June - UMCNL


June - UMCNL
June 2015
The Church Guide
Pastor’s Page
It’s About Love, Not Survival
The trend is hardly even news any more — despite the growth in population in the United States, the number of
Christians in America continues to decline. According to the Pew Research Center’s newest report, the United
States is a significantly less Christian country than it was seven years ago.
The Pew survey shows dramatic shifts as large numbers of people leave major denominations, including the
United Methodist Church.
In a similar study, the General Social Survey (GSS), reports that while about 30 percent of Americans identified
themselves as “Protestant” in 1972, that number is only 15 percent today. In other words, based on the GSS, mainline Protestant churches lost half their people over the last 40 years.
The Pew report reveals that, “Atheists and agnostics have nearly doubled their share of the religious marketplace,
and overall indifference to religion of any sort is rising as well. Only the historically black Protestant churches
have held a steady grip through the years of change.” This is even more disturbing when you realize that younger
Americans are giving up on faith in large numbers. While only 17% of Baby Boomers indicate that they have “no
religion,” 36% of Younger Millennials report that they have “no religion” (see accompanying chart).
Many people within the church today see this
as a warning that the church will not exist much
longer. Indeed, if the church has lost half of its
members in 40 years, it cannot survive much
longer. But, to me, this is not an issue about
keeping the institution alive. It is about loving
I’m a Christian because I believe that Jesus makes
a powerful difference in my life. I believe that I
am a better person by following Jesus. I believe
that there is a power available to me through
Christ that helps me navigate through the storms
of life. I am a better person, a better husband,
and a better father because of my commitment
to Christ. I believe that there is in store for me an
eternity of joy and peace waiting for me beyond
the shadows of this life.
Because I believe there is a great benefit to being a follower of Jesus Christ, I want others to experience that same
benefit. I believe the most loving thing one person can do for another person is to share Jesus with them.
If you believe that Jesus makes a difference in your life, wouldn’t you want others to know that their life could be
better by following Jesus?
The growing number of people who identify as having “no religion” is a concern to me because I believe that life
is better with Jesus than without him. It is not about keeping the institution alive. It is about loving those around
As followers of Jesus, we have an opportunity to make an eternal difference in the lives of those around us. Be
the neighbor. Share the love of Jesus.
~ Jay
Additional Worship and Ministry Opportunities
Welcome to June’s Meetings and Activities!
Chapel Bible Study Monday Evenings at 7 p.m.
Michael Johnston’s Small Group meets in the Rev. William G. Johnson
Fellowship Hall on Monday evenings at 7 p.m.
Small Group meets Mondays in the Conference Room at 6:45 p.m.
Friday Morning Bible Study meets Fridays at 9:30 a.m. in the Chapel.
Missions Committee meets Wednesday, June 3 at 7 p.m. in the
Conference Room.
Membership Committee meets Thursday, June 11 at 7 p.m. in the
Conference Room.
NLOB (New Life for Old Bags) meets from 10 a.m. - Noon Saturday,
June 13 in the Narthex.
Prayer Chain will meet at 2:30 p.m. on Monday, June 15 in the Rev.
William G. Johnson Fellowship Hall.
Finance Committee meets 7 p.m. in Fellowship Hall on Tuesday, June
Communications Committee meets Wednesday, June 17 at 6:30 p.m.
in the office.
Staff Parish Committee meets Wednesday, June 17 at 7 p.m. in the
Conference Room.
Trustees meet 7 p.m. Wednesday, June 17 in the History Room.
Old Campground Festival Arts & Crafts Show will be held on the
church grounds from 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. on Saturday, June 27 (rain date of
Sunday, June 28 from 12 noon - 5 p.m.).
Summer worship
on our beautiful campground is just
around the corner! Please select a Sunday or two to serve in our
worship services. Sign up on the board in the Rev. Bill Johnson
Fellowship Hall. Questions? Please contact Lisa Wainwright at
[email protected] or call the church office at 815‑485‑8271.
Come “Worship in the Woods”
at the United Methodist Church of New
Lenox during the months of June, July,
and August. Bring a lawn chair or blanket
and your family to worship in the beautiful
campground and enjoy fellowship and
refreshments afterwards. Outdoor worship
and children’s Sunday school are at 9
a.m.; indoor worship at 10:45. Nursery is
available for both services. Questions? Call
815-485-8271. All are welcome!
