24" Baby Shay Dress Pattern PATTERN NUMBER DA 1132
24" Baby Shay Dress Pattern PATTERN NUMBER DA 1132
24" Baby Shay Dress Pattern PATTERN NUMBER DA 1132 Copyright 1994 (Use 24" Baby Shay ShlPlate, Arms and Legs, 24" Baby Cloth Body #DA 1131) THE DDL~C FABRICS &NOTIONS A~TVVD~KS 1yd Nelona Swiss Batiste 4S" wide· dress, panties 1yd Flat Swiss Embroidery Lace S1I4" wide· pinafore 1yd Swiss Embroidery Insertion 1 3/4" wide· pinafore 1 1/Syd Braided Elastic 1/S" wide· dress, panties 1 Small Satin Ribbon Rose· dress decoration 2 Sm~1I Sn~ps • dress 12&23 PERIMETER DRIVE DALLAS. TEXAS 75228 TEL: 12141270-8095 FAX: 12141 270-81 &3 READ ALL INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE CUTTING FABRIC NOTE: 1. WRST indicates With Right Sides Together. 2. All seams are 114" unless otherwise indicated. 3. Finish all seams with a serge or zigzag stitch. DRESS CONSTRUCTION (Sleeve Elastic 5") (DRESS HEM 23/4") 1. WRST, sew the yoke front to the yoke backs at the shoulders. Follow the same procedure for the lining. 2. WRST, sew the yoke and yoke lining together at the neck. Trim seam to 1/S",turn & press.See Diag. "1 a". 3. Sew two rows of gathering stitches across the skirt top. 4. Slit the armhole darts on the skirt. See Dress Skirt Guide. S. Pull up the gathering threads to fit the bodice. Pin and sew the yoke to the skirt leaving the yoke lining free. Turn under yoke lining 1/4" and hand stitch to the yoke skirt seam. 6. Turn under bottom edge of sleeve lIS" and stitch. Then turn under sleeve facing on the indicated fold line and press. See sleeve pattern. 7. Measure off S" twice on 1/S" elastic and mark with a pencil. DO NOT CUT ELASTIC. S. Place elastic on the sleeve and zigzag elastic in place. See pattern for placement. Pull up to the first S" mark and cut. Pin the elastic end in the seam allowance. Stitch the elastic on the second sleeve in the same manner. 9. Sew two rows of gathering stitches across each sleeve cap. See pattern for placement. 1O. Pull up gathering threads to fit the armhole. Pin and sew sleeves in place. 11. WRST, sew the sleeve seam and the skirt dart. 12. Sew center back skirt seam leaving the top 3" open. 13. Turn under hem 23/4" and hand stitch in place. Finished back length of dress should be 101/2" at center back from neck to bottom of dress hem. PINAFORE CONSTRUCTION 1S. After cutting the skirt lace, fold the lace in half. Measure over 9" from the center fold and mark with a pin. Center the pinafore armhole guide at the 9" mark, cut out the armholes. WRST, sew the armhole facings to the skirt armholes. Trim seams to lIS" & turn. Turn under edge of facings; hand stitch in place. Press. 16. Sew two rows of gathering stitches across the skirt top. 17. WRST, sew the front shoulder straps to the yoke front at "A" and "B". Zigzag a satin stitch close to the seam line. Trim away excess seam allowance or trim seams to lIS" and serge to finish. 1S. WRST, sew the back shoulder straps to each yoke back at "C". Trim and finish seams as mentioned above. Then sew the front and backs together at the shoulder seams. Trim and finish seams. 19. Pull up gathers on skirt to fit the front and back yokes. Pin and sew. Finish seams. 20. Fold under ends of back yokes, at the center back, and hand tack in place. See pattern. PAGE 1 OF 5 PATTERN NUMBER DA 1132 Copyright 1994 21. WRST, sew the center back skirt seam leaving the top 2 1/2" open. 22. Sew two small snaps on the yoke backs. PANTIES CONSTRUCTION (leg elastic 7") (Waist elastic 15") 23. WRST, sew the backs together at the center back seam. Sew the fronts together at the center front seam. 24. WRST, sew the front and back together at the side seams. 25. Sew a 1/8" hem on each leg edge. 26. Zigzag elastic on each leg. See pattern for placement. 27. WRST, sew the crotch/inseam catching the elastic ends in the seams. 28. Turn under the waist casing and stitch, leaving a small opening for inserting the elastic. Insert elastic, lap ends and sew. Close the casing with a machine stitch. DECORATION ••• Add small ribbon rose to the dress yoke at the neck. See flier picture. DIAGRAM "1 a" Sew to backs ~ View 2 Front Front PAGE 2 OF 5 I ''f_.. I I I ---... -----.J_ - - - - ---- --I •\ \ I I ~ 1N1~.l t66~@ \ t m ;::0 z z c:: \ \ I II : A"'IM"'I --.. .-~ \ .., - ""C ~- ' '\ c ("');::0 c::m --len ~enc 0-<» o....a. Z 3: \ OJ ("')m \ \ ' cl!; ~ ~» <E . ....a. ::::r ....a. ~....a. _W WI~l ....a.~ CD CD , 0I:loo I ,OJ , . ,, I C")/ I / / I I ,• I I I I I AVMVWI~l ONFO 0 W I I ~ 00.. >- ~~ ~ NZtMOC/) I f « I I :IE I t- « 00::-' :IE o~ I ~ t- 1.&..0 «z zC/) I I a:: I ------- J I I I I I I ~ ~I.&..wt- «woB I I >- ~o::o::~ ~ J I dOl I I , \ I I I I I I I I I I ---;g- \o~ .---- -~ ~ ;g ;g ;0 ~ I :E «w en w 9 en DA 1132 PANTIES BACK CUT2 I , -t I 3C I~ ~ 0'1 c::(§~ ~ ~~ !? ~ '" / ~/ '" '\ 0 "'b // \ 3C ~ ~ ~I:::: I~ ',~ ' uJ ~ a ~ ~ leo -t :::~::t tuJ ©1994 ;::0 ~c ' AVMV w o-"m ~ o A"'IM"'IINI~.l '" ,. '" '" \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ , \ \ \ \ \ ~ (j) m w o -" (.J"I PAGE40F 5 PATTERN NUMBER DA 1132 Copyright 1994 SIDE SEAM , - f------- , \ \ ACTUAL SIZE , " .... .. .... --st g \ I ,/ I I I ,/ ;' I .,,'" --J----;1 o· »1 :;0' -I'1 ~ ~\ f oz (J) o I C Z DA 1132 DRESS SKIRT ARMHOLE GUIDE CUT 1 ON FOLD 103/8" LONG X 18' WIDE NO ~e:N -CI)~ <CW::l C~U Z o C z m , © 1994 ~ Q) Q) ~ @ ~ , 1 1 I 1 • I 1 1 II • II -"I- -~- -"",-- I . '. /' -,- ..... _- 1 - ---'-~,/ "," '-, I' -- --,'" ~--- --- ---- ------- ~3lN3J --- --lNO~:J ---------- - '- __ --- ---, \ ,, \ DA 1132 DRESS YOKE FRONT CUT2 , I I I I I ©1994 ;' I \ I -4 / \ I I \ / \ \ I , ~ / TRIM AWAY I 1 \ I \ ---- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ,... _ _ _ _ _ '""""'\-- _ _ _ _ _ _ . - a . _ - - - - _ _ _ _ _ -----r- - -, -, _ I -J/ ______ - - - - / .. DA 1132 PINAFORE YOKE FRONT CUT1 " \, ,,~ " ------ - - -- - - ---- --- - SEW TO PINAFORE SKIRT ' ' - - "- - - - - - - - - , - " PATTERN NUMBER DA 1132 Copyright 1999 PAGE 5-A OF 5 BACK -- --- ;i I I E ~ I j" I '/ (n' ~,/~ ~- --~--..,.