Aliyah: Ebenezer Operation Exodus
Aliyah: Ebenezer Operation Exodus
Se Pho e Pa tos ge BO NU S! a s 8 nd - 1 Ar tic 0 le POST e-mail: praise@windsofpraise .com www .windsofpraise .com Studio: 541-574-1892 • Home: 541-444-2017 1628-E North Coast Hwy. • P.O. Box 491 • Newport, OR 97365-4930 FREE The Winds of Praise POST.... “News of the church proclaiming Jesus in Lincoln County.” By Lucinda Shirley, Ebenezer Operation Exodus Ministry David Crowd performer ing at Creatio n (photo ‘09. Guy Le by ech) No. 7 August 2009 Vol. 8 s! Aliyah: Ebenezer Operation Exodus One of the greatest miracles of all history is unfolding quietly today, nearly unnoticed by many believers. God is bringing the Jewish people to Israel from the Land of the North, even the remotest parts of the earth, and fulfilling numerous Old Testament prophecies. God loves the Jewish people and He is longing to have them back home in Israel. Since the early 1990’s, we have seen the return of over one million Jewish people from the FSU, the Land of the North, to the State of Israel, in fulfillment of Isaiah 43:6; “I will say to the North give them up.” For several years, I have been involved in Ebenezer Operation Exodus, a ministry of Ebenezer Emergency Fund. It was founded in 1991 by Gustav Scheller, in England, for the purpose of helping Jewish people return to Israel from the lands of the former Soviet Union. As Gentile believers in the God of Israel, we are indebted to the Jewish people. God is using Ebenezer Operation Exodus to show His love to the Jewish people in giving them humanitarian aid and helping them to return to their homeland. It is also first an intercessory prayer ministry. Nothing is undertaken without fervent, widespread seeking of the will and timing of the Lord. Humanitarian aid helps many Jewish people with their basic necessities. Aid distribution enables Ebenezer to gain entry into Jewish communities to share Lucinda Shirley, local member of Operation Exodus ministry God’s Word concerning aliyah (Jewish people immigrating to Israel; a Hebrew term used to describe “coming up” or “ascending,”) and to explain how we can assist them to return to Israel. It is a bridge, helping our “fishing” teams to reach the Jewish community. It also shows our love and commitment in a practical way, meeting them at the point of their immediate need. Since its inception, Ebenezer has helped over 125,000 Jews to return to Israel in conjunction with chartered flights, Jewish Agency flights and sailings. On arrival in Israel they are welcomed by officials of the Israeli government’s Ministry of Absorption. This help center aids Jewish people in socially and financially adjusting to their own culture. In Jeremiah 16:14-16, the Word says, “Therefore behold, the days are coming, says the Lord, when it shall no more be said, As the Lord lives, Who brought up the children of Israel out of continued on page 5 10% of the Proceeds of the August POST advertising will go to Operation Exodus of the Ebenezer Emergency Fund International By Scott Albright, GM of Winds of Praise Several weeks ago, our pastor began his sermon by announcing that he was going to talk about “faith.” But first, he wanted to take an informal poll among those who were there. On a scale of 1 to 10, he said, where would you rank your “faith”? And so he started with 1, being the lowest. “Who’s at a ‘1’?”. I solitarily raised my hand, with a sheepish smile. The poll continued, with people raising their hands at various points, until the pastor got to 10. “Who’s at a ‘10’?” And a young boy named Hunter raised his hand, not with a sheepish, but with a confident, smile. And quickly the scripture flashed to mind about how our faith needs to be like that of a child. It’s what God wants of us. (Luke 18:17) “I tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.” Why did I raise my hand at 1? Maybe it’s battle fatigue. Maybe it’s getting to be old age. Maybe it’s because my heart has been dry, with not enough daily watering and refreshment in the presence of Radio update the Lord. Lord Jesus, I pray that will change. I pray for Your refreshment. Draw me near to Yourself, morning, mid-day, and at night. In Your presence O Lord, there is fullness of joy. Give me Your joy! Have there been any breakthroughs at the radio station? Nothing really comes to mind. We who are there continue to show up and contribute our parts as best we can. I’m missing the brief friendship of Andy Green. He was here and gone in the blink of an eye. I’ve been happy to have Guy Leech come in for a few weeks in the early mornings, and I was very glad that he and his friend were able to escort Kelli up to this year’s Creation Festival. I appreciated his youthful ambition and enthusiasm. But now that college is starting, Guy is gone. It’s still good to have the other young guys come by on Friday nights and crank out the “Inferno.” I’m so very glad that Don Heist is faithful like a clock, even though there are so many other things that draw his energy and time. I’m grateful for the Word of God, in audio, that we can present every hour amidst the music. And I’m thankful that every now and then we hear from someone who has been touched through the broadcast, or the web stream, or the POST. Like many fellow believers, I hope to “not grow weary in well doing” (Galatians 6:9), but to regularly be with the One who makes all things possible. In Him, in Jesus, our realities remain limitless. In Him, our faith can confidently be ranked a “10.” K elli A lbright Getting Past the “Liners” By Kelli G. Albright, POST Editor Kelli Albright is the editor of the POST. She is shown with her dog Dakota. By Kelli G. Albright POST Editor Another summer. Another Creationfest. It doesn’t seem like a normal summer without including it as my working vacation. Maybe some of the same artists appear at Creationfest each year, but for the Press members, it’s always full of surprises. Others that normally would have been part of the Winds of Praise Press “corps,” like Don and Sharon Heist or my husband, Scott, could not attend this year. So I found myself dozing off in the back seat of the van going up to George, WA as our summer DJ, Guy Leech, and his pal, Derek Malloy conversed animatedly up front, with every several words being “dude.” Having been around a class of high schoolers this past year, I assured myself that I could handle the trip. A media mom? --whatever! It seems like a lot of other people decided to arrive at Creation on Wednesday afternoon, just like us. The line on the dusty road wasn’t moving. And quite a few had even abandoned their