1 Corinthians 14:1 - St. Agatha Catholic Church
1 Corinthians 14:1 - St. Agatha Catholic Church
Th is last Sunday of Advent’s preparation reminds us that our finest preparation for Christ’s birth is simply to do what He did. Live like He lived. Love like He loved. The first reading form Isaiah tells us the Messiah “shepherds” His people. We are called to prepare for His rule in our lives by “shepherding”--we are to gently tend fragile flocks--the straying sheep that seem to cross our daily path for no reason at all--they just show up, and how we “shepherd” them is our preparation. We are to shepherd them as we would like to be treated. Paul says that Christ’s life teaches us that “rituals” (as important as they are) are not all that God wants. God wants the sacrifice of our life much more than He wants a special offering we might make. I’m reminded of the story of a man who gave a beautiful stained glass window to the local parish church, but beat his wife and kids daily. I’m sure he knew he was not a good husband or father, and wanted the window to, in some way, say to God, I’m sorry I was such a failure, let this gift show my sincerity. And, who knows? Maybe it did. But, the second reading shows us that God would have preferred he work harder on being a good husband and father--the life sacrifice. And when we’ve put aside our ego, and learned to serve in humility, then God comes. That’s the point of the Gospel, where the simple maid of Nazareth in her humble ‘yes,’ her life sacrifice--is filled with the Lord, literally, in her case. Luke will be beating us over the head this year with this uncompromising call of God to be finer servants. Let’s not disappoint Him. - Fr. Bill Axe -Alfio Mazzei -Alicia Jimenez Bravo -Anabel Manriquez -Andres Luna -Archie Brown II -Arlasha Allen -Blanca Saviñon -Barbara Harvey -Bertha Antee -Bonita Sanderlin -Camille Jones -Carlos Antonio Vasquez -Christina Paul -Constantino Perez -Damacio Horta -Darwin Varela -Dee Carlson -Dulce Maria E. Saviñon -Dustin, Gabriel, Carmelo, and Jorge -Devina Molette-Ford -Dominique Barksdale -Edwin Raland -Edwin Rivas -Edy Becker -Elsa Perez -Elvia Herrera -Ethel Lamirault -Fredia Sanderlin -Gabriel y Miralda Tahan -Georgie Davis -Giovanni Garcia -Gladys Green -Glen Arellano -Gloria Sanguillen -Guadalupe Morales -Henre Dorsey -Jack & Michael Stokes -Joan McLaughlin -Juan Madariaga -Juan Moreno -Juanita Orozco -Juanita Rubalcava -Julia Ureña -Linda Guillian -Lisa Gallardo -Lorraine Duperon -Lucy Rodriguez -Marcelle Mehlinger -Margaret Alexander -Maria Jimenez -Maria Luna -Maria Perez -Mariana Reynoso -Maura Fitzgerald -Marlene Debora -Michelle Porter -Miguel Alfredo Piliado Es te último domingo de Adviento nos recuerda que la mejor manera de prepararnos para el Nacimiento de Jesús es la manera que se preparó Jesús. De vivir como Él vivió. Amar como Él amó. La primera lectura de Isaías nos dice que el Mesías “pastorea” Su pueblo. Somos llamados para preparar Su reino en nuestras vidas de tal modo que “pastoreemos” a quienes están perdidos y con quienes nos encontramos– los encontramos la manera que los pastoreemos es nuestra preparación. Debemos de ser los pastores de la misma manera que queremos que nos traten. Pablo nos dice que la vida Cristo nos enseña que los rituales (así como importantes que son) no es todo lo que Dios quiere. Dios quiere el sacrificio de nuestra vida mucho más que un sacrificio de nuestra parte. Recuerda una historia donde un hombre le donó una vidriera a su iglesia local, pero que les pegaba a su esposa e hijos. Sé él sabía que él no era un buen esposo ni papá, y quería decirle perdón a Dios donando la vidriera para mostrar su sinceridad. ¿Quién sabe, a lo mejor sí le funcionó? A lo mejor, pero la segunda lectura nos dice que