fIrsT call for PaPers


fIrsT call for PaPers
First Call for Papers
Dear Colleagues:
Ronald Keyser, General Chair
801 South Illinois Avenue
Oak Ridge, TN USA 37831-0895
The Second NSS was held in Oak Ridge in 1955. In 1960, it was held in Gatlinburg.
Now, 50 years later, the NSS is returning to East Tennessee. The NSS will be joined
by the MIC and RTSD in Knoxville. The meeting offers a great opportunity to meet
old friends and colleagues, and to make new ones from all parts of the world. The
technical sessions and casual meetings offer the best way to exchange knowledge
and ideas in nuclear science, medical imaging, and detector development. Once
again, we are fortunate to be joined by the RTSD and the Molecular Radiology of
Breast Cancer workshops.
This location not only provides an excellent venue for our professional meeting, but
also is an ideal location for attendees who can bring their families. Companion tours
will include several short trips around East Tennessee. These will be both social and
historic with visits to Oak Ridge and local museums. Technical tours to ORNL and
local companies will also be offered.
On behalf of the organizing committee, I encourage you to make plans now to attend
the 57th NSS conference of the IEEE Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Society. I look
forward to welcoming you to Knoxville in October 2010 for the NSS-MIC-RTSD.
Ronald Keyser
General Chair
801 South Illinois Avenue
Oak Ridge, TN 37830
Telephone: (865) 483-2146
FAX: (865) 481-2438
The Organizing Committee is planning a conference to bring together all aspects of
the science in our disciplines to further the state-of-the-art and disseminate up-to-date
scientific information through the oral and poster presentations. There will be several
short courses and workshops before the main conferences. The popular refresher
courses will be held during the week to review current topics of special interest. A
commercial exhibition featuring the state-of-the-art products and services from a wide
range of companies will take place during the middle part of the meeting.
The Institute of Electronic and Electrical Engineers
The Knoxville area is home to many institutions, laboratories, and companies that
have been significant contributors to these conferences since the beginning. In
addition to a modern conference facility, the Knoxville area has much to offer the
attendees including the unique qualities of autumn in the Smoky Mountains. The
average date of peak leaf color in the mountains is in mid-October. Within easy
walking distance of the conference center are several hotels. All offer excellent
accommodations and all are near the “social center” of Knoxville.
First Call for Papers
Abstract Submission Deadline:
10 May 2010
E-mail: [email protected]
Email: [email protected]
[email protected]
Nuclear Science Symposium
17th International Workshop on Room-Temerature Semiconductor
X-ray and Gamma-ray Detectors (RTSD)
The Nuclear Science Symposium (NSS) offers an outstanding opportunity for scientists and engineers
interested or actively working in the fields of nuclear science, radiation instrumentation, software
and their applications, to meet with colleagues from around the world. The program emphasizes
the latest developments in technology and instrumentation and their implementation in experiments for space, accelerators, other radiation
environments, and homeland security.
Topical Workshops cover areas of specific interest. Within the framework of an educational scientific program, Short Courses are organized to
focus on topics of interest for the scientific community. Authors are invited to submit papers describing original unpublished works in the topics
areas listed below:
• Analog and Digital Circuits
• Astrophysics and Space Instrumentation
• Scientific Computation and Simulation
• Gaseous Detectors
• Nuclear Measurements and Monitoring Techniques
• High Energy and Nuclear Physics Instrumentation
• Instrumentation for Homeland and National Security
• Instrumentation for Medical and Biological Research
• Semiconductor Detectors
• Neutron Detectors and Instrumentation
• Instrumentation for Nuclear Power Reactors
• Radiation Imaging Detectors
• Radiation Damage Effects
• Scintillators and Scintillation Detectors
• Synchrotron Radiation and FEL Instrumentation
• Trigger and Front-End Systems
John D. Valentine
NSS Program Chair
Science Applications International Corporation
Telephone: +1 (858) 826-9562
Cell: +1 (858) 768-1546
Email: [email protected]
Timothy DeVol
NSS Deputy Program Chair
Clemson University
Department of Environmental Engineering and Earth Sciences
Telephone: +1 (864) 656-1014
Email: [email protected]
The 17th International Workshop on Room-Temerature Semiconductor X-ray and Gamma-ray
Detectors (RTSD) represents the largest forum of scientists and engineers developing new solid-state radiation detectors and imaging arrays.
