newsflash HAUSMESSE The EVI Audio Magazine
newsflash HAUSMESSE The EVI Audio Magazine
23.01.2007 17:12 Uhr Seite 1 newsflash HAUSMESSE 2007 The EVI Audio Magazine RZ_engl_newsflash_220107.qxp RZ_engl_newsflash_220107.qxp 23.01.2007 17:12 Uhr Seite 2 EDITORIAL CONTENTS First of all, let us wish you a warm welcome to the EVI Audio Hausmesse our in-house trade fair, which this year takes place under changed conditions but which nonetheless continues the long tradition of what has become an event of global significance within the industry. As in previous years, we will do everything in our power to ensure that you feel at home here and that the numerous demos and workshops scheduled for this year's event will enable you to form a clear picture of the high quality, innovative originality and efficiency of our new products. You will find the program and times of these breakouts on the notice boards but, if you prefer, you can always just consult a member of our staff. The potential and perspectives for EVI Audio after its integration into Robert Bosch GmbH are discussed by Mathias von Heydekampf, President Pro Audio, in an interview on pages 4 to 6 in which he says: "No second passes in which somewhere in the world an event is not taking place in which we are in some way technically involved." The references cited in the 24 pages of this edition of newsflash should be regarded therefore as simply representative of the multitude of activities in which we – and you – have participated in the recent past. Here's wishing you all an enjoyable and instructive stay in Straubing! Page 3 MIX News from the pro audio scene Page 4 / 7 INSIDE "We are all pursuing the same objective" – interview with Mathias von Heydekampf, President Pro Audio Page 8 / 9 HIGHLIGHT The birth of a legend – the Midas XL8 Page 10/11 HIGHLIGHT "Praise the Lord, loud and clear!" – installations in American houses of worship Page 12 WORLDWIDE: Electro-Voice "I wanted the air to catch fire" – Razorlight on tour Satis&Fy and EV – on tour with Reamonn Page 13 WORLDWIDE: Electro-Voice EV makes the difference – US tour of the Pet Shop Boys Page 14 WORLDWIDE: Electro-Voice World class in every sense – the Detroit International Jazz Festival / Trans-Siberian Orchestra on Tour with EV Page 15 WORLDWIDE: Electro-Voice "Glasgow belongs to me" – EV's XLD debut José Joaquín de Olmedo international airport Page 16 WORLDWIDE: DYNACORD Success with EVI Audio systems The heavenly sound of the Cobra – the Sanctuary Club, Fort Meyers Page 17 WORLDWIDE: DYNACORD The Cobra graduates summa cum laude – University of Maine Masterclass & EVI Academy – Musikakademie Hammelburg Page 18 WORLDWIDE: DYNACORD HipHop superstar with the Cobra – Wyclef Jean in Miami Down under with the Dynacord Cobra – Peel Audiovisual Page 19 WORLDWIDE: DYNACORD Cobra boosts Drummer Boy Sound – Boward Caribbean Carnival in Sunrise / Open air orchestra in CD quality – Peer Gynt in Norway Page 20 WORLDWIDE: Klark Teknik Helix E debuts in Amsterdam – Klark Teknik at the IBC Rocking with the Square One – on tour with Porcupine Tree Page 21 WORLDWIDE: TELEX / RTS Banking on Telex – the Inter OB Truck Upgrading with Telex/RTS – Enfys renovates Cardiff studios Page 22/23 INSIDE New team-members; SBES / Birmingham; Conference of sound engineers / Massive investment in Straubing production facility / NAM distributors meeting in Arizona IMPRINT PUBLISHER EDITORIAL STAFF EVI Audio GmbH Gunther Matejka Guy Low COORDINATION James Edlund Robert Pletz Rhea Marstaller Hirschberger Ring 45 Daniel Kappla D-94315 Straubing Sabine Heinz Tel: +49 9421/706-0 Ulli Hoppert Fax: +49 9421/706-315 Philipp Herschkowitz Gez Kahan REALIZATION snapshot Redaktionsbüro TRANSLATIONS Gunther Matejka Ewan Whyte Tel: +49 89/74 65 36 63 E-mail: [email protected] Fax: +49 89/74 65 36 68 E-Mail: GRAPHICS [email protected] Sabine Bitterlich E-Mail: [email protected] PRINTING F&W MEDIENCENTER, KIENBERG 2 newsflash / spring 2007 RZ_engl_newsflash_220107.qxp 23.01.2007 17:12 Uhr Seite 3 NEWS… MIX COBRA, KIDS & NBA STAR MEGADETH WITH EV EV-ENDORSER NEWS Every year, NBA star Udonis Haslem’s Children’s Foundation distributes thousands of toys to inner city children from South Florida. This year’s event was held at Sherbondy Park in Opa-Locka, where toys were delivered to the park for distribution, all donated by Haslem. Haslem’s Heat teammate, James Posey, assisted in the toy giveaway. Drummer Boy Sound handled the production, deploying its DYNACORD Cobra-2 line array system, DYNACORD amps and EV monitors. Dave Mustaine (photo) and James Lomenzo of the platinum-plated metal band Megadeth enjoyed another triumphant world tour in 2006 with EV microphones. The guitar and bass cabinets were captured by RE-1 mikes, with the N/D967 preferred for the vocals. In the run-up to her recent sellout tour, British soul singer and songwriter Terri Walker put a selection of Electro-Voice microphones through their paces, opting eventually for the wireless RE-1: "I like the way I sound through it," the artist explained. "It’s a true representation of my voice." +++ Soul king Al Green also dazzled with the RE-1 on his recent US tour +++ World-class bass player Avishai Cohen, meanwhile, opted for the EV RE20 +++ The cult band Devo relies on both wired and wireless systems from EV when playing live +++ Welcome to the club! Top drummer Keith Capsuto now uses exclusively EV microphones to capture his drumkit +++ KT & MIDAS IN ART CENTER LL COOL J MIT MIDAS-TOUCH The Kentucky Center for the Performing Arts is one of the most impressive and versatile venues in the USA, requiring five different Midas mixing consoles to cover the full range of offerings. Recently these were joined by a battery of five Klark Teknik DN1248 Plus active analog microphone splitters, since, as David Doukas (the Center's Audio Department Manager) explained, "no other product could offer the sonic clarity we're used to here." US rap star, actor and 2-time Grammy winner LL Cool J toured Germany in September and October 2006 with the events service provider You Sound. A brace of Midas H3000 consoles performed the mixing honours: one for the foldback and the other front of house. HOTEL CAFÉ-TOUR WITH EV Since its inception in 2005, the Hotel Café Tour has quickly established itself as the most important platform for aspiring singersongwriters. This year's tour, running from October 2nd to November 18th, took in 35 cities and featured Joshua Radin, Jim Bianco, the Cary Brothers and Schuyler Fisk (photo) along with a backing group, a crew of technicians and an array of ElectroVoice microphones – notably the EV/ BLUE Cardinal, the N/D478 and the RE510. newsflash / spring 2007 3 RZ_engl_newsflash_220107.qxp 23.01.2007 17:12 Uhr Seite 4 INSIDE INTERVIEW MATHIAS VON HEYDEKAMPF "WE'RE ALL PULLING IN THE SAME DIRECTION" The takeover by Bosch, soccer's World Cup, a series of spectacular new products – 2006 was a eventful year for EVI Audio as it was a successful one. With the course now set, Mathias von Heydekampf, President Pro Audio, sees "gigantic opportunities" for the company in 2007. In an interview with newsflash, he spells out the details as well as his personal goals Photo: Ralf Wilschewski Mathias von Heydekampf, President Pro Audio 4 newsflash / spring 2007 newsflash: 2006 was a busy year for EVI Audio. How would you sum it up? Mathias von Heydekampf: 2006 was one of the most eventful years ever for TELEX/ EVI Audio. Of greatest consequence, of course, was the fantastic news that we have found a new home under the roof of Bosch Security Systems GmbH. This opens gigantic opportunities and is hugely motivating for us all as we look to the future. I have been with the company for 10 years now, but I’ve never known a year with as many highlights as this last one. Just take, for example, the way the MIDAS XL8 has been received by the market. This is a digital console in which we invested a great deal of time and money, and everyone can now see that the investment has paid off. It is the perfect vindication of our strategy of offering added value and customer-oriented solutions to problems. The same goes for the Electro-Voice Tour Grade high performance amplifiers and DYNACORD's D12-3 and D15-3 speakers. The reaction from our customers confirms that our product development philosophy is on exactly the right lines – and that is corroborated by our sales figures. In Straubing, 2006 saw incoming orders increase by around 40 per cent – and that with products designed with top performance rather than price points in mind. We are naturally delighted by that. In addition to the product highlights, there was, of course, also the World Cup, the quintessential 'global event' to which we made a truly significant contribution with our systems. We can be justifiably proud of the role our products played in staging the event. For me personally, the most exhilarating moments were also provided by the World Cup: along with a number of colleagues, I attended the Germany v Argentina quarter final – an overwhelming, unforgettable experience. RZ_engl_newsflash_220107.qxp 23.01.2007 17:12 Uhr Seite 5 INSIDE newsflash: We’re now some six months on from the integration into Bosch. What can you tell friends in the business about the merger? Mathias von Heydekampf: : I was strongly in favour of the Bosch takeover from the start – I made no secret of that. Bosch has a