tulpehocken times - Tulpehocken Area School District
tulpehocken times - Tulpehocken Area School District
TULPEHOCKEN TIMES BOY SCOUTS HONOR BONNIE BENFER WITH TREE DEDICATION – OCT. 14, 2015 It has been said that success in training youth depends largely upon the personal example of adult role models. Over a lengthy and distinguished career, Bonnie Benfer served as an excellent role model for our students and their families. She taught them things that they could not learn in books, by watching TV or from internet websites. She showed them skills that transcend academics…...how to prepare, participate and perform; how to take personal responsibility and how to treat others. We hope that, just as the tree grows, so will Bonnie’s shining example to others. MAKERSPACES MAKE STEM A REALITY Have you heard? Tulpehocken Area School District is beginning to embark on a STEM initiative. STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and STEM VISION Mathematics. Last spring, a committee met to develop the vision for the STEM Tulpehocken Area School program. Since that time, students have had opportunities to participate in District will cultivate an several engaging activities aligned with the vision. environment where all Both elementary buildings are being equipped with MakerSpaces. These students will use rooms are designed to promote creativity, inquiry, and hands-on experimeninterdisciplinary, studenttation. Old science equipment has been repurposed to stock these spaces with driven approaches to lab equipment, basic microscopes, prisms, and tuning forks. Building supplies collaboratively create like Legos, K-nex, and blocks have been donated and are being used by students. innovative solutions to Materials like newspaper, cereal boxes, and paper towel rolls are being current real-world upcycled and turned into new inventions by the students. The students have challenges. already made science journals using old cereal boxes as the cover of the journal. Circuits and circuitry kits have been purchased to allow students to experiment. All elementary students have spent time in the MakerSpace centering on the theme of “Using STEM Tools.” The next theme will be, “Taking Apart to Learn.” During the MakerSpace lessons, students are being introduced to the Engineering Design Process. The only rule in the MakerSpace is to LEARN – Look/isten, Engineer, Ask questions, Respect, and Notebook. We are looking for donations for our MakerSpaces and for our STEM program at the Junior-Senior High School. Items needed include used lab machinery (centrifuge, Addison Greene (Grade 2) Kaylyn Harring (Grade 4) clinical microscopes, etc.), erector sets, circuitry, identifies objects using a experiments with circuits in programmable robotics kits, etc. Visit our STEM microscope in the Bethel Elementary website: http://www.tulpehocken.org/stem.aspx. MakerSpace at Penn-BernSchool’s MakerSpace. ville Elementary School. SUPERINTENDENT’S CORNER Dear Community Members, It is truly an exciting time to be an educator. There are many changes taking place, both on the legislative and local levels to improve education. On the legislative level the U.S. Senate passed a bill to reauthorize the Elementary and Secondary Education (ESEA) Act of 1965 reversing the No Child Left Behind law. The reauthorization of the ESEA Act is known as the “Every Student Succeeds Act (S. 1177). One of the major changes that will benefit students in Pennsylvania is the local governance provision. As many of us would agree, more localized control of standards and enforcement could pave the way for a more holistic look at student achievement and less reliance on outcomes being based on standardized testing. On the local level, the district will have an opportunity to invest more time in hands-on, STEM, and practical experiences with our students, than in the past. The district is looking ahead and planning programs to increase opportunities for students to infuse STEM concepts. These opportunities include the “MakerSpaces” at the elementary level, and opportunities to increase career exploration at the secondary level. All things considered, it truly is an exciting time to be an educator. I consider myself lucky to be in education and very fortunate to be the superintendent in the Tulpehocken Area School District as we embark on the positive educational changes for our students. I believe these programs will prepare our students to be college and/or career ready when they graduate from Tulpehocken. Sincerely, Robert K. Schultz, Ed.D. Superintendent SCHOOL DISTRICT AND TOWNSHIP POLICE WORKING TOGETHER On Thursday, December 10, 2015 Tulpehocken Area School District and the Tulpehocken Area Township Police began a working relationship. As a result of our Police Services Agreement the community will see a police car in front of the schools more often. We want you to know that when you see the police car in front of the building it is a good thing and is not an indication that there is a problem or an emergency. The officers will be at the schools at different times and on different days of the week. The goal of the program is to continue a positive relationship between the local police department and the school (students, parents, faculty, and staff). We want to continue to provide a safe environment for our students and having a regular police presence at the schools will help us achieve this goal. If you have any questions about the program, please feel free to call your principal or me at the district office. Dr. Schultz, Superintendent of Schools TULPEHOCKEN STUDENTS EXCEL IN COMPUTER PROGRAMMING By Michael DeBakey, Director of Technology Real world problem-solving skills continue to be developed in computer classes at Tulpehocken. Students in Mrs. Engelbert’s first through sixth grade computer classes at Penn Bernville and Bethel Elementary participated in the global Hour of Code during computer class to celebrate Computer Science Week occurring in December. Students in Mrs. Harpel’s eighth grade computer classes completed five stages of introductory coursework in the Hour of Code, with an emphasis on introductory computer science skills. Our high school students are exposed to computer programming concepts in Mr. Noecker’s classes. Between the Advanced Placement Computer Science, Java, and Advanced Web Design courses offered at Tulpehocken Area High School, students complete programming assignments