vehicles in the sweltering heat, playing games, squirting each other with various water containers and hanging out in the surrounding fields. I got a reminder call from Adam, head of the Creation Press department, that we were scheduled for our first artist interview at 5 p.m. Upon learning of our situation, we were personally guided and taken to a campsite very near the front gates and the media building ---too sweet. Although we had forgotten a hammer for pounding the tents’ stakes and matches to light my vintage Sears yellow-orange propane stove, we managed to set up camp pretty q u i c k l y, and down chili dogs for dinner. About the third day of the festival it was pretty windy, which can be typical of the Columbia River Gorge. I saw the dust get stirred up, but didn’t think much of it. When I ran into Guy, he asked, “Have you been back to the campsite lately?” The wind had gotten the best of it, including turning an awning into a piece of modern sculpture, bending the poles beyond repair. Guy had spent the previous 2 hours cleaning everything up. Interviews this year were handled much differently than in the past. Instead of the press conferences, we were treated to 10 minute one-on-one interviews with the artists. This meant we had to really do our homework beforehand. And, we asked each artist or band for “liners,” or station ID’s prior to our questions. So, now on the air you will hear rapper LaCrae (only as a rapper can) and many others announce that “ ...You are listening to Winds of Praise...”. And, uh, no, you don’t have to “say” the “dash” or “hyphen” before “LP” (as in “low power)... wonder how it would sound! P.S. If you hear any kkkkkkkkrrrrrrrrrrrch noises of the mic cord rattling around, that was a technical difficulty I was having! No such thing when Guy had the mic, being fresh out of working with “Boomercasts” at Toledo High. OK, moving on... it’s time to glean from the musicians... I am going to share snatches of the interviews by composing a topical guide of sorts... ••• Help when nervous: Mark Hall of Casting Crowns said it was terrifying doing their televised, live Christmas performance before dignitaries in Wash. DC., as well as at the National Prayer Breakfast with Pres. Obama and others in attendance this year. “I have never bungy jumped, but it must be in some ways like that... ’Here we go, Lord!’. We know ourselves; we aren’t impressed. Everywhere we go it’s ‘How did we get here, Lord?’.” ••• When facing challenges: Also Mark Hall of Casting Crowns: “...Never thought I would write a book (because of dyslexia and ADD)... maybe a coloring book... One thing God has shown me... like in continued on page 5 PrinciPal rick’s chat with Parents: A New School Year at Mid-Coast When I started at MidCoast Christian School two years ago, I met with many Christian families in Lincoln County. I heard a familiar mantra from these families: “We are going to wait and see if the school is successful before we choose to place our children there.” Last year we started our school year with 58 students. This year we hope to begin with 100 students. Our students are achieving amazing academic success. Our school’s GPA last year was a accumulative 94.6%. We offered 22 extracurricular activities along with our academics: Music, Drama, Athletics, Physical Education, Languages, Mentoring, Field Trips, and etc. We have a campus pastor for our girls and a campus pastor for our THE source for fun on the Oregon Coast Mini-Golf • Batting Cages • Arcade • Baseball/Softball Gear 1255 NW HWY 101 Lincoln City, OR 97367 Phone: (541) 994-4727 Website: HEADQUARTERS 4 SPORTS, INC. Email: [email protected] Page 2 boys. We have been successful in helping students grow academically, spiritually, emotionally, socially, and physically. I see MCCS becoming the kind of school that God is pleased with. The kind of school that you would be abundantly pleased to have your child attend. If you were one of those parents waiting to see if Mid-Coast Christian School was going to survive or succeed, your wait is over. We are going to have an open house pre-registration for the 2009-10 school year on Tuesday, August 11. We will be here from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. on that day. If you’re feeling that it is time for a change or you’re concerned about class size at your pub- r icK r ussell Rick Russell is the principal of Mid-Coast Christian School in Toledo and Pastor at Siletz First Baptist Church lic school, come and check us out. We are a Christian school and expect all of our school families to be involved in a local church. If that is not your cup of tea, then our school may not meet your family’s needs. If you are looking for a loving Christian environment for your child, we are just what the doctor ordered. The only way our school can begin this year with an enrollment of 100 or more is for the Christian families of Lincoln County to support Christian education in our area. We look forward to meeting all of you on August 11. See you here at 1811 Arcadia Drive in Toledo. Call 3362234 if you need further directions or information. Leave a message and we will get back to you. c Arol W Agoner Carol Wagoner attends the First Baptist Church in Newport. By Carol Wagoner For a single word/number... ‘one’ carries a huge amount of clout! ‘One’ can change the world, a nation or a person irrevocably. When you think about it that way, every choice you or I make becomes very important indeed. Perhaps we need a completely new perspective. Thank God the ultimate outcome of our lives are in the hands of God rather than our own. Recently I was given an opportunity to fudge just a little bit. I have to admit it was tempting... something I would like, that would have absolutely no affect on anyone else, I thought. It would hurt no one. Definitely resting in the ‘grey zone’ between black and white, right and wrong. BUT... the fact that no one would KNOW changes nothing! God knows. I know, And the person who offered the choice also knows. That’s three too many. I just couldn’t do it and I’m glad. What a sad witness it would have been to Christian or nonChristian had I accepted the offer. For some reason God put this particular situation under a spotlight for me. A lesson to be learned, and probably an article hand in hand: One to be written. So here goes. One little lie, one bit of gossip, one flippant word, one “slip of the tongue,” each with tremendous power to hurt, steal or kill. Oh, maybe not to kill physically, but one word can kill a child’s enthusiasm, or break a heart in two. We all know that! The world