Sunday School 9 a.m.
Ushers 9 a.m.
Greeters 10:45
Liturgist 10:45
Nursery 9 and 10:45
Piano/organ 9 and 10:45
Special Music 9 and 10:45 (Initially, please sign up for two services only to give others a chance to
share their talents this summer)
Don’t forget, we will begin our outdoor services at 9 AM on June 1, weather permitting. We will continue
outdoor worship at 9 AM each Sunday through August 31. Our Worship Committee has determined that if, at
8 AM on Sunday morning, if any of the following criteria are met, the worship service will be moved indoors:
• it is raining
• there is a significant chance of rain
• temperature is 55 degrees or below
• heat index is 85 degrees or above
The United Methodist Church of New Lenox
June 2015
Page 2
CONTACT BOB FIELD via email at [email protected]
(worship is held at Building 1023)
United Methodist Church of New Lenox, IL
(UMCNL) is pleased to be hosting its first ever
Emmaus Group Reunion Picnic/Gatheringt.
This will bwe held outdoors on the beautiful
and historic campgrounds (pictured below); a
great opportunity to kick-start outdoor summer
services. (weather permitting - celebration will
be moved inside if necessary).
Please bring your family and friends!
All are welcome!
Come worship with us as Reverend Norval
Brown leads us in an outdoor service to deliver
the Message. Bring your lawn chairs.
Gathering will begin at 3:00 PM
Dinner at 4:00 PM (Hot Dogs &
Burgers will be provided along
with salads and side dishes
provided by the UMCNL
Emmaus Community)
Worship Service at 5:00 PM
Fellowship and dessert to follow
Worship Service
Date: May 31, 2015
United Methodist Church
of New Lenox, IL
339 West Haven Avenue
Please bring a dessert dish to share.
De Colores!
The United Methodist Church of New Lenox
2015 UMCNL Scholarship
The Art Nelson Memorial Scholarship
Alexandra K. Lockhart
daughter of
Cliff and Cindy Lockhart
Lindsey N. Murphy
daughter of
Gail and Jill Murphy
The Thomas H. & Ruth J. Loverude
Michaella A. Johnston
daughter of
Michael and Lisa Johnston
The Richard Swanson Scholarship
Joshua P. Gardner
son of
James and Kendall Gardner
Kirk T. Lever
son of
Lynn Lever
The Reverent William G. & Ruth R.
Johnson Scholarship
Leah Luksetich
daughter of
Dan and Mary Luksetich
June 2015
Page 3
We Welcome New Members!!!
Our next “Friendship Group” Luncheon
will be Thursday June 18 at 12:00 Noon.
Our Luncheon will be at: Aurelio’s Pizza
in Frankfort. The Sponsors are: Rosie
Hudson and Faye and Henry Schroll. If
you have any questions contact one our
Sponsors. All are invited 55+ See you
there. Bring a friend!
On Sunday, May 31 at our 10:45 Worship Service,
we will be welcoming the following people into
full membership of the United Methodist Church of
New Lenox:
JulieAnn Richards
Kate Aardema
Jim Beavers
Keith and Liz Formell
Jeff and Emily Pacholski
Valerie Pasqua
Leslie Thomas
Coffee Hour in June
Finance Committee
Administrative Council
UMW Executive Board (Fathers Day)
Children’s Ministry Council
Please, help us welcome them and keep them in
your prayers as they become members of our faith
family this month!
Worship Music in June
Both Services Lorine Samuels
Both Services Laura Neff
9:00 a.m. Praise Band
10:45 a.m. TBD
Both Services Mandy Field
The Strumming Friends
group of the United Methodist Church of
New Lenox will be strumming again on
Wednesdays from 1:30 - 2:30 p.m. Anyone
interested in trying this important nursing
home ministry, please call Lois Meyer at
(815) 485-6117. We have a few “loaner”
dulcimers for beginners and we will help you get started with
this “easy to learn” music.
If you know of someone in
prison, our Prayer Team
will pray for them and
send out cards. Please
let us know the person’s
name and address. We
will keep the information
Ruth Johnson or Pastor
Sarah at (815) 485-8271
with any information or if
you would like to join this ministry.
The United Methodist Church of New Lenox
Need a good book to read during rainy days of
spring? Need materials for your small group’s next
Bible study? Please visit and enjoy the beautiful,
reorganized adult library in the conference room on the
lower level of the church, across from the elevators.
