A Mediterranean nocturnal heavy rainfall and tornadic
A Mediterranean nocturnal heavy rainfall and tornadic
ATMOS-02354; No of Pages 17 Atmospheric Research xxx (2011) xxx–xxx Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Atmospheric Research j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w. e l s e v i e r. c o m / l o c a t e / a t m o s A Mediterranean nocturnal heavy rainfall and tornadic event. Part I: Overview, damage survey and radar analysis Joan Bech a,⁎, Nicolau Pineda a, Tomeu Rigo a, Montserrat Aran a, Jéssica Amaro a, Miquel Gayà b, Joan Arús c, Joan Montanyà d, Oscar van der Velde d a b c d Meteorological Service of Catalonia, Berlín 38, Barcelona E-08029, Spain AEMET, DT Balears, Palma de Mallorca, Spain AEMET, DT Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain Electrical Engineering Dep., Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Terrassa, Spain a r t i c l e i n f o Article history: Received 16 February 2010 Received in revised form 5 November 2010 Accepted 14 December 2010 Available online xxxx Keywords: Tornado Downburst Catalonia Heavy rainfall Doppler radar a b s t r a c t This study presents an analysis of a severe weather case that took place during the early morning of the 2nd of November 2008, when intense convective activity associated with a rapidly evolving low pressure system affected the southern coast of Catalonia (NE Spain). The synoptic framework was dominated by an upper level trough and an associated cold front extending from Gibraltar along the Mediterranean coast of the Iberian Peninsula to SE France, which moved north-eastward. South easterly winds in the north of the Balearic Islands and the coast of Catalonia favoured high values of 0–3 km storm relative helicity which combined with moderate MLCAPE values and high shear favoured the conditions for organized convection. A number of multicell storms and others exhibiting supercell features, as indicated by Doppler radar observations, clustered later in a mesoscale convective system, and moved northeastwards across Catalonia. They produced ground-level strong damaging wind gusts, an F2 tornado, hail and heavy rainfall. Total lightning activity (intra-cloud and cloud to ground flashes) was also relevant, exhibiting several classical features such as a sudden increased rate before ground level severe damage, as discussed in a companion study. Remarkable surface observations of this event include 24 h precipitation accumulations exceeding 100 mm in four different observatories and 30 minute rainfall amounts up to 40 mm which caused local flash floods. As the convective system evolved northward later that day it also affected SE France causing large hail, ground level damaging wind gusts and heavy rainfall. © 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. 1. Introduction The particular coastline shape and orographic configuration surrounding the Mediterranean basin favours the concentration of cyclone activity —often associated with hazardous weather— on some specific areas, such as the Gulf of Genoa in the Western Mediterranean northern coast (Alpert et al., 1990; Trigo et al., 1999). Jansà et al. (2001) and Campins et al. (2007) studied the relationship between Mediterranean cyclones and heavy rainfall and strong wind. ⁎ Corresponding author. Tel.: + 34 93 5676090. E-mail address: [email protected] (J. Bech). They demonstrated a clear link between cyclone centres located between the Balearic Islands, and the coast of Catalonia (NE Iberian Peninsula), and concurrent high-impact weather effects over Catalonia. Strong maritime easterly winds associated with deep low-pressure systems affecting Catalonia were already examined during the first decades of the twentieth century by the pioneer work of Fontserè (1929). On the other hand, other specific studies evaluated the conditions associated with local severe storms, including tornadic thunderstorms, covering the Western Mediterranean area (Romero et al., 2007; Tudurí and Ramis, 1997). According to the tornado and waterspout climatologies in Spain reported by Gayà (2005, 2009), the Balearic Islands and, particularly, 0169-8095/$ – see front matter © 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.atmosres.2010.12.024 Please cite this article as: Bech, J., et al., A Mediterranean nocturnal heavy rainfall and tornadic event. Part I: Overview, damage survey and radar analysis, Atmos. Res. (2011), doi:10.1016/j.atmosres.2010.12.024 2 J. Bech et al. / Atmospheric Research xxx (2011) xxx–xxx Catalonia are the areas where these phenomena occur more often. Based on a 15-year average over a 30,000 km2 area, typically one tornado per year not exceeding F2 damage in the Fujita scale (Fujita, 1981), is likely to occur in central or southern coast of Catalonia. This is in reasonable agreement with previous general observations and estimates such as those reported in Dotzek (2003). A few tornadic case studies in Catalonia have been reported by Ramis et al. (1997), Bech et al. (2007), Aran et al. (2009), and Mateo et al. (2009). The objective of this work is to describe, document and discuss the event that took place on the first hours of the 2nd of November 2008 when two severe storms associated with an intense low-pressure system affected the southern coast of Catalonia. The thunderstorms produced local flash floods and damaging surface winds, with maximum damage estimated up to F2 in the Fujita scale, in a general context of intense regional wind caused by the synoptic conditions. The study is broken into two companion papers. This is the first one, which gives an overview, a description of the damage, and radar analysis of the event. In the second part (Pineda et al., this issue) a detailed analysis of total lightning observations along the thunderstorms life cycle is performed. The organization of this paper is as follows. In Section 2 a description of the synoptic and mesoscale framework of the event is given, using Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) analysis and forecasts, radiosonde, Meteosat Second Generation (MSG) satellite and radar and lightning observations. Section 3 describes the damage survey of the affected areas and details the thunderstorm analysis with Doppler radar observations. Section 4 provides a general discussion and Section 5 presents a summary and concluding remarks. 2. Synoptic and mesoscale framework 2.1. General setting This description is based on 0.5° resolution Global Forecast System (GFS) model output provided by the US NOAA Environmental Modeling Center (EMC, 2003). From these data a suite of specific maps to support storm convective forecasts over Europe are routinely produced in the framework of the European Storm Forecast Experiment (ESTOFEX, http://estofex.org). Daily updated maps are publicly available at http://www.lightningwizard.com/maps; see van der Velde (2007) for a detailed description. A customized version of those maps is used here. The synoptic framework on SW Europe on the 2nd of November 2008 was dominated by a highly baroclinic situation, with an extended upper level trough and an associated surface frontal system extending from Southern Spain along the Mediterranean coast of the Iberian Peninsula to SE France, which moved north-eastward. A low pressure area in the eastern coast of the Iberian Peninsula intensified from 00 to 06 UTC. Some instability in the form of Mixed Layer Convective Available Energy (MLCAPE) of 200–500 J kg–1 was present over the sea after 00Z (Fig. 1). The mixed layer considered in the MLCAPE field of Fig. 1 is the lowest 1000 m above ground level. Since the winds were rather strong and from easterly directions at the surface and southerly directions in mid Fig. 1. GFS analysis and forecasts valid at 2 November 2008 00, 03, and 06 UTC (a, b, and c respectively) showing mean sea level pressure contours (black lines, hPa), 500 hPa geopotential heights (coloured contours, gpdam), and mixed-layer convective available energy, MLCAPE (see shaded colours legend, in J kg–1. The position of Catalonia (NE Spain) is highlighted with a dashed-line red rectangle in panel b. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.) Please cite this article as: Bech, J., et al., A Mediterranean nocturnal heavy rainfall and tornadic event. Part I: Overview, damage survey and radar analysis, Atmos. Res. (2011), doi:10.1016/j.atmosres.2010.12.024 J. Bech et al. / Atmospheric Research xxx (2011) xxx–xxx levels, due to strong warm air advection, large vertical wind shear was present over the coast of Catalonia. Storm-relative environmental helicity (SREH) in the layer 0–3 km, considering storm motion given by the internal dynamics vector method described in Bunkers et al. (2000), was around 200 m2 s− 2 at 00Z (Fig. 2), increasing to 250–300 m2 s− 2 at 03Z over north-eastern Spain. These values are supportive of generation of rotation in storm updrafts (i.e., potential for 3 supercells) when instability is present (Davies-Jones, 1984; Davies-Jones et al., 1990). The maps also display the supercell composite parameter (SCP, Thompson et al., 2004) which shows where MLCAPE, deep-layer (bulk Richardson) shear, and SREH are present together. In particular, SCP equals to the product of those three magnitudes divided by the following reference values: 1000, 40, and 150, for MLCAPE, 0–6 km bulk Richardson shear, and 0–3 km SREH, respectively. Fig. 2b Fig. 2. GFS model sequence valid at 00, 03, and 06 UTC 2nd November 2008. Left column (panels a, b and c) shows 0–3 km storm-relative helicity (shaded colours, legend in m2 s− 2), supercell composite parameters (Thompson et al., 2004) contour lines with values 0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 1 and 2, and internal dynamics storm motion vectors (Bunkers et al., 2000). Right column (panels d, e and f) shows 0–1 km wet-bulb potential temperature (contour lines, in Celsius) and 10 m wind streamlines and convergence (shown as streamline colours, with different colours for values − 7 − 6 − 5 − 4 − 3 − 2 − 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7, in 10− 5 s− 1; red colours indicate values above 6 × 10− 5 s− 1). (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.) Please cite this article as: Bech, J., et al., A Mediterranean nocturnal heavy rainfall and tornadic event. Part I: Overview, damage survey and radar analysis, Atmos. Res. (2011), doi:10.1016/j.atmosres.2010.12.024 4 J. Bech et al. / Atmospheric Research xxx (2011) xxx–xxx shows the SCP values of 2, which are remarkable given the low CAPE. Over land (Fig. 3a, b, and c), 0–1 km shear vector magnitude increased to more than 12 m s− 1 which together with the instability and low lifting condensation level (LCL) heights (around 500 m) can enhance potential for tornadoes (Rasmussen and Blanchard, 1998; Thompson et al., 2003). LCL and LFC are calculated from 0 to 1000 m mixed layer average parcel so LCL cannot be lower than half this layer (500 m). Deep layer shear vector length (defined here between 0 and 6 km) reached values of 20–25 m s− 1 (black contours), which is a range commonly regarded to support supercell Fig. 3. GFS model sequence at 00, 03, and 06 UTC 2nd November 2008. First row (panels a, b, and c) shows 0–6 km shear (black contour lines, in m s− 1), and 0– 1 km shear (shaded colours, m s− 1). Second row (panels d, e, and f) shows lifting condensation level (shaded colours, in m) and vectors qualitatively indicating the difference between LFC and LCL: smaller means less capping according to LFC–LCL values: short arrows (b 500 m), thick arrows (N 1500 m), and red arrows (b−300 m). Third row (panels g, h, and i) shows 0–2 km mean wind deep convergence (red contours, plotted at 2, 6, 12, 20, 20, 30 and 42, in 10− 5 s− 1), and Parcel Layer Depth (shaded colours, m). Bottom row (panels j, k, and l) shows 0–2 km moisture transport stream lines (humidity times wind, in g kg–1 m s− 1, red colour indicates high values, above 160 g kg–1 · m s− 1), 1000–600 hPa minimum relative humidity (shaded colours, %) and moisture upslope flux (in g kg–1 m s− 1, contours ranging from light orange to dark pink are plotted at 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 1.4 1.7). (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.) Please cite this article as: Bech, J., et al., A Mediterranean nocturnal heavy rainfall and tornadic event. Part I: Overview, damage survey and radar analysis, Atmos. Res. (2011), doi:10.1016/j.atmosres.2010.12.024 J. Bech et al. / Atmospheric Research xxx (2011) xxx–xxx 5 formation (Rasmussen and Blanchard, 1998), and thus, one of several indicators of an enhanced risk of significant severe weather. Lifting condensation level was relatively low (around 600 m) and differences between LCL and level of free convection (LFC) indicated weak capping of most unstable parcels (Fig. 3d, e, and f), therefore, due to the limited capping, the shear layer was an effective shear layer. The Parcel Layer Depth field (Fig. 3g, h, and i) is an experimental parameter (van der Velde, 2007) which indicates the summed depth of layers, not necessarily continuous, up to 600 hPa from which a parcel has CAPE N50 J kg–1 and CIN b50 J kg–1. In other words, this parameter indicates, where over deeper layer parcels, are most easily released, if lifted to their level of free convection due to buoyancy (i.e. spontaneous ascent), not for other reasons such as mechanical forcing. The Parcel Layer Depth field was rather shallow in this case, less than 1000 m, locally 1500 m, but it is a clear signal of the possibility of convection, especially since it was combined with deep convergence of the mean wind in the 0–2 km AGL layer (shown in red contours in Fig. 3g, h, and i). As discussed later, the deep convergence signal matched very well with the location and timing of storm development. The forecast indicated potential for large precipitation amounts, given the precipitable water content values (around 30 mm) and saturated profiles, low LCL, large moisture transport, and in particular the lifting of the moist and unstable Mediterranean air-mass as it reached higher terrain. This latter effect is visualized as orange contours in an experimental field, the upslope moisture flux (Alpert, 1986) (Fig. 3j, k, and l), computed according to Lin et al. (2001). It indicates the upward flux of moisture by horizontal flow forced over the terrain (at the GFS grid scale). It is shown to increase during the period 00Z–06Z and highlighted also the region in southern France where rain accumulation became large during the day. 2.2. MSG, radiosonde, radar and surface observations MSG satellite images from the Meteorological Service of Catalonia (SMC) show an area of