Glendora Kiwaniannes Induct New Members
February 19 - 25, 2009 San Gabriel Valley S.G.V. EXAMINER A1 To reach us: Phone: (626) 852-3374 Fax : (626) 852-1904 E-mail: [email protected] Web: Since 1997 • Published in GLENDORA, California A Weekly Adjudicated Publication Serving all of Los Angeles County 25 cents Volume XIII, Issue No. 8 STRIVING FOR JOURNALISTIC EXCELLENCE February 19 - 25, 2009 INSIDE Bob’s Big Boy Grand Opening By George Ogden Real stimulus fight / B1 Covina Candidates / B5 INDEX Around The Valley B6 City Notices Classifieds B16 Financial/ Consumer B4 Legal Notices B10 Letters to Editor B2 Senior Activities B6 WEST COVINA — After a few decades, Bob’s Big Boy is back in West Covina. Opening in the old Chevy’s location at 100 S. California. The old location was on Vincent just south of the 10 freeway. Bob’s recently opened and had a good turn out of people. On February 12, they had their Ribbon Cutting Ceremony. Mayor Roger Hernandez had all kinds of accolades for the new diner in town. Councilman Mike Touhey also attended the event. The Mayor made a presentation to Jim Louder, owner of the franchise. Other presentations were also made by representative for Assemblyman Ed Herdandez, Jorge Marquez. L.A. Co. Supervisor Mike Antonovich sent his representative to make a presentation, as well. Gary Lawson from the West Covina Chamber also welcomed Bob’s Big Boy by presenting Louder with a plaque. The event was well attended by Chamber and Staff from the City of West Covina. Following the ribbon cutting, Bob’s provided breakfast for everyone who attended. Jim Louder prepares for the Ribbon cutting for Bob’s Big Boy. Mayor Roger Hernandez, Councilman Mike Touhey (back), Big Boy himself, and owner Jim Louder. Big Boy, joins Mike Touhey and appears to be discussing business during breakfast with the city staff members. Miss Jr. Pre-Teen, Jr. Teen and Miss Teen Contenders Each candidate will be competing for a share of thousands of dollars in prizes and specialty gifts that will be distributed to contestants. They will be competing in the Miss Jr. Pre-Teen, Miss Jr.Teen, and Miss Teen division , one of four divisions that will have young ladies between the ages of 7 and 19 competing in modeling routines which include casual wear and formal wear. Most important, each contender will display her personality and interviewing skills while interviewing with this year's Pasadena judging panel. Personality is the number one aspect that each contestant is judged on during all phases of competition. Whomever wins the title in their respective division will represent Pasadena and the surrounding communities at the Cities of America National Competition that will take place in Orlando, Florida. Over $60,000.00 in prizes and awards will be presented at the national Competition while each winner enjoys this expense paid trip of five nights and six days in Orlando, Florida, where Disneyworld is located. There is no cost for participating in the pageant competition. Community businesses, organizations, and private individuals will assist the candidate in participating in this year's competition by becoming an official sponsor to the candidate. Through sponsorship, each contestant receives all the necessary training, rehearsals, and financial support which will allow the contestant to become a very confident and well-prepared contestant in this year's Pasadena Pageant. Any business, organization, or private individual who may be interested in becoming a sponsor may contact her pageant coordinator Patty Neidert at 1-800-569-2487. Danielle Raad of Glendora Emily Rico of Glendora Danielle Raad and Emily Rico were recently selected to participate in the Nationals' Miss Jr. Teen Pasadena Pageant Competition The new Big Boy’s at night. Storms Leave a Gift; Snow! By George Ogden Mother Nature was “Kind” and “Not So Kind” as she dumped rain from a number of storms throughout the area. However, she redemed herself by blanketing our mountains with snow! Glendora Kiwaniannes Induct New Members By Joan Hallidy The Kiwanis Club of Glendora Kiwaniannes inducted two new members at a recent club meeting at the Glendora Continental Restaurant. Membership vice-president Pam Richards officially welcomed new member Gege Ingwald-Parry, sponsored by Pat Rasmussen, and new member Judi Scofield, sponsored by Heidi Balch, and presented both members with their member- ship sash, club pin, certificate, and club information. The induction ceremony was one of the first ceremonies held this special year that celebrates the club's "25 Years of Sterling Service," said Club President Tricia Gomer. For more information about the service club chartered in 1984 and its service projects, visit Danielle Bushey of Azusa Danielle Bushey of Azusa and Ciana Miranda of La Verne were recently selected to participate in the Nationals' 2009 Miss Jr. Pre-Teen Pasadena Pageant Competition. Clarice Loud of Glendora Clarice Loud of Glendora was