Preparation of an Integrated Eco-Tourism Development Plan


Preparation of an Integrated Eco-Tourism Development Plan
Integrated Coastal Zone Management Project
Preparation of an Integrated Eco-Tourism Development
Plan for Sagar Island in West Bengal and provision of
Supervision Support during implementation of the Plan
Final Report Part A:
Final Integrated Ecotourism Development Plan
September 2013
Preparation of an Integrated Eco-Tourism Development Plan for Sagar Island in West
Bengal and provision of Supervision Support during implementation of the Plan
Final Report – Part A
Bengal Launch Owner's Association
HYDEA SpA / Ghosh, Bose & Associates Pvt Ltd
Community Based Tourism
Community Based Tourism Committee
District Magistrate
Ganga Sagar Tourism Office
Hooghly Nadi Jalpath Paribahan Samabay Samity
Integrated Coastal Zone Management Project
Integrated Ecotourism Development Plan
Non-Governmental Organization
Open Defecation Free
Operation and Maintenance
Public Health Engineering Directorate.
Position Papers
Sagar Community Based Tourism Association
Sundarban Development Board and State Coastal Zone
Management Authority
Self Help Group
State Project Management Unit
Solid Waste Management
Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats
Technical Assistance
Terms of Reference
Ventilation Improved Pit
West Bengal Surface Transport Corporation
HYDEA SpA – Ghosh Bosh & Associates
Preparation of an Integrated Eco-Tourism Development Plan for Sagar Island in West
Bengal and provision of Supervision Support during implementation of the Plan
Final Report – Part A
Table of Contest
Acronyms ............................................................................................................... 2
Introduction ........................................................................................................... 4
Objectives, methods and scope of the Plan .................................................. 7
SWOT’s Analysis ........................................................................................... 9
Vision and sustainable development pillars .............................................. 10
Sustainable ecotourism development model .............................................. 14
Project proposals .......................................................................................... 17
Program implementation ............................................................................ 34
Timetable of projects and activities........................................................ 34
Implementation arrangements ................................................................ 36
Operation and maintenance management plan ....................................... 37
Estimated budget ......................................................................................... 37
Program implementation costs ............................................................... 37
Cost of operation and maintenance ........................................................ 38
Long term sustainability.............................................................................. 38
Expected social and economic impacts .................................................. 38
Environmental impacts ........................................................................... 40
Mitigation and management measures ................................................... 41
Conclusions and recommendations ............................................................ 42
HYDEA SpA – Ghosh Bosh & Associates
Preparation of an Integrated Eco-Tourism Development Plan for Sagar Island in West
Bengal and provision of Supervision Support during implementation of the Plan
Final Report – Part A
As stated in the TOR, The Government of India has initiated a number of
initiatives to reconcile the aims of protection of life and livelihood of coastal
communities; conservation of ecological resources in the coastal and marine
areas; and, promotion of economic activities that have necessarily to be located in
the coastal regions. As one of the different initiatives, the Government of India
along with the respective State Governments is implementing a World Bank
financed project called the “Integrated Coastal Zone Management Project”
(ICZM Project). The Project has specific objectives to support the long-term
vision of the Government by (a) building national capacity for implementation of
comprehensive coastal management approach in the country, and (b) piloting the
integrated coastal zone management approach in the states of Gujarat, Orissa and
West Bengal. The National Component of the Project focuses on expanding the
institutional capacity and knowledge base needed for integrated management of
coastal zones. The State Components include capacity building at the state level,
preparation of integrated coastal zone management plans, and a range of
complementary local pilot investments. Some of the pilot activities in West
Bengal are located on the island of Sagar in the Sundarban. The project in West
Bengal is being implemented by the State Project Management Unit (SPMU) in
collaboration of several other government agencies (called PEAs).
HYDEA SpA and Ghosh, Bose & Associates Pvt Ltd (hereinafter jointly referred
to as ‘the Consultant’) have been retained by the State Project Management Unit
(SPMU) to provide technical assistance services to implement the assignment
Integrated Eco-Tourism Development Plan for Sagar Island in West Bengal and
provision of Supervision Support during implementation of the Plan.
The contract signed between the SPMU and the JV HYDEA SpA / Ghosh, Bose
& Associates Pvt Ltd is referred to the specific activities to be carried out in Sagar
Island with the purpose to develop basic infrastructures, organize a new
ecotourism supply, and involve local population in the tourism development.
As stated in the ToR and Technical Proposal of the Consultant, the technical
assistance is organized in three different Parts. Parts A and B to be implemented
under the present contract, whereas Part C to be implemented under a separate
contract only after acceptance by the Client (SPMU) of the previous two Parts.
This document represents the Final Report of Part A, including the final version
of the Ecotourism Development Plan as it has been identified by the Consultant in
collaboration with the SPMU and the other key actors of the project area.
This Final Report includes the ecotourism development policy and strategy that
should have to be implemented by local stakeholders in the short. In addition, it
includes a short summery of all project proposals and activities that are
components of the Plan, including the analysis of their impacts and costs for
HYDEA SpA – Ghosh Bosh & Associates
Preparation of an Integrated Eco-Tourism Development Plan for Sagar Island in West
Bengal and provision of Supervision Support during implementation of the Plan
Final Report – Part A
The present document is composed by a total of nice chapters, plus the annexes.
The first chapter, Objectives, Methods and Scope of the Plan, provides
information about the general and specific objectives and the scope of the Plan,
especially referring to its long term sustainability and the importance to involve
local population in the tourism development. In addition, it includes a summary of
methodology applied by the Consultant for the implementation of the present
The second chapter, SWOT’s Analysis, includes a list of the main Strengths,
Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats that are affecting the project area. These
information are the main outputs of the analysis made by the Consultant with the
Position Papers and it has been particularly important for the identification of the
project proposals and activities composing the Ecotourism Development Plan.
The chapter includes a list of suggestions to be considered for the identification of
the ecotourism development strategy too.
The third chapter, Vision and sustainable development pillars, identifies the long
term vision of the ecotourism development at Sagar Island and its four pillars that
should have to be followed by local stakeholders for the implementation of the
Plan and to make it long term sustainable.
The fourth chapter, Sustainable ecotourism development model, identifies the
ecotourism model that will be implemented by local stakeholders for the tourism
development of Sagar Island. The model describes how local population can be
involved in the management of the ecotourism development and the tools that
should have to be organized, including the Sagar Community-Based Tourism
Council and its four Sub-Committees.
The fifth chapter, Project proposals, includes the list and details of all project and
activities that compose the Ecotourism Development Plan. The description of
each project and activity is a summary of the detailed description made in the
Position Papers.
The sixth chapter, Program implementation, includes all information about the
implementation arrangements, operation and maintenance management plan,
monitoring and evaluation arrangements and the description of the regulations,
standards, norms and values of the Plan.
The seventh chapter, Estimated budget, identifies all costs related to the
Ecotourism Development Plan, including the program implementation costs and
the costs of operation and maintenance of the identified infrastructures.
The eighth chapter, Long term sustainability, includes the analysis of the social,
economic and environmental impacts generated by the ecotourism development of
the project area. In addition, it includes information about the mitigation and
management measures adopted when needed.
HYDEA SpA – Ghosh Bosh & Associates
Preparation of an Integrated Eco-Tourism Development Plan for Sagar Island in West
Bengal and provision of Supervision Support during implementation of the Plan
Final Report – Part A
Finally, the ninth chapter, Conclusion and recommendations, includes the
conclusions of the Consultant and the recommendations addressed to local
stakeholders about the critical points to be considered during the implementation.
Isometic Showing Mela Area and Proposed Developments
HYDEA SpA – Ghosh Bosh & Associates
Preparation of an Integrated Eco-Tourism Development Plan for Sagar Island in West
Bengal and provision of Supervision Support during implementation of the Plan
Final Report – Part A
Objectives, methods and scope of the Plan
The general objective of this Plan is to assist local stakeholders to implement the
project proposals and activities identified by the Consultant, in collaboration with
the SPMU, for developing the ecotourism supply in Sagar Island. It shall also
have the following specific objectives:
1. to institutionalize ecotourism planning and management process in Sagar
2. to promote advocacy on the concept and principles of ecotourism;
3. to introduce ecotourism businesses in Sagar Island both as a conservation
strategy and an economic development option through viable business
partnerships with the local government units or the private sector;
4. to promote inclusive equity of socio-economic benefits to the local
community and encourage community participation.
Considering the quantity objectives of the Ecotourism Development Plan, they
can be listed as follows:
to increase tourism flows to more than 500.000 arrivals in 2018 and 700.000
arrivals in 2023
to train more than 500 local people about tourism activities during project
to aware at least 50% of local after project finalization
no person sleeping in the open
no assembly of more than 10 people waiting for road transport at any time
and no assembly of at the ferry ghat more than 50 people
at least 40.000 visitors during mela time and 300.000 visitors within the
year to the museum after 5 years of project finalization
at least 70 permanent shops open all year round after project finalization
at least 5 regional TTOOs promoting and selling tourism in the project area
the expenditure of tourists increases of at least 30% after one year of project
10. At least 3 local NGOs after project finalization implementing training and
awareness activities related to CTB development
11. At least 10% of total visitors at the museum are students
12. At least 200 permanent jobs created after project finalization
13. At least 40% of total employees are women, young and disabled employed
in CBT activities
14. No open defecation incidences
15. Adequacy of toilet units (temporary, mobile and permanent)
16. 100% of waste is collected
17. 100% of waste is segregated
18. 100% of organic waste is composted
19. Burning of waste is eliminated to stop air nuisance and pollution
20. 100% of recyclables waste is recovered
21. 100% of non-recoverable waste is disposed in a landfill
22. At least 80% of tourists is satisfied about maintenance of the beach
HYDEA SpA – Ghosh Bosh & Associates
Preparation of an Integrated Eco-Tourism Development Plan for Sagar Island in West
Bengal and provision of Supervision Support during implementation of the Plan
Final Report – Part A
Please, for more details see “Annex 1 – Monitoring and evaluation
This Plan shall apply to ecotourism planning and management in Ganga Sagar
area identified as having potential for ecotourism development. This may refer to
the three project areas (core, buffer and peripheral zones) identified by the
Consultant for the implementation of the project proposals and activities.
The methodology used for the identification of the Ecotourism Development Plan
is based on primary and secondary sources. Regarding the primary sources, direct
interviews were conducted with around 1.000 tourists and 50 vendors during
Ganga Sagar Mela and the two months after. In addition, the Consultant has
carried out personal interviews and working groups with local stakeholders in
Sagar Island and Kolkata. Other than the SPMU, the important stakeholders for
this assignment are: District Collector, Public Health Department (which oversees
the management of the annual pilgrimage), Village panchayats of Ganga Sagar,
Kapil Muni Temple Trust, Tourism Department, Sundarban Development Board
and State Coastal Zone Management Authority (SCZMA). Finally, many
meetings with community leaders have been held during and after mela time.
Direct observation of relevant tourism attractions and events; retail of souvenir
and handicraft products; and of tourism services (hotels, restaurants, transport
services) for testing quality standards was conducted at the project area.
Regarding the secondary sources, official reports and studies published by the
State Government of West Bengal as well as surveys released by other public and
private institutions were considered as the most important. This information is
regarded as very significant because cross-checks and hypothetical development
of certain aspects in the tourism sector is possible - although not all of the
secondary literature can be seen as reliable and/or plausible. Nevertheless, it
serves for a decent background study of the tourism sector in Sagar Island.
Concerning the variety of research tools also the team of experts was composed
by experts in different fields of actions according to their competencies. The
Consultant managed all the actions (data procession, interviews, meetings, visits
of international experts and field interviewers, identification of the project
proposals, etc.) directly, which were accomplished at different times and
HYDEA SpA – Ghosh Bosh & Associates
Preparation of an Integrated Eco-Tourism Development Plan for Sagar Island in West
Bengal and provision of Supervision Support during implementation of the Plan
Final Report – Part A
SWOT’s Analysis
Based on the outputs provided by the Position Papers, it is possible to take out the
main strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the present ecotourism
organization of the project area. This methodology is a critical approach for
identifying long term ecotourism sustainable model to be implemented by local
public and private stakeholders.
