Late Pleistocene subglacial caldera formation at Cerro las Cumbres
Late Pleistocene subglacial caldera formation at Cerro las Cumbres
Late Pleistocene subglacial caldera formation at Cerro las Cumbres. eastern Mexico Armann IJoskuldsson Nttnnrnqn \filrtunl\ \. th L trrrl lr nrn. rl lrnrrrl llin.r' \rrnl\.qri 5l).9t)t)l.(,r tiTt tk lt.Irnl Absh-r(i ,l ri.lant plintuxr trqtitn itt tltu Ctrtu la\ L-uh tt\ \.hdno rhn t lta,t)30+370 rt B P t 3 5 tu 1.5 k,t in lit,ttur. Atthrtnvdth.uLtttn,lttu\al.tnord\tdt)t)?lh\a L) ttti.n.lt1nlJ dhxnld tht.titu lh. r.t\'!t! Alitt t(tuttio.dll^ Lrtltl.rn.ttth. tu d lLtitt rtk,r'tslt,d tfd) u! tu(ttitltlbtttk'rtt)tio|rtta th(.nl.t al7 9Ln:tlDRE) Olllti!\o! nltlk,l12 l it1 tt l irilidl thdtc rt ttt( .tntlior. lint'' DREtrot ttt) INTRODUCTION Trnrs l\lerlcrn !olcinic belr is chamcrer r N :i nefdin: chr . ofvoLcx.oes. rlre Cofre de |e.oie l'i.o de Orizrbx nrounrxi. Ihe chai. cons srs of fonr nu or lolcani. cdili..s xn.l o.c \ol cxni..onr|le\. r!hi.h n!.r n.rh Lo !)uLh xr. alofrc dc l'erct.. Lr ajlorjx complc\. Ccrro ix\ Cumbr.s. Pico dc Orizrbr. dnd Sicrn (Figurc 1. Ncgcndank rr dl.. The e.rsrenr Lzed by Ccro lrs Cunrbrcs (]950nrl rr l9''1(l N an.l 97'lar \\j. qr liAr rccognizcd rs r calderr slr!clurc lc 1198.1) alld Iarer ide|rilied as .r urcli!ul ual slftlololcm.i b) Nege dark ./ a1 (1985) 11 $rs hLgel) co|srrucled dLrin: ihe earl) ro rniddlePleistoce.e epoch. Acri!ir\ de.lined in the llrte I'leis tocene whe. extefsile .trxio. of thc edilice trrck pl!.e l\egcndrnk.r dl. 1985r. br- $rcr Flm ironrneftrl eUecls of the lare Pleislocene \Yis co.sin Slxciriio. i. N,lexlco rre not fulll u.derstood. Whi(c (1987), Whit. and VaL$ttu I l{18.11 dd Heine ( 19E8) sLrtrliocl (hc gldcixl co\.r o. (hc hrge \n rt.r'.r ca ocs: ,\jusco. Nfalinchc, Popocrtafc(l rnd Pico.l. Oriz.rbr. Thc\ coucluded Lhxt durins Lhc hLc Wiscon sm. all yolcrnoes olcr.1.0(l0m allirudc wcn crpt.d br Shciers. GlacieA e rcpo cd 10 havc r.achcd as low rs 3.200m hilude during lhe glaci.rl r)ra\inun (Whire, l(lE7: He.e, L9llitl. Thi\ rr(iclc do\cibcs Lhc rnosL rcccnt.ruptions rt lrs CuDrbrcs !olcrDo. $hich wcr. rsvrcirlcd rilh r \!rlnnil c.,llapsc lornring { crlclcrx 1.5 xl.5 km i dia erer Crrbon l.l clariug ()1 chamd phDL/$1n)d rernains tound in lhe eL!pled ptuducls }iclds an ngc ol' 16,980+N70yrB ll (srrnple CIF85l7. d,red al Gilsur Y FIe \"., . 't l-lL, co.rpositi{rn lrcnr dxcile I. ee, r.r, ".,... hi8h K drtolite (Table I). JOKULL No. 50 49 Atnrtrtn tt iis krltlss rn I tvlF x rco ; E, t: a , lqsrs,,.", .,': & ..aa . ".."r '..: ' :I" "I ". tI ES l -t '.:',^ :lI :ffi= ::j... !.i tr= m+R*rr = Figurc l. Snnplilied geologi.xl mrp oi Ccnlral Nlexico showing thc main volcxno tectdric stru.rtrres includ ifg thc Tlalls Nlexican volcanic bclL rud the location of thc rcsearch area. lnset to lhc righl. shos's the f(n ' volcrnocs and the lolcrnic conplcr lbrmtng the eNlcrnmosl parl ol lhe'lftns Nlcrica \blcnnic Belt Lrs Cumbres is situxred rbouL ? km nonh ol Pico de Oizabt. O1 the iour lolcarrccs Pico de Orizabx is curcntll nrosr aclile. i..luding tlrc prrasilic lent Sienr Ncgr^. Stuatttltitry tunnvjkndts\enititts. M,\t intil htt:!i sitii) lrrr fj[qur at&it)]t s.nt t)trld arsta u hlutu t"t\ikarsLo cl.lfjalldhthis; s Los ( r"1hr?s .t \ntn\41 th1 df rklljdtlinuPitoDcOti.dhd,okalellltttll hefut t?tinlittunsagukqt ltth d Sutut ttJ Pit.) 7L t ".,th" t ?hlsti)lin t,( 0tiltha Siu ru N(n r.n th.