educate teach love - Escola Pia de Sarrià
educate teach love - Escola Pia de Sarrià
educate teach love Our School: Escola Pia de Sarrià-Calassanç The keys to our school Nursery Primary School ESO (Compulsory Secondary Education) Batxillerat (High School) Vocational Education and Training (VET) 1 2 2. OUR EDUCATIONAL PROJECT 3. OUR PARTNER INSTITUTIONS • The Parents Association • The “Mutualitat de Sant Josep de Calassanç” Charity Project • “Fundació Joan Profitós” Private Cultural Foundation 4. OUR SCHOOL IN FIGURES 5. FEES AND TUITION Our School: Escola Pia de Sarrià-Calassanç 1. OUR SCHOOL: ESCOLA PIA DE SARRIÀ-CALASSANÇ 1 3 1 1. Our School: Escola Pia de Sarrià-Calassanç Escola Pia de Sarrià-Calassanç is one of the twenty (20) school centres of the Escola Pia (Piarist Fathers) in Catalonia. It was founded in 1894 and it has been ever since an educational institution for all ages for more than 120 years. Our school perceives an aid from the Ministry for education for all levels and stages from P3 (Nursery) to High School. Besides, a completely private education is offered in Vocational Education and Training in the branch of Sports for both lower and higher VET levels. Our school belongs with the religious order of the Piarist Fathers in Catalonia, which gives us a Christian vision of the person. This takes an explicit sense in our educational project. In effect, the main features of Escola Pia de Sarrià-Calassanç are as follows: we seek a model of school open to everybody, educating in values, addressing individual attention to the students and their need for orientation, promoting responsibility and the development of 4 decision making criteria. In this sense, active learning or the application of new technologies to learning are integrated all throughout our educational itinerary. Besides, our centre develops a thorough foreign language integration plan seeking to significantly enhance the efficiency of language learning. It includes: a conversational time with native teachers, group-splitting strategies and the implementation of CLIL-oriented subjects. It also includes the participation of our school in European exchange projects, among other activities aimed at the continuous improvement of language learning for all levels. With over a century of history, education at the Escola Pia de Sarrià-Calassanç wants to be a landmark for education quality. The most noteworthy aspects of our school are our clear commitment to comprehensive education, our degree of internationality, the satisfaction of our families and our good academic results. Educate • Teach • Love 1 2. Our educational project The educational project of our school focuses on the following ten goals: 1. Promoting religious culture acknowledgement among students. We believe it is crucial to the freedom of a person as well as to their commitment and their ability to transcend. 2. Promoting personalised educational projects. Dedicating our attention and time to our students is at the core of our work as a school. 3. Promoting an integral educational project for our students. We believe this is the best way to delve into the harmonic development of all human capacities. 4. Promoting a school project based upon the equality of opportunities in order to get our students engaged in the construction of a fairer society. 5. Promoting the assumption of moral values, which shall be accepted after a thorough individual understanding thereof. Never shall they be imposed on anyone. 6. Promoting acknowledgement of Catalan traditions and heritage in order to generate a feeling of belonging to a country we see as ours. 7. Promoting the taking of our cultural compendium and pride abroad in order to share with others and feel world citizenship. 8. Promoting democratic values and best practices leading to make us behave like tolerant and respectful citizens in the future. 9.Promoting educational quality by granting realistic and ready-for-life learning and training. We count on an innovative pedagogy: meaningful education, active methodologies and teamwork. 10. Promoting training and participation to make sure resources are duly used in a sustainable way, leading to an amelioration of people’s quality of life. We promote education in values 5 1 3. Our partner institutions The Parents Association The Parents Association (AMPA) of Escola Pia de Sarrià-Calassanç was founded on March 7, 1954. As stated in our founding document, “...all our aspirations are specifically aimed at giving the greatest possible efficiency to the task of training our children.” Since that day we have worked to achieve this goal with great enthusiasm, and we keep on doing it with help, suggestions and cooperation from all the parents in our school. The AMPA Board meets monthly and organizes an ordinary general assembly every year. They are divided into four committees (Communication, Education Enga- gement, Social Cohesion, and Working on Values). Each of them shall be addressing different targets previously decided in the Assembly of Educational Institutions, which is held every 4 years. Moreover, we try to get more and more involved in the education of children and young people at our school. Indeed, the primary purpose of the AMPA is to work together with the school staff to make sure that the school’s educational project becomes a reality we can all share and live in every day. The AMPA also organizes regular talks and lectures, tours and cultural trips, courses for students and families as well as. The “Mutualitat de Sant Josep de Calassanç” Charity Project 6 The “Mutualitat” is a service born of our interest to keep forever alive the desire to ensure the best education for all of the people. It is a charity initiative that engages in paying the costs of schooling of those students who may have lost their father, mother or legal guardian. Such costs include: schooling tuition and Joan Profitós Foundation fees; school canteen; books; cultural trips, excursions and retreats; uniform, sports equipment and other material; AMPA fees; recreation; study trips; visits and exchanges, extracurricular activities and an allowance of up to five hundred Euros per year. The “Mutualitat” shall be responsible for these expenses from the moment a student becomes an orphan and until they finish their studies at our school. 