St. Sarkis Armenian Apostolic Church Fifth Sunday after Pentecost
St. Sarkis Armenian Apostolic Church Fifth Sunday after Pentecost
Ð᷻ѳݷÇëï-Hokehankisd In memory of: THE HEROES WHO DIED DURING THE DEFENSE OF VAN IN 1915 AND ALL DEPARTED MEMBERS OF THE GENERAL SOCIETY OF VASBOURAGAN Requested by: Members of General Society of Vasbouragan In memory of: JOAN JAMO (40 Days) Requested by: Janis Bazian Sea; family & friends of Joan Jamo In memory of: BEDROS & EUGENIE TOUKHANIAN, SONA TOUKHANIAN Requested by: Hrayr Toukhanian & Family, Sebouh & Maureen Toukhanian & Family; Ohan & Seta Tabakian & family; Robert & Hourig Jacobs & family St. Sarkis Armenian Apostolic Church July 13, 2014 In loving memory of: VIRGIINIA SIMONIAN MADOIAN of Providence, RI (6 Years) Requested by: Aroxie Madoian Apigian Fifth Sunday after Pentecost Feast of the Discovery of the Box of the Theotokos In memory of: RICHARD DERBABIAN Requested by: Norman and Esther Javezian Morning Service: 9:30 am Divine Liturgy—10:00 am (summer hours) In memory of: ROSE DER HOVANESSIAN of Chicago (10 Years), ARMENOUHIE DER HOVANESSIAN of Chicago, MOURAD SAGADELLIAN of France (18 Years) Requested by: Mr. & Mrs. Kaiser Krekorian In memory of MANOOG “MIKE” TARPINIAN (1 Year) Requested by: Jonathan Tarpinian & Jamey Luzod, Gregg & Elizabeth Tarpinian, Eric & Jill Tarpinian, Robin Tarpinian and Mike Foley; grandchildren Erica Tarpinian and Michael Tarpinian; Harry, Paul, Chris, and Licia Yangouyian; Dr. David Yangouyian and Cindy Kachadoorian; Aram & Violet Gavoor and Nancy Gavoor; Norman & Esther Javezian, Steve & Leslie Leaser and John & Carol Boes; John Sharoian In Memory of: JOSEPH ARSEN KURKJIAN Requested by: Mariam Kurkjian and John George Kurkjian COFFEE HOUR In loving memory of Joan Jamo, the refreshments for today’s coffee hour are provided by Joan Jamo’s family & friends. DAILY READINGS J U L Y 14 Proverbs 1:1-9; Isaiah 41:1-3; Hebrews 12:1-7; Mark 13:9-13 15 Zechariah 3:7-4:9; 1 Corinthians 12:28-13:3; Matthew 23:34-39 16 Romans 10:5-17; Matthew 13:31-42 17 2 Kings 13:14-21; 1 Corinthians 2:6-10; Luke 4:25-30 18 Romans 11:1-12; Matthew 14:43-52 19 Wisdom 9:9-10:2; Exodus 15:23-27; 1 Thessalonians 2:9-16; Matthew 9:36-10:7 D7 Hrant Khn37 Ceorcyan5Howiv Rev. Fr. Hrant Kevorkian, Pastor Phone: 313.336.6200 - Cell: 857.318.9799 - Fax: 313.336.4530 Church E-mail address: [email protected] St. Sarkis