
Isar Ibrat Foundation
Message from the Manager
It is a matter of satisfaction that our country has been
making strides in various fields of activities in recent
With the liberalization and globalization
introduced a couple of decades ago, the country has
been witnessing remarkable advancement on the
socioeconomic front. However, the fruits of
advancement have not been uniform and equitable as
there are large sections of people in the country whose
living conditions have not showed much improvement.
Although the governments, both at the centre and
states, have been putting in painstaking efforts there
are still large pockets of deprivement in urban and
rural areas of the country.
The experience of voluntary organizations have revealed that government alone would not be
able to improve the living conditions of such hapless citizens throughout the country. The role
of voluntary organizations acquires importance and relevance in this respect. It is no denying
the fact that the advancement this far has been possible with the joint efforts of governments and
voluntary organizations.
We at ISAR IBRAT FOUNDATION has been alive to the above circumstance in the country and
has been striving over the years for ameliorating the living conditions of the deprived and
disadvantaged sections of people both in rural and urban areas. It is to our credit that we have
been able to conceive and implement many such developmental programmes for the holistic
development of the poor and deprived sections of people and improve their living conditions.
During the year under review also, many such programmes have been implemented and we are
happy to present before you this Annual Report. The unfolding pages of this report would throw
light on the humanitarian efforts put in by this organization.
The commendable achievements would not have been possible without the liberal support and
cooperation of large number of donor organizations and departments to whom the organization
wishes to express its words of thanks and gratitude. It also appeals for continuance of such
support and cooperation in future also. Our words of thanks are also due to the large number of
field workers, project functionaries, resource persons, well wishers and members of the
organization for their relentless commitment and dedication to the programmes and initiatives
implemented by the organization from time to time.
(Rumman Siddiqui)
Annual Report 20122012-2013
Isar Ibrat Foundation
1. Introduction about the organization
Isar Ibrat Foundation is a non-profit, non-political voluntary organization registered under the
Societies Registration Act 1860. Established in the year 1999, it is being managed by a dedicated
team of social activists and experts in the sector. IIF has been working for the welfare of poor and
deprived sections of the community across many districts in the state of Uttar Pradesh, India with its
headquarters at Hardoi.
The organization also aims to ensure sustainable livelihood and employment to people and provide
facilities and amenities with the purpose of improving the quality of life of the people targeted at.
With the objective of socioeconomic development of the targeted beneficiaries the organization
works as a catalyst to fire up the dormant imagination and enterprise of the deprived sections and
tries to put them on the threshold of upliftment and growth. Its areas of activities include literacy
education, health care, livelihood enhancement through resource management and promotion of
entrepreneurship and creation of employment, environment conservation, agriculture development,
women and youth development, rural infrastructure development etc.
IIF is also registered under FCRA 1976 and is exempted under Section 12A and 80 G of Income Tax
Act, 1961.
The main objective of the organization is to work for the overall development of the poor, downtrodden
and disadvantaged sections of people without any discrimination of castes, creed and religion so that the
targeted beneficiaries join together, generate a fellow feeling, work together and devote themselves
positively for mutual development and the overall development of the society.
In addition to keeping the spirit of the main objectives as outlined above, the byelaws of Isar Ibrat
Foundation also aims to achieve the following objectives:
• To lay emphasis on literacy and education and open up avenues so that they are able to catch up
with the literate sections and are not deprived of the fruits of economic development.
• To provide facilities of health-care services and work for the eradication of communicable
diseases and life threatening diseases in the lower stata of the society particularly in rural areas.
• To empower women by developing their social, mental, educational and intellectual capabilities
• To organize women artisans of the deprived community and work for their economic and social
development and removal of imbalances at all possible levels.
• To provide facilities for better training, networking and institutional support and motivate them
to contest elections and bring about gender equity in local self-governance,
• To encourage handicrafts, khadi and related village-level cottage work where manpower is
involved and persuade the rural folks to engage in the same.
• To impart skill development training free of cost to women, girls and youths in various vocational
trades such as cutting-tailoring, knitting, handicrafts, flower making, printing, painting, cottage
and village industries, horticulture, food processing to enable them seek employment/self
employment opportunities and promote empowerment.
• To promote the welfare and empowerment of socially excluded communities like scheduled caste,
scheduled tribe, minorities, backwards class, dalits and other weaker sections by introducing
relevant programmes.
