chief school officers - Houston Independent School District
chief school officers - Houston Independent School District
WELCOME Houston Independent School District to HISD 2013 2014 STAAR TESTING What your child must pass to graduate 6 Pullout Calendar Find important dates, holidays, and phone numbers 11 Welcome to HISD // 2013 - 2014 welcome // ¡Bienvenido! // Marhaban // chào mù’ ng WELCOME TO HISD IS AVAILABLE ONLINE IN ENGLISH, SPANISH, ARABIC, AND VIETNAMESE AT WWW.HOUSTONISD.ORG/WELCOME A Message from Superintendent Terry B. Grier As a child matures, we measure their success in steps. Each milestone marks a move forward down the road to adulthood. As each new school year approaches, it’s a time to reflect on the many steps our students have taken on the road to a quality education. Last year we saw both small steps and, more importantly, giant leaps toward our educational goals. Students took the new State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR) tests for the first time, and most met the tougher educational challenge. Our graduating seniors totaled more than $186 million in scholarships. HISD was nominated for the Broad Prize, the most coveted honor a public school system can win. Families in Houston choose HISD because they know we are doing some of the most innovative, ambitious work in the country to ensure all of our students receive a high-quality education. In the coming months, I anticipate even greater strides as we continue to guide, motivate and facilitate student achievement and educator excellence. As we welcome both new and returning families to the district in 2013-2014, I hope all members of Team HISD are as excited about our upcoming journey as I am. With each step we move closer to our goal of becoming great all over. Terry B. Grier, Ed.D. Superintendent of Schools Board of education BOARD SERVICES: 713-556-6121 Anna Eastman District I, President Juliet K. Stipeche District VIII, First Vice President Manuel Rodriguez, Jr. District III, Second Vice President Rhonda Skillern-Jones District II, Secretary Michael L. Lunceford District V, Assistant Secretary Paula M. Harris District IV Lawrence Marshall District IX Greg Meyers District VI Harvin C. Moore District VII T he Board of Education is the official policymaking body of the Houston Independent School District. The nine trustees, elected from separate districts, serve four-year terms. They represent the residents of their individual districts, but also serve the larger community as a whole. The board holds regular meetings on the second Thursday of each month. Agendas are available online ( Agendas) and from the Board Services Department (4400 West 18th Street). Anyone wishing to speak to an agenda item may register with Board Services by 11 a.m. on the day of the board meeting. There is also a Hearing of Citizens (public forum) at each regular meeting where individuals can voice concerns or present information. Register with Board Services by 4:30 p.m. the day before the board meeting. Board policy is available online at HISD anti-Discrimination Policy It is the policy of the Houston Independent School District not to discriminate on the basis of age, color, handicap or disability, ancestry, national origin, marital status, race, religion, sex, veteran status, political affiliation, sexual orientation, gender identity and/or gender expression in its educational or employment programs and activities. 2 Welcome to HISD // 2013 - 2014 STAY CONNECTED Online news blog hisd-TV facebook twitter YouTube Web Find us on the web at eNews: HISD-TV can be viewed on cable within Houston city limits 24 hours a day on Comcast (Time-Warner) cable channel 18 and AT&T Uverse cable channel 99. HISD’s weekly e-newsletter is available in English, Spanish, and Vietnamese. It includes information about districtwide programs and initiatives, staff and student accomplishments, and school and campus-based news. To subscribe to eNews, go to Find us on Facebook HISD-TV Watch HISD Tune in to HISD’s own 24-hour cable access channel every day to stay up to date on the latest news and information involving the district and its nearly 300 schools. or Follow us on Twitter and and chief school officers H ISD has five chief school officers who oversee elementary, middle, high, alternative and external charter schools. The district also has 25 school improvement officers, and one external charter school compliance officer. These individuals provide leadership to principals, align resources and support for teachers, and ensure that the district is providing equitable and quality educational opportunities to its students. Elementary School Office Main 713-556-7100 Parent Community Assistance 713-556-7121 Middle School Office Main 713-556-7102 Karla Loria Michael A. Cardona Chief School Officer Elementary School Office I Angela McConico Director Elementary School Office I Sidney “Chip” Zullinger Parent Community Assistance 713-556-7121 Chief Middle School Officer Tony D’ Angelo, Director Middle School Office High School Office Main 713-556-7143 