vigorous convective cloud development in the eastern coast of Spain, favoured by the surface low pressure development, the upper level trough and the presence of associated series of jets: J1, J2, and J3 (as depicted in Fig. 4). J1 was about 120 kts, and J2 about 105 kts while J3 was 60 kts. J2 triggered convection via potential instability at mid and high levels and was related to the cyclogenesis shown in Fig. 1. The analysis of satellite loops indicates the presence of several vorticity centres (marked as red encircled Xs in Fig. 4). One of them moved along J2 over the coast of Catalonia, where the severe weather took place. Fig. 4 also shows the 500 hPa −25 °C isotherm indicating the presence of a cold core which corresponds to the upper level low shown in Fig. 1 (note that the 552 gpdam geopotential curve in Fig. 1 matches approximately the −25 °C isotherm in Fig. 4). Radiosonde data from Barcelona and Palma de Mallorca are shown in Fig. 5. The cold core at 500 hPa was about −25 °C at 00 UTC (− 17 °C over Barcelona, according to the SMC radiosonde data). CAPE values were null (assuming parcel ascent from the surface) and low if calculated from Fig. 4. a) 2nd November 2008 00 UTC MSG satellite water vapour image (6.2 μm) showing the convective development area in the eastern part of the Iberian Peninsula. Features indicated are: vorticity centres (encircled red crosses), 300 hPa jets (blue arrows, named J1, J2 and J3), 500 hPa–25 °C area (red dashed line closed contour), 500 hPa trough axis (red dashed segments), and 500 hPa ridge axis (swirling red line). Radiosonde stations of Barcelona and Palma de Mallorca are also shown with black crosses. b) 2nd November 2008 03 UTC MSG satellite infra-red (HRIT) 10.8 μm image with false colour brightness temperatures. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.) mean surface-layer or most-unstable layer (33 and 80 J kg–1 respectively). Accordingly, most instability indices related to buoyancy did not indicate strong thunderstorm potential. However, as seen in Fig. 5, the wind shear was remarkable. Radiosonde-derived storm relative helicity (SREH) values over Barcelona were 284 m2 s− 2 and 145 m2 s− 2 for 0–3 km and 0–1 km SREH, respectively. Two previous tornadic cases took place with similar radiosonde profiles, particularly at low levels, and SREH 0–1 km values about 150 m2 s− 2 (Aran et al., 2009; Mateo et al., 2009). Please cite this article as: Bech, J., et al., A Mediterranean nocturnal heavy rainfall and tornadic event. Part I: Overview, damage survey and radar analysis, Atmos. Res. (2011), doi:10.1016/j.atmosres.2010.12.024 6 J. Bech et al. / Atmospheric Research xxx (2011) xxx–xxx Fig. 5. Radiosonde data from Palma de Mallorca (red) and Barcelona (blue) at 00 UTC 2nd November 2008. The hodograph shown is from the Barcelona radiosonde data. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.) Between 00 and 06 UTC sea level pressure dropped about 7 hPa in the southern part of Catalonia and even more in the west of Catalonia, reaching 11.7 hPa (Raimat station), which is a value associated with rapid cyclogenesis development according to Carlson (1991). Moreover, other typical characteristics of these systems present in this case are: a) the appearance of the low pressure system at the polar sector of a jet (in this case over Morocco pointing towards the Balearic Islands at 00 UTC); and b) a strong thermal boundary, which was clearly appreciated in the analysis performed using the SMC LAPS system (Albers et al., 1996) over Catalonia (not shown here). Fig. 6 gives an overview of precipitation distribution over Catalonia showing 1-km CAPPI radar reflectivity factor composites from the SMC Doppler radar network (Bech et al., 2004). The sequence covers from 1:30Z to 4:00Z, when the most intense convective activity, in terms of heavy rainfall, lightning and surface wind gusts, took place. Black arrows at 3:00Z and 3:30Z panels, respectively, point approximately to the two main areas of damage at the time of maximum surface wind damage. During that period thunderstorms, mostly organized as single or multicell storms, moved NW, coming from the sea. Afterwards (not shown in Fig. 6), approximately at 4:30Z, they merged into a larger linear MCS system, moving to the NE. As the system evolved northward later that day it also affected SE France causing large hail (diameter exceeding 2 cm), ground level damaging wind gusts and heavy rainfall. Total rainfall amounts were remarkable during this event, exceeding 100 mm in 24 h in 4 stations of the SMC network, 2 of them located above 2500 m, in the Western Pyrenees of Catalonia. Fig. 7a shows a 24 h precipitation analysis and several areas exceeding 90 mm, one of them where the strong damaging surface winds took place. Four stations on that area recorded 30′ amounts exceeding 20 mm, and one reached 40 mm; as a consequence, several towns of that