Room-temperature semiconductor radiation detectors are finding increasing applications in such diverse fields as medicine, homeland security,
astrophysics and environmental remediation. The objective of this workshop is to provide a forum for discussion of the state-of-the-art of the
material development, characterization, device technology, electronics and applications. To provide a comprehensive review, oral and poster
presentations representing a broad spectrum of research activities emphasizing either device or materials understanding are sought. Authors are
encouraged to submit abstracts on original works in the following areas:
• Semiconductor Materials for Radiation Detection
• Crystal Growth, Materials and Defects Characterization
• Strip, Pixel and Discrete Semiconductor Detectors
• Properties of Electrical Contacts and Device Technology
• Radiation Damage, Long-Term Stability and Environmental Effects
• Scintillator/Semiconductor Array Hybrids
• Semiconductor Neutron Detectors
• Detector/ASIC Hybridization, Interconnects and Electronics
• Spectrometer Systems for Homeland Security, Nuclear Inspections
Safeguards and Portal Monitoring
• Imaging Systems for Medical, Astrophysics, Non-Destructive Testing
and Cargo Monitoring Applications
Michael Fiederle
RTSD Co-Chair
University of Freiburg, Freiburger Materialforschungszentrum
Stefan-Meier-Strasse 21
79104 Freiburg, Germany
Phone: +49 (761) 203-4775
Fax: +49 (761) 203-4700
Email: [email protected]
Ralph B. James
RTSD Co-Chair
Brookhaven National Laboratory
Building 460, P. O. Box 5000
Upton, NY 11973, USA
Phone: +1 (631) 344-8633
Fax: +1 (631) 344-5584
Email: [email protected]
Medical Imaging Conference
Short Course Program
The Medical Imaging Conference (MIC) is the foremost international scientific meeting on the physics, engineering and mathematical aspects
of nuclear medicine based imaging.
An excellent program of short courses will be offered at the start of the NSS-MIC programs, covering a wide range of nuclear and medical
technology. All courses include refreshments, lecture notes, and a certificate of completion as part of the registration fee. Full day courses also
include lunch. For updated information, including the schedule, please visit the conference website.
As the field develops, multi-modality approaches are becoming more and more important. The content of the MIC reflects this, with a growing
emphasis on the methodologies of X-ray, optical and MR imaging as they relate to nuclear imaging techniques. In addition, specialized topics
will be addressed in Short Courses and Workshops.
Authors are invited to submit papers describing original and innovative
contributions to the field of medical imaging on the topics listed below:
• Emission Tomography Instrumentation (PET, SPECT)
• Other Medical Imaging Technologies (CT, MR, Optical)
• Multi-modality Systems
• High Resolution & Pre-clinical Imaging Instrumentation and Techniques
• Application Specific Imaging Instrumentation and Techniques
• Imaging Instrumentation and Techniques for Precision Radiotherapy
• Intra-operative Probes & Portable Imaging Systems
• New Detector Materials/Technologies for Medical Imaging
• Image Reconstruction Methods
• Data Corrections and Quantitative Imaging Techniques
• Simulation and Modeling of Medical Imaging Systems
• Data Acquisition and Signal Processing
• Image Processing and Evaluation
• Imaging Instrumentation and Techniques for Precision Radiotherapy
David W. Townsend
MIC Program Chair
Head, PET and SPECT Development
Singapore Bioimaging Consortium
National University of Singapore
Telephone: +65 6478 8722
FAX: +65 6478 9957
Email: [email protected]
Charles C. Watson
MIC Deputy Program Chair
Siemens Medical Solutions USA, Inc.
