OHL Services


OHL Services
OHL Services
During 2014 the trend in the market in which OHL Services operates continued
much the same as in previous years, consistent with a context of economic crisis,
although the division’s new activities −energy efficiency and home help services−
have evidenced better performance. The prospects for 2015 is more optimistic, in
tune with the forecasts made for the domestic economy overall.
Comprehensive hospital maintenance, provided by Ingesan.
Annual Report 2014 of the OHL Group
In 2015, OHL Services
will take over the
municipal services
activities transferred
by OHL Construction
and is set to initiate
the process of
outlined for this
division in the OHL
Group’s 2015-2020
Strategic Plan.
„ Business performance in
The facilities cleaning and maintenance sectors, where Ingesan traditionally operates, facilities management
subsidiary, part of the Division of OHL Services, have once again reduced their size, by 0.5 and 1%, respectively,
in line with the budget restrictions of both public and private customers and due to the fierce price competition,
which has led to a significant reduction in profit margins.
The economic crisis has also affected the private market of residential
care facilities for the elderly, in which Novaire operates. This situation has
forced all of the groups to undertake promotions or adjust prices in order to
maintain the level of occupancy of the facilities. In the context of the public
or subsidized market, in the Community of Valencia, Novaire’s geographical
area, negotiations have continued with the Department of Social Welfare with
a view to consolidating the subsidized places currently arranged with the
company (68% of the total), negotiations which should culminate in 2015.
Despite these difficulties, Novaire has consolidated its position thanks to a
strategy of external communication and marketing of places that has enabled
it to raise the annual average occupancy to 97.6%, the highest in its history.
Moreover, the continuity of the strict cost containment policy has facilitated a
considerable improvement in all of the ratios and key margins of the company.
Through all of this, Novaire has obtained record breaking recurring economic
outcomes for the company, with revenues of 29.2 million euros, an EBITDA
figure of 6.8 million euros, increasing 5.8% in comparison to 2013, and with a
recurring profit before taxes of 3 million euros, 10.3% over revenues.
OHL Services
The supplier concentration processes in the public sector have given rise to a
situation where, even with the slight contraction of the market, sector leaders
have obtained higher turnover figures. This includes Ingesan, whose turnover
of 115.5 million euros has grown 19%, far above the 0.5% average for these
leading companies and, of course, way ahead of the sector as a whole, which
experienced an overall decline of 1.5%. Ingesan has maintained its EBITDA
and has increased its profit after taxes by 24% with respect to the previous
year, higher than the growth in sales, thanks to a better management of the
Group’s financial resources that has reduced these expenses by 92%, despite
having increased turnover.
OHL Services-Position
Three priority sectors: facilities management, municipal services and
industrial maintenance.
Strategy: consolidation in Spain and start of international expansion.
Reference in Spain through its subsidiary, Ingesan, in the facilities
management sector.
Main market: Spain.
Initiate international expansion in America. Mexico and Florida (USA).
Management criteria
Inclusion of the municipal services transferred by OHL Construction.
Sustainability Report • Five divisions, five visions of sustainability
„ Milestones of the year
The most significant awards during 2014, by business area, were as follows:
Cleaning and baggage cart management service in the airport facilities
of AENA Aeropuertos. Palma de Mallorca Airport, contract worth a total of
13.18 million euros and for a three year term.
Integrated cleaning service for the buildings, premises and offices
belonging to the Central Government in the Community of Madrid, Lot no.
2, contract worth a total of 18.83 million euros for a term of 30 months.
Provincial cleaning service and waste collection for the facilities
comprising the Healthcare Area of Huelva, in the amount of 19.20 million
euros and a term of two years.
OHL Services
Maintenance contract for the facilities of the Zamora Healthcare Complex
and Primary Care Centers, in the amount of 1.07 million euros and for a
term of one year.
Upgrading of the technical premises in railway stations for Renfe-Operadora
services. Stations in the Madrid Hub, Group 4, Lots 1 and 2, for an award
amount of 937,750 euros and a contract duration of two years.
