North Shore Unitarian Church


North Shore Unitarian Church
North Shore Unitarian Church
January 2016
Rezoning of Our Property Is Approved!
After years of waiting, the rezoning
bylaws that authorize Darwin Properties to build 17 residential housing units on NSUC’s land were approved at Third Reading by West
Van Council on November 30th.
Third Reading is the milestone that
marks rezoning success. Earlier in
the evening, Council had held the
official public hearing on the bylaws at which over a dozen West
Van residents took the microphone
to tell Council why they felt the
rezoning should, or shouldn’t, be
allowed. Six members and
friends of NSUC spoke in support, as well as others.
How Do We Look So Far?
As you read this, ministers across the continent are viewing NSUC’s Congregational Record, and those of about 60 other churches as well.
They’ll decide which ones, if any, they want to research further, and convey their interest to the UUA by
the end of December. On January 2nd the UUA will give our
Ministerial Search Committee
(MSC) a list of the ministers who
are interested in us.
From that list, we’ll choose ministers with whom we want to share
even more information via reciprocal websites and, for some, telephone interviews. From there we’ll whittle the list down to 2-4 ministers
to invite to Vancouver for a “pre-candidating weekend.” Only the MSC
spends time with the candidates on those weekends.
If we find a candidate we unanimously think would be a good fit with
our church, we’ll negotiate a contract that is conditional upon NSUC extending a call for ministry. We’ll then invite the candidate to visit NSUC
for a week in April or early May when they will deliver two Sunday sermons and you will have several opportunities to meet them in person,
and then you’ll get to vote yes or no. If we don’t find an excellent candidate to recommend to you, we’ll wait until the fall (and perhaps even
next spring) and go back into the “dating pool.”
Choosing a minister is a challenging process of discernment. On the one
hand we know there is no “perfect” candidate. On the other, we’re
told…“don’t settle.” It’s a fine line between the two. We must bear in
mind that no one person can do everything – and yet we have to believe
that sooner (or perhaps later) we’ll find just the right candidate to keep
our church moving forward. Keep your fingers crossed!
North Shore Unitarian Church
Page 1
Now NSUC can turn to the exciting
task of working with Darwin, our
development partner, to find a
new site on which to build our new
church – but, at long last, we will
undertake that search knowing the
rezoning of our Mathers land has
been approved. (Full story).
Congregational Meeting
Mark your calendar for our
Annual Budget Meeting:
January 31st at 12:15pm.
Call Lynn to arrange childcare:
In this issue:
Upcoming Services ...................... 2
From the Interim Minister ............ 3
Heart, Mind, Spirit ....................... 4
From the President....................... 5
Children’s Program.................. 6-7
Youth Group ................................. 8
News & Events........................ 9-10
Calendar ..................................... 11
More Information ....................... 12
January 2016
Upcoming Sunday Services
Sunday, January 3rd, 10:30 am
“Miracles and Martyrs, Unitarian Style”
Speaker: John Slattery
Coordinator: Alison Nixon
Unitarian and Universalist groups in various parts of the world have their
beginnings in strange and wondrous ways. On occasion, their leaders
and lay members have paid a severe price, even in modern times.
Learn about these groups and their sometimes unique worship practices
in parts of the world you might not normally think of in terms of having a
Unitarian presence. Children will begin downstairs.
Sunday, January 10th, 10:30 am
“Reason and Reverence"
Speaker: The Rev. Fran Dearman
Coordinator: Mark Pezarro
Rev. Fran explores William R. Murry's book, "Reason and Reverence".
What does it mean to live a life that is fully human? Murry lifts up the
enduring gifts of Humanism, along with reverence, compassion, and a
spiritual engagement with nature. Children will begin downstairs.
CUC Tip #3 for
Intentionally Inclusive
Make a point
of learning something
of a visitor’s story.
Rather than worry
about ‘selling’ your congregation,
consider this an opportunity
to make a connection
with someone you don’t know.
See the whole list here:
Sunday, January 17th, 10:30 am
“The Role of the Minister”
Speaker: The Rev. Fran Dearman
Coordinator: John Slattery
What is ministry? What is it to do ministry, what is it to be a minister? A
dozen years after her own ordination, Rev. Fran explores a range of
expectations around professional ministry. Children will begin upstairs.