• To promote agriculture and production and productivity by introducing modern farming
techniques, agricultural machinery, seeds, irrigation, fertilizer and create relevant awareness
Annual Report 20122012-2013
Isar Ibrat Foundation
among farmers and also run programme of agriculture/ horticulture departments of the state
and central governments.
To work for the welfare of the handicapped and disabled persons and help them.
To work for the welfare of youth and organize and provide need-based training to them for selfemployment, and entrepreneurship.
To create awareness on environmental issues and educate the public and industrial units and
others for the prevention and control of pollution to land, air and water.
To create general awareness about common cause, sensitize people about legal rights and
remedies and encourage them to organize themselves and obtain legal remedies through public
interest litigation and advocacy.
To develop a culture of humanism through promotion of social equity and justice.
VISION- IIF envisions to empower resource poor community to organize themselves in a
collaborative spirit, develop, manage and run welfare activities/schemes for the larger benefit of
the community and help them join the mainstream of society.
MISSION- It is the Mission of the organization to work for sustainable holistic development by
empowering rural community particularly women and other socially ignored sections, by providing them
quality education, health-care, family welfare, skill development training and creating awareness on
Conservation of environment and inculcation of values and culture, thereby achieving the over all
objectives of contributing to the all-round development of the deprived section of the society.
IIF is working in the districts Hardoi, Lucknow, Sitapur, Barabanki, Unnao and Ghaziabad under the State
of Uttar Pradesh. It has taken up various developmental programmes for providing income generation
activities, capacity-building trainings, and activities to develop education, sustainable agriculture, women
empowerment and health. It is a matter of credit for the organization that its activities through various
programmes have reached more than two lakh of people particularly of the weaker sections of the rural
and urban areas and made commendable changes in their living conditions. This has been made possible
by the community-led development programmes and networking of NGOs working in the related areas
besides various other factors put in by the organization.
Isar Ibrat Foundation has its registered office in the district Hardoi– U.P. and Branch offices at Ghaziabad
and Lucknow for project implementation and venues for meeting/ training purpose. The offices are
adequately furnished with modern equipments such as computer systems, training aids, necessary
furniture and fixtures, electrical and electronic equipments, communication system etc. Besides, the
vehicles of the NGO chief and its members are engaged for facilitating the activities of the organization as
and when required. Vehicles are also hired for programmes when ever felt necessary.
As regards human resource is concern, it has a dedicated team of 5 administrative staff looks after the
administration, control, accounts and other related activities of the organization. Besides this, there is
another team of dedicated project staff including field workers, programme associates, trainers, teachers
and volunteers. All are qualified and experienced to implement the projects run by the organization.
Further the organization has a panel of experts whose services are engaged as and when required as per
programme needs. The organization follows sound HR principles for recruitment and appointment of
staff. An ideal working environment is crated so that the full potential of the staff is delivered for
implementation of programmes.
The management of the organization is vested on the board of members which are seven in numbers.
The office bearers consisting of the President, Vice President, Manager (Chief Functionary) & Treasurer
Annual Report 20122012-2013
Isar Ibrat Foundation
and three members take care of the respective responsibilities of the organization. The board normally
meets on quarterly basis and in addition, special meetings are convened depending upon the need and
urgency of matters. The board passes necessary resolution before submitting programmes and projects
for approval to the donor departments/agencies. In matters of recruitment and appointments,
procurement of equipments and materials and monitoring financial and programme matters the board
exercises necessary control, supervision and direction for achieving optimum results.
The management information system in the organization keeps the board of members informed about all
financial and programme implementation activities in the organization. Regular monthly meetings are
conducted with the concerned project/office staff for reviewing the programme activities. Detailed
deliberations are conducted in the meetings and decisions are arrived at after reaching a consensus on
major issues. Reporting relationship is also maintained both upwards and downwards with regular flow
of information. The board also reviews the work of the organization and gives necessary directions based
on feedbacks from the field.
As far as financial management is concerned, the organization is guided by transparency in operations.
Computerized accounting system is in place and tally software is implemented for accounting purposes.
Monthly financial statement is prepared to monitor the financial status of each project. All the accounts
(Cash book and ledgers) are maintained on daily basis. For different projects, separate books of accounts,
records are maintained and the same are audited by an external auditor. The organization has bank
accounts in a nationalized bank and further need based bank accounts are opened and operated by the
organization. Periodical reports are generated for MIS purpose and submitted to project sanctioning
authorities as per guidelines.
