,"-- ',' pn/gtr l'10096 __\ lleuland \ i !_ ( I ).'tt ,'----- \ 77ZrI --\_-_\_/ .) ,/ p6spUfua" & o10 ,7 "\.*.-t', h mVotd dr.bruzzwcd, A a.s a/ NWMN MM @ .t7-- W" NTE ULTAN [0" # Pu hlished 8.tr.ElAPP&Ea. ila*t;r hy OtlVER BOSTON DITS0N aE6t& uunaty. lh/ay'{ 2153 & Co TFUAX ?77 Washinq,tun 6t * AilOril. 3.7,60F00t. ll.Yail Duo 3 oi tson ) GUITAR. Ds$,,ts $oB t\t\No!-oRTE $'ND On a Topu\ar German Sir by 'W. Nculanrl. Anilantino guasl Al Legretto Allegretto. I 1 F I J I GtirT.rR GUITAB. Tat.l. p.= F. lP' I I I tft IIiPD 7PD vlvl I \ar.8 ral.lent. I I P' Plu lento. Fina\e. Tempo di Polaccn. f. .\+ dol. == 7e tl I I .1Itr = TT-JI tirl ttl / r.--\ a * lleuland pn/gtr Duo t,lo096 ( Di ols & h mVo,s& d; A Arrwnqcd' fl^s q/ NW. MNN W" N Ig U UAN [D. BOSTON Puhlished 8,tr.ElAPP&Ea. Stzsbl hy 0LIVER DlT50N & Co ?77 Washinqtun AE6r&UUrAtt. fh/add 2153 &AilOril. fuhafuzat TFaAX St 5.7EoFOatv. l'l-futl 3 tson ) lt $$t'^ts tAlio S$It t I'ti\ OI'ORIIE .f, ND G,UIT{R On a Popu\a,t Gormen 'lt by Ncu\rn0'. Andonttno quasl Allegretto. \a q. Al 4 ltth F )ttt ---z7Zt IJ J. I \=r.Z: Cofrftsti lnlcncxL'ty r*'. lleulnnil , fiir Legafo. 4 Pl : Alro. Yrt. 1. -a Yar. 2. Yrt. 8.i PIAN O Plu lento. \s' {9 ;\ -4t L1 -97 ,Tempo ell Pollaoco. -T-1. f ,, - .**\ f, t: '.; .-t, li CHOICE GEMS SELECTED FROM ti j I MAILED POST.PAID oLIVER DI1rSON CO.'s MAILED POST-PAID FOR PUBLISHED PRICE. LATEST LISTS OF NEW MUSIC. FOR PUBLISHED PRICE. il I fi'. I OLTYAA DIIAOIf COUP/I!fI D.J to uo.r6 iD. toltotlnt tqt Xldq |ttil.alE i Icr fuji' Fot Soptoao or Tnt. "6rolr i! t!. boLD' A rDirit.d and cfferivc mg, mvh( I rtrrrrrtrnrrt l ,i I 1l s! br rfrh"t r",rInY*?:t *-' @cul' uu' rrB "."t coFr' Fh. of !!od ,.Otd8onr &rnoltlo a lr.dluD Drn." sol Song ard wrLL s' tlavEr "ldt St nt frr." lo f) . G. DuDors Orc of rhcrenopulrr"lw mgr," rirh rploirgoloudSsdchoe Uih' Tttb . H'G'GAxst (c'3d8ndc.,CrherptoE)-. Sr4f. 'tbluraoit'LrBor" - f n'it*g, iud. hy Hm Gnoim ilf thi bcit p*rioic urrl oop UtL' Titlc' t Balitnc'Coil"lto Soegfor " Iy LffiIo tnetlosL" (F.4th 8rrdc, C to D) H' M. v^N Lrnxlr Aplcdqogritt ocftcdn ewpeuimt Suioblcformw t Tar' Song ll{xoSopraro J' dla I frm fL.. So /or - (D.4th ' gradc' D to E) H. M. V,rx IJ!rI!D A rtfl uina o6 3ood tryb' with hdlli{t .c@Pui@Dt Rosrr CovrnLY -'f!r.ff thrtf osSry." Sorg' (F.4th gndc'E to F)'' tn EDroPrie eadlg of r trq' 6&r bFFCt' AMoN Srarr'rzur (F. 4th 8nde,.c to F) ., . "IlrtlliiTolot." r .9ozg.