1 “Fundació Joan Profitós” Private Cultural Foundation Founded in 1976, the Foundation is a charity that aims at helping educate students in educational institutions of the Escola Pia de Catalunya, as well as enhancing the quality of education. Also they are in charge of promoting training among their staff and they promote activities aimed at the whole of the educational community. The Foundation provides institutions belonging to the Escola Pia de Catalunya with those resources necessary to carry out their educational projects. In particular, it allows improvements in the material and in the spaces, the facilities and the services offered to the educational community. It also provides on-going education to professionals in the Escola Pia and, when judged appropriate, it grants scholarships or other types of donations to individuals or institutions inside Escola Pia de Catalunya. Finally, they yearly organize the following events: • Prize “Joan Profitós” in Pedagogical Research. It is delivered in the context of the Festival of Catalan Literature on St. Lucy’s Day (13th December). • Prize for the Promotion of Creativity, intended for ESO and High School students. • Prize “St Josep de Calassanç” to pedagogical endeavour. Both teachers and non-teachers are eligible for it. • Pedagogical Stays and Excursions awarded to ESO and High School students. • Pedagogical Conference Day for teachers. • Sports and Cohabitation Day for 6th grade students. 7 1 4. Our School in figures 2.000 Students – School year 2015-2016. 372 Students of our school participated in exchanges and stays abroad during the school year 2014-2015. 639 Students of our school volunteered in awareness and charity campaigns during the year 2014-2015. Each school year, students from 5th grade up to 3rd ESO get involved in volunteering in charity campaigns in favour of various social organizations. Basic Competences & Skills 6th grade Year 2014-2015 EPSarrià Spanish Catalan 60 40 20 0 50 14,8 21,2 24,6 21,2 23,4 38 30 0 Mid-Low Mid-High High 14,2 Low 60 50 50 40,9 20 10 0 16,4 35,4 25,9 22,4 Mid-High 20 10 Mid-High High 37,7 30 0 Mid-Low Mid-Low 40 40,0 4,3 Low 8 14,8 13,0 High Mathematics 60 30 25,5 3,5 English 40 33,9 22,3 20 10 2,7 Low 49,6 40 37,2 30 10 60 54,9 50 Catalunya 14,2 32,6 36 30,9 18,4 22,3 7,9 Low Mid-Low Mid-High High 1 60 University students from 12 universities in Spain followed an apprenticeship program at our school during the school year 2014-15. Our school is a training centre for teacher trainees. 98,6% of students at our school passed the Test to be admitted to University (PAU) at the end of the school year 2014-2015. 8,4 Degree of satisfaction of the families of our School – Survey conducted in school year 2013-2014 Basic Competences & Skills 4th ESO Year 2014-2015 EPSarrià Catalan Spanish 60 60 50 45 42,5 40 11,1 2,3 8,4 16,5 Mid-Low High 13,6 Low 62,3 40 40 20 19 10 0 1,5 Low 31,5 30 10 5,4 0 Mid-High High 41,2 20 18,8 Mid-Low Mid-High 60 50 30,8 30,7 Mid-Low Mathematics 50 30 12,4 16,7 3,1 English 60 37,2 26 20 10 Mid-High 43,7 30 0 Low 47,3 40 29,9 20 0 50 44,3 30 10 Catalunya High 15,7 20,6 24,6 30,9 33,6 28,8 4,6 Low Mid-Low Mid-High High 9 1 High School & PAU (Access to University). Year 2014-2015 High School May 2015 EP Sarrià High School May 2015 Catalunya 6,00 31,00 94,00 69,00 % Pass % Pass % Fail % Fail PAU June 2015 EP Sarrià PAU June 2015 Catalunya 3,03 1,42 98,58 96,97 % Pass % Pass % Fail % Fail 5. Fees and tuition ECONOMICAL EFFORT BY FAMILIES, SCHOOL YEAR 2015-16. Totally private studies Partially private studies VET P3-P5 1st-6th Grade ESO BACC. CAFEMN Voluntary donations included. School Canteen 5 days / whole school, year. 4-3-2-1 days allowed at a proportional price. 185,66 238,70 279,70 295,66 164,04 164,04 164,04 164,04 28,00 28,00 28,00 79,56 79,56 79,56 AFE-2 CAS Futbol 10 equal monthly fees Tuition + 9 fees (Sept.-May) MONTHLY FEES (September-June) School fees AFE-1 397,50 459,00 469,00 299,50 329,00 28,00 28,00 28,00 28,00 28,00 28,00 79,56 79,56 79,56 79,56 79,56 79,56 ANNUAL FEES Parents Association Fees per family and year. “La Mutualitat” Charity, Orphenage Insurance. Fees per student and year. Strictly optional. Fees were aproved by the School Council, on 22 June 2015. Fees issued/sanctioned by the Education Consortium of Barcelona. Date of issue: 18 September 2015.. Same amount every month. Everything included except for: the school robe, the sports outfit, the books and the optional activities. 10 2. EDUCATION BASED ON VALUES 3. MONITORING ENCOUNTERS AND DIVERSITY AWARENESS 4. LANGUAGE LEARNING AND INTERNATIONALITY 5. OUR SURROUNDINGS, PREMISES AND SERVICES • Welcome and Foster Service • Bus Service for School and Extracurricular Activity Time • Lunch at the school canteen • Learning Centre (Library) • Healthcare • Extracurricular activities The keys to our School 1. A COMPREHENSIVE EDUCATION AT OUR SCHOOL 2 2 1. A comprehensive education at our school At the Escola Pia de Sarrià-Calassanç we work every day to provide our students with a comprehensive education based on the sum of many things: a trilingual education, a culture of effort and a team of academic and personal tutors as well as a School Guidance Department (speech therapists, educational psychologists and psychologists). We also prioritise education in values (both civil and religious-based), good work habits, and the relationship with families, as well as students’ creativity and capacity for innovation... Not only it is our aim to train students in order for them to get best grades in the aptitude tests for university admission but also we 12 seek to prepare them to successfully overcome those challenges that they will encounter after school. To this end, our curriculum includes disciplines such as robotics, swimming, environmental education (we are a Green School), service-learning activities, cooking, DIY, ironing and knitting, music (we are a school linked to the Liceu Conservatory of Barcelona), emotional education and self-awareness, among others. We believe that the practice of these subjects and skills help promote positive values and attitudes, self-confidence, commitment, assertiveness, independence and creativity in every individual and the group they belong to. 2 2. An education based on values During school hours At the Escola Pia de Sarrià-Calassanç we take into account all the following: •We held group and individual counselling activities, charity and awareness campaigns. Also we pay much attention to our daily educational action. •We believe that a person should be aware of their inner self. We encourage students to enjoy moments of silence and self-awareness, especially at the beginning of the school day. •We consider that a person, no matter their creed should be familiar with the idea of religious culture. We teach students about the sacred books, the festivities, the main characters or the sacred places of every belief. After school hours First Communion Catechism It is aimed at students of 3rd and 4th grade of Primary Education. These groups of First Communion Catechism are prepared for two years and are aimed at those students who want to participate in the celebration of the Eucharist. Mou-te! (Move