is full of damaged people, crippled by gossip, angry words, angry thoughts, hateful happenings, one insurrection after the other throughout the years. Divorce, broken homes, suicide, abandoned kids, abandoned old folks, abandoned dreams all began with one... one occurrence in one life changing everything for them... oft times forever. I remember the days when I was a battered wife. I believed what my husband said. He said Checking Romans 12:1 D on h eist Don Heist is the Winds of Praise/ KWPB-LP Music Director By Don Heist I want to use this column to do a cd review of sorts. I want to list CDs that I believe best lead us into worship as a life- Disclaimer: Views, opinions, and advice expressed in the Post are not necessarily those of Winds of Praise Broadcasting founders, board, or volunteers. style and create an intimate praise & worship experience. I had the honor of having Michael Robert in the studio for a live interview and right away found out that Pastor Andy Green, a former DJ with Winds of Praise, used to be his Pastor. He went on to tell how the song “Loving Eyes” came about. At a time preparing to take communion he saw Jesus looking at him from the Cross and in His eyes was pure love, no disapproval or condemnation. It is on his CD “Lift Up Your Voice.” On his other CD, “I Come Into Your Presence” there are sev- eral songs that help me enter into Jesus’s presence: “Take Me Deeper,” “Purify Me” and “My Strength and Shield.” All of which he played the next day at a free concert with a full band and all the money from the offering went to his step-son that is on a mission with YWAM. Because Michael Robert has surrendered everything to God and has gone deeper in His Love he motivates and challenges his listeners to do the same. If you know of a CD that is a good worship experience you can email me at featurecd@ I was totally dependant upon him to provide a home for my children. He was the provider, however looking back I see that I also worked 40 hours a week. But I was still convinced I could do nothing worthwhile “without him.” His favorite words for me were stupid, ugly, useless. I believed him until God opened my eyes to the truth! “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!” God said I was His precious child and He would take care of my kids and me, Himself! I took Him up on His promise. That was 27 wonderful years ago. I am now a happy great-grandmother. One breath, one Savior, one God, one truth, one lesson, one opportunity, one accident, one illness, one healing, one salvation. One abortion, one birth, BAY MARKET Come in and meet new owners Dan & Kathy Cornagey ~ Featuring Kathy’s Deli ~ Sandwiches made to order • Paninis • Cold Beverages • Snacks 644 SW Bay Blvd. Newport (541) 574-4364 Premiere ProPerty maintenance Assessment, Repair, Remodel Complete u Custom u Quality u Service Residential/Commercial u Interior/Exterior John S. Robinson CCB# 102915 ~ Breakfast all day ~ (541) 867-6002 541-574-0885 [email protected] Proud Member of IBEW/NECA We specialize in scratch cooking. South over Yaquina by Bridge, left at the light, under the mermaids, in Aquarium Village one life to live. Each of those are absolute facts in everyone’s life, either directly or indirectly affecting us personally. I’ve often thought of what the consequence would have been had my father succeeded in forcing my mother to have one abortion... me! Granted it was wartime, they were poor, they already had one child and they couldn’t afford another. To be honest I wish I had never been told the truth that he didn’t want me. I’m not sure I’ve ever really been able to forgive him, as hard as I try. That one fact broke my heart forever. If he had been successful the world would be a very different place. I have four children, eight grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren. None of them would exist nor generations after them! Does ONE make a difference? I know it does to God and it does to anyone who loves their Maker, Father God! AboveboArd electric inc. For All Your Electrical Needs PO Box 387 Toledo OR 97391 [email protected] (541) 574-2948 CCB # 154247 Page 3 Klahowya Sihks (“Hello Friend”) in Chinook Jargon) My Need For A Savior By Dan Lundy, Sacred Ground Outreach Sometimes my Native American blood cries out for my people. I see so many who are enslaved to drugs, alcohol, abuse, pornography, apathy, low self-esteem, poverty and self-destructive lifestyles. I remember when I was one of those “worst of the worst” and how totally lost I felt. I didn’t know who I was or where I was going. I was self-absorbed and lost in the truest sense. I needed to be saved from myself and the destiny I had carved out for myself. I needed a savior. There is a growing philosophy in Indian Country that goes something like this: “Our ancestors had everything they needed at one time. The life they led was healthy, balanced, good in every way. The way of life was given by Creator and met every need of the people, physical, spiritual, emotional. Then the white man came, conquered us, colonized us and took those things from us. As a result of that, we now suffer from cultural trauma which can only be undone by returning to our early cultural values. This can be accomplished through a process of returning to tribal traditions, religions, rites, ceremonies, under the mentorship and direction of tribal elders and other visionary leadership.” I agree with a lot of what that philosophy identifies as “cultural trauma.” I believe that is a very real factor in the state of many of our tribal members who suffer from drugs, alcohol, addictions, etc. I get that our roots were nearly destroyed, our history lost, our people virtually enslaved, our traditions torn from us. I realize that the early churches oftentimes were used as puppets to mistreat our people. I also realize that those churches were not following the teachings of Jesus. I get it. What I don’t get is how restoring the old ways will restore us to a right relationship with our Creator. Where is the “Jesus Factor” in this? Why not go for the whole enchilada PAstor DAn lunDy if we are looking for healing. II Chronicles 7:14 says this, “If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray, seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from Heaven, forgive their sin and heal their land.” This old writing is a proph- Pastor Dan Lundy, Sacred ecy of the coming “savior” Ground Outreach (Siletz whose name is Jesus. I am Foursquare Church). all for healing, restoration, the return of tribal pride, land, Creator had one son, His respect and traditions. I love