March 2007 - Paulinskill Valley Trail Committee
March 2007 - Paulinskill Valley Trail Committee
The Signal - March 2007, Page 1 March 2007 The Signal The Newsletter of The Paulinskill Valley Trail Committee: P.O. Box 175, Andover, NJ 07821, Call 908 684 4820 Website: ³3XWWLQJWKH7UDFN%DFNDW 6ZDUWVZRRG´ By Robert E. Mohowski A Visit our new and few PVTC members and volunteer friends improved web site at: got a chance to work off some of their Christmas Holiday indulgence on December 28th. Howard Reed, Bob Barth, Paul Briggs and the author ZHUHMRLQHGE\³&DSWDLQ´%LOO0F.HOYH\%RE*RLQDQG5R\ Messaros to move ties, place rail hardware and jack the completed track structure in place as our long awaited rail history interpretive site took shape. This strenuous exercise was done under the expert eyes of NJ Transit trackmen Jack Walsh and Rufus Coward who came out during the holiday week to expertly put 80 feet of track back on the Susquehanna right-of-way at Swartswood. After two years of frustrating efforts to obtain track materials from other railroads, NJ Transit, in a matter of weeks between initial request and the December 28th completion, came through in grand style. A letter to Transit head George Warrington was forwarded to the Port Morris maintenance base. I got a VXFFLQFWSKRQHFDOODWKRPHDIHZGD\VODWHUIURP-DFN:DOVK³:KDWGR\RXQHHGDQGZKHQGR\RXQHHG LW"´³)RXUOHQJWKVRIOLJKWZHLJKWUDLOLQWKHWRSRXQGUDQJHRQHFXWLQKDOIDQGGULOOHGIRUEROWV WLHVDQGPDWFKLQJMRLQW EDUVSODWHV DQGVSLNHV´, replied. $ IHZ GD\V ODWHU FDPH D VHFRQG FDOO ³:KHUH GR \RX ZDQW LW GHOLYHUHG"´ .963 6XSHULQWHQGHQW Rocky Gott had been consulted for a delivery date, and it seemed best to meet the trucks at the Andover Diner that morning and lead them to the 6ZDUWVZRRGVLWH7ZRRI5RFN\¶VFDSDEOHSHRSOH Jim Scholtz and Larry Toscano, were at the site when the trucks arrived and oversaw the unloading. Trees had not enclosed the dirt road leading up to the trail here and despite some slipping on the rain soaked leafy ground, they backed to the water tank base and dropped the materials. December 28th was the date agreed upon to lay the track, and Jack Walsh proved to be an absolute Putting the Track Back at Swartswood pleasure to work with, a man who did what he said Continued on page 2 Page 2, The Signal - March 2007 Continued from page 1 he would do and exactly when he said he would do it. He brought in Rufus Coward, a retired NJT trackman living in Newton, to guide the volunteer contingent. McKelvey brought additional track tools and knowledge gained from projects at Phillipsburg for Friends of the NJ Transportation MuVHXP ,W ZDVQ¶WORQJEHIRUHDOOZHUHZRUNLQJXSD sweat moving 250-pound ties, gauging rail, dropping tie plates and doing some shoveling to smooth off what was essentially a level area. Some old bridge timbers from the wooden walkway of the former road overpass had to be shifted aside. A couple of quarts of coffee, kept hot on a Coleman stove, and a box of donuts kept spirits up. Marge Barrett arrived to take photos and generously took lunch orders for sandwiches and drinks. I know that many of us there that day were between 60 and 78 years old, but you would not have thought it to see us handling the tie tongs, lining bars and track jacks. All no doubt, slept soundly that night. We added another Paulinskill 9DOOH\ 7UDLO H[SHULHQFH WR RXU ³EHHQ WKHUH GRQH WKDW´IROGHUV7KHPRVWVWUHQXRXVSDUWRIWKHSURMHFW is behind us, but there is much more to do before we reach completion. The next phase will involve sitting down with Rocky Gott and Sussex County historian Kevin Wright to devise a plan for explanatory plaques, photos and maps. These will have to conform to standardized signage that is planned for both the PVT and the Sussex Branch Trail. Historical facts will have to be documented for accuracy, and photographs will need to show the major items and places of interest. Since there ³,¶YH%HHQ:RUNLQJRQWKH5DLOURDG´ - Photo courtesy of Marge Barrett is a wealth of rail history information in several loFDO FROOHFWLRQV ZH GRQ¶W DQWLFLSDWH DQ\ GLIILFXOW\ gathering sufficient material. Thanks again to the PVTC and park superintendent Rocky Gott for patience and support of this project and the good folks who turned out December 28th to put the track in. We all look forZDUG WR WKH GD\ ZKHQ ZH KDYH RXU RZQ ³*ROGHQ 6SLNH´ FHUHPRQ\ WR PDUN FRPSOHWLRQ DQG GHGLFD tion of the site. Inside this issue: Activity Schedule An Invitation to All Readers 5 Bill Weiler Remembered 8 Gift Order Form 6 Hike and Bike Locations 5 KVSP Interpretive Programs Lafayette Mill ´1DWXUH1RWHV- 7KH1DWXUHRI9HUQDO3RROVµ Preview Of Coming Attractions Putting the Track Back at Swartswood Moving the Track Sideways 3&4 Signal Advertisers 9, 10 & 11 7 11 & 12 13 1&2 13 The Signal - March 2007, Page 3 March 3, 2007 - January 1, 2008 PVT Activity Schedule DAY DATE & TIME ACTIVITY & LOCATION 2007 SAT Mar 3 20 MILE FULL TRAIL HIKE (Sussex Branch), weather