Chief School Officer Elementary School Office II Parent Community Assistance 713-556-7121 James Metoyer Chief High School Officer Director Elementary School Office II Samuel Sarabia Chief School Officer Elementary School Office III Orlando P. Riddick Mark Shenker Director High School Office Melanie Heasley Director Elementary School Office III Welcome to HISD // 2013 - 2014 3 ENROLLMENT+CONDUCT school choice where and when to enroll Enrollment + immunizations documentation requirements enrollment eligibility out-of-district transfers attendance zones school supplies + Uniforms special education services student conduct Attendance Requirements school hours HISD Information Center 713-556-6005 Federal and State Compliance 713-556-6731 Office of School Choice 713-556-6734 Office of Special Education Services 713-556-7025 Student Transfers 713-556-6734 Student Conduct 713-556-7140 4 Welcome to HISD // 2013 - 2014 School Choice HISD is a district of choice with dozens of educational options for students. The district offers a variety of school options, including strong neighborhood, magnet, and specialty schools. Families may choose from a range of programs including Montessori, early college, fine arts, gifted and talented, career and technical education, early childhood, virtual instruction, and many others. For more information about these and other programs, as well as the application and school choice process, log on to, or call 713-556-6734. Students who do not reside within HISD’s attendance zone may transfer where space is available. No out-of-district transfers shall be accepted into separate and unique school (SUS) Magnet programs or specialty schools on campuses that do not have an attendance zone. See Board Policy FDA (LOCAL) at Policy Online ( for details. Where and when to enroll Each school in HISD handles its own registration and enrollment. To find out the enrollment schedule for a specific school, call the school. Enrollment process and immunizations To register and enroll your child in the school that he or she is zoned to attend, bring to the school the child’s birth certificate or other proof of age and identity, proof of your identity and residential address (driver’s license and utility bill), and a record of your child’s current immunizations signed by a doctor. Your child may be eligible to enroll provisionally if the required immunization process has begun. (For details about necessary inoculations and clinic locations, visit HealthServices or call 713-556-7280.) Texas law requires that a child must be enrolled by the child’s parent or guardian or another person with legal control of the child under a court order. It also requires the district to record the name, address, and date of birth of the person enrolling the student. Documentation requirements Every school district requires, as a condition of enrollment, identification of each student that must be under a student’s legal name as shown on that student’s birth certificate or another legal document. The parent or legal guardian must furnish documentation of the student’s identity, age, and residence and a copy of the student’s records within 30 days of enrollment (or 90 days if the student was born outside the U.S.). If the student does not have a Social Security number, HISD will assign a Public Education Information Management System (PEIMS) number. No student may be denied enrollment solely because of failure to meet the documentation requirements. Enrollment is provisional, however, pending receipt of the required documentation and verification of eligibility. A parent or legal guardian who resides with relatives or friends within HISD and who wishes to send a child to an HISD school must submit a statement of residence. The parent or guardian must complete the statement at the zoned school and must supply (1) photo identification; (2) a letter from the official resident of the address at which the applicant is living, stating how long the applicant has lived at that address; (3) the name of the school the student attended most recently; (4) a copy of the official resident’s most recent bill for electricity, gas, or water; and (5), if the residence is an apartment, a valid lease giving the name of the official resident. HISD Board Policy FD(LOCAL) at Policy OnLine ( allows the district to require verification of address information, including inspecting the residence to determine whether it is actually where the student lives. (For assistance, call School Choice at 713-556-6734.) If your child is entering HISD from another school district, you will also need a record of current immunizations and his or her most recent report card. The school will also request an academic transcript from your child’s previous school. that each school serves. HISD assigns each student to a “feeder pattern” composed of a specific elementary, middle, and high school on the basis of his or her home address. To determine which schools serve your residence, use the online “School Zone Search Tool” (, or call Student Transfers at 713-556-6734 