name is Jesus. He is the way the traditions of our people. to the Father Creator. He is the They have their place and are only way. extremely important. But those I still cry out for my people. traditions won’t save us from I pray that they will learn to ourselves. They won’t restore love Jesus, who is the true way us to right relationship with to the Creator and to healing Creator. our land and our people. Consider This: The True Meaning of Love By Amanda batYashua “Master, which is the great commandment in the law? “Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. “This is the first and great commandment. “And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. “On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.” –Mat. 22:3640, KJV QUICK’S The true meaning of ‘love’ has been lost in our culture today, twisted to the concepts of the Greek mindset. Today, one would describe ‘love’ as ‘strong liking,’ ‘a passionate attraction and desire,’ or ‘very strong affection.’ But this is not what the Messiah meant. In one word, in one thought, lies the answer to every successful marriage, and that thought is ‘love,’ a word that we have reduced to a sliver of its true merit. As it is with the covenant between a man and a woman, love is also the answer to our perfect covenant – marriage covenant, if you will- with God. In the Hebrew mindset, ‘love’ is so much more than an emotion; it is loyalty, honesty, faithfulness, devotion, trust- + Affordable Computer Services + Repairs, Supplies, Sales + Computerized Accounting Sales, Setup and Training Computer Services 4909 S. Coast Hwy South Beach, Oregon 97366 Ph: (541) 867-7515 Fax: (541) 867-7516 Page 4 Owner Brett A. Quick worthiness and obedience. It was with this thought of love that the Messiah answered, “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God…” because, oddly enough, being a Hebrew, he thought with the Hebrew mindset. By quoting Deuteronomy 6:5, the Messiah was saying, Thou shalt be loyal to, honest with, faithful to, devoted to, trustworthy and obedient to the Lord thy God. In Matthew 22:40, the Messiah declares, “On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.” There is a popular belief that he is declaring these commandments the only two left of any significance. On the contrary, the Messiah is stating that the words of the prophets and every command given by God can be summed up in these two. For example, ‘you shall not take the name of the Lord in vain’ and ‘you shall have no other gods before me’ are expansions on the first and greatest command, “Love the Lord thy God.” Likewise, by not bearing false witness against your neighbor, you are showing your love for him. After all, how are you loving your neighbor if you’re telling everyone he’s a thief? How are you loving your spouse by being unfaithful? How are you loving God by disobeying Him? In John 14:15 the Messiah goes on to say, “If ye love me, keep my commandments.” This leaves us with the obvious parallel “If you don’t keep My commandments, you don’t love Me.” “Jesus answered and said unto him, If a man love Me, he will keep My words: and My Father will love him, and We will come unto him, and make our abode with him. “He that loveth Me not keepeth not my sayings: and the word which ye hear is not Mine, but the Father’s which sent Me.” –John 14:23,24 Interesting? I hope so. Please email me with questions or comments at [email protected]. Thank you. Disclaimer: Views, opinions, and advice expressed in the Post are not necessarily those of Winds of Praise Broadcasting founders, board, or volunteers. Getting Past the “Liners” a band... each person has his area for using his own gift.” Mark explained God provides tools and others for getting a job done. (Note: Mark Hall’s book, “Your Own Jesus: A God Insistent on Making It Personal” will be out this month). ••• When going to a place that may make some uneasy: Megan Garrett of Casting Crowns: The band has been to North Korea twice. Megan said it has been good to put a face to the nation; to build relationships and friendships. One of the trips was a weeklong festival of the arts involving representatives from many nations, honoring the leader and his birthday. ••• How to put things in perspective: Rich Moore (bass, vocals for Newworldson): Says the band’s families are close and tight. He and his wife are learning to live a life of service before material gains and other things. Rich explained that they are blessed doing this and are being good stewards of what they are given. Rich continued, “Jesus Aliya continued from page 2 said, ‘Follow Me’... it is not an easy path.” ••• When things don’t turn out as we had dreamed: Brian Doerksen (wrote “Now is the Time to Worship,” among many other worship hits) has two severely handicapped young sons who cannot speak. “I am a bit of a thinker, philosopher... I dreamed of having sons to talk with... (but through my sons) I hear the voice of God; the voice of the heart.” One son seeks Brian out first thing in the morning to give him a hug. “It is beyond words... (a glimpse of) the kingdom of God,” Brian said. ••• Overcoming obstacles: Israel Houghton of New Breed (and worship leader for Joel Osteen’s mega-church in TX) could easily have been an abortion statistic; his mother is white, and his biological father is black. His mother became pregnant with him as a teen in the early 1970’s, when Waterloo, Iowa was host to a very segregated society. A stranger later witnessed to his mother in CA, then eight months pregnant and a druguser. Israel’s band’s goal is to be cross-cultural, cross-generational and cross-denominational. Concerning worship Israel said, “God is not controlled by our skin tones or where we came from... we get there as anyone else... worship is about Him, and getting over ourselves. (It shows) if we have a heart for God. (One) needs to get to the basics.” ••• Sharing the Lord with others: Having just turned 18, Holly Starr graduated from a combination of being homeschooled and attending regular high school. The story behind her song “Unaware”: at cosmetology school, she became good friends with a fellow student who had a gang background and had served jail time. He made a turn-around continued from page 1 the land of Egypt. But, As the Lord lives, Who brought up the children of Israel from the land of the north and from all the countries to which He had driven them. And I will bring them again to their land which I gave to their fathers. Behold, I will send for many fishers, says the Lord, and they will fish them out; and afterward I will send for many hunters, and they will hunt them from every mountain and from every hill and out of the clefts of the rocks.” We sense an urgency to help and encourage the Jewish people to go home now before the hunters come. Anti-Semitism is on the rise. According to God’s Word, the church has been given the awesome honor of being part of His plan to comfort His people and help in the prophetic fulfillment of Israel’s return to the land. “Thus says the Lord God, Behold, I will beckon to the Gentiles and lift up my banner to the peoples: and they will bring your sons in their arms, and your daughters will be carried on their shoulders.” Isaiah 49:22 in his life. Discussions of life and God followed with Holly’s friend; he had attended church in his childhood. Just 2 weeks after Holly witnessed to him, she received the news that he had died in a car accident. It was a very dark time. She asked, “God, did I ever take the chance to show your love?”