daily. Students also use their programming skills to solve problems and reduce repetitive tasks in applications used frequently such as Microsoft Word and Excel. Tulpehocken Area School District graduates who work closely with these dedicated computer teachers have gone on to further their educational pursuits in Computer Science. One of these recent graduates, Dalton Scharff, developed the website used to stream graduation practice. The Hour of Code is organized by Code.org, a public non-profit dedicated to increasing participation and interest in computer science studies by all students in all communities. The project is supported by technology industries such as Apple, Microsoft, and Amazon and encourages students of all ages to write computer code and pursue technologyrelated careers. Globally, nearly 200,000 Hour of Code event sites (including our three sites) are in use. Resources for coding can be found on the student page of the Tulpehocken Area School District website. 2 STUDENTS OF THE MONTH Students of the Month are Tulpehocken 2015-2016 seniors selected by the faculty and administration for special recognition. Each month, one male and one female student are chosen based on academic performance, school involvement, and community service. SEPTEMBER 2015 Annamarie Burns & Timothy Groff Congratulations to Our Students of the Month! OCTOBER 2015 Isabelle Stull & Kevin Berry NOVEMBER 2015 Maya Jurasinski & Jacob Hare SENATOR FOR A DAY 2015 On October 1, 2015 five Tulpehocken seniors in Mr. Minnich’s AP Government & Politics class participated in the annual Senator for a Day program at Penn State Berks Campus. The students experienced how a bill becomes a law, as well as, the road blocks that stand in the way of your own ideas becoming state law. Seniors Kyle Wyse, Maya Jurasinski, Tim Groff, Annamarie Burns, and Jess Dubbs were all sworn in as “senators for a day” and worked on bills ranging from educational bills to legislation dealing with random drug tests for citizens on welfare. We would like to thank Senator Argall, and his staff and Penn State Berks Campus for continuing to put together this worthwhile educational opportunity for our students. BCTC STUDENTS OF THE QUARTER Each quarter, BCTC instructors select a student from their program whose attitude, skills, and knowledge gained during that particular quarter is above and beyond the standard. The student shows initiative and integrity in performing their tasks and is, overall, the best student for that quarter. The students receive a certificate of recognition and are honored as a group at a breakfast reception for the morning students, and the afternoon students are honored at a luncheon reception. The students are also photographed and their portrait is displayed prominently throughout the school. BCTC West Campus 1st Quarter Tulpy BCTC Taylor George Cosmetology I Grace Wachstetter Cosmetology II Students Andrew Risser Engineering Technology II Make Us Proud!! Stephen Stoltzfus Information Technology - Programming Tim DeAcosta Precision Machining Technology Keep up the BCTC East Campus 1st Quarter None Great Work!!! 3 KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION Penn-Bernville Elementary School Kindergarten Registration is being held on Thursday, May 5, 2016 and Friday, May 6, 2016 in the Penn-Bernville Community Room. The Bethel Elementary School Kindergarten Registration is being held on Thursday, May 12, 2016 and Friday, May 13, 2016 at Bethel. AM and PM sessions are available by appointment only. Parents of children who turn five years of age prior to August 1, 2016 should receive an informational letter from the Tulpehocken Area School District sometime in February. If your child will be the appropriate age by August 1, 2016 and you do not receive a letter, please contact Mrs. Dianne Harchuska at the Tulpehocken Area School District office immediately (717-933-4611 ext. 2114) to obtain the information necessary to schedule your child for registration. TEACHER RECOGNITION PROGRAM The purpose of the Tulpehocken Area School District Teacher Recognition Program is to recognize and reward those teachers who consistently demonstrate excellence in their classroom teaching. The program shall serve to honor those teachers who utilize teaching methods and strategies that are proven to be effective and those who advance the goals and objectives of the school district. Teachers recognized through this program will be those who have demonstrated a commitment to the teaching profession and to enhancing the status of the profession. Nominations can be made by parents, administrators, and fellow teachers. Applications can be found in the office at each building or online at www.tulpehocken.org. Applications are due by April 1, 2016. All completed applications must be sent to Dr. Schultz, Superintendent, Tulpehocken Area School District Office, 27 Rehrersburg Road, Bethel, PA 19507. WHAT’S HAPPENING AT PENN-BERNVILLE? Students and staff have been very busy during the second quarter. We have continued to focus on Multiculturalism for our No Place for Hate 2015-2016 project. During the month of November students learned about China and attended the “Famous Chinese Acrobats” assembly. In December our focus was “Holidays Around the World.” Students learned facts about the different holidays and attended a “Holiday’s Around the World” assembly. The Community Room has been transformed into a MakerSpace where students can tinker, explore and participate in STEM activities. All students have visited the MakerSpace and the reviews are fantastic. Students are excited to visit the MakerSpace again and learn more about STEM. Mr. Bernat and Mrs. Mazurek were busy preparing students for the holiday concerts this quarter. The hard work paid off because the concerts were fantastic. A huge thank you to the Penn-Bernville PTO for holding four great events for our students: Fall Fest, Friendly’s night, 5th/6th grade GAG Night, and Breakfast with Santa. We are looking forward to a great third quarter in 2016! TISSUE BOX DRIVE The tissue box drive for the residents at Berks Heim Nursing Home was a great success! A total of 255 boxes of tissues were collected from the District Office Administration Building, Bethel Elementary, Penn Bernville Elementary, and the Junior/Senior High School. There are about 500 residents at Berks Heim, so this collection gave at least half of the residents a box of tissues for Christmas. Hopefully this will continue as a yearly event. Thank you to everyone that contributed to this worthy cause! 