Pat-Add Rheol 253
Pat-Add Rheol 253
Patcham Additives for Patcham Additives for Composites p Complete Package of various Complete Package of various additives and its performances Contents • UPR Industries • Patcham Additives Patcham Additives Defoamers Surface Modifiers Rheology Modifiers Rheology Modifiers Wetting and Dispersing Agents Co catalyst replacement UPR and Related Resin Industryy Unsaturated Polyester Resin • Product of chemical reaction of saturated and unsaturated di‐ carboxylic acids with alcohols • Cross‐linked with a vinyl reactive monomer will form highly C li k d ith i l ti ill f hi hl durable structures and coatings • Utilized globally for the manufacture of products such as: g y p Sanitary‐ware pipes, Tanks, Gratings, Marine, Automotive industry Building and construction Current Market Trend Current Market Trend By end use • Wind Energy Wind Energy • Construction • Transportation • Consumer Goods • Others (Automotive ,Marine, Gel coats Oth (A t ti M i G l t etc…) Patcham Additives Application in UPR Systems • • • • • • • • Pigment Dispersions Pi t Di i Gel Coats SMCs BMCs Pulltrusions Clear Top Coats Hand Lay ups Spray applications Spray applications Patcham Additives Defoamers Leveling Additive Rheology Modifier Pat‐Add AF 75 Pat‐Add AF 76 Pat‐Add LE 1065 Pat‐Add LE 1065 Pat‐Add Rheol 253 Pat‐Add Rheol Pigment Dispersion, Anti Flooding and Floatation Accelerators for curing Pat Add DA 2702 Pat‐Add DA 2702 Pat‐Add DA 2047 Patcure 2716 Defoamers Defoamer should have limited solubility (incompatibility) in the coating and side effects such as crater formation. Lower surface tension. Works through direct destruction of macro foam at the air interface and by avoiding major air entrapment. Free from defects Ecology Incompatibility Selection of defoamer 1 Defoamer emulsified into fine droplets and combine 1. with stabilizing surfactant layer and penetrate in to the foam lamella. lamella 2. Spread across the disrupted surfactant layer. 3 The film exhibits lower elasticity which leads to 3. destabilization of lamella. 4 Destabilization leads to the rupture of the lamella. 4. lamella Mechanism of Defoaming Coalescence of micro bubbles Deaerators (non polar) are oriented in such a way to surround the air bubbles. These bubbles come together and fuse to form bigger air bubbles. Fusion takes place because of the reduced interaction of deaerator and binder. binder At this moment coalescence takes place and leads to the bigger gg bubble formation. Stoke’s law – Bigger air bubbles moves with higher velocity than small bubbles. Pat‐Add AF 75 Patcham defoamer Polymeric Polymeric de‐aerator and defoamer de aerator and defoamer for use in UP for use in UP systems, gelcoats. Demonstrates fast de‐airing and excellent Demonstrates fast de airing and excellent compatibility with a wide variety of systems at low dosages Physical Characteristics Appearance Viscosity @ 25°C, Specific gravity @ 25°C, approx Composition Solid Content(120°C/1 Hr.) : : : : : Clear colourless liquid <75 cP 0.890 organic polymer compound in hydrocarbon solvent in hydrocarbon solvent 38.0± 2.0% Pat‐Add AF 75 Performance test in Iso‐UPR against Reference 1 Blank l k Pat‐Add AF 75 dd Ref 1 f Blank l k Pat‐Add AF 75 dd Ref 1 f • Pat-Add AF 75 is suitable for avoiding air entrapment in ambient curing system as well as pulltrution process of composites. composites Pat‐Add AF 75 Performance test in Iso‐UPR against Reference 1 Test Formula RAW MATERIALS UPR Co (Accelerator Defoamer Hardener (MEKP) TOTAL Blank Pat‐Add AF 75 BLANK Pat‐Add AF 75 Reference 1 Clear Clear Clear Rate of Defoaming 3 1 1 Appearance after curing (from g( moulded