\tit sd"Lt Thc Cero Las Cumbrcs |hyolirc coolains abunddcc ol rnacroscopic biotitc phcnocrysls that diitinguishcs ir liolrl orher rh\llitc ptuducls in lhe reqion (Vcnnd and Lope7, 1982) Ar rhe lilr1e ot'ihe erttion thc vol cano was .a|pcd bl r glacier. which had imporLanl eJlects on thc cruptiou mechrnics And frocluccd a unusLral deposiLid l pallern of tbe eruptivc producIS. DISTRIBLITION OF THE DEPOSITS Volcaniclasric dcposiLs lbmred rn lhe 16.980+810 yr B.P eruttion rr. distribured as)'nnnetricalL) &mnd Cerro lxs auml,ns (Figures 2a and ztr). Thc g!:ar est volum.s ol clcposils irc observe.l on Lhc $,est 1lA.k, whcrc the) coler the slotcs fnn about l.40ll of rhe altilrde do\rn lo lhe Basin Ori .nrrl tFigure 2a). Brmncas cul irllo lhe 50 volcano iOKULL \o. 50 deposits rc lcal coi^e boulder rich llu!ial sedinrenrs rt thc basc ol lhe volca.icLastic clcposils On dre flank ol lhe volcano. in rcrs proximal io the lcDL (.'gknt the Cem L$ Cun)bres deposits .onsisr ol .1 e 'p ti!e units. Thc 1o$,esI Lrnrt of tlre dcposils is laharic ard i\ ovcrldm bl pyroclastic llow dclosils (Figurc ll l'hc plroclastic tlow defosils form r sheer thri is drick in ropographic lorls and lhirrs oLrl ioward Io pographic highs. These Jctosils are ore xin br r puniice lill deposit, thdL Llrins regularll rwry lronr rhc lolcano if lccoturncc $ilh a WNw oricnlcd dis persion ixis (Pigurc 2a) Withur x distancc ol 9kn1 ro,.,l-.'dp r"p.r ,..,lat n i' Di ,ro gc tDd ash-1all lwounit! bv r scrics olpircclostic deposirs. Dcposirs ol sir.ilM lithologic charncier caf the sequcncc (FigLrre 31. fomdtion at Ceur las Cunbrcs, l\4eico O AShJNd6POSb Q90 Figure 2a.A simplified geological map ofihe 16 ka las Cunbms deposits, sbowing the locatioD ofthe caldera and nhe distribution of the deposits. the caldera is circumscribed by a zone devoid of deposits. Tbis zoDe is interpreied to represent ihe extension of surnmit glacier al the tine ofthe erupnon. - EinJ'dHaA idt,tedikott df rltbrei'sLu sosefna I A el.lsasitlu i Las Cunbres f)1rir un t6 bisund at un. Gosejnalausa lteain, ren ryndat han, i kringln dskjund, et taliA e dunpegh hamdfts ttbreiAsluj()k Lhetuti lind gossins Goselnin sen lZIlu n inkulinn bAust s{6an burt ned lqsingdrNatni begdr jdkullinn brdAndAi. of crlden floor m lhe fi.alphase of the eruplion. up m the caldera rim is cornplelely frce of In distal a.eas, close to the aillage Ciudad Serdan -3,200m deposits liom the 16,980 B.P.eruption. The deposirs to fie souLhwest of the volcano. rhe punice falllayer reappear within the caidera, wherc they are delbrned occurs belween two units of reworked homblende because ofrhe dacile dome that exL.uded tbrough the daciie ash. The upperhomblende r]acirc unil is overA circular zone extending from an altitude rOKIn.L No 50 51 At ntntt tt iiskrttlsvrt 4 .q' / /.q :t|!.a \ or5 N mo- arer Contour orest l,-igure 2b. t.ocrti(nr \,alin ol nratigrxphic scclions exinrined etid t tintli t1\|tl i! -/ iletua co our this sludy. Selectcd \lr.rli$aphic aoac s 500 m tlre ne b€'nqal se.ti'n\ rr: n'own l Tible l. Vrlurne calculrti(nr\ ol lhe volcrnic dcposils lbfned in thc l6 9U0+870 )r B P cruflion. Crlculations only for rlre deposits withiD Lhe resenrch rct (FigLrre 2rl. Rtit n1l roscJra nd Yn n^ndua st i qotinu Nilrtnfi tndt.nt.tnri;nq l\qrait nh.in4naltrenlin dsti na tttt)lttilrldt\twnisi sttin,l\ttl2d) Arc lfldtuatrnl Thick.css (n /l^Lkl l,,l VoLumc, rtnnril DRL kmr krrs kmz nin ntr Ash {low/,\-lrrlr,/.t"r!1i, IDside caldera/.r,; Calde.a deprcssio t,rdr rrtr,,L, /rrirjrtl<in .! I Ilit t:\u2)!.nlt\rn 52 JOKULL No. 50 hrttt::tilrrl 5 200 299 l5 r0 5 5 500 r t0.9rJ 500 100 2 E 100 90 100 6Ut) 1.0 r80 r.5 78 7-8 .d1d\ra lo"qaron at c,..o 1a, cu".h,/ . \,1t,;,. LEGEND: u t4H .+ a lll ! l w kif| 7/As^ sbr- etoended smqe aid rar sbni0a66a3h sdqgd€p0s s Lllll i"i. fifll lllt Figure 3.Craplic logs showing the statigraphy oflhe las Cumbres deposits at selected seclions. Section locations are showr in Figres 2a^nl2b. Udlin snid i eegnun gasefninrt'ti el.lgosinu sen nJnduAinskiund 6 Las Cunhres. StuAserling eliAa nd et sind A nJndun20 ag 2b. T ll diicitic plinial teph.a Pico de Oriz (H6skuldssoD and Robin. 