The Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed (All Souls
The Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed (All Souls
A community of Faith hope and love The Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed (All Souls) November 2, 2014 Grant them rest, O Lord! ’ T. B ERNARD S S CATHOLIC CHURCH MISSION STATEMENT 516-731-4220 Phone/516-731-4355 Fax Email: [email protected] Website: We are a Parish Community of men and women who serve God, our country and one another. Inspired by St. Bernard’s love of God and humanity, we proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ by praying and worshipping together, educating one another in faith, providing assistance for those in need, working for justice in the world, and welcoming all to the sacramental life of the Church in the Roman Catholic tradition. With Faith, Hope, and Love, we dedicate ourselves to the mission of living and sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ in the world. PASTORAL TEAM Father Ralph Sommer, Pastor [email protected] ext. 130 Father Joe Nohs, Associate Pastor [email protected] ext. 128 Deacon John Blakeney [email protected] 516-731-4220 Deacon James Flannery [email protected] 516-731-4220 Deacon Timm Taylor [email protected] 516-731-4220 Father Joy Varkey, Resident Priest [email protected] ext. 124 Father Martin J. Hall, Retired Priest in Residence Sr. Margaret Sammon, O.P., Director of Religious Education [email protected] 516-731-8511 Phone/516-731-7860 Fax The Religious Education Center is closed on Fridays. Sr. Christine Sammons, O.P., Coordinator of Parish Social Ministry [email protected] 516-731-6074 Ms. Sarah Kropac, Coordinator of Youth Ministry [email protected] Mrs. Mary Jane Witte, Director of Liturgical Music [email protected] ext. 142 Ms. Diane Vella, Pastoral Associate [email protected] ext. 143 Mrs. Rose Marie Rotondo, Sacristan [email protected] 516-731-4220 Mr. Len Lanzi, Facilities Manager ext. 120 Mr. Matt Gagas, Maintenance Supervisor [email protected] ext. 126 Spiritual Life Schedule of Masses: Saturday: 8:00 am and 5:00 pm Sunday: 7:30 am, 9:00 am (Family Mass), 10:30 am, 12 Noon, 5:30 pm (Youth Mass) Weekdays: 8:00 am Holy Days: see website: Confessions: Saturday: 4:00 - 5:00 pm. Weekdays: After the 8:00 am Mass Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal Novena and Benediction: Monday: Check schedule on page 4 & 5 Morning Prayer: Monday through Saturday 8:30 am, Prayer Room. Books are available. Baptism of Children: We welcome infants and children to our Christian community! Baptisms are held on select Sundays at 1:30 pm. Please contact the parish at least 3 months before an anticipated baptism – even before a new child is born – to ensure enough time to complete the baptism preparation process. Our three-step preparation process includes: 1) at-home reading and preparation by the parents; 2) an intake conversation with a member of our parish staff; and 3) participation with other parents in a Sunday morning gathering, which begins with attendance at our 9:00 am “Family-friendly” Mass. Please call 731-4220 or e-mail [email protected] to request a Baptism information and preparation packet. Marriages: Church arrangements should be made at least 6 months before the marriage and before making any contracts with restaurants or caterers. Please call the Would you like to join our vibrant community of Faith, Hope Rectory to set up an appointment with a priest, 731-4220. and Love at St. Bernard’s? Sign-up and get to know us at Ministry to the Sick and Aging: If you are, or know of one of our monthly New Parishioner Registration and Wel- someone who is homebound and would like to receive Holy come evenings! For information, call the parish office at Communion, please call the rectory at 731-4220. 516-731-4220, or download a form from our website St. Vincent De Paul Society: 735-3218 Click on “Join St. Bernard’s Usher Coordinator: John Lyons (516) 390-5150 or Parish” on the left side of the home page form. If you [email protected] move away, please notify us as well. Bulletin Deadline: Friday, 5:00 pm, nine days prior to publication. You may email us at [email protected] or leave a printed copy in the inbox on the bulletin desk in the Parish Office. Thank you for your cooperation! 