. God comforted Holly, showing His faithfulness. ••• I will let the pages of photos tell the rest of Creationfest NW ‘09’s story. My 35 mm Minolta is in semi-retirement, so enjoy the digital coverage from Guy’s camera and also Keith Berry, veteran photographer from WA. If you have never been to Creationfest, plan on it for next year or if you have been, make it a summer tradition! It is worship... Christian rock bands... childrens entertainment.... meaty sermons... baptisms.... amusements for the daring (rock walls; and a bungy ride)... and huge “merch” tents. Totally awesome, dude! Walter S. Duvall, CFP 2015 N.W. 39th Suite 303 Lincoln City, OR 541-996-6197 1-800-299-8824 HOWARD A. ADAMS Certified Public Accountant 833 S.W. Government St. Newport, OR 97365 (541) 265-6959 FAX (541) 265-6938 3515 N.E. Quay Lincoln City, OR 97367 (541) 994-8440 FAX (541)994-3190 E-mail: [email protected] We are now in the process of preparing for the much larger, worldwide Exodus (Jeremiah 16:14-15, 23:7-8), which is soon to come. Our message is to awaken the church to God’s call to be involved in helping His Jewish people go home! Please pray that the Jewish people choose to listen to the inner stirrings of God’s voice calling them home. You may be wondering why this is important. It is because the restoration of the Jewish people to their land will trigger in the coming of the Messiah. It is also a fulfillment of prophecy, and it is a sign of the end times. The return of the Jewish people to their land demonstrates God’s faithfulness to His Word. He keeps His promises and His Word is true. Finally, we need to be obedient to His Word in helping the Jewish people return home. You can help by praying, giving financially, and encouraging others to get involved in helping the Jewish people. Lucinda Shirley is a member of Toledo Foursquare Church. n PLumbing L o c n i L Commercial & Residential Serving Lincoln County for over 30 years! Norman Kosydar, Owner 541-265-7576 • PO Box 315 • Siletz,OR CCB#160939 • New, Remodel and Repair Snip N’ Clip’ DOG GROOMING SPECIALIZING IN POODLES & TERRIERS 24 Hour Notice for cancellation required Sue Cole 568 S.E. Benson Rd. Newport (1 mile east of Embarcadero) 265-8678 Page 5 Healing Evangelist at Coast Vineyard Fellowship in Lincoln City A street healing evangelist will be a special guest at Coast Vineyard Christian Fellowship in Lincoln City Aug. 22 at 7 p.m., and Aug. 23 at 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. The church is located at 1505 NE 6th Dr. in Lincoln City. Healing evangelist Todd White was a drug addict and atheist for 22 years. He was at a point of suicide when God came into his life and set him free. Todd’s heart is to equip the church and activate them to live a 24/7 Kingdom Lifestyle. He preaches the Gospel everywhere he goes and God backs it up with signs following. It is common for Todd to see dozens of people healed while he goes about his everyday life. He is known to pray for healings at restaurants, stores, stop lights and bus stops, among other places. Todd’s home base is with Neck Ministries in PA, where he is a ministry leader and teacher. He also teaches with Randy Clark’s Global School of Power and Love. He is fre- quently seen on the Christian Broadcasting Network with Gordon Robertson. He has been blessed to receive impartation from Bill Johnson, Rolland and Heidi Baker, Randy Clark, and Benny Hinn. Todd is a cast member of the reality show, God Squad, which goes onto city streets across America. This program will be seen on secular television, and can currently be seen on the internet. On this show, people encountered on the streets find healing and their broken lives restored to peace and love as they feel the supernatural presence of the Lord on their bodies in a physical and undeniable way. For further information, background and healing videos, you can find Todd White at, w w w. g l o b a l a w a k e n i n g . com, and, or Patricia King’s Extreme Prophetic site. The Coast Vineyard Christian Fellowship can be reached at (541) 557-1771. Poolside Jan’s HOT TUBS SALES • SUPPLIES • SERVICE Insured & Licensed CCB# 135851 [email protected] Janet Davenport 152 NE 6th St. Newport (541) 265-4649 Fax (541) 265-9853 Lynetta’s Book Corner l ynettA s mith By Lynetta Smith Blue Like Play Dough by Tricia Goyer Ever feel pulled and pushed and stretched? In her memoir of parenting life, Tricia Goyer shares insights of parenting she’s learned over the past two decades as a parent of three. Using word pictures most moms can relate to, such as noodles and play dough, she relates lessons she learned as a pregnant teen, a homeschooling mom with toddlers, and through the teen years. While she was raising and schooling her kids, God called her to full time writing, mentoring pregnant teens, and care for her aging grandmother full time. All of that serves to humble, stretch, and shape her into the mother and wife God wanted her to be. She and her husband John live with their three children and her grandma in Montana. In her transparency, she reveals much of what she’s learned as a child of God, a mother, and a wife. She leads us through lessons in the death of her grandfather and wounded friendships. We’re served a helping of carrot soup and treated to puppet shows. Through it all, Tricia weaves the analogy of being shaped like play dough by the Creator of it all. One of my favorites is the chapter on kneading truth into our lives through Bible memorization. It reaffirmed the importance of tucking in scripture to pull out when we need it the most. I have often recalled a certain verse when I needed help in gauging a response or a tidbit of wisdom. I