strategic approach that is the perfect complement to the principles that have worked so well for us: "Brand Value", "Quality Optimization", "Longterm Orientation" and, naturally, "Growth". Directly after the takeover, Bosch invested over five million euros in the Straubing site. That is a clear statement of intent and corresponds entirely to our ideal of Added Value. Half a year on, it is plain that we have found a genuine partnership – each of us complements the other and that will ensure that we are able to implement our fundamental guidelines. It’s better than a satisfactory situation – it looks like exceeding all our expectations. newsflash: Five million euros is a huge investment. How is it being used? Mathias von Heydekampf: In improving production. Bosch has invested more in a single go than the total investment in all the years I've been with TELEX. Bosch recognized that our production facilities were the best in the world, but that they were in need of modernization. That meant we had to catch up, which is precisely what we are doing, thanks to this single injection of funds. We're all pulling in the same direction here, with the staff, too, making a major contribution by agreeing to work 38 hours a week instead of 35. They were happy to make concessions with a view to securing the long-time future of their jobs and ensuring our products continued to bear the "Made in Germany" hallmark. I consider that a very good omen for the future. newsflash: What changes will we see in the short term as a result of this investment? Mathias von Heydekampf: Our supply chain will improve rapidly, as it needs to – we have a backlog of orders to fill. We need therefore to implement the Bosch supply chain philosophy into our production as quickly as possible, so that we can again meet the demand from all quarters for deliveries. I can see the first positive signs already: in November and December, the new Production Manager, Konrad Proyer, achieved an output the like of which I have not seen for a long time. newsflash: As a result of the merger, has there been any deviation from the company's fundamental principles: "Think application – not competition; think customer – not dealer; think problem solution – not pricing"? Mathias von Heydekampf: No. On the contrary, our strategic principles are more important than ever: solutions to problems and system integration, not price points and 'me too', as well as addressing vertical markets with each brand. During 2007 distributors will perceive even more clearly that we are absolutely convinced of the value of our strategic principles – and also that we will strive for optimal coverage of the vertical markets in each country. newsflash: DYNACORD has received a real boost on the American market in the last few years. How much progress has the brand made on that side of the Atlantic in your view? Mathias von Heydekampf: DYNACORD has really exploded on the American market: the shelves are emptying faster than we can fill them. As well as that, DYNACORD is undergoing a change of image in America; shedding its esoteric “Insiders Only” image to appeal to a wider public. newsflash / spring 2007 This ties in with an expansion of the product line, with the introduction of the lightweight D12-3 and D15-3 plus Subs speaker system, the VariLine and the PowerH amps. Right now it seems that whenever we send a container to America, it's invariably sold out before it even gets there. newsflash: Which new markets are growing in importance for company strategy? Would you include China, for example, and Asia as a whole? Mathias von Heydekampf: Those, too, are markets in which we have achieved very strong growth in the last few years. As always, we are not aiming for the maximum growth in the shortest possible time but rather to construct carefully a sales network that we can then expand: we are only interested in distributors and dealers committed to the same fundamental principles as ourselves. Those who will take the trouble to explain and demonstrate our products. That will enable us to stand out from our competitors. Incidentally, we have observed a trend in China towards branded products – an area in which we obviously have much to offer. newsflash: Changing the subject: how important to the image of the company was EVI Audio's contribution to the World Cup? Mathias von Heydekampf: Very important. Word of the extent of our participation in the various stadiums soon spread and those who visited the Allianz Arena or the Olympic Stadium in Berlin now know what it's like to get goose pimples just from the sound. In the run-up to the tournament, we took a number of customers and distributors to visit our stadiums, and this proved a great success because there are certain things you cannot describe: people have to hear and expe- ➤ 5 RZ_engl_newsflash_220107.qxp 23.01.2007 17:13 Uhr Seite 6 INSIDE rience them for themselves, as was the case with our demo. Audio in any case plays a far more important role in stadiums these days than it did 20 years ago, and this is something we have taken account with our systems – as the whole world could hear once the tournament got underway. newsflash: The slogan used by a current Dynacord ad invokes the time-honoured phrase "Made in Germany". Has the World Cup, in your opinion, improved the way Germany is seen in other areas? Mathias von Heydekampf: And how! The Germans are known above all for being disciplined. No one thought we knew how to throw a party. Then they saw several million people celebrating in Berlin – and in a totally peaceful way. That was the best PR Germany could have had. newsflash: Have all the people that needed to, now grasped how successful EVI Audio was at the World Cup or is this something that cannot be said too often? Mathias von Heydekampf: Even if a lot of people already do know it, it is something that cannot be stressed often enough – even within the company itself. In fact, I'm sure not many of Bosch's 251,000 odd employees know, what we achieved at the World Cup or the last Olympics. As I keep saying, no second passes without an event taking place somewhere in the world in which we are in some way technically involved. This is 6 something we need to communicate. We need to bang our own drum still louder and demonstrate to even more people how good we are. newsflash: We have the Olympic Games coming up in China in 2008 and in 2010, the World Cup in South Africa. Is there anything concrete to report on either front? Mathias von Heydekampf: Nothing we can talk about at the moment. Obviously we are working on it – but other manu- newsflash / spring 2007 facturers, not surprisingly, are too. Recent major events have demonstrated impressively that we are not just capable theoretically but capable in practice of satisfying the highest demands. Very few audio firms can say that. And now with Bosch we can offer the complete safety package – another priceless advantage. newsflash: Would you say that TELEX/EVI Audio has defined a new standard in this area and raised the bar RZ_engl_newsflash_220107.qxp 23.01.2007 17:13 Uhr Seite 7 INSIDE to a daunting height? Mathias von Heydekampf: Yes, absolutely. Stadiums like the Allianz Arena in Munich and the Olympic Stadium in Berlin are going to take some beating. newsflash: Finally a word about the Hausmesse. Do you have any 'key message' you would like conveyed to our guests? Mathias von Heydekampf: It is always a source of pride to me that the global audio industry meets every year in Straubing at our Hausmesse, but also that the atmosphere is invariably one of friendliness and cooperation. Many of our guests have told me that it feels like a huge family reunion. As a key message, I would choose: "Do good things and talk about them". That should be our watchword at all times. „No second passes without an event taking place somewhere in the world in which we are in some way technically involved“ *** newsflash / spring 2007 7 RZ_engl_newsflash_220107.qxp 23.01.2007 17:13 Uhr Seite 8 HIGHLIGHT MIDAS XL8 BIRTH OF A LEGEND – DIGITAL GOES MIDAS it brings a new level of responsiveness and sound quality to the digital realm. Another characteristic that sets it apart from the other digital consoles we use— all of which are great boards in their own right—is that it doesn’t feel like a digital desk; the layout is appealing before you even consider the audio performance. At the end of the day, it is a very, very digital platform, but, speaking as an engineer, it has that very familiar Midas feel—it’s very easy to slip into the XL8.” The first digital console from the house of Midas—Britain's other royal family— was a long time in coming, but worth the wait. Since its official unveiling at the Frankfurter Musikmesse/ProLight+ Sound 2006, where it was viewed with understandable apprehension— if not alarm—by the other pretenders, the young scion has made triumphant, "princely" progress, one might say, in staking its claim to the Midas throne, with pro audio insiders, celebrated FOH engineers and established rental companies throughout Europe and USA all recognizing its sovereignty. With this latest offering, Midas has really set the cat among the pigeons. The XL8 is not merely another digital mixing console; it offers an incomparable design combining exemplary sound quality, flexibility and reliability with an ease and familiarity of use unrivalled by other digital control surfaces. The XL8 is the first of a new generation of open-architecture, cross-platform, integrated audio control and distribution systems, bringing control of not only audio, but other aspects 8 of a live performance to a single, intuitive control centre. The service network established for the XL8 is similarly impressive. The threeyear factory warranty is only the start. Round-the-clock support is available 365 days per year with customer service and support centres established in Minneapolis (USA), Kidderminster (UK) and Singapore staffed with trained personnel to offer professional assistance. Canada and the United States have been among the first to embrace the XL8. In November last year, for example, the Governor General's Performing Arts Awards in Ottowa were mixed using an XL8. Richard Lachance (VP International Development, Solotech) and Mario St.Onge (Special Projects Director, Sound Department, Solotech) operated the XL8 for the show, which also marked the XL8’s debut in a live broadcast application. Lachance and St.