Splash Wave Pool Piscine à vagues Splash
Splash Wave Pool Piscine à vagues Splash
613-748-4222 Splash Wave Pool 2040 Ogilvie Road Piscine à vagues Splash 2040 chemin Ogilvie Spring-Summer 2012 Printemps – été 2012 [email protected] ottawa.ca City services Services municipaux 3-1-1 TTY/ATS 613-580-2401 Table of Contents Table des Matières Safety and Supervisory Standards.......................................................... 1 Birthday Party Package.......................................................................... 3 Red Cross Swim Program Guide............................................................ 6 Red Cross Swim is Here!........................................................................ 5 Camps.................................................................................................... 6 Aquatics................................................................................................. 7 Specialty.............................................................................................. 12 Certification......................................................................................... 13 Fitness.................................................................................................. 15 Fitness Special Needs.......................................................................... 16 Inscriptions............................................................................................... 2 Forfait bonne fête..................................................................................... 3 Natation.................................................................................................. 10 Programmes d’exercices corps à cœur......................................... (Verso) 8 Rockcliffe Pkwy Radford How to Register................................................................ (Reverse side) 1 Preschool ......................................................................... (Reverse side) 3 Children............................................................................ (Reverse side) 4 Youth................................................................................ (Reverse side) 5 After school...................................................................... (Reverse side) 5 Family-Adult..................................................................... (Reverse side) 6 Heart Wise Exercise Programs.......................................... (Reverse side) 8 Beacon Hill North • Nord Ogi lvie r Blai Montre al Includes Cyrville Community Centre and Beacon Hill North program information (please see reverse side of guide) t Avia Incluses dans ce guide des informations sur les programmes du Centre communautaire Cyrville et Beacon Hill Nord Piscine à vagues Splash ion 2040 Centre Communautaire Cyrville 4355 Q e ue nt mo e ilvi Og y wa ns Co mmunit y Centre Hal r Blai The City of Ottawa offers financial support to ensure that all residents can participate in recreation and culture programs and activities offered by the City, regardless of their ability to pay. For additional information or to obtain a fee support application, visit your local recreation facility or any City of Ottawa Client Service Centre. Applicants will be asked to provide proof of financial need. Wave Pool y Pkw Ottawa Hand in Hand Recreation & Culture Fee Support 2130 Ottawa main dans la main Subvention pour les programmes de loisirs et de culture La Ville d’Ottawa offre un soutien financier permettant à tous les résidents de participer aux activités et aux programmes de loisirs et de culture, quels que soient leurs moyens. Pour de plus amples renseignements ou pour obtenir un formulaire de demande, veuillez vous adresser à un centre du service à la clientèle de la Ville d’Ottawa, ou à l’installation de loisirs de votre quartier. Une preuve sera exigée pour toute demande. Admittance Statement Users of City facilities are personally responsible for ensuring they are fit to participate in physical activities. Anyone with a condition affecting his/her ability to participate must take appropriate safety precautions to ensure his/her own safety and is encouraged to be accompanied by an adult who is knowledgeable about their condition. Déclaration concernant l’admission Les personnes qui utilisent les installations de la Ville doivent s’assurer qu’elles ont la forme nécessaire pour participer à des activités physiques. Toute personne qui a une affection influant sur sa capacité de participer à de telles activités doit prendre des précautions afin d’assurer sa sécurité et est invitée à se faire accompagner d’un adulte connaissant son état. ii ottawa.ca/piscinesplash Safety and Supervisory Standards To ensure the safety of residents swimming in City pools, certain supervisory standards will now be enforced when you visit recreational facilities. The Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care strongly supports these safety standards. The standards apply to pool swim sessions only – they do not apply to swimming lessons or to wading pools. Parents/guardians with younger children are encouraged to view the Wading Pool Safety and Admission Requirements where the standards are different. General Public PLEASE NOTE: If you are unsure of how these requirements apply to you and your family, please contact your facility of choice BEFORE your visit. • • • In order to ensure adequate supervision and to identify children at greater risk, the City of Ottawa is now issuing wristbands during swim sessions. All participants require a wristband to access swimming. All Children 7 years of age and under, regardless of swimming ability, must be directly supervised (within arms’ reach) by a responsible person 16 years of age or older. Children 10 years of age and under who are non-swimmers or who cannot pass the facility swim test must be directly supervised (close proximity and able to render assistance) by a responsible person 16 years of age or older. • Non-swimmers and those who cannot pass the facility swim test must remain in shallow water. Each ratio below indicates the maximum number of children that one responsible person would be able to supervise. For example: Children 5 years of age and under: maximum 2 children per responsible person 16 years of age and older. The person responsible must be in the water and within arms reach. This person may not have any additional children under his/her care unless the other children are at least 8 years of age and are able to pass the facility swim test. Users of City facilities are personally responsible for ensuring that they are fit to participate in physical activities. Anyone with a condition