permitting, over by nightfall. Call Bruce at 201-274-9805. SAT Mar 3, 8:30 am BIRDING AND NATURAL HISTORY INTERPRETIVE WALKS, Meet at Kittatiny Valley State Park, Twin Lakes parking are on Goodale Road (CR623), 0.6 miles east of Route 206, north of Andover. Bring binoculars. Walk ends by noon. Sponsored by New Jersey Audubon Society & the PVTC. SUN Mar 11, 10 am Warbasse Junction - HIKE - or XC Skiing (weather permitting) SAT Mar 17 30 MILE FULL TRAIL HIKE (Paulinskill Trail), weather permitting, over by nightfall. Call Bruce at 201-274-9805. SAT Mar 17, 8:30 am BIRDING AND NATURAL HISTORY INTERPRETIVE WALKS, see same activity for Mar 3 for directions and description. TUE Mar 27, 7:30 pm PVTC QUARTERLY MEETING. Hackettstown Community Center; speaker and refreshments. Call 908-684-4820. SUN Apr 1, 10 am Footbridge ± HIKE SAT Apr 14, 8:00 am BIRDING AND NATURAL HISTORY INTERPRETIVE WALKS, see same activity for Mar 3 for directions and description. SAT Apr 14, 11:30 am Warbasse Junction ± Bike Ride. Bring helmet, lunch & drink. Call or email Paul anytime: 973-8874332 [email protected]. If no one contacts him, ride may be cancelled. SAT Apr 21 Warbasse Junction ± HIKE SAT Apr 21, 8:00 am BIRDING AND NATURAL HISTORY INTERPRETIVE WALKS, see same activity for Mar 3 for directions and description. TUE Apr 24, 7:30 pm PVTC MONTHLY MEETING. Call 908-684-4820. SAT May 5, 10 am Footbridge ± HIKE SAT May 12, 8:00 am BIRDING AND NATURAL HISTORY INTERPRETIVE WALKS, see same activity for Mar 3 for directions and description. SAT May 12, 10 am Warbasse Junction - WELCOME TO SPRING HIKE SAT May 12, 11:30 am Warbasse Junction ± Bike Ride. Bring helmet, lunch & drink. Call or email Paul anytime: 973-8874332 [email protected]. If no one contacts him, ride may be cancelled. SAT May 19, 8:00 am BIRDING AND NATURAL HISTORY INTERPRETIVE WALKS, see same activity for Mar 3 for directions and description. SAT May 19, 10 am TUE May 22, 7:30 pm PVTC MONTHLY MEETING. Call 908-684-4820. SAT June 2 SAT June 9, 11:30 am Warbasse Junction ± Bike Ride. Bring helmet, lunch & drink. Call or email Paul anytime: 973-8874332 [email protected]. If no one contacts him, ride may be cancelled. SUN June 10, 10 am Warbasse Junction ± HIKE SAT June 16, 10 am Footbridge ± HIKE TUE June 26, 7:30 pm PVTC ANNUAL MEETING. Hackettstown Community Center, speaker and refreshments, followed by elections. Call 908-684-4820. TUE July 24, 7:30 pm SAT Aug 11, 11:30 am Warbasse Junction ± Bike Ride. Bring helmet, lunch & drink. Call or email Paul anytime: 973-8874332 [email protected]. If no one contacts him, ride may be cancelled. Footbridge ± HIKE NATIONAL TRAILS DAY CELEBRATION. Call for time and location. 908 684 4820. PVTC MONTHLY MEETING. Call 908-684-4820. See page 5 for PVTC Hike and Bike Locations. Continued on page 4 Page 4, The Signal - March 2007 March 3, 2007 - January 1, 2008 PVT Activity Schedule - Continued from page 3 DAY DATE & TIME ACTIVITY & LOCATION 2007 TUE Aug 28, 7:30 pm PVTC MONTHLY MEETING. Call 908-684-4820. MON Sept 3, 10 am Footbridge - LABOR DAY HIKE SAT Sept 8, 11:30 am Warbasse Junction ± Bike Ride. Bring helmet, lunch & drink. Call or email Paul anytime: 973-8874332 [email protected]. If no one contacts him, ride may be cancelled. SUN Sept 16, 10 am Footbridge ± HIKE TUE Sept 25, 7:30 pm PVTC QUARTERLY MEETING. Hackettstown Community Center; speaker and refreshments. Call 908-684-4820. SAT Oct 6, 10 am Warbasse Junction - FALL FOLIAGE HIKE SUN Oct 7 HORSE RIDE 6W-XGH¶V5LGH-A-Thon FMI: email Sandy at [email protected]. Bring your own horse. Rain date: October 14, 2007. SAT Oct 13, 10 am EXPLORER HIKE. Call Bruce at 201-274-9805. SAT Oct 20 20 MILE FULL TRAIL HIKE (Sussex Branch), weather permitting, over by nightfall. Call Bruce at 201-274-9805. SAT Oct 20, 11:30 am Warbasse Junction ± Bike Ride. Bring helmet, lunch & drink. Call or email Paul anytime: 973-8874332 [email protected]. If no one contacts him, ride may be cancelled. TUE Oct 23, 7:30 pm PVTC MONTHLY MEETING. Call 908-684-4820. SAT Oct 27, 10 am Warbasse Junction ± HIKE SAT Nov 3, 10 am Footbridge ± HIKE SAT Nov 10 30 MILE FULL TRAIL HIKE (Paulinskill), weather permitting, over by nightfall. Call Bruce at 201-274-9805. SAT Nov 10, 11:30 am Warbasse Junction ± Bike Ride. Bring helmet, lunch & drink. Call or email Paul anytime: 973-8874332 [email protected]. If no one contacts him, ride may be cancelled. TUE Nov 27, 7:30 pm PVTC MONTHLY MEETING. Call 908-684-4820. SAT Dec 1 EXPLORER HIKE. Call Bruce at 201-274-9805. SAT Dec 8, 10 am Warbasse Junction ± HIKE THU Dec 13, 6 pm PVTC ANNUAL DINNER, at the Lafayette House in Lafayette, NJ, 6PM Cash Bar, 7PM Dinner. SAT Dec 15, 10 am EXPLORER HIKE. Call Bruce at 201-274-9805. ACTIVITY & LOCATION 2008 TUE Jan 1, 10 am 2008 - Footbridge ± 23rd $118$/1(:<($5¶6'$<+,.