF 6.875” BEAUMONT SOCCER Try indoor soccer this year! Beaumont Soccer Association Season Starts mid October 27 U4-U18 community soccer Visit us online for more info: For updates and more information find us on: TOWN OF BEAUMONT ACTIVITY GUIDE 6.875” ate: July 11-15 CONTACT: Sandra Ampem • Tel: 780.929.1353 Email: [email protected] Approved Approved with Changes ____________________ he following advertisement/ listing will e published in the 016 SPRING Activity Guide. 3.375” 1/2 PAGE ______________________ ttention: Quarter Page 4.5” PROOF COMMUNITY MUSIC INITIATIVES Additional proof required Friday nights PLEASE NOTE: Date: While every effort is made to ensure that details are correct, we ask 7 pm that you read this proof carefully, checking the address, phone and Gradesfax information. 7-12 ______________________ lease review the information for factual ccuracy, then sign as approved, or ndicate necessary changes. August 15-19 (Grades 1-3) August 15-19 (Grades 1-3) August 22-26(Grades (Grades 4-6) 4-6) August 22-26 lease fax promtly to 780.929.8729 ____________________ Grades 1-6 July Signature: 11-15 The publisher does not assume any responsibility for errors. Also note that colours shown here represent as closely as possible the colours on the final printed piece, but due to differences in monitors and printing devices, they may not be exact. Registration opens May 1 Registration opens May 2 Friday nights 7 pm Grades 7-12 -15 Grades 1-6 Grades August 15-19 (Grades 1-3) 7pm 7-12 Friday August 22-26 (Grades 4-6)nights Registration opens May 1 Half Page 6.875” 1-6 ay 1 Quarter Page 3.375” PIANO VIOLIN VOICE GUITAR LESSONS in Beaumont 28 1-877-413-4810 (toll-free) Summer 2016 Activity Guide 4.5” Friday 7 pm Grades 7-12 I N I T I AT I V E S TOWN OF BEAUMONT ACTIVITY GUIDE ACTIVITY GUIDE AFTERSCHOOL ART 1/2 PAGE 1/2 PAGE Date: Date: ______________________ ______________________ 3.375” 4.5” PROOF PROOF OxfOrd Learning is… 6.875” Quarter Page Approved Approved Approved with Changes Approved with Changes Additional proof required Additional proof required a smarter summer Attention: ____________________ Attention: ____________________ The following advertisement/ listing will The following in advertisement/ listing will be published the be published the Guide. 2016 SPRINGinActivity 2016 SUMMER Activity Guide. Please review the information for factual Please review information for factual accuracy, thenthe sign as approved, or accuracy, then sign changes. as approved, or indicate necessary indicate necessary changes. CONTACT: CONTACT: Sandra Ampem • Tel: 780.929.1353 Sandra Ampem • Tel: 780.929.1353 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] PLEASE NOTE: PLEASE NOTE: While every effort is made to ensure that details are correct, we ask dOn’t Waste Date: anOther summer! that you read this proof carefully, checking the address, phone and ______________________ Date: While every effort is made to ensure that details are correct, we ask that you read this proof carefully, checking the address, phone and fax information. fax information. The publisher does not assume any responsibility for errors. Also note The does not any as responsibility for errors. noteon thatpublisher colours shown hereassume represent closely as possible theAlso colours that colours shown herebut represent as closely as the final printed piece, due to differences in possible monitorsthe andcolours printingon the final printed piece, but due to differences in monitors and printing devices, they may not be exact. devices, they may not be exact. ______________________ Signature: ____________________ all ages. all grades. all subjects. Signature: ____________________ enrOL tOday! Please fax promtly to 780.929.8729 Please fax promtly to 780.929.8729 Proudly Canadian Beaumont 780.929.1626 5021B-52 Ave Half Page Half Page Beaumont, AB T4X 1E5 [email protected] 6.875” 6.875” Ask Us About Our En français Program! QuarterPage Page Quarter 3.375” 3.375” 4.5” 4.5” After School Art Classes Ages 5 to 16 years Maximum of 7 students per class One hour of class time Step by Step system Beginner through to Advanced Levels Water Color / Pastel / Acrylic / Pencil Crayon / Ink / Pencil 5013 - 50th Street, Beaumont, Alberta 780-999-7777 780-929-9444 or 780-929-9777 29 PHOENIX TAEKWON-DO ACTIVITY GUIDE 6.875” Date: ______________________ Attention: Please review the information for factual accuracy, then sign as approved, or ndicate necessary changes. Approved with Changes CONTACT: Sandra Ampem • Tel: 780.929.1353 Email: [email protected] Additional proof required PLEASE NOTE: Approved ____________________ The following advertisement/ listing will be published in the 2016 SUMMER Activity Guide. 3.375” 1/2 PAGE 4.5” PROOF Quarter Page Date: While every effort is made to ensure that details are correct, we ask that you read this proof carefully, checking the address, phone and fax information. ______________________ Signature: ____________________ The publisher does not assume any responsibility for errors. Also note that colours shown here represent as closely as possible the colours on the final printed piece, but due to differences in monitors and printing devices, they may not be exact. Please fax promtly to 780.929.8729 Half Page Quarter Page 6.875” 3.375” of Beaumont $159 New Member Special Includes: 3 months fees, uniform and registration fees! 30 Discipline Respect Self Confidence Self Defence Concentration Fitness For more information contact: Mr. Alan Passmore, 6th Degree Black Belt at (780) 919-2522 [email protected] New Members ALWAYS Welcome! Summer 2016 Activity Guide 4.5” Development of: ACTIVITY GUIDE 1/2 PAGE 3.375” journey change your life ST. COLUMBA ANGLICAN CHURCH ______________________ Attention: ____________________ The following advertisement/ listing will be published in the 2016 SUMMER SPRING Activity ActivityGuide. Guide. Please review the information for factual accuracy, then sign as approved, or indicate necessary changes. Approved with Changes CONTACT: SandraWILL Ampem • Tel: 780.929.1353 Email: [email protected] Additional proof required PLEASE NOTE: Approved ______________________ Date: Signature: ____________________ “Atofamily community Please fax promtly 780.929.8729 seeking ways to grow in the life of Christ” While every effort is made to ensure that details are correct, we ask Wake up in a unique summer classroom at that you read this proof carefully, checking the address, phone and fax information. Mountain Adventure School •The Two-week high school publishersummer does not programs assume anyfor responsibility forstudents. errors. Also note •that Earn school credits certifications a career in on colours shown hereand represent as closelytoward as possible the colours camp leadership and guiding. the final printed piece, but due to differences in monitors and printing •devices, Full 14they day may summer not becamp exact.includes lake and whitewater canoeing, rock climbing and rappelling, back country biking, hiking and wilderness living in an extended river expedition. Sessions starting in June, July and August SIGN UP TODAY! 