Böhler - Their Words
Böhler - Their Words
Böhler ADVOCATEN KEIZER SG RACHT 56 0-5 61, 1017 EM AM STER DAM TELE FOO N + 31 (0)10.3 446100, TELEFAX + 31 (0)10.3 4462 01 E- MAIL : in fo@bohl e r. eu PROF. I ww w . bo h l er.e u His Excellency Ambassador Gert Rosenthal Permanent Representative of the Mission of Guatamala United Nations New York US RI TTA Btl HLE R MAR Q WIJN GAARO EN VICTOR KO PPE MIC HIEL PESTMAN FLI P SCHU LLER PR OF. LIE SBETH ZEGVELO PR OF. TI ES PRA KK EN OR . BART STAP ERT MARIEKE VAN EIK CO RRI EN ULL ERSMA WIL EIKELB OO M By fax: +I 212 6858741 OR. CHANNA SAM KAL OE N ANNE SCHELTEMA BEDU IN TAMARA BURUMA Amsterdam, Our ref. Direct tel.nr: Direct faxn r: PR OF. GÖRAN SLU ITER EOWA RO VAN KEM PEN MAR INA OEN HOUD IJK ER URS ULA WE ITlE l BRE CHTJ E VOSS ENBE RG 12 October 20 12 20120526.VK 020 3446248 020 3446201 A OV U CII R PROF. HAN S ULR ICH JES SU RUN D'O LIVEI RA Re: Action JlJan: Respecting the Laws of the War submitted by the Motll'emellt Natiollal de Libératio11 de l'A zmvad to the United Nations Security Council Your Excellency. I write to you in your curre t capacity as President of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC). My colleague Richard Rogers and 1 act on behalf of the Mmn·ement Natifmal de Libération de l 'Azawad (MNLA), which has been cited by the UNSC m Resolution 2056, dated 5 July 2012. The MNLA is deeply concemed that innocent civilians may have been suhj ected to attacks and protected monuments may have been destroyed in the course of the current armed confli ct in Mali. Furthermore, the MNLA is determined to take all necessary and reasonable measures to ensure that its memhers continue to respect the relevant laws and customs of war. In order to keep the UN SC informed of the measures that the MNLA are adopting to ensure its continuing respect for the relevant laws and customs of the Laws of the war, the MNLA hereby submits its Action Plan: War. IEDERE AANSP RA KHIJ KHEID IS BEPERKT TO T HET BEO RAG DAT IN HET DES BETREFFE NDE GEVAL OND ER ONZE BERO EPSAANSPRA I<ELIJ KHEIO SVER ZEKE RING WORO T UITBETAA LD AN Y LI ADIUTY SHALL BE LIM ITEO TO TH E AM OU NT WHICH IS PAIO UNDER THE FIR M' S PRO FESS IONAL LIA BLI LITY POLICY IN TH E MATTER CONCER NEO www.theirwords.org Böhler In your cutTent capacity as President of the UNSC, we would be grateful if you could fon ard the a tached Action Plan to other Men hers of the UNSC. Plea.e be assured of our cooperation in the matter. CC: Assistant Secretary-General for Human Rights, Mr Ivan Simonovié Office of High Commissioner for Human Rights Attachments: Action Plan - French (signed original) Action Plan - English version www.theirwords.org Böhler PLAN D'ACTION: RESPECTER LE DROIT DE LA GUERRE PRÉSENTÉ AU CONSEIL DE SÉCURITÉ DES NATIONS UNIES PAR LE MOUVEMENT NATIONAL DE LIBÉRATION DE L'AZAWAD Prenant acte de la Résolution 2056 du Conse il de sécurité des Nations un ies (CSNU) dans laquelle Ie CSNU exprime sa préoccupation à propos de crimes présum és commis au Mali dans Ie cadre de l'actuel conflit armé ; Partageant la préoccupation du CSNU au sujet des attaques qu i aura ient pu êt re pe rpétrées contre des civils innocents et des destructions possibles de mon uments religieux ou historiques par des parties au conflit armé et pa r des groupe s te rroristes; Prenant acte que la Cour pénale internationale (CPI) mène un examen prélimi naire d e la s it uation a u Mali et exprimant Ie dés ir de coopérer à toute enquête équitable et équ ili brée s ur les violations massives des droits de l'homme com mises au Mali depu is l'entrée en vigueur du Statut de Rome, en juil let 2002 ; Notant q ue Ie pe up le du nord d u Mali, victi me de