or the HISD Information Center at 713-556-6005. Students are not zoned to specific schools for prekindergarten and may attend any school or pre-K center with available space. Enrollment Eligibility Children may attend HISD schools if they live within the boundaries of HISD, are between the ages of 4 and 21, and have not graduated from high school. To be eligible for first grade, a child must be 6 years old by September 1 of a given school year. Although state law does not require students to attend kindergarten, it is excellent preparation for first grade. To enter kindergarten, a child must be 5 years old no later than September 1 of a given school year. Special Education Services If your child is experiencing difficulties with learning in school, please contact your school to learn more about what type of assistance is available. The first point of contact at the school should always be your child’s teacher. When working with your child’s teacher, if you suspect your child has a disability, ask that your child be referred to the campus intervention assistance team (IAT). Your child’s teacher will then work with the IAT to find the appropriate supports to match your child’s needs. If you request a Section 504 or Special Education evaluation because of a suspected disability the school should respond within five to 10 days. The IAT will either formally refer your child for an evaluation or formally inform you of a decision not to evaluate and why. You are a part of this process and any decision about a Section 504 or Special Education evaluation will be made with your participation. An evaluation cannot take place without your written consent. If your child is identified as a child with a disability, an Admission, Review, and Dismissal (ARD) or Section 504 committee will convene to review the evaluation results and discuss possible services. Out-of-District Transfers Students who do not reside within HISD’s attendance zone may transfer where space is available. No out-of-district transfers shall be accepted into secondary separate and unique school (SUS) Magnet programs or specialty schools on campuses that do not have an attendance zone. See Board Policy FDA (LOCAL) at Policy On-Line ( for details. Attendance Zones Most schools have specifically defined attendance zones that include residential areas School Supplies and Uniforms Supplies Although many schools have similar requirements for what children should bring to class at the start of the school year, parents should contact their child’s school directly to obtain a list of required supplies before making their purchases. Supply lists for grades 7 through 12 may vary from school to school, as the course of study in secondary classes is more specialized. Teachers will distribute school supply lists for specific secondary level classes as needed. Uniforms Dress codes and school uniform requirements are determined at the school level. A uniform list is available online at Contact your child’s school for details. Student Conduct All students and parents receive copies of the Code of Student Conduct, which describes disciplinary offenses and how the school district handles them. Parents are responsible for ensuring that their children adhere to the rules and conventions of proper behavior while at school. HISD has a policy of “zero tolerance” for student behavior that could disrupt instruction or pose safety hazards on HISD property and at school-related events. Such behavior includes the possession of weapons, drugs, or alcohol. The Code is also available online (see Attendance Requirements It is each parent’s duty to require his or her school-age children to attend school, monitor each child’s attendance, and request a conference with school officials to discuss any attendance concerns. In HISD schools, a student must attend at least 90 percent of the days the course meets during the school year in order to receive credit for a course. Students with excessive absences will need to submit a timely appeal to the principal or Attendance Committee of the school to determine whether credit may be awarded. Students and parents must use the established school process for appealing credit lost due to excessive absences. State law provides that if a student is absent from school without parental consent for any portion of the school day for three days in a four-week period or for 10 or more days in a six-month period, the student and the student’s parent or legal guardian are subject to prosecution by the Harris County Justice of the Peace Courts or Municipal Courts. The student may also be referred to a juvenile court. Principals may excuse absences for personal illness, death in the family, or other legitimate reasons. Teachers will give students an opportunity to make up work for all excused absences. School Hours, Early Dismissal All HISD schools are in session Monday through Friday, and every school is required to have a seven-hour, 15-minute instructional day. However, specific schedules vary at different campuses, so contact your child’s school to