5703 – 50 Street, Beaumont (780) 929-5262 Join us for Family worship and Holy Eucharist 10:30 a.m. Sundays Half Half Page Page TO REGISTER NOW OR FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT US: Progressive Academy 780-455-8344 HeLa Ventures 6.875” 6.875” 4.5” this 4.5” 4.5” PROOF 6.875” 3.375” 3.375” Date: Quarter Page Quarter Page Page Quarter 3.375” 3.375” Quarter Quarter Page Page THIRTY YEARS OF DISTINCTION 4.5” * Ballet * Jazz * Tap * Hip Hop * Creative Movement * Intro to Dance Ages 3 to Adult 2016/17 Registration Dates Members Only: June 16, 2016 7:00 - 10:00 pm KNRRC Banquet Room General Registration: June 21, 2016 6:00 - 9:00 pm KNRRC Lobby 31 780.929.5836 Year-End Show Jubilee Auditorium May 29, 2016 Ticketmaster ACTIVITY GUIDE 6.875” Date: Celebrating 28 years of Genbukai CONTACT: in Beaumont Approved Shito-Ryu Karate Sandra Ampem • Tel: 780.929.1353 Kendall Watson (head instructor) Email: [email protected] Approved with Changes Case Watson (instructor) ____________________ he following advertisement/ listing will e published in the 016 SUMMER Activity Guide. Please review the information for factual ccuracy, then sign as approved, or ndicate necessary changes. Please fax promtly to 780.929.8729 3.375” 1/2 PAGE ______________________ Attention: Quarter Page 4.5” PROOF BEAUMONT RINGETTE Additional proof required PLEASE NOTE: Looking for a fun activity child, yourself orcorrect, we ask Whilefor everyyour effort is made to ensure that details are that you read this proof carefully, checking the address, Date: the ______________________ whole family in the fall? Train together as a familyphone and fax information. or an individual- contact us for a free trial class. The publisher does not assume any responsibility for errors. Also note Signature: ____________________ We offer traditional martial arts training a fun and the colours on that colours shown here representin as closely as possible the final printed piece, but due to differences in monitors and printing fitness-focussed way. devices, they may not be exact. Training is designed for all body types (and ages) with the goal of building confidence, developing physical coordination and increasing cardiovascular fitness and body strength. For more information please contact: [email protected] or 780-504-4475 Half Page Check us out on Facebook: 6.875” Quarter Page 3.375” Come See Beaumont Ringette AGM is set for May 18th, 2016 Doors open at 6:45PM, Meeting at 7:00PM, KNRRC, Curling Lounge Attendance is your only chance to recieve your $75 discount registration code Come Try Visit to see where the next free "Come Try Ringette" event is being held Get to skate on the ice and learn how the sport is played Come Play 32 Beaumont Ringette Online Registration will be available right after the AGM Just go to our website Summer 2016 Activity Guide 4.5” Come See, Come Try, Come Play Ringette ACTIVITY GUIDE PROOF Date: 1/2 PAGE ______________________ Attention: ____________________ The following advertisement/ listing will be published in the 2016 SUMMER Activity Guide. Approved with Changes CONTACT: Sandra Ampem • Tel: 780.929.1353 Email: [email protected] Additional proof required PLEASE NOTE: Approved Date: While every effort is made to ensure that details are correct, we ask that you read this proof carefully, checking the address, phone and fax information. ______________________ Please review the information for factual accuracy, then sign as approved, or indicate necessary changes. The publisher does not assume any responsibility for errors. Also note Signature: ____________________ Phone: 780-737-0200 #107, 5001 - 30 Avenue, Beaumont, AB that colours shown here represent as closely as possible the colours on the final printed piece, but due to differences in monitors and printing [email protected] Please fax promtly to 780.929.8729 devices, they may not be exact. Half Page Quarter Page 6.875” 3.375” 4.5” OÙ : Beaumont (5505 Magasin Ave) WHERE : Beaumont (5505 Magasin Ave) QUAND: Du 4 juillet au 26 août 2016, de 9h à 16h30. (Service avant et après camp de disponible) WHEN: July 4th to August 26th 2016, from 9am to 4:30pm. (Early drop off and late pickup available) Activités de sciences, d’arts, culinaires, sports…Scientifics activities, arts, culinary, sports… QUI: Enfants de 5 à 12 ans WHO: Children from 5 to 12 years old TARIF: 150$/semaine (service de garde avant et après camp: 50$/semaine) COST : $150/week (Early drop off and late pickup: $50/week) INSCRIPTIONS/REGISTRATION : [email protected] (780)929-1180 33 TOWN OF BEAUMONT ACTIVITY GUIDE 6.875” 6.875” 6.875” Date: 1/2 PAGE ______________________ Attention: Please review the information for factual accuracy, then sign as approved, or indicate necessary changes. Approved with Changes CONTACT: Sandra Ampem • Tel: 780.929.1353 Email: [email protected] Additional proof required PLEASE NOTE: Approved ____________________ The following advertisement/ listing will be published in the 2016 SPRING Activity Guide. 3.375” 3.375” 3.375” 4.5” 4.5” 4.5” PROOF Quarter Quarter Page Page BEAUMONT SCHOOL OF HIGHLAND DANCE Date: While every effort is made to ensure that details are correct, we ask that you read this proof carefully, checking the address, phone and fax information. ______________________ Signature: ____________________ The publisher does not assume any responsibility for errors. Also note that colours shown here represent as closely as possible the colours on the final printed piece, but due to differences in monitors and printing devices, they may not be exact. Please fax promtly to 780.929.8729 Half Page email: [email protected] • website: Quarter Page 6.875” 3.375” 4.5” Children's classes for boys & girls, ages 3 years & older. Beginner to Advanced Levels. Beginner Adult Class. Classes starting in September. For more information, contact: Carmen at 780-929-9201 or [email protected] 34 Summer 2016 Activity Guide Do you know an individual or group in your community who has made valuable contribution in a volunteer capacity that you would like to see recognized? The Philip Ki Joon Oh Volunteer of the Year/Youth Volunteer of the Year Awards are presented during the Town of Beaumont Annual Volunteer Appreciation Event. For details & nomination forms go to COMMUNITY VOLUNTEER ORGANIZATIONS ADULT SPORTS GROUPS Adult Co-Ed Basketball 780-737-7710 c.billings@shaw Beaumont Adult Slow-Pitch Chantz Matter Chris Billings 780-920-9426 780-929-6522 [email protected] Beaumont Badminton Club 780-707-7895 [email protected] Vive Kumar Beaumont Chiefs Junior Hockey Club Denis Poitras 780-929-8172 Box 8, 4901 – 55 Avenue Beaumont, AB T4X 1M9 [email protected] Beaumont Curling Club Joel Powlesland 780-929-8515 Box 3012 Beaumont, AB T4X 1K8 [email protected] Beaumont Karate-Do Inc. Kendall Watson 780-504-4475 157 Rue Monique Beaumont AB T4X 0G3 Fog Duckers Old Timers Hockey (+35) Bill Moon 780-920-2732 [email protected] Gaspurrs Hockey Club Brad Kirschenman 780-929-5274 [email protected] Ladies Soccer - Beaumont Belles Janet Koehler 780-929-8466 [email protected] Phoenix Taekwon-Do Alan Passmore 780-919-2522 Tennis Partner Registry/Drop-in Darlene Hawryluk 957 - 110A St NW Edmonton, AB T6J 6N4 [email protected] 780-929-6607 Volleyball Association (Competitive) Susan Taylor 780-718-9942 4211 – 46 Avenue Beaumont AB T4X 1H1 [email protected] BAHA Greg Propp (Beaumont Amateur Hockey Assoc.) Box 2, 4901 – 55 Avenue Beaumont, AB T4X 1M9 [email protected] Beaumont Basketball Association Chris Billings 780-904-6087 60 Champlain Place Beaumont, AB T4X 1R8 [email protected] CHILDREN SPORTS GROUPS Beaumont