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COMPAl\IY411 Classique Vintage CQJZ cable in the HiCon line A Rare Look Inside This Leading lndustry Supplier F B!d Th o mas 5 .Friedman ounded in 1999, Sommer Cable is an in- cables, connectivity products and electronics;' novative designer and manufacturer of high-end audio, video and data cables, says Blanck. He adds t hat the company began A few examples of Sommer Cable innova- reaching out to other markets as weil. "We also tions in this area include the Hi-Fiber connector t ransmit RS-232 control and infrared cont rol data connectors, assemblies and electronics. Based exhibited at Musikmesse and t he NAMM show w ith four optical lines that can be serviced in the over long distances, an affordable and potent ial- in Germany's Black Forest region, the company field, the Tricone XXL quarter-inch gold-tip solder ly " life-saving" HDMI 2.0 4K measurement toolkit recently opened its U.S. branch in Sa nta Rosa, for the first time that year and sent out flyers to more t han 20,000 recipients. At our beginning, and gas-free crimp connector w ith an impressive w ith a separate analyzer and generator in a rack CA, headed by German/American citizen and many people laughed at us, because the hype 230 Newtons of strain relief. That is also available or battery powered mobile version and several 35-year industry veteran Martin Ucik. in a DIYversion that does not require any tools to powered mixers and control units with Ethernet CEO/ at t he t ime was to move away from traditional copper cables towards fiber and wireless. But we assem ble or to repair on t he road. Also popular remote access for fixed instailations. co-founder Rainer Blanck to learn m ore about stood our course, and nobody is laughing about is Sommer Cable's cool-looking, super-flat 90-de- "We are pro ud and honored that many na- the history and future of Sommer Cable. Like many in t he pro audio industry, Blanck began us today;' he laughs. "Of course, we went on to gree quarter-inch pancake connector wit h im- t ional and international m usicians and bands We spoke wit h Sommer Cable variations, we offer some unique p rod ucts:' The Cardinal line also includes unique HDMI extenders and dist ribution solutions that also innovate and build fiber and data cables [Cat- proved strain relief. The company now sells more like Roger Hodgson (Supertramp), Mezzoforte as a musician. "My passion since m y youth was to front bands as a vocalist and guitarist;' he re- 5/6/7], as weil as matching connectors:' Most employees who work at Sommer are t han 150,000 units per year. "On the cable side, we continued to innovate and Magma record and tour with Sommer Ca- cails. "After earn ing my business degree in 1986, performing musicians, so it was only nat ural that w ith such unique solutions as Cat-6 and 7 cables Massenburg, Al Schmitt, Chuck Ainlay, Fran k Filipetti, El liot Scheiner and Ed Cherney) are cur- ble. Also, the engineers of Metalliance (George 1 joined the com pany of Fried helm Sommer, a they designed innovative stage products like w ith PUR j ackets, which are flexible and robust German inventor and cello player who manu- the award-winning Plug Mama stage box, ca- enough t hat you can roll a heavy case (or even rently evaluating both our Carbokab 225 high- factured and sold his patented pneumat ic arm structure (U.S. patent #4960040A) and other ble reels with integrated stage b oxes and cable a t ruck) over them w ithout causing damage;' end st udio cables, which feature 65 st rands of loom s. Working with German broadcast console Blanck says. "For guitars with magnetic and piezo highly compressed, ca rbon-treated copper per prod ucts for industrial robots to car manufac- conductor, with 100 percent copper-braided/ turers and t he space industry:' aluminum fleece shielding, as weil as our Epi- - » The Beginnings 1n 1995, Blanck went to a Manfred M ann's Earth Band concert with the company's IT mana keyb oa rd player and audio fanatic who de- • ' signed cables for a German boutique manufacturer of hi-fi products. "He bragged that he could design the best guitar cable on earth;' - Blanck reca il s,"and after several trials and errors, we came up with t he now-legendary The Spirit, which blew every cable 1 had ever used out of the water. Today, it is t he celebrated guitar cable ·1~·' ~ -· ·' .„ ' • .' u:: •••• :• -·-tH . -·----~~~-.--..... . ~..--...H=::·• ·:~~=~:• -·: - n·• - === '.,_ H = - H:::.