New Life For Old Bags
Put your used plastic grocery bags
to good use. We can make them into
6' X 3' mats for homeless people to
use as beds or to sit on. It keeps
moisture away from skin. We need
people to cut up the bags and make PLARN, (plastic yarn)
out of them so it can be crocheted into the mats.
Anyone interested in serving on this project come to UMCNL
the second Saturday of the month in the chapel from 10:00
a.m. until noon. Don't forget to bring your plastic bags and
a pair of scissors.
Any questions contact Teena Glazebrook, 815-723-6968.
June 2015
Page 4
Youth and Childrens News for May
Graduation Sunday Scheduled for June 6
Congratulations all high school and college
graduates! Graduation Sunday is June 7, and
we will honor our graduates during worship.
Please send the graduate’s recent picture, parents’ names,
high school or university from which he/she is graduating,
and post-graduation plans (work, college, major, etc.) to Jane
Corradetti (E-mail [email protected]) and CC Wendy
in the office at [email protected] before Sunday, May 31.
You may also leave information in church office. Thank you!
If you have any questions about Graduation Sunday, please
contact Adam Moore or Michael Johnston, since they will be
designing and conducting the Graduation Sunday service.
Follow us on /www.facebook.com/
Sunday Morning Youth Experience
Sundays 9-10 a.m.
in the Youth Room
Grades 7-12
Come worship with us through song
and join in on our interactive bible
study where you’ll have a chance to be creative and make the
story your own. Led by Youth Ministries Director, Adam Moore.
Barbie’s Book Review
Designed by God so I Must be Special is a
very colorful book written by Bonnie Sose’
and illustrated by Bonnie and Holly Sose’.
This book explains how from our eyes, our
ears, our nose, our skin, to our mind, our spirit,
and our heart, God created us all to be special
in our own way.
This would be a great book to start off your
summer reading. Remember, the church is
open during the day all summer so stop in and
check out a few books.
Peaceful reading,
Questions? Please contact Adam at [email protected],
call the church office at 815-485-8271, or visit at www.umcnl.com.
Daily Devotions for Children Available
LAKELAND, Fla. (UMNS) ~ The Florida Annual (regional) Conference of
the United Methodist Church now offers daily devotions for adults to share
with children. The devotions include Scripture and a conversation that takes
less than a minute to read online, on a mobile phone or on an iPad or other
tablet. Vist the site below for these devotions!
During June we will have nursery care and Sunday School for preschool thru 6th grade at 9 a.m. At the 10:45 AM
service there will only be child care. In June we will learn about being caretakers. We will discuss taking care of
God’s creations, our resources, ourselves. and others. Every lesson begins with a short DVD that ends with the
Bible verse for the month. We still need teachers for the Summer. Curriculum and supplies are provided.
Remember to keep our children and teachers in your prayers.
The United Methodist Church of New Lenox
June 2015
Page 5
Volunteers Needed
The Upper Room Prayer Line is in need of Volunteers. We “man” the Prayer
Line on Thursday nights from 5:00-9:00pm. We try to have two people for
each hour. One person every other week for each hour. The
Prayer Line started in 2001. Please help us to continue this
very important service by volunteering today. For more
information contact: Chuck Kozielski at 815-485-5966
Looking for some exercise...fresh air?
We are looking to start up a Methodist Golf League this season. Course,
day and time will be determined by participants. If you are interested please
Bob Bruozas by phone (708-429-9151) or email ([email protected]).
The Mens’ Ministry in Milling is
selling firewood. The wood will be sold
in small bundles ($5) as well as face cords
($100).Contact Bill Christiansen at (815)
485-8514 [email protected] or Michael
Johnston at (815) 485-6742 for more details
on how you can purchase the firewood for
your summer campfires!
The UMM are selling United
Methodist Cross Plaques, with
the proceeds going to support their
Scholarships. Please, if you haven’t
already done so, find a UM Man and
purchase one. Details can be had by
contacting any UMM member or the
church office at (815) 485-8271.
Methodist Men Do!!!
Don’t forget to check out the books in the UMW library shelf in the Chapel, along the wall adjacent
to the Associate Pastor’s office! There are many wonderful books and copies of response magazine
to give you hours of enjoyment and informational reading.
