about `oak lawn - Oak Lawn Public Library


about `oak lawn - Oak Lawn Public Library
by Catherine Barz
Gorden 2·3653
Mrs. Ida Victoria came home
to 10100 S. Cicero ave. from
Oak Forest hospital recently for
a day-long visit, her first in
three and a half years. Looking
very good for herself, she enjoyed seeing the various relatives and friends who dropped
in. Her daughter, Mrs. George
(Ida) Kast, cooked her favorite dish, Italian spaghetti, while
"Grandma" noticed the many
changes which had taken place
in th neighborhood.
Get well wishes to Mrs. Lu
Freberg, 6948 W. 96th pl., a
surgical patient in Little Company of Mary Hospital, and to
Mrs. Sophie Strauss, 9105 S.
54th ct., in Christ Commun i - l
ty Hospital.
The Lester Tho rn ton's
daughter, Sandy, and her family
are Germany-bound for a twoyear stint. PreViously stationed at Charlestown, S. Car., they
have been visiting in Oak Lawn
with the Thorntons at 9610 S.
Brandt ave., prior to their departure for Goppingen, Germany (24 miles from Stuttgart).
Sandy's husband, Capt. Robert
K. Smith,M.D., who will serve
as flight surgeon for the 4th
Armored Division, has gone on
ahead and expects the girls,
Sandy and their two daughters,
3-1/2-year old Jane and 1-1/2
year old Gina, to follow within
a month.
It has been said that first,
second and third grade children
are the only ones who
understand the "new math".
Kolmar school parents will have
an opportunity to catch up with
these young people when Theodore S. Oppenheim, an authority on this subject discusses
it with them at the next PTA
meeting Monday, Oct. 11 at
8 p. m. in the all-purpose room
of the school. He is the principal of Gasteyer school in
district 123, and has conducted mathematics workshops for
teachers in Lyons, Berwyn,
Westchester, Blue Island, Worth
and Chicago Ridge. He has also
taught at National College of
Edil::ation in Evanston during
the past two summers. Mr. Oppenheim received his education
at Union College in Schenectady, N.Y., Yale, and the University of Colorado.
The business portion of the
meeting will be conducted by
Mrs. George Kuper, 10558 S.
Crawford ave., president. Hostesses for the evening will be
the first grade room representatives.
R e c en t 1Y hospitalized in
C h r i s t Community Hospital
were Mrs. Louise Callan, 9400
S. 50th ave., Mrs. Minnie Lyon, 9534 W. Shore dr., Mrs. Olive Marld~. 9349 S. 54th ave.
and the head of this househoid
R. W. Barz. who made a quick
recovery with the help of an
adorable student nurse, Jo-Ann
Gazdik of Elmhurst.
• ••
A patient in Christ Community Hospital for the past two
weeks has been Charles Arnone, 9214 S. 55th ct., assistant district executive for the
Woodland area Boy Scouts of
America. The new district executive, Carl Stewig, has just
moved into a residence at 9728
S. 49th ave.
Al s 0, coupons from Berry
Crocker products which you are
not saving for anything in particuiar can be put to good use
at the Lt. Joseph P. Kennedy
School for retarded boys. General Mills has offered to supply a new school bus for 100,000
coupons. Send yours to the
school, W. 123rd st. and Wolf
rd., Palos Parle, or call GI 80622 to have them picked up.
• ••
Thomas Enright of the Chicago Motor Club will discuss
'rr-he Role of Parents in Traffic Safety" at the Sward PTA
meeting at 8 p. m. Tuesday,
Oct. 12. Rev. Wesley Jensen of
Garden Methodist Church will
give the invocation. Refreshments will be served by the
sixth grade parents. PTA president is Mrs. Gregg Gotsis
10261 S. 52nd ave.
Hostesses for the evening
will be the 2nd grade mothers in room 17: Mrs. John
Rosa and Mrs. Edward O'Halloran; and in room 16, Mrs.
Melvin Steen and Mrs. Nick
• ••
Harnew School PTA will present a Family Night Talent
Show at its next meeting at 8
p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 12. The evening promises to be a delightful one as Harnew students
"go through their paces" and
will be topped off with the ;erving of Ice cream and cookies.
• ••
Did you know that Green Oak
American Legion Post has a use
for your discarded pocket novels and comic books? During
their regular visits to Veterans' hospitals, members of the
post distribute them to the patents. There's a mail slot at
the hall, 9354 S. 53rd ave.,
where the books may be deposited, or contact Joe Ulatoski,
GA 2-3058, and he'll arrange to
have them picked up.
Catherine Barz Garden 2-3653
Visiting the Tom Johnstons,
4709 W. 102nd st., recently were
Alice's brother, Sp/4 Dudley
M. Ward, and his wife, Ruth,
who are stationed in Atlanta,
Ga. Also with them was her
son, Dieter, an inspector for
the city of Kaiserslautern in
Frank Sikora, 9600 S. Kilpatrick ave., is convalescing at
home following his three-week
confinement at Holy Cross hospital. He is the boss man at
Mom's Bakery. Also recently
hospitaliZed, in Christ Community were Mrs. Elmer Buell
of 5303 W. 95th and Blll Maxwell, 9109 S. 54th ct. 8111 has
needed several blood transfusions and his wife, Vera. would
be most grateful if it could be
replaced. Anyone who is wllling and able to donate blood,
should call the hospital for an
appointment, GA 3-7000.
Students in the Sunday School
of Green Oak Reformed church
who received Bibles recently
upo n
their promotion were
Tamyra Kreydich, Kimberly
VanderMeer, Carol Bensema,
Benny DeKoning, James Vos,
Robert Luchene, Jr., Clarence
VanderLinden, Daryl Scholtens,
Patti Pozdol,
Robert Schau,
Kenneth Little, Jeffery Dresden and Pamela McLaughlin.
The new Sunday School superintendent at Green Oak is
Benjamin Scholtens, 9336 S.
New England ave.
Don't forget the rummage
sale at St. Raphael's church
Thursday, Oct. 14. The doors
wlll be open from 9 a. m. until
5 p.m. The Women's Guild is
sponsoring the affair under the
direction of Mrs. Joseph Hilton
of Worth, president, and Mrs.
Edward Smolinski, ways and
means chairman.
• ••
The Sward school PTA enrollment of members is in "full
swing" this month and next,
according to Mrs. George Richards, 10021 Pfarnew rd. E.,
membership chairman. Each
and every parent, teacher, administrator, friend and neighbor is urged to take up the banner to give all children the best
possible education, safe and resourceful communities and the
opportunity to live, useful, productive lives.
• ••
Trinity Lutheran Women of
Church have scheduled
their rummage sale from 9
a.m. to 9 p.m. Wednesday, Oct.
20, and from 9 a. m. to 1 p. m.
Thursday, Oct. 21.
Susie Van Klavern, 4621 W.
98th pI., celebrated her 11th
birthday Oct. 1 with a slumber party. Her guests were Gail
Dawson, Janet Huff, Gwen Fisher, Cathy Gorman. Judy Jenkins, Judy Jatho, Debbie Kevin.
Andrea Hawrysio and Darcie
Baptized recently in St. Geraid's church were Kevin Andrew
Kerkering, Gerald Anthony Oix,
Jeffrey Anthony and Jeanne Marie Seufert, Joann Marie Gorecki, Colette Marie Jordan, Robert Hugh Butkus, William
Charles and Joyce Marie Helberg. and Kimberly Ann Lindsey.
• ••
For an afternoon of fun. take
your offspring to the Columbus
Manor PTA country fair Saturday, Oct. 16 in the school at 97th
and Mayfield ave. Lasting from
noon until 5 p. m. there '11 be lots
of games and lots of goodies
for pleasant munching. Chairmen of the event are Mrs.
Jam e s Dawson and
Charles Zdenek.
Celebrating their 8th birthdays several days apart were
neighbor pals and 3rd-grade
classmates at Gasteyer Schoool
Patty Sahs, 10121 S. Maple
ave., and Sally Smith, 10108
S. Mulberry ave. Their party
guest lists included several mutual friends: Sherie Margis, Judy and Cindy Stanesheski and
.Sally's sister, Robbie. In addition, Patty had Debbie Legatzke, Debbie Denigan, MariaSegav:ich, and Laurie Lamont at
her party, while Sally added
Marcia Anderson, Gay attorna
and Shirley Campbell.
•• •
The Woman's Society of
Christian Service of Garden
Methodist Church will next meet
at 8 p. m. Tuesday, Oct. 19, to
hear Rev. Robert Schumm, past
chairman of the Board of Rock
River Conference Christian Social Concerns.
Announcement has been made
of new members added to the
society board. They are: Mrs.
David Powell, 9612 S. 49th ave.
secretary, and Mrs. Lewis Huber, 9801 S. Brandt ave., kitchen chairman.
• ••
The annual PTA magazine
luncheon was held Oct. 6 in the
all-purpose room of Sward
school. Members of the executive board prepared and served the food to the 45 subscribers who paid $1.50 forthemagazine and received a free lunch.
Chairman was Mrs. Sidney Richards, 4821 W. 102nd st. Program chairman. Mrs. Frank
Beran. 9909 Harnew rd., W. led
a discussion concerning the
magaZine and its many attractive features.
Mrs. Cogen of the Association for Family LiVing will be
the guest speaker at the 8 p. m.
meeting Tuesday, Oct. 190fthe
by Catherine Ba'7 Garden 2·3653
The troop meets at Trinity Lutheran church and the leaders
are Mrs. R. Allaway, 9630 S.
50th ct., and Mrs. L. Beck,
10137 S. Mulberry ave.
Marine PFC Robert W. Leonard, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs.
R. W. Leonard, Sr., 9032 Martin Lane, is enjoying a 20-day
leave at home after finishing
basic training in California.
He entered the Marine Corps
in June of this year on an aviation contract and graduated
in August as honor man of his
platoon, winning his first promotion in the Corps. Following his leave, PFC Leonard
will report to Memphis, Tenn.,
for formal school training in
aviation electronics. He is a
graduate of OLCHS.
Brownie Scout Troop 176 held
an investiture Oct. 14 for Pamela Petersen, Laurie Beck,
Susan Silverman and Rebecca
The newly-invested
Brownies were entertained with
a pantomime on how the Brownies got their name. Actresses
were Cathy Allaway, Cathy
Therese Jiganti,
Cindy Poth and Julie Robbins.
The Women's Guild of First
Congregational Church wUl be
treated to "AWoman's Dav In
India" at the luncheon meeting Thursday, Nov. 4 at 12:45
p. m. A colorful and educational program on this topic wUl
be presented by Mrs. Betty
Mueller, a minister's wife and
'a resident of India for five
years. She will be in costume
as she enacts a day in the life
of a woman in India using different kinds of Indian household and religious items.
Mrs. Mueller, her husband,
their two children and one other missionary were the only
white inhabitants of their village for four years. She has many enchanting stories to tell and
her quaint songs add to the enjoyment of her presentation.
Mrs. Glenn Mehring, 9821 S.
Tulley ave., is program chairman. Mrs. Norman Plump, 5001
Columbus dr., is president of
the guild.
Kolmar Avenue School PTA
suggests that you brighten those
long winter days and nights ahead by selecting appropriate
books from the collection which
will be on display during the
Book Fair. The event is scheduled from 10 am. to 3 p.m.,
7 to 10 p. m. Monday, Nov. 8,
9 am. to 3 p.m. Tuesday, Nov.
9 in the school. Refreshments
will be served during the even·
ing hours by the kindergarten
and 6th grade room mothers.
There will be books on hand
for all age groups. Mrs. George
Kuper, 10558 S. Crawford ave.
PTA president, extends a cor- meals and ate out-of-doors and
Get we 11 wi s h es to Sam West'
dial invitation to everyone in the 1earn ed a 11 about canoeing
as phal 9008 S 55 h
community to attend.
they earned their pioneer a n d '
t ct., W 0 is
campcraft badges. Zhe had confined to Christ Community
The Women's Guild ofSt. Ra- completed a cam p training Ho.spital this week; and to Sophael's Episcopal Church will course in preparation for the phle Francey, 9739 S: Cook ave.
hold its monthly meeting at 8 outing and is signed up for an who is a patient at. Little Comp.m. Thursday, Nov. 4 in the advance~ COUFse which wlllin- pany of Mary ~~sfltal.
parish hall.
Final prepara- clude a back pack trip.
tions will be made for the anThe girls recently completed
Visitors in the Michael Fuhnual sale and luncheon to be table decorations for the Hal- rman home, 4901 Spring rd.,
held Thursday, Nov. 18. The loween Carnival at Sward School recently were her mother,
meeting will be conducted by and, as their next service pro- Mrs. Kenneth Lambert; her aunt
Mrs. Joseph Hilton of Worth, ject, will bake pies for orphans Mrs. Mildred H~ddleston; and
guild president.
in the city of Chicago. For a bit their new baby s godmother,
of fun this month whey will have Miss Marje Richards, allfrom
Happy "sweet sixteen" to a pajama party at the home of Pennsylvania The little gal ir
Rosanna Lissak, 10437 S. Kil- their leaders Nov. 19 and wUl be named Carel Marie and arriv· An up-to-date report on the
dare ave. who celebrated the treated to Zhe's very special ed in Little Company of Mar; Ed Draper family, 9556 S. Laevent Nov. 1 with her junior .pancakes the follOWing morn- Hospital Aug. 26.. The Fuhr· Crosse ave.,includes the.hapclassmates from Richards high ing. Future plans include a trip mans have lived in Oak Lawl py news that their son, Airschool.
to Warren Dunes next January, for the past four months.
man 2/c Ed Draper' Jr. , was
and a sightseeing tour of Galhome on a 30 day furlough after
The Annual Open House will ena, Springfield, or WashingDrake Edward Ferjak, neph· leavingSeymour Johnson Air
be held at Columbus Manor ton, the folllowing June.
ew of theJoseph Ferjaks, 5369 Force Base in N. Carolina He
School from 7:30 to 9 p.m.
"Our Goals andObjects"wlll W. Kimball pL, was baptiZe< left Oak Lawn Oct. 12 for TraFriday, Nov. 12. This is the be discussed by Mrs. Dorothy Oct. 10 in First Congregation. verse Air Base in San Frannight when children take their Beckley, Sward school princi- al Church and feted afterwarc cisco and from their to Thailparents to school to meet their pal, at the PTA meeting Tues- at the home of his aunt anc and where he will be stationed
teachers and to show them their day, Nov. 9 at 8 p.m. There uncle, who are also his god· for three years.
school work and class projects. will be an art display set up un- parents. His parents are thE Another son, Ensign Robert
The PTA will serve refresh- der the direction of Miss Ward, Edward Ferjaks of Harrisor Draper, is a navigator on aNaments and hold a Bake Sale art instructor, usingworkwhich Vill~ge, Ind. Ed is a staff ser· vy plane flying out of Manila
during the evening.
is representative of all grades geant and is stationed at Ft. and a kinawa He has been there
The regular meeting of the The general theme for the ev~ Benjamin Harrison. Some 5( since May 29 after being staassociation will be at 7:30 p.m. ening is "Our Children's Chal- relatives and friends (23 0 tioned at Follett Air Force Base
Monday, Nov. 15 in the school. lenge _ Their Creativity." All them children under 12) stop· in San Diego for 3-1/2 months.
according to Mrs. Harry Tal- teachers plan to be present and ped by during the open house Son Dick is a freshman at Carlon. Q815 S. MpRnp Rve.• PTA the 2nd-grade room represent• • •
thage college in Kenosha, Wisc.
president. A film of Australla atives will serve refreshments. St. Linus Tabernacle Guild and a member of the band. His
and Japan will be presented by
• • •
will sponsor a performance oj folks heard him play when they
Miss Mary DeweyofD.D.E.H.S.
"We Take Pride in our School "Remains to be Seen" starring attended Homecoming Oct. 23.
who has just returned from a Curriculum" is the theme of the Janis Paige Wednesday Nov The Drapers youngest son, Jim
year "down under".
open house to be held in Cov_ 24 at Drury Lane Theatr~T1ck~ is a junior at a LCHS.
ington School Wednesday, Nov. ets priced at $3.50 are avail- Both Jim and Dick enjoyed
The Men's Club of St. Raph- 10 from 7 to 9 p. m. PTA pam- .able from block captains or the a trip with their. folks this sumael's Episcopal Church held its phlets entitled "The Extremist ticket chairman, Mrs. Thomas mer to the Denver, Colo. area
annual card party Oct. 22 in Groups" will be distributed by Foster, 5029 Harnew rd. S. where the family had lived for
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cla- Mrs. James Mitchell, 5209 Al• • •
six years. They visited a forrence Novak in Chicago.
exander pI., national PTA pubNewly elected officers of the mer neighbor who showed them
lications chairman. The pam- Future Business Leaders of the various new attractions such
The most recent adventure phlets were purchased for the America at OLCHS are Ber- as the Air Force Academy
for members of Cadette Scout PTA by Johnson-Phelps VFW nard Chevalier, president; Ja- where they were particularly
Troop 636 headed by the unique Auxiliary. Theil; Americanism nice Ladwig vice president. impressed by the church buildhusband and wife team as lead- chairman, Mrs. Edward Lurgio, Carol Smoll: secretary, Bili ing in which three denomiers, Betty and Harley Zhe, 9156 S. 51st ave., and aUxiliary Masterson, treasurer; and Ruth nations worship in separate in9537 S. 50th ct., was a canoe president, Mrs. Louis Per- Cassell reporter
dividual churches. They saw
trip at Camp Betz near Ber- schau, 8948 S. Meade ave., will
•• '.
Dillon Dam, Pike's Peak and
rien Springs, Mich. The group be present that evening.
--the town of Vail with its eleslept in tents, cooked their
• • •
gant Italian-style homes.
.:::::::::::::::::;:::::::::::::=:::':::~======::;Ipan c a k e
by Catherine Barz Gorden 2-3653
"Garden School for the Handicapped" will be the topic discussed at the next meeting of
the Women's Guild of St. Raphael's churchstartingat8p.m.
Thursday, Dec. 2, in the parish
hall, 9701 S. 49th ave. Guest
speaker will be Robert Norris, faculty member, who will
talk about the work and activities of the children attending the
school, and will show films of
the new seven-room building at
State rd. and Austin ave., Oak
Lawn. Mrs. Joseph Hilton of
guild president, will
conduct the business portion of
the meeting.
A bit of pleasure, a bit of service, and a bit of learning all
combine to make a good Girl
Scout program. Members of
Cadette Troop 249 sponsored
by Johnson-Phelps VFW can
chalk up something in each category for the past month. They
brightened the lives of some
veterans at Oak Forest Hospital recently when theyarnved
with stacks of home-baked cookies and stayed to play games.
They plan to return Dec. 12 with
another surprise.Their hiterest
and work with the hospital began last April and emulates the
activities carried on by their
sponsoring organization. Mrs.
Irene 0 'Connor is their representative.
More recently they conducted
a nature study program while
on a double overnight at Thorn
Creek. Newest members of the
troop are Mary Ann Burns, Diane Carlson,
Kathy Krause,
Sandra Melander, Susan Neal,
Elizabeth Swan. Judy Serafini,
and Jean Willis. Most of the
girls had not spent the night out
in the woods previously so it
was a very exciting experience.
The adults who accompanied
them were their leader Mrs.
Shirley Allers, 9624 W. Shore
dr., and co-leader, Mrs. Betty
Hoskins, 9715 S. 53rd ave. Also Mrs. Joan Hoskin, Mrs. Gloria Scott, and first aiders, Mrs.
Eloise VanKlavern and Mrs.
I:Xlrothy Oliver.
Judith Lynn Brandenburg, infant daughter of the Wa yn e
Brandenburgs, 8912 S. 55th ct.,
was baptized in First Congregational Church Nov. 14.
Miss Mary Dewey's slides
and description of her year in
Australia were described as
fascinating by those in attendance at the Nov. 15 Columbus
Manor PTA meeting. She is
the girls' advisor at Eisenhower High and will be sharing
her experiences with many
school groups. Also on the program was a resume of a recent district 34 conference given by Mrs. Herbert Briggs,
9631 S. Parkside ave., and Mrs.
Curley, 4th grade teacher, both
A "Book Fair" will be held
in the St. Linus parish library
Saturday, Dec. 4 and Sunday,
Dec. 5 and will feature a wide
range of best sellers for adults with varied interests, books
for school-age boys and girls,
educational paperbacks, magazine subscriptions, a large selection for the small and smaller fry. The Book House in Chicago will supply the collection.
The Joseph Ferjack family
has moved across the street to
5400 W. Kimball pI. and that
actually sounds easier than it
was. Most impracti"cal to hire
a van for no distance at all
and so you "do it yourself", The
Lawrence Marjans are also
settled in a new house at 8925
S. 55th ct,
Brownie Troop 463 sponsor.ed bytheGaddisPT~ now numbers 20 members wlth the addition of newcomers: Linda Errant,
Debra Spirakes, Hope
Leslie, Sandra Newell, Natalie Murowski, Kathleen Geary
and Nancy Quealy. Troop leader is Mrs. Phyllis Draves, her
co-leader, Mrs. Muriel Urbasich, both of Hometown.
Cub Pack 3442 invites you all
to stop by the VFW hall between
the hours of 5:30 a. m. and 2 p. m.
Saturday. Dec. 4, for a delicious
breakfast, brunch,
lunch, or what-have-you. The
pack is sponsored by Brandt
PTA and led by Cubmaster Robert Beard, 5191 W. 88th pI.
Call him at 423-4184 for tickets or get them at the door.
Sward School PTA has scheduled a "get-acquainted night"
for the parents of junior high
students at 7:30 p. m. Monday,
Nov. 29 in the all purpose room
of the school. There'll be lots
of chatter about these tweenage youngsters and their special concerns and, of course,
refreshments. Mrs. GreggGotsis, 10261 S. 52nd ave., is president.
• ••
A happy ninth year to Cindy
Richards, daughter of the
George Richards, 10021 Harnew rd. E., who celebrated
the occasion Nov. 20. Among
her guests were Cathy Main,
Patty Murphy, Jean Parker,
Sherry Turner, Carol, Renne
and Peggy Richards, Julie and
Janet McCoy, and Kim Sorley,
All enjoyed cake and ice cream
together and the last three spent
the night with their hostess.
The A cappella choir from
OLCHS spent a recent night at
Robbins Lodge in Palos where
their activities included a snipe
hunt and touch football. Chaperones were Mr. Arnold, choir
director, and Edward Lurgios,
9156 S 51st ave. An earlier
trip this fall took the group to
Starved Rock.
After lovely refreshments,
the guests at Mary Pat McNicholas' birthday party were
treated to the play "Puss 'n
Boots at a theatre. Turning ten
Nov 13 Mary Pat spenttheoccasion ~ith Mary Beth Johnson
Don't forget the pancake sale
sponsored by Cub Pack 3442
from 5:30 a. m. to 2 p. m. Saturday, Dec. 4 at the VFW Hall.
W. 88thispI. Robert
by Catherine aarz Garden 2-3653
A program of Christmas music w1ll be presented by members of the Oak Lawn High
School Choral Group for the
Women's Guild of the First
Congregational Church of Oak
Lawn at 1 p. m. Thursday, Dec.
2. Mrs. Harold Richardson. 9711
S. 50th ct., Oak Lawn, is chairman.
Pfc. Dennis Corrigan. son of
Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln Ward.
8708 S. Sproat, was recently selected Orderly of the Day to the
Commanding General of the U.
S. Army Infantry Center at Fort
Benning. Ga.
Selection was
made on the basis of his superior knowledge of interior guard
• ••
Condolences to Mrs. Donald
Matejka, whose father, George
V. Dickman, passed away last
week. Don Matejka is a lieutenant with the Oak Lawn Fire
Our sympathy is also extended to the family of Fred H.
Marcordes who passed away
last week.
duty and his outstanding military bearing and appearance,
according to a letter received
by his parents. He was select•
ed from a field of 350 guards.
l\10ve over and make room for
Corrigan attended Oak Lawn
and Brother Rice high schools another member of the Mcbefore his enlistment.
Cauley family. Frank and his
wife Mary, with their two children Debra, six months, and
Lisa, 2, are no liVing at 10605
Ridge dr. Frank is employed at
the Loffert! Steel Company.
Other news about the McCauleys is heard from John
"Peanuts" son of Mr. and Mrs.
Donald McCauley, 10337 Stephen dr., who came home especially to attend the Ridge firemen's dance. Pat McCauley is
stationed in Fort Knox, Ky.
Peanut's brother, Earl. celebrated his 18th birthday Nov.
6 with a group of friends.
Marine Pvt. Bob Richards,
4821 W. 102nd st., arrived home
on a furlough in time to enjoy
Thanksgiving dinner with his
family. He has just completed
basic training at Camp Pendleton. Cal., and won for himself a sharp shooter medal. He
will report to an aviation school
in Memphis, Tenn., Dec. 12,
and with luck, w1ll be back here
for Christmas. He is an Eisenhower High School graduate
and enlisted in the Marine Corps
last August.
Donna Zimmerman. 17 year
old daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Zimmerman, 11001 S.
Parkside, is well again after a
ten day vacation for tonsil and
adenoid surgery. Donna is a
junior at Richards High School.
Eddie Bergdahl, seven year
old son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed
Bergdahl, 10313 Stepnen dr.,
is back at school after a short
vacation for tonsil ahd adenoid
surgery in Christ Community
• ••
James G1ll of 9000 S. 51st
ave., a sales representative
for American Airlines in the
Chicago area, has been selected to attend an intensive sales
training program at the airline's headquarters in New York
The Zehr family, 10246 S. City.
52nd ave., entertained some
guests from Stockholm, SwedSchool looks mighty good to
en Thanksgiving Day, a cou- a fella when he's unable to atsin of Vi's unknown to them un- tend. John Winslow, 4124 W.
til she popped up in this coun- 100th st., finds himself in this
try with her family. She and position and doesn't yet know
her husband, both teachers, are when he'll be able to join his
taking some special classes at freshman classmates at the
Northwestern UniVErsity and Northeast Richards High buildBerkeley. Their three small ing. He's gotten to know them
children speak only Swedish. and his teachers however,
through a two-way telephone
hook-up which makes it possible for him to listen in on
four classes each day and to
participate in class discussion
by merely pressing a button. It
was pretty awesome at first as
this was a new school which
he had never attended. hedidn't
• ••
laiow his instructors. and the
majority of the students were
strangers. By now they're old
friends and John receives his
share of greetings each morning when he tunes in. The class
room sessions are supplemented by hour-long visits twice
a week with his biology teacher, Joseph Lyznicki.
All this came about because
of a bicycle accident last July
follOWing which John spent eight
weeks in Christ Community
hospital with a fractured thigh
bone in traction. Hethen graduated to a waist-high body cast
and was sent home where he
managed to get around pretty
well in a wheel chair with a reclining back. ow for the past
three weeks he's been on crutches, and, when he becomes
more proficient, he'll become
a full- fledged student.
by Catherine Ilarz Garden 2-3653
Army Pvt. Eugene (Dude) De
Lance, 5121 W. lOOth st., is
home on furlough after completing nine weeks of basic
training in artillery at Ft. Knox,
Ky. He's scheduled to report to
Ft. Sill, Okla., Dec. 10. In the
meantime he was guest of honor at a party in Bill Pacetti's home, 5325 W.I02nd st.
Dude was a 1962 Eisenhower High School graduate and
was employed by National Cash
Register before going into the
Bill Maxwell, 9109 S. 54th
ct., has been convalescing at
home after his seven-week confinement in Christ Community hospital and should be back
at work in "sherr order". Mrs.
William (Vi) Zehr, 10246 S.
52nd ave., has been "out of
commission" foHowing an automobile accident in which the
whole family was involved Nov.
Dolly and Li Schiavitti, 5240
W. 88th st. are so pleased at
the birth ov. 30 of their new-'
est offspring they've posted a
sign in their window proclaiming "It's a boy! ". Little James
William Schiavitti weighed seven pounds, thirteen ounces upon arrival at Christ Community hospital. Equally tickled are
his three sisters: Nancy, 10;
Jayne, 8; and Carol, 3. Dolly
is room mother chairman for
Brandt PTA, and both played
an active part in the recent
Arlene Wucka, 4509 W. lOOth
pl., has completed her nine
weeks of student teaching and
returned to the orthern Illinois University campus in DeKalb to complete her final year.
• ••
Gaddis School PTA members
and frien~s will be entertained
by the students at their Christmas meeting Tuesday, Dec. 14
at 7:30 p.m.
through third grade will present their own little plays while
fOLrth through sixth grade students will sing many beautiful
carols. Refreshments will be
served follOWing the program
which has been arranged by
1\lrs. Thomas Maras, vice president and program chairman.
• ••
A happy 16th year to Tom
Hyde, 10119 S. Buell ct., whose
natal day was 10V. 28. He is
a junior at St. Laurence High
The Oak Lawn Community
Chest reports that 3/5 of its
residential goal has been reached with the receipt of $2116.25
as of Nov. 26 from the mail solicitation made several weeks
ago. If you've neglected to send
yours in,there's still time to
support this worth-while organization which in turn contributes to local welfare and character-building agencies. This
figure does not include the solicitation of business establishments,
according to F I' a n k
Micklin, 9725 S. Warren ave.,
general chairman. The Crusade
of Mercy from which the local
chest receives supplementary
funds has reached 75% of its
goal. Mrs. George Winslow,
4124 W. l00th st., is presIdent
of the organization.
least, the presentation of the
big gifts to the top candy salesmen. This will be the night for
the parents to put on the program and, according to Mrs.
Mickey Appel, 5260 W. Avery
pl., chairman, the audience is
in for a few surprises. Eugene
Celebrating 50 golden years Pritchard, 4700 W. 98th st.,
recently were Mr. and Mrs. is president of the association.
Bernard Noaice, 9001 S. CicMore moving about in our
ero ave., who have been Oak
Lawn residents for the past fair village. The Bob Lydigfour years. The Joseph Fer- sens changed the i I' address
jaks, 5400 W. Kimball pI., mark- from 10007 Harnew rd. W. for
ed their 20th, Nov. 27. Congrat- 5501 W. Oakdale dr., and the
George Ponches have moved
ulations to both couples.
from 5025 to 5008 Oak Center
The Concert Chorale of H. L. dr.
Richards High School presentEnjoying a recent Mexican
ed the Christmas program for
the Sward PTA Dec. 7. The holiday wit h their offspring
theme for the afternoon meet- were Village President Fred
ing was "Our Children's Chal- Dumke and Donna, Village attorney Gerhardt Gliege and John
lenge: Their Spiritual Values. "
and Park Commissioner Frank
The fifth grade room mothers
Cole and Beth.
who served as hostesses were
Mrs. F. Konrath, Mrs. F. Murphy, Mrs. Perry Scott, Mrs.
The Oak Lawn Hometown
John Galvin, Mrs. J. McKana, PTA Council has invited Mrs.
and Mrs. W. Savage.
Henrietta Marjan of Palos
well-known parlia• ./< •
Holiday visitors in the Rufus mentarian, to discuss proper
Druley home, 9657 S. Massasoit procedures in conducting meetave., were his sister, Mrs. Ar- ings at a meeting to be held at
thur Griffen d Lake Forest 8 p. m. Tuesday, Nov. 30 in
and her family. Her daughter, Brandt School, 8901 S. 52nd ave.
Gwen, is secretary to Len O'- An added attraction will be the
Connor and a former room- presentation of "The Happy Memate at U.C.L.A. of Harriet dium" by the Brandt Players
Murphy of W. 99th st.
under the chairmanship of Mrs.
Grace Pluhar, 5270 W. AlexAn assembly program by the ander pI. New members restudents will be presented at cently added to the council board
the next Kolmar Avenue School are Mrs. Perry Scott, 9617 S.
PTA meeting at 8 p. m. Mon- 52nd ave., secretary, and Mrs.
day, Dec. 13. Participants will John Swanson, 10513 S. Kostbe the fourth, fifth and sixth ner ave., publications and PTA
graders who will be directed magaZine chairman.
by Robert Rhodes, music instructor" and students studyMembers of the National Hoin g f- rench.
The follOWing nor Society at OLCHS recently
morning at 9:30 a m. an as- visited Western Illinois Universembly program will be pre- sity at Macomb and just happensen ted by the kindergarten ed to bump into former classyoungsters, first, second and mates, Nancy Lamparter and
third graders.
George Katsenes.
• ••
• •
• ••
• ••
The First Friday Nighters of
Firs t Congregational Church
wi II meet at 8 p. m. Friday,
Dec. 10 in Colonial Hall to socialize and make decorations
for the church tree. Donation
per couple is $1 and the chairmen are Mrs. Barbara Dague,
9304 S. 49th ct., and Mrs. Sherry Kantzler, 4105 W. 99th pI.
• ••
Married over the holiday
weekend were Miss Lucille
Rose D'Alessandro, 5th grade
teacher at Kolmar Avenue
School, and Thomas Banaszak
business education teacher at
Eisenhower High School. The
wedding took place in St. Bede's
the Venerable church in Chicago and the reception was held
at the Palos Hills Country Club.
Condolences to Mrs. Millie The couple will live in Worth.
Lackovic, 6412 W. 89th pl., who
suffered a broken arm in a fall.