area suffered local flash floods. Comparison of precipitation amounts with radar reflectivity loops indicates that high rainfall rates in relatively short time intervals were associated with the individual thunderstorms that caused damaging winds; however the largest rainfall quantities were due either to the succession of different intense storms over the same area (along the convergence area shown in Fig. 7b) or by mostly multicell systems in high terrain areas in the Western Pyrenees of Catalonia (Fig. 7a). The radar hail diagnostic product operational at SMC (Aran et al., 2007), based on comparing the freezing level with height of radar reflectivity cores exceeding 45 dBZ (Waldvogel et al., 1979), indicated moderate to high probability of hail in the thunderstorms responsible for damaging winds. Hail with diameter b2 cm was confirmed on two stations in the vicinity of the damaged areas. Fig. 7b shows the 10-m hourly averaged surface winds at 3 UTC. A clear convergence line (plotted as a yellow dashed line) is approximately oriented along one of the maximum precipitation areas. As discussed later, the most active Fig. 6. Radar reflectivity factor 1-km CAPPI composite from the SMC radar network on 2nd November 2008. Black arrows at 3:00Z and 3:30Z point approximately to the two main areas of damage at the time of maximum surface wind gusts. Please cite this article as: Bech, J., et al., A Mediterranean nocturnal heavy rainfall and tornadic event. Part I: Overview, damage survey and radar analysis, Atmos. Res. (2011), doi:10.1016/j.atmosres.2010.12.024 J. Bech et al. / Atmospheric Research xxx (2011) xxx–xxx Please cite this article as: Bech, J., et al., A Mediterranean nocturnal heavy rainfall and tornadic event. Part I: Overview, damage survey and radar analysis, Atmos. Res. (2011), doi:10.1016/j.atmosres.2010.12.024 7 8 J. Bech et al. / Atmospheric Research xxx (2011) xxx–xxx event a damage survey was performed by trained personnel over these two zones to collect damage data and witness reports. Because of the time of the day the event took place no pictures or direct visual observation of the thunderstorm (funnel, etc.) was possible. 3.1. Zone 1: Salou–Reus According to local reports, the coastal city of Salou was affected by strong winds about 03 UTC, only for a few minutes; somewhat later Reus was also affected with less intensity. Structural damage, rated as F0 to F1 in the Fujita scale, was observed in several buildings, with many windows, balconies and shades broken (see Fig. 9a). Some small areas were also affected by flash floods. A camping area near Salou was particularly damaged with many blown tents and a tossed caravan (Fig. 9). A local sports centre was partially destroyed and many trees fell, some of them on a number of cars. In total, 5 people were injured in Zone 1. Only in Salou there were 137 insurance claims (5 caused by flooding and 132 by wind) reaching 2 million euros. The power supply was cut and railway transport was stopped for about 4 h, mainly because of fallen trees. The analysis of the damage patterns seems to indicate they were originated either by straight line winds or by one or several microbursts (in this case would be wet microbursts) — no evidence of tornadic origin was found. 3.2. Zone 2: Miralcamp Fig. 7. Analysis of SMC surface observations: a) 2nd November 2008 24 h precipitation analysis performed with 165 stations (values expressed in mm); the green dotted rectangle indicates the wind damaged area containing Zone 1 and Zone 2 (see Fig. 8 for details). b) 2nd November 2008 3 UTC 10-m hourly averaged wind observations; the dashed line indicates approximately the position of a convergence area. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.) thunderstorms of the event followed and evolved along that line. On the other hand, during the event strong winds were recorded, particularly on the coastal area and in the Pyrenees mountains. Three stations measured wind gusts exceeding 100 km h–1. 3. Damage survey Two distinct zones, within the main area depicted in Fig. 8 suffered structural damage. The first one (Zone 1), mainly urban and periurban, is highly populated and includes the city of Salou and Reus, near Tarragona. The second one (Zone 2), mostly rural, includes el Pla de Santa Maria, Cabra del Camp and Sarral — between these two the small village of Miralcamp is located (not shown in Fig. 8). Miralcamp was particularly affected by surface damaging winds. After the The damage on Zone 2 was focused mainly in the small village of Miralcamp, and to a lesser extent, in surrounding areas. Several high voltage power line towers were knocked down (Fig. 10a) and many houses were badly damaged (Fig. 10b), approximately at 3:30Z. The survey indicated widespread F1 and also localised F2 damage, particularly in forest areas (Fig. 10c). A specific analysis over a 1 km2 of Miralcamp was performed to