2 St Agnes Awardees E– mail Father Ralph: [email protected] Check out the Pilgrimage If everything works out the way I’d like, I can get good internet coverage in Israel and I’m able to post my pilgrimage photos and podcasts during these days I’m away on retreat in the Holy Land. Check out: holyland to join me virtually on my trip. Thanks for all the prayers and good wishes. Whether the internet is working or not, I’ll certainly be praying for all of you. Change in Plans Last week I wrote that we had hired a new Head of Maintenance person. The person we hired changed his mind about taking the job and a few new applicants have come forth so we’re in the midst of interviewing them. One of the first things I’ll do when I get back is work on finalizing this. In the meantime if you spot any garbage blowing on the property (Hempstead Tpke is a great contributor!!) please pick it up! Each year pastors are asked to nominate a person or a couple whose service to the church, community and God are exemplary so that they could be recognized with the St. Agnes Medal of Service that Bishop Murphy established over a decade ago. It’s hard to limit that choice in a parish such as ours where there are so many people who generously give of their time and talent. But it wasn’t hard to choose Jerry and Pat Rosalia for this year’s award. A few months ago when parishioners were writing to me about worthy recipients of the “Spirit of St. Bernard” award, the Rosalias were enthusiastically mentioned. Our whole staff concurred that Jerry and Pat ought to be this year’s nominees for the diocesan award. Last Sunday, Jerry and Pat were given the St. Agnes Medal of Service by Bishop Murphy and it was such a joy to see them accept it in the midst of the many holy men and women who came from all over the diocese. In case your life hasn’t been touched by the Rosalias (yet) I should tell you a bit about them. Pat and Jerry have served the parish of St Bernard's and the Levittown community for many years. Currently Pat is the head of the Saint Vincent DePaul Society, ably assisted by her husband. Jerry has been head usher for 12 years until he recently handed on this role -- yet he still covers special Masses and assists on a regular basis. Pat has also been a catechist for six years, and a greeter at Masses and served on the hospitality committee for special events. Pat and Jerry are seen in the community as compassionate servants, with a deep love of God, their parish and the community they serve. Be sure to congratulate them and thank them for their service and love. 3 Parish News Gifts of treasure Sunday collections Blessing of Dedication Bricks Today All Souls Day, November 2 after the 12:00 pm Mass. This is also our monthly Hospitality Sunday, so coffee and cake will be available after the blessing. October 26, 2014 October 27, 2013 $ 14,452.15 $ 13,542.05 668 envelopes 629 envelopes Faith Direct $ 1,901.63 $ 2,136.75 Total Collection $ 16,353.78 $ 15,678.80 Second Collection - Catholic Ministries Appeal $ 3,393.20 $ $2,591.30 253 envelopes TODAY! Charitable KIDZ of St. Bernard's Coat Drive Sunday Nov 2nd 8am–1pm Following morning Masses DROP-OFF @ PARISH CENTER Capital Campaign Goal: $1,000,000.00 Pledged: $1,199,925.00 Collected to date: $ 781,369 DONATE YOUR NEW OR GENTLY USED CHILDREN’S COATS (clean please ) TO BENEFIT THE HOMELESS & NEEDY Please continue to fulfill your pledge commitment so that all of the planned projects can be accomplished. Thank you for your continued generosity. The Rosary Confraternity will meet in the church on Monday, November 3 for the 7:30 pm Novena. We will recite the Rosary and then proceed to the Parish Center where Fr. Joe will speak to us about the Saints. All women of the parish are welcome! Have you enrolled yet? Code = NY272 Parish Monday, 7:30 pm 7:30 pm 7:45 pm Tuesday, 10:00 am 6:15 pm 6:30 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:30 pm 8:00 pm Wednesday, 10:00 am 7:30 pm 8:00 pm Thursday, 10:00 am 2:15 pm 7:00 pm Veteran’s Blessing. Next weekend, November 8th and 9th, there will be a special blessing at all Masses for all Veteran’s. On Sunday November 9, 2014 there will be a special mass at 3:00 in loving memory of all the deceased parishioners of St. Bernards who passed away this past year. There will be light refreshments in the parish center following the mass. All are welcome to attend. The November Altar Server Schedule can be found on our website: under “Ministries”. 