it!) Mou-te! groups are primarily aimed at students from 5th grade up to high school. These groups are intended to provide the young with a path of friendship, a space where they can discern the significance of self-search and self-awareness. Furthermore, they can also be used by the students as a way to deepen into their Christian commitment. Prayer groups and confirmation These groups are primarily aimed at secondary school students from 3rd ESO to 2nd High School. They provide a space and time to think, discuss and pray together. Students who wish it may be offered the opportunity to participate in the sacrament of Confirmation. Volunteering groups These groups are aimed at students of 4th ESO. These groups collaborate with various institutions (Cottolengo, Casal dels Infants Foundation Charity Service, Friends of the elderly, School support at the Escola Pia Luz Casanova...). They may also participate in those initiatives promoted by the school (Mou-te! camp counsellors, First Communion catechists...) Students who volunteer are believed to have a great desire to make our society fairer and holding more opportunities for everybody. 13 3. Monitoring encounters and diversity awareness (including special educational needs) Monitoring encounters The tutor is directly responsible for the relationship with students and families. To ensure the proper functioning of their class group they carry out a careful, personal, emotional and academic monitoring of each of their students. Each tutor has a weekly time set to develop their functions, to work in collaboration with the Head of Studies and the School Guidance Department. They also have encounters with students and periodic interviews with their families throughout the school year. 2 Diversity awareness (including special educational needs) We understand diversity awareness as a way to make sure we are personalising education for each student. We aim at providing each of our pupils and students with the most appropriate opportunities for their personal development and academic progress. School Guidance Department The school has a School Guidance Department (speech therapists, psychologists and educational psychologists). They work closely with each of the teams of tutors to advise them and support them in their work. Detection of special needs (lower and higher performers) Pupils and students present differences which make the way you approach their education to differ. It is our goal to provide each of them with the strategies and resources to make them capable of achieving the highest level of performance in the general educational mainframe according to their individual capacities. 14 The detection of difficulties is carried out by the team of tutors and teachers and the School Guidance Department from daily observation and application of tools to detect such cases (explorations of evolution in reading and writing; psychometric tests of skills, attitudes, attention and memory; speech scans, auditory discrimination and difficulties in the acquisition of reading and writing skills; observations and explorations of the development of the personality or individual attitudes). In order to cope with special needs, we apply different measures and actions that are specified in individual plans. We also put in place support groups, groups of excellence (higher performers), flexible groupings and splits. 4. Language learning and internationality At our school we work to be a multilingual school. The knowledge and the use of different languages are the transversal axis of our quality and educational innovation mainframe, which is based upon the following principles: • Besides Catalan and Spanish, our educational project includes learning English, French and German, too. • One curriculum subject per year is taught in English from P3 to 4th ESO. • As a quality guarantee our students may obtain certification of their linguistic competence from renowned external institutions such as: Cambridge University or the French Ministry of Education. • For several years now, exchanges, stays and visits abroad, have completed our linguistic project offer. • Our educational project includes as well the possibility of learning a language as an extracurricular activity. Country Programme 2 Target Stay for two weeks in July, Kingsgate College, in the county of Kent, UK. 4th to 6th grade. Stay for three weeks in July, the Ottawa International Training Centre, Ottawa, Canada. ESO and High School students. Stay in Carcassonne, France. 1st ESO enrolled in French European Classroom. English Summer Camp (1 week in July) in Catalonia. 4th grade to 2nd ESO. Exchange with Zespol Szkol Nr4 Konstancin, Poland. 1st ESO. Stay for two weeks in July at the Junior Language School in Totnes, Totnes, UK. 1st and 2nd ESO. Exchange with the Collège Saint Joseph in Reims, France. 2nd ESO. Exchange with Limesschule in Idstein, Germany. 2nd ESO enrolled in German European Classroom. Exchange with Collège Jean Bauchez de Metz, France. 3rd ESO enrolled in French European Classroom. Exchange with the Hessenwald Schule in Weiterstadt, Germany. 3rd ESO Exchange with Groupe scolaire Notre Dame de Sion, Paris, France. 4th ESO optional French. Work Experience Week in Cambridge, UK. 4th ESO Exchange with Veurs Lyceum in The Hague, Netherlands. 1st High School. Exchange with Täby Friskola de Täby, Sweden. 1st High School. FerMUN Conference at Lycée International in Ferney-Voltaire, Switzerland. 1st High School. Integration experience of ten weeks from September to November, in British Columbia, Canada. 1st to 4th ESO. 15 2 5. Our surroundings, premises and services Our school is located in the district of Sarrià-Sant Gervasi, in Barcelona. We are situated at the foot of Collserola. Here we enjoy a healthy environment, in contact with nature. Classrooms are equipped with interactive whiteboards and projectors. We have also some computer labs, a media centre, a classroom for nature, an open-air space where we grow vegetables; some support classrooms, speech therapy support labs, a psychomotor classroom and a number of a sport and recreational facilities (a football pitch, a basketball pavilion, paddle tennis courts, a swimming pool, a forest, a performing arts theatre). The surroundings, facilities and services of our school promote academic and personal growth of students and make it easier for school families to organise their logistics and needs. Welcome and Foster Service For pupils in Nursery and Primary School, we offer a free Welcome and Foster Service throughout the school week, both in the morning and in the afternoon. 