Ron Fox, former OLCHSstuShe is D. very capable ward- dent, is seeing the world while
robe lady for the 0 LCHS Spartan at the Merchant Marine AcadeBand.
my. He'll be on board ship until
His folks,
The annual Christmas party Charles Foxes, now live in Mt.
for the OLCHS Band Parents
Vernon, O.
and their families will take
place Thursday, Dec. 9. There
will be a grab bag, a real-life
Santa to distribute gi fts to the
small fry and, last but not
• ••
by Catherine aarz Garden 2-3653
Leatitia Hull, 4820 W. 96th will trim the tree with an appl., has been pledged by theAI- propriate ceremony, accordpha Delta Pi sorority at North- ing to Cubmaster Edward Stockern Illinois University in De- us, 10508 S. Keeler ave. Party
chairman is Mrs. William MusKalb.
selman, 4339 W. 109th st.
Popping up at the first RiThe Carl Barkstroms, 4825
chards High basketball game
were former Oak Lawn resi- W. 96th pl., welcomed a little
Dawn Marie, last
dents, John Speers, now of Phil- daughter,
adelphia, and Kay Ross, a resi- month.
dent of Hinsdale. John spent the
Young, single adults in the
holidays with the Ross family. Oak Lawn area are invited to
join a new group which has been
Mr. and Mrs. George Witous,
formed "strictly for fun." A
5137 W. 105th pl., welcomed pizza party Dec. 3 in the home
their fourth child Dec. 7 at Lit- of Phyllis and Pat Myers, 9446
tle Company of Mary Hospital. Raymond ave., was the first orJennifer Lynn, who weighed 8 der of business, and the secIbs. 5 oz. joins James 6; Kath- ond promises to be just as jolleen, 5; and Joseph, 3. Jenni- ly. It will be an informal treefer was born the same day, at trimming session complete with
almost the same hour, and in the dancing and Christmas-type resame hospital, as her sister, freshments starting at 9 p.m.
Friday, Dec. 17, at the George
• ••
Washington Savings and Loan,
Airman First Class Riehard 103·rd and Cicero. Among the
E. Lisak was home on three- planners are Betty and Marge
week leave from the U. S. Air Byerly, Pat Crum, the Myers
Force with his wife and daugh- gals and Mary Beth Bender.
ter, his first visit home in three
Sponsoring the group are
First Congregational church,
3/C Petty Officer William Garden Methodist, Trinity Lu]. Lisak is now recuperating theran, Trinity Presbyterian,
at home after a year spent at the Salem United and St. Mark with
Naval hospital. He is now on the object of providing planned
temporary retirement from the activities for post high and post
U.S. Navy. These servicemen college people regardless of
are the sons of Mr. and Mrs. their denomination.
Frank J. Lisak, 6530 W. 93rd
st., Oak Lawn.
Youth Servlce League board
members who would normally
Athena Tri-Hi-Y club mem- be hustling around in preparabers enjoyed a recent overnight tion for a February theatre
in the Beverly cabin at Camp benefit are concentrating on
Palos. Their advisor is Miss Christmas chores instead as
Jerri Van DeKreke, teacher their annual benefit has been
postponed until next Nov. 17.
• ••
They will however, be planning
Recently baptized at St. Ger- one of their fun bus trips to
ald's church were Carol Ann take care of those mid-Winter
Bachelder, Debbie Sue Ebel, doldrums. The date? Feb. 16.
Karen Michelle De Angelis, Su- Mark in on your calendar, lasan Falada and Kevin William dies.
The Senior Youth group at
Members of the Fine Arts Fir s t Congregational partiClub of H. L. Richards High cipated in a Progressive Dinner
School with their sponsor, Mrs. Dec. 5 starting with hors d'Helen Oppenheim, took in a re- oeuvres at Gayle Miller's, the
cent performance of "Sound of main course at Leslie and SuMusic" at the Michael Todd san Dale's and dessert back at
the church. On Dec. 19, they
will a-caroling go, to the homes
A Christmas Party for Scouts of shut-ins, and return to Rev.
home for refreshin Cub Pack 3435 and their fa- Bailar's
milies will be held in the Lawn ments. The final meeting of
school at 7:30 p.m. the year, Dec. 26, will be a reThursday, Dec. 16. Santa will union for all college students
at 7 p. m. in Colonial Hall.
distribute gifts and the Scouts
• ••
• ••
• ••
Diane Barz and Pam LaCoy
are two of the lucky, young ladies chosen to represent H. L.
Richards High School on the
Steventeen board of Charles A.
Stevens at the Plaza. They will
do a bit of modeling and Window arranging while receiving
instruction in grooming, hair
styling, how to dress mannequins, etc. Board members and
their guests were feted at a
Holiday Jamboree Dec. 5.
The Bill Webbs, 9516 S. Kolin ave., welcomed a new grandchild ov. 29 - Mark James,
son of the James Jarretts of
Hometown, and their second
child. The Ed Loefflers, 9231
S. 48th ct., be cam e greatgrandparents with the arrival of
Kristen Louise Allen, ov. 28,
in Bridgeport, Conn.
• ••
The St. Linus Teen club will
sponsor an Ice Skating Party
Friday, Dec. 17 at the Michael
Ki r b y Arena. Reservations
chairmen are Sue Haney and
Reenie McGarry.
Officers of the Garden ~le­
thodist Junior Hi group for the
current year are Ken Jensen.
president; Martha Gessell, vice
president and program chairman; Cherie Crider. secretary; Dawn Wilson, treasurer.
Counselors are Mrs. Wendell
Eary, 6401 W. 93rd st.• and Mrs.
Robert Wallace. 8932 S. Sproat
by Catherine Q~HZ Garden 2-3653
With our eyes we see the "gay
glitter" of Christmas . . .
With our ears we hear its
."merriment" ...
With our hands we touch the
"tinsel-tied" trinkets . . .
But only with our hearts can we
feel the miracle of it. . ..
Helen Steiner Rice
The spirit of Christmas was
felt by Girl Scouts in Junior
Tr 0 0 p 871 as they lovingly
wrapped the gifts contributed by
students in Hannum school as
their part in the Toys for Tots
program. This was the troop's
service project for the month.
Their holiday party Dec. 15
r2. -1.1. -\CiGS
was in the form of a supper
prepared and served by the
girls. Salem united Church of
Christ is their sponsor.
Klavern,' Mrs. R. W. Barz,
Mr s. John Dance of Palos
Heights and Mrs. Robert Keck
of Hinsdale.
Mr. and Mrs. Thor Joelson,
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Nicholson, 9813 S. 55th ave., are the 9716 S. 54th ave., welcomed a
proud grandparents of an 8 lbs. new grandchild Dec. 6, Kim Jean
9 oz. grandson, Dougas And- Martin, whose parents are the
rew Skomer, whose parents are Thomas Martins of Cicero.
the James Skomers of Bensenville.
school students
wer~ among those taking part
The wives of the Southwest in the "Christmas Around the
Suburban Shrine Club members World" program Dec. 15 at the
exchanged grab bag gifts at their Museum of Science and IndusDecember meeting and contri- try. French Christmas Songs
buted a total of 74 gifts for and skits were presented by
the teens in the Shrine hospi- the chorus and the students
tal. The group has elected the studying French under the difollowing officers for the com- rection of Mrs. Moser and Mrs.
ing year: Mrs. Jean Allyn, pre- Kelley, teacher. They put on two
sident; Mrs. Dorothy Rowley, day - time performances and
vice-president; Mrs. Zona Rob- were treated to lunch at the muson, treasurer; Mrs. Marcella seum.
Moore, secretary. Mrs. Lydia
IStoxen is the liaison person.
Jack Delaney, Pyro Flame
Company, 5352 W. 95th st., is
The Richard Smiths, 9407 S. playing the "good samaritan"
Nordica ave., welcomed their this Christmas season and ansfirst child, Connie, Nov. 30 in wering calls for a fellow RoLittle Company of Mary hospi- tarian, Brian Anderson, who is
tal. The little gal's grandpar- laid up in Holy Cross hospi'ents are Mr. and Mrs. Hud tal with a broken leg. Both
Smith of the same address. are in the heating business.
Youth Service League board
members partied together Dec.
15 at the new Nielsen's Nordic
'restaurant. In the group were
Mrs. Thomas Whalen, Mrs. William Zehr, Mrs. Emrick Swanson, Mrs. Howard Rickman,
Mrs. Roy Churan, Mrs. V. Van
• ••
James Ingle, 19, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Henry Ingle, 10038 S.
Merton, has Completed Boot
Training at Great Lakes Naval
Bas e.
He is now stationed
aboard the U.S. S. Gilmore at
Charleston. S.C.
The Welcome Wagon Club of
Oak Lawn installed new officers
for 1966 at its Christmas luncheon Dec. 8. They are Mrs. Robert Guenther, president; Mrs.
George Steffan, firstvicepresident; Mrs. H. G. Sharp. second
vice president; Mrs. James Melee, treasurer, Mrs. Henry
V 0 s s , recording secretary.
Mrs. Walter Sinclair, corresponding secretary; Mrs. Robert
Mohr. historian.
Committee chairmen for the
coming year will be Mrs. Joseph Pflumer. hospitality; Mrs.
Anthony Lancewicz. publicity;
Mrs. Robert Tucker. ways and
means; Mrs. James Inns. parliamentarian; Mrs. Abram Gerber
reservations; and Mrs. Raymond Zewiske. calling.
The group meets for lunch
on the second Wednesday of each
month. Outgoing president is
Mrs. Edward Sarkan, 10021 S.
52nd ave.
~arz Garden 2-3653
Baptized in First Congregational church Dec 12 was Frederick Bosgraaf, son of the Roy
Bosgraafs and grandson of Mrs.
Lucille Ford. 9001 S. Cicero
The Ladies' Guild of Green
Oak Reformed Church wiH begin the new year with a meeting
at 8 p. m. Tuesday. Jan. 4 in the
church.The annual holiday party'
Dec. 7 was complete wit carol singing and the exchange
of gifts between secret pals. The
guild recently donated $500to
the church building fund.
• ••
Get well wishes to Robert
Henthorne, 9629 S. Brandt ave.
recently confined to Wesley Memorial hospital for tests.
• ••
An Open House Dec. 22 at
the Zehrs, 10246 S. 52nd ave..
served as an introduction to Vi's
Swedish cousin. Britta Wiedenborg, and her husband. Bo.
Richard Schoneman, 9616 S. Guests were invited to the Red
Kenton, has been appointed to Door Coffee House in casual
the executive staff of the Bur- dress for togetherness and eneau of Safety, Inc., He holds a lightenment. The clever inviBachelor's Degree in Fire Pro- tation further stated that guittection and Safety Engineer- ars were welcome and the soap
ing from the Illinois Institute box was available for anyone
of Technology, as well as a needing to shed their represMaster's in Business Adminis- sions.
trati<>n from he University of
Affiliae Tri - Hi - Y inftiated
new members Dec. 15 with a vaRecently hosp talized is Ken riety of gags which included the
Purse. 9414 S. Central, who is wearing of 40 pieces of clothing
an active member of the Bridge- Now official are Lynn and Judy
view Civil Air Patrol when he's Jones. Barbara House. Karen
Katsenes, Mary and Cathy Mcfeeling better.
Entee. Gayle Miller,
Oak Lawn Rotarians aren't Schaeffer, Kathy Scott, Noreen
sending Christmas cards to Treece.
Connie Vail. Linda
each other this year. Instead. Shaw, Kathe Wintercorn. Sue
each member is contributing Havlik, and Jean Galbraith.
$2 to be used for presents for
The club's Christmas prostudents at the Garden School ject was the donation of candyfor the Handicaooed. Nice. huh? filled stockings to the children
at the Kennedy school in Palos
Barbara Stevenson. 4827 W. Park. Cub president is Kar98th st., senior at Western Il- ent Burke. 4829 W. 97th pI.
linois university, has completed her first few weeks of stuNew members at Trinity Ludent teaching in the 2nd grade
at Peoria Heights grade school. theran church are Mr. and Mrs.
She is taking a breather during James Pratt, Charles Laidlaw
the holidays and will return for Mr. and Mrs. Julius Benke'
an additional 10 weeks after the Mrs. Evelyn Shaw, and Linda:
Mrs. Leo Shanahan, Mrs. Sofirst of the year.
phie Francey. Mrs. Barbara
A new little tax deduction for Mize, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond
the Alfred Sylvesters, 6200 W. Wilk.
Recently baptiZed in the
95th st.. is their 8 lb. daughter, Denea, born Dec. 4 in Lit- church we r e Stanley Robert
tle Company of Mary hospital. Burnicks, son of the Stanley
Other members of the family Burnicks, and Renee Lou Rubin
are Mark, 3-1/2, and Mike. and Gary David Rubin, children
of the Alan Rubins.
• ••
• ••
• ••
• ••
• ••
by Catherine Qarz Garden 2.3653
Recently baptized in St. Gerald's church were Timothy Joseph Oko, Thomas Bennett Maclean, Robert James Titter, Denise Renee Kesner, and Brian
Thomas Hagen.
• ••
Junior PIe's of First Congregational church met at the
church Dec. 22 with strongvoices,flashlights, and 50¢ apiece
for caroling and partying. Song
leaders were Cathy Pike, and
Charles Cump. Phil Noteboom
and Marsha Lamb led the games
and Judy Moorhead provided the
music. A discussion of Christmas customs and carols had taken place at a previous meeting
Among the Southwest YMCA
club doings during the holidays
were a pajama fBrty at the
home of Georgia Pech, 10801
S. Tripp ave., for the Pi Theta
Tri-Hi-Y gals and a reunion
at the Sportsmen's Club forSigma Phi Hi-Y fellas and their
• ••
The Holy Name Society of St.
Linus Church w1ll meet at 8:30
p.m. Thursday, Jan. 6, in the
school vestibule to select a list
of candidates for officers.
Rev. Herbert D.uenow of the
Was h bur n
Church in Chicago w1ll review
Irving Stone's best seller
''Y'hose Who Love," for the WoA flag ceiemony and program
men's Guild of First Congreby Brownie Troop 332 w1ll open
gatlonalChurch at 12:45 p.m.
the Columbus Manor PTA meeting at 7:30 p.m. Monday Jan. 17 Thursday, Jan. 6 in the church.
Rev. Duenow is considered to
in the school, 97th and Maybe one of the outstanding book
field ave. The troop is sponreviewers in the country with
sored by the PTA and led by his dramatic characterizations
Mrs. Charles Cross, 9604 S.
of literary figures. He is also
Mayfield ave. The balance of a world traveler and brings
the evening w1ll be devoted to his wide experience and many
a demonstration of hair styl- talents to his craftsmanship.
ing and wigs presented by
The program has been arCharles Cross, owner of My
Fair Lady Beauty Salon in Worth.. ranged by Mrs. Richard Ballar, adventures in reading chai~
He w1ll also discuss hair care man. Hostesses for the desfor little girls. PTA president
sert luncheon w1ll be Mrs. Ida
is Mrs. Harry Tallon, 9815 S.
Mann's circle: and the greetex;s
Meade ave.
"We Take Pride in our ComThe executive board mem- w1ll be Mrs. Jeanette Talsma s munity Achievements" iJl the
bers and room mothers were circle.
theme of the Covington PTA
hostesses at the annual Christmeeting at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday,
mas partyDec. 22 for the ColJan. 11 in the school auditoriOak
paumbus Manor students and teaum. Guest speaker will be Judge
tient in Christ CommunityHos- Irving Eiserman of the Circuit
chers.Miss Bernice Blazis is
school principal.
Court District 5 on the topic
''fhe New Court System and
A "TV Musical Special" by the Image 0 f Youth in the
The Richard Lindgrens, 10532
S. Lavergne ave., welcomed the District 123 Band (South) Court." He is a graduate of
their fourth child Dec. 29 at under the direction of Mr. Sag- DePaul University law school
an will highlight the Kolmar and was admitted to practice
Little Company of Mary hositat Little David Roy weighed Avenue PTA meeting at 8 p.m. in Illinois in 1932. He was jusseven pounds eleven ounces at Monday, Jan. 10 in the school. tice of the peace for Lyons
birth. Other members of the Television commercials will be Township from 1948 to 1961,
family are Pat, 16, Steven, 12, depicted in skits by the PTA and served as judge of the viland Robert 5. One set of grand- board members. There w1ll al- lage court of Brookfield in 1962
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy so be an 06servance of Found- and '63. He is presently the
Lindgren, live in nearby Bever- er's Day. Hostesses for the ev- presiding judge of the 5th muniening will be the second grade cipal district of the circuit court
room representatives.
PTA of Cook County.
Kup"Preparation for Puberty"
Judge Eiserman is a member
is the "tQ pic to be discussed er, 10558 S. Crawford ave. of the American, Illinois, Chicago, and West Suburban Bar
at the next meeting of the McMrs. Rena Richardson show- associations, the Decalogue SoDonald PTA parent and family
life education committee at 1 ed off her new home at 1130 ciety of Lawyers, the National
p.m. Wednesday. Jan. 12, inthe Oak Hill in Downers Grove to Council on Crime and Delinschool. Thediscussion w1ll con- friends at an open house D~,;. quency, the American Judicacern ways in which modern par- 29. The Richardson familymov- ture Society, and the Illinois
ents can educate their children ed from 0 ak Lawn laS!: July.
Associate Judges association.
for their secual roles in socieMiss Conron, special edUCIlty, according to Mrs. Joseph
The Henry Stantons, 9402 S.
LaCount, 10013 S. Kilbourn ave. tion teacher at the Clark school Sproat ave., celebrated Christgave a holiday luncheon for mas in Louisville, Ky., with
committee chairman.
freinds Dec. 29 in her home at daughter, Barbara, and her hus5307 W. 102nd st.
• ••
• ••
•• •
• ••
by Catherine Ilarz Garden 2.3653
It's Fathers' Night at the
Brandt School PTA meeting
Tuesday, Jan. 18, at 8p.m., and
the program has been planned
accordingly. The guest speaker, Errol Higgins of Oak Lawn
Gun and Sports, Inc., w1l1 narrate a colored film entitled
"Hunting and Fishing in Alaska". The program co-ordinator, William Ruf, 8905 S. 51st
ave., will introduce him to the
audience, according to Mrs.
Russell Pluhar, 5270 Alexander pI., Chairman.
• ••
The colors will be presented
by Den 5 of Cub Scout Pack
3442 under the leadership of
Mrs. Thomas McCormack, den
mother. Mrs. David Morris,
PTA president, will conduct
a short business meeting, and
double credit toward the attendance banner will be given
for each father attending.
Refreshments will be served by third grade room representatives, Mrs. Gerald Wavering, Mrs. Li Schiavitti, Mrs.
Robert Chabitch, Mrs. Hubert
Fox, Mrs. Clarence LaFave
and Mrs. Robert Wilke.
• ••
Mrs. Charles Catinia. 9600 S.
Mason ave., was hostess to the
Brownies in Troop 332 during
the holidays. She is themother
of the troop leader, Mrs.
Charles Cross. The Scouts caroled in the neighborhood, and
then partied together in the
Catania home. The newest
members in the troop, which
was formed last April, are Cynthia Garcia, Nancy Glomb, Kimberly Laidly, Donna Lomalie,
"New Approach to Learning"
is the topic which will be presented by faculty members of
the Hannum School at 8 p. m.
Tuesday, Jan. 18, at the McDonald PTA meeting in the lower grade center. The program
Members of the Oak Lawn will center on new reading mechapter, Order of DeMo lay tour- thods in the primary grades and
ed the Illinois Masonic hospital w ill include demonstrations,
when they presented a check for according to Mrs. Jerry Roth,
$50 to the children's ward. 9830 S. Kolmar ave., program
Past and present members got chairman. Junior Troop 151
together at a holiday party, Jan. under the leadership of Mrs.
I, according to Greg Hazel- Robert Shroh will present the
wood, 5065 Oak Center dr., colors.
master councilor.
Marine Sergeants (Helen and
Theodore Oppenheim, prin- Joe) Campbell, 4825 W. 102nd
cipal of Gasteyer school in st., welcomed aboard S/Sgt.
District 123, will speak on the Frank Wienke and his Wife,
"New Math" at 7:30p.m. Tues- Marilyn, at an open house Jan.
day, Jan. 18, at the Gaddis 2. Sgt. Wienke has been asSchool PTA meeting, Mr. Op- signed to the Oak Lawn Repenheim has appeared at many cruiting Station, 5412 W. 95th
PTA meetings in the area and st., as assistant to M/Sgt. Joe
has also conducted workshops Campbell. He preViously servfor teachers on this subject. ed as Orange City Military PoProgram chairman is Mrs. lice Desk Sergeant at El Toro
Thomas Maras. Hostesses for (near Santa Ana), Calif. The
the evening will be the third Wienkes with their 18-month
old son, Craig, are presently
grade room representatives.
living in Glen Ellyn with a reMrs. Richard Larson, 8838 S. lative while looking for a place
Main st., Hometown, member- to settle in Oak Lawn. They
ship chairman, reports that a are both familiar with thearea,
since both were born and raistotal of 227 parents and teachers have joined the association. ed in Chicago.
The rooms haVing 100% parti•
It was a happy birthday for
cipation and receiving $10 awards are Miss Ruth Steed's Ruth D'AmiCO, 9212 S. Sproat
second grade and Miss Patri- ave., when friends dropped
in Jan. 6 at the invitation of
cia Higgin's fifth grade.
her husband, Joe. In the group
T his talented gal, Lucille were her sister, Mrs. Malcolm
Fenton. 9932 Elm Circle dr., Johnston, the Emrick Swanhas her fingers in many pies, sons, the John Andersons, the
specializing in oil paintings, George Eldriges, and the Wllwhich she exhibits at most of liam Rosstens.
the major art shows, serving
as chairman of the one held
Carole Choyce, 6443 W. 87th
each year in the Scottsdale pI., is finishing her stint as a
Shopping Center. She teaches student teacher this month, and
students in her home studio will graduate as a teacher this
and is presently learning clay year from Northern Illinois
Some of her landscapes are
currently on display at the
Lorraine McGugan, wife of
Branding Iron Restaurant and
Prospect Federal Savings and the popular District 123 School
Loan in Chicago where she Superintendent Douglas McGuarranges the year-round exhi- gall, recently had surgery at
bits involving the work of oth- St. James Hospital in Chicago
er Chicagoland artists as well Heights.
as her own.
Marsha Urbanick, and Deborah Ries. Still to be invested
are Linda Froemke, and Susan Jarr. Co-leader is Mrs.
Herbert Briggs, 9631 S. Parkside ave.
•• •
• ••
• ••
•• •
Get well wishes to Glen
Freshour, 9722 S. 51st ave.,
who will be confined in Christ
Community Hospital for a spell
with a broken leg . . . and to
Bill Maxwell, 9109 S. 54th ct.,
who checked in for more surgery.
byCalherine &arz Garden 2-3653
Mrs. Peter Levickas, 9134
S. 54th ave., is at home convalescing after recent surgery
at Christ Community Hospital.
The new leaders of Junior
Girl Scout Troop 450 are Pam
Brobeck, 5540 W. 103rd pI., an
orthodontist assistant, and Mrs.
Marcia Casey, 4000 W. 91st
pI., a 6th-grade teacher in Palos Heights. Most interesting is
the fact that neither one of them
is a parent. Troop sponsor is
the Johnson Phelps VFW Auxiliary.
Ernest Johnson, senior principal at Richards High School,
is the proud parent of a bouncing seven pound, ten ounce baby boy. This is the Johnson's
third child but first boy and
they've named him Terry Joe.
The Johnsons live in Midlothian.
Recent holiday visitors at the
home of the John Sayers, 9221
S. 52nd ave., were Jo and Troy
Stanley, who are on the last
lap of a five-year assignment
in England for Chicago Bridge
and Iron. They've managed
yearly treks back to the United States to visit their friends
and relatives. In addition to
their stop in Oak Lawn, their
former residence, they saw
daugh~er, Judy, in Springfield,
where she works for the State
Mental Health Department, and
her husbandpraetices law. They
also spent time with their son,
Jim, a student at Boston University, and Jo's folks in Oklahoma.
• ••
On the schedule for scouts
in Cadette Troop 636 last weekend was a winter camping trip
at Warren Dunes state park in
Michigan. Fortunately for them
there were heated cabins, inside
plumbing and runnning, though
rusty. water. The girls worked on badges, presented skits,
cooked dishes of other lands
(such as pizza, of course) did
some hiking and sliding. The
group of 28 included the Harley Zhes, 9537 S. 50th ct., coleaders, and Mrs. Ralph Marzullo, 5077 Lamb dr.
All skating enthusiasts are
invited to the Valentine Party
which the troop is sponsoring Monday, Feb. 14, at theOak
Lawn Roller Rink. Take note,
scouts in Junior Troops 336,
450 and 337 who are working
on skating badges - here's an
opportunity to try some of your
new skills. In charge of ticket sales, priced at 75¢, is Debbie Zhe's patrol. She can be
contacted at 636-4786. Theproceeds will be used for a Burlington tour to Galena the weekend of June 18 being planned
by the girls. Included in the
trip will be a ride on a ski lift
up to the lodge, avisittoGrant's
pre-CiVil War home, and a
cruise down the Mississippi on
a river boat.
Joann Jacobs Larson is recuperating at her parents' home
on Spring rd. from injuries incurred when she and her husband, Denny, became involved in
an automobile accident. They
were returning to Champaign
where Larson teaches German
at the University of Illinois when
the accident took place.
•• •
St. Linus parents were exposed to the charm of Judge
William J Obermiller when he
spoke on the topic, "A Judge
Looks at Parents" at the Jan.
13 Tabernacle meeting.
Newest members of Junior
Girl Scout Troop 151 are Mary
Scherba, Millicent Klausera,
Kathleen Mauss and Kathy
Buckley. Troop leader is Mrs.
Robert Stroh, 4336 W. 100th
by Catherine
The Junior Girls of the Johnson-Phelps VFW have presented a check for $25 to the pecUatrics ward of Christ Community Hospital. This was their
share of the proceeds from a
roller skating party
which they co-sponsored with
the Junior Boys. President is
Kathy O'Connor who is aided
by Mrs. Ed (Ann) Lurgio, 9156
S. 51st ave., youth- actiVities
and Mrs. Roman
(Candy) Dikszas, co-chairman.
• ••
Linda Connors was the guest
of honor at a miscellaneous
shower Jan. 14 in the home of
Barbara Dilts, 9942 S. Melvina
ave. Among those present were
Mrs. Neal Connors. mother of
the bride-to-be, Mrs. Dilts,
Mrs. Brady, Mrs. Graham, Mrs.
Emil Husakyo, Mrs. G. Paser,
Mrs. Shurliff, Mrs. Baurer,
Mrs. Curtis, Ann Murphy, and
Mrs. Naomi Soderborg of Coloma, Mich., sister of the bride
-to-be. Both Barbara and Naomi will be members ofthewedding party when Linda becomes
the bride of Paul Gibson of Attica, Ind.
The Richard Petersens (Dick
and Dorothy). 4853 W. 96th st.,
had the good sense to head
south the day of the ice storm.
A business trip took them to
Puerto Rico for four days Where.
their headquarters were in the
Americana Hotel, a luxury hotel
grouped with others on a strip
similar to Miami Beach. They
found old San Juan with its
quaint, narrow streets most
picturesque, and were surprised at the hub-bub and amount
of activity at the airport.
Members of Brownie Scout
Troop 104 are working on their
Active Citizen Award. This has
included a visit to the Oak Lawn
Village hall so far. Their leader is Mrs. Wayne Huttel, 4123
WainWright pl.. and sponsor is
the Ranch Manor Home Owners
• ••
Convalescing at home after
recent surgery at Christ Community Hospital is Michael Diani, 9406 S. Nordica ave.
• ••
The Men's Club of St. Raphael's church has scheduled its
annual boWling party for 8 p.m.
Sunday, Jan. 30 at the Arena
Bowl. Eight lanes havebeenreserved and fees will be $2 per
person or $4 per couple.
• ••
~arz Garden
Tuesday, Feb. 15 is the date
picked by the Johnson -Phelps
VFW auxiliary for its annual
cancer benefit. This year's program w ill be "Promise of
Spring", a demonstration of floral arrangements for various
rooms in the home by Francis
Hultgen Florist. The affair will
be held in the VFW hall and will
start at 8 p. m. Tickets are
available from members or
Mrs. Harold (Ruth) Hewitt of
Chicago, chairman. The proceeds will be donated to Holy
Cross hospital for cancer research and to the national cancer program supported byVFW
auxiliaries throughout the United States. The latter supplies
financial help to families ofveterans who have been stricken.
Happy 77th birthday to Ralph
Breese, 9401 S. Menard ave.,
who celebrated earlier this
Baptized in First Congregational Church Jan. 16 were
James Alan, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Burnes T. Calvert; Michael Timothy, son of Mr. and
Mrs. James R. Donovan; Timoth Kusman, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Donald Krebes; and Sue
Ann and Jean Elizabeth, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Elgin
\-1.1- \C\(",b
byCotherine aorz Gorden 2·3653
ert Pike;
display arranger,
St. Linus Tabernacl e Guild
Mrs. John Justice; program is offering a Spring Luncheon
planner, Doris Elich.
and Fashion Show Sat u r day.
Feb. 12 to chase away the winGet well wishes to Elmer ter doldrums. From noon to 4
(Andy) Anderson, 10124 S. Ci- p. m., the event will be held in
cero ave. a surgical patient in the Ridge Country Club, 103rd
Christ Community hospital, and and California ave., Chicago.
to Russ Munch, OLCHS junior, Tickets are priced at $5 per
who is hospitalized as the re- person and are available from
sult of a wrestling injury.
Mrs. Toni Riordan, 4949 Har••
new rd., S. 425-2759, or FeliNorm and Mary Detring, 9331 cia Albrecht, 4970 Wick dr.,
S. 52nd ave.,
have returned GA 5-0791, co-chairman. The
home from a winter vacation fashions to be presented will
in Florida.
be from Charles A. Stevens in
the Evergreen Plaza.
Two new YMCA clubs have
Elegant prizes to be awardbeen formed recently at Rich- ed during the afternoon include
ards High School, one for jun- a weekend for twO at Pheasant
ior boys and the other for jun- Run Lodge in St. Charles, a
ior girls. Heading Zeta Xi Tri- portable sewing machine, a two
Hi-Y is Jane Lausch, 10408 S. -speed blender, and an electric
Army sp./4 Robert A. Jane- 51st ct. and president of Xi knife. Prize co-chairmen are
cek is home to stay after com- Omega Hi- Y is Bob Modd er, Rita Peel, 10133 S. Mulberry
pleting a IS-month tour of duty 12560 S. Parkside ave., Palos ave., and Mary Jane O'Conin Viet Nam where he was crew Heights.
nell, 5532 \Y. Oakdale dr.
chief on a helicopter. He enter•
ed the service in April, 1964,
"Social Graces and DisgraNew members of St. Raphand is a graduate of Brother ael's church are Mr. and Mrs. ces" is the topic which will
Rice High SchooL He also at- Edward C. Kent and their son, be discussed Wednesday, Feb.
tended Lewis College. His par- Scott Gregory, 10316 Georgia 9 by the f\lcDonald PTA study
ents !Ire Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Lane.
group. The meetings are held
. Janecek, 4929 Spring rd.
in the afternoon at the school
"We Appreciate You" certi- with a baby sitting service.
Girl Scout troop committee ficates were awarded by girls Chairman is Mrs. ]oseph,100l3
members, 80 strong, enjoyed of Brownie Scout Troop 332 to S. Kilbourn ave.
their annual pot-luck supper their sponsor, the Columbus
Jan. 25 in First Congregation- Manor PTA, and to some of
al church. Plans for the affair their moms at a recent PTA
were made by the neighbor- meeting. The recipients, Mrs.
hood service team headed by Wa r r en Kwak, Mrs. Philip
Mrs. Howard Teufel, 9627 S. Glomb, Mrs. Donald Krebes,
Mansfield ave. The official and Mrs. Russell Laidly, had
greeter was Mrs. Verlin Eloise provided transportation, helped
Van Klavern;
menu planner, the girls with crafts and pinchMrs. Richard Sorley; table de- hit for their leader,
corator, Mrs. Anthony Kovac- Charles Cross, 9604 S. Mayic; kitchen chairman, Mrs. Rob- field.
• ••
• ••
by Catheri ne Ilarz Garden 2-3653
Our prayers are with the Rev.
Frederick H. Pralle, pastor of
St. Paul Lutheran Church, 4660
W. 94th st., who underwent surgery this week at Little Company of Mary Hospital. His recuperation is expected to take
two weeks.
Young, unmarried adults in
the area should pay a visit to
the "Coffee House" at George
Washington Savings and Loan
open the second Friday of each
month at 8 p. m. Sponsored by
a newly-organized group for
those in this age bracket, members of the steering committee are Mary Beth Bendar,Jack
Rogers, Blair Kelch, Pat and
Phyllis Myers.
• ••
New Brownies of Troop 463
who are looking forward to a
fun-filled year are Kathy GeaThe High School Youth group ry, Hope Leslie, Natalie Murof St. Raphael's church enter- owskl, SandyNewell, Beth Price
tained teens from Transfigura- Nancy Quealy, and Debra Spirtion In Palos Park and the akes. Recent activities of the
Church of the Mediator in Chi- troop have been a cookie bake,
cago at a recent Ice Cream So- a tour of Amling Flower Land,
cial and Dance. Music for the and participation in a puppet
group of 57 strong was sup- show. Leaders are Mrs: Draves
plied by the Electras. Adult '8874 Main st., Hometown, and
supervision was provided by Mrs. Muriel Rubasich, Troop
the Howard Martsolfs, the Jo- sponsor Is the Gaddis PTA.
seph Grays and the Clarence
Wil1lam J. Kunzler, Gaddis
• • •
school principal, will speak on
The McDonald- Hannum PTA ''Test Results - What They
will meet at 8 p.m. Tuesday, Mean To You", at the PTA
Feb. 15 in the McDonald school. meeting Tuesday, Feb. 15 at 8
The music department of the p. m. Refreshments will be serupper grade school will pre- 'ved by the second- grade room
sent the evening's program con- 'representatives. President of
sistlng of selections by the the Gaddis PTA is Mrs. Leslie
fifth-sixth grade chorus and the \ Barron, 4048 W. 91st pI.
junior high chorus, both under
the direction of Mrs. Porter
Orr, vocal music teacher, and
the school band directed by T.