(. Call 908-684-4820. Note: T he PVT schedule may be subject to change. For the most current information, please either call the activity contact number, access our web site at, or call the PVTC phone number 908-684-4820. The Signal is published two times a year to share information. Articles and/or material may be submitted to the editor (Graham Finlayson, e-mail: [email protected]) or to PVTC, P.O. Box 175, Andover, New Jersey 07821. We reserve the right to edit for space considerations. The Signal - March 2007, Page 5 An Invitation to All Readers from Roberta Bramhall T KHQHZFROXPQHQWLWOHG³7UDLO7DOHV´PDGHDILQHGHEXWZLWKWKHILUVWDUWLFOHIHDWXUHGLQWKHODVWLV sue of The Signal. Certainly all of us have seen sights on the trail or our involvement with the trail has led us down different paths. I know that my involvement with making the trail a reality led me to interests I would never have experienced before. I got very interested in railroad history and local histories of the towns bordering the trail. The trail also resulted in my taking a wonderful trip to Colorado with my sister to ride the narrow gauge railroad from Durango to Silverton, Colorado. Certainly all of you who have experienced the Paulinskill Valley Trail have tales to tell of its effect on you or sights you have seen. Please submit any of these recollections to [email protected] or mail to PVTC, P.O. Box 175, Andover, 1HZ -HUVH\ $OWHUQDWLYHO\ , DP ZLOOLQJ WR FRQGXFW LQWHUYLHZV ZLWK SRWHQWLDO DXWKRUV RI ³7UDLO 7DOHV´,ILQWHUHVWHGFRQWDFWPHDWHLWKHU5REUDPKDOO#DROFRPRU Kittatinny Valley State Park Information Office Hours: 9:00 AM - 4:30 PM Mailing Address: P.O. Box 621, Andover, NJ 07821-0621; Call: 973 786 6445; Fax: 973 786 6874 E-mail: [email protected] Superintendent Rocky Gott Naturalist Lynn Groves Maintenance Supervisor Jim Scholts Customer Service Representative Kerry Debski State Park Police Sergeant Kay Compton State Park Police 973 786 6445 during office hours Trail Emergency Call 911 PVTC Officers: President: Vice President: Secretary: Treasurer: Marge Barrett. Paul Briggs. Chris De Vries. Gail Ewin. PVTC Board of Directors: Bob Barth Joy Fernbacher Howard Reed Roberta Bramhall Marty Grossman Lou Turse PVTC HIKE AND BIKE LOCATIONS A ll hikes and bike rides (helmets required) take place on the Paulinskill Valley Trail or on the Sussex Branch Trail, both of which are part of Kittatinny Valley State Park. They are cinder-based rail trails that provide easy, level walking and riding. There are two starting places for hikes and bike rides. This arrangement gives us the opportunity to cover the entire 27-mile PVT in several hikes. We offer 5, 7, 10, 20 (full Sussex Branch) or 30 (full PVT) mile hikes. Bring lunch and water, wear comfortable shoes and enjoy. FOOTBRIDGE PARK Route 94, Blairstown, NJ. Take Route 80 to Exit 12, Route 521. Go north on Route 521 for 5 miles to Route 94 in Blairstown. Turn left onto Route 94 and take the second left into the park, designated by a small white sign with black lettering. WARBASSE JUNCTION Route 663, ½ mile south of Route 94 in Lafayette. Take Routes 206 and 94 through Newton and continue north for 2½ miles. At the light, turn right to follow Route 94 North. Continue two miles to Warbasse Junction Road, Route 663 South. Turn right and go ½ mile to a parking lot on the right. Page 6, The Signal - March 2007 Paulinskill Valley Trail Committee Gift Order Form Looking for a gift for that special hiker or nature lover in your life? Purchase a gift from the Paulinskill Valley Trail Committee and support your multi-use rail trail at the same time T-shirts, golf shirts, books and maps are a major source of income for the PVTC as well as our way of publicizing the trail. Please consider helping our cause through the purchase of these items for yourself, a family member or friend. T-shirts are silk--screened with a design portraying the users of the trail on the front (horse rider, hiker, jogger, cyclist and cross-country skier) and our trail map on the back. Golf shirts have our original logo embroidered on the left front. Send your order to: PVTC, PO Box 175, Andover, NJ 07821. Make your check payable to the Paulinskill Valley Trail Committee (or just PVTC). All items include shipping via U.S.P.S. Please include ship-to information (please clearly print shipping name and address). Thank you! GIFT ORDER FORM Books Title Price with Shipping Quantity Total The Paulinskill Valley Trail, Before and After. A 59 page book with text and pictures about the PVT. $13.00 T-shirts - Available in green with the design in yellow or white. Sizes: medium, large, extra large, and extra-extra large. Size Price with Shipping Quantity Total $14.00 $14.00 Golf shirts (Closeout Special) - Available in green with the design embroidered. Sizes: small, large, and extra large. Size Price with Shipping Quantity Total Quantity Total Quantity Total $18.00 $18.00 Trail Maps: Regular Item Price with Shipping Paulinskill Valley Trail & Sussex Branch Trail &RORUODPLQDWHG6HWRIGRXEOHVLGHGò´[´ $7.00 Trail Maps: Topographical Item Price with Shipping Sussex Branch Trail 6HWRIò´[´VKHHWVKHDY\SDSHU $3.50 Sussex Branch Laminated 6HWRIò´[´VKHHWVKHDY\SDSHUODPLQDWHG $6.25 Paulinskill Valley Trail 6HWRIò´[´VKHHWVKHDY\SDSHU $3.75 Paulinskill Valley Trail Laminated 6HWRIò´[´VKHHWVKHDY\SDSHU $9.00 The Paulinskill Valley Trail (PVT) and the Sussex Branch Trail (SBT) are part of the Kittatinny Valley State Park (KVSP). Together they make up 48 miles of cinder-based rail-trails which lend themselves to multi-use, excluding motorized vehicles. The Paulinskill Valley Trail Committee (PVTC) is a not-forprofit organization of volunteers dedicated to promoting the public interest, appreciation and conservation of the resources of KVSP with emphasis on its railtrails. For information regarding the PVTC, please call 908-684-4820, write to PVTC, Box 175, Andover, NJ 07821, or access our website at The Signal - March 2007, Page 7 that particular door seen on the back of the antique center bespeaks of a by-gone time. The trail actually passes through the center of a now demolished building; many years ago a still-house was built there. However, with the construction of the rail line, the still was removed to the rear of the mill Lafayette Mill by Roberta Bramhall W hile hiking north on the Sussex Branch and crossing over Morris Farm Road, one can see the town of Lafayette to the right. At this point one passes behind the large Antiques Market. One can readily see an old railroad artifact -- the door that used to function at railroad car height. The cars were not picking up and depositing antiques. It used to be the Armstrong Mill. The original three-story portion of the mill was erected in 1859 by Obadiah P. Armstrong and Thomas Kayes. In 1864 Armstrong was the sole owner. With the construction of the rail line from Newton to Branchville in 1869, the long two-story portion of the building was added so that freight Photo # 2 courtesy of Roberta Bramhall into an addition that was built for it. Temperance advocates would have preferred to have had the still demolished and not relocated. Although ³-HUVH\ /LJKWHQLQJ´ LV QR ORQJHU SURGXFHG RQ WKH site or the six trains a day do not deliver feed to the mill, there is history to be seen and imagined while enjoying a walk on the Sussex Branch Trail. The first picture is of the back of the Lafayette Antique Center as seen from the trail. The second picture is the old feed mill which was later to become the antique center and additional buildings in the foreground which have been adapted to other uses such as the chocolate goat and delicatessen. Photo # 1 courtesy of Roberta Bramhall cars could be directly loaded and unloaded on one side and local delivery wagons on the other side. Not only did the railroad spur the growth of dairy farms by shipping whole milk to the city, the railroad also supplied feed for the herds. Therefore, Thank You T hank you from the editor to Marge Barrett, Roberta Bramhall, Susan and Marty Grossman, Lynn Groves, William Groves, Bob Mohowski and Lou Turse for their contribution and assistance with this issue of The Signal. Page 8, The Signal - March 2007 Bill Weiler on the Trail - Photo courtesy of Roberta Bramhall Bill Weiler 1915-2006 J ohn F. Kennedy said in an address to the Massachusetts State Legislature that we should ask questions about our responsibilities to the VWDWH RQH ILQDO TXHVWLRQ VKRXOG EH ³ZHUH ZH WUXO\ PHQ RI GHGLFDWLRQ"´ 7R WKLV TXHVWLRQ %LOO :HLOHU and all those who knew him could easily reply with a resounding yes. I first met Bill as a member of the Garden State Canoe Club. On a memorable afternoon he called me to ask if I would take a walk with him on a railroad right-of-way outside of Blairstown that he thought would make an excellent trail. He said that there were many people that were opposed to VXFK DQ LGHD RI D WUDLO EHFDXVH WKH\ GLGQ¶W ZDQW people walking in their backyards. I sympathized with these people, but he prevailed upon me by saying that canoeists needed such a trail which bordered the Paulinskill River and would be necessary as access to the trail and as a means of avoiding the Marksboro rapids. When we went on this first hike, I realized that my preconceptions were totally wrong²this ZDV QRW VXEXUELD ZLWK SHRSOH¶V ODZQV EHLQJ WUDY ersed by a trail but a beautiful pathway through some of the more gorgeous scenery of Warren and Sussex. I was entranced with the trail and joined Bill in his desire for the state to purchase the trail from the present owners²the City of Newark. Bill scheduled hikes, accosted people to promote their getting involved with making it the Paulkinskill Valley Trail; he attended meetings in localities bordering the trail, lobbied in Trenton and Newark to make the trail a reality. Voluminous letters were sent to any interested party to promote its purchase. For the benefit of people fearful of walking over the bridges during the many scheduled hikes, he