Jim Eisenhauer Denise Green Dan Steele Grace Swan Andrew
Jim Eisenhauer Denise Green Dan Steele Grace Swan Andrew
Honourees In The Year of Our Lord, 2015 As we mark the 10th Anniversary of the Reopening and Reconsecration of the Church, we honour the members of the Restoration Committee: Jim Eisenhauer Denise Green Dan Steele Grace Swan Andrew Eisenhauer *Jim Morrow* Ed Jordan *Ben Smith* *have been previously honoured We honour the Parish Wardens who served during the Restoration and the Reopening of the Church Peter Allen Ron Swan Jane Ritcey Moore 1 We honour the following Parishioners who have faithfully served St. John’s Parish throughout the years. Alex and Sharon Green Jim and Viola Green Andrew and Patty Tanner Ernest and Paulette Symes 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS ACW Catering Report .................................................................................................................. 42 ACW Report ................................................................................................................................. 41 ACW Treasurer’s Report .............................................................................................................. 43 Auditor’s Report............................................................................................................................ 52 Balance Report .............................................................................................................................. 53 Chimer’s Report............................................................................................................................ 18 Clergy Continuing Education Statement ...................................................................................... 39 Congregational Development Report ........................................................................................... 23 Contribution Range Report ........................................................................................................... 52 Crumbs from the Table ................................................................................................................ 40 Director of Music Report .............................................................................................................. 16 Discretionary Fund Report ........................................................................................................... 51 Energy Report ............................................................................................................................... 29 Hand Bells Report ......................................................................................................................... 17 Heritage Ministry Report .............................................................................................................. 19 Honourees Report ...........................................................................................................................1 Ladies’ Guild Report...................................................................................................................... 47 Ladies’ Guild Financial Statement.................................................................................................. 48 Lay Reader’s Annual Report .......................................................................................................... 25 Lunenburg Interchurch Food Bank Report ................................................................................... 40 Minutes of the Annual Meeting 2014 ...............................................................................................5 Missionaries and Rectors .................................................................................................Back Cover Parish Register .................................................................................................................................4 Planned Giving Report .................................................................................................................. 46 Planned Giving Financials .............................................................................................................. 44 Prayer & Healing Ministry Report ................................................................................................. 18 Property Ministry Report .............................................................................................................. 28 Proposed Parish Council 2015 ...................................................................................................... 60 Rector’s Report ................................................................................................................................8 Regional Council Report ............................................................................................................... 33 SafeR Church ................................................................................................................................. 27 Sanctuary & Chancel Guild Report ............................................................................................... 49 Sanctuary & Chancel Guild Financial Statement ........................................................................... 50 Service Statistics for 2014 ............................................................................................................. 38 Spiritual Development Ministry Report ........................................................................................ 30 Summer Tour Report.................................................................................................................... 32 Sunday School Report ................................................................................................................... 21 Treasurer’s Report Income & Expenses 2014 .............................................................................. 54 Warden’s Report ........................................................................................................................... 14 3 ST. JOHN’S PARISH REGISTER Baptisms CHILD Soraya Rita-Elizabeth Ward Tenley Karen Spindler Lillian Eileen Selig Eadlin Ruth Fraser Landyn Emmet Richard Julia June Eisenhauer Lucus Mathew Daniels Owen Marc Ricketts Lexi Mary-Sue Wagner Anna Marion Bower Ellen Jane Spence PARENTS Nolan Ward & Shayna Kenney Chad & Chasity Spindler Joel Selig & Laura Johnston Hughie & Emmi Fraser Cody Richard & Caitlan Mahaney Graham & Christine Eisenhauer Mathew & Jacqueline Daniels Kyle Ricketts & Laura Kayser Drew & Jaylynn Wagner Adam & Christina Bower Lorne & Anne Spence ADULT - Nolan Charles Ward Marriages DATE June 14 June 21 July 5 August 2 August 30 August 31 September 6 November 1 December 31 NAMES Beverley Ware & Darrell Kays Michaela Pittman & Peter Kalliecharan Crystal Harris & Stephen O’Rourke Laura Kayser & Kyle Ricketts Shana Cail & Alexandre Daigle Tiffanie Demone & Anuk Karunaratne Amanda Sweeny & Jason Rose Brittany Osbourne & Jeremy Harding Elizabeth Kobes & Nicholas Halley Deaths DATE of DEATH January 10 January 11 January 22 February 16 February 21 March 5 April 15 May 6 May 22 June 16 June 22 NAMES Simon Steele Leolyn Walker Rose Savoury Florence Barnes Laura Risser Edward Keeping Dr. John Osmond Harriet Whynacht Mary Himmelman Dorothy Gemmell Phoebe Strowbridge 4 Deaths DATE of DEATH NAMES June 23 June 27 July 9 July 18 July 23 July 25 August 9 August 10 September 12 September 18 September 23 October 7 October 30 November 21 November 30 Sandra Chancey Gordon Winters Everett Tanner Anderson Martin Bernice Veinotte Donald Hebb Dorothy Macklin Pearl Veinote Charles (Sonny) Risser Silas Walters Margaret Tibbo Timmy Weaver John James George Himmelman Olive Croft Annual Meeting Minutes for St. John’s Church - February 16, 2014 1. Call To Order The 261st Annual Meeting of St. John’s Church was called to order by the Rector, Archdeacon Michael Mitchell. 2. Opening Prayer Father Michael opened the meeting with a prayer. At this time the Rector presented a painting of St. John’s Church by artist and deceased parishioner, Hal Cunningham. The painting was a gift to the late Dean Austin and Mrs. Verna Munroe, who in their estate, left the painting to the parish. It was received with gratitude by the gathering. Attendees Joyce Creaser, Sandra MacDonald, Heather Eisenhauer, Jim Eisenhauer, Raymond Francis, Peter Allen, Madalyn Allen, Holly Mitchell, Joseph Carnevale, Anne Curtin, Audrey Morgan, Barbara Eisenhauer, John Perry, Ann Perry, Mary Meisner, Roxie Smith, Barbara Simonds, Barbara Zwicker, Rena Demone, Jim Morris, Susan MacMillan, Louis Quennelle, Katharine Owen, Robert MacMillan, Brian Kenefick, Janice Kenefick, Roger Mason, Sheila Morris, Ed Jordan, Sandra Jordan, Betty Lou Olivier, Jo Eisenhauer, Lillian Keeping, Howard Keeping, Jennifer GreenHeisler, Tegan Heisler, Avery Heisler, Bruce Holdbrook, Maureen Moffatt, Julia Butler, Mary King, Barbara Nowe, Reg MacDonald, Cammy Tibbo, Archdeacon Michael Mitchell, Wayne Dodge, Jane Ritcey Moore, Mary Wagner. 5 3. Election of Chairperson Roxie Smith was nominated to Chair the Annual Meeting by Wayne Dodge and Mary Meisner. Nominations ceased. Unanimous. 4. Approval of Minutes of Annual Meeting of February 17, 2013 Motion: Acceptance of Annual Minutes February 17, 2013. Robert MacMillan / Jennifer Green. All in favour. The Chair declared the motion carried. 5. FINANCIAL REPORTS Report of the Treasurer, Cammy Tibbo Cammy stated that 2013 has been a great year financially for St. John’s. January 2014’s stormy weather has meant that contributions are down in January. She encouraged parishioners to consider making up contributions not received because of lost church services due to storms. Jim Eisenhauer congratulated Cammy for her outstanding job as Parish Treasurer. The Committee Chairs worked with the Treasurer to form the budget. Cammy reported that under Spiritual Development, $1000 is designated for Messy Church and Sunday School. Planned Giving – Jim Eisenhauer reported on Planned Giving. He explained that his reports go to the end of September and not to year end. Fr. Michael reported that people have been very generous to the Discretionary Fund. The needs continue to be many. A designated donation of $3000.00 was made for the needs of a specific family. Anyone in the area needing help may be given assistance by the rector. Roger Mason gave a presentation on the new ‘St. John’s Community Outreach’ Fund. Questions were received from the floor. He works closely with NS Community College to give assistance to students in financial difficulty. Students complete an application for assistance. It is a program geared at helping people in crisis. Roger Mason initially set up the fund and people have made donations to it. In terms of Outreach, Fr. Michael noted that $28,000.00 has been given by parishioners to share with others in need beyond our walls. Motion: Adoption of the reports. Robert MacMillan / Joseph Carnevale Motion: Adoption of the 2014 Budget. Jim Eisenhauer / Betty Lou Olivier 7. ELECTIONS Nominating Committee – Parish Wardens, Rector and Parish Council Chair Proposed Parish Council for 2014: Rena Demone, Velvet Eliuk, Jane Ritcey Moore, Judy McPherson Mary Meisner, Heather Eisenhauer, Jim Green, Peter Matthews, Maureen Moffatt and Alex Green. Election of Warden 2014: Bruce Holdbrook. Nominations from the floor were asked three times. None received. Nominations ceased. Election of Four Parish Council Members at Large Acceptance of Nomination Report Wayne Dodge / Jim Eisenhauer 6 Synod Delegates: Robert MacMillan, Michael Lee and Katharine Owen. We seek an alternate and one youth. No Synod will be held this year, but there could be an electoral synod. Refer to Parish Council if a Synod Alternate or Youth delegate want to come forward. Regional Council: Members are Mary Meisner and Velvet Eliuk. Three members would be desirable. Betty Lou Olivier offered to serve. Motion for acceptance of Regional Council member. Robert MacMillan / Joseph Carnevale. Appointments: Mary Wagner, Secretary of Parish Council; Cammy Tibbo, Parish Treasurer. Representatives: Youth – None. Father Michael suggested a young mother would be a good choice for representation of youth. Nominations cease. 8. New Business a. Process to continue updating the Parish Vision/Missions Documents – Heather Eisenhauer Heather reported that in 2005, we welcomed Fr. Michael as the captain of our ship. The following year, Fr. Michael proposed that we work on a vision statement. The parish engaged Janet Marshall to assist this process. It was a year-long activity which was adopted at the 2007 AGM. The vision moved forward in the newly restored parish with a new rector. In 2013 we began to examine this vision. A great workshop with Parish Council was held in November. We discussed ongoing areas of challenge, as well as areas that are redundant from the 2007 vision. We intend to review this in 2014. b. Review of Covenants with the Parish, Rector, Priest Assistant and Honourary Associates Fr. Michael reported that the parish and he entered into a Covenant in 2005. This was reviewed in 2008 with Archdeacon Sandra Fife. It would seem appropriate to do this review every few years. c. Healthy Congregations Program The Diocese has developed a five part video program on Healthy Congregations. Fr. Michael mentioned that the parish will engage in this program with video and discussion. A word of gratitude and appreciation was expressed to out-going Parish Council members; Sandra MacDonald; Ed Jordan and Charlene Demone. A word of thanks was given to Louise Holdbrook (warden for 5 years) and Jane Ritcey Moore, a 1-year warden. Thanks were expressed to Cammy Tibbo, Treasurer and Roxie Smith, Chair of AGM. 9. Adjournment Motion to adjourn at 2:15pm. Robert MacMillan / Betty Lou Olivier Respectfully submitted, Mary Wagner 7 RECTOR’S REPORT 2014 Dear parishioners and friends, I am pleased to present the Rector’s Annual Report for 2014. While the report will focus on the past year, I am writing the report in the 10th anniversary of the reopening and rededication of the Church, following the Restoration. 2015 also marks the 10th anniversary since Holly and I came to begin our ministry among you here at St. John’s. We worshipped in the parish hall until our move into the restored church in June of 2005. The 10 years seem to have gone by so quickly, which is an indication that they have been very full and productive. The past year has been marked with the rhythm of our weekly Sunday gatherings, along with a full year of parish ministries, outreach and special events. We gather weekly to worship and pray to God, to sing and to give thanks for the good Lord’s many blessings to us. Our weekly worship leads us to focus on God as the source of our blessings and builds gratitude and thanksgiving in our lives. From the church, we leave to go out to the world, to love God and our neighbor in so many situations, wherever we find ourselves. As members of a parish family, we know we are not alone in living our faith in the world. We have the support of one another. Our social times together, whether at suppers, lunches and BBQ’s or on the church plaza in the summer, all help to build our fellowship where we have enjoyed hospitality with one another. With 2015 being my 10th anniversary in the parish, Parish Council and I decided that this would be a good time to renew our Covenant in Ministry which we have with one another. A parish survey was circulated which will help inform our renewed Covenant. In our current covenant we read, “The Covenant between the people of the Parish of St. John’s, Lunenburg and the Reverend Michael H. Mitchell, is grounded upon our desire to journey together in this parish in a loving relationship with God and with one another in a spirit of a mutual ministry. This is an initial covenant, and as such, is a statement of our desire to get to know each other and to discover each other’s gifts.” We certainly have been on an exciting journey of faith these many years and as we have come to know one another, we continue to discover each other’s gifts and talents. My ministry in the parish takes many forms. There is a primary focus on providing Spiritual leadership and teaching in our Liturgy and worship of God. An average of 6 – 8 hours is spent each week preparing sermons and bringing the liturgy together in the bulletin. We also hold a Service of Holy Communion each Wednesday morning. Throughout the year, my ministry involves preparing individuals, couples and families for baptisms and marriages. These are often joyful occasions and in our preparation time together, I seek to help these folks enliven their relationship with God and with the