GIOVANNI FORTUNATO BIANCHINI AND THE FIRST STUDIES ON THE SUBTERRANEAN RIVER TIMAVO IN THE ANCIENT COUNTY OF GORIZIA. ABSTRACT This work examines the life of Giovanni Fortunato Bianchini and his first studies on the subterranean course of the river Timavo. By reading some of this author’s writings sent to Count Guido Cobenzl in 1754 some interesting aspects on the hypothetical subterranean course of the river Timavo come to light: such works, carried out in the ancient County of Gorizia, can be considered as the first scientific research on the subject. Giovanni Fortunato Bianchini e le prime ricerche sul Timavo sotterraneo nell'antica Contea di Gorizia. RIASSUNTO Nel presente lavoro, attraverso la rivisitazione della vita e gli studi di Giovanni Fortunato Bianchini, vengono prese in esame le prime ricerche sul percorso sotterraneo del Timavo. Dalla lettura di alcuni scritti di questo Autore, inviati al conte Guido Cobenzl nel 1754, si vengono a conoscere alcuni particolari molto interessanti su quelle che potrebbero essere considerate le prime indagini scientifiche, per determinare l’ipotetico percorso sotterraneo del Timavo, condotte nell’antica Contea di Gorizia. INTRODUCTION We can talk about a personality as that of Giovanni Fortunato Bianchini only considering the historical period in which he lived. It is a common place to believe that in the area of the ancient County of Gorizia we can’t find famous scientists of the Karst phenomenon (Carsism). If we consider this particular area of geographic sciences, we can find in the past different authors who studied Carsism and investigated about the subterranean course of river Timavo. There is also a legend about Dante who, during his continuous wandering, was guest by Enrico II Count of Gorizia; it is told that during his short stay in this city, he visited the famous Caves in Postumia. In the past it was believed even to recognise Dante’s signature among the graffiti that appeare on the surfaces of the so-called cave: “Grotta dei nomi antichi”. Only few people know instead that he was attracted by a small cave near Tolmino (Slovenia). 1 The cave and the atmospheare of the river Tolminca impressed the great poet so much, that it was told he foud inspiration in these places to write the beginning of his Inferno 1. For people who know this place, his lines: “nel mezzo di cammin di nostra vita mi ritrovai in una selva oscura, chè la dritta via era smarrita“, are suitable to the place visited by the poet. We don’t know if this information is true or if it is only a legend, but as a memory of this visit not far from Tolmino - at that time part of the Country of Gorizia- we can still find a cave called “Grotta di Dante” (Dantejeva Jama). By its entrance there is a slab on which it is written that the cave was visited by Dante in 1319 (picture n.1). Picture n. 1. Old postcard copy of an ancient engroving of Dante in the Tolmino cave. According to Tiraboschi’s “Storia della Letteratura Italiana” -Tome VIII, page 388- the Divina Commedia was inspired to the poet by the atmospheare around the Castle of Tolmino. (Collection M. Tavagnutti). 1 With regard to the “Divina Commedia”, Tiraboschi says in his “Storia della Letteratura Italiana” tomo VIII page 388: “... Altri danno per patria a questo poema la città di Udine e il castello di Tolmino nel Friuli...” 2 This can be considered the most ancient proof of a “speleological” exploration in the area of Gorizia. Although the first written documents of possible speleological activities are dated by the second half of 1800, we have to point out that we can find older sporadic news about solitary cave-explorations. Usually these explorations were made by men, the so-called “Christalhunters”, who explorate the subterranean areas to search minerals and precious materials, as in particular, iron. In this way a noble man from Cividale, named Virgilio Formentini, ruler of the territory of Tolmino and Idria -whose family will have lived permanentely in Gorizia- finded out in 1497 and exploited the mercury-mines of Idria. We know that at the time the christal-search was made often following the mineral vein inside the natural caves. This activity was quite diffused in the valleys of high-Isonzo and probably was made also in Idria by family Formentini. I visited one of that caves in the high Trenta valley (Slovenia) and finded out that these ancient explorators were real speleologists. At first explorations in the territory of Gorizia were only practical activities with economical results; on the contrary in Triest the speleology was born as a real need to find potable water. The geographical position of Gorizia, which is a hilly and mountain district crossed by the river Isonzo and already provided with water, led speleological searches in a different and more profitable direction: in Trenta, infact, developed a quite good mining activity of iron minerals. Aroud the first half of 1700 we meet a man, Giovanni Fortunato Bianchini, who, following the signs of Father Pietro Imperati from Duino about the subterranean continuity between river Recca2 and Timavo, explored sistematically the caves of Carso looking for the subterranean river. In spite of the present knowledge, he discovered that the first scientifical researches to prove the subterranean course of the ancient river Timavo were made in Gorizia around the 1800, as Forti3 said. In the first years of 1700, following the idea of Imperati, Bianchini looked for to find why the flow of Timavo near Duino was larger than that of Recca. At first he supposed possible solutions of the thing; than through careful observations he studied the problem in a scientifical way, becaming a real 2 This is the name of the river as you can read it in the original Bianchini’s text. Also Cantinelli used it. Nowadays the slovenian name of the river is Reka. 3 Forti F. 1989. Il Timavo. Il “problema Timavo” : storia delle ricerche speleologiche. Edition B & M Fachin, Trieste: pages 209-237. Concerning the searches on Timavo the author affirms -page 209-: “......Indagini queste iniziate fin dalla più remota antichità, ma che solo agli inizi dell’800 ebbero una motivazione scientifica...” 3 speleologist: this is a new attitude to search the geografical situation of that time. Near Bianchini we can find an other famous citizen of Gorizia, who studied the subterranean areas: the nobleman Carlo Cantinelli, born in Gorizia in 1780. In 1797 he began to serve in the army and had a wordly career. In 1854 the emperor decorated him with the iron crown of 3rd class and the austrian knighthood. The personality of Cantinelli is important in this case because he was the first who wrote about river Timavo in a scientifical way. This proves the great interest towards the misterious subterranean river at that time. Between 1884 and 1900 Gorizia was an intellectual active city specially from the point of view of natural sciencies. In 1884 Carl von Czörnig, a baron of Gorizia, during a conference in Paris, presented a detailed account whose title was: “L’Isonzo, il fiume più recente d’Italia”(picture n. 2-3). 4 Picture n. 2. Rapresentation of the ancient course of the river Isonzo in the medieval period according to Czörnig. (Collection M. Tavagnutti). 5 Picture n. 3. Rapresentation of the ancient course of the river Isonzo in the Roman period according to Czörnig. (Collection M. Tavagnutti). 6 In his account, in accordance with the ideas of ancient writers, he describes the existence of a great lake in the high leg of the river and a second great catchment basin in the middle leg of river Isonzo, whose water, through the caves situated in the Carso in the south part of Gorizia, give origin to the suterranean course of river Timavo. Czörnig wrote: “… Le acque dell’Isonzo medio, cioè quelle dell’Idria colla Baca si volsero dall’altra parte. Esse assunsero il loro corso presente (it refers to the year 1884 -author’s note-) fino a quella località situata sotto la città di Gorizia, ove presso il pendio del Carso si trovava un lago che riceveva a occidente detto fiume, (allora nominato Sontius) a oriente invece il Vipacco (allora denominato Frigidus). Questo lago aveva un livello d’acqua circa 16 metri più alto del fiume odierno e si riversava nelle caverne del Carso. All’uscita del medesimo (dopo un percorso sotterraneo di circa un miglio) le sue acque causa la forte pressione del lago molto più alto e le strette aperture, sgorgavano con straordinaria velocità e gran rumore, costituendo l’ammirato fiume Timavo che venne illustrato da quasi tutti i poeti e geografi dell’età classica. ...” (A. Comel, 1923). Czörnig was wrong but if we see the ancient topographic maps we will