Sunday, January 24th, 10:30 am
“Robbie Burns: A Poet for the People”
Speaker: The Rev. Fran Dearman
Coordinator: Leslie Gibbons
Monday, January 25th, marks another birthday for the much loved poet
Burns—the Bard of Ayrshire—born in 1759. Burns was a pioneer of the
Romantic movement as well as a voice for Enlightenment values, emerging from the intellectual shift that made Edinburgh the “Athens of the
North”. Rev. Fran explores where he came from, where he went with it,
and how he can still inspire us. Children will begin upstairs.
Sunday, January 31st, 10:30 am
“Fear of Change and Setting Goals”
Speaker: a panel
Coordinator: Kerry Burke
With years of experience helping others with personal change and how
to get there, this panel aims to help us direct our lives toward greater
depth and meaning. Children will begin downstairs.
(Our annual Budget Meeting takes place after this service).
North Shore Unitarian Church
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Miss a Service?
VIDEOS of many of our sermons
are available to watch online:
1. Go to our home page
2. Hover over “News & Events”.
3. From the drop down menu,
select “Watch Recent Sermons” to see a list of services
available for viewing.
4. Click on the one you want to
PRINTOUTS of some sermons are
available in print on the rack outside Rev. Fran’s office. Feel free
to help yourself!
DIGITAL PDFs of some sermons
can be provided upon request,
but only for those sermons that
are made available in print.
Contact the Church Office to request a PDF version of a sermon
by email.
January 2016
From the Interim Minister
anuary: a new year stands
The holiday season, the turning of
clear before us, like fresh
the year, and cold weather — all
fallen snow not yet tracked
remind me that others have welwith footprints, or a blank
comed me to warm at their fires,
sheet of paper awaiting the first
and so I feel an obligation to
stroke of the pen. Of course, the
make sure there is room for othturning point is arbitrary, the creaers at my campfire. As Howard
tion of our human
Thurman reconstructs trackminded us,
ing the flow of
when the song
time. But still, it is
of the angels
a turning point
is stilled, the
Rev. Fran Dearman
that is sensible to
work of
us: new dates,
new calendars,
gins. Let us
each rememnew possibilities.
ber, as best
I have long been
we are able,
intrigued by the
to be generRoman god Jaous to others
nus, for whom the month is named,
who are hungry and cold as the
a god that faces both forward and winter chill settles upon us.
back. I am reminded that who I am
today reflects the past and the
Not least, let us remember to exfuture simultaneously. Similarly,
tend to visitors who come to share
who we are, as members of a conour worship the same warm and
gregation or seekers after some
generous welcome that we hoped
In the Interim,
religious or spiritual insight, reflects for when we ourselves were new
and visitors. Let there always be
Interim Minister the Rev. Fran
both past and future.
a welcoming word and “room at
We are inheritors of centuries,
the inn” for new acquaintance,
grateful for the warm welcome
even millennia, of the human need
new friends, and new members in
extended to me here in North
to make meaning. There exist artic- the congregation.
Shore Vancouver
ulated traditions and interwoven
teachings which we can claim as
our legacy under the names of unitarian and universalist, shaped by
Rev. Fran’s Schedule and Office Hours
those who went before us. And
Fran’s Sabbath and day of rest (email free)
those who follow will inherit what
Generally in the Office 11am - 3pm
we, in our turn, have shaped. The
Wednesdays Walking about and doing visitations
Unitarian and Universalist tradiThursdays
In the Office 11am - 3pm and choir practice
tions here in North Shore are the
At home preparing the sermon
product of almost five decades of
At workshops or weddings, or taking a day of rest
this handing on and onward, genSundays
In the pulpit three Sundays per month (on Vancouver
eration to generation. The UU traIsland one weekend per month)
dition of freedom, reason and tolerance was a gift to us, just as it
You can reach Rev. Fran at [email protected] or by
will be a gift to those who follow
phone through the church office: 604-926-1621.
North Shore Unitarian Church
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January 2016
Heart, Mind, Spirit
Middle East Discussion Group Starts January 10th
This discussion group is based on the book Lawrence in Arabia: War, Deceit, Imperial Folly and the Making of the Modern Middle East by Scott Anderson. One review of this award-winning volume says it captures the
way in which the folly of the past creates the anguish of the present.
