messenger - Grace Lutheran Church
messenger - Grace Lutheran Church
Volume 50 Issue 9 August 28, 2014 Rev. Thomas Hartwig 651.252.1130 Church office, Brenda 651.451.1035 website: Page 12 MESSENGER A publication of Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church 149 8th Ave S in South St. Paul, MN 55075 September 2014 “Unless I see the nail marks in His hands and put my finger where the nails were, and put my hand into His side, I will not believe it” (John 20:25). I’ll believe it when I see it. That is in stark contrast to what we read in the Bible, “Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.” How can we be sure and certain of things we can’t see, can’t prove? Think of a father and child playing the game where the father stands behind the child and tells him to fall backwards. The child, unable to see his father, still trusts that he is there and is certain that his father won’t let him hit the ground. The child leans back and falls, fully convinced that his father will keep his word and catch him, because his father has always proved trustworthy. Sure and Certain of the Unseen Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. Hebrews 11:1 It is amazing that with only a few clicks on a computer, we can dramatically alter photos. Such capabilities have led us to be a bit more wary. We find ourselves saying, “Unless I see it with my own eyes, how can I believe that it hasn’t been touched up? I’ll believe it when I see it.” Often this cynical attitude can touch our spiritual life. How can I believe that God loves me and knows what is going on in my life considering all troubles and disappointments I have to deal with? “Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.” Though we did not see the creation or the crucifixion, though we were not present to witness the Savior rising from the Easter tomb, though we have not heard His actual voice forgiving our sins and promising His return, we believe. How can we be so sure and certain? God’s word is true and trustworthy. Our forgiveness is certain because Jesus did die and rise from the dead. God’s love for us today and every day is sure. Every promise our Father has made about our eternal future, He will keep. Faith is sure and certain of unseen things simply because it takes God at His word. It doesn’t take much for us to see where one of Jesus’ own disciples was coming from when he replied, I’m under a lot11:1” of stress. “Hebrews Worship, Bible Class and Sunday School September brings big changes to most families, as school is now in session, activities get going, and schedules become crowded. It is an exciting time! Our church is no exception. Our Christian educational programs move into high gear, with confirmation instruction, Bible classes, Sunday School and Pioneers starting. Worship Our Sunday morning worship services will continue throughout the year at 9:00 a.m. the Word of God is the focus of every Christian who wants to grow in his faith and his ability to serve the Lord with his life, his time, and the opportunities that are given. Monday evening services at 7:00 p.m. have been appreciated by many, and will continue throughout the year, except during seasons when we offer other midweek services, such as during Advent and Lent. Please make it a priority to come to worship each and every week, to be strengthened by God's Spirit as he comes to us in Word and Sacrament! Sunday School and Sunday Bible Class Each Sunday at 10:15 a.m. our children will stay for Sunday School, and adults are invited to Bible Class. It all begins on September 14! The Adult Bible Class will undertake a study entitled "The Living Church," which will be an overview of the early history of the Christian Church as described in the New Testament. This is also a great time for fellowship and refreshments! Midweek Bible Study On Wednesdays you are invited to our midweek Bible Study hour at 7:00 p.m. Beginning on September 17 we will open a study of "Law and Gospel," concentrating on the purpose, meaning and use of these two great doctrines of Scripture, with an emphasis on identifying and applying both. Our busy lives are made less complicated when we allow the Lord of our lives to teach us. Come to worship, to learn, and to grow! Blood Drive Update On Monday, August 18, we at Grace had our annual blood drive. Sixty-one appointments were scheduled and forty-two pints of blood were collected. Our goal was fifty-two and therefore we did not meet our goal this year. Page 2 Messenger The Messenger is on our website each month. If you would like to help save printing/mailing costs and have the Messenger emailed to you, contact the office at Brenda’s email, which is [email protected]. Flowers The flower chart is posted on the inside door to the west coat room. October through December are completely empty. If you would like to beautify our altar on a certain Sunday, please fill in the date or call the church office. Meditations The current Meditations is on the spin rack in the lower narthex. We have many issues, so please help yourself! Missing If your birthday or anniversary has been missing from our lists, please contact the church office, and we will add the date to our records. Military Hospitalized If you are admitted to the hospital, have someone contact the church office, and Pastor will come see you. The hospitals do not contact the churches because of privacy issues. If you know of any members of our congregation or family members now serving in the military, please contact the church office (651-451-1035) with names and addresses. Recycle Ice Cream Buckets Don’t throw away your large ice cream buckets. We will be saving them here at church. Many people wanted to borrow one for their chili during On the Road Again. We will try to make buckets available this year. Old Meditations and Portals of Prayer may be saved for the prison ministry at the Mission for Visually Impaired. Drop off your old copies in the church office or in the box marked devotion books in the west coat room. The church office hours are 8:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. weekdays. Address Change If you move and have a change of address, please contact the church office at 651-451-1035. Page 11 Page 10 Finance Secretary Report – July, 2014 Fund Updates July General Fund Receipts Monthly Average Needed to Meet Our Projected Budget $13,182.50 $16,894.08 YTD General Fund Receipts YTD Average Needed to Meet Our Projected Budget $114,739.15 $118,258.58 YTD Total Receipts 2014 $143,486.98 YTD Total Receipts 2013 $132,673.14 Debt Reduction (to date) $22,272.00 goal: $50,000.00 Major Repair Project Fund (to date) $18,075.12 Outdoor Electric Sign $11,910.00 JULY’S ATTENDANCE Sunday, July 6 Monday, July 7 Sunday, July 13 Monday, July 14 Sunday, July 20 Monday, July 21 Sunday, July 27 Monday, July 28 9:00 a.m. 7:00 p.m. 9:00 a.m. 7:00 p.m. 9:00 a.m. 7:00 p.m. 9:00 a.m. 7:00 p.m. 70 25 90 30 78 24 92 24 Communion: Communion: 65 22 Communion: Communion: 69 21 Thank the Lord as He continues to strengthen the hearts of His people through the Word and they in turn respond with their gifts of love. Thrivent Choice Dollars Thrivent Choice lets you help choose where some of Thrivent Financials charitable outreach funds go by directing Choice Dollars and by participating in Voting Events. Eligible members are designated Choice Dollars based on their insurance premium, contract values, and Thrivent volunteer leadership. Thrivent members who received letters in the mail with “x” number of dollars can designate their “Choice Dollars” to Grace now if they choose. If you have a computer, you may go on-line at For the organization search, use only this information: “Grace” “55075” “Minnesota”. This will help you find our church in the listing. The program will continue to be available for eligible benefit members by calling 1-800-8474836 (at the beginning of a new year or quarterly in January, April, July, and October) to again direct your designated Choice Dollars. Since the program began, we have received $14,005.00. Thank you! Eligible members may call Thrivent (800847-4836) and say, “Thrivent Choice.” You can use your new Thrivent ID card which was mailed to each member with a unique number on it. This program’s automatic recurring direction feature was discontinued. Page 3 COMMITTEE REPORTS Visitation Committee I’m nearing the second month of my recovery, which is slow. I can better understand how our homebound survive. It is tough to look at the four walls which close in on you. You really can’t understand the hardship unless you go through it. The days are endless. This is the reason we plead for more people on our Visitation Team. The need is great, and we all are not getting any younger! It would mean a lot for our homebound if we could get more people to visit and brighten their day. Our church needs helpers in all areas! Couldn’t some of you just spend one hour a month. It would make a big difference. Please consider this! Visitation Committee Ken Wallert Evangelism Committee The Evangelism Committee met on August 14, 2014. The meeting was opened with prayer. The minutes from our last meeting were read and approved. We discussed the list of prospects from our guest book. We are making progress in contacting these people. Dennis reported the new sign for church will be shipped the week of August 22. We will be looking for a few men to help unload the sign from the truck. Thank you, all who helped get things ready for the new sign! We will be sending letters to children who attended Vacation Bible School inviting them to Sunday School. The meeting closed with prayer. Our next meeting will be September 11, 2014. Lori Neujahr, Secretary Sound and Video The Lights, Camera, Action Committee would like to thank Dan Dahlke for volunteering and being trained for the video camera. We will now be able to have a threeperson rotation. If operating the video camera interest you, please do not hesitate to call the church office. A four-person once a month rotation would be wonderful. Craft & Quilt Day This month’s Craft & Quilt Day was a total fellowship day. We always start the day with a show and tell about any new projects we have going. We did not get the sewing machines out at all. We watched a YouTube video on making a scarf while trying to help a gal with her new yarn project. We were not successful. The Lights, Camera, Action Committee has a volunteer opportunity at the Town Square Television studio with helping put our worship service on Channel 16. No prior experience at all is needed and there is training available. You may contact the church office if this volunteer opportunity interests you and in turn enables us to put our worship service on the cable network more easily. Please consider this special ministry opportunity. Our group is very blessed with material donations and each month a few gals organize the cabinet space. We find new pieces to use the next month. It was a very fun relaxing day for all. Ladies, please join us with your project/s or even come to visit on Saturday, September 13, anytime from 9 to 4. Page 4 St. Andrew’s Lutheran Preschool St. Andrew’s has a preschool on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday for 3-, 4-, and 5-year-olds. The hours for the school are 9:00 to 11:30 a.m. The students must be potty trained. The cost is $135 a month, and there is a $50 registration fee. To register or to discuss before/after school care, please contact Joan Tjernagel at 651-285-7226. The school is located at 1001 Holley in St. Paul Park. Pastor Dan Lindner [email protected] Office 612-378-1346 True North WELS Campus Ministry Address 1313 5th St E #328 Box 33 Minneapolis, MN 55414 All college students in the Twin Cities are invited to join True North WELS Campus Ministries Sunday worship opportunities. 