examine the damage path and swath patterns. Location recorded with GPS, orientation of fallen trees measured with compass, and damage intensity in terms of the Fujita scale from the survey were plotted in a georeferenced map (Fig. 11). More damage surrounding this area was found to the S and N/NE, indicating a damage path following approximately a S to N/NE direction. The Miralcamp plot indicates predominant convergence patterns along the path, more intense damage (up to F2) to the right of the main track (consistent with a cyclonic rotating vortex moving northwards), and also clear damage gradients, as shown in Fig. 10c. These elements are similar to those found in previous damage surveys of tornadic events performed by some of the authors of this study as reported in Ramis et al. (1997) and Bech et al. (2007, 2009). Though the number of limited data in this case did not allow comparing in detail observed damage with simulated path swaths on forests as in Bech et al. (2009) or Beck and Dotzek (2010), the survey analysis concluded that the most likely cause of the damage was tornadic. The damage path was about 8 km long, with maximum width about 400 m and maximum F2 damage. These characteristics are consistent with statistical studies relating tornado damage path, length and intensity (Brooks, 2004). Please cite this article as: Bech, J., et al., A Mediterranean nocturnal heavy rainfall and tornadic event. Part I: Overview, damage survey and radar analysis, Atmos. Res. (2011), doi:10.1016/j.atmosres.2010.12.024 J. Bech et al. / Atmospheric Research xxx (2011) xxx–xxx 9 Fig. 8. Map showing the two zones affected by surface damaging winds: Zone 1 (Salou–Reus, Z1), and Zone 2 (Miralcamp, Sarral, Z2). This map corresponds approximately to the green dotted rectangle shown in Fig. 7a. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.) 4. Thunderstorm analyses In this section a radar analysis of the two thunderstorms that caused the damage in Zone 1 and Zone 2 is presented using data from the SMC. Pineda et al. (this issue) complement this study with a second part with further lightning data and processing. Radar and lightning data from the SMC were combined in a thunderstorm tracking system to allow characterization of precipitating convective structures (Rigo et al., 2008, 2010). Within this system, radar data from volumetric scans, such as 12 dBZ echo-tops, vertically integrated liquid or maximum radar reflectivity factor observed, and total lightning (cloud-to-ground and intra-cloud flashes) rates are processed. Single radar PPI observations from the LMI radar, located at 0.86 °E 41.09 °N and 910 m asl are also shown and discussed in this section. A first analysis of the two thunderstorms that caused the damage indicates that both were originated from a very intense parent-thunderstorm (hereafter denoted as Cell 1; subsequent systems are Cell 2 —affecting Salou— and Cell 3 — affecting Miralcamp). Thunderstorm splitting is a rather frequent mechanism of supercell formation in this region of the Mediterranean Sea in autumn according to a 4 year analysis of supercell thunderstorms in Spain by Quirantes Calvo (2007), and could be responsible for the generation of Cell 2 and Cell 3. Fig. 12 shows the evolution of selected parameters of those cells and also the timing of the maximum ground damaging winds observed as well as (bottom left) a summary of the thunderstorms motion. Between 00:30 and 1:30 UTC, Cell 1 and 2 directions differed approximately by 45°. Then apparently Cell 1 died and Cell 3 appeared following a nearly parallel direction to Cell 2, finally converging. This Please cite this article as: Bech, J., et al., A Mediterranean nocturnal heavy rainfall and tornadic event. Part I: Overview, damage survey and radar analysis, Atmos. Res. (2011), doi:10.1016/j.atmosres.2010.12.024 10 J. Bech et al. / Atmospheric Research xxx (2011) xxx–xxx Fig. 9. Damage observed in Zone 1. Pictures correspond to Salou, including a) damaged buildings; b) camping with tossed caravan, c) sports centre destroyed, and d) cars affected by fallen trees. Fig. 10. Damage observed in Zone 2 (Miralcamp area), including a) power line towers knocked down, b) houses badly damaged and, c) wide forest areas with downed trees; the dashed line indicates a sharp gradient of damage. Please cite this article as: Bech, J., et al., A Mediterranean nocturnal heavy rainfall and tornadic event. Part I: Overview, damage survey and radar analysis, Atmos. Res. (2011), doi:10.1016/j.atmosres.2010.12.024 J. Bech et al. / Atmospheric Research xxx (2011) xxx–xxx 11 Fig. 11. Depiction of the damage survey performed over the Miralcamp village, affected by F2 damage. Four towers of high voltage power lines (NW of the picture) — see Fig. 10a— were knocked down during the event. predominant direction (SE to NW) was followed by most storms (not only the two severe thunderstorms) and is