A December 16
December 16 - 22, 2010 S.G.V. EXAMINER San Gabriel Valley A1 To reach us: Phone: (626) 852-3374 Fax : (626) 852-1904 E-mail: [email protected] Web: www.sgvexaminer.com Since 1997 • Published in GLENDORA, California A Weekly Adjudicated Publication Serving all of Los Angeles County 25 cents Volume XIV, Issue No. 51 INSIDE STRIVING FOR JOURNALISTIC EXCELLENCE IN LOCAL NEWS Canyon City Car Club Toy Drive A Success By Jorge V. Rosales New Walking Path / B1 ROSALES Making a Difference / A3 INDEX City Notices B15 Classifieds B14 Financial/ Consumer B4 Legal Notices B7 AZUSA - It was forecasted to rain on December 4, the day that the Azusa Canyon City Car Club held its 3rd Annual Community Christmas Toy Drive and Car Show in a parking lot of the recently redeveloped Citrus Crossing Shopping Center from 11:00 A. M. to 3:00 P. M. But, it didn't rain until after 5:00 P. M. so the turnout and toys collection were a success. Classic Cars started rolling into the parking lot around 9:00 A. M. Each car rolling in brought in at least one unwrapped toy for a child as a condition to the price of admission. The public was also encouraged to bring toys also. The toys collected from the event are for needy Azusa children to be distributed by Pathfinders Ministry on December the 18 to families already signed up. The event started with live music by the Pork Chop Tom Blues Band, a local Azusa band who has been playing jump style blues since 1998. With their mix of Chicago style blues and West Coast swing this band has been performing in clubs and concert venues all over Southern and Northern Califor- nia as well as Las Vegas, Nevada. Present at the event were Azusa Mayor Joe Rocha and Mayor Pro-tem Robert Gonzalez greeting those who brought toys to help put a smile on kids. Members of the car club decided to continue with the annual the Christmas toy drive to collect toys for needy children in Azusa because the economy continues to be sluggish. "We knew that given the hard economic times there weren't going to be enough toys for all needy kids in Azusa, so we decided to continue to do something to put a smile on as many kids faces as we could one more year," said Blas Navarrete, Azusa Canyon City Car Club President. Besides doing a good deed for the children, everyone from the Canyon City Car Club, as well as other local car clubs had an opportunity to see old friends and have a fun day. In addition to the live music entertainment there was D. J. music by Frankie Firme, as well as food and bake sales, raffles, and trophies awarded to the top 20 cars. "We are so grateful each and Washington Elementary Participates in National Arts Program Students Honored for Outstanding Creative Work GLENDORA - Students at Washington Elementary participated in PTA Reflections, a national arts recognition program. Through the Washington Elementary School, students submitted creative works inspired by the 2010 - 2011 Reflections Program theme, "Together We Can." Works included entries in literature, photography, and visual arts. "Arts education is important to the educational growth of children," said Reflections Chair Olga Fernandez. For over 40 years, the national PTA Reflections program has encouraged students across the nation and in American schools overseas to explore their artistic talents. PTA believes that all children deserve a quality arts education and encourages students to pur- Jessica Fernandez, Sharanya Shankar, Gracie Setter, and Connor Linn. Not pictured are Raymond Fernandez and Tyler Pullen. sue expression through participation in the annual Reflections Program at Washington Elementary. On November 17, 2010, awards were given by Charter Oak council PTA chairs, Uilani Zesati and Robbin McDougall to Jessica Fernandez (Photograph & Visual Arts), Sharanya Shankar (Literature), Gracie Setter (Photography & Visual Arts), Connor Linn (Photography), Raymond Fernandez (Photography) and Tyler Pullen (Film Production). Newcomer Golf Ladies at Laguna Beach Jean Weber, Margie Henderson, Bonnie Donohoe, Doris Mc Ginley, Jacki Boardman, Mary Brumfield, guest, Betty Exton and Patty Garman pose after an exciting game of golf at Aliso Creek. By Lynda Siminske GLENDORA - Glendora Newcomers