-Onge gave a field report on how the XL8 handled and sounded: “The XL8 performed extremely well as an audio mixing board,” says Lachance. “The word that springs to mind when I think of the XL8 is ‘fresh’— newsflash / spring 2007 A month earlier, Westover Church in Greensboro, North Carolina, saw the first installation of a Midas XL8 digital live performance system in the USA. “Originally I was looking at a large format analogue console such as the XL4,” recalls Westover's Technical Director, Danny Slaughter, “but realizing the variety of programming aspects between Sunday services and other events in the new space, I knew that we needed to go digital. All it took was to see the channel and master section [of the XL8] and to hear the console and I knew this was what I had been looking for. I had seen, operated and heard other digital consoles, but this design and sonic quality was 180 degrees away from anything out there.” In Europe as well, more and more professional users are opting for the XL8, one of the first being the Irish broadcaster, RTE, which had an XL8 installed in September 2006 for its longest-running and hugely popular weekly TV programme "The Late, Late Show", which combines chat with celebrities and live music, with sometimes as many as five acts (such as Sir Elton John, U2, Bob Geldorf and Rod Stewart) performing live in the course of a single evening. "I felt the show - a national institution here - deserved the very best," says Alan Murphy of Sound Communications, who was contacted about a desk by RTE in October "and that the XL8 perfectly suited its needs, given the multitude of musical styles and input requirements to be catered to, often in real time and with next-to-no rehearsal." RZ_engl_newsflash_220107.qxp 23.01.2007 17:13 Uhr Seite 9 HIGHLIGHT In the UK, M7 Audio Ltd, a groundbreaking setup comprising seven of the UK’s leading rental companies, have joined forces to facilitate UK rentals of the new Midas XL8 live performance system and have taken delivery of several complete systems. The company, which has been formed by Britannia Row Productions, Canegreen, Capital Sound, Concert Sound, Skan PA Hire, SSE Audio Group and Wigwam Acoustics, will eventually own eight XL8s for UK rental. Meanwhile, on the European mainland, the XL8 already has a staunch following in the Netherlands. Midas Consoles Holland has just completed a training session for the country’s engineers at its premises. “The majority of Holland's top engineers - more than 100 - attended this six hour training session, where they not only learned what the XL8 is all about but learned for themselves that digital has indeed gone Midas,” says MCD MD Axel Nagtegaal, who issued certificates to all who completed the training. Back in May, Nagtegaal announced the first sale of an XL8 in the Netherlands, the customer being Hof Audio – Licht – Beeld, a long-established rental company whose top-end inventory includes several Midas analogue consoles. “Since Midas announced it was to produce a digital console which would retain, and indeed improve upon, the sound characteristics of XL4, we had huge confidence in the new product,” says company owner Bart Hof. “We also know that, this being Midas, we can be assured of excellent quality, service and support. There’s a niche for XL8 in the Dutch market, and as we are an established and trusted company we are well placed to introduce it.” gue consoles are still making a return on investment years after purchase as they have been accepted as industry standards and we are confident—based on the quality of its manufacture and design—that the XL8 will be as well. We’re not restricting our service to Holland exclusively. It will also be available to preselected companies across Europe, as well as US companies needing to hire equipment for European legs of their tours." In the case of XL8 rentals, will provide the whole system together with a factory-trained system technician to assist the mix engineer, as specified by Midas. RTE Soundengineer Mick Woods (l.) and RTE Senior Sound Supervisor Ian Pat Another initial European XL8 customer is DEE Digital Rental Division, which purchased the first system in Belgium from Midas distributor Ampco. Asia is also shaping up to be a strong XL8 territory. Two systems have each been delivered to Japan and Korea, where local distributors and their customers are undergoing full training. Top in Down Under: Jands Production Service, Australia Midas’ Korean distributor, Young Nak, took delivery of two full systems which have been sold to PA rental companies Star Sound and Martin Sound. Two systems have also arrived at EVI Japan, one for despatch to PA company Zero dB, and the second earmarked for training and demonstration purposes. Further systems are already en route to both countries for delivery to customers ranging from leading PA companies through to live venues and Korea’s Church of Love. In a particularly ambitious initiative, Nagtegaal has set up a new company, DRYHIRE.EU, to offer dry hire support to the international event and touring production industry. Among equipment purchased specifically for the new company are two entire Midas XL8 live performance systems. “Our role is exclusively to offer rental company support," explains Nagtegaal. "We’re not in the business of renting equipment to end users or individuals. Two important factors are at play – a return on investment and market demand. Midas large format analo- Training session in Montreal with Richard Ferriday (Midas), Gilles Elhadad (Acoustic GE), Mario St-Onge (Solotech) and Richard Lachance (Solotech) Well trained: Midas Consoles Holland’s Axel Nagtegaal (far left) with Dutch sound engineers newsflash / spring 2007 9 RZ_engl_newsflash_220107.qxp 23.01.2007 17:13 Uhr Seite 10 HIGHLIGHT HOUSE OF WORSHIP SOUND REINFORCEMENT IN THE USA PRAISING THE LORD, LOUD AND CLEAR The Bible says we should praise the Lord with a loud voice. But the asymmetrical layout of many houses of worship and the wrong equipment often result in a cacophony more likely to wake the Devil! Seriously, as the expectations of tech-savvy congregations grow with each new generation, church services can demand production resources no different to those of a touring show or theatre presentation. That said, houses of worship are forever striving for better results, and that’s why so many rely upon systems from Electro-Voice, Midas and Klark Teknik. Places of worship with heavenly sound (clockwise from top left): Country Christmas in Celebration Church; Wooddale Church; Xi-Speakers; Westover Sanctuary Completed just in time for their annual “Country Christmas” seasonal shows, the new EV sound system at Celebration Church in Lakeville, Minnesota, would be equally at home on a major rock tour as in a house of worship. The installation reflects the serious production needs of a large church like Celebration: as of writ- 10 ing, over 18,000 people have attended the Country Christmas shows over a three-week period, hearing the country music themed event loud and clear through a PA that brings tour-quality EV sound to the church’s 1100-seat theatre/ sanctuary. The main PA is comprised of seven Xi-1183 boxes in an LCR configu- newsflash / spring 2007 ration, flown above four Xsubs under the stage. Four Xi-1082s provide front fills, four QRx112/75 are onstage monitors, and two ZX1s are used as personal musician’s monitors. The whole system is powered by EV P3000RL remote control DSP amplifiers running IRIS-Net software. The head pastor and founder of Celebration Church is Lowell Lundstrom. Lundstrom was a popular country rock entertainer in the 1950’s, and, after becoming a minister in 1957, recorded over 50 gospel albums. In 2005 Lowell was inducted into the Minnesota Music Hall of Fame. Lowell’s son Lance is head sound engineer at the church. As one would expect with a leader like Lundstrom, music, concerts and productions play a major role at the church. However, as is the case with many church projects, inadequate funds prohibited the installation of an appropriate sound system upon construction completion. A high-quality interim system sufficed up until this year’s Christmas season, when Celebration Church took delivery on the EV system they always wanted. A team effort involving leading regional EV dealers and design/installers Metro