was inspired again to memorize more and more scripture. Another concept that struck me was that God would stretch and shape my children too. As SCHONES CHIROPRACTIC Dr. Paul Schones Chiropractic Physician 265-5550 Billing & Main Office 1164 S.W. Coast Hwy., Suite G Newport, OR 97365 The Blossom Shop Tues. & Thurs., 3-6pm 440 Commercial St. Waldport, OR 97394 Serving your community for over 51 years. TIRES • BRAKES WHEELS • SHOCKS BATTERIES ALIGNMENT 1738 North Coast Hwy. Newport, OR 97365 541-265-8262 or 800-398-8262 Page 6 563-5505 NEWPORT TOLEDO Carol Adams, Owner 541-265-6604 1155 SW Coast Hwy 541-336-1611 415 NW A Street Worldwide Floral Delivery MONDAY-FRIDAY 7:30-6 • SATURDAY 7:30-5 a parent we often don’t want them to endure pain, so we shield them from it as best we can. Tricia points out that this pain is sometimes necessary in our kids’ lives for God to do this work. Sometimes this comes in the form of conviction of sin, or when they join in ministry, but just like God is shaping us, so He does with our kids. (This is why they memorize the scriptures with me!) Whether it’s been years since you’ve pressed brightly colored dough into animal shapes with your little one, or you have yet to experience that pleasure, Blue Like Play Dough is a great read. You’ll be encouraged and convicted in your parenting life as Tricia shares some of her most poignant and life-changing stories. Lynetta lives near Nashville TN, where she is a freelance writer and a homeschooling Mom. She’s been published in Chicken Soup for the Soul: Lessons I Learned from my Cat (release date Sept. 22), Clubhouse Jr., and Credo. Disclaimer: Views, opinions, and advice expressed in the Post are not necessarily those of Winds of Praise Broadcasting founders, board, or volunteers. At the Tone the Correct Time will be... Jon Thompson is from The House of Yeshua Fellowship in Lincoln City. Feel free to contact him with your comments at jont_isme@ By Jon Thompson missing link that proves evolution, we don’t need God.” Every age comes up with some new knowledge or idea that makes God obsolete. That’s what makes it a new age, some new discovery or realization. Each time we come up with a new understanding, it seems we have to go through the phase. Then when the new knowledge fails to solve the world’s problems, and often when it gets to the point that the world is worse off than it was before the new discovery, a remnant turn back to God. And, most of the world descends into darkness. Even in our corner of the world, we are not immune from rampant abomination. Lincoln City is having another homosexual celebration in September. The organizers of the event call it a ‘pride’ event, but God calls it abomination. (See Leviticus 20:13) Today it’s becoming a crime to be righteous and right to be a sinner. The time is here that those on the Lord’s side need to stand. A portion of the Good News that seems to have gotten lost somewhere along the way is, “Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are you when men revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account. Rejoice and be glad, for your reward is great in heaven, for so men persecuted the prophets who were before you.” (Matthew 5:10-12) 265-9800 744 SW Elizabeth St. Next to the Hallmark Resort God’s followers have rarely been politically correct at any time in history and it seems they are not going to start any time soon. God has given us some markers in His timing so we can call up His word and find out what time it is in His schedule. Maybe not to the microsecond, or even the day and hour, but at least we can know the season and we will know what signs precede immediately before the Day of the Lord. As we compare what is happening in the world with the prophecies in the Scriptures it appears the correct time is… near the end. The Good News is also that when Messiah returns, He will clear up any of the misunderstanding about whether there is a God, and whether worldly knowledge supersedes the knowledge and plan of God. Oh, look, here comes another one of the signs. Brenda Polendey Bookkeeping Service Payroll & Full Cycle Bookkeeping 941 SE Loren Lane • Toledo, OR 97391 [email protected] (541) 336-2047 celllular phone: (541) 270-6296 HelpMeFindMyWayHome.Com Register Your Pet Online Registration No. w 000020000 w. He w In the “dark ages,” before the internet, atomic clocks, even before digital clocks, if you wanted to know what time it was, you could call a phone number. A recorded voice would say “At the tone, the correct time will be…” the voice would give you the time, then, after a pause, you would hear a tone. Today, I can check my computer or my atomic clock and get the correct time accurate to within a few microseconds. I can also go online and look at any one of several sites and find out the time the sun will rise, and set, when the moon will be visible, and when almost any celestial event will occur. One site I visited had the solar and lunar eclipses listed from 300 B.C. to 2095 A.D. It’s amazing the amount of knowledge available to us today. We have the texts of thousands of historical books readily available. We can see what the weather is just about anywhere in the world within a few miles. We can even see satellite photos, updated regularly, of many places. But with all of this massive knowledge, the knowledge of God is diminishing. We have become so secure in our knowledge we seem to have forgotten the beginning of wisdom is the fear of God. Our increase in and access to knowledge gives us the impression that we can do anything. World and local leaders tempt God with their own agendas and flaunt their perversions in His face, because they now know there is no God. They have relegated Him to a primitive time when we didn’t understand what made things tick, and we had to rely on superstition. They dismiss those of us who still believe in God as anachronisms of a time of ignorance. It would be disheartening to realize, that now that we know everything, God is irrelevant, if this age of enlightenment were not just a rehashing of all the earlier “ages of enlightenment.” But this new age of information and knowledge is just another in a long line of ‘wow we know so much we don’t need God anymore’ periods. “Oh look, now that we can make fire and control it, we no longer need God.” “Wow, we can plant seeds and harvest, we don’t need any God.” “Since we can mine and refine metal into spears, we don’t need a God.” “Oh look, now that we know the earth is round, we don’t need God.” “Now we know that microbes cause disease, we don’t need to believe in God.” “Now