Summer 2015
Summer 2015
CORE Credit Union Privacy Notice Member’s Advantage A QUARTERLY PUBLICATION FROM Summer 2015 “A Better Way Of Banking!” CORE Credit Union is pleased to announce the selecon of Robert “Bob” Clampe as the credit union’s new President/Chief Execuve Officer (CEO). Bob has spent over 17 years working in the credit union industry most recently serving as Vice President, Retail Sales for Xceed Financial Credit Union. It was here that Bob was responsible for growing the member deposit base by 17% in 2014. Before taking on his role as Vice President, Retail Sales at Xceed Financial Credit Union, Bob served as the credit union’s Assistant Vice President, Western Region Sales and District Manager. Prior to his me at Xceed Financial Credit Union, Bob served as Regional Markeng Director at Search Capital Group in Jackson, Mississippi and as Regional Finance Manager for Shelter Insurance Company. Bob also worked for ITT Financial Services in St. Louis, MO as Branch Manager where he managed the largest consumer branch in the territory. Bob has a Bachelor’s Degree in Communicaons, Business Administraon from Drury University in Springfield, Missouri and is involved with the Cornerstone Credit Union League, CUNA Operaons Council, and the Credit Union Execuve Society. Dr. Thomas Case, Chairman of the Board, expressed his enthusiasm and confidence in our new President/Chief Execuve Officer when he said, “We couldn’t be more excited to have Bob lead CORE Credit Union. We are confident that the credit union will benefit from his service and contribuon as CEO.” Financial Facts as of 5/31/15 In This Issue CEO Bio Blog Spot Mobile App Savasaurus Club Privacy Noce Check us out at Page 1 Page 2 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Assets: Loans: Shares: Members: $64,805,853 $50,454,972 $57,752,904 9068 Office Closings Fourth of July Labor Day This Credit Union is Federally Insured by the National Credit Union Administration. July 3 & 4 Sept 7 CHECK OUT CORE’S BLOG SPOT @ All Savasaurus members are invited to join Stoney at Splash in the Boro! Service Locations Main Office 43 North Main Street Statesboro, GA 30458 ATM We’ll have fun swimming, riding water slides, and splashing around. Savasaurus members must be accompanied Main Street Village 100 Brampton Avenue, Statesboro, GA 30458 ATM by a parent/guardian. All water park rules must be followed. Brooklet Office 17740 U.S. Hwy 80 East Brooklet, GA 30415 ATM Meet us at Splash in the Boro on Friday July 17th at 4p.m. and look for the CORE table to get your passes. Each Savasaurus member will be provided two Portal Office 27205 U.S. Hwy 80 West Portal, GA 30450 ATM passes. RSVP by calling 912-764-9846 or emailing us at Russell Union Bldg. GSU ATM [email protected]. Lobby Hours M, T, Thu, F 9am-6pm Wednesday 9am-1pm What’s New? For the latest financial tips and information... Stoney has updated the Savasaurus case with new items. Stop by and redeem your Stoney points. Need more points, here is how to earn them! Main Office Drive Thru Hours Mon-Fri 8am-6pm Saturday 8:30am –12 noon You earn Savasaurus points every me you… Visit the credit union and deposit: ...less than $3 2 ..$3 or more 3 Visit the credit union with no activity 1 Participate in credit union activities 10 Earn an “A” on your report card 3 Earn a “B” on you report card 2 Earn a “C” on you report card 1 Read a book 2 Volunteer in the community 2 Recruit family members to join the credit union 20 912-764-9846 1-877-267-2673 912-764-5386 (Fax) 1-800-318-1413 (Fax) Mailing Address P.O. Box 1987 Statesboro, GA 30459 Email Address [email protected] COREY-24 HR Teller Local 764-INFO (4636) Toll Free 1-800-511-2673 Routing Number 261287633
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Member`s Advantage
17740 U.S. Hwy 80 East
Brooklet, GA 30415
Portal Office
27205 U.S. Hwy 80 West
Portal, GA 30450
Russell Union Bldg.
Member`s Advantage
100 Brampton Ave, Suite 1J
Brampton Ave,
Suite 1J
GA 30458
Statesboro, GA 30458
400 Parker Avenue 500A