church. I regularly visit our hospitals and nursing homes but given the complexities of hospital stays, I greatly appreciate it when you or a family member call me or the parish office to let me know of your hospital stay or desire for a home visit which enables me to offer appropriate pastoral support. My ministry includes monthly services at Harbour View Haven and I am very pleased that throughout the year, our Lay Readers have been taking turns in coming to assist. Members of St. John’s Congregational choir also come and lend their voice to support the music ministry offered by Jim Aulenbach. Every six weeks or so, I lead services at the Veterans Unit. We have an average of 30 people on our Pastoral Care Visiting list. I make every attempt to visit these folks with Holy Communion, three times a year – at Easter, Thanksgiving and Christmas. Over the past few years, the number of parishioners doing pastoral visiting has dwindled. This is an important ministry of the parish and in our shared Covenant, parishioners 8 made the commitment to actively share in this ministry. At present, Betty Creaser and Sandy MacDonald faithfully visit a number of parishioners in the name of the parish each month. It is my hope that in 2015, we will see other parishioners becoming pastoral visitors. There were 29 funerals from St. John’s parish this past year. We mourn the loss of these individuals and the contribution they have made to our parish. Funerals are often a time when individuals and families reconnect with their spiritual lives and their connections with the church. Ministry at these times involves pastoral care with the dying and time with family; funeral preparations, times of visitations, the funeral and internment as well as follow up pastoral visits. Providing spiritual care at the time of a funeral, often takes place in the midst of an already full and busy week. As members of a faith community, our beautiful church is the focus of our common prayer. It is most appropriate therefore, that funerals take place in the church, where we have prayed and worshipped together. Increasingly, with families coming from other parts and with a lessened participation in the life of the church, there are tendencies to move to the funeral home, or a graveside committal. There always will be pastoral circumstances where these locations are suitable but the norm for Anglicans is burial from the parish church. The music ministry led by Barbara Butler and the members of our Congregational Choir have brought comfort and strength to many grieving families and members of the community. Thank you. There are many people in our parish and community who face challenges that bring them face to face with economic, social, mental stress. This can lead to a spiritual crisis and they turn to St. John’s for help. Our parish has a wide outreach ministry including the Interchurch Food Bank, support for community programs, PWRDF, the Madagascar School Project and the Rector’s Discretionary Fund. In the name of the parish, your generosity means that St. John’s can be there to offer some support and help. On behalf of these folks, thank you. In addition to ministry in the parish as your Rector, I share in the life of the Region of the South Shore through Regional Council and in the life of the Diocese through Diocesan Synod. When Bishop Ron became our Diocesan Bishop, he asked if I would continue to be the Archdeacon for the South Shore, which supports the pastoral ministry of the Bishop among the clergy and parishioners in the 13 parishes that make up our region. Archdeacon Guidelines are that this ministry is to take no more than 20% of my time. I am grateful to you the parishioners of St. John’s for ‘sharing me’ with the parishes of the region and whenever I am in a parish, I acknowledge that this is a volunteer ministry that St. John’s supports as a part of our commitment to the life of the diocese. Thank you. Sunday school - This year we bid a fond farewell to Jennifer Green who served as the Sunday School Coordinator and teacher for more than a dozen years. In appreciation for her ministry, the parish gave her a gift of appreciation. Jenn will continue to work with our young people through the Messy Church Program. Several of us, including Parish Council and Congregational Development Committee have given a great deal of thought and prayer about how as a parish we can support our ministry to children, youth and young parents. We are seeking creative ways to reach out to them in their very busy lives. I’m grateful to Rena Demone and her leadership in making numerous calls and contacts with parents and families and taking on a coordinating role with schedules and supplies. In dialogue with staff at the National Church, I discovered the Anglican Church of Canada’s ‘Compendium of the Church Mice Program’ which is based on the Five Marks of Mission of the Anglian Church. It seems to be a good program and is user friendly. We are grateful that 9 Christina Bower accepted the invitation to coordinate the Sunday school program and develop lesson plans. She also offered valuable input in developing Safe R Church protocols for our work with youth. The Sunday school rooms have been repainted and the hardwood floors cleaned up by Jim, Alex and Howard. It is now a very inviting area for groups of all ages. Stop in and take a look if you’ve not yet had the opportunity. Having a team approach to Sunday school is making a difference. The number of children and parent involvement has steadily grown so that in 2015, we have a nursery and separate classes for toddlers and older children. We are blessed that in addition to Christina, there are a team of people to help out. These include: Rena Demone, Louise Holdbrook, Sherry Skinner, Emmi Fraser, Viola Green, Brooke Nodding, Barbara West, Lori Nickerson, Missy Romkey and Nikki Saunders. I invite your continued support and encouragement to the Sunday school and Messy Church and to give thanks that we are witnessing such growth and renewal in the Sunday School through the efforts of so many. We give thanks to each person who shares of their time and talents with our young people. A particular word of thanks to the dedicated parents and grandparents who bring the young people to Sunday school and to Church. Safe R Church – St. John’s aims to be an open and welcoming Parish by creating a trusting and trustworthy community. As part of this aim is the obligation to develop measures to protect people from abuse that might result through any of its activities. Our goal is to ensure that every program and ministry in our parish is undertaken in a safe and secure manner to ensure the wellbeing of every participant. Special attention is given to the wellbeing of any vulnerable person. Bishop Ron informed the Diocese that every parish was to develop a SafeR Church policy and plan and that each ministry was to undertake an assessment of risks. An initial committee of resource people were invited to participate and Maureen Moffatt offered her valuable skill to help create risk assessment forms, craft a Draft Safe R Church Policy and Plan and build a binder of Safe R Church materials. We are grateful for her ministry in this area. Most of our parish ministries undertook the task of doing a Risk Assessment of their ministry with enthusiasm and a sense of purpose that we are wanting the best for our parish. Ecclesiastical Insurance, a world-wide insurer of churches, and our insurer, has made it very clear to the Diocese and Parishes that we will not be able to receive further insurance unless we have a Safe R Church Policy and Plan in place. In March of this year, they will undertake an audit of the Safe R Church of each parish. I am confident that St. John’s will meet the insurer’s audit. At the AGM, we will be reviewing the Draft Policy and Plan and will ask for a motion to adopt the Safe R Church Policy and Plan. Throughout the year, Parish Council has been kept informed of the process of Safe R Church. It must be stated, that there is still much work to be done with this and the parish is looking for someone who will volunteer to coordinate the Safe R Church Policy and to work with the parish to complete the remaining unfinished components. Please give this some thought and consideration. Financial Health and Well-being of the Parish – Our parish treasurer, Cammy Tibbo has been doing a fantastic job of helping the parish maintain financial health. She is supported by an active Finance Committee. Her monthly reports to Parish Council are clear and easy to understand and are full of pertinent information. St. John’s is a large parish, with a number of staff, programs and ministries as well as a substantial outreach ministry. We are housed in 10 unique and beautiful historic buildings that are expensive to maintain. With Cammy’s leadership, each ministry has worked within a budget that contributes to the overall financial health of the parish. This year, the parish developed a Policy for the Use of Parish Properties by External Groups. The policy states: “The Parish seeks to participate fully in the life of the community in which we are located, and to offer assistance and support to individuals and groups/organizations in the community, in meaningful ways, as the Parish is able.” While reaffirming the parish’s commitment to welcome groups and organizations to use our facilities, we can do this as the Parish is able. Rental rates for the use of the church and parish hall have not changed in seven years. As a result of steadily increasing utility costs, the Finance Committee and Parish Council revised our rental rates for 2015, to be reviewed annually. A major initiative to make the Church energy efficient was led by Raymond Francis with Efficiency NS. All the lights in the church have been changed to LED’s, resulting in a 50% reduction in electricity costs for the church. Thanks Raymond. Not to be forgotten are the efforts of the ACW to support the overall wellbeing of the parish. Their hard work and dedication are often in the background but the results are very significant to the overall financial health of the parish. We recognize their efforts and encourage other women in the parish, as time and health allows, to become active members of the ACW. St. John’s is also blessed by the members of the Ladies Guild and the Chancel Guild who give so generously of their time in support of one another and in their ministry in the Chancel and Church. Thank you. Heritage Ministry - are a very committed group which meets most Monday’s. They have compiled an archive of our historic materials and in commemoration of the 10th anniversary of the church, each week an article is being prepared for the bulletin. Summer Tour Program – Despite not receiving summer student grants this year, St. John’s once again opened its doors to thousands of visitors who take delight in our beautiful church, with its rich history and unique architecture. Under the leadership of Jane Ritcey and Peter Allen, we were open from Mid-May to Mid-October. Our two guides did an excellent job and a special word of appreciation to our own parishioners who proudly served as volunteer guides in the spring and fall. Parish Ministries – Throughout the years, visitors, clergy and parishioners have made comments about our Service bulletin here at St. John’s. One of the comments I hear over and over again when people look at the back page is the number of ministries and organizations listed here that involve parishioners of St. John’s. While my Rector’s report can’t possible encompass every ministry, I do want to acknowledge the wonderful work being undertaken in the name of St. John’s. Parish Council - The ministry of the Parish Council supports the overall life and ministry of the parish through effective governance and discerning God’s call for the parish. Parish Council consists of the Rector and Assistant Priest, the Parish Wardens, up to 12 elected members and representatives of parish organizations. We have had a very full and productive year working together under the effective leadership of Parish Council Chair, Heather Eisenhauer. Throughout the year, Parish Council worked together to put on two very successful fun filled 11 events, a spring Roast Beef Dinner and a fall Schnitzel Night. Thanks to Master Chef Konrad Haumering and friends who prepared the excellent food. Friends, as you read through the Annual Report, I invite you to think about our shared Covenant and how we work together in what is often called: “mutual ministry”. Ministry that is shared by priest and people. The many reports from our various Ministries/Committees paint a picture of a very active and engaged parish, where people are doing ministry both within and without the church building. Consider how we have grown and changed over our 10 years together. What are we doing really well? What are we missing or overlooking in meeting the needs of the world? What can we do better? Our Covenant calls us to be a welcoming community in worship, music, pastoral care, learning, fellowship and service beyond the parish, as living witnesses to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. My hope and prayer is that we will celebrate our 10th anniversary with much joy and gratitude. Like every congregation, St. John’s faces many challenges ~ reaching out to families and younger parishioners in our Sunday School and with Messy Church ~ the growing number of parishioners who are no longer able to come to the church to worship on a regular basis ~ the continued secularization of society which makes little time for faith or religion. We can meet these challenges with the power of the Holy Spirit that has guided our 10 years together. Parishes thrive when people pray and work together. It is a pleasure to share ministry with so many gifted individuals and families. I want to say a word of appreciation to our two Wardens, Wayne Dodge and Bruce Holdbrook. They have offered us good leadership and have been very generous in giving their time and energy to us. Bruce will be moving on as Warden. Over the years, he has served on several councils and was a Warden at the time of the fire. It is fitting then, that he should be warden at the start of the 10th anniversary of the reopening of the church. A word of thanks to Heather Eisenhauer who has chaired Council meetings. Her balanced leadership brings out the best in us all and has helped to create a healthy environment where we can express our diverse opinions. This year, those individuals completing their time reoffered to serve on Council, Thank you. I look forward to working with a new council following the AGM. Every organization needs a centre of operation with an effective person at the centre. We are most fortunate to Mary Wagner as our secretary and book keeper. Her dedication to the parish, her good humour and hospitality helps everyone feel welcome. She does a great job in keeping me well connected with the parish and community. Thank you Mary for all you do. At the recent gathering of Lutheran pastors, several of the pastor’s spouses spoke about their work and ministry in supporting their congregations and the ministry of their spouses. A Rector’s wife is very connected to the pastoral and spiritual concerns of a parish. Behind the scenes, Holly works quietly volunteering the parish office, leading the prayer chain, visiting parishioners and in a thousand ways, supporting the parish and our ministry here. Thank you. Music plays an important role in our parish. Barbara Butler, our Director of Music works with our Music Ministry to support our parish liturgies. She leads the Chancel Choir and Congregational Choir, engages in music outreach and brings creative musicians to our parish. Thank you Barbara. We are blessed to have such a vibrant ministry assisted by James Aulenbach, Honorary Organist, Sharon Hill, Director of St. John’s Hand Bells and Peter Allen, our Parish Chimer. Together they contribute to a very rich music ministry. St. John’s Church and Hall have been kept clean by our dedicated support staff, Bruce Holdbrook our Hall Custodian and Ryan Francis, our Church Sexton this past year. At the end of 12 October, Ryan gave his resignation due to his busy family and work schedule. Thank you Ryan and all the best in the future. The Property Committee revised the Sexton position and advertised, resulting in the hiring of Mr. Paul Woodley as the Church Sexton. In December, Brue Holdbrook, our hall custodian gave his resignation as custodian. A sincere word of appreciation to Bruce and ‘happy retirement’ as you take a break from this work. Paul Woodley began his work as Hall Custodian in January and he has been greeted with many snowstorms to keep him busy. Welcome Paul to both ministries in the parish as Sexton and Custodian. Over the years, I have always