affecting his/her ability to participate must take appropriate safety precautions to ensure his/her own safety and is encouraged to be accompanied by an adult who is knowledgeable about their condition. Facility Swim Test: Participant must be able to demonstrate comfort in the water and swim 25 meters in shallow water without assistance or a lifejacket. Participant must complete the entire distance, swim continuously without stopping to rest, show strong forward movement and ability to take breaths and not touch the bottom of the pool. Supervisory Ratios (responsible person to children) Age/Band Colour Swimmer and able to pass facility swim test Non-swimmer or unable to pass facility swim test 5 years and under Orange 1:2 1:2 6 to 7 years Orange 1:6 1:4 or 1:6 if wearing a lifejacket 8 to 10 years Orange (Unable to pass facility swim test) Green (Able to pass facility swim test) *High Risk Orange N/A 1:4 or 1:8 if wearing a lifejacket **See below **See below Groups and Camps of 10 or more participants Supervisory Ratios (responsible person to children) Age/Band Colour Swimmer and able to pass facility swim test Non-swimmer or unable to pass facility swim test 5 years and under Orange 1:2 1:2 6 to 7 years Orange 1:6 1:4 or 1:6 if wearing a lifejacket 8 – 10 years Orange (Unable to pass facility swim test) Green (Able to pass facility swim test) 11 to 16 years Green 1:10 1:4 or 1:8 if wearing a lifejacket 1:15 1:15 **See below **See below *High Risk Orange Responsible Person: Child(ren) must be accompanied by a parent, guardian or designated caregiver who is 16 years of age or older, responsible for the direct supervision of the child, in bathing attire and with the child at all times, both in and out of the water. * High Risk Participants are defined as those who have a condition or illness, which may put them at risk in an aquatic environment (e.g. frequent seizures, fainting condition, etc) and those who are unable to control behaviour or impulses and require direct supervision. ** Supervisory Ratios for Groups of High Risk Participants to be determined by pool staff based on the specific needs of the participants and associated risks. ottawa.ca/splashpool 1 Inscriptions Choisissez le mode qui vous convient! 1 2 3 , de h le 5 mars Programmes avier dès 22 cl re à u e rt n o ve h u p ’o ures d u par télé dant les he – en ligne o 6 mars pen le e n n o es rs mm , et en pe Autres progra h le 7 mars avier dès 22 cl re à u e rt n o ve h u p s d’o u par télé nt les heure – en ligne o mars penda 8 le e n n o et en pers En ligne : Allez à ottawa.ca/monguide et cliquez sur le bouton « Inscrire » pour visionner les programmes et vous inscrire à un cours. Vous pouvez vous inscrire en ligne pour tous les cours ayant un code à barres. Vous aurez besoin du numéro et de la date d’expiration de votre carte de crédit (Visa/MasterCard), ainsi que de votre NIP familial et de votre code à barres individuel. En personne : Rendez-vous à l’installation récréative pendant les heures normales d’ouverture afin de vous inscrire à un cours. Pour les cours qui n’affichent pas de code de programme, vous devez vous inscrire en personne à l’installation. Vous pouvez également vous inscrire en personne dans les centres du service à la clientèle de la Ville d’Ottawa. Vous pouvez payer en argent comptant, par chèque (libellé à l’ordre de la Ville d’Ottawa), par carte de débit ou de crédit (Visa/MasterCard). Téléphone à clavier: Composez le 613-580-2588. Vous aurez besoin du numéro et de la date d’expiration de votre carte de crédit (Visa/MasterCard), ainsi que de votre NIP familial et de votre code à barres individuel. Les reçus seront disponibles sur demande. Si vous avez besoin d’un NIP familial et de numéros personnels, veuillez appeler au 613-580-2588, du lundi au vendredi, de 7 h à 19 h (à l’exception des congés fériés) et suivre les instructions du guide parlé. Information sur les inscriptions Les frais doivent être entièrement acquittés lors de l’inscription à un programme. Les modes de paiement acceptés sont les suivants : chèque (libellé à l’ordre de la Ville d’Ottawa), carte de crédit, carte de débit ou argent comptant. Annulations Un nombre insuffisant d’inscriptions entraînera l’annulation du cours ou de la séance. Le cas échéant, tous les efforts seront déployés afin d’établir une nouvelle date à l’horaire. Si c’est impossible, il y aura remboursement. Abandon et remboursement Si vous souhaitez abandonner un programme, veuillez vous adresser à un centre du service à la clientèle de la Ville d’Ottawa, ou à l’installation de loisirs de votre quartier. Pour tout remboursement*, vous devez remplir et présenter un Formulaire de demande de remboursement. Aucuns frais ne seront imputés si le remboursement est crédité à votre compte, mais un remboursement par chèque ou carte de crédit occasionnera des frais de traitement de 25 $. Les remboursements seront traités dans les 21 jours suivant la réception du Formulaire de demande de remboursement. * Si plus de la moitié de la durée du cours ou de l’abonnement s’est déjà écoulé, aucun remboursement ni crédit ne sera accordé. Aucun remboursement ni crédit n’est accordé pour les leçons privées. Pour les frais d’admission et l’achat de produits, les demandes de remboursement seront traitées sur place, sur présentation de la preuve d’achat. Administration des médicaments Un participant qui a besoin que le personnel de la Ville d’Ottawa entrepose des médicaments, les administre ou en surveille l’administration devra signer une renonciation à l’installation où le programme est offert, ou la faire signer par un parent ou un tuteur. Veuillez communiquer avec l’installation concernée pour obtenir de plus amples renseignements. Rabais pour personne âgée Les résidents de la Ville d’Ottawa âgés de 65 ans ou plus ont droit à un rabais de 10 % lorsqu’ils s’inscrivent à un programme, sur présentation d’une preuve d’âge. Ottawa main dans la main Subvention pour les programmes de loisirs et de culture La Ville d’Ottawa offre un soutien financier permettant à tous les résidents de participer aux activités et aux programmes de loisirs et de culture, quels que soient leurs moyens. Pour de plus amples renseignements ou pour obtenir un formulaire de demande, veuillez vous adresser à un centre du service à la clientèle de la Ville d’Ottawa, ou à l’installation de loisirs de votre quartier. Une preuve sera exigée pour toute demande. Frais pour chèque retourné et carte de crédit refusée Des frais seront exigés si deux paiements consécutifs par carte de crédit ont été refusés et pour tous les chèques retournés (chèques sans provision, bloqués ou dont les fonds ne sont pas dégagés). 