Sagen, Instrumental music teacher. PTA president is Mrs.
Lawrence Smith, 10109 S. Kolin
Jan. 10. Their two daughters
are Ellen 8, and Eileen 4.
•• •
• ••
Youth Service League members have been invited to a tea
at 1:30 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 10
at the home of Mrs. Robert
Carpenter, 4725 W. 97th pl.,
to meet Irene Poseiro, from
Montevideo, Uruguay, a real
live representative of the YMCA
World Service program which
the YSL helps to support. Irene
is staying with the Carpenter
family for a three-week period
while observing the Southwest
Remember that a good Spot
"Y" in operation and taking for breakfast, lunch or brunch
courses at George Williams and Saturday, Feb. 12 Is First Conthe YMCA college in the Loop. gregational church The young
people will be dishing up panRecently baptized in Garden cakes and sausages between the
Methodist Church was Jeffrey hours of 6:30 a.m. and 1:30p.m.
Alan, young son of Mr. and Mrs. The proceeds will be used to
Don Evans, 4905 W. 106th pI. he 1p finance the foreign ex•
change program which this year
Mr. and Mrs. Stacy Jones, is sponsoring Fred Commend
5332 W. 102nd st.
have in- from Lausanne, Switzerland and
creased the size of their fam- Doris Gooley In ReykjaVik, Iceily byone nnd this time it's a
boy. Little Jeffrey John arrived
in Christ Community Hospital
Columbus Manor PTA will
hold a special meeting at 8 p. m.
Tuesday, Feb. 15 in honor of
Founder's Day. The program
will center on new educational
programs for school district
122 which will be outlined by
Aldo Fanti, assistant superintendent. PTA President is Mrs.
Harry Tallon, 9815 S. Meade
ave., Oak Lawn.
byCalherine lIarz Garden 2-3653
A farewell and a welcome
were combined at a party given
Feb. 6 by Don and Charlotte
Hecht, 8917 S. 50th ave. Neighbors said "good-bye" to Ruth
and Jack Stalzle, and "hello"
to Jean and Keith Johnson· who
are moving from Hometown into the Stalzle home at 8916 S.
50th ave. It's all "in the fami-
t-n-\ bb
ly" as Jean is Ruth's niece. The
Stalzles are leaving the area
after 10 years residence in Oak
Lawn and five in Hometown, and
will make their new home in
Chapel Hills, a suburb of Indianapolis, Ind. Jack has been
down there since Nov. 1 and is
lemployed by Senate Distributing
Company. Their family includes
Ronald, a freshman at Northern
Illinois university; Donna, an
OLCHS senior; Joann, a 7th
grader at Covington school, and
Diane, in kindergarten at Brandt.
The Stalzles have been active in
the Hometown Christian Church
and the Oak Lawn police club
and its aUxiliary. Donna will
stay with the Johnsons until
her graduation from OLCHS.
They have three sons, Mark, 3,
Kurt, 2, and Brian, 1.
• ••
Nancy D'Amicao,
9212 S.
Sproat ave., is at home recuperating from recent surgery
at Christ Community Hospital.
Gary Churan, 10416 S. Kolmar,
is back in McDonald school after
a month-long bout with pneumonia.
S a I em United Church of
Christ is playing host to a South
Cook County Girl Scout leadership training course. Mrs. Warren Kneipp is conducting the six
weekly sessions for new leaders and co-leaders, and Mrs.
Doris Elich, 4300 W. 103rd st.,
council vice president, is serving as coordinator.
• ••
Airman Third Class Mark
Oppenheim recently visited with
his folks, the Ted Oppenheims,
5836 Lynwood dr., follOWing his
graduation a t Sheppard Air
Force Base, Tex. where hewas
honor man in his class with an
average of 92. His next base
will be Elmendorfin Anchorage,
Cub Scout Pack 3479 sponsored by St. Paul Lutheran
Church will have its annual
Blue and Gold dinner Feb. 20in
the church. Advancements will
be awarded, and Cub Master
Robert Lewis, 4644 W. 99th st.,
has promised a surprise entertainment. The cubs are already hard at work on the centerpieces and place cards, and
have invited all of their fa m i lies to attend. Providing the dinner will be the den mothers,
Mrs. Phyllis Driscoll, Mrs. T.
Gross, and Mrs. Carol Schoneman.
The Holy Name Society of
St. Linus Church elected temporary officers Jan. 6 to serve
out the balance of the season.
They are Jack McCastland,president; Ted Cronin, 1st vice
president; Len Levy, 2nd vice
president; Tom Pacetti, treasurer; Bill Willette, secretary.
Get well wishes to Mrs. Albert Freese, 9213 S. 54th ave.,
a recent surgical patient in
Christ Community hospital, and
to Stan Dawson, Sr., hospitalized in St. Luke's.
The Jack Stalleys, 5108 Oak
Center dr., are getting acquainted wit h the i r newest
Sherry, born
Jan. 28 who is here for a visit
with her sister, Janet,age,
three, and their mother Mrs.
Jack (Donna) StaIley. The baby's father, a recent graduate
of the University of ew Mexico, stayed in Albuquerque and
started his new job with Westinghouse. Another Stalley son,
Bob, an Army private, was home
during the holidays after finishing basic training at Ft. Knox,
Ky. He is now stationed at Ft.
Sill, Okla.
A month-long vacation trip
was recently enjoyed by Helen
and Alfred Aulwurm, 9533 S.
Minnick ave., and his mother,
Mrs. Ella Aulwurm. They visited Alfred's brother, Elmer,
and his family, former residents of Oak Lawn, in Glendale, Calif., and nieces of Helen's in Los Angeles and Santa
Fe. Aulwurm is the conductor
of the Southwest Symphony Orchestra.
by Catheri ne
Zeta Tri-Hi-Y club members will model spring fashions at 7:30 p.m. Friday, March
4 in the Terrace Room at Montgomery Ward. Tickets arepriced at $1. 25, and the proceeds
will be donated to the CARE
Foundation, according to jane
Lausch, 10408 S. 51st ct., club
president. This is the new club's
first service project. On the
runway will be Sandy Zebrowski, Pat Lindgren, Carol Bender,
Dawn Winkler, Nancy
Voorn, Bev Bauer, Colleen Bohne, Linda Manders, Linda Rynker, and Chris LaCount.
The girls kept a date March
1 with Miss Irene Poseiro, Uruguayan YMCA executive secretary who has been a recent
visitor in Oak Lawn, when they
presented her with oneoftheir
club sweat shirts and made her
an honorary member. Theywill
correspond through tape recordings when she returns home
junior Girl Scout Troop 151
had an Investiture Ceremony
and Court of Awards Feb. 2
with 10 girls receiving a total
of 30 badges. The girls made
the refreshments for the afternoon affair to which their mothers were invited. The entertainment consisted of a play
presented by members of one
patrol. The group toured the
Village Hall Feb. 16 in connection with the Active Citizen
Badge on which they are working. Coming in most handy are
the booklets on the use and care
of the American flag which were
donated by the Oak Lawn Marine Recruiting Station. Leaders are Mrs. R. Stroh andMrs.
H. Siebolt.
Marine recruiters from Oak
Lawn participated in the recent
Travel and ski Show at the Ford
City Shopping Center. On display was cold weather clothing and equipment furnished by
the United States Marine Corps
Col d
Weather battalion in
Bridgeport, CaL, and the earliest uniform worn by Marines
in 1775. The show climaxed
with the crowning of the festival queen who was escorted
with her court by Marine Recruiters from the Chicagoland
Bob Richards, son of the Sid
Richards, 4821 W. 102nd st.,
became a private first class in
the Marine Corps upon completion of aviation school in Memphis, Tenn. where hewas "top"
man in a class of 200. He is
~arz Garden
The response to an eight,~
now slated for ordinance trainweek course on the I 'New Math
ing in jacksonville, Fla.
for parents at St. Linus ParThe Walter j. Horns, 4904 ish is so great that a second
Spring rd. have returned from session will be given in March.
a three-week visit with their Close to 300 parents have enson, Gilmer, and his family in rolled in the series designed to
the Los Angeles area. Theywent clear up the confusion of the
Santa Fe "all the way" and terminology and systems used
stopped in Kansas City on the in this new approach. Conductreturn trip to visit another son. ing the class is Sister Mary
Elma, C.S.S.F., teacher at St.
OLCHS Band Parents were joseph High School, who holds
entertained a t their meeting a bachelor's and master's deFeb. 10 by the school district gree from Loyola, with a major
123 band, north, under the di- in mathematics. She has rerection of Chris Dimas. Presi- ceived a National Science Foundent of the parents' association dation grant for the summer
is Gene Pritchard, 4700 W.98th to Missouri School of Mines
and has done "in-service" stust.
dy at the Illinois Institute of
The john McNaughtons, 5709 Technology. She has conductW. 88thpl., celebrated their sil- ed workshops for the Sisters at
vaI' wedding anniversary with a the Fellcian College, and for
party in the VFW Hall jan.22. parents at St. Stanislaus school
in Posen, and has taught at the
Ken Bond, physical educaFelician college.
tion teacher at Richards Northwest building, has been a surEileen and Bill Ha~erty,
gical patient at Little Company 4911 W. 99th st., have added a
of Mary hospital. . . . Sharon new little doll, Laura Beth, to
Fetters, 4728 W. 98th pl., has their family. Born Feb. 2, she
been confined in Christ Com- has tWO brothers, Billy, 6, and
Kevin, 3; and two sisters, Eimunity Hospital.
leen, 4, and Karen, 18 months.
Scouts in junior Troop 590
stored up more knowledge for
their Active Citizen badge when
Mrs. Robert Stroh, board member of the League of Women
Voters, spoke to them on the
subject of "Citizenship." The
girls must learn how the Girl
Scout laws relate to the responsib1l1ties of a citizen, how to
use and care for the flag, what
their family's taxes do in their
town, how government agencies
serve them and their fam1l1es,
how their family uses the freedom of religion, speech, press,
and assembly, and how to get
adults to vote. Troop leader
is Mrs. W. Huttel, 4123 Wainwright pI.; co-leader is Mrs.
j. Cain, 4043 Dean dr.
•• •
•• •
The Edmond Ball home, 10625
S. Lockwood ave., was the scene
of a festive gathering follOWing
the christening of their granddaughter, Michelle, Feb. 13 in
St. Raphael's Episcopal church.
Among the guests were the baby's godparents, joseph and
Carol Gray of Hometown, and
Carol Siroky, 9636 S. 53rd ave.
Her parents are Chris and Danny Husayko of justice.
•• •
by Catherine aarz Garden 2·3653
"Stranger to the World" is
the title of the film which will
be shown at the Kolmar PTA
meeting Monday, March 14 at
8 p. m. The film concerns birth
defects, according to Mrs. Ronald Tatman, 10541 S. Kolmar
ave.. program chairman. Candidates for the School District
123 board of education will also be introduced. Third grade
roo m representatives will
serve refreshments attheclose
of the meeting.
Girl Scout Sunday, March 6,
was the occasion for worshipping together for BrownieTroop
227, Junior Troops 371 and
151, and Cadette Troop 337.
The girls in complete uniform,
attended services at either Salem United Church of Christ
or St. Germaine.
Members of Troop 371 enjoyed a Friendship Dinner that
afternoon in the Salem Fellowship hall, each one inviting a
special friend. Also present,
as guests, were the troop committee members and their families. The various patrols provided the entertainment. Troop
leaders are Mrs. V. Van Klavern, 4621 W. 98thpL, and Mrs.
Lawrence Smith, 10109 S Ko•
lin ave
A Father-Daughter Breakfast was the special event planned by Troop 151 following the
church services. troop leaders are Mrs. Robert Stroh
4336 \Y. lOOth st., and Mrs. M '
Siebolt. 9817 S. Kenton ave:
A Potluck Dinner was on
the schedule for Troop 337 at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Merritt. 10133 S. Kedyale ave., followed by a bowlmg party at the Arena. A dress
scout pin was presented to Mrs.
John Wegryzn for her dedicated service as troop chairman.
The troop presented colors at
the February meeting of the
McDonald - Hannum PTA. Those
participating were Debra Rons
hausen, commands; Linda Mora,. bearer; Jamie Lee, Lois
Pntchard, Ginny Rock, Don··
na Wegryzn and Sandy Weir
guards. Troop leaders are Mrs'
Nicholas Elich, 4300 W. 103rd'
st., and Mrs. Merritt.
Junior Girl Scout Troop 358
recently invested Margaret
Freshour, J acki e Schendel, and
Kathy Jurkovic as new members. and re-dedicated its other members. World Association pins were awarded and 70
badges distributed to 32 girls.
Troop leader is Mrs. George
Ponche, 5008 Oak Center dr..
and co-leader, Mrs. George Ri
chards, 10021 Harnew rd. E.
St. Raphael's church sponsors
the group.
C h u c k tvlartschinke, 4935
pring rd., is home from Bradley University nursing a brok
en foot, sprained ankle and torn
ligaments, all the result of a
skateboard accident.
Mrs. Lyle (Connie) 'oteboom
of 4724 \Y. 98th pL, has been visiting with her daughter, Sharon
Murphy, and husband in the Los
Angeles area. Connie took a
flght on which Sharon was serving as stewardess.
Dads and daughters of Junior
Troop 318 celebrated Girl
Scout Thinking Day with a spaghetti dinner Feb. 21 at Garden
Methodist Church. A highlight
of the occasion were His and
Her box desserts in gaily-decorated
guests were Rev. Wesley Jensen, Mrs. Arthur Loefler, sponsor representative, and Mrs.
Vernon Brunker, troop chairman. New member invested that
evening was Sharon Carstensen.
Troop members worshipped
together March 6inGardenMethodist church and ushered during t~e offertory. Following the
servIce they had breakfast in the
home of Mrs. Bunker 4941
"Yick. dr. Sponsoring organization IS the commission on education of the church.
A service project performed
by the troop was the presentation of colors at the March 8
Sward PTA meeting. Partici?ants were Linda Stahlke, givmg the commands, Roxanne
Kerr, Nancy Bearby, Denisa
Baker, and Joan Enright. Troop
leaders are Mrs. Conway Bearby, 5061 Wick dr., and Mrs.
Tony Nell. 10029 Alice ct.
by Catherine Ilarz Garden 2·3653
The Joe Ferjaks, 5369 W.
Kimball pl., spent a recent
weekend visiting at Clearview
Get well wishes to Ed Wink- Lake, Ind., with Anne Eyler
ler, 6456 W. 93rd pl., a pat- Clodfelter and her husband.
a former Covington
ient in Chicago Osteopathic Ann e,
school teacher, is now teaching
Hospital. He is thephys1cal
education instructor
in the language -arts to high school
Hometown and Gaddis Schools. juniors.
vice officer, was presented with
a portable television set.
Oak Lawn Garden clubbers
will attend the Chicago World
Flower Show at McC'O r roi c k,
Place Wednesday, March 23. A
bus has been chartered to provide transportation. Tickets to
the show may be obtained from
members at a reduced price.
Contact Ruth Saunoris, GA 40866 for information.
The John Dilitkaniches,lOOl1
Harnew rd. W., are looking forward to an Easter visit with
their son, John (Dilly), when he
completes basic training at Ft.
Lewis, Wash. He entered the
U.S. Army Feb. 4 and is agraduate of Eisenhower HighSchool.
A recently naturalized citizen is Mrs. Margaret Rita Flood
9404 S. Massasoit ave., who
hails from Claremorris, County Mayo, Irp1and. She came to
this country in 1957 and stayed
with relatives in Chicago. She
and Sylvester Flood met the
following year and were subsequently married in 1960.
They have been residents of Oak
Lawn for several years and have
a family of three: Ann Patricia,
4;Michael James 3; and Thomas
Christopher, 1-1/2.
Guest of honor at a 71st birthday party Feb. 'P was Baldomero (Baldy) Ayson, 5617 W.
103rd st. Planners of the surprise affair were members of
the Johnson- Phelps VFW Post
and Auxiliary with Frank Passco of Hometown as chairman.
Baldy, who serves as post serS-\1-\Cjb(,
Mrs. Mickey (Grace) Appel,
5260 W. Avery pl., was the surprised and pleased recipient of
the first life membership in the
Illinois Congress of Parents and
Teachers to be awarded by the
Brandt PTA at a recent Founder's Day meeting. Association
members will long remember
her efforts in setting up and
running their first Halloween
Carnival several yp-ars ago. In
addition, she served the PTA as
legislation chairman and caucus representative.
Grace's dedicated service in
this national organization goes
way back to the early 1940's
when she was a local unit president in Chicago and held the
position of treasurer and various board chairmanships. After
moving to Oak- Lawn she took
an active part in the PTAs of
Cook and COVington schools.
Her present activities include
program chairman for theOLHS
Band Parents, wardrobe mistress for the 75-member Varsity band, Sunday school teacher, board position in her church
sisterhood, membership in the
Oak Lawn League of Women
Voters and theNorthO.L. Home
Owners. She also spends one day
a week at Christ Community
Hospital where she has received her 100-hour pin for volunteer service.
She is the mother of six children, and a grandmother. Those
still at home are Michelle, a
junior at Oak Lawn high; Susan, a sophomore, and David, a
seventh - grader at Covington
•• •
• ••
Members of the Women's
Guild of St. Raphael Episcopal
Church are making items for
the Cathedral Shelter and Municipal Contagious hospital. Still
needed are clean, used nylon
stockings to fill out stuffed toys.
If you have some, why not contact any of these ladies who live
in your neighborhood? Guild
president is Mrs. Joseph Hilton, 11136S Leamington, Worth.
•• •
Girl Scout Sunday was acknowledged in Garden Methodist
Church with members of various troops attending and assist- .
ing at the services. Greeters
at the first service were Mrs.
Conway Bearby, 5061 Wick dr.,
leader of Junior Troop 318,
Mrs. Wilfred Diesel, 6435 W.
88th st., leader of JuniorTroop
356, and Deborah Tsurasaki,
356. Ushers were Nancy Bearby, Sharon Carstensen, Linda
Stahlke and Denise Crider, 318;
Nancy Diesel, 356; JuniorTroop
652, Sheryl Staley, Acolyte was
Martha Gesell, Cadette Troop
Members of Cadette Troop
636 under the leadership of
the Harley Zhes, 9537 S. 50th
ct., attended and assisted atthe
second service. Ushers were
Suzanne Boyle, Cathy Enzenbacher, Nancy Swihart, and Debbie Zhe. Beth Huber served as
acolyte. The troop is sponsored by Sward PTA.
Other members of Junior
Troop 318 met with Mrs. Anton Nell. 10029 S. Alice, assistant leader, and attended st.
Linus Church.
'Py Catheri n e Be rz
Garden 2·3653
The Warren Linkes, 4701 W.
102nd st., have added a new
member to their household,
Scott William. The others are
David, 5-1/2; Susan, 4; and
Kenny, 2-1/2.
Parents of students who will
All artists are welcome to enter the Harold L. Richards
display their wares at the First High School in the fall have been
Annual Art Show to be held at i the guests of Supt. Ric h a r ds
Ford City the weekend of April and his wife at a series of week23 and 24. The area is fullyen- Iy luncheons. They are served a
closed and weather-conditioned meal from the cafeteria similar
with plenty of space. Mrs. Luto these which their children
cille Fenton, 9932 Elm Circle will be ordering in the future,
and introduced to high school
dr., director of the eVent,is
seeking paintings,
drawings, life, in general. For his presculpture, mosaicS, and hand- sentation, Dr. Richards uses a
made crafts (but no commercial
tape recording which contains
Write or call her, the district's history, the fight
GA 2-0628, for further inform- song, and the alma mater. He alation.
so describes the two-two plan,
curriculum and future plans.
The Russ Pluhars are grad- The Lawn Manor, McDonald and
ually getting settled in their Sward school areas ofOak Lawn
new home at 8824 S. 55th ct., have participated up to date. Fuwhich is several blocks from ture guests will be from Palos
their former residence, 5270
Heights, Chicago Ridge, and
Alexander pI. They have lived Worth.
in Oak Lawn for 1l years and
have a family of four: David,
Ed Draper, 9556 S. LaCrosse
5th grader; Elizabeth, 4th;Richard, 1st; and James, who will ave., was awarded a lifememjoin the re~c at Brandt school in bership in the Illinois Congthe fall, as a kindergartener. ress of Parents and Teachers
by the OLCHS PTA at its FebRecently baptized in Garden ruary meeting. Mrs. Ray RuebMethodist Church were Mari- enson, of Hometown, associabeth and Thomas Alan, children tion vice president,lauded his
of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Lumpp; dedicated service in the comColleen Rae, daughter of Mr. munity as she madethepresenand Mrs. James Mason; Her- tation. He as been a member of
bert H. Jr., and Eric Arthur, the District 229 board of edusons of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert cation for the past three years,
safety chairman for the PTA for
four years, and is serving on the
Tickets are now on sale for Junior College Citizens' Com
the Drury Lane Theatre bene- mittee.
He is president of the Southfit being sponsored by the School
District 218 (Eisenhower - Ri- west Toastmasters 1029, past
chards) American Field Ser- president of the Johnson - Phelps
vice committee. The event is VFW Post 5220, past vice president of the OLCHS PTA, an
scheduled for Monday, April II
and will feature Anne Jeffreys honorary fireman (was among
'in "Ninotchka". Oak Lawn chair the first volunteer firemen to
serve), a member of the Band
men are Mrs. J. E. Sarracino,
10037 S. Kildare ave., GA 2- Parents and the newly - organized Wrestler Boosters. He is
2434, and Mrs. Paul Mickelson,
the father of four boys.
4805 W. 102nd st. GA 2-3272
Get your orders in early.
The Charles Piatts, lOUO
Lt. j. g. Bob Draper, 9556
S. LaCrosse ave., recently re- S. Crawford ave., welcomed
turned from seven months of their first offspring, Charles
duty with a patrol squadron in Andrew, Feb. 16.
Okinawa and Manila. He 1S stationed at Moffett Field in SanKindergarten registration
Francisco following a furlough will take place March 31 in all
which he spent with his folks in of the public schools in DistOak Lawn.
rict 123.
• ••
by Catherine Ilarz Garden 2-3653
Camp Fire Girls at St. Linus
church participated in three
special events during the month
of March starting with a Councll Fire at Oak Lawn Community High school in honor
of Camp Fire's 56th birthday.
March 20 the girls attended a
Birthday Mass at St. Catherine of Alexandria church and
then entertained their mothers
, at an area restaurant. A Camp
Rally was held March 22 at
Richards High school to demonstrate three phases of camping - Day Camp - GroupCamping - Resident Camp. There are
16 groups composed of 150 girls
from 2nd grade to 1st year high
school and sponsored by the St.
Linus Tabernacle Guild. Chairman is Mrs. Francis Hickey.
9917 Elm Circle.
Leaders of the various groups
are: Horizon Club (high school)
Mrs. Grace Musselman: Junior
High, Mrs. Doris Gregor, Mrs.
Mary Roche and Mrs. Virginia
Schumaker: Camp Fire (4th, 5th
and 6th grade), Mrs. Dorothy
Woodrow, Mrs. Nancy Pauletic,
Mrs. Geraldine Fracassi, Mrs.
Eileen Ross and Mrs. Dolores
Ross; Bluebird, Mrs. Marlene
Weilm Mrs. Jean Cmiel, Mrs.
Audrey Mann, Mrs. Rosemary
Lewnard, Mrs. Patricia Payne,
Mrs. Patricia DeGregorio, and
Mrs. Mary DiJulio.
... ... ...
A brand new citizen in our
midst is Mrs. Charles (Betty)
Estevon, 9148 Orchard Lane.
Her home was Sutton Coldfield,
WarWickshire, England, and it
was there that she met her husband 20 years ago when he was
serving in the United States
Army. Her famlly (mother, sister, brother-in-law, and nephew) followed her to this country and live in nearby Stickney.
Charles is employed by
U.S. Industries and Bettyworks
as a dental assistant in Oak
Lawn. They have two chlldren,
Judith and Richard, a freshman at OLCHS.
... ... ...
St. Raphael's church wlll have
parish-wide Pot Luck Dinner
Maundy Thursday with Mrs.
Dale Cllnkman, 5175 Otto pl.,
serving as chairman.
... ...
Mrs. Willlam
(Vi) Zehr,
10246 S. 52nd ave., a recent
surgical patient at Christ Community, is managing to get
arolmd very well indeed with the
aid of a pair of crutches and several friends with wheels.
... ... ...
Deepest sympathy to the family of Mrs. Lou (Dorothy)Paulsen, 9215 S. 54th ct., who passed away March 19. She is fondly
remembered by this correspondent for her cheerful disposition and hearty laugh.
... ... ...
Newest members to join the
Garden Methodist congregation
are Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Jackson with Robert, Jean and Ruth:
Mr. and Mrs. Larrie LaFoy:
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Linderborg;Mr. and Mrs. Zon Thompson with Jon, and Mrs.Anna
... ......
Congratulations to the students who earned a place on the
honor roll for the first semester at St. Paul Lutheran Church
In the fourth grade:
Wendy Hornburg, Ti mothy Hoyer' Cindy Marschalek, Barbara
Nevaril, Sandra Pesek, David
Pitrak, ettie Pralle, and Sue
Zagrakalls. In fi fih grade: Greig
Forrest, Mark Landstrom, Luanne Priebe, Patti Stephans and
Nancy Steuben. In Sixth grade:
Kathy Hickey, Lynn Johnson,
Nancy List, and Vicki Kupczak.
In seventh, Karen Kupczak, Linda Laubenstein, and Dorothy
... ... ...
Recently baptized at St. Gerald's church were Joanne Mary
Forden, Robert Paul Barker,
Mark Steven Walshon,
Christopher Keith Kestian.
The very - popular annual
dinner dance sponsored by the
Oak LawnFire Department will
be held the nights of April 12,
13, and 14, at Kllty's restaur·
ant. Tickets, priced at $4 per
person, have been mailed to all
Oak Lawn residents and entitle
the purchaser to a roast beef,
turkey or chicken dinner, plus
good music, dancing and fun.
Committee members are Jack
Ed Wierzbicki, Paul
Brueggeman, Sr., Ken Krauss
and Bud Feeny.
place, namil1g these leaders for
1966-67: Mrs. Thomas Maras,
president; Mrs. Phyllis Draves,
vice president; Mrs. Robert
Miller, secretary; Mrs Henry
Krzyminski, treasurer. Mrs.
Leslie Barron, 4048 W. 91stpL,
,is the outgoing president.
Mrs. Lloyd (Florence) Wall,
4905 Paxton rd., and Mrs. Da... ......
Two Gaddis school parents, vid (Nancy) Culver, 9949 HarDr. E. Esses and Dr. E. Strenk new rd. W.. have recently done a
presented a program on dental civic stint as jurors and found
hygiene at the March 15 PTA the experience a fascinating
meeting. An election also took one.
byCatherine Qarz Garden 2·3653
It's a bouncing baby boy for
Patti and Buddy Stanford (Southwest YMCA). Scott Allan arrived on the scene March 30
weighing eight pounds, three
ounces. and is currently enjoying the attention of his maternal grandparents from Birmingham, Ala. The Stanfords
live in Orland Park.
•• •
Kolmar Avenue school parents will hear a speaker from
the Juvenile Division of the
Oak Lawn police department
at the next PTA meeting Mon,day. April 18, starting at 8 p. m.
An election of officers for 1966
-67 will take place that evening
under the direction of Mrs.
George Kuper. 10558 S. Crawford ave.• president. Hostesses
during the social hour will be the
fourth grade room representatives.
DeMolay Sunday was acknowledged recently in First Congregational church with a presentation by members of the
local chapter of the Nine 0'Clock Interpolation (prayer for
mothers and fathers). Participants were Jim Woods, chaplain, Fred Cowan, Greg Bartlett, Greg Kirpach, Gary Lee
Raymond McCullum, Bill Dunn, Ray Stew
art. Roger Bale, Terry and
Tim Lamont.
Congratulations to the Oak
Lawn Garden Club for winning
an honorable mention in the
"Bounty" informal family dinner table arrangement class at
the recent McCormick Place
Garden Show. Entry chairman
was Mrs. Manuel Mann, 9344 •
Sproat ave. Local club president is Mrs. Clarence Veague.
5352 W. 90th st.
The Easter service project
for Athena Tri-Hi - Y this year
revolved around the Monticello
Nursing Home. Club members,
all from Oak Lawn Community
High School. spent an evening
making garlands of paper flowers for the home's annual Family Easter Party. The decorations were then strung from
the chandeliers, and a divider
and bulletin board were also
decorated. On the planning committee were Julie Symes, Carol
Iseneger, and Wendy Carpenter, 4725 \Y. 97th pI., club president. Other service projects
during the current year have
been the baking of cookies for
the l'SO; the donation of a
Thanksgiving basket for a needy
fami ly; and the donation of S50
to the Y. IC..\. \Vorld Service pro
Donations of useful items of
furniture. clothing, dishes. toys
etc.. are being soulZht by the
"'oman's Guild of First Con
gregational Church of Oak Lawn
for its :\nnual prinlZ Rummage
ale. The sale will take place
in the church basement. 9411 .
-1st ave.. from .., to 0 p. m.
:'Io,day, :\pril 18, from 9 a. m.
to 4 p.m., 7 to 9 p.m. April
19 and 20. Proceeds of the sale
are used for the guild's mission projects in and out of the
Further information
may be obtained from Marge
Lindelsee, 9825 S. 54th ave.,
GA 4-2252.
Mrs. George Winslow, 4124
W. lOOth st., and Mrs. T. H.
Gasteyer. 9325 S. 53rd ct., representatives of the Southwest
Symphony Orchestra. spent several days recently in Peoria
attending a workshop sponsored by the Woman's Symphony
Guild of the Peoria Symphony
Orchestra with the assistance
of the Illinois Arts Council
and the Women's Council of the
American Symphony Orchestra League. Roundtables were
held on fund raising, budget
planning, ticket sales, publicity and promotion. special projects, student concerts, high
school and junior guilds, building player membership. and recruiting members; and the two
ladies enjoyed comparing notes
with others involved in commu
nity orchestras.
• ••
Infants baptiZed at St. Gerald's church recently wereMargaret Nudo, Nancy Leslie, Susan Ulatosld, Timothy Pyne,
Anthony Chtkerillo and Arthur
"Y" wives feted two of their
number, Patti Stanford and Bar
bara Arsenault. alongwithSouth.
west Suburban Staff members at
an infant shower March 22 at
the home of Mrs. Luke (Winnie) Anderson in Justice. Both
thought the party was for the
other, and .vere completely
surprised and pleased with their
duplicate gifts. Those present
included Mrs. Dick Yawger,
Mrs. John Kuhfahl. Miss "B"
Talaka, Mrs. Lavergne Peterson and Mrs. Dorothy Swanson.
Marcia Hatstat. Judy Jones,
Russell Munch. and Scott Vondran, with Mr. Clint Desmond,
student council sponsor. actin\Z
as chaperone. Luke Anderson
of the YMCA, served as exchange consultant.
Children baptized in First
Congregational church March
6 were Daniel John, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Pacult;
J 0 ann e Rose and Lu Anne,
of Mr. and Mrs.
James Edward Steiskal.
Brand new grandparents are
Lou Paulsen, 9216 S.
ct., and Pearl and Al Balhk,
9243 S. 54th ct., with the arrival April 6 of a little doll,
Michelle. Her parents are Bonnie and Bill Ballik.
• ••
The Women's Guild of St. Raphael's Episcopal Church, 9701
S. 49th ave., has scheduled its
annual pring RummageSale for
Thursday, April 28 from 9 a. m.
to 5 p. m. A special attraction
will be the Nearly New Booth
where slightly used articles
will be sold at bargain prices.
Co-chairmen of the event are
Mrs. Joseph Hilton of Worth,
guild president, and Mrs. Edmund Smolinski, 10132 S. 52nd
ave., ways and means chairman.
• ••
The William B. Gaddises,
9632 S. Cook ave.• recently vacationed in Phoen iX, Ariz.
• ••
The Ben Forsythes. 10052 S.
Kilbourn ave., welcomed their
fifth child, Rodney William,
March 13. Others in the family
are Sheryl Dawn, Terry Ellen,
Todd Fenton,
and Bradford
Glenn. Both of the baby's grandmothers live in Oak Lawn; Mrs.
Mamie Stampley, at the same
address. and Mrs_ Mildred Forsythe, at 962, S.Tulley ave.
The latter teaches second grade
it Sward School.
~arz Garden 2-3653
Members of Cadette Troop
636 are working on their swimming, small craft, and lifesaving badges with weekly sessions in the OLCHS pool. Instructors are 11:"s. Betty Perovanovic, Red Cross instructor from Willow Springs; Harley Zhe, troop co-leaders; and
Tom Spasoff, pool coordinator.
The badge work, including a
work-out with a canoe in the
pool, will be completed in time
for a three-day canoe trip scheduled by the troop from May 21
to 23. Troop sponsor is Sward
PTA, and leaders are Mr. and
Mrs. Zhe, 9537 S. 50th ct.