16 2 Bus Service for School and Extracurricular Activity Time In collaboration with external companies, we offer a transport service for both school and extracurricular times. They shuttle to Barcelona and the towns of Sant Cugat del Vallès and El Prat de Llobregat. Lunch at the school canteen We own a kitchen and every day we prepare different menus suitable for every age. We take into account food allergies, intolerances and special diets. Nursery and Primary pupils are offered a snack at the end of the school day. Secondary school and High School students may choose from a selection of menus at the school canteen every day. 17 2 Learning Media Centre (Library) We have a Learning Media Centre available for reading, working, researching or studying. It is open to all students and teachers. Also it is equipped with bibliographic reference, laptops and internet connection spots. The Learning Media Centre is open every school day until 19:00, except on Fridays, when it closes at 17:00. 18 Healthcare Extracurricular activities The school has a healthcare service operated by a nurse. It is available every day and it intends to assist students, inform their families and, in case of emergency, derive students to school-related medical centres. We offer a wide range of sport (football, basketball, hockey, paddle tennis, skating, swimming...) and cultural (English, school of music, chess...) extracurricular activities, which allow pupils and students to complement their leisure time. 1. TIMETABLE 3. DISCOVERING ONESELF AND THE OTHERS • Personal and Social Habits • Psychomotor • Basic PE • Swimming 4. DISCOVERING THE ENVIRONMENT • The Scientific Workshop and Garden • Mathematics • Social and Cultural Knowledge 5. THE KEYS TO OUR NURSERY Nursery 2. COMUNICATION AND LANGUAGES • English • Music 3 The nursery is the pillar on which the development of children is based. This is the reason why it must be able to provide a communicational frame which can guarantee the teaching-learning process. At this stage the relationships between teachers and pupils are to be considered essential. Children need them to be able to acquire the security and autonomy necessary for their development. For this reason, our nursery school is located within the grounds of the school, in a family atmosphere and it remains physically separated from all of the other levels in our centre. It has an exclusive entry connected to a dedicated parking lot which allows convenient accessibility for both parents and children. 3 1. Timetable From 7:30 (flexible entrance) to 16:45. On Friday, school ends at 15:45. There is a Free Welcome and Hosting service every school day from 8:00 to 8:45 and from 16:45 to 18:00. On Friday, the afternoon hosting service will be available from 15:45 to 17:00. We Are a Green School 20 2. Communication and Languages At the school, we place special emphasis on languages from an early age and we familiarize students with the different languages in order to ensure that language learning is much more effective in the future. It is an objective of this stage that the students reach a good level of understanding and speaking in both Catalan and Spanish. We also aim at their starting to get a preliminary level of English understanding and speaking. During this period, children are especially familiar with the phonetics of Catalan, Spanish and English, so that they may acquire a good phonetic awareness of all three languages. 3 21 English English is the first foreign language the School introduces; French is the second, starting at primary school; the third one is German, starting at ESO. We promote the study of languages throughout all stages by offering exchanges and stays abroad. At the nursery stage (P3-P5) we already start to work together with other schools in other countries in order to make students aware of the importance of learning languages, especially English. In P3 children begin learning English and we motivate them to participate verbally in class. The specialist teacher of English and the native language assistants become the natural reference for English. . ENGLISH 3 Weekly hours per year P3 P4 P5 5 6 6 •English native language assistants (native faculty). •Curricular Arts & Crafts taught in English. •Phonics method for English phonetics acquisition. •Artigal Method aiming at the learning and theatrical performing of small stories in English. 22 Music We work on different aspects of music: ear education, music theory, rhythm, movement and dance, song and audition. In each year of nursery we do two hours a week of music with a music specialist. In addition to these sessions, the tutor uses songs and performances as a resource in the work of other subjects. Each year we study the lifes and we hear to the masterpieces of two musicians: P3, Mozart and Brahms; P4, Handel and Tchaikovsky; and P5, Verdi and Stravinsky. And every year we present a live musical instrument (clarinet, trumpet ...) as well. Also songs help us live traditions and festivals throughout the year: la Castanyada (Halloween), Christmas, Carnival, Easter... In December we sing Christmas carols in a concert open to families. 3. Discovering Oneself and the Others Personal and Social Habits Self-regulation of habits requires certain skills that must ensure the welfare of the child. Students learn to wash their hands; eat alone; put on and remove a coat; sit in the class circle. Gradually, children manage to acquire a higher degree of autonomy. In P3 we fortnightly work habits. Those habits which facilitate adaptation and socialization of students are prioritised. We also reinforce hygiene habits. In P4 and P5 we integrate the work of habits in the different subjects we teach. Psychomotor Education We practice psychomotor education based on Aucouturier, in which the development of the child is treated from a global perspective. It is a practice that promotes harmonious development of personality and access to communication, creativity and thought. This method is based on spontaneous action, interaction with the space, the objects and the others, as well as the intervention of the adult. Thus, psychomotor education allows children to follow an itinerary of maturation that leads gradually from the pleasure of acting to the pleasure of thinking. 3 Basic PE Children learn through play, in an organized, funny, dynamic and participatory way; they learn to respect the rules so that we all can play. PE teaches basic movement by ensuring that each child develops motor skills and qualities in the best possible way. We clearly reject the competitive model and put the emphasis on learning through cooperation (which encourages inclusion), the respect for teammates and ultimately our development as individuals. We create a pleasant environment and we establish a positive social relation before, during and after the game. 23 Swimming . Swimming in our school is a compulsory subject from P3 to 4th ESO. Since the start of P3 we encourage pupils to get familiar with the aquatic environment, we train them in flotation (with and without support items), different swimming techniques, both ventral and dorsal, as well as different diving techniques. These goals we achieve by practicing a great variety of exercises. The classes are divided into three groups. These small groups allow the teacher to properly look after the children. Also the reduced number of pupils in the groups allows for a rapid improvement. 