1993). ID distal areas abr the eastern oD slopes of Pico de Orizaba a tephra layer less fian 1cm thick was observed in soil profiles. The Ceno Las Cumbres lephm is disdnguished frotn those originating at Pico de Orizababy theirdis' lain by linguishing phenocrysts. Stratigraphically the Ceffo Las Cumbres lephra layer is siruated berween the T t T II tepbrx layers derived from Pico De Oizaba arJ Rob r . oo1 . Rr^orl.d p.r , ice ricb iI biotiLe was observed on alluvirlphtus close to the iown of Tierra Blanca. about 150km east of the volcano. No primary pyrocla$c-flow deposils were observed io ihe easi ofthe volcano, indicatinglhar the distibution of the pyroclastic-flow deposits was 1imited ro the western slopes. and lHit"k id*or JOKULLNo.50 53 Aitnun lliitltL^rrl ,' fi!!rc 1. Sl-lNi fhobg(th ol lhe frc.ljum Lo lin. r:h lnirs lhrL mxkc !p rrro.e posir\. nrlLcl r..llh. roll shrfed pr11icLcs. chifs. rrrd !e!cle ld qt l)i lritlat \.tu allistn lv<r hti" \t) lt\\t 'Ih.rc rrc 1$o frrin Lrhoii.i.\ thll frrk. rp tlr. hhrric clcruril. Ih. lir\( lxcics L\ bl coxrs. g(irled. non b.dlcJ. uln{ {Uflnt.d hr.c cir !lc|osil!. lh. mxrrii col]!\ls ol hn. lo Dcdiurrl gtui|ed rnr $i(h s.rl(.red rorLnd.d tunicc hpillL. Tlie cor*e hl.cls s ilhrir the xr. xnguhr lLlhLc lrrs e.t. lrom t|c ca rice. lh. s.cotcl li(ie! \ n.. 5:l ihd lllri ol lh' rnr llo$ (le \rll lrrgm.nlsrt i.di.rred Ia)Kr r r- \o. i(J grinrcd rllr $irh .ns.\ ol hpilli punrLces r.d Li(hics Th. !n r erhibils tli\ti.cli\c inle rrl srfutilicxri.. xnd dcpo\Lllonrl slrrcturcs such ,t\ dunes rnd mc.lrrclucs Abunddr lirgmcnt5 01 !rrchu erl woo(l occtr irr thn r nlr nr:!.sli.g r rclali!el\ lo$ entLrcc.rcnl lcD'pcr rilure lloth lircics rre !llle\ .oniin.d \hcrc th.t oul dop on rhc $csre r \lop.s ol (hc \olQro. \ellhe' rri r hr\ hc.f l.urd ro rh. cxsr ol Lhc lolcrno. Cdl,lera fomLatiott dt Cerro Lds Crnbrcs, Figurc sr.Thc dsh flo* dcposits shoilmg lcn\es of pumicc rnd lithics. Thc mcgaduncs al rhc basc oithc seclion are fiee of charred \food liagnenls indical ing low ernplaceme|t temperatures, whereas charred wood occurs just above rhe rippled zore withln the pyroclastic-l']ow deposii. Gjiskull'Aasetin n1.a tinytt 4 tikti os Iand\dsteinm, sm1 Inurnat betula ,i tftrLL garuruir ebst i opluntti ttu titt koLd, sc Lbendr'tilhess aa hetd sl e inskonar jnkulhlaupa set lt nii* rarl\ hladdn. Il,1s ielo etu knla"nl at nlii;B dkensu i efii hlutd aTu ndr, t;tt ofdn til sitdswtnin 4 sent end aukiun hila leinna ni tkandi lr i g1sinu. asn Mc\ito Figure 5b. Close trp of the basal zone in Figure 5a. Norc inchrcd lcDses md accumnlxtior ofpumice and lithics \liLhin lhis pxrt oldrc defosit, iDdicatins trans por1 and deposiLion bl lraction iD a LobulcDt iolv regine. A contacr can be seen al lhc locdtion ol dre scale. abole whlch carbonized deLtiLus is abuDdaDt. Below the contacr onLv roiten wood liagnents were obseNed. This reiects two iypes ol pyroclastic llow detosilr. a hot flow on top of a cold (laharic) one. Nam1.\'n.l df bo ii opnu u d nLvtd 5t1 Hollantii 1-.. .'. ...?t..-o..1. "/t, aa- \..-.,.. al \ehirndunit hefv it tlr \tdt i itusrc\nti nJ(likratni ntdtkdt skil l1?itd oS kaldd ltlutd selitis. Koltnknot fn un hans, i kaldl hhrtd dst oldn hafidnt gj6tk14 ta en ekki ed flin\iits. JoKULL No. 5ri -55 AD n Hii\LLl\v,l Pumice from Las Cunbres Figure6.Ase.ondar,,-crtlosi(mcratcrwithin(hcashllovdetosrts.Thecl'|Lteri\rbout50mindilmclcr. In the back.lrtr)und r sccLi(lr rhtuugh rhc plrocl.rsric lalldeposiis crn be obseNed. lhe.rrt.r $rs bh\led lhro!gh the fytr)cldsLic hll doposils. Nhich shows lhal dre they serc \rill hor when the tyr)claslic lill Iaycrs rcc! nrulrLcd on rof o1 rhcrn. Gt)\iristrr.r"t 501tt i ltcnrkil t.n Mr i qtrnDr qtl)J1ldlin lii tldlasin turt !ttitkuluqrtttt)trtn .n futa tiutlir til h(tt dl setn|nLIm hdl tetin ,tii)e htin Thc ash fio$ deposils posiG lronr the lvlt. PelEe voLcoo in .iF.r-. 