In the integrated services market, integrated management of the
supplementary services –cleaning, maintenance, gardening and ancillary
services– for the Latina and Moncloa-Aravaca districts of the City Council
of Madrid, for a total of 3.75 and 3.74 million euros, respectively, for a two
year term.
In energy efficiency, supply and energy management of the installations of
municipal buildings and street lighting for the Town Council of Santa Marta
de Tormes, in the amount of 8.9 million euros and a contract duration of
fifteen years.
In the home care services sector, contracts in Benalmádena (Malaga) and
Corunna worth 2.13 and 1.60 million euros, respectively and for a term of
two years.
In services for residential care facilities for the elderly, Ingesan has
contracted the management of the Chillón (Ciudad Real), Brenes (Seville)
and Francesc Layret (Barcelona) facilities, for an overall amount of 5.36
million euros and terms of between two and ten years.
Ingesan has responsibility for the comprehensive maintenance of the Care Complex of Avila.
In the picture, Hospital Ntra. Sra. de Sonsoles.
Annual Report 2014 of the OHL Group
„ Noted CSR practices
An ongoing commitment to people and their integration into the
working world
Ingesan, a member of the OHL Services division, stands out for its human capital,
working intensively and in a very special way in the scope of the labor market
inclusion of people from underprivileged groups, in line with the type of business
in which the company is engaged.
OHL Services
Commitment to sustainability through the labor
market inclusion of people at risk of social exclusion
and environmental management
In 2014, Ingesan hired 162 employees from among people in these groups,
thanks to the constant and ongoing commitment maintained by its human
resources areas, expanding the network of collaboration with foundations and
organizations dedicated to assisting the most vulnerable members of society in
accessing the labor market. This effort has led to the signature of employment
contracts in the course of 2014 in Madrid, Barcelona, Seville, Valencia, Alicante,
Corunna, Cadiz, Malaga and the Basque Country.
One of the groups with which the company has worked most is that of the victims
of gender based violence. In June 2013, Ingesan joined the business movement
“Companies for a society free from gender based violence”.
This agreement -promoted by the Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality
and to which Ingesan has acceded- established a number of measures for the
purpose of integrating the victims of gender based violence into the labor market.
Key measures include those designed to raise the awareness of society with
respect to gender equality and respect for fundamental rights, to progress in the
building of a violence free society and to promote labor market inclusion.
Sustainability Report • Five divisions, five visions of sustainability
In terms of the program for hiring people with disabilities, Ingesan has furthered
the constant and ongoing collaboration maintained with foundations and
organizations. Its participation in numerous meetings and working groups stands
out in this context: for example, the working group organized by Fundación Integra
in 2014, in conjunction with other companies in the Services sector, with a view to
increasing the hiring of people at risk of exclusion. For this purpose, the raising of
the awareness of organizations, starting from the senior management level down
through to the workforce, is particularly relevant for overcoming the barrier of the
fear of the unknown.
Ingesan, recognized for its work in the labor market integration
of people at risk of exclusion
Alfonso Navarro, Human Resources
Technician at Ingesan (OHL Services)
in Seville (Spain) received the Special
Mention for Human Resources March
2014, awarded by Fundación Integra for
the work performed in the labor market
integration of people at risk of exclusion,
his own personal involvement and his
social sensitivity.
OHL Services
Ingesan’s commitment to this social
organization consists of taking into
account the candidates proposed by
the Foundation in recruitment processes
for filling the vacancies arising in the
The best way to raise awareness of the situation of the individuals who belong
to the most underprivileged groups of people is to bring it to the attention of
all of the employees belonging to the OHL Services division. With this purpose
in mind, a number of activities for raising awareness about the problems
habitually faced by these groups were organized, such as volunteering days at
the facilities of the San José Shelter (Jerez de la Frontera), with the participation
of Ingesan employees and their families, within the framework established by
the OHL Group’s Volunteers program and in line with the values on which the
OHL Group is based.