Website: After business hours, or in case of emergency, please contact Der Hrant on his cell phone. Today’s Readings from the Holy Scripture ÚÇëáõë øñÇëïáëÇ ²õ»ï³ñ³Ý¿Ý Àëï سïÿáëÇ ¥13£24-30¤ äûÕáë ²é³ù»³ÉÇ ÎáÕÙ¿ ÐéáÙ³Û»óÇÝ»ñáõÝ ¶ñáõ³Í Ü³Ù³Ï¿Ý ¥9£30-10£4¤ ÚÇëáõë áõñÇß ³é³Ï ÙÁÝ ³É Ëûë»ó³õ ³ÝáÝó áõ Áë³õ© -سñ¹ ÙÁ ɳõ ë»ñÙ»ñ ó³Ý»ó Çñ ³ñïÇÝ Ù¿ç£ ¶Çß»ñ ÙÁ« »ñµ ³Ù¿Ý Ù³ñ¹ ùݳó³Í ¿ñ« ³Ýáñ ÃßݳÙÇÝ »Ï³õ« áñáÙ ó³Ý»ó óáñ»ÝÇÝ Ù¿ç »õ ·Ý³ó£ ºñµ ë»ñÙ»ñÁ ³×»ó³Ý »õ ëÏë³Ý ѳëÏ Ï³½Ù»É« ³ÛÝ ³ï»Ý áñáÙÝ ³É »ñ»õó³õ£ î³ÝïÇñáç ͳé³Ý»ñÁ »Ï³Ý »õ ÁëÇÝ ³Ýáñ© §î¿ñ« ¹áõÝ ÙdzÛÝ É³õ ë»ñÙ»ñ ãó³Ý»óDZñ ³ñïǹ Ù¿ç© áõñÏ¿± Ñ³å³ »Ï³õ áñáÙÁ¦£ ²ÝÇϳ å³ï³ëË³Ý»ó© §²ëÇϳ ÃßݳÙÇ Ù³ñ¹áõ ·áñÍ ¿¦£ ̳é³Ý»ñÁ ÁëÇÝ© §Îþáõ½»±ë áñ »ñóÝù »õ áñáÙÁ ù³Õ»Ýù¦£ §à㦫 å³ï³ë˳ݻó ï¿ñÁ«- §àñå¿ë½Ç ãÁÉÉ³Û Ã¿ áñáÙÁ ù³Õ³Í ³ï»Ý óáñ»ÝÝ ³É ÙdzëÇÝ ³ñÙ³ï³ËÇÉ ÁÝ¿ù£ Ò·»ó¿ù áñ »ñÏáõùÝ ³É ³×ÇÝ ÙdzëÇÝ ÑáõÝÓùÇ Å³Ù³Ý³Ï© ³ÛÝ ³ï»Ý ÑÝÓáõáñÝ»ñáõÝ ÏþÁë»Ù© Ý³Ë áñáÙÁ ù³Õ»ó¿ù« ËáõñÓ»ñ ϳ½Ù»ó¿ù ³Ûñ»Éáõ ѳٳñ« »õ ³å³ ù³Õ»ó¿ù óáñ»ÝÁ »õ ³Ùµ³ñ»ó¿ù ßï»Ù³ñ³ÝÝ»ñáõë ٿ禣 ²Ñ³õ³ëÇÏ ×Çß¹ ³ëáñ ÏÁ ÝÙ³ÝÇ »ñÏÇÝùÇ ³ñù³ÛáõÃÇõÝÁ£ àõñ»ÙÝ Ç±Ýã Ïþ»½ñ³Ï³óÝ¿ù£ лóÝáëÝ»ñÁ« áñáÝù ²ëïáõÍáÛ ³ñ¹³ñáõû³Ý ã¿ÇÝ Ñ»ï»õ»ñª ³ñ¹³ñ³ó³Ý« áñáíÑ»ï»õ øñÇëïáëÇ Ñ³õ³ï³óÇÝ© ÙÇÝã¹»é Æëñ³Û¿ÉÇ ÅáÕáíáõñ¹Á ã³ñã³ñáõ»ó³õ Øáíë¿ëÇ úñ¿ÝùÇÝ ÙÇçáó³õ« áñ ïñáõ³Í ¿ñª Ù³ñ¹ÇÏÁ ³ñ¹³ñ³óÝ»Éáõ ѳٳñ£ ÆÝãá±õ£ àñáíÑ»ï»õ ãѳõ³ï³ó øñÇëïáëÇ« »õ ÏÁ ϳñÍ¿ÇÝ Ã¿ úñ¿ÝùÇÝ ·áñͳ¹ñáõû³ÙµÁ åÇïÇ ³ñ¹³ñ³Ý³Û£ ²ïÇϳ ÇëÏ å³ï×³é »Õ³õ áñ ·ÉáñÇÝ §·³ÛóÏÕáõû³Ý ³éÇà ѳݹÇë³óáÕ ù³ñ¦ÇÝ íñ³Û« ³ÛëÇÝùݪ øñÇëïáëÇ« áñáõÝ Ñ³Ù³ñ Ù³ñ·³ñ¿áõû³Ý Ù¿ç ·ñáõ³Í ¿©§²Ñ³ »ë êÇáÝÇ Ù¿ç ÏÁ ¹Ý»Ù ù³ñ ÙÁª áñ ·ÉáñáõÙÇ ³éÇà åÇïÇ ÁÉɳ۫ ųÛé ÙÁª áñ ·³ÛóÏÕáõû³Ý ³éÇà åÇïÇ Ñ³Ý¹Çë³Ý³Û£ ´³Ûó ³Ýáñ ѳõ³ï³óáÕÁ Ûáõë³Ë³µ åÇïÇ ãÁÉɳۦ£ ºÕµ³ÛñÝ»ñ« ëñï³Ýó ÏÁ Ù³Õû٠»õ Ïþ³Õûû٠áñ ²ëïáõ³Í ÷ñÏ¿ Æëñ³Û¿É³óÇÝ»ñÁ« áñáíÑ»ï»õ Ïñݳ٠Çñ»Ýó Ù³ëÇÝ íϳۻɪ ÿ ²ëïáõÍáÛ Ñ³Ý¹¿å ݳ˳ÝÓ³ËݹÇñ »Ý© ÙdzÛÝ Ã¿ ³Ûë ݳ˳ÝÓ³ËݹñáõÃÇõÝÁ ÑÇÙÝáõ³Í ã¿ ²ëïáõÍáÛ ×ßÙ³ñÇï ͳÝûÃáõû³Ý íñ³Û£ ²ÝáÝù ãѳëÏó³Ý« ÿ ²ëïáõ³Í ÇÝã Ó»õáí Ïþáõ½¿ñ ³ñ¹³ñ³óÝ»É Ù³ñ¹ÇÏÁ£ ²ñ¹³ñ³Ý³Éáõ Çñ»Ýó ѳëÏó³Í Ó»õÇÝ Ï³éã»ó³Ý »õ áõëïÇ ãÁݹáõÝ»óÇÝ ²ëïáõÍáÛ ³ñ¹³ñáõû³Ý áõÕÇÝ£ ØÇÝã¹»é øñÇëïáëáí úñ¿ÝùÁ Çñ í³Ë׳ÝÇÝ Ñ³ë³Í ¿ »õ ÙdzÛÝ øñÇëïáëÇ Ñ³õ³ï³óáÕÁ Ïþ³ñ¹³ñ³Ý³Û£ Romans 9:30-10:4 What then shall we say? That the Gentiles, who did not pursue righteousness, have obtained it, a righteousness that is by faith; but the people of Israel, who pursued the law as the way of righteousness, have not attained their goal. Why not? Because they pursued it not by faith but as if it were by works. They stumbled