Molecular Imaging
810 Innovation Dr.
Knoxville, TN 37932-2562
Telephone: +1 (865) 218 2419
FAX: +1 (865) 218 3000
Email: [email protected]
NSS (Sat & Sun):
• Radiation Detection & Measurement (2-day)
• Nuclear Science in Homeland Security (1-day)
• Integrated Circuit Front-End Electronics (1-day)
• Nuclear and Renewable Energy Production (1-day)
• Advanced Photodetectors (1-day)
MIC (Sun & Mon):
• Image Reconstruction (1-day)
• Molecular Imaging Basics) (1-day)
• Image Quality (1-day)
• Detectors for PET & SPECT: physics and design (1-day)
• Medical Statistics (1-day)
Stephen E. Derenzo
NSS Short Course Chair
Phone: +1 (510) 486-4097
Fax: +1 (510) 486-4768
Email: [email protected]
Jennifer Huber
MIC Short Course Chair
Phone: +1 (510) 486-6445
Fax: +1 (510) 486-4768
Email: [email protected]
Special focus workshops will address topics of current instrumentation research appropriate to
interests of NSS, MIC, and RTSD attendees. Among the subjects being considered are Molecular
Radiology of Breast Cancer, Innovative Techniques for Hadron Therapy, Nuclear Forensics, as well
as other topics relevant to radiation detection and medical imaging.
As workshop subjects, coordinators, and times are confirmed, they will be posted on the conference website. Note that some workshops may be
before or after the main days of the conference, so check the website for details before making travel arrangements.
Industrial Program
Vendors with products and services related to the NSS and MIC are invited to participate in the Industrial Program which comprises an exhibition
and an integrated program of technical seminars. An exhibition area central to conference activities will be provided to display the latest in
products and innovation.
Jean-Francois Pratte
Attendees are invited to visit the exhibition area and the technical
Exhibits Chairman
seminars to learn about the newest products. Interested vendors
Phone: +1 (819)-821-8000 x62010
should contact:
Fax: +1 (819)-821-7937
Email: [email protected]
Companion Program
East Tennessee is an ideal location for attendees and their families. The area is rich in American history and natural scenic beauty. Companion
tours will include several short trips around East Tennessee and Western North Carolina. There will be both social and historic opportunities with
visits to Oak Ridge and local museums. Technical tours to Oak Ridge National Laboratory and local companies will also be offered. Check the
website for more details.
Travel to Knoxville, Tennessee
Knoxville is easily reached by numerous flights from North American cities to Knoxville McGee Tyson Airport (TYS). There are connecting flights
to Knoxville from Atlanta, Chicago, Cincinnati, and other international hub cities. Nashville (BNA) is an alternative (160 miles drive). The drive
from Nashville is an easy drive on Interstate 40 through the countryside, giving a chance to view the magnificent colors. Another possibility
is Atlanta (ATL) at 200 miles. Most of the drive is through the countryside on Interstate 75, but the first 30 miles are in metro Atlanta. More
information will be posted to the website as the meeting date approaches.
Abstract Submission
Authors are invited to submit their abstracts electronically to the corresponding Program Chair via the conference web site www.nss-mic.
org/2010. A summary, describing important features of the paper, must be submitted electronically with each abstract. The summary has no predetermined layout, but should have a maximum length of two pages including tables, diagrams and references, in PDF format. The summary will
be the basis for paper selection, and we advise authors to focus on describing the salient aspects concisely. During electronic submission a topic,
most closely associated with the author’s work, may be chosen, though this is not binding. Please indicate whether you prefer an oral or poster
presentation. Oral presentations will be exclusively electronic, with no provision for overheads or slides. All abstracts and summaries will be
reviewed by the corresponding Program Chairs and their committees. Accepted papers will be sorted between oral and poster presentation and
assigned a location within the conference schedule.
All papers presented at the NSS, MIC, RTSD, and Workshops will be published in the Conference Record provided they are received at the
Conference. In addition, all authors may submit their papers to a special conference issue of the IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science. Medical
Imaging authors may alternatively choose to submit their manuscripts to the IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging. All Transaction papers will be
subject to a formal review process. Detailed information on paper publication will be provided to authors of accepted papers.
Student financial aid
Student grants to support attending the conference and short courses are available due to the generous support of individuals, agencies, and
companies. The Paul Phelps Continuing Education Grant, the Valentin T. Jordanov Radiation Instrumentation Travel Grant, and the Conference
Trainee Grants will be available. The requirements and application details will be on the website.