3 4. Discovering the environment The Scientific Workshop and The Garden We weekly perform activities of observation, experimentation and interaction with the natural environment of the school: the garden, the forest and the nature classroom. Students observe the life cycle of the plant 24 species and the effect that seasons provoke on them. They also engage in being in charge of growing a specific kind of plant. Each level is then enticed to planting, watering and harvesting certain fruits. Mathematics Social and Cultural Knowledge Retreats and excursions, work projects, along with centres of interest and the celebrations of festivals throughout the year help students expand the information and knowledge they have on various elements of the social and cultural world. We explore the different roles of individuals in society, the diversity of cultures and the different traditions thereof, the basic rules of behaviour, etc. 3 We teach numbering, calculation, measurement, reasoning, statistics and orientation in space and time, in a globalized, manipulative and sensory way. Mathematics allow for children to make an advance in the discovery of sensory perception, as well as of their sensory possibilities and the establishment of logical relations with the environment. 25 5. The keys to our Nursery We apply methodologies seeking to promote diversity awareness and meaningful learning. We encourage pupils to think and plan before acting. We perform a number of activities in which pupils are immersed in a universe with personal relationships intertwining each other, the teacher and the objects around them. Very often pupils move autonomously and they choose a place in which they want to perform their activity. 3 We promote experimentation in order to favour in pupils some important skills such as the ability of researching, observing, manipulating or creating a reality. Thus, pupils learn in a playful way and they are more aware of the restrictions inherent to the idea of sharing possibilities with others. We apply active methods and integrated projects. We have “learning corners” and “symbolic games corners”. Pupils choose, decide, organize and work autonomously or in groups. We also make strolls in the woods and we grow vegetables inside the school. We work on Projects and we promote reading habits. We promote the organization of the class group and we offer: continuous monitoring tutorial, both individual and with the whole class group; psychological and pedagogical assessment and council; school back-up; language stimulation groups; back-up groups and speech therapy. Finally we also offer a specific plan of welcoming and adaptation intended for new-comers. 26 Working on Emotional Education 1. TIMETABLE 3. LEARNING FOREIGN LANGUAGES • Summer Camps abroad and near home 4. MUSICAL EDUCATION, IN AGREEMENT WITH THE LICEU CONSERVATORY OF BARCELONA 5. THE KEYS TO OUR PRIMARY SCHOOL Primary School 2. THE CURRICULAR ORGANIZATION 4 Primary School is designed to provide students with the opportunity to develop personal and social skills. Students are to acquire skills and competencies related to oral expression and comprehension, written expression and reading comprehension, mathematics, the use of new technologies and audiovisual communication. Moreover, they shall develop their capacity of effort, work and study. They shall also learn to express themselves using their artistic sensitivity, creativity and affectivity. In Primary School we introduce our students to French as a second foreign language. Besides, in agreement with the Liceu Conservatory of Barcelona we give our students the opportunity to obtain a certificate of their level of musical education. 4 2. The curricular organization CURRICULUM ORGANIZATION Formal education Catalan Spanish Natural and Social Environment Arts & Crafts Physical Education Mathematics Religious Culture English Recreation Supplementary Education IT Sport Games Experimental Workshop English Conversation Class Meeting Music Expression workshop 1. Timetable From 8:45 to 13:00 and from 14:45 to 16:45. On Friday, school ends at 15:30. There is a Free Welcome and Hosting service every school day from 8:15 to 8:45 and from 16:45 to 17:15. On Friday, the hosting service in the afternoon will be available from 15:30 to 16:00. 28 Art workshop French Swimming 3. Learning foreign languages English is the first foreign language in our school. During primary (5th and 6th grades) all pupils will start learning French, as well, as a second foreign language. When reaching ESO, students have the opportunity of choosing French as an optional subject or they may choose to start learning German as a second foreign language. In ESO there are high-level optional itineraries for both French and German. They are known as the “European Classroom”. In the case of French, a level test must be passed to access such an itinerary. In the case of German, selection criteria are applied regarding the performance levels the candidate has reached in their last Primary School year. • Emphasis on oral skills. • CLIL subjects. LEARNING FOREIGN LANGUAGES Weekly hours per year Language 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 5 5 5 5 5 5 - - - - 1 1 • Language Assistants in English (native faculty). • Group-splitting strategies in 5th and 6th grades. • School Canteen in English in 6th grade. • Beginning of French as a foreign language in 5th grade. •Presentation of students at Cambridge official exams. The exam contents are included in the English curriculum. 4 29 Summer Camps abroad and near home Our school encourages the students’ participation in exchanges and stays abroad so that our students can improve the learning of foreign languages by immersion. For students from fourth to sixth grade, we offer a linguistic stay for two weeks in July in the UK. The program includes English classes in the morning, and sports 4 30 and leisure activities in the afternoon. They discover other cultures and live with young people from other countries. Students stay in a residence. We also offer an English Summer Camp (1 week in July) in St. Iscle de Colltort (La Garrotxa, Girona). 