2 criptions s in s e d t u Déb s - étéaq2ua0fo1rm2e printemp natation et d’ Besoins spéciaux – Services d’intégration Tous les programmes de loisirs organisés par les Services des parcs, des loisirs et de la culture de la Ville d’Ottawa sont accessibles aux personnes ayant un handicap. La Ville offre des services d’intégration pour vous aider à trouver le programme qui vous convient et à déterminer le niveau de soutien dont vous avez besoin. Pour en savoir plus, consultez l’adresse ottawa.ca/ besoinsspeciaux ou composez le 613-580-2424, poste 29283. Non-résidents Des frais supplémentaires de 25 % par personne s’appliqueront à toute demande d’inscription à un programme présentée par une personne qui ne réside pas à Ottawa. Allergies graves Il appartient au participant, à un parent ou à un tuteur de faire part de toute allergie grave nécessitant le recours à un auto-injecteur, d’en fournir deux et de signer une renonciation à l’installation qui offre le programme. La Ville d’Ottawa s’efforce toutefois d’assurer la sécurité et le bien-être de tous les participants en offrant ses programmes dans des zones libres d’allergènes et en adoptant des pratiques visant à réduire ces derniers. Conservez vos reçus Un grand nombre des programmes de la Direction des parcs, des loisirs et de la culture de la Ville d’Ottawa peuvent donner droit au crédit d’impôt pour la condition physique des enfants. Il s’agit d’un crédit d’impôt fédéral non remboursable qui permet aux parents de demander un montant maximal de 500 $ par année à l’égard des dépenses admissibles pour activités physiques engagées pour chaque enfant âgé de moins de 16 ans au début de l’année au cours de laquelle ces montants sont payés. ux : Bons-cadea adeaux Des bons-c et commodes ! s abordableun mode de vie ottawa.ca/piscinesplash d’ Faites cadeau ns peuvent et sain! Les bo tif éa cr , tif ac mmes et les ra og pr s le ur z être utilisés po éatifs et culturels. Achete récr e ou tiv éa cr ré abonnements n tio toute installa le vôtre dans a. Ville d’Ottaw la de lle culture Birthday Party Package • Forfait bonne fête BIRTHDAY PARTY PACKAGE FORFAIT BONNE FÊTE $160.80 160,80 $ (base package for 10 children, taxes included) (pour 10 enfants, taxes inclus) • • • • • • • Admissions pour 10 enfants et jusqu’à 10 adultes • La salle de fête complètement décorée pour 1 heure • Hôte pour 1 heure • Un gâteau de fête personnalisé • 10 boissons gazeuses ou jus • Choix de 2 grosses pizza OU 10 hot dogs et 10 sacs de croustilles • Invitations pour la fête Admission for 10 children and up to 10 adults Decorated party room for 1 hour Host for 1 hour Personalized birthday cake 10 drinks Choice of 2 large pizzas OR 10 hotdogs with 10 bags of chips • Party invitations Be our guest From April 30 to May 6 you’re invited to participate in our aquafitness, cycling and group fitness classes or workout in our fitness centre FREE of charge! Try before you buy! For more details visit ottawa.ca/tryit 201 1118 219 - 01 and discover a new and healthy you ottawa.ca/splashpool ottawa.ca/splashpool 33 Red Cross Swim Program Guide Preschool - Parented Duck (12-24 months) Starfish (4-12 months) Babies and their caregivers work on getting wet, buoyancy and movement, front, back and vertical position in the water, and shallow water entries and exits. Babies and their caregivers work on rhythmic breathing, moving forward and backward, front and back float with recovery, and shallow water entries and exits. Swim Kids 1 Swimmers work on front and back floats and glides, kicking on front with a buoyant object, and will be able to swim 1 metre upon completion of this level. Swimmers develop front and back float, front and back glide, flutter kick (assisted), shallow water entries and exits, and swim 5 metres. Swim Kids 2 Swimmers learn front and back glide with flutter kick, develop front swim, complete deep-water activities (assisted) and swim 10 metres continuously. Salamander Swimmers work on improving their front and back float and jumping into chest-deep water unassisted. Kicking is added to the front and back glide and swimmers will be able to swim 2 metres upon completion. Swimmers increase their distance on front and back glide with flutter kick, perform flutter kick unassisted, wear a PFD in deep water, float in deep water, and swim 15 metres continuously. Swim Kids 4 Swimmers learn back swim with shoulder roll and front crawl (10m), work on flutter kick on back, perform kneeling dive, introduction to sculling and swim 25 metres continuously. Swim Kids 5 Swimmers develop front crawl (15m), learn back crawl (15m) and whip kick on back, learn stride dive and treading water, perform head-first sculling on back, and swim 50 metres continuously. Swimmers increase their distance on front and back crawl (25m), learn elementary back stroke (15m), learn dolphin kick, tread water in deep water, perform front dive, and swim 75 metres continuously. Swimmers work on kicking and can perform glides (front and back), enter deep water safely, float in deep water, swim with a PFD, and swim 5 metres continuously. Swim Kids 7 Swimmers increase their distance on front and back crawl (50m) and elementary back stroke (25m), learn front scull, perform whip kick on front and dolphin kick, learn stride entry and swim 150 metres continuously. Crocodile Swimmers further develop the front and back glide with kick, front and back swim, jump into deep water, swim with a PFD in deep water, and swim 10 metres continuously. Swimmers increase their distance on front and back glide with kick, increase distance on front and back swim, learn the sitting dive, and will be able to swim 15 metres continuously upon completion of the level. 