- agerThierry Miguet and met his brother, Pascal, ···-·- ~···-1 .· ....·';" _.- „ . „ „ . = :...:.-·· ····= .- ···11H···•·• ;....:.·· . ; '..: ::::·: ::·:; -::.-= - .. 1 ... ... . •••• ' .... ~----- - ·i · • c. lj ,,.,.„ .•••- :i. =-• -. -. ~:: . :11:11.11.110'/il-„ ••• ~···- .,.,.,.~·- . ' test torq ue, plug and bend ing cycles, w hich often exceed industry standards by a factor of ten. This is partly the result of the hig h quality 99.9999% N6 Oxygen-Free (OFC) Chilean cop- • ~.„„.„„, and speaker manufacturers, high-quality Som- For product quality assurance, Sommer Cable developed proprietary equipment to er: - .,,. : -~ ··1, I] .• ,..•.- - logue Quad cables with a stunningly low 11.3 pf per foot capacitance:' More than just cables: the new Cardinal DVMseries includes a variety of rack mountable signal processors. per which is employed in al 1 of Sommer's media cable product s, as weil as t he high-quality machined metals used in all of its connectors. Each of these innovations resulted from cus- pickups, we created the Tricone Symasym cable tomer feed back and frequent employee meet- of choice for top players such as Steve Morse mer Cables were soon exclusively used at me- with a balanced and unbalanced line under one ings where new ideas are d iscussed. "Sommer (Deep Purple), Richard Z. Kruspe (Rammstei n), ga-events such as soccer world championships, jacket. The unique Tricone 241 P runs power, two Cable is still smail enough to respond to cus- Clem Clempson (Colosseum) and many others. the Olympics and the Eurovision Song Contests. MIDI, four send/return audio lines and CAT.Se to tomer ideas q uickly, yet we are large enough We knew we were on to somet hing and contin- In fact, with one exception, all soccer stadiums sophisticated guitar effects boards. The HiCon to rea lize complex and costly developments;' ued to design and improve microphone, speak- for t he 2006 Soccer World Championship in Germany were wired w ith Sommer Cable. WoodPlug Limited Edition features Black Forest nut or pear-wood connectors t hat look, and if Blanck explains. er, multicore, video, data and hi-fi cables:' you believe it, sound great on acoust ic guitars:' At the t ime, Fried helm Sommer wanted to diversify further. After he sold Sommer-automatic in 1999, he, Miguet and Blanck started » Expanding Markets Yet wit h t his acceptance, t he com pa ny did » Future Directions The latest addition to t he Sommer lineup is And as for t he future of Sommer Cable, the Cardinal family of stage and installation prod- Blanck is definitely opt im ist ic. " We are always good for some surprises. This includes unique Sommer Cable in his 35,000 sq uare foot pro- not rest on its lau reis. "Alt hough we were hap - ucts. Of special interest to FRONT ofHOUSE read- duction/warehouse/office building, which the py w ith the Neutrik connectors we used at t he ti me - and st ill use today - customers ers may be the German-manufactured DVM 120 hybrid cables that combine aud io, power, video active and passive rock solid "Heavy Metal" DI and data in various combinations. Recently, we asked us for m ore affordable and improved boxes with Lundahl transformers, which provide opened an office in the U.S to serve the Amer- alternatives," says Bl anck. " So we began to de- linear response from 5 Hz to 50 kHz. Also new ican markets, headed by ou r longtime friend sig n and manufacture ou r HiCon connector is the DIT t ube direct box, which is designed to and fellow spätzle eater Martin Ucik. As with all our cables, free samples are available from o ur company still occupies today. » The Growth Phase "In tried-and-tested Sommer fashion, we created our first cable catalog in 2000, which line, which now consist s of over 500 prod ucts. combine the warm th and character of a vintage has now grown into a 525-page, 4-pound mega Besid es the standard XLR, q uarter-inch, RCA, t ube device w ith t he low noise and performance American office so you can see, feel, tort ure/ encyclopedic 'd oor-stopper' of over 12,000 BNC, multi-pin and HDM I connectors in many of advanced modern audio technology. abuse and listen for yourself:' FQ;H 48 AUGUST 20'15 • foh online .corn A Conversation with Martin Ucik, CED, !iommer Cable America FOH: Can you tell us a little about your background? Martin Ucik: 1grew up in Germany and am proud tobe a U.S. citizen since 2011. In my early childhood, 1was fascinated with musical instruments and making sounds. 