The organization maintains good rapport and liaison with various government departments at all levels
who have been always helping the organization in implementing programmes. It also continues to
maintain good liaison with all the funding organizations who have supported the organizations not only
in the past but also under the ongoing programmes. Further at the grass root level also close coordination
is maintained with PRIs, CBOs, social activists, community leaders etc.
The organization considers that a voluntary organization cannot work in isolation with similar activities
conducted by its fellow or peer organizations nor it can neglect the activities of similar nature performed
by isolated organizations at the lower level. A synergy of activities are felt advantageous in the long run if
regular rapport is maintained with all similar organizations working in the interest of the common goal
either at the national or local level and the organization practices the same. In addition the organization
maintains close liaison with and seeks support from local authorities and government departments so as
to ensure that the cooperation of all are ensured to achieve results of all programmes taken up by the
As already stated, various co-organizations and well-wishers are an inspiring spirit behind the
organization’s working and special care is taken to ensure that the federal style of functioning is adopted
by the organization to ensure that implementation of programmes ensures cent percent achievement
although slight deviations are made wherever it is felt necessary depending on the local conditions. It
also maintains good rapport and coordination with the community and leaders so as to ensure that all
bottlenecks are sorted out and the programme beneficiaries achieve optimal advantages on all fronts.
Isar Ibrat Foundation plays the role of a socioeconomic development organization with the primary aim
to reach out to the grass-root level where deprived and disadvantaged people are identified and all
possible helps are made available to make them stand on own legs and strive for better opportunities.
Annual Report 20122012-2013
Isar Ibrat Foundation
It envisages to enlarge its membership by enrolling likeminded persons with commitment towards selfless
service to the society. At the grass root level it also takes in more and more dedicated volunteers with the
objective to support those hapless persons and develop their leadership skills. In all the programmes the
emphasis is to serve women, children and youths who have got a major role to play in the society.
Playing an advocacy role the organization has been constantly presenting before the authorities at all
levels the problems and grievances of deprived people in programme areas and pleading for approval of
humanitarian schemes and programmes which can become a turning point for betterment of their lives.
It is to the credit of the organization that this role has been producing the desired results in as much as
thousands of poor people at the grass root level have been uplifted and made to join the mainstream of
society in various districts of the State.
FINANCIAL YEAR 20122012-2013
Isar Ibrat Foundation believes darkness can be eliminated by lighting a lamp. Similarly illiteracy is a
curse and the darkness can be removed by making people literate. In today’s world literacy and education
play a key role for modernization and social change. Elementary education is a major tool for social and
economic change which would lead to raising a person above the poverty level and thereby reducing the
high poverty percentage of the country. Literacy and education has many advantages in as much as it
helps in fighting social evils, superstitions, poverty, age old and outdated customs and traditions besides
bringing about social change which is strives people conscious of their rights and equip them for achieving
the same.
Keeping the above aspects in mind IIF has been maintaining its efforts for the promotion of literacy and
education not only for the benefit of its programme beneficiaries but also for the general public. Literacy
classes are conducted periodically at the various programme areas. The beneficiaries are provided with
study materials, stationary etc. Importance is laid in the beginning for the promotion of functional
literacy among the members and those who are already literacy in some respects are provided with
advanced education classes so that reading, writing and speaking are improved up on and the members are
made fully literate enough to deal with their customers and others.
Another hall mark of the organization’s effort has been that the beneficiaries of the literacy and other
programmes are persuaded to ensure that their children should be invariably sent to schools and there
should not be any interruption in their studies. It has also advocated that all school drop outs children
should be positively made to rejoin schools and continue in their studies without any break. There was
encouraging impact and assurance from the parents.
School Chalo
Education do not receive any priority in the rural areas where the people, being poor, fight for two square
meals a day. This lop sided priority is responsible for low literacy and education in rural areas. Various
studies have revealed that children are discouraged from schooling and asked to engage in any work
which help to contribute towards income of the household in howsoever small its measure may be. Due to
this children are not admitted to schools or are discontinued from schooling, the parents do not
understand the seriousness of their action that can mar the future of the children. This circumstance has
forced the organization to launch a programme (School Chalo Abhiyan) for the promotion of education
among the children of rural areas in the district particularly for school dropouts and non-school going
Annual Report 20122012-2013
Isar Ibrat Foundation
Women empowerment awareness programme
As in the previous years, this year too, the organization has carried out different awareness programme
for legal rights and other entitlement of poor women of deprived and excluded community.
these camps eminent personalities of the area participated and give speeches to the audience to exhort
the people to take legal recourse for obtaining remedies for their genuine grievances and disputes.