understand why. (picture n. 4). Picture n. 4. A rare cartographical rappresentation by Gioan Francesco Cannocio of the gulf of Trieste and the table-land of Carso. This is to find in the unobtainable Isolario of 1571. We can see that the author draws the Timavo as a ramification of the river Isonzo. In the same drawing there is another great river, that seems to be born from the “mountains of 7 Carso”. We can understand from these naif cartographical information the difficulty of Bianchini to make his studies. (Trieste, Biblioteca civica “ A. Hortis”). In the ancient maps it was thought that the spring of Timavo was born in the southern slopes of the Carso goriziano or also from the same river Isonzo. Only in 1923 Alvise Comel will discover the real spring of Timavo. GIOVANNI FORTUNATO BIANCHINI: THE LIFE Giovanni Fortunato Bianchini lived in the first half of 1700. We have no information about his life or origins as scientist. From his documents and in general from his way of writing to the Count Guido Cobenzl (… Signor Conte mio Signore), I think he was a citizen of the County of Gorizia (picture n. 5ab-c). Picture n. 5a. Title-page of the study about the observation of the river Timavo made by Giovanni Fortunato Bianchini; send to the count Guido Cobenzl in 1754. (Collection M. Tavagnutti). 8 Picture n. 5b. Page and part of the study about the observation of the river Timavo made by Giovanni Fortunato Bianchini; send to the count Guido Cobenzl in 1754. (Collection M. Tavagnutti). 9 Picture n. 5c. Page and part of the study about the observation of the river Timavo made by Giovanni Fortunato Bianchini; send to the count Guido Cobenzl in 1754. (Collection M. Tavagnutti). He was well-known and also quite important in this city. In fact also Cantinelli quoted him in his work about Timavo. Probably the person of Guido Cobenzl to whom Bianchini refers, is the same of Guidobaldo Cobenzl as we can understand from the birthdate and from the assonance of the name. Guidobaldo Cobenzl was Giovanni Gasparo and Carlotta von Rindismaul’s son. He was born in 1716 in Gorizia and his noble family had a palace there since 1597. In 1780, together with Coletti, he founded the Academy of Arcadi Romano Sonziaca. He was brilliant and his favourite subjects were many, in particular natural sciences. 10 Cobenzl was also baron of Prosecco, Luegg, Mossa and ruler of S. Daniele and Reiffniz. Therefore the nobleman to whom Bianchini refers is certainly Guidobaldo Cobenzl as we can understand from their correspondance and from the fact that Cobenzl was ruler of the Castle in Luegg, the famous castle built at the entrance of a high cave not far from Postumia. Nowadays it is called the Predjama Castle (picture n. 6). Picture n. 6. The Predjama Castle (Slovenia). In 1700 the ancient Castle of Luegg was propety of the Family Cobenzl, counts of Gorizia. At first Bianchini thought that the river under the castle was the same to flow in the subterranean course of Timavo (Collection M. Tavagnutti). As we can read in “Osservazioni intorno al fiume Timavo” wrote by Bianchini to his Lord: “ ... e ‘l Fiume di Luego, sotterraneo Fiume non piccolo che passa sotto Luego nobile Castello di vostra giurisdizione. ... “ When reading Bianchini’s work we are positively surprised of the many careful observations about the phenomenon of Carsism in the area between Duino and San Canziano. During his searches the peculiarity of the landscape of Carso is decribed in a simple but very incisive way. I’ll write down some of Bianchini’s notes made during one of his escursions. He writes that only River Recca enlarges the Timavo in the leg between San Canziano and Duino. So he writes: “ ... E mi confermai nella massima camminando nel mese di Ottobre dell’anno 1753 per lungo tratto di que’ monti più vicini al Castello di Duino, senza incontrar mai né fiume né fonte né ruscello né pozzo: gli vidi però da capo a piedi e per 11 ogni parte pieni di mille fori, di scavature e di fosse profondissime: esaminato in più luoghi il sasso che gli compone, lo trovai sempre fragile, e pieno di fessure e di pori facilissimi a dare alle pioggie ed alle nevi libero adito di penetrare in dentro: conobbi benissimo la facilità dell’acqua in penetrare il sasso, dal considerare la troppo stentata coltivazione che quivi si pratica; poiché scelgono i poveri Abitatori