Sound and Lighting (St. Paul, MN) and Audio Logic Systems (Bloomington, MN), this was a Minnesota project through and through—especially since the church is only a few miles RZ_engl_newsflash_220107.qxp 23.01.2007 17:13 Uhr Seite 11 HIGHLIGHT from EV HQ in Burnsville. Installation took place at a particularly hectic time of the year, during the weeklong dress rehearsals for the Country Christmas production. The prospect of mixing a sold-out show with 70 cast members and musicians on a new system installed and operational for less than 48 hours must have seemed daunting, but all apprehension was soon laid to rest, as Lundstrom explains: “On the day of the system changeover we had nine hours to get the cabinets in the air and functioning for the final dress rehearsal that night. I was expecting to tune the system for the room, EQ it to my taste, and then just do a little tweaking with the mix, which was already sounding pretty good on the old boxes. WOW! As soon as the band started playing, it was apparent that this system was a whole different animal. My mix totally fell apart, and I spent the next three hours in an EQ-ing frenzy! I knew we were on the right track when, at the end of our first show, one of the church’s hardest-to-please parishioners came up to tell me how great it sounded. Not bad for just 72 hours of operation! I’ve mixed on the system solidly for last two weeks, and the difference is really remarkable.” “Church productions usually carry the stigma of being less than professional,” Lundstrom added, “and rarely would one be mentioned in the same sentence as a show in a downtown theatre. We’re looking to shake that reputation and produce relevant shows that rival the largest productions. Our new system is a key component to our success in delivering first class Christ-centered entertainment. Good sound and music can transform the environment of a church and it should be something that is strived for and encouraged in a meaningful way. After all, the bible says that we should praise Him with a loud voice!” In addition to the first Midas XL8 digital live performance system installed in the U.S. at its epicenter, Westover Church (Greensboro, N.C.) also boasts an extensive Electro-Voice, Midas, Klark Teknik and Telex audio system for its new 3,000seat worship center. Westover technical director Danny Slaughter worked with Design 2020 Church Media Consultants, Audio Ethics (Charlotte, N.C.), Telex Pro Audio Group reps Vision 2 Marketing and EV tech support on the design, development and installation of the system, which features 204 EV loudspeakers, including Xi, Xsub, QRx, SxA and EVID models. The main distributed delay and surround sound speaker systems are controlled and supervised with IRIS-Net software and EV NetMax N8000 matrix hardware, all via the Midas XL8's worksurface. “The audio consultants who tuned the room absolutely fell in love with NetMax," reports Slaughter. "The control and surgical application it allows for a system this large is remarkable." The asymmetric layout of the First Nazarene Church in Nampa, Idaho, also posed intractable problems until a solution was found in the shape of EV XLCi and XLE line arrays powered by EV P3000RL amplifiers running IRIS-Net software. Klark Teknik Square One Graphics and Dynamics, an EV monitor rig and a full compliment of EV wired and wireless microphones rounded off the largest line array installation in Idaho, a collaborative effort between GJM, EV reps Progressive Audio Sales and EV Tech Support. The size of the American church installation market was confirmed by the recent Church Music Conference. The moving force behind this annual travelling trade fair is Kempke’s Music Service (www., a leading name in the spiritual sound sector. The well-attended conferences, which can last three days, examine all facets of contemporary church music, revealing in the process its great diversity. The Fox River Christian Church in Waukesha, in which an X-Array installed 8 years ago was replaced by an Electro-Voice XLC when the building was newsflash / spring 2007 recently enlarged, provides a further indication of the lengths to which US churches are prepared to go to provide worshippers with perfect coverage – wherever in the church they happen to be sitting. The Westover Sanctuary – Danny Slaughter (top) at the controls of the XL8; (below) the first NetMax installation in the States 11 RZ_engl_newsflash_220107.qxp 23.01.2007 17:13 Uhr Seite 12 WORLDWIDE: Electro-Voice RAZORLIGHT-TOUR „I WANTED MOVING AIR“ From 20th October to the 1st November 2006, the British band Razorlight toured England. Britannia Row, the company responsible for the production, deployed systems from Electro-Voice and Midas. The tour took one of Britain's most fashionable bands to a wide variety of venues, from halls with a capacity of less than 3,000 to some of the largest in the United Kingdom, such as the Sheffield Arena, which seats 13,000. Regardless of venue size, the same uncompromisingly powerful sound was required at all times. FOH engineer Ian Laughton attributes Britannia Row's success in achieving this consistent sonic impact to two factors: "the flexibility of the X-Line and the genius of Colin Burrell" (Britannia Row's Systems Engineer). Laughton first discovered the EV X-Line system when working with the Manic Street Preachers. "Then we used it at Alexandra Palace with Razorlight; it's one of the hardest venues to work in, but we absolutely nailed it. That was when I fell in love with X-Line and knew I wanted to use it on this tour." Systems varied in size from just three cabinets per side in the smaller halls to the full tour stock of 14x Xvls and 5x Xvlt cabinets per side. For a venue like the Brighton Centre, with its very wide stage, Burrell set up main left and right arrays of eight cabinets apiece, plus additional four-cabinet side hangs for the bleachers. EV's popular Xi-1152s were used for infills. Razorlight's very considerable subbass came from anywhere up to 24x Xsubs. "I wanted moving air," explained Laughton. "Everything should shake when he WITH SATIS & FY AND EV On the 16th January, Reamonn's "Wish" tour, which lasts until the 20th February, kicked off in Koblenz. Satis &Fy is relying on systems from EV For Reamonn's 22-stop tour of Germany, the organizer, Marek Lieberberg, has booked medium to large halls: i.e. auditoriums with up to 5,000 seats. In order to be able to match the demands of venues as divergent acoustically as the Color Line Arena in Hamburg and the Zenith in Munich, the production company, Satis&Fy, opted for systems from Electro-Voice. The "Wish" tour's baggage train now boasts a variety of items that would compete for the top spot on any soundman's wish list: an EV X-Line with Tour Grade TG-7 amps (main PA for large halls); an EV XLC with EV CP3000S amps (main PA in smaller halls/outfill or delay in larger ones); EV 12 QRx112 cabinets (frontfill), EV Xi-2123 speakers (sidefill) and a MIDAS XL4 console (FOH). The sound crew consists of Karel Hamm (Production Manager), Stephan Holz (Systems Tech), Sven Bonse (FOH) and Manuel Schröder (Monitors). Fronted by Irish singer Rea Garvin, Reamonn first found fame in 2000 with the hit "Supergirl". Now, with the “Wish” tour, the band is underlining its status as a major force on the German rock scene. Indeed, after chart and live successes in England, Greece and Scandinavia, Reamonn seems all set to break big with an international career. On the threshold of a broader international career – Reamonn ➤ newsflash / spring 2007 starts on the kick drum, even though it's line array." A MIDAS Heritage mixing console was chosen for the Razorlight tour because (Laughton again): "We wanted that stripped-down punchy rock sound, but with a few frills!" RZ_engl_newsflash_220107.qxp 23.01.2007 17:13 Uhr Seite 13 WORLDWIDE: Electro-Voice PET SHOP BOYS WITH EV A FUNDAMENTAL DIFFERENCE Paragons of British electronic pop the Pet Shop Boys recently North America for the first time since 2002, performing to packed houses with a set featuring hits from their 20-year career, along with new material from their latest album Fundamental. Houston-based LD Systems deployed EV X-Line, X-Array and remote-control Precision Series amplifiers for the tour, which wrapped up in Monterrey, Mexico on November 16th, 2006. Tour Systems Tech Mike "Monk" Shear of LD Systems explained why all line arrays are not created equal: "We already know how well the X-Line works as a rock box," says, "and it's doing an equally impressive job handling the electronic music on the Fundamental tour. What sets the X-Line apart from other big arrays is its smooth HF response; digital signal reproduction can be a bit harsh in the high frequencies, but this rig sounds seamless and warm up in the mids and highs—we can hear the HF details without pushing them too hard. In that sense, X-Line has proved an ideal choice for this tour." Fundamental Tour FOH Engineer Colin Boland (FOH, Sarah Brightman, Russell Watson) and mid-tour FOH sub Holger Schwark (FOH, Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra) are both highly qualified to make distinctions between the many line arrays on the market: "I rate X-Line very highly," Boland commented, "it's so easy to get a good mix on this system. I can hear the slightest EQ adjustments through these boxes.” Schwark adds: “That level of responsiveness