counted it a blessing to work in a team ministry. It is encouraging to be in ministry together with our parish staff, Mary, Barbara and Paul and with our assistant priest, Rev’d Louis Quennelle. Louis brings many gifts and skills to his ministry. He and I meet and talk regularly to strengthen our collegial relationship and to find areas where he can minister in the context of his full time job with Air Canada. Louis takes an active part in Sunday worship and he has taken funerals and also officiated at a wedding this past year. Louis leads our Spiritual Development Ministry, sings in the choir and is active in many parish ministries. I appreciate his friendship and ministry as a valued colleague and look forward to greater involvement as time permits. Our parish has a number of retired clergy living within the parish. Each of them is a valued colleague and enrich our parish by their presence among us. I am sure that you will join with me in thanking them for their presence and occasional support. Each of our Honorary Associate Priests has been or are currently serving in neighbouring parishes. They are: Rev’d Capt. Reg MacDonald, Rev’d Linda Macdonald, Rev’d Alvin Westgate and Rev’d Oliver Osmond. I also want to express gratitude to the Rev’d Gillian Ball who enjoys being with us when she is home in the summer from Mexico. Thanks to you all. I invite you to look forward as we celebrate the 10th Anniversary of the reopening and rededication of our church. There will be a special service with our Diocesan Bishop on Sunday, June 14th, along with other events throughout the year. There are never enough words of appreciation to say to every parishioner who gives generously of themselves in all the ministries that make up our parish family. You help to make St. John’s a great parish. Friends, on behalf of Holly and I, thank you for your support and encouragement in our ministry here among you. We look forward to celebrating our 10th anniversary with you. May we continue to pray for one another on the journey. Respectfully submitted, Archdeacon Michael H. Mitchell 13 WARDENS REPORT 2014 To the Rector, members of Parish Council and Parishioners of St. John’s Parish: We pray the good Lord’s blessing upon our parish as we reflect on the events of the past year. St. John’s is a vibrant, busy parish with great strength and vitality. St. John’s welcomed priest assistant Father Louis Quennelle who preached at our 10:30 AM service held February 2nd, 2014. The month of March brought in the installation of our parish council members at large, our regional delegates and delegates to synod. Our sincere appreciation is extended to the members of Regional Council, Synod Delegates, youth representative and members of parish council. To those who are finishing their terms, thank-you for your dedication and service to the parish of Saint John’s. At our 10:30 AM service held on March 16th, an oil painting of St. John’s church by the late Hal Cunningham of our parish was presented to the congregation of St. John’s by Craig Munroe. The oil painting was from Craig’s mother, Verna Munroe; in memory of her husband the Very Rev’d Austin Munroe, Rector of St. John’s Church from 1968 – 1979. St. John’ began a new tradition in “Walk with the Donkey” for the Palm Sunday service held April 13th. A procession through town to mark the entrance of Jesus into Jerusalem riding a donkey began at the Adams & Knickle Wharf on the waterfront. The community was asked to bring along a coat to be given to those in need of clothing and carry them into the church as an offering to the Lord. Saint John’s held “Rogation Sunday” on May 4th at our 10:30 AM service. Every parishioner of St. John’s from the youngest member of our Sunday School to our most revered elder brought soil from their gardens or fields, seeds they intended to sow and plants which the first settlers would have brought – potatoes, carrots, turnips, beans, peas and herbs. A special thank-you to our Priest Assistant Rev. Louis Quennelle who brought this creative liturgy together. In addition to our Rogation Sunday Service; St. John’s welcomed the members of the Royal Canadian Sea Cadets Corps #39 Neptune with commanding officer LT (N) Devin Mills and staff for their “Commemoration of the Battle of the Atlantic” service. Our June 8th Patronal Festival of St. John’s marked the 261st Anniversary of the founding of St. John’s Anglican Church. The 10:30 AM Choral Eucharist service was accompanied with organ, brass and handbells. The 4:00 PM Choral Evensong included the choir of St. George’s Round Church, Halifax, Organist and Choirmaster Garth MacPhee. A community BBQ was held in the church parade square following the service of Evensong. St. John’s welcomed back guest preacher Reverend Gillian Ball who preached at our 10:30 AM service held July 13th, 2014. Gillian shared her love of God and love of the church through her experience of ministry in both Mexico and Canada. In the afternoon on Sunday, July 13th, St. John’s held a special service for approximately 200 members of the International Rebekah’s and Oddfellows as part of an International Conference being held on the South Shore. At our Sunday service held on July 27th, St. John’s extended a warm welcome to our friends from Boxwood. It was a delight as Boxwood shared their musical gifts with us at the 10:30 AM service. As Father Michael and Holly were on vacation for the month of August, St. John’s welcomed Rev. Gillian Ball as our guest preacher, with Rev. Louis Quennelle presiding at our August 3rd 14 Sunday Service of worship. At our Sunday service held August 10th, the parish of St. John’s welcomed the Rev. Capt. Reg MacDonald as our guest celebrant and preacher. At our Sunday services held August 17th August 24th and August 31st Rev’d Louis Quennelle and Rev’d Gillian Ball shared the ministry while Father Michael and Holly continued with their vacation. Special words of appreciation are extended to Rev. Louis Quennelle and Rev. Gillian Ball for their gift of ministry throughout August while Father Michael and Holly were on vacation. A special thankyou is also extended to Rev. Reg MacDonald and Rev. Alvin Westgate who provided pastoral support during the month of August. A special welcome was extended at our 10:30 AM Sunday service held August 24th to the Lunenburg Academy Class of 1964 who were celebrating their 50th High School Graduation reunion. Two members of the class, who are also members of our congregation, Sharon Green and Jackie Manthorne, proclaimed the Sacred Scripture for us. Our 10:30 AM service held September 7th marked the return of our children, parents and teachers as Sunday school resumed. Christina Bower is our new Sunday School Coordinator. She brings a lot of enthusiasm and experience as a professional school teacher. A sincere thankyou is extended to Jennifer Green who has led our Sunday school for many years. Jenn will continue to work with our youth as she will coordinate our monthly Messy Church events. Back to Church Sunday was held Sunday September 28th. In the afternoon a special service was held at 3:00 PM as St. John’s hosted three – time Covenant award nominee, Infinitely More for an afternoon of inspirational gospel music. The concert was followed by a fabulous fall BBQ. Our Thanksgiving services held Sunday, October 12th were well attended. Later in the afternoon Saint John’s held the “Blessing of the Animals Service” inside at the parish hall as the weather outside was raining, preventing the blessing to be held in the church parade square. At both our 8:30 and 10:30 AM services held October 26th, St. John’s welcomed Bishop Ron Cutler for his first visit as Diocesan Bishop. Following the 10:30 AM service a parish Potluck luncheon was held at the parish hall followed by some time for questions and answers. As the year came to a close we had strong attendances for both the Nova Scotia Christmas Family Service at 4:00 PM and the Candlelit service held at 10:30 PM. It is always a special experience to witness the generosity in giving and the spirit of joy. During the year Saint John’s is blessed to have an outstanding music program under the leadership of Barbara Butler our Director of Music and Organist. We also thank Sharon Hill for her dedication to our music program and patience as Director of the handbells and Junior Choir. To all choir members your musical talents and gifts are greatly appreciated by all of us. Our gratitudes are extended to Jane Ritcey Moore and Peter Allen for overseeing the summer tour program. We extend also a thank-you to our tour guides David Rechnitzer and Eamonn Sullivan this past season and the many volunteers who assist with this informative program. Also, Peter Allen is our bell chimer and a sincere thank-you is extended for the many hours he spends showing and educating our visitors as he plays the chimes filling the streets of Lunenburg with the chimes of Saint John’s. Our sincere appreciation is expressed to our lay readers and servers, our Sunday school and nursery school teachers, Altar Guild, the ACW and catering Group, Ladies Guild, Pastoral Visitation team, Spiritual Development, Prayer and Healing Ministry, Congregational Development Committee, Music Committee, Heritage Committee, Property Committee, Sexton and Custodians, Food Bank, and Meals on Wheels volunteers, Finance Committee. Our 15 appreciation is also extended to Mr. James Aulenbach, our honourary assistant organist, for his musical talents, as he plays piano and organ for our many visitors. Special gratitudes are extended to Mary Wagner our Parish Administrative Assistant who works untiringly on our behalf and for her valuable contribution to our parish. We also extend our appreciation to Rev. Capt. Reg MacDonald our Honourary Associate and to Rev. Linda Macdonald, Rev. Oliver Osmond and Rev. Alvin Westgate for their ministry in our parish and in the region. Our appreciation is also extended to Priest Assistant Rev. Louis Quennelle. To Michael our Rector, we are truly blessed to have your guidance as our spiritual leader. We thank both you and Holly for your care, compassion and the blessings you bestow upon us. Respectively submitted, Wayne Dodge, Bruce Holdbrook (Wardens of Saint John’s) DIRECTOR OF MUSIC REPORT 2014 ‘Through our ministry of music, people of all ages feel the loving presence of God’ It is a pleasure to report a successful and meaningful year in the musical life of our parish. We are blessed with three choirs – chancel, handbell and congregational and each, in its own way, has special gifts to offer. I want to express my appreciation to everyone involved in our music program as it is such a pleasure to work with all of you. Our music committee (Jane as chair, Michael, Louis, Hazel, Doreen, Sharon and myself) meets monthly and provides a wonderful forum for discussion and sharing of ideas. I feel blessed with a strong supportive network of volunteers both in our parish music program and various forms of outreach. To help with financial challenges at St. John’s we committed to raising $2,000 in 2014 so that music programs could continue to be nurtured and grow. Musique Royale also helped with contributions to finance a workshop with Edmund Brownless in January, an evensong with St. George’s Choir for the Patronal Festival and our Music and Meditation program. Complimentary tickets were made available to the congregation to hear Clary Croft’s special presentation in June. As a folklorist he spent many years working with Dr. Helen Creighton cataloging her collection of songs and stories about Nova Scotia. Our third annual Souper Market was held in February. The event was a lot of fun to organize – we served delicious soups of all kinds provided by members of our choirs and congregation, plus a treasure table filled with interesting items. We were invited once again to participate in an evensong in Port Williams but had to cancel because of bad weather. However we have been delighted to join with St. Barnabas Choir in singing at Blue Rocks. A new communion setting was introduced to the congregation. Written by Nova Scotia composer Alexander Tilley, it is sung regularly at All Saints in Halifax. We have continued Music Moments at children’s time and a presence each month at Sunday School. Sharon Hill has been a great help here with the children, occasionally assisted by choir members and others in the congregation. During the summer months our congregational choir was quite visible at Sunday services and their participation was also deeply appreciated at funeral services, whether at St. John’s or at the funeral home. There were 7 presentations for our Lenten Music and Meditation Series. They included as guests Mary Knickle, Garth MacPhee, Nina Scott Stoddart, Sharon Gow-Knickle, Judith Burdett, St. John’s Lutheran Choir and the Madrigal Chorus. Also there were 3 presentations for our Advent Music and Meditation Series and guests there included Walter Delahunt, John Scott and Nina Scott Stoddart. 16 I am able to contribute to parish and community life through my work with Musique Royale where I have been its Artistic and Administrative Director for the past 16 years. In my capacity there Musique Royale continued to provide opportunities for our choirs to hear many fine choral events this year. Among the noted choirs were Halifax Camerata Singers, Capella Regalis, King’s Chorus, National Youth Choir, Elmer Iseler Singers, King’s College Chapel Choir, Toronto’s Amadeus Choir, British Columbia Boys Choir and in August the North Lakeshore Mass Chorus presented a special tribute to those who died in WW1. We were grateful to congregation members and citizens in the town who opened their homes to accommodate the British Columbia Boys Choir plus their chaperones and the National Youth Choir. These enthusiastic choristers all left Lunenburg hoping to return again - such were the warm welcomes they received. Other events included 2 choral workshops, one with Nick Halley in April and another with Lydia Adams in November. A particular highlight for all the choral participants was singing 2 pieces in concert with the Elmer Iseler Singers. Our ‘To Bethlehem with King’s’ event raised $2,300 for Lunenburg area food banks as well as a substantial amount of groceries. Two of Canada’s great vocal personalities, Richard Margison in July and Measha Brueggergosman in December were hosted at St. John’s as well as our province’s two main orchestras, the Nova Scotia Youth Orchestra and Symphony Nova Scotia. Three organ concerts with Robert Quinney, Shawn Potter and John Laing were also a special treat and gave an opportunity to showcase the wonderful instrument that we have. At the last Annual General Meeting for the Lunenburg Board of Trade three guest speakers, all from the cultural sector, spoke passionately about living and working in Lunenburg. It was most interesting to hear what they had to say. Fresh ideas are bringing new energy into the area much like the discussions that are unfolding at the diocesan and parish levels on ‘re-imagining church’ and ‘fresh expressions’. Bishop Ron has stated that ‘St. John’s is a leader on the south shore – that, too, is a wonderful goal to pursue as we celebrate 10 years after the re-opening of the church. It is also good to ponder just how we do that. Giving back to the community was a strong message then, and is a thought which I continue to share with you in moving forward into a new year. Respectfully submitted, Barbara Butler ST. JOHN’S RINGERS REPORT 2014 This year we have 10 ringers. We played at various services. As well we did fund raising at the Rotary Club. We also attended a Hand Bell Festival at Bethany United Church in Halifax on May 23 & 24 for a two day workshop and a concert on the Saturday evening with 9 Hand Bell choirs. We are planning a workshop of our own with 7 Hand Bell Choirs at St. Johns on May 22 & 23 this year with a Freewill concert on Saturday May 23 @ 7 PM at St. Johns. Our guest conductor is John Nelson from Regina Sask. Our plans involve volunteers to help set up and take down, lunch for the ringers involved and some refreshments for breaks. Lunch will be served at the Parrish Hall by the ACW group and our expenses for this would be approximately $750.00. I would like to thank all the ringers and volunteers for their hard work during the year. Respectfully submitted, Sharon Hill, Director 17 CHIMER’S REPORT 2014 This year our summer chiming program was held from July 1st through mid-September 2014. The bells were played on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 1:00 pm to 1:30 pm and Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays from 2:00pm to 2:30pm. This allowed visitors to be able to see and hear the chimes over a broader period of time. The chimes were also played a number of times this season for the visitors