4 Swim Kids 3 Swim Kids 6 Sunfish Whale Toddlers and their caregivers work on submersion, front and back floats and glides, jumping into chest-deep water with assistance, kicking on front and front swim. School Age (6-12 years) Preschool (3-5 years) Sea Otter Sea Turtle (24-36 months) Swim Kids 8 Swimmers increase their distance on front and back crawl (75m) and elementary back stroke (25m), learn breast stroke (15m), learn eggbeater/tread water, perform feet-first surface dive and standing shallow dive, and swim 300 metres continuously. Swim Kids 9 Swimmers increase their distance on front and back crawl (100m), elementary back stroke (50m) and breast stroke (25m), learn sidestroke kick, perform head-first surface dive, and swim 400 metres continuously. Swim Kids 10 Swimmers increase their distance on front and back crawl (100m), elementary back stroke (50m) and breast stroke (50m), learn sidestroke (25m), perform dolphin kick (vertical), learn feet- and head-first surface dives with underwater swim, and swim 500 metres continuously. ottawa.ca/piscinesplash Red Cross Swim is Here! Please consult the chart to see where your child fits in the Red Cross Swim program. If you have any questions or would like assistance in placing your child in the Red Cross Swim program, please contact the aquatic staff at your local pool before registering. Complimentary in-water swim assessments are recommended for first time participants or for those not currently taking lessons. Swimming Lesson Chart Preschool - Parented Current Level (Lifesaving Society) Register For (Red Cross Swim) Parent & Tot 1 (4-12 months) Starfish (4-12 months) Parent & Tot 2 (12-24 months) Duck (12-24 months) Parent & Tot 3 (24-36 months) Sea Turtle (24-36 months) Preschool (3-5 years) Last Level Successfully Passed (Lifesaving Society) Has not passed Preschool A Preschool A Preschool B Preschool C Preschool D or E Register For (Red Cross Swim) Sea Otter (1) Salamander (2) Sunfish (3) Crocodile (4) Whale (5) School-Age (6-12 years) If your child is 5 and turning 6, please contact your local facility for the appropriate school-age level to move into. Has not passed Swimmer 1 Beginner Swimmer 1 Beginner Swimmer 1 Advanced Swimmer 2 Swimmer 3 Swimmer 4 Swimmer 5 Swimmer 6 Swimmer 7 (Rookie Patrol) Swimmer 8 (Ranger Patrol) Swimmer 9 (Star Patrol) Swim Kids Level 1 Swim Kids Level 1 Swim Kids Level 2 Swim Kids Level 3 Swim Kids Level 4 Swim Kids Level 5 Swim Kids Level 6 Swim Kids Level 7 Swim Kids Level 8 Swim Kids Level 9 Swim Kids Level 10 * ”Passed” indicates that all level items have been successfully completed ottawa.ca/splashpool 5 CAMPS Aqua Junior Camps Aqua Senior Camps Develop swimming skills and progress through the Red Cross swimming program. In addition to a daily swimming lesson, participate in free-swims and a variety of crafts and active games. 6-8 yrs Mon-Fri 9 am-4 pm Jul 2- 6 $139.50 704393 Jul 9-13 $139.50 704430 Jul 16-20 $139.50 704441 Jul 23-27 $139.50 704447 Jul 30-Aug 3 $139.50 704450 Aug 7-10 $111.75 704453 Aug 13-17 $139.50 704463 Aug 20-24 $139.50 704471 Develop swimming skills as you progress through the Lifesaving Society swimming program. In addition to the daily swimming lesson, participate in free swims, crafts and active games. 9-12 yrs Mon-Fri 9 am-4 pm Jul 2- 6 $139.50 704511 Jul 9-13 $139.50 704541 Jul 16-20 $139.50 704555 Jul 23-27 $139.50 704558 Jul 30-Aug 3 $139.50 704579 Aug 7-10 $111.75 704586 Aug 13-17 $139.50 704588 Aug 20-24 $139.50 704593 Free precamp & post camp care from 8 am - 9 am and 4 pm- 5 pm 6 ottawa.ca/piscinesplash Aquatics Day Time Date Lessons Cost Code Preschool Starfish (4-12 months) 10:15 amApr 14 11 $74.75 10 am Apr 15 11 $74.75 4:15 pm Apr 16 9 $61 9:45 am Apr 17 10 $68 9:15 am Apr 18 10 $68 5:15 pm Apr 18 10 $68 9:45 am Apr 19 10 $68 5:15 pm Apr 20 10 $68 8:30 am Jun 25 5 $34 5:45 pm Jun 25 8 $54.25 5:45 pm Jun 26 9 $61 9:45 am Jun 30 9 $61 9:30 am Jul 2 9 $61 8:30 am Jul 16 9 $61 5:15 pm Jul 23 9 $61 8:30 am Aug 139 $61 703002 703004 703010 703013 703017 703015 703018 703019 697863 697847 697876 697869 697859 697857 697838 697854 Duck (12-24 months) Sa Su M Tu W W Th F F M-F M, W Tu Sa M-F M-F M, W M-F M-F 11:45 amApr 14 11 $74.75 9:30 am Apr 15 11 $74.75 5:45 pm Apr 16 9 $61 9:15 am Apr 17 10 $68 9:45 am Apr 18 10 $68 4:15 pm Apr 18 10 $68 9:15 am Apr 19 10 $68 5 pm Apr 20 10 $68 5:45 pm Apr 20 10 $68 8:30 am Jun 25 5 $34 5:15 pm Jun 25 8 $54.25 6:45 pm Jun 26 9 $61 10:45 amJun 30 9 $61 9:30 am Jul 2 9 $61 8:30 am Jul 16 9 $61 5:45 pm Jul 23 9 $61 9 am Jul 30 9 $61 8:30 am Aug 139 $61 Time Date Lessons Cost Code Sea Turtle (24-36 months) – Parented Sa Su M Tu W W Th F M-F M, W Tu Sa M-F M-F M, W M-F Day 702408 702415 702421 702427 702442 702431 702444 702446 702451 696636 696607 696648 696645 696615 696613 696604 696632 696610 cours francophone pages 10 et 11 Sa Su M Tu W Th F M-F M, W Tu Sa M-F M, W M-F 11:15 amApr 14 11 $74.75 11 am Apr 15 11 $74.75 5:15 pm Apr 16 9 $61 9:15 am Apr 17 10 $68 5:15 pm Apr 18 10 $68 9:15 am Apr 19 10 $68 6:15 pm Apr 20 10 $68 8:30 am Jun 25 5 $34 5:15 pm Jun 25 8 $54.25 6:15 pm Jun 26 9 $61 10:15 amJun 30 9 $61 9:30 am Jul 2 9 $61 5:45 pm Jul 23 9 $61 9 am Jul 30 9 $61 – 3-5 years Sa Sa Sa Sa Su Su Su Su M M Tu Tu W W W Th Th F F M-F M-F M, W Tu Sa Sa 9:15 am Apr 14 11 $74.75 10:15 amApr 14 11 $74.75 10:45 amApr 14 11 $74.75 12:15 pmApr 14 11 $74.75 8:30 am Apr 15 11 $74.75 9 am Apr 15 11 $74.75 9:30 am Apr 15 11 $74.75 10:30 amApr 15 11 $74.75 4:15 pm Apr 16 9 $61 5:15 pm Apr 16 9 $61 9:15 am Apr 17 10 $68 1 pm Apr 17 10 $68 9:45 am Apr 18 10 $68 4:15 pm Apr 18 10 $68 4:45 pm Apr 18 10 $68 9:45 am Apr 19 10 $68 1 pm Apr 19 10 $68 4:45 pm Apr 20 10 $68 5:45 pm Apr 20 10 $68 9 am Jun 25 5 $34 10 am Jun 25 5 $34 5:15 pm Jun 25 8 $54.25 5:45 pm Jun 26 9 $61 9 am Jun 30 9 $61 9:45 am Jun 30 9 $61 Time Date Lessons Cost Code Sea Otter contd. 702991 702993 702994 702995 702996 702997 702999 697807 697789 697816 697810 697793 697784 697799 Preschool Sea Otter Day 702957 702953 702952 702955 702962 702964 702966 702960 702969 702973 702975 702974 702982 702976 702980 702986 702985 702988 702989 697749 697740 697723 697768 697756 697763 Sa M-F M-F M, W M-F M-F 10:45 amJun 30 9 8:30 am Jul 2 9 9 am Jul 16 9 6:15 pm Jul 23 9 8:30 am Jul 30 9 9 am Aug 139 $61 $61 $61 $61 $61 $61 697754 697730 697729 697720 697732 697725 Salamander Sa Sa Sa Su Su M M Tu Tu W W Th Th F F M-F M-F M, W Tu Sa Sa Sa M-F M-F M, W M-F M-F 9:15 am Apr 14 11 $74.75 11:45 amApr 14 11 $74.75 12:15 pmApr 14 11 $74.75 8:30 am Apr 15 11 $74.75 10 am Apr 15 11 $74.75 4:15 pm Apr 16 9 $61 5:15 pm Apr 16 9 $61 9:15 am Apr 17 10 $68 1 pm Apr 17 10 $68 9:45 am Apr 18 10 $68 4:45 pm Apr 18 10 $68 9:45 am Apr 19 10 $68 1 pm Apr 19 10 $68 4:45 pm Apr 20 10 $68 5:45 pm Apr 20 10 $68 9 am Jun 25 5 $34 10 am Jun 25 5 $34 5:15 pm Jun 25 8 $54.25 5:15 pm Jun 26 9 $61 8:45 am Jun 30 9 $61 10:15 amJun 30 9 $61 10:45 amJun 30 9 $61 9 am Jul 2 9 $61 9 am Jul 16 9 $61 6:15 pm Jul 23 9 $61 8:30 am Jul 30 9 $61 9 am Aug 139 $61 702893 702889 702891 702910 702895 702913 702921 702925 702924 702929 702928 702933 702932 702936 702938 697680 697678 697663 697688 697685 697683 697684 697671 697669 697656 697673 697667 Sunfish Sa Sa Su Su M M Tu Tu W ottawa.ca/splashpool 9:15 am Apr 14 11 $74.75 11:15 amApr 14 11 $74.75 9 am Apr 15 11 $74.75 10 am Apr 15 11 $74.75 4:45 pm Apr 16 9 $61 5:15 pm Apr 16 9 $61 9:45 am Apr 17 10 $68 1:30 pm Apr 17 10 $68 4:15 pm Apr 18 10 $68 703025 703023 703031 703029 703033 703035 703038 703037 703040 7 Aquatics Day Time Date Lessons Cost Code Sunfish contd. Th Th F F M-F M-F M, W Tu Sa M-F M-F M, W M-F M-F 9:15 am Apr 19 10 $68 1:30 