Dios preferiría que él trabajara más para ser un buen esposo y papá– el sacrificio de la vida. Y cuando ponemos nuestro ego a un lado y aprendemos a servir con humildad, entonces se presenta Dios. Ese es el punto del Evangelio, donde la sencilla sierva de Nazaret en su humilde “sí,” de su sacrificio de vida– está lleno con el Señor, literalmente, en su caso. Lucas nos está pidiendo a que seamos mejores servidores del Señor. No lo decepcionemos. Padre Bill Axe -Mykhail J. Thomas -Nicole Michelle -Norma Barker -Nyniece Micheaou -Oscar Barbosa -Pam Terry -Patrick Fitzgerald -Paula Dupre Moore -Peggy Anderson -Penelope Mendoza -Rafael Segura -Ramon Jimenez Andrade -Ramon Reyes -Raymond Almeida -Ricardo Morales -Rita N. Ashe -Robert Johnson -Ronald Mayberry -Rosa Diaz -Rose Thierry -Sophie Demarcos -Sergio Villanueva -Sevarina Legaspi -Silvia Esquivel -Sylvia Smyles -Timothy Akens -Teri Lanham -Terry Ally Sr. -Virginia Gadison "Make love your aim" -1 Corinthians 14:1 “As each one has received a special gift, employ it in serving one another as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.” -1 Peter 4:10 To build and foster a Christian Community that offers the opportunity to experience God’s unconditional love and acceptance to all who come into contact with it. W e are only five days away from Christmas. Our readings today tell us the story of Elizabeth and Mary, a story filled with hope. Elizabeth called Mary blessed because Mary believed that the words of God's promise would be fulfilled. She believed. Do we believe? Do people see us as people of hope, peace and mercy? Believe it or try to live as if you believe today. Let God's love fill you. Visit someone who gives you hope. Leap for joy in honor of the Visitation of Elizabeth and Mary. Make clear that God is with us. Have you noticed anything new around the grounds? We have been busy cleaning up around the Hall and the Church for the past few months. This is our first step towards transforming St. Agatha's. Our Church is in need of many repairs, painting and fixing. This will take the participation of all parishioners in order for it to happen. Look for our TRANSFORMATION corner each week where my letter usually is. Construir y alimentar una Comunidad Cristiana que ofrece la oportunidad de experimentar el amor incondicional de Dios y la aceptación a todos con quienes nos encontremos. E stamos sólo a cinco días a la Navidad. Nuestras lecturas nos cuentan sobre la historia de Isabel y de María, una historia llena de esperanza. Isabel dijo que María es bendita porque María creyó que las promesas de Dios se harán realidad. Ella creyó. ¿Creemos nosotros? ¿A caso la gente nos ve como personas de esperanza, de paz y de misericordia? Crean o traten de vivir como si lo creyeran el día de hoy. Dejen que el amor de Dios los llene. Visiten a alguien quien les dé esperanza. Salten de alegría en honor a la Visita de Isabel que le da a María. Que esté claro que Dios está con nosotros. ¿Han visto algo nuevo alrededor de la iglesia? Hemos estado limpiando alrededor del Salón Parroquial y de la Iglesia estos últimos meses. Éste es nuestro primer paso para transformar Santa Agatha. Necesitamos la participación de todos los parroquianos para que sea posible. Vean a nuestros espacio de TRANSFORMACIÓN en el boletín debajo de mi carta semanal. Have a blessed week, Sr. Karen Collier Que tengan una semana bendita, Hermana Karen Collier ¡Estamos en Transformación! TRANSFORMATION is Happening! Have you noticed changes in our premises? So far the following has been done: All the church lights have been replaced with LED lights The round stained-glass window is lit at night Upgraded electrical wires in choir balcony The Placita trees have been trimmed Dead Trees have been removed The