violations massives des d roits de l'hom me depuis 1963, mérite que soit m is fin à l'impunité; Déterminé à assurer q ue les me mbres du Mouvement National de Libération de L 'Azawad ("MNLA") respectent Ie droit international humanitaire a ins i q ue les autres rés olutions ayant tra it aux femmes et à la pa ix et à la sécurité, au x enfants da ns les conflits armés et à la proteetion des civils en période de conflit arm é ; Le MNLA s'engage, par la présente, à mettre en reuvre les actions suivantes : 1. Coopérer avec la CPI, par l'intermédia ire de nos avocats au cab inet Böhler Advocaten (Pays -Bas), dans Ie cadre de son exa men préli minaire des allégations de crimes commis au Mali ; 2. Discuter avec !'Appel de Genève, proposer une Charte d'engage ments et inviter I' Appel de Genève à en observer et suivre l'application ; 3. Fourn ir des instructions écrites et orales à ses co mma ndants milita ires afi n de s 'assure r que to utes les tro upes du MNLA se conforment au d ro it internatio nal human itaire ; www.theirwords.org • Böhler 4. Appo rter formation et conseil aux commandants mil itaires du MNLA pour garantir que ces dem iers mesurent pleinement ce qu'est Ie droit internat ional humanitaire. 5. Enquêter sur toute allégation crédible de vialation massive des dro its de l'homme commise par des troupes du MNLA et prendre les mesures appropriées ; Ainsi soumis au Conseil de sécurité des Nations unies, Ie [DATE] (DATE] [CACHET OFFICIELJ www.theirwords.org Böhler ACTION PLAN: RESI)F..CTING THE LA WS OF WAR SUBMITTF..D BY THE MOUVEMENT NATJONAL DE LJBÉRATION DE L'AZAWAD TO THF.. UNITED NATIONS SECURITY COUNCIL Noting the United Nations Security Council (UN SC) Resolution 2056 in which the UNSC expressed concern about the alleged crimes committed in Mali as part of the on-going armed Sharing the concern of the UNSC that innocent civi lians may have been subjected to attacks and religious or historie monuments may have been destroyed by parties to the armed conflict and terrorist groups; Noting that the International Criminal Court (ICC) is conducting a preliminary examination in Mal i and expressing a de. ire to cooperate with any fa ir and balanced investigation into mass human rights abuses committed in Mali since the Rome Statute came into force in .Tuly 2002; Obsenring that the people of northern Mali, who have been victims of mass human rights abuses si nce 1963. deserve to see an end to impunity; Determined to ensure that the members of the Mou!•emenl Nalional de Lihéra/ion de L 'A zawad (''MN LA") respect international humanitarian law and other relevant resolutions on wamen and peace and security, on chi ldren and anned confl ict, and on the proteetion of civilians in arn1ed confl icts; The MN LA hereby undertakes to implement the fo llowing actions: 1. Cooperate with the ICC in its preli n inary exami nat ion into alleged crimes committed in Mal i. though our lawyers at Böhler Advocaten (Nethe lands); 2. Engage with Geneva Call, submit Deeds of Commitments, and invite Geneva Call to monitor their implementation. 3. Provide written and/or oral instructions to its military cammanders to ensure that all MNLA troops abide by international humanitarian law: 4. Provide training and/or advice to MNLA military cammanders to ensure that cammanders fully appreciate international humanitarian law: www.theirwords.org Böhler 5. Investigate any credible allegation of mass human rights abu es committed by MNLA troops and take the appropriate action ; Su mitted to the United Nations Security Council Moussa Ag Assarid Head of lnformation and Communication Mouvement National de Libération de L'Azawad October l Oth 2012 www.theirwords.org