4 November 3 Adult Ed Course, Parish Center Miraculous Medal Novena, Church Rosary Confraternity Mtg, Parish Center November 4 Our Lady of Consolation, Parish Center Children’s Choir Practice, Parish Center CDA Pasta Night, Gym Spanish Rosary, Prayer Room Boy Scouts, Cafeteria Adult Choir Practice, Church AA Meeting, School room 207 November 5 Empowering Faith Course, Parish Center Awakening Faith, YM Room Prayer Group, Parish Center November 6 Shawl Ministry, Parish Center St. Vincent Meeting, Clairvaux House Most Holy Trinity Novena, Prayer Room Sacraments mass intentions This listing may not reflect recent changes or additions. Monday, November 3 8:00 am All Souls Novena Tuesday, November 4 8:00 am All Souls Novena Wednesday, November 5 8:00 am All Souls Novena Thursday, November 6 8:00 am All Souls Novena Friday, November 7 8:00 am All Souls Novena Saturday, November 8 8:00 am All Souls Novena, Sister St. Monica, John Chung-Salomone 5:00 pm For All Parishioners Sunday, November 9 7:30 am Living and Deceased Members of the Lynch, Albano, Walsh Families 9:00 am Marguerite Foley 10:30 am Thomas Rhatigan, All Souls Novena, Teresa Filippone, Marguerite Foley 12:00 pm John A. Harms Jr. 3:00 pm Memorial Mass Deceased of Parish 5:30 pm Kathryn J Slone calendar Friday, 7:00 pm Saturday, 9:00 am 9:00 am 9:00 am 10:00 am 11:00 am 5:00 pm Sunday, 8:00 am 9:00 am 10:30 am 3:00 pm 4:00 pm 4:30 pm 8:00 pm BANNS OF MARRIAGE First Time Justin Moore, St. Bernard Parish, Levittown, NY Allison Colby, St. Bernard Parish, Levittown, NY for the sick of our parish All names will remain on the list for 4 weeks after you call in. After that time we ask, if necessary, to call again. Thank you for cooperating and God bless all. Evelyn Braithwaite Frank Dima Vicki Jacona Terry Sherwood Laureen Quinn-Sturge Rosalie Travers Diane Drescher Marianne Spong Please pray for all those on our Long-term Sick List Baby Mason Francis Combs Susan Arena Arlene Barsch Helen Clarke Rosemary Clark Roberta Curran Juanita Dones Jim Finlan Kathleen Flaherty Bob Foley Colleen Grasing Mike Hach Patricia Hafner Carolyn Hakim Suzanne Hanna Donna Hare Frances Haskell Judy Hupfer Gervas Ignacio Jerome W. Kalkhof Frances H. King Eileen Klein Robert Lane Tia Mabanta Andrew Mahoney William McDonagh Mary McLean Gerard McManus Mary Messina Irmgard Montanino Brian Nohs Kerri Orlando Johnny Perdue Rosina Perri John Piciulo Raymond Pfiefer Catherine Pipinou Joan Rampolla Fred Rappa Deanne Reilly John Rotondo, Jr. Federico Rueda Terri Saccente Eve Saint Thomas Saint Terry Sherwood Joseph Smithwick, Sr. Norma Steiger Marina Suazo David Testa Donna Vollaro Theresa Votta Pat Welisher (Subject to change) November 7 Girl Scout Troop 3567 Mtg, Parish Center November 8, Veteran’s Blessing at all Masses Awaking Faith, YM Room Grade 1 & 2 First Penance Parent/ Child Meeting, Church Rosary Confraternity Bake Sale, School Lobby Special Education, Parish Center Women’s AA Meeting, Cafeteria Veteran’s Blessing during Mass November 9, Veteran’s Blessing at all Masses Rosary Confraternity Bake Sale, School Lobby RCIA, Parish Center Veteran’s Ceremony at 10:30 Mass, Church Ministry of Consolation Memorial Mass, Church Ministry of Consolation Memorial Reception, Parish Center Youth Ministry Meeting, YM Room AA Meeting, Cafeteria Pray for our beloved deceased And those who mourn for them Carmela Malik Inclusion Sunday November 16th, 2014 is a special day in our parish which Fr. Ralph has set aside as INCLUSION SUNDAY. It tells everyone that we honor and respect people who happen to have mental or physical challenges. It’s a day meant to remind us to look past these challenges and see the beauty of each person. So please join us on November 16 as we thank our Lord for the talents He has bestowed on all the members of our St. Bernard family! 5 ATTENTION MARRIED COUPLES! If you were married in a CIVIL CEREMONY first and LATER got married in a CATHOLIC CHURCH (known as a “convalidation”), we’d like your input about the experience. This is in connection with Pope Francis’ Synod on Marriage and the Family, and will help us serve couples like you better. 1. Why did you get married civilly first and then in the Church? 2. How long were you married civilly before your Church wedding? 