• ••
New members of St. Raphael Episcopal Church are Mr.
and Mrs. Arthur Daum, and
children, Arthur and Troy, 5258
W. Alexander pI.
• ••
The Men's Club of St. Raphael will hear Edmond J. Ball,
10625 S. Lockport ave., insurance adjustor, speak on the subject of automobile insurance at
its next meeting Thursday.
April 28, at 8 p. m. Also on the
agenda for the evening is the
election of new officers for the
coming year.
• ••
new arrival in the Richard
Peterson household, 10108 Harnew rd. E. is little Karen Jill.
who, although adopted, bears a
The William Chapman North- strong resemblance to her broeast Choral Organization ofRi- ther, Scottie, age 6. She has auchards High School entertain- burn hair (What there is of it)
ed at the April 14 meeting of fair skin, blue eyes, and was
seven weeks old when she came
the Women's Guild of First
Congregational Church. Mrs. to livewith thePetersons March
Norman Plump, 5001 S. Colum- 31. Her grandparents are the
bus dr., is guild president. William Hawkens, who livenext
door, and Mrs. Clinton Peterson
The Perry Scott family, 9617 of Brainerd.
S. 52nd ave., spent Easterweek
The George Lausch family,
in the Ozarks and visited Per10408
S. 51st ct. spent the
ry's folks in Missouri.
Easter vacation in Biloxi and
New Orleans.
Rev. Wesley Jensen and his
family, 10107 S. Cook ave., re.q.'L\ -\'i1e.:.
cently spent a few days with the
Carl J ensens (his parents) in
Grand Ridge, Ill.
• ••
Jack Pirie. 5028 W. 106th
pI., will be writing with his
left hand follOWing recent surgery at Christ CommunityHospital. Gary Buzanis. 4905 W.
99th st., Richards High School
junior, is on the mend at Little
Company of Mary Hospital.
• ••
From ·Iceland and Doris Gooley,
International Christian
Youth exchange student, comes
word that school is out and she
has gone to Sweden for a visit
with Ulla Andreasson, former
exchange student, who lived with
the Gooley family here. Also
on her schedule is a trip to Copenhagen planned by her school
graduating class. Doris is due
back in New York July 15 after
a bit of sightseeing in London
and an evaluation session in
Amsterdam. In the fall she
will enter Northern IllinoisUniversity as a freshman.
UUa's friendship with tile
rest of the Gooley family, 1000S
S. Kilbourn ave., with whom
she spent her year in the United States, will be renewed
when she arrives for a visit
in August. The early part of
her summer will be devoted to
a coastline tour of the country
by bus with another former
exchange student.
The Mickey Appels, 5260 W.
Avery pl., enjoyed a visit with
their daughter and her family
in Mississippi during the recent vacation week.
New officers of the Oak Lawn
Garden Club were installed at
a dinner meeting April 27. Mrs.
Russell Walton, 9529 S. Major
ave., is the new president. Other officers are Mrs. Edmund
Saunoris, first vice president
and ways and means chairman'
Mrs. James Rathje, secondvic~
president and program chairman: Mrs. Edward Broecker
recording secretary: Mrs. Wal~
ter Jepson, corresponding secretary: Mrs. David Hagman,
Appointed historian was Mrs.
~larence Sorenson: parliamentarian, Mrs. Ruby Watson: Publicity chairman, Mrs. James
Bennett, who also served as
installing officer. Outgoing president of the club is Mrs. Clarenee Veague, 5352 W. 90th
The Del Arsenaults. of the
Southwest YMCA and Western
Springs are the proud parents
of a little guy, Jeffrey Scott
born the night of the annuai
* **
St. Gerald's Holy Name Society will sponsor a spring
dance from 9 p. m. to 1 a. m.
Saturday, April 30. Admission
is $1.50 per person.
Norma and Ronald Gehlsen,
9017 S. 49th ct., welcomed their
third child, Paul Ronald, April
12. The others in the family are
Kurt, age 9, and Kimberly, 7.
Patricia and Elbert Ehn are The happy grandpar.ents are
the new residents at 9425 S. the Arthur Lundins, 4102 W.
Major ave. They moved into lO9th st., and the Herbert Gehtheir new home April 20 and lsens of Chicago.
hail from Chicago.
Infants recently baptized at
St. Paul's A.A. L. Branch (Aid St. Gerald's are Curtis WilliAssociation to Lutherans) will am Adams, Kenneth Frank Gage
hold one of its semi-annual Kurt James Feil, MargaretAnn
meetings at 8 p.m. FridaY,Ap- Patyk, SusanJoan Meyer, Marc
ril 29 in the church. A movie, Christopher McCauley, Indira
entitled "Treasures in Heav- Virginia Nowak, Cynthia Maren" and dealing with the im- ie Wisch, Annamarie Conybear
pertance of making a will wili and Gill Ann Gunkel.
be shown. George A Behling' Ph 1li
Jr., a lawyer, will be presen~ 4
y s Bamberger, 9339 S.
to answer questions. Officers U~~~· senior at Illinois State
of the group are Kermit List
sity, did her stuclentteapresident: Edward Hulse, vic~ ~hing school district 123, and
president: and Mrs. Florence i:~hs rl~ a contract to return
Williams, secretary -treasurea. * * *
The blood bank committee
e R. C. Wallace family,
performs one of the ost im- 8932 S. Sproat ave., had dinner
portant functions of
branch ~t ~he Spinning Wheel April 17
in contacting blood donors and n onor of David's confirmation
arrangingfodheirdonations at at Garden MethOdist Church.
a specific time during theyear.
In this way, the church has available a supply for any members who might be in need.
Chairman of this committee
is Mrs. Roy (Lorelei) Churan, 10416 S.Kolmar ave.
The Ralph Dvoraks, 9814 S.
53rd ave., announce the birth
of a son, John Jerry, on Easter morning. Their other children are Tom, 14, Sue, 13:
Bill, 11: Mary Helen, 9: Jean,
7: and Ralph 3. The baby's
grandmothers are Mrs. Helen
Rosenorp, 9832 S. Cook ave.,
and Mrs. Mary Dvorak, 4831
Columbus dr.
Happy 14th birthday to Gary
Churan, 10416 S. Kolmar ave.,
April 19. He is in junior high
at McDonald School.
The Women of St. Raphael's
Episcopal church elected these
'new officers at a recent meeting: Mrs. Richard Bye, president: Mrs. William Chrisler,
vice president: Mrs. Richard
Foster, secretary: Mrs. DonaId Ahlert of Evergreen Park,
Mrs. Arthur Dyckman, 4623
Birthdays were celebrated
W. 97th pI., has been a recent
surgical patient at Christ Com- April 17 by Miss Dorothy Dresden, 10437 Georgia lane, teamunity Hospital.
cher in Homewood-Flossmoor
High School, and Mrs. Hector
(Edith) Masson, 9828 S. Minnick ave., of the Oak Lawn Library.
byCotherine Borz
Gorden ;l·3653
The Women's Guild of First
Congregational church will hold
its Mother-Daughter Banquet
and Style Show at 6:30 p.m.
Thursday, May 5. The show wlll
home-sewn fashions
modeled by their owners and
will be moderated by Mrs.
Charles (Lil) Lawrence, 9629
S. 51st ave. Co-chairmen for the
affair are Mrs. Richard Rebout
and Mrs. James Harn. Circle
chairmen are sel1lng the tickets, priced at $2 for adults,
and $1 for children.
New officers of the guild are
Mrs. Harold (Florence) Richardson, president; Mrs. Happy
Anderson, 1st vice president;
Mrs. John Broom, 2nd vice
president; Mrs. Walter Nicholson, 3rd vice president; Mrs.
Robert Smart, 4th vice president; Mrs. James Harn, corresponding secretary; Mrs.
Charles Batson, recording secretary; Mrs. Donald Chapman,
treasurer; Mrs. Richard Rebout, morning circle chairman;
Mrs. William McLaughlin, afternoon circle; and Mrs. Howard Rickman, evening circle.
"We Take Pride in our Safety Record" is the theme of the
final meeting for the school
year of the Covington PTA at
8 p. m. Tuesday, May 10. "Sum
mer Safety" wlll be discussed
by representatives of the Oak
Lawn Police and Fire Departments. A musical program under the direction of Mrs. Moser, instructor, will mark the
dedication of risers purchased
for the school gymnasium by
the PTA. A science exhibit
arranged by Miss Corder and
Miss Diericks, junior high teachers, will feature some of the
outstanding work done in this
Mrs. George Dobias, 9304
S. 49th ave., outgoing president, will install the new officers for 1966-67. Refreshments
will be served by the 4th and 5th
grade room representatives. All
room representatives will be
honored at a luncheon May 18.
Prior to the meeting, a half
hour wlll be devoted to the
presentation of awards to members of the basketball team,
cheerleaders, girls' service
squad, safety patrol, and projectioneers. All parents are invited to attend.
First Congregational Church
was the scene of the April 27
community meeting for OLCHS
Tri-Hi-Y and Hi-Y members.
Featured speaker was Stan Davis, social worker in the Mont
Clare-Leyden area of Chicago. He told of her experiences
with teen-aged gangs, as he
has on other occasions for the
church fellowship groups.
A luncheon at Nielsen's Nordic Restaurant at 1 p. m. Tuesday, May 10 wlll"wind up" the
school year for the Sward school
PTA. F ather Louis Greanias of
St. Nicholas Hellenic Orthodox
church wlll give the invocation.
The program will include the
installation of officers, and recognition of board members and
room representatives. A baby
sitting service will be available.
Representing the association
at the recent Illinois Congress
Convention were Mrs. Gregg
Gotsis, president; Mrs. T.
Sheehan, Mrs. Stanley Sarniak,
and Mrs. Perry Scott.
Kolmar Avenue School PTA
will meet at 8 p. m. Monday, May
9 and will feature an Art and
Science Fair. In addition, vocal selections will be presented by the 4th, 5th, and 6th grade
students under the direction of
Robert Rhodes, instructor,and
patrol awards will be given.
Hostesses for the evening will
be the 5th grade room representatives. PTA president is
Mrs. George Kuper, 10558 S.
Crawford ave.
Mrs. Robert (Lucille) Henthorne, 9629 S. Brandt ave.,
has been a recent patient at
Chicago Osteopathic H ?s.p ital.
Lawrence McGinnis, 6107 W.
81st pI., has been confined in
Christ Community.
by Catherine !larz Cardpn 2·3653
Mr. and Mrs. Val Lecas,
8707 Olympic dr., welcomed a
new little doll, Deborah Ann,
into their family April 15. They
have one other child, Steven,
age 3. The baby's maternal
grandparents, the A. J. Carrolls, live at 9525 S. Menard
New officers for the St. Linus Tabernacle Guild are Mrs.
Ernest (Mary) DiJulio, 5441
W. 99th st., president; Mrs.
Donna Black, vice president;
Mrs. Dolores Burak, corresponding secretary; Mrs. Alice McDermott, treasurer.
Kostner, and Mrs. Robert Stroh,
4336 W. 100th st. Among points
of interest was a visit to the
Oak Lawn Village Hall and the
Oak Lawn Fire Department. The
bus tour was sponsored by the
League of Women Voters of Oak
The OLCHS Peppers' Club
(physical education teachers'
aids) went a-camping on a recent, rather wet weekend at
White Pines State ParI<. The
gals hiked, rode horseback, and
cooked their own food. Chaperones were Mrs. Tomszyk,
club sponsor, Miss VanDerKreke, Miss Milcrist, Miss Anderson, and Mr. Ozmansan.
Mrs. Thomas Dor!, 10220 S.
Kenneth, won an honorable menThe
5029 Oak
tion in the Federation of Women's Clubs arts and crafts Center dr. are grandparents
event, with her ceramic for the second time around with
the arrival April 22 of Susan
"Christmas tree. "
Lee. Her parents Sigrid and
Curtis Dunbar, recently mov"Portrait of a Woman" is ed to Hickory Hills from 10200
the title of a film to be shown S. Crawford ave. Their other
Tuesday, May 17 at 8 p. m. for youngster is Gregory Scott, age
the Womn's Society for Chris- 3-1/2.
tian Service of Garden Methodist Church. A sequel to a film
The recent christening of
shelNn earlier, it deals with
their newest grandchild was a
the values of education in a happy occasion for the Peter
Christian environment, and in- Austins, 4944 W. 91st pI. amcludes scenes photographed in ed after his dad, little Stan is
Brazil, Korea, and Rhodesia.
the second offspring for the
New officers for the soci~
Austin's daughter, Judy, and
have been elected and will be
her husband, Stan Gran.
installed during the 11 a. m.
worship service Sunday, May
The Bill Keeneys, 4954 W.
22. They are: Mrs. Frank (D0- 91st pI. and their scuba group
ris) Klein, president; Mrs.Johr from the LaGrange YMCA selTurner, vice president; Mrs. ected San Andres, an island off
Joyce Lump, secretary; Mrs the coast of icaragua, for their
Ralph Mosbaugh, treasurer.
recent annual outing. Bill took
Committee chairmen: Mrs. umpteen pictures in the "briny
Lester Schaffner, local churct deep" while Jean snorkeled aractivities; Mrs. Sharon Ziem- ound in the shallow water. Fans
ba, publicity; Mrs. Richard Lo- donated by the group to the local
ber, emergency; Mrs. Lewis hospital we r e received with
Huber, kitchen.
Secretaries for 1966-67 are:
Mrs. Wesley Jensen, spiritual
life; Mrs. James Tucker. mis
sionary education; Mrs. Paul
Krouse, Christian social relations; Mrs. Pat Major, program materials Mrs. Lael Fen·
nessy, supply; Mrs. David Powell, campus ministry; Mrs.
Douglas Dibleby, membership
Mrs. Verlin (Eloise) Van Klavern, 4721 W. 98th pI., celebrated her April birthday at her
mother's home in Ottumwa, Ia.
dUring the Easter wee end.
• ••
The so-called first annual
art fair sponsored by the Ford
Cit y Merchants ~ Association
must be renamed "semi-annual" as plans shape up for another one Nov. 5 and 6. Artists
from as far away as Michigan
and Indiana participated in the
successful event, according to
Mrs. Walter (Lucil1e Fenton),
9932 Elm Circle, director. She
wishes to thank the Oak Lawn
area artists and encourage them
to start preparing material for
the winter showing.
Harry Zybert, 8913 S. Sproat
ave., has completed four years
in the service and is home to
stay. Amember of the Air Force
he spent the past year at a radar site in Newfoundland where
he became quite expert with
diesel trucks. A graduate of
Oak Law n Community High
School, Harry was a shoe salesman before entering the service.
Car! J. Hale, 4653 W. 99th
pI., Oak Lawn, was recently
promoted to the position of
mechanical superintendent at
the Nalco Chemical Company.
The plant is located in Bedford Park.
• ••
A bus tour for a special education class of the Clarke
School was conducted May 10
by Mrs. John Baird, 10445 S.
• ••
• •
• ••
• ••
The Men's Club of St. Raphael's Episcopal Church elected
new officers at its April meeting. They are: Joseph Hilton of
Worth, president; Herbert Meagher, vice president; William
secretary; Edward
Forsberg, treasurer. The next
club event will be an Ascension
Day Spaghetti Dinner Thursday, May 19 immediately follOWing the 6: 15 p. m. celebration of Holy Communion. Cost
will be $1.25 per adult, 75¢
pe child, with a maximum
charge of $5 per family.
by Catherine lIarz Card .. n 2-3653
year, he also served as secretary - treasurer of the Varsity
Lettermen's Club. In addition
another talent emerged when
his design was selected for the
cover of the "Music Man"
program Tom plans to major
in psychology at Augustana.
Tom Krolak, 10719 S. Komensky ave.,
Richards High
School senior and star athlete
has received the Viking Award,
a four year tuition scholarship
from Augustana College in Rock
Island. Captain of both the football and baseball team this past
Joan Eklin, 10013 S. 53rd
ave., had her tonsils removed
recently and is now back with
her fourth-grade classmates at
Gasteyer School.
Mrs. William (Minnie) Lyon,
9534 W. Shore dr.,has been a
recent patient at Christ Com1J1 unit y.
Affiliae Tri-Hi- Y gals treated their senior members to dinner at E1 Bianc 0 May 1. Club
president is Karen Burke, 4829
W. 97th pI.
Babies baptized May 8 in
Fir s t Congregational church
were Michel Rhea Ballik, Kathryn Anna Patrick, and Christopher Michael Payne.
• ••
Athena Tri-Hi - Y members
had dinner and saw the show together at the Candlelight Theatre May 10. More good food was
enjoyed by the group as they
participated in a progressive
A family gathering May 3 in dinner May 17. Funds were
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray- raised for a portion of their
mond Fox, 5532 W. 99th pI., activities on a recent Saturday
served as an introduction to when they were based at two diftheir second offspring and first frent locations selling food girl child, Karin Rae, born Ap- this time, bakery goods. Club
ril 4. Pleased as punch with the .P res ident is Wendy Carpenter,
new arrival are big brother, 4725 W. 97th pI.
Keith Raymond, an eight-yearYoung people who were conold who attends Gasteyer School
and grandma, Mrs. Catherine firmed and received into memFox, who lives at 9959 S. Cic- bership at Garden Methodist
Church April 17, were Dale
ero ave.
Bartlett, Sus ann Brown, Cherie
Cathy Enzenbacher,
Mrs. Paul (Angie) Plebanek, Crider,
10512 S. Kolmar ave., has been Tom Galloway, David Larsen,
Kathy Lundre-~lected president of the Oak David Leyerle,
Lawn League of Women Voters. quist, Penny Major, Patsy SwalServing with her, as new of- low, 'ancy Swihart, JohnTaubficers, will beMrs. BunnyPutz, er, David Wallace, and Dawn
second vice president; and Mrs. Wilson.
Dee Leppin, secretary. ConThe Dillon family has moved
tinuing as first vice president
is Mrs. Marilyn Moore, and as from 4212 W. 100th st., to
treasurer, Mrs. Barbara Pas- 9626 S. Parkside ave.
qUinelli. Newly-elected direcBaptized
in St. Raphael's
tors are Mrs. Rose Lamb, Mrs.
Mildred Sujka, and Mrs. Ellen Church May 8 was Kevin Richard Rakowski. Infants bapMcDonald.
Newest members of the tized in St. Gerald's recently
League are Mrs. Henry Forrer, were Diana Lynn Weidner, Jo9701 S, Tulley aye., Mrs. J. seph Frank Kaleta, Deborah
Jerome Eastman, 9128 S. Ma- Lynn Segvich, James Joseph
jor ave., and Mrs. JosephDono- Sigel and Mary BeJh Wolfe.
frio, 4621 W. 106th pI.
• ••
• •
•• •
• ••
The Ladies' Guild of the
Green Oak Reformed Church
held its annual Mother-Daughter Banquet May 13 at Camp
Manitoqua. The
evening included a shOWing of hand-sewn
fashions, songs to the Moms,
ana a Smorgasbord. Ticket
chairmen were Mrs. John Gaffney and Mrs. Robert Luchene.
Arrangements for transportation were made by Mrs. Henry
Slager, 9037 S. 51st ave.,
by Cather! ne Ilarz Gorden 2,365:l
The Oak Lawn Community
High students have been selected as new members of the
You t h Orchestra of Greater
Chicago. Appearing with this
group of musically - advanced
high school boys and girls in
the fall will be Glenn Dobias,
9304 S. 49th ave., sophomore
bassoonist, and Jon Mitchell,
5209 W. Alexander pI., junior
trombonist, who auditioned with
more than 250 students for the
68 vacancies created by graduating seniors.
Glenn, who began playing the
bassoon just last November
also plays sax and bass dari ~
net, and has been a participant
in the music programs of school
district 123 and Oak Lawn High
for the past eight years. His
m~ther, an accomplished piamst, accompanies many of the
students.. Jon, also a pianist,
has played the trombone since
sixth grade. His dad is a voice
teacher. Both young men are
members of the Spartan Band
and theOLCHS Stage Band which
received a superior rating in the
sixth annual area contest several
months ago.
Happy number 15 to Susan
Meersman, 10117 S. Mulberry ave., who celebrated her natal day May 12.
Barbara and Dave Dague, 9304
Get well wishes to little JimS. 49th ct., welcomed their first my Ruggiero, 10040 S. Cicero
son into the family May 6. Nam- ave., recently hospitaliZed in
ed James, the little guy has two Christ Community, and to Chris
sisters, Judy, 5-1/2, and Jill Roche, 4017 W. l06th pI., Kol2-1/2.
' mar school kindergartener, who
suffered a broken heel in a
Batman-like leap from a garage
roof. He will be sporting a full
leg cast for at least six weeks.
It's a new little guy for Joan
and Art Follenwieder, 4041 W.
106th pI. Named David, he was
preceeded by Mary, Laura,
Arthur and Janet.
The Men's Club of St. Raphael's church will sponsor the
parish picnic June 5 in Calumet
Woods. Also the last day of
church school sessions'for the
current academic year, awards
and prizes will be presented to
deserving youngsters. There
will be ice cream, pop, games,
and prizes, relaxation, and fellowship.
• **
A group of young ladies who
have been friends since grade
school days will shower Karen
Sorenson, 9119 S, Tulley ave.,
with gifts June 6. The hostesses, Toni Bates, Unda Swanson, and Gail Weidner, will all
serve as bridesmaids when Karen becomes the bride of Bill
Hodges June 25.
It'll be a change of pace for
Willie and Herman (Park Commissioner) Nebel, 5129W. 101st
st., with the addition of a SON
to their family. The little fellow's been named Donald, and
has three sisters, Carol, Joann,
and Amy.
Susan Smith, 10108 S. Mulberry ave., graduating senior
at HLR., has chosen Georgetown College in Kentucky for her
studies in the fall. Her Grandma Ford lives in LOUisville, not
too far away. Sue plans to major in art. Presently a dietary
aide at Christ Community hospital, she will expand her hours
during the summer.
Lausch, 10408 S, 51st ct., newly
-elected president of the International Student Exchange Club
(ISE) of Richards High School,
and to Sandy Zebrowski, 4909
W. l06th pI., who will serve
as secretary. Both gals will be
seniors in the fall. Additional
officers will be selected from
next year's junior class. The
club assists with the sponsorship of the foreign students attending the school with its fundraising and get-acquainted activities.
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Rebout,
8704 S. 51st ave., greeted their
second grandchild May 6. The
new offspring, Donna Jean, and
her Plrents, the Richard Rebouts, live in Chicago Ridge.
*• *
Destination for the annual fun
trip for members of theOLCHS
Concert Band was the Jack and
Jlll Ranch in Ludington, Mich.
Accompanying the group, in addition to the top candy salesmen
in the Varsity, Cadet, and Beginner bands,
were Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Lawrence, Mr.
Eugene Pritchard,
and Mrs.
Mrs. Millie Lackovic, Mrs.Jean
Jones, Mrs. Grace Appel, Hank
Konkol, John MUler, Ron Blakeley, and Lou DeMolli, student
teachers, and Richard Pettibone
band director.
Eugene Pritchard, 4700 W. 98th st., ispresident of the Band Parents, and
John Justice, 9427 S. 52nd ave..
is trip chairman.
Morrie Hesner,
5529 W.
102nd st., meat broker, passed
the half-century mark with a
bang-up party for more than 60
A one-man
provided the lively entertainment for the group.
by Catherine Qarz Gard,en 2·3653
to Peggy
Stanton, 9402 proat ave., for
being selected a winner in the
senior piano division during a
recent contest sponsored by the
Society of American Musicians
Pegl"Y, a senior at the L'niversity lligh School, was also a
National Merit Scholarship winner. She plans to attend Oberlin college in the fall and will
continue her study of music.
Miss Joan Wallace, seventh
grade teacher at the Lawn Manor School, was surprised by a
shower given in her honor during a noon hour last week. The
shower was sponsored by the
faculty 0 f the Lawn Manor
Miss Wallace is now married
to Tony Carey, presently a pro
football player with the Chicago
Bears, and formerly a star at
the University of otre Dal1lle.
A fond farewell to one of
our senior citizens, \lrs. Ilerman (Coradina) Rathje, who has
traded her home at 9833 .. Cook
ave., for a smaller one in
Wentzville, Mo., 30 miles west
of t. Louis. manyofherkinarp
settled in the general area.
three sisters, a brother and
one of her daughters, lrs. \rlie Denine. Iler other daughters are 1rs. Charles Stevens
of Dearb~rn, Mich., and Mrs.
BillMitchell of Lenwood, Calir.
Iler son, James, lives around
the corner at 9804 S. 52nd ave.,
ami Ilerman resides in Forest
Park. She has 14 grand chi Idren
ami one p-reat-grandchild.
Mrs. Rathje moved to Oak
Lawn from Chicago 45 years
ago and has spent all hut two
of those years at her present
address. Her husband was employed by Carson, Perie Scott
and Company until his death
13 years ago. They wereamon
the first members to join the
PTA in 1922, and she subsequently served as president, and
for 10 years, as historian. They
also joined Trinity Lutheran Church where she has spent
many active years in the Ladies
Aid (president), llssion Socieuty, and The Women of the
Church (historian). The Red
Cross was another of her community concerns. ome of her
pictures ~nd records have been
donated to the Oak Lawn llistorical SoCiety.
Iler hohbies include quiltinj!,
lapid a r y, :"ardening and stamp
collecting, which she has introduced to her grandchildren.
Friends have said "goodhye"
to this gracious lady on sev
eral occasions: at the Trinity
10ther Daughter Banquet lay
3, at the 1artha Circle meet
ing in the church lay 12, and
at a joint birthday (80 years
young) and farewell par y at
ielsen's Restaurant lay 18.
Sincere sympathy to the tanton fami Iy, 9402 Sproat ave..
on the loss of llenry's mother,
Mrs. Sina Stanton, who passed
1ay 3 in the Gak Lawn
Convalescent Ilome. She had
been a patient in the home since
January and had formerly lived
in Washington, D.C.
Get well wishes to Irs. Frank:
Rosema, 9403 Sproat ave., a recent surgical patient at Christ
Community I{ospital, and to little John Chrisler, 5429 \\. 99th
pI., who was hospitalized overnii"ht after hreaking both legs in
a home accident. lie is now con·
valescing with two leg casts.
Faculty members in the sci
ence department of Reavis lIigh
School gathered with their fami·
lies at the home of Rob IVai
lace, 8932 Sproat ave., department chairman, June 4, for
an outdoor picnic. \ mong those
present were t>.lrs. Richard
tenglein and Richard Thomas
of Worth,
Gary Judkins of
lIometown, Richard Wiltshire
and am \\eisskopf of Oak Lawn.
Hob has taken a sabhatical to
work on his doctorate in sci
ence education at the {'niversity
of lllinois and will he leaving
for Champaign June 20. Ilis
wife. Doris. and children, David, and lelodv, will join him
in mid .-\ugust.
Lynette lari e Bates, 9 J 19 S.
Tulle' ave., had one canclle on
her cake for her hirthda\' celehration lay 25.
Covington school French stu
dents (6th, 7th and 8th o-raders) entertained their parents
friends with a proQ'ram
of original skits hased on poet
ry verses.
ladame Kelly is
their teacher.
\ lecture tour on mytho log\'
made a field trip to the \rt
Institute most worthwhile for
Covin on School students in
t>.lrs. t>.larks' ""th·CTrade class.
Parents who went along were
Irs. Robert \\allace, 932 S.
proat ave.. and Irs. Ilarold
Wiltshire, 9221 S. 49th ct.
by Catherine aarz Gorden 2·3653
Co vingron School Principal
Robert Anderson, 9535 S. 51st
ave., has received his Ph. D in
education from the University of
Michigan. His thesis was based
on a geography project conducted over the past two years
wit h students in
School. In the near future, Dr.
Anderson will take up his new
position as assistant superintendent in curriculum development and research for the Mt.
Prospect public school system.
A trip to Lincoln Park Zoo
May 23 was a real highlight
for the first-graders at Kolmar avenue school accompanied by their teachers, Mrs. Kalaravic and Miss issen. Among the mothers chaperoning
were Mrs. Jack Pirie, 4028 W.
106th pI., and Mrs. Casimir
Virva, 10625 S. Kenton ave.
Midshipman 4/c Michael
:"'each, 9941 Harnew rd. W., received the Military Order of
Legion of the United
States during a recent orthwestern University naval unit
Albert Gene Colman, Jeffrey
Scott Arsenault, and Susan Mari and Stanley Benjamin. foster children of the Conway
lembers of Junior Girl cout
Troop 358 were rewarded for
their industry at a recent Court
of Awards. ReceiVing the Sign
of the Arrow were Claire Abrahamson, Kristi Anderson. Janice 1cCoy, JudyO'Brien, Cindy Richards, .1ill mith. Kim
Sorley, JeaneDi Prima, and 1J0reen Gierach. The Sign of the
Star was presented to Linda
Jurkovic, Lori Drogosz, Louise Binkert, Ruth Fowler, Diane Rogers, Pat Schendel, Maria and Carmen Carvallo, and
Manv other
Lola LaPorte.
Scouts received badges for work
In the past few months the
A triple
celebration took girls have seen "Sound of muplace in the Kopeck home, 5321 sic", gone on a double overW. Otto pI., when friends and night at Warren Dunes, had a
relatives gathered June 5 to bowling party, and a swimming
toast Tom's graduating from party. The troop will resume its
Oak Lawn Community High activities in the fall, and is
School and his 18th birthday, as under the leadership of Mrs.
well as his mother's natal day. George Ponche, 5008 Oak CenTom's future plans include a ter dr., and Mrs. George Richpre- engineering course at Nor- ards, 10021 Harnew rd. E. Troop
thern Illinois University with an sponsor is St. Raphael's Church
ultimate goal being a career in
The Garden Methodist Womthe Armed Forces. mong his
school activities have been the en's Societyfor Christian SerDebate Club, Forensics, track vice has a potluck dinner June
team, and swimming team, of 14 and viewed slides of Gerwhich he was the manager dur- many shown by Kate Staley of
ing his senior year. A mem- Chicago Ridge. The organization was represented at a recent
ber of the VFW Explorer Post
2469, he holds the rank of Ea- Rock River Conference annual
gle Scout plus bronze, silver and meeting in Elgin by Mrs. Frank
gold palms. In his spare time, Klein and Mrs. Wendell Eary,
he has managed to build a hand- and has the distinction of being
some collection of model air- one of four in the southern district to have a 25% increase in
both membership and missionFormer Oak Lawn resident, ary giving.
Mrs. Henry (Val) Battenburg,
Neighbors gathered at the
now of Harvey, will be among
the exhibitors in the art show home of Mrs. Fred (Dee) Lepto be held July 5 through 15 pin, 4919 W. 99th st., June 3 to
at the University of Illinois, say "farewell" to Eileen Haggerty, 4911 W. 99th st., who
Chicago Circle Campus.
with her husband, Bill (Hagger•
The Parent Teacher League ty Oil company) and their five
of St. Paul school has elected children will be moving to Evthe following board members ergreen Park the end of June.
for 1966-67: Harry Musser, New residents will be Ann and
Tom Cunningham from Riverpresident; Gene Pesek, vice
president; Ruth Laubenstein, dale whose family includes two
secretary; Agnes Fenzau, trea- little tykp.s: Brian, 20 months,
surer; Mabel Jensen, program and Peg, 5 months.
chairman; Juanita Stephens, refreshments; Roderick Bonen.
Recently baptized in St. Rapublicity;
Carol Hornburg,
Room Mothers; Ruth Nevaril, phael's church was Jeffery Henmembership. ominating com- ry, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wesmittee members are Helen Birk ley Peterson, 5315 AlexandGrace Mazalin, Shirley Metz, er pI. in Garden Methodist, DeRut h Nauseda,
and Juanita borah Ann Lecas, Victoria Andrea Tilly, Joanne Marie LinSchmitz.
derborg, Scott Cameron Peters,
• ••
Karen Price, 10005 S. Cicero
ave., Richards High School senior, will serve as president of
Pi Theta Tri-Hi- Y during the
coming school year. Assisting
her will be Joanne Sharka, vice
Sandy Wachdorf,
secretary; Karen Zika, treasurer; and Jane Roberts, chaplain. The current year's activities came to a close with a dinner get-together May 29 at Nielsen's Nordic Restaurant. Outgo i n g
president is Janet
9937 Harnew
rd. ~.
• ••
• •
• •
The eldest of the Justice
girls, 9427 S. 52nd ave., were
among those receiving diplomas this month: Janet, from OLCHS, and Joanne, from Covington elementary school. Janet's
primary interest in high school
has been the band, in which she
plays the flute and the piccolo.
She plans to attend orthern
Illinois University in the fall,
and in the meantime, is working
for Saunoris Realty. Joanne. also musically inclined, will probably follow in her sister's
footsteps when she enters Oak
Lawn Community Iligh.
New president of AffiliaeTriHi-Y Club is Sue Wettergren,
9826 S. 55th ave., senior gal at
Oak Lawn Community High
School. The other officers for
the 1966-67 school year are
Barbara Stevenson, 4827 W.
98th st., was showered with
bridal gifts by her friends and
relatives at a garden party
june 12 at the home of Mrs.
Francis (Margaret) Dugan, 4815
W. 96th pI. Co-hostess was
was provided by a talented bund Mrs. Lyle (Connie) Noteboom.
of Richards High School stud- Barbara is to be married to
ents including jan and Lynn Fet- Randy Carson of Macomb later
ters, Scott Hannawalt, Randy this summer.