1.,. Lr. \ .,. . .. r.J \'ldrLiriquc Dcl fios depsits .ovcr thc rvo\tcm llxnk ol Ccno rlrxining x n \inrurn thickness ol l6 rn $i(hi. ropogriphic lo$s cloie lo lhe dispersrl !ris of Lhc p!oclasric lillour !niI (Figure la) The rlh fiow d.tosiL is llnc grrincd. $ilh nrorc thxn 7(l% ol thc mrLcrirl hciDg Dlcdiutn Lo line ash (lri3ur. ll IL lornrs a singlc corrinuous unit be- tiecrnse they lerturc.l dcposiLid l slnrclures i diculin-! trrbulcnL ioN. Thc r.nn ".rsh llow is pretered lor thc Ccro las Cu brcs deposic becr[se r]rev rre ldll dcrosi(s rb.,ve (Figure 3). The upper nrxin frt ol lhc rsh llo$ deposrG is nrxssive, with oc.rsionrl Icnscs ol pujrice lapilli rnd lithics (Fisures 5r xnd 5b). This rnrssive pal] of ilre depsit is rich in car bonized derfitui ltnd logs. lt\ blsrl hr'cr i\ s(rrliilcd slrowing onridunes rnd mcgrdurcs similar Lo thosc tou.d in drc L$r! dcposirs tFigurc ll. Srnirh .rnd Roobol {1991) dcscribcd snnilrr sntall !.,lurne de- Nere rlso distrjbut.d b) rhc crtlosions. nnplying lhat Ash L!s Cumbrcs. J p i ro r-l' 56 JOKLr-r- No. 50 oln ch 9..ucr !ol! rehboutIIknrr.Tablel)rhrn Lh. 'ash huricr e deposiis menrioned rb.!e A rcorless cralel. prcduced bv r se.onddy fhrclLic cx plosion. occLrs in rhe distrL sc.t(n ol thc rsh lldl lt- ,.re. ')\" 1.i' t, ,:. Ll 'p. I the rwo units wcrc d.posilcd wilhil r sho lirne of each other. l'hc unlcss craLcr rnr) hrle lbrr ed dur ing d.hydr aLi(nr ol uDderl) mg lih.rric deposits. A Scrnning Elec$or Nli.nscofc (SENII srucly ()1 rr l,.\r - 'r ". .t order ro underslx.d lhc intcnsc lrrgmcnlaLiou ol llre r Filurel Iihrplini.rn frrni.c lrll Borti r i ,ir !tnltr t)ivltXrt Iit phrse !ho\ingcrudc bcddingofrlr. pu.rice. The.r\lr tlow tlcfosir t:r^l'tlttatt\r x mrguu .di.rlccl b\ ils line gi!incL1 chxrrclcrL\lrcs Sc\errl nud L\pcs {cre ,e..grircd rnd nr o ei of rbundrncc rr. phle like r.d rngrlxr blocky shrds. 'I lr.rl,'. (Lin.. plrgiocLrse. o..r\io.rl biotilc tr.d hon]blc.fc. Adhcrcncc 01 dusr si/c pr iclcs orlo lhe nrrlirccs ol' !rr:cr g(ins is...rnron Vcsicle\ l.e xbundor. .\cll jn rhc {nrllesr grrins rFie!rc.1) Thc pr'r'oclasti(-f ll dcposits .rrf i..1i l.s r tred nendin.! rris li)Ilhe nriir p)mclxstic lrll !ri(5. $llh x lotrL Lhickrrcs! ol -15 rl l0knr disrrrc. lr'tnn lh. trldcn rirn (Fi! lhc isoprch r. 'r'' ll .'l.r IuI corsist.l t$o.rudell bedded. plnrirrr PU rLce seprrl.d hI plur.rr lo !ulcrnir. rsh dc r' !I l r l rr r'rll dctosil orcLLrs fs r \j..1rlc unil ie.g. \e.tion Ctl S.r trll dcposil co.sL(s ol LtLo dis Li.c1i\ c lilhol,r.i.s: fliniur r d \'trl.rrir. (lri\hcr rnd Thc plroclxsric Sclnni|cke. l9Slr Thc nroie \oluminols lor r! .urd $iLlcsprcrd\ i\ c.Dfriscd ol lwo nrr\\'!c o| cn cl) (.rfilicd plinirn h)eI\ iF:rrc l) thr( r".r L l..^': 'l Lf r, xih.rnd llrhi. 1rr.lrn.rls (Figurc ll Al -9knr li,r r thc \enr rhe mr\inn n cLtal dec.ersing to rboul 5cr)] lI dirfret.r is rboul l0cnr. r ol l5krr. li (-9k.rl rhc l$o prDricc lull lr\ pro\l.rrL out.rofs ers ric scp!tulcd b) los l..'rlc io\s nrllilled blsc clcposils o. rhe .n \crlc in(.rbcdded Nirh rhlLh micxll,- l.rr-ered uLl.!nix. r\h llrll nlrs (l'igurc l). Thc rh) (lnnicrllf hlcr..l !nils ate te\ersc.!rxdcd rr {r.!. xr. olien detumc.l h) bxllisrrc blocls lomring \.ll dclnrcd obsid Lo b rn an| lilhn sxg\ $irhnr llkl \Irc|' $crr obrairl!'rl rLsl.S rhc m.rhod oi Fier\Iein rnd NN thcn\ol 11991). in{licrring r b!lk lollln]e ot' I I kmr lorrhcdeposirs shich xnroulslo -lk.rI $h.ncrlcr ldLcd rs dense nr.k .qriurlcrl. l)RE llNblc i). Ii thin s.cticrr pu]1rLces sbo$ foThlrilic l'ltLidril rexrur. \iLh \rnidine 10.5 I nrm). qur r ( |.r nlfr). bi{xi(c i0.l l nrl ir.d rlic orlhop}ro\ene irnd rnl TOKULL \o. :o 5l Amldnn Haskuldsson 8. Final phase of the eruptioD: base suBe layers inierbedded with vulcanian-like ash- and scoriae fall deposiLs. Nole lolv xngle cmssbedding. bomb sags of ballisijc ejecta. and plastic delbnnation ot' rhe underly- Figure ingbedsGcaleis25dn). G sthtaupdtet ri\|al ned lolborituti sj'sku dlvulcanian sera nrndaa i bka|asa el.lgossins TakiA e|iir- hshana sk'ilLisun, honh sekktun og plasti.rkti