4. Musical Education, in agreement with the Liceu Conservatory of Barcelona In July 2012 our school signed an agreement with the Liceu Conservatory to enhance the musical education of our students. We intend that students acquire the skills necessary for the practice of music and anticipate various routes so that students progress according to their motivation, dedication and talent. This liaison with the Liceu Conservatory facilitates structuring academic teaching resources, as well as programming the monitoring and evaluation of students. It also provides us with a teacher training program and some other academic and artistic activities consistent with our educational project. The program begins in first grade and during the first two years it is integrated into the regular curriculum in the area of music. At the end of the first cycle (1st – 2nd Grade); families who are interested may take their children to sit a level test at the Conservatory to establish their level of attainment and skills. From third grade two routes are offered. The ordinary one establishes a continuation of the studies on musical content of the Primary School and the Liceu Conservatory curriculum. In another one, those students who have the skills and the willingness to improve their musical knowledge and training will have to complement their musical training by attending extracurricular courses. At the end of primary education, the Liceu Conservatory will award those students who have followed the whole program and have passed the tests of all subjects, the Basic Level Certificate. This diploma allows them to access further studies leading to their obtaining of a Professional Degree in Music. 4 31 5. The Keys to Our Primary School Project-based Activities. Students are encouraged to establish a relation between those things they already know and those which they may eventually get to know. They learn the appropriate proceedings leading to proper selection and management of information. These activities seek to promote attitudes such as self-awareness and autonomy. They also provide students with new learning strategies: research, comprehension, communication, as well as the expression of ideas and feelings. Specifically designed programs to promote reading practice among students: Book Explorers, Reading Godfathers, or the Classroom Library. Cooperative work, beginning in 2nd and 3rd grades, and getting more systematically into 5th and 6th grades. It promotes positive interactions and peer-to-peer learning. It also helps make work teams more compact and it improves personal relationships. 4 Learning-Service activities promoting teamwork among students of different levels. These activities help consolidate previous knowledge acquired. Workshops on Emotional Education and Inner Dimension by means of visualisation and self-awareness activities. They contribute to generate a proper environment for significant efficient learning. Basic Best-Practices. We systematically work on Languages and Mathematics basic skills. We consider them to be unavoidable instrumental skills that students are going to need in the pursuit of their future academic endeavours. Swimming is a compulsory subject. 32 2. CURRICULAR ORGANIZATION 3. LEARNING FOREIGN LANGUAGES • Stays abroad and Language Exchanges • An Integration Program in Canada 4. THE KEYS TO OUR ESO ESO (Compulsory Secondary Education) 1. TIMETABLE 5 Secondary School seeks to promote the development of students. It is our aim to enhance their basic skills by encouraging research, critical thinking, values, innovation, healthy habits and emotional balance. A wide range of optional courses allow students to begin learning a third foreign language (German), enjoy exchanges and stays abroad, or even getting started in the world of robotics, microorganisms, or Ancient Egypt... All throughout the Secondary School, swimming remains a compulsory subject. We effectively combine learning a variety of academic subjects with what we call “domestic survival workshops” (ironing and knitting, cooking and DIY). 1. Timetable From 8:30 to 13:50 and 15:15 to 17:10. Wednesdays and Fridays: no classes in the afternoon. 5 34 2. Curricular organization ESO YEAR COMPULSORY Creative Writing European Classroom (French) European Classroom (German) French Math Review Problem Solving Techniques Art and Civilization of Ancient Egypt IT Ironing and Knitting Swimming 1st Catalan Language and Literature Spanish Language and Literature Mathematics English Technology Social Science Natural sciences: Biology and Geology PE Arts & Crafts Music Religious Culture Group Counselling SUBJECTS OPTIONAL* ADDITIONAL MATERIALS European Classroom (French) European Classroom (German) French Lego League 1 (Robotics) Mathematical games Geogebra (Math Software Workshops) Microorganisms IT Ironing and Knitting Swimming 2nd Catalan Language and Literature Spanish Language and Literature Mathematics English Technology Social Science Natural sciences: Physics and Chemistry Physical Education Arts & Crafts Religious Culture Group Counselling European Classroom (French) European Classroom (German) French Preparation for Kangaroo Math Contest Lego League 2 (Robotics) Classical culture School Museum of Natural Sciences (Lessons in Curatorship) DIY Kitchen Swimming 3rd Catalan Language and Literature Spanish Language and Literature Mathematics English Technology Social Science Natural sciences: Geology, Biology, Physics and Chemistry Physical Education Music Religious Culture Group Counselling The offer of optional subjects shall be held subject to the instructions issued by the Department of Education for the academic year 2016-2017. DIY Kitchen Swimming 4th Catalan Language and Literature Spanish Language and Literature Mathematics English Social Science Physical Education Research Project Religious Culture Group Counselling 5 * Optional subjects have a limited number of students. In some subjects, criteria are set according to demand. This is the distribution of school year 2015-2016. It shall be held subject to the instructions issued by the Department of Education for the academic year 2016-2017. 35 3. Learning foreign languages English is the first foreign language in our school. At the end of Primary School (5th and 6th grades) all pupils will start learning French as a second foreign language. When they reach ESO, students have the opportunity of choosing French as an optional subject or else they may choose to start learning German as a second foreign language. In ESO there are high-level optional itineraries for both French and German. They are known as the “European Classroom”. In the case of French a level test must be passed to access such an itinerary. In the case of German, selection criteria are applied regarding the performance levels the candidate has reached in 6th grade at Primary School. LEARNING FOREIGN LANGUAGES Language 5 Weekly hours per yea 1 2nd 3rd 4th 5 5 5 6 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 - st • Flexible grouping (tiered) for Oral Skills in English. • French as an optional subject. • French Excellence Group (European Classroom). It lasts for three years (1st to 3rd ESO). Participation in stays and exchanges is compulsory. •German Excellence Group (European Classroom). It lasts for three years (1st to 3rd ESO). Participation in stays and exchanges is compulsory. 