- Destination already knew at
national level for its religious
- The new infrastructures and
activities promoted by the World
Bank program
- Planning to build a bridge
connecting the island to the
- Ecotourism development as
priority for the local and State
policy in the project area
- Very limited tourism
- Very low quality of the existing
tourism infrastructures
- Lack of professionalism of the staff
- Lack of skills and competences
about tourism sector at public and
private level
- Lack of self-sustainable tourism
model adopted by local
- No organized tourism products in
the project area
- Lack of a clear urban and
environmental regulation in the
project area
- Limited collaboration among
public-private tourism stakholders
and local communities
HYDEA SpA – Ghosh Bosh & Associates
Preparation of an Integrated Eco-Tourism Development Plan for Sagar Island in West
Bengal and provision of Supervision Support during implementation of the Plan
Final Report – Part A
Considerations for the ecotourism strategy:
The overall situation is unbalanced. Strengths are simply limited to the knowledge
of Sagar Island to the potential tourism market, especially referring to the religeus
The general situation seems to be characterized by a disorganized tourism system
in which the supply of services/facilities is very limited and strongly dependanting
on individual initiatives, sometimes valuable, but hardly an integral part of an
organic system of the ecotourism supply. In addition, the tourism supply is
extremely seasonal, depending by the organization of three main religeus events
(Ganga Sagar Mela, Maghi Purnima Mela, Sarbani Purnima Mela, Durgapuja in
the Villages and Pous Parban). Finally, apart of the religious interest of the site,
the natural environment is a crucial attribute of Sagar Island and it serves as its
main attraction. The Kapil Muni Temple area, and more particularly the land
between the temple and the beach has been condemned for tourism, uglyfied by
rows of destroyed concrete toilet blocks and hundreds of electric poles, only
useful during the Mela. At the present, this area can not anymore be used as a
tourism attraction.
Considering the present situation as summarized in the SWOT analysis, the
ecotourism development strategy should take into account the following key
- training and aware compaign should have to be addressed to local
communities with the aim to prepare them to the tourism sector (tourism
quality and services and enviromental protection are the most important
- development of a very well organized public-private entity should have to be
a must of the ecotourism develeopment model;
- promoting the involvement of local population in the ecotourism supply;
- a “code of conducts” should have to be developed for local population and
tourists, especially referring to the using of public toilettes, solild waste
system, environmental preservation, etc.;
- local population should have to be directly involved in the management of the
tourism infrastrcutres and activities with the aim to make ecotourism
sustainable for the project area.
Vision and sustainable development pillars
As stated in the “Position Paper #3 - Overall employment generation proposal”,
due to the fragile condition of the project area, both from the environmental and
local population point of view, it is clear that the sustainable tourism development
model of Sagar Island should focus mainly on these two elements. It means that,
considering the particular organization of the tourism sector, where several actors
and sectors should play together, local communities and related environment
issues have to be put at the centre of the tourism development model.
HYDEA SpA – Ghosh Bosh & Associates
Preparation of an Integrated Eco-Tourism Development Plan for Sagar Island in West
Bengal and provision of Supervision Support during implementation of the Plan
Final Report – Part A
HYDEA SpA – Ghosh Bosh & Associates
Preparation of an Integrated Eco-Tourism Development Plan for Sagar Island in West
Bengal and provision of Supervision Support during implementation of the Plan
Final Report – Part A
Fig#1: Sustainable tourism system
Source: elaborated by the Consultant
In Sagar Island, tourism development has to become an opportunity for local
communities in terms of job creation, additional revenues, heritage preservation
and socio-economic development. Tourism services and infrastructures has been
identified also taking into account the specific needs and present abilities of local
population and tourism has to be developed in term of what local population can
do and how they can benefit from tourism and not in terms of what tourists prefer
for their holidays.
In the eighties and nineties tourists were still at the centre of the tourism
development systems and all related activities were organized and developed in
order to better satisfy them. These approaches were mainly based on mass tourism
and development of big infrastructures (hotels, resorts, tourism centres, etc.) in
order to satisfy their expectations. Local population was essentially excluded
because of the huge investment resources needed for this kind of tourism
development and, as already said before, negative impacts were more than the few
positive ones.
The sustainable tourism system in Sagar Island will be an integrated tourist
model which stimulate the integration of both tourists into local culture and local
inhabitants into the benefits generated by tourism development. In this way, local
cultural heritage, handicraft production, local gastronomy, etc., are excellent tools
not only in order to diversify the tourism supply, but also for including local
population in the economic development.
In Sagar Island the centrality of the local communities is a must for the tourism
development and the sustainable tourism development of the area will be based on
the following four pillars:
HYDEA SpA – Ghosh Bosh & Associates
Preparation of an Integrated Eco-Tourism Development Plan for Sagar Island in West
Bengal and provision of Supervision Support during implementation of the Plan
Final Report – Part A
Fig#2: Main pillars of the Sagar Island sustainable ecotourism model
Sustainable Tourism Development Strategy
People need to
understand what
tourism means, its
opportunities and
People need to learn
how to work in
tourism sector
Government has to
help local
communities in order
to stimulate their
integration in tourism
Government and
private sector have to
collaborate with local
population in order to
preserve their rights
Sources: Elaborated by the Consultant
These four pillars are very important because it is clear that there is not
sustainability if the present project only finance infrastructures. The real long term
sustainability in Sagar Island is guaranteed when local population is completely
integrated in the tourism supply and benefit from it. Local population is not used
to manage and develop tourism activities, so that the four pillars are very
important key elements of the ecotourism development strategy.
 Awareness: tourism is a recent sector in Sagar Island economy and local
communities, still extremely poor, do not know the mechanisms of the tourism
industry, and how it can impact on their social and economic life. It is
important to prepare local populations to the tourism sector in order to spread,
as much as possible at local level, a tourism mentality of residents. An
awareness campaign and education activities are needed in order to involve
local residents into the tourism sector.
 Knowledge: the majority of local people come from micro-activities related to
agriculture, fishing or commercial sectors and most of them have very limited
skills and competences on how to manage and develop a tourism development
enterprises. A portion of the local population is directly or indirectly involved
to tourism activities during mela time, however, there is a general lack of
knowledge related to the tourism organization, services, and characteristics of
the tourism demands and promotion and commercialization channels that need
to be faced in order to place Sagar Island in a competitive way at national and
international level. Training activities are requested at all level, including
public and private sector.
 Assistance: the integration process of local communities to the tourism sector
should have to be implemented through a permanent technical assistance.
Local residents, interested to invest in tourism sector, should have to be
assisted in order to run their own micro-tourism enterprise. Due to the poor
condition of local residents, the assistance should be mainly focused on the
HYDEA SpA – Ghosh Bosh & Associates
Preparation of an Integrated Eco-Tourism Development Plan for Sagar Island in West
Bengal and provision of Supervision Support during implementation of the Plan
Final Report – Part A
organization of special financial funds (grants and loans) to be managed by
local government (in collaboration with local banks) and used by local
 Collaboration: a real integration of local communities in the tourism sector
need to pass through the collaboration with public and private tourism
stakeholders. And, as already proved in other tourism destinations, in Sagar
Island it can be reached through the development of a very important tool, that
it is the organization of a Community Based Tourism Committee (CBTC),
which includes the representatives of local population, local government and
the representatives of the private sector. Please, see the Position Paper on
Tourism for more details about the STC.
Sustainable ecotourism development model
Based on its four pillars, the ecotourism development model has the following
main objectives:
- to formulate relevant and efficient tourism rules and regulations in the area;
- to be suitable for the local social framework;
- to allows local population to directly benefit from tourism development;
- to allows local population to define themselves the tourism policies and
strategies of the tourism development in Sagar Island;
- to enable the community, at the completion of the project, to take control of
the whole activities in a sustainable manner.
As tourism is a new activity, involving several different expertise and professions,
there need to be a model of governance suiting the different expectations and
enabling the tourism revenues to be equitably shared among the people involved
in the activities and the community members as a whole.
The complexity of the tourism development, and of its features as they are present
in Sagar Island and surrounding area, requires a solid and flexible organizational
structure, in order for the strategy for the sustainable development of ecotourism
to be effectively implemented. The lessons taken from foreign experiences cannot
be automatically copied: they provide us with an important methodological
approach, since they point at the most frequent mistakes generated by the
willingness to attract mass tourism due to its dimensional relevance. And they
show effective strategies based upon the respectful combination of local needs
and rights on one hand, and external expectations on the other.
Based on what said before, the organizational structure of the ecotourism
development model should be rather simple. The management of the tourism
infrastructures and activities that will be implemented during Part-B of the present
assignment does not require any strong regulation or radical intervention. The
present experience of local population about the organization of Ganga Sagar
HYDEA SpA – Ghosh Bosh & Associates
Preparation of an Integrated Eco-Tourism Development Plan for Sagar Island in West
Bengal and provision of Supervision Support during implementation of the Plan
Final Report – Part A
Mela and the other religious events during the year, will facilitate any process of
development without altering its features.
The ecotourism development model is the result of a varied and heterogeneous
participation, and it must be managed with reference to a range of activities. It is
necessary to highlight that the ecotourism development model essentially needs
fine tuning of joint action, co-ordination and unitary external relationships.
Due to the present situation of local community, the other main stakeholders
involved in Sagar Island and the project proposals identified by the Consultant,
the following organization of the ecotourism development model is proposed:
Fig.3: Community-Based Tourism Governance Model
Sagar CBT Association
The Consultant will help local community and the other stakeholders of the
project area to implement the present model during Part-B of the present
assignment. This is not only because it is allowed by the Terms of Reference, but
also because the stakeholders have the responsibility to organize and ensure an
effective management and implementation of CBT objectives and principles in the
area. Roles and responsibilities of all involved actors need to be defined during
the implementation of the tourism infrastructures (Part-B of the present
The Sagar Community-Based Tourism Council
HYDEA SpA – Ghosh Bosh & Associates
Preparation of an Integrated Eco-Tourism Development Plan for Sagar Island in West
Bengal and provision of Supervision Support during implementation of the Plan
Final Report – Part A
It sets the strategy, supervises all the activities, carries out transversal
projects, and manages the financial tools of the Council. It is composed by a
total of 5-7 people (representatives of the public sector, the Local
Communities, the religious authority and tourism professionals), including a
Director General. It main activities can be listed as follows:
- coordination with the Tourism Department, Panchayats, SIDC and all
key stakeholders for the responsible development and promotion of the
- coordination with the Rural Management and Development Department
for infrastructure development such as, water, sanitation and village
- assistance from the government organizations, universities, national and
international museums, experts and other resource persons members of
the Advisory Committee;
- set up of guidelines for CBT activities, in consultation with the key
stakeholders including NGO, local communities, tour operators and
relevant government authorities;
- monitoring of the CBT activities to minimize negative impacts on the
- monitoring the trainings and capacity building carried out by the local
The CBT Committee/s
In such a framework, the core of the ecotourism model is represented by the
system of committees, where all community based tourism activities are
managed and implemented. This system is composed by a general CBT
Committee and four different Sub-Commettee. The general CBT Committee
is composed by one director (interacting with the Council) and four
representatives, one for each Sub-Committee. Under supervision of the Sagar
CBT Council, the CBT Committee implements the needed activities. It works
in coordination with local NGOs, Panchayats, SHG and other local partners
engaged in CBT. It is responsible for CBT planning and development,
financing, day to day management and monitoring:
- implementing the CBT guidelines;
- monitoring the revenue generation and allocation of funds for the
development of CBT;
- working in close collaboration with NGOs and villagers organizations to
implement the activities;
- managing the website, publishing newsletters and reports and ensuring
the destination promotion;
- monitoring the environmental impacts which are caused by tourism
activities and taking relevant measures to mitigate them;
- monitoring the training and capacity building programmes conducted by
local NGOs and provide them support and cooperation.
While the Sub-Committee will be composed by a maximum of 3-5 people
that will be responsible for the coordination and monitoring of the ecotourism
development activities.
HYDEA SpA – Ghosh Bosh & Associates
Preparation of an Integrated Eco-Tourism Development Plan for Sagar Island in West
Bengal and provision of Supervision Support during implementation of the Plan
Final Report – Part A
The Sagar CBT Association (SCBTA) represents the local villagers and
associations and plays an active role as local advisory committee, particularly in
terms of environmental sensitization, infrastructures development location and
activities to be developed.
Finally, an Advisory Committee is requested and it will be composed of resource
persons who help the association in pursuing its objectives by giving technical
guidance (professor of some Universities in Kolkata, Director of the Museum in
Kolkata, TAAB, etc.).