unnrndu u]tdr'liggjandi laga (seht hend tilbL(luts unht?tlis). KtatAinn6 nyt nlniet-25.n ldnsut. lithic phibole (0.1 0.5 n1m). The phcnocrysts a.c subhedral in 1o euhedral. The glassy groundnlass contains cuhedr al zircon, apatite and titanomagneine microlites intra{alder{ The pyroclastic-surg€ d€posits The Dome Pyroclastic-surge deposits are interbedded with the vulcanian ash-fall deposits in seciions from the west flank of Cello Las Cumbres (Fisure 3). The surse deposits consist of coarse to medium grained ash (Md=1.5 nm) anaDged in sets of low angle cross bcds (Figure 8). Ballistic bomb impacts hrve cansed plastic dcfomaLion of the surge beds .ts lvell as dre ash fall layers (Figure 8). In the caldera, the sLrxti graphical equivalenl ofthese surge deposiLs consist of The caldera of Ce(o las Cumbres was partly Jilled by the el Cumbre Grande lava dome. tiom which the lapilli-tephra (2-6.1 mlrl). Ieaixring sandwave struc iures wiih amplitudes up to 1 n. These coarse grained lurae sequences arc intercalated wirh layers ofcoarse sGjned (100 1000 mm) aifall breccia deposits rich 58 .roKrn-r. No 50 and obsidian blocks (Figure 3, Q78). The se.tneDces arc deformed and uplifted by later dome extrusioD oDto the caldem noor. mountaiD takes its name. Ernplacement of this dome complci was the last episode oflhe eruption. heronero.L hospoQl)ri iclLiddl rl rr|rd.on. e{r Ie r n roJndcn. g-oun.lrna.. Tl .g o clxse and pyroxene. Phenocrysts ofresorbed anhedml quartz (0.5 lmm). subhedral resorbed biotite (0.5I mm). zoDed srbhedml !o euhedraL plagioclase displaying rcaction rims (l 2 mm), snbhedral to anhedral sanidine wilh rcacLion rims (l 2mm). subhedml id dingsitized olivine (0. 1 1 nm), subhedml clnDpy.ox ene r0.l- I nrn\. dn.l - rh-,i. al crir" /FrgJr, t .l rl . ' o n l. ' V. , Figure 9.l'hoLdricrograph of the dome rocks. The se*ioD i\ '1 5 n]m ocrrss The three lhcnocrlns present are pyro\.Dc absofbed on irs edges. rouDdc.l qLrartz and sanidine feldlpar: Croundnrass is made up oftlt gioclase. clnropyroxenc aDd lirrno rnagnctire. - Li1sry-n.l d bu tls,lcin lit h.4 hn ng lsins Ljisn) di tt Gtxn ns\i et ir t)laRn')klos. Llini|ibt.n rs til.tnl taRnetili 9). This is thc sune phenocry\t assembloSe obscrred in the ptrmiccs. bur ibe domc pherocrysts clilir in lhat rhey rc subhedrll to uhedral. In lddilion. the dome hva contajns lrltrcctral oLi!ine lnd clnropyro\ ene. 'lhc rolume of thc la\a dome is calcuLated as 1.5 km3 DRE (Table I). in3 volcano Pico de Orizaba and surouDdiDg saielitic coDcs (Hajskuldlson. 1992). a.d dcPicrs lhe Se.e.xl gcochenicil len.1 ol nagNas frun rhe region 'lh. ploLs show! drc cloh,ed nature ol lhe rhyolite\ Il rhe nineral asscmblage ollhe domc lava, is relatcd lo the nlLxing of L\vo magnras. thcn the basaltic magn $,oLrld probrbly be within ihis corrpositionrl rrnge. GEOCI.IEMISTRY $Jlrole rock composilio. of sorples liom the donle aDd ash flow dcposils. dd Lhree fun lhe rumice fal! dcposils wer. malyzed by ICP MS rr Clennonr Fcrraid (Table II). Accolding to Lhe anhydrous tolal alkxlis silica chcrnical classincaLion \ystcm, (Figure l0) (Le lvlailre, 1989). Llre ash iow dcposils and thc done ar€ dacitic. whereas the tumice lall deposits ue rh)' olLric (lablc II) The bulk conposition ofthc rhe ash now deposits na), have bccn nodified by Lhe loss ol line lighr components such as glass or lcldspar etc , ihe conce iraiio. ofdcnse mi.enls, or Lhe incorpora tion ot hhic clasts (Luhr. pts.nal.o,t" nicntt t) Fisurc 10 slrows mdllses of lavas Irom the neiShbor RECONSTRUCTION OF EVENTS In reconstmcting e t6ka Ccros las Clunrbrcs crup' tior rt is ncccssar) to considcr Lhe et!iltnrnrcnlal 'or h rre r'e|n l ' , of:1,950Ir1 at the highc( peak l ro,' Lrl rc bres has dD ahitude on th. caldera rinr. JusL .1. . ol rn< trior to the cruplion and nr. I o.d'o dnmghr 10 bave bccn conside'ably hisher, perhrps -.:.n<.1,'1,,.li,, rI -l. A t. r. r.o,,r'r'. m Nlexicoreachnrg lhis altitude. such as Popocat6|cll, Izraccihuatl rnd Pico de OriTxba, are all capped b) smaLl glacicrs. Paleoclimatic (udies lrom thc Gulf ofllexico show thal during thc late Wisconsinan. fie cLinrate w$ nuch colder Lha il is todar (Kennett JOKULL No.50 59 Atn i t n " H t^ I t.r I tl | )n \ lubLe 2 Vqor elemenL anahsis ol rhc frmice from ihe pyroclastic ful1 dcposit. dome mcks rnd \holc rock samfLe frorr rhe pvroclanic llo$ dcposit. All rn!l\'ses s,ere canicd ouL oD an lCl, al3o. plasma specLtumclcr in Irena.d. The ikin ,1 ht"nFl|lnr"t nttttt ialt,"t)nt t og t a,.l etror is abou( 2% for Sioj and 5t. ibr olher elcmcnLs. Al).//d7rrr,?,rnrrdr dJ ri,isl'tlbndsatin /\lLo tlndqrcinirgdt uuronat,tnICP dtlortlnsttkr!rllli 2 s rrAt8 PA96(I) qill pumice/rjl,r BCl (I) PA96 lonclhtuu sio! Tiol 61.8 0.2 61.5 0.58 70.:1 Alro,l r5.88 15.81 t:.8 FerOr 0.19 0.07 1.12 X{nO MgL) Tordl/\n,,ur, 1.28 3.18 0.1:l .15 :1.i9 t)2 t.-15 35 1.03 .t.3 L82 H"OPF t.27 l) 07 2.11 1.65 0.08 o.22 1.). .1.:ll L)9.1',] 99l l {).t8 :1.2 !9.9.1 Figurc l0 lbtrl r6 t. t] 0.07 0.29 l,42 3.94 3.71 0.19 0. l].87 0.07 0.38 Nar(l Kro 69.8,1 02 0.21 0.06 3.61 99. r5 xlk!11 silica classiiicrLjon of the nagmr cxtrtrclcd during the las C\ brcs crupL(D (open sqlarcsl. Thc.lots lre rcck rn.rllsis lionr (hc nejgh bouring volcano Fico de Orizrba and nrargm{l cmlcr cones (HiiskulclssoD, 19921. ro u ..,' -l il All !nalyses normrlizccl rc I brslliic tield ol rhe clidglrm indi.rres those Locks co.Lrming (ol) and (cpi) phcnocrysts (Robin. l98l: Gourgrud 1985) AlLuli kisil ltakkn h?rytc.qrndtl Lhc T 55 60 65 TA 75 so" .tnd Huddlcsrun. 1972). Glx.ially derived sedineDLs on.rnd arouncl Nlcxico volcx.oes suggesl tucrcascl glicial aclivily duing thc Wisco.!in (Whlte, 19871 ulre ,.1 \.'J.||o.,uql. rl . o..r lr.. der.e n'ggesr thal al aboul 16ka. Lh. Ceno lxs Cum- 60 JOKI-ILL No 50 ..... 4nasu,tsthti"!" irftn,ltLUi0ll\irs Pi( o Llt Oti.h.t, os snlLi!isa Ll slltt n i u,tl\.t.llt (llljalli . Alldt tlttl !ftining[ tN leilit r'rk'd rilliti t)l rtt s bres cone Nas colered by an jce .rp. This high altitrde srte/ice reseryoir ha.l a strone innuence on rhc pmSress of the 16 ka enrtlion as indicated by the occun ncc of phrextomagnralic dcposiis in the Ce o Lrs Cumbrcs cNFion succession. Ca,d, ra E\oldio ol*E lrCmha top Jt.ut, dt .e' ro ta\ Cu,. h ?,. \'14:. o c[@a :ltf-T*r,:i"'"* 5L-_ I,e I ltf!r,iT#'ni:$;". '' h i, d,!{m..dr6 's8q,m.!r- t5l! Figure I L schematic illustration ofihe evolutioD of the Las Cumbres caldera MaiD stages are explained in fie frglne. TnLkun hdlund d gangi eklg.,ssins i Las Cunbres. l) Liklegt i I edfiakins AA t e sosiA h6!\t 2) peg krikdn steig til )ththL,t's komst hin i snetinguri6 gtunnwtn og is sen lei.dni til nJn.lunar pl1rcatisktut sjnsku. Oskul6A urduIgff bfteAsbatuha itjkuthexuvli bldnrtdai Easefnttn ti' haa aa sosndkkutinn Jatl sanan. 3) peg Bosktdftur i1111 j6kst, ninnkuAu Ahtif wtns d krikukd ag gosid vtd fLiniskt. TopPUfjallsins fe siaan sanan os brcnsdi baA aa sostdsinni. Gosidwtn brf alur phrct6nasnatkkt Eftn ad soe.^in InJAi hteinsdstNard gosia enn dftut pliniskt. Pttliskufasatnn etun dkenndit nen PI oEP2d3.nind 4) Aa lokunl ia Phreat6ma7mdt{skllr sprengingar pesril lasar etu autken nd t ncil Shl .hb nt gosinu os tdrA bd aftut og Tsb2 n 3. nfnd. 