certi siti più bassi e scavati a guisa di larghi pozzi (he is speaking probably of the “doline” -author’s note-), ne coprono il fondo sassoso di terra e letame, vi seminano le biade per metterle in salvo da’ venti gagliardissimi, ne ritraggono giusta ricolta, e questa vien sovente pregiudicata dal secco, e non mai dalle piene o dalle pioggie più dirotte ... “. Bianchini’s work purpose, as we already said, was to find out why the leg of Timavo near San Giovanni of Duino is larger than that we can see at the entrance of river Recca in the San Canziano caves. His observations about this subject let us know also an other personality: Father Pietro Imperati4, who lived in the second half of 1500. He was the first who proved the subterranean continuity of the river Recca and Timavo. In 1752 Bianchini was acquainted with the existence of a voluminous correspondance between Imperati and the great naturalist from Bologna Ulisse Aldrovandi. Bianchini in his work quotes one of these letters, in latin, that describes the observations of Father Imperati to prove the real subterranean continuity of the two rivers (picture n. 7). 4 We don’t know much about Father Pietro Imperati’s life. Surely he lived by the monastery of Santo Spirito in Duino, in 1598 ruled by the Count Raimondo della Torre. He was member of the Order of Padri Serviti and died in 1605 in Bologna. 12 Picture n. 7. Part of the letter written by Father Pietro Imperati and probably send to Ulisse Aldrovandi. The letter, in latin, describes in particular Imperati’s experiments about the waters of river Timavo. As we can see Imperati’s work was important and foundamental for Bianchini’s studies, so I will illustrate Father Pietro Imperati’s work. Bianchini describes the personality of Imperati as that of a scrupulous and credible writer. He wrote in a good latin. The father’s letter in latin, quoted by Bianchini, was send to answer to Aldrovandi about the subject: “ ... Timavum amnem pluris invisi, plura de ipso scrutatus sum. Non te fugit, veteres vel septem, vel novem huic dedisse ostia: ipse ego plura quam duodeviginti numeravi, & quidem majora; quorum alia vasto scatent gurgite, alia innumeris ebullitionibus. ... “ 5 5 Translation: “ ... More and more times I went to observe river Timavo to know more about it. You know well (he refers probably to Aldrovandi -author’s note-) that ancient people said the river had seven or nine 13 Father Imperati, in his work, talks about experiments made to prove the real subterranean continuity between the rivers Recca and Timavo. We don’t know how he made this obsevations, but his descriptions are precise as he refers: “ ... Mersi fluminis cursus a voragine usque ad ostia tribus experimentis fatis innotuit, primò injecta alga marina bene sicca, dein foliis quarundam plantarum alienigenarum, & praesertim pini atque cupressus, demum paleis frumenti in frusta redactis; at nondum satis exploratum est, undenam tanta aquae copia; ostia enim longe superant fontes. ...”.6 As we can see the Father realised the relation between the two rivers and, through naif and intuitive experiments, wanted to prove their real subterranean continuity. Certainly it was a naif approach, but with positive results. Bianchini continued his investigations about the different water leg between the mouths of San Giovanni in Duino and the larger leg at the entrance of the San Canziano caves. First of all he thought that other subterranean rivers could add the waters of Timavo so he quotes the lake of Circonio (Cerknisko polje –Slovenia “ ... e tosto mi venne in pensiero il Lago di Circhnizza, ampio Lago posto all’Oriente del Cragno, ed assai famoso per le maraviglie riferite da’ Geografi e dagli Storici, e che tuttavia si appalesano per vere al giorno d’oggi ....” and the river Lokva that flows in the cave under the Predjama Castle. Than he realised that these waters flow away towards the valley of river Vipacco: “ ... E poca fatica costò l’esame intorno al Fiume (the river Lokva -author’s note), per essersi scoperta subito la sua corrente del tutto opposta al declivio del Recca e del Timavo: e di più si trovò vera alla prima l’antica costante tradizione degli Abitanti vicini, la quale porta ch’egli rinasca più gonfio alle sorgenti del Vipacco; appalesandosi quivi la polvere e le raschiature molte del legno, provenienti dal molino a sega eretto nelle pertinenze del Castello, e girato dalle stesse acque prima di perdersi sotterra. ...”