God`s Blessings to our 6th Graders Receiving First Communion
God`s Blessings to our 6th Graders Receiving First Communion
GRACE Building Relationships for Eternity… One Person at a Time Matthew 28:18-20 God’s Blessings to our 6th Graders Receiving First Communion Coming up at Grace February 1 Grandparents Day At Grace Lutheran School and Preschool See the Principal’s Pen for more information: www.graceschoolescondido.org February 9 Father/Daughter Dance 6:30 p.m. in the Grace Gym/Hall See our website for more information: www.gracelutheranescondido.org February 13 Ash Wednesday 11:00 am and 7:00 p.m. services Every Thursday Bible Study on learning to Live Your Faith. Join us as we continue our study of Romans12-16 and learn how to live a Spirit led life. This is a great opportunity to grow in your faith and apply God’s Word to your life. Thursdays, 7:00 p.m. in the multipurpose room. Get involved in a small group. Contact us at pastor.jimy@verizon or [email protected] and we will help you find the group best suited to your situation. Join us for Worship Regular worship schedule Saturday— Saturday—6:00pm, Family Worship and Children’s Church Sunday— Sunday—8:00am Traditional Worship, 9:30am Contemporary Worship and Children’s Church 10:45 am House Church, and Latino Worship Saved by Grace Living by Grace ThumbThumb-printed by Grace “A Counter Culture Church” http:www.gracelutheranescondido.org GraceLine 1 January 26, 27, 2013 Principal Call Update Over the last several months the call committee has been hard at work reviewing job descriptions, developing profiles, creating protocols, evaluating resumes, interviewing candidates and seeking the Holy Spirit's guidance in our intensive search for a new person to lead our great school. The group started with about 15 applicants, conducted Skype interviews with five and have narrowed the field to two. Both of these final prospects will be on campus over the next several weeks for a face to face with teachers, elders, parents and senior ministry staff. We feel confident that one of these candidates will become our new principal; however if we determine that neither of these two is a good match, we will continue our search. Thank you for your support and prayers during this process. We will keep you updated as we endeavor to find the person God has chosen to lead our school. Project Godway- A Ministry Opportunity for Girls Ages 11-14 Project Godway will be a fun time of Godly mentoring for our tween and teen girls. The focus is on Jesus’ purpose for women and is facilitated from the Bible using some things that girls love; fashion and crafts! This fun time is a ministry of Face to Face and will be on Friday nights from 6:00-7:45pm in the Grace gym. The schedule and a list of needed craft items (by donation) can be found at: http://www.projectgodway.com/ If you have any questions please contact Pastor Scott at [email protected], or phone: 760-213-0854 Love Offering for “Lifebooks” For the past two months The Stand (high school youth) have been handing out “Lifebooks” on their campuses. The “Lifebook” is a small paperback book that explains our fall into sin, our need for a savior, and contains the complete gospel of John. There are also some biblical answers to tough questions. The “Lifebooks” are a ministry of Gideon’s International designed for teenagers. They were free to us, but the Gideon’s ask for a freewill love offering to help offset the cost of $1 each. Our offering officially takes place January 26-27. A great opportunity to support our youth! If you have any question please contact Scott Gary or the church office. Applicant Profiles: Applicant #1 Majored in elementary education and received a B.A. from Concordia, St. Paul. He has an M.ED in Elementary Administration from Concordia Teachers College, Seward. Most recently he was the school administrator for twelve years at Gethsemane Lutheran in Tempe AZ. Gethsemane has preschool through 8th grade and a before/after school care program. His other experiences include administration for an additional four years and teacher and coach for ten. He serves on the executive committee of AZCAPE (Arizona