Inline/Edmonton In-Line Hockey Sharon Zylstra 780-484-0189 [email protected] Beaumont Karate-Do Inc. Kendall Watson 780-504-4475 157 Rue Monique Beaumont AB T4X 0G3 Beaumont Minor Ball Association P.O. Box 3054 Beaumont, AB T4X 1K8 [email protected] Beaumont Minor Football Association Brian Tancowny 780-940-5373 3601 – 65 Street Beaumont AB Beaumont Raiders Lacrosse Association Chad Courchene 780-893-7801 – President Box 15, 4901 – 55 Avenue Beaumont, AB T4X 1M9 [email protected] Beaumont Ringette Association Jackie Shimko – President Box 10, 4901 - 55 Ave Beaumont, AB T4X 1M9 [email protected] Beaumont Skating Club Jenelle Deputat Box 4, 4901 - 55 Avenue Beaumont, AB T4X 1M9 [email protected] Beaumont Soccer Association- Jenny Cooper 587-987-9667 Outdoor/Indoor Box1, 4901 – 44 Avenue Beaumont,AB T4X 1M9 [email protected] Boys & Girls Shinny Hockey Tom K 5006 - 59 St. [email protected] Beaumont, AB T4X 1B7 780-913-8325 PLEASE NOTE: This list is based on information on file as of March 31, 2015. For the most recent updates please view the list at 35 COMMUNITY VOLUNTEER ORGANIZATIONS Do you know an individual or group in your community who has made valuable contribution in a volunteer capacity that you would like to see recognized? The Philip Ki Joon Oh Volunteer of the Year/Youth Volunteer of the Year Awards are presented during the Town of Beaumont Annual Volunteer Appreciation Event. For details & nomination forms go to High School Football (Bandits) Olwen Lepps, BCHS 780- 929-6282 BCHS, 5417 - 43 Ave [email protected] Beaumont, AB T4X 1K1 Leduc District Minor Rachael 780-902-1136 Football Association P.O. Box 3191 Leduc, AB. T9E 6L9 PhoenixTae Kwon-Do Alan Passmore 780-919-2522 957 - 110A St NW [email protected] Edmonton, AB T6J 6N4 Rabbit Hill Ski Club Dave & Michelle Clark 780-929-5652 P.O Box 66029 [email protected] Edmonton, AB T6J 6T2 Triton Swimming Lara Apps 780-868-4945 [email protected] [email protected] CULTURAL/ YOUTH GROUPS After School Art Classes Ilda Labrecque 780-999-7777 [email protected] St. Albert AB T8N 6M1 2nd Beaumont Brownie Unit Charalyn Parlee 780-737-1136 287 Beaumont ‘Spitfire’ Andrew McEwon 780-239-6700 Box 12 4901-55 Ave [email protected] Royal Canadian Air Cadet Squadron Beaumont, AB T4X 1M9 Artists’ Association of Beaumont 107 Lakeview Crescent [email protected] Bonnie-Jean McAllister 780-619-3582 Beaumont AB T4X 1T4 Beaumont Blues & Roots Jeremy Kornel, President P.O. Box 3280 STN Main [email protected] Festival Society Brent Hannah, Vice President Beaumont, AB T4X 1L1 [email protected] Beaumont Dry Grad Committee Cherry Ann Layton 5315 – 61 St. [email protected] Beaumont, AB T4X 0B1 Beaumont Girl Guides Genessa Belzile 780-929-0220 Box 14, 4901 – 55 Avenue [email protected] Beaumont, AB T4X 1M9 Beaumont & District Heritage Society Box 13, 4901 – 55 Avenue [email protected] Beaumont, AB T4X 1M9 Bruce Walker 780-929-7360 780-929-2891 Beaumont Photography Club Elaine Grandin 780-929-2123 [email protected] Beaumont School of Highland Dance Carmen Munawych 780-929-9201 70 Pointe Masson [email protected] Beaumont AB T4X 1S9 Beaumont Society School of Dance Box 3, 4901- 55 Avenue [email protected] Julia Reid 780-929-2188 Beaumont, AB T4X 1M9 Beaumont Writer’s Group Edward Yatscoff C/o Beaumont Library [email protected] Edna Gerrie 5700-49th Street 780-929-5974 Black Gold Community Band 36 17 Dominion Way Mike Giesbrecht Beaumont, AB T4X 1S7 780-974-2346 [email protected] Community Music Initatives [email protected] Clarence denBok 1-877-413-4810 (toll free)P.O. Box 4316 Music For Young Children Shelley McKone Edmonton, AB T6E 4T3 780-929-2951 [email protected] Scouts Group 1st Beaumont [email protected] André