4 WAY TO GO TULPY! Thanks for being such a caring & giving School District! RECIPE BOOK The High School Show Choir and Jazz Band are creating a recipe book to sell as a fundraiser, but we need your recipes! Please help us out by sending your favorite recipes. Recipes can be dropped off at the high school (Attn: Mrs. Gross) or mailed to: Tulpehocken Jr./Sr. High School Attn: Mrs. Gross 430 New Schaefferstown Road Bernville, PA 19506 WHAT’S HAPPENING AT BETHEL? The teachers and students at Bethel Elementary are continuing to strive for academic excellence. Even though we are working hard, our teachers are always looking to add some fun to the students’ learning. The students at Bethel have been learning about diversity as part of our No Place for Hate campaign. In November we had a group of Chinese acrobats perform for our students. Our 5th grade students also participated in their annual Museum Walk where they researched famous people in history and dressed up as that person to do presentations to the students and staff. In the upcoming months the students will be treated to the return of Story Teller, Tom McCabe. Tom will be conducting writing workshops for students in grades K-6 at both Penn-Bernville and Bethel Elementary Schools. Tom visited last year and worked with students on story writing and shared some of his own creative stories with us. Tom also presented an evening parent workshop and will be doing so again this year. All are welcome to attend the evening workshop. More details will come as the date gets closer. In addition to Tom McCabe’s visit, the students will also be treated to a performance from the Steven Courtney Band. This performance will focus on the development of details in story writing and how song writing is related to academic writing. We are looking forward to these opportunities and continuing to watch the students of Bethel Elementary grow and succeed. BETHEL ELEMENTARY 6TH GRADE DECEMBER STUDENT OF THE MONTH Twice a year the 6th grade teachers at Bethel are asked to select two students from their classrooms to be nominated as “Student of the Month.” The criteria for the nominations are: • The student would not have received a disciplinary report from any teacher. • The student would have performed to his/her academic capability in all subject areas. • The student would have demonstrated leadership skills in and out of the classroom. The students who met these qualifications for December were (l-r) Bradyn Erb, Lindsay Johnson, Monica Marez, and Hunter Zohn. Congratulations to all of you… A Job Well Done! DECEMBER 2015 FOOD DRIVE The 6th grade students from Bethel Elementary would like to thank the entire student body of Bethel Elementary for their support of our 9th Annual Food Drive. This year we collected over 400 pounds of food and we fed over 100 local families! Everyone at Bethel should feel very proud of themselves for helping to put food on the table for many in our area who might otherwise go hungry. WAY TO GO BETHEL! Thanks for being such a caring & giving school! Mrs. Dodge, Food Drive Coordinator 5 O.R.E.O. PROJECT 2015! On Monday October 5 , the students in Mrs. Dodge’s 6th Grade math class at Bethel participated in a special event to reinforce math skills in their classroom. This gave them a chance to share and work as a team and then submit their results to a global project. The project is called the O.R.E.O. Project – which stands for “Our Really Exciting Online Project” – and is hosted by a teacher in Southern California. This will be her 14th year of hosting this project. Since 1999, students from every state in the US, almost every Canadian province, and several other countries have participated in this project and submitted their results online to share with each other. Each student had two chances to stack as many Oreos as they can. (There were certain rules involved that were explained when we hosted the project in our classroom.) After every participant recorded their stack counts, we took everyone’s highest count and averaged them together for ONE CLASS AVERAGE. As a result, the 24 students stacked a total of 534 Oreos with an average stack of 23. The highest amount stacked was by Christopher Wolfe with a total of 35. We then submitted our results online. There were a total of 441 class rooms participating (9,785 participants) with an average stack of 17. You can see from our results that we did a SUPER JOB! th REMINDER Your local earned income tax return for 2015 MUST BE FILED BY APRIL 15, 2016 Please visit the TASD Business Office Website for more information BERNVILLE AREA COMMUNITY LIBRARY NEWS 4 Street at Fox Alley, 2nd floor of Redner’s Quick Shop, Bernville. Phone: 610-488-1302 E-mail: [email protected] Website: http://www.berks.lib.pa.us/bernvilleacl/ Hours: Mon-Thurs. 11 a.m.-7 p.m. | Closed on Friday | Saturday 10 a.m.-2 p.m. | Sunday 2 p.m.-5 p.m. th February February is “Library Lovers” Month. Come visit us and check out what’s new. The 2016 One Book One Community Read, is entitled “Gaining Ground” by Forrest Pritchard, and we plan to have a book discussion of this title on Saturday, February 20th at noon. Please come into the library and sign up so we can plan accordingly. March The Lego Club resumes on Monday, March 14th, at 5:30 pm. Please come into the library and sign up for this event as our Lego collection is limited. Thursday, March 10th, Roy Bubbenmoyer will present more of his massive slide collection on the History of Bernville @ 5:30 pm. Light refreshments will be served. Thank you to all who made our birthday bash possible: To Jennifer Stork for her skills and exhibition, to the photography class participants, to Jenn Jo Todisco and her beautiful cupcakes, to all the talented young musicians who entertained us, and to all the patrons who came out to the festivities. With a special thank you to the Honorable Barry Jozwiak for contributing and attending, and to our Chief Friend for securing the funds to pull this off. Our sincerest gratitude for all that you do! 6 SENIOR CITIZENS’ DAY March 9, 2016 On Wednesday, March 9, 2016, the twenty-ninth annual Senior Citizens’ Day will be held at the Tulpehocken Area Jr/Sr High School. The program will begin with a potpie dinner being served in the cafeteria at 4:00 p.m. There will be a minimal charge of $4.00/person at