find out its starting and ending times. Throughout the year there are several days on which schools dismiss students early to allow time for instructional planning, professional development, and parental involvement activities. HISD has assigned five Wednesdays as early dismissal days. Welcome to HISD // 2013 - 2014 5 enrollment and conduct continued Early dismissal days are: September 25 October 30 November 20 January 29 February 19 Please verify dates with your campus. Releasing Students During School Hours A student may be released during school hours only to the person who signed the student’s enrollment form or who has legal custody of the student, or to a person who has the parent’s written permission to have the student released. That person must first present identification to the school office. Visiting Schools Parents and members of the community are welcome to visit HISD schools. Every visitor, however, must sign in at the school office and observe campus procedures. Visits may be limited by the school principal and cannot disrupt school activities. testing and promotion standards testing staar promotion standards Student Assessment 713-349-7460 Federal and State Compliance 713-556-6731 Make note Students entering ninth grade are required to pass STAAR end-of-course exams to graduate from high school for more information blogs email [email protected] 6 Welcome to HISD // 2013 - 2014 Testing HISD uses a variety of national, state, and local measures to monitor and improve student learning. Information about testing, including descriptions of each assessment, is available through your child’s school. Testing dates are available online at STAAR Every year, students in Texas are required by law to take statewide tests to measure whether or not they have mastered the material in their current grade or course. For years, students have been taking the Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills (TAKS). In 2011-2012, TAKS was replaced in grades 3-9 with a new statewide testing program, the State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR). STAAR will be phased in gradually. This year, the tests will be given to all students in grades 3-11. STAAR is more rigorous than TAKS and is designed to measure students’ college and career readiness. In general, questions on the new exams will have multiple steps and will require greater thinking. STAAR assesses the same subjects and grades that have been covered by TAKS in grades 3 through 8. However, at the high school level, course-specific assessments will be replaced with 12 assessments. Students entering ninth grade are required to pass STAAR end-of-course exams to graduate from high school. New legislation signed into law in June reduced the number of STAAR end-of-course (EOC) tests that high school graduates must pass in order to graduate to five in the subjects: algebra I, English reading and writing I and II, biology, and U.S. history. In future years, students will need to pass STAAR exams to be promoted to the next grade level. For more information on STAAR, visit www. or see the STAAR Q&A blog at Promotion Standards In order for HISD students to be promoted to the next grade level, they must show that they have learned what the State of Texas requires of all public school children. HISD “Promotion Standards” generally include classroom grades and a local or state test. Details about the standards are available online and through your child’s school. Student Success Initiative (SSI) The Student Success Initiative (SSI) was created by the Texas Legislature to ensure that all students receive the instruction and support they need to be academically successful in reading and mathematics. Under the state SSI grade advancement requirements, students are required to pass the State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR) grade 5 reading and mathematics tests to be promoted to sixth grade. Additionally, students are required to pass the STAAR grade 8 reading and mathematics tests to be promoted to the ninth grade. HISD requirements differ in that all grade levels students must pass the High Frequency Word Evaluation in grades 1 and 2, STAAR reading in grades 3–8, and STAAR math in grades 4–8 to be promoted to the next grade level. Students in elementary grades must also have an overall yearly average of 70 or above in all courses taken and a 70 or above in reading/ language arts, math, and science or social studies. Middle school students must also have an overall average of at least 70 and 70 or above in three of the following subjects: language arts, math, science and social studies. For more information on the Student Success Initiative and the state requirements for accelerated instruction in reading or mathematics, please contact your child’s school. For more information on promotion standards for HISD students, please visit MEALS AND TRANSPORTATION bus routing and scheduling breakfast, lunch and snacks Medical care at school Bus services 713-613-3040 Health and Medical Services 713-556-7280 Risk Management 