helps me work more efficiently, so I can direct more of my time towards getting coverage right in the room, which really helps in some of the older theatres with steep rakes and deep balconies on this tour. I've heard line arrays from multiple manufacturers, and X-Line is simply a cut above: quality audio is built into each component." "The P-RL amps also save us a ton of time," Shear added, "and they're a big reason a tour like this can be handled by a minimal crew. I fire up the amp racks on the deck, walk out front with my laptop, and tweak my power settings and check the loudspeaker components in real time with IRIS-Net while FOH runs pink noise, all without running back and forth to the deck to turn amps down before repeating the process. We don't need an extra crew guy to yell back any problems from the room while I make amp adjustments at the rack—I can do it all myself from any point in the house. In that sense, the RL amps have definitely had a positive impact on touring in the last few years." newsflash / spring 2007 Equipment list (extract) Main PA: 12 x EV X-Lie Xvls 8 x EV X-Line Xvlt 16 x Xsub 32 x EV P3000 RL Monitors (Side Fills) 4 x EV X-Array Xn Flying high in the States – the Pet Shop Boys with systems from Electro-Voice 13 RZ_engl_newsflash_220107.qxp 23.01.2007 17:13 Uhr Seite 14 WORLDWIDE: Electro-Voice DETROIT INTERNATIONAL JAZZ FESTIVAL WORLD CLASS IN EVERY RESPECT The 1st - 4th September last year saw the 27th edition of the celebrated Detroit International Jazz Festival – the best attended ever, with over a million visitors over the four days Wall of Sound: EV-Systeme in Downtown-Detroit Over its 27-year history, the annual Detroit International Jazz Festival has built a reputation as one of the biggest and best jazz festivals in the world. To ensure the consistent level of sonic excellence that is a prerequisite for an event of this caliber, Aerial Enterprises of Whitmore Lake, Michigan deployed EV loudspeakers on each of the festival’s ten stages, complete with a full complement of DYNACORD, Midas and Klark Teknik equipment. The 2006 festival featured a top-shelf lineup of jazz, blues and soul stars including headliners Sergio Mendes, Diane Schuur, Taj Mahal, Dr John, CJ Chenier, Buckwheat Zydeco, Richie Havens, Mose Allison and the Dirty Dozen Brass Band. “Over 120 artists performed on ten stages, mixed by over 20 engineers,” reported Jim Lillie of Aerial Enterprises. “This is a foundation-run festival that attracts big sponsors and big names, and we make sure the sound is up to the job. Besides the larger stages, there were smaller performance areas, such as the Detroit Princess jazz cruise riverboat, which featured the region’s best collegiate jazz bands, and the Jazz Talk Tent, where audiences could meet the musicians and participate in discussions. On every sized stage for every performance, excellent sound was assured by EV, DYNACORD, Midas and KT equipment. The visiting engineers all enjoyed mixing on familiar, high quality equipment such as Midas consoles and KT EQs, and the wide range of EV speakers used, from compact Sx250s on the Family Jazz Stage to X-Array and XLC systems on the largest stages, meant the whole festival sounded consistently excellent. Over the entire weekend, I don’t think I spoke to an artist, engineer or organizer who wasn’t extremely happy with either the sound equipment or service they received.” The close proximity of the larger Amphitheatre and Pyramid stages was a potential problem, so Aerial specified shorter-throw, high output Xi trap boxes for both to prevent bleed-over. The Waterfront and Campus Martius stages had a lot more breathing space, which allowed for line arrays. In addition, Aerial deployed recent offerings from EV and DYNACORD, including the EV XLine Very Compact (XLD281) and a ‘plug and play’ DYNACORD Xa-2 system. MERRY X(-LINE)MAS – WITH THE TRANS-SIBERIAN ORCHESTRA & EV Jingle Bells with The Trans-Siberian Orchestra 14 When it comes to spectacular shows, few can top the annual holiday season tours of the Eastern and Western USA by the Trans-Siberian Orchestra, which keep getting bigger every year. Since Paul O'Neill formed the TSO back in 1996, it has been db Sound that has brought their sound to legions of fans, with EV’s X-Array loudspeaker systems providing a balance of rugged reliability and warm, musical reproduction. “The show is big in every way," says Todd Johnson of db Sound, "and, with a rotating cast of multiple singers and instrumental soloists, has a broad dynamic range – from 80 dB to 105 dB – across newsflash / spring 2007 a wide range of musical styles. X-Array has been with the TSO since it was playing in small theatres, and it sounds just as good in the arenas. We simply added more boxes as the show grew, allowing us consistent sound quality from year to year without compromise. X-Array is also versatile in that it can be literally wrapped around a corner if necessary, which helps when playing to 240-degree seating; no matter what size or shape the venue, every seat gets the full sonic experience.” RZ_engl_newsflash_220107.qxp 23.01.2007 17:13 Uhr Seite 15 WORLDWIDE: Electro-Voice EV'S XLD DEBUTS IN THE UK "GLASGOW BELONGS TO ME" The Classic Grand in Glasgow, Scotland, is under new management, and its new owners are thinking big. Their ambition is to be the number one live venue in Glasgow, if not in Scotland. The installation of a new EV PA system was the first step The 500-capacity club is housed in one of Glasgow's first cinema buildings. Set over two floors, the Classic Grand's live music policy encompasses anything and everything, and gigs are usually followed by club sessions by the likes of The Friday Factory and Porno. With the venue also aspiring to attract corporate event hire, a main criterion for the sound system was that it should be highly flexible. Locally situated in Glasgow, Andrew O'Neill of Flashlite has been working with the club's owners for 15 years, so he was a natural choice to refurbish the technical facilities of the venue. Working closely with Jason Kelly of Shuttlesound, he has specified the UK’s first permanent installation of EV's new XLD compact line array cabinets, together with the UK debut of EV's new Phoenix 2152 stage monitors, all-EV amplifiers to power the system, and a full Midas and Klark Teknik control system. "Actually it was the most expensive of the options we gave to the client," says O'Neill, "and it has turned out to be the benchmark installa- tion for us at Flashlite; a system that is suitable for concerts, club use, after-show parties and corporate event hires. "The Classic Grand's main room features a five-way EV X-Line/XLVC System, running the full-range XLD281 boxes in tri-amp mode. Arrays of five XLD281s and two rear-mounted XS212s are flown at stage left and right. A single Xsub sits beneath each array, to "put a little bit extra on the bottom end“. Entirely powered by EV's CP Series power amplifiers, the system sounds silky, according to O'Neill: "You've got to hear it. It's most deceptive. It doesn't look huge, although it's the only sound system that I've ever had to turn down! But at no point does it hurt the listener. Front-of-house engineers have to use an SPL meter because they don't actually realize how loud it is." For performers onstage, Flashlite has provided EV QRx115s with a Phoenix 2152 for drumfill. As venue space constraints rule out the use of a separate monitor desk, the Midas Verona 400 at front-of-house has been set up to provide six monitor mixes (including drumfill). EV’s XLD-Debut in Glasgows „Classic Grand“ JOSE JOAQUIN DE OLMEDO, GUAYAQUIL EVID SYSTEMS ENHANCE INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT Electro-Voice EVID loudspeakers are bringing sonic excellence and subtle style to the newly opened Jose Joaquin de Olmedo International Airport in Guayaquil, Ecuador. As part of an extensive installation by AudioProfesional Cia. Ltda of Guayaquil, the airport’s eightzone selective paging system has been equipped with 66x EVID 6.2T surface mounted loudspeakers and 9x EV CPST power amplifiers, whilst the airport’s three VIP lounges now boast 33x EVID 8.2C ceiling speakers. “The level of intelligibility is 100%,” reported Jordi A. Fabara, General Manager at AudioProfesional’s Guayaquil office, “and the owners—for whom the EVID 6.2T’s impressive performance-to-size ratio and smooth design were of decisive importance—are thrilled with the system.” changes we made between zones,” he explained, “which makes for a seamless audio effect throughout the airport, with flawless spokenword reproduction. We recently received high praise from a technical rep of a major US manufacturer of control systems, who told us he didn’t miss a word in English, even when the person making the page had a strong Spanish accent. At an international airport, this is obviously important.” Fabara and his team EQ’d each zone individually, paying particular attention to the lobby areas, which have a considerably different acoustic signature: “The EVIDs have an exceptionally smooth and efficient response to the subtle EQ Scarcely visible but perfectly audible – EVID systems in the airport at Guayaquil newsflash / spring 2007 15 RZ_engl_newsflash_220107.qxp 23.01.2007 17:13 Uhr Seite 16 WORLDWIDE: DYNACORD TERMINAL, UKRAINE EVI AUDIO SYSTEMS HELP TERMINAL KEEP THE FAITH Terminal, one of the largest, most