the door for the optional dinner. To accommodate transportation needs, please do not arrive earlier than 3:30 pm. At 4:45 p.m., the students will be presenting the musical rehearsal of, Anything Goes. Please contact the district office at 717-933-4611, extension 2116 if you would like to attend. TULPEHOCKEN AREA SCHOOL DISTRICT IS PROUD TO PRESENT ANYTHING GOES Friday, March 11th and Saturday, March 12th at 7:00 PM in the Junior/Senior High School Auditorium. Anything Goes is set aboard the ocean liner S. S. American, where nightclub singer/evangelist Reno Sweeney is en route from New York to England. Her pal Billy Crocker has stowed away to be near his love, Hope Harcourt, but the problem is Hope is engaged to the wealthy Lord Evelyn Oakleigh. Joining this love triangle on board the luxury liner are Public Enemy #13, Moonface Martin and his sidekick-in-crime Erma. With the help of some elaborate disguises, tap-dancing sailors and good old-fashioned blackmail, Reno and Martin join forces to help Billy in his quest to win Hope’s heart. The production features over 70 cast members, technicians and musicians. The cast includes: RenoMelinee Wilson MadonnaLoretta White BillyJames LaFollette FaithLydia Stupp HopeLindsey Rhoads Eli Whitney Dominic Torres Lord Evelyn Doug Kline PurserJonathan LaFollette BonnieBrianna Whitman Bishop Derek Yenser Mrs. Harcourt Kirsten Wenger ReporterStevie Troutman MoonfaceTimothy Groff CameramanBastian Gerena PurityJillian Berry StewardZachary Risser CharityMaya Jurasinski LingPhillip Risser ChastityCarly Schultz ChingJoshua Straw VirtuePaige Massaro CaptainNathan Pierson LoveLeslea Rodig ALL SCHOOL MUSICAL FOR THE COMMUNITY All Seats are Reserved! Tickets are $10.00 for adults and $5.00 for students. Anyone wishing to reserve a seat should complete the form below and return it with the correct amount of money and a SELF-ADDRESSED, STAMPED ENVELOPE so your tickets can be returned to you. Please indicate any special seating requirements due to hearing or visual impairment. All ticket sales are final! There will be no refunds or exchange of tickets. Tickets are issued on a first come, first serve basis. Golden Age Passes will be honored; however, you will need to request tickets ahead of time in order to be assured a seat. Golden Age Passes are for Tulpehocken School District residents only. Please return the form along with your payment and self-addressed stamped envelope to: Dory Triest, TASD Administration Office, 27 Rehrersburg Rd., Bethel, PA 19507. Checks should be made payable to: Tulpehocken All-School Musical. Your tickets will be returned to you in your self-addressed, stamped envelope. Name____________________________________________________Phone #_____________________________ Address _____________________________________________________________________________________ Friday Evening:___________Adult, ____________Student, ___________Golden Age Tickets Saturday Evening:_________Adult, ____________Student, ____________Golden Age Tickets 7 TULPEHOCKEN JR/SR HIGH SCHOOL 1st QUARTER 2015-2016 HONOR ROLL Principal’s Honor Roll Students who have earned 80% or higher *Students who have earned 90% or higher in each core subject, and 80% or higher in each special area subject for the marking period. TH 7 GRADE Mathias, Jonah Bauscher, Madilyn Quillman, Kaitlynn Burns, Jaclyn Rentschler, Julia Christ, Malachi Forry, Mallory 10TH GRADE Gagnon, Bailee Bosland, Jacob Groff, Mary Burns, Rebecca Henne, Alexander Emerich, Coty Hopwood, Swaye Hartranft, Brittany Hulse, Abigail Jurasinski, Priya Hussman, Mia Keegan-Smith, Courtney Kephart, Nicholas Loose, Rachel Oxenreider, Olivia Ludwig, Jonathan Reese, Brittlee Mohn, Charles Tartaglia, Olivia Ruffner, Luke Toussaint-Fils, Ashley Schies, Madison Weiant, Morgan Sealer, Hannah Sutherland, Aidan TH 8 GRADE Torres, Dominic Ahner, Ava Wenger, Sarah Beck, Kyleigh 11TH GRADE Bobo, Alexander Arciniegas, Stacy Claman, Autumn Bashore, Shayna Henne, Logan Bednarczyk, Joseph Jonas, Natalie Crawford, Alicia Kaur, Mehtab Farrisi, Sophia Keeney, Joshua Miller, Madison Luckenbill, Courtney Paulson, Kayla Montilla, Keen Rodig, Leslea Philippe, Jenna Ross, ZenaRae Shepley, Trinity Scheider, Tori Straw, Joshua Stephan, Olivia Travis, Katherine Stupp, Emma VanTiggelen, Alan 9TH GRADE 12TH GRADE Hill, Dashear Ziegler, Kristen Bednarczyk, Lydia Boltz, Brandie Boyer, Matthew Dougherty, Caroline Elinsky, Amber Haws, Caitlin 8 Burns, Annamarie Dubbs, Jessica Kemmerling, Jacqueline Savage, Megan Stull, Isabelle Yeingst, Alisha in all subjects for the marking period. 7 GRADE Baer, Jordan Baransky, Makayla Barker, Cade Bazan, Carlos Bazan, Guadalupe Blankenbiller, Matthew Bowers, Jacob Brown, Alek Bucher, Justin Davis, Connor Dreibelbis, Kelsey Elinsky, Skylar Fair, Bella Fair, Brook Forry, Lucas Haldeman, Bryce Hardick, Clara Headley, Theodore Heck, Sabrina Ihrig, Abbey Johnson, Emily Konoza, Carter Krause, Nathan McDermott, David Milks, Mikaila Montgomery, Milo Orozco, Octavio Peiffer, Austin Sarceno-Garcia, Melanie Schwetz, Madison Seltzer, Cody Sholl, Sharon Stull, Jonah Vega, K’drian Velazquez, Wendy Vogel, Isaac Whitman, Ethan Wolf, Paige Yatchyshyn, Molly Yenser, Kyle TH 8TH GRADE Bazan, Andres Boyer, Jordan Brossman, Bethany Cox, Stephen Derr, Bradley Eberly, Megan Elicker, Jack Emerick, Korey Folk, Andrew Grumbine, Natalie Himmelberger, Tyler Howe, Rachel Kintzer, John Kline, Devin Knight, Julian Lesher, Emily Linke, Joshua Linke, Kevin Maciejewski, Orion Massaro, Chloe McQuillen, Jacob Medina, Sylvana Paulson, Luke Pierson, Nathan Ruffner, Zachariah Russell, Cheyanne Schermerhorn, Kyle Stupp, Lydia Taylor, Cody Thomas, Jack Vogel, Hannah Walker, Abigail Walsh, Gerald Wojciechowsky, Kaila Wood, Jasmine 9TH GRADE Abarca, Sierra Ackerman, Christopher Angstadt, Kathryn Avila, Andrea Baransky, Abigale Blatt, Alex Brown, Gabrielle Christ, Abigail Collins, Raelee DeAcosta, Tyler Elicker, Leighan Ferraro, Cassandra Grosko, Jenna Henning, Caitlin Hernandez, Isabella Hill, Dasani Hinkley, Luke Hulse, Tyler Kiebach, Riley Klopp, Devon Mace, Austin Mathias, Skyler McColgan, Daniel McGinity, Dylan Miller, Taylour Oxenreider, Logan Pacilio, Sean Peiffer, Ashley Philippe, Jeremy Quillman, Kristen Rank, Derek Rodig, Phillip Strahan Jr., Patrick Stricker, Justin Thomas, Kristen Torres, Kiaralyn Walsh, Michael Yatchyshyn, Madelyn Zimmerman, Catherine Zimmerman, Mark Zimmerman, Sarah 10TH GRADE Althouse, Sharon Andrews, Marissa