Community-based tourism activities’ portfolio
Tourism activities selected for the Kapil Muni Temple area take into
consideration that the place is an important religious pilgrimage location but has
the opportunity to attract all-year round tourists, particularly weekenders and
families from Kolkata. Community-based activities will propose interaction with
local villagers and discovery of this unique Sundarbans land, where water is
omnipresent, between the Ganga River, the Bay of Bengal, mangroves and rice
Tourism activities are represented by sport activities, land-based and water-based:
- Boating: Different kinds of activities can be proposed with local fishermen,
from visiting the islands and the mangrove (excursions, sunset tour…), to
fishing with local fishermen;
- Cycling around the villages on a platform rickshaw with a driver to visit the
villages or in autonomy with mountain bikes;
- Hiking and visiting the temples and the villages with a local guide.
Cultural activities are represented by:
- Learning from the Museum exhibitions and being sensitized to environmental
- Visiting communities and artisans, looking for local printing techniques and
handicraft, eating fresh fish in a Self Help Group restaurant…;
- Following mediation and yoga courses;
- Participating in folk music festivals and performances, or in conservation
Project proposals
The Ecotourism Development Plan is composed by the following infrastructures
and activities approved by the SPMU:
 Cultural infrastructures
- Museum and interpretation centre
- Nat Mandir
- Dhala Arcade
HYDEA SpA – Ghosh Bosh & Associates
Preparation of an Integrated Eco-Tourism Development Plan for Sagar Island in West
Bengal and provision of Supervision Support during implementation of the Plan
Final Report – Part A
 Basic infrastructures
- Bus station
- Sanitation
- Awareness campaign on Open Defecation Free Zone for Mela Ground
- Drainage system
- Solid Waste Management
- Awareness campaign on solid waste management
 Tourism facilities
- Ecotourism camp-site
- Home-stays
- Ganga Sagar Tourism Office and Community Shop
- Community managed restaurant & Café
- Other facilities (Kid playground, open terraces and picnic tables on the
 Institutional development
- Community-Based Tourism Capacity-building and Training
- Community-Based Tourism Governance Model
 Landscape improvements
- Tree planting
- Removal of wirings
 Other Facilities
- Greenhouse
- Biodiversity interpretation centre
- Centre for art and crafts
- Handicrafts exhibition centre
Museum and interpretation centre
Based on the Reports and Position Papers prepared and approved during Part A, a
final design has been produced for the Mythology Museum and Sagar Island
Visitor Education and Information Centre. The site chosen adjacent to the
Sundarban Affairs Office was approved by the District Magistrate, and Mela
Committee on the site visit of
July 24th.
Design Objectives: The proposed
scheme is designed for all
visitors to the Gangasagar Mela,
and the other festivals and events
on the Island. It is designed as a
representing all the indigenous
people and religions on the
island, and provides history,
HYDEA SpA – Ghosh Bosh & Associates
Preparation of an Integrated Eco-Tourism Development Plan for Sagar Island in West
Bengal and provision of Supervision Support during implementation of the Plan
Final Report – Part A
cultural information and environmental education for all visitors.
Pic#1 – Museum and Interpretation Centre
The entry to the museum is proposed from two locations, during the Mela, special
bridges operate to the areas near the current visitor facilities at the North of the
Mela Ground, and also from the main roads approaching the site. This allows
large numbers of visitors to be managed safely. Outside the Mela times the
entrance is opposite the main Sundaraban Affairs office, and allows for maximum
The entrance area is designed also as an Open Air Theatre, this allows the visitors
to be seated and organised for their visits, before they are guided around. The
Theatre also provides space underneath for toilets, shops, café/restaurant and
museum offices and storage. This keeps these activities outside of the main
buildings, and so reduces pollution risks inside.
Pic#2 – Sections of the Museum and Interpretation Centre
The main museum is raised on a platform 1m above the main flood levels, and is
first entered on the ground floor. Here the visitor sees an exhibition on the
Mythology of Gangasagar Mela, followed by information on the religious events
of the island, including other religions. The second exhibit is on the archaeology
of the island, and the history of the Mela at this site, including displays on recent
excavations and discoveries on the site and where they can be visited. The third
exhibit is the ethnography of the local people, who represent many different
people from across India, and the background of the different Pilgrims. The centre
of the space has a large stone map of India showing Pilgrim Routes, and the
important local Ganga River sites for pilgrims to visit.
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Bengal and provision of Supervision Support during implementation of the Plan
Final Report – Part A
Pic#3 – Museum and Interpretation Centre
The visitors then proceed by the external ramps to the first floor, where they see
an exhibition on the wildlife, marine life and flora of Sagar Island and the Ganga
river, and where this can be visited. The next exhibit looks at the ecology and
geological formation of Sagar Island and how it is changing under the effects of
global warming and modern development, and where these changes can be seen in
the area. The final exhibition is on the impact of visitors on the Gangasagar area,
and addresses what visitors can do to improve their local environment, and how
individual responsibility can transform an environment. It provides information on
Ecotourism, Eco-tourist visiting, campsites and homesteads.
Finally the visitors proceed by the external ramps to the top floor, where a circular
AV room provides a film about the Gangasagar Mela and its cultural and
environmental significance. The same room can be used for teaching and
meditation centre outside of the Mela time. Finally the visitors walk out on a
balcony overlooking the Mela ground where they can see the huge crowds, and
the impact on the environment can be realised. They then walk down on the
opposite ramp and exit past the shop and café, and children garden.
Pic#4 – Museum and Interpretation Centre
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Outside of Mela time the museum provides multi cultural activity space, and also
information for pilgrims, tourists, and eco-tourists on what to do and see. The
museum is designed to be a modern institution presenting the most recent
information on the region. It is built of brick with modern external ramps to give a
sense of solidity and innovation.
At Mela time it can accommodate 25,000 visitors a day, allowing most visitors a
chance to visit over the 10 day period. Outside of this, the 70,000 local visitors
and 50,000 tourists have a chance to visit in slightly less organised structure, and a
smaller internal stair case is provided for them. The Café Restaurant provides
local food year round for visitors, and supports the local staff.
The exhibitions are developed in conjunction with the Indian Museum Ethnology
and Geology Departments, the State Archaeological Museum and the Nature
Environment and Wildlife Society. A web site and digital information platform
will be created to allow for visitors events and visits to be organised. The daily
administration will be locally run, with exhibition improvements from the
supporting institutions provided on a regular basis.
Pic#5 – Museum and Interpretation Centre Interior
Nat Mandir
A large hall with all side open but facing the temple is generally required for
pilgrims during mela time as well as for general tourists throughout the year.
At this moment within the space available, we can thought of a shelter
accommodation approximately about 500 people (Area 600.0 sqm approx). The
architectural characteristics of this should be as per the common sentiment of the
visitors and stakeholders & accordingly may be derived from the traditional
temple structures of Bengal.
A pond may also to be considered for tourists and pilgrims for having a dip after
sea bathing. At least for their hand, foot & face wash as is the traditional practice.
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Final Report – Part A
At present, there is a pond which is farely deep but it’s water increases during
high tide. This require to be re-excavated and its bank, requires to be properly
shaped with a bathing ghat.
Pic#6 – Plan of the Nat Mandir
Pic#7 – Drawing of the Nat Mandir
Dala Arcade:
At present there are about
110 shops with temporary
tarpaulin roofing. These are
erected all along both side of
the central concrete road
from Mandir to the beach
area. These shops required to
be organized and may be
sheltered under one roof with
permanent structure. As the
Client desires and as per the
common peoples sentiment
this structures may be similar
or at least have the
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Bengal and provision of Supervision Support during implementation of the Plan
Final Report – Part A
characteristics of the Dala Arcade adjacent to temple at Dakshineshwar in
Pic#8 – Location of the Museum, Nat Madir and Dhala Arcade
Bus stand
The need to improve the existing bus facility at Ganga Sagar is crucial as the bus
frequency can reach a maximum of one bus per 1-2 minutes for a considerable
amount of time during the mela and a rationalization of the Bus Station can
improve the download and upload of passengers as well as improve the bus
maneuverability. The new bus station will include: bus parking lots; toilet and
drinking water facilities for passenger, transport operator staffs and drivers;
transport operators office; bus repairing facility; rickshaw and cycle van stands;
Tourist Information Office; Fire Tender Shelter and Water Panel with Water Tank
for Fire Fighting. The proposed bus stand includes 40 parking bays.
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Pic#9 – Plan of the Parking
The consultants has proposed that the objective of the sanitation component will
be to achieve Open Defecation Free (ODF) Ganga Sagar mela through resource
creation in the form of new toilets and extensive awareness campaign among the
pilgrims involving local people.
Additional number of units to be set up is a critical parameter. Considering an
user load of 100 per toilet unit, around 1300 toilet units (precisely 1320 ) are
required to serve the estimated average present daily peak pilgrim population in
mela. So, to supplement the existing permanent units (680 nos including the
mobile toilet vans), 620 additional toilet units are required. Based on the projected
mid-term ( 5 year later, in 2018) peak daily pilgrim population in the mela , the
requirement of total toilet units will be around 1500 (precisely 1530).
Considering the recent reports on low utilization (around 50%) of the toilet
resources created under different rural sanitation program of the Government of
India ( under Total Sanitation Campaign), lack of public awareness campaign in
the mela ground and the uncertainty over future growth in the pilgrim flow, the
consultants propose to provide lower number of toilet units and emphasise more
on campaigning among the pilgrims to promote utilization of toilets.
In case 100% utilization is achieved for these new toilets and the pilgrim flow
increases in a pattern considered here, additional 200 units can be constructed by
The proposed toilets will be constructed in the blocks of 6, 10, 20 units. These
toilet blocks will be located at strategic positions like by the side of the five roads
leading to the mela and experiencing heavy pilgrim movement, at the Bus stand,
near the fishermen’s village, on both side of the tidal creek, near the beach area)
and at different locations within the mela area to enable faster access.
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Bengal and provision of Supervision Support during implementation of the Plan
Final Report – Part A
After reviewing all the conventional onsite sanitation technologies in use India
(like Dry systems like urine diversion dry toilets (UDDT) or ECOSAN toilets,
Ventilation Improved Pit (VIP) Latrine, Trench/Pit latrine and wet systems like
pour flush toilet with pit, single pit/twin pit water weal toilet, toilet with septic
tanks and soak pits), it was observed that the newly introduced ecofriendly toilets
are suitable for the purpose of Ganga Sagar mela. It is found that Eco friendly
toilets based on the Zero discharge toilet technology is not yet commercialised
enough for large scale implementation and its operation and maintenance requires
additional set up and trained personnel. But the bio digester based onsite
sanitation units (based on of the anaerobic technology developed by Defece
Reasearch and Development Organisation or based on the aerobic digester
technology) are easy to construct and have low operation and maintenance cost.
The Septic tank and soak pit based units are presently in use in the mela area and
could not be considered as a suitable alternative despite being used in abundance
at present due to the problem of septage management.. Leach pit based units can
be set up at the location close to the beach, where the soil is mostly sandy. Mobile
toilet vans provided with in-situ treatment arrangement will be provided for the
beach areas, to facilitate the pilgrims taking holy dip. Thus a combination of the
Eco friendly toilets, leach pit based toilets and the
Material of Construction Considering high pilgrim flow only during the period of
the mela and problem of future maintenance during non mela periods, the toilets
blocks will be semi-permanent in nature, with the substructure and one or two
units in the superstructure will be made permanent (with brick mortar and RCC).
The super structure of the
constructed with locally
available like Hogla or GI
reusability) with framed tin
doors (to ensure better
comfort level of the users).
These will be dismantled
after the mela. The squatting
pans in the substructure part
will be covered by pre cast
concrete slabs or two layers
of tarpaulin sheets. Sufficient illumination and water supply to the toilets (running
water to each unit or to each block) will be made available from existing
infrastructure system
Operation and maintenance of the toilets during and after the mela will be done
exclusively by local people. They will be provided necessary training. The
permanent units of the semi permanent toilet blocks will be operated as pay and
use toilets after the mela . Small groups will be formed from the local people for
maintenance of the toilet unit during and after the mela. They will be endowed
with the responsibility of maintaining the substructures through out the year. This
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Bengal and provision of Supervision Support during implementation of the Plan
Final Report – Part A
will ensure proper maintenance of the resources created and generate local
Awareness campaign on Open Defecation Free Zone for Mela Ground
The mela will be declared as an Open Defecation Free (ODF) area. Extensive
awareness campaign among the pilgrims for preventing open defecation or
urination will be done through
- Print, audio, visual media, public announcement in the mela area, use of
signage and distribution of leaflets etc. and imposing penalties on the violators
- Involving NGOs who are also working for sanitation campaign in the similar
religious congregation in the Northern India (as substantial part of the visitors
are form North and Western India)
- Extensively involving local people in different activities (like cultural
programs, interfacing with the local people, assisting the mela authority in
identifying the offenders etc.) related topublic awareness campaign through
proper training and CLTS initiatives.