Empowering Rural Women – Women right awareness
Even after the lapse of 64 years of independence the rural India has not
made advancement as envisaged by the founding fathers of our
In villages we can still see the prevalence of
discrimination against women and domination by male members. Due
to which the rights and entitlement of women are trampled upon.
Women being illiterate and ignorant of their rights, entitlements and
the methods for redressal of their grievances continue to endure
suppression of their rights and submit to the whim
whims and fancies of the
powerful and male dominated society. These women have not been
able to derive the advantages of various developmental schemes. Such
injustice is not a healthy sign for the growing society. In consideration of this un-healthy
trend, the
organization under the aforesaid programme has been working for the welfare and empowerment of rural
women in the targeted villages under many blocks in the project districts. Several workshops/debates
and meetings were held, these activities were frequently
uently organized at strategic places in villages’ only
women folk. Their problems were analyzed and solutions were found and offered. Most of the problems
related to right to work, right to health, right to food, right to education, right to information and right
for legal remedies in case of violations.
The volunteers at all the places, promoted activists among such women groups and motivated them to
come forward and shoulder more responsibilities for addressing their grievances at appropriate problems
and obtaining remedies. The functionaries of the organization extended all necessary help in these
directions. As a result a large number of women groups have been able to take advantage of the
programmes and became empowered as far as the aforesaid dev
elopmental schemes and their
rights/entitlements are concerned.
Capacity building training to SHG members
An association of SHGs can make plans and implement the same for the benefit of the members without
intermediary who will other
exploit the members.
organization since its inception
has been focusing on creating self
help groups in rural areas under
various districts.. They have been
conducting regular meetings,
taking up income generating
activities, encouraging savings
and thrifts, tying up with financial
institutions for financing of their
activities, internal loaning and
sale of their products directly to
buyers eliminating middlemen
and money lenders. During the
organization from its own
es carried out activities for
strengthening the working of
the SHGs at various locations in
the block where the members
were apprised of manifold advantages of group working. Necessary orientation and skill development
training were provided to the members and capacity building to the SHG members/leaders.
Annual Report 2012
Isar Ibrat Foundation
Skill development through Vocational training
One of the cardinal objectives of the organization, IIF has been to
strengthen economic empowerment of disadvantaged and destitute
women and youths of remote areas under different districts.
Accordingly, the organization has provided vocational training on
different trades to more than 250 beneficiaries during the year
under review.
These beneficiaries belong to poor and
marginalized families who are unable
nable to find their livelihood, but
have been willing to do any
worthwhile income generating
The vocational
training programme initiated
by the organization has proved as a golden opportunity since
hundreds of prospective beneficiaries called at the venue for
The training was conducted by qualified and experience instructors
engaged by the organization
and the latest methods of
production and skills where put to practice under their
supervisions. The instructors also explained on
o various aspects of
production, packaging, marketing and after sale service so that a
customer oriented approach is developed by the trainees for
sustainable activities on their respective trades. It is heartening to
write that most of the trainees have started their own self
employment ventures and are on the there should of earning better
livelihood. There have been many demands from people to repeat
such vocational trainings at other places of the localities. The
organization therefore has the plan to conduct vocational training programmes in coming years also at
various other places also.
Health care campaign & awareness programme
People of the poor sections of
the society are found suffering from
health problems on account of
malnutrition, improper diet and
chronic ailment of one or the
other kind which has not been
given medical attention due to
igno rance, negligence or financial
constraints. This is affecting
their productive days and the
overall family income is
Considering the
importance of the same the
organization has conducted several
health camps in the rural
villages under many districts with
the help of district health
administration. A campaign was
organized prior to the health
camp in the targeted areas which
enabled many people to attend
the camps. The medical fraternity
organized individual health checkups and prescribed medicines wherever necessary. In cases needing
specialized treatment the concerned people were referred to the dis
trict hospital for further investigations
and treatment.
Annual Report 2012
Isar Ibrat Foundation
For the purpose of general awareness, the people were asked to assemble at a particular time at the
respective camps during which the doctors addressed the audience about the importance of maintaining
personal hygiene and hygienic surroundings in the local
ities which would prevent a large number of
diseases from occurring. They also emphasized for safe handling of drinking water, proper sanitation
facilities etc. It was also made aware to the people about the necessity of intake of balanced and nutritious
food which would avoid many of the common ailments among family members.