play golf every Thursday morning at Rabcho Duarte and then go out to lunch locally afterwards. A few times a year, they play in other locations: Claremont, Eaton Canyon, Azusa Greens, Upland, and Marshall Canyon. In April the December 16 - 22, 2010 golf ladies go to Palm Springs and play golf, have fun shopping, and try out different restaurants for a couple of days. Once a year the ladies travel to Laguna Beach and play 9 holes of challenging golf up and down Aliso Creek. You will lose balls at this windy canyon course… the question is how many? Golf ladies also see lots of wild life at this course…deer, rabbits, snakes, cayotes, egrets, etc. If you want a beautiful location with pretty scenery, golfers, you might want to play a day at Aliso Creek. There is a very nice restaurant on sight. Blas "Slugger" Navarrette (5th from left), President of the Azusa Canyon City Car Club along with other car club members and their spouses hold toys received in front of one of the two pickup trucks full of toys collected for needy Azusa children. everyone that participated and that contributed to put a smile to many needy children in Azusa, one kid at a time. We hope to be back bigger and better next year," concluded Navarrete as he along with members of the Canyon City Car Club and their spouses pose for a picture in front of one of the two pickup trucks full of toys. Tony Mark - Pearl Harbor Survivor Recounts His Ordeal By Jayam Rutnam MONROVIA - Pearl Harbor Day came and went without much fanfare in the San Gabriel Valley. After all this is nothing to be celebrated. "A day of infamy" to quote President Franklin D. Roosevelt. The Japanese planes raided Pearl Harbor on December 7th 1941, killing 2500 servicemen and civilians, sinking 11 ships and leaving behind a scene of pandamonium, chaos, carnage and destruction. It was a beautiful Sunday morning, when the hum of the Japanese planes was heard at a distance. The sky was picture blue and the climate was that of lazing around although, there was a feeling of tenseness among the service personel. Hawaii is a beautiful picturesque State, with a tropical climate, and it is difficult to be tense for too long. In the distance you could hear bugles playing while our American flag was hoisted to the salutes of the Navy. Yes, a beautiful day for a raid, an attack, a bombing, a strafing, a massacre! Although our service personel were on alert, they were caught off guard. At 7:48 a.m. the Japanese Imperial Forces attacked Pearl Harbor which housed 96 ships and submarines. They attacked in two waves, flying in from 6 aircraft carriers with 432 aircraft. 28 submarines and midget subs were also used. Eighteen year old seaman second class, Tony Mark, a bombsite mechanic in the United States Navy was stationed on Ford Island Airfield in the center of Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. At approximately 7.55 a.m. he heard a loud boom and he thought a plane may have crashed. He ran outside the hangar and saw a Japanese Zero fighter plane fly by him, just eight feet away, firing its machine guns. On the edge of its wings, were big red circles that took up his whole vision field. "Jesus Christ, the Japs!" he The San Gabriel Valley U.S. Navy Seaman Second Class Tony Mark shows photos to his daughter Jenny Babij screamed. He ran back into the shack thinking "This cannot be! We're not at war?" As he watched what was unfolding before him, the Japanese planes hit the airfield, burning planes and hangars. They then went after the ships, dropping torpedoes. About 30 minutes later, a dive bomber hit a magazine on a large destroyer. Tony saw the explosion just as he turned out of the doorway. Seconds later, the concussion threw him about twenty feet against some lockers. He picked himself up and ran over to the burning hangar to help push planes out into clear areas. He helped save 4 planes. Tony also helped by climbing 50 feet onto a loft in the hangar to bring out stored gas masks. He had to use an axe to get into the canisters holding the masks. He also helped to reassemble machine guns which were stored in cosmoline, a tar like substance, to be ready if the Japanese came back. The loud boom heard and mentioned at the beginning of