Lachappelle 780-929-1200 Box 16, 4901 – 55 Avenue Beaumont, AB T4X 1M9 Town of Beaumont Cheryl Baxter 5600-49 Street, Promotions Committee Summer 2016 Activity Guide 780-929-1372 Beaumont, AB T4X 1A1 IF YOU ARE A CVO: to update your information on this page please call 780.929.2563. COMMUNITY VOLUNTEER ORGANIZATIONS EDUCATIONAL/LIBRARY/CHILD CARE Académie Saint-André Academy Jim McMullen, Principal 780-929-2961 5811 Eaglemont Street Beaumont, Alberta T4X 0X1 [email protected] Association Garderie les p’tits chaussons/Little Slippers Daycare 5701 Magasin Avenue Beaumont AB T4X 1V8 [email protected] Bibliotheque de Beaumont/ Martin Walters 780-929-2665 Beaumont Library 5700 – 49 Street Beaumont, AB T4X 1S7 [email protected] Black Gold Regional School Trustee Lorna Misselbrook 780-929-7670 [email protected] Early Education Program (EEP) Patrick Gamache-Hutchison, 780-929-8663 Principal 5103 – 50 Avenue [email protected] Beaumont, AB T4X 1K4 École Beau Meadow School Jennifer O’Brien, Principal 4322 - 44 St. Beaumont, AB T4X 1K3 780-929-2175 École Beau Meadow School Council Chairperson 780-929-2175 [email protected] 4322 - 44 St. Beaumont, AB T4X 1K3 École Beaumont Composite High School Chris Peacocke, Principal 780-929-6282 5417 - 43 Avenue [email protected] Kelly Chartrand 780-929-2840 Beaumont, AB T4X 1K1 (school community use booking agent) École Beaumont Composite Chairperson 780-929-6501 High School Council 5417 – 43 Avenue Beaumont, AB T4X 1K1 École Bellevue School 5103 - 50 Avenue Beaumont, AB T4X 1K4 Patrick Gamache-Hutchison 780-929-8663 Principal [email protected] École Bellevue School Council Chairperson 780-929-8663 5103 - 50 Avenue Beaumont, AB T4X 1K4 École Coloniale Estates School Matthew Kierstead, Principal 780-929-5904 #37 Coloniale Way Beaumont, AB T4X 1M7 École Coloniale School Council Chairperson 780-929-5904 #37 Coloniale Way Beaumont, AB T4X 1M7 École Dansereau Meadows School Susanne Stroud, Principal 780-929-1928 5907 Rue Eaglemont Beaumont, AB T4X 1K3 [email protected] École Dansereau Meadows School Jill Normandeau 780-929-1928 Parent’s Association 5907 Rue Eaglemont Beaumont, AB T4X 1K3 [email protected] École Francophone de Beaumont Sonia Durand 780-929-1183 5701 Magasin Avenue Beaumont AB T4X 1V8 [email protected] École JE Lapointe School Marla Tonita, Principal or 780-929-5977 or 4801 - 55 Avenue [email protected] Darren Helgren, 780-929-5988 Beaumont. AB T4X 1K2 [email protected] Assistant Principal École JE Lapointe School Council Chairperson 4801 - 55 Avenue Beaumont, AB T4X 1K2 Friends of Childcare Society Twila Warwarick, President 780-929-8489 [email protected] Friends of the Library Claire Spink 780-737-1910 c/o Beaumont Library [email protected] 5700 – 49 Street Beaumont, AB T4X 1S7 Kindergarten Local Advisory Committee Bellevue School 780-929-8663 5103 - 50 Avenue Beaumont, AB T4X 1K4 37 COMMUNITY VOLUNTEER ORGANIZATIONS Do you know an individual or group in your community who has made valuable contribution in a volunteer capacity that you would like to see recognized? The Philip Ki Joon Oh Volunteer of the Year/Youth Volunteer of the Year Awards are presented during the Town of Beaumont Annual Volunteer Appreciation Event. For details & nomination forms go to L’Ecole Des Petits President 780-929-5445 [email protected] St. Thomas Aquinas Roman Catholic Separate Regional Division #38 Superintendent - Dr. Troy A. Davies Tiny Tots Playschool 780-986-2500 1-800-583-0688 4906 – 49 Ave., Leduc, AB T9E 6W6 [email protected] 780-929-2808 780-318-0043 5423 - 55 Avenue Beaumont, AB T4X 1A4 [email protected] OTHER A Child’s Hope (foster parent information) Recruitment line 780-422-3333 – recruitment line [email