713-556-9225 BUS ROUTING AND SCHEDULING HISD assists its parents in providing transportation to general education students eligible for district-provided transportation. To determine eligibility, a request is made through the student’s campus transportation coordinator to the Transportation Services Department. If eligible, the student will be assigned to a designated route and stop location (often situated at an HISD campus). These stop locations are usually within one mile of the student’s residence but are no farther away than two miles. The parent or legal guardian of a student who qualifies for bus service is responsible for transportation to the student’s assigned bus stop. If a special-needs student’s Individualized Education Program requires transportation services, HISD provides bus service to the closest available program that meets the student’s needs. The parent or legal guardian of a student who does not qualify for bus service is responsible for the student’s transportation, if needed, to the assigned campus. With the METRO Q Fare Card (Q stands for “quick”), all elementary-school (over the age of 6) through high-school students receive a 50 percent discount on fares (which are automatically deducted from the card each time it is used) and free transfers. The card provides faster boarding, tracks riders’ progress toward earning five free trips for every 50 paid rides, and protects balances if it is ever lost or stolen. For complete details, call METRO at 713-635-4000 or visit For information about eligibility and bus stops, contact your child’s school or visit Breakfast, Lunch, and Snacks HISD provides nutritious, well-balanced breakfasts, lunches, and snacks to help students perform better in all areas of their lives. Approximately 270,000 meals are served each day providing necessary nutrients, whole grains, low-fat proteins, and fresh fruit and vegetables for our students. The HISD Food Service Support Facility provides signature wholesome foods from its bakeshop and hot and cold foods kitchens. Breakfast is free for all students, and the student lunch is $2.25. Lunches are available to qualifying students at no cost or at a substantially reduced rate. Applications for free or reduced price meals are available online at and at each school. HISD’s First Class Breakfast program serves all elementary and middle school students a free nutritious, hot and tasty breakfast to their classrooms every morning. High school students are offered free breakfast daily in the cafeteria before school. More information and Welcome to HISD // 2013 - 2014 7 meals and transportation continued menus is available online at Medical Care at School The school will contact parents or a designated relative or a family friend if a student becomes ill or suffers an injury. Be sure to list all emergency telephone numbers on your child’s enrollment card. Prescription medication can be administered at school only when advance written parental and physician permission is on file. Only personnel designated by the principal may administer prescribed medication to a student during the school day. Medication must have the prescription label affixed to the container. For additional information, contact the school principal or school nurse. Student Insurance By law, public schools are not liable for injuries that students receive while on campus. HISD does, however, make available affordable voluntary accident insurance. 8 Welcome to HISD // 2013 - 2014 Parents can buy full-time coverage (24 hours per day) or coverage only for those hours when their child is at school. Enrollment information is available from Texas Kids First; call 1-800388-5620 or visit For information about health insurance for uninsured children sponsored by the State of Texas, call 1-800-647-6558 or visit FAMILY AND COMMUNITY Family and Community engagement ps connect parent rights+responsibilities resolving issues working together Business anD community partnerships get involved Parent Community Assistance Center 713-556-7121 family and community Engagement (FACE) 713-556-7290 Strategic Partnerships 713-556-7200 Volunteers in Public Schools (VIPS) 713-556-7200 Family and Community Engagement (FACE) The former parent engagement department was reorganized in May 2013 and renamed the Family and Community Engagement (FACE) department. The department’s focus is to ensure that all of HISD’s efforts to engage families reach as many families as possible and are long-lasting. To have the greatest reach across all of HISD’s school communities, FACE will offer support, assistance, and professional development for school administrators and staff who work directly with parents to ensure that programs and activities for families are research-based, linked to student learning, and tailored to individual school community’s needs. FACE will offer the following services for parents: Home Instruction for Parents of Preschool Youngsters (HIPPY): HIPPY is a home visit program for parents of children ages 3, 4, and 5 that uses role play to teach parents developmental