Maternal and child health and Family welfare
In rural and slum areas, it has been observed that there is prevalence of general apathy and negligence in
the health of mothers and children,
ildren, due to which medical attention is not sought until it is too late. The
organization has been aware of this problem and has been relentlessly striving to not only educate the
people but also doing whatever is possible within its resources, for the llast
ast many years.
During the year under review,
the organization has conducted
Health care programmes at various
places in
the different
locations of its project districts.
General publicity and a
sustained campaign were carried out
in the localities of the targeted
beneficiaries about these programmes.
The effort was encouraging as
it enabled a large section of
beneficiaries to turn out for
the programmes. The organization
with the help of the medical
administration, engaged doctors,
ANMs and paramedical staff for this purpose. Necessary arrangements were made at the respective
venues for the convenience of the beneficiaries. The facilities offered included antenatal checkups, TT
immunizations, and immunization of children in the age group of 0-5
5 years. General counseling and
wherever required individual attention was paid for anemia control, safe and institutional deliveries,
promotion of small family norms through sterilization, spacing of children through use of contraceptives,
evention and management of reproductive tract infections and STDs. The response of these
programmes at all the places was encouraging.
HIV/AIDS Awareness Comps
The organization is well aware of the consequences of the rapidly spreading disease of the modern day –
HIV/AIDS which is taking toll of people. There is an urgent need to awaken people about this dreaded
disease, extend necessary medical and financial as
sistance to the patients and advocate for preventive steps
of HIV/AIDS. In line with the continuing efforts of the organization, the organization has conducted
HIV/AIDS awareness programmes with renewed vigor and enthusiasm. It has enlisted the support of the
district health administration of these districts for implementation of the programme. The activities
included IEC programmes for educating and alerting the vulnerable sections about the source of
contracting the disease, its symptoms, its consequenc
consequencee and the steps to be taken for prevention of
There were wide ranging queries from audience at many of the venues of the IEC programmes and
satisfactory explanations were given to remove doubts and mis consumptions. Suspected patients have
been given proper counseling and advised for testing and if necessary to avail of medical treatment. Wall
writings, distribution of leaflets etc. have been carried out at different strategic places such as road
crossings, markets etc. Special focus h
as been given to identified HRGs who have been provided
necessary counseling and supplied with the condoms, syringes etc. These efforts produced tremendous
impact on the people. The organization continued to receive calls from many places on various aspects
aspec of
the disease and the treatment facilities available in the district, which were satisfactorily answered.
Annual Report 2012
Isar Ibrat Foundation
Family Planning Awareness Programme
Economic development in the country is not showing the desired growth due to the ever increasing
growth in population, the rising population eats away whatever achievement in growth is taking place.
Rising population is causing deterioration in the quality of available resources like food, education,
employment opportunities etc. and there is very high level of reluctance on the part of the villagers to
adapt to the family planning methods.
This lopsided belief, lack of literacy, and the reluctance to adapt the family planning methods have been
found to be mainly responsible for the birth of large number of children. Moreover, preference for a male
child in the family encourages further pregnancies. The organization during the year under review has
conducted many family welfare activities in many districts where took out rallies carrying banners for
popularizing small family norms and distributed handbills conveying about the advantages of smallfamily and advocating people to stick to one-child per couple norm. Slogans were coined to eliminate
misconceptions about male and female child and treat them at par. Family planning camps were also
organized at several villages and contraceptives were freely distributed among couples, laying emphasis
on spacing of children. A wide cross section of the society appreciated the effort of the organization.
Children Immunization progrmme
As in the previous year this year too IIF has organized Immunization campaign to protect the lives of
newborn and children in the age group up to 5 years from six dreaded diseases. Institutional delivery is
not being given importance by the people in rural areas due to lack of awareness, prevalence of the
traditional home deliveries, expense involved in transportation and other incidental expenses which the
poor are not able afford.
All the programmes received encouraging response and a large number of children were immunized.
Officials of the health administration and the community leaders lauded the efforts of the organization and
made request that such programmes should be conducted periodically every year.
Water and sanitation awareness programme
IIF has also been devoting attention to the field of Water, Sanitation. In the rural areas, people generally
pay least attention to conservation of water or the pollution caused to water or water bodies.