would bring telescoping poles so WKDWWKH\ZRXOGKDYH³UDLOLQJV´DVWKH\FUHSWDORQJ the I beams. After the hikes, he would drive to the intersections to make sure that no stragglers were left behind. I, myself, was so thankful for this habit during a cross country ski hike that I was supposHGO\³UXQQLQJ´:KHQ,JRWWR:DUEDVVH-XQFWLRQ, discovered that all the participants had left and there was no shuttle back to Halsey. Was I ever WKDQNIXO WR VHH %LOO¶V SLFN XS WUXFN WXUQ LQWR WKH parking lot. He came to every one of my slide lectures on the trial and helped me promote its being purchased by the state. Certain qualities stick in my mind about his involvement with the trail. First, his persistence in approaching all²whether they be riding a horse or a bike, jogging, or walking²he would stop them and present a newsletter and information about the trail and the Paulinskill Trail Committee. The picture here shows him waking over the low bride at Paulina with his lunch satchel and reams of papers and newsletters. Second, the lunch itself, was an interesting experience. While everyone else was eating an effete sandwich and drinking from a box drink, Bill would open his satchel and out would come a shopping bag containing a can of sardines, several rolls and a whole box of malamars plus a quart of milk. %LOO¶V HQWKXVLDVP ZDV LQIHFWLRXV $V D UH sult he was a prime mover in making the New York Susquehanna and Western right-of-way a state owned trail, known as the Paulinskill Valley Trail People using the trail owe a debt of gratitude because Bill was truly a man of dedication. Roberta Bramhall. The Signal - March 2007, Page 9 KVSP Interpretive Programs Spring & Summer 2007 Pre-registration for all Park-sponsored programs is required by 3:30 PM of the day prior to the program date, as space is limited. Please call 973-786-6445 to register. Programs are free of charge and unless otherwise noted meet at the visitor center located 1.1 miles north of Route 206, off Goodale Road in Andover Township. Please be prompt. Programs start at the time indicated. Children must be accompanied by an adult at all times. Pets are not permitted during any program. In case of inclement weather, all participants are urged to contact the visitor center to determine whether programs have been cancelled or rescheduled. All programs are subject to change. DAY DATE & TIME ACTIVITY & LOCATION THU Mar 15, 5:30 6:30 pm TIMBERDOODLES! Kittatinny Valley State Park. Sponsor: KVSP. NOTE: Group size limited, pre-registration is required. For adults and children ages 12 & up. ADA accessible. TUE Mar 20, 4 - 6 pm SPRING EQUINOX HIKE, Kittatinny Valley State Park. Sponsor: KVSP. NOTE: Group size limited, pre-registration is required. For teens and adults. WED Mar 21, 4 - 5:30 pm THE NATURE OF VERNAL POOLS, Kittatinny Valley State Park. Sponsor: KVSP. NOTE: Group size limited, pre-registration is required. For adults and children ages 10 & up. Partially ADA accessible. THU Mar 29, 4 - 5:30 pm THE NATURE OF VERNAL POOLS, Kittatinny Valley State Park. Sponsor: KVSP. NOTE: Group size limited, pre-registration is required. For adults and children ages 10 & up. Partially ADA accessible. THU Apr 12, 10 am to noon INVASIVE PLANTS: AN INTRODUCTION, Kittatinny Valley State Park. Sponsor: KVSP. NOTE: Group size is limited, pre-registration is required. For teens and adults. Partially ADA accessible. WED Apr 18, 5 - 6 pm FAMILY NATURE HIKE, Kittatinny Valley State Park. Sponsor: KVSP. NOTE: Group size is limited, pre-registration is required. For adults and children ages 7 & up. THU Apr 19, 10 - 11 am HOW TO CREATE A BUTTERFLY & HUMMINGBIRD GARDEN, Kittatinny Valley State Park. Sponsor: KVSP. NOTE: Group size is limited, pre-registration is required. For teens and adults. ADA accessible. TUE Apr 24, 4 - 5:30 pm MT. NEBO HIKE, Kittatinny Valley State Park. Sponsor: KVSP. NOTE: Group size is limited, pre -registration is required. For adults and children ages 10 & up. THU Apr 26, 4 - 5 pm /¶,/7<.(6+,.( Kittatinny Valley State Park. Sponsor: KVSP. NOTE: Group size is limited, pre-registration is required. For adults with children age 5 & under. TUE May 1, 4 - 5 pm ³0$*1,)<-&(17´0$56+(6 Kittatinny Valley State Park. Sponsor: KVSP. NOTE: Group size is limited, pre-registration is required. For children ages 10 - 14. WED May 2, 7 - 8:30 am EARLY BIRD WALK, Kittatinny Valley State Park. Sponsor: KVSP. NOTE: Group size is limited, pre-registration is required. For teens and adults. Bring binoculars. THU May 3, 10 - 11 am CAT-TALES STORY HOUR, Kittatinny Valley State Park. Sponsor: KVSP. NOTE: Group size is limited, pre-registration is required. For children ages 4 & 5. ADA accessible. SUN May 13, 10 11:30 am 027+(5¶6'$<:,/')/2:(5:$/. Kittatinny Valley State Park. Sponsor: KVSP. NOTE: Group size is limited, pre-registration is required. For adults and children ages 12 & up. WED May 16, 7 - 8:30 am EARLY BIRD WALK, Kittatinny