3. How do you feel about the process/experience of your “convalidation?” Was it a positive/ negative/mixed experience? Why? 4. What could the Church do better to help civilly married couples get married in Church? You may answer these questions on the back of this form or on a separate piece of paper. Please be sure to include your contact information below. Return in an envelope addressed to “Marriage Survey”, and drop in collection basket, or bring or mail to 3100 Hempstead Tpk., Levittown, NY, 11756. NAME/S: _________________________________________________PHONE: __________________________ E-MAIL: ____________________________________________________________________________________ ADULT FAITH FORMATION Centering Prayer Diane Vella, Pastoral Associate NEED YOUR FAITH EMPOWERED?? Come to EMPOWERING FAITH Monday, Nov. 17, 10:30 a.m.-12:00 noon Parish Center study and discussion groups for adults of all ages! TOPICS: Putting the Pieces Together (Faith) A New Vision (Hope) Expanding Our Hearts (Love) 3 Mon. starting Nov. 3, 7:30-9:00 pm OR 3 Wed. starting Nov. 5, 10-11:30 am in the Parish Center Led by Sister JoAnn Walsh, RSM PLEASE PRE-REGISTER FOR THE EVENING SESSION! Contact Diane Vella at 516-731-4220 or [email protected]. 6 Advent is only 4 weeks away! Advent Day of Reflection Advent Evening prayer Thurs. Dec. 4, 9:30 a.m.– 3:00 p.m. St. Bernard’s Parish Center This year we are extending our beautiful Evening Prayer services to the Advent season as well as the Ms. Pat Leonard, facilitator Lenten season. At this hectic time, come rest and As a leader of spiritual retreats and facilitator in adult faith formation, Pat meditate in the beauty of candlelight, incense, and experiences her ministry as a wonderful gentle, uplifting music and prayer! opportunity to enlighten minds and open hearts to God’s Grace and Immanence. An educator for 35 years, Pat currently teaches college theology at St. John’s University and St. Joseph’s College. Pat and her husband live in Bethpage. 3 Wed. in Advent, 7:30 p.m. Guest Preachers: Dec. 3 father Todd Saccoccia Father Todd is Associate Pastor at St. Rose of Lima in Massapequa, and is fondly remembered at St. Bernard’s for the brief time he served here last year. Welcome back, Father Todd! Cost for the day is $20. Morning coffee and lunch are included. Leave or mail name, contact info, and cash or check payable to St. Bernard’s Church for: Diane Vella 3100 Hempstead Tpk., Levittown, NY, 11756 Dec. 10 rev. cliff kretkowski Cliff Kretkowski is a retired Minister from the Church of the Nazarene, where he served for nearly 20 years. He has spent his adult life helping people better connect to God through the church as a teacher, preacher and pastor. Information at 516-731-4220 or [email protected] Dec. 17 S. diane morgan, o.p. Sister Diane is Pastoral Associate at St. Ignatius Martyr in Long Beach, and speaks and preaches in parishes throughout the diocese. She is a member of the Sisters of St. Dominic of Amityville. 7 8 9 Parish social ministry Sr. Christine Sammons, O.P., 731-6074 4:00 p.m. @ Nassau County DSS, 60 Charles Lindberg Blvd., Uniondale. RSVP: 516-227-7404 by November 10th. (It is imperative to pre-register because of security at DSS.) The website noted above is an excellent resource for those concerned with this important issue. St. Vincent de Paul: We are inviting our parishioners to “Think Thanksgiving,” and we are asking for specific items and/or baskets. We will assemble the baskets for our families, including the following items: Charitable KIDZ Children’s Coat Drive: Bottle of cranberry or apple juice Large can of fruit cocktail Large can of sweet potatoes 2 cans of corn 2 cans of string beans 2 jars of turkey gravy 1 box of Stove Top stuffing 2 cans of cranberry sauce 1 can of coffee 1 box of tea (100 bags) Roll of paper towels Package of paper napkins Dish detergent Supermarket gift card for a ham, turkey, (or a frozen turkey.) Our Charitable KIDZ are having a children’s coat drive after all Masses this Sunday, November 2nd in the parish center. They will be accepting new and gently used (clean, please) coats for children in need. If you are going through your children’s winter clothes and find a treasure which no longer fits, we would be happy to share it! If you (or a group) would like to prepare a complete basket with all of the above items, please let us know! As always, many and sincere thanks! The Saint John’s Bible at Molloy College: Molloy College in Rockville Centre has two volumes of the