HOWTOONS The Turkey Baster Flute
HOWTOONS The Turkey Baster Flute
HOWTOONS presents The Turkey Baster Flute what is that noise? swinging huh! Huh!! I'm thinking of starting a band! POts, pans, and Trash cans! sweEt drums!! it's coming from the kitchen. Can I join the band!?! ...but you LoOk sis I think it's coOl gotTa bring something you wanNa be to the in the band. Please! table. Later... Please! Please! Please! hmMph celine searches through the archive of invention until... Bingo! the turkey baster flute! you dig! Please! Please! filL turkey baster with water... just past the bulb. blow a smoOth jet of air acrosS the top. flautists calL this embouchure. tune your flute by placing rubBer bands at whole note intervals. wow sis! great flute it'lL be a welcomed adDition to the band! thanks tuck! I thought we neEded a wind instrument. other than your hot air! squeEze the bulb to change notes. THE ! END