The drainage system in the mela ground consists of two components:
 Stormwater management: The portion to the North of the mela ground contains
a number of low lying areas, pond and agricultural land. So a structured
drainage network in that area will not be required. To ensure that the areas in
front of the Kapil Muni Temple is not flooded and the wash water etc.
generated from the proposed installations like Nat Mandir, dala arcade,
roadside drains will be provided for roads 2,3,4.
 Prevention of tidal ingress to mela ground: Construction of tide control gates
at both ends of the creek flowing behind the Kapil Muni Temple. It should be a
combination of sluice and flap gate. The sluice gates will be operated manually
during periods of veryhigh tides During normal periods, the sluice gate will
remain partially open to facilitate entry of tide water to the creek for flushing it
and maintaining the tide supported ecology on both banks of the creek
Solid Waste Management
The SWM system will be designed to run throughout the year and the SWM team
will be supplemented by the PHE team during the Melas. Main features are
summarized below:
 Waste bins will be located in the Mela Ground so that tourists can use them
avoiding to litter the ground and the beach.
 Primary collection will be implemented by hand carts. The same carts used
by PHE during the Mela can be used to empty street bins.
 Waste collected shall be conveyed to three Manual Segregation Facilities
operated by freelance refuse workers which will make their living selling the
recyclable waste. The same will function also as Transfer Stations before
final disposal of residual waste.
 A composting plant nearby the main segregation facility # 1 will treat the
biodegradable waste. A shredder will be used to reduce the size of the
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Preparation of an Integrated Eco-Tourism Development Plan for Sagar Island in West
Bengal and provision of Supervision Support during implementation of the Plan
Final Report – Part A
material and a crashing unit will be used for coconut shelves. The whole
system will be designed to cover the needs during the Mela times therefore it
will be largely sufficient in smaller Melas and during low season.
After discussion with relevant stakeholder the 3 SWM units functioning as both
sorting facility and transfer station will be operational during the Mela whereas
the centralized windrow composting plant treating the organic waste of the whole
mela ground will function all year around to treat the waste of the local markets.
This option was approved by SIDCL with letter 109/1(2)/ED/SIDC/ICZMP-1/12
of 6/6/2013.
SWM in the Mela Ground is the ideal case in which reduction/recycling policies
should prevail on the idea of building a sanitary landfill. The following table
shows a partial lists of possible actions which are included in the plan:
- Enforce the restriction to forbid the use of plastic in Sagar
Island. For example forbid the use of plastic disposal dishes
and use instead pressed leaves plates (salpata)
- Install water purification systems in tourist facilities (e.g.
Larica Hotel) to avoid the use of bottled water
- Propose a Zero Waste Mela 2015
- Promote the use of reusable dishes in tourist facilities avoiding
the use of disposable items
- Recycle glass, plastic, metals, paper by separating these from
the waste flow
- Use biodegradable waste to produce compost
- Explore the possibility to produce oil with coconut shelves
- Explore the possibility to use coconut shelves for handcraft
Awareness campaign on solid waste management
The Consultant will develop a strategy for communication to minimize solid
waste generation and its indiscriminate disposal with the use of street signs in
strategic locations from Kolkata bus Station and all along the start of the transport
route from the Lot-8 jetty to Kachberia jetty and along the road leading to Ganga
Sagar informing of the ban on the use and transport of plastics to Sagar Island.
In line with the plan of local authorities the Consultant will propose Ganga Sagar
as Plastic Free fair and will propose the vision of Zero Waste Mela 2015 for
Gangasagar Mela 2015 (in terms of zero waste to be disposed). This shall be
developed in detail with full collaboration of relevant stakeholders.
Similarly to what done this year during Mahakumbh Mela NGOs shall be
involved for the implementation of the awareness campaign. The Consultant will
evaluate several options such as local ONGs and groups, or the same ONGs who
worked for Khumb Mela.
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Final Report – Part A
Possible actions to be implemented during the Mela are the following:
Short duration film (1 minute), highlighting how people should behave in
order not to pollute the mela ground and the Ganga, can be displayed at
several locations. This shall include faces and messages of eminent
personalities to make good impact among common people.
b) Sagar Island and the Mela Ground has a limited number of entry points so it
is possible to forbid the entry of plastic in the mela by keeping strong vigil in
this points
Vendors may be given a reduction in the rentals if they commit to use paper
bags, salpata plats, etc. instead of the plastic items. Also they will have to
make sure that users dispose of waste in the bins provided by the future SWM
scheme otherwise they will have to pay a penalty.
Community Campsite
The project consists in the construction of a low-cost community-managed
Campsite equipped with 30 permanent bungalows. There will be 2 models of
bungalows, for 2 to 6 people. These bungalows will be wooden (for 2 people) or
half-tented for easy removal, storage and maintenance. The campsite will offer
facilities (maintained toilets and showers, Internet access…) and extra services
(rental of badminton sets, cycles, books…). The site will be appropriately
beautified with local plants and the management will be done by local staff under
supervision of the CBTC.
As far as possible, the campsite will be equipped and will promote the use of
renewable energies and sustainable consumption.
The Campsite is located between roads 4 and 5, between the Tourist lodge
complex being built by the Ministry of Tourism and the bus stand (Fig.1).
Opposite to the Campsite and set in the building constructed on the Project
Implementation Cell’s land (a very convenient location close to the hotels, the
Interpretation Center and the N°2 Bus station), the Community Facility Centre
hosts the administration and maintenance offices of the Campsite.
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Final Report – Part A
Pic#10 – Plan of the Campsite
Pic#12: Suggestions for bungalows and tents:
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Final Report – Part A
Community-based Homestays
The plan proposal consists in the organization and development of a guest-houses
service directly managed by local community, enabling activities development
and cultural exchanges.
This option consists in the organization of 5 homestays in the surrounding
villages. Tourists can stay overnight and share village life at selected community
houses. The houses will be selected from voluntary families, according to their
visual and cultural interest (location, sightseeing, architecture, etc.). The
motivated voluntary families, members of the SCBTA, will be trained on basics of
CBT (Cf. ”Institutional Development”).
5 houses will be selected in 5 villages (one family house per village), located
within the buffer zone (5 km around KMT) including:
- Gangasagar
- Beguakhali
- Natendrapur
- Purrusottampur
- Sibpur
Ganga Sagar Tourism Office and Community Shop
The GSTO is in charge of 3 main activities:
- The information of the public (tourists and pilgrims) re transportations (bus and
ferries time schedules, taxi fares…);
- The promotion of the place, towards tour operators from Kolkata and other
places through the presentation of the attractions of the area and the different
cultural and leisure activities, displayed in the Museum and in the villages. The
GSTO will offer:
 Free maps of the area,
 Interpretation leaflets,
 Information about the issues in this region and the local initiatives that are
being taken…
 The promotion and commercialization of the community activities:
- Booking of homestays accommodation,
- Bicycle rental and tourist platform rickshaw booking,
- Boat trips (canals and mangrove excursions, sunset tour…),
- Guide hiring,
- Taxi booking…
GSTO will host The Community Shop, which will develop, promote and sell
community-made local handicraft products adapted to city tourists expectations
(design and style):
 Local organic food items as pickles and jams;
 Tie-dye and stamp clothes (pyjamas, saris, longhis, scarves, table clothes,
cushion covers…),
 Handicraft made from local natural fibers and straw (baskets, matresses,
hats), iron and wood artefacts, recycled products (using plastic, tyres…)
 Locally-made offerings to be sold to pilgrims for pujas in the temple;
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Bengal and provision of Supervision Support during implementation of the Plan
Final Report – Part A
Postcards, souvenirs (different from the ones available in the Dala
Arcade), books and guides relevant to the site and the museum themes and
displays (religion, mythology…).
The community-ruled Ganga Sagar Tourism Office and shop will be located in
the eastern wing of the ground floor of the outside amphitheatre, at the entrance of
the museum, near the restaurant & café and the Museum office. Its surface is
Pic#13: Facilities located under the amphitheatre
Ganga Sagar Tourism Office
& Community Shop
& Café
Community Restaurant & Café
The Community Restaurant & Café is run by a Self Help Group of local women,
members of SCBTA, who display and sell their own specialties, made with local
organic products.
The goal of this restaurant is to:
 provide original recipes made from local women, promoting local organic
 enable the development of packaged food items made by the women SHG (a
specific brand could be created to market local organic products);
 retain visitors in the Museum and make it an activities’ hub;
 create full-time employments and extra employment during Mela time.
The community-ruled restaurant & cafe will be located in the eastern wing of the
ground floor of the outside amphitheatre, at the entrance of the museum.
Its surface is 60sqm, with an open-air terrace shaded by trees.
Run by women members of the SCBTA, it sells traditional meals found in local
restaurants, with an emphasize on their own home specialties, made as far as
possible with local organic products.
Other facilities
Other planned facilities include:
- 1 kids playground, located in front of the new restaurant;
- 1 exercise trail along the west side of the beach, consisting of 10 halts with
wooden poles assembled for exercise purpose, spread along a 1 km trail on the
sand under the casuarinas and along the fishermen’s village;
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Bengal and provision of Supervision Support during implementation of the Plan
Final Report – Part A
- 10 open terraces on the beach, made of wood, covered with straw and
containing fixed tables and benches; they are disposed every 100m, 50m above
the high-tide level;
- 20 picnic tables and benches, locally built, disseminated on the Mela ground.
With the purpose to assist local stakeholders to set up the ecotourism development
model, including the CBT Council and the CBT Committee and its SubCommittees, the Consultant will organize specific training activities during the
first phase of the implementation of Part-C of the present assignment.
This capacity building and training activities will be as follows:
- Capacity building of the organization in charge of the implementation of the
communities’ trainings (“Train the trainers” activity) in the first stage of the
- Training of the defined community members involved in the different activities;
- Capacity building of the CBT Committee (CBTC) ;
- Sensitization of the communities on the need for conservation.
Although capacity development programs are common in Sagar Island on several
topics, Community-based tourism (CBT) is a new concept; as the actual tourists
are all religious pilgrims coming for the Temple, even the basics of tourism
activities are new to the majority of the population.
For the success of mobilization, the CBT component of the main project needs to
be managed on the long run by a local infrastructure: the CBTC is in charge of
this aspect.
The CBT Council and Committee (and its Sub-Committees) will be trained in all
the management aspects by the expert team of the Consultant in collaboration
with renowned local organizations, knowing the culture, the people and having a
strong experience in the field of capacity building programs and education. Few
organizations are present in Sagar and already active, especially in the fields of
health, sanitation and agriculture (farming, poultry, husbandry…).
The selected local organization, hired on a contractor basis for the subcomponents of the capacity building programs, are therefore trained on all the
CBT aspects by the Consultant, with a strong emphasize on the set up of the
governance model.
The beneficiaries will be:
 The NGOs active locally, selected by the consultant to accompany the projects
components on the long run;
 Community members involved in the Museum compound activities
(restaurant/café cooks and employees, shopkeepers, Tourism Information
employees, maintenance employees…);
 Community members involved in activities outside the Museum (selected
homestays, guides, fishermen, handicraft groups, cart drivers…);
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 The CBTC on the management of the overall project components and the
development of the community activities.