trash bin fence has a new presentable net Bulky items have been removed such as: tires and cracked statues The Guadalupe Room has been painted The parking lot lines have been painted New signage including a beautiful banner by La Brea behind the Parish Hall ¿Has visto cambios en la iglesia? Hemos hecho los siguientes arreglos: Hemos cambiado todos los focos de la iglesia a LED La vidriera redonda está alumbrada por la noche Se han puesto nuevos cables eléctricos en el balcón Se han recortado los árboles de la Placita Se han quitado árboles secos La cerca de los basureros está cubierta con una nueva malla Se han removido basura grande como llantas y estatuas quebradas Se ha pintado el Salón Guadalupe Se han pintando las líneas en el estacionamiento Hay nuevos letreros incluyendo un banner en La Brea detrás del Salón Parroquial. Christmas Eve, Thursday, December 24, 2015 4:30 p.m. Family Mass (Bilingual) 7:30 p.m. Gospel Mass (English) 12:00 a.m. Midnight Mass (Bilingual) Vísperas de la Navidad, Jueves, 24 de diciembre 4:30 p.m. Misa Familiar (bilingüe) 7:30 p.m. Misa con Góspel (inglés) 12:00 a.m. Misa de Gallo (bilingüe) Christmas Day, Friday, December 25, 2015 9:00 a.m. Christmas Mass (Spanish) 10:30 a.m. Christmas Mass (English) Navidad, Viernes, 25 de diciembre de 2014 9:00 a.m. Misa de Navidad (español) 10:30 a.m. Misa de Navidad (español) Sacrament of Confirmation • • • Additional Information for Confirmation Program: Gilbert Dorado at (323) 397-7347 Or Natalie Roberts at (925) 818-6816 St. Agatha’s is offering a five month Adult Confirmation Preparation Course. This course is open to: anyone who is 18 years or older, baptized in the Catholic Church, and has already received their First Communion Confirmation: Igniting the Holy Spirit within you Thank you to our entire St. Agatha Parish Family for your support and involvement throughout 2015 Gracias por apoyar a la Familia Parroquial de Santa Águeda a lo largo del año 2015 It’s been an incredible year for our congregation, and we sincerely thank you for your investment of time, energy, heart and resources in helping our community flourish. If you have not yet made your taxdeductible annual gift and would like to do so, it is not too late! We encourage you to support St. Agatha before December 31st to take advantage of any available income tax deduction for the current year. You may go Online to www.stagathas.org and click on “read more” under Online Giving. Ha sido un año increíble para nuestra parroquia, y sinceramente les damos gracias por su tiempo, energía, entrega y recursos que han ayudado a que crezca nuestra comunidad. Si aún no han dado su donación deducible de impuestos, y lo quieren hacer, ¡Nunca es tarde! Les invitamos a que apoyen a su parroquia antes del 31 de diciembre para poder tener los beneficios deducibles de impuestos. Pueden hacer su donación en la colecta con un sobre con sus nombres, un cheque personal, o llamar a la parroquia para hacerlo por Internet. Gracias. WE ONLY PART TO MEET AGAIN UNA DESPEDIDA Y UN REENCUENTRO After being blessed with Fr. Bill and Fr. Frank’s presence, here at St. Agatha’s, the time has come to part our ways. As we all know, Fr. Bill and Fr. Frank will be moving to Baltimore and will no longer be with us. Their last day with us is December 31, 2015. Thank you Fr. Bill and Fr. Frank for your friendship and guidance! Después de haber sido bendecidos con la presencia del Padre Bill y Padre Frank, el tiempo de partir ha llegado. Como todos sabemos, el Padre Bill y Padre Frank se van a Baltimore y no estarán con nosotros. El último día que van a estar con nosotros es el 31 de diciembre de 2015. Gracias Padre Bill y Padre Frank por su amistad y su guía. “As each one has received a special gift, employ it in serving one