that we can see atoms, we don’t need to believe in a God.” “Look we can live as sexual perverts, now we don’t need a God.” “Look, we found Ida, the lpM eFin om J on t homPson dMyWayHo .c me and get an ID tag like this for your pet. Online Locator Service The Old Vicarage 140 NE Alder Toledo (541)336-2797 11-6 Thurs-Sat Noon-6 Sunday Home of the Yaquina River Museum of Art American Grounding Systems, Inc. Custom Straps • Bulk Braids PO Box 729, Port of Toledo Industrial Complex, Unit 6, 625 NW Bay Blvd., Toledo, Oregon 97391 541-336-2426, fax 541-336-2427 [email protected] • [email protected] Page 7 ” was a “Casting Crowns w ie rv te in r) to Getting t for me (cente es nf io at re C f ) o big highlight (with Tim Luke s l’ al H k ar M t k ou now, this year. Chec r Own Jesus” o new bo k, “You r new album! and in Nov., thei legal I.D., ds of Praise’s in W in ” -P “L ay, ‘ P.S. About the “You should s d, ai s l al H k ar __!” ... M t in _______ ea gr t bu er w ’? Low in radio po worship music n ‘i t u o ab w o h Leech) (photo by Guy Did we say something wrong? No, the Crowns are just clowning for the camera... (photo by Guy Leech) Memories Left: Way beyond the fun; the bands; the speakers; and the sun and scenery... hundreds make the most important decision of their lives at each Creationfest: accepting Jesus Christ as their personal Savior. Here, Creationfest founder, Harry Thomas (right), baptizes a teen. (photo by Guy Leech) Compiled by Kelli G. Albright, POST Editor “Are we having fun yet?” The Winds of Praise van got in the wrong entrance line for Creation this year. Waiting patiently in a spot of shade: summer morning DJ Guy Leech and his friend, Derek Malloy. (photo by Kelli Albright) Page 8 Rock on, Relient K! (photo by Keith Berry of KBLD, Richland, WA) Summer morning DJ at Winds of Praise, Guy Leech (right), bass player for “R interviews ed,” Jasen Rauch, on the press build in g patio. (photo by Derek M alloy) ith er Stephanie Sm ck ro y nk u sp d Cute an winter. ith Tobymac this w ng ri u to be WA) ill w KBLD, Richland, of y rr Be h it Ke (photo by Memories This example of the “worship arts” was painted on stage during an evening session at Creationfest. The artist did most of the painting with the canvas upside down... amazing! (photo by Guy Leech) Indy award-winning artist Holly Starr, 18, is way beyond her years in talent and maturity. Holly has been writing songs for the past 14 years, and started piano lessons in the first grade. (photo by Guy Leech) Page 9 Memories eed New Br g in e b t u s. lks abo d denomination a t n o t ough es an Israel H across cultur h) uy Leec G y b o reaching (phot Israel Houghton and New Breed had way too much fun on stage in the worship tent and had the audience dancing. (photo by Keith Berry of KBLD, Richland, WA) Above: “Red” is an intense, hard rock ba Here, Mik nd. e Barn performs es . (photo b y Guy Lee ch) Violinist Mike Hogan of the David Crowder Band. A really good show! (photo by Keith Berry of KBLD, Richland, WA) Page 10 Chris Tomlin sang from the heart for the candlelight service Fri. evening at Creation. (photo by Guy Leech) ‘Operation Space’ VBS offered at Newport First Baptist Church Newport First Baptist Church will be holding Vacation B i b l e School during the week of August 10-14, from 9 a.m. until noon. Vacation Bible School is open to children ages 2 years old through the sixth grade. The theme is “Operation Space, A Close Encounter with God’s Word.” In this galactic adventure, kids will learn how God reveals Himself through His world and His Word. They’ll enjoy songs, puppet skits, crafts, games and goodies. Each day, they will learn more about our great Creator as they crisscross the cosmos! Newport First Baptist Church is located at 208 N.W. 6th Street, next door to Bike Newport. For more information, or to pre-register, you may contact the church by telephone at 541-265-5811. What is Winds of Praise? O ur primary goal is to encourage people to worship God, in the name of Jesus Christ, every day, 24 hours a day. We do this primarily through the broadcast of contemporary (modern) praise and worship music. We have live DJs at specific times throughout the day. We have time available for the rebroadcast of local church sermons and Bible teachings. We are not from any one denomination, but work with many people from many Christian denominations and groups. Want Winds of Praise to “travel” to Toledo and Siletz? Let’s Do some math... Space on a tower is available, to increase Winds Of Praise’s broadcasting range; cost would be $300 / mo. Churches (in addition to current supporters): $10/mo. church directory “Post” listing x 30 churches for tower space $300 (tower space/ mo.) Businesses: $40/mo. (standard “Post” ad and 2 on-air, non-commercial daily announcements) x 8 businesses ...or Businesses: Special Yearly Pkg. $500./yr. (“Post” ads and non-commercial on-air announcements) Individuals: Seek the Lord as to what He would have you contribute to this non-profit ministry. Remember the widow’s mite. For more information: Studio msg. phone: (541)574-1892 $320 (covers tower-plus for 1 mo.) Underwriter E-mail: [email protected] Mail: Winds of Praise, P.O. Box 491, Newport, OR 97365 of the Month Stop in & visit us for lunch. 265-7822 340 N. Coast Hwy Page 11 Churches of Lincoln County The churches listed on this directory all actively support Winds of Praise Broadcasting and share a common belief that the scriptures of the Holy Bible are true and accurate, including John 14:6, where Jesus says “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.” Atonement Lutheran Church, 265-2554 2315 N. Coast Hwy., Newport Sunday Worship: 8:15 a.m., 11:00 a.m. Calvary Baptist Church, 265-5232 903 SW Alder St., Newport Sun. 9:45 & 11 a.m. “Setting Addicts Free Eternally” Sun. 6 p.m.. Tues. 7 p.m. Soup Kitchen Covenant Faith Ministries, 541-875-4995 192 “B” South Main St., Toledo Meeting times: 10 a.m. Sun.; Wed. 7 pm Bible Study. Everyone welcome First Baptist Church of Newport, 265-5811 208 NW 6th Hispanic Ministry Sun. 6 p.m. Two Sunday Services at 9 a.m. and 10:45 a.m. Christian Education during both services; plus Midweek Service and Bible Studies First Baptist Church of Siletz 444-9323 (Church) 933-8075 (Pastor Rick Russell) 377 SW Swan Ave, Siletz Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Sunday Worship 10:45 a.m. First Baptist Church of Toledo 336-2161 NW 11th & Nye Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Sunday Worship 11:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. Wednesday Worship 6:00 p.m. First Presbyterian Church, 265-2841 