chapter of the Council for American Private Education) and is chairperson for the K12 cabinet for the Pacific Southwest District LCMS. He considers educational leadership to be one of his strengths particularly in the area of leading teachers. He has demonstrated success as an educational leader both on the local, community, state and district level. His curricular strengths are in religion, math, and social studies. He has been married for 36 years and has one grown daughter who is a Lutheran school teacher. Coming Soon to Grace Lutheran: How can our students meet their long-term goals without knowing the right steps? What does it take to create strong character in today’s teens? The Newest resource coming to Grace is Graduation Coaching. One of our Grace Lutheran alumni, Concordia Irvine Lutheran Education graduate, and AmeriCorps Graduation coach, Elana Osslund, has created a plan to serve our church, school and community. To learn more about this vision and this free service, please come to a parent seminar on Saturday, February 2nd at 7:00 p.m. in the multipurpose room. Space is limited. Student’s commitment: One hour, weekly sessions. Applicant #2 Majored in elementary education at Concordia River Forrest and received a Master of Arts in administration from Marian College. Most recently he was the executive director of development at Sherman Park Lutheran Church in Milwaukee for two years. Previous to that position he had eleven years of school administration. He considers multi-tasking and organization to be his strengths and sees himself as a visionary who is able to cast a vision for schools to meet the needs of their students. He believes he possesses strong skill sets in technology and music. His wife is a Lutheran educator and his son is presently a senior in high school. Word for the Day Sign up today to receive a Bible verse on your cell phones. Send GLC as a text message to 313131 and you will be signed up to receive a daily blessing from the Word of God. http:www.gracelutheranescondido.org GraceLine 2 January 26, 27, 2013 Please be sure to register your attendance at each service on a yellow card located in the pew racks. Then place it in the offering plate as it is passed or hand it to an usher. If you have any questions, please call JoAnn in the church office: 760-745-0831 ext. 113. IT’S Easy, IT’S Fast, IT’S Safe, and IT’S Convenient. WHAT IS IT? Grace Greeters Saturday Gene & Doris Stephens Sunday 8:00 Jay & Frieda Johnson 9:30 Dennis & Karen Ortman It’s ON-LINE Giving and it’s here at Grace Lutheran! Grandparents Day at Grace Grandparents are invited to Grace Lutheran School on Friday, February 1, 2013 8:00 am – 11:30 am *Grandparents’ Day Highlights* Grandparents are invited to go to class with the students in the morning. A continental brunch will be served after chapel. Entertainment provided by our students. We hope to see you there! Please RSVP to the school office: 760-747-3029 ext. 114. 1. Go to www.gracelutheranescondido.org 2. Near the upper right side of the page click on Online Giving 3. Read the information on that page and click GET STARTED TODAY 4. Complete the information on that page and you’re done! That’s IT! You’re done. Your Grace contribution/tithing is now securely automatic and can be modified at your discretion whenever you want. Questions? Contact Bob Ness at 760745-0831 ext. 110 or [email protected] If you were not able to participate in a 40 days in the Word Bible Study group this past fall, it’s not too late! Groups are being formed and you may wish to consider forming your own small study group. Please contact Matt Arnold at [email protected] Grace Fit Club Escondido This is a boot camp style program designed for all levels of fitness. Whether you have been exercising for years or you are just starting, Fit Club can be tailored for everyone. Older children are welcome to participate and we are working on having daycare for children 2 and older. We are planning on meeting Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays (Church Activities Permitting) from 6PM to 7PM. Classes are open to everyone. If you haven't worked out regularly for awhile