Valley State Park. Sponsor: KVSP. NOTE: Group size is limited, pre-registration is required. For teens and adults. Bring binoculars. WED May 16, 2 - 3 pm GARDEN FLOWER FOLKLORE, Kittatinny Valley State Park. Sponsor: KVSP. NOTE: Group size is limited, pre-registration is required. For teens and adults. ADA accessible. THU May 17, 10 - 11 am CAT-TALES STORY HOUR, Kittatinny Valley State Park. Sponsor: KVSP. NOTE: Group size is limited, pre-registration is required. For children ages 4 & 5. ADA accessible. Continued on page 10 Page 10, The Signal - March 2007 KVSP Interpretive Programs Spring & Summer 2007 - Continued from page 9 DAY DATE & TIME ACTIVITY & LOCATION WED May 23, 1 - 3 pm INVASIVE PLANTS: AN INTRODUCTION, Kittatinny Valley State Park. Sponsor: KVSP. NOTE: Group size is limited, pre-registration is required. For teens and adults. THU May 24, 4 - 5 pm /¶,/7<.(6+,.( Kittatinny Valley State Park. Sponsor: KVSP. NOTE: Group size is limited, pre-registration is required. For adults with children age 5 & under. SUN May 27, 11 am to FAMILY NATURE HIKE, Kittatinny Valley State Park. Sponsor: KVSP. NOTE: Group size is noon limited, pre-registration is required. For adults and children ages 7 & up. MON May 28, 9 - 11 am THE RED, WHITE AND BLUE HIKE, Kittatinny Valley State Park. Sponsor: KVSP. NOTE: Group size is limited, pre-registration is required. For teens and adults. THU May 31, 10 - 11 am CAT-TALES STORY HOUR, Kittatinny Valley State Park. Sponsor: KVSP. NOTE: Group size is limited, pre-registration is required. For children ages 4 & 5. ADA accessible. SAT Jun 2, 9 - 11 am TRAIL MIX HIKE, Kittatinny Valley State Park. Sponsor: KVSP. NOTE: Group size is limited, pre-registration is required. For teens and adults. SAT Jun 9, 11 am to noon HOW TO CREATE A BUTTERFLY & HUMMINGBIRD GARDEN, Kittatinny Valley State Park. Sponsor: KVSP. NOTE: Group size is limited, pre-registration is required. For teens and adults. ADA accessible. THU Jun 14, 10 - 11 am CAT-TALES STORY HOUR, Kittatinny Valley State Park. Sponsor: KVSP. NOTE: Group size is limited, pre-registration is required. For children ages 4 & 5. ADA accessible. SAT Jun 16, 10 am to noon FLYFISHING FOR BEGINNERS, Kittatinny Valley State Park. Sponsor: KVSP. NOTE: Group size is limited, pre-registration is required. For adults and children ages 10 & up. ADA accessible. SAT Jun 23, 7 - 8:30 am MORNING KAYAKING, Kittatinny Valley State Park, Lake Aeroflex Boat Launch. Sponsor: KVSP. NOTE: Group size is limited, pre-registration is required. For teens and adults. Bring your own kayak, PFD and paddle. WED Jun 27, 7 - 8:30 pm KAYAKING AT TWILIGHT, Kittatinny Valley State Park, Lake Aeroflex Boat Launch. Sponsor: KVSP. NOTE: Group size is limited, pre-registration is required. For teens and adults. Bring your own kayak, PFD and paddle. THU Jun 28, 10 - 11 am CAT-TALES STORY HOUR, Kittatinny Valley State Park. Sponsor: KVSP. NOTE: Group size is limited, pre-registration is required. For children ages 4 & 5. ADA accessible. SAT Jun 30, 10 - 11 am BUTTERFLY BASICS, Kittatinny Valley State Park. Sponsor: KVSP. NOTE: Group size is limited, pre-registration is required. For children ages 7 - 12. ADA accessible. SAT Jul 7, 8 - 9 pm TIMBER RATTLESNAKES IN NJ, Kittatinny Valley State Park. Sponsor: KVSP. NOTE: Group size is limited, pre-registration is required. Family program. ADA accessible. WED Jul 11, 8 - 9 pm ³'5$*216217+(:,1'´$129(59,(:2)'5$*21)/,(6'$06(/)/,(6,1 NEW JERSEY, Kittatinny Valley State Park. Sponsor: KVSP. NOTE: Group size is limited, preregistration is required. For adults and children ages 10 & up. ADA accessible. THU Jul 12, 10 - 11 am CAT-TALES STORY HOUR, Kittatinny Valley State Park. Sponsor: KVSP. NOTE: Group size is limited, pre-registration is required. For children ages 4 & 5. ADA accessible. FRI Jul 13, 8 - 9 pm LENAPE LIFEWAYS, Kittatinny Valley State Park. Sponsor: KVSP. NOTE: Group size is limited, pre-registration is required. Family program. ADA accessible. SAT Jul 14, 9 - 10:30 am WILDFLOWER WALK, Kittatinny Valley State Park. Sponsor: KVSP. NOTE: Group size is limited, pre-registration is required. For teens and adults. WED Jul 18, 8 - 9 pm ³$758(+,6725<2)$1'29(53$57,/(&785(´ Kittatinny Valley State Park. Sponsor: KVSP. NOTE: Group size is limited, pre-registration is required. For teens and adults. ADA accessible. SAT Jul 21, 10 - 11:30 ³$758(+,6725<2)$1'29(53$57,,:$/.,1*7285´ Kittatinny Valley State am Park. Sponsor: KVSP. NOTE: Group size is limited, pre-registration is required. For teens and adults. Continued on page 11 The Signal - March 2007, Page 11 KVSP Interpretive Programs Spring & Summer 2007 - Continued from page 10 DAY DATE & TIME ACTIVITY & LOCATION WED Jul 25, 7 - 8:30 am THU Jul 26, 10 - 11 am CAT-TALES STORY HOUR, Kittatinny Valley State Park. Sponsor: KVSP. NOTE: Group size is limited, pre-registration is required. For children ages 4 & 5. ADA accessible. SAT