Indiscriminate running of tube well is an abuse in the rural areas. People are prone to use contaminated
water for drinking purpose regardless of the harm it might cause. The organization therefore has been
launching awareness programmes for the benefit of rural people to prevent water pollution and
conservation of ground water. Emphasis is also laid for rain water
harvesting and the method of recharging ground water with the
help of experts in this field. As far as sanitation is concerned the
less said the better. People have been made aware of the negative
aspects of open toilet practice widely prevalent in the rural areas.
The organization has deputed its volunteers to various places in
the rural areas who have advised to the people to switch over to
low cost latrines which could be constructed with not much
expense. Emphasis was also laid for keeping the common nalas
and surroundings neat and clean to avoid outbreak and spread of
communicable diseases. Under these initiative during the year
under review the organization conducted many community meetings and debates in the villages under the
programme districts. All such activities have brought a positive impact among the villagers and they
have appreciated the organization about their timely approach for such a valuable initiative.
Annual Report 20122012-2013
Isar Ibrat Foundation
Environment Conservation programme
Conservation of environment these days is gaining more importance. The growing urbanization is
compounding the environmental damage. The environmental damage is spreading fast to the rural areas
also. Although the Government is taking whatever steps possi
ble, the effort seems to be not producing the
desired result. The organization
has understood the necessity
of playing a role in this field
and has taken various steps
to involve the people in the
prevention of pollution and
conservation of environment. It
awareness campaigns including
workshops, debates, school
level nature campaigns in
villages under districts of
Hardoi during the yea r under
A lot of people from the
general public were enrolled
guidance and
motivation and were sent to
different areas in groups with
leaflets, banners etc. for
purpose. The
result was quite encouraging. The organization considers it necessary that such campaigns and public
awareness programmes should continue in future also so that the momentum does not peters out with
the passage of time. As part of this campaign a tree plantation drive was also carried out at several places.
Consumer awareness programme
Consumer awareness these days needs to be encouraged. Manufacturers and sellers of various products
are releasing publicity campaigns highlighting the competitive prices and the high quality of the goods
offered by them whereas in practice these do not match and the gullible buyers are taken for a ride.
Mostly such buyers do not come forward to make a complaint or claim any compensation from the
manufacturers or sellers. The government has enacted consumer protection laws and crated consumer
forums and commissions all over the country for th
thee benefit of the consumers. Inspire of these the
importuning is not being availed by the consumers. The organization has therefore launched many
consumer awareness programmers during the year under review in various places. It has distributed
leaflets, publicized
blicized the various provisions of the Consumer Protection Act, taken out awareness rallies and
put up banners and placards at various places drawing public attention. The effort was appreciated by all.
Animal welfare awareness programme
As in the previous
ous years the organization during the year under
review also has conducted many animal welfare activities in the
district of Hardoi. Animals are fellow travelers of human beings in
the march of civilization. However, not all human beings are kind
towards such fellow travelers. There is all round tendency to ill
treat and carry out violence against animals.
slaughtering is a common occurrence. Ill treatment of animals for
transport, carrying of heavy loads, and under feeding them
improperly taking
ing care of their health and medication have been
found generally prevailing everywhere. Animals deserve care,
protection and a better treatment.
In this context the organization is very conscious of the prevailing attitude of people towards animals and
has been taking steps for their welfare. Under this initiative the organization have undertaken many
awareness meetings with animal bearers
bearers.. Renowned animal welfare activists were invited to address in
Annual Report 2012
Isar Ibrat Foundation
meetings with such people. They explained the var
ious ways of inhuman treatments towards animals and
urged the people to desist from violence and cruelty towards animals. Visits were made to brick kilns,
veterinary hospitals, fruits and vegetable bazaars, animal bazaars etc. were educational efforts were
we made
to wean away people from cruelty to animals and for providing a better treatment and care. These efforts
produced tremendous impact among animal bearers and there were lot of appreciations from them.
Commitments were given to the organization that people would stop mal practices towards animals
Animal welfare has not been found f with all sections of people. However, a small section of people loves
animals and try their best to protect them. A large number of people still adopt inhuman treatment
towards animals.
Sustainable agriculture & Rural development
The organization has been involved in the development of Sustainable Agriculture since
sinc its inception. The
farmers in the rural areas have hitherto been not prone to the development taking place in the agricultural
sector nor there any efforts in making them aware of the same resulting in a situation where the
productivity is low and the cost
st of production is high.