@!Do*r. TsEful .@FDiMl ]| pLrida FD8 !y DoPuls (E f-'!,4th gBdc' B to E) ArroN Sruxzxt Cottrular Soaglor J' fixi* E.W' Amr-. " A ddigf,dul " cndlc m8 - rirh . Drc(y ECHy sd sclql .@IeerL Dll,lu J' img/or SoPrano ot Tar, (F-' 4th grldc'.D to c) AwN srsuJzg ' 3pgrm -' Oil A rf. tor of -oa"m o-ni'g..i Suothly fowing mclody '!d aod @Ftri!o! THoeP' I' U^coux dcmor." Sorg and Chru- (A. 3d gndc' D toE)' Orc of Mr. llegru'r hnr ond Boilo*' Tnq Dtct l|olb.for " Bb3 O!" ltot ' (n nrt, +th gnac) . .. Gso' B. NrvtN A vcty cfccrirc du, wcll rcrthy of r rdd Dy fpod m-til b;uri . GrorGBH'lIAvtr . (E0a!4thC'f!"-.'-q9-9]_-;-. "rrrnrllrc."'sog.. God rotda, .D9ropri.e &d Fdty 4Ldyr ad |.gu rE@F!@s ..fta Ofal 6,rvc DtAd." Bar Song. (Ef,8t'4th gndc' Cto C) A. G' HrNDrrrox : AePirelotfqebc$si€ofroodrup& *'c@[E@doF Soryft Mcwso,raao-or Eariton (C'4thgrrdcrctoE)' "So-;i;; t{dul |E@Ir||@il A 3Pod Dna fdlov (B flat,3d grrdc, D to Dsdlar." Song and Da*e. (B flst' 3d 8t.dc' C io E) S. DUNCA{ B^Kr8 " Ailrto6ifo Do9usrt' O!. d tb. hEl of iE Li!d' lt h{ dl th. cller[ of @ . WL.L tf. (!lmn :m rEloub3 J'..&allad..(A. gdgttdc, EtoG) KENYoN JoNrs I9l3 d d @di chbe for PEuS' .uft.blc 68| tslot A DErty Fl^trcts Gtt'Drr' .satr. (B f{t,-3d gndc, p t9 G) -OE of Mt. GiHc/t Lgt tFd c@poritiq' ud td rm r Bd !y el6 cJo}rN td uta ErItELDrnTNn4X (F.+rhgr.dc,ctoE) -.-... -.- : "Ld-ttnsog." - -' sni ro ina ire ir tilc t*ilishi giv' rhi' L dE fatt fot rbdqrffi; "rr i-JJ'.-i-" Ioc.' ADFtl'elody' bdqui.itaErs Hu@&turc Sug/r So2nno_or Tctr. A) EDc r & lrnx 50 Em r&Slrfi lO rith . ryrf,oic ald .bdy .c@q rbd _ (G f,st, 4th gndc, D to G) rlory ud clbcircr rcll rriah ud @ful. {F I I{ a0 STFIWIII E N:T]{ L {S ilu W.u (Evaing'.sdj,.) (D.sth Sndc) Ivtrs Bursrrt "OLut A rlty elody, wi.d, .td rfroldirg Mph dispby fq eiihs h.!d. (C5tbgradc) l4^rcH tfr ArrHmW. 30 "DucPmpou." At!.d A pbarialc-grnlc of.thc old itylc of &oe nuic, D.td!ios@h$ o(tL8ryaE @ . D@ rd !E 9uD!. (A flat. sth pBdc) F\^nx H. Bn cxtrT 86 .'LaUt lte" rtrordisiup;b feiiili.. fo. rtc pshcdeu, chord+.!d e.t EEg- i! giP Arlo*!Wt, La lltcll rrirh ud huiciilly itr.ty!c. 86 nooUry Ltftplr." G@ee. (G' 5t\ gnde) . ' KuYox foNts "Glrtsrqu'r In rh.DopuhttrdE $tl6 86 (E flrt, 5 gndc) J. H. ]torrv "[oortw." 