Visser and Ed Ball. A repeat
was given for
Infants recently baptized at
graduating students at the First St. Gerald's church were MauChurch of God by the same teens reen Hampston, Matthew Thowith the addition of john Mart- mas Mazon, Suzanne Celeste
Byczek, Robert john Boehm,
Barbara Ann Kozel, james EdSue Maxwell Howells was the win Craver, Keith Christophguest of honor at a baby shower er Blazina, and Mark Stanley
june 9 in the home of Mrs. AI Shields.
Levin, 9518 S. Kenneth ave.,
her husband's aunt. Sueis stayThe Dobrons, Red and Eveing with her folks at 9109 S. lyn with their son, Mike, spent
54th ct., while Ron serves Un- last week with the Ken Swahns,
cle Sam overseas, and the new 4831 W. 98th pI. Mike would
offspring is due any minute. have graduated with the class at
Sward this year if the family had
Congratulations to the junior.: not moved to Marshalltown, I a.
High Campfire Girls who re- Their daughter, Barbara, is
ceived theIr Marian medals dur- taking courses at Drake Uniing a recent ceremony at St. versity in DesMoines this sumCatherine of Alexandria church mer in order to graduate from
They are Barbara Pellizzari. Wartburg in Waverly, la., next
Michelle Ann Reuter, PeggyNu- March. She plans to teach hisgent, Regina Ward, Kathy Kara- toryon the high school level.
manski, Denise Kelly, Kathryn A lively week in Oak Lawn was
Massura, Gall Wycislo, janet "topped off" by their hostess,
Quinn, Mary Nahel, and Sharon Phyllis Swahn, coming down
Andrews. The group is spon- with a case of measles.
sored by the Altar and Rosary
• •
St. Linus Parish had a gradSociety of the Church.
uation mass at 10 a.m,June 12
OLCHS Varsity cheerleaders and a ceremony that afternoon
have been in ormal this past for its 149 students receiving
week for the Cheerleading Camp diplomas.
Competition. In the group are
Elane Franzen, captain, Terri
The Covington School gymHafk, Mary Ellen Hart, linda nasium had a shipboard atmosjimo, Linda Raap, Darlene Da- phere when the graduating studniels, and Sally Lamparter.
ents gathered June 10 for their
"Bon Voyage" party. The bill
At St. Paul Lutheran Church of fare included hamburgers,
new officers have been elected potato chips, and cokes, and was
to head the Ladies Living for planned by Mrs. Charles WorkChrist GJild. They are Mrs. man, Mrs. Dick Wolfe, and Mrs.
Delwyn (Virginia) Burandt,4940 David Wunder. The entertainW. 91st st., president; Marge ment committee made up of
Rochlitz, vice president; Helen Mrs. Harry Spect, Mrs. ThomBonen, recording secretary; Le- as Cullin and Mrs. Albert Hornore Suzda, corresponding sec- vath, made arrangements for
retary; Carol Schoneman, trea- "St. George and The Dragsurer; Lil Conrad, chancel guild ons" to provide the beat forthe
Arline Karlson,
hospitality evening. The decorating deck
guild; Carrie Geartz, prayer hands were Mrs. John Justice,
and Bible guild; Phyllis Got- Mrs. Richard Lawrence, and
lund, parish workers guild; and Mrs. John Allen. Ship's captain
Marion Kloess, welfare guild. was Mrs. Harry Munch.
• ••
• ••
Elaine Franzen, vice president;
Da u n e Stevenson, secretary;
Lynn jones, treasurer; judy
jones, chaplain; and Kathy McEntee, sergeant-at-arms. Most
recent activity for the group
was an ice cream social june
15 held at the president's home
for prospective club members.
Kolmar avenue PTA installed its new officers at a dinner
june 8 in Banana's restaurant
Re- elected president is Mrs.
George (Beverly) Kuper,l0558
S. Crawford ave.,
who will
serve with Mrs. Arthur Ozark,
vice president; Mrs. Ted Wojtysiak,
recording secretary;
Mrs. Lawrence Novak, corn!sponding secretary; Ronald Tatman, treasurer. Mrs. Tatman,
former PTA president, installed the group.
Entertainment for the evening
• ••
Guild members have been
asked to bring their wedding
photographs and things old, new
borrowed and blue to the final
meeting of the season, Tuesday june 28, at 8 p.m.
• ••
A five-year old boy has earned something special - he has
become a citizen of the United
States. He is Kevin James Burke
5, from Ireland, now a resident
of Oak Lawn, at 9244 S. Major.
byCatherine Barz
Garden 2-3653
Patrick Condon,
10151 S.
Cook ave., a top student in
this year's graduating class at
Brother Rice High School, has
received an academic scholarship to John Carroll University in Cleveland. His major
wlll be in political science with
an ultimate goal of a career in
law. At Rice, he was chief
editor of the school newspap_
er during the past year, and a
member of the student council
for all four, serving as an officer when he was a junior. He
was also a member of the
French National Honor Society for three years.
pfc. Don Franzen, 9323 Raymond ave., has arrived in Wurtburg, cermany, where he will
spend the next 16 months. In
the Army Signal Corps, he received his training at Ft. Benning, Ga., and Ft. Knox, Ky.
Don is a graduate of Oak Lawn
Community High School, and attended the University of Michigan before entering the armed
•• •
In sports, Pat has had some
exciting moments as well: he
played baseball with the Oak
Lawn all Star team in New
Mexico; played football in Soldiers Field and baseball at Comiskey Park with school teams.
It's a boy baby for Sue and
Ron Howells, and first grandchild for the Wllliam Maxwells
9109 S.54th ct. Little Ronald
Maxwell Howells, 5 Ibs., 13 oz.
arrived June 20 and Grandma
Vera, taking Ron, Sr.'s place,
was on hand in the expectant
fathers' room to hear the announcement.
The paternal
grandparents are Helen and Al
Langnes, also of Oak Lawn.
Mrs. Richard Bye, 5204 W.
105th pL, president of the Women of St. Raphael, has appointed the following women to
head committees: Mrs. David
Culver and Mrs. Robert Simpson, ways and means; Mrs. Dale
Clinkman, program; Mrs. Jerome Anderson of Hometown, devotions; Mrs. Joseph Hilton of
Christian Relations;
Mrs. Eugene Pahnke, United
Thank Offering; Mrs. Donald
Rogers of Chicago, publicity;
Mrs. Robert Henthorne, kitchen.
Ingrid and Herbert Gross,
10216 S. Crawford ave., should
have little trouble remembering
the birth date, 6-6-66, of their
Rev. and Mrs. Hood of St. first little doll, Caroline MaRaphael's Church announce the ria. The baby's birth weight
birth of their first boy chlld however, was 7 Ibs., 4 oz.
June 7. Tiny Edmond Ernest The maternal and paternal
Hood II picked a better day grandparents live in Germany.
and time than his sisters, Pa•
mela and Carolyn, had. Both
Get well wishes to Mrs. Ted
were born during Sunday morn- (Helen) Oppenheim, 5836 Lyning worship services at which wood dr., a recent surglcal patheir father was officiating.
tient at Woodlawn hospital in
• •
by Catherine aarz Garden 2·3653
'.1iss Fran Foote, former 6th
teacher at Gasteyer
school has received her master's degree in education from
Illinois State University, ormal. She is the first teacher in
the district to be granted a sabbatical. In the fall, she will become a member of the junior
high staff at McDonald school,
and will be teaching social studies.
Linda Cuilen, 9412 S. Tulley
ave., a recent graduate of Covington school, is the new president of the Junior Girls Unit
of Johnson-Phelps VFW Auxilary. Serving with her during
the coming year will be Lynn
Lurgio, senior vice preside.nt;
Mary Lee Dikszas,junior vice
president; Debbie Hock, secretary; Bonnie Lu Perschau, trea'" '"
surer; and Kim Paaren, chapThe Men's Club of St. Raphlain. Kathy O'Connor, 9423 S. ael's church wound up its year's
54th ave., is the outgoing pre- activities with an annual outsident.
door cookout June 23 at the home
of the J.S. Hiltons in Worth.
'" '"
A speedy recovery to Mrs.
Joseph (Irene) O'Connor, 9423
S. 54th ave.. a recent surgical
patient at Christ Community
'" '" '"
The Pilgrim Fellowship of
Firs t Congregational church
has scheduled a dunes trip for
Sunday, July 10 from 6:30 a.m.
to 6 p.m.!n charge of arrangements are Gwen Richardson,
9711 S. 50th ct. ,and Sandy Moberg. The teens will bring their
own food and drinks and share
the cost of transportation with
a donation of $1. 25.
'" '" '"
Fred Rosenthal, 4940 Paxton
rd., and his daughter, Kathy,
The junior officers were of- greeted their Aunt Mary (Mrs.
ficially installed at a ceremony Kadetsky) with open arms when
June 21 in the post hall. Mrs. she arrived June 20 for an exLucille Perschau, auxiliary tended visit. She has been a respresident, was the installing of- ident of Glen Ellyn.
ficer; Mrs. Ruth Ilewitt, past
'" birthday parauxiliary president, mistress of A "Secret Pal"
ceremonies; and Mrs. Shirley ty for members oftheOakLawn
Anaman, junior vice president Police Wives Auxiiarywas held
of the auxiliary, the installing recently at the home of Mrs.
Kenneth Dangman, 10333 Georgia lane. The ladies cooked out,
'" '"
A warm welcome to new re- played games, exchanged gifts,
Maxine and Jack and chuckled over a fashion
Springer, who have moved from show staged by their hostesses.
Ho:netown after seven years Mary Weigand, program chairresidence into a home at 9800 man, was the commentator.
S. 5 th ave. They have one son,
The models and their creaBoyd, who will enter the 8th tions were: Flo Dangman, the
grade at Sward school in the "Drop-Out Bride"; Ida ovotfall. The couple has taken an ny, An "About Town" gown with
active interest in scouting and, plunger neckline; Norma Friedin addition, Maxine has been an rich, "Lady in Waiting" in an
executive board member of the Idaho
(potato sack) original;
Hometown PTA, Oak Lawn - June Morley, "Young at Heart"
Hometown PTA Council, and the on skates; Carrie Ackermann,
Women's Guild of Hometown "At the Beach" in a knit (union)
Christian Church.
suit and mop wig; Frances Sul'"
livan, "Miss Striker" in tea
ollowing a year's sabbatical (bag) shirt and check (cancellleave from school district 123, ed) pants; Carol Steensma, an
afternoon dress of "tissue"
and Jeanne Ruksha,
"Miss Glitter" in a backless
dress with "18- carrot" gold
'" '"
'" '"
by 'Catheri n e Ba rz
Garden 2-3653
Baptized in Garden Methodist
Church June 26 was nine-month
old Craig Allen, son oftheGordon Millers, 9816 S. Mayfield
ave. He was then the center of
attention at a family party which
was thoroughly enjoyed by his
brothers: Glenn, 8; Bruce, 5;
and Scott, 3. His grandparents
live in Roseland.
Chris Dimas, instructor of
instrumental music in Oak Lawn
-Hometown School District 123
for the past seven years, has
accepted an assistantship at Syracuse University in New York
and will do course work on
Doctorate of Education,
which will emphasize administration and instructional communications. Under his leadership the District 123 North
band has become one of the
groups in South Cook
St. Raphael's Altar Guild honored its retiring officers at a
recent luncheon, and the new
leaders began their two-year
terms of office. They are:Mrs.
Eugene Pahnke, Sr., 8507 S.
Mansfield ave., President; Mrs.
Jerome Anderson, vice president; Mrs. Edward Forsberg,
secretary; and Mrs. Edmund
Smolinski, treasurer.
The American delegation witn
its 28 adult advisors then scattered for sight-seeing to various parts of Europe and Asia.
The group included Priscilla
Jean Sims, and Bill Surin of
Oak Lawn, Dave Field of Blue
Island, and Scott McIntosh of
Priscilla's itinerary took her
from Copenhagen to Frankfurt,
and Lyon to Narbonne, where
she spent a few days in a hostel while being entertained by a
French family. She toured Geneva and Basle, and then traveled through the Black Forest to
Heidelburg, and finally to Berlin. Dave started his travels
in Oslo, spent a week with a
Danish family, and toured Co-.
penhagen, Ilamburg and Berlin.
ancy and Jean went first to
then Brussells.,
with a week's visit in private
homes near Zurich, Switzerland.
Frankurt, Hannover,
and Berlin were also on their
schedule. Bill and Scott's tour
began in Oslo and Berlin, and
took them to Warsaw, Krakow
and Breslow in Poland; Kiev and
Moscow in U.S.S.R. Then thru
Brest-Kitovsk and Lublin, and
back to Berlin for the trip home.
All will return to the nited
States by the end of July.
Ken and Ruth Bosman, 8912
S. Sproat ave. have a new little
daughter Gayle Renee, born July 7. Their others are Sharon,
age 10, and Dawn, 6. The baby's
maternal grandparents, Mr. and
Mrs. Jager, live in Evergreen
Park, and her other grandmother is a Chicago resident.
• ••
The Southwest YMCA delegaFrom Racine, Wisc. comes
tion to the World Youth Conf- the announcement of the recent
erence in Stavanger, orway, marriage of Barbara Thokey
was surrounded by many well- to Richard Hagen of Menominee
wishers as it left O'Hare Air- Falls. The couple is living in
port June 25 for ew York City Milwaukee and both are teaching
and a briefing session. Follow- in nearby schools. Barbara graing a few days at the Astor 110- duated from Oak Lawn High betel in N.Y.C. and a six and a fore the family moved away.
half-hour jet flight from Kennedy Airport, the teens arrivA group from the Youth Feled Stavanger, described by one lowship at Salem United Church
delegate as looking li.ke '.'A spent a recent weekend at Lake
village with lts Eliza in Indiana, termed a "teen
brightly-colored wooden hous- ager's dream" by one of the
counselors. They camped out in
During the lO-day confer- style in umbrella tents comence, there was a Canadian Do- plete with floors and screened
minion Day observance July I, windows.
For entertainment
and fireworks with hotdogs and they had their pick of slides,
marshmallows on the fjords for water cycles, miniature golf,
the American Fourth of July horseback riding, go-carting,
holiday. Two hundred and twen- and dancing. Chaperones were
ty-four of the delegate body the Nicholas Elichs, 4300 W.
were Americans, and the group 103rd st.
was headed by two men, one
of them being John Kuhfahl of
A speedy recovery to Charles
the Southwest YMCA. The conf- Collings, 9541 S. Brandt ave.,
erence closed July 6 with a recently released from Christ
tear-jerking ceremony and flag Community Hospital;
and to
-lowering (one of the flags pre- Mark Koncevic, 10 16 S. Crawsented at the conference came ford ave. a surgical patient at
from the REPORTER office). Children's 1emoriaL
presently for United States Industri e s. Ingrid, a secretary
in Nurremberg, had spent a year
with a family in England at age
16, and decided to come to the
USA in 1959 to perfect her English and be a stewardess. She
was sponsored by a distant
by marriage, Mrs.
Walter Kraft, with whom she
lived for six weeks. P rio r
to the arrival of the baby, she
worked as an accountant at Evergreen Gardens Convalescent
Home. Ingrid became a naturalized citizen last November,
upon fulfilling the five years'
residence requirement. The
couple has returned home on
one occasion to meet each other's parents, and hopethattheir
relatives will visit them next.
Fifty golden years of marriage were ceiebrated June 26
by Mr. and Mrs. Walter Horn, 4904 Spring rd., shown
her,.e with their son, Gilmer, from California. Their other
son, Walter, lives in Kansas City, Mo., and their daughter,
Dottie Kec1<, is now a resident of Hinsdale, but was formerly
their next-door neighbor. The Horns have 11 grandchildren.
The whole dan was on hand for a festive dinner marking
the occasion at St. John the Divine Church in Chicago. The
ladies in Mrs. Horn's guild circle prepared and served the
delicious meal to a group of apprOXimately 100 people.
The young couple's courtship took place in Chicago
where Emma was a dental secretary and Walter, an employee of Spaulding's. They were married in her home
and moved to Davenport, Ia. There, a Stanley Steamer Agency kept Walter busy as they began raising a family.
The Horn's next move was to St. Louis in 1921, and then
back to Chicago in 1940. Walter subsequently worked for
Timken OU Burners and Fetters Heating company. They
have lived at their present address in the Oak Meadows
section of Oak Lawn for the past 18 years.
• ••
Len Wettergren, 9826 S. 55th
ave., has been attending sum'mer school at Doane College in
Nebraska, where he will be a
senior in the fall, and has also
been elected president of the
Student Council. When classes
end, Len will visit a classmate's ranch in Mullen, Nebr.
and remain for the balance of
the vacation.
4920 Stone
Circle, has started classes in
medical technology at St. LukePresbyterian. She has been a
student at Coe College in Iowa
for the past three years, and
will return there next year to
Cadette Troop 337 recently
invested 26 new members, five
of whom are attending the first
session at Camp Manistee. They
are Gail Dawson, Sandra Smith,
Judy Jenkins, Kathy Gorman,
and Sue Van Klavern. The
original members went 011 a
tent-out the weekend of June
21 at Camp Thorn Creek. where
they managed to keep cool in
the over-90 degree weather by
thrOWing water ballons at each
other. Next event will be a
splash party at Crystal Pool
Aug. 10. Troop leader is Mrs.
Doris Elich, 4300 W.103rd st.
New co-leader is Miss Pamela Brobeck, 5540 W. 103rd pI.,
former leader of VFW Troop
his junior and senior years,
and served at the same tiTTle
as a representative on Student CounCil. Ray played baseball and football throughout his
high school years, but admits
a fondness for all sPOrts. His
summer hours are being spent
at American Book Covers.
A party June 26 in the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Gross,
10216 S. Crawford ave., served as an introduction to their
new little gal, Caroline Maria,
who was baptized that morning at St. Paul's Lutheran
Church. The baby's godparents are Ken Schurke, 4643
W. 98th st., and Pat Daniels,
of Chicago. Her parents, both
German-born, met in this country and were married in 1961.
They lived in Hometown first,
moving to Oak Lawn three years
ago, and plan still another move
in the fall to Hinsbrook.
Herbert, an employee of
Leica Cameras, came from a
small town near Frankfurt in
1954 and spent two years in
Canada before coming to Chiago.
He is a machinist and
worked for Ford Aircraft, and
Ray Carlstedt, 5312 W. Alexander pl., one of the top students in Oak Lawn Community
High school's graduating class,
will continue his studies on the
campus of Monmouth college
on an academic scholarship.
He was also awarded a ational
Merit Letter of Commendation
and an illinois State scholarship. He was a member of the
National Honor Society during
Leaving Oak Lawn after 19
years residence are the Clint
Crawfords, 5137 W. 99th st.
They are mOVing to Hinsdale
in August, but Shirley will be
back in the junior high at Sward
when s c h 00 I
opens. Their
daughter, Jill, is a junior at
Knox college, and Linda, a recent graduate of Illinois Wesleyan, will teach language arts
in the Aurora junior high schooL
Welcome to new neighbor, H.
Dale Barr, School District 123
curriculum coordinator, who
has moved, with his family,
from Alsip into the Beesley
home at 5239 Oak Center dr.
by Catherine earz Gorden 2,3,653
Help wanted: for the second
session of Girl -cout DayCamp
,\Ug. 9-19 at Pulaski \\oods
-ollth. Gals over the ar'e 0 21
are needed to take care of the
squirrels (hoys and girls hetween the ages of four'and seven whose mothers are workin\!
at the camp). The session lasts
for two wee k s,
throllgh Fridays. The pro\!ra'm
for the small fry is varied and
includes little hikes. games,
and crafts based on the outdoor theme. ,\Iso needed for
craft work are any items of
(considered' "\Iold" bv
scout leaders ") which YOU might
have stashed away in your basement or attic for a rainv dav.
Directing the first sessio'n was
Irs. ,\lois (Dorothy) Oliver.
9417 S. Parkside ave., with the
assistance of 1\lrs. Feerick.
The next session will be directed
by 1\lrs. Alice Allen.
9615 E. Shore dr.. with 1\lrs.
J~an Ruckman serving as asSl stant.
Many happy returns to Mr.
and Mrs. Peter
100J7 S. Maple ave., who cele:
brated their 50th wedding anIllvers!!ry July 9. One daughter.
Mrs. John Stranglewicz. lives
at 10337 S. Minnick ave., the
others are in Chicago, Atlanta.
and Washington. D. C.; whi Ie a
son is a Barrington resident.
The y have 13 grandchi ldren,
The Cudnowskis were married at St. John's of God church
at 52nd and Throop st.. ln Chicago where they lived unti 1moving to Oak Lawn four years ago.
Cudnowski is now retired hut
was an employee of Swi ft and
company for 45 years.
• ••
Recently hospitali zed were
Dave Dagtle. 9304 S. 49th ct.,
In South Chicago Community;
Mrs. Edward (Peg) Roberts.
4955 Spring rd., in Little Company of Mary; and 1\1rs. Abram
Genevieve) Gerber, 10009 S.
53rd ave., in Christ Community.
The \\'eisskopfs. 9213 S. 4C}rh
ct.. are spendin\! the summer in
Delaware. Ohio: while Sam. the
recipient of a summer scholarship. works on his master'sdegree in chemistrY at \\'esleY:Jn
1\lethcdi st un i vel' si tv. 'lie
teaches chemistry at Reavis
high school. and alreadY has his
master's in education.
What's cooking in the Grandt
school area? ,\ tome of terrific. toothsome tidbits (commonly known as a cookhook).
The PTA ladies are compiling
their old and new favorite recipes, and vours. too, if you'll
share them. 1\11's. Lawrence
Marjan, 8925 S. 55th ct., project chairman, will accept your
mailed offerings with glee.
The Joseph Spinkas, 4848 W.
96th st., are llrandparents for
the first time withthe arrival
of Cheryl Lynn July 18. The baby
weighed 8 pounds, 2 ounces at
birth ane! is thedaullhterofPaul
and Gail pinka of Worth. She
formerly tau g h t at f'lramlt
The baby's llreatgra'ldmother is 1'-.1rs. 1\.1artha
Fenzau, 4(]01 \Y. 9Sth st.
Tickets are in the mail for
the Oak Lawn Police Department Club's
"Annual Oenefit Nights" Aug. 22-25, Aug.
29-Sept. 1, at the Double Drive
In Theater. Proceeds from
these affairs provide various
pieces of equipment, including
training films, pay the up-keep
of the pistol range, supply the
annual reward for school safe•••
ty patrols. and furnish supplies
Frances and Clarke Cunningfor the club-sponsored Little
and Pony League teams. Your ham. 9829 S. Rutherford ave.•
donations of $1.25 per ticket celebrated their silver wedwill help to support this worth- ding anniversary at a party July
while program. Club president 10 in the home of her sister,
1arvin (tella) Ilusenis William Cole, 9713 Warren Mrs,
dick, -I'il0 \\', 100th pI. Their
family and frienl 1 s also feted
The Roy Churans, 10416 S. their dauvhter. Linda. OLCIIS
Kolmar ave., welcomed a new sophomore whose 1')th bi rthbaby girl into their family July l!ay was the sameda\', Their son
Dlonde, blue-eyed Sheri Clarke, an OLCIIS senior, was
Lynn is a littl e fatty of nine 17 on July 1-;, The Clarl,es
pounds, according to her moth- moved to Oak Lawn 12 \ears
a\!o from Chicaf'o.
er,and very popular with big
brother Gary, 14, and big sis:-'Irs. Peter (Ethel)
ter, Lori, 2-1/2. Iler arrival
was heralded by a policeman who -19-14 \\, GIst pI .. :Jnd herdau(Thto their l,pa;t's
interrupted the family's vac- tel'. Gail, sail
ation at Paw Paw, Mich., but content on a recent vacati0n
no one minded rushing home at Charlevoix, 1\lich,
to, meet the month-old adopted
The Phi lip Inr'ersons of In(Tel' son Rambler now have six
Get well wishes to Jim Woods
\Irandchi Idren with the arrival
4921 Oak Center dr., Oak Law~ of Eric Peter. The new little
village employee for the sum- p'uy is the third bo\' for the
mer, recently hospitalized at junior Philip In!!ersol~s of \\'isChicago Osteopathic Ilospital. consin, who ori\!inall\' met in
New Zealand. The hab\"s mother is named Philippa (which
adds to the general confusion»,
by Catherine aarz Garden 2·3653
. like ;"Iurphy, 4923 \r. 99th
st., 6th n-ader at Sward school,
enjoyed a recent two weeks at
Camp Ravenswood while his
mother, l\lrs. John J. (Harriett)
\Iurphy. visited with her son
i:l Victorville, Calif. .\nother
\Iurphy. Katie, alsc jetted west
duri ng July to spend the balance
of the summer with Grandma
Phillips at the Sagehens Ranch.
She will lend ahand. do some
painting, and return in time to
resume her studies at l'orthern
Illinois university.
Two weeks of adventure are
in store for Janet Van Klavern. 4621 \\" 98th pI., as she
departs for Ely. l\1inn., and a
wil derness camping trip with
a l\lethodist church group. Two
ministers and a college girl
will head the contingent of five
'rls and seven boys who will
portage canoes, fish, SWim, and
explore the wilds. Each member is limited to a bare minimum of clothing and parapher
nalia. Janet has attended Girl
Scout camp, done some primitive camping, and is a senior
life saver. She will be a junior
at Oak Lawn Community high
school in the fall.
A poolside party at the home
of the Paul 1ickelsons, 10313
S. Laramie ave., July 16, mark-
<t -\\ _\CH4
e he 25th \" di:l-an:1iyersarv
of Florence and Bob \\oois,
4921 Oak Center Jr. Hosts with
the ;"1ickelsons vere the Woods'
sons, Bob anc' Jim, an Bob's
fiancee, Diane Jackson. \mon£'
the l1lJests \ere ~Ian Lou a'l-1
Vern Scot,l\largare a'" [iu
Dugan, Gert anc' Bill f1ull, \Irs.
Doris Shorten, Jeanette an':: Phil
Baird, Li IIi an toddar, llett\·
and l\laynard Cnger Of Gensen~
ville, Dottie and 80b Kek of
Hinsdale, !\lrs. Evelvn \lickelson of Demotte, Ind.. "Joe Ca~p­
bell, and Kay and Dick Barz.
Florence is secretarY to the
building principal of Richards
High school. and Gob works for
the Village in the \\ater department. their son, Bob. wi 11 aduate from. 'orthern Illinois l'niversity in January, and Jim will
en t e r :-;ortheastern Oklahoma
.-\ l\ 1 as a sophomore in the
Fred Comn end. Swiss exchange student. was the surprised guest of honor at a party
July 19 planned by the Congregational Pilgrim' Fellowship
and held at the Lindelseehome.
9825 S. 54th ave.. Lots of pizza
and cokes were consumed. and
Fred was gifted with a pair of
bookends. to support his favorite hobby. On July 26. he said
farewell to his host family. the
Harold Riehardsons, 9711 .
50th ct., and left for \Vi lIiams
Bay, Wise., where he spent a
week evaluating his year in the
United tates with other exchange students; Kathy Weber,
International Christian Youth
exchange committee member,
and Doris Gooley, who has just
returned from a year in Iceland.
Fred will leave for home
ew York City Aug. J
and be met by his mother and
brother upon his arrival in Germany. He will then vacation in
France for several weeks, and
hopes to complete his education
this year before entering the
• ••
Former neighbors of the orman Bauers, now of St, Louis,
visited with them July 23 at the
home of William Kerrins in
Lisle. The two families had
lived next door to each other on
Harnew rd.. E.
by Catherine Qarz Gorden 2-365 i3
Joining the ranks of new
grandparents are Jessie and
Warren Potter, 9734 S. 54th
ave., with the arrival of Mark
Andrew Peters July 27. The
little guy's parents are their
daughter, Bonnie, and her husband, Hans, in his third year
of medical school. Visiting with
the threesome in Milwaukee
currently are
the paternal
grandparents from Takapuna,
New 7ealand.
for the balance of the month is
Mrs. June Kopeck, 5321 W.
Otto pI., a surgical patient.
Send cheer to Doug Schaeffer. 9347 S. 52nd ave., confined
in Hinsdale Sanitarium for an
indefinite period. An OLCHS
graduate in 1965 he attended
Brigham Young: University on
a basketball scholarship last
year. Also in the sanitarium
Seaman Fred
Klein, 9812 S. 51st ave., has
just returned from two weeks of
aval Reserve recruit training at Great Lakes, and is ready to take the next step toward
a naval career. He will report
Columbian Preparatory
school in Washington, D.C. Sept.
5 where he will study and drill
for a period of nine months with
the hope of receiving an appointment to one of the academies. Fred has had a special
interest in oceanography since
he was in grade school.
A recent graduate of Oak
Lawn Community High School,
he served as a Student Council
representative for three years,
as a Spartan Guard for two, and
was a member of the Varsity
Club in his junior and senior
years. He participated in gymnastics, football, and track; and
has been able to stay in "top
condition" working for J ensen's Landscaping during the
Mrs. Glenn (Dolly) Mehring,
9821 S. Tulley ave., is nursing
someljroken ribs suffered while
water skiing. Max Moore, 9721
S. 52nd ave., has returned home
after a lengthy hospital stay in
Veterans Research.
The Edmund Bercherts, 8949
S. Meade ave., have announced
the birth of their first grandchild, Edmjnd Stefan Berchert,
Ill, July 21 in Ann
Guests of honor at a coffee
hour in First Congregational
church AulZ. 7 were Doris Gooley, 10008 S. Kilbourn ave.,
lCYE student just returned from
a year in Iceland, and Ula
Andreasson, Swedish exchanlZe
student of several years ago who
is visiting her host family, the
Gooleys, during August.
You can tell when you are
on the right road -- it's upgrade.
by Catheri ne aarz Garden 2·365'3
A full day of festivities Aug.
21 marked the 50th anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Peter E.
Conrath, 5421 S. May st., Chicago. They repeated their marriage vows in Visitation church
following the 12: 15 p. m. mass
which was dedicated to them.
A reception at ielsen's Nordic restaurant in Oak Lawn
followed the ceremony and the
day ended with an open house
at the home of their daughter
Mrs. Robert Carpenter, 4725
W. 97th pI.
Florence and Ralph Gordon, among those who demonstratea
4613 W. 98th st., welcomed their precision aerobatics each f!Vsecond grandson, Mark Robert, ening. The other local air buffs
Aug. 6. He has a brother, Scott", are Mrs. H. H. Myers; the RoDavid, who is one year old, bert Laughs, 9533 S. Knox ave.
and lives with his parents, Ca- the G. E. Courtwrights, 4932
reI and Dale Gordon, in Blue Stone Circle; and the Martin
Island. His maternal grandpar- Haedtlers, 4920 Stone Circle;
ents are Mr. and Mrs. John Following the convention, New
Ross, 5190 W. Alexander pI. Zealand delegates, the Keith
Trillos, house guested with the
• • •
A warm welcome to Mrs. Haedtlers prior to a cross counHarry Lippmeier, who has mov- try tr~p by bus during which
ed in with her daughter, Lu- they would visit with othe EAA
cille Fenton, 9932 Elm Circle members. Trillo is a pilot with
She hails from Chicago and re- the New Zealand Airlines, and
cently retired after 35 years of his wife is also a licensed piemployment in the Majestic Pa- lot.
per Company. She was also
the former owner of the Speed
Printing Company.
• ••
Patrons and their friends of
the WEB spent Aug. 14 at Warren Dunes where they sunned,
swam and played ball. The
Southwest YMCA co-sponsored
the day-long trip, and is also
participating in the operation
The Conraths were married of the very popular coffee shop
at Sacred Heart Church in 1916 which has been open two nights
and have lived at their present a week all summer.
address for all but two of their
Dolores Gordon, 4613 W. 98th
years together. They have done
a great deal of traveling since st., spent 10 glorious days in
his retirement from the CTA Nassau this summer with two
three years ago. The couple has friends. She is an employee of
two grandchildren, Barbara and New York Central Railroad.
Wendy Carpenter.
• * * to Mrs. MaGet well wishes
New residents at 9637 S. ry Brandt, 9525 S. 50th ct., who
Parkside are Mr. and Mrs. is a patient at Billings HospiEmanuel March, who moved tal. Mrs. Robert (Grace) Lyfrom Chicago last month. Their digsen, 5501 Oakdale dr., is
family includes Dean, a senior sporting a cast on her right inat Loyola; Jeanette, a sopho- dex finger, follOWing an involvemore at Mundelein; Henry, a ment with the garage door.
junior at OLCHS; and Frank,
And still more August anwho will be in second grade at
niversaries: Jual and Forrest
St. Gerald's.
McCoy celebrated their 18th
Neighbors on Cicero ave., Aug. 20; for Vera and Bill Maxhave been doing a heap of cele- well, 9109 S. 54th ct., it will be
brating this month. Dot and 36 years Aug. 30.
Bert Dickey marked 33 years
of togetherness Aug. 13; George
Four Oak Lawn families spent
and Ida Kast chalked up 18 the first week in August in
year:s Aug. 14, and are looking Rockford while attending the
forward to their son, George's E.A.A, (Experimental Aircraft
16th birthday Aug. 25; Irene and Association) Fourteenth nnual
Ruggiero acknowledged Convention and Fly-In. The
eIght years of wedded bliss Aug. event made the Greater Rock16 and then put seven candles ford Airport the busiest in the
on their son's birthday cake world with 5,279 take-offs and
Aug. 17. Congratulations to each landings in one day, or 1500
and everyone.
more than O'Hare at its peak.