pm Apr 19 10 $68 4:45 pm Apr 20 10 $68 6:15 pm Apr 20 10 $68 9 am Jun 25 5 $34 10 am Jun 25 5 $34 5:45 pm Jun 25 8 $54.25 6:15 pm Jun 26 9 $61 9:15 am Jun 30 9 $61 9 am Jul 2 9 $61 10 am Jul 16 9 $61 5:45 pm Jul 23 9 $61 8:30 am Jul 30 9 $61 10 am Aug 139 $61 8 9:45 am Apr 14 11 $74.75 11:45 amApr 14 11 $74.75 12:15 pmApr 14 11 $74.75 9 am Apr 15 11 $74.75 10 am Apr 15 11 $74.75 11 am Apr 15 11 $74.75 4:45 pm Apr 16 9 $61 5:45 pm Apr 16 9 $61 9:45 am Apr 17 10 $68 1:30 pm Apr 17 10 $68 9:15 am Apr 18 10 $68 4:15 pm Apr 18 10 $68 5:45 pm Apr 18 10 $68 9:15 am Apr 19 10 $68 1:30 pm Apr 19 10 $68 4:45 pm Apr 20 10 $68 5:15 pm Apr 20 10 $68 6:15 pm Apr 20 10 $68 8:30 am Jun 25 5 $34 10 am Jun 25 5 $34 6:15 pm Jun 25 8 $54.25 6:15 pm Jun 26 9 $61 9:15 am Jun 30 9 $61 8:30 am Jul 2 9 $61 9:30 am Jul 2 9 $61 10 am Jul 16 9 $61 5:15 pm Jul 23 9 $61 8:30 am Jul 30 9 $61 9:30 am Jul 30 9 $61 10 am Aug 139 $61 Time Date Lessons Cost Code Whale 703045 703043 703048 703050 697915 697911 697893 697920 697918 697907 697904 697888 697909 697899 Crocodile Sa Sa Sa Su Su Su M M Tu Tu W W W Th Th F F F M-F M-F M, W Tu Sa M-F M-F M-F M, W M-F M-F M-F Day 702223 702213 702217 702239 702229 702234 702301 702326 702343 702341 702355 702351 702347 702363 702357 702370 702374 702378 696553 696552 696545 696555 696554 696548 696549 696547 696544 696550 696551 696546 Sa Su Su M M Tu W W F F M-F M, W Tu Sa M-F M-F M-F M, W M-F 9:45 am Apr 14 11 $74.75 9:30 am Apr 15 11 $74.75 11 am Apr 15 11 $74.75 4:45 pm Apr 16 9 $61 6:15 pm Apr 16 9 $61 1:30 pm Apr 17 10 $68 9:15 am Apr 18 10 $68 4:15 pm Apr 18 10 $68 4:15 pm Apr 20 10 $68 6:15 pm Apr 20 10 $68 10 am Jun 25 5 $34 6:15 pm Jun 25 8 $54.25 6:45 pm Jun 26 9 $61 8:45 am Jun 30 9 $61 8:30 am Jul 2 9 $61 9:30 am Jul 2 9 $61 10 am Jul 16 9 $61 5:15 pm Jul 23 9 $61 10 am Jul 30 9 $61 702754 702701 702712 702692 702688 702678 702664 702672 702650 702639 700431 700389 700454 700450 700421 700425 700392 700384 700428 Children (6yrs+) Swim Kids 1 Sa Sa Su Su Su Su M Tu W W Th F F M-F M-F M, W M, W Tu Tu Sa Sa M-F 8:45 am Apr 14 11 $74.75 11:15 amApr 14 11 $74.75 8:30 am Apr 15 11 $74.75 9:30 am Apr 15 11 $74.75 10:30 amApr 15 11 $74.75 11 am Apr 15 11 $74.75 6:15 pm Apr 16 9 $61 1 pm Apr 17 10 $68 4:45 pm Apr 18 10 $68 5:45 pm Apr 18 10 $68 1 pm Apr 19 10 $68 4:15 pm Apr 20 10 $68 5 pm Apr 20 10 $68 8:30 am Jun 25 5 $34 9:30 am Jun 25 5 $34 5:45 pm Jun 25 8 $54.25 6:45 pm Jun 25 8 $54.25 5:15 pm Jun 26 9 $61 5:45 pm Jun 26 9 $61 8:45 am Jun 30 9 $61 9:45 am Jun 30 9 $61 8:30 am Jul 2 9 $61 703078 703079 703074 703072 703076 703075 703070 703068 703064 703066 703063 703059 703058 698098 698101 697998 698004 698111 698115 698102 698108 698052 Day Time Date Lessons Cost Code Swim Kids 1 contd. M-F M-F M-F M, W M, W M-F M-F M-F M-F 10 am Jul 2 9 8:30 am Jul 16 9 9:30 am Jul 16 9 6:15 pm Jul 23 9 6:45 pm Jul 23 9 9 am Jul 30 9 10 am Jul 30 9 8:30 am Aug 139 9:30 am Aug 139 $61 $61 $61 $61 $61 $61 $61 $61 $61 698048 698036 698043 697989 697993 698091 698062 698011 698030 Swim Kids 2 Sa Sa Sa Sa Sa Su Su M M W W W Th F F F M-F M-F M, W M, W Tu Tu Sa Sa M-F M-F M-F M-F M, W M, W M-F M-F M-F M-F ottawa.ca/piscinesplash 8:45 am Apr 14 11 $74.75 9:45 am Apr 14 11 $74.75 10:45 amApr 14 11 $74.75 11:15 amApr 14 11 $74.75 12:15 pmApr 14 11 $74.75 8:30 am Apr 15 11 $74.75 10:30 amApr 15 11 $74.75 4:45 pm Apr 16 9 $61 5:45 pm Apr 16 9 $61 4:45 pm Apr 18 10 $68 5:45 pm Apr 18 10 $68 6:15 pm Apr 18 10 $68 1:30 pm Apr 19 10 $68 4:15 pm Apr 20 10 $68 5:15 pm Apr 20 10 $68 6:15 pm Apr 20 10 $68 8:30 am Jun 25 5 $34 9:30 am Jun 25 5 $34 6:15 pm Jun 25 8 $54.25 6:45 pm Jun 25 8 $54.25 5:15 pm Jun 26 9 $61 6:15 pm Jun 26 9 $61 9:15 am Jun 30 9 $61 10:45 amJun 30 9 $61 8:30 am Jul 2 9 $61 10 am Jul 2 9 $61 8:30 am Jul 16 9 $61 9:30 am Jul 16 9 $61 5:45 pm Jul 23 9 $61 6:45 pm Jul 23 9 $61 9 am Jul 30 9 $61 10 am Jul 30 9 $61 8:30 am Aug 139 $61 9:30 am Aug 139 $61 703042 703041 703049 703047 703044 703036 703039 703034 703032 703028 703030 703027 703024 703022 703021 703020 698288 698292 698223 698228 698297 698299 698294 698293 698245 698241 698237 698239 698216 698220 698252 698250 698232 698234 pio Aquatics Day Time Date Lessons Cost Code Swim Kids 3 Sa Sa Sa Su Su Su M W W F F M-F M, W M, W Tu Tu Sa M-F M-F M, W M, W M-F M-F 8:45 am Apr 14 11 $74.75 10:15 amApr 14 11 $74.75 10:45 amApr 14 11 $74.75 8:45 am Apr 15 11 $74.75 10 am Apr 15 11 $74.75 10:30 amApr 15 11 $74.75 4:15 pm Apr 16 9 $61 5:15 pm Apr 18 10 $68 6:15 pm Apr 18 10 $68 4:30 pm Apr 20 10 $68 6:15 pm Apr 20 10 $68 9:30 am Jun 25 5 $34 6 pm Jun 25 8 $54.25 6:45 pm Jun 25 8 $54.25 6 pm Jun 26 9 $61 6:45 pm Jun 26 9 $61 10:15 amJun 30 9 $61 9 am Jul 2 9 $61 10 am Jul 16 9 $61 6 pm Jul 23 9 $61 6:45 pm Jul 23 9 $61 8:30 am Jul 30 9 $61 10 am Aug 139 $61 8:45 am Apr 14 11 $74.75 11:45 amApr 14 11 $74.75 9 am Apr 15 11 $74.75 10 am Apr 15 11 $74.75 5:45 pm Apr 16 9 $61 5:15 pm Apr 18 10 $68 4:30 pm Apr 20 10 $68 6:15 pm Apr 20 10 $68 9:30 am Jun 25 5 $34 6 pm Jun 25 8 $54.25 6:45 pm Jun 25 8 $54.25 6:45 pm Jun 26 9 $61 10:15 amJun 30 9 $61 9 am Jul 2 9 $61 10 am Jul 16 9 $61 6 pm Jul 23 9 $61 9:30 am Jul 30 9 $61 10 am Aug 139 $61 ottawa.ca/ iscinesplash Time Date Lessons Cost Code Swim Kids 5 703011 703014 703012 703006 703009 703008 703005 703003 703001 703000 702998 700166 700152 700154 700176 700178 700170 700161 700159 700145 700148 700162 700156 Swim Kids 4 Sa Sa Su Su M W F F M-F M, W M, W Tu Sa M-F M-F M, W M-F M-F Day 702990 702992 702984 702987 702983 702979 702978 702977 700222 700187 700189 700231 700224 700201 700195 700184 700220 700193 Sa Su M W F M-F M, W Tu Sa M-F M-F M, W M-F M-F 8:45 am Apr 14 11 $82.25 9:15 am Apr 15 11 $82.25 6:15 pm Apr 16 9 $67.25 5:45 pm Apr 18 10 $74.75 5:30 pm Apr 20 10 $74.75 8:30 am Jun 25 5 $37.50 5:15 pm Jun 25 8 $60 6:30 pm Jun 26 9 $67.25 9:30 am Jun 30 9 $67.25 9 am Jul 2 9 $67.25 8:30 am Jul 16 9 $67.25 5:15 pm Jul 23 9 $67.25 9 am Jul 30 9 $67.25 8:30 am Aug 139 $67.25 9:30 am Apr 14 11 $82.25 8:30 am Apr 15 11 $82.25 6:15 pm Apr 16 9 $67.25 5:30 pm Apr 18 10 $74.75 5:30 pm Apr 20 10 $74.75 9:15 am Jun 25 5 $37.50 5:15 pm Jun 25 8 $60 6:30 pm Jun 26 9 $67.25 8:45 am Jun 30 9 $67.25 9:45 am Jul 2 9 $67.25 8:30 am Jul 16 9 $67.25 5:15 pm Jul 23 9 $67.25 9:45 am Jul 30 9 $67.25 8:30 am Aug 139 $67.25 702943 702939 702927 702923 702916 700298 700283 700301 700300 700292 700287 700282 700294 700284 Swim Kids 7 Sa Su M W F M, W Tu Sa M-F M, W M-F M-F Noon Apr 14 11 $82.25 9:15 am Apr 15 11 $82.25 5 pm Apr 16 9 $67.25 4:45 pm Apr 18 10 $74.75 6 pm Apr 20 10 $74.75 6:30 pm Jun 25 8 $60 5:15 pm Jun 26 9 $67.25 9:30 am Jun 30 9 $67.25 9:15 am Jul 16 9 $67.25 6:30 pm Jul 23 9 $67.25 9:15 