from the tour bus companies and cruise ships. The summer chiming program was started in 1982 as a request by a local individual. The reason for starting the program was to provide something unique for the people visiting Lunenburg. I would like to express my gratitude to our anonymous donors who once again generously supported our summer chiming program. Thanks once again to Nona, for helping out during the afternoon sessions. Since the installation of the Chimes in 2005, I continue to carry out a spring and fall maintenance program on the chimes. I am very pleased to report that the chimes are in excellent working order. Respectfully submitted, Peter Allen, Chimer ST. JOHN’S PRAYER CHAIN MINISTRY ANNUAL REPORT 2014 To the Rector, Wardens, Parish Council and Parishioners of St. John’s Anglican Church, I wish to submit the following report for the year ending December 31, 2014. Presently we have twenty-three Pray-ers. These are people who have committed to praying for those who are ill, in distress, facing uncertainty, surgery, or other forms of illness or concern. Anyone can call or email me to request prayer for themselves, family member, friend or acquaintance. The permission of the person requesting prayer is relevant for sending a request on to the ‘Prayer Chain’. We have been blessed with many successful outcomes of those who have asked for prayer. And we have journeyed with those our Creator has welcomed home at their journey’s end. We share intimately in people’s lives, as we journey in faith through the hard time and the good times. It is very gratifying to be part of this ministry. If you would like to join us in being a ‘Prayer Partner’, please call or email myself and I will add your name to our Prayer Chain. Phone 902-634-8477 or email [email protected]. Please consider being a Prayer Partner. Thank you. Respectfully submitted, Holly Mitchell 18 HERITAGE MINISTRY REPORT 2014 To the Rector, Wardens, Parish Council and Parishioners of St. John’s Anglican Church, I wish to submit the following report for the year ending December 31, 2014. The members of the Heritage Committee are: Doreen and Grant Dixon, Roger and Charlene Demone, Gary Tanner, Pat Smith, Peter Matthews, Cathy Ramey and Father Michael ( ExOfficio Archdeacon). The members work diligently every Monday from 10 am to 3 pm from November to April (inclusive) trying to satisfy and meet the needs of St. John’s Heritage Mandate – that St. John’s Church Archives will acquire, arrange, describe, preserve and make available non-current records (not active) of continuing value to the parish, officers, agencies, committees and organizations; the Archives will preserve and maintain intellectual and physical control of the records in the custody and develop policies, procedures, and guidelines to achieve this Mandate – with the assistance of Jaimie Serran (Archives Advisor) at the Nova Scotia Public Archives in Halifax. The Records date from the Founding of St. John’s Church 1753 to the present, with special emphasis on the restoration of St. John’s Church 2001 – 2005. Here are just a few of the tasks that the Committee Members do each Monday: 1) Completing the files for the twenty-three ministers – organizing and classifying the records for each minister. 2) Creating sub-files from the Ministers’ inventory such as (a) Stain-glass windows (b) Anniversary services (c) Curates (d) Organ (e) Pews (f) Lighting (g) Church Societies (h) Stars in the Chancel (i) Altar (j) Bells (k) Parish Hall (l) Rectory 3) Obtaining missing Annual Reports, Parish Bulletins and Parish Council Minutes. 4) Updating St. John’s Inventory of Archival Records. 5) Preparing the Display Cabinets with Archival materials for the Tour Guide Season. 6) Removing Archival Records from the 19th century Parish Safe that was first located in the Old Post Office of Lunenburg; then the Safe was moved to a room below the Parish Hall. 7) Writing a caption for Pew 22 (end piece) that went with Rev. Fred Hiltz (1988-1994) when he left St. John’s in 1994 to become Suffragan Bishop of NS and PEI. Then in 2007, when Bishop Fred Hiltz was elected Primate of the Anglican Church in Canada, Pew 22 followed him to Toronto as a reminder of the good years in Lunenburg and at St. John’s. Then in 2013, the Primate brought Pew 22 home to Lunenburg to celebrate the 260th Anniversary of St. John’s Anglican Church. Pew 22 is now in the Interpretive Center below the church. 19 8) Organizing and classifying all Parish photos and placing them into selected enclosure sleeves for preservation. 9) Checking to see if all newspaper clippings are properly preserved and stored by name of article, date, and Minister. 10) Comprising the Family Tree of Rev. Jean Baptiste Moreau (Cathy Ramey’s ancestry.) 11) Applying for a PADP grant of $10,000 for 2015/2016. 12) Researching Family Trees from Correspondence around the world, especially Canada and the U.S. – individuals requesting dates of baptism, marriages and deaths of family members. 13) Organizing, classifying and storing/labelling of additional baptismal records, marriage and death records, Annual Reports, Bulletins, Parish Council Minutes, Bibles, Prayer Books, Heritage Committee Minutes, Ladies Aid Minute Books 1920-1988, Social Club Minutes, Women’s Auxiliary Minutes from 1901/1902-1969, Envelope Accounts 18871931, Ledgers 1900-1990, Men’s Club Minutes from 1934-1948, Sunday School Records 1936-1961, Registers of teachers and Scholars 1929-1936, Seating Plans for Parishioners 1812-1950, Videos of the Fire and Restoration and computer Diskettes, and Guest Books from 2002-2007, etc.. 14) Making improvements to the Crypt-resting place for twenty (20) known buried - by cleaning tombstones and improving the lighting of the Crypt. 15) Thanks to Grant Dixon who created the Heritage Ministry Website that has a permanent sermon of the Vinegar Bible at St. John’s by Archdeacon Father Michael. As a result of the sermon, Robert Mennel, retired professor of History at the University of New Hampshire, is planning to contact Father Michael, and the Historian of the Church in Portsmouth to give them information and the LINK to the Vinegar Bible sermon from St. John’s, Lunenburg. The task of the Heritage members who give up their time, talent, and interest is endless; they are always open in accepting records from parishioners for preparation, assessment and postassessment processes for the Interpretive Centre beneath the Church. Future tasks will be a Memorial Book for St. John’s Church – listing all memorials (physical) that were given to the church since its founding, describing each memorial and naming the donor, if possible. Another task is to update the Heritage Ministry website by putting the Archival Inventory – all Archival Records contained in the Interpretive Center – on the website to allow parishioners of St. John’s and community to access the website. Another task is to clean out the remaining archival records – financial records of the Restoration 2001- 2005 - from the room below the Parish Hall. Finally, creating a New Brochure for the Tour Guide Season 2015 with an emphasis on the 10th anniversary of the re-opening and re-consecration of St. John’s Anglican Church (a good way to honour those ten (10) years since 2005.) The Heritage Committee is planning to set the stage for the visit of Bishop Ron Cutler on Sunday, June 14, 2015 (major celebration of the re-consecration of the church) by placing weekly flashbacks of the re-opening of St. John’s Church in June 2005 in the Church Bulletin. Any material is welcomed by the Heritage Committee. Respectfully submitted, Roger L. Demone (Chair of the Heritage Ministry) 20 SUNDAY SCHOOL REPORT 2014 To the Rector, Wardens, Parish Council and Parishioners of St. John’s Anglican Church: Our Sunday School report is in two parts, January – May and September – December. January – May There were approximately 10 children registered. The Music Moment with the children in church was a success, having Sharon and Doreen help with the children. They would come for the first part of our class to teach a song and then it was used in church with the Congregation. A note of appreciation to Barbara for this ministry. The kids seem to enjoy this and hopefully the congregation does as well – it’s nice to have the kids involved in church as much as possible as they are our future! Father Michael was able to join us a couple of Sundays to share in our Sunday School program, while Rev. Louis was preaching. Thanks to both of them. The Annual pancake supper in support of Ruth, our sponsor child, was a great success. Thanks to Jim, Howard, Lillian, Viola, Louise, Bruce, Sharon and Alex who helped out. We bid a fond farewell to Jennifer Green who moved on as the Sunday School Coordinator after a dozen or so years serving in the Sunday School. At the closing, the parish gave her a gift and thanked her for her valuable ministry. She will continue to work with our young people through the Messy Church Program. Respectfully submitted, Archdeacon Michael Mitchell September – December A meeting was called in June 2014 by members of the Congregational Development Council with Rev. Mitchell and Jennifer Green in attendance, to discuss the future of our Sunday School. Jennifer had stepped down as the Superintendent and no one had come forward to take her place. We had already reached out to several individuals, all coming back with the same response, “it was too much work and responsibility for one person”. However, if we could find someone to take the lead, they wouldn’t mind helping. It was decided the way to move forward was to take a team approach. Once we confirmed our key person, Christina Bower, a professional teacher who was home on maternity leave, we had the foundation laid. Christina agreed to prepare a weekly lesson plan from the curriculum, “Compendium of the Church Mice” which is based on the Five Marks of mission of the Anglican Church. She also agreed to teach each week, if possible as a new mom. Over the duration of the summer we were able to secure additional leaders to support her; to help in the classroom, organize events outside of classroom time which required Sunday School participation and any other organizational needs required as a team. 21 Although the year started slowly, attendance grew each week with both returning and new students leading up to the Christmas Season and continuing into the New Year. At this point, we were able to divide the Sunday School into two groups, ages 3-6 yrs. and 7 yrs. and up. As I prepare this report we have had 8-10 children in the younger class and 6-8 children in the older class since Christmas. We asked some moms with infants, if they would appreciate having a nursery made available to them. With a positive response we moved forward with plans for a nursery to welcome the little ones on Sunday mornings. We do not have Sunday School instruction the week of Family Service, however, it is our intention to make the nursery available even on that day, enabling families to attend church service with their older children. Thanks to Emmi Fraser who makes sure we have lots of supplies and an organized craft each week for the little ones. Since September we have had great participation from the children, parents and leaders in: the Santa Claus Parade. Thanks also to Jane Ritcey and Howard Keeping for the truck, driver, float and Howard for his lovely decorating. Also to Raymond Francis for use of his trailer. Decorating the Lunenburg Bandstand Christmas Tree. Thanks to Alex and Jim Green for extra supplies. Christmas Eve Service...Thanks to Jane and Michael for their input and guidance, Alex Green, Jim Green and Jim Morris for their Wisemen attire, Sharon Hill for musical instruction and to Anne Eisenhauer, Lorne Spence and cute baby Ellen for volunteering to be our Nativity Family. We had a Parent Meet and Greet social in November with hot chocolate and treats after decorating the Lunenburg Bandstand Christmas Tree. Thanks Audrey Morgan for the cookies. Louise Holdbrook reintroduced the treat-activity bags for the children. They take these to church with them after their Sunday School instruction. We all really appreciate Barbara Butler’s and Rev. Mitchell’s efforts with “Music Moments”. Also thanks to Sharon Hill, and members of the choir for musical support. Last but not least, if you haven’t already, you must go and see the new improved Sunday School Rooms. Jim Green, Howard Keeping, and Alex Green put a fresh coat of paint on all the walls and pulled up the carpets to reveal the lovely hardwood floors. Christina added the finishing decorating touches. Jeff and Brooke Nodding donated child size tables and chairs and we did a little purging of furniture and outdated supplies to complete the job. On behalf of all the leaders, Christina Bower (head Leader-Leader 6 and up), Sherry Skinner (Leader 3-6), Lori Nickerson (Leader 3-6), Emmi Fraser (Leader 3-6), Brooke Nodding (Leader 3-6) and Barbara West (Leader 3-6). Alex Payne and Nikki Saunders (Youth support). Louise Holdbrook, Viola Green, Missy Romkey and Rena Demone (Nursery Support) we would like to thank all the participating parents, grandparents and aunts who bring their children on Sunday Mornings so that we can be a part of their journey of faith with God. Respectfully submitted, Rena Demone 22 CONGREGATIONAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE 2014 ANNUAL REPORT Committee Meetings were held on January 9, February 13, March 27, May 22, June 12, October 7 and November 9, 2014. Members of the Committee include Rena Demone, Judy McPherson, Jane Ritcey and Archdeacon Michael Mitchell. Barbara Butler, Director of Music, kindly joined our May and June meetings. With our Committee’s emphasis this year on “young people/couples”, there were general discussions during our winter and spring meetings concerning Fresh Expressions, Sunday School, Messy Church (the Committee would help to promote it), involvement of young people/couples, Baptism family follow-up and ‘Cookie Concerts’. Mary Meisner attended several evening sessions of the Diocesan Vital Church Conference held February 3-5, 2014 at All Saints Anglican Church in Bedford, N.S. and shared what she learned from the Conference with the Committee. The Committee hosted two (2) Congregational Meetings again this year - May 25 and November 9, 2014. The Congregational Meetings are intended to be informal but informative and for snowbirds and year-rounders. There were financial, property, music, SafeR Church, Parish Survey and Covenant reports and other program updates - and the meetings afforded an opportunity for questions, answers and dialogue on an informal basis. Approximately 18 attended the May meeting and 25 attended the November meeting. Members of the congregation have expressed to Committee members their appreciation of this forum, which will be continued again in the 2015 year. The Committee considers that communication with parishioners is an important and vital ingredient for a healthy congregation - and we welcome your comments and suggestions at any time, so please do not hesitate to be in contact with any Committee member. Three (3) infants were baptized at the Easter Vigil Service. With the Committee’s emphasis on youth and young people, several CDC members attended at Rev. Michael’s preparation meeting with the parents and godparents held at the Parish Hall on Saturday morning, April 12. We met with these delightful young people, provided refreshments and sat in on the discussion. It appears to have been well received by those who were present - and allowed us an opportunity to connect with some newer congregation members, and they with us. The Committee considers these “gentle introductions” an important and vital facet of attracting people to our fold. The Committee followed up with these young families, who were contacted to attend the Mother’s Day Luncheon. CDC hopes to play a similar part in future Baptism preparations at St. John’s. Again, with the Committee’s emphasis on youth and young people, Rev. Michael has spent time with the Mothers & Tots group that meets in the Parish Hall. 23 Concerned about the future of the Sunday School with the retirement of Jennifer Green, who so ably ran the Sunday School program for the past several years, the Committee met with Jennifer in July to discuss the future of the Sunday School. Various scenarios were discussed, including recruiting several Sunday School teachers who could divide the Sundays in a month among them, with attention to the ages of the children. Following the meeting, Rena Demone contacted Christina Bowers, who so willingly stepped up to the plate to coordinate Sunday School 2014/15. Thank you Rena. Thank you Christina. We are indebted to them both. Rena has kindly taken Sunday School under her wing and has