recently selected to participate in the Nationals' 2009 Miss Teen Pasadena Pageant Competition that will take place on February 22, 2009. Glendora Kiwaniannes' new members, sponsors, and officers gather for a picture after the recent induction ceremony. From left, are membership vice president Pam Richards, Heidi Balch, who is sponsoring new member Judi Scofield; new member Gege Ingwald-Parry who is sponsored by Pat Rasmussen and Club President Tricia Gomer. The San Gabriel Valley Examiner A2 NEWS S.G.V. EXAMINER February 19 - 25, 2009 Glendora Animal Control Hosts Low-Cost Vaccination Clinic The City of Glendora will offer low cast vaccinations for all community dogs and cats at special "Vaccine-A-Thon" events this year. Rabies vaccinations (required for all dogs under California law) will be priced at $10.00 each. A complete selection of other pet vaccinations will also be available at discounted prices, with special combination "packs" created to allow pet owners even greater savings when they purchase multiple vaccinations. All Veterinary services are provided by Vet Care Vaccination Services, Inc. in conjunction with the City of Glendora Animal Control. The February 21st clinic is set for 1:00 p.m. until 3:00 p.m. at Glendora Police Department located at 150 S. Glendora Ave, Glendora, and Ca. 91741. State and city ordinances require all dogs four months and older to be vaccinated against rabies. While rabies has been brought under control among domestic pets through vaccinations, pets are still susceptible to the disease by coming into contact with wildlife. For further information, please contact Glendora Animal Control at (626) 914-8275. Thank you for Patronizing our Advertisers San Gabriel Valley Examiner Kyle A. Cline, Agent Insurance Lic. #: OD16727 1275 E Route 66 Glendora, CA 91740-3779 Bus: 626-335-0815 Paid for by the Committee to Re-Elect Karen Davis ID#1313569 SGV Examiner Valid w/ coupon only. Not valid w/ other offers. Exp. 1-31-09 ARROW DENTISTRY BRACES & IMPLANTS fine mediterranean cuisine - restaurant, bakery and flavored hookah - beer and wine Family Owned Restaurant Now with Digital X-Rays (90% less radiation) 765 W. Route 66 Glendora, CA 91740 (626) 335-8111 Open - 7 days a week Lunch 11:30 - 4:00P.M. Dinner 4:00 - 1:00A.M. ALL DENTAL SERVICES UNDER ONE ROOF HIGH TECH DENTISTRY Catering available Banquet Hall - 240 occupancy Weddings/Birthdays/Anniversaries FREE Orthodontic Consultation Metal Ceramic, Invisalign Braces Cleaning, X-Rays & Exam 1 Hour Bleaching Do-It-Yourself Bleaching Mon-Fri DR. SANTOSH 9am - 6pm MOST INSURANCES 1135 E. Route 66 @ Pacific Plaza GLENDORA *Lumineers/Veneers *Damon Braces *We Cater to Children *Cosmetic Dentistry *Root Canals *Crowns & Bridges *Extractions, Dentures & Plates *White Fillings *Fresh Breath Treatment SOLANKI Saturday ACCEPTED 9am - 1pm 9755 Arrow Route @ Archibald RANCHO CUCAMONGA 626-650-1111 909-476-6666 The San Gabriel Valley Examiner Bakery - Variety of Mediterranean Desserts The San Gabriel Valley Examiner February 19 - 25, 2009 S.G.V. EXAMINER The Joyful Antique-o-Holics If you visit our home, you will find that we have several antique items and pieces of furniture in every room. My husband and I love and are fascinated by things that were made at least a hundred years ago. We enjoy browsing in antique stores and thrift shops. It is always a pleasure to find some treasure from the past and place it in just the right spot in our house. We find that many of our friends have been bitten by the same bug and it is always a pleasure to hear the history of how they acquired some of their choice possessions. Several of our pieces of furniture came from Europe and hold places of honor in our livingroom. We had the pleasure of attending some meetings of antique enthusiasts and being with them prompted the following poem: THE JOYFUL ANTIQUE-OHOLICS All things bright, new and shining, To us have no appeal. Our passion for the old and When we are browsing through the rubble, Of all the junk in discard bins. You may think we are deranged. But, you cannot say we're melancholics. We are just crazy about old things. We are THE JOYFUL ANTIQUE-O-HOLICS!!!!! LINES FROM LORIE By Lorie Pope Pauly tarnished, We simply can't conceal. That rickety old rocking chair, Can make our hearts skip a beat. Finding a piece of Depression Glass, Can make any day complete! You'll see us snooping in strange places, Among clutter, dirt and dust, Looking for some ancient treasure. We don't mind debris and rust. There is anticipation on our faces. We may display some silly grins, Kindergarten Roundup Schedule AZUSA — Kindergarten Roundup will get underway in the Azusa Unified School District in March. Elementary schools will register incoming kindergarten students March 2 through March 6 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Elementary schools include Dalton, Ellington, Gladstone Street, Hodge, Longfellow, Magnolia, Mt. View, Murray, Paramount, Powell