Barker, Brydon Bazan, Jennifer Blankenbiller, Michaela Burgos, Serena Burkholder, Branden Carles, Jacob Cox, Jacob DeAcosta, Timothy Eshbach, Tristan Etchberger, Cody Fils, Kessie George, Taylor Harris, Parker Headley, Samantha Klopp, Alivia Koch, Logan Lesher, Rebecca Matias Jr, Angel Michener, Andrew Miller, Chase Miller, Dixie Moser, Karissa Reddig, Beth Ann Sanchez, Giselle Scheider, Brooke Sensenig, Daryl Smith, Kennedy Troutman, Leshane Vogel, Abigail Wanner, Emily Wesner, Holly Wilson, Melinee 11TH GRADE Achenbach, Shelby Bachman, Olivia Beck, Brandin Benzel, Kendra Blankenbiller, Cassidy Burgos, Cheyanne Eshbach, Matthew Gettis, Jacob Griffin, Naomi Harris, Madison Haws, Stephanie Huey, Ryder Johnson, Trent Judy, Heather Kauffman, Austin Koczot, Robert Koenig, Shyanne Kramer, Mary Beth Lape, Sean Linke, Patrick Lutz, Joel Marez, John Martin, Stacy Martinson, Alexis Massaro, Paige Mathias, Jaeden Mathias, Orion Olesh, Mackenzie Pierson, Rebecca Rentschler, Austin Risser, Andrew Schlater, Tanner Seltzer, Mikaela Trochez, Mario Ulrich, Justin Vollrath, Lauren Walker, Jacob Walsh, Catherine Wormser, Wesley Yenser, Derek 12TH GRADE Allamong, Steven Berry, Jillian Berry, Kevin Blackburn, Christina Bressler, Danielle Brossman, Rebekah Chmielewski, Michelle Dugan, Raven Emerich, Devin Evans, Austin Felty, Leviticus Froebel, Amber Groff, Timothy Hare, Jacob Johns, Julianna Kiebach, Joshua Kline, Douglas Klopp, Mason Kraemer, Cassandra LaFollette, Jonathan Lochman, Tyler Loeb, Marissa Lorah, Derek Lore, Sarah Mays, Ian McDuffie, Matthew Naftzinger, Skylyn Plato, Clarissa Schultz, Carly Wanner, Benjamin Wyse, Kyle COMPOST AVAILABLE The Agriscience Department at the Tulpehocken Junior Senior High School will have compost available in the spring. It will be available outside of the ag department, located next to the west end of the parking lot. Compost is a versatile product resulting from composting - the biodegradation of organic waste, industrially, commercially or domestically produced. The basic use is conditioning and fertilizing soil by the addition of humus, nutrients and beneficial soil bacteria, with a wide range of specific applications. Compost can be mixed with sand, clay, aged sawdust, and other materials to create an enriched mix for landscape beds or raised-bed gardens. Compost should be no more than 30 percent of the total mix. Two or more inches of compost can be used alone or in conjunction with conventional mulch products to keep root zones cool, conserve moisture, and act as a slowrelease fertilizer, provided the product is course textured and mature. First Come, First Serve! Please call 610-488-6286 to make sure all the compost isn’t gone. 9 TULPEHOCKEN STUDENTS, STAFF, AND COMMUNITY MAKE THE BLOOD DRIVE A SUCCESS ! Here are the results from the November blood drive: We had 64 willing donors and 60 successful units of blood donated. Thanks to Alivia Klopp, Haley Evans, Allyson Yoder, Kristen Zeigler, and Calvin Manzolillo for an outstanding job!! And MANY thanks to all of you for your support and donations!! This cannot be done without all of us working together WE ARE LOOKING FOR DONORS FOR ROUND 2! ROUND 2 IS ON THE FOLLOWING DATE: Thursday, March 3rd 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM To register for the March Drive: Please call the High School Office (610-488-6286) or E-mail Jessica Moyer at [email protected] You may also register online at Giveapint.org Give your name, phone number and/or e-mail adress, date and time you would like to donate. We are hoping to make this round equally successful!! Congratulations Tulpehocken on our first successful blood drive for this school year!! TULPEHOCKEN WORKER FOR A DAY The Tulpehocken FFA hosted their annual Worker for a Day Auction on the evening of November 12th, 2015. The event was hosted in the Agriculture Department at the Tulpehocken High School. The auction started at 7:30 PM, and eight groups of students were sold that night. Mr. Kenneth Leiby was the auctioneer for the sale. The auction is held to raise funds for the Tulpehocken Young Farmer scholarship presented to an outstanding graduating senior enrolled in agricultural courses. 10 TULPEHOCKEN SENIOR NAMED BERKS COUNTY OUTSTANDING YOUNG WOMAN Isabelle Stull, daughter of Susan and Charles Stull, Bernville, was recently named the 2015 Berks County Outstanding Young Woman and is the first Tulpehocken student to ever win the title. Stull not only received a $4500 cash scholarship for capturing the overall prize, but added a pair of smaller awards for her top marks in the interview and performing arts portions of the contest. She played the piano during the competition and was one of 20 contestants participating in the annual event held in West Reading at the Scottish Rite Cathedral in early October. “I’m very grateful for the opportunity to participate in such a wonderful program,” says Stull. “I had no expectations of winning anything, but now I walked away with a little scholarship money and gained 19 friends. “The whole program is fantastic because it gives girls the opportunity to meet other girls from all over Berks County who are bright and talented, outgoing and ambitious. “Friendship is really the biggest gain from this program; however, there’s also confidence building, learning valuable interview and speaking skills, and the opportunity to just try something totally different and new.” Stull is a member of the Tulpehocken chapter of the National Honor Society, academic challenge, jazz band, chorus and Future Business Leaders of America. After graduation she plans on attending college to study neuroscience, biology or cognitive science while in pursuit of a career in medicine. COME VISIT THE BETHEL-TULPEHOCKEN PUBLIC LIBRARY 8601 Lancaster Avenue, Bethel, PA 19507 Exit 13 off I-78 Phone: 717-933-4060 Website: http//www.berks.lib.pa.us/bethelpl/ Hours: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 10-8; Friday 10-6; Saturday 10-2 Thanks for helping us make 2015 a great year! We love that you’re visiting us during our evening hours, trying out our new programs, and checking out all our great resources. Our recurring programs include: * Trim Healthy Mama Class and Support Group * Book Club for Adults * Family Craft Projects * Computer Classes * Movie Nights * * * * Civics Classes Preschool Storytime Art Classes for All Ages Baby Lapsit We are now accepting donations of gently used