Have you ever wondered where the money goes for United Methodist Women funded missions? A
complete list of the 246 different missions around the world that were listed in the 2014 response®
Magazine can be found by visiting http://www.unitedmethodistwomen.org/response/missionmap2014.
This does not include all of the many additional projects that our own unit funds in the surrounding
community, but it gives you a better idea of just how much of a difference United Methodist Women
make in the lives of women, youth and children in need throughout the world today.
Would you like to be an active part of this ministry? Come join us! Not sure which circle to join? Contact Dolores
Barenz, Susan Tyree-Kline (Co-Presidents) or Wendy Miller (Treasurer) or the church office at (815) 485-8271 to
find out more information about the 6 active UMW circles here at UMCNL! We will help you find the one that will
best suit your interests.
Visit the National UMW website at unitedmethodistwomen.org to catch up on all the
latest news of just what UMW is up to and the issues they support!
Visit Northern Illinois Conference UMW website at http://www.umcnic.org/celebratingwomens-history-month/ for what is going at our conference level that you can get
involved in.
The United Methodist Church of New Lenox
June 2015
Page 6
July 13 ~ 16, 2015
Monday ~ Thursday
9 a.m. ~ Noon
plus Thursday night celebration!
A Place to Belong... A Place to Become!
Pre-school Age 3 by
September 1, 2015
Entering 6th Grade Fall 2015
339 West Haven Avenue
New Lenox, IL 60451
Phone 815-485-8271
2015 G-Force VBS Registration Form
Please complete one form per child attending
Child’s Name ______________________________________________________________________________
Parent / Guardian Name ______________________________________________________________________
Address __________________________________________________________________________________
City __________________________ State __________________ Zip Code ____________________________
E-Mail ___________________________________________________________________________________
Phone Numbers: Home ___________________ Cell ____________________ Work _____________________
Date of Birth ____________________________ Grade Entering This Fall ______________________________
Allergies / Medical Information / Other _________________________________________________________
Emergency Contact Name __________________________________ Phone Number_____________________
Name(s) of Person (s) who may pick your child up from VBS ________________________________________
(REGISTER BY June 1 and receive a free CD; one per family)
After June 1st, optional purchase of Music CD for additional $4
Would you like to volunteer at G-Force? ____ Yes
____ Yes
____ No
____ No
Cost of this year’s VBS is $20 for one child or two or more children for $40.
Names of other children attending from your family on other form(s) __________________________________
(continued on back side)
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Other Information (church use only)
Payment made by ____ Cash
____ Check #________
The United Methodist Church of New Lenox
Total Amt. Paid $_________ Date _____________
June 2015
Page 7
Publication of Photo Release
Yes No (please check one)
I grant permission for the United Methodist Church of New Lenox to publish photographs or images of my child
without identifying information in any church-sponsored publication including, but not limited to, church brochures, church video recordings, church newsletters, church Facebook site, and the church website. This permission is valid from
July 13, 2015, through July 13, 2016. I understand that I will be asked again to grant permission to publish at
the beginning of VBS each year. I may revoke this permission at any time by notifying the church office staff in
Printed parent/guardian name Printed student name
Parent/guardian signature Student signature
Grade in school Date
The United Methodist Church of New Lenox
June 2015
Page 8
June Birthdays
Aubrey Adler
Judy Brower
Rachel Combs
Arnie Schroeder
June Veerman
Cindy DeNormandie
Kellen Johnson
Nicholas Krol
Christine McCarthy
Bonnie DeCharme
Adam Dvorak
Ethan Frank
Robert Hecht
David McCune
Ryan Skarnulis
Daniel Wainwright