"Pete" Myers. 9731 S. 50th
ct.. TWA senior jet pilot was
• •
by Catherine Qarz Garden 2·3653
Jim Katsenes. 9832 S, 50th ct.
star athlete and June graduate
of Luther High School. worked at a log rolling camp in the
State of Washington during the'
summer. and has now begun
classes at Everett College. a
branch of Washington University. His prowess on the football field in the past few years
won him much acclaim in the
daily and weekly newspapers.
and the titles of •'most valua-
Her French family consists
of her father. Rene. an engineer: her mother Georgette: a
sisteL". Edith. 15: a brother,
Paul, 14; another sister. Elizabeth. 9. They are currently
hosting an American exchange
student from California. and
earlier this year, had one from
The Dales' summer vacation
prior to Frederique's arrival
had its own international flavor.
They toured Spain, Portugal,
and Morocco. and during a layover in Paris. made their initial personal contact by telephone with their new daughter's family.
ble player in the area" and
"player of the year", He also
excelled at basketball and baseball.
Judy and Jim Popp, 5401 W.
88th st., welcomed their second
wee one. Jennifer Therese Aug.
20. At home with James, 15
months. were Grandma Kugley
and 4-year-old uncle Victor
from Kokomo. Ind. Grandpa arrived for a visit later. The paternal grandparents. Mr. and
Mrs. John PoPP. live in nearby Stickney.
This charming young miss is
Frederique Gaide from Andilly
France, a town of 1500 people
situated 12 miles from Paris.
She is the student being sponsored this year in Oak Lawn by
International Christian
Youth Exchange committee at
Frist Congregational church.
Her American parents are the
Walter Dales, 9601 S. 50th ct.•
who have two other daughters.
Leslie. one year older, a:ld Susan. one year younger. Frederique, age 16. will be taking junior courses at Oak Lawn Community High School including
swimming. her favorite sport.
She also enjoys reading, dancing. camping. and choir singing.
Dwayne Manz. 9822 S. Minnick ave., enjoyed a Labor Day
weekend visit with his wife,
Sherry, and parents. Mr. and
Mrs. Thomas Manz, of the same
address. Dwayne was drafted
into the Army a month ago and
is stationed at Ft. Knox. Ky.•
where he is assistant to the
chaplain. He is a graduate of
OLCHS and Nazarene College in
prompted people in the 9100
block of 54th ct. to put together a purse as a Wedding
gift. 1rs. Edward Klein. 9H2
S, 54th ct.. made the presentation Aug. 31 to Glen McAuliff,
who, with his bride of one month.
Lynn Sullivan of Chicago, is living in the trailer camp at 91st
and Cicero ave. Glen and his
family formerly lived in Oak
The Albert Gages and their
daughter, Janet. from Glendale. Calif., were recent visitors in the t-laxwell home. 1\lrs.
Gage is Bill's sister.
by Calheri ne Barz
Garden 2-3653
Gary Buzanis, 4905 W. 99th
st., has been elected president
of Psi Epsilon, Hi- Y club formed by Richards High students
who had been members of Sigma Phi. The other officers are
Russ Stahlak, vice president;
Ford Smith, treasurer; joe Bibeau, secretary; james Welsh,
chaplain; Bob Sands, sergeantat-anns; Dan Cullivan and Terry Arcucci, interclub representatives. Fred Monk, social
studies teacher. is the club's
The Virgil Seramurs,10132
S. Mulberry ave. chose Niagara Falls and eastern Canada
for their vacation this past summer. Their son, jack, worked
at the Oak Lawn Post Office and
is now on the campus of Bradley University. He and two buddies, Charlie Stanley and john
Murphy, all recent Richards
graduates, were feted at a "going-away -to-college" dinner
party Sept. 3 by the Seramurs
and their relatives. Charlie and
john are both at Northern Illinois in DeKalb.
Little Glen Follis,
Homestead In., was a recent
surgical patient at SouthSuburban Hospital in Oak Park. Bill
Gaddis, 9632 S. Cook ave., continues to convalesce at home.
Mrs. Ed (Ruby) Loeffler, 9231
S. 48th ct., is confined to her
home with a broken foot.
Music for the Kickoff Dance
sponsored by the Girls Club at
Richards High Sept. 17 will be
furnished by the popular new
combo 'ry'he Night Raiders".
In the group are Tom Sheppy,
Dave Fey, Glen Seimetz, Dan
Daley and Bob Kot.
Almira and Phil Stevens, 9427
S. Tulley ave., are elated over
the hirlngof their son-in-law,
Bob Kunde. as head coach at
Oak Lawn Community High
School. This brings their grandchildren, Steven 5, and ancy 3,
within visiting range, as the
family has moved from Ohio into
the El Vista home area of Oak
Forest. Bob and their daughter,
Karen, are both OLCHS graduates.
The Stevens'
eldest son,
Mike, who enlisted in the Air
Force earlier this year, has
received word that he will go
to England in january for a
three-year assignment. He is
in communications with the
Strategic Air Command at Elkhorn Base in Omaha, eb. His
earlier training was received at
Lackland in Texas and abasein
Biloxi, Miss. He was formerly
employed by the Oak Lawn Trust
and Savings Bank.
The Pilgrim
group at First Congregational
Church will view the film entitled "16 in Webster Groves"
which stirred up considerable
controversy when it was shown
on television recently. Theparents are invited to attend with
the young people, although the
two groups will have separate
June Petersen, 9104 S. 53rd
ct., was among the delegates
representing the Chicago land
area at a recent National Juby Cathen ne Qorz Garden 2-3653
nior Achievement Convention
at the University of Indiana in
It's that time of year when Bloomington. June, a junior at
your castoffs look mighty good Oak Lawn
Community High
to various and sundry rummage School, served as personnel
sale chairmen about town. So, director
treasurer of
as you do your fall sprucin.g- the TEECO firm last year,
up, keep in mind your favorIte and was selected as "the outorganization and send those standing achiever" in the area.
goodies to the proper spot. She was honored, along with othFirst one on the docket is er achievers at a banquet at
the Johnson -Phelps VFW Aux- McCormick Place last spring,
iliary sale Wednesday, Sept. and was then elected as a con28 from noon until 9 p. m., and vention delegate. Allinspired
Thursday, Sept. 29, from 9 a. m. after the five-day session, she
to 4 p. m. in the post hall, is anxious to get another com9514 S. 52nd ave. Donations of pany started. The groups meet
furniture, clothing, household weekly and use surprising inarticles, dishes, knick-knacks, genuity in their selection, protoys, books, jewelry, and a~­ duction and sale of their propllances are being sought by Di- ducts.
ane Martz, 5326 W. 89th st.,
GA 3-2348, and Maryon FitzA recent business trip took
simons, 5404 W. Alexander pI:. John Gooley, 10008 S. Kilbourn
GA 2-4606, co-chairmen. Artl- ave., to Tokyo, Japan for 10
cles may be ctropped off at the days. He is employed by Napost the night befo~e or the tional Appliance Radio and TV
morning of the opemng day of Dealers of America. This was
the sale, or will be picked up
John's first jaunt out of the
Vicki Lee Burrich, 4818 W. by arrangement through one of country since World War II
102nd st., proudly wears the
days when he was stationed on
new cap which disignates her cake and coffee will be avail- Okinawa with the Navy.
as a graduate of lllinois Mason- able for shoppers.
ic Hospital's School of Nursing.
Donna Henthorne, 9629 S.
Members of the Women'sSo- Brandt ave., was guest of honFollowing a month's vacation,
Garden Methodist or at three surprise showers
'she reported to the hospital's c1ety 0 f
pediatrics department. and in church saw a play entitled "High prior to her marriage to AlJanuary. will begin follow-up Spy" at their meeting Sept. 20 bert Roberts of Park Ridge,
work on her degree of speech and reported their success for who she met on the Monmouth
pathology at DePaul Universi- the Big Benefit at Drury Lane. College campus. The first one
Last minute orders are still be- given by Charlene Boz of Chity.
ing filled for "The Theft of the cago, who works with Donna at
Athena Tri-Hi - Y gals have Belt" starring the glamorous Task Force, was also a paj aselected their leaders for the Julie Newmar. Ticket chairman rna party and attended by other
current school year: Carol Is- is Mrs. Robert (Alice) Galloway fellow employees. Mrs. Harold
enegger, 9221 S. Ridgeland, 5428 W. 99th pI., GA 5-5299. (Florence) Richardson, 9711 S.
50th ct., held the next affair
president; Mary ~ll:n Hart,
First fall service project for and invited friends of Donna's
vice-president; PriscIlla Petersen secretary; Becky Boyce, members of Psi Omega Hi- Y mother, Mrs. Robert (Lucille)
Finally, Nancy
treas~er; Marcia Hatstat, in- was the collection of funds for Henthorne.
Danny Thomas March.
Lamparter, 9611 S. 50th ct.,
terclub council representative; the
brought together gals who had
Linda Youstra, chaplain. SponSome familiar faces aremis- known each other in grade and
sor of the OLCHS club is Miss
Geri Van de Kreke, physical sing at the Southwest YMCA high school.
office. John Kuhfahl, assistant
education teacher.
Mrs. Mary Lou Scott, 10336
Club members joined forces executive secretary, has gone
S. Minnick ave.• was hostess at
with Omega Lambda Hi- Y guys
Sept. 17 and 18 to participate where he will act as an ad- a shower Sept. 7 for Diane
Jackson of Chicago, priorto her
in the Danny Thomas Teenage
March Against Leukemia. and more mobile programs marriage to Bob Woods, 4921
the metroplitan Oak Center dr.. Mrs. Scott is
are planning a Candlelight In- throughout
Joe McDaniels, staff Bob's aunt.
duction ceremony in mid-Oct- area.
member, was all set to workon
his doctorate at the University
of Indiana in Bloomington, but
Pvt. John (Dilly) Dilitkanich,
his draft board had other ideas.
10011 Harnew rd. W., was home Good luck to both in their enon a weekend pass recently deavors.
while stationed at Ft. Gordon,
Ga., for a radio comrnl)l1icaThe Men's Club at St. Raphtlons course. Prior to this asael's church has scheduled its
signment, he spent 7 weeks. at
fall card party for the night of
radio school in Ft. Ord, CalIf.
Friday, Sept. 23 at 8 p.m. at
He returns to his home base,
the home of Mr. and Mrs. EdFt. Lewis, Wash., Oct. 1 for
ward Forsberg, 4343 W. 108th
jungle training.
pI. Fun and refreshments are
The girls will now select
Indian names for themselves
and the group; study Indian lore
sign language;
sybolgrams and jackets, which
they will decorate with different colored beads earned by
completing requirements in seven arts and crafts. Honor beads
are given in the areas of business, citizenship, creative arts,
frontier crafts, home crafts,
outdoor sports, and games.
There are special achievement beads for individual interests. During the summer the
attended a Chldren's
The glow of a summer - long Concert in Grant Park, went to
camping vacation in Michigan
a baseball game, and had a cookdidn't last long for the Robert out. They're now looking forKirschbaum family, 11019 S, ward to a Father - Daughter
Tripp ave. Shortly after return- dinner for the entire southwest
ing home, their son Larry, suburban area.
broke both arms in a bicycle
accident. His 8th-grade classLittle John Patrick Dohm was
mates at St. Catherine of AI- christened in St. Linus Church
exandria have done a fair share Sept. 18. !lis aunt, Linne Dohm
of the art work on his casts. Lindquist of Glencoe, and his
uncle, 1\1ark Dohm (as proxy for
A Nearly New Booth featur- his brother, David) served as
ing slightly used merchandise godparents. lie is the son of
at bargain prices will be the
largaret and Dennis Dohm,
special feature at the annual 9824 S. Cicero ave., and the
fall rummage sale to be spon- grandson of Chris and John
sored by the Women's Guild of Dohm, 4814 \\'. 102nd st. larSt. Raphael's Episcopal Church. garet teaches 4th grade in Chi
at 9701 S. 49th ave. The event cago Ridge, and Dennis is em
will take place from 9 a. m. to ployed by 1\ ew York lutual
5 p. m. Thursday, Oct. 13. In Li fe Insurance Co. and attends
charge of the sale are Mrs. law school in the evening. Cncle
Richard Bye, 5204 W. 105th pI., David has been in the army since
guild president, and Mrs. Ro- last October, being stationed
bert Simpson, 9722 S. Cook first at Ft. Knox, Ky., and preave., ways and means chair- sently, at Ft. Ruckers, .-\la.
The senior Dohms also have
a anrldaup:hter \\'esma \I-DaGet well wishes to Mrs. Walr, horn this summer in suburter (1\lay) Moore, 5024 Oak Cen- han Baghdad to their daughter,
ter dr., a surgical patient in
Hinsdale Hospital.
Holly, and her husband, Abdul.
He is a geo-physicist with the
The Seventy - Eighters, a Iraqui Oil Company.
group of Bluebirds, enjoyed a
recent weekend outing at Sullivans Woods. The slept in a cabin, cooked all of their meals
out-of-doors, and learned about fire making, first aid, compasses, knot tying, and nature.
A Fly-Up ceremony, held around the council fire and attended by their parents, advanced the girls to the rank of
Campfire Girls. In the group
are Laura and Christine DeGregorio, Sandy Seyman, Diane
DiJulio, Gloria Lausch, Laurie and Lee White, Maureen Lundy, and Rita Nesci. Their leader is Mrs. Philip DeGregorio,
10304 S. Washington ave. Brand
new member since the outing
is Christine Kardo
Mrs. Arthur
Moline of Hometown has been
appointed to the Board of Educa·
tion of School Dist. 123. A resident of that community for the
past 16 years, her active participation in education goes back
almost that far. She is a past
president of the Oak Lawn Hometown PTA Council and is
presently s c h 0 01 education
chairman. She is also a past
of the Hometown
PTA, current treasurer of the
Oak Lawn Community High
School PTA, and has held other chairmanships or officer's
positions in all 3 associationS.
The Community Caucus of
School Dist. 123 has been another of Mrs. Moline's interests, as is the Christian Women's Fellowship of the Hometown church,
for which she
serves as secretary tthis year.
She and her husband have two
children; Danny, a senior at
and Randy, a preschooler, age 4.
'" '" '"
Get well wishes to Donald
Oyler, assistant superintend>Ot of School Dist. 123, a recent surgical patient at Christ
Community Hospital, and to Art
DeLance, 5121 W. lOOth st., a
surgical patient at Mercy.
'" '" '"
The St. Linus Holy Name Society is sponsoring a series of
7 forums at Clark School, 105th
and Lockwood ave., starting
Friday, Oct. 14. The speakers
will be Mr. and Mrs. Patrick
Crowley,. and the topic for the
first session will be "It Can Be
Done Now - The Role of the
Layman." Tickets priced at $1
for individual evenings or $5
for the entire series are being
handled by Dick Brolley, 4244616, Bill James, NE 6-1469,
and Hugh Moran, GA 4-0484.
'" '" '"
Kay and Al Diani, 9406 ~.
Nordica ave., hitched up the1r
trailer recently and took off for
a bit of sightseeing, setting up
camp in the Kankakee and
Springfield areas.
'" '" '"
The Women's Guild of First
Congregational Church, 9411 S.
51st ave., has scheduled its Fall
Rummage Sale for Monday, Oct.
from 7 to 9 p. m., and
Tuesday, Oct. 11, from 9:30
a.m. to 4 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m.
Donations of useful household
goods, clothing, toys, and whathave-you may be dropped off
from 7 to 9 p. m. Sunday, Oct. 9,
or any time Monday. Pickup
service is available by calling
GA 2-7948. Chairman of the
event is Mrs. Emerson Cordes
of Evergreen Park; guild president is Mrs.Harold Richardson,
9711 S. 50th ct.
'" '" '"
"Color It Responsible" is
the th erne for the citizenship
program planned by Sward PTA
at 8 p. m. Tuesday, Oct. 11. A
League of Women Voter: representative will discuss w1th the
parents the Revenue. Amendment to be voted on 1n November. PTA president is Mrs.
Gregg Gotsis, 10261 S. 52nd
ave.; program chairman is Mrs.
Perry Scott, 9617 S. 52nd ave.
The PTA sponsored a Junior
High orientation seSSlOn recently which was attended by
70 parents of 6th, 7th and 8thgrade students. Mrs. Dorothy
Beckley, school principal, and
the teachers were on hand to
outline their various curriculum plans and to explain the
departmental setup.
'" '" '"
Garden Methodist couples enjoyed a Treasure Hunt together the night of Sept. 24. The
Richard Ziembas, 9231 Willow
lane, and the Richard Lobers,
10024 Alice ct., were in charge
of arrangements.
Paul Krouse and his family
'" '" '"
5108 W. 101st st., will beheadMrs. John Grimaldi, 8530 S.
ing south of the border Dec. 1 77th ave., received a very specfor an interesting assignment ial present on her birthday
in Guatemala City, Mex. He last week. Her son George Wenk
will be World Service Secre- stationed at Elmendorf Air Base
tary in the YMCA there, which in Anchorage, Alaska, called
he says is the finest (and only) to wish her his best, and tell her
in Central America. He and his of his recent promotion to Airwife, Eleanor, will attend lang- man 1st class.
uage school in Costa Rica for 8
Several days later Mrs. Grimonths prior to his beginning maldi received a letter from
the 3-year assignment.
his commanding officer, conPaul was formerly on the gratulating her on her son's
staff of theSouthwest Y and,
has for the past 2 years, been
George is a graduate of Argo
camp director for the Hyde Park Community High School and a
Y. He has two children: Laura, former employee of Union Carage 4, and Evan, 2.
'" '" '"
by Catherine aarz Gorden
Guest of honor at a gala 75th
birthday celebration Sept. 30
was Dick Tweedie, 9338 S. 53rd
ct. lIe and hi wife, May, with a
group of friends, which included
former Oak Lawn residents,
the Paul lc ews of Pleasonton,
Calif., had dinner at the Barn
and spen: the evening reminiscing. A handsome golf cart,
whch Tweedie received as a
gift, will serve as a reminder of the pleasant evening.
The popular gentleman was
born in Kansas,lived in utah,
and came to Chicago in 1914
to enroll at Armour College.
His studies were interrupted by
World War I, and he went overseas for 20months, returning
to get his degree in physical education at Lewis Institute.
Tweedie did graduate work at
DePaul and the University of
Chicago, and subsequently became the director of physical
education at Morgan Park High
School. He retired in june, 1957
Oak Lawn has been his home for
approximately 30 years.
The Ladies' guild of Green
Oak Reformed Church presented a filmstrip entitled, "Gold
D. Lox and the Five Bears",
a humorous allegory oftheAmerican family, at its first meeting of the season in Septem·
ber. This was followed up in
by a discussion of
"The Role of Women in Society ",
Heading the guild tbis year
afe: Mrs. Dave Paul, 10005 S.
Mansfield ave., Chicago Ridge,
president; Mrs. Bob Miller, vice
president; Mrs. H. Slager, secretary; Mrs. Tom Chunis, treasurer; Mrs. Herb DeVries, assistant secretary - treasurer,
Organization chairman is Mrs.
Art Weeber; secretary of service, Mrs. Howard Bensema;
secretary of educati on, Mrs.
Ed Fiala; secretary of spiritual life, Mrs. Ben Scholtens.
jane Keeney, 4954 W, 91st
pI., freshman student atthe University of Illinoi s in Champaign
spent several days last month
at a seminar held in Bloomington. Sponsored by the YMCA,
it was attended by 300 students
who were given tips on how to
get the most out of college.
In the freshman class at Eastern Illinois University are Linda Sarracino, 10037 S. Kildare
ave., recent HLR graduate, and
janet Zimmerman, 5458 W.
Franklin ave., a graduate of
Mary McCartney of Dolly's
Beauty Shop, 6806 W. 96th st.,
had a heart attack and is in
Little Company of Mary Hospital rm. 221 Cards and messages will be appreciated.
joann Swanson, 9136S. Sproat
ave., a student at Goethe Institute in Germany, has requested
shipment of her German costume for the Oktoberfests (festivals) which are being held
throughtout the country. Since
her arrival in Europe, she has
gone to London, where she saw
the Lynn Chri stensen family,
former Oak Lawn residents.
She also visited Salzburg and
• ••
Neighbors said a farewell
and presented gifts to Barbara
Ebertsch, 9109 S. 54th ct., at
a recent gathering in the home
of Mrs. William (Vera) Maxwell, 9109 S. 54th ct. Barbara
and her husband, a life-long resident of Oak Lawn,are moving
to Chicago Ridge. They have
three children, jimmy, janice,
and Kenny.
by Catherine Qarz Garden 2·!l65:l
Others in attendance will be
The Very Rev. Joseph W. Peoples, Jr., Dean of the Joliet
Deanery; Mrs. Herbert R. Brehm, Jr., of Matteson, Ill. ,meeting chairman; and the Rev. Edmond E. Hood, rector of St. Raphael's.
• ••
The "Roaring Twenties" will
be relived at the annual Halloween dance sponsored by the
Johnson-Phelps VFW Post and
AUXiliary Saturday, Oct. 29.
Members and their guests are
expected to appear in costumes
of that era. The festivities will
begin at 9 p. m. in the post
hall and tickets may be purchased at the door. Proceeds
will be used for Christmas
parties for Johnson - Phelps
children and the orphaned children of veterans at theNational
Home in Eaton Rapids, Mich.
Kathy Walker, 4705 W. 98th
st., has been elected secretary
of the freshman class at Wartburg college in Waverly, la. A
June graduate of Oak Lawn
Community High School, Kathy
was chosen Homecoming Queen
last year. Her school activities
included membership in theF,T,A. (Future Teachers of America) and G,A,A. (Girls' Athletic Association) during all
four years. She also sang with
the Freshman Girls Choir and
the A Capella Choir.
A glamorous trip to the Hawaiian Islands with her folks,
the John Walkers, and her Aunt
Helen and Uncle John Cook, who
live next door, was one of Kathy's graduation gifts.
group stayed at the Hilton Hawaiian Village in Waikiki Beach,
Oahu; the Kona Inn, Kailua-Kona, Hawaii, and the Coco Palms
Resort on Kauai, where they
had giant seashells for wash basins.
St. Rap h a e 1 's Episcopal
Church will host the annual
Joliet Deanery meeting of the
Episcopal Church women
Thursday, Oct. 27 from 9:30 a.
m. until 3 p.m. Holy Communion w1ll be celebrated at 10
a. m., and the morning lecture
will be given by the Rev. Canon Robert L. Miller, executive
director of Christian Education department in the Diocese
of Chicago office, St. James Cathedral. Luncheon, served by
the Women of St. Raphael, will
be followed by a speech on
"Drugs and Our Young People" by the Rev. C. A. Hovee
of Bishop Anderson's Housein
Adeline and Ed Draper, 9556
S, LaCrosse ave., are delighted to have Ed, Jr., home after
four years in the Air Force. He
arrived Oct. 8 after spendIng a
week in San Jose, Calif., with
his brother, Bob, who is in the
_ avy Ed, in Thailand for the
past year, had indirect contact
with his folks through a Homewood couple that he bumped into in a recreation area. He was
also stationed 30 miles from
the home of a Thai boy with
whom the Drapers got acquainted when he was in Oak
Lawn last summer with other
exchange students.
• • •
There are two new faculty
members at Richards Campus
II building who are teaching for
the first time in School Dist.
218. They are Mrs. Donna Weaver, a graduate of Reavis High
School, who received her BE
degree from Northern Illinois
University and teaches typing,
business English and business
law; and Matthew Lamb, who
teaches physics, was at Fenwick High School during the past
seven years, and is currently
enrolled at DePaul for graduate
• • •
Mrs.Sally Emmel, counselor, will speak at the second
meeting of the Oak Lawn Community High School PTA Thursday, Oct. 27 at 8 p. m. in the Littie Theatre. The business portion of the meeting will be conducted by Paul Williams, 9552
S. LaCro93e ave., PTA president. All parents with students
in the school are urged to attend the meeting and to join the
• • •
Milie and Pete Smith, 10108
S. Mulberry ave., recently entertained Aubrey Thoele, their
tormer neighbor in Hometown.
He now lives in Grand Junction,
Colo., with his second wife, and
they have added five children to
his original four. The Smiths
moved from Hometown to Oak
Lawn nine years ago.
Helen Fletcher and her ~on,
Allan, 9119 S. 53rd ave., enJoyed a few short trips during their
recent vacation. Their travels
took them to Springfield, New
Salem, the Dixon Mounds, Galena, Starved Rock, the Effigy
Mounds in Iowa, and Prairie
du Chien in Wisconsin.
FromNaperville comes word
of the arrival of a little adopted doll, Andrea, at the home of
the Thomas Stoerys. Theymoved out there this past summer
in order to have more space
for the newcomer.
The Eugene Tomaszeks,4733
W. 99th st., have the welcome
mat out this month. Aggie's b~C)­
ther, Father Leonard, missioll>ary servant of the Most Holy
Trinity Order, arrived for a
week's visit from his parish
church, St. Francis de Salt'S
in Kilmarnock, Va. Eugene will
play host to a group of 30
chiropractors at an LAR (Logan Basic Research Foundation) meeting Oct. 13. Most
of them are graduates of Logan College in St. Louis. That
weekend will be devoted to Bill
and Dolores Cornell from Kansas City, who the Tomaszeks
met during the summer while
camping in the Ozarks.They will
be given the cook's tour as this
is their first trip to Chicago.
by Catherine
Garden 2-36S~
Paul and Judy Brandenburg, Scott Munch, and Carolynn
D.van, (left to right) can hardly wait to sample the treats in
store for them at the Brandt PTA Carnival, Saturday, Oct.
29. The doors of the school, 8901 S. 52nd ave., will be open
from 5 to 9 p. m., and there'll be lots of fun and surprises in
the Small Fry room and along the Midway. Carnival chairmen are Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cullin, 8720 S. Tully ave.
A short course in water management gave Bob Woods, 4921
Oak Center dr., the opportunity to drink in the beauty of Allerton Park, the University of
Illinois conference center, located near Monticello. Village
employees from all over the
country spent 4 days in the elegant surroundings, discussing
their mutual concerns.
• **
This year's senior class play
"Dark of the Moon", will be
presented by students at Oak
Lawn Community High School,
Friday, Nov. 4, and Saturday,
Nov. 5, in the Little Theater.
10 -1."1 - V:tloG.
Costumes are also In order
for the Pilgrim FeI!owshippers
at First Congregational Church
Sunday, Oct. 30. Fun and games
are being planned by a Hallowe'en committee including Pat
Dillon, Greg Kirpach, Sandy
Moberg, Pam Stancik, Charlie
John Zehr, 10246 S. 52nd Cump, and Phil Noteboom.
ave. ,confined
at home in a
The Robert Kanes, 10036 S.
waist-high cast, is on the last
lap of his convalescence and 52nd ave., greeted their first
should be back at Sward school grandchild Oct. 9, and will have
in a few weeks. In the mean- ample opportunity to get actime he is being tutored by one quainted with little Debra in the
of the junior high teachers, next year. She and her mothand being entertained by his fa- er, Mrs. Paul Elliott, are in
mily and various relatives. Here Oak Lawn while the head of the
from California for a few days household serves with the Navy
were his aunt, assistant super- in the Aleutian Islands.
intendent of nurses in the Orange City hospital, and a cousin
from Los Angeles. A recent
Pilgrim Park Camp reunion
brought 25 teens to the Zehr
home for an evening of singing
and reminiscing.
It will feature singing, dancing, comedy, and drama, and
promises to be an exciting event. William Tucker of the English department is producer,
and Laura Briggs, 9631 S. Parkside, is publicity chairman.
Get weI! wishes to Everett
Drummond, 9739 S. Tully ave.,
confined at Presbyterian - St.
Lukes Hospital, and to Mrs.
Lynne Patrick, 5153 W. Alexander pl., and Bev Kliner, 9941
Buell ct., who were both hospitalized recently for tests.
Clark school children will
celebrate Hallowe'en with room
parties and costume parades.
The morning kindergarten class
will parade at 10:30 a.m., and
the afternoon kindergarten, first
second and third grades, at
1:30 p.m.
Garden 2-365_1
A recent Hawaiian holiday
"Fashions a la Mocque" is
was all that Theresa and Lloyd the title of the show to be preGermann, 9616 S. Parkside ave. sented at the Sward PTA Maghad hoped for and more. The azine luncheon at 1 p.m. Wedmood was established during a nesday,
ov. 9. Admission is
week long voyage on the SS free, with the purchase of the
Lurline which they boarded in PTA magaZine at $2 for 10
San Francisco. It docked for a issues. The elegant food will
day at Los Angeles. givingthem be prepared and served by the
a chance to entertain on the PTA board members under the
ship, some college friends, and direction of 1rs. E. Kardosh,
Theresa's cousin, Sylvia Les- 9828 S. 51st ave.,magazine
coulie Ferrandina, and her hus- chairman. In addition to the
sustenance and merriment ofOn the islands, their first fered, there will he a thoughtstop was Kaneohe Bay, Oahu, provoking discussion of "Comwhere there host was There- munications Between the School
sa's youngest brother, Ramon and the Parents," which will be
Ouisseret. He has been there led by Jean Peterson, parent
for 25 years, being stationed at and family life chairman.
Pearl Harhor during World War
II and returning afterward with
Kay and Joe Sarracino 10037
his wife, Alice. Theyare both S. Kildare ave. recently ~nter­
artists - he, in addition, is a tained his brother, Lt. Col John
musician _ and have one son, 8. Sarracino, here from Italy
Ray, who is a high school sen- to attend the Pediatrics Conior.
vention The Lt. Col. and his
On Maul, the Germanns stay- wi~e lived in France for 4 years
ed in the whaling town of Lahi- prIOr to their new assignment
ni, toured a sugar mill and vi- and have children attending colsited the Polynesian Culture lege in SWitzerland, California,
Center, which depicted how the and Chicago. The fourth, a remany nationalities that make cent p-adua~e of the University
up the Hawaiian culture were ?f Chicago, IsinthePeaceCorps
tied together. The high spot on In Nepal.
the Island of Hawaii was their
tour of an orchid factory where
The Rev. Mr. Allen H. Hamcorsages and leis were being mond, associate executive dirmade up for slipment.
. ector of the Chicago Christian
During their stay, they tast _ Industrial. League, will show
ed all of the exotic foods ofcolored shdes and speak about
fer ed, did native dances ate his organization at the St. Radinner in aJapanesehome~here~hael's Women's Guild meetthey got a view of oriental ~ng Thursd.ay, Nov. 3, at 8 p. m.
customs, and explored all sorts ~n the parish hall. Guild Presof out-of-the-way places. Ther- ldent IS Mrs. Richard Bye,
esa brought back with her. muu 5204 W. 105th pI.
muus of di fferent types, green
sand and black with samples of
jewelry made out of both, seeds
for bead-stringing, mongo jelly
and bamboo instruments.
Newest members to join the
fellowship of St Raphael's
Church are Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Jones, 9643 S.Melvina
Congratulations to 1ary and
80b Richards, 10025 Harnew
rd.. E., on their 20th wedding
anmversary Oct. 19. They are
the parents of 7 children, and
have lived in Oak Lawn for the
past 16 years. The clan, mo'!;t
of them Oak Lawn residents,
celebrated by dining out Oct. 21.
In the group were Bob's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Richa~ds, Sr., 9315 S. 49th ave.;
~ob s brother, Sidney, Jr., and
hiS wi,fe, 4821 W. 102nd st.; and
Mary smother.
Quercus Sindon Hi - Y wlll
again sponsor the Biddy Basketball program for boys grades 48 Saturday mornings in the Covington, Sward, McDonald and
by Catherine ~arz Garden 2·3653
Hometown gymnasiums; Club
members officiate at the games
David Forsberg, 4343 W. under the chairmanship of Herb
Members of the Oak Lawn 108th pI., was recently elected Kasube.Teams in all 3 leagues
Community High School Key president of the High School will hold practice sessions this
Club (affiliated with the Kiwan- Youth Group at St. Raphael's month, and get down to business
is) busily scoured the village Church. The other officers are Dec. 3.
last week for bars of soap which Pat Ickes, secretary, and John
Club officers for theyear are
Ron Krauss. president; Bob
wlll be sent to Dixon State Smolinski, treasurer.
Housman, vice-president; Ken
SchooL This week the fellas
Mrs. Howard (Marian) Teu- Clinkman,
were to be found in each of
treasurer; Hank
the precinct polling places ob- fel, 9627 S. Mansfield ave., has Sledz, secretary; and Herb Kataining election returns for the been a recent surgical patient sube, chaplain.
City News Bureau. Later this at Christ Community HospitaL
month several of their group,
A fond farewell to the Eugincluding Steve Hirsen, Herb
Mrs. L. W. (Theresa) GerKasube, and Joe Augitto, will ene Goldsberry family, 8737 mann, '9616 S. Parkside ave.,
appear on WGN-TV's Traffic S, 55th ct., who are moving Christian education assistant,
this month to Cincinnati. Both was hostess at a breakfast gaSafety program, aired at 11:30
Saturday mornings. Key Clubs Lenore and Gene have brothers thering Oct. 27 of staff members
in the metropolitan area com- and sisters,as well as parents who participated in the Congrepete with each other in ans- in nearby Springfield, Ohio, gational - Methodist Bib 1e
wering questions about rules which was originally their home School last summer.
and regulations of the road. and so they are looking forward
President of the OLCHS club to returning after 21 years.