successful and busiest rental companies in the Ukraine, consistently opts for systems from EVI Audio For Anatoliy Bukhalda, the head of Ukrainian rental company Terminal, it’s an act of faith that the systems it supplies comply with every technical rider imposed by their touring band clients. To ensure that this happens, Terminal has, from its inception, worked closely with the Ukrainian EVI Audio partner Cortmi – a partnership that has borne fruit in engagements for the likes of Dio, Black Eyed Peas,The Rasmus, Deep Purple, Chris Rea, Al Di Meola, Moby, Luciano Pavarotti and the Scorpions. Terminal's impressive inventory –which includes two complete Dynacord V systems, two DYNACORD COBRA-4 systems, ten Xa-47, a Midas XL4-64, two Midas Verona 230, a Midas Venice 160, an arsenal of KT-EQs, a selection of EV microphones and more besides – makes it the first port of call for bands touring the Ukraine. Anatoliy Bukhalda makes no SANCTUARY CLUB, FORT MYERS DYNACORD COBRA FINDS SANCTUARY IN FLORIDA The full Cobra experience – by invitation only To call Club Sanctuary in Fort Myers, Florida, “exclusive” would be something of an understatement. Whereas most high-end nightclubs cultivate exclusive status with a selective door policy and a hefty cover charge, Club Sanctuary bypasses the general public's patronage altogether: only persons with a personal invitation from owner David Keljik can cross the threshold for the parties and fundraising events held within. Once inside, guests enjoy state-of-the-art lasers and lights, along with another detail that Sanctuary shares with the big name clubs: a DYNACORD sound system. Being built into the middle of a very long building, the central club area is somewhat acoustically buffered by space at the building’s east and west ends. However, Keljik soon discovered that that alone was not enough to keep the COBRA’s prodigious low-end power contained! To address this, he had the north and south walls on the building’s narrow section professionally soundproofed with a patented material that converts low frequencies into heat. “This means we can turn the COBRA up to a volume level that is, in my opinion, barely acceptable,” Keljik joked. “However, there’s still headroom to spare, so we’re in the process of giving the roof the same treatment. When we’re done, we’ll enjoy the best of both worlds: we’ll be able to unleash the full DYNACORD COBRA experience for our guests at our toy drives and private parties, and all without shaking the paint off our neighbour’s walls!” High end nightclub in Fort Myers, Florida – Sanctuary Club ➤ 16 newsflash / spring 2007 apology for his loyalty to the manufacturer: "Countless productions have demonstrated to us the quality and reliability of EVI Audio's systems. In fact, our faith in Cortmi, EVI Audio and its products has paid handsome dividends." RZ_engl_newsflash_220107.qxp 23.01.2007 17:13 Uhr Seite 17 WORLDWIDE: DYNACORD UNIVERSITY OF MAINE THE COBRA GRADUATES SUMMA CUM LAUDE When Maine Center for the Arts at the University of Maine (Orono, Maine) announced they were planning a major auditorium renovation in the fall of 2006, Moonlighting Production Services, LLC (Portland, Maine) stepped up to the plate What they proposed was a sound solution to a logistical challenge: the new sound equipment needed to be operational before construction began, and it needed to be easily portable during construction for use in another school venue on a per-show basis. In a nutshell, they needed a line array that balanced big-rig performance with plug & play portability. Enter the Dynacord Cobra—not your usual line array, as Nick Pires of Moonlighting explained: “Money was not a huge obstacle, but we were confident that the Cobra system would sound better in the room than other more expensive line arrays on the market.” Moonlighting (Nick Pires, Gary Massey and Ted Dunbar) designed a flexible system comprised of four flown Cobra-2 Tops per side with four Cobra PWH subs per side for stacking on or in front of the stage, depending upon application. Existing front fills are still used. “When I brought the system in for the first of three shows/demos Jeff Richards (the theater's Technical Director) was understandably skeptical” Pires says, “he questioned me as to whether four passive high packs would provide the coverage, throw, frequency response, and headroom that would be needed for doing everything from speech to pop shows in the 1600+ seat venue. As it turned out, the system worked very well for the space. Also, the ease of set up far surpassed any of the other systems that were considered. This will be crucial while they are mobile during the renovation, which starts in late 2007.” “Investing in the COBRA was a win/win situati- on: it both ground stacks and flies easily, and all with a really small footprint,” says Jeff Richards. “And, most importantly, it sounds great. MCA only puts on high-end events, and needs sound to match, to meet the high specifications of touring engineers.” “Since owning the COBRA we’ve run three big shows on the system, one of which was Ian Anderson performing Jethro Tull classics with a full orchestra,” continues Jeff Richards. “Anderson’s engineer was, like me, a little skeptical at first when he saw just four boLooks great, sounds even better: The Cobra in the University Of Maine xes for a full orchestral show, but when he heard the system he loved it. " worthy rig to take on the shows that would have visited the U, a system that would sound good “The system will be used for speech, playback, in any 1600-capacity hall, not just permanently symphony, jazz, blues, opera and Broadway- installed in ours. The COBRA fits the bill perfecstyle theater on a regular basis, not to mention tly.” the occasional pop or rock show” says Richards. “The COBRA system provides the all-important coverage and sound quality, but is portable enough for two or three people to set up quickly while we do shows outside of the theater during the renovation. We needed a flexible, road- MUSIKAKADEMIE HAMMELBURG: MASTER CLASS & EVI ACADEMY The Bayerische Musikakademie in Hammelburg, the oldest wine town in Lower Franconia, provided the setting from the 15th to the 17th December 2006 for an EVI Academy with a difference. In addition to a number of band coaching seminars – one of the lecturers being bass player Frank Itt of the Real Groove Band – Mario Klein conducted a free seminar in sound technology on the 16th December, which was warmly received by those in attendance because it dealt in an interactive way with the everyday sound problems encountered by gigging musi- cians, offering practical solutions. A further highlight of the weekend of activities was a concert given by the guest lecturers and a jam session on the 17th December. Systems from EVI Audio – expertly marshalled by Willi Sannemann – ensured that the sound during all the workshops and concerts was of the very highest quality. Students at the EVI Academy in Hammelburg ➤ newsflash / spring 2007 17 RZ_engl_newsflash_220107.qxp 23.01.2007 17:13 Uhr Seite 18 WORLDWIDE: DYNACORD WYCLEF JEAN, MIAMI HIPHOP SUPERSTAR WITH THE COBRA Renaissance man of rap, multi-platinum solo artist and Fugees co-founder Wyclef Jean has performed at the world’s most prestigious venues, through the finest concert-quality sound systems. Now the DYNACORD COBRA can be added to the list… Superstar Wyclef Jean flanked by his production team and the Cobra At a recent special event at a large Miami Verizon wireless store, Wyclef Jean was so impressed with the sound of the Cobra system that he extended his set, turning a brief public appearance into a free concert. For Wyclef Jean’s outdoor appearance at the busy Miami location, Bayshore Sound of Tampa, FL, who handle sound for Verizon in-store events across Florida, decided to take the sound reinforcement spec to the next level. Having recently demo'd and ordered a DYNACORD COBRA system, they felt it would be perfect for the job, so their EV & DYNACORD dealer pointed them in the direction of Miami-based Drummer Boy Sound, who supplied them with an interim Cobra rig, complete with EV QRx monitors and RE1 wireless mics, a Midas Venice console and Klark Teknik EQs. “Once heard, word spreads fast about the Cobra, and a growing network of Cobra users is helping keep sound reinforcement standards high at small to medium sized events like this,” Harold Cummings of Drummer Boy Sound explained. “We were happy to help Bayshore deliver the Cobra sound for this date: once you hear what it can offer for shows like this, nothing else will do! “Wyclef Jean usually performs a couple of songs with his DJ and signs autographs at these appearances. The COBRA helped make this a special event: the sound quality was so good that Wyclef kept going, bringing his guitar player and bass player up on stage for an eight-song set. Usually people pay a lot of money for a show like this – it was Wyclef’s gift to the fans that came out to see him, and it sounded fantastic. “Darcy Kahn, Wyclef’s longtime en- gineer, was particularly impressed with the combination of small size, long throw and sonic definition the Cobra offered, with just two tops stacked per side,” Cummings continued. “This was coming from a pro used to hearing the biggest and best systems out there. Darcy was also very impressed with the QRx monitors, which he thought had clarity and output