Taylor Hednanb
Samantha Ohlund
Kathy Roseen
Bobby Ohlund III
Dane Hagen
Rosie Hudson
Kellie Kollman
Michael Larson
Alexander McCune
John Skiniotes
Sharon Stigter
Lindsay Combs
Abigail Richmond
Zachary Gardner
Samantha Miller
Leah Dvorak
Debra Gleason
Mila Gordon
Vic Miller
Ashlyn Power
Bill Busby
Elise Donnellan
Dennis Dvorak
Craig Hamburger
Curt Handley
Joseph Miyazaki
Sue Nelson
Gloria Browne
Eric Buck
Peyton Harvey
Richard Koller
Reanna Tyree
Robert Carson
Sarah Clark
Justine Schirmer
Caren Longtin
Pam Patnaude
Michael Gross
George Gustafson
Hannah Wychocki
McKenna Wychocki
Ryne Alberico
Robin Sommers
Susie Jasurda
Evan Raterman
Elana Pomes
Kristen Shea
Katie Cluckey
Caitlyn Cohn
Trevor Moore
Alyssa Grant
Lucy Haas
Robert Hecht
Dean Redman
Ralph Swanberg
Janet Thornley
John Forsythe
Matthew Kline
Justin Marchert
Veolanda Mays
Bill Normand
The United Methodist Church of New Lenox
Lori Klug
Reese Konrath
Russell Loebe
John Neff
Linda Borgman
Kendra DeFrank
Greg Heckler
Lee Hill
Kelly Sarna
Joseph Stafanelli
Jeffrey Williams
William Grant
Ernst Jolas
Kyle Zdych
Allison Albrcht
Sophie Albrecht
Jess Nelson
Denise Nelson
Michael Buell
Richie Ingram
Gaylene Klukas
Raymond Robertson
Collette Theodour
Paige DeNormandie
Tory Wortmann
William Baird
Jennifer Franzese
Ann Wakey
June 2015
Page 9
OLD CAMPGROUND FESTIVAL CELEBRATING 40 YEARS! The 40th annual Old Campground Festival,
sponsored by our church will take place on Saturday June 27 from 10:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. outdoors in our
beautiful campgrounds. Rain date is Sunday, June 28 from noon to 5:00 P.M. Applications for arts and crafts
spaces are available in the church office. Space size is 12 ft.x 15 ft. for $45.00 or $50.00 with parking space. All
funds from the festival go to the church.
Children’s CraftP.A. SystemClean Up Grounds
Face PaintingFood Stand WorkerSet Up Committee
Tables & ChairsTable HostessTear Down Committee
ParkingCashierCook Barbecue
Help check in craftersEntertainmentUse me—wherever
Tractor w/cart
$$ for Pie Ingredients
Cut/Wrap Pies
Babysitter for Children of Festival Workers
I will need babysitter for children while I’m working at the festival.
The United Methodist Church of New Lenox
June 2015
Page 10
Missions at UMCNL
The New Lenox Township Food Pantry is experiencing high
g th
numbers of residents who are visiting the pantry. The pantry is having
difficulty keeping up with the demand. Please continue to bring donations
to our “pantry cart” that can be found in the Narthex on Sunday mornings.
beans, corn, peas
peanut butter
breakfast cereal
instant mashed potatoes, instant flavored rice
tuna fish, canned meats
noodle side dishes like pasta or noodle roni
mac-n-cheese, ravioli or spaghettios
spaghetti sauce, spaghetti noodles
chicken noodle soup, tomato soup
Thank you for your Generosity!
Joliet Ridgewood
Food Pantry
UMCNL has been volunteering
at this site (Joliet Trinity UMC
Auxilary building) the 1st
Wednesday of every month
from 11:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.
We are looking for more
volunteers as well as prayers &
support from our congregation.
Please see Martha Nelson,
Teena Glazebrook or Aija
Bjorklund, or contact the
church office at (815) 485-8271
if you can help.
Morning Star Mission
We are looking for 4 volunteers for
serving at Morning Star Mission
Dinner Program on the serving
at Morning Star Mission Dinner
Program on the first Sunday and
second Saturday of every month
from 3:45 - 6 p.m. To sign up for
2014, contact Pastor Sarah or Lisa
Tullos at (815) 485-8271 if you
can help. We are grateful for your
service in this ministry.
LOL! It was a wonderful night of comedy April 24th when over 250 attended
the “Life Happens Laugh Anyway” show starring Christian comedienne Tracy
DeGraaf. The audience enjoyed Tracy’s lighthearted humor about raising her five
boys in today’s world.
Local businesses donated door prizes and supported the show through sponsorships.
They included Big Brothers Big Sisters; Image 360 Graphics, Signage, Displays;
Superb Auto Appearance and Collision Center, Zembar Jewelers, Beggars
Pizza, Bella Fiore Flower Shop, Flirty on 30 Boutique, Just 4 You Café; New
Lenox Kiwanis Club; Petals and Twigs; Ranch Frostie, and Salon Evangelos.