Troop 636 presented theprois Wllliam Kazwell, 9328 S. They lived in Chicago during gram at the Oct. 25 Girl Scout
Major ave., and its sponsor is most of that period and have Neighborhood meeting. Selec"The Sound of
Donald Crawford, English tea- been Oak Lawn residents since tions from
1962. Gene is a mechanical Music" were sung by the girls
engineer, and they have one under the direction of Kathy
Campfire Girls and their dads daughter, Peggy, a junior at Pike, 9704 S. 50th ct., and films
of their camping trips were
enjoyed each other's company OLCHS.
shown. Troop leaders are the
at a dinner Nov. 3 in Halleran's
The Rev. MR. Douglas Mit- Harley
Zhes, 9537 S. 50thct.
Restaurant. Each table represented a different month and was chell, University pastor for the
At the regular meeting of the
decorated accordingly by the Gunsaulas Foundation at lIT,
assigned group. Centerpieces wlll be the guest speaker at Columbus Manor Firemen's
were awarded to individual fa- the Garden Methodist Woman's Association Nov. 2, new membwere accepted into the
thers at the end of the evening. Society meeting at 9:30 a.m. ers
Chairman of the affair was Tuesday, Nov. 15. Ordained as group. They are Charlene NozLinda Stewart, Jackie
Mrs. Joseph Ross, 4908 W. a minister in the United Church ieka,
of Christ in 1963,he had prev- Plattner, and Shirley Leonard.
105th pI.
iously received a degreein me- All are wives of Columbus MaMrs. John Panozzo was guest chanical engineering at Rensse- nor Firemen.
of honor at a luncheon Nov. 4 in laer Polytechnic Institute, Troy
were made for a
the home of Mrs. Fred (Dee) New York. At lIT he serves Christmas party to be held for
Leppin, 4919 W. 99th st., her as counselor, teacher, and ad- . the firemen's children and plans
former neighbor. The Panozzos visor to students and faculty for a games party to be held
moved down the road a piece, members. The Gunsaulus Foun- Nov. 18 at Firehouse #1. Dorjust west of Central ave. early dation is a united campus min- othy Carlascio of 97th st., is
last month. Their family in- istry in which the Methodist chairman of the Christmas pareludes 2 offspring: Penny, age Church participates with other ty and Judy Walker, 9420 Sayre,
5, and David, 3.
is chairman of the games party.
President Jo Walker, who was
II -\o-,Qbb
a delegate to the annual firemen's conference, reported
to the group of activities of the
Auxiliary. The Firemen's and
Women's Auxiliary Conference
was held inAlton, Ill., in October.
At the recent Community Officer's dinner, held in Glenwood, 7 women represented C.
M.F.A. Auxiliary: Jo Walker,
Clara Snejberg, Ritamae Martin, Amanda Schultz. Dorothy
Carlascio, and Ann LeCoco.
The group is accepted 2 associate members in January.
Girl Scout troops in the area
are gradually swinging back into
Junior Troop 371, sponsored
by Salem United Church of
has 2 new leaders.
Mrs. Norman Clark, 4613 \Y.
lOOth pL, and Mrs. Thomas
Dorl, 10021 S. Kenneth ave.,
both former Brownie leaders.
They held a mothers' meeting
Sept. 26 to discuss coming events and general plans for the
Junior Troop 62, a brand new
one, has begun meeting under
the direction of Mrs. John Morrissey, 10612 S. Laramie ave.,
and Mrs. Joseph Mann, 5229 W.
105th st. Sponsoring the group
is the Clark PTA.
An organization meeting was
held Sept. 22 for Junior Troop
99, sponsored by the Kolmar
PTA. Present were the girls
and their mothers, as well as
Mrs. John Justice, 9427 S. 52nd
ave., troop consultant. Leaders
are Mrs. Reinhold Anderson,
10324 S. Kenneth ave., and Mrs.
Charles Massaro, 10617 S. Kenton ave.
Wednesdays in the Web are
now marked by a new kind of
atmosphere - candlelight, paper table covering and crayons
for doodling, and folk singers.
of 25¢ is being
charged, 15 of which is refundable in refreshments and the
balance wlll be used for new decorations and entertainment.
by Cathenne Ilarz
Garden 2-3653
A commission in the Marine
Corps will be awarded to Patricia Cleveland, 9723 S. Cook
ave., along with her degree,
when she completes her senior year at Illinois State University.
Patricia spent the
summer in Quantico, Va., atthe
Woman Officer Candidate Corps
school and was graduated following a 9-week course. An artmajor, Pat has been doing her
student teaching in Normal,
since the beginning of this semester, and also serves as
president of Mai Kai, cooperative student house in which she
lives. She is a graduate of St.
Gerald's elementary school,
and Mt. Assisi High School in
It only tlikes a penny to be
a winner at the annual Penny
Social and Bazaar being sponsored by the Johnson -Phelps
VFW Auxiliary Sunday, Nov. 20
in the post hall, 9514 S. 52nd
ave. The doors will be open
from 1 to 8 p. m., and during
those hours there'll be games
to play,
bakery goods and
Christmas gift items to buy,
and refreshments to eat.
The auxiliary's Americanism
Get well wishes to Robert
program and the Voice of Dem- Lenz, 9322 S. 54th ct., a recent
ocracy script-writing contest surgical patient at South Shore
at OLCHS are among the pro- Hospital.
jects to be underwritten with the
Former neighbors will be interested in the recent marriage
Going, going, gonel Get your of Charlene Bryan to Michael
tickets for the Borger Brothers Barker of Decatur The Bryan
Circus Saturday Nov. 19, while family lived at 4048 Arnold pL,
they are still available. A sing- moved to Omaha, then to Park
Ie performance at 4 p. m. will Forest, and are presently rebe given at H. L.Richards siding in Chcago Heights. CharCampus gym under the auspices lene graduated from St. Catherof the Roy Clark PTA. Infor- ine of Alexandria elementary
mation and tickets are available school and attended Mother Mcfrom Mrs. Peter Kelly, 5121 Auley High. She and her husW. 105th pL , PTA president. band met on the campus of
Southern Illinois University and
are living in Decatur.
In on the excitement of election night reporting were Mrs.
Fred Leppin, 4919 W. 99th st.,
and Mrs. James Pasquinelli,
10421 S. LaPorte ave., members of the Oak Lawn League
of Women Voters. the gals
covered the tallying at Gasteyer School, selected as a key
precinct, and long distanced the
results direct to ABC-TV in
New York City.
. Two of the newest members
to join the local LOWV are Mrs.
T. H. Gasteyer, Jr., 10429 S.
LaPorte ave., and Mrs. Terrence Kenney,
Jr., 9245 S.
Parkside a.ve.
Mary Ellen Hoyt, assistant
to the business manager of
School District 123, received a
warTTl" welcome when she resumed her work in the central
office Nov 7 after a prolonged illness.
Girls' Club board members
at Richards Campus II surprised their sponsor, Miss Carol
with a pre-birthday
celebration Nov. 10. A chocolate cake and pop were enjoyed by all, and the guest of honor was gifted with an elegant
gold bracelet. Jane Lausch,
10408 S. 51st ct., made arrangements for the party.
by Catherine aarz
Garden 2 -365:1
It was a very happy ninth
birthday for Gloria Lausch.
10408 S. 51st ct., Nov. 17asshe
entertained 4 friends at a ballerina party. In the group were
Therese Loftus. Judy Gierut,
Jane Mantel and Donna Berg,
and all were mighty pleased
with their doll purse and hook
bank favors. Gloria is a 4th
grader at St. Linus Church
"Follow the Yellow Brick
Road" was the theme of the
HLR Girls' Club fashion show
Nov. 17, and a bit of spice was
added to the program by thepresence of the Cowardly Lion
(Cindy Tobias), the Tin Woods(Pam La Coy), and the
Scarecrow (Ruth Jackson). The
clothes, from the Cinderella
Shop in Palos Heights, were
shown off to advantage by cluh
officers: from Campus. Diane
Barz, Pat Lindgren, Jane Lausch, Terry Phillip , Jan Wastak; from ortheast, Jan Gooley and Helen Schweikel; from
orthwest. Kathy Carroll and
Andrea Sotor. The lucky gals
modeling prom dresses were
escorted by KenKarison and
Gary Wainwright
On the mend follOWing recent
surgery aI',' atthe v and Stephen Ozark, 10(,,29 S ; enton ave.
both Kolmar School students.
Mrs. Cora Gates, 9520 S. Moody. has been a patient at Christ
Community Hospital.
• • •
Junior Girl cout Troop 590
has new leaders and 9 new members. Invested Nov. 8wereCindy Devin, anette Hornick, De~rah Misner, Lynn Moore, Mananne Rebenson, Sandra SWift.
Janice Troemel, Coleen Zubek
and Cynthia O'Rosy. The group
took advantage of the balmy
weather Nov. 15 and went on a
\1- -zA -\<HlIb
nature hike in conjunction with
their badge work. Leader is
Mrs. Edward Forsberg, 4343
W. 108th pl., and co-leader is
Mrs. J. McEvoy, 10524 S. Kildare ave
OLCHS Key clubbers and affiliate Tri-Hi-Y members were
among the teens who marched
in Jim Stagg's muscular dystrophy door-to-door canvass
Nov. 20. Respective presidents
of the clubs are Bill Kaswell
and Sue Wettergren.
Psi Omega Hi-Y club members are gloating over their
recent victory In a tug-of-war
with Psi Epsilon Both clubs
are made up of Richards lligh
School students. Bob Galgan of
Palos Heights. president of Psi
Omega. also reports that proceeds of their dance Nov. 19
would be added to the club's
Christmas orphanage fund.
Oak Lawn Community High
School band members gave Richard Pettibone, director. a royal send-off on his lastteaching
brightened the band room a
pseudo red carpet was laid' at
his feet. and his chair was labeled "seat of honor". A festive cake and gift watch "topped off" the party.
• ••
"Christmas. Christmas, Everywhere" is the title of the
program to be given by Mrs.
Raymond Bohne. well-known flo
weI' arranger for the Oak Lawr
~arden Club Tuesday, ov. 29,
In the Oak Lawn l\lasonic Tempie, 9420 S. 52nd ave. Mrs.
Bohne will demonstrate how to
make articles for home decorations and gifts, and garden
clubbers will sell the items
which they have created.
1rs. Edmund Saunorls, 9700
S. Tulley ave., is chairman of
the affair. On her committee
are Mrs. Clarence Sorenson
gifts; Mrs. Charles Meloun'
tickets; Mrs.Oscar Johnson, ,
Mrs. Manuel
Mann, decorations; Mrs. Paul
Allen, Cookie Sale, and Mrs.
Russell Walton, club president.
Tickets may be obtained from
club members or at the door.
Proceeds will be used forvarl0 us
throughout the village: annual
plantings and maintenance at
Christ Community Hospital,
grassy plots on - 3rd ave., and
the Blue Star 1emorlal Park
on Cblumbus dr.. to name a few.
by Catherine
Gorden 2·365:\
The true meaning of Christmas will be portrayed in a skit
for Trinity Lutheran Women at
their holiday meeting Wednesday, Dec. 7, at 8 p. m. A cookie
walk will also be part of the
festivities, and each lady will
take home samples of the others' culinary efforts. Husbands
are invited to attend with their
wives, and board members will
act as hostesses. Newly elected officers are Mrs. Robert
(Peg) Pierson, 9810 S. Austin
ave., president; Mrs. Edna Becker, vice president; Mrs. Betty Massoth, stewardship chairman; Mrs. AleneSusemiehl, education chairman; and Mrs.
Francis Miller, membership.
Three weeks in Europe this
fall were thoroughly enjoyed by
the Anthony Dinas, 9921 S. Kilbourn ave. They flew to London
via Pan American,
points of interest there for severa1 days, and then headed for
Holland wnere they joined a
congenial bus load of people with
whom they toured the continent.
Their itinerary included Amsterdam and Rotterdam in Holland; Brussels, Beloium', Innsbruck, Austria; the Black Forest; Lucerne, Switzerland; the
Italian cities of Florence Venice and Rome: and finally, the
French Riviera and Paris. The
fellow tourists shared not only
the beauties of the historic
sites they visited, but also be-'
came pleasantly involved with
each other's lives
for physical scientists. it is
a paperback priced at $4. "'5 and
published by Addison - \\"eslev.
The Winslows, 4124 \V. 100th
st., celebrated Thanksgiving
without their eldest son, Chris,
a freshman at the University of
Maryland. He spent the holiday
with his Cncle David (George's
brother) in Vienna, 1\1d
John Zehr, 10246 S. 52nd ave.
is back in a body cast after
falling and re-breakinl?: his Iell:.
He was abottdue to join his funior high class at Sward school
but will now be out of commission until after the "st
of the year.
Paul Krouse, 5108 \\'. 10ist
st., was guest of honor at a
luncheon ov. 22 in the 1\1illionaire's club hosted by staff
members of the Southwest YMCA. Paul, camp director for
the Hyde Park "'I''' during the
past 2 years, is now on his wa\
to Guatemala City where he
will serve as World Service
The senior Stan Dawsons
were feted at a party TO V 20
in the Lewis Huber home. 9801
S. Brandt ave., and gifted with
a Sunbeam electric frypan.They
are in the process of selling
their Oak Lawn home and will
be spending their time in Florida and Michigan where they
own a summer resort.
Cub Scout Pack 4671 had a
very successful paper drive
Saturday, Nov. 12. About 20
Scouts and 8 parents, under the
direction of Cubmaster Richard Schram, collected 15.800
p.ounds of newspaper. Collectlons covered the area from
Central ave. to Ridgeland ave.
and from 95th st. south to the
tracks. Collection center was
the parking: lot of the Fairway
• *. .
Food Store, at 95th and South"The Meaning of Success" west hwy.. Pack members and
will be the topic discussed at p~rents Wish to thank the .rethe St. Linus Parish Forum, sld.ents of the community and
at 8:30 p.m. Friday, Dec. 2, Fairway Foods. Inc., for their
in Clark School, 105th and Lock- ~plendld cooperation. Pack 4671
wood ave. The speaker for the IS sponsored by the Columbus
third session of the popular
7\lanor PT.\.
sries will be Marty Burns.
• • •
The Oak Lawn - Hometown
George Winslow's work over PTA Council board meetin a
the past 5 years has culminat- ,'ov. 2 took the form of a holi:
ed in the publishing of his book day party as the IITOUP feasted
"The Analysis of Physical Mea- on chicken salad and rolls presurements." Co _ author was pared by ~ Irs. vera la","well,
Emerson Pugh, one of his for9109 S. 54th ct. social chairmer professors at Carnegie man, and other Iwodies baked
Institute of Technology (now, by various members.
Carnegie University). Basic***
ally a textbook and reference
The Oak Lawn Junior Girl
Scout Troop 1/62 had their Investiture Ceremonial Nov. 9
at Clark SchooL 105th and Lockwood, where they hold their
weekly meetings. The Clark
School is also their sponsor.
l\lrs. Arlene lorrissey. 10612
Laramie, is their leader. and
l\lrs. Audrey l\lann. 5229 \\'.
lOSth. their co-leader. At the
Investiture. Mrs. Shirlev Allers. 9624 IV. Shore dr.. did the
investing. They are all from
Oak Lawn. The mothers of the
Girl Scouts were invited to attend the ceremony.
Next on the list of events for
the troop is a roller skatin n
party Nov. 19 at the Oak Lawn
Roller Rink. The girls will
enjoy a double treat by attending the Circus at Richards High School before the
skating party.
The newest girls in the troop
are: Julie Barish, Johane Barton, Susan Barton, Betty Brock11', 1\ lary Beth Canfield, Kathy
Claussen, Nancy Fandl, Kathleen Gallagher, Judith Gierut,
Lorel Gimbut, Sandra Koller
l\larita Loftus, Gayle lann, Re~
nay I\lcNitt, Karen l\IcKinnev
Kathy I\IcKinney, Rebecca 'ag~
el, I\I~ry Jane O'Brien, I\lary
Pat a Brien,
Cindy Raczek
Sandr~ Siepak, and Debra Tripi:
The girls already invested in the
troop are: Lori Drogas, Unda
Foster~ Cathy ]urkovic, Linda
Jurkovlc, Sharon I\lorrissey and
Diane Polocheck.
Sixty- five celebrants attended a gala party OCt. 30 in ho- .
nor of the 80th birthday of Leota Lemen, now of Hobart.
Ind. I\lrs. Lemert was a resident of Oak Lawn for 25 years
and was one of the first' employees of the Oak Lawn telephone company.
Among the party guests were
l\lr. and l\lrs. Pete Albert of Oak
Lawn, 34 great-grandchildren
12 grandchildren' and 3 child~
ren: Francis Powers of Oak
Lawn; Mildred Beatty of 110bart, and Kenneth Lemert of
South Bend. The party was given by Mrs. Lemert's grandchildren.
by Cathenne lion
Garden 2·3653
Christ Memorial Church at
4900 W. 107th st., will be the
scene of a colorful Christmas
Bazaar from 1 to 9 p. m. Friday,
Dec. 9. Features will include
imported and handmade gift items, decorations, toys, and delicious home-baked goodies. A
complete roast beef dinner will
be served at 5 p. m., and, in between times, the kiddies will be
entertained with a variety of
games. Women's Guild members have been planning the affair for an entire year under
the direction of Mrs. Lillian
Henschel, of Evergreen Park,
On the kitchen committee are
Mrs. Dorothy Plager, Mrs. Hazel Schmudde, Mrs. Dorothy
Rock. of Worth, and Mrs. Dolores Duey of Evergreen Park.
Dining room chairman is Mrs.
Judy Harmon, and decorations
chairman, Mrs. Yvonne Howell
Games chairman is Don Plager
who is also superintendent of
the Sunday school. He announces that there will be lots of interesting prizes to win, among
them a 22-pound turkey. The
Rev. Mr. Melvin D. Blume is
church pastor.
Among the new arrivals in
town are Charles Keith, second
offspring of Sue and Charles
Hoenes (Theatre Arts School
of Dance), and Jennifer Ellen,
first little doll for Nancy and
Bill Curtis, 9908 S. Kolmar
ents and students share in the
joy of the approaching holiday
season. A real, live Santa Claus
will distribute candy canes to
the youngsters as refreshments
are served to the adults. Hospitality and social chairmen
1rs. Richard Yarnell,
Little Brian Bye, 5204 W are
105th pI., was a recent surgi- 4632 W. 106th st., and Mrs.
Charles Heagney, 5620 W. 105th
cal patient at St. Luke's pi
Presbyterian Hospital.
Sharon Lecas, 8707 Olympic
dr. Serving as officers are:
Nancy Cobb, president; Janet
Van Klavern, vice president;
Marilyn Carroll, secretary, and
Ma rtha Gesell, treasurer.
The luniorHi MYF at Garden
Methodist Church initiated new
members Dec. 4 and will hold
its Christmas partyDec. 20 at
Sue Van Klavern's. New counselor for the group is Mrs. Don
Lundquist, 9634 S, Austin ave.,
and her junior assistant is Arlen.e Enzenbacher. This year's
officers are Dawn Wilson, president; Gwen Fisher, vice president; Linda McCollum, secretary; and Cathy Hide, treasurer.
Members of the High School
MYF are busy making Christmas tray favors and candy cups
for the party they will have
Sunday, Dec. 18, with the residents of the Oak Lawn Convalescent Home, 9525 S. Mayfield,
Their courselors are Val and
\ L-~ - \"Ilolo
A 2-day overnight is the next
big excitement for members
of Junior Troop 336 sponsored
by Trinity Lutheran Women.
The young ladies will spend the
weekend of Dec. 9 at Camp
Palos where they will visit the
~vatory and practice their
camping skills. Their lea
., Mrs. Anthony Kovacic,
9710 S. 52nd ave, and chairman of the troop committee is
Mrs. Robert EkHn, 10013 S,
53rd ave.
•• •
A slumber party Dec. 2 at the
home of Pam Nyman, 4837 Lamb
dr., marked the beginning of
her 16th birthday celebration.
She and her gal pals were wide
awake when the clock announced the arrival of her natal day.
Pam is a junior at Richards
high school.
Your old papers and magazines are being requested by the
Oak Lawn Order of ceMolay.
Call 422-1544, 424-2189, or 422
-3592 by Dec. 17, and the boys
will buzz around and pick them
Sward PTA members will
swap holiday decorations and
learn how to create new ones at
1 p. m. Tuesday, Dec. 13. Guest
speaker at the meeting will be
Mrs. Harold Mullarkey, giftware and millinery instructor
in OLCHS's adult education program. Hostesses at the afternoon session will be Mrs. Stanley Sarniak, Mrs. George Richards, Mrs. Thomas Sheehan
Mrs. Harold Peterson, Mrs:
George Ponche, Mrs. Forrest
McCoy, and Mrs. David 1illigan, all fifth grade room representatives.
• ••
"Christmas Decorating With
Flowers," was the theme of the
Dec. 1 meeting of the Women's
Guild of St. Raphael's Church.
Larry Farrell! of Chcago presented the program, using mat
erials from his floral shop.
Komar School children in the
4th, 5th, and 6th grades will
present the Christmas program
at the PTA meeting Monday,
Dec. 12, at 8 p. m. The theme
for the year, "MeetingtheChallenges of Tomorrow" will be
carried out "With Appreciation
and Understanding" as the par-
Around The
World" was celebrated by Pilgrim United Church (formerly
First Congregational) families
as theY sampled the foods of
other lands and learned about
different customs at Advent Family Night Nov. 27 Highlighted were Japan, Italy, Polynesian Islands, Hawaii, the Orient, and the Spanish - speaking countries.
The Women's Guild heard
about French customs at their
1 meeting from Fredrique Gaide, exchange student,
who also sang Christmas carols
in her native tongue. Holiday
music presented by the Richards High School choir completed the program. 1rs. John
Broom, 9619 E. Shore dr., is
guild program chairman.
by Catherine lIarz Garden 2·3653
It's a small world when 2 Oak
Lawn couples can meet in London for dinner and the theatre,
but that was how the Dick Petersens, 4853 W 96th st began
their recent trip, and the Robert Ihrigs, 4944 Paxton rd.•
ended theirs. London, according to Dorothy, was much like
New York City with everyone
rushing around except that, even for pedestrians, the traffic
pattern was left-handed.
Next stop was Brussels, Belgium, a city which seemed to
be 20 years behind the times and
not too prosperous.
In Holland, bicycles and boats
were a popular mode of travel,
and sighted on the tall,
skinny buildings were large
hooks by which furniture was
hoisted up and through the
windows as the stairways are
too narrow. The Dutch windmills were not as impressive
as the one in Holland, MJch.
It -.S - \'\"'b
but plenty of local color was
provided by the residents of
Volendam in their native custumes, and it was a real treat
to visit the Delft Pottery works,
Rotterdam, and
the Hague
Heading south along the Rhine
castles and vineyards werein
abundance Their itinerary included Weisbaden, Heidelburg
and the German section of
Switzerland (Basel and Lucerne).
Reaching Italy just prior to
the damaging floods, the couple
toured Venice, where tourists
walked on planks as the tide
came in. and high water marks
were in evidence on the walls
of the cathedral; Milan, Rome,
and Florence, a grown and grey
city with red tile roofs.
The French Riviera and Paris rounded out their trip; after which Dorothy headed for
and Dick returned to
Brussels to conduct a seminar
for European executives.
Mrs Eugene (Mary) Pahnke,
Sr., of 8507 S. Mansfield ave.,
was recently hospitalized in
Christ Community as the result of an automobile accident
Mrs. William (Vi) Zehr, 10246
S. 52nd ave., has been a surgical patient at St Luke's Presbyterian
Newest member to join St.
Raphael's Church is Mrs. Ruth
Babiak, 9324 S. Parkside ave
A group of St Linus parishioners spread Christmas cheer
for the patients at Oak Forest
Hospital Dec 9 when they arrived with gifts donated by Tabernacle G u i 1d members.
Chairmen for the project were
Mrs. Marie McCarthy, 10200
S. 52nd ave, and Mrs. Rosalie
McCabe, 12036 S. 52nd ave.
Winnie and Luke (Southwest
YMCA) Anderson, of Evergreen
Park, were guests of honor at
a baby shower Dec. 4 in the
Hinsdale home of Patti and
Buddy Stanford. The group included local "Y" personnel and
their spouses, as well as representatives from other Ys,
and the gifts ranged "from
the sublime to the ridiculous".
Winnie is a former Oak Lawn
high school teacher
.. .
The Camp Fire Girls of the
Southwest Suburban District
sponsored a Father-Daughter
Dinner Nov. 3 at Halleran's
Restaurant, Oak Lawn, through
the courtesty of the management. Over 300 guests were
New members at Pilgrim Un· served that evening. The comited Church of Christ are Mrs
mittee who planned the dinner
Bernard Bakker, Mrs. joseph were: Mrs. joseph Ross,chairClow, Paul Earlewine, Mr. and man, 4908 W. 105th; Mrs. Rick
Mrs. Donald Oyler, Mr. and Felchter. seating, 6536 W. 91st
Mrs. William Peterson, Mrs. st., and Rosemary Willlams,
Leslie Steinberg, and Mrs. jef- entertainment, 4916 W. 105th
frey Hull of Worth.
pI., all of Oak Lawn.
.. .
. .. ..
Catherine llarz Garden
"Are you willing to forget
what you have done for others
and to remember what others
have done for you; to ignore
what the world owes you and to
think what you owe the world;
to stoop down and consider the
needs 'and desires of little children; to remember the weakness of those no longer v('urrg;
: to stop asking how much your
: friends love you and ask your: self whether you love them en. ough - are you willing to do
: these things, even for a day?
: If so, then you can keep ChristI mas
- And if you keep it for a
. day, why not always?"
- Henry Van Dyke
Children in County Hospital
were in the thoughts of Girls'
Club members as they brought
gifts to the Christmas parties
in the 3 Richards High School
buildings. The toys, tollet articles and candy rolls were
then delivered to the hospital
Dec. 16 by Miss Schaal,campus sponsor, and several representatives of the club.
Theatre Arts drama students
were among those participating
in the Graver Park Christmas
recital Dec. 17. Jon Salovaara
and Nancy Hackel did a scene
from "Taming of the Shrew",
Shelly Hackel, Kimberly Ilulse
and Michael Cherskov, of Palos
Park, offered a musical dramatie skit entitled, "Christmas
Wishes." The entire class will
entertain the residents of the
Jane Smith Home Dec. 29, and
are available for program presentations. Their teacher is
Mrs. William Chrisler, 5429W.
Other members of the group
are Douglas Cherskov, Debby
Janet Zimmerman and Lorrie Demar, of Palos; Jerry and Holly Herter of
Tinley Park;
Mary Freida
Gross and Cheryl Chrisler, of
Oak Lawn.
A glamorous week in Mexico
marked a quarter of a century
of wedded bliss for Margaret
and "Bud" Dugan, 4815 W. 96th
pI. They lazed around in Aca
pylco and took in the sights of
Mexico City, where they also
had a reunion with the daughter
of the people who had introduc·
ed them to each other. They met
in Margaret's home town of
Winchester, Ill., and lived in
Chicago, where Bud was born
and raised, forthe first 12 years
Oak Lawn has been their home
since 1953.
The Dugans have 2 children:
Frank a junior atthe University
of Cincinnatti, who is majoring
in marketing and working a portion of each year in reservations at O'Hare Airport; and
Judy, a graduate of Knox College, who is presently serving
with the Peace Corps in the
P-"illipines. She lives with a
young family in Puerto Princesse (population - 10,000) on
the island of Palawan and helps
train teachers in the overcrowded schools.
The familiar Christmas carols were a part of the program
presented Dec. 21 by the Clark
School students for the afternoon PTA meeting. Robert
Rhodes, instructor, directed.
Refreshments were then served by room representatives.
The entire student body viewed
a morning performance and celebrated at room parties the day
A recent circus sponsored
by the PTA has been deemed a
huge success and those who
made it possible were entertained early this month at the
home of Mrs. Keith Palm,10424
S. Long ave., ways and means
chairman. Co-hostess was Mrs.
Peter Keily, 5121 W. 105th pL,
A business trip too Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Freshour. 9722 S.
51st ave., to Mexico City re***
cently for a long weekend. They
Baptized in Pilgrim United were entertained royally and
Church of Christ Dec. 11 were saw a great deal of the city.
Corinne Rene Kruse and Jenni***
fer Therese Popp.
St. Raphael Worn ens Guild
St. Linus Tabernacle Guild members partied together Dec.
13 at the home of Mrs. G. Dexwill sponsor the Jan. 15 perforter Chaffee, 6339 W. 89th pI.
mance of "Nobody Loves an Al***
batross" starring Gig Young at
Columbus Manor School chilDrury Lane Theatre. Tickets
priced at $4 are available from dren presented their yearly
chairmen Mrs. Eleanor Grif- Christmas program Dec. 16 un
fin, 425- 2355, and Mrs. Eleanor der the direction of Miss LedMartin. New chairmen appoint- ford, music teacher. All grades
ed to the board recently are: participated in the presentation
Mrs. George Stratton, 10104 S. which took the place of the PTA
Maple ave., library and litera- meeting for the month of Decture; and Mrs. Clarence Hutch- ember.
from the PT
es, 10109 S. Maple ave.,medisponsored bake sale last month
cal missions.
totaled $180 and will be ap***
plied to the purchase of drapes
for the gymnasium stage. The
PT A also participates in a
weekly hot-dog day under the
chairmanship of Mrs. Pat Braun
of 9632 S. Austin ave. A highlight at a recent meeting was
the presentation and dedication of an American flag by the
Johnson- Phelps VFW AuxiIi
Brian Keith is the new resi
dent at the Tallon home. 9810
S. Meade ave. He has twO bro
thers, Jeffery, 7. and Bobbie. 8,
and a host of relatives nearby. His grandparents. the Wil
Ii am E. Tallons, Ii ve at 6100
IV. 99th st., aunts and uncles
are the Ilarry Tallons, 9815 S.
1\1eade ave.. and the \Vi lliam G.
Tallons, 9837 S. Meade ave.
Ilis folks are the Robert Tal
Catherine Qarz Garden 2-3653
A thought-provoker for the
New Year:
Dance of Palos Heights.
• • •
Guys and gals from the SouthThere's time enough for worth- west YMCA office had their holwhile things,
iday gathering Dec. 22 at ForBut not to heed the grief it ee's on LaGrange rd.
No time to sigh, no time to
J 0 h n Martschinke,
Spring rd., is the lucky and talIf we use time as wise men ented HLR High School senior
who has been selected to attend
State Choir sponsored by the
Time to love and time to live, Illinois Music Educators' AsTime to help and time to give, sociation Jan. 18 through 20.
Time for work and time for play
Time to praise and time to pray.
Brand new Junior Girl Scout
Troop 145 invested its members
Time for rest - but not for long- Dec. 14 as their families watchTime enough to right a wrong; ed the proceedings. Also presTime for joy, no time for sorrow ent was Mrs. Shirley Allers,
Time today - too late tomorrow. neighborhood troop consultant.
- David Murray The rostpr includes Christine
Flood,Cindy Krebes, Mary Kay
Wo-Kan-Da Campfire gals Achter, Uenise Kwak, BettyDimade bibs for the little tots in St. naso, Gloria Shipp, Jan SuzyVincent's Orphanage as their nski, Karen Dampf, Bonnie Page
holiday service project. They Debbie Finney, Karen Van Gewent caroling Dec. 22 and then row, Denise Klang, Cindy Poth,
exchanged grab bag gifts atthe Debby Wysocki, Cathy and Karhome of their leader, Mrs. Leo en Smith. Pat Tracz, Cindy
Sherry Strutzriem,
(Nancy) Pavletic, 10324 S. Lin- Garcia,
der ave. Members are Sharon Pammy Hagen, Holly Marlar,
Beyer, and Margaret
Barbara Weckel, Carol
Jane Laird, Kim Schultz, Lau
Troop members s ng carols
ra ietzel, Kathy Ryan, Leeann Pavletic, and Patricia Bo- and distributed tray favors at
the Oak Lawn Convalescent
Home Dec. 21. Their own party
Three Allans - Fletcher (9119 was held afterward at Columbus
S. 53rd ave.), Freese (9213 S. Manor school whose PTA is
Leaders are
54th ave.), and Spero (5302 W. their sponsor.
Carol Hagen, 9801 S.
Otto) - headed south for Miami Mrs.
and Nassau during the holid ays. Meade ave., and Mrs. J. DinAll graduated from OLCHS last aso, 5908 W. 99th st.
June and are college fresh•
Ron Ladwig, popular governmen, at Chicago Circle Campus,
Loyola, and LLT., respectively. ment and economics teacher at
H. L: Richards Campus Build•••
Board members of the Youth ing, was pelted with handsful of
Service League partied together rice by students in his 7th perDec. 16 at Diamond Head. Part iod class in a trial run several
of the afternoon's chatter con- days before his marriage Dec.
cerned some of the fun trips in 17 to a Michigan girl. Parties
the offing for 1967. Group pre- anj gift giving werethe order of
sident is Mrs. John (Dottie) the day In all of his classes.
• •
\ 'L -"Z."\ -l9'-<,
The newest Tri-Hi-Y club at
HLR High is Rho Epsilon and
Jane Gustafson, 5052 Wick dr.,
is its president. Other officers
are Pam Nyman, vice president; Linda Marinier, treasurer; Gwen Gulik, secretary; Sunny Potter, chaplain; Cha Stillwell, sergeant at arms. Laurie
Haedtler Is Interclub Council
representative, and Jackie Mallen, World Service representative. Mrs. Talerico, teacher at
Northeast, serves as club sponsor.