panels) Transpare nt with entrapped pp micro foam Opaque p q Opaque p q PROPERTIES Refernce 1 100 00 100.00 100 00 100.00 100 00 100.00 1.50 1.50 1.50 ‐‐ 0.15 0.15 2.00 2.00 2.00 103.50 103.65 103.65 Appearance of Solution Pat‐Add AF 75 Performance test in Iso‐UPR against Reference 2 PROPERTIES BLANK Pat‐Add AF 75 Reference 2 Appearance of Solution Clear Clear Slight hazy 3 1 2 Slight Opaque Opaque Rate of Defoaming* Transparent Appearance with after curing (from moulded entrapped micro foam panels) Bl k Blank Pat‐Add AF 75 Reference 2 P t Add AF 75 R f 2 Pat‐Add AF 76 Patcham defoamer Silicone Silicone‐free, free, polymeric de polymeric de‐aerator aerator and defoamer and defoamer for for use in UPR systems, as well as in PUR and epoxy systems. Demonstrates fast de‐airing and excellent compatibility with a wide variety of mentioned resins based formulations. formulations Especially recommended for clear, transparent systems. Physical Characteristics Appearance Viscosity @ 25°C, Viscosity @ 25 C, Specific gravity @ 25°C, approx Composition : : : : : Clear colourless liquid <25 cP <25 cP 0.890 organic polymer compound in hydrocarbon and ester solvents Pat‐Add AF 76 Performance test in UPR Clear Laminates against Reference 3 Blank Pat‐Add AF 76 Ref. 3 Blank Pat‐Add AF 76 Ref. 3 ISOPHTHALIC UPR SYSTEM ORTHOPHTHALIC UPR SYSTEM Benefits of Pat‐Add AF 76 Highly recommended for clear laminates Produce good appearance Maintains and does not alter film p properties p of laminates or composites Role of additive in reduction in surface tension Addition of small quantity of Polysiloxane reduces surface tension of liquid. Liquid surface tension q f > substrate surface energy Liquid surface tension is Liquid will not spread or it will bead up on the surface. Liquid will spread or “wet out” the surface. reduced and is now < than substrate energy Pat‐Add LE 1065 Patcham Surface Modifier Efficient surface tension modifier, effective ffi i f i difi ff i at very low concentrations Promotes film levelling and avoiding formation of craters Provides excellent surface smoothness, slip and mar resistance counteracts pigment and mar resistance, counteracts pigment floating Suitable for use in pigmented as well as S it bl f i i t d ll clear coating systems. Performance of Pat‐Add LE 1065 in white top coat formulation in white top coat formulation Pat‐Add LE 1065 Parameters Gloss @ 200 Gloss @ 20 Gloss @ 600 After stability Gloss @ 200 Gl Gloss @ 60 @ 600 Craters rating LE 1065 Reference 4 94 83 5 83.5 98.5 97.8 85.9 93 8 93.8 0 44.3 86 7 86.7 5 Reference 4 Raw Materials Ortho UPR TiO2 Patcure 2716 LE 1065/ Reference 4 % Wt 100 15 0.25 0.6 Rheology Rh l Rheology is the study of flow and deformation i th t d f fl dd f ti of materials under applied forces of materials under applied forces • When a force is applied to a liquid, the liquid will flow to relieve the strain from this force • Different systems will resist this flow differently from other and the measurement of the resistance of the system is the measure of viscosity of the system Classifications on the basis of Rheology Classifications on the basis of Rheology Rheology Newtonian Rheology Non‐ Newtonian Rheology Pseudo plastic Dilatants Thixotropic Different flow profiles p Newtonian fluid is independent of shear rate Example‐ Water, Certain oils Pseudoplastic p ‐ Decrease in viscosityy when the shear rate is increased Example‐Emulsions, suspensions , dispersions, paint, ink and adhesive systems Thixotropic ‐ Viscosity decreases with increase in shear rate until a minimum is reached. Once the shearing force is stopped the viscosity recovers over time. Dilatant ‐ Increase