The purpose of the event was to raise money for Imagine No Malaria. Ticket
sales, a generous offering, and proceeds from items sold at the show resulted in the
UMCNL exceeding the goal of raising $10,000 to help eradicate malaria in Africa.
Many thanks to everyone who contributed to helping our African neighbors—
particularly children under the age of five and pregnant mothers. God is good! I
also cannot begin to thank everyone for their support and assistance with the Tracy
DeGraaf Evening of Comedy for Women the end of April.
Just as important as the money that was collected for INM, was the fellowship
and the strengthening of friendships that occurred as we worked toward raising
these funds. Our church family truly came together to work toward this important
goal. We have so much to be grateful for—our church, our church family, and our
common goal of being the neighbor to those who need our help.
I am truly blessed to be a part of this church, and you are all great blessings to me.
Yours in Christ,
The United Methodist Church of New Lenox
June 2015
Page 11
The United Methodist Church of New Lenox
Write to our Military Men
and Women and let them
know how thankful you
are for their service to this
(Your Name Here)
Eric Wheeler
741 Cherokee Rd.
Eglin AFB, FL 32542
Attention Members...
If you have lost your name tag, please contact Dennis Lamparski
at (815) 469-2725 or [email protected] for a new one.
Alex Dial
233 Cheswick Drive
Madison, AL 35757
Charles Loverude
H FSC, Task Force No Slack
KAF, APO AE 09355
Bryan Wendt
1510 Chiles Ave. Suite 7
PMB 235
Ft. Carson, CO 80913
Please VERIFY/update addresses for
military personnel in order for cards to be sent.
Endowment Fund
Continuing the Legacy
The UMC Unrestricted Endowment Fund was created and exists to
finance programs and expand ministries of the church that are not
currently budgeted. “The principal shall not be expended except in
cases of extreme emergency”; therefore, we must grow the principal
through gifts and contributions to generate income that can be
allocated to support various ministries. We thank Mrs. Marie Swanson
for her support and making sure that her husband’s generous gift was
received by the UMC Endowment Fund.
“What we do for ourselves dies
with us – what we do for others
remains and is immortal.”
~ Albert Price
If you have a loved one in the service whom you
would like to receive cards please contact Judy
Buell at (815) 485-4908 or j-buell@comcast.
net or Cindy Lockhart at (815) 922-7417 or
[email protected]. Even if we have person listed
in bulletin,please call to verify he/she would like
cards. Leave number you can be reached as well.
With Thanksgiving and Appreciation,
Lorine S. Samuels, Chair
UMC Endowment Fund Board of Trustees
Shop & Share at Berkot’s
Remember to participate in the monthly Shop & Share at Berkot’s. The first Monday and Tuesday of the
month (June 1 and 2, 2015). Use one slip and give one to a friend!
2141 Calistoga Dr., New Lenox, IL 60451
Store #300
Checker #_____
2141 Calistoga Dr., New Lenox, IL 60451
Store #300 Checker #_____
United Methodist Church of New Lenox
United Methodist Church of New Lenox
Berkot’s Community Involvement Days are good for:
Berkot’s Community Involvement Days are good for:
June 1 and 2, 2015 (Mon/Tues)
June 1 and 2, 2015 (Mon/Tues)
Total amount of purchase ___________________________
(Excluding tobacco, cigarettes, liquor, or tax)
Date of Shopping ___________________
Customer’s Signature ___________________________________
The United Methodist Church of New Lenox
Total amount of purchase ___________________________
(Excluding tobacco, cigarettes, liquor, or tax)
Date of Shopping ___________________
Customer’s Signature ___________________________________
June 2015
Page 12
Communications is on the UMCNL Website!
Communications Committee now has an online form
for all committees and event holders to use to inform
the central core of Communications of what needs to
be advertised when, where, by what means and for how
long. The Communications Committee is hoping that,
by everyone on the committee having access to the same
information that each “hub” of the Communication
“Wheel” to will be able to perform its duties as per their
assignments without one of the balls getting dropped
along the way.