am Jul 30 9 $67.25 9:15 am Aug 139 $67.25 Time Date Lessons Cost Code Swim Kids 8 702968 702963 702956 702951 702948 700268 700252 700273 700271 700264 700260 700243 700267 700256 Swim Kids 6 Sa Su M W F M-F M, W Tu Sa M-F M-F M, W M-F M-F Day 702897 702894 702890 702887 702886 700306 700320 700319 700309 700304 700312 700308 Sa Su W M-F M, W Tu Sa M-F M-F M, W 10:15 amApr 14 11 $90.25 10:30 amApr 15 11 $90.25 5:45 pm Apr 18 10 $82 9 am Jun 25 5 $41 6:30 pm Jun 25 8 $65.75 5:15 pm Jun 26 9 $73.75 10:15 amJun 30 9 $73.75 8:30 am Jul 2 9 $73.75 9 am Jul 16 9 $73.75 6:15 pm Jul 23 9 $73.75 702873 702867 702826 700332 700327 700343 700333 700330 700329 700323 Swim Kids 9 Sa Su M, W M-F M, W M-F 10:15 amApr 14 11 $90.25 10:30 amApr 15 11 $90.25 6:15 pm Jun 25 8 $60 9:15 am Jul 16 9 $73.75 6:30 pm Jul 23 9 $73.75 9 am Aug 139 $73.75 702806 702784 700351 700355 700347 700353 Swim Kids 10 Sa M, W M, W M-F 8:45 am Apr 14 11 $90.25 6:15 pm Jun 25 8 $60 6:30 pm Jul 23 9 $73.75 9:15 am Aug 139 $73.75 703053 698151 698123 698157 Adult Swim Basics 1 Sa M M W 8 am Apr 14 11 $114 6:45 pm Apr 16 9 $93.25 7:15 pm Jun 25 8 $83 7:15 pm Jun 27 9 $93.25 703052 703055 696492 696493 Swim Basics 2 Sa M M W 8 am Apr 14 11 $114 6:45 pm Apr 16 9 $93.25 7:15 pm Jun 25 8 $83 7:15 pm Jun 27 9 $93.25 703062 703067 696498 696501 Swim Strokes M 6:45 pm Apr 16 9 $93.25 702769 Cours francophone pages 10 et 11 • French lessons pages 10 and 11 ottawa.ca/splashpool 9 Natation Jour Heure Date Leçons Coût Code Préscolaire Jour Heure Date Leçons Coût Préscolaire – Avec le parent Loutre de mer sa lu ve lu-ve lu, me ma sa lu-ve lu, me lu-ve lu-ve sa sa sa me ve lu-ve lu, me ma sa lu-ve lu-ve lu, me lu-ve lu-ve 701931 701911 701939 696689 696659 696700 696698 696667 696654 696670 696665 Canard (12 à 24 mois) sa me lu-ve sa lu-ve lu-ve lu-ve 9 h 45 14 avr. 11 74,75$ 18 h 15 18 avr. 10 68$ 9 h 25 juin 5 34$ 9 h 15 30 juin 9 61$ 9 h 16 juil. 9 61$ 9 h 30 30 juil. 9 61$ 9h 13 août9 61$ 706343 701827 696542 696543 696540 696541 696539 Tortue de mer (24 à 36 mois) sa lu-ve sa lu-ve lu-ve lu-ve 10 10 h 45 9 h 9 h 15 9 h 9 h 30 9 h 14 avr. 11 $74.75 25 juin 5 $34 30 juin 9 $61 16 juil. 9 $61 30 juil. 9 $61 13 août9 $61 703820 700375 700378 700371 700373 700367 8 h 45 9h 45 11 h 45 17 h 15 17 h 15 8 h 30 17 h 45 17 h 15 10 h 15 9 h 8 h 30 17 h 15 10 h 8 h 30 14 avr. 11 74,75$ 14 avr. 11 74,75$ 14 avr. 11 74,75$ 18 avr. 10 68$ 20 avr. 10 68$ 25 juin 5 34$ 25 juin 8 54,25$ 26 juin 9 61$ 30 juin 9 61$ 2 juil. 9 61$ 16 juil. 9 61$ 23 juil. 9 61$ 30 juil. 9 61$ 13 août9 61$ 702487 702493 702486 702502 702508 697517 697512 697519 697518 697515 697514 697511 697516 697513 Salamandre sa sa sa lu me ve ve lu-ve lu, me ma sa lu-ve lu-ve lu, me lu-ve lu-ve 8 h 45 14 avr. 11 74,75$ 9 h 45 14 avr. 11 74,75$ 11 h 15 14 avr. 11 74,75$ 18 h 15 16 avr. 9 61$ 17 h 15 18 avr. 10 68$ 16 h 15 20 avr. 10 68$ 17 h 15 20 avr. 10 68$ 8 h 30 25 juin 5 34$ 17 h 45 25 juin 8 54,25$ 17 h 45 26 juin 9 61$ 9 h 15 30 juin 9 61$ 9 h 2 juil. 9 61$ 8 h 30 16 juil. 9 61$ 17 h 15 23 juil. 9 61$ 10 h 30 juil. 9 61$ 8 h 30 13 août9 61$ Jour Heure Date Leçons Coût Code Poisson-lune (3 à 5 ans) Étoile de mer (4 à 12 mois) 11 h 45 14 avr 11 74,75$ 16 h 45 16 avr. 9 61$ 16 h 45 20 avr. 10 68$ 9 h 25 juin 5 34$ 17 h 45 25 juin 8 54,25$ 17 h 15 26 juin 9 61$ 8 h 45 30 juin 9 61$ 9 h 16 juil. 9 61$ 18 h 15 23 juil. 9 61$ 9 h 30 30 juil. 9 61$ 9 h 13 août9 61$ Code 702573 702577 702569 702561 702581 702586 702583 697710 697696 697718 697715 697705 697701 697691 697706 697699 sa 11 h 15 lu 18 h 15 me 17 h 45 ve 16 h 15 lu-ve 9 h lu, me 17 h 15 ma 18 h 45 sa 9 h 45 lu-ve 9 h 30 lu-ve 9 h lu, me 18 h 45 lu-ve 9 h 30 lu-ve 9 h 14 avr. 11 74,75$ 16 avr. 9 61$ 18 avr. 10 68$ 20 avr. 10 68$ 25 juin 5 34$ 25 juin 8 54,25$ 26 juin 9 61$ 30 juin 9 61$ 2 juil. 9 61$ 16 juil. 9 61$ 23 juil. 9 61$ 30 juil. 9 61$ 13 août9 61$ 702522 702517 702532 702536 697570 697540 697577 697573 697546 697544 697538 697564 697542 14 avr. 11 74,75$ 16 avr. 9 61$ 18 avr. 10 68$ 25 juin 5 34$ 25 juin 8 54,25$ 26 juin 9 61$ 30 juin 9 61$ 2 juil. 9 61$ 16 juil. 9 61$ 23 juil. 9 61$ 30 juil. 9 61$ 13 août9 61$ 701848 701894 701849 696570 696491 696572 696571 696568 696558 696556 696569 696557 14 avr. 11 74,75$ 16 avr. 9 61$ 18 avr. 10 68$ 20 avr. 10 68$ 25 juin 5 34$ 25 juin 8 54,25$ 26 juin 9 61$ 30 juin 9 61$ 2 juil. 9 61$ 16 juil. 9 61$ 23 juil. 9 61$ 30 juil. 9 61$ 13 août9 61$ 701805 696490 701808 701814 696530 696512 696536 696534 696519 696516 696509 696521 696514 Crocodile sa lu me lu-ve lu, me ma sa lu-ve lu-ve lu, me lu-ve lu-ve 9 h 15 17 h 45 18 h 15 9 h 30 17 h 15 18 h 45 9 h 45 9 h 30 9 h 30 17 h 45 9 h 9 h 30 Baleine sa lu me ve lu-ve lu, me ma sa lu-ve lu-ve lu, me lu-ve lu-ve ottawa.ca/piscinesplash 9 h 15 16 h 15 18 h 15 18 h 15 9 h 30 18 h 45 17 h 15 10 h 45 10 h 9 h 30 17 h 45 9 h 9 h 30 Natation Jour Heure Date Leçons Coût Code Enfants Natation Junior Niveau 1 10 h 15 12 h 15 17 h 45 16 h 45 17 h 45 8 h 30 18 h 15 18 h 9 h 15 8 h 30 10 h 17 h 15 8 h 30 10 h 14 avr. 11 74,25$ 14 avr. 11 74,25$ 16 avr. 9 61$ 18 avr. 10 68$ 20 avr. 10 68$ 25 juin 5 34$ 25 juin 8 54,25$ 26 juin 9 61$ 30 juin 9 61$ 2 juil. 9 61$ 16 juil. 9 61$ 23 juil. 9 61$ 30 juil. 9 61$ 13 août9 61$ 702072 702076 701999 702123 702125 696762 696740 696772 696767 696752 696749 696720 696757 696744 Natation Junior Niveau 2 sa sa lu me ve lu-ve lu-ve lu, me ma sa sa lu-ve lu-ve lu, me lu-ve lu-ve 10 h 15 12 h 15 18 h 15 16 h 45 17 h 45 9 h 10 h 18 h 15 17 h 45 8 h 45 10 h 15 8 h 30 10 h 17 h 15 8 h 30 10 h 14 avr. 11 74,25$ 14 avr. 11 74,25$ 16 avr. 9 61$ 18 avr. 10 68$ 20 avr. 10 68$ 25 juin 5 34$ 25 juin 5 34$ 25 juin 8 54,25$ 26 juin 9 61$ 30 juin 9 61$ 30 juin 9 61$ 2 juil. 9 61$ 16 juil. 9 61$ 23 juil. 9 61$ 30 juil. 9 61$ 13 août9 61$ Heure Date Leçons Coût Code 702244 702247 702227 702252 702255 696803 696800 696782 696814 696812 696810 696795 696793 696780 696796 696788 Splash Wave Pool 613-748-4222 Piscine à vagues Splash sa lu me ve lu-ve lu, me ma sa lu-ve lu, me lu-ve 10 h 45 17 h 45 16 h 15 18 h 15 10 h 17 h 15 18 h 15 8 h 45 10 h 18 h 15 8 h 30 14 avr. 11 74,75$ 16 avr. 9 61$ 18 avr. 10 68$ 20 avr. 10 68$ 25 juin 5 34$ 25 juin 8 54,25$ 26 juin 9 61$ 30 juin 9 61$ 2 juil. 9 61$ 23 juil. 9 61$ 30 juil. 9 61$ 702273 702264 702276 702277 696841 696828 696854 696846 696830 696824 696834 10 h 45 17 h 15 16 h 15 17 h 10 h 17 h 15 18 h 15 10 h 45 10 h 17 h 45 8 h 30 14 avr. 11 74,75$ 16 avr. 9 61$ 18 avr. 10 68$ 20 avr. 10 68$ 25 juin 5 34$ 25 juin 8 54,25$ 26 juin 9 61$ 30 juin 9 61$ 2 juil. 9 61$ 23 juil. 9 61$ 13 août9 61$ 702325 702300 702331 702334 696880 696871 696891 696886 696878 696861 696874 10 h 17 h 16 h15 17 h 