in viscosity as the shear rate increases (shear thickening). Example‐highly p g y concentrated suspensions p or slurries Different Shear Profiles Pseudoplastic V I S C O S I T Y Dilatant Newtonian SHEAR RATE ( S‐1) Different Shear Profiles V I S C O S I T Y Thixotropic Viscosity Decrease Viscosity Recover SHEAR RATE ( S‐1) The viscosity decreases with increase in shear rate until a minimum is reached. Once the shearing force is stopped the viscosity recovers over time Different Rheology demand for the paint Different Rheology demand for the paint Classifications of Rheology Modifiers (Functional Group) Rheology Modifiers Clays Cell lose deri ati es (CMC /HEC ) Cellulose derivatives (CMC /HEC ) Acrylic Thickeners ( ASE ) Acrylic Thickeners ( ASE ) Hydrophobically Modified Alkali Swellable Emulsions (HASE) y p y ( ) Hydrophobically modified Ethoxylated Urethanes (HEUR) Rheology of UPR Systems of UPR Systems • FFumed d silica ili and d clay l –based b d additives dditi are used d as solid lid thixotropes thi t to control UPR formulations. These materials through hydrogen bonding are able to create three‐dimesional network which result to pseudoplastic and thixotropic flow behavior. behavior • Enhance and boost the three dimensional structure by liquid rheology modifier is added to improve thixotropy and even reduce the loading of clays and fumed silica. silica Pat Add Rheol 253 Pat‐Add Rheol Fumed Silica Three dimensional network boost by Pat‐Add Rheol 253 Pat Add Rheol 253 Pat‐Add Rheol A liquid rheology modifier for use in UP y g systems, gelcoats. Contributes to the formation of a thixotropical structure and reduces risk of structure and reduces risk of separation. Demonstrates excellent compatibility with a wide variety of systems. wide variety of systems. Performance of Pat‐Add Rheol 253 Formulation Rheol 253 Reference 5 UPR Resin 86.72 86.72 Pat‐Add Rheol 253 0.13 ‐‐ ‐‐ 0.13 0.5 ‐‐ ‐‐ 0.5 0.3 ‐‐ ‐‐ 0.3 7.8 7.8 2 2 2.55 2.55 100.00 100.00 Reference 5 Pat‐Add AF 75 Reference 1 Pat‐Add LE 1065 Reference 4 Pigment R 902 Aerosil 200 Cobalt 1% drier Total • Rheol 253 does not require any chemical activation. ti ti •Rheol Rheol 253 is liquid Rhelogy Modifier which contributes thixotropical structure and reduce risk of sedimentation in UPR gell coatt system. t Performance of Pat‐Add Rheol 253 Viscosity measured in Cps Viscosity measured in Cps Initial Viscosity 35000 After 12 hr Viscosity 30000 40000 35000 30000 25000 20000 15000 10000 5000 0 25000 20000 15000 10000 5000 0 6 25000 10 Rheol 253 20 30 Ref.5 6 60 After 1 Month Stability Viscosity 10 Rheol 253 20 30 Ref.5 60 After 1 week Stability Viscosity 30000 25000 20000 20000 15000 15000 10000 10000 5000 5000 0 0 6 10 Rheol 253 Rheol 253 20 30 Ref 5 Ref.5 60 6 10 Rheol 253 h l 20 30 Ref.5 f 60 Colorants for UPR System Colorants for UPR System Multi compatible: the best dispersing agent for UPR pigment concentrates High pigment and filler loadings for pigment concentrates Robust stabilization of gel coats Enhanced brilliance of color and transparency for organic pigments Improved opacity for opaque and inorganic pigments Improved leveling, high gloss and color strength Pat Add DA 2047 Pat‐Add DA 2047 Strong adsorption properties onto a wide variety S d i i id i of pigment surfaces Excellent dispersion stability Low viscosity for high loading pigment y g gpg dispersions Produce high transparency for fine particle sized Produce high transparency for fine particle sized pigments. Pat-Add DA 2047 R i Mi Resin Minimal i l Pi Pigmentt C Colorants l t Guideline Formulations for UPR Raw Materials PW 6 SP.Black 4 Pat‐Add DA 2047 Ref 6 Ref 6 Pat‐Add DA 2047 Ref 6 