it is advised to ask a doctor if you are healthy enough for exercise. Look us up on Facebook at Grace Fit Club Escondido under groups. Women's Ministry Book Club The next book we will be reading is "Redeeming Love" by Francine Rivers - sounds like the perfect book title for the month of February, don't you think? Many have said they consider this to be their favorite book by Ms. Rivers. We will meeting at the home of Judi Anderson for dessert and book discussion on Thursday, February 21, at 7:00 p.m. Please sign up on the clipboard at the Women's Ministry cart if you're interested in joining us, or call Judi at (760) 443-2278. Hope you will join us!! Notice: 2012 giving statements will be mailed the week of 1/28. Call the church office if you have questions: 760-745-0831, x113. "Our Grace Family" Bulletin Board Be sure to check out the "Grace Family" bulletin board (on the way to the patio) to see photos of the Eagle Scout projects donated in the past to Grace by three of our members - Andy Bonk, Larson Epp, and Charlie Bartley. These young men each planned, raised funds, and donated their time and talents to our church campus to complete their Scouting requirements. We are grateful to each of them and are pleased to highlight their achievements! http:www.gracelutheranescondido.org Holy Communion Schedule Saturday 6:00pm Service: 2nd & 4th weekend Sunday 8:00am Service: All weekends Sunday 9:30am Service: 2nd & 4th weekend Sunday 10:45am Housechurch…All weekends 5th Weekends: 8:00am & 10:45am only GraceLine 3 January 26, 27, 2013 Celebrating February Baptisms Samuel Arnold Brooke Bell Michael Bell Mitchell Bell Rachel Bell Jean Cook John Cooper Tracy Adams Denisac Dakota Eckburg Bryan Enarson Prescott Epp Marci Exner Amanda Finch JoAnn Gilliland Danny Harris LeeAnn Harris Michael Hartman MerSadies Henry This Week at Grace Cheryl Hernandez Suzie Hunter Melissa Keiser Josh Leger Erica Lopez Bob Ness Cassilyn Peetz Sydney Polderman Noah Reitmeyer Chloe Richmond Jasmine Ricketts Lauren Sachau Ryan Shuster Marissa Stokes Kim Sylvester Christopher Wettstein Lillian Wilson SUNDAY – January 27 8:00 a.m.— Traditional worship 9:30 a.m.— Contemporary worship & Children’s Church 9:30 a.m.— Bible Study in English and Spanish 10:45 a.m.— House Church in the multipurpose room 10:45 a.m.— Hispanic worship in the sanctuary MONDAY—January 28 TUESDAY—January 29 8:30 a.m.—Preschool chapel 12:00 p.m.— Elder Meeting WEDNESDAY – January 30 9:45 a.m.— Adult Bible Study 8:20 a.m.— K-4th grade chapel 1:15 p.m.— 5-8th grade chapel 5:45 p.m.— Hand-bell Choir Rehearsal 7:00 p.m.— Grace Choir Rehearsal 7:00 p.m.— The Stand Celebrating February Birthdays THURSDAY– January 31 8:30 a.m.— Moms Bible Study 7:00 p.m.— Bible Study 1) Cruz Aviles; 2) Jeanette Gilliand, Jay Johnson; 3) Mary Denovitz, LeeAnn Harris, Missy Knowles; 4) Andrea Bartley, Judy Gonsalves, Christopher Wettstein; 5) Emma DuPont; 6) Lauren Sachau; 7), Kathy Clem, Annaliese Hoyle; 8) Tarrin Kitlinger, Marcella Martin, Brad Phillips, Chloe Richmond; 9) Sharon Stanley; 11) Rupert Knowles; 12) John Adams, Robert Johnston; 13) Tony Guehl, Dan Lippman; 14) Prescott Epp; 15) Jarred Berkel, Marci Exner, Amanda Finch, Jayden Keiser, Bruce Pedersen; 16) Madison Emblem, Claire Woodmansee; 17) Loren Knight, Hunter Mitchell; 19) Gloria Carmichael, Bethany Harris Anderson, Sandi Robinson, Jack Seliskar; 21) Kelsey McVey, Ryan Miller, John Osslund; 23) Erica Osslund Allen, Michael DelBosque, Brian Miliate, Suzana Warner; 24) Ken Bowers, Rick Rieches, Janice West; 25) Dianne Cusano, Evelyn Kroeker; 26) Andrew Digerness, Gary Kellerup; 27) Austin Knight, Elizabeth Liebscher, Jessica Matthews; 29) Aaron Wolfe. http:www.gracelutheranescondido.org FRIDAY—February 1 8:00 a.m.— Admin. Council/School Board mtg. 8:00 a.m.— Moms In Prayer 8:10 a.m.— Grandparents Day SATURDAY – February 2 7:00 a.m.—Men’s Group Bible Study Grace Lutheran Elders Troy Stokes Jack Anderson Roger Bowman Kevin DeCew August Fluegge, Sr. Chris Harris GraceLine 4 Del Morton John Osslund Joe Livo Dean Richmond Pete Robinson Mark Schmidt January 26, 27, 2013
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