provided, and continues to provide, a capable and delightful liaison with the Sunday School. Hats off to all those who are involved with the Sunday School! Approximately fifty (50) replenishing Welcome Brochures were delivered to Lunenburg’s Town Office in October, to be included in and distributed with the Town’s Welcome Package, as part of the Town’s (and our) initiative to welcome newcomers. Following requests received by members of our Committee as they update the Parish List, Parish Council agreed that those parishioners with email would receive their Newsletters electronically, unless they request otherwise. This decision is in response to the feedback received from many of you who appreciate our continued efforts to find ways to make our parish more environmentally friendly. Rev. Michael’s Seasonal Message and the offertory envelopes will continue to be mailed/delivered. Encouraged by our enthusiastic Sunday School group, St. John’s had a float in the Lunenburg Christmas Parade on November 29. We had a great turnout. Approximately 10 children, 2 young people and 6 adults (including 2 mothers and 1 grandmother.) Everyone appeared to have fun! A special thanks to Jane Ritcey and Adams & Knickle for their contribution of the dory, truck and driver, to Raymond Francis for the trailer, to Howard Keeping and his elves for decorating the dory, to Christina Bowers, Rena Demone and Louise Holdbrook for organizing, to Sharon Hill for supplying bells and, especially, to all our young people and parents who joined our dory crew for the parade! The lighting of St. John’s outdoor Christmas tree was held this year in conjunction with Lunenburg’s Annual Pilgrimage and Lighting of Christmas Trees on November 29. There was great attendance of ‘townspeople’, especially young families, and it was wonderful to see so many (young and old) in awe as they viewed the interior of beautiful St. John’s, while escaping the cold before the commencement of the event. There were a number of spontaneous ‘tours’ and invitations to our Christmas Eve services at that time - and it provided a wonderful opportunity for us to tell people about our Chancel stars! The Committee is of the view that the more people visit St. John’s, the more familiar they will become with the Church - and its members - and feel comfortable and welcome here. Approximately 27 (16 adults and 11 children) attended the combined Messy Church and Caroling at Harbour View Haven on Sunday, December 7. The children made ornaments for the residents, which were given to them during the caroling. An enjoyable evening for all. Congratulations again to organizers Jane, Rena and Rev. Michael for the Christmas Eve Family Service “A Nova Scotia Christmas”, a delightful service celebrating Christmas and inspired by our strong connection to the bounty of the sea and land. Well done to all the organizers, our young people, choirs and other participants, including our 4-legged friends! The 24 Committee is hopeful that many of those who attended the Service included, for example, those ‘townspeople’ who visited St. John’s on the evening of the Annual Pilgrimage and Lighting of Christmas Trees, as referred to above. The Committee was established to further energize the existing congregation and expand our numbers. Our emphasis in 2014 was young people/couples and the Committee is pleased with the tremendous energy created in that regard this year and hopes to build upon what has been achieved this past year in 2015. I am grateful to the very hard-working members of the Committee and exceptionally dedicated parishioners, Rena Demone, Judy McPherson and Jane Ritcey, for their energy, enthusiasm and imagination. The Committee and St. John’s are truly fortunate to have, and are indebted to, the very capable, hard-working and wonderful trio of Howard Keeping, Jim Green and Alex Green - from decorating Xmas floats, to tearing up carpets, to painting Sunday School rooms, to putting up Church Christmas decorations (inside and out), to hauling dories around, to slinging hamburgers at our barbeques and so much more - and always with a smile and in good cheer. Thank you, gentlemen, for all you do! The Committee is also appreciative of the contributions of Barbara Butler, Rev. Michael and Mary Wagner, and the many other parishioners and others who have assisted the Committee with its work thus far - and we look forward to their and your continued support. Thank you. Respectfully submitted, Mary E. Meisner, Chair LAY READERS ANNUAL REPORT 2014 To the Rector, Wardens, Parish Council and Parishioners of St. John’s Anglican Church: I wish to submit the following report for the year ending December 31, 2014. St. John’s is blessed with eleven (11) licensed Lay Readers. The licensed Lay Readers are Barbara Eisenhauer, Sharon Green, Susan MacMillan, Sheila Morris, Sandy MacDonald, Velvet Eliuk, Holly Mitchell, Roger Demone and Charlene Demone; the newly licensed Lay Readers are Heather Hyson and Robert MacMillan. St. John’s is blessed with Bill Black (licensed Lay Reader) who assists with the 8:30 am service during the summer months. The Lay Readers’ duties and vestments are written in the Lay Readers’ Handbook of Standards and Regulations. All Lay Readers are appointed by the Bishop to serve in the parish under the direction and supervision of Father Michael. Under the direction of the Rector and/or Bishop, a Lay Reader may be called upon to: 1. Read the appointed lesson and prayers in the church. 2. Conduct the service of Morning Prayer (not the Absolution & Benediction). 3. Read the Litany, Order of Compline, Service for Young People, or other services. 4. Administer Holy Eucharist. 5. Prepare and preach a sermon. 25 6. Gather and prepare candidates for Confirmation and/or Servers. 7. View segments of the new Lay Reader “training videos” to strengthen our ministry. 8. Carry out other duties when specifically requested by the Rector. - assisting Father Michael and Rev. Linda Macdonald with the services at Harbour View Haven on a monthly basis. - giving Lay Reader support in other parishes, if needed, in our Region. 9. With the approval and recommendation of the Rector and Parish council, the Bishop may also authorize the Lay Readers to assist in the distribution of the Elements at the Communion Service in the presence of the celebrant to Homes for Special Care, Hospitals, etc. 10. Work closely with the Spiritual Development Committee of St. John’s and assisting with special services and programs for the congregation. Lay Readers’ Prayer Loving and eternal God, who through your Son, Jesus Christ, calls your people and sends them forth to witness and serve in your name, bless each member of the Lay Readers’ Association of this Diocese. Give us Grace that we, walking in the footsteps of your Son, and being filled and strengthened by your Holy Spirit, may serve you and your Church as faithful stewards in the ministry to which we are called and, by our example, enable others to know and love you, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen This Lay Reader’s Prayer strengthens each one of the Lay Readers at St. John’s. It is you, who in various and special ways, have dedicated yourselves to the glory of God in service to your Diocese and parish. As a Lay Reader, you are regarded as a leader in your parish. Canon 17 reminds us that we are part of a “team ministry” and that we should take our position seriously; this we all do at St. John’s. Parishioners look up to us as being a model, a good servant, as well as an honourable and a prayerful follower of Christ. Thank you Lay Readers for your continued ministry at St. John’s Anglican Church. Please note the Lay Readers’ Annual Meeting for 2015 is set for June 6 at Trinity Church, Sydney Mines. Installation of the newly licensed Lay Readers – Heather Hyson and Robert MacMillan – will be held at a suitable date in 2015 at St. John’s Church, Lunenburg. Respectfully submitted, Roger L. Demone (Co-ordinator of Lay Readers and Area Representative for the South Shore) 26 SAFE R CHURCH REPORT Since the early 2000’s, the Diocese of Nova Scotia has been raising awareness to make our churches safe places for all. A policy was established for the Diocese and in 2011, all clergy in the diocese attended a Risk Management Workshop to educate the clergy and to develop the SafeR Church Guide for the Prevention of and Response to Abuse to assist parishes develop individual Risk Assessment and Response plans. In October 2013 resource material was prepared to assist parishes in the Anglican Diocese of NS and PEI in their ongoing work of responding to the threat of abuse. The resource material, created to respond to the concerns raised by clergy during the Risk Management Workshop held across the diocese, was to help focus on the real goal of abuse prevention and response. As a result, “SafeR Church” was articulated to create a community of trust and trustworthiness, where people care for one another and find healing and hope. In Spring 2014 St. John’s SafeR Church Committee was established and throughout the summer and fall prepared the material and process by which the Risk Audit/Self-Assessment and Response Plans would be undertaken. At the October 30 Parish Council Meeting, which included the Chairs of St. John’s ministries, the SafeR Church Committee gave a presentation on the status of the SafeR Church work at St John’s. The requirements of the Ecclesiastical Insurance Office Audit were reviewed. The requirements included: undertake a Risk Assessment/Self Audit of all activities and identify response measures; create a SafeR Church Committee to oversee implementation of the Plan; and establish a system of reporting and responding to abuse. The briefing also included instruction on completion of the Risk Assessment/Self-Audit forms, the identification of response plans and the process for their completion. The target date for completion was the end of November. This was in order to have sufficient time for review before the Ecclesiastical Insurance Audit. Most of our parish ministries undertook the task of doing a Risk Assessment of their ministry with enthusiasm and a sense of purpose that we are wanting the best for our parish. Ecclesiastical Insurance, a world-wide insurer of churches, and our insurer, has made it very clear to the Diocese and Parishes that we will not be able to receive further insurance unless we have a Safe R Church Policy and Plan in place. We should have every confidence that St. John’s will meet the insurer’s audit. At the AGM, we will be reviewing the Draft Policy and Plan and will ask for a motion to adopt the Safe R Church Policy and Plan. Throughout the year, Parish Council has been kept informed of the process of Safe R Church. It must be stated, that there is still much work to be done with this and the parish is looking for someone who will volunteer to coordinate the Safe R Church Policy and to work with the parish to complete the remaining unfinished components. Please give this some thought and consideration. Respectfully submitted, Maureen Moffatt 27 PROPERTY COMMITTEE REPORT 2014 To the Rector, members of Parish Council and Parishioners of St. John’s Lunenburg: Work to the rectory in 2014 consisted of shingling the roof on the Townsend street side and the kitchen area. The black trim and soffits were scrapped, primed and painted. The underside of the back deck to the rectory was pressure washed to remove algae. Rotten clad boards were also replaced. The property committee along with parish council extends a sincere thank-you to the parishioners of St. John’s for your generous support in allowing us to complete the “Repairs to the Rectory Campaign.” The property committee has not budgeted or foresees any major expenses with the rectory 2014, only a few minor repairs and maintenance items. In 2014 work carried out to the parish hall included pressure washing of the green mildew on the north side, the pressure washing and cleaning of the black grit on the east side, cleaning of the eaves, replacing the washboard on the Cornwallis Street side, replacement of rotten clapboard and an outside water faucet. The parish hall is in need of painting and the property committee for 2015 has budgeted for the scraping, priming and painting of the entire parish hall. A new controller was installed in St. John’s church in 2014 by West Nova Fuels to improve our oil consumption at the church. The new Tekmar controller provides staging and equal run time rotation of the two boilers and will run one boiler to heat space if that is all that is required. A new compressor was installed for the church’s sprinkler system. The new compressor was installed by Viking Fire Protection Inc. A new lighting system with LED lights was installed in the church in October 2014. St. John’s is now saving considerable dollars on its monthly light bill with better lighting and visibility in the church. A special thank-you is extended to Raymond Francis and Efficiency Nova Scotia for approving our application and contributing 78% of the cost to replace the bulbs. The property committee has budgeted in 2015 to scrape, glaze, prime and paint six storm windows on the Cumberland Street side of the church. Sills on three storm windows are rotten and will have to be replaced. The interpretative door to the Duke Street entrance will be repaired in 2015. The annual spring and fall clean up on the grounds for both the church and the rectory was completed by volunteers and arranged by Elroy Creaser. The continued support is appreciated by all parishioners of St. John’s. A sincere thank you is extended also to the many volunteers and committee members who assisted us this year in keeping our property grounds in good shape. Respectfully submitted on behalf of all members of the Property Committee 28 EFFICIENCY OF NEW LIGHTS 2014 This is a follow up memo on the new lighting system with LED lights that were installed in the whole church on Monday, October 13, 2014. I have included a simple drawing showing the light levels measured in candle light power with the 1st number being the before any change and the 2nd number being after the complete change. Please note that in some places the light level has more than doubled. This was done using the 2nd light back on the left in the centre aisle. I have attached in the square the light levels now in choir, altar, bell ringers area and centre aisle of the church. This changing of the LED light from the quartz lights that was done on Monday, October 13, 2014 has proven out to be a savings on the light bill. I am also attaching a copy of the Light Bill of the church for November, December, January 2013/14 and comparison to November, December, January 2014/15. 