Rev. Fran will serve as a resource person for this group, bringing to us her
experience in the Middle East in 1995. Following completion of her MA
thesis, Rev. Fran spent a month touring in Turkey, two months with an archaeological excavation team in Jordan, plus time travelling in Syria.
Start reading now and bring your curiosity to our first session, scheduled
for 12:30 pm on January 10th in RS 305. Additional sessions will be held
at the same time on February 14th, March 6th, and April 10th. Brown bag
lunches are welcome!
Stories with Soul
We meet on the third Tuesday of
each month at 1:30 pm for a short
reading followed by discussion.
January 19th is our next session (in
the Sanctuary if the Fireside Room
is not usable).
John Slattery
is offering a
series of Theologians Café
sessions at the
West Vancouver Seniors’
Activity Centre as a community
services program on behalf of the
NSUC. The sessions will be held
from 2-4 pm on the second Thursday of every month, February
through May, and will be listed in
the Centre's brochure for the
spring. Watch future newsletters
for topics and information.
Building Your Own Theology
Based on the assumption that people are their
own theologians, this adult UU program invites
participants to develop their own personal
credos. Rev. Fran Dearman will lead the 7session class at 7pm on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the month starting January 12th. Sign
up on foyer table. “Loaner” books are available from Fran, or you can purchase your own
book from the UUA bookstore.
North Shore Unitarian Church
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Real Life
On March 5th 9-11 am, join your
Lay Chaplains in the Fireside Room
for a special Saturday workshop
called "Real Life Rituals: How to
Incorporate Rituals into Daily Life."
Mark your calendar now to save
the date!
Active Hope
The Active Hope
group, based on
the teachings of
Joanna Macy,
meets informally
on the first Sundays of the month in RS305 to
discuss ways of implementing this
approach in the world.
January 2016
From the President
SUC has a wonderful
has been working so hard to facilyear ahead. We have
itate the recovery and restoration
turned a corner with the
needed to give us back our space.
rezoning of our properIt is ironic that at the very time we
ty, we are very close to finding a
are so close to realizing our new
settled minister, and spirits are high building dreams we should be facfor choir concerts,
ing a renewed
youth theater
kitchen, wash“NSUC HAS
performances and
rooms and
a great FUNdmeeting hall.
FEST in the comLet’s enjoy it
ing months. There
while we can.
is so much going on in our little
North Shore church!
Your Board endured an extraordinarily long December Board meeting and has a budget to offer you
at the congregational meeting on
January 31st. We also hope to see
you all at a Town Hall in the New
Year to discuss fundraising and our
annual canvass, to listen to your
input, your ideas and your comments on this past canvass experience and to hear your recommendations for the future.
Remember to attend
our annual Budget Meeting
on Sunday, January 31st
at 12:15 pm in the Sanctuary.
Call Lynn at 604-926-1621
to arrange for childcare
during the meeting.
As I write this, we are still without
the use of our Fireside Room. Our
Building and Grounds Team, lead
by the fearless Brian McConnell,
Mission Statement
North Shore Unitarian Church
Leslie Gibbons, President
The Seven Principles
Which Our Congregation Affirms and Promotes:
1. The inherent worth and dignity of every person;
2. Justice, equity and compassion in human relations;
3. Acceptance of one another and encouragement to spiritual growth in
our congregations;
4. A free and responsible search for truth and meaning;
5. The right of conscience and the use of the democratic process within
our congregations and in society at large;
6. The goal of world community with peace, liberty, and justice for all;
7. Respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are
a part.
Page 5
January 2016
Children’s Program
All-Ages Potluck & Talent Show
Lynn Sabourin, DRE
Email: [email protected]
Lynn’s office hours are:
Mondays, Tuesdays & Fridays 9:30—3:00
Wednesdays 7-9 pm
t is hard to say whether 2015
will be remembered as the
Year of the Flood, the Year of
Successful Re-zoning of 370
Mathers Ave, the Year of Saying
Good-bye to Rev. Stephen Atkinson, the Year of Ministerial Search
Start Up (to be continued in 2016),
the Year of Interim Ministry with
Rev. Fran Dearman, or all of the
above. It was a crazy, busy year
and all NSUCers are to be congratulated for hanging in there
and making the best of sometimes
challenging situations. Our Board
had difficult decisions to make, and
the Building and Grounds Committee were kept hopping (literally
from the roof to the cellar) — and
for that I am grateful.