1 played my first paid musical gig when 1was 14 and made $50. After studying electrical engineering and playing keyboards in a soul band in New Orleans for six months, 1made my passion into my profession and opened a music store in my hometown near Stuttgart in 1980. The store quickly moved up into the top 10 in Germany. We modified most of the gear we sold and imported unique products from the U.S. like the Forte MIDI Mod or Cakewalk Software. In 1995, another dream came true when 1 moved to Northern California to serve as President of Hohner Midia, a joint venture 1had formed with the legendary German accordion and harmonica maker. lt turned out not to be a good fit, so in good American entrepreneurial fashion, we moved our business into my garage and began selling Samplitude and Sequoia software, as weil as SEK'D hardware. In 2000, we added distribution lines, among them Sommer Cable, and 1became good friends with Rainer and Pascal. After 9/11, 1franchised my business to the American Sanken and Brainstorm Electronics distributor, and we formed plus24, w here 1worked as general manager for 13 years. In December 2014, 1took a break to w rite a book and wo rk as a consultant. Pascal from Sommer Cable called me and asked if 1knew someone who could help them out with a new strategy they had for the American markets. A few weeks later we met in Germany. 1could not resist their offer to do it again - to build a business from scratch, using the industry experience 1had gathered in the past 35 years. We established Sommer Cab le America, lnc. as a wholly owned subsidiary of the German mothership. What is especially exciting to me is that 1can put my multicultural background into the service of our American customers. With the new Sommer Cable America, what kind of changes can new and existing customers expect? We want them to know that we are here to stay. Our customers now have a reliable, consistent and affordable source for all Sommer products, including all cables, HiCon connectors, cable assemblies, Sysßoxx AN installation products and the Cardinal electronics line. They can buy factory-direct or through the di stribution and reseller network that we are establishing. Sommer Cable America handles all technical questions (with a little help from our German friends), customer quotes, sales, billing, marketing and customer service. Since we are a 100 percent subsidiary of Sommer Cable Germany, we keep the middle-man out and have a very close ear t o the market. Sommer Cable manufacturers thousands of products - will the entire line be available in the U.S.? Yes. We accomplish this through a network of specialized stocking distributors and dealers, our sample and parts warehouse in Santa Rosa, and three to five business days factory-direct delivery to any American customer - at UPS ground rates. Product specialist Peter Rieck (right) demonstrates the cable testing equipment to Martin Ucik and Rainer Blanck. Sommer Cable also offers a variety of customization services. Will these be available via the U.S. office? How does the custom process work? Customized products are available to American customers. We have a well-equipped custom shop in Germany that 1recently visited, with a highly skilled, effective team. They can produce custom solutions within a few days and thanks to our deal with UPS, they ship to our American customers within three to five business days at ground rates. In addition, we teamed up with U.S. companies like Pacific Radio Electronics in Burbank, CA and compan ies in the Midwest and the East Coast who customize products with Sommer Cable and HiCon products. What's the industry response to Sommer Cable America so far? Many U.S. companies, bands and engineers w ho have a presence in Europe (such as Meyer Sound, PRG, SSL, Pacific Radio Electronics, George Massenburg, to name a few) have heard about Sommer Cable and the uniqueness, high-quality and reliability of our products. They can now source Sommer's audio, video and data connectivity solutions in the U.S. Sommer is "the new kid on the block" to American customers with a more domestic focus, and they are sometimes a bit overwhelmed by our vast product line and solutions. So we see some early adopters in a bottom-up way and some large customers w ho have a top-dow n effect. We have the time, resources and experience to build our U.S. presence by sending out full catalogs t o interested customers and to follow up to learn about their needs and provide them with the right solutions. fohonline.corn • 20'15 AUGUST 49