85 ,.ItoA pn$y m;8, rilb pcogr rcquiring " cnrilg' dhD&. EDU rD llotir 8rfilr ltq.a Mo'chc ?iiffi,hah. (c. 4tb gndc) A4lriodurtcftcliw!eb. l,ithogbPh Titla P.c|rslt (Df,rt,6&,gradc) oo "8omour,'Ot,S?. - - A; F fd;ldDy sE iuir boy pihnia'brc li.rer. APrhltot3h. dild.dod th.IlrL P.s.. 60 86 (C,2d grrde) . D.o "D.lrrer|lfrrt Airislt ud odi@iDg liidc quiclirap. fhs4A . Li$oFEh Ttd* E U^ar 8(' rtl . -ltrlq ..Drlsotord;csrt" --G*,u-s-Lto;[wir |ittsotidl rf6'o(oiaiu oprc Anndcutlbldtl . (C,4rhgndclA!oD-) .i Dirgri& a&sicc of o'diu oFr' Ncrditio' .. QdDt ""'t';ffiglhi"rft".n[.";,i'it$:t:L Di,"..'c.iv6fu.d"'^*l* ifi;*if Sxtlx.D Dl@ Tidc. ir.K&W;"r>. . ao a5 ao ,.O.tdLrwdtr..- ' A! .EedF (V,IC'#hSndc). (C Stb gndc) . d oanltr+ Irslb" Dgtir 8tili.ll od.lott II^rrYLlI^rrt . . ,. H. uorlt .,|rL Pil.b D.tclt to[oct rotro." (B net, ath gndc) . . IIArrr L ll^rrs --l Schci*lc'reL F qdE f..biNbL al D|s.' .!d dtir Dr.tyo nll lc rre o glae ..(Lhbg ldlr lobotttd.." (F.3dgndc) . . T. H. RoErNsoN . Or of tlE pF$i.!t of il bd' ty rDofsE @F.4. ..QD tl. VfUr8. Gm tcLottlrcLo." .(q' 3d gtdc) . T. IL Sourxsdf @[email protected] ' A Detqt ards[ [email protected] ,,Gotodrl ililtloJ' OtandMarcl. (C. 4th gr.dc) . . A. L S^Isox Plclry otcboldr rrd ehE A bold rndrjotic orrch @il .,ttremr.IrGod.tolt[.'r (A0rt,5thsndc) . l[.Eurr Tf.eilttie Truriltirn o( thc wcll'I@! h!@ t|e grr4g). B Urcr Polta Rc&ua. G' l$ .. .' :- 'ryJ"*#;*rf;J;y;[Ht'q.*"*Ef t*i'.'],9'3iry clbt&arDnms m*o-Dt|e co" . E6t BroADw Y' Nrw Yos 8! 60 50 EO s rt . H' DIrsoN & ao (b Bat.\ Wal*. Ol. jo. (F.3d grdc) . G.urDoYIc EI A vcry Dctty,-.patltly,'od relodiou ntl' ty. EDLffi @DFd. . E. ld^a (G. tst grrdc) Wrltr." "lltttiol - IsEfirthmti*'ridPLliidcvdL'rtrtiltcl'Id'iltlit bDbv. firslndforEltbS, Am ..Garoc{hf Bobtfirofc.,' (C. zd gndc) E Ulcr il l_e ---Oniof libotnDh fde r'aootnDn ao FiDt ttd fo. tb |ei im*rpl"oingofwioypiii* lut plcoing of wy oy pice lias.ndforth.lc.ci Onc of thc (B flat,3d gndc) . n" U. Sntltt !o UrtrIL" n Sdrir.f Sdrir.f "Ofaf ao ud alimi!8 ntdr Lirhognpb Tids A $itiEd .piriEd ud ro . , IH.Trorrltt 88. So4g. (G4lno-aathgrdc'.PtoF) . "frO&lfddn" --'. tbsghol rhc Sprai:h mdc lorc ou3. Eftdit - [if*nULio",ylc, whh-e ri{ctcofLLt &' W-!l,S!y;.' D'6 iL Gry Elrdr Stolt -, 50 EDuAnDHot"sr A paty rut rhoy rrlE @f ir rb toPulrl ,. ..Tbitdior.r3gco." Soag, (F. ldgndc,C.toI)."yh' ,_ .. J.Ll[olrrtf ll, ,. A ong in llolloy'r rcll'Ler rayr.- ochy d tMs 9d G los lw' .'Brrllst cg+ J' Song lor Sol' r 7'cnor-' ,(A n*, 5r\ gndc,. E to. A) Orm LArGrf att VcttDttttyPicluETlda & -oi&thn$tiot'rpsti..s[ttt!Pi.