Aug 4, 10 - 11 am FRIEND OR FOE? Kittatinny Valley State Park. Sponsor: KVSP. NOTE: Group size is limited, pre-registration is required. For children ages 10 & up. ADA accessible. THU Aug 9, 10 - 11 am CAT-TALES STORY HOUR, Kittatinny Valley State Park. Sponsor: KVSP. NOTE: Group size is limited, pre-registration is required. For children ages 4 & 5. ADA accessible. SAT Aug 11, 10 - 11 am BACKYARD BUGS, Kittatinny Valley State Park. Sponsor: KVSP. NOTE: Group size is limited, pre-registration is required. For adults and children ages 10 - 14. Partially ADA accessible. WED Aug 15, 8 - 9 pm ³7+(1(:<25.68648(+$11$:(67(51$1'/(+,*+1(:(1*/$1' 5$,/52$'6$5(75263(&7´ Kittatinny Valley State Park. Sponsor: KVSP. NOTE: Group size is limited, pre-registration is required. For teens and adults. ADA accessible. THU Aug 23, 10 - 11 am SAT Aug 25, 9 - 10:30 LATE BLOOMERS, Kittatinny Valley State Park. Sponsor: KVSP. NOTE: Group size is limited, am pre-registration is required. For teens and adults. SAT Aug 25, 7 - 8 pm ³7+(*5($7+251('2:/7+(&52:´ Kittatinny Valley State Park. Sponsor: KVSP. NOTE: Group size is limited, pre-registration is required. Family program. ADA accessbile. TUE Sep 11, 4 - 6 pm THE RED, WHITE & BLUE HIKE, Kittatinny Valley State Park. Sponsor: KVSP. NOTE: Group size is limited, pre-registration is required. For teens and adults. WED Sep 12, 4 - 5 pm THE MAGIC OF MONARCHS, Kittatinny Valley State Park. Sponsor: KVSP. NOTE: Group size is limited, pre-registration is required. For children ages 8 - 12. ADA accessible. WED Sep 26, 5:30 - 7 pm ³$(52)/(;,1$87801´6816(73$''/( Kittatinny Valley State Park, Lake Aeroflex Boat Launch. Sponsor: KVSP. NOTE: Group size is limited, pre-registration is required. For teens and adults. Bring your own kayak, PFD and paddle. THU Sep 27, 4 - 5 pm /¶,/7<.(6+,.( Kittatinny Valley State Park,. Sponsor: KVSP. NOTE: Group size is limited, pre-registration is required. For adults with children age 5 & under. MORNING KAYAKING, Kittatinny Valley State Park, Lake Aeroflex Boat Launch. Sponsor: KVSP. NOTE: Group size is limited, pre-registration is required. For teens and adults. Bring your own kayak, PFD and paddle. CAT-TALES STORY HOUR, Kittatinny Valley State Park. Sponsor: KVSP. NOTE: Group size is limited, pre-registration is required. For children ages 4 & 5. ADA accessible. ´1DWXUH1RWHV - 7KH1DWXUH2I9HUQDO3RROV´ By Lynn K. Groves, Naturalist, Kittatinny Valley State Park I t may happen during a walk in the wood, or perhaps while driving down a country road, but sometime in late March or early April, you will hear it. Frequently mistaken for chirping birds, trilling insects, or quacking ducks, the cacophony of wood frogs and spring peepers (a type of treefrog) will fill the air. It is one of the most conspicuous signs that spring has returned. Surprisingly, this raucous din often ema- Wood Frog - Photo courtesy of William Groves Continued on page 12 Page 12, The Signal - March 2007 Continued from page 11 nates from apparently nothing more than puddles in the forest, far away from rivers, lakes, and other wetlands. One author refers to these wet depresVLRQV DV ³DUFKLSHODJRV LQ UHYHUVH ZHWODQG LVODQGV LQ D VHD RI ODQG´ &DUUROO ,QGHHG WKRXJK VRPH may comprise several acres, many such areas are only a few square feet in size. However, the unasVXPLQJ DSSHDUDQFH RI WKHVH ³YHUQDO SRROV´ EHOLHV their critical importance to the survival of breeding amphibians and to the health of the forest ecosystem as a whole. There is no better season in which to experience the special significance of vernal pools Vernal Pool in Kittatinny Valley State Park - Photo courtesy of Lynn K. Groves than spring. Holding water for perhaps only two consecutive months of the year, they typically fill with snowmelt and spring rains and then dry up during the summer. Vernal pool inhabitants like fairy shrimp, newts, salamanders, and wood frogs have adapted to these ephemeral conditions by completing the aquatic part of their life cycle by the time the water evaporates. 0RVW LPSRUWDQWO\ WKLV DQQXDO ³GU\LQJ XS´ of vernal pools prevents the establishment of fish populations. As a result, there are fewer predators in vernal pools to eat the eggs and developing young of frogs and salamanders than would be present in permanent bodies of water. Consequently, YHUQDO SRROV DUH UHIHUUHG WR DV WKH ³QXUVHU\ RI WKH IRUHVW´0DQ\RIWKHDQLPDOVWKDWGHSHQGRQYHUQDO pools cannot successfully reproduce anywhere else. In addition to their critical role as breeding sanctuaries, vernal pools serve as irreplaceable links in the overland passage of various amphibians and reptiles as they travel from one wetland to another. Each spring, after spending the winter underground in upland areas, wood frogs, spotted salamanders, and other amphibians migrate by the hundreds, sometimes all on one warm rainy night, to vernal pools and nearby wetlands to breed, returning to the place in