45 17 h 15 10 h 30 9 h 15 18 h 30 14 avr. 11 82,25$ 16 avr. 9 67,25$ 20 avr. 10 74,75$ 25 juin 8 60$ 26 juin 9 67,25$ 30 juin 9 67,25$ 16 juil. 9 67,25$ 23 juil. 9 67,25$ 9 h 15 16 h 15 16 h 15 18 h 30 17 h 45 9 h 45 8 h 30 17 h 45 9 h 14 avr. 11 82,25$ 16 avr. 9 67,25$ 20 avr. 10 74,75$ 25 juin 8 60$ 26 juin 9 67,25$ 30 juin 9 67,25$ 16 juil. 9 67,25$ 23 juil. 9 67,25$ 13 août9 67,25$ sa lu ma sa lu, me lu-ve lu-ve Code 11 h 15 16 h 15 18 h 30 9 h 45 18 h 45 9h 9 h 45 14 avr. 11 82,25$ 16 avr. 9 67,25$ 26 juin 9 67,25$ 30 juin 9 67,25$ 23 juil. 9 67,25$ 30 juil. 9 67,25$ 13 août9 67,25$ 702428 702424 697510 697509 697506 697507 697508 Natation Junior Niveau 8 lu 18 h 45 16 avr. 9 73,75$ 703382 lu 18 h 45 16 avr. 9 73,75$ 702471 Natation Junior Niveau 10 lu 18 h 45 16 avr. 9 73,75$ 702207 Adultes Essentiel 1 sa sa 702368 702361 702379 696928 696971 696968 696940 696920 Natation Junior Niveau 6 sa lu ve lu, we ma sa lu-ve lu, me lu-ve Date Leçons Coût 8 h 30 juin 9 93,25$ 697522 Essentiel 2 Natation Junior Niveau 5 sa lu ve lu, me ma sa lu-ve lu, me Heure Natation Junior Niveau 9 Natation Junior Niveau 4 sa lu me ve lu-ve lu, me ma sa lu-ve lu, me lu-ve Jour Natation Junior Niveau 7 Natation Junior Niveau 3 (6 ans et plus) sa sa lu me ve lu-ve lu, me ma sa lu-ve lu-ve lu, me lu-ve lu-ve Jour 702405 702398 702412 697499 697505 697503 697502 696995 697501 8 h 30 juin 9 93,25$ 697527 Private Swimming Lessons Private and semi-private swimming lessons are offered every day that group lessons are offered. These lessons are great for individuals requiring one-on-one attention or needing to work on certain skills to complete a level. 5 lessons - $118.50 8 lessons - $189.75 9 lessons - $213.25 10 lessons - $237 11 lessons - $260.75 Aussi offerts en Français ottawa.ca/splashpool 11 Specialty Specialty Children/Enfants Power Swim Bronze & Silver Levels. This new swim program focuses on swim techniques and personal goals with competitive strokes and instruction for the accomplished swimmer of Swimmer 4 or higher. Recommended 8-15yrs of age. Sun 9:30-10:30 am Apr 15-Jun 24 $93.50 702682 Mon-Fri 9-10 am Jul 30-Aug 10 $76.50 697629 Mon-Fri 9:30-10:30 am Jul 2-12 $76.50 697612 Jun 30-Aug 25 $93.25 697531 Adult/Adultes Power Swim Introduction The city of Ottawa Power Swim Program is an excellent opportunity for people who want to swim more efficiently. This program gradually introduces people to competitive swimming skills, without the pressure of competition. Mon 7:15-8:15 pm Jun 25-Aug 20 $96.50 697640 Natation Intensive Adultes Ce programme met l’accent sur les techniques de natation et les objectifs personnels tout en présentant les styles de nage de compétition, les virages et l’entraînement d’endurance. 18ans + sam. 8 h à 8 h 45 14avr. - 23 juin 132,75$ 703077 30 juin - 25 août 93,25$ 697531 Power Swim Intermediate Pre-competitive swimming focusing on butterfly, starts for breaststroke and butterfly, and backstroke flip turns. Wed 7:15-8:15 pm Jun 27-Aug 22 $96.50 697652 Natation Intensive Enfants Ce programme met l’accent sur les techniques de natation et les objectifs personnels tout en présentant les styles de nage de compétition, les virages et l’entraînement d’endurance. (6 à 14 ans) 6 à 14 ans sam. 8h à 8 h 45 14 avr.-23 juin $93.50 703081 Power Swim Family Excellent opportunity for parents and their children (8+ yrs) who want to swim more efficiently. Gradual introduction to competitive swimming skills, without the pressure of competition. Apr 18-Jun 20 Wed 5:45-6:45 pm 6-14 yrs $85 702648 18+ yrs $120.75 702603 12 ottawa.ca/piscinesplash Specialty-Certification Certification Bronze Cross and Standard First Aid with CPR-C Bronze Star and Basic First Aid with CPR-A Combined course that certifies participants in both Bronze Star and Basic First Aid. Recommended for those 10-12 years who can swim 300 meters. (10-13 years of age) Sat 11:15 am-12:30 pm Apr 14-Jun 23 $95.25 701878 Fri 5-6:15 pm Apr 20-Jun 22 $95.25 701892 Mon-Fri 9:30-10:30 am Jul 2-12 $70.25 704697 Jul 30-Aug 10 $70.25 704704 Certifies a participant with both Bronze Cross and Standard First Aid. Includes the principles of emergency procedures, teamwork, use of special equipment and comprehensive first aid and CPR training. Apr 15-Jun 24 Sun 5:30-8:30 pm 12-14 yrs $133 701841 15+ yrs $150.25 701818 Jul 9-13 Mon-Fri 8 am-2 pm 12-14 yrs $133 704650 15+ yrs $150.25 704657 National Lifeguard Service (NLS) Nationally recognized award emphasizing teamwork, leadership, communication, accident prevention, and management of aquatic emergencies. Additional 2-hour candidate assignment required. Prerequisites: 16+ years, Bronze Cross, and Standard First Aid (Lifesaving Society, Canadian Red Cross, St. John Ambulance, Canadian Ski Patrol recognized). Manual required at additional cost. Apr 15-Jun 24 Sun 5-9 pm 16+ yrs $150.25 701953 Jul 16-27 Mon-Fri 8 am-1 pm 16+ yrs $150.25 704728 Bronze Medallion and Emergency First Aid with CPR-B Teaches lifesavers how to respond to complex water rescue situations. Develops physical fitness, decision-making and judgement skills in preparation for challenging rescues of increased risk. Candidates will develop stroke efficiency and endurance in a timed swim. Prerequisite: Bronze Star OR 13 years old by the date of the exam. Apr 15-Jun 24 Sun 5:30-8:30 pm 12-14 yrs $120.50 701862 15+ yrs $136 701869 Jul 2- 6 Mon-Fri 8 am-1:30 pm 12-14 yrs $120.50 704679 15+ yrs $136 704690 Splash Wave Pool 613-748-4222 Piscine à vagues Splash ottawa.ca/splashpool 13 Certification Red Cross Assistant Water Safety Instructor This course prepares candidates to instruct the Red Cross Swim programs. Focus will be on strategies to introduce and develop swimming and water safety skills and ensure candidates fully comprehend the content, standards and expectations of each level. 100% attendance is required. Prerequisites: 15 years of age by the last day of the course & ability to perform Red Cross Swim Kids 10 strokes & skills. Candidates not able to do this will be required to take an additional workshop to assist in their stroke and skill efficiency. Please note that weekends for the Spring course are split to accommodate for 16+ hours of required assistant teaching prior to course completion. Students will be given the option to assistant teach on weekday evenings (Mon, Wed or Fri) and weekend mornings (Sat or Sun). 15+ yrs Sat-Sun, 8:30 am-4:30 pm Apr 14-15 May 27-28 $146 702139 15+ yrs Mon-Fri, 8:30am – noon July 30-Aug 10 $146 704628 Cert-Red Cross Water Safety Instructor & LS Instructor Combined Prerequisites: 16 years of age by the last day of the course, RC Assistant Water Safety Instructor, proof of completion of 16 hours of apprentice teaching, and Bronze Cross or NLS. Combined option for Red Cross Water Safety Instructor and LS Lifesaving Instructor certifications. Progressively evaluated so 100% attendance is required. 