{i."'i!8cttd'forpupfu'e Al cf,etiw ug,sith brcful @P.!i4Dt. Gd ul4ruw yariqtior-tt, t'ALDsrrSxow "OldDcltrrtEm' --(E-f,.t'4thgnde)' n4@culs '1fly Elu Dy*" S-A'. CcnolcrdEnglitl'wdt' oaolcEDq|uE -n Brilliatwi.tid (D t. ath gndc, E to A) . C, EoHta a{t . . (F grdc) Drrccs BrlDsmt . Fov-IIqn&. Datce Iialc Drff." 3d fb |ry. lr 6s .oPtu * firc IEll.ol ritd dupcdncu A rg rnd rinDiha ftl9dt', rith 8ad loitt A ffi ti.* fd 3wo YNt ElryEn. -lq' rt' uctlsmt' l3i.cLed@arhcErffi R.Ettlr{ttlo IQllc,ol'5, .(G'-athgrdc) SLrse Ttrr Evrdlt h-ry-c."-Sorg'. Gaot-atdEryliilwdt. "IlU-l8th.Dcrt." 'OL. Lt qlotIr Livdtr, rhdtt' @lodi(u' ud Dlilit8. Jr4 e I*c E. tdia PUPG (Ef,et,aihgndc,GtoB) . . a(t .rte (Q.4th gradc) . & qtrr|rna ottLr Grcil.". bmr rcic.' d og fc FFe Psbc sra .td brdei r Sood 9r..78. . .. vcrt lw!t. Ch.illqidic Brch, E.dcD@uhtDyM doluE .rolrdb3oos." (EfsTfthgrsdc'CtoEfl8t), . U.HAUEST ao -.- rith. rnft. -- r *niirofTr *il-lm*; v'blin-.otoi 'lh-fnt .nd oltlt Edhilp.olh.it L!/'u'|tlL --... - -.-rlody (G. grade) lt nrll I Ecmo." +th "Al [email protected] spirirdrudnclodiru. 5|!o@ ulllo8nDoE rut l6!1iful, riDDlc, aotl DEmI st. .idll r {tc XltLt," Gc/san and Ergtisl @tr'i (D f,rt,-4th.tndc' C to G) C' Boro. 85 ..Dolioc d! nil.." Mrccou dc Salon. (A f,rt' slh Srsde) - . ' Vtcrol Dsuiqtr' Suibblc fc rtPe d 64. A oporitbo th* fitl .ucly P!.e dl Pl.ycn. It it sturc .rd Dutiddt' An qelLDl 64. Om of thc hat of nodco Gcmn mFillu' . .L &ranr . Song-atd-Chot*. l/ah. E rqvoh. (G ard E.4th grr{c) -.- : - . "S.rtf.ao." 'Dmt Dc,.pt Ds'r . W.diU['To'tq8lt." - lnimtrrdt; E !d bt tf*Lomnr ir chercrirticiitvSguiA'rDd iocelyC-L& ao . H, J. B^uDU (D.3d SndcD to D) . thi. Dierrugqut. Try *ryhce 4odoftf,cito ss. A ch|dri*h onnd (9. rl! .st"do)- hoEoLD Ksrtr (Prt la Victtitc'\ Vtctor7." frtlc !{arch, (F.4th gndc' C'orrNc'Tnora 80 DioG) So',br ?aor' " " Sor,alt - - Oc of tlrc lec ipdu iw; pcrfcncd Dy Gilacdr hrrd. Thir tirnofm m4roo3 oa ir i. & 'ABlrcDnr,n O!. of thir tspul$ uthor'r-lirr tqf oporiliou lnirtic rad skful thtousldr ell.rg oDrru oElfn" Sorylt fuIresor/tf,o r Ba'it6c, (C, gndc) . U^r nrrzr ail e" llrt ' (C- ath sndc, C to I') . . P. h Vru.a a5 "in.tAdhd fn f@ tlc i:boic. ''Muia Domn" sct d ery pLo' 6ryrrod A lood o& botb B b ndr ud relody' od.it tccd ty . btdul Ed *llfiilE |@D'sie6l gndc) (G.2d E. U^a . &aoL." - .f i.