10:00 a.m. Worship Service St. John’s Lutheran Church 610 Broadway St NE Minneapolis, MN 55413 11:30 a.m. Worship Service Commons Hotel 615 Washington Ave SE Minneapolis, MN 55414 Students, please check the website ( for the latest news and updates. 1200 Oakdale Avenue West St. Paul, MN 55118 651.455.1521 Monday, August 25, was the first day of the 2014/2015 school year. At the end of the opening service, President Gene Pfeifer informed the group that approximately 482 students were attending St. Croix. They are from Minnesota, the Midwest, the United States, and seventeen countries across the world. He went on to say that two new college credit courses are being offered this year. They are AP Chemistry and the second high school STEM class of Principles of Engineering. With these two new classes, there are 13 college credit courses being offered at St. Croix. Four new teachers were installed along with the new administrative assistant for the Middle School. Construction has begun on the new dorm with the foundation hopefully being poured on this opening day. The plan is for students to start moving into the new dorm around spring break. God’s blessings on the 2014/2015 school year. Page 9 SCHOOL NEWS St. John Lutheran School St. Paul September 2014 “Shaped to Serve” Isaiah 64:8 “Yet, O LORD, you are our Father. We are the clay, you are the potter; We are all the work of your hand. Wildcat News & Notes 771 Margaret Street · St. Paul, MN 55106 phone: (651) 771-6406 · email: [email protected] William Scharf, Principal The above verse has been chosen as our theme for the 2014/2015 school year. St. John Lutheran School offers We are excited to begin a new school year with a new principal! Principal William Scharf began working at St. John the middle of July, 2014. Mr. Tony Drkula, our former principal, began his new job at St. Croix Lutheran High School, on July 1, 2014. We wish both of them God’s richest blessings in their new positions. Three 1/2 days—Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays, Online Newsletter: Visit our new online Parent Connection newsletter for the latest news and information about St. John Lutheran School: 1 2 4 5 12 23 24 26 Kindergarten 4 Program (K4) (for four-year-olds): 9:30 a.m.-12:15 p.m. Kindergarten 5 Program (K5) (for five-year-olds): 5 full days—Mondays through Fridays, 9:30 a.m.-4:00 p.m. All students in K4 through grade 8 will begin school on Monday, August 25, 2014. We do have openings in all grades; K4 through grade 8. Please call (651) 771-6406 for more information. Crown of Life School West St. Paul (WSP) Martin Luther College New Ulm September September Labor Day, no school District 197 bus service begins Pre-K & APE begins Sports pictures after school Good Samaritan Matins & Muffins and Panera School pictures School pictures No bus service 13 New Ulm Community Day of Play 10:00 to 2:00 p.m. 26-28 Homecoming Weekend Page 8 Tuition Assistance Our congregation is blessed to have several very good WELS schools in our area. As we work to raise our children in the ways of our Lord, we have the option of sending them to several WELS elementary, middle, and high schools very close to home. As individual members and as a congregation, we have been very supportive of our area WELS schools with the time, talents, and treasures our Lord has provided. Your support is truly appreciated. As families explore the option of providing children with a Christian-based education, they can find the financial aspect too large a hurdle to cross. To assist and support our families in crossing that hurdle, our congregation has budgeted tuition assistance for children at the elementary and middle school levels. Additionally, we have established the Tuition Assistance Fund to assist families with WELS high school tuition. If you are thinking of sending your child to an area WELS school, please feel free to contact the church office to learn more about the financial support our congregation might be able to provide. We can all support high school tuition by designating your special offering envelope for the Tuition Assistance Fund. The money provided through this fund is distributed on a need basis. As tuition costs have increased each year, the need for assistance follows. Young People’s Society - Relay for Life Our Young People’s Society (YPS) again sponsored the Walking with Grace team for the 2014 Relay for Life in the South St. Paul area. This year the relay was held at Fleming Field Airport. It was a beautiful day and night for the relay. We had many visitors at our campsite; and we had one of the largest groups at the Relay for Life, which was very evident when it was time for the team photo! We enjoyed many games, movies, pizza, and lots of walking. Carol Weber tried to win the Sasquatch