Saint John Bible, the first hand-written illuminated Bible in the past 500 years. It is a truly magnificent work of art, compared in stature to the Book of Kells. Artists and theologians worked together to design the illuminations, all original works of art. A symposium about the making and meaning of the Saint John’s Bible will take place at Molloy on Friday, November 21st from 8:45 am-4:00 pm including breakfast and lunch. See Sister Christine for further information and registration ($20). Please remember the poor boxes and to “buy one, get one free!” Excellent Seminar at Molloy College: Molloy College is offering a free program entitled: Breast Cancer: Genetic Counseling, Genetic Risk Factors and Current Research on Thursday, November 13th from 6-8:30 p.m. Check-in and a light dinner will be served at 6:00. This program is sponsored by Molloy’s Division of Nursing and Memorial SloanKettering Cancer Center. The program is free, but preregistration is required by November 7th. Visit www.molloy. edu/ce/nc or call 516-323-3550. We have further information in our office. Thanks to 33 7th and 8th graders who made 493 peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for the INN and our pantry. Thanks, too, to the moms Doreen, Laura, Maureen and Denise, who gave great oversight! The next sandwichmaking event will be Wednesday, November 19th at 4:00 pm in the parish center! We are happy to accept large jars of peanut butter (not chunky) and jelly (not jam)! Thanks! Pills, Powders, Potions and Poisons: As many may be aware, drug use in Nassau County has reached epidemic proportions, Levittown reporting the third highest overdose record. To address this critical issue, the Nassau County Advisory Council (of which Sister Christine is a member) is sponsoring a program called: Pills, Powders, Potions and Poisons: the Current Drug Crisis on Long Island presented by LI Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence ( on Friday, November 14th, 1:4510 The Catholic Daughters of the America’s Court St. Pius, No. 1690 Invite you to our annual “Pasta Night” Tuesday, November 4, 2014, 6:30 pm, St . Bernard’s Auditorium We will be serving salad, pasta, meatballs, beverage & dessert. $12.00 adults $ 5.00 children For reservations, please complete the form below and return with your remittance by November 3, 2014 to: St. Bernard’s Rectory, 3100 Hempstead Tpke., Levittown Attn: Catholic Daughters Or call Sally Cook 731-7933 or Jean Leviton 796-6750 ✄ Pasta Night - November 4th Name:__________________________________________________________ # of Adults__________________ # of children______________________ Amount enclosed: $____________________________________ Catholic Daughters of the Americas Memorial Mass October 18, 2014 Outside St. Anne’s after the Memorial Mass with Fr. Ralph, New York State Chaplain CDA Officers - Nassau & Suffolk 11 Liturgy Corner THE COMMEMORATION OF ALL THE FAITHFUL DEPARTED (All Souls Day) November 2, 1014 Saints of the Week Tuesday, November 4. St. Charles Borromeo (15381584), a doctor of civil and canon law, was a great champion of the Church redefining itself in light of the Protestant Reformation. As Archbishop of Milan, he promulgated the reforms of the Council of Trent, giving special attention to liturgical and clerical renewal. Other significant contributions he made to the Church include the establishment of new seminaries for the education of the clergy, defining a code of moral conduct for clergy, and founding the Oblates of St. Ambrose, a society of diocesan priests, to enforce the reforms of Trent. St. Charles adopted a simple life in which he responded to the needs of the poor and sick by providing monetary and spiritual support. Sourcebook, 2014 A ll Souls’ Day is unique on the liturgical calendar. Neither a solemnity nor a feast, the commemoration outranks other feasts and even takes the place of a Sunday in Ordinary Time. The Lectionary provides many options for today’s Mass. The commentary below is only one of the many options. Prayer for the dead reaches deep into our human history, and it has been our custom from the earliest days of the Church. The belief that our prayers can be of assistance to the dead is a treasured tenet of our Catholic faith. We profess it every time we recite the Nicene Creed: “I look forward to the resurrection of the dead/and the life of the world to