Each Committee Member is assigned certain types of
Communication from the following choices: Happenings,
Guide, Postcards, e-mails, free webnews sites, published
ads, signage for events, Route. 30 sign, and church
website, twitter, facebook accounts. Just visit us on the
web at www.umcnl.com, click on the Communications
Request tab under Contact Us in the menu bar, fill out the
online form and hit “submit.” Everyone on the committee
will have the information and the areas in which you wish
to have it communicated. It’s that easy! No more lost
notes on the office desk! No more dropped balls! Each
committee member that is assigned your specific request
of communication will respond with an e-mail to you that
they have the information and are handling their specific
task. In this way, you will know who is in charge of
newspaper ads, for example. If the ad doesn’t appear in
the paper, you will know who to speak with as to what
happened and why.
Sydney Ann Bruozas
born April 18, 2015
6 lb, 12 oz, 19 1/2 " long
proud parents: Kevin & Shannon Bruozas
happy grandparents: Bob & Cheryl Bruozas
Thank you to all who sent cards, said
prayers and made calls to me during my
recuperation. Your thoughtfulness has
been greatly appreciated.
Gloria Browne
The United Methodist Church of New Lenox
The Columbarium Committee would
like to remind you that columbarium
niches may be purchased in the church
office. Selection of niches will be on a
first-come-first-served basis. See Wendy
or Jackie for details.
UMCNL is on Facebook! If you
have a Facebook account, search
“United Methodist Church of
New Lenox.” Be sure to click on
the “like” button on top of the page so you get our updates.
And be sure to refer the page to your friends!
Visit www.goodsearch.com and make them your search engine
BEFORE trying Google. Register through them so that your
searches credit back to the United Methodist Church of New
Lenox, IL and the church will earn 1¢ for each search you do!
Make them your home page and you don’t have to worry about
remembering to use them first, before trying Google!
Follow us on twitter @UMCofNL and keep up
with what is happening at our church!
For a quick way to pay pledges
using your QR Code scanner ap
on your smart phone, just scan
the code to the right and enter
the amount of what you wish to
ing Behind?
If you feel that you are falling behind in your pledge
giving at any time during the year due to the inability
to attend and would like an option to catch up by other
than dropping off your offering or mailing it in, you
may also give via
online at
This way, if you wish to catch up, you do not have to
wait until the end of the year during the busy Holy
Season of Christmas to do so.
June 2015
Page 13
Happy Fathers Day
to all of the men
that have made a
in the life of a child.
Cleaning for a Reason
If you know any woman currently undergoing chemotherapy, please pass the word to her that there
is a cleaning service that provides FREE housecleaning - once per month for 4 months while she is
in treatment. All she has to do is sign up and have her doctor fax a note confirming the treatment.
Cleaning for a Reason will have a participating maid service in her zip code area arrange for
the service. This organization serves the entire USA and currently has 547 partners to help these
women. It's our job to pass the word and let them know that there are people out there that care. Be
a blessing to someone and pass this information along. Visit www.cleaningforareason.org/cancer_patients_acct.html to get
more information and/or sign up for this service.
The Church Guide is published
monthly for the United Methodist Church
of New Lenox. The deadline for the
submission for the July 2015 issue is
Sunday, June 21, 2015. Guide Assembly
Team will meet in the Rev. William G.
Johnson Fellowship Hall at 9 a.m. All interested
volunteers are welcome to join in the fellowship and
teamwork time!
Articles for the Church Guide should be submitted
via the website form under the “Communications
Request” tab. If you are unable to access the web,
please leave your article in the Business Office
Mailbox in the office. Articles may be edited for
content and/or space. Questions should be directed
to Wendy Miller by calling the church office at (815)
485-8271 or by e-mailing the above address.
Bulletin Board Postings
The bulletin boards in the Fellowship Area and entrances are a
great way to let the church family know what is going on within
our church and community. The posted information needs to meet
the following 4 criteria so that there is a consistent guideline to
follow in approving those items that are posted on the bulletin
board and that these guidelines adhere to the values of our church
and the advancement of our ministry purposes:
Postings should include these 4 core
values of belonging, growing, reaching and
serving. By meeting these four criteria, we
hope to further the Kingdom of God and
one’s growing in Christ.
To have an item posted on the bulletin
board, please bring it to Jackie or Wendy in
the church office.
Remember to bring your newspapers, magazines, and old phone books to the recycle bins located at the southeast
corner of the church parking lot. Tell your friends and neighbors about our recycling program, too.
We now have an aluminum can recycling shed! Funds generated from the recycling help the Mortgage and
Maintenance Fund.