Legos, books, DVDs, CDs, puzzles, games and toys! Help us raise money by donating items that you no longer need. We purchase all the most popular movies and books as soon as they are available. Make sure to place a hold to get your items quickly! And don’t forget - we can lend you virtually any movie, book, or CD for free. We are happy to help you on the computers, search for information for research papers, or find your next favorite comic book. We can also lend you all the books on the 2016 Reading Olympics list. Have you visited our ongoing book sale? We have hundreds of books in great condition for all ages. Kids books cost $0.25 cents, and adult books are $0.50 or $1. And don’t miss our big book and toy sale, February 11, 12, & 13, 2016. Looking for a place to do a Scout project, graduation project or other volunteer work? Look no further! We can always use extra help at the library. Sadly, funding for your library was cut again this year. The funds we receive from the government only cover a fraction of what it costs to keep us running. Please help us keep serving you by making a tax-deductible donation. 11 WHAT IS HAPPENING IN NHS? Tulpehocken’s National Honor Society Chapter has had several events this year. Did you know October was National Principals’ Month? NHS delivered goodie bags to the Jr. and Sr. High principals. Fun sayings were matched with the items: like “your worth a mint” (mints) and “to capture fond memories” (picture frame). This was a small expression of appreciation for all they do. In October NHS purchased pumpkins for the High School teachers and staff. Teachers and staff were asked to take part in a decorating contest. This event truly brought out the artistic side of the staff as well as a little friendly competition. The winning pumpkin was from Ms. Higgins classroom, a sculpted Vincent Van Gogh. Ms. Higgins gets bragging rights for the entire year! NHS hopes to make this a yearly event. In November, NHS inducted 17 new members in a ceremony held in the HS auditorium. Kevin Murphy, president of Berks County Community Foundation was the speaker. Mr. Murphy has two sons who are Tulpy graduates and were also NHS members. This is the largest induction class in 5 years! Students are invited to apply based on their cumulative GPA (Scholarship), they must then show how well they represent the three other aims which are Service, Leadership and Character. NHS is a prestigious organization and these 17 join our current senior members. Congratulations on a job well done. Once again this year NHS traveled to Berks Heim to volunteer as “Santa Helpers” for their Santa’s Corner. This trip allows all the members to perform a service activity as a group. Members help residents to shop for gifts, all of which are donated and are free to the residents. Members also spend time talking and sharing drinks and goodies with some of the residents. This has become one of the group’s favorite service activities and is a wonderful start to the holidays. Front row: (l-r) Heather Judy, Kayla Paulson, Stacy Arciniegas, Sophia Farrisi, Olivia Stephan, Alisha Yiengst, Kayla Thomas, Rebecca Pierson. Back row: (l-r) Jessica Dubbs, Shayna Bashore, Madison Miller, Tori Scheider, Ryder Huey, Andrew Risser, Emma Stupp, Danielle Bressler, Leslea Rodig FAKE AND BRUNGART SQUADS WIN THE TURKEY BOWL The 15th annual Community Service Club Turkey Bowl was held in beautiful 50 degree weather on Wednesday, November 25th at the Trojan athletic complex. After bad weather forced the cancellation of the Bowl the past two years, 25 teams competed in this year’s event. The Turkey Bowl was broken up into two divisions - Major and International and as usual each team had to have three males and two females on the field. The Dave Fake squad featuring Mr. Fake and his sons Brandon and Christian along with Trojan grad Ashley Rank defended their crown and won the Major League again - this time defeating the Zach Shirk team in a thrilling 8-6 battle. In the International League the Will Brungart’s squad edged the Jaeden Mathias team 8-5. Brungart’s team consisted of Darian Gordon, Megan Emerich, Ian Mays, Darren Grosko, Josh Kiebach, Ben Wanner, and Devin Emerich. Each player paid $3 to participate and all proceeds went to the Wounded Warrior Project. Special thanks go to Vance Gradwell and Matt Eshbach for chairing this event. 20TH ANNUAL STUDENT AUCTION HELD On Wednesday, November 25 the Tulpehocken Community Service Club held their annual student auction. AnnaMarie Burns and Kirsten Wenger organized the event with help from other Community Service Club members Megan Emerich, Courtney-Keegan Smith, Jake Carles, and Tori Scheider. Thanks to their efforts over 75 items were auctioned off. Some of the higher valued items up for grabs were Hershey Bears, Reading Phillies, and Reading Royals tickets as well as Skyzone and Laser Quest tickets. Highlights included the legendary dream dates and mystery dates. As usual scrumptious baked goods brought big bucks. Tim Groff’s fudge, Mrs. Minnich’s sweet potato sweet cake and Mrs. Stoy’s Oreo Truffles were examples of tasty treats provided by TULPY’s finest. Special thanks to Mrs. Higgins and Patty Annabelli for auctioning off professional artwork. When it was all said and done over $1300 was raised for the Reading Opportunity House thanks to TULPY’s generosity. th 12 CHASE MILLER Tulpehocken sophomore Chase Miller recently completed a golf season that was one for the ages. In dual matches he was undefeated, firing a combined 23-under par, for a scoring average that roughly translates to a 68 for every round. At the county championship, Chase was tied for the lead heading into the last hole of regulation play. Wyomissing’s Nate Menon dropped a long putt of about 20 feet for birdie, forcing Chase to make his 8-footer to tie. Chase stepped up and calmly drained the putt, forcing a playoff for the title. Although he eventually finished second, Chase proved that he knows how to handle the pressure of tournament golf. Chase advanced to the district championships at Briarwood CC, where he finished in 3rd place, and then capped off his season with a gutty 6th place finish in the state golf championship at the long and difficult Heritage Hills CC. No Tulpehocken golfer has ever medaled at counties, districts, and states in the same year, a feat that is especially remarkable considering he has two years of eligibility left. Though local scholastic golf is hardly