'dft JOKULLNo. s0 61 Atnan !tnsk ldsson The openingfhase olLheeruption is markcd by la ,epo i \-., r... rp J,..'r i. capped voLcanoes hale been known 1l] generare srnall nrud Aows or lah.r's (Major and Neivhall, 1989). La' hals of this iype occu ed during the beginmng ofthe 1947 eruption ofHeklq sherew.rler-rich low iempe. atue curents conlined to cor8es and valle)s (Kjar- LicrlJl-llo rmssoD, l95l) Ash flo$, dnd lahar deposi$ nonr Cero las Cunbrcs arc b! lrr Lhc ilDc\L crrincd de posils in the sLrccession. indicaling lhrL lhcy wcrc lornred by jntense lrlagna liagmenlalion. As demon srmted by ihe :jEX{ srudy or partlcles fion the ash r rJr 'o.c.e.rrJg,er . o, by magnra w.rter interacrio. (oval shaped vesicles lo ,eqr- c',: rnd dust wclding) rs ivell as volatile laruration (tabular grrin! rD.l vcsiclcs). Thc co+xistence of tabtr lar and ovdl lcsiclcs m Lhc chst populrtion suggests fiaI liagmenlalion ol lhe rnagna bcgan rL dcpdr nr thc condLu (magmatic). generaling rod and chip likc td ticles with labular lesicles. This ge eraled an opcD venr srtuatior where the lieeLy expanding nagna wrs fr,rgrnented as ir cane lnto coNact wlth abundanl sur face water (liiguE ll) to lbm Y shaped plaiey and bl{rcky frricles $,ith olrl ve!i.les (Heike. a.d Who- lcrz, I985). Ilowcvcr, occurrence of tumice lapilli in lhe deposils shows thal Lhc mrgmr was not totally Lr.r Lr' rhan one (Sell aicl Spdks, l9l8! Fishcr rigr c,r was less J. , ,.*ri,'- and Schnrincke. i9E4l. bI Thc iDiLirl phrcatomrgn tic phase wr! Senemled an extlosivc inlcmclion bctwccn Lhc ghcial melt valerand lhe nagma. The early labrB Ll Ldcsccndcd down the 1lanks of the volcano $,ere lbmrecl by an eruptive mixrure ot neltwater. ash and coarse liLhic tiagments. The accompanyrng erLrprion column con sisted ofrsh lnd superheated steanr. The steancooled md condensed duri.3 as.ent rcduci.g ihe bLroyarcy ol thc column and prcmoting its .ollapse to geneF aLc thc ash llo\ lhaL follorcd the floods and laha$. Thc rsh flow blankclcd Lhc wholc castenr side of the . lc ,o lJ l | .lr A rlee rp .J ."... i - ir .l: 'r l:i",o, r F ir. r,. Lr, .tr '{ raie (hence the magmatic pressure) increased cnough to prele.t eriernal water iionl comlng inro conLacl wirh the maSrna. a.d ihe eruptjon siyle changed fiom 62 .r()KUr.r. No 50 phrcat(rnr8matic to pli.irn. This is indLcaied by the lowcr plinirD lrnmicc fril (Pl o. FiSures i, and ll l). AD csLimaLc for the lolume of nra8Dra erupred by lhe llrsr pliiirn thasc is rbour 4km3 (2.!kmir DRE, Table I). E\acuarion oi Lhis .ragma volume ron.h. lo.l r .lJlbrii,r rp,' lr' 'r.' rr tiaied caklera collapse ol lhe cenLftl conLral block. The slrarp tlansirion fiom plinian lrll (Pl) Lo vul crnir. fall md surye (SB l) deposits in oulcrcps clos csL to thc calderr (e.9. F_i8ure 3) suggesis that exre. nal waLcr rcgriDcd acces! to the ven!\ ro initirte the seconcl phrcrtdn.tgm.ttic thasc i lLel ldr L rb,J. of the erption Ii r ol mrgmr $,ithi. the .ondrir lier.r p he 'r rT o,. .o ..i, \r'J'. r. the magma ellusion rates liom the nagnasralic prcs nne in lhe co.duits ard thus allowing exlenal \alcr 'i. $: - Jrd.r g.Jrdu,,e . o rlov I e-l) r, the vent svstem x.d re initiote phreatomagmatic activity (Figurc I Sbl and lrigurc I l -1). Thc sccond pliniaD layer is interpreted to have posed rcsrictions oD lhc now I , J..r''r . r .' ".cJ: i.rd i-.'e, etlusion rale ard extcn l warcr \as rgain isolated irom the vent (Figure 3. P2 aDd Figurc 1l l). As ihe eruption declined. ihe eliLrsion.alc dccrtasccl, wa ter rcgained access ro the lrlaglrla and !ulcanian dc posirs we€ produced (Figure 3. Tsbz and Figun i 1 4). Strch x tmnsirion, lion plLrian io vulcania . hrs bccn rcported for other euptions Bond and Sparks (1976) showcd thrt strch { trrnsi!io. took place du. i g the Nlinoan crupLidr of Santdini, xs a result of At alero las Clulr1bres. glacirl nell\aler rnd guurdwatcr phyed rhe same role. Al presenl therc is a rcgion in Lhc ufpcr reaches ofthe volcano and circunscrib;ng Lhe cal.lcrr seawaler g.rining acccss to lhc vcnLs. LrJr r'ro l e'.dol .epor ro, hr'-rpu,. This area rctresents the exieni of rhe glacie. on rhe volcaDo at the time of the eruption (Figure 2a). All mrLcirlLhat fcllupon the glacier wa! lvashed away as Lhe glacicr nrcltcd. lcavirg r defosit free Tone arou.d Lhe caklcra. This matcrial is lound rs resedirne.ted epiclanic lephft unirs on rlltrvial flains to the exsi of the volcano. The actniry ot Cero lrs Cunrbrcs