you’d hear on monitors five times the price. We ran six biamped QRx monitors on EV CP3000S and DYNACORD L2400 amps. "It all added up to concert-quality sound, and at a price and footprint that made it viable for a gig like this. During soundcheck, the guys from Bayshore and I walked across six-lane Biscayne Boulevard to a large shopping plaza. This is a busy, noisy part of town, and, even at 500-feet away with six lanes of traffic between us, we could still hear the COBRA rig clearly with great intelligibility – nothing short of amazing for a groundstacked system!" PEEL AUDIOVISUAL, AUSTRALIA – GREAT SOUND WITH THE COBRA Based in Mandurah (Western Australia) for over six years, Peel Audiovisual – one of the leading AV companies in WA – has provided quality service and equipment for thousands of successful events. Peel AV recently took delivery of a DYNACORD COBRA-2-PWH compact line array system from regional Dynacord dealers Audio Source. The Peel AV crew were gobsmacked with the Cobra’s clarity, coverage, consistency and headroom: “I listened to a band through a PA from another leading manufacturer on Saturday night," commented Steve Rowe, Hire & Sales Manager of Peel AV, "and, even though they were a cover band and we were mixing a 18 jazz band, the difference in sound quality was huge. The COBRA was clearer, and there was sound everywhere it was wanted. I even had the general public coming up and asking about the system and how it can achieve so much clarity and coverage from so few cabinets." Australia's best-loved reptile – the DYNACORD COBRA with the team from Peel AV newsflash / spring 2007 RZ_engl_newsflash_220107.qxp 23.01.2007 17:13 Uhr Seite 19 WORLDWIDE: DYNACORD BROWARD CARIBBEAN CARNIVAL IN SUNRISE, FLORIDA DRUMMER BOY SOUND LOOSES COBRA AT CARNIVAL The annual Broward Caribbean Carnival in Sunrise (Florida) is a vibrant feast for the eyes and ears. Drummer Boy Sound, Miami, used for the event a huge mobile DYNACORD COBRA system – with huge success With dozens of fantastically costumed steel bands and mas troupes from across the Caribbean and beyond, along with the world’s top Soca, Calypso, Reggae, Zouk and Salsa artists, the annual Broward Caribbean Carnival is a vibrant feast for the eyes and ears that attracts tens of thousands of revelers from around the globe. Held on October 8th (Columbus Day weekend) at Markham Park, Sunrise (Florida), this year’s festival celebrated Caribbean music and culture with an added sonic boost, thanks to a huge mobile DYNACORD COBRA system supplied by Drummer Boy Sound (DBS) of Miami. sion in front of the 80,000-strong party.” To do this, DBS pooled their COBRA-2 and COBRA-4 systems, creating an all-Dynacord rig comprised of 24x COBRA PWH subs, 12x COBRA-2 TOP, 4x COBRA-4 TOP and 2x COBRA-4 FAR boxes. “We were all set to deliver a dynamic mix with phenomenal punch,” Cummings continued, “—perfect for a party like this— with all the equipment stacked neatly on the back of a 48-foot trailer, taking advantage of the COBRA´s unbeatable output to size ratio.” “This was our debut at a South Florida Carnival event,” Harold Cummings of DBS reported, “and we wanted to make a really strong first impres- The system was powered and processed by dedicated DYNACORD COBRA drive racks (a total of 8x DYNACORD L2400 amplifiers and 4x DYNA- CORD DSP244 processors) and mixed on a DYNACORD CMS1000 console, making this the only complete, single brand system heard at the event. “The COBRA System has really helped our company grow over the past couple of years,” Cummings says, “and there’s a great buzz around the DYNACORD brand in this part of the world. The COBRA made a lot of new friends that day, and this debut performance will no doubt be the first of many.” In addition to the massive COBRA rig, the trailer pulsed with activity, with the 300 dancers on and around the float moving to the sounds of the onboard Trinidadian drum band and pro DJs. “Though there was some serious competition,” added Cummings, “with 14 other trailers pumping out some serious sound, the COBRA really stood out—we had an edge that was tangible in terms of the crowd response when we rolled by. We were thumping!” The wherewithal to set 80,000 bodies gyrating – Drummer Boy Sound's battery of Dynacord systems PEER GYNT, GALA, NORWAY: ORCHESTRAL SOUND IN THE OPEN AIR – AND IN FINEST CD QUALITY! The open-air production of Henrik Ibsen’s Peer Gynt at Gålå in Norway was one of the most impressive live events of the year 2006. MultiTechnic was responsible for the sound and opted for a DYNACORD COBRA system In view of the unique acoustics of the idyllic open-air setting in Gålå, the organizers asked the Oslo-based production company, MultiTechnic for a sonic image that, in the words of Erik S. Landsem, “would appear to be issuing not from the loudspeakers, but from the lake behind the stage – and in CD quality, too!” The team from MultiTechnic employed a DYNACORD COBRA-4 system to cover the performers – an orchestra of 30 musicians, a choir of 40 singers, and a cast of 100 actors – and positioned four DYNACORD D12 cabinets at the end of the stage, which combined with the COBRA to create the desired illusion: a sonic image that “seemed to be coming from all sides” rather than from the loudspeakers themselves. “We managed to achieve a powerful orchestral sound in the open air!” recalls Landsem. Both the organizers and audiences acknowledged that this was no mean feat: “After every single performance,” Landsem adds, “people complimented us on the quality of the sound reinforcement.” The following were among the systems used for the 2006 production of Peer Gynt in Gålå: 4 x DYNACORD COBRA-4 tops; 4 x DYNACORD COBRA subs; 4 x Dynacord D12 cabinets; 4 x DYNACORD MX8 cabinets; 2 x DYNACORD LM 10-2 cabinets; 8 x DYNACORD VM 15 cabinets; 1 x DYNACORD M12 cabinet newsflash / spring 2007 19 RZ_engl_newsflash_220107.qxp 23.01.2007 17:13 Uhr Seite 20 WORLDWIDE: KLARK TEKNIK INTERNATIONAL BROADCAST CONVENTION 2006 KLARK TEKNIK'S HELIX E SERIES MAKES FIRST APPEARANCE AT THE IBC IBC 2006 marked the sixth year that Klark Teknik has supported the International Broadcast Convention and the first that its new E Series Helix range of signal processing and system control hardware was used IBC Supporters – a range of leading manufacturers – equip IBC’s conference rooms and special events such as D-Cinema and IBC News with their latest products, which are installed and run by the IBC Technical Resources team under the direction of Phil White. In return for loaning this equipment, manufacturers can tap into feedback and suggestions from front-line broadcast users, and this is often of great help in finalizing new products. It is IBC policy to raise the technical bar each year and 2006 was no exception, featuring expanded facilities in two surround auditoriums – one for D-Cinema and one for HDTV – plus a conference room with full surround. All rooms used Helix EQs for system and group equalisation, plus DN9848Es for loudspeaker processing duties. The Forum (HDTV) also used a DN9848E for EQ, distribution and delay alignment for eight groups of surround loudspeakers. The D-Cinema Auditorium used 12 channels of DN9344 EQ for the cinema system and two DN9848Es for the 3-way active screen system and two channels of LFE. Midas Heritage 1000 consoles were also used for Conference Room L and for sound reinforcement in the D-Cinema. KT also provided EQ and dynamics units from another new range, Square ONE. A Square ONE Dynamics was used across different microphone groups for the conference programme in the D- Cinema Auditorium, “In our mind, 'tuning' means EQ and loudspeaker processors," says Terry Nelson, who works closely with the Audio Technical Coordinator, Tim Kerr, specifying systems for the rooms and acoustic consultation. "Klark Teknik habitually provides IBC with a considerable number of both. IBC was a very early user – and fan – of the Helix programmable EQs." PORCUPINE TREE GOES BACK TO SQUARE ONE WITH KT Long-time Klark Teknik and Midas enthusiast Ian Bond used the recently-launched Square ONE Dynamics unit for Porcupine Tree on their recent DVD promotional tour of Europe and the US. Described as a progressive rock band playing "a combination of rock, psychedelia, ambient and more recently metal", Porcupine Tree was formed in Hertfordshire, England, by Steve Wilson way back in 1987. The Square ONE range is designed for ease of use and high quality sound at an affordable price point. Apart from these obvious advantages, Bond was appreciative of the eight channels of flexible, configurable, high-performance dynamics processing crammed into the 3U Dynamics unit. For the Porcupine Tree gigs, the unit was used to process the drum kit, with six gates across the kick and toms and two compressors used on the top of the two snares. “The compressors worked well in vintage mode, giving the snare more edge,” he says. “The gates were also extremely good, very quick and, because of the different closing 20 threshold, were all but transparent.” Porcupine Tree will be touring their new album in 2007 with the SQ1 Dynamics taking pride of place in Bond’s FOH touring rack – and with good reason. One of the best Prog-Rock-Bands: Porcupine Tree newsflash / spring 2007 RZ_engl_newsflash_220107.qxp 23.01.2007 17:13 Uhr Seite 21 WORLDWIDE: TELEX/RTS INTER OB VIDEOTRUCK VIDEO TRUCK RELIES ON INTERCOM EQUIPMENT