and Valleydale. To register, children must have been born on or before December 2, 2004. Parents should bring the following documents with them to registration: birth certificate or statement by the local registrar or county recorder certifying the date of birth, or a baptism record, proof of address and the child's immunization records. All kindergarten students are required to show written proof of all immunizations including polio series, DTP series, a second MMR (measles, mumps and rubella) and the Hepatitis B series (3 doses). In addition, a Mantoux tuberculosis test is required. Students will not be able to enroll in school without all the required immunizations. Students are also required to show they have had a varicella (chickenpox) immunization or immunity. The district also r e c o m mends a physical exam for all incoming students. For more information, call Pupil Services at 626-8586184. Senior Meals AZUSA — Lunch Eligible participants are persons 60+ and their spouses. The suggested donation is $1.85 per meal. Guests under 60 pay $3.00 per meal. This program is funded in part through Title III of the Older Americans Act, as amended by the County of Los Angeles Area Agency on Aging. All meals are served with milk, bread and margarine. Congregate Meals are served at noon Monday thru Friday. Advertise in the San Gabriel Valley Examiner Call 626-852-3374 The San Gabriel Valley Examiner Monday - Friday 9am - 4:30pm Saturday 10am - 4pm Closed Sunday A3 Menus are printed in our monthly bulletins and are subject to change. Reservations are requested 48 hours in advance. Call (626) 812-5204. Transportation is available for Azusa residents via DialA-Ride. Call (626) 812-5206. Thank You For Supporting Our Advertisers A4 SPONSORS S.G.V. EXAMINER Students Deliver A Little Love To Area Seniors DIAMOND BAR — Valentine's Day was Saturday. And doesn't getting valentines just make you feel good inside? Made you feel special and cared for? That's just what students at Quail Summit Elementary intended when they delivered hundreds of simple notes of appreciation to the Diamond Bar Seniors Club on Tuesday. About 25 students, representing each class on campus, traveled by school bus to the meeting held at the Diamond Bar Center. The students had decorated pink and red handmade cards with sweet sentiments. Many of the heart-shaped cards read "You are my Hero". Others said "You are my Valen- tine, UR Cool" or "Happy Valentine's Day". Some even sparked with glitter. The seniors were thrilled to receive the colorful cards. "I'm going to put these on my refrigerator!" exclaimed Ann Muzi. "And I will think of you students every time I look at them!" The young visitors are members of Student Council and Character Crew, the school's two leadership groups. Teachers and advisors Leann Legind, Pam Leslie, and Klinda Burke work with students coordinating monthly activities promoting good character. This month focused on the attribute of citizenship and students decided to honor good citizens in the community. The Diamond Bar Seniors Club has been a wonderful role model for the youngsters. Members have donated soup labels, box tops, and soda can tabs, enabling the school to purchase physical education equipment and help other children at the Ronald McDonald House. The valentines warm wishes were the perfect way to for students to show their appreciation. "Our students were so excited about this project!" said Pam Leslie. 1st grader Emily Ruhl proudly said. "I colored my card." "It's important for the students to see the good they are doing and make that connection,' added Leann Legind. The seniors gave lots of hugs to the children. Many sat and smiled as they read the messages written by the children. Some even posed for pictures, proudly holding their Valentine's Day gifts. "I think the valentine cards made them feel happy," said fourth grader Emily Slater. Isn't love grand!? February 19 - 25, 2009 Thank you for Patronizing our Advertisers San Gabriel Valley Examiner ACUPUNCTURE AND ASIAN MASSAGE ACUPRESSURE, SWEDISH SHIATSU 103 N. VERMONT AVE. GLENDORA 11 TO 7 MON THRU SAT (626) 852-1868 Glendora Jewelers We buy Old Gold and Diamonds Customed Designs Ring Sizing Watch and Jewelry Repairs Done On Premises by Master Watch Maker ALL JEWELRY & WATCHES REPAIRS & Master Jeweler ARE DONE IN PREMISES Tue-Fri 10 a.m.-6 p.m.; Sat 10 a.m.-5 p.m.; Closed Sun & Mon 144 N. Grand Avenue Located in Von’s Shopping Center (626) 914-4538 Diamond Bar Seniors Club Member Marian Goger happily receives a card from Quail Summit Elementary kindergartener Jordan Gebrian. AD SPACE AVAILABLE AT REASONABLE RATES. CLASSIFIEDS DISPLAY ADS LEGALS ADS Helping 68 Home Owners by “Giving Away” $2,997 Furnaces for $941 With Off Season Central Air YOU CAN B UY A NEW BUY $2997 FURNACE FOR ONL Y ONLY 941 $ LIC#858896 (626) 723-3959 The San Gabriel Valley Examiner SGV Examiner
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