In this regard, during 2015 the OHL Group will participate in the preparation
of the best practices book on the subject of employment, awareness raising
and corporate volunteering, which Fundación Adecco plans to publish on the
occasion of its 15th anniversary.
Ethics and Social Responsibility Management System certified to the
standard SA 8000
In the context of making greater commitments to society, Ingesan, in coherence
with its Equal Opportunities Plan, reached a decision to obtain SA 8000
international certification. This standard recognizes compliance with and
respect for the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the United Nations
Convention on the Rights of the Child, together with the principal agreements
on workers’ rights advocated by the International Labor Organization. The
standard also establishes minimum conditions to be met for achieving a
safe and healthy work environment, freedom of association and collective
bargaining and a business strategy for addressing the social aspects relating
to work.
Annual Report 2014 of the OHL Group
Environmental management
Ingesan has achieved significant advances in terms of transparency and
efficiency in the management of resources in 2014. During this period, the
company prepared its Annual Environmental Report.
The report arose as the result of the efforts made in 2013 in order to compile
the relevant data on energy consumption (electricity and fuel), paper,
the management of the waste generated by the services managed at the
delegations located in the cities of Madrid, Barcelona, Corunna and Seville;
these data were used for calculating the emissions of CO2, SO2, NOx and
particles in 2013.
Another step forward was taken in 2014 with the creation of a report describing
Ingesan’s Energy and Environmental Management System, to enable the
company’s stakeholder groups to become familiar with the system and to
evaluate it. This system is applicable to the activities performed by Ingesan
and involves the facilities, departments and people working in the company,
the external collaborators contracted and the organization and performance
of the services it provides.
Reducing by 1% the ratio of fuel consumed by the vehicle fleet in relation
to the previous year.
Reducing by 1% the emissions of CO2 by the vehicle fleet in relation to the
previous year.
Increasing the recycling of paper in offices by 2% .
OHL Services
Moreover, the report defines a number of quantifiable environmental goals,
as well as the means to be used and the timetable to be met in achieving
them. The measures introduced include:
Ingesan has acquired a commitment to continuous improvement and verifies
its environmental and energy policy through independent audits. In this
regard, the report was audited by the certification firm TÜV Rheinland Ibérica
Inspection, Certification & Testing and, on February 5, 2015, the company
received the approval of its Environmental Statement following the audit by
this entity.
The hospital sector is one of Ingesan’s main markets.
Sustainability Report • Five divisions, five visions of sustainability
A people oriented company
Valencian Community,
OHL Services
Novaire is a people oriented company. This is the nature of its business,
centered on the management of facilities for seniors, together with its
dedication to the development of measures for improving its services and
enhancing the positive social impact of its activities.
The Customer Service
Manual was published
in 2012. The purpose of
the Manual is to ensure
that all of the members of
Novaire receive training
on conduct guidelines
and Novaire’s goals in its
treatment of customers.
The text addresses both
the routine day-to-day
situations of the work
at the facilities as well
as the more complex
situations that may arise.
Customer service
Quality and customer service are at the core of Novaire’s activity. The company
addresses with dedication all that has to do with this aspect of its management
through consolidated tools, such as the Customer Service Manual, the handling
of suggestions and complaints and the performance of satisfaction surveys.
In terms of the last aspect mentioned, Novaire prepares biennial surveys for
evaluating the degree of satisfaction of the users of its services, their families
and prescribers. During 2014, surveys were taken of users and members
of their families, in which it was found that 91.69% of the family members
surveyed recommend Novaire facilities to others.
Finally, another new development in 2014 was the campaign for the dissemination
of the company’s customer service policy through graphic materials displayed in
the facilities. Specifically, twelve posters were created for conveying a message
taken from the Customer Service Manual during each month of the year. These
posters were placed at points where the personnel dedicated to the direct care of
the residents often pass, with a view to spreading the message more effectively and
to having this most important aspect of the company’s corporate culture take root.