2013/14 KWH Oct. 3480 KWH Nov. 3000 KWH Dec. 3600 KWH Actual Bill $508.92 $450.18 $571.31 2014/15 KWH Oct. 1500 KWH Nov. 1320 KWH Dec. 1680 KWH Actual Bill $242.69 $215.61 $271.56 Not only are we saving dollars on our Light Bill, but we have more light in the church and we can see better. Thanks to Efficiency Nova Scotia for approving our application and contributing 78% of the cost to replace the bulbs. Respectfully submitted, Raymond Francis 29 SPIRITUAL DEVELOPMENT MINISTRY 2014 This year our ministry undertook some projects which have become somewhat of a tradition and some which we hope will help us to rethink our relationship with church and the community. Annual Events & Projects: Lent 2014 – the Ministry of Jesus in the Gospel of John. We renewed our study and reflection sessions after worship services on three Sundays during Lent. We took as our Bible studies this year three of the passages from the Gospel John from our Sunday Lectionary. As a major resource for this study we purchased a DVD of “The Gospel of John” from the Visual Bible (This series has begun dramatizing with narration some books of the New Testament in ‘word for word’ high quality productions. Do a search on the internet and check out some excerpts on YouTube.) The series was well received. The DVD was also used in several Sunday services. It is a great resource which continues to be available for the future. Seder 2014, Tuesday, April 15 - We can now definitely call it our ‘annual Seder’. It was certainly enjoyed once again by our 30+ participants. It provides good food, good fellowship, good prayer and good connections with our Jewish ancestors in faith, including Jesus and the disciples as they celebrated it prior to his death. Rogation Sunday, May 04 – Once again we celebrated the beginning of the growing season in our part of the world and the gifts of farm and garden which God has provided in Creation. Many members of our parish brought soil, seeds and plants to ask for God’s blessing on their planting and growing. These were then taken back to gardens for sowing and planting. Many shared plants and seeds with each other as God has shared creation with us all. Environmental Awareness - We did not have a specific Sunday liturgy with focus on the environment this year. We did, however, include prayers concerning environmental awareness and our responsibilities in stewardship of Creation in the Sunday liturgies during September. Back to Church Sunday, September 28 – Once again this year we joined many churches across the Anglican Communion in taking one Sunday in September to make a special invitation to our friends, families and former members to come to be with us – for one day at least. In addition, this year Back to Church Sunday included a concert by the musical Gospel Duo – ‘Infinitely More’ and a parish barbeque – both organised and sponsored by Parish Council. We continue to provide publications for personal prayer and reflection which are always available at the church (Forward Day by Day and daily reflections for Advent and Lent). Our ministry was also able to participate in and sponsor something new: 30 Vital Church Maritimes Conference 2014, February 03-05 – This was the first Vital Church Conference in the Maritimes. In Canada, several have been held in Ontario and at least one in Edmonton. Through a series of workshops, seminars, and keynote addresses many people from our diocese, and guests from other dioceses and churches were able to learn and share about our Church. The conference especially focused on new ways – new expressions of bringing new life to our faith. Mary Meisner, Michael Mitchell, Louis Quennelle, & Robert MacMillan from our parish were able to participate in all or in part of this Conference. Vital Church Maritimes will once again be held this year. The dates this year are April 21-23. We encourage other members of our parish to consider participating in this great opportunity to learn , share and bring new life to their own faith by participarting in this worthwhile event. Your experience can be brought back to help revitalize us all. Reimagining Church, May/June & October/November – Reimagining Church is a series of sessions prepared for use in our diocese examining where we have been and are as church, and especially where we want to go. The sessions, using videos and story telling, give us insights into some of the ‘fresh expressions’ of Church which are reaching out especially to people who at present have no connection with Christianity or church. The sessions (5 each time) were offered twice this year. The first sessions in May/June were offered, as most programs are, in our church hall. The second set (October/November) was offered in a local restaurant which offered its space and provided coffee, tea and a treat at very reasonable cost to us. This set of sessions included a sixth session meant for the participants to look at some fresh expressions of church which God might be calling us to in our own community. More than thirty members of our congregation participated in some or all of these sessions. Although nothing concrete has yet emerged from the sessions, we are still re-imagining. There has been some interest in the possibility of the sessions being offered once again in 2015. Stay tuned! We hope to continue many of our projects this year. Many of them provide traditions which help us sustain our faith. Some offer us new ways of growing and connecting in our relationship to God and the church. Please look to our Sunday bulletins for upcoming events. We thank all who have participated in any of the programs, liturgies and sessions. We especially thank all who have helped organize and provided food, set up, clean up, or other services for any of the events. We look forward to your continued involvement and input in providing you ways to live and grow in your lives of faith in God; in our church, community and world. In Christ, Louis Quennelle Chair, Spiritual Development Ministry 31 SUMMER TOUR PROGRAM REPORT To the Rector, Wardens, Parish Council and Parishioners of St. John’s: Our Tour Guide Program has had another busy season as we welcomed approximately 18,000 visitors through the doors of St. John’s. Interest in our Parish and Church buildings continues to be very strong. 2014 was our first season working with Ambassatours who brought an additional 1500 visitors through the church at $2 a person. We also greeted visitors from cruise ships anchored in our harbour. It is always interesting to glance through our “Guest Book” to see that the world is coming to Lunenburg and St. John’s is pleased to be a part of their destination. This past season we were fortunate to employ two excellent Tour Guides, David Rechnitzer and Eamonn Sullivan. They welcomed visitors in English, French and German while telling the interesting history of our church and community. We thank them for their efforts and wish them well in their continuing university studies. Appreciation is also extended to James Aulenbach, our honorary assistant organist for his musical talents as he played piano and organ for our visitors. I would also like to thank Jane Ritcey and Roger Demone for their assistance and time spent interviewing applicants for the Tour Guide positions and for providing tours of the Church during the summer. To those faithful volunteers who came forward to assist us during a very busy fall season with many days reaching over 200 visitors. We owe you a great debt of gratitude and without you we would not be able to extend the tour season into September and October. It is very important we keep our doors open throughout the fall season. We welcome anyone who would like to volunteer in the Tour Guide Program. Respectfully submitted, Peter Allen 32 SOUTH SHORE REGIONAL COUNCIL REPRESENTATIVES’ 2014 ANNUAL REPORT Canon 20 provides that the Regional Council shall meet for the purposes of but are not limited to: (a) providing a forum for parishioners and clergy to discuss matters of importance to the Region, its parishioners and churches; (b) assessing matters of diocesan concern, including subjects that will arise at Synod; (c) holding a pre Synod meeting so that Synod Delegates may become familiar with the motions and (d) providing opportunities for fellowship within the wider Church. March 8, 2014 Regional Council Meeting Parish delegates Betty Lou Olivier and Mary Meisner attended the South Shore Regional Council meeting at St. Andrew’s, Brooklyn (Parish of South Queens) on Sat., March 8, 2014. Following opening devotions, Rev. Marion Lucas Jefferies gave a presentation on M.O.S.T. Formerly the Diocesan National and World Mission Committee and its Subcommittees, the focus of the Mission, Outreach and Social Justice Task Group evolves around the following specific categories: Environment, Primate's World Relief and Development Fund (PWRDF), Social Justice, Indigenous Relations and Refugees. Rev. Jefferies spoke about each of the foregoing, with a particular emphasis on the environment. An environment challenge has been issued for the next 12 months. How can our parishes become more green and environmentally conscious/friendly? Rev. Jefferies also spoke about the “Fred Says” campaign, under the PWRDF program. For more information, please visit http://www.fredsays.ca Marilyn Newport gave a presentation on the Non-stipendiary Ordained Ministry program (NSOM). Highlights of the Business Meeting included the following: 1. Welcoming new clergy, namely: Rev. Helen Chandler (Yarmouth/Tusket), Rev. Shona Broadman (Parish of South Queens) and Rev. Robert Richmond (Lockport/Barrington). 2. Reports from the Regional Dean, Diocesan Council Representatives, PWRDF and the Archdeacon. 3. Consideration of a daylong information event for Regional Council (similar to the workshop held at St. John’s in March, 2012), with an emphasis on ”Healthy Congregations”, applicable Canons and finances. 4. SafeRChurch. The next Regional Council meeting is intended to have a presentation on this. A motion for a $300 gift from Regional Council to the Diocesan Lay Leadership Legacy Fund, as a retirement gift for Bishop Sue. 33 May 26, 2014 Regional Council Meeting Parish delegates Betty Lou Olivier and Mary Meisner attended the Annual Meeting of South Shore Regional Council meeting held at St. James’ Parish Hall, Mahone Bay, on Monday, May 26, 2014. Archdeacon Michael Mitchell was also in attendance. Business Arising from the Minutes: (a) Report of Episcopal Ministry Task Group (Mitre Group). Surveys had been conducted by the Task Group and its recommendation was that no Suffragan Bishop would be hired at this time and that certain of the monies that otherwise would have been expended in that regard would be used to hire additional administrative staff, so to ease the workload of the Bishop so he canconcentrate on his pastoral work. (b) SafeRChurch. “Formalizing a culture of mindfulness”. A Regional Council Workshop (open to all) is scheduled for May 31, 2014 at St. John’s, Lunenburg. Reports: (a) Archdeacon. Archdeacon Michael Mitchell reported on Helen Chandler’s June 18th service in Yarmouth, that the minister in New Germany finishes in October, that the Parish of LaHave and Blue Rocks will have part-time ministry, that the LaHave parish will be closing and that the Archdeacons and Regional Deans will be meeting with Bishop Culter. Archdeacon Michael Mitchell referenced our new Regional Dean, The Rev. Ian Wissler (Mahone Bay), and thanked our former Regional Dean, The Rev. Gordon Druggett (Chester). (b) Diocesan Council. The Diocesan Controller forecasts a $50K operating deficit for this year. There is a 94% compliance rate for the allotment payment. Mitre Group (see above). Building deficiencies in the newly constructed Anglican Diocesan Centre are being addressed. There will be a youth worker for one-half the time in 2015. Discussion ensued about the process of applications to the Anglican Foundation (and that a Parish requires the approval of te Diocesan Council before an application is made). Atlantic School of Theology is looking for a new President. (c) PWRDF. Written report was received from Pam Oliver. The Annual Workshop will be held at Holy Trinity, Bridgewater, on October 25, 2014. (d) Environment Network. Eco-challenge starts in September. Elections: (a) Clergy Representative to Diocesan Council: The Rev. Ed Trevors. (b) New Clergy Co-Chair of Regional Council: The Rev. Ian Wissler. New Business: (a) The Super Amazing Bible Camp of Awesomeness II. Bridgewater Saturday, June 21, 2014. Volunteers needed. (b) C.L.A.Y. (Canadian Lutheran Anglican Youth) Conference. The Rev. Ed Trevor and 7 youth will be attending the Conference in Kamloops, B.C. in August. The Conference will be in P.E.I. in 2015. MOTION: Donate $500 to assist our youth attending the 2014 C.L.A.Y Conference. (www.claygathering.ca) 34 (c) Invitation to Shelburne. October 3/4/5, 2014 weekend. Primate Fred Hiltz will be in attendance. Celebrating 40 years in the Church. Blessing of the Church on October 4, 2014. Invitation for Parishes to build a soap box car and come race in the derby. May 31, 2014 Regional Council Workshop A Regional Council SafeR Church Workshop was held at St. John’s, Lunenburg on Saturday, May 31, 2014. A number of parishioners attended this workshop on behalf of St. John’s, including Ms. Maureen Moffatt. September 20, 2014 Regional Council Meeting Parish delegate Velvet Eliuk attended the South Shore Regional Council meeting held at Yarmouth, on September 20, 2014. The meeting focused primarily on SafeR Church. November 27, 2014 Regional Council Meeting Parish delegates Betty Lou Olivier and Mary Meisner attended the South Shore Regional Council meeting held at St. Andrew’s, Brooklyn (Parish of South Queens) on the evening of November 27, 2014. Archdeacon Michael Mitchell was also in attendance. Following are some highlights of the meeting: Business Arising from the Minutes of the Last Meeting (a) Rev. Ed Trevors reported on the CLAY (Canadian Lutheran and Anglican Youth) Conference held in Kamloops B.C. in August. There were approximately 800 young people (13 to 21 years of age) in attendance at the 4-day Conference. 4 teenagers and 2 adults attended from our Diocese. Rev. Trevors reported that the next conference will be in Charlottetown PEI in August 2016 at the University of PEI. Please encourage attendance from your parish. Significant number of volunteers will be needed. (b) Rev. Trevors is also reported on the 40th anniversary celebration of his parish and indicated that it would have been delightful if parishioners from other churches had attended. Reports (a) Archdeacon. Archdeacon Mitchell reported that the parishes were busy. He encouraged to parishes to contact the Archdeacon and Regional Dean, before contacting the Bishop’s Office. He indicated that the Archdeacons meet four times a year with the Bishop. Michael reminded us of the Diocesan Committee that has created various liturgical resources, that are available on the Diocesan website and referenced Bishop Ron’s theme of ”It’s not about us, but about the world”. The Rector from South Queens has resigned and Bonnie Baird has been appointed Priest-incharge. Rev. John Wright is Priest-in-charge in Blue Rocks/LaHave and Rev. Stephen Kristenson is Priest-in-charge of New Germany (b) Regional Dean. Regional Dean Wissler also encouraged parishes to call upon the Archdeacon and/or the Regional Dean if assistance is needed in the Parish. He indicated that the parishes are 35 busy with SafeR Church and reminded us that the Regional Councils are the foundation of administration in the Diocese. (c) Diocesan Council (Rev Ed. Trevors) Our Region’s representatives on Diocesan Council are Rev. Ed Trevors and Mr. David Warner (lay rep). Rev. Trevors reported the following from the October 18, 2014 meeting of Diocesan Council: i. It was hoped that the REJOICE campaign would raise $300,000, with the intent that the interest from these monies would be used to help new ministries in parishes. Unfortunately, the campaign only raised $13,000. A different approach may be tried in the future. ii. Without having the assistance of a Suffragan Bishop, Bishop Ron is busy. Bishop Ron was given the salary of a suffragan bishop to restructure the administration within the Diocesan office. As a consequence the following measures have taken place or in or in the works: (a) the Bishop’s administrative responsibilities have been transferred to existing staff (b) the position of the Diocesan Secretary ( basically acts as the coordinator of Synod) has been continued (c) the re-establishment of a vocation coordinator. The intent is to use existing clergy in the area. This is a paid position but with minimal hours per month. It is intended to assist in the discernment process (d) the hiring of a full-time Parish Vitality Coordinator. His or her job description would be to help parishes be vibrant and relevant - i.e. in the community iii. the deadline for Church Extension and Ministry Fund applications has been extended to mid-November. Rev. Trevors encouraged us to visit the Diocesan website. This Fund provides various grants and loans within the Diocese iv. The Youth and Family Ministry is looking for new members, particularly males v. CLAY Conference, 2016 - will be seeking help (financial and volunteers) from the Region and the Diocese vi. Recommended (only) salary increase for all employees: 0.5% increase for 2015; 0.5% increase for 2016 and 1.0% increase for 2017 vii. Social Justice/Outreach is looking for five people from each region to join the Task Groups viii. Healthy church. The Vital Church Maritimes Conference will be held mid-week sometime mid-April, 2015. The Rev. Dr. Judy Paulson, Professor of Evangelism, Wycliffe College will be the keynote speaker ix. The 2014 Diocesan Budget is expected to be balanced (d) PWRDF (Pam Oliver). 