activities they can use with their child. FACE will collaborate with the School Support Office to identify which campuses will participate in the HIPPY program. Workshops: FACE will continue to find ways to partner with social service agencies across the metro area and connect them with schools to provide workshops and classes for parents and community members. Online tools: FACE offers tools for schools, parents, and community members to link their activities to learning. Please visit our website at For more information, please call the Family and Community Engagement Department at 713-556-7290. PS Connect HISD implemented the Parent Student Connect website to give parents and students an opportunity to monitor grades, attendance reports, class schedules, upcoming assignments, and report cards. There are opportunities for parents and teachers to communicate with one another, and parents can request that they be notified if their child’s grades fall below a certain level. To sign up for Parent Student Connect, log on to and follow the step-by-step guide. Those who need additional assistance can call the HISD Help Desk at 713-556-7378. Welcome to HISD // 2013 - 2014 9 family and community engagement continued Parent Rights and Responsibilities: To promote academic success for all HISD students and to strengthen a mutually respectful relationship between parents and schools, HISD Parent Rights and Responsibilities was developed. This document is available online ( Resolving Issues HISD is grateful for the support it receives from the parents of our students, and all HISD employees share with parents the goal of achieving what is best for those students. Nevertheless, sometimes parents and school personnel may not agree on a particular issue. If you do not understand or do not agree with an action or a policy that affects your child, the first person to turn to is your child’s teacher. Make an appointment to meet with the teacher and discuss the matter. If that does not resolve the problem to your satisfaction or if your concern is with something that involves the whole school, take the issue directly to the principal. In the unlikely event that the principal cannot resolve the problem, the next step is to contact the Parent Community Assistance Center at (713) 556-7121. Working Together: Business/ Community Partnerships Schools are enriched through partnerships that match their needs with resources. If you are affiliated with a community organization, business, nonprofit agency, civic group, faith-based organization, etc., you can help HISD by participating in its partnership program. Partners are needed who can provide mentors, tutors, supplies/services, or financial contributions. Get involved! Volunteers in Public Schools (VIPS) is HISD’s volunteer program. VIPS members serve as tutors, mentors, teacher partners, security patrols, chaperones, interpreters, cafeteria monitors, as well as helpers in libraries, media centers, clinics, and offices. Visit or call Strategic Partnerships at 713-556-7200 for more information. constRuction projects Bond Program bond program email [email protected] 10 Welcome to HISD // 2013 - 2014 The Houston Independent School District is undergoing a historic transformation to rebuild its facilities so that students and teachers will have schools equipped for 21st century learning. As the district moves forward with planning for the 2012 bond program to renovate, build, or replace 40 schools, work is underway to finish all the projects in the 2007 bond program over the next two years. To date, most of the approved work in the 2007 bond program is complete. Among the milestones are 20 new schools that are open and serving students. Three additional schools are under construction, with two slated to open for students this fall. Overall, the $805 million in funding approved by voters in 2007 included more than 180 expansion and renovation projects across the district. Because so much of the 2007 bond program focused on elementary schools, HISD officials decided in 2012 to ask voters to put bond dollars to work on the district’s high schools. The $1.89 billion program, approved by an overwhelming majority of voters in November 2012, will rebuild or replace 40 schools across the city, including 29 high schools, many of which are more than 50 years old. As of June, architect contracts have been awarded for 29 projects (including 24 schools), middle school restroom renova- tions and district athletic facility upgrades. More contracts are expected in the coming months. Both the 2012 and 2007 bond programs share some common ground, including an emphasis on providing environmentally sustainable learning environments. Overall, the district’s bond programs are: Progressing on schedule and within budget Promoting environmental sustainability Exceeding goals for M/WBE participation Emphasizing community engagement Operating with transparency and accountability For more information on the bond program, go to or email [email protected]
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