come.” First Reading: (Wisdom 3:1-9) To all appearances, death can seem the absolute end of life, beyond which there is nothing more, as the first lines of this reading suggest. How far from the truth this is as the first century author of the Book of Wisdom realized. There is hope of immortality and everlasting blessing. What beautiful images for death: God “takes one” to himself (verse 6). God’s faithful people “abide with him in love” (verse 9). Note also the references of shining and darting about like sparks (verse 7). This is an image of the transformation that the just will undergo in the age to come; they will be like the angels who are described in similar imagery in the Scriptures. Official Vatican Prayer to Saint John Paul II Oh, Saint John Paul, from the window of heaven, grant us your blessing! Bless the church that you loved and served and guided, courageously leading it along the paths of the world in order to bring Jesus to everyone and everyone to Jesus. Responsorial Psalm 23: This is a much loved prayer of confidence whose image of the dark valley represents all our fears and unknowns regarding death. But there is no need to fear; we are led by the Lord to a place of rest and joyful fullness of life in the house of the Lord. Bless the young, who were your great passion. Help them dream again, help them look up high again to find the light that illuminates the paths of life here on earth. Second Reading: (Philippians 3:20-21): God’s Word assures us: our weak and lowly bodies will be transformed, conformed with the image of the glorious Risen Christ. Our eyes have yet to see what is in store for us in the age to come! May you bless families, bless each family! You warned of Satan's assault against this precious and indispensable divine spark that God lit on earth. Saint John Paul, with your prayer, may you protect the family and every life that blossoms from the family. Gospel: (John 14:1-6): Jesus’ words are spoken to his disciples at the meal the night before he died, so they reflect his awareness of the imminence of his own Death. Perhaps what can speak to us the most on All Souls’ Day is the image – again – of Jesus coming to take us to himself at the time of death that we may be with him. He is the way to the Father, the way to our heavenly home. Pray for the whole world, which is still marked by tensions, wars and injustice. You tackled war by invoking dialogue and planting the seeds of love: pray for us so that we may be tireless sowers of peace. Oh Saint John Paul, from heaven's window, where we see you next to Mary, send God's blessing down upon us all. Amen. 12 Readings for NOVEMBER 2, 2014– NOVEMBER 9, 2014 Sunday, November 2. The Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed (All Souls) Wisdom 3:1-9; Psalm 23:1-6; Romans 5:5-11; John 6:37-40 Monday, November 3. Philippians 2:1-4; Psalm 131:1-3; Luke 14:12-14 Tuesday, November 4. Memorial of Saint Charles Borromeo, Bishop. Philippians 2:5-11; Psalm 22:26-32; Luke 14:15-24 Wednesday, November 5 Philippians 2:12-18; Psalm 27:1, 4, 13-14; Luke 14:25-33 Thursday, November 6 Philippians 3:3-8; Psalm 105:2-7; Luke 15:1-10 Friday, November 7. Philippians 3:17—4:1; Psalm 122:1-5; Luke 16:1-8 Saturday, November 8. Philippians 4:10-19; Psalm 112:1-2, 5-6, 8-9; Luke 16:9-15 Sunday, November 9. Feast of the Dedication of the Lateran Basilica in Rome Ezekiel 47:1-2, 8-9, 12; Psalm 46:2-3, 5-6, 8-9; 1 Corinthians 3:9-11, 16-17; John 2:13-22 ”Thank you, Thank you, Thank you” It is with heartfelt gratitude that I write this note to the dear people of St. Bernard’s Parish. I am recovering ahead of all expectations due to the fact that you lifted me up with your prayers, get well wishes and kindness. The horseback riding fall, as bad as it was, allowed me to experience the love of God, first hand, through your overwhelming care and concern. An extra shout out to my helping hands: Diane Vella, Liz Bailey, Rose Marie Rotondo, Nancy and Jim Hoare, the Adult Choir, the Folk Choir, all the cantors who jumped in to save the day, as well as Fr. Ralph and the entire staff. Love you all, Mary (Calamity) Jane Music Director For The Ride Home Atlantic City Bus Trip to Caesar’s Casino November 29, 2014 -Saturday after Thanksgiving This feature is for families to share their thoughts as they travel to and from Church. Holy Innocents Council Bus will leave Holy Innocents @ 9:00 am Six Hour Stay in Caesar’s Atlantic City $45 per person You will receive $20 back from the Casino Limited to 50 Tickets - First come first served Sorry we can not hold tickets Proceeds to benefit Holy Innocents Council For Ticket Information Vin Mineo (516) 306-1152 SIGN UP SHEET AVAILABLE AT HOLY INNOCENTS COUNCIL located at 3581 Jeffries Rd, Levittown, NY 11756 The Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed (All Souls' Day) Gospel: John 6:37-40 Adults: When does your self-will get in the way of honoring God’s will for your life? Children: What do you say and do to show others that you believe in Jesus, the Son of God? 13 MEDIA MISGUIDANCE By Rev. Msgr. James M. McNamara First, the media loves a sound bite. But sound bites do not allow for context and the foundation and history of a given statement, no less the meaning of a synod. Second, whether it be progressives or conservatives, the media loves to give their own spin on things rather than simply report the news. The same exact quote Our rich Catholic tradition and the doctrinal can be used to make a point via one’s teachings of the Catholic Church cannot be ideology. This is not helpful. In addition, reduced to phrases and sound bites. The People tend to too often condescension and prejudice magisterial teaching of the Catholic Church give credence mark the tone of the speaker’s remarks. is not up for grabs. Pope Francis is trying to what is on If you want to receive comprehensive to create a more pastoral and welcoming the internet, information about the Synod (and news approach to persons who seek to live the television or in about the Church) I encourage you to turn Christian life. We are all sinners. We all print. Let us to Telecare, our Diocesan Television fall short of perfection. At present it seems be astute station which is now available on more to me that the members of the Synod are about the platforms than ever before. Telecare is in dialogue with how to assist people on limitations of available on Cablevision, Channel 29 this Christian journey to live with integrity the media. (Nassau and Suffolk) and Channel 137 as they strive to grow in Christian witness (elsewhere), Verizon Fios, Channel 296 faithful to the teachings of Jesus Christ. and Time Warner Cable, Channel 471. Telecare Understandably there will be differences of is also available on line at opinion. Speaking the truth in love involves The Long Island Catholic Magazine comes out holding together both the truth as we proclaim it monthly and they also have a website that is rich and the persons we value as members of the in Catholic teaching and news: Christian community. Neither disregarding Church teaching nor excluding people through judgment serves the mission of the Church in the In today’s world and in today’s Church we world today. I dare say that even the categories have lost the art of respectful conversation. As of liberal and conservative do not help in the Synod members continue their work, our best fostering a healthy Christian community. stance is one of prayer to the Holy Spirit for The recently concluded Synod on the Family in Rome is sparking sound bites from the media. There were a number of very important concerns discussed in Rome. We need to be careful about media misguidance that comes down to catchy phrases and dramatic sound bites. guidance and inspiration. This Synod is meant to be a preparation for the Synod of 2015. So we have ample time and opportunity for prayer and to gather together as one in the presence of Christ in the Blessed Sacrament and around the table of the Lord where we are privileged to hear the Word of God and to receive the Body and Blood of Christ as we sinners seek to become saints. In this age of openness there have been reports given to the media about the work of the Synod. This is fine but it is risky. It leaves the Synod vulnerable to misguidance by the media. We need to allow the Synod to do its work and not latch on to every sound bite that emanates from the media. People tend to give credence to what is on the internet, television or in print. Let us be astute about the limitations of the media. May the Lord give you peace. Msgr. James McNamara serves as Vicar of the Central Vicariate of the Diocese of Rockville Centre and as Pastor in residence at the Parish of Our Lady of Miraculous Medal, Point Lookout. 14 15