North Shore Unitarian Church
Our first potluck of 2016 will be on
Sunday, January 24th, 5-7 pm.
Bring a dish and beverage to
share, and then join us in the Sanctuary for an all-ages Talent Show
from 7-8:30 pm. Sign up on the
poster outside the office if you have
an act you would like to perform, or
call Lynn at 604-926-1621. We need musicians, magicians, singers,
dancers and any other entertainer that would like to wow the most appreciative audience ever. We also need a great audience, so plan it
into your calendar now. You won’t be disappointed! I’m optimistic that
the flood repairs will be done; if not we will let you know about Plan B
via email. Watch the church website for updates.
The good thing is that kids are
always kids, no matter what is
happening in the adult world, and
they are a wonderful touchstone
to what is really important. I
want to acknowledge the contributions of the fall semester teachers, who in addition to their commitment to teaching or assisting,
had to make accommodations
with the expansion of Kuddles
Daycare (who have rented more
of our space in the Rod Stewart
building). Thanks also to Cara
Elrod, our RE Assistant, who is
steadfast in her commitment, as
well. As always, I am in awe of
their commitment to the spiritual
lives of our children. THANK
Page 6
We start our winter semester with
some returning teachers and assistants and some fresh recruits.
What a special group of people
we have to help in our Children’s
January 2016
Children’s Program
Coming Soon: NSUC Children’s Choir!
Secret Buddies Program
Secret Buddies is an opportunity
for adults and children 5 years
and over to get to know one another and have a little fun, too.
It’s easy to do. . .
Sign up on Sunday, January 10th
and 17th or anytime inbetween.
Forms will be on the bulletin
board in the Rod Stewart building.
Starting on Sunday January 31st,
there will be “mailbags” with the
child’s name on the bulletin
board in the RS building (or in
the main building, if flood renovations are done). This is the
mail drop for both child and
Secret Buddies exchange letters,
jokes, puzzles, drawings, baby
pictures, book and movie recommendations etc. – anything that
will help adult and child get to
know each other.
Identities will be revealed at a
potluck supper on Sunday, February 28th at 5-7 pm. For more
info call Lynn Sabourin 604-926
Lynn Sabourin: 604-926-1621 [email protected]
Alison Nixon: 778-688-2912 [email protected]
North Shore Unitarian Church
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January 2016
Youth Group
their own vision boards to display who they would like to be and what
they would like to achieve.
There are changes coming to the format of how youth group is being run.
Starting in January, the youth will take turns leading and facilitating
youth group sessions. This will be an amazing leadership opportunity for
the youth, and a chance to introduce a topic to their peers that they are
very passionate about. The Youth Adult Committee (YAC) will continue to
collaborate on planning the youth group themes and special events, and
to support the youth in their leadership roles.
Meike Schieb
Youth Program Coordinator
ecember was a short
month for the youth
group, yet it was filled
with adjustments, excitements and celebrations.
Due to the renovations following
the flood, the youth have not been
able to use the Fireside Room. This
was a struggle at times and the
group had to adjust and practice
patience. Fortunately the holidays
were coming up, which brought up
excitement and giddiness.
During one of our sessions in December we reflected on the past
four months. The youth shared
what they would like to see at
youth group in the upcoming year.
Additionally, we brainstormed ideas for Social Action Projects for
2016 — and let me tell you, big
things are coming up! We ended
our year with a Holiday Potluck
Celebration and a Gift Exchange
to celebrate this wonderful time of
the year.
We will start off 2016 with a
Youth New Year’s Retreat. Youth
will spend a day reflecting on the
past year, who they were and
what they have achieved, and then
switch over to plan their new year,
set motivational goals and create
North Shore Unitarian Church
Special thanks to our wonderful Youth Adult Committee (YAC) - Emily,
Ryan, Callia, Zoe, Liana & Abby - for their amazing leadership skills this
year. Thanks, also, to our remarkable Youth Advisors: Paul Symons,
Bruce Grierson, Clayton Welwood, and Sacha Wassick for their support
and patience. They have been such great leaders and role models for
the youth. I am excited to see what 2016 has in store for all of us!
Last but not least I would like to announce that due to the flood, we had
to get rid of two of the sofas in the Fireside Room. The youth are now
looking for sofa donations. If you have any sofas you would like to donate, please contact Meike at [email protected].