which they were born to mate and lay eggs themselves. Unfortunately, these critical migration corridors are disrupted and fragmented by new construction and roads, making safe passage difficult. Sadly, many of these amphibians are killed by vehicles while crossing roads during this spectacular annual spring migration. To aid these vulnerable species in their journeys, the Endangered and Nongame Species Program (ENSP) conducts the Amphibian Rescue & Survey each spring. Volunteers help the animals make it safely across busy roads, as well as record information vital to understanding the needs of these species. (If you are interested in participating in the Rescue in March 2007, please contact Brad Yucius at the ENSP at [email protected].) $V 1HZ -HUVH\¶V QDWXUDO ODQGVFDSH FRQWLQ ues to be devoured by more housing and commercial developments, vernal pools and other wildlife sanctuaries are permanently lost. As these habitats vanish, so do the plants and animals that depend upon them for their survival. Amphibians are YLHZHG E\ VFLHQWLVWV DV WKH ³FDQDULHV LQ WKH FRDO PLQH´ GXH WR WKHLU VHQVLWLYLW\ WR HQYLURQPHQWDO change. What happens to them will happen to us. We humans have a responsibility to act as stewards of the land, ensuring its vitality not only for our own health but for the health of future generations of all living beings. To learn more and visit a protected vernal pool, UHJLVWHUIRU³The 1DWXUHRI9HUQDO3RROV´ program for adults and children ages 10 & up, to be held at Kittatinny Valley State Park on either March 21 or 29 from 4 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. by calling (973) 786-6445. For a listing of all KVSP Spring & Summer programs, please refer to the schedule included in this newsletter. SOURCES Carroll, David M. 7KH6ZDPSZDONHU¶V-RXUQDO. 2001. Kenney, Leo P., and Matthew R. Burne. Salamanders, Frogs DQG7XUWOHVRI1HZ-HUVH\¶V9HUQDO3RROV. Trenton: New Jersey Division of Fish and Wildlife, 2003. Schwartz, Vicki, and David M. Golden. Field Guide to Reptiles and Amphibians of New Jersey. Trenton: New Jersey Division of Fish and Wildlife, 2002. The Signal - March 2007, Page 13 Preview of Coming Attractions! T hree terrific quarterly meeting programs are coming up in 2007. Reserve March 27th, June 26th and September 25th. Mark your calendar now! Culture and Wildlife of Northern India Visit several areas in northern India with Marge Barrett as she presents her photos of a recent tour. Cultural sites, birds and other animals will be featured. Don't miss the magnificent Taj Mahal, the crow-like Rufous Treepie, the endangered Bengal Tiger or the rare Gharial! The program will be held at the Hackettstown Community Center on Main Street in Hackettstown on Tuesday, March 27th at 7:30PM. No charge. Refreshments provided. Sponsored by the Paulinskill Valley Trail Committee. Phone 908-684-4820 for more information. Meet Molly Pitcher Come and meet Molly Pitcher, legendary Revolu- tionary War heroine. Myths surround her! What is fact? What is fiction? Learn her story from Molly herself at one of her rare appearances in the world of the living on Tuesday, June 26th at 7:30PM at the Hackettstown Community Center on Main Street in Hackettstown. No charge. Refreshments provided. Sponsored by the Paulinskill Valley Trail Committee. Phone 908-684-4820 for more information. Global Warming: A Clear And Present Danger Join Roger Gutzwiller for a slide presentation that will answer the following questions: What is global warming? What are the effects of global warming? What is currently being done about global warming? And, possibly the most important, what can you do about global warming? Show up on Tuesday, September 25th at 7:30PM at the Hackettstown Community Center on Main Street in Hackettstown to view this informative program. No charge. Refreshments provided. Sponsored by the Paulinskill Valley Trail Committee. Phone 908684-4820 for more information. Please say thanks to our advertisers by patronizing their business Call 973-383-6265 For information on how to Advertise in The Signal and on the PVT Website. Page 14, The Signal - March 2007 PVTC P.O. Box 175 Andover, NJ 07821 Visit our new and improved web site at: PAULINSKILL VALLEY TRAIL COMMITTEE Membership Application The annual membership contribution is $10 for an individual and $20 for a family. Larger contributions are encouraged to help carry out our programs. Please make checks SD\DEOHWR³3DXOLQVNLOO9DOOH\7UDLO&RPPLWWHH´RU³397&´DQGPDLOWR397&32%R[ 175, Andover, NJ 07821. Please print clearly. Name________________________________________________Tel. (______)-______-______________ Address_______________________________________________________________________________ City, State, Zip Code____________________________________________________________________ E-mail Address_________________________________________________________________________ Membership year is from Jan. 1 To Dec. 31.