227 NE 12th St., Newport Mid-week contemporary worship service every Wed., 7-8 p.m. Service times: 10 a.m. Sunday. Middle School youth: 5 p.m. Sun. Sr. High 7 p.m. Sun. House of Yeshua, Followers of the Jewish Messiah Jesus, 921-1892 798 SE Hwy 101, Lincoln City (inside the Radio Shack bldg.) Sabbath Services Sat. 12:00 noon Bible Study Tue. 6:30 p.m. Join us as we observe the Biblical Feasts. Lighthouse Vineyard Christian Fellowship, 574-4499 704 SW Hurbert St., Newport Sun. coffee hour 9:15 a.m.; Sun. celebration meeting 10 a.m., Every Fri. “Encountering God” (Times of worship and ministry) New Life Foursquare Church, 994-9319 2700 NE 22nd St., Lincoln City Sun. 10 a.m.; Wed. 7 p.m. Logsden Neighborhood Church, 444-1078 6631 Logsden Rd., Logsden Sun. 10:30 a.m., Call Church for weekday Bible studies info Newport Church of the Nazarene, 265-6684 227 NW 12th, Newport Sunday Morning Worship: 8:30 & 11:00 a.m. Sunday Evening Worship: 6 p.m. Wednesday Service: 6:30 p.m. Nursery & childcare available Newport Seventh Day Adventist Church, 265-2041 558 NE 1st, Newport Services: Sabbath School @ 9:30 a.m. Saturday, Worship services at 10:45 a.m. Saturday Sacred Ground Outreach (Siletz Foursquare Church) 444-1199 Meeting at Logsden Neighborhood Church bldg., Sun. Potluck 4:30 p.m., Worship 5:30 p.m. St. Peter the Fisherman - Lutheran Church 994-8793 1226 SW 13th Lincoln City Adult Bible Study and Youth Sunday School Sunday 9 a.m. Traditional Service 10:30 a.m. Bible Study Wed 6:30 p.m., South Beach Chapel, 867-6477 3024 Ferry Slip Rd., South Beach Sunday 9 a.m. South Beach Christian Fellowship 867-7886 3335 S. Coast Hwy., South Beach, OR 97366 Services: Sun. 10:00 a.m. & Wed. 6:30 p.m. prayer and Bible reading Toledo Foursquare Church, 336-1013 1803 NW Lincoln Way Sun. 10 a.m., Wed. 7 p.m. Waldport Foursquare Church 563-4154 185 Huckleberry, Waldport Sunday Worship 10 a.m. Call for weekly Bible Studies AuGuST CALENDAR OF EVENTS Aug. 9: Sacred Ground Outreach outdoor church service at Pow-wow on Government Hill, 10 a .m . Guest speaker, Pastor Rick Russell of Siletz First Baptist Church Aug. 10: VBS First Baptist Church, Newport . Ages 2 years to 6th grade . Pre-register, info: 265-5811 Aug. 11: Mid-Coast Christian School Open House, 8 a .m . - 6 p .m ., 1811 Arcadia Dr . Page 12 P.O. Box 568, Lancaster, NY 14086 Ph. 716-681-6300 • Email: [email protected] Website: Newport Foursquare Church, 265-9241 215 NW 15th St., Newport Sun. 10 a.m., Home Meetings: Wed. 7 p.m. If your church is not listed on this directory and you’d like to see it added, please call us at 574-1892 Aug. 8: Siletz Farmers Mkt . of Sacred Ground Outreach (Siletz Foursquare Church), 9 a .m . - 3 p .m . North side of Siletz Valley Grange on Gaither St ., Siletz . Space will be available for vendors during pow-wow, Aug . 7 - 9 Call Kelli, 541-444-2017 for more info . Ebenezer Emergency Fund USA (former Arcadia School bldg .) in Toledo Info: ph . 541-336-2234 . (See Principal Rick Russell’s article, page 2) Aug. 22: Siletz Farmers Mkt . of Sacred Ground Outreach (Siletz Foursquare Church), 9 a .m . - 2 p .m . North side of Siletz Valley Grange, Gaither St . in Siletz . Vendors: call Kelli, 541-444-2017 Aug. 22 & 23: Coast Vineyard Christian Fellowship, 1505 NE 6th Dr ., Lincoln City, ph . 541-557-1771 . Guest speaker, Healing Evangelist Todd White 8/22: 7 pm; 8/23: 9 a .m . and 11 a .m . Aug. 24-28: Newport Church of the Nazarene VBS, 9 a .m . - 12 noon, K - 6th grade . Info . 265-6684 . KWPB 98.7 FM Programming Guide Scott: Live . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mon-Fri 5 am - 6 am Guy’s Morning Show . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mon-Fri 6 am - 9 am Feature Full Length CD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mon-Fri 9 am, 4pm, 9pm “Night Live” with Don Heist . . . . . . . . . . . Mon, Wed-Sat 5 pm - 7 pm “Fri. Night Inferno” (youth music) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Fri, 7 pm - 9 pm “Español” Programming . . . . . 7 pm - 9 pm weekdays, when available Children’s Programming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sat 9-9:15 am “The Tent / Soaking” with Aimee Herd Mon-Thurs 4 am, 10 am; Fri 4 am, 3 pm Pastor Scott Schones from South Beach Christian Fellowship Fri 10 am The Atonement Hour . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Wed 12:30 pm Newport Foursquare Pastor Warren Willie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Thu 2 pm Winds of Praise Broadcasting Statement of Faith We believe: That the Bible is God's inspired, authoritative, infallible Word. 2 Tim 3:16, 17 That there is one God, eternally existent in three personalities; Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. 2 Cor. 13:14 That Jesus Christ, born of a virgin, sac- rificed His own life by shedding His blood on the cross for our sins, and was resurrected by God from death to provide eternal life to those who accept Him as Lord and Savior and is soon coming back for His church. Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life. "No one comes to the Father, but through Me." John 14:6 That the Holy Spirit, the Helper, is active, sent by the Father, dwells within us, and daily leads us a teaches us in all things. John 14:16, 17 That Jesus Christ is the head of His church, and that His church is composed of individual members and fellowships created to serve unique yet necessary functions and that love is the greatest of all gifts given to His church. 1 Cor. 12 & 13 Winds of Praise Officers and Board of Directors: Scott Albright (Sacred Ground Outreach-Siletz Foursquare) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . President Kelli Albright (Sacred Ground Outreach-Siletz Foursquare) . . . . . Vice President and POST Editor Steve Boyd (Coastline Fellowship) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Board Member Sylvia Boyd (Coastline Fellowship) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Board Member Jiroo Kuroda (First Baptist, Newport) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Board Member Johanna Kuroda (First Baptist, Newport) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Alternate Board Member Don Heist (South Beach Chapel) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Board Member Sharon Heist (South Beach Chapel) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Board Member Winds of Praise Broadcasting is a non-profit 501(c3), organization, operates 24 hours a day at 98.7 FM in the Newport, OR, area; and on the Internet at We play contemporary Christian praise and worship music, and some sermons.