the one indicated by the Bunkers et al. (2000) storm motion vector (rightmover) in Fig. 2. A possible explanation of the limited difference between the severe thunderstorms and the other storm directions was that the background wind was already high so deviations might have been relatively small. A remarkable feature was the increase in the total lightning rate before the onset of ground damage. Cell 1 presented high values of maximum radar reflectivity (N50 dBZ), with a maximum of about 1 UTC (Fig. 12). At that time the echo morphology of Cell 1 suggested the presence of an inflow notch radar signature, while the infrared cloud top image exhibited a clearly expanding anvil (Fig. 13), indicating a strong updraft as the colder cloud tops extend downwind from the thunderstorm core. Note that fine detail of the radar echo morphology was hampered by the distance to the LMI radar (about 100 km). Additional radar observations corresponding to the time of maximum ground damage caused by Cell 2 were further examined with the aid of reflectivity and radial velocity PPI scans from the LMI radar displaying base level (0.6°) (Fig. 14) and 3.0° scans (Fig. 15). Note that LMI was only about 20 km from Salou — though the radar site was on a mountain at 910 m asl. A strong reflectivity core (about 48 dBZ) crossed over Salou and the Doppler pattern showed clear signs of strong radial shear (see black arrow in Fig. 14). Over a horizontal plane, the shear pattern would correspond to a strong convergence signature. This could be compatible with the mid-level convergence and low-level divergence (typically below 1 km) associated with microbursts as described by Wilson et al. (1984); the low-level divergence would not be seen by a radar located on a 900 m mountain as in this case. An alternative explanation of that shear pattern could be associated with a mesocyclone rear flank downdraft. The convergence was located nearest to the concave-shaped sharp reflectivity gradient of the core in a way that may be typical of a convergent base to a mesocyclone, or at least a deep convergent signature along the interface of a steep gust front (e.g., Lemon and Parker, 1996). The presence of an echo overhang in Fig. 18, and its persistent nature over 15 min suggests that this convergent signature might have extended upward from the surface and that it may have been a mesocyclone base. Figs. 16 and 17 show a similar sequence covering the 3:30Z maximum ground damage observed at Miralcamp. In this case the thunderstorm of interest (Cell 3) is about 50 km Please cite this article as: Bech, J., et al., A Mediterranean nocturnal heavy rainfall and tornadic event. Part I: Overview, damage survey and radar analysis, Atmos. Res. (2011), doi:10.1016/j.atmosres.2010.12.024 12 J. Bech et al. / Atmospheric Research xxx (2011) xxx–xxx Fig. 12. Evolution of selected radar and lightning-derived parameters of (thunderstorms) Cells 1, 2 and 3. See inset, bottom left, to locate the Cells (C#). The arrows in Cell 2 and Cell 3 indicate the ground damage. Magnitudes shown in the time-series are: maximum heights of 12 dBZ radar reflectivity echoes (TOP-12, in km), vertically integrated liquid (VIL, in mm), total lightning flash rate (TL/min, in min− 1) and maximum radar reflectivity (Zmax, in dBZ). from the radar. An increase in reflectivity is observed, in agreement with the increase in maximum reflectivity shown in the Cell evolution earlier. In this thunderstorm the Doppler radial velocity patterns are not as clear as before, though strong shear is also present. At 3:18Z Cell 2 is shielding the vision of Cell 3 (same line of sight from the radar) and given that LMI operates on C-band, attenuation could be an issue — note that this also would contribute to increased uncertainty in radial velocity measurements. Cell 2 still presents a well defined shear pattern; in fact for several higher elevation scans (including the 3° scan shown) the pattern is slightly rotated with regard to lower levels and looks much more as a typical cyclonic velocity couplet (i.e. with azimuthal shear, typical of mesocyclone circulations). In Fig. 18 cross sections of Cells 2 and 3 are presented at the time of maximum surface wind speed at Zones 1 and 2, respectively. The tilting of the intense cores, and morphology of cells resembles to some classical supercell features such as the weak echo region or the forward overhang (Browning, 1964; Doswell and Burgess, 1993), suggesting the presence of intense updrafts, in addition to the shear mentioned above indicating organized rotation at midlevels. Please cite this article as: Bech, J., et al., A Mediterranean nocturnal heavy rainfall and tornadic event. Part I: Overview, damage survey and radar analysis, Atmos. Res. (2011), doi:10.1016/j.atmosres.2010.12.024 J. Bech et al. / Atmospheric Research xxx (2011) xxx–xxx 13 Fig. 13. Left: Zmax LMI radar reflectivity at 1:00 UTC; the arrow points to Cell 1. Right: infrared MSG satellite image. Cell 1 cloud top exhibits an expanding anvil, indicating strong updraft. 