*ir c*t'lig pice, ud thc idoiilid o{ titilo trem* Hud@ Ti& P|ac .hri;l,v Olrl lllHrg IIc Ow." (A frt' 3d gndc' C !o F) 85 "fdsrltdiUrg l dltivxins frsir.. Na cdirio' rith e beudful ltcm TLh (G.2d E ldrrc4 , 8aion." cnde) ' 6!asi!t' Plcru'c Tit!.. ao "Pdgur o 9l* linlc !leyo'- IlI iorot -Itltrrli'r toc." (G. 3rl gndc' B to G) t (F, grrdc) tr SUDDa - T@ysT! tiut#rnu-aDroptirrruiry.- A3oorl !m' ng brropan l||dm tilbo . W. tt Dty.drn.'r" Idyllc. pDoLr 5tb "goudr sahd. IiL n3ta rai omiring ooncitioa' by r I A rhory ud A.hort 86 . N. StrDLr "&u{r tolottfuolo." (D. rd rndc) c .o ,.86 "Lssdd rrmr." &wIt Mrcsolra\"#,8:gg'i, . c,lrn *plipo..,' Oc of Sigu D.l PiE tJr tet* ogoitidl tnb luli.! .!d DrdiA F da I3-l Dd fsr{t' Cottralto r Buito*' f Sft t tror Ulto Iy !on."' &tgfr "''('d;;;;;,ii6bj'-':'' .'laurcr.ni^iD ESrhrtvi[ pL.e ao |o (F.3dgndc) J'THorrEAr.Dwu "OccnclnolottLIemL" Ar rrfmd br Brltrh'. 86@ Cdci B.!d; Porbi.of Gov' Bn LEo lttlt R.sq 1!D. BrxDtr lo (V. I(. 4tb grede) errdrflfr." 86 "ufr gooddof qudtilc l Urr hrlzs t6 85 "It OLl EolilloL' (C fd gndc) ohc of E rdpirrbh sto(dy Di€, fi'trd fdptru.'|e (C' rrtgrrdc) E U^ca to gtt "twbclfowlmb" - rt lttlc sru for lixL plrycn. Elqcrcd &r guPilt' u Pt*t ljdbinDh f ida tftr dono I;Gbtt " Soag and Dare. {E frt' 3d grrdc' E,!o E) HARrv J. B^eDrt - A D@uLr ud npidlv *llir3 on'ic o3' E'llou'' hlsl' FuNx II. Br cxEr,' 6;:'; i.ttoty. (t f8t, 1th grgagr E-t9 ',-i'LttiL-E) l|||!|*ls@P!l|e (F sthgndc) A pcsy ald.DPtEPtirb sir_8(f rFo'btf tsug* !e IolnrIl,txctscnD[r "CottmfbfdDm." Pcolisly dreerilic rd ciet' Frutiful Colot d Tit!. Pra.. .FrmciardEtglislwnls' Sotrg. \ XclfLlc." "I' -'- -'?C.-;fi;"1c. c to rl\. Gonrc-Tgorqs 06 I A chroia6any rdu' oihblc ld Du9iU E trta r,&r'r., d " Xy Nctbbs.'ril phc rliwhdbvc-stuic@9 of IFD+B lt1t:ttfl9 ,'Lfttfo Aub noiruy." ao " Bloordarn." Song aad Cint' (E f rt 3d gndqiE to p) J' c' Urvsron ooades." Nuttrnc Mcldge. (f' sth gndc) - : . - . H. B. Purx r I rEH;fl*',$t ::ff-fniry*i'rP&rutut rd'D'rcdo b edtn -lac rebdv ricr r|' AFthcrGlir.lc@&oftDctoPul$.lyhi.dlyPEttyuEu6tr' I : A rCI 60 litEi.aof rtiv'iudir t$dsllci' ckdog&ttariJJivi-iii littlc hcad' q! hy 6houElct' b Rcit' Vcry (D.4th gnd.,B to aaylcr 5{' . . r!rD' IL Hur "ei6r so4'. (F. I: wtt." +tb gndc.'.E to C). "ol.fcrr Fot r wir rh* o et C ahoE tbc lFt& .Lf, tDa ot tl! B .u'@lt' " nccd4s@b|ow.d8rdn8t, Ciw. A frnic..rhorirla No ddirio, ituh hedso Inho3nDh Ttt!. P.4.. BOSTON. t " ?ffix"i.ffi,."