FROM TELEX/RTS The Inter OB Truck, a mobile HD/SD-compatible camera studio, boasts an extensive array of analogue audio equipment but relies at the same time on the proven quality of a Cronus intercom matrix The Cronus matrix from TELEX is equipped with 32 ports that can be used for all intercom and talkback tasks. All the ports can be configured both as panel ports or as external 4-wire ports. In the truck itself, eight ports are implemented as panels and four ports as cable-based communication ports for cameras, IFB transmitters, hybrid telephones and external leads. A self-sufficient power supply provides all users on board with energy, whilst at the rear of the truck are to be found not only the cable-roll systems but also the connection panel with all the video and audio sockets as well as the connectors for the intercom and remote controls. A large number of different cameras are avai- lable, all of them suitable for HDTV. As a server for the harddisk recording, a 4-channel EVS (2 Rec + 2 Play) is used. The actual production area offers in addition to two control desks and numerous monitors, a further workstation, which like the others is equipped with a talkback panel. The audio equipment on board represents the finest in analogue technology as well as including a digital mixer. ENFYS LIMITED, CARDIFF UPGRADE WITH TELEX/RTS Television facility house Enfys complete the upgrade of their Cardiff studios by installing a new TELEX/RTS communications system in Studios 1&2. Since all Enfys Limited's outside broadcast vehicles were already equipped with products from TELEX/RTS, when it came to expanding two of the studios, they didn't waste much time pondering the options: TELEX/RTS was first choice once again. As Sion Richards, Head of Sound at Enfys Limited, explained: “Telex offers 100% reliability—I’m amazed at the stability of these systems. And then there’s the simplicity of the panels, which make it easy to change individual levels, and all in a very small footprint—they’re ideal for both our Outside Broadcast trucks and our studios. With the Telex system, I can quickly provide any talkback circuit a director requires.” The Enfys Studios 1 and 2 in Cardiff, in which the series "Telly Addicts" (Noel Edmonds), "ITV Celebrity Poker" and "Big cook, little cook" (on the BBC Children's Channel) are produced, are now equipped with a TELEX/RTS ADAM CS matrix and a combination of rack mount and desk top keypanels. Studio 1 has a floor area of 370 square metres and can accommodate an audience of up to 200, whilst Studio 2, with around 100 square metres of floor space, handles smaller productions such as commercials. The Enfys Outside Broadcast fleet comprises, Unit 1, ten cameras with ADAM CS and Unit 2, six cameras with ADAM CS. "TELEX/RTS offers 100% reliability" — Sion Richards of Enfys Limited newsflash / spring 2007 21 RZ_engl_newsflash_220107.qxp 23.01.2007 17:14 Uhr Seite 22 INSIDE NORTH AMERICAN SALES MEETING IN ARIZONA Telex's their first annual North American Sales Meeting as part of the Bosch Group ran from the 30th October to the 2nd November. The location of this year's event, Tucson, Arizona provided a bucolic setting for the four days of product training, sales discussions and lectures by guest speakers, and distributors were upbeat about the merger: "Sales force regards the merger between Bosch and TELEX as a highly positive development," stated Bobbi Brooks of Sales Force & Associates. "We think it will further strengthen our position in the pro audio market. Distributing the products of two large and renowned manufacturers underlines our dedication and commitment to providing system solutions for the world market." The enthusiasm could be felt as "old" and "new" Bosch Security Systems employees discussed the merger and their common plans for 2007 with the representatives of the manufacturers. Further highlights of the four-day event included the demonstration of new products such as the Midas XL8 digital console, Klark Teknik processors, Electro-Voice amplifiers and loudspeakers and DYNACORD speaker systems. Upbeat eleven (l. to r.): Craig Bess (Vision 2), David Cooper (Midas), Donnie Haulk (Audio Ethics), John Oakley (Midas), Tim Owens (Audio Ethics), Jeff Neubauer (Westover), Matt Larson (Midas), Ethan Wetzell (EV), Mike Webb (EV), Jim Pfitzinger (EV), Mick Whelan (EV) TONMEISTERTAGUNG IN LEIPZIG WITH EVI AUDIO From the 16th to the 19th November, the Leipzig Congress Center was the setting for the Tonmeistertagung (Sound Engineers' Conference), where, after a long absence, EVI Audio was once again represented with a booth and where a team made up of Andreas Miele, Jürgen Langhorst, Dieter Kellner, H.-G. Walther and Richard Ferriday presented a selection of new products from Midas (XL8 Live Performance System), Klark Teknik (Helix Show Comman, Square One) and Electro-Voice (XLD, XLE, XS212, TG7). One of the highlights of the congress was a one-hour lecture given by Richard Ferriday in Hall 1 entitled "Digital mixing consoles and networks". According to Andreas Miele of EVI Audio's Theater Sound Systems department: "After this presentation, our booth was completely besieged right into the evening hours. The discussions were at the highest level and, once again, the enthusiasm of specialists for the XL8 was apparent." But this was by no means the only new product to interest the 3,800 industry specialists: "Netmax, Tourgrade, Line Arrays… from students to experienced sound technicians, the reaction was extremely positive," recalls Miele. MASSIVE INVESTMENT IN STRAUBING PRODUCTION FACILITY After a brief interruption, work has resumed on the new production facility in Straubing. The pause was necessary as the new building was originally designed as a warehouse, but after the acquisition, Bosch Security Systems, having promised to bolster the Straubing headquarters, opted to transform the new hall into a modern production facility with around 4000 square metres of floor space. A further 2,000 square metres is being set aside for streamlining dispatch and deliveries, optimising the flow of materials, a test hall and offices. In addition, around 80 new parking spaces and a second access road have been created. The total investment in the Straubing headquarters now comes to over 5 million euros. The topping-out ceremony is planned for mid February. Massive investment in production 22 newsflash / spring 2007 In good spirits – Dieter Kellner, Richard Ferriday and Andreas Miele in Leipzig RZ_engl_newsflash_220107.qxp 23.01.2007 17:14 Uhr Seite 23 INSIDE SBES, BIRMINGHAM TELEX/RTS HAS BRILLIANT SHOWING AT SBES, BIRMINGHAM, UK Held on November 15th & 16th, 2006, the Sound Broadcasting Equipment Show (SBES) in Birmingham, England attracted nationwide attention. Equipment from TELEX/RTS held its own in the spotlight at this busy show. The Sound Broadcasting Equipment Show (SBES) in Birmingham affirmed Telex /RTS’s position as a leader in the world of broadcast intercom amidst the cream of British broadcast companies and system manufacturers. “We were very pleased to see far more booth visitors than expected,” a highly satisfied Manuel Brico, Product Manager TELEX/RTS intercom, told NewsFlash. The impressive TELEX/RTS turnout at this important show was masterminded by Brico’s colleagues in the UK, Adrian Richmond and Geoff Rogers. Richmond noted some highlights: “The BTR-800 continues to attract great interest as an industry-standard UHF intercom system, and, in the digital realm, the RVON family, the Cronus matrix and the new KP-412 and KP-612 key panels all brought about a steady stream of enquiries.” Perhaps the pinnacle of this stellar showing was, however, an order from UK broadcasting giant ITN for two ADAM 128 matrixes, 40 conference system units and a trunk master. Success in Birmingham: Geoff Rogers, Nico Lewis and Adrian Richmond NEW AT SHUTTLESOUND: NEAL ALLEN Neal Allen joined Shuttlesound, EVI Audio's British partner, in November 2006. A concert sound specialist, Neal's brief is to provide customer support for Electro-Voice loudspeakers, amplifiers, microphones and network solutions. Equally at home with the theory and the practicalities of pro sound, he is, according to Shuttlesound's managing director, Paul Barretta, "an expert in high-end touring. That's why I'm sure all the rental companies in the UK will be delighted that we were able to secure his services." For more information, contact: Paul Barretta SHUTTLESOUND LTD Tel: +44 0208 / 646 7114 NEW AT EVI AUDIO : MARKUS SCHMITTINGER Markus Schmittinger joined EVI Audio’s sales team on 6th November 2006 as Sales Manager, Electro-Voice Microphones, for the EMEA (Europe, Middle East and Africa) region. An experienced sales representative, Markus also has a reputation for skilful man-management combined with decisiveness and relishes the opportunity, as he put it, to "help in pushing this legendary microphone brand even further to the forefront of people's awareness." Markus Schmittinger's contact details: Telefon: + 49 9421 / 706-251 Fax: + 49 9421 / 706-287 Mobile: + 49 170 / 478 0068 Email: [email protected] newsflash / spring 2007 23 Be Heard. © 2007 Bosch Communications · Art.Nr. D164562 · Printed in Germany (F&W/Snapshot) · HM07 · · Subject to change without prior notice! RZ_engl_newsflash_220107.qxp 23.01.2007 17:14 Uhr Seite 24
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