36 • CLIL subjects. • Our students may be ready to sit Cambridge Exams (EFL) or those of the Ministère de l’Éducation Nationale of France. Our school curriculum integrates the contents of these official exams. Stays abroad and Language Exchanges • 1st ESO: a stay of three days in Carcassonne (France) linked to the French European Classroom and another exchange of six days, open to all students of 1st ESO with Konstancin School (Poland). • 1st and 2nd ESO: a stay of two weeks in July at the Junior Language School in Totnes, Totnes (UK). •2nd ESO: an exchange of one week, linked to the German European Classroom, with a school in Idstein (Germany) and another week stay with the Collège Saint Joseph de Reims (France). • 3rd ESO: two week exchanges, linked to the French European Classroom, with a school in Metz (France), and another stay linked to the German European Classroom with a school in Weiterstadt (Germany). •4th ESO: an exchange of a week with Groupe scolaire Notre Dame de Sion in Paris (France) for students enrolled in Optional French. Besides, a stay Work Experience Week in Cambridge (UK). • From 1st to 4th ESO: a stay of three weeks in July, Ottawa International Training Centre in Ottawa (Canada). An Integration Program in Canada We offer all students the opportunity to participate in a program of school integration at a High School in British Columbia, Canada. This program is carried out during the first trimester and lasts for ten weeks. During their stay, students live in-house with Canadian families. In order to ensure the students have no difficulties in academic progress and rejoining school upon their return, our teachers and tutors monitor and counsel them throughout the stay. We organise exchanges and stays abroad 5 37 4. The keys to our ESO Classes for Excellence and Special Educational Needs are equally taught both in Mathematics and Catalan Language and Literature. French Excellence Group (European Classroom). German Excellence Group (European Classroom). We actively participate in the educational contest First Lego League (Robotics). Learning-Service activities promote teamwork among students of different levels. These activities help consolidate previous knowledge acquired. Workshops on household and house chores: ironing and knitting, cooking and DIY. Counselling Annual Plan: civility, health, affectivity and sexuality, working habits, convivial excursions, academic and professional guidance... Workshops on Emotional Education and Inner Dimension by means of excursions and exercises leading to discussion and self-awareness. Our aim is to create a proper environment for all forms of meaningful learning. 5 Swimming is a compulsory subject. We educate in civility 38 2. CURRICULAR ORGANIZATION • Core subjects • Routes • The Research Papers and Conference 3. LEARNING FOREIGN LANGUAGES 4. THE KEYS TO OUR HIGH SCHOOL Batxillerat (High School) 1. TIMETABLE 6 High School is partially publicly funded in our school and many routes can be explored within in order to get deeper into the subjects of Science & Technology, Social Sciencess & Humanities, or Arts & Communication. Our aim is to provide our students with a comprehensive education that allows them to achieve a good education in values and also a good academic performance. Not only we seek to train students to ensure they 6 40 get best possible grades in their University Access (PAU) examination, but also it is our will to prepare them to successfully overcome the challenges that they may encounter after school. 1. Timetable From 8:30 to 14:00 and 15:15 to 17:10. Wednesdays and Fridays: no classes in the afternoon. 2. Curricular Organization Core Subjects CURRICULAR ORGANIZATION COMMON AREAS 1st 2nd Catalan Language and Literature Catalan Language and Literature Spanish Language and Literature Spanish Language and Literature English English Physical Education History History Group Counselling Group Counselling 6 41 Routes Our school offers nine routes to students in 1st and 2nd High School. In High School students may attend compulsory and optional subjects according to their preferences and expectations with a view to attend higher level studies at university later. It should also be remembered that certain subjects, according to the university you wish to study, can be used to improve the grade you may obtain at the PAU exam. CURRICULAR ORGANIZATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY. ROUTES AND SUBJECTS * 1st 2nd ROUTE I: TECHNOLOGY Mathematics I Mathematics II Physics I Physics II Engineering I Engineering II Choose one: Technical Drawing I , Chemistry I , French I Choose one: Technical Drawing II, Chemistry II, French II ROUTE II: TECHNOLOGY II Mathematics I Mathematics II Physics I Physics II Chemistry I Chemistry II Choose one:Technical Drawing I, French I Choose one: Technical Drawing II, French II ROUTE III: HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENT Mathematics I Mathematics II Biology I Biology II Chemistry I Chemistry II Choose one: Earth Sciences and Environment, French I Choose one: Geology, French II ROUTE IV: TECHNOLOGY, HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENT 6 Mathematics I Mathematics II Physics I Physics II Biology I Biology II Chemistry I Chemistry II * This offer for itineraries and subjects within the same itinerary is held subject to the number of students enrolled therein. This distribution matters corresponds to school year 2015-2016. It shall be held subject to the instructions issued by the Department of Education for the academic year 2016-2017. We use ICT 42 CURRICULAR ORGANIZATION HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES. ROUTES AND SUBJECTS * 1st 2nd Route V: ECONOMY Matemàtiques aplicades a les ciències socials I Matemàtiques aplicades a les ciències socials II Economia de l’empresa I Economia de l’empresa II Economia I Geografia Història món contemporani o Francès I o Llatí I (Triar-ne una) Història de l’art o Història de la filosofia o Francès II o Llatí II (Triarne una) Itinerari VI: CIÈNCIES SOCIALS I Mathematics applied to social sciences I Mathematics applied to social sciences II Companies & Businesses I Companies & Businesses II Economics