. Bianchini thought that his first hyphotesis about other subterranean rivers could be true because of a popular belief. It was told, every time that lake Circonio dried up there was a rising of the river Timavo, in fact Bianchini says: “ ... Ma non tanto facili e piane riescirono le ricerche intorno al Lago, e le difficoltà si resero sempre maggiori da certa mal fondata credenza invalsa fra’ Contadini del Carso, facili ad asserire, che alle maggiori crescenze del Recca sepolto, abbia parte il Lago Circhnizza, benchè egli sia in distanza di quaranta e più miglia da San Giovanni di Duino: e di ciò (dicono essi) abbiamo prova sicura dall’anitre gittate nel Lago, e comparse dopo qualche tempo sane e vispe giù per la corrente del Timavo. ... “. He studied other rivers of the valleys near the lake Circonio. Finally he came to the conclusion that there were no others rivers flowing into the subterranean Timavo eccept for the Recca. To achieve his study Bianchini turned himself mouths. I counted more than eighteen of these mouths and certainly there are more. Part of these gush with enormous whirls, others with countless ebullitions...” 6 Translation. “ ...We know the course of the swallowed river till the mouth through three experiments; at first with a dry seaweed, than with the leaves of a type of foreign plant and above all of pine-tree and cypress. At third with broken leaves of grain. But there’s more to know about it and about the spring of waters. The mouths, in fact, are larger than springs....”. 14 into a “speleologist” and visited numerous caves between San Canziano and Duino, “ ... scopersi infine molte voragini aperte qua e là, e tutte profonde; e non seppi in più d’una di esse trovare il fine, a motivo della troppo scabra tortuosa frattura; in altre gittando più volte sassi, gl’intesi bene dopo lungo cadere perdersi nell’acqua; e massime in due aperte a perpendicolo trovai una profondità di venticinque braccia di sasso, e di tre braccia e più d’acqua stagnante. ... “. Written in 1753, this study testifies one of the most ancient reports about a methodical “speleological campaign” on the Carso. It is also an important proof of the speleological activity in the territory of Gorizia. BIBLIOGRAPHY BIANCHINI G. F., 1754. Osservazioni intorno all’uso dell’elettricità celeste e sopra l’origine del fiume Timavo riportate in due letture. Tip. G. Pasquali, Venezia: 1-92. BIANCHINI G. F., 1754. Osservazioni intorno al fiume Timavo scritte in una lettera al Nobile ed Erudito Signore Guido Conte Cobenzl. Tip. G. B. Pasquali, Venezia: 44-92. CATINELLI C., 1828. Sulla identità dell’antico coll’odierno Timavo. Memoria di Carlo Catinelli da Gorizia, colonnello pensionato di S.M. Britannica. Gorizia: 1-29. CATINELLI C., 1859. La question italienne: études du Ch. Catinelli. Édition originale française par Henri Schiel. Ed. Flatan, Tip. Fr. Van Meenem et C. ie, Bruxelles et Leipzig: 1-279. CATINELLI C., 1858. Sopra la questione italiana. Studi di Carlo Catinelli. Tip. Paternolli, Gorizia: 1-492. CATINELLI V. K., 1850. Beantwortung eines im “Wanderer” den 13.ten und 14.ten August d.J. mit der aufschrift die Karsterbahn. Erschienenen aufsatzes von Karl von Catinelli. Tip. Joh. Bapt. Seitz, Görz: 1-24. CATINELLI V. K., 1856. Beleuchtung einer die Wahl der Linie für die Fortsetzung der südlichen österreichischenStaats - Eisenbahn betreffenden Stelle aus dem “Wanderer”, n.268, 8.ten Juni 1850, Tip. Joh. Bapt. Seitz, Görz: 1-33. CATINELLI V. K., 1843. Kritische Bemerkungen über F.X. Hlubek’s Beleuchtung der organischen Chemie des J. Liebig von Karl von Catinelli. Ed. Fr. Beck, Tip. J.P. Sollingen, Wien: 1-44. CATINELLI V. K., 1856. Mechanischer Bezichung besprochen von F. Pfeiffer. Tip. Joh. Bapt. Seitz, Görz: 1-15. Articolo dell’Augsburger Zeitung del 18 marzo 1856 sulla ferrovia TriesteLubiana, litografato da Karl von Catinelli, 3 marzo 1856. 15 FORMENTINI L., 1984. La Contea di Gorizia illustrata dai suoi figli. Ediz. speciale a cura della Provincia di Gorizia degli scritti del 1879 del Conte Giuseppe Floreano Formentini, Tip. Grafica Goriziana, Gorizia: 97-99. TAVAGNUTTI M., 1999. Giovanni Fortunato Bianchini. Sopra e sotto il Carso, notiz. C.R.C. “C. Seppenhofer”, 5, Gorizia: 27-30. 16