The objectives are to:
 work with the existing social structures and identify the resource persons;
 enable women, young and poor people to access activities and being
sustainable in the long term;
- promote the concept of CBT and tourism activities among local
communities and villagers;
- run and manage tourist services (food, accommodation and activities) for
Sagar inhabitants, tourists and KMT visitors;
- provide employment to the local people through rendering services to
Project components will include:
 Interviews and Focus Group Discussions with the leaders of the 5 villages
concerned by the Ecotourism Development Plan (views on emerging
challenges and implication on their livelihoods and conservation, selection of
 Capacity building of the NGOs;
 Capacity building and training of all the people involved in tourism activities,
from qualified to operational:
- Managing Directorate: projects management and supervision, role and
- Implementation Unit: administration, communication;
- CBT Committees;
- Homestays owners (after selection of 5 houses): guest management,
- Museum employees: duties and maintenance;
- Restaurant management: local cuisine, conservation, hygiene, day to day
- GSTO: administration, ITC, social networks, promotion…;
- Guides: guest management, English, history of Sagar, population and
religions, activities, Kapil Muni Temple, Sundarbans region, mangrove…;
- Boat/fishermen: security and safety rules…;
- Handicraft organizations: innovative products, gastronomy items (pickles
and jams), fair trade branding, market and marketing, accountancy…;
- Maintenance team: training on all the aspects of usual maintenance of
commonly used produts (electricity, bikes, repair…);
- Creation of tourism trails, inside and around the villages, as well as on the
The proposed facilities and interventions has been spatially located appropriately
bringing in compatible, sustainable and pleasant landscape established in tandem with
other eco-tourim initiatives. For this the present large camp site in front of Kapil
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Muni Temple has been re-visited taking in to consideration the scenic quality of the
area, architectural necessity and requirements of sanitation and waste managment
especially during mela time. The proposed eco-tourism trail routes and proposed
village home stay tourism plans have been integrated to be a part of this landscape
development. The challenge to develop a sustainable landscape system attractive and
elastic enough to accommodate demands of accommodation, sanitation and waste
management for temporary population of several lakhs during mela time that reduces
to a few thousands during rest of the year has been met.
Tree planting
Trees will be planted around the proposed facilities to beautify the sites and provide
shades to tourist. This will include the eco-campsite, the museum, the bus stand, and
main roads
Removal of wirings
As part of the beautification of the main camp site the electrical wiring which is
disturbing the natural beauty of the area shall be removed replaced by underground
wiring. Sockets shall be places at the base of the light poles allowing vendors, to plug
their electrical units.
Other facilities proposed by Sundarban Development Board such as Greenhouse,
Centre for art and crafts and Handicrafts exhibition centre might be taken into
consideration for future, long term development plans in case the embryonic
facilities within the Museum will require larger spaces.
Program implementation
6.1 Timetable of projects and activities
Based on the program need and budget amount, the Consultant propose to
implement the different proposal proposals and activities as listed in the table
Projects / Activities
in 2 years
Projects / Activities
in 5 years
Projects / Activities
in 10 years
Cultural infrastructures
- Museum and
interpretation centre
- Nat Mandir
- Dhala Arcade
 Basic infrastructures
- Bus station
- Sanitation (623 toilet
units, considering an user
load of 117 per toilet unit)
- Awareness campaign on
Open Defecation Free
 Basic infrastructures
- Sanitation (200
additional toilet units)
To be estimated after
monitoring the 5 previous years.
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Zone for Mela Ground
- Drainage system
- Solid Waste Management
- Awareness campaign on
solid waste management
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Projects / Activities
in 2 years
 Tourism facilities
- Ecotourism camp-site
- Home-stays
- Ganga Sagar Tourism
Office and Community
- Community managed
restaurant & Café
- Other facilities (Kid
playground, open terraces
and picnic tables on the
 Institutional development
- Community-Based
Tourism Capacitybuilding and Training
- Community-Based
Tourism Governance
 Landscape improvements
- Tree planting
Projects / Activities
in 5 years
Projects / Activities
in 10 years
 Landscape improvements
- Removal of wirings
 Other Facilities
- Greenhouse
- Centre for art and crafts
- Handicrafts exhibition
The project proposals included in the group “Other Facilities” will be initially
included in the museum (especially, the centre for art and crafts and the
handicrafts exhibition centre). It is because, during the first implementation years,
tourist flows are not important yet and these facilities will be organized at their
embryonic status. However, they could have to be built separately in around 10
years, when tourist flows have increased dramatically, especially during not mela
6.2 Implementation arrangements
Construction of civil structures will commence upon the award of the work to a
contractor following application of the World Bank’s standard procurement
procedure after submission of the tender documents prepared by the Consultant
and duly approved by the competent authority. Construction will be supervised by
the selected Supervision Consultant Group following the standard procedure of
the Government procedure of payment of works.
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Preparation of an Integrated Eco-Tourism Development Plan for Sagar Island in West
Bengal and provision of Supervision Support during implementation of the Plan
Final Report – Part A
6.3 Operation and maintenance management plan
The O&M management will be in the hands of local people and service providers
of the facilities. The elected representatives of various levels will head such
management bodies.
For this reason, the Consultant consider important to conceptualize and develop
the Operation and Maintenance Management Plan of the different infrastructures
in collaboration with the Sagar Community Based Tourism Development Council,
after its organization.
Estimated budget
7.1 Program implementation costs
Total budget for the implementation of the ecotourism development program is
346.6 million INR, as showed in the following table:
Cultural infrastructures
COSTS (in INR) (Million)
Museum and interpretation centre
Nat Mandir
Dhala Arcade
Basic infrastructures
Bus station
Awareness campaign on Open Defecation Free Zone for
Mela Ground
Drainage system
Solid Waste Management
Awareness campaign on solid waste management
Tourism facilities
Ecotourism camp-site
Ganga Sagar Tourism Office and Community Shop
Community managed restaurant & Café
(Included in Museum and
Interpretation Centre)
Other facilities (Kid playground, open terraces and picnic
tables on the beach)
Institutional development
Community-Based Tourism Capacity-building and Training
Community-Based Tourism Governance Model
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Bengal and provision of Supervision Support during implementation of the Plan
Final Report – Part A
COSTS (in INR) (Million)
Landscape improvements
Tree planting
Removal of wirings
Other Facilities
Biodiversity interpretation centre
Centre for art and crafts
Handicrafts exhibition centre
(Included in Museum and
Interpretation Centre)
7.2 Cost of operation and maintenance
The basic philosophy regarding meeting the cost of O & M will be that the
operators or managements of the facilities are to generate their own resources for
operation and maintenance of the facilities. Government will neither be interfering
with the management nor it will financially support the facilities’ operation and
Please, see next paragraph 8.1 for more details about the long term sustainability
approach that will be implemented by local stakeholders.
Long term sustainability
8.1 Expected social and economic impacts
The present ecotourism development model has been conceived to be long term
sustainable. In particular, local population will manage directly the infrastructures
and ecotourism activities identified during this assignment, allowing them to
create new job opportunities and generate new incomes for local population.
Considering the new infrastructures and tourism activities that will be developed
through the ecotourism development program, the revenues for local population
will be made as follows:
 Management of the infrastructures: museum, parking, toilettes and SWM
 Tourism services and activities: accommodation, food&beverage, tourism
activities (such as, excursion for tourists, tourism guides, etc.), handicraft
Out of the revenue made on the activities and products sold, and after payment of
fair wages and fees to the members involved in activities according to a “Long
HYDEA SpA – Ghosh Bosh & Associates
Preparation of an Integrated Eco-Tourism Development Plan for Sagar Island in West
Bengal and provision of Supervision Support during implementation of the Plan
Final Report – Part A
Term Sustainability Chart”, the benefits are saved on a community fund in order
- be re-invested into the community business to expand and diversify the
products and activities (to buy land for expansion, to build new bungalows, to
maintain trails across the villages, water pumps, bridges, roads, ponds…);
- Support community projects such as schools, health centers, bridges…;
- Set up villages micro finance establishments to assist especially women SHG
and young entrepreneurs.
Benefit sharing is mediated through transparent and participatory mechanisms and
processes. The “fair” wages and the percentage remaining for the community fund
will be decided by the SCBT Council. The community fund shall be transparent
and accountable, to reduce potential conflicts among community members.
Fig.4: Community Benefits sharing mechanism
IMPORTANT: During the implementation of Part-B, the Consultant will work
hand by hand with local stakeholders and local communities to set-up the
Community Fund and all regulation needed for the long term sustainability model.
Referring to the generation of new job opportunities for local population, it is
expected that the project will generate around 750 new jobs during mela time as
showed by table#1:
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Preparation of an Integrated Eco-Tourism Development Plan for Sagar Island in West
Bengal and provision of Supervision Support during implementation of the Plan
Final Report – Part A
Museum *
Job creation
This the personnel for tourism services provided in
the museum.
a) Director - Could be appointed from the
associated institutions and be non-resident, just
involved in producing the exhibitions.
b) Curators - 3 No. (also could be appointed from
associated institutions and be non-resident, just
involved in producing the exhibitions)
c) Guards - 4 No. ( 2 day and 2 night)
d) Ticket office/book shop operators - 2 No.
e) Cleaners - 2 No.
f) Cooks - 2 No.
g) Servers for tables - 4 No.
Totals = Museum Staff = 4; Local Staff = 15
It includes one Director and four assistances
Dalha Arcade *
responsible for operation and maintenance of the
It includes one Director and four assistances
Parking *
responsible for operation and maintenance of the
It includes 475 staff managing the toilets and 50
people for green police. These people is considered
475 + 50 =
during mela time. After the mela time, it is
Sanitation / Toilets *
estimated around 20-30 permanent staffs for
maintenance of the permanent toilets created under
this program.
It includes the following people:
- Responsible for SWM operations – n.1
- Responsible for Composting Plant – n.2
- Responsible for public awareness strategy – n.1
- Responsible for waste reduction and recycling
- n.1
- Refuse workers – n.6
- Waste pickers – n.4
It includes one Director and 14 assistances
Eco camping *
responsible for operation and maintenance of the
It includes an average of four people working for
each homestay
This is the estimation of local population that will
be involved in the new tourism services that will be
Tourism activities
organized by local population: tourist guides, local
transport, fishermen, handicraft, etc.
* It has to be considered as temporary employment. Its pick is during mela time, while they will
be reduced during not mela times.
8.2 Environmental impacts
It is expected that the activities related to the construction of the sanitation system,
the solid waste infrastructures, and the drainage system will enhance sensitively
the present environmental quality of the project area.
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Bengal and provision of Supervision Support during implementation of the Plan
Final Report – Part A
Referring to the water contamination, based on a study1 on the quality condition
of the water in the creek in the project area before and after Ganga Sagar Mela,
“the comparative study of environmental parameters indicated a degradation of
quality of environment basically by human waste, and it showed a persistent
nature for at least one to two months……As expected, the worst affected
parameter of the environmental quality was found to be the bacterial count of the
surface water followed by the hardness and dissolved Oxygen. While the
enhancement of fecal coliform count were between 1.5 to 34 times depending
upon the specific site locations during GSM period, the depletion of dissolved
oxygen were at most 7 per cent, with up to 80 per cent increase in hardness.
Comparatively higher degradation of seawater quality in respect to the organic
pollution has been reported at the Eastern side of Sagar beach at Dhablat, where
the Sagar canal meets the Bay of Bengal. The maximum organic pollution was
found at Canal near Jhauban, which is nearest to the temporary toilet complex
and also an area of fish drying”. Implementation of the present program, with the
construction of additional basic infrastructure facilities (like sanitation, solid
waste management facilities) during Ganga Sagar Mela, and the training of local
people and awareness
campaigns addressed to local population and
pilgrims/tourists, will reduce sensitively the present contamination level of the
water, putting them under the stipulated standard levels for the human health.
Referring to the solid waste management, as stated by the analysis (see Position
Paper on Solid Waste Management), there are little data about the present
situation. However, the Consultant has found out that solid waste is simply buried
in pits dug in the project area. These pits are excavated during the year from
animals (or people), spreading the waste on the whole project area. The solid
waste infrastructure that will be built with the present project and the information
and awareness activities addressed to local population and pilgrims / tourists will
eliminate the present problems.
Finally, referring to the drainage system, as detected by the topographical
analysis the present tide level during monsoon season is around 5,5m above mean
sea level, covering the major part of the area in the project area. The solution
proposed by the Consultant aims to eliminate the problem in the Southern portion
of mela ground, including the camp-site and the high activity zones of Ganga
Sagar Mela.
8.3 Mitigation and management measures
All project proposal and activities of the ecotourism development plan will
improve the present situation of the project area, without affecting local
“Impact of Gangasagar Mela on Sustainability of Sagar Island, West Bengal, India” International Journal of Research in Chemistry and Environment Vol. 2 Issue 1 January 2012(140144)
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Bengal and provision of Supervision Support during implementation of the Plan
Final Report – Part A
There is only one family which has recently built their house made in mud and
reeds/wood at the corner of the land identified by the Consultant for the
construction of the museum / interpretation center. It has been constructed without
authorization during the last two months. After consultations with the Consultant,
local Government already started negotiations with this family with the purpose to
remove the house from the museum area.