-# - - - - v;j~ \ \ ~ ~ .. ..o 'c © 1999 t ,I I" \ ~ DA 1132 24" Kirsten BONNET CUT2 I I , ~ I ., 1 ,,r .... , ~:l I , " ,I _- __ _ :s to- u. ic. o 24" KIRSTEN - Bonnet FOR 24"BABY SHAY DRESS Copyright 1999 Q) 5 (Fits 24" Kirsten Head, Baby Shay Arms, Baby Shay Bent Legs) FABRICS & NOTIONS 1/3 Yd. Dress Fabric 45" Width - bonnet 3/4 Yd. Baby Piping 1 Yd. Satin Ribbon 1 1/2" Width - bonnet ties 1 1/S Yd. Flat Lace 1 1/2" Width - bonnet front 3/S Yd. Lace Beading 3/S Yd. Satin Ribbon 1/4" Width 2 Shank Buttons 1/4" \\ CLIP, ~ .... ...... --. ..... /'" / , f • o~ <Q~<' I r SEW BABY PIPING AROUND THIS SEAM • FROM THIS. TO THE • ON THE OPPOSITE :1 w ll !a l SIDE . (J) " ;) o~ BONNET CONSTRUCTION: 1. Apply baby piping around the sides and back of the bonnet. (To make piping, place heavy thread or "gimp" in the center of the bias strip. Fold the bias strip in half lengthwise and stitch close to the gimp, that's within the fold, using a zipper foot attachment.) 2. Gather two 20" lengths of 1 1/2" lace to fit the bonnet front edge. Gather each length separately then place one on top of the other, lining up the lace headings and machine baste to the bonnet front, using a 1/4" seam allowance . 3. Weave 1/4" ribbon through the lace beading. Sew the beadinglribbon to the bonnet brim area. 4. Slightly gather or pleat one end of each 11/2" x 1S" ribbon tie. Staystitch the ties in place. SEE PATTERN. 5. Sew bonnet and lining together leaving an opening between the .'s, turn and press. SEE PATTERN. 6. Sew the two buttons and buttonholes in place. 7. Button bonnet front to back. Place on doll head and tie ribbons in a bow. It ~~4!' , ... ............ '""'" ......... . , ... l1ul)-. " ,\ ON -, .; · en ,6 ,m ,r ~ t ~lf t ..... ~ ~. ---. - - .... -.......... ~~ SEW DOUBLE ROW OF 1 1/2" LACE HERE. ~ ~ ~~ ~ • .........FRONT -- - ...... ~ -.. "'-" -..-. - - - - -'... - ~ ,.,. , \ I 9j!q ~~(y -- -- - ---- -- .... - - - -- ...-.- --- - - -- ...... - -- -- - - - - - - - -- - - -- .... --- APPLIQUE CONSTRUCTION: 7. Iron "Wonder Under" on umbrella and bear fabric. Apply "Wonder Under" per instructions on the product. 8. Outline and detail the umbrella with small zigzag satin stitch. 9. Umbrella is light pink broadcloth with slightly darker pink zigzag. 10. Bear is light blue broadcloth with slightly darker blue zigzag. Tip of nose is filled in with pink stitches. 11. Use 1/8" pink satin ribbon for bow on umbrella handle. 12. Glue or tack small pink satin ribbon rose at top of umbrella. PAGE 5-8 OF 5 PAGE50F5 PATTERN NUMBER DA 1132 Copyright 1994 I I I , ACTUAL SIZE , , I ~ // , TRIM AWAY \ I 04------- ___ ----1- \ I \ ()/ I \ \ , ,, I , " - -----,...--...... -~,... -,- /' DA 1132 PINAFORE SKIRT ARMHOLE FACING CUT2 ~ I / I I ~ A , ................ ~-- / DA 1132 PINAFORE YOKE BACK CUT1 / I ~l ::; c ...J ou.. / ~ ~~ _ _ Gp.1\-\ER --- - ------- #/ --- ,,' --"""""-- ' / ;; ..,.",.,-" ~ (!) U « u.. DA 1132 PINAFORE SKIRT GUIDE CUT1 5 1/4" LONG X 36" WIDE _________________ _ -;1--- - - ----- -SEW TO BACK SKIRT / /~::::------ ~// I I I \ I I I ©1994 -- DA 1132 DRESS SLEEVE CUT2 ------ ©1994 I I ;g I ~ cg oiNt;) c:: l i I I I ~_ _ _ _ ____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _____ _ _ _ I SEW ELASTIC HERE - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - -- -- - - :... - - - -- -----1--- I I I I : FOLD LINE TURN THIS EDGE UNDER 1/8" AND PRESS ,CIj I(J 1:1\: /12 ~ I~ ICIj R r I / , i FACING I~ ,~ - - /J ....,o~- I 1'- EXPLAINATION OF DRESS ARMHOLE GUIDE Lay the left side of the guide on the fold. Cut 1 piece 10 3/8" long by 18" wide. Cut straight across top, do not cut down curve. The 2 edges will meet in the center back. When the edges are matched in the back the opposite end will be the center front. Find the mid - point between center front and back edge for each side. This is where you cut the armhole and dart. It equ'als out if you do it in fourths. Adjust to fit. The same procedure is followed for the pinafore. Center front ~ Cut armhole With dart u <:: .Q ... Cut armhole With dart ~ <:.J <:: .Q ... .... = u .... <:.I <l) = <l) <l) u ~~: .......... ~ 24" KIRSTEN Dress Copyright 1999 (Fits 24" Baby Shay Arms, Legs and Shoulder Plate) REVISION - - To Be Used With Baby Shay DA 1132 FABRICS & NOTIONS 25/8 Yds. Flat Lace 11/2" Width - neck, skirt 1 1/4 Yds. Lace Beading - yoke front, skirt 11/4 Yds. Pink Satin Ribbon 1/4" Width - yoke front, skirt 1 3/8" Yds. Flat Lace 1" Width - panties THE DDL~C A~T\J\JO~KS RT. 9 BOX 119 HWY274 SEVEN POINTS. TX 75143 TEL. 903-432-9426 FAX. 903-432-9502 ORDERS ONLY BOO-BB6-3655 NEW - - Fold under Baby Shay sleeve pattern at the arm elastic dotted line this will be the new cutting line. NEW - - Serge gathered lace to panties leg edge then zigzag 1/8" elastic about 3/8" above the lace seam. NEW - - Cut 1 bias strip 1" x 10" = neck binding Cut 2 bias strips each 1" x 7" = sleeve bindings Cut 1 lace beading 7" long. Cut 1 satin ribbon 1/4" width to fit beading. Weave ribbon through the beading. Cut 1 lace beading 36" long. Cut 1 satin ribbon 1/4" width to fit beading. Weave ribbon through the beading. 1. Sew the yoke together as in Baby Shay Instruction 1. 2. Do Not Sew the neck seam but trim seam 1/8". Gather 20" of 1 1/2" lace to fit the neck bias strip. Baste the lace to one long side of the bias. Then sew the bias and lace to the neck using a 1/4" seam allowance. Clip neck seam. Turn under the bias and lace ends then turn bias up over the neck seam. Turn under remaining seam allowance and whipstitch to back of neck seam. 3. Follow Baby Shay Steps 3 thru 5. Then sew 7" lace beading and ribbon to yoke front allowing the lower edge of the beading to just cover the yoke and skirt seam. SEE FLIER. 4. Sew two rows of gathering stitches at the top and bottom of each sleeve. Pull up gathers on the lower sleeve edge to fit the arm bias binding. Sew the bias binding to the sleeve. Repeat for second sleeve. 5. Follow Baby Shay Steps 9 thru 11. Turn under the sleeve bias 1/4" and whipstitch to the sleeve/bias binding seam. 6. Follow Baby Shay Steps 12 thru 13. Then gather 2 yards of 11/2" lace and baste to the skirt hem 1/4" above the hem edge. Sew lace beading to skirt with lower edge of beading covering the basting stitches. FOLLOW SHEET FOR BONNET CONSTRUCT/ON AND FOR BONNET YARDAGE.
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