Coming in January
January 3rd 7-9pm
January 10th 1-9pm
January 17th 3:30-5:30
January 24 5-9pm
January 31st 6-7pm
Page 8
Youth Group – Leader: Ryan
Youth New Years Retreat at NSUC
Grade 12 Meeting (offsite)
YAC Meeting
Youth Group – Leader: Emily
Multigenerational Potluck + Talent Show
Youth Advisor Meeting
Youth Group – Leader: Callia
January 2016
News & Events
Building & Grounds
Despite our recent rezoning success,
our community life will continue at
our current location for at least 2
years. To that end, the major project in the Great Room is under
way with a completion date of mid
to late January.
After meeting with an adjuster in
that great empty room, Barrie
Forbes, the Vaughans and I thought
this was a good time to rethink how
that space is used. The next day,
we met with 13 program stakeholders. Together, we agreed to
remove a non-bearing wall to
make for a bigger space, move the
library across the room, and locate
the library office, music, archives,
and media resources in a locked
room off to the side. We agreed
to keep the Fireside area intact for
groups like the Youth and Cronies
who use it regularly. Several other
changes are being considered, including a sink for the youth to use
in coffee preparation.
Other maintenance issues during
December included flooring repair,
leaf removal from Chelsea House
roof, dumpster use, insurance contract renewal, and preparing for
snow removal.
We may have need for a newer
computer for the library office and
a new couch or two for the Fireside
area. If you have something of
good quality that you are thinking
of giving away, please contact me.
~ Brian McConnell
North Shore Unitarian Church
January 17th
Cabin in Provence by Jilly Watson
The Task Force on the Future
designated a Governance Task
Force to review our operations
and governance structure.
Join us in the Sanctuary at noon
on Sunday, January 17th, to
hear about what we’ve done to
date, and to provide your input. We welcome your feedback.
~The Governance Task Force:
Pat Brand
Elain Duvall
Sanford Osler
Art Show in the Sanctuary
For the first part of January, the
Artarian display will continue.
January 15th through the end of
February, we will display the work
of Danyne Johnston, an experienced artist and respected member of the North Shore Artists’
Guild. She paints with both acrylics
and water colours with varied subjects including sea scapes, forest
scenes, and still life. Many of her
paintings explore sunlight and reflections. Danyne paints in her studio at the Dene Croft studios and
in her home studio. Artarians donate 20% of their sales to NSUC .
~ Jilly Watson
Artarian Calendars for Sale!
Jammin’ With the Band
It’s not too late to buy a 2016
calendar featuring our very own
artists! Cost $15 each.
We’re taking a break for January,
but will meet again on Friday, February 12th, 7:30 pm in the Sanctuary. We generally meet on the
second Friday of each month. As
always, all ages and skill levels
are welcome! Bring an instrument
or sing along. The focus is on having fun.
~ Paul Jaffe
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January 2016
News & Events
“Under the Sea”
Openness & Confidentiality
Openness vs. confidentiality is another fine line the Ministerial
Search Committee (MSC) must
walk. In our search process, we
strive for transparency — but as
you know some parts of our work
cannot take place in the open.
From the MSC’s perspective, we
know we can expect to disagree
on various candidates, and we
need a private space in which to
air and resolve our differences. It’s
through such open and honest communication that we’ll be able to
reach consensus and present our
final choice with a unified voice.
Our musical theatre
production “Under the
Sea” has been postponed due to scheduling conflicts. Stay
tuned for more information about this
event at a future time.
Snow Closures
On very rare occasions, church services may be cancelled due to weather conditions. In such cases, we’ll do our best to post a message on the
Home Page of our website and on our blog — and to change the answering machine to reflect the closure. If church is cancelled, all other
events that day are also cancelled. For more information, see the announcement in the front of your Church Directory, or visit our blog.
From the point of view of the applicants, privacy is equally important; releasing names or identifying information could damage
their relationships with their home
We thank you for understanding
the need for confidentiality until
we choose and announce one final
~ The MSC
January, a
new month and a Happy New
Year to you all! The Cronies will
meet at 12:30 pm on January 14th
and 28th (hopefully) in the new
Fireside Room with stories aglow.
~Joanna Vaughan
North Shore Unitarian Church
Library News
In November, we collected
$695.55 for Hope’s Place, which
provides support for women and
children so they are able to successfully transition to independent
lives free of abuse and violence.