Calling contest. She made it to the finals, and we believe that she actually called a sasquatch out of its hiding! Our Prize Wheel was very popular for our on-site selling. Overall, our team earned 4th place for our fundraising efforts. This year we surpassed our fundraising goal of $4,500, raising over $4,800. So far, Relay For Life has earned over $52,000. This year was also a tremendous milestone in that this was the 10th anniversary for the South St. Paul area relay, and it has earned over 1 million dollars for the American Cancer Society. We are very blessed to have a congregation who has been very supportive of Relay for Life, and look forward to next year's event. Feel free to contact Shelly Forester if you are interested in helping with Relay for Life next year, or contact Kelly Hemmelman if you would like to be a team member for Walking with Grace. Thank you. Kelly Hemmelman To assist our budget committee in its work, please let the church office know if your child will be attending an area WELS elementary or middle school. Aluminum Please continue to collect and drop off aluminum cans. The proceeds benefit the Young People’s Society and the Pioneers. Deposit the aluminum in the large grey/green “storage shed” under the fire escape behind the church garage. Please do not leave items near the alley by themselves because others will help themselves to the cans. Thank you! Page 5 Join the ladies of the Grace Guild and Grace Ladies Aid You Are Invited! Topic: What is Alzheimer’s Disease? Wednesday, September 10, at 7:00 p.m. Grace Lutheran Church Fellowship Hall 149 8th Avenue South, South Saint Paul, Minnesota This presentation and discussion offers participants: A starting point for understanding Alzheimer’s and dementia Answers to frequently asked questions about the disease Answers to questions about God’s goodness Presenter: Pastor Curt Seefeldt, author of “It’s Alzheimer’s—It’s Time for Extraordinary Love” Contact Brenda for more information: Email: [email protected] ● Phone: (651) 451-1035 ** All men and women of the congregation are invited not just the ladies groups members. Would You Like A Good Home-Cooked Meal? Golden Agers invite you to lunch on the third Thursday each month. On The Road Again Can you believe that it is almost fall? On the first Saturday of October, South St. Paul will be having their annual fall festival titled On The Road Again. Mark your calendars with the date, October 4. The Ladies Aid and Grace Guild will be accepting donations of chili and bars. Watch for more details coming in our weekly bulletins. Grace Church has a group called the Golden Agers for anyone who is over 55. The Golden Agers would love to have more of Grace’s members join them. This group meets at noon on the third Thursday of each month. It is a wonderful time for fellowship as well as the enjoyment of a delicious hot meal. We have a good mix of both men and women. Pastor also joins us for some spiritual enrichment. The cost for the dinner is $7.00. Join us for on September 18 at our next gathering. Page 6 Photo Contest Update Thank you to the members of Grace for your participation in the 2014 Vacation Bible School (VBS) photo contest voting! Concordia Supply shared on their website that more than 70 entries and over 2,000 votes were cast throughout the summer. Martin Luther College Ladies’ Auxiliary The Martin Luther College Ladies’ Auxiliary will hold the National Auxiliary meeting Saturday, October 25. There will be interesting workshops, speakers, and worship in the Chapel of the Christ. If you haven’t seen the campus lately you are in for a treat. They just finished a new entrance into the student union that does not involve stairs. It’s fun to eat along with some students who are going to be our future pastors and teachers. Come and learn about what’s happening with our college in New Ulm. One photo received the most, with more than 500 votes. The winner is Immanuel Lutheran Church in Washington, Missouri, with their submission of Gangway to Galilee Opening! With the overwhelming participation in the contest, the staff at Concordia Supply decided to award five additional churches with a $20 gift card to Concordia Supply. The following were winners: FBC Locust Grove (Hidden Cross Waterfall), Carlyna Suhartono (Humphrey in the Wilderness), Holy Trinity (Gangway to Galilee), Jones Memorial COGIC (Our Kids are our Decoration), and Canyon Creek Baptist Church (Weird Animals). Photos submitted by these churches are on Concordia Supply’s website. Thank you again to everyone who voted for our church Vacation Bible School picture. Also, thank you to all the volunteers who made the VBS week rewarding for almost forty young people. Mobile Apps WELS now offers mobile apps for both the iOS and Android platforms. WELS ONLINE collects devotional and educational audio, video, and text content from in an easy-to-use application. Mission Wearhouse Thrift Store Christian Life Ministries has a thrift store which helps support the ministry. This thrift store has a need for dishes, pots and pans, furniture, bedding, shoes, jewelry, men’s neckties, and paper bags with handles. If you have a few small items to donate, contact the church office to make arrangements. If someone has good quality furniture to donate, he can phone the thrift store and arrange for a pick-up. The contact information number is 651-917-4149. The address is Mission Wearhouse Thrift Store, 2756 Lake Shore Ave., Little Canada, MN 55117. Page 7
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