12 months, 12 ways to advance in customer service
Annual Report 2014 of the OHL Group
Customer Service Code
Customer satisfaction
Basic ideas for communication
The ability to listen
Face to face communication
Oral communication
Elements that hinder communication
Elements that facilitate communication
How to address situations of aggressiveness
Techniques of self-control
Concepts and basic terminology
Concepts and terminology to be avoided
Management of complaints and
suggestions in 2014
Results of the 2014 satisfaction survey
Family members
Complaints: 84
Resolved: 82
• 91.69% of those surveyed
recommend Novaire facilities.
Unresolved: 2
• The overall score given to
Nature of the complaints:
Novaire is 7.66 points over 10.
• 37% loss and wear & tear of
• The aspects that obtained the
personal effects.
• 17% personal care.
best scores were the treatment
given to the users of the services
• 14% healthcare problems.
(8.08), the management of the
• 6% combination of personal care
facility (8.03) and respect for
and healthcare problems.
privacy (7.92).
• 5% food service.
Thanks: 13
Origin: family members and users.
The areas rated the highest by users:
• Care provided by the staff of the
facility (96.16%).
• Installations, equipment and
furnishings (95.32%)
• Maintenance and cleanliness
Work practices
Novaire concentrates its social commitment in the working environment on equal
opportunities. Gender equality, through the Equality Plan, and the measures
for reconciling work and private life, together with the labor market integration
of people at risk of social exclusion, are its lines of work.
OHL Services
Suggestions: 62
• 49% family members.
• 39% users.
• 6.5% employees.
• 4.9% unidentified.
Novaire has signed agreements with a number of nonprofit organizations, such
as Cocemfe, Novafeina and the Red Cross, for the performance of unremunerated
practice work and the integration of persons at risk of social exclusion.
Through the practical training, Novaire offers students the opportunity of
familiarizing themselves with the working world. During 2014, 190 students
performed practice work at Novaire. In addition, the company collaborated with the
Miguel Hernández University in Elche (Alicante, Spain) in the Mentoring Program.
In addition, the cooperation agreements entered into for collaborating with
centers for the integration of people at risk of social exclusion facilitate the
vocational and occupational training of these persons, promoting their access
to social and labor market inclusion programs.
Similarly, in the case of a vacancy, Novaire informs the associations dedicated
to people with disabilities about the profile required and the conditions of the
position, in the event that they may have candidates who would be interested
in applying. In 2014, 28 people with disabilities were working for the company.
Another highlight consisted of the good results
obtained in the work climate survey. The study,
carried out every two years, is made at the 11
facilities and the head office of Novaire. The
last survey made was performed at the end of
2013, with the participation of 933 employees.
A significant result of the survey was the fact
that 81.5% of Novaire’s employees would
recommend relatives and people they know to
seek work in the organization (6.2% more than
in 2011 and 8.5% more than in 2009).
Novaire has established
a disability supplement
for those employees
with an officially
recognized disability
of at least 13%.
The amount of the
supplement depends on
the degree of disability
increased by 30%.
Sustainability Report • Five divisions, five visions of sustainability
Reconciliation Measures
Equality Plan Measures
Full-time and part-time contracts depending
on the needs of each person. All employees
are entitled to reduce their working schedule
by 1/8 to 1/2.
In recruitment processes, preference is given to the
hiring of persons of the gender less represented
in the group, under equal circumstances and with
equal skills.
Working schedules on a fixed shift in order to
combine with school hours or needs of other
In cases of equal suitability for a position, persons of
the gender less represented in the group concerned
have preference for promotion.
Introduction of weekend contracts.
Substitution of the one hour a day nursing
period by one full month. This measure is more
beneficial than the measure established in the
collective agreement.
To further co-responsibility, the fact that male
employees have applied for entitlements legally
recognized as work/family reconciliation rights,
such as paternity leave, leave without pay for
caring for children or elderly relatives, among
others, is taken into account for job promotion.
Support is given to the training and professional
recycling of those persons who return to work
following the exercise of maternity and paternity
rights or any other entitlements based on family
related reasons or reconciliation needs.