this story, was a Japanese bomb which was dropped just 40 feet from Tony. Fortunately, it did not explode, instead there would have been a Kaboom, and Tony would not have been around to Kyle A. Cline, Agent 1275 E Route 66 Glendora, CA 91740 626-335-0815 Insurance Lic. #: OD16727 Examiner tell his story. A young man who survived Pearl Harbor, Monrovia resident Tony Mark, now lives across the street from his daughter Jenny Babij. Tony was married to the love of his life, Dorothy who passed away last year after 56 years of marriage. He is now 87 years old. Seemingly a happy man who is proud to have served his country. According to Tony, there are four things that he learned in the United States Navy. 1. It made me grow up. 2. Taught me a trade. 3. Sent me to College. 4. Taught me to fly. Tony was happy to tell his story and show me photos of his days in the Navy and also the memorial services he attended with his two daughters at Pearl Harbor. Coincidentally, he lives next door to another veteran of Pearl Harbor, Paul Perrault who is now 90 years old. After leaving the Navy, Tony owned his own business as an electrician. He has since sold his business and is retired. I came away feeling that I was a part of that awful experience of what we today call Pearl Harbor Day. We will never forget that act of cowardice, when the enemy attacked our country without warning! LOWER AUTO RATES CAR + HOME MORE SAVINGS Average annual per household savings based on a national 2009 survey of new policyholders who reported savings by switching to State Farm. A2 S.G.V. EXAMINER December 16 - 22, 2010 Celebrating Number One Celebrities Win at Azusa's Annual Softball Game In Glendora And Azusa By Jayam Rutnam GLENDORA - Sushi 'n I had an impromptu opening of their spanking new Japanese restaurant in the Glendora Village. Gary Boyer and his staff at Southland Properties were the first customers last week, when the three gourmet sushi chefs did their magic to enchant these wonderful people with their works of art. The staff of Southland Properties were raving about the authentic Japanese sushi that was served. Restaurant owner Marie Kim was very gracious in making sure her first customers were treated well. Those present were, Sarah Baron, Heather Risner, Aryn Reynolds, Paul Rodriguez, Ronny Geenan, Kathy Boyer, Cathy Eichhorst, Ann Blanco, Sara Lansford and Karrie Boyer. According to Gary Boyer, Southland Properties was number one in sales in Glendora and Azusa in the past two years. Film, Television, and famous urban rappers join Azusa officials, staff, and guests in the 4th Annual Azusa Celebrity Softball Game on December 12 to collect toys and funds for Azusa youth as part of the Azusa Golden Days Program. Azusa Mayor Pro-tem, Robert Gonzales, far left front row, is founder and organizer of game. By Jorge V. Rosales Gary Boyer and Daniel Boyer and staff of Southland Properties with Sushi 'n I owner Marie Kim Make Wishes Come True This holiday season, you can help Santa grant special wishes just by writing him a letter. To bring a smile to the face of a child with a life-threatening medical condition, simply go into any Macy’s store before December 25th and write a letter to Santa at the Believe Station or drop off a stamped letter, already addressed to Santa. For each letter mailed at Macy’s, the famous department store will donate a dollar, up to $1 million, to the Make-A-Wish Foundation®. You can download a letter template at www.macys.com/believe or write one of your own. Macy’s Believe Campaign is inspired by The New York Sun’s famous “Yes, Virginia, There Is a Santa Claus” editorial from 1897, in reply to a little girl’s question about Santa’s existence. An animated television special about this heartwarming holiday story, called “Yes, Vir- AZUSA - Danny Trejo, the star of the hit action film, "Machete," Esai Morales, a New York actor of Puerto Rican Descent of the film "La Bamba," and "CHIPs" star Erik "Ponch" Estrada joined the stars of "Sons of Anarchy," "NYPD Blue" and "CSI: Miami" as they challenged Azusa city officials, staff, and guests for bragging rights in a the fourth annual Celebrity Softball Game on Sunday, December 12. There were also some urban rappers such as Glasses