Gloria How to reposition a brand in a fast changing environment Tomislav Wruss, EPH EPH Board of Directors - Director of Media Europa Digital - President of the Board Women make the decision in the purchases of 94% of home furnishings... 92% of vacations... 91% of homes... 60% of automobiles... 51% of consumer electronics Michael Silverstein and Kate Sayre: The Female Economy What do we know about Gloria? Glamour Regional brand Copies sold:* Hrvatska: 70.000 BiH: 11.000 Srbija/CG: 40.000 * Weekly average 2009 From a magazine to a network of products Gloria RH: 59% Gloria IN: 13% Revenue sources IN Specijal: 2% Glam: 4% Web: 1% Gloria Srbija: 21% The beginnings Gloria 1 The great magazine about life A search for individualism The return of consumerism Cosmopolitism as a norm Women’s topics rule again A new pact with the readers... A female discourse dethrones tne dominant, homogenous, masculine discourse Stories about famous people that have overcome difficult moments Acceptance of human weaknesses, no one is to be judged, everyone emerges as a winner And its betrayal... Superficial definition of brand’s success and reader’s interests as gossip Whereas the formula was aspiration The diagnosis How to tackle a steep decline in customer loyalty? The technical level - quality of writing, picture selection, layout, printing press - had not changed What had changed is a breach of pact with readers Readers buying decision became occasional, instead of habitual, Gloria had lost the shared interest, the community, the trust of readers Gloria 2: Redefining the brand Narrow the scope, redefine the ‘celebrity gossip’ proposition: not just any celebrity story The core of the brand is aspiration: only a narrow segment of celebrity stories fit for Gloria Expand the brand to all lifestyle segments that are aspirational (home, travel, cooking, beauty, fashion) Gloria 2: Redefining the brand How can our brands grow? My feeling is we stretch them horizontally, into different product categories, rather than vertically, into different price points, which is risky. François-Henri Pinault, FT May 2007 Our mission is to become a world wide recognized reference in the gourmet sector (“holding del gusto”). Instead of one brand 40 blands, one brand - one bland Riccardo Illy, Jutarnji&Microsoft Windays, Rovinj, April 2010 Gloria 2: Repositioning Stop covering all the bases Positioning in the premium niche of the market A medium that articulates new consumer tendencies: trading up, accessible luxury, mass prestige Trading Up, Michael Silverstein & Neil Fiske (Boston Conslulting Group) McKinsey, Profiting from Proliferation Gloria 2: Quality of the product Create a product that corresponds to the expectations of the reader and advertisers and to the projected market position ¬ Switch to magazine printing and paper ¬ Improved quality of photography ¬ Rights acquisition from global agencies Gloria 2: A new pact with the readers ¬ Create a superior quality product ¬ Never underestimate the reader ¬ Promise emotional engagement A brand that is a reader’s partner in identity building Answers the needs of: ¬ Connecting - creating a community of readers who share similar aspirations ¬ Questing - gaining new experiences ¬ A better me - individualism and self improvement Gloria 2: A new pact with the readers Goal: to create a trusted evironment that guarantees a long term relationship with the readers The royalty metaphor A royalty section introduced in 1996 Court as metaphor for ‘Gloria readers proposal’ Inclusion by exclusion: you have to be worthy to be a member of the Gloria community Being a Gloria reader is a matter of pride Gloria 3: New challenges Gloria Next Changing celebrity environment: a further move from a ‘people’ magazine, to an ‘arbiter of taste’ brand portfolio Gloria as a powerful reccomandation engine* untapped possibilities of the Gloria users community as content generators The digital opportunity: expanding the reach of Gloria through the activities of Europa Digital (web, web-tv, social networks, mobile social geolocation sevices...) * The Croatian weekly with the highest revenue from telecommunications, financial services and auto industry Gloria Next Gloria in (Europa) Digital enviroment 85 milion pageviews 300.000 Facebook fans 20.000 mobile app downloads