a spectator sport, those who want to watch a young golf prodigy should catch Chase in action next year as he sets his sights on even more golf hardware. It is an honor to work with a young man whose integrity and work ethic are exemplary, and I cannot wait for next season to get here! Coach Dave Fake SPORTSMANSHIP AWARD Congratulations to the Girls’ and Boys’ soccer teams on winning the Berks County Soccer Officials Sportsmanship Award for the 2nd consecutive year! This award goes to the teams who have the fewest combined yellow/red cards in the county. With the award, Tulpehocken will proudly display a banner in our gym for the next year (many of you probably saw it displayed last year). This is a proud accomplishment for our players and coaches. At Tulpehocken our sports teams continue to win or lose with class! HIGH SCHOOL BOYS’ BASKETBALL TEAM On Sunday, December 20 , the high school boys’ basketball team traveled to St. Joseph’s Medical Center and volunteered their time to spread a bit of holiday cheer. Breaking out their best vocals and impressions of Justin Bieber, the players strolled the halls of the hospital singing “Jingle Bells”, “Deck The Halls”, and “We Wish You A Merry Christmas”, amongst others. The caroling drew many patients, their families, and nurses into the halls to soak it all in. No one walked away without a smile on their face. When in the pediatric care unit, one nurse commented to the players that the smile the little boy had on his face was the first he had smiled today. It was truly a great experience for everyone involved, and a lesson that while a basketball game may seem to be the most important thing in the world at times, the game of life is of utmost importance to bring your best #ATTITUDE regardless. th FALL POSTSEASON ACCOMPLISHMENTS Boys’ Soccer District 3 Class A Championship Jacob Cox (8th) and Mason Klopp (9th) qualified for the State Championship race at the Disttrict Cross Country race. Mason finished 83rd and Jacob finished 99th out of 226 participants. 13 GIRLS’ BASKETBALL TEAM The girls’ basketball team is looking forward to another successful season. We have made the district playoffs the past three years so we are looking to continue to build on that success. We had to replace six seniors from last year’s team. The returning girls are working very hard and had a very positive attitude. The girls seemed to want to develop their skills and get better and as coaches that’s all you can ask for. We, as coaches, are very excited to have such a great group. Megan Emerick is our only senior on the floor. Kristen Ziegler had a season ending surgery or we would have had two seniors. The juniors are Shayna Bashore and Madison Miller. Our sophomores include Alivia Klopp, Cassondra Mellen, and Allyson Yoder. We have a number of freshman who decided to play also. They are Abby Baransky, Lydia Bednarczyk, Chesney Bredbenner, Haley Evans, Dashear Hill, Kristen Quillman, and Julia Rentschler. Please come out and cheer these hardworking classmates to victory! Mr. William Moyer, Coach TULPEHOCKEN CROSS COUNTRY In November, after the conclusion of the 2015 Cross Country season, an All-Star Cross Country Banquet for the County was held at the Reading Inn, in Reading, PA. Mason Klopp, a captain and senior, and Jacob Cox, a sophomore, were among recipients of the Division 2 All-Star Award for the 2015 Cross Country Season. This is the second time Mason has received this award, and a first for Jacob Cox. Mason has been on the Cross-Country team for four years. This year, he has placed in every invitational the team attended, as well as medaled at Counties and Districts. Mason graduates at the end of the school year and will go on to attend Waynesburg University. We are proud of him and wish him the best of luck! Jacob Cox has placed in every invitational the team attended, as well as medaled at Districts this year. We are so very proud of Jake and look forward to seeing Jake progress as a runner next year! This banquet was the culmination of a successful and exciting season for the Trojans. The Cross Country team ended their season with a division record of 5-2 and an overall record of 8-7. The team placed 7th at Counties and 2nd at Districts! Mason Klopp and Jacob Cox both qualified for the 2015 Cross Country State Meet held at Hershey in November and had a great race. Now that the season has come to an end we would like to congratulate our graduating seniors, Mason Klopp, Jacob Hare, and James Lafollette, on a successful four years. We can’t wait for next season to continue this run of success! Congratulations on an outstanding season to all members! Rebecca Schlegel SIXTH ANNUAL GOLF TOURNAMENT Tulpehocken Education Foundation Date: July 18, 2016 Place: Heidelberg Country Club MAKE PLANS SOON! THIS TOURNAMENT HAD A FULL FIELD LAST YEAR. Contact: Mimi Shade for more information at 717-933-4611 ext 2118. OPPORTUNITY Do you want flexible part-time hours? Do you enjoy working with children? Would you like to help a student who struggles? Substitute Special Education paraprofessionals are needed to assist students with special needs throughout the Tulpehocken Area School District. Interested individuals should contact Dory Triest at 717-933-4611 ext. 2116 for information. Applications can either be downloaded from the Tulpehocken website (www.tulpehocken.org) or picked up in the district office. NEED TO REGISTER YOUR CHILD FOR SCHOOL? Parents needing to register their child(ren) in the Tulpehocken Area School District can contact Dianne Harchuska in Child Accounting at 717-933-4611 at ext. 2114 to make an appointment. 