In January, half of our Outreach/
Inreach donations will be given to
the Paul Sugar Palliative Support
Foundation, which provides compassionate care and assistance to
those living with terminal illness
and financial need.
Page 10
Please remember that our library
mainly consists of books donated
by you. We are interested in
books related to philosophy, psychology, religion, social studies,
sciences and education. In more
general terms, we favour books
that support the programs of the
Congregation, and reflect the
Church’s mission of inclusiveness,
spiritual growth free of dogma,
and actions in service of life. You
can also contribute by sharing with
us your readings. We welcome
your suggestions, and would be
pleased to post your book reviews
on our bulletin board.
~ Nicole Hostinsky, Librarian
January 2016
January 2016 Calendar
New Year’s Day
10:30am Sunday
7:30pm Meditation
7pm MSC Mtg
Office Closed
2pm Media Ministry Mtg
7pm Youth Group
10:30am Sunday
7:30pm Meditation
12:30pm Mideast
Rev. Fran Out of Office
7pm Building Your
Own Theology
10:30am Rental
7pm MSC Mtg
7pm Board Mtg
1pm MSC mtg
10am Meditation
12:30pm Cronies
1pm Youth Retreat
4:30pm G12 Mtg
7pm Choir Practice
10:30am Sunday
7:30pm Meditation
11:45 Soup
1:30pm Stories with
9:30am Rental
7pm MSC Mtg
12:15 Town Hall
7pm Bluegrass
10am Book Group
6:15pm Chamber
Choir Practice
Noon Piano
3pm Karaoke Set
12:30 off site staff
6:15pm Chamber
Choir Practice
7pm Karaoke (FF)
6pm Minister’s
Canvass Reception
7:30pm Cuba
7pm Choir Practice
12:30 Youth Ministry Team Mtg
1pm MSC mtg
3:30pm G12 Mtg
5:30pm YAC Mtg
7pm Youth Group
10:30am Sunday
7:30pm Meditation
5pm Potluck
7pm Talent Show
7pm Building Your
Own Theology
7pm MSC Mtg
9am Rental
Noon—Care &
Concerns Mtg
10am Meditation
12:30pm Cronies
6:15pm Chamber
Choir Practice
7pm Feasting on
Films (FF)
9am Choir Workshop
4pm Canvass
7pm Choir Practice
10:30am Sunday
12:15pm Budget
6pm Youth advisor
7pm Youth Group
Calendar events often change without notice.
See our most up-to-date calendar on our website:
North Shore Unitarian Church
Page 11
January 2016
NSUC Choir Concert
Coming soon!
Choir Concert
February 14th, 7pm
At Highlands United Church.
This musical extravaganza will be
held on Sunday, February 14th at
Highlands United Church,
3255 Edgemont Blvd.
in North Vancouver.
Tickets will go on sale soon.
Stay tuned
for more details!
North Shore Unitarians
370 Mathers Avenue,
West Vancouver, BC
V7S 1H3
Phone: 604-926-1621
Fax: 866-450-9852
Lay Chaplains
Our Lay Chaplains perform
Rite of Passage and
Life Transition Ceremonies to
mark important milestones.
For more information,
call us at 604-926-1621
or email us at
[email protected].
We’re happy to help!
North Shore Unitarian Church
Interim Minister: The Rev. Fran Dearman
Affiliated Community Minister: The Reverend Arthur Berman
Lay Chaplains: Barbara Moore & Lindsay Hindle
Director of Religious Education: Lynn Sabourin
Children’s Program Assistant: Cara Elrod (Sundays)
Music Director: Alison Nixon
Accompanist: Tom McPherson
Youth Program Coordinator: Meike Schieb
Financial Administrator: Marge Zieroth
Church Administrator: Janni Kretlow
Custodian: Tom Fullerton
Newsletter Layout: Janni Kretlow
Newsletter Proofreader: Norma Elrod
Webmaster: Malcolm Mallory
Board of Trustees:
Leslie Gibbons, President
John Biasucci, VP Congregational
Marcia Stephenson, VP Denominational
Wayne Hanna, Treasurer
Beverly Grice, Secretary
The Rev. Fran Dearman, Member Ex OffiWe welcome
lesbian, gay,
Lesley Giroday, Member at Large
bisexual, transgender,
Pat Meyer, Member at Large
and queer people
Malcolm Mallory, Member at Large
in our faith community.
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January 2016