cDdcd with exlrusion of a dacnic dome conrplex (Tablc I and lisurc I0) on the caldera lioor (Fieure 11 5). (:altlcrd fl,t atd1ut Ctt to Lds L u,1ht.s, MavLo d&it. 6jrln\rgi i kristallrsrmsctDiDgu kom iiatr !i6 CONCLUSIONS cm Mexico- at 16.980+810 yr B.P, led to thc lornd sm,Lsjir sko6un ii dasiti.u sem myDdar hraungnl inni i itskiunni. Hraur:irllinD cr si6asla kvika se'n upp Uton co.t.rct with lhe nagma. gla.ier icc nrcllecl, im- lrrerja kvikublondun hrfi !cri6 aa rieda skommu lyrir gos i boini kvikuh6llsins Ri6lir likurinn fii cld 'lhc crutlion in ihe (--cro las Cumbres vol.ano. casL LurorJ.JdP :< ,.'knr" 'rJr rPP \r I rrc o rle<1 ,r nr rl. .o..nou, , 1.Jl .'o 1i'liating expl$i\c interaclions bet$ecn thc mrgnla and \r,e1. .p'r.. onJ!r,r . deposits. Subsequently. thc cruplion st,!le became fliniu \hen $,nier was frcvcnted lionr acces!ing thc cruprive vent. resulting in c.lldera collaPse. Collatsc ol lhe ceotllLl block obstrucled the conduit tDd lhe crullion st,!le wrs LrrDslbrmed to vnlcrnirn xs $'aLer rcganred occess Lo lhe renl. lncreased cllusion lale and/or clerring ol Lhe \enl revetted drc cruplion sl,!le .o ti ,.,r .'PoL lo Jr. F erJ. r ' ' or.or .rer sitl declmcd and plinian rcti!iLy moderaled to !ulca nio oDcc more. The eN|tion cnded whh the extr sion 01 a d.icitic donre complcr onlo lhe calderr floor. Tephra thaL fcll upon the ice cat wrs hLer lrashed away a! ihc ghcier nlelted, lerving r zoDc around lhe r.: r'!ul ep^| nl.JU'r rurlee-rf or The total rolume of mrgru cltimled to be extNded by Lhc cruplion is on the ordcr ol7-9 km:r (DRE.-lrblc I). Olrhis lolume,,1km3 (2.2 kmr DREI wxs.xtr udccl during the 1i$t ph$c ol lhe eruption. ACKNOWLEDCMENTS lwoulcl like ro thdnk drc lollowing persons that nrg ns prcp.r'atidr:Dr. G. Camus. Dr. E. Aydar aDd Dr. O. Sigmarsson. D. R. B. waitt. Dr..1. Luhr and Dr G. Ablo) rrc grcrrly rcknowiedged for rcvicwing this naruscrbt. for logisric and lranspor mpPorL cluring tield work I (hank Dr J. Nlayer at thc CcnL!: d Eludes Mexicai. ct Cenro Anrericain in Mcrico Ciry. por rJ 1..,or :0 "e. JJJl'r Lr\iJ.rl-.^..r .1 .ll rr ,. , rr gjdskunr mjtjg ruakennilega. I Dessxri grcin cru leidd ad bvi rijk aa cLdljallid hafi verid huli6 jdkulhettu i rin n cklgossins. Jcjkulhettan brndDadi i gosinu og olli lcysingarvatnia Dvi aa.ldgosi6 lari phreaiomxS mdLiskr i byrjun goss nEddu nidur veslur ljallshliainr i\,FI' undir lotibornu rj6skunDi. I' gosia haf6i einogr ad sie tri brensluvaLDhu lal. Dad pliniskt. 6skiu myidunin h6fst bcgar i niaju gosi oS lci.ldi til bess ad ioppur fjallsins ltll srnran. vi6 sig fitllsnrs lepplist gosraLsnr timrbundia og gosi6 !rd aliur phrearo magmrLiskr. Fegar gosrdsi. hrfai hrcnrsast ni6i gos id rfL'rr pliniskurn eiginleikum. I iok eldgossjns d'69 r11 vcrulega nr k!ikusireymi scnr Iciddi enn ifiur til thrcrtomagmatiskro sf €nginga. Gosiru Lauk salxn ned f\i ad hr.rungnllmn EI Cunbre Gmnde mln claiiist inni toskjunni. Ilrmglrgr kans ikringum dskj una getin til kynnd hain1.lrksntbrc i6s lu .i.iktrlhcLtonnar a tnnum cldgossins. HeiLdar tummatl gosclna er Lrpp kon,u er i krmsum 7 9km:r(DRB), rffcsu konu Lrpp ,-\ ' ':..|r grcarl! contrlbuted to this paper by discussions dur \ ! Iur) r'or...r'1lPll1.' l.-,, r.o.rI DRL,,l). r' Lrr ,, go..r. REFERENCES 1 .3 re". ,nl' . ! , '. ,n.r5.A srer ind hvr A'ar,,? 2.1.:1. ji2 55.1. .,. '. Co\ K. G.- J D Bell .nd R.J I'a*huNl 1979. 711 r,/fr Fditnrr .ftl| irnar^ k\'kr. *D, Londoi. pp.450. Gc.rge Allen dnJ Ur Bond A..nd R. S. J. Sprk\ l976 lhe Minoin cruption.l S.florlni. Crccce. / a;2,/. S,. L. .laa | 3), 1 - t 6 F.r{.in I rn,l Nr Nilhens.n 1991. Arothcr look rr lhe calculirion of falloul lcDhra !olunres. A!11 Ii)/.arrl. AGRIP Eldtj,llid Ccrc Las Cumbres iM€xik6 grus ntjijg ofl' ugtr gosi lylr un 16980 nrum. I cldgosnN mynda6 isr a,kia sell) er unr 3,5 til 4.5km i b\enndl. 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