Malone, Topic, Teck Holmes, Diamonique, Ret One and Paul Renteria playing with the film and network celebrities. In addition to bragging rights and lots of fun before, during and after the game, the softball game benefits the children's athletic programs in Azusa. Admission to the game was an unwrapped toy worth $5 or more. Toys will go to needy children in athletic programs in Azusa. There were also sales and giveaways from the sponsors of the event at the on-site promotional booths at the game, including a bake sale by Foothill Middle School students. The celebrity softball game, which had to be postponed during the Azusa Golden Days event back in October due to celebrities' schedule conflicts, is an annual celebration that brings together the community, city officials and famous personalities for a charitable cause. "I've been a longtime supporter of urban communities Trimming Their Tree In Glendora By Jayam Rutnam ginia,” is newly available as a DVD and children’s book, with 10 percent of the purchase price of those sold at Macy’s donated to the Make-A-Wish Foundation, too. (NAPSI) GLENDORA - Seen at their home in Glendora, getting ready for Christmas, were Samantha, Belle and their Mom, who were trimming their Christmas tree and having a hard time putting on the star at the top. They were finally successful. Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! like Azusa, and I always try to do my part to give back," said "CSI: Miami" star Geoffrey Rivas. "We called a few friends, and everyone was excited to be a part of the event, and show their sportsmanship for the kids." Prior to the game there is a welcome gathering near Gladstone's Park social hall. Game jerseys are distributed to the celebrities and city officials while they enjoyed snacks from Max's Mexican Cuisine and refreshments. Concurrent with the players' celebrations, there was a band playing live music to the public before the game, which started around 6:00 P.M. "This event is a lot of fun," said Mayor Pro-tem Robert Gonzales, who created the event. "But aside from the entertainment value, it serves as a reminder that many of our kids still need assistance to meet their sports equipment needs and this year because of the October postponement, happier holidays. That is what this softball tournament has provided in part." The celebrities took the bragging rights this year with a winning score of 14 runs to 8. Village Manor Gifts We’re Home for the Holidays! Open: Monday - Friday 10:30 to 5:00 Sat. - 10:30 to 4:00 Sun. 11 to 3 130 N. Glendora Ave. Glendora, CA 221 W. FOOTHILL BLVD - GLENDORA, CA 91741 TEL: 626-914-3500 --- FAX 626-914-3511 All Ornaments 10% OFF Store Hours: Tue-Sat 8:00-7:00 / Sun 9:00 - 5:00 / Closed Mondays 626-963-9391 The San Gabriel Valley Examiner December 16 - 22, 2010 S.G.V. EXAMINER A3 Beautiful Day For A Parade In Glendora By Jayam Rutnam Glendora Jewelers GOING OUT OF BUSINESS EVERYTHING MUST GO ALL JEWELRY & WATCHES REPAIRS ARE DONE IN PREMISES Tue-Fri 10 a.m.-6 p.m.; Sat 10 a.m.-5 p.m.; Closed Sun & Mon 144 N. Grand Avenue Located in Von’s Shopping Center (626) 914-4538 A warm day, a clear day, made it a perfect day for a Christmas parade. Thousands turned up to watch and cheer Glendora's Annual Christmas parade in the morning of Saturday the 11th of December. With marching bands, baton twirlers, fire engines, boy scouts, Glendora Council members, baseball and soccer teams, the deafening sirens and carolers, the event ushered in the Christmas season with merriment and joy! The Village on Glendora Avenue was lined with men, women and children, who came out to see their very own Glendorans and also those in surrounding cities like Covina show off their talents of being smartly dressed in their uniforms, marching in unison and smiling and waving at the crowd. Santa was seen at the end of the parade riding atop a big red fire engine. Most of the stores and restaurants in the Village were open. From all indications business was brisk. The tradition of using small candles to light a Christmas tree is thought to date back to the mid-17th century. One of Glendora's Christmas traditions The Peace that Endures Glendora icon George Shutt makes merry with some marchers during