5. Summary and final remarks This study has presented the first part of an analysis of the 2nd November 2008 severe weather event that took place on the southern coastal part of Catalonia, including surface damaging winds, hail, and also heavy rainfall and subsequent flash floods. The second part of the study, devoted specifically to total lightning analysis is presented in a companion paper (Pineda et al., this issue). The synoptic and mesoscale environment of the event was characterized by a relatively low CAPE but moderately high shear environment, as some previous cases in Catalonia and also typical of other severe Fig. 14. Base level (0.6°) PPI scans from the LMI radar showing radar reflectivity (dBZ) (top row) and radial velocity (m s− 1) (bottom row) at the time of maximum ground damage over Zone 1 (black arrow). Range circles are plotted at 20 km intervals. The 2:54Z radar reflectivity panel indicates the direction and range of the corresponding cross section shown in Fig. 18. Please cite this article as: Bech, J., et al., A Mediterranean nocturnal heavy rainfall and tornadic event. Part I: Overview, damage survey and radar analysis, Atmos. Res. (2011), doi:10.1016/j.atmosres.2010.12.024 14 J. Bech et al. / Atmospheric Research xxx (2011) xxx–xxx Fig. 15. As Fig. 14 but for 3.0° PPI scans (note that there is approximately a 2 minute lag between base level and 3.0° scans). weather events described in the cold-season in the UK (Clarks, 2009); additional insight has been obtained from examining a number of derived fields from the GFS NWP model, including supercell composite parameter or upslope moisture flux which provided good guidance about the location and timing of severe weather and heavy rainfall Fig. 16. Base level (0.6°) PPI scans from the LMI radar showing radar reflectivity (dBZ) (top row) and radial velocity (m s− 1) (bottom row) at the time of maximum ground damage over Zone 2 (black arrow). Range circles are plotted at 20 km intervals. The 3:24Z radar reflectivity panel indicates the direction and range of the corresponding cross section shown in Fig. 18. Please cite this article as: Bech, J., et al., A Mediterranean nocturnal heavy rainfall and tornadic event. Part I: Overview, damage survey and radar analysis, Atmos. Res. (2011), doi:10.1016/j.atmosres.2010.12.024 J. Bech et al. / Atmospheric Research xxx (2011) xxx–xxx 15 Fig. 17. As Fig. 16 but for 3.0° PPI scans (note that there is approximately a 2 minute lag between base level and 3.0° scans). Fig. 18. Radar cross-sections of reflectivity (dBZ) for Cell 2 (top panel, azimuth 90°, 40 km range) and Cell 3 (bottom panel, azimuth 56°, range 72 km) at the time of maximum ground damage at Zones 1 and 2, respectively. Directions of each cross section over the horizontal plane are indicated in Figs. 16 and 14. Horizontal and vertical axis units are in km. Please cite this article as: Bech, J., et al., A Mediterranean nocturnal heavy rainfall and tornadic event. Part I: Overview, damage survey and radar analysis, Atmos. Res. (2011), doi:10.1016/j.atmosres.2010.12.024 16 J. Bech et al. / Atmospheric Research xxx (2011) xxx–xxx respectively. The damage survey indicated two distinct areas with maximum F1 and F2 damage in the Fujita scale, attributed either to straight line winds or microburst in the first case and to a tornado in the second one. The analysis of the thunderstorms associated with the convectively induced surface damaging winds indicated several supercell features, including persistent weak echo regions and strong shear suggesting the presence of a mesocyclone, as in the downburst case study described by Dotzek et al. (2007). Further analysis could be achieved by improving the treatment of the Doppler data (dealising) or by automatic processing of velocity fields to match predefined patterns, as shown in Stumpf et al. (1998) or Elizaga et al. (2007). The documentation and analysis of this type of severe weather events in a specific region is important to contribute to the identification of common features, such as a surface convergence line associated with the development and movement of the thunderstorms, to increase our understanding about the mechanisms of formation of these phenomena. Acknowledgements The authors are grateful to Salvador Castán for providing insurance data, Eduard Marimon and Jordi Bruno for useful comments and surface observations, to Joan Gené and other individuals for their report on the event during the damage surveys, and to J.A. Quirantes Calvo (AEMET) for his comments about supercell statistics in the area of study. Thanks are also due to the Spanish power line manager and to several web-based mass media for providing information on the event. 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