Saturated Polyester 33.00 33.00 25.00 25.00 48.00 48.00 Additive 5.00 5.00 15.00 15.00 14.00 14.00 Pigment 60.00 60.00 15.00 15.00 14.00 14.00 2.00 2.00 45.00 45.00 24.00 24.00 Total 100 00 100.00 100 00 100.00 100 00 100.00 100 00 100.00 100 00 100.00 100 00 100.00 %SOP 2.50% 2.50% 30.00% 30.00% 30.00% 30.00% Initial viscosity of millbase 1081 1100 432 789 1553 1396 Final viscosity of PC. 950 930 1754 2289 1243 1236 Grinding time: 1 hr 1 hr 1 hr 30 min. 1 hr 30 min 2 hr 2 hr RPM RPM: 4000 4000 5000 5000 5000 5000 Mill base Pat‐Add DA 2047 PB 15:3 Letdown Saturated Polyester Pat-Add DA 2047 Resin Minimal Pigment Colorants Color Measurement PW 6 Opacity (Mass tone) SP.Black 4 Pat‐Add Reference 6 DA 2047 PB 15:3 Pat‐Add Reference 6 DA 2047 Pat‐Add Reference 6 DA 2047 Over White L* 96.86 96.47 2.09 2.88 33.32 29.86 a* ‐0.22 ‐0.06 0.07 ‐0.05 ‐39.36 ‐35.56 b* 2 98 2.98 3 12 3.12 ‐0.26 0 26 ‐0.29 0 29 ‐29.06 29 06 ‐29.06 29 06 L* NA NA 54.28 51.28 67.51 68.19 a* NA NA ‐0.88 ‐0.60 ‐20.45 ‐20.15 b* NA NA ‐2.49 ‐1.59 ‐29.83 ‐28.91 Tinting Strength (10% Reduction) Color Values Pat-Add DA 2047 Resin Minimal Pigment Colorants White TR 902 Special Black 4 Phthalo Blue 15:3 DA 2047 Reference 6 f DA 2047 Reference 6 f DA 2047 Reference 6 f Pat-Add DA 2047 R i Mi Resin Minimal i l Pi Pigmentt C Colorants l t Mold ld application in ISO Phthalic UPR System li i i SO h h li S Pat Add DA 2702 Pat‐Add DA 2702 Wetting and dispersing additives for p y dispersion of commonly used fillers such as calcium carbonate and aluminium trihydroxide (ATH). (ATH) Reduces compound viscosity so that a h h f ll l higher filler loading in the resin is possible. h bl Pat‐Add DA 2702 Test formulation for fillers – CaCO3 Ortho UPR Dispersant CaCO3 Total Pat‐Add DA 2702 59.64 0.36 40 100 Reference 7 59.75 0.25 40 100 ISO UPR Dispersant CaCO3 Totall 59.64 0.36 40 100 59.75 0.25 40 100 RAW MATERIALS Pat‐Add Pat Add DA 2702 DA 2702 Anti Settling Properties Properties PAT‐ADD DA 2702 Ortho UPR ISO UPR Initial Viscosity In Krebs After 24 hrs Viscosity in K b Krebs DEGREE OF SEPARATION ((Actual Inspection) p ) Reference 7 Ortho UPR ISO UPR 118.1 106.4 114 121 117.7 102.3 117.7 122.6 No Separation Note: Stability test is being continued. No Separation Pat‐Add DA 2702 Anti Settling Properties ISO PHTHALIC UPR SYSTEM ISO PHTHALIC UPR SYSTEM Pat‐Add DA 2702 Reference 7 ORTHO PHTHALIC UPR SYSTEM Pat‐Add DA 2702 Reference 7 Patcure 2716 and Cobalt Octoate 6% 2716 and Cobalt Octoate 6% G TIME STUDIES GEL S S GEL TIMES PATCHAM 2716 COBALT OCTOATE 6% (TYPICAL VALUE 18 – 28 MINUTES) (23 minutes) (22 minutes) APPEARANCE OF CASTING COLORLESS AND CLEAR PURPLE AND CLEAR * Typical formulation: Resin 100 gms, Accelerator 0.25 gms, MEKP 1.5 gms Patcure 2716 Cobalt Octoate 6% THANK YOU Disclaimer: While every effort is made to provide accurate and complete test results for The PATCHAM ADDITIVES, various data may vary depending upon different raw materials, test procedures and test conditions. The accuracy, reliability, or totality of the results are not guaranteed or warranted in anyy way. y PATCHAM FZC and its representatives p disclaim liabilityy of anyy kind whatsoever,, includingg liabilityy for q quality, y, p performance and fitness for a particular purpose arising out of the use, or inability to use the test results. Reference Product Reference Product Reference 1 Reference 2 Reference 3 R f Reference 4 4 Reference 5 Reference 6 Reference 7 Reference 7 Pat‐Add AF 75 Pat‐Add AF 75 Pat‐Add AF 76 P t Add LE 1065 Pat‐Add LE 1065 Pat‐Add Rheol 253 Pat‐Add DA 2704 Pat Add DA 2702 Pat‐Add DA 2702 BYK A555 BYK A501 BYK A500 BYK 330 BYK 330 BYK R605 BYK W972 BYK 980 BYK 980