protected] Beaumont Aging in Place Society 780-929-9889 780-929-9000 [email protected] Office Assisted Living Beaumont & District Agricultural Society Jim Hiley 780-464-5207 5010A - 52 Avenue Charles Fensky – 780-929-2809 Beaumont, AB T4X 1E5 Community Gardens [email protected] [email protected] Beaumont Chamber of Commerce Box 11, 4901 – 55 Ave. Beaumont, AB T4X 1M9 [email protected] Beaumont Citizens on Patrol (COPS) Eugene Smereka 780-929-8917 5600 – 49 Street [email protected] Beaumont, AB T4X 1A1 Beaumont Columbus Alberta Association Maxine Cherwonka 780-929-5588 Box 20, 4901 – 55 Avenue Beaumont, AB T4X 1M9 Beaumont Community Centre Miles Brunken 780-221-8083 5204 - 50 Avenue Beaumont, AB T4X 1C9 Beaumont and District Lions Club President 780-983-0132 Box 6, 4901 – 55 Avenue Beaumont, AB T4X 1M9 Beaumont Fire Department Bob Gates, Fire Chief 780-929-6185 5600 - 49 St. Beaumont, AB T4X 1A1 [email protected] Beaumont Indoor Playground Box 19, 4901 – 55 Avenue [email protected] Beaumont Toastmasters Jim Hunter 780-278-4602 Meeting Location Bell Mobility, #106, 6002 29 Ave, Beaumont Mon 7:30 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. [email protected] Black Gold Health Foundation (funding arm of 780-980-4536 Leduc Community Hospital & Health Centres of Beaumont, Thorsby & Leduc) Leduc Community Hospital [email protected] 4210 – 48 Street Leduc, AB T9E 5Z3 Alberta Health Services – 780-929-4822 Beaumont Public Health Centre 4918 - 50 Avenue Beaumont, AB T4X 1J9 Christmas Elves Corrina Hyndman – President780-910-1225 Suzzanne Hobson 780-984-0171 Community Use School Bookings Kelly Chartrand 780-929-2840 38 5020 – 52 Ave. Beaumont, AB T4X 1P3 [email protected] 5417 – 43 Avenue [email protected] Beaumont, AB. T4X 1K1 Dream Cruizers Rob Biddlecombe 780-720-8402 [email protected] Family History Club Carole Hudson [email protected] 780-929-8031 or 780-932-8031 (cell) 4816 - 55 Ave. Beaumont, AB T4X 1J8 Kin Club of Beaumont Amy Bourque 780-982-1651 Knights of Columbus – Conseil LaPointe Adrien Bussiere 780-929-9885 Summer 2016 Activity Guide [email protected] 5204B – 50 Avenue Beaumont, AB T4X 1E3 IF YOU ARE A CVO: to update your information on this page please call 780.929.2563. COMMUNITY VOLUNTEER ORGANIZATIONS Knights of Columbus – Shaen Handfield 780-436-4601 Our Lady of the Hill Council Box 18, 4901 – 55 Avenue [email protected] Beaumont, AB T4X 1M9 Leduc & District Victim Services 780-980-7232 #1 – 4119 – 50 Street, Leduc, AB T9E 7L9 Leduc Regional Crimestoppers c/o RCMP/Bylaw [email protected] 5501 Magasin Ave., Beaumont, AB T4X 1V8 NASAP (Northern Alberta Society for Anminal Protection) Geneive Horvath Seniors/Disabled Van Ben Gosselin (summer) 780-929-5163 Theresa Goudreau (winter) 780-929-8378 St. Vital Seniors Club Le Rendezvous Patricia Walker 780-922-0250 780-929-5692 [email protected] 5204A - 50 Avenue Beaumont, AB T4X 1E3 5204A - 50 Avenue Beaumont, AB T4X 1E3 [email protected] Religious Organizations Beaumont Baha’i Faith John Higgins 780-929-5816 Box 5 4901-55 Ave [email protected] Beaumont, AB T4X 1M9 Beaumont Baptist Church Pastor-Jim MacPhee 587-784-9853 Beaumont Community Centre 5204-50 Avenue Beaumont AB Beaumont Community Church Pastor – 780-929-6444 Bernd Hyde 5423 - 55 Street Beaumont, AB T4X 1A4 [email protected] Beaumont Community Church Pastor – Bernd Heyde 780-929-6444 Student Ministries 5423 - 55 Street Beaumont, AB T4X 1A4 [email protected] Eaglemont Christian Church Pastor Marlo Jenkins 780-929-5111 5002 – 62 Street Beaumont, AB T4X 1V5 [email protected] Eaglemont Christian Church Student Ministries 5002 – 62 Street Beaumont, AB T4X 1V5 [email protected] Box 17, 4901 - 55 Avenue Beaumont, AB T4X 