Conclusions and recommendations
Sagar Island is at its first stage of tourism development circle, and it is possible to
say that “the Island is starting its tourism development, slowly”.
Globally seen, Sagar Island is an appreciated religious destination able to attract
tens of thousands of tourists / pilgrims within the year. This tourism is manly
concentrated during a very short time in January of each year (Ganga Sagar
Mela), while during the rest of the year the flows are very limited, with the
exception of other two minor melas and other local and State events.
This Ecotourism Development Plan shall be considered as an opportunity for
Sagar Island to develop local economy through tourism, especially considering its
integrated approach. For this reason, some suggestions that should be taken into
consideration during the implementation of the Plan, are listed as follows:
Involve as much as possible local NGOs and state universities for
capacity building and training activities.
As stated in the PPs analysis, local stakeholders and population are not used
to the tourism industry yet. Local economy is mainly based on traditional
agriculture and fishing, while there is a general lack of skills and competences
on how the tourism product is structured and the tourism sector is organized.
Training and technical assistance are two very important activities to be
addressed to local population with the aim to involve them into the tourism
sector. To do this, it will be very important to collaborate with local NGOs,
already working in the project area, and state universities. It is because they
already know the local stakeholders, making easier their involvement in the
next project activities (organization of the Community-based Tourism
Council, Committees, etc.)
Establish the Community Based Tourism Council and Committees as
important tools where public and private sectors and local communities
works together for promoting economic development through tourism.
There is growing consensus that successful tourism development entails
integrating the participation of local businesses, tourists, local governments,
and local residents. Maximum visitor enjoyment and local economic benefit
can only be attained by a coordinated focus that brings local issues and
concerns to the attention of regional and state decision-makers. The structural
organization of the Ecotourism Development Model has been conceived to
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Preparation of an Integrated Eco-Tourism Development Plan for Sagar Island in West
Bengal and provision of Supervision Support during implementation of the Plan
Final Report – Part A
stimulate the collaboration of all key actors of the project area for tourism
development. For this purpose, permanent information and communication
with all key actors will make the process transparent and so accessible to all
stakeholders, without preferences or discriminations.
More appropriate roles for government as a facilitator rather than as an
actor in the tourism industry.
Very often, the most important role played by local governments in tourism
development is not only referred to its financial funds availability, but also to
its role as legislation maker. In Sagar Island, local government will be
responsible to develop the present legislation framework in a way to help the
development of new tourism services, mainly managed by micro enterprises.
The Consultant will dedicate specific training for public officers with the
purpose to develop skills and competences of the public sector on this issue.
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Preparation of an Integrated Eco-Tourism Development Plan for Sagar Island in West Bengal and provision of Supervision Support during
implementation of the Plan
Final Report – Annex 1
Annex 1 - Monitoring and evaluation arrangements
Benchmark standard
Method of monitoring
1. Open defecation
0 incidences
Hourly on
each day
Visual inspection
2. Adequacy of toilet units
(temporary, mobile and
Provision of 1 toilet facility per 100
pilgrims during mela /
Provision of 25 pilgrims per toilet
after mela
Daily during
after mela
counting by the Toilet guards/gate
keepers, money earned from the
toilets after mela
3. Quality of creek and sea
As per bathing water standard of
Govt of India
(pH: 6.5- 8.5 , DO: > 5 mg/l,,
BOD5,20 < 3 mg/l,
Fecal coliform) < 2500 MPN/100
2 times a
day during
mela and
once a week
after mela at
4. Quality of treated
Effluent discharged from
the toilet
Standard set by MoEF for discharge
to Inland surface water (BOD5,20:
<= 20 mg/l
TSS,: <= 30 mg/l
Fecal Coliform: <10000 MPN/100
ml )
Once a day
from each
toilet block
during mela
and once a
week after
mela ,
Sampling locations: i)Behind Kapil
Muni Temple, ii) where the creek
meets the sea near the Casuarinas
Plantation, iii) location where
proposed flap gates are set up 12hour composed samples are to be
prepared by taking sample from
whole width of the creek
Laboratory analysis of relevant
Sample to be collected at the outlet of
the toilet blocks Laboratory analysis
of relevant parameters based on
MOEF guidleine
Public Health Engineering
Directorate (PHED), Mela
authority (during mela) and
green police/ volunteers,
representatives of
Toilet block supervisors
during mela, representatives of
Sagar Community based
tourism council after mela
PHED with assistance from
local toilet operators during
Representative of Sagar
Community based tourism
council in collaboration with
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Preparation of an Integrated Eco-Tourism Development Plan for Sagar Island in West Bengal and provision of Supervision Support during
implementation of the Plan
Final Report – Annex 1
Benchmark standard
1. Waste is collected in all mela
ground avoiding littering of roads
and open spaces
100% of waste is
2. Sorting of waste implemented at
SWM facilities
100% of waste is
3. Organic waste delivered and
processed in the composting plant
100% of organic waste
is composted
Burning of waste is
eliminated to stop air
nuisance and pollution
100% of recyclables
waste is recovered
100% of nonrecoverable waste is
disposed in a landfill
4. Burning of waste eliminated
5. Recyclables sold in the local
6. Residual waste is collected by
covered vehicles and disposed of in
the landfill
7. Disposal of waste into pits dug into
the beach is completely eliminated
8. Quality of compost compliant to
standard of composting specified
Municipal Solid Waste
(Management and Handling) Rules,
9. Satisfaction of the tourists
regarding beach maintenance
0 incidence
As per standard
specified in schedule
IV of Municipal Solid
Waste (Management
and Handling) Rules,
At least 80% of tourists
is satisfied about
maintenance of the
Twice a day
(morning and
Twice a day
(morning and
Method of monitoring
Visual inspection
Visual inspection
Visual inspection
Visual inspection
Visual inspection
Local community
After the
Visual inspection and check of
landfill receipts
Twice a day
(morning and
Visual inspection
process is
Laboratory analysis of
relevant parameters
Once during
mela time and
twice during
the year
Direct interviews with tourists
/ visitors
Sagar Community Based Tourism
Twice a day
(morning and
After the
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Preparation of an Integrated Eco-Tourism Development Plan for Sagar Island in West Bengal and provision of Supervision Support during
implementation of the Plan
Final Report – Annex 1
Benchmark standard
Method of monitoring
No person sleeping in
the open
Clean kitchen and
dining area and no stale
Daily at night
Visual inspection
Police department
Twice daily
Visual inspection and tasting
of sampling
Block food inspector
0 incidence
Inspection of records of
health camps
Block health inspectors
Visual estimation
Transport department
Number of tourists / visitors
registered by the eco campsite
Sagar Community Based Tourism
6. Number of tourists / pilgrims
visiting the area
At least 7% annual
increment during Mela
and around 25% within
the year
Once a year
Cross-data of:
- number of passengers of
the ferry-boat
- number of visitors to the
museum and the Temple
7. Number of tourists / pilgrims
visiting the museum
At least 40.000 visitors
during mela time and
around 300.000 visitors
within the year (after 5
years of project
Once each
three months
1. Shelters for night stay
2. Availability of quality food
3. Incidence of gastro-enteritis
4. Availability of means of road
transport and river crossing
5. Occupancy rate of the eco campsite
No assembly of more
than 10 people waiting
for road transport at
any time
and no assembly of
more than 50 people at
the ferry ghat
100% during Mela time
and at least 40% during
no mela time (tourism
number of tickets sold
Transport department
Sagar Community Based Tourism
Sagar Community Based Tourism
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Preparation of an Integrated Eco-Tourism Development Plan for Sagar Island in West Bengal and provision of Supervision Support during
implementation of the Plan
Final Report – Annex 1
8. Shops open all year round
9. Increment of incomes generated by
shops in Ganga Sagar
10. Number of regional TTOOs
proposing the destination
11. Expenditure of tourists
Benchmark standard
At least 70 permanent
shops open all year
At least 30% after one
year of project
At least 5 regional
TTOOs promoting and
selling tourism in the
project area
At least 30% more after
one year of project
Once a year
Once a year
Method of monitoring
Number of authorizations
Visual inspection
Sagar Community Based Tourism
Personal interviews with
shop owners
Sagar Community Based Tourism
Once a year
Interviews with TT.OOs
Sagar Community Based Tourism
Once during
mela time
Interviews with tourists
Sagar Community Based Tourism
Hydea SpA – Ghosh Bosh & Associates
Preparation of an Integrated Eco-Tourism Development Plan for Sagar Island in West Bengal and provision of Supervision Support during
implementation of the Plan
Final Report – Annex 1
Benchmark standard
1. Number of local people trained
about tourism development and its
At least 200 local
people before
finalization of the
2. % of local population sensitized
about ecotourism development
3. Number of local NGOs
implementing training and
awareness activities related to CTB
4. % of Scholars among the visitors of
the Museum
5. Number of permanent jobs created
by the CBT activities
6. % of women, young and disabled
employed in CBT activities
7. % of tourists vs pilgrims
Method of monitoring
Once each six
Participant registration to the
training courses
Sagar Community Based Tourism
At least 50% of total
local population in the
project area
Once a year
Direct interviews with local
Number of local people
Sagar Community Based Tourism
At least 3 local NGOs
after project
Once a year
Direct interviews with local
Sagar Community Based Tourism
Once a year
Tickets sold registered by the
Sagar Community Based Tourism
Once a year
Direct interviews with local
Sagar Community Based Tourism
Direct interviews with local
Direct interviews with tourists
and visitors
Sagar Community Based Tourism
Sagar Community Based Tourism
At least 10% of total
At least 200 permanent
jobs created after
project finalization
At least 40% of total
At least 40% of visitors
are tourists
Once a year
Once each
three months
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Preparation of an Integrated Eco-Tourism Development Plan for Sagar Island in West
Bengal and provision of Supervision Support during implementation of the Plan
Final Report (Part-A) – Annex 2
Annex 2 - Operation and Maintenance
The present Annex includes the operation and Maintenance arrangements about
Sanitation, SWM, main infrastructures and the tourism facilities. For the Museum,
due to its importance, the Consultant proposes to define the O&M in collaboration
with the Sagar Community Based Tourism Council, after its organization (during
the implementation of Part-C of the present assignment).
O&M During the mela:
The maintenance of the toilet units will mainly involve cleaning at regular interval
and sprinkling of bleaching powder. Approximately gives INR 121 is required for
each toilet unit. which include cost of daily cleaning including costs of bleaching
powder, lime powder, broom, mug, bucket, detergent powder, phenyl. So the cost
for 650 units (if provided) will be around INR 0.055 million during the seven
days of mela.
It is suggested that except the 130 permanent pay and use toilet units, all other
toilet units are operated free of cost during the mela.
Man-power requirement
Considering a toilet block of 10 toilet units, the manpower requirement during
mela will be
i) 2 gate keepers cum user manager for two shifts (they will double up as money
collector in case of pay and use toilets. The gate keepers will also be trained
for solving small plumbing problems and other fixing works.
ii) 2 janitors for two shifts (each shift will be for 12 hours). The janitors will also
act as a part of the observer who will keep and watch within an area of 100 m
of the toilet block and in case anyone commits open defecation or urination in
this area, they will ask them to use the toilet. If they do not oblige, it will be
brought to the notice of the green police (see later)
For four toilet blocks of 10 units there will be one supervisor, his main
responsibility will be to ensure the cleanliness of the units by supervising the
janitor, arranging supply of materials for maintenance, coordination of changing
of shifts and keeping eye on the ODF offenders. The gate keepers and janitors of
the female toilet blocks will be all female. For four blocks two reserve janitors
may be kept (one male and one female). Thus a gang of 19 people will look after
four toilet blocks during the mela. In case additional 75 toilet block and 25 MTVs
Kumbh Mela 2010 for construction of temporary toilet with Superstructure, As different places
of Kumbh Mela, 2010, Sulabh International Social Service Organisation.. Dehradun, 2010
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Bengal and provision of Supervision Support during implementation of the Plan
Final Report (Part-A) – Annex 2
(in say detailed break up above) are installed during the mela, the number of
persons required for operation and maintenance will be around 475 . However, in
case of mobile toilets, the numbers may be reduced slightly. Considering average
salary as 1000 INR during the mela, the total cost for the O&M people will be
around 0.48 million INR
For the maintenance of the toilets, a committee may be formed with
representatives from Ganga Sagar GP, the Mela committee, the PHE department,
the South 24 Pargana Jilla Parsihad and the self help groups in the Sagar Island.