Training is provided in awareness raising with
respect to equality issues to all of the company’s
Transfers between work centers are facilitated
for those employees who request a transfer for
reasons of health or an improvement in working
OHL Services
Community involvement
Novaire wishes to contribute towards a fairer system of social representation
in consonance with the values and needs of elderly people. For this purpose,
it keeps a number of initiatives active: Miradas Cómplices, the supplement Los
Mayores Primero and the Ciclos Novaire.
Miradas Cómplices is a photography contest created in 2012 for encouraging
people to look at the elderly in a different way, avoiding stereotypes. To achieve
this purpose, the contest promotes the creation of these images and their
dissemination through a book, an exhibit, a calendar and a video.
The theme of the 2014 contest was Long-lived. Portraits of the furrows of
time. Participants submitted 497 photographs that were used for making a
calendar distributed by the newspaper Diario Información in Alicante (Spain),
a promotional video and for an exhibit set up on the premises of El Claustro, in
that same city. A book was published on the basis of the photographic material
obtained in the contest held during the previous year.
In connection with this activity, in 2014, Novaire presented El cuaderno. Láminas
de trabajo para personas mayores. This is new material in the form of coloring
sheets for working with elderly persons with cognitive impairment, in which the
photograph repository of Miradas Cómplices was used for converting the photos
into illustrations.
This is very useful material that dignifies the image of elderly people, at the same
time as they can see themselves reflected on the coloring sheets, leaving behind
childhood images. This material is available to all professionals in the sector
through the websites www.novaire.es and www.miradascomplices.es.
Annual Report 2014 of the OHL Group
Miradas Cómplices photography contest.
Finally, in 2014, the Ciclos Novaire were centered on the theme of Innovation
in times of crisis. New trends in health and social care provided to the elderly.
These meetings, dedicated to discussion and reflection on care for the elderly,
featured on this occasion the presence of Santiago Ros, vice-president and
head of the legal area of MTNG Experience; David Tierra Seca, Marketing &
Communication Manager of Energy System; Teresa Martínez, gerontologist and
expert in person centered care, and Aitor Pérez, partner-manager of Gerokon,
among many other professionals in the sector.
Issues addressed by Los mayores primero in 2014
Summary of 2013
Asociación Espejo Alicante
SV GG Congress
Presentation of 2014
Innovative therapies
European election
Miradas Cómplices
Miradas Cómplices
dissemination data
31,000 copies of the
calendar distributed.
Gift of 800 copies of
books distributed
among relevant
people in the sector.
The video has been
played 805 times
since November 2014
and has been viewed
15,648 times through
* Miradas Cómplices
is included in the best
practice handbook of
the Fundación Pilares, a
foundation for personal
OHL Services
The project called Los mayores primero consists of the monthly publication
of an editorial supplement focused on seniors and distributed also together
with Diario Información, reaching more than 250,000 readers. Los mayores
primero completes the offer of information with content of interest to seniors.
As a new development, coinciding with Novaire’s tenth anniversary, one of
the meetings was devoted to the most innovative projects undertaken by the
company in the course of the decade. The staff of the facilities shared their
experiences in relation to these projects.
The conferences concluded with the showing of the film Nebraska, attended
by around 200 people.
Novaire collaborated in 2014 with the Instituto Gerontológico Matia and
the University of Oviedo in the research project, Person centered care in
gerontological services: models and instruments of evaluation, which
involved a cross sectional study for performing a national validation of two
instruments for evaluating the care provided in gerontological services. A
total of 80 facilities concerned with care for the elderly participated, four of
which belonged to Novaire.
Finally, Novaire promotes volunteering among its employees. There are plans
for starting up a project in 2015 designed to encourage the collaboration of
volunteers in the activities of the Novaire facilities, not with the intention of
replacing those carried out by the staff but rather complementing them and
adding value to the services already being provided. At the present time, 90%
of the volunteering actions at Novaire are geared to work of accompaniment and
participation in the activities organized by the company. The predominant profile
of a volunteer at Novaire is that of a woman between 25 and 45 years of age.
Sustainability Report • Five divisions, five visions of sustainability