1M9 [email protected] Living Hope Lutheran Church Pastor Roger Olson 780-737-4337 5204 – 50 Avenue Beaumont, AB T4X 1M2 [email protected] St. Columba Anglican Church Rev. Wendy Ainsworth 780-929-5262 5703 - 50 Avenue Beaumont, AB T4X 1C4 St. Vital CWL Jo-Anne Bérubé 780-929-8541 4905 – 50 Street Beaumont, AB T4X 1J9 St. Vital Roman Catholic Church Rev. Len Cadieux 780-929-8541 4905 - 50 St. Beaumont, AB T4X 1J9 St. Vital Youth Group Fabiola Forcier 780-929-8541 4905 - 50 St. Beaumont, AB T4X 1J9 The Church of Jesus Christ Darven Smetaniuk 780-929-9564 of Latter-Day Saints (Beaumont Ward) 91 Rue Madelene Beaumont, AB T4X 0E9 Jeff Kiers 780-929-5111 Harvest Community Church Pastor Trevor Lund 780-929-6960 780-718-6978 [email protected] PLEASE NOTE: This list is based on information on file as of March 31 2015. For the most recent updates please view the list at 39 Something to CELEBRATE 2016 Events | Town of Beaumont To v olu for e nteer v plea ents s e c 780929- all 2848 Family Day at the Pool FEBRUARY 15 Opportunity for families to come together and spend the afternoon at the Aqua-fit Centre. There will be a toonie swim, games, activities and snacks. Canada Day Spring Awareness* Community and Protective Services BBQ* JULY 21 MARCH 5 This is your opportunity to gain valuable exposure within the community, to gather registrations, circulate information, recruit volunteers and members. Francophone Day MARCH 7 Opportunity for Francophones and Francophiles to express their love for the French language and culture. Historical presentation of Beaumont’s Francophone heritage. Cake & entertainment. Members of the francophone community of Alberta are welcome! Volunteer Appreciation* APRIL 15 The Town of Beaumont’s Community and Protective Services Department is once again hosting the annual volunteer appreciation celebration to recognize YOU the Beaumont Volunteer. CIB Breakfast MAY 7 A free pancake breakfast and activities kick off the annual town spring clean-up campaign! Beaumont is participating in the National Edition of Communities in Bloom and will be evaluated in each area: tidiness, environmental action, heritage conservation, urban forestry, landscape, and floral displays! Town & Country Daze JUNE 17-19 Beaumont’s largest annual event. A weekend full of events at venues around the community. Activities include parade, entertainment stage, classic car show, petting zoo, horse competition, trade show, fireworks show and more! This weekend has something for everyone! JULY 1 One-day event that includes live entertainment, birthday cake, fireworks and more family-friendly celebrations that showcase our community’s civic pride. Join us for this Free Family BBQ. This is a fun evening including good food, and activities! Food bank donations greatly appreciated. Fall Awareness* SEPTEMBER 1 The Town offers this opportunity to groups to help promote their programs, services, accept registrations and/or memberships and recruit volunteers. Alberta Cultural Days SEPTEMBER 24 More details to come closer to the date. Remembrance Day* NOVEMBER 11 A Remembrance Day service will be held to honour the achievements and sacrifices of those who served our country in times of war and peace. A light luncheon will follow afterwards. Brighten Up Beaumont NOVEMBER 25 Horse drawn sleigh rides, music, hot chocolate, crafts, live entertainment and a visit from Santa are all included in this fantastic event! Bring your family or friends and come join in the spirit of the holidays! * Brought to you by the Town of Beaumont H A ET R D TO N G G E G BL R O W M SE IN EN G IR ER Events brought to you by the Town of Beaumont Promotions Committee VILLE DE / TOWN OF BEAUMONT