16+ yrs Sat-Sun8:30 am-4:30 pm Jun 9-24 $255.25 702161 16+ yrs Mon-Fri 8 am-12:30 pm Aug 13-24 $255.25 704638 Standard First Aid with CPR-C Airway Management Prerequisite: 13 years of age. An in-depth understanding of first aid such as medical/legal aspects, spinal injuries, heat or cold injuries, bone and joint injuries, burns and other medical injuries. Standard first aid certification is the minimal requirement for part time employment with City of Ottawa’s Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Department. May 5- 6 Sat-Sun 9 am-5 pm 12-14 yrs $91 702124 15+ yrs $102.75 702062 Prerequisite: Standard First Aid from one of: Lifesaving Society, St. John Ambulance, Canadian Red Cross, or Canadian Ski Patrol Provides lifeguards with specific knowledge and training in use of oxygen and advanced equipment. 16+ yrs Fri 5-9 pm May 11 $34.75 701937 National Lifeguard Service Recertification Prerequisite: National Lifeguard certification Designed to test the lifeguarding skills and knowledge in order to maintain current certification at the National Lifeguard level. 16+ yrs Sat 6-10 pm Apr 28 $68.50 701962 AED (Automated External Defibrillator) Prerequisite: Lifesaving Society CPR A or higher certification Build on the skills and knowledge learned in First Aid and CPR courses. AED provides knowledge of how the heart works, when defibrillation is required, AED maintenance and reporting protocols. 16+ yrs Fri 5-9 pm May 25 $34.75 701916 Standard First Aid with CPR-C Recertification Prerequisite: Lifesaving Society Standard First Aid certificate within 36 months of the certification date A review of first aid and CPR skills for those who have previously taken LS Standard First Aid. Practical skills and knowledge will be assessed through scenarios and written evaluation. Previous certification must be from a full course and not a recertification clinic. Please bring current certification card. 100% attendance is required. Jun 3 Sun 9 am-5 pm 12-14 yrs $67.50 702130 15+ yrs $76.25 702131 Splash Wave Pool 613-748-4222 14 ottawa.ca/piscinesplash Fitness fitness Adult Baby and Parent Yoga A relaxing yet stimulating time to spend with baby. Tone and strengthen your body while your child is introduced to yoga through song, touch and movement. Wed 9:15-10:15 am Apr 11-Jun 20 $88 698597 Hatha Yoga Mother Daughter Yoga Stretching exercises to make the body supple and flexible. It will also improve posture, tone the body, improve circulation, increase flexibility and develop inner awareness. Mon 10:30-11:30 am Apr 16-Jun 18 $72 701102 Tue 6:30-8 pm Apr 10-Jun 19 $154 701103 Wed 10:30-11:30 am Apr 11-Jun 20 $88 701104 Beginner level yoga class will focus on breath, posture, strength, empowerment, stretching and relaxation. Please note that each participant must register for the appropriate barcode. Wed Sep 7-Oct 26 7:30-8:30pm 10-14yrs$60.50 701139 15-17yrs$60.50 701141 18+yrs$66 701138 Hatha Flow Yoga Gentle Yoga Slow stretching to improve flexibility, and reduce stress and tension. Standing poses incorporated to improve balance and posture. Exercise at your own pace. Tue 10:30-11:30 am Apr 10-Jun 19 $88 701063 Thu 5:45-6:45 pm Apr 12-Jun 21 $88 701081 A classical but vigorous style of yoga emphasizing flowing movement and breath awareness to increase, strength, flexibility and balance in the mind, body, and spirit. Sat 10:15-11:15 am Apr 14-Jun 23 $88 701132 Parent and Kids Yoga Through stretching exercises, yoga helps to improve posture, tones the body, improves circulation, increases flexibility and develops inner awareness. Apr 15-Jun 24 Sun 9-10 am 6-12 yrs $60.50 701143 Parent$66 701142 ottawa.ca/splashpool ottawa.ca/splashpool 1515 Fitness-Special Needs Power Yoga Special Needs Achieve flexible strength as you rejuvenate and relax. This class begins with a dynamic warm-up to prepare your body for an effective modified yoga workout designed to shape, tone and stretch key muscles groups. Mon 6:30-8 pm Apr 16-Jun 18 $126 701147 Yoga for Asperger’s teen/ preteen Build self-confidence, reduce anxiety and depression. Incorporates breathing techniques, postures (asana), building strength, stretching, visualization and relaxation. Student must be able to model the teacher. Challenging for all levels. Wed 5:30-6:25 pm Apr 11-Jun 20 $82.50 701160 Pre Natal Yoga Moms will get a good workout while maintaining a strong healthy body throughout the pregnancy. The classes will focus on breathing, body awareness, relaxation, stretching and gentle postures. Please consult your physician before beginning this program. No experience required - perfect for all stages of pregnancy. Thu 7-8 pm Apr 12-Jun 21 $88 701148 Sat 9-10 am Apr 14-Jun 23 $88 701150 Yoga for Parent and Autistic/ ASD Teen Yoga for autistic teens to build self-confidence, reduce anxiety and depression. Beginner level yoga incorporates breathing techniques, postures (asana), building strength, stretching, visualization and relaxation. Wear comfortable clothing and bring a yoga mat. Wed 6:30-7:25 pm Apr 11-Jun 20 $82.50 701163 Yogalates NEW!!!!! Pilates gives core stability and dynamic function, while yoga adds strength, flexibility, and spiritual awareness. Blend the ancient and modern techniques of Eastern and Western practices for a holistic and intelligent approach to wellness of mind, body, and breath. Tue 1-2 pm Apr 10-Jun 19 $88 701155 Thu 2-3 pm Apr 12-Jun 21 $88 701157 Renseignements généraux Les programmes d’enseignement sont décrits dans la langue dans laquelle ils sont offerts. Les horaires et les tarifs peuvent changer. La TVH est incluse dans les tarifs, le cas échéant. General Information Instructional programs are advertised in the language in which they are offered. Schedules and fees may be subject to change. Fees include all applicable taxes. Run in before your membership runs out … and save! Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services is excited to now offer our fitness members an early renewal discount! Choose City of Ottawa recreation complexes for your fitness membership and receive a 10 per cent discount when you renew your membership prior to its expiry date. It’s our way of saying thank you! Memberships can include access to weight/cardio rooms, aerobics, aquafitness, racquet sports, indoor cycling, swimming and public skating. See you at the complex! For more details, visit your local recreation complex. 16 ottawa.ca/piscinesplash
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