the parade, outside the Desir'e Jewelery store in the Village. Rosales To Make A Difference In Azusa By Jayam Rutnam A well attended kickoff picnic in support of Jorge Rosales was held at Pioneer Park in Azusa. Citizens, Azusa Mayor Joe Rocha, many dignitaries, friends and well wishers attended the picnic honoring a man who has already proved to be a community leader in his home city of Azusa. Jorge Rosales was flanked by his wife Lourdes and his two daughters Lulu and Linda. He spoke of his plans for the city and making a difference His slogan for his campaign is INTEGRITY, TRANSPARENCY AND LEADERSHIP. If elected, he expects to expand recreation and services. Continue and enhance senior services. These are among his priorities. 701 W. Sierra Madre Blvd., Glendora (626) 914-4646 www.churchoftheopendoor.com CASKET-N-MORE 1724 S. Grand Ave. Glendora (626) 335-9188 David & Olga Fernandez Take one less worry off your mind and your pocketbook... Photo Credit to Tira J Photography Church of the Open Door Jorge was born in Mexico and migrated to the States when he was nine years old. He is proud to say that he has been married for 31 years. Jorge served in the United States WHY PAY MORE? A live, multi-media Christmas Nativity Event December 17 - 19 6:00-9:00pm Follow the hand-held signs up Grand Avenue to Sierra Madre and up the hill to Church of the Open Door's annual Living Nativity. All are invited to come and see, and relive the reason for the season. Azusa Mayor Joe Rocha announces support of Jorge Rosales Casket and Headstones Variety of urns for cremation Cemetery Vaults Flowers, Memorial cards & Folders, Memorial Books Need to sell your cemetery property? We list & sell SAVE...SAVE...SAVE... Call Us First! We offer personalized service! Army in the Second Army Division and also the First Cavalry Division. His campaign leaders are Yolanda Pena, Rich Deem and Peggy Martinez. The election will be held on March 8, 2011. Entertainment Books at the Library GLENDORA - Be the first on your block to purchase a copy of the Entertainment 2011 Book. It makes a wonderful and unique gift. You can surprise your friends and family with adventures to fun and unusual places at discounted rates. Whether it's dining, shopping, live theater, movies or sporting events, the Entertainment Book is your ticket to save money year round on all your fun. Entertainment Books may be purchased for $25 at the Friends Plaza Book Loft located on the second floor of the Glendora Public Library, 140 South Glendora Avenue. The proceeds from sales support Library events and outreach programs. For more information, please call 626-8524894. Breakfast Lunch Dinner Come In And See Our Specials. ...and Great Desserts too! Senior Specials Available Kara's Korner Deli 101 W. Foothill Blvd., Glendora, in the Village 626-914-7447 The San Gabriel Valley Examiner Hours: Sun. - Thurs. 5:30 am-8:00pm Fri. & Sat. 5:30 am-9:00 pm A4 S.G.V. EXAMINER December 16 - 22, 2010 2011 Rose Queen And Court NOW OPEN In The Village In Glendora Princess Jessica Michelle Montoya Pasadena, Princess Michelle Kay Washington of Pasadena, Rose Queen Evanne Elizabeth Friedmann of La Canada Flintridge, Mayor Michael D. Antonovich, Princess Kathryn Thomason of La Canada Flintridge, Princess Sarah Christine Fredrickson of Altadena, and Princess Tatyane Anaid Berrios of Arcadia. LOS ANGELES COUNTY – Mayor Michael D. Antonovich welcomed the 2011 Rose Parade Queen and Court at the Board of Supervisors meeting. The 122nd Annual Rose Parade, themed “Building Dreams, Friendships & Memories,” will take place January 1, 2010 with Grand Marshal Paula Deen leading spirited marching bands from throughout the nation, majestic floral floats, and high-stepping equestrian units. AD SPACE AVAILABLE AT REASONABLE RATES. CLASSIFIEDS DISPLAY ADS LEGALS ADS 626-852-3374 Gourmet Sushi Chefs May the holidays bring you the joy of friends and family. As your good neighbor State Farm agent I can appreciate your business and look forward to a new year together. Kyle A Cline, Agent CA lic. #: 0D16727 Glendora, CA 91740 Bus: 626-335-0815 [email protected] Gift for First 500 Diners The San Gabriel Valley Examiner
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