They will recruit the persons and if required provide prior training.
O&M During the Normal Period:
Apart from typical maintenance of the cleanliness of the toilet units, main
maintenance issue during the normal period is:
Maintenance of the sub structure of the semi-permanent toilet blocks: The
main concern are the maintenance of squatting plates and associated
plumbing units, which will be left at site and will be covered by pre cast
concrete block The walls, roof and the doors of the temporary toilets will be
dismantled and stored suitably for future use.
ii) One or two toilet units in any toilet block 10 units will be operated through
out the year.
iii) Handling of septage from the existing and new septic tank units (if provided).
Generally septage form the septic tank is co treated with the sewage sludge of
a sewage treatment plant. The closest STP near the Sagar island is the South
Subarban East STP in the Kolkata Municipality area, at a distance of around
110 km. So the septage is to be handled in the island. Considering high user
load on the septic tank units during the mela, the tanks need to be cleaned
every year before starting of the mela. It is suggested that one cesspool
cleaning tank is purchased from the fund available for the ICZM project. A
tank of capacity 3000 litre, can clean around 1 septic tank per day (capacity
around 10 m3). So the existing septic tanks (around 60 in the mela area for the
toilets blocks exclusively used for mela) can be cleaned in 2 -3 months time.
During remaining period of the year, it can be used for the buildings in the
In absence of any septage treatment system, the digester tanks can be fed with
the septage collected from septic tanks. That will reduce the distance to be
travelled by the tanks every day and the cost of fuel consumption can be
During the normal period one gate keeper for each toilet block and one janitor for
10 toilet units will be sufficient.
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Bengal and provision of Supervision Support during implementation of the Plan
Final Report (Part-A) – Annex 2
Solid Waste Management
Operation of the composting plant include the following 9 steps:
 Step 1: Sorting
 Step 2: Mixing
 Step 3: Piling the Waste
 Step 4: Turning of Windrows
 Step 5: Temperature Control
 Step 6: Moisture Control
 Step 7: Maturing / Curing
 Step 8: Screening
 Step 9: Storage and Bagging
Operational safety and health protection for workers should be the priority
concern. Workers are obliged to wear protective gear like uniforms, gloves and
boots at any stage when they are handling waste and compost.
Step 1: Sorting
Compost quality is mainly determined by the quality of the input material. Hence,
the sorting of the waste plays a vital role. Substances which are not biodegradable
need to be separated from the biodegradable fraction. Sorting is especially crucial
with regard to hazardous materials. They must be removed before the composting
piles are formed otherwise they will contaminate the entire pile and severely
compromise the final compost quality.
As soon as the mixed waste
arrives at the composting
site, it is separated manually
into biodegradable material,
recyclables, and rejects.
Manual sorting will be done
on the ground with a small
rake as normally done in
West Bengal. Workers must
wear protective gloves,
boots and masks as they are
in close contact with the
Figure 1, Sorting of incoming waste
Rejects and recyclables are sorted into different buckets and/or baskets.
Recyclables are stored for sale in a shed. Rejects are temporarily stored on-site
before being transported to the landfill whereas the biodegradable waste fraction
is further processed inside the plant. After having finished the sorting process, the
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Final Report (Part-A) – Annex 2
sorting platform is cleaned. No waste should remain overnight on the sorting
platform as it can attract vermin and cause smell.
Step 2: Mixing
The ratio of carbon (C) to nitrogen (N) - also called C/N ratio is very important
for the biological degradation of organic waste. Both C and N are feedstock for
micro-organisms responsible for the degradation of the organic matter. While
carbon is important for the cell proliferation, nitrogen is the nutrient source.
Generally one can classify “green” materials (Cow/chicken manure, vegetable and
fruit waste, grass cutting, etc.) as being high in nitrogen and “brown” materials
(Leaves, twigs/grances, wood chips, saw dust) as high in carbon. Household waste
can be considered being already a combination of green and brown waste. The
input material should have a carbon/ nitrogen ratio of 25:1 to 40:1 to allow most
degradation of the organic
High in
Waste Type
High in
The wide range of the C/N Cow/chicken manure 2-4 X
Vegetable waste 11-13 X
ratio already indicates that Grass cutting 15 X
a certain variation of waste Fruit waste 20-49 X
components is possible. It Household waste 34-80 X X
Leaves 40-80 X
is recommended to keep Park waste: twigs/ branches,
incoming “brown” waste wood chips, saw dust
separate from “green”
waste and to add it later depending on the composition of the waste produced
during the melas. For a start, these “green” materials and “brown” materials are
mixed in equal volumes. This ratio may need to be adjusted if the composting
process is not satisfying. For instance, if the waste is very wet with little structure
(e.g. kitchen or restaurant waste) the fraction of “brown” materials has to be
increased to correct the C:N ratio, but also to reduce the moisture content and to
encourage the movement of air.
It will take some time to learn the specifics of waste produced during the melas.
Over time, the plant manager will get a keen sense of how to mix the different
incoming waste types and when to add wood chips or animal manure.
Step 3: Piling the Waste on aerators
The sorted organic waste is loosely heaped onto bamboo aerators and formed into
long piles (windrows) as shown in the pictures below.
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Preparation of an Integrated Eco-Tourism Development Plan for Sagar Island in West
Bengal and provision of Supervision Support during implementation of the Plan
Final Report (Part-A) – Annex 2
Figure 2, Windrows piled on bamboo aerators.
The composting piles have a width of 1.6 m a length of 2-3 m and a maximum
height of 1.6 m. The waste of 2 to 3 days can thus be accumulated on one aerator.
It is not recommended to take more than three days to build a windrow because
this would lead to inhomogeneous decomposition. A windrow should have
volume of approximately 5 m3 and hold about 4 tons of organic waste This
windrow design allows sufficient oxygen supply and optimal heat generation,
maximising the decomposition rate of the waste. The aerators and the restricted
height and width ensure sufficient oxygen supply and prevent the pile from
overheating. (Heat is developed in a compost pile that has the right conditions of
C:N ratio, moisture content and air supply because huge numbers of bacteria are
actively feeding on the waste.
Step 4: Turning of Windrows
One of the important factors
sufficient supply of air.
Within a few days, aerobic
consuming an enormous
amount of oxygen. A lack of
oxygen likely favors the
organisms which cause
Figure 3, Turning of Windrows
conditions slow down the degradation process resulting in a longer composting
period. Thus, attention must be given to ensuring an adequate air supply.
The bamboo aerators already increase the oxygen supply by passive aeration
through the bottom. Turning the material frequently as shown in the picture aside
provides additional oxygen to the system as the waste comes into contact with
fresh air.
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Bengal and provision of Supervision Support during implementation of the Plan
Final Report (Part-A) – Annex 2
The system described here is based on manual turning The composted material is
removed from the aerators with rakes, taking care not to damage the aerators. The
presence of steam is a good indicator of the effectiveness of the composting
process. Initially the material should be turned 2 to 3 times per week as the
composting process is very active with a high oxygen demand and reaching
temperatures up to 70°C. When the temperature starts to drop, the pile still needs
to be turned every 10 days. In total 5 to 8 turnings within 40 days are necessary.
Turning of waste will have the following effects:
 It helps to keep the pile temperature within the optimum range of 60–
65°C: If the temperature becomes too high the material remains spread out
on the floor for about fifteen minutes during the turning process before it
is replied (see Step 5 below, temperature control).
 Turning ensures that all biodegradable material gets in contact with air,
thus avoiding “anaerobic zones” causing unpleasant odour.
 Water losses can better Windrow Composting Method
during Waste is piled onto a triangular wooden rack
turning, ensuring a more even allowing a passive aeration of the compost
distribution of the added pile. The additional aeration from the bottom
of the pile allows microorganisms to
decompose the organic waste efficiently
 Turning allows the less through a better oxygen supply and improved
composted outer layer of the temperature control. Within 24 hours the
windrow more chance of micro-organisms within the waste start to
getting inside the pile, multiply and generate heat. Pile temperature
ensuring a better hygienisation increases to 55 - 65°C which is optimum for
aerobic composting. To enable the micro(killing of fly eggs and organisms to obtain sufficient oxygen, the pile
pathogenic microorganisms) is additionally aerated by turning the waste
of the final compost. The from time to time (approximately once a
waste should be thoroughly week). High temperature leads to water losses
through evaporation, so additional water must
mixed before it is re-piled.
usually be added with each turning. After 40
 The mechanical stress on the days of composting the temperature has
material favours a high degree decreased, indicating a slowing down of the
homogenisation of the entire process. As less oxygen is demanded, the raw
waste material leading to an compost can be removed from the aerator and
again for the maturation phase without a
accelerated process and an end piled
central aerator. For another 15 days mesophilic
product with a finer structure.
micro-organisms further stabilise the compost
leading to the final mature compost product.
Step 5: Temperature Control
Provided that the C:N ratio, and the aeration and the moisture content are all
within the optimal range, the microorganisms multiply exponentially. This
microbiological activity results in a temperature increase to 65–70°C within 1 to 2
days. Temperatures above 70°C need to be avoided as they are too high for even
thermophilic bacteria and so inhibit the microbiological activity. The following
pictures shows how temperature varies during the comporting period.
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Bengal and provision of Supervision Support during implementation of the Plan
Final Report (Part-A) – Annex 2
Figure 4, Temperature variations during the comporting period.
Temperatures above 80°C are lethal to most soil microorganisms and the process
comes to a halt. Although composting will occur at temperatures below 65°C, a
temperature of around 65°C favours rapid composting and ensures the destruction
of weed seeds, insect larvae, and potential plant or human pathogens. Therefore, it
is preferable for the temperature of the composting pile to stay at around 65°C for
at least three days. After the first week, the temperature gradually decreases and
the decomposition process slows down. The process moves into the mesophilic
phase (45 - 50°C) and other microorganisms take over the transformation until the
waste material is transformed into fresh compost.
How to measure the temperature:
 Use an alcohol thermometer and attach a string to the top of the
thermometer. (Do not use mercury thermometers as the mercury can
pollute the entire compost pile if they break during measurement. Mercury
belongs to the group of heavy metals and is classified as a hazardous
substance.) If available, a digital thermometer with a stick probe is
 If you use an alcohol thermometer for measurement, firstly push a hole
into the compost down to the required depth within the pile using a broom
handle or an appropriate stick.
 Then carefully lower the thermometer into the hole with the string
 Leave the thermometer in the compost for about 1 minute then pull the
thermometer out by the string and immediately record the temperature.
 Record the temperature trends twice a day at three points within the pile –
the top, middle and bottom of the pile.
 Record the ambient air temperature as well.
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Bengal and provision of Supervision Support during implementation of the Plan
Final Report (Part-A) – Annex 2
Figure 5, Temperature curve showing the two composting phases:
thermophilic phase with frequent turning, maturation (mesophilic) phase
with occasional turning
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Bengal and provision of Supervision Support during implementation of the Plan
Final Report (Part-A) – Annex 2
Step 6: Moisture Control
Microbes take up nutrients
only as dissolved ions in a
film of water. Thus, the
moisture content of the waste
plays an important role. To
ensure rapid decomposition,
content in the composting
piles at a level of 40 to 60%.
Ideally, water is only added
during turning as the material
is spread out on the floor.
The picture aside shows the
watering of a freshly made
windrow in which the water
content in the outer layer was too low.
Figure 6, Moisture control
Figure 7 describes a quick
measurement. Take a handful
of compost and squeeze it
hard. If only a few drops of
water appear the moisture
content is in the optimal
range. If no drops emerge the
moisture content is below
Figure 7, Test of Moisture Content
40%, indicating that the
nutrient provision is hampered. Consequently, the composting process slows
down. Often, the temperature of the waste pile decreases though the process is not
finished, because the water content is too low. Adding water raises the
temperature of the composting pile and the decomposition process continues. If
the moisture content is too high, the pile tends to become anaerobic and produces
unpleasant odors.
The following steps shall be followed:
 Wear protective gloves when testing the moisture (squeeze test) for
hygienic reasons and in case there are sharp materials in the compost.
 Add water during turning with a sprinkler until optimal moisture content is
 In some cases compost produce excessive water (leachate) in the
beginning of the process. This leachate can be collected and reused for
watering the next pile.