37 attended the Bridgewater workshop this fall. Next year’s workshop will be held in Stellarton. Christmas cards are available. Various resources, including those related to “Fred Says”, are available online. A Spring conference is in the works Diocesan Synod, 2105 Regional Dean Wissler reported that Diocesan Synod will be held May 28, 29, 30, 2015 at Dalhousie University. There is a change in the number of delegates Parishes can send: 2 lay 36 delegates, 1 youth delegate and 2 clergy. Regional Dean Wissler also encouraged members to approach their Parishes with regard to what their primary concern is for Regional Council to address, for purposes of future meetings. Tentative future meetings: Saturday, March 21, 2015 at Shelburne; Wednesday, May 6, 2615 (pre-Synod meeting); Wednesday, June 17, 2015 (AGM); Wednesday, September 16; Saturday, November 14 SafeR Church The meeting continued with a discussion with regard to use of parish property by others (third parties) as it relates to the SafeR Church This Report has been written in the absence of Velvet Eliuk, but with the blessings of Betty Lou Olivier, St. John’s other elected lay representatives on South Shore Regional Council. I am confident that Velvet will, and Betty Lou does, join me in thanking you for allowing us the opportunity to serve as your lay representatives on Regional Council. Respectfully submitted, Mary E. Meisner, Representative, South Shore Regional Council 37 Service Statistics for 2014 - (2013 Figures) SERVICE # OF SERVICES ATTENDANCE SUNDAY SERVICES 2013 2014 8:30 am Eucharist 47 48 2013 2014 2007 1253 1222 10:30 am Eucharist 42 44 4099 10:30 am Morning Prayer 8 7 Evening Prayer 3 AVERAGE 2013 2014 28 26 4006 98 93 1011 728 126 104 1 93 115 101 101 6456 6071 10:00 am Wednesday Service 46 45 480 480 10 10 Harbour View Haven 11 10 550 500 55 50 Veterans Unit – Fishermen’s Memorial 10 10 250 225 25 23 Ash Wednesday - 10:00 am Service 1 2 37 14 Ash Wednesday - 7:00 pm Service 1 1 25 33 8:30 Palm Sunday 1 0 31 10:30 Palm Sunday 1 1 110 120 Seder Supper Service 1 1 55 50 Maundy Thursday 1 1 35 30 10:00 am Good Friday 1 1 110 93 TOTAL SUNDAY ATTENDANCE MIDWEEK SERVICES HOLY WEEK SERVICES EASTER SERVICES Easter Vigil 1 1 31 99_ Easter Sunday 8:30 am Eucharist 1 1 45 40 Easter Sunday 10:30 am Eucharist 1 1 195 220 1 275 229 2 50 200 Patronal Festival Service – 06/08 Anglican/Lutheran Joint Services 1 World Day of Prayer 1 50 International Rebekka’s Service 1 200 September 24 HVH Residents 1 1 32 28 Back to Church Sunday – 3 events 3 3 233 150 STORM 1 25 20 Oct 5 Blessing of Animals 38 Sept. 7 Fishermen’s Memorial Service 1 250 # OF SERVICES ATTENDANCE 2013 2014 2013 10:00 pm Christmas Eve 1 1 1 1 425+ 175 430+ 150 Christmas Day 1 1 12 15 BAPTISMS 7 13 280 281 WEDDINGS 7 9 690 905 FUNERALS 17 26 1001 3086 Clericus Gatherings 1 2 50 48 CHRISTMAS SERVICES 4:00 pm Christmas Eve Service TOTAL ATTENDANCE 2014 10743 13,615 ST. JOHN=S ANGLICAN CHURCH CLERGY CONTINUING EDUCATION Ven. W.E. Ryder, Ven. R.G. Fowlow, Donna Howe Memorial Trust Fund For the 12 months ended December 31, 2014 2014 2012 2013 $679.79 $912.76 $531.11 Investment Interest $472.13 $385.49 $357.05 Bank Interest $.00 $.06 $.00 Bank Service Charge $(6.79) $(.40) $(.40) Continuing Education - Rector Donation/HST Rebate $(250.00) $(661.25) $.00 $125.00 $43.13 $25.00 $1020.13 $679.79 $912.76 Balance January 1 Balance December 31 39 LUNENBURG INTERCHURCH FOOD BANK REPORT 2014 The Lunenburg Interchurch Food Bank continues to work hard to meet the needs of people in our area. Approximately twenty-five volunteers take on the responsibilities of operating the Food Bank, which is open every second Tuesday morning between 9:00 a.m. and noon at the United Church Hall on Cumberland Street. Throughout the year, a number of initiatives collect large quantities of food, including the Folk Harbor Festival, Eastern Star Harbor cruises, Bluenose Academy, local churches and schools. Many folks make financial contributions as well. St John's Anglican Church provides gift cards to those in need who may have an emergency during times when the Food Bank is not open. Parishioners are reminded that items donated to the Food Bank must be unopened and not be expired. Items such as shampoo, Kleenex, toilet tissue and toothpaste are also very useful. Barrels at the back of the church are available for dropping off items. For information please call Laura Roblee 521-4823. Respectfully submitted, Laura Roblee CRUMBS FROM THE TABLE REPORT 2014 Crumbs From the Table is a registered charity which was begun by Jean Harrison of Antigonish several years ago. Collection boxes are placed in restaurants in a number of communities in Nova Scotia with the hope that patrons will drop in their spare change. All monies are used to alleviate world hunger through such agencies as the Primate's World Relief and Development Fund and the Canadian Hunger Foundation. In Lunenburg, there are boxes on the counters at Savvy Sailor, Kate's Sweet Indulgence, Docksider and Big Red's. Please support this worthy cause. For more information please contact Laura Roblee 521-4823. Respectfully submitted, Laura Roblee 40 A.C.W. ANNUAL REPORT 2014 To the Rector, Wardens, Parish Council and Parishioners of St. John’s: I wish to submit my eighth Annual Report as President of St. John’s Anglican Church Women. We began our year hosting a potluck luncheon and mystery auction for all the women of the parish in mid-January. We donated the money raised - $1,000.00 – to the Madagascar School Project. In February, St. John’s held the Marriage Preparation Course for the region and this involved our preparation of morning snacks and a hot meal at midday. Also, in February, we set up and oversaw the lunch for the Annual Meeting. On Friday, March 7, we hosted the World Day of Prayer in the church, with a fellowship hour following the Service. On a monthly basis, we also catered for a local volunteer group, providing a chowder lunch, the second Thursday of each month from October to May. The luncheons are held in St. John’s Parish Hall. Meetings were held monthly throughout the year except for August. There were several fundraisers held: in June, the Lobster Roll Take out and in July, the Parish Council Roast Beef Dinner. In October, a Flea Market with canteen in the Parish Hall proved most profitable. All these fund raisers made it possible to contribute to our church, to Lunenburg Meals on Wheels, The Mission to Seafarers, Christmas Daddies, The Anglican Foundation of Canada and the Diocesan A.C.W. Fund for Indigenous Students. A new fund raiser was initiated at the end of 2014 with the A.C.W. preparing specially marked paper plates which were distributed to those in the congregation who wished to take part, by filling them with “Loonies” throughout the year, on the appropriate dates marked. These will be collected and the end of 2015 and all monies will be given to St. John’s Church. The Annual Meeting of Lunenburg/St. Margaret’s Region Anglican Church Women was held at St. George’s Church, Hubbards, in October with 11 members from St. John’s in attendance. The meeting in 2015 will be held in Bridgewater. To all parishioners, thank-you for all the donations of food, monies and time you have given to us this year. With your help we have been able to donate $10,000.00 to St. John’s General Fund and to help pay the cost of lawn care. I would like to thank Louise Holdbrook for keeping our finances in order. Great job! I personally would like to thank all the members of our committee for your continued commitment at meetings and all other functions. It is a pleasure to work with you all. Thank you to the Rector and Wardens for your support during the year. Thank you, Mary, for being there for us. Respectfully submitted, Barbara Nowe A.C.W. President 41 A.C.W. CATERING REPORT FOR 2014 To Father Michael, Parish Council and Parishioners of St. John’s: We are pleased to submit the A.C.W. Catering Report for 2014. All funds earned were turned over to the A.C.W. Treasurer. 1. January 9 – Chowder Luncheon 2. January 16 – Chowder Luncheon 3. January 18 – Funeral Reception for Simon Steele 4. January 20 – A.C.W. Potluck Lunch and Mystery Auction 5. February 8 – Marriage Preparation Program (Luncheon) 6. February 13 – Chowder Luncheon 7. February 16 – St. John’s Annual Meeting 8. March 13 – Chowder Luncheon 9. April 10 – Chowder Luncheon 10. May 8 – Chowder Luncheon 11. May 9 – Funeral Reception for Harriet Whynacht 12. May 29 – Clericus Meeting (Lunch) 13. May 31 – Regional Council Meeting 14. June 20 – Lobster Burger Take-out 15. July 2 – Funeral Reception for Gordon Winters 16. July 13 – Roast Beef Dinner 17. July 28 – Funeral Reception for Donald Hebb 18. September 5 – Clericus Quiet Day (Lunch) 19. September 26 – Funeral Reception for Margaret Tibbo 20. October 9 – Chowder Luncheon 21. October 18 – Flea Market, Bake Table, Silent Auction and Canteen 22. October 26 – Potluck Lunch for Bishop Ron Cutler 23. November 1 – Funeral reception for John James 24. November 13 – Chowder luncheon 25. November 18 – Clericus Meeting (Lunch) 26. December 4 – Funeral Reception for Olive Croft 27. December 11- Chowder Luncheon This year we catered to 27 different functions, those being funeral receptions, chowder luncheons, Lobster Burger Take out, Flea Market Canteen and our first Roast Beef Supper. We welcomed Louise Holdbrook as our new Treasurer and Sheila Morris as a new member. We are happy to have you both with us. Thank you to our congregation for supporting us in all our catering activities; those who made food, gave donations and helped in the kitchen. Thank you to our Calling committee who do a fabulous job. A big thank you goes to the men who set up and take down tables and chairs and help with the dishes. It’s a great big help and we appreciate it. Thank You to Father Michael and Mary for all your support this past year. As a result of everyone working together, we had another successful year. Thank you all! Respectfully submitted, Patty Tanner and Sharon Green 42 43 ST. JOHN'S ANGLICAN CHURCH PLANNED GIVING Account Investment Units Schedule of Bequests and Memorials As At September 30,2014 No. of Parish Units Assigned Name of Bequest No. of Parish Units Assigned For Church Music Carl Stoodley Memorial Minnie Gardner Bequest Roy M. Whynacht Bequest Louis C.B. Schwartz Bequest Piano Fund Surplus Mrs. Dorothy Meisner Endowment For Current Account (2.15 New) 66.61 16.47 33.66 2.87 12.89 69.62 202.12 Miss Aleatha Anderson Bequest Aubrey Smith Bequest J. J. Rudolf Bequest Sunday School World War II Funds L.H. & I.C. Smith Bequest Capt. J.R. Knickle Bequest Marion Adams Bequest Mrs. Roseville Anderson The Anderson Trust Fred Glover Bequest W.A. Zwicker Bequest Archibald Knickle Bequest Arabella Dauphinee Bequest Ellen Sponagle Bequest A.S. Kaulbach Bequest Benjamin C. & Antoinette Smith Memorial Proceeds from Sale of Glebe Lands J.W.Y. Creighton Bequest George Anderson Bequest Mrs. Naomi Rudolf Bequest Harry Smith Bequest Mrs. Agnes Martin Bequest Mrs. Annie Rudolf Bequest Miss Annie B. Anderson Bequest Mrs. Maple Messias Bequest Miss Gladys Smith Bequest Douglas Adams Bequest Harry & Grace Buckmaster Bequest Beatrice & Wilson Anderson Bequest John W.W. & Edythe E.Oxner Bequest Dr. Owen B. Smith Bequest Lilla B. Knickle Bequest A.C.W. Vivian Zinck Bequest Lucille Reid Bequest Ethel Read Bequest Wally Knock Bequest Wallace W. Smith Bequest Mavourneen Smith Bequest Eisenhauer Endowment Frank H.M.Adams Bequest C.J.Morrow Bequest Ruth M.James Bequest WA/ACW Endowment Ormus Benjamin Berringer Bequest 1997 transfer re:Armadillo Productions Wallace & Ruth Galton Bequest Lillian M Mason Bequest Rodney D Himmelman Bequest Pat & Doug Robertson Memorial For Chime Maintenance A.S. Kaulback Bequest 74.49 For Fabric & Containments of the Church Miss Maple B. Anderson Memorial 300.83 For Clergy Continuing Education The Ven. W.E. Ryder & The Ven.R.G.Fowlow Fund Donna Howe (Mrs. Bruce H.W.) Memorial 66.61 147.55 214.16 For Rector's Discretionary Fund D Andrew Eisenhauer Memorial 360.02 For Property Maintenance - 250th Ann Fund 1989 Special Envelope 1991 General Acct Transfer 1992 Special Envelope Mabel Zwicker Memorial 1992 General Acct Transfer 1993 Special Envelope Barbara Walker Bequest Ronald G. Smith Bequest Edna E. Knickle Bequest Capt. W P Cluett & W Guy Tanner Memorial Mrs. June D Tanner Bequest Mrs. C. J. Morrow Memorial Dorothy Heisler Bequest 1994 Special Envelope 1995 Special Transfer 1995 Special Envelope Trevor Kent Memorial Stewart Veinotte Memorial 282.92 229.20 37.96 31.52 191.96 27.22 2478.26 693.34 1884.48 27.22 189.09 270.03 27.22 15.76 26.50 5.37 42.26 74.49 6534.80 TOTAL UNITS 44 66.61 20.06 16.47 2.87 33.66 33.66 100.28 182.65 66.61 33.66 3.58 6.45 3.58 6.45 25.79 (107.5 New) 838.05 2762.61 870.26 243.55 37.25 47.30 234.95 83.80 75.21 167.60 200.55 335.21 141.10 106.01 250.87 724.15 28.65 14.35 85.95 43.00 30.10 285.10 136.81 181.46 289.40 188.40 32.25 275.78 15.05 221.35 161.18 1471.10 514.92 121.80 11817.50 19503.92 ST. JOHN'S ANGLICAN CHURCH PLANNED GIVING ACCOUNT HISTORIAL PERFORMANCE 1985-2014 ====================== Historical Data: Total Market Value Total Income Funds transferred to Central Fund June 30/99 Dec 99 16,852.9 39.49 1.86 Dec 00 16,852.9 43.51 1.78 Dec 01 16,852.9 42.85 1.75 Dec 02 16,852.9 40.59 1.78 Dec 03 16,852.9 41.21 2.00 665,453.00 733,448.40 722,160.77 684,019.15 694,514.62 31,332.00 29,979.85 29,514.34 29,954.68 33,772.89 6,560.40 nil nil nil nil Reporting year changed to Oct 1 - Sept 30 Sept 04 16,852.9 41.14 Sept 05 16,852.9 43.96 Sept 06 16,852.9 44.19 Sept 07 16,852.9 43.92 Sept 08 18,324.0 40.45 Sept 09 18,385.8 40.80 Sept 10 18,900.7 41.15 Sept 11 19,263.1 40.87 Sept 12 19,389.7 42.55 Sept 13 19,394.2 45.55 Sept 14 19,503.9 46.68 693,344.81 740,915.60 744,658.25 740,127.46 741,153.15 751,869.38 777,800.26 787,219.35 824,942.42 883,440.23 910,504.14 37,150.86 36,340.38 37,021.45 38,385.71 44,510.74 37,484.20 31,870.93 31,991.36 32,458.89 34,682.03 38,306.26 nil nil nil nil 60,000.00 2,500.00 20,000.00 15,388.40 5,200.00 200.00 5,100.00 Date Units Market/ Unit Income/ Unit 2.20 2.16 2.20 2.28 2.43 2.04 1.69 1.66 1.67 1.79 1.96 45 Net Capital Additions PLANNED GIVING ACCOUNT REPORT Schedules attached to this report detail all bequests to, income from and changes in market value of our Planned Giving Investment Account for the 12 month period ended September 30, 2014. Funds in this account were transferred to the Diocesan Consolidated Investment Trust Fund during 1999. The fund is managed by Jarislowsky Fraser in Toronto. The Parish has no involvement in the investment management of this fund. Income distributions from the fund and valuation reports are received quarterly approximately 2 months in arrears. Therefore, since 2004, we report on investments for the twelve-month period - October 1 to September 30. The market value of the fund on Sept. 30, 2014 was $910,504.14. Income distributions for the year ended Sept. 30, 2014 were $38,306.26 equivalent to $1.96 per unit or 4.2% of the Sept. 30, 2014 unit value of $46.68, a 2.5% increase in value during the 12 month period. Our Planned Giving Account is a vitally important incoming-producing asset of our Parish. This year we received just over $38,300 from our Planned Giving Account due to generous Planned Giving by former and current members of the Parish, or their family and friends. Without the benefit of this income, the financial realities for today’s congregation of St. John’s would be very different. It is incumbent upon us to be good stewards of these funds for our benefit, and that of future generations. During the year $5,100 was contributed to the Planned Giving Account for permanent investment. In addition, $79,795.74 was contributed in the last quarter of 2014 and will be reported next year as a 2015 contribution. The attached Investment Units Schedule indicates how income earned in the Planned Giving Account is to be used by the Parish. Income is allocated of the basis of the ratio of the number of fund units in each category to the total units in the fund. The resulting allocation is as follows: Church Music 1.04% Chime Maintenance 0.38% Fabric and Containment of the Church 1.54% Clergy Continuing Education 1.10% Rector’s Discretionary Fund 1.85% Property Maintenance 33.50% General Account 60.59% As you review this report and the attached schedules, please reflect upon your personal approach to Planned Giving. Would you like to be in a position to know that your Parish would benefit forever from a Planned Giving decision that you made in your lifetime? There are a lot of options to accomplish this if you plan ahead. If you would like to discuss any of these options – your Rector, Archdeacon Michael Mitchell, or Planned Giving Officer, Jim Eisenhauer, would be pleased to talk with you, or put you in touch with other Planned Giving advisors within our Diocese. Wills, gifts of cash, securities, life insurance, annuities or other assets are just some of the possibilities. The key is – do not delay. We encourage you to be a faithful steward of God’s work forever - Please plan today! 