Geography Choose one: Contemporary World History , French I , Latin Choose one: History of Art, Philosophy, History, Latin II, French II Route VII: SOCIAL SCIENCES II Mathematics applied to social sciences I Mathematics applied to social sciences II Universal Literature History of Art Choose one: Contemporary World, History, Economy Choose one: Geography, History of Philosophy Choose one: French I, Audiovisual Culture Choose one: French II, Audiovisual Culture II Route VIII HUMANITIES Latin I Latin II Universal Literature History of Art Contemporary World History History of Philosophy Choose one: French I, Audiovisual Culture Choose one: French II, Geography, Audiovisual Culture II * This offer for itineraries and subjects within the same itinerary is held subject to the number of students enrolled therein. This distribution matters corresponds to school year 2015-2016. It shall be held subject to the instructions issued by the Department of Education for the academic year 2016-2017. ARTS. ROUTES AND SUBJECTS * 1st 2nd 6 Route IX: COMMUNICATION History of Art Foundations of Art Audiovisual Culture I Audiovisual Culture II Universal Literature Subject to be determined Choose one: Contemporary World, History, Economy, French I Choose one: History of Philosophy, Geography, French II * This offer for itineraries and subjects within the same itinerary is held subject to the number of students enrolled therein. This distribution matters corresponds to school year 2015-2016. It shall be held subject to the instructions issued by the Department of Education for the academic year 2016-2017. 43 The Research Papers and Conference At High School students prepare a Research Project. They then write a report and make an oral presentation on it. This work is, in general, individually performed and it represents 10% of the overall grade of High School. The Research Project consists of a structured set of activities aimed at promoting research and can be framed in one subject or else be interdisciplinary. Students have a year to finish it: since the end of the first term until the first term of the second year. The Research Advisors are responsible for giving the students the methodological guidelines appropriate for each type 6 44 of work. They advise students on experimental or documentary research. They also help shed a light on the global approach and in the drafting of the report and the oral defence thereof. Research Advisors are also in charge of making sure follow-up deadlines are followed until the day of the public presentation. Students chosen for their excellence in research have the opportunity to defend them on the day of the Research Project Conference. On that day a scientific conference is simulated to which all High School students, their teachers and their families are invited to attend. 3. Learning foreign languages LEARNING FOREIGN LANGUAGES Weekly hours per year Language 1st 2nd 3 3 4 - • English Group of Excellence. • Optional French in 1st High School. •Language Exchanges with Sweden and the Netherlands. • FerMun Conference at the Lycée International Ferney-Voltaire, Switzerland. • The Research Project can be performed in English. • Stay of three weeks, in July, at Ottawa International Training Centre; Ottawa (Canada). • Our students may be ready to sit Cambridge Exams (EFL) or those of the Ministère de l’Éducation Nationale of France. Our school curriculum integrates the contents of these official exams. 6 45 4. The keys to our High School The “Be an Entrepreneur Project”. This program seeks introducing students to entrepreneurship. It is taught in English in the context of the Business & Administration subject. Students develop a whole business plan according to their interests and they perform its public presentation in English. English Group of Excellence. Learning-Service activities promote teamwork among students of different levels. These activities help consolidate previous knowledge acquired. Curriculum addenda: a complementary hour per week is offered. In 1st High School this hour is devoted to Religious Culture. In 2nd High School a variety of optional complementary seminar subjects are offered (IT, French, Text Analysis, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Geography or Math Backup). Workshops on Emotional Education and Inner Dimension by means of excursions and exercises leading to discussion and self-awareness. Our aim is to create a proper environment for all forms of meaningful learning. Activities devoted to personal, professional and academic guidance. Organization of group or individual visits to the universities. 6 46 47 7 Vocational Education and Training (VET) Vocational Education and Training (VET) stands forward as a different route of university access. It allows for the students to be in contact with their professional world from the very first day. Our school offers several VET itineraries in the field of Sports, both in lower and higher education programs and degrees. Thus we teach a lower degree in “Guidance of Outdoors Sport and Physical Activities” (CAFEMN), as well as a higher degree in “Management of Sport and Physical Activities” (AAFE). Also in the higher education level we teach a brand new degree on Fitness & Wellness (related to the AAFE itinerary) and another one on Sports & Nutrition related to Dietetics. Both of them have just been opened recently this year. We also teach studies in special modalities such as Football, Basketball, First Aid & Lifesaving, Winter Sports, Mountaineering and Climbing. These studies we provide for both lower and higher VET levels. 7 48 Moreover, within the Sports VET framework we teach a one-year by-pass course (CAS; Access to Higher Level Course) intended to grant access to higher VET courses. VOCATIONAL EDUCATION AND TRAINING (VET) VET – Regular Courses Lower level: Guidance of Outdoors Sport and Physical Activities (CFGM: CAFEMN) Higher level: Management of Sport and Physical Activities (CFGS: AAFE) Higher level: Fitness & Wellness grade within AAFE (CFGS: FITNESS &WELLNESS) Higher level: Sports & Nutrition grade within Dietetics (CFGS: SPORTS & NUTRITION) Special Modalities within the Sports VET Framework Degree in Soccer (Lower and Higher Levels) [In agreement with the Catalan Soccer Federation] Lower Degree in Basketball [In agreement with the Catalan Basketball Federation] Lower and Higher Degree in Climbing and Mountain Sports (Hiking, Mountain-biking, Climbing and Canoeing) Lower Degree in Winter Sports (Skiing, Snowboarding and Skiing) Lifeguard License (Intermediate) [In agreement with the Lifeguard Federation and Catalan Red Cross] Access to the Higher Level Course (CAS) Privately owned school receiving a grant from Generalitat (Government of Catalonia)