over the stumbling stone. As it is written: “See, I lay in Zion a stone that causes people to stumble and a rock that makes them fall, and the one who believes in him will never be put to shame.” Brothers and sisters, my heart’s desire and prayer to God for the Israelites is that they may be saved. For I can testify about them that they are zealous for God, but their zeal is not based on knowledge. Since they did not know the righteousness of God and sought to establish their own, they did not submit to God’s righteousness. Christ is the culmination of the law so that there may be righteousness for everyone who believes. Preparations for St Sarkis Annual Bazaar has already started, your help (men and women) is always appreciated. Bake sessions are taking place, as usual, every Thursday starting at 9:30 am. For more information please contact the church office at 313-336-6200. Matthew 13:24-30 Jesus told them another parable: “The kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed good seed in his field. But while everyone was sleeping, his enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat, and went away. When the wheat sprouted and formed heads, then the weeds also appeared. “The owner’s servants came to him and said, ‘Sir, didn’t you sow good seed in your field? Where then did the weeds come from?’ “‘An enemy did this,’ he replied. “The servants asked him, ‘Do you want us to go and pull them up?’ “‘No,’ he answered, ‘because while you are pulling the weeds, you may uproot the wheat with them. Let both grow together until the harvest. At that time I will tell the harvesters: First collect the weeds and tie them in bundles to be burned; then gather the wheat and bring it into my barn.’” July 2014 14 18-20 39th Annual Golf Outing at Meadowbrook Golf & Country Club AYF Jr. Olympics in Detroit 19 AYF Jr. Olympic Dance at St. Sarkis Church Fellowship Hall—7:30p.m. 27 Khanasor Picnic – at Camp Dearborn August 2014 1 AYF Sr. Olympics Kickoff – details to follow 17 Grape Blessing Family Fun Picnic at Kensington Park 30-31 AYF Sr. Olympics in Detroit – details to follow
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12/06/15 Sunday Bulletin
D7 Hrant Khn37 Ceorcyan5Howiv
Rev. Fr. Hrant Kevorkian, Pastor
Phone: 313.336.6200 - Cell: 857.318.9799 - Fax: 313.336.4530
Church E-mail address: [email protected]
Website: www.saintsarkis.or...