14 K DID YOU KNOW... ristin A. Kissling, 2006 Salutatorian of Tulpehocken High School and daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Barry Kissling, Rehrersburg, graduated from Penn State University in 2009 with a Bachelor’s Degree in Kinesiology. She continued her education at Lebanon Valley College and graduated in 2010 with a Bachelor of Health Science Degree. In 2013, she achieved her Doctorate of Physical Therapy Degree from Lebanon Valley College, and is currently managing an out-patient orthopedic clinic in Lancaster County. K ayle Huey, 2014 Tulpy Graduate & Student at Marywood University, has been an active member for 1 year for the Wilkes-Barre/Scranton Roller Radicals. They are a non-profit Flat Track Roller Derby League & are members of the WFTDA – Women’s Flat Track Derby Association of women’s flat track roller derby leagues around the world. They compete against other teams across the Northeast. You can check her out (aka “Dready Crocker”) & the rest of the team at www.wbsrollerradicals.com J amie Fisher, 2014, is part of UDance at The University of Delaware. In March she will be dancing to help raise funds to fight childhood cancer. If you would like to support her in this cause check out the organization at udancede.org and search “Jamie Fisher” in the search bar. H igh School Life Skills Class was the recipient of a Random Act of Kindness. Chet Garl (president of CRC Mechanical) paid for our lunch. He picked up the tab for all of the students and staff. We are extremely grateful to Chet Garl. NOTIFICATION OF SCHOOL ACTIVITIES As a district, we would like to increase community awareness about upcoming school activities. If you are interested in receiving notification of school activities (music, sports, and other programs) please complete the form below or call Mimi Shade at 717-933-4611, 2118. You will have an option for any combination of the following for notifications; phone calls, text, or email. If at any time you would like to stop receiving notification or to change the way you are notified please contact Mimi Shade at 717-933-4611, 2118. Thanks in advance and we look forward to hearing from you. Please return the bottom portion of this form to: Tulpehocken Area School District Attn: Mimi Shade 27 Rehrersburg Road Bethel, PA 19507 Please notify me of school activities and functions through the following method(s). Check all that apply. ___ Phone (I would like to receive automated phone calls regarding upcoming school activities) ___ Text (I would like to receive text alerts regarding upcoming school activities) ___ E-mail (I would like to receive e-mail notification of upcoming school activities) Name: __________________________________________________________________________ Phone Number: ____________________________________________________________ Cell Phone Number: ________________________________________________________ E-mail Address: ___________________________________________________________ 15 TULPEHOCKEN AREA SCHOOL DISTRICT District Administration Building 27 Rehrersburg Road Bethel, PA 19507 Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Reading, PA PERMIT NO. 34 Dr. Robert K. Schultz - Superintendent Board of School Directors Oscar Manbeck - President William T. Palmer, Jr. - Vice President April Klopp - Secretary Scott Klopp - Treasurer Anthony Rodig Daniel Steinhauer Chris Heck Kristan Rissmiller Arlan Werst ECRWSS PEACE POSTER CONTEST WINNER “Peace should be for the entire world, not just one country,” said 12-year-old Jonah Stull of Bernville as he described the poster that he created for the Lions International Lions Peace Poster competition. Stull is the winner of the local competition as sponsored by the Frystown Lions Club. It is the club’s and the Tulpehocken Jr. High’s first time to participate in the worldwide competition. “We are so proud of Jonah and his amazing work,” says club competition chairperson Lion Adele Argot. She is extremely grateful to the school district because the competition was open to over 120 students, through teacher Mike Mulholland’s Social Studies classes. Club members did the final judging of multiple entries based on originality, artistic merit, and expression of the theme, “Share Peace.” For Jonah this theme has special meaning as he is from South Korea. He is the son of Charles and Susan Stull and enjoys graphic design and graphic arts. His favorite subjects are math or science and he, like his sister Isabelle, a senior at Tulpehocken High, is an Honor Roll student. His poster was taken to the Lions 14-P District Cabinet meeting where it placed in the top five for the District competition. In appreciation for his work, the Frystown Lions Club invited him and his family to join the club at a meeting and recognized him with a Certificate of Appreciation and a token monetary gift as well. Message from the Principal Can you believe that it is February already!? The year is flying by and soon we will be sending a group of young men and women into the world to go and make Tulpy proud. What a great group of seniors we have. This group of students have given over a thousand hours of community service and helped to raise thousands of dollars for charities. They are a group with high academic goals and will no doubt be extremely successful in their endeavors. The success they have had in the classroom, on the athletic fields, or in performances and shows, will serve these 100 plus students well as they enter a world ready to embrace challenges before them. I am confident that my first group of seniors will make us all extremely proud. Before we get too far ahead of ourselves, there is still a lot of work to do! The junior high school students are preparing to take the PSSA exams in April and the underclassmen will be readying to take the Keystone Exams in May in the areas of Algebra, Biology, and Literature. Course selection and the building of a master schedule for next year is happening right now. This is a great time to reach out to your child’s school counselor to discuss any concerns you may have with next year’s classes. Back in December a number of our students met with past graduates to discuss college life and career choices. Many of these conversations were great exposure for our students to think about future careers and courses needed to be taken. Our yearly musical this year will be “Anything Goes.” The performances will take place March 11 and 12 for the general public. The senior citizen performance will be on Wednesday, March 9. We would encourage everyone to come out and support our students. In addition to the musical don’t forget about our Spring Music Concert and Fine Arts Festival on May 15 and 16. I know you will not be disappointed with any of the events. This year’s athletic teams have been very successful and shining examples of what it takes to be a student-athlete. These young men and ladies spend countless hours on the courts and fields with practice and performance and then spend many more keeping up with their academics and outside jobs. Your support is greatly appreciated. Take a look at the spring schedule and come on out to show that Tulpy Pride! Andy Netznik, Jr./Sr. High School Principal 16
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