another as good stewards of the manifold grace of God. “ - 1 Peter 4:10 Sunday, December 6 $ 8,833.50 Online Giving $ 1,001.00 Sunday, November 29 $ 7,283.00 Online Giving $ 340.00 Sunday, November 22 $ 7,321.50 "Que todos, como buenos administradores de los múltiples dones de Dios, pongan al servicio de los demás el don que recibieron" -1 Pedro 4:10 Ministry Christmas Thank You Dinner Cena de Agradecimiento de Navidad All members of our ministries and volunteers are invited to our Annual Christmas Ministry / Volunteer Thank You Dinner Party on Saturday, January 9, 2016, from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm., in our Parish Hall. Please bring a $10.00 value gift to participate in the Gift Exchange Game. Allow us the opportunity to thank you by attending our Thank You Dinner! May God continue to bless you and may God bless our St. Agatha Family! Todos los miembros de ministerios y todos los voluntarios están invitados a nuestra Cena Navideña de Agradecimiento para todos los Ministerios. La cena será el sábado 9 de enero, 2016, de 6 p.m. a 9 p.m. en nuestro Salón Parroquial. Por favor de traer su regalo navideño con valor de $10 para participar en el Juego de Entre-cambio de regalos. Denos la oportunidad de darles gracias y vengan a la Cena de agradecimiento. St. Agatha’s Presents: Celebrating Love and Friendship Dinner Dance! Saturday, February 13, 2016 Santa Águeda Presenta: Cena y Baile Celebrando el Día del Amor y de la Amistad! Sábado, 13 de febrero de 2016 2016 St. Agatha’s Calendars Calendarios de Santa Agatha 2016 The 2016 Calendars will be available on December 27, 2015. Suggested donation: $2.00. Los calendarios del año 2016 estarán disponibles para el 27 de diciembre. Donación sugerida: $2.00. December 19— S.H.A.R.E. Ministry Contact: Margie December 26— NO MEAL HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!! shaving cream for the men "NOBODY CAN DO hall and not left on the PC patio or door steps. would be wonderful. EVERYTHING BUT EVERYBODY CAN DO Volunteers are needed today Please note IF YOU PLAN SOMETHING" to help move the supplies from storage to the hall 8AM Thank you Maria Zuniga and family for donating the until about 11AM Volunteers can please come sandwiches for our guests. Maria her son Joshue and the to the hall December rest of the family have been 21=24 , 10Am-5PM to sort very supportive of the mis- used clothing, wrap gifts, fill sion of the S.H.A.R.E Minis- gift bags, pack the grocery try over the years. We love bags, clean the hall, assist with meal prep and set up it that the entire family reaches out to pass on their the hall on Christmas Eve at 3PM for the dinner. Chilblessings to our guests. dren who come to volunteer under 12 years old must be Today December 20 is the supervised by an adult. day to bring used items to the hall for giveaway during the dinner. We will collect We are in need of turkeys and someone to cook and used items 10AM-5PM December 20- 2PM Decem- return them on December 22 -23, 40 precooked smoked ber 23. We cannot accept furniture, TV's or any large sliced hams, sliced bread, desserts and more. Please appliances, only items that see the list that is posted on our guests can hand carry comfortably. All items are the board outside of the hall to please be brought to the each day. Tee shirts and an awesome Christmas!! We are grateful that you have chosen to reach out and do kind acts this Christmas TO SERVE DURING THE by reaching out to provide CHRISTMAS DINNER for the needs of our invited FOR AN HOUR OR SO guests on Christmas Day. BETWEEN 11AM AND You are making such an im3PM YOU ARE TO pact on lives, you are helpCHECK IN AT THE VOL- ing to nurture the souls, raise UNTEER TABLE. THERE spirits and inspire hope for YOU WILL BE ASSIGNED