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Preparation of an Integrated Eco-Tourism Development Plan for Sagar Island in West
Bengal and provision of Supervision Support during implementation of the Plan
Final Report (Part-A) – Annex 2
Step 7: Maturing / Curing
After about 40 days, the
material in the piles has a
colour like soil and the pile
temperature has fallen below
50°C. This indicates that the
process has entered the
curing or maturing phase.
Other micro-organisms and
small insects like caterpillars
and bugs re-colonise the still
immature compost. Slowly,
they further break down the
Figure 8, Maturing of compost
materials like cellulose while
producing substances
somewhat like topsoil. Additional three weeks are necessary to ensure that the
compost is mature and suitable for direct application to plants. During this phase
the compost needs less oxygen and less water. The temperature constantly goes
down to the ambient temperature.
The following steps shall be followed:
 Remove the fresh compost from the aerator
 Pile the fresh compost in the maturing area. The piles can be moved closer
together and piled higher (to a maximum height of 1.5 m) to save space.
 Turning is no longer necessary.
 Only little watering is necessary, if the piles are very dry.
 During the rainy season, keep the compost under a roof to prevent it from
getting soaked. Rain might leach valuable nutrients from the compost.
 Continue daily temperature monitoring until the compost is at the ambient
temperature. If the temperature of the compost rises when water is added
to it, the compost is not mature and needs additional days for final curing.
 The presence of white or grey colour indicates the presence of fungi,
which are important micro-organisms for the composting process. Their
appearance alsoindicates that the pile is still in the mesophilic phase.
 Mature compost appears dark brown, has an earthy smell and a crumbly
Step 8: Screening
The mature compost has a rather coarse texture. The particle size of the compost
strongly depends on the size and the composition of the input material and the
turning frequency. In many cases finer compost is required and so the compost
must be screened. The screening is done by using a flat frame sieve The frame
sieve (a rectangular wooden frame with a wire mesh stretched across it) is
propped up in a sloping position. The raw compost is thrown onto the sieve and
rubbed through the mesh.
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Bengal and provision of Supervision Support during implementation of the Plan
Final Report (Part-A) – Annex 2
There are four different
grades of compost, which
may be referred to as coarse,
medium, fine and superfine.
Screens with four centimetre
square openings are used for
the medium grade of
centimeter mesh is used for
fine grade of compost. In this
plant fine grade compost will
be produced.
Figure 9, Screening of compost
Compost should be virtually free of all foreign matter such as pieces of plastic or
broken glass. Small inorganic particles, which were missed during the initial
sorting, should be sent to the disposal site together with other residues. Coarse
organic material which has not been completely composted normally remains in
the screening residues. This material is a valuable carbon source and should be
mixed with fresh incoming waste. It already contains micro-organisms that can
accelerate the decomposition of the incoming material.
Step 9: Storage and Bagging
If compost reheats above ambient temperature after the screening process it is still
not completely mature. In this case sprinkle little water and let the compost rest
for another week. The compost should be relatively dry when it leaves the plant to
avoid transporting large amounts of water with the compost (moisture content <
40%). Store the mature and screened compost in a dry and covered place as
rainwater would leach out valuable nutrients.
Compost will be produced for use in the mela ground and ganga sagar area and
therefore bagging should not be necessary. However, in case the production is
higher than the local demand it can be bagged and sold to clients out of Ganga
Sagar. In this case the following recommendations shall be followed:
Check the temperature again before you start bagging it
Pack the compost into bags only just before it is to be sold.
The bags should be waterproof but permeable to air as compost is still a
“living” material requiring air. Woven polypropylene bags proofed to be
very suitable for compost.
Compost is usually sold in bulk or in bags of different sizes (e.g. 5 kg, 10
kg, 40 kg). Some bulk purchasers may like to use a coarser grade of
compost if the price is attractive.
Label the bags. The label should indicate the name and origin of the
product, the weight and the date of packing.
The storage of compost should not be for longer than two years as the
nutrient value of the product and the organic matter content slowly
decrease over time.
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Preparation of an Integrated Eco-Tourism Development Plan for Sagar Island in West
Bengal and provision of Supervision Support during implementation of the Plan
Final Report (Part-A) – Annex 2
Decentralised Composting for Cities of Low- and Middle-Income Countries - A
Users’ Manual, Published by United Nations ESCAP (Economic and Social
Commission for Asia and the Pacific).
Main infrastructures
Dala Arcade
The facility will be operated and maintained by an elected Committee of a Society
to be formed comprising the shop-allottees. The O & M schedule will be
standardised by the Committee through concensus. The cost of implementation of
the O & M schedule will be met by yearly contribution from the stall-allottees.
The Committee will employ a local Watch & Ward agency to ensure security, a
Cleaning agency for daily cleaning & washing of the facility and an agency to
maintain the landscape around the facility. Special contribution will be collected if
routine repair of the facility is required in any particular year.
Nat Mandir
Nat Mandir is nothing but a large covered open hall where groups of pilgrims will
take rest before and after visiting the Kapil Muni temple. Being traditionally a part
of the temple complex, O & M management of the Nat Mandir will rest with the
Temple authority.
Bus Station
In a rural area of West Bengal, management of operation and maintenance of Bus
station and other public facilities rests with the Gram Panchayet. As such
management of operation and maintenance of the refurbished bus station will be
the responsibility of the Gangasagar Gram Panchayet.
Tourism facilities
CBT Campsite
Campsite team
- 1 general manager: in charge of the whole campsite activity
- 2 reception staff: in charge of the logistics, bookings…
- 2 security staff: in charge of gate security (night and day) and safety on site
- 2 environment staff: in charge of gardening, campsite cleaning, hygiene, waste
and bins management…
- 4 housekeepers (in charge of tents, huts and toilet blocks cleaning)
Hydea SpA – Ghosh Bosh & Associates
Preparation of an Integrated Eco-Tourism Development Plan for Sagar Island in West
Bengal and provision of Supervision Support during implementation of the Plan
Final Report (Part-A) – Annex 2
- 2 laundry staff (for cleaning bed sheets, pillows, towels…)
- 2 cooking staff from a women SHG (working on a rotation basis, in charge of
the whole campsite restaurant, mainly used for clients’ breakfast; preparing
breakfast and occasionally meals)
O&M during the Normal Period
The campsite is open all year round, except during heavy monsoon time, when
there is no tourism activity on the island. The huts and platforms should not suffer
from floods and the wooden huts are always available for rent; the tents are set up
on the wooden platforms depending on the bookings. During the monsoon, all the
tents are maintained and stored.
The maintenance of the sanitary blocks (which are mobile), is under the
responsibility of the sanitation management system (see paragraph 1 of the
present annex), while their everyday management is done by the housekeepers.
The accommodation is booked directly through the CBT Internet website, through
tour operators and directly on arrival if availability. Bed sheets and towel are
rented at the reception.
Security is ensured by staff at the gate and in the campsite; they are in charge of
all the safety/security aspects of the site.
The O&M during the Mela
The 20 tents are set up and available for renting and the whole campsite hosts
visitors. Private tents can exceptionally be set up on the ground. As the campsite
is wifi connected, it could be proposed for particular purpose or for a specific
category of clients (journalists’ basecamp, VIP and officials’ place…).
The restaurant proposes food to the guests (lunch and dinner). In any case, the
guests are PAYING guests (official ones and others), and the rate during this
period is more expensive than the rest of the year.
Restaurant & Café
Self-managed by an existing SHG, it works in accordance with the SCBT
Committee rules.
The day to day management is done on a rotation basis, by women who cook their
own preferences following a set menu (every day of the week, a different type of
meal for instance). The Restaurant & Café and are open according to the Museum.
From food earnings, 5% is paid to the community and 5% to the SHG.
The GSTO & Shop
 Open all year round, it proposes bicycles rental, maps, information, activities
Hydea SpA – Ghosh Bosh & Associates
Preparation of an Integrated Eco-Tourism Development Plan for Sagar Island in West
Bengal and provision of Supervision Support during implementation of the Plan
Final Report (Part-A) – Annex 2
 6 staff, on a rotational basis, who perceives monthly wages, paid from the
Museum’s entrance fees and, bike rental and if necessary, the community fund
(which includes the Tourism fund, financing wages).
 15% out of the handicrafts and products sold in the shop go to the SHG and 5%
go to the Community fund.
Homestays are proposed to tourists in the GSTO and on Internet. In the GSTO, a
special attention is given to the rotation of the suppliers to avoid conflicts.
Whatever the sales canal, 80% of the income remains in the family and 20% goes
to the community fund.
Other activities
From the income received from the local guides, anglers and other registered
activity suppliers, 80% remain to the supplier and 20% goes to the community
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Preparation of an Integrated Eco-Tourism Development Plan for Sagar Island in West Bengal
and provision of Supervision Support during implementation of the Plan
Final Report – Annex 3
Annex 3 - Description of regulations, standards, norms
and values
The following section describes the regulation, standards and norms, which will be
followed during implementation of the Sanitation and Solid Waste project
The treated sewage discharged from on-site treatment systems associated with the
existing toilets finally go to the saturated brackish water layers, or to the water bodies
or to the creek after percolation through soil layers. Following the discharge limits for
liquid effluent specified by the MOEF in the Environment Protection Act, 1986 (and
its subsequent amendments), this situation requires that the treated sewage should
meet the requirement for discharge to inland surface water. This guideline specifies a
BOD3,27 C value of 30 mg/l and TSS value of 100 mg/l. But the recent standards for
the discharge of treated sewage to inland surface water, proposed by CPCB and also
recommended by NGRBA for different sewerage projects are as follows:
Liquid Effluent Discharge Standard as per Guideline
Permissible Limit
Faecal Coliform
MPN/100 ml 10,000(max. permissible)
1000 (desirable)
This same guideline, has specified that for certain critical stretches of the river
Ganges, the limit for BOD3,27 and TSS should be 20 mg/l and 30 mg/l. The state
division of the NGRBA has verbally communicated to the Hydea-GBPL that this
value is recommended by them for all Sewage treatment plants in the Gangetic West
Bengal. Considering that the proposed sanitation system likely to serve the area for
another 10-15 years, the more stringent value recommended by NGRBA for BOD
and TSS (20 mg/l and 30 mg/l respectively) is adopted for the sanitation system of
Ganga Sagar Mela. No data is available regarding the performance of the pit latrines
used in the Ganga Sagar mela, to meet this requirement.
Hydea SpA – Ghosh Bosh & Associates
Preparation of an Integrated Eco-Tourism Development Plan for Sagar Island in West Bengal
and provision of Supervision Support during implementation of the Plan
Final Report – Annex 3
Solid waste management (SWM)
SWM will adhere to the Municipal Solid Waste (Management and Handling) Rules,
2000. In particular, given the peculiarity of this project dealing with waste generated
during the melas, which is assimilated to Municipal Solid Waste the proposed system,
is compliant to the following criteria of Schedule I:
Collection of solid
Segregation of
municipal solid
Storage of
municipal solid
Transport of
municipal solid
Processing of
municipal solid
Disposal of
municipal solid
Compliance Criteria
V. Collected waste shall be transferred to community
bins by hand-driven containerized carts or other small
VII. Waste (garbage, dry leaves) shall not be burnt
VIII Stray animals shall not be allowed to move
around waste storage facilities
In order to encourage the citizens, municipal
authority shall organize awareness programmes for
segregation of wastes and shall promote recycling or
reuse of segregated materials
I. Storage facilities shall be created and established
by taking into account quantities of waste generation
Vehicle used for transportation of waste shall be
covered. Waste shall not be visible to public, nor
exposed to open environment preventing their
i. The biodegradable waste shall be processed by
composting, vermicomposting, anaerobic digestion or
any other appropriate biological processing for
stabilization of waste. It shall be ensured that
compost shall comply with standard as specified in
Schedule IV
Land filling shall be restricted to non-biodegradable,
inert waste and other waste that are not suitable either
for recycling or for biological processing
In order to ensure safe application of compost, chemical analysis shall be done in
compliance with specifications given in Schedule IV after the composting process is
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Preparation of an Integrated Eco-Tourism Development Plan for Sagar Island in West Bengal
and provision of Supervision Support during implementation of the Plan
Final Report – Annex 3
C/N ratio
Concentration not exceed
(mg/kg dry basis except
pH value and C/N ratio)
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