The group's recent activities
have included the induction of
members and installation of officers at Camp Palos; the sale
of taffy apples and bakery items,
and toothbrushes
World Service, as well as a
dance; and the collection of canned goods for a needy family's
Christmas basket.
Lillian Czyz, Gail Esses, Carol Hammond, Laura Maras,
and Ellen Johnson are the youn~
ladies who were recently invested into BrownieScoutTroop
464. Fly-ups from the troop to
Junior Troop 265 were Hope
Leslie, Sandra lewall, Cathy
Escudler, and Janet Erickson;
to Junior Troop 484, Kathy Urbasich,
Debra Splrakes and
Lynn Studer. The Brownies enjoyed a visit to the 1useum of
Science and Industry's '~rees
Around the World" exhibit early this month and will "top off"
the year by attending a performance of the .. 'utcracker
Suite" Dec. 29.
The Elxenhower - Richards
student exchange program will
be helped along by the contribution of $125 from Campus
II. The funds were earned recently by the sale of 15¢ multicolored lollipops by International Student Exchange (ISE)
members under the direction of
their president, Jane Lausch,
10408 S. 51st ct.
A very important birthday
was celebrated Dec. 17 by Jack
Pirie, 4028 W. 106th pI., at a
surprise party planned bv his
wife, Jean, and attended bv
neiQ:hbor pals and work bUd~
dies with their spouses.
by Catherine Ilarz Garden 2-3653
The joys of the holiday season diminished considerably for
this community after the tragic
deaths of the three members
of the Heinen family. This reporter has very fond memories
of Dr. Helen on a YMCA Women's and Girls' committee
which preceeded the present
Youth Service League.
Parents of these students will
Last month's activities for
have an opportunity to see how Junior
Troop 636 included a
they're progressing, and oth- pajama party at the home of
ers might be inspired to enroll their leaders, the Harley Zhes
their children in the instru- 9537 S. 50th ct.; the singing
mental program. Refreshments of carols for patients in the
will be served by the 3rd grade Monticello Convalescent Home;
room representatives:
Mrs. and a holiday party with.memJames Dennerline, Mrs. John I bers of a -Boy Scout troop.
Johnson, Mrs. Edwin Schmal- Sward PTA is troop sponsor.
en, Mrs. William Skelly, Mrs.
New member atSt. Raphael's Floyd Woods, Mrs. John Rupich,
"Sex Education in Home and
church is Mrs. Jo Ann Gallagh- and Mrs. William Savage. PTA
School" will be discussed for
er, 4219 W. 95th st., whose for- president is Mrs. Gregg Gotmembers ofthe Kolmar PTA at
mer parish was Trinity in Mus- sis, 10261 S. 52nd ave.
8 p.m. Monday, Jan. 9 by Dr.
catine, lao
Franklin Fitch's assistant from
Attorney General Clark's 3 the Social Hygiene League. An
The Sward PTA picture will sons, Don, john, and Bill, were
invitation is extended to parents
be colored "musical"Tuesday, guests of honor Dec. 26 at a par- of all 6th and 8th grade students
Jan. 10 at 8 p.m. when the Dis- ty in the home of David and who will be attending the lectrict 123 Band under the direc- Steve Wunder, 5232 Cass st.
ture and discussion to be spontion of Bruce Sagen performs. Others attending were Bill Col- sored later in the month by the
lins, Cheryl and Dale Kackert,
Oak Lawn - Hometown PTA
Becky Wunder, Diane ShaughCouncil. Program chairman is
nessy, Gigi Gwynne, Randy Mrs. Vernon Burton, 4629 W.
Becker, Ellen Cambon, Bev
l06th pI.
Marks, Pat Douce, Sue BeatArea residents are also invitty, Doug Sonichsen, Jim Johaned to hear Dr. Franklin Fitch at
son, Keith and Kenneth Stoen.
the Hometown PTA meeting
The hosts are students atOak
Friday,Jan. 13 at 8 p. m. His
topic "Food for Thought", inLawn Community High School.
cludes a film and discussion of
Send cheer to Mrs. Eugene sex education on the adult level.
(Dorie) Apathy, 9226 S. 54th
ave., a patient in Billings HosThe David Wunders, 9235 S.
pital. Wally Ross, 4849 W. 93rd 54th ave., attended Secretary of
State Powell's ChristmasParty
st., a 6th grader at Covington
School, recovered sufficiently Dec. 15 in the Hotel Nicholas in
from recent surgery in Little Springfield. He is the enforceCompany of Mary Hospital to ment attorney, general office
make it home for Christmas. manager for the Corporation
and Securities division of the
Mrs. Earl (Maurine) Oftedahl Sec. of State's Chicago office.
of 4608 W. 98th st., was host- Their headquarters during their
ess at an open house Dec. 27, stay were in }~e _State House Inn.
which began at 10 a. m. and lasted until 5 p. m .
• •
"A Time for Good Cents" is
the theme for the Covington
PTA meeting Tuesday, Jan. 10
at 7:30 p.m., which will feature Wayne Mann, admirtistrative assistant of school Dist.
123, speaking on "Financing
Public Education". Program
chairman is Mrs. Charles Batzel, 5223 W. Ruby st. The 4th
room representatives
who will act as hostesses are
Mrs. Nolan Murdock, Mrs.
Charles Campbell, Mrs. Wallace Clemens, and Mrs. judy
by Catherine Ilarz Gorden 2-3653
On hand for the opening day
ceremonies of the l111nois Legislature Jan. 4 were a contingent of Rep. Marjorie Pebworth's supporters which included her campaign manager,
Mrs. William (Jean) Keeney,
4954 W. 91st pI., and her secretary, Mrs. Naomi Metro of
Riverdale. Others were Mrs.
Nora Schulfer of LaGrange,
Mrs. Rose Shelton, Mrs. Bar
bara Pasquinelli, Mrs. Beth
Baird, Mrs. Lyda Personett of
Hometown, and Mrs. Marian
Kelliher of Riverdale.
The group left the area at
5:30 a.m. that morning and ar-
rived in springfield before 10
a. m. and just in time to grab
the few remaining seat" in the
gallery of the House of Representatives. A full and exciting day was "topped" off by
dinner in the Leland Hotel with
Mr. and Mrs. Pebworth.
and 91st st., Cicero and CenaccordinS!: to Howard
Dwan, 8836 . 55th ct., President. The other officers are Robert Remer, vice president; E.
Schiavitti, treasurer; Lowell
Wilde, secretary. Guest speaker at the association's most re
cent meeting was Oak Lawn Fire
Chief Alan Hulett.
Hollday visitors in the Ed
Woods home, 4953 Paxton rd.,
were Lillian'~ sisters, Genevieve (a legal secretary) and
Madge 'ettele from Long Island,
orthwest Oak Lawn Home N.Y.
Owners are sponsoring a Can
Recently hospitalized in Holy
dlelight Bowling party at the
Hickory Hills Lanes Jan. 21 Cros/; was Lynn Carberry, 9115
S. 53rd ave., a 1st grader at
in conjunction with their cur
Covington schooL Bobbie Lindrent membership drive. Boun
elsee, 9825 S. 54th ave., and
daries of the association have
Frank Gehring, have been parecently been extended to in
elude all residents between 87th tients at Christ Community and
Mrs. Joseph Wroblewski, 5190
W. 88th pl., at Little Company
of Mary.
* * *
Fred Monk, world history and
social studies teacher at H. L. R.
building, has re
ceived greetings from Uncle
Plans are underway for the
next Ford City Art Fair April
22 and 23, which will be limited to 125 artists. Serving as
director again is Mrs. Lucille
Fenton, 9932 Elm Circle dr.
•• *
Guest speaker at the Columbus Manor PTA meeting Monday, Jan. 23 at 7:30 p.m. will
be Mrs. Mary elson of Evergreen Park, high school service c.hairman for the lllinois
Congress ofParentr, and Teachers and past director of District 34. She will discuss the
accomplishments and aims of
the organization as the local
association honors its founder
and 1st president, Mrs. Harry
(l\lartha) Tallon. Members of
Junior Troop 145 and Brownie
Troop 332 will conduct the flag
ceremony and present a portion of the program. Mrs. Lorraine Zdenek, 9709 S. lason
ave.• is program chairman, and
Mrs. Donald Krebes, 9729 S.
Mason ave., is PTA president.
Young people at Pilgrim United Church of Christ were
hosts to high school students
from a sister church in Moline, 111., the weekend of Jan.
7.Together they expl() rp d some
depressed areas of C i c a go,
and spoke with people who were
trying to help the situation;
toured Marina Towers and met
the minister who serves its
residents; enjoyed an eveningof
folk singing in the Web and a
party afterward at the home
of Patti Hayes, 6455 W. 93rd
the church
school's gifts to Casa Central,
and shared in the King's Day
Catherine Qarz Garden 2-3653
This family is bursting with
pride over the selection of our
youngest daughter, Diane, as
the winner of the D.A.R. (Daughters of the American Revolution) Good Citizens Award at
Richards High SchooL As a representative of the Dewalt Mechlin chapter, she will attend a
luncheon March 9 at the Palmer House during the D.A. R.
State Convention, and will be
presented to members of the
local chapter at a luncheon
meeting March 13 in the Ridge
Park Fieldhouse.
Former Oak Lawn resident,
Bill Konsack, is recuperating
from open heart surgery in St.
Mary's hospital in Rochester.
Minn.. (Room 3- 295). Bill, an
employee of Union Carbide,
moved from his Elm Circle
home to Willowbrook several
years ago.
•• •
Irene Reed, music teacher
at Gaddis and Hometown schools
became Mrs. Arthur Hess Jan.
21 in St. Nichola'l of Tolentine
Church of Chicago. She has been
in Dist. 123 for the past 18
years and has also taught students at Brandt and Covington
Best Christmas present for
the Beesley family, down-Mexico-way for two years, was
the arrival of their furniture
which has been in transit (?)
since July. They enjoyed the
holidays with Art's folks from
Salt Lake City,' and have visited many of the historical sites
in the area. The children are.
enrolled in an American School
which has only 40 students in
its 12 grades.
Mrs. David Wunder, 9235 S,
54th ave., has received word
that a collection of her brother's draWings and papers will
Junior Troop 336 is sponsor- become a part of the library at
ing a Dad and Daughter lee Syracuse university. He is Ed
Skating Party Sunday, Jan. 29. Dahlin, a cartoonist whose maThe group will do their figure terial is syndicated around the
eights on a pond in Palos and world through King Features.
will then warm up over a cup He has also illustrated textof hot chocolate. The event was books for the New York schools
inspired by a charming piCture He grew up in Evergreen Park,
on the Girl Scout calendar. graduated from Tilden High
Troop leader;; are Mrs. Anth r School and the Academy of Fine
ony Kovacic, 9710 S. 52nd ave., Arts, and now lives with his fa
and Mrs. Richard Sorley, 10028 mily in Jackson Heights. N.Y.
Harnew rd., E. It is sponsored
by Trinity Women of the Church.
The Men's Club of St. Raphael's
church sponsored a
Winnie and Luke (Southwest bowling party Sunday. Jan. 22
YMCA) Anderson are tht:! proud at the Oak Lawn Bowl, 4200 W.
parents of their first son and 95th st. Six lanes were reservheir,
Mark Courtney,
who ed for parish members and
weighed six pounds, 14 ounces their friends.
upon arrival Jan. 3 at Christ
Community HospitaL Momma
is a former teacher atOak Lawn
Gaynes, 10010 S.
High, and the family lives in Tripp, and Thomas Gazell,9217
Evergreen Park.
S. Monitor, were among the
140 students in the College of
Gaddis and Gasteyer PTAs Liberal Arts and Sciences who
performed a friendly service earned perfect straight A avfor their school families when erages and headed the Dean's
they sponsored a skate swap. List for the fall· quarter at the
Questionnaires were distribut- l.:niversity of lllinois at Chied in their newsletters, lists cago Circle. The College of
of available skates were then Liberal Arts and Sciences has
circulated, and the swapping a total of 6,605 students entook place without further ado. rolled for the fall quarter.
• ••
• ••
A Red Cross First Aid course
will be offered in Oak Lawn
starting in either March or April, according to Mrs. Joan
Jaffke. 10433' S. Kilbourn ave.
Classes will be held in Kolmar
School, 105th and Kolmar ave.,
and will consist of two-hour
session, one night a week, for
six weeks. If you have never
had the course or had it more
than three years ago, this might
be just the opportunity you've
been looking for. Call Joan at
422-1198 to enrolL
by Catheri ne Ilarz Garden 2·3653
The WEB, popular teen age
meeting place at Pilgrim United
Church of Christ, re-opened
this week after being shuttered
for a month and a half. A newlyformed council of young people
will have the responsibility of
organiZirig committees forrefreshments, entertainment, and
decorating. In the group are Kathy Scott, Nancy Elwert, Betty
Weert, Kathy McEntee, Vicki
Chris Rachford, and
Charley Cump. Adult advisers
are Rev. David Mark, Mr. and
Mrs. Bob Hutton, 9438 S, 55th
ct., and Luke Anderson of the
Southwest YMCA, Open Wednesday and Friday evenings,
the accent in the coffee house
is on conversation and games.
Father Gerard Weber, well
-known author and speaker,will
discuss "The Middle Class Negro and his Problems" at 8:15
p. m. Friday, Feb. 3 in Clark
School at the next session ofthe
St. Linus Parish Forum.
One of the few remaining
veterans of the Spanish American War, Len Berridge, passed away last month in the Monticello Convalescent Home at
the age of 91. He had been a
patient there for the past few
months and an Oak Lawn resident
for apprOXimately 10
years, living at 9001 S. Cicero ave., with his niece, Mrs.
Doris Shorten. Two other nieces, Mrs. Dorothy Mickelson and
Mrs. Lillian Stoddard, are also
village residents.
If pancakes are your dish,
come and eat all you wish at
the Pilgrim United Church of
Christ, 9411 S. 51st ave., Saturday, Feb. 11. The doors will
open at 6:30 a. m. for the early
risers and will remain open
until i: 30 p. m. The menu of
pancakes, sausage, coffee or
milk is just right for breakfast, brunch, or lunch with tickets priced at $1 for adults and
50¢ for children under 12. The
event is being sponsored by the
Youth Fellowship and the ICYE
(International Christian Youth
Exchange) committee. Members of both groups have tickets for sale, which also can
be purchased at the door that
Proceeds will be used in
part to support the exchange
program which has sponsored
young people from the church
in Austria (Jean Folk), Sweden
(J ean Kleinpaste) and Iceland
(Doris Gooley); and brought to
Oak Lawn students from Germany (Dierk Lindemaun and
Eckard Albrecht), Sweden (Vila
Andreasson), Iceland (Thor Arnason), and Switzerland (Fred
Commend), and France (Frederique Gaide - here at present,
attending Oak Lawn Community
High school and living with the
Walter Dale family at 9601 S.
50th ct.)
Other pancake days have provided financial gifts for Garden School, India Relief Fund,
and the Southwest YMCA, and
supported the youth program in
the church.
• ••
The Gasteyer School PTA,
Oak Lawn, sponsort'd an as~em­
bly program for the students
Jan. 13 with Jack Gwynne, magician and a resident of Oak
Gwynne has successfully entertained many school
groups for a number of years.
The program waH enjoyed by
all who attended.
The Richard Sorley family
of 10028 Harnew rd., E., will
be moving to Lansing, 111., this
month after eight years at their
present address. Dick, however,
has lived in Oak Lawn all his
life. His employer is B 0 r g
Heating Contractors of Chicago, and he and his wife, Sharon, have two sons, Ken and
Mike, both students at Sward
School. New neighbors will be
A luncheon given by the afR ita and Charles McCarthy ternoon circle at Pilgrim Unitfrom Chicago, who haveonelit- ed Church of Christ proved a
tIe guy, Michael, age 3-1/2. delight as those in attendance
were taken "Down Memory
The John Gallaghers have Lane" through a musical promoved from 4219 W. 95th st. to duction written by Mrs. Sidney
Nashville, Tenn.
Archbold, 9317 S. 51st ave. The
cast included Mrs. Eva Lambright, accompanist, Mrs. Laura Phillips, Mrs. ShirleyHaa,k-
• •
er, Mrs. Ethel Frankland, Mrs.
Helen Burgess, Mrs. Madge
King, Mrs. Dorothy Von Stowver, Mrs. Almira Stevens, Mrs.
Jean Malcolm, Mrs. Ida Mann,
Mrs. Dolly Mehring, and Mrs.
Olive Markle. Costumes of various periods dUring the past 75
years were featured as part of
the show and also, in a display.
Circle chairman is Mrs. William (Inex) McLaughlin, 9129
S 53rd ave.
New Oal Lawn residents are
the Jim J arretts at 5180 W. 91st
st., whose former'address was
8735 S. Kilbourn ave.. Hometown. Her mother, Mrs. William Webb, formerly at 9516
S. Kolin ave., now occupies the
Hometown home.
by Catherine Qarz Garden 2·3653
The two new Girl Scout
Troops being sponsored by Kol
mar PTA are well launched on
their year's activities. Brown
ie Troop 99, under the direc
tion of Mrs. Reinhold (Bev) An
derson, 10324 S. Kenneth ave
and Mrs. Charles (Betty) Ma~'
saro, 10617 S. Kenton ave., invested its members, hiked and
cooked out, and attended the
Christmas exhibit at the Museurn 0 f Science and Industry.
Next on their agenda is a tour
of White Castle Kitchens.
Junior Troop 219 played Santa for the children of Trumble
Park Community Center with
two carloads of toys, books,
games, candy, socks, mittens,
and boots. The entire troop
participated but deserving special mention for their additional
efforts In cleaning up the dolls
contributed, packing and delivering the collection are Caryl
Resner, Janet Jaffke, and Diane Cusack. These three girls
were treated to a tour of thp
center upon their arrival.Thelr
work on the project wlll help towards their" ign ofthe Arrow"
At their holiday party for families and friends, the young
ladies made all of the decortions,
served cookies
punch, and entertained with two
plays, "Who'll Trade YuIeaid"
and "5 tar". Assisting the budding thespians was Mrs. Beth
Baird, 10445 S. Kostern, who
has appeared in many local productions and will continue to
serve as troop adviser in this
field. A future project, which
will involve two of the patrols,
;" nril·ri ng a newspaper under
the guidance of Mrs. Irene Kelly, former newspaper woman.
Troop leaders are Mrs. Joan
J affke, 10433 S, ki lbourne ave.,
and Mrs. Kay Pereira, 10504
S. Kenneth ave. On the committee are Mrs. Bernard Steimann
Mrs. Theodore Wojtysiak, Mrs:
JAmes Cusack and honorary
member, George Jaffke.
Storm stories were still the
main topic of conversation at
this writing (Feb.3) so here's a
The man who came for a onenight visit and stayed for four
in the Joe Carberry home, 9123
S. 53rd ave., was Duffy Redmonds of Indianapolis, salesman for a veterinarian medical
supply company. He headed for
home around 11 a.m. Sunday via
Route 66.
Arriving just in time for the
BIG S OW were the Beesleys,
whose sojourn in Mexico was interrupted by a qUick trip to the
states to hospitalize the head of
their household, Art, in St:
Luke's- Presbyterian. They're
bunking with the Robert Eklin
family, 10013 S. 53rd ave.,
and the kids are temporarily attending local schools.
Lending a hand in true Girl
Scout fashion were these memoers of Cadette Troop 636: Denise Gierach, Cindy Allaway,
Jo Ellen Tieberg, Debby Zhe,
and Bobette Aardema, who along with Paul Gierach and troop
leaders, Betty and Harley Zhe,
9537 S. 50th ct., offered their
services to Christ Community
Hospital Jan. 26. A Hospital
spokesman indicated that their
most pressing need was for food
and so the group set out with
grocery lists and sleds to find
the necessary items or reasonable substitutes (Bus' Drive In
donated hot-dog and hamburger
buns which could not be found, by
then, on grocery store shelves.
Lestner Schaffner walked that
same day from his home at 5501
W. 99th pl., to 63rd and Kedzie to be on hand to dispense
Alma and Joe Spinka, 4848 W.
96th st., arrived in Chicago Saturday after vacationing in San
Antonio and New Orleans, where
hotels were jammed for Mardi
Gras. Theychecked their luggage downtown, took the Rock Island and then a bus to Evergreen
Plaza. The balance of their trip
took three hours, as they searched, in vain, for a bus heading
west, a taxi, or a car to rent,
and finally ended up hitch-hikIng.
A new member of the Oak
Lawn Fire Department, BlIl
Maxwell, 9109 S. 54th ct., was
properly initiated when he
worked 78 hours out of 96. He
was well-conditioned
to the
white stuff, however, haVing
served Uncle Sam in Alaska. An
SOS to his sister, Sue Howells,
an employee at Kilty's restaurant, for a few tea bags brought
a donation of 500 from her boss.
Jim Bennett, 9510 S. 55th
ct., was trapped on the Kingery Expressway where he spent
Thursday night in his car and
then plowed a mile and a half
through hip-deep snow to a gas
station eventually jammed with
30 people. A nearby church opened its doors and there the
group spent the next two nights,
while parishioners kept them
well fed.
Little did Sue Cellini, 4937
Oak Center dr., dream of how
she would spend aportionofher
mid-term break as she left the
University of Indiana (Bloomington) with two friends in a
small Oldsmobile. After several days of spring, the kids
were not attired in their warmest gear, and boots were left in
the dorm. As they approached
the storm area, their route
changed many times due to a
roadblock and stuck cars, eventually taking them toward Ga.ry. Six blocks from Hebron
they could go no further and took
refuge in a restaurant. A grade
school down the street became
their home forthe balanceofthe
week along with 100 other stranded travelers.
And I,ast but not least, Dr.
Franklih Fitch of the Il1inois
Social Hygiene League was unable to give his scheduled lecture on "Preparation for Family Living" to the eighth grade
boys and girls in School Dist.
123. He will now appear Friday, Feb. 24 - the place remains
McDonald School.
Welcome Wagon board members,
past and present, exchanged procedure books at a
holiday gathering Dec. 28 in the
home of Mrs. James Mele, 9801
S. Kolmar ave. first vice presldent.
The Walt Rathbuns, former
Harnew rd. E. residents, are
moving from North Merrick, .
Y., back to Michigan, thelroriginal home state. Daughter, Sal
Iy, is a sophomore at Olivet,
which they·bothattended. The
family will live in the Detroit
• • • • • • • • • • • • ******.*********
Qf,o-u-t o~ £~
•-*** • • • • *** •"!:?7/~
• • • • ******.*****
A sweet little adopted miss
named Lisa Renee has come to
stay with the John Lohnstein,
Jrs., 5504 Oak Center dr. At
the time of her arrival she was
14 days old, 21 inches long,
and weighed eight pounds. She
has two grandmothers, Mrs.
Meta Lohnstein, 9518 S. 50th
ct., and Mrs. Helen Johnson of
Rockford Her mom is a counselor at H. L. Richards High
School, and her dad is assistant principal at StrassburgJunior High in Sauk Village and
mathematics coordinator for
School Dist. 168.
Two busloads of students in
the French classes atOakLawn
High attended a performance of
Moliere's "The Imaginary InvaUd" at the Studebaker Theatre Feb. 16.
Biggest excitement in the
William Maxwell home, 9109 S.
54th ct., is the return from
Viet Nam of Susie's husband,
Ron Howells. Following a 30day leave, the young couple,
with Ronny, Jr., will depart for
Ft. Wainwright in Fairbanks,
Members of St. Raphael Episcopal Church have elected the
following officers: Donald G.
Suhr, senior warden; Edward F.
Follis, junior warden; Earl DuPont, Herbert Meagher, Edward
Schmeski, William Fetters, and
Joseph Schauer, vestrymen.
Continuing to serve on the Vestry are Edward Forsberg and
Fred Brinkman.
graduate, has pledged Kappa
Kappa Gamma sorority. This
young lady also has the distinction of being on the dean's
and a member- of the
freshman women's honorary
sorority, Alpha Lambda Delta.
As a recipient of the Oak Lawn
High PTA scholarship, she
plans' to teach, and is majoring in physical education and
French. In high school, shewas
a member of the National Honor
and served as both
junior and senio'r class secretary, in addition to being on
Student Council.
They have two sons, David, in
8th grade at Sward school, and
Ricky, a student at General Motors Institute in Flint, Mich.
An old-fashioned spelling bee
will take place at 7 p. m. Sunday, Feb. 26 in St. Paul Lutheran Church for all grade school
children in the congregation.
Age groups will be divided into primary, intermediate, and
junior high, and cash prizes will
be awarded to the first place
winner in each with ribbons,
for first, second, and third
place. The contest is being
sponsored by the AAL Branch
A Neighborhood Potluck Din- 3735 of the church, and is under
ner Jan. 24 at Pilgrim Church the direction of the faculty of St.
brought together Girl Scout lea- Paul Lutheran School.
ders, co-leaders, sponsors, and
"Hil Hoi Come to the Fairl"
Approximately 30
troops were represented among is the word being passed around
the 125 people who attended. in the Columbus Manor area as
Colors werepresented by mem- families make plans to attend
bers of troops on three dif- the big Country Fair to be
ferent levels, junior, senior, sponsored by the Columbus Maand cadette. The program, a nor PTA Saturday, March 4
Scout's Own on Day Camp, was from 12 noon to 6 p. m., in the
offered by members of Troop school located at 97th and May248 at St. Gerald's church unfield ave., Oak Lawn.
der the leadership of Mrs. DoYoung and old alike will enrothy Oliver. On the planning joy the games, prizes, cake
committee were Mrs. Virginia walk, popcorn, candy and othjustice, troop consultant; Mrs. er refreshments. Fair chairJeanette Burke,
leader of man is Mrs. James Dawson,
Brownie Troop 133 at St. Ger- 9712 S. Mason ave., and PTA
ald's; Mrs. Fran Kalebich, co- president is Mrs. Do n aid
leader of Junior Troop 248 Krebes, 9729 S. Mason ave.,
of St. Gerald's; Mrs. Jean Ruck- both of Oak Lawn.
man and Mrs. Wanda Powell,
leaders of Junior Troop 242
at Brandt School. Leaders and
Another St. Linus Parish Foco-leaders furnished the en- rum meeting will be held at 8:30
tire spread. All were delight- p. m. Friday, March 3, in the
ed to have in attendance their Clark School, 105th and LockFr. Thaddeus O'Brien,
neighborhood chairman, Mrs. wood
Marion Teufel, 9627 S. Mans- O. Carm., will speak on "Spifield ave., out for the first ritual Direction - The New Idea of Confession. "
time since her recent illness.
The OLCHS Band Parents, all
Twenty-five years of wedded recently :Jaw a film on "expo
bliss for Ruth and Dick Leyerle, '67" and slides of a three-day
of 9938 Harnew rd., W., was the scouting trip in Montreal made
occasion for several get-toge- by Richard Pettibone, band dithers the end of January. The rector, and John Miller, 9517
Frank Dubskys, 9905 Elm Ci- S. Mansfield ave., trip chaircle, hosted a group Jan. 28, man.
and the twosome joined Rev.
Jensen and his wife in a joint
Day was a doubly
celebration. The Leyerles first
met during a National Honor romantic occasion for Audrey
Society ceremony at Bowen High and Ray Aim, 10321 S. 51st ct.
School and began dating several as they celebrated their 25th
years later. When they were wedding anniversary. They have
..IDi\rried, he was employed at lived in the village for 20 of
UrHted Steel, and she, having be- those years and have two sons,
come a laboratory technician, Rick, a freshman at Western
was employed by a doctor. Dick Illinois University, and Donald
Wendy Carpenter, 4725 W. is now secretary of Beatty a Richards High school junior.
97th pI., freshman student at Lumber Company, and they have
2.- '1.~ -\'\b1
Monmouth College and OLCHS lived in in Oak Lawn 19 years.
atQ-~t o~ £~
~t!f6IT 424-3653
An education at Illinois Teachers College - South, interrupted in 1951 by marriage and
the subsequent raising of six
children, was completed recently by Joan Tauchman.10244
S, Kenneth ave. Between pregnancies she managed to pick up
courses here and there, but became a full-time student again
when her youngest started first
grade. Mrs. Tauchman did her
student teaching at a Chicago
school which had been attended by her father and several
aunts and uncles, and is currently a substitute in school
Dist. 123. Her husband Chuck,
also a graduate of LT.C., is
principal of the Hughes school
at 15th and Trippin Chicago.
Their family includes Nancy,
a freshman at Mother McAuley
High School, Chuckie, eithth
grade, Cary, seventh, and Ma-
ry fifth at McDonald; Robert,
A Sadie Hawkins Day Dance,
third, and Roger, second at sponsored by the 0 LCHS Student
Council Feb. 18 was the perfect
opportunity for students to apMembers of the Richards Hi- pear in outlandish attire. Those
Y and Tri-Hi-Y clubs who at- who "topped" the efforts of all
tended the community meet- others were Lynn Jones, 9356
ing Feb. 22 heard the dynamic S. 52nd ave., and Steve Coons,
Ron Hutchcraft, south area di- 9836 S. Kilbourn ave. Second
rector of Youth for Christ. The place winners were Duane Stegroups in each school area
venson and Keith Pacourek. .
meet monthly for varies activities, social and educational.
The Southwest Symphony OrSouthwest "Y" program dir- chestra was represented at a
ector for HLR High is Del Ar- recent workshop in Urbana by
Marty Winslow, 4124 W. lOOth
st., publicity chairman; George
A recent surgical patient in Winslow, ticket chairman; and
Little Company of Mary Hos- Miss Julia Lorenz, guild presipital as Mary Beth Canfield, dent and former teacher in
5119 Wolfe dr.
schbol Dist. 122. Sponsored by
A mer i can Symphony
The next event for Welcome League, the Champaign-Urbana
Wagon club ladies will be a Pen- Symphony, and the music exny Social Wednesday, March 8, tension division of the Univerat the Arena Restaurant, 103rd sity of Illinois, several of the
and Cicero ave. Many useful featured speakers were Merrill
and attractive white elephants Shepard, former president of
will be offered to the bidders. the Chicago Orchestra AssociaReservations for the luncheon tion; Helen M. Thompson, execmeeting may be made through utive secretary of the American
Mrs. Genevieve Gerber, GA 5- Symphony League; and Bradley
4636. Clu president is Mrs.
G. Marison of the Guthrie TheGeorge Steffen, 8716 S. 51st atre in Minneapolis. Marty reave.
ports that it was two days well
spent - and that she also had a
Girl Scouts in Cadette Troop chance to visit with her cousin
636 entertained patients at the whose husband is head of the
Monticello Convalescent Cent- university counseling departer on Valentine's Day with a mu- ment.
sical program and refreshments. The girls are working
on a "Sound of Music" production to be presented to various groups in May; are planning a skating party in the near
future, as well as a summer
canoe trip; and are still investigating the possibility of an exchange visit with their sisters
in Hawaii Troop leaders are
the Harley Zhes, 9537 S. 50th
ct., and sponsor is the Sward
Send cheer to Ed Draper,
9556 S LaCrosse ave., hospitalized in MacNeal Memorial
Hospital in Berwyn, and to Phil
Ingerson, 4825 W. 96th st., surgical patient in St. Joseph's
hospital in Chicago.
ato-~t o~ £~
~~~ 424-3653 :
Allan Fletcher, 9119 S. 53rd
ave., freshman student atUniversity of Illinois Circle Campus, has joined Phi Eta Sigma,
honorary freshman fraternity.
He is also a james Scholar,
and was a member of the National Honor Society at Oak
Lawn Community High School.
grade class at Grimes elementary school, 64th and Long, Chicago. Mrs. Vernon (Irene) Burton, 4629 W. 106th pI., a general education major, was a fulltime student at Illinois Techers college, south, for the past
year and a half, and did the rest
in night school, starting in 1962.
The Burtons' children are KathMrs. Alice Schneider, 9540 ryn, age seven and a second
S, Brandt ave., formerprincinal grader at Kolmar school, and
of McDonald school missed a bit Cookie, age 4.
of our weather while vacation***
ing in Florida during February.
New members at Garden Me*•*
thodist church are Mr. and Mrs.
The Girls' Club of Richards Hugh Ashby, Mrs. Marin BedHigh School had a surprise par- alee, Steven Britt, Mrs. Charles
ty March 2 for Mrs. Sheila Ev- Good, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald
ans, Northwest building spon- Grimpe, Mr. and Mrs. Edward
sor, who is moving to Detroit. Kunkel, Carol and Pat Kunkel,
She was gifted with a go charm Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth McDonin the shape of a disc which was ald, Mrs. Daniel Seyman, Mr.
inscribed: 'Good Luck. Girls' and Mrs. Roy Stuart, Mrs. RonClub 1966-67.'
ald Trilling, Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Willhoite, Mr. and Mrs.
The annual Washington and WilHam Beaty of Worth, Mr. and
Lincoln Day Dinner sponsored Mrs. john McMahan of Chicago
by the Illinois Society, Sons of Ridge. Also Mrs. joseph Casthe American Revolution (SAR) t elletti.
was attended by David Wunder,
9235 S. 54th ave. He is a mem***
ber of the George Rogers Clark
Eighth graders at Sward
Chapter in LaGrange, and be- school h a v e
been enjoying
came afflliated with the organ- an 0 the r season of ballroom
ization the same year as Win- dance instruction sponsored by
ston Churchill. Guest speaker the PTA. While learning many
at the dinner meeting was Ver- different steps, including the
Lynn Sprague, director of the 11- Bugaloo, they were also taught
linois Sesquicentennial in 1968, the discipline and social gracand his topic was "Il1inois es which accompany such actiComes of Age...
vities. Enrolled in the