strange. You know that WHERE THE NEED IS. stranger could be God. Please do not walk in and go Amen. to an area without checking in. Families with children We believe that St. Agatha is under 12 will be assigned to blessed with many wingless the used item outdoor area angels and saints look at the where they will serve as a person next to you, there you family.. No child under 14 go. will be allowed to serve hot food or beverage. during the Merry Christmas and may dinner. If you are comfort- God's love and peace guide able with sitting at the table your journey. and chatting with our guess let the person at the volunBe blessed and be a blessing. teer table know. The S.H.A.R.E. We pray that you will have Ministry Pastoral Staff Directory Sat December 19 ╬ Sábado 19 de Diciembre 5:30 p.m. Thea Coral (Happy Birthday) - Requested by Anita Cormier 5:30 p.m. Mercy & Brian (Protection & safe trip) - Requested by Cormier Family Sun December 20 ╬ Domingo 20 de Diciembre Zep 3: 14-18a/ Is 12: 2-3. 4. 5-6 (6)/ Phil 4: 4-7/ Lk 3: 10-18 7:00 a.m. Jose Armando Covarrubias † - A petición de su familia 7:00 a.m. Bufrano Sánchez † - A petición de sus hijos 7:00 a.m. María Gómez † - A petición de sus hijos 8:30 a.m. Fr. Bill Axe Priest Ministry Ext. 223 [email protected] Dn. Ricardo Recinos Hispanic Apostolate (323) 935-1308 [email protected] Enrique Reyes Parish Business Manager Ext. 224 [email protected] Frank Bryant † Gricelda de la Cerda Youth Ministry Ext. 240 [email protected] Emmanuel Montenegro Receptionist Ext. 221 [email protected] Eddie Hilley Music Ministry Director (323) 935-2853 [email protected] Pedro Alexander Pérez † - A petición de la famlia Chávez Pérez 5:30 p.m. Ext. 227 [email protected] (323) 933-0963 Teresa Amezcua Director of Faith Formation [email protected] - 12:15 p.m. Sr. Karen Collier Parish Life Director Our Parish Family - 10:00 a.m. Pastoral Office (323) 935-8127 (323) 743-8127 (text messages) St. Agatha's Web: www.stagathas.org Our Parish Family - Monday, December 21 ╬ Lunes 21 de Diciembre Nm 24: 2-7. 15-17a/ Ps 25: 4-5. 6 and 7bc. 8-9/ Mt 21: 23-27 Our Parish Family 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, Dec 22 ╬ Martes 22 de Diciembre Zep 3: 1-2. 9-13/ Ps 34: 2-3. 6-7. 17-18. 19 & 23/ Mt 21: 28-32 Nuestra Familia Parroquial 6:30 p.m. Wed, December 23 ╬ Miércoles 23 de Diciembre Is 45: 6-8. 18. 21-25/ Ps 85: 9-12. 13-14/ Lk 7: 18b-23 8:00 a.m. Our Parish Family Pastoral Office Hours Monday - Friday • Lunes - Viernes 10:00 am – 12:00 pm & 1:00 pm - 7:00 pm Saturday • Sábado 9:00 am - 12:00 pm & 1:00 pm - 5:30 pm Sunday: OFFICE CLOSED - Thurs, December 24 ╬ Jueves 24 de Diciembre Gn 49: 2. 8-10/ Ps 72: 1-2. 3-4ab. 7-8. 17/ Mt 1: 1-17 4: 30 p.m. 7: 30 p.m. 12: 00 a.m. Family Mass Gospel Mass Irwien LeBoeuf † - Requesed by Wilma LeBoeuf Friday, December 25 ╬ Viernes 25 de Diciembre Jer 23: 5-8/ Ps 72: 1-2. 12-13. 18-19/ Mt 1: 18-25 9:00 am. 10:30 a.m. Spanish Mass English Gospel - Mass Times / Tiempos de Misa Mon: 6:30pm (En) Tues: 6:30pm (Sp) Wed: 8:00am (En) Thurs: 6:30pm (Sp) Fri: 6:30pm (Bl) Sat: 5:30pm (En/Vigil) Sun: 7:00am (Sp), 8:30am (En) 10:00am (En/Gospel) 12:15pm (Sp) 5:30pm (En) Confession / Confesiones Saturday/Sábado: 4:40pm Next Sunday Readings -Fourth Sunday of Advent December 20, 2015 Welcome to St. Agatha Catholic Church! Mi 5: 1-4a/ Ps 80/ Heb 10: 5-10/ Lk 1: 39-45 We extend our hands and hearts in Christian fellowship to you here celebrating with us, whether longtime residents or newly arrived in the parish. Submit a bulletin Announcement New: [ ] parishioner [ ] address [ ] phone [ ] email [email protected] [email protected] Name: _________________________________________ Phone:_________________________________________ Address: _______________________________________