..'r. OLIVER DITS0N gOMPlNy, Crnc LYON & HEALY, co. . T6 80 to to !o flt ae 80 8Q: 50 s 0 'lo !o att 8q [o 50 80 tt 80 80 80 ao t IffSIC From POR GTNTAR AND PIANO the collection of the Library of Congress llilhelni Variations on a PoPruLar Cetwn Ait, (Boston). 6 pages (3 gtr, 3 pn). ID=Neuland.Duo3(Dit). Publ: Ditson wOO95 NBlrLAl{D, Same as Neuland.Duo3(Chap) and Neuland.Duo3(Sim). @RRBCIIONS: (bt=beati cr=notated middle C.) Gtr84: 4er not,e e removed from below lst note c2. Gtr85 btl: e was a. Gtr96i fermaEa added. Pn15 bt5 treble: ll added to gl (under 8'.). Pn63 bt3 treblei natural added to d2 Pn75,89 treble: l.h. added. Serves as reminder down line in bass clef, and fall on bt2. Pn105,114 bt3 treblei natural added to d2. that treble notes are Part of the stem- @totEtf.ts: Gtr20: was left unchanged. It seems that the btl 4er note should be dotted, and the 8th resE and its femrata should be removed to be consistent with pn20. The Chappell edition of this "German Air" gives it the name "'Tlvere vain to tell thee all I feel." A Chappell catalog indicates it was a Swiss air made popular by singer Mad. Stockhausen. Original has one-page eatalog "Choice gems selected fron Oliver Ditson Co.'s latest lisEs of new rmrsic." DBFINITIOT{SI: Air = song; ariai tune. Dol=dolce=sweetly. fp = forte-piano = loud, then ilurediately soft. Piu = more. Polacca = polonaise = courtly Polish dance i,n 3/4 with rnarked syncopations and accents on the half beat. Phrases end on the 2nd or 3rd beat. Quasi = as if; seemingly. sf = sforzando = forced, accented. LIBMRY OF CONGRASS C'AIL NntBER: M277.N fiIAt{KS: The publisher is indebued (in box labeled "M277 N-"). to pianist Larry Kolp for his proofreading help. Send numbers, for catalog. This aids BY! Sauter; PTBLISHBD 9316 Wyatt Lanham, MD 20706. This “performance facsimile”, withDrivei restoration, corrections, measure and other performance facsimile containing original material @ Copyright 1997 by Donald Sauter. to ready performance, was created by Donald Sauter (1997) and is offered freely to the world. You have permission to copy this uraterial with remittance of S.20 per page. If years have passed since the copyright date, please adjust for inflation and verify the current address in the Guitar Foundation of America (CfA) directory. Thanks.