Because of these there is a tendency among farmers to leave the agricultural field look for other sources of
income. The organization would like to intervene and arrest their flow from Agricultural field and provide
sustainable agriculture to the farmers which would generate remunerative income for them. The
organization therefore plans to introduce multiple crop system, concentrate on earmarking a ratio of land
for producing commercial crops vis
vis-a-vis other routine produce, and
d impart training for development of
compost, provision of quality seeds at affordable prices and help the farmers to find buyers devoid of
Welfare prog. for aged/socially excluded communities
The organization has during the year under review also focused on welfare of socially excluded sections of
the society.. In this connection it has taken up several activities. The main emphasis of the programme was
to generate awareness among these section about their rights and entitlements. During these
programmes hundreds of persons from the Backward category and Muslim community participated and
they were told about various programmes being run by different government departments and other
development agencies.
gencies. It has also made special provision for admission of such categories in different
vocational training, literacy and health care services undertaken by this organization. The programmes
could properly guide and counsel for the var ious governmental schemes for the benefit of such category
Another focus attention of the organization is to work for the welfare old age persons. In this context the
organization during the year under review has conducted several welfare oriented programmes for
f the
benefit of older persons in the villages in the programme districts.
Welfare prog. for differently abled
Handicapped persons are generally ignored by parents in particular
and society in general. The aptitude and capability of such persons if
closely studied, and tailor-made
made programmes are made to suit his
capability, he can prove to be worthy individual to the society.
With this in mind, the organization took a positive step towards betterment of handicapped persons by
providing them
hem skill and capacity building trainings. The organization also made efforts on generation
awareness on their legal rights, providing special health coverage. It has also organized several
Annual Report 2012
Isar Ibrat Foundation
workshops for these persons at village level to instill the confidence so that they may undertake such
activities which may make them self reliant. Apart from this the organization has also arranged number
of competition programmes for the handicapped persons to explore their talents in the field. The
organization is planning to work for the category of persons in a vide range by providing quality
vocational training for get them into self-employment or employment.
‘Promotion of National Integration and Unity’/ Cultural
The organization considers that the growing number of insurgencies, extremism and nexlism and other
antinational activities as a threat to the unity and integrity of the country. It wants to do whatever is
possible within its resources to promote national unity and integrity. With this end in view during the
year under review also, it has celebrated national days such as republic day, independence day, Gandhi
Jayanti day involving large number of school children, members of the public, important personalities
from the district. The functions were organized at different places in the district including office
The activities included flag hosting, singing of national anthem, organizing cultural programmes
highlighting our freedom struggle, the role of martyrs etc. School children, youths and general public
took part in celebrations. Varieties of Programmes like quiz competitions, poster competitions etc. were
conducted and the best entries have been adjudged and prize distribution was also conducted. The
celebrations received encouraging response from the areas.
Annual General body meeting
The Annual General Body meeting of the organization, Isar Ibrat Foundation was held at its office
headquarters at Hardoi in the month of April, 2012. The meeting was presided over by the President of
the organization. The meeting was attended by most of the members of the society. The annual report of
the organization along with the statement of accounts for the year ending March, 2013 was distributed to
the members.
The meeting proceeded to discuss on the annual report. The item wise expenditure were also discussed in
detail some of the queries raised by the members were satisfactorily explained by the Secretary. The
Secretary also explained that there was positive response from the public to the various programme
conducted by the organization and demands have been raised for repeating these programmes in other
areas also. However, she assured that such demands could be taken up if and when resources are available
to the organization. He requested the members to approach well-wishers, donors and interested public to
come forward and contribute whatever is possible for the organization so that more development oriented
programmes can be undertaken by the organization in the forth coming period.
The meeting was concluded with a vote of thanks to the chair. The Manger, Shri Rumman Siddiqui also
offered his thanks to the members, staff and well wishers of the organization for their contributions and
support in the last year and requested for such cooperation in future also.
Isar Ibrat Foundation has been following a policy for periodical refresher training of its staff and
consultants. Wherever good such trainings and workshops are conducted relevant to the field of activities
of the organization the personnel of the organization are sent for participation. This has enabled the
organization to improve the performance of its activities and also ensured commitment of the staff.
During the year under also such initiatives were taken and the following trainings and workshops have
been attended the staff and consultants of the organization.
(Rumman Siddiqui)
Manager/Chief Functionary
Annual Report 20122012-2013