46 ST JOHN’S LADIES’ GUILD REPORT 2014 The Ladies’ Guild with a membership of thirty-two meets on the third Monday of the month in the Zinck room of the Parish Hall. We are always pleased to welcome new members and added 2 more to our group this year. The purpose of the Guild is fellowship so we always make time to chat together and to get to know each other better. Thanks to Glo McNeill who kept the minutes; to Sandy Jordan who presented a devotional reading and to Sharon Green who coordinated the refreshments at each meeting. Members who are not able to attend the meetings are remembered at Christmas with cards. We attended the funeral for a sad farewell to long time and very active member and former president Harriet Whynacht and made a donation in her name to St. John’s. The meeting topics included: January - joining the ACW for a potluck and auction; March - Roger Mason explained how the St John’s Community Outreach Program began and is working; April - Nicole Satler who established a new business in town - The New Voice Language Academy; June - lunch at Kedy’s Innlet Café and a visit to the Mahone Bay Settlers’ Museum; September - potluck lunch and blind auction; and November- Maureen Moffatt educated us about the SafeR Church initiative. At the December meeting we were busy wrapping “Santa” presents for residents at Harbour View Haven, and wrapping gifts for residents without family, expertly shopped for during the year by Marie Daurie. Thanks to Marie for her superb shopping skills and for organizing the wrapping materials. In September, 15 residents and staff from HVH arrived at the church for a service. They stayed for a cool drink, cookies and fellowship at the back of the church. Thanks to Jo Eisenhauer for organizing the occasion. Thank you to the choir members and Jim Aulenbach on organ who helped to make the service so special with familiar hymns, and to Father Michael for presiding. On our behalf Laura Roblee sends birthday cards to Anglican residents of HVH. We also helped out at the HVH Tea in October by sending 2 servers and 3 plates of sweets. The Take-Out Lunches, our wonderful fundraisers, took place in May and Oct. In October we served our 50th lunch. The preparations run so smoothly as to seem effortless. However, it is the result of great effort and organization that it appears so. We are indebted to all who participated and to Pam Kent who initiated the lunches. We support Meals-on-Wheels every 6 weeks by delivering the meals twice during the week. Thank you to Hazel Oliver and Jo who are retiring from that position after many years of great service and thanks to Barbara Simonds and Laura Roblee who are stepping in to the drivers’ seat. We financially support a school project in Madagascar and thank Laura Roblee who acts as our liaison with Kathy Lucking and the project. Donations were also made to St. John’s general, discretionary and community outreach funds, Mission-to-Seafarers and Feed Nova Scotia. We also renewed our memberships in the Provincial ACW and the Anglican Foundation. Another activity undertaken in December 2014 was selling church calendars. 47 I am delighted to represent such a fine group of women from the congregation. It was a distinct pleasure to serve with members so willing to assist in all the activities. Thanks to the membership for the trust you placed in me. Respectfully submitted, Susan MacMillan, President Revenue St John’s Ladies Guild Financial Report 2014 2014 2013 Starting Balance Take-Out Lunch $254.12 $270.27 May $1151 $1133.10 October $1096.65 $1119.50 $125 $135 Dues Donations, Christmas stockings, Auction & Tea money$626.35 $330.25 Calendars Total $65 $3053.12 $50 $3303.12 Disbursements Misc. office –cheque purchase Social work cards and gifts for HVH & rector Memorial Madagascar Project PWDRF for Philippines Relief St. John’s Discretionary Fund St. John’s General Fund St. John’s Community Outreach Fund Mission to Seafarers Feed Nova Scotia ACW Newsletter Anglican Foundation Total $57.75 $365.44 $50 $500 Final Balance $464.93 Respectfully submitted, Susan MacMillan, Treasurer 48 $1000 $500 $100 $100 $100 $15 $50 $2838.19 $339 $500 $100 $1000 $500 $200 $100 $10 $50 $2799 $254.12 CHANCEL GUILD ANNUAL REPORT 2014 There was a signed agreement with CIBC on April 15, 2014 by Lillian Keeping, Carolyn White, and Joyce Creaser. I have received files from Sandy MacDonald and Jo Eisenhauer. If a member should request information from them, they are available. Thanks to Barbara Nowe for purchasing flowers from Seaside Flowers for Easter. Thanks to Lillian Keeping for replacing all church supplies as required and for purchasing flowers from Seaside in the past. Previously when purchasing flowers, the procedure has been to take vases from the church on the previous day and to pick them up the next day, which, when filled with water and flowers they are heavy to carry, and it is necessary to open the church on two days. Now they provide the arrangements wrapped to place in water-filled vases in the church on the same day. Is there agreement on this? When some flowers in a large arrangement begin to fade it is possible to extend their life a week or two by removing them from the vase – discard the faded ones, cut the stems off one inch on the fresh ones and replace them in fresh water in the vase. Flowers for Christmas were purchased from Seaside on December 20th for a concert that evening and for the Christmas Season. There were two 10” and four 8” red Poinsettias and two red and white arrangements of flowers for the vases on either side of the altar. Jane Ritcey donated eight small Poinsettias for the pews and loaned to us a large red and white Poinsettia on two occasions from Adams & Knickle which was placed in the font. Has there been acknowledgement of the urns of flowers at the church entrance that were planted by Velvet? They were extraordinarily beautiful as the season progressed. Mary has been most helpful at the Parish Office and has advised me of weddings and funerals so that I could contact the committee star of the month to prepare for them. My thanks to Marie Daurie who has been a fountain of information for me in preparation for communion and events. There are 16 purificators on hand, including two that have been supplied by Father Michael. He has always been available with advice and support. Please remember to provide a glass of water for him during services. Twenty-two members have served on six committees twice a year with a starred member as contact person. They have been faithful to carry out all the duties as required. It has been a privilege to serve as president of the Chancel Guild this year and I thank you for entrusting me with this office. Respectfully submitted, Joyce Creaser 49 ST. JOHN’S ALTAR GUILD FINANCIAL STATEMENT 2014 Forward from 2013: $5,049.28 Receipts: The Parish of St. John’s (flowers) CIBC – GIC interest D.M. Owen Fund (RBC dividends) 935.00 49.08 9315.20 $15,348.56 Expenses: Seaside Flowers Parish of St. John’s (Ryan) CIBC – Safety Deposit Box Donation to St. John’s Broughton’s – wafers, canisters Weed Man (Apr.25+Dec.4/14 (1/2 the cost) Lillian Keeping – wine, supplies Parish of St. John’s (Raymond Schultz) New vacuum cleaner Marie Daurie (new kettle) Receipts: Expenses: $15,348.56 13,958.57 $ 1,389.99 Balance in bank book: o/s cheques 1357.00 4500.00 115.00 2000.00 947.39 1320.80 371.39 2979.01 344.99 22.99 $ 13,958.57 Bank balance as of Jan. 20, 2015 $2,715.48 1,325.49 $1,389.99 o/s cheques Respectfully submitted, Lillian Keeping, Treasurer 50 $ 900.00 (Ryan) 22.79 Kettle 402.50 (Xmas flowers) $1,325.49 St. John’s Parish, Rector’s Discretionary Fund 2014 St. John’s Rector’s Discretionary Fund is an outreach ministry of the parish offering assistance to those who from time to time have special needs. Your generous support sustains the fund which is administered by the Rector in a confidential manner. On behalf of those who have received assistance, please accept this sincere word of appreciation to all who contribute to this fund. Your generosity makes a difference in the community. CATEGORY DESCRIPTION 2014 INCOME BANK BALANCE JANUARY 1, 2014 $4,960.25 Advances from Parish $7,451.59 Total Income $12,411.84 DISBURSEMENTS Groceries $952.84 Medical $689.35 Christmas Assistance $699.27 Fuel $651.75 Rent $1,065.00 Education Support $219.15 Emergency Assistance $908.69 Pastoral Support $173.51 Bank Charges $89.15 TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS $6,182.02 BANK BALANCE DECEMBER 31, 2014 $6,587.07 Respectfully submitted Archdeacon Michael H. Mitchell 51 52 ST. JOHN'S ANGLICAN CHURCH BALANCE SHEET AS AT DECEMBER 31, 2014 2014 2013 ASSETS Current assets: Cash and petty cash Prepaid expenses and receivables HST receivable $ 25,821 2,350 $ 36,492 3,667 28,171 $ 40,159 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 Fund for Parish: Parish shortfall Funds reserved for Paint the Church Project Funds reserved for Heritage Grant/FOOF Funds reserved for Rectory Repairs Funds reserved for Music Program Funds reserved for Continuing Clergy Education Funds reserved for St. John’s Outreach Program (9,185) 18,721 826 0 473 472 1,864 (5,094) 18,721 395 6,219 0 0 4,918 Total Fund for Parish 13,172 25,159 Total Liabilities and Fund for Parish 28,171 $ 40,159 Total Assets LIABILITIES & FUND FOR PARISH Current liabilities: Payroll taxes and other payable Restoration funds 53 St. John's Anglican Church-Statement of Income and Expense - December 2014 Actual Actual INCOME 2014 2013 Contributions Investment income Rental Income 143,403 38,306 5,192 139,532 34,682 6,893 3,871 3,624 (1,701) 140,000 36,000 7,000 3,403 2,306 (1,808) 143,500 40,000 6,750 Rectory Rent, net (Note 1) 10,710 7,511 3,199 10,710 - 10,710 Heritage Foundation Parish Fundraising Tour Program, net (Schedule 1) Concert Music Program/Church Venue Other Income (Note 2) Parish Organizations (Note 3) Pictorial Book Faith of Our Fathers Music Fundraising HST Recovery Heritage Committee 48,610 5,592 3,478 5,525 16,641 14,100 2,103 431 2,473 543 - 48,400 7,431 3,839 6,020 10,139 18,800 1,537 394 3,127 500 210 (1,839) (361) (495) 6,502 (4,700) 566 37 2,473 (2,584) (500) 41,000 7,500 5,535 5,500 11,000 14,100 1,700 400 2,000 2,700 - 7,610 (1,908) (2,057) 25 5,641 403 31 473 (2,157) - 48,000 4,000 5,090 3,900 11,500 13,300 2,100 400 1,000 265 - Designated Memorials - - - 100 (100) 100 10th Anniversary - - - - - 5,000 Paint The Church - 100 (100) - - - Rectory Repairs Project - 11,945 (11,945) - - - 260th Anniversary - 4,821 (4,821) - - - 297,107 305,671 (8,564) 285,245 11,862 295,615 8,692 8,253 12,396 14,009 (3,704) (5,756) 12,500 7,500 (3,808) 753 8,700 7,400 314,052 332,076 (18,024) 305,245 8,807 311,715 Operating Income Non-operating parochial/Outreach (Note 4) Extra parochial income (Note 5) Total income BUDGET Variance 54 BUDGET 2014 Variance 2015 EXPENSES Payroll (Note 6) 139,439 136,242 (3,197) 139,088 (351) 140,946 47,780 19,628 17,383 3,738 27,974 150 2,438 5,394 71 738 13,290 14,447 14,400 - 43,220 19,127 14,506 6,090 7,080 370 2,024 3,566 206 1,955 12,554 11,366 14,400 1,209 1,476 8,976 18,726 (4,560) (501) (2,877) 2,352 (20,894) 220 (414) (1,828) 135 1,217 (736) (3,081) 1,209 1,476 8,976 18,726 47,780 19,700 14,600 4,000 15,875 450 4,100 5,000 200 1,000 100 12,700 11,400 14,400 500 - 72 (2,783) 262 (12,099) 300 1,662 (394) 129 262 100 (590) (3,047) 500 - 42,644 14,650 13,875 2,900 27,375 450 4,300 5,000 200 650 100 14,353 14,000 14,400 500 1,200 - 306,870 303,093 (3,777) 290,893 (15,977) 297,543 8,732 10,870 12,527 9,320 3,795 (1,550) 12,600 7,700 3,868 (3,170) 7,600 8,600 Total expenses 326,472 324,940 (1,532) 311,193 (15,279) 313,743 SURPLUS (SHORTFALL) (12,420) 7,136 (19,556) (5,948) (6,472) (2,028) RESERVES - MUSIC FUNDRAISING (473) - (473) - RESERVES - Faith of Our Fathers (431) - (431) - RESERVES-Con't Clergy Education (472) - (472) - RESERVES-Outreach-donations/spent-net 3,053 (4,918) 7,971 - Reserves-R. repairs-donations/spent-net 6,219 (6,219) 12,438 - Diocesan Allotment Church utilities (Note 7) Hall utilities (Note 8) Rectory utilities (Note 9) Maintenance (Note 10) Dues/Fees/Donations Spiritual Development Parish Music & Instrument Upkeep Pastoral Ministry Heritage Designated Memorials Insurance (Note 11) Office/Admin./Misc.(Note 12) Housing Allowance Faith of Our Fathers Congregational Development 10th Anniversary 260th Anniversary Paint The Church Rectory Repair Project Operating expenses Non-operating parochial/Outreach (Note 13) Extral Parochial expense (Note 14) Reserves-Paint the Church-spent-net RESERVES-Heritage-spent SURPLUS - 8,876 (8,876) 2,805 433 1,455 (1,022) - (4,091) 6,330 (10,421) 777 Certain comparative figures have been reclassified to be consistent with the current year's presentation 55 St. John's Anglican Church - Notes 2014 Note 1: Rectory Rent (net) Return of Deposit Rent Income Gross Rent Minus 1st months rent-management fee Minus 10% of other rent-management fee Minus HST expense on fees Note 2: Other Income Memorials Weddings and Church Fees Research Fees Music Donation Miscellaneous Donation Miscellaneous Note 3: Parish Organizations A.C.W Ladies Guild Altar Guild Note 4:Non Operating Parochial Income Discretionary Fund Altar Guild-Flowers Resale Items PWRDF (Christmas cards) Note 5: Extra Parochial Income PWRDF Food Bank World Vision Diocesan Times St. John's Community Outreach Miscellaneous 2013 (1,200) (90) 500 9,000 9,500 (1,000) (850) (139) 10,710 7,511 13,577 2,450 48 150 400 16 8,445 1,455 16,641 10,139 10,000 13,000 12,000 12,000 175 64 500 500 3,600 5,300 14,100 18,800 7,452 775 355 110 11,260 430 491 215 8,692 12,396 5,116 1,470 504 0 400 763 5,271 1,170 354 195 6,518 501 8,253 14,009 56 Note 6: Payroll Rector and Relief Secretary and Relief Organist and Relief Bell Director Sexton Hall Custodian Chimers Staff Benefits Rector-Pension, Travel & Benefits Pension Admin. Fee Note 7: Church Utilities Fuel Electricity Water & Sewer Telephone & Security Furnace-Main./Cleaning Supplies Note 8: Hall Utilities Fuel Electricity Telephone & Security Water & Sewer Cleaning Fire Ext. & Salt Furnace Maintenance Note 9: Rectory Utilities Fuel Taxes Telephone Electricity Water & Sewer Furnace Mainteance Note 10: Maintenance Grounds/Snow Removal Church/Rectory Cleaning Hall Rectory Church Miscellaneous 52,560 28,111 19,414 1,975 4,035 5,333 1,050 7,177 18,649 1,135 51,718 27,141 19,234 1,925 3,425 5,228 1,050 7,295 19,226 0 139,439 136,242 12,140 5,360 1,116 996 16 9,977 5,781 1,113 1,767 489 19,628 19,127 9,737 3,286 1,908 953 872 252 375 7,201 3,074 1,821 968 496 416 530 17,383 14,506 0 2,774 964 0 0 0 1,821 2,674 639 140 200 616 3,738 6,090 2,109 13 2,161 12,458 11,233 - 2,577 1,646 1,250 0 0 1,607 27,974 7,080 57 St. John's Anglican Church - Notes 2014 Note 11: Insurance Church Rectory Hall Note 12: Office & Admin. & Misc. Copier Contracts Copier Supplies Computer & Software Postage Bank Charges Offering Envelopes Advertising Internet Hospitality Fax/Telehone Stationery, Supplies & Bulletins Membership Dues Miscellaneous Note 13: Non-Operating Parochial Exp. Discretionary Fund/Outreach Altar Guild-Flowers Resale Items Continuing Education Note 14: Extra Parochial Expense PWRDF Food Bank World Vision Diocesan Times St. John's Community Outreach Miscellaneous 2013 8,952 1,066 3,272 8,498 1,001 3,055 13,290 12,554 5,269 680 1,116 739 586 826 642 1,415 990 836 117 1,231 4,114 999 263 472 658 730 581 953 612 507 359 1,118 14,447 11,366 7,552 11,360 775 430 405 0 8,732 351 386 12,527 5,226 1,470 429 3,454 291 5,486 1,170 468 195 1,600 401 10,870 9,320 58 SCHEDULE 1 St. John's Anglican Church Year to date December 31, 2014 2014 2013 SUMMER TOUR PROGRAM Contributions Donations by Vistors Music donations Lunenburg Walking Tours Bus Tour Admission 10,944 1,000 1,000 3,056 11,829 1,000 1,000 Total summer revenues 16,000 13,829 Expenses Payroll Musical performances during tours Chimers Tour guides Less: Grants received for guides Organ Tuning Other expenses Total expenses Net contribution to parish 665 1,000 9,786 0 11,451 8,786 800 271 762 442 12,522 9,990 3,478 3,839 SUMMER TOUR PROGRAM - 2015 BUDGET CALCULATIONS Revenues Donations by Vistors Music Donations Lunenburg Walking Tours Bus Tours 12,000 1,000 1,000 3,056 Total revenues 17,056 Expenses Musical performances during tours Chimers Tour Guide Payroll Less Grants Organ Tuning Brochures Miscellaneous Total expenses Net contribution to parish 1,295 1,000 14,891 (8,400) 1,365 1,000 6,600 800 2,000 200 11,965 5,091 59 St. John’s Proposed Parish Council 2015 Parish Rector Archdeacon Michael Mitchell Assistant Priest Rev’d Louis Quennelle Parish Wardens Wayne Dodge* Warden Heather Eisenhauer Warden Elected Members (12) Rena Demone* Elected Member Velvet Eliuk Elected Member Jane Ritcey Moore* Elected Member Judy McPherson Elected Member Mary Meisner* Elected Member James Green* Elected Member Peter Matthews* Elected Member Maureen Moffatt Elected Member Alex Green* Elected Member Barbara Nowe* Elected Member Duncan Crowdis Elected Member Robert MacMillan Elected Member Synod Delegates 1) Alternate – Regional Council Appointments Parish Secretary Parish Treasurer 2016 2017 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2018 2018 2016 2018 2018 2018 2018 2) Youth Delegate – Mary Meisner, Velvet Eliuk & Betty Lou Oliver (not on council) Mary Wagner Cammy Tibbo Parish Organizations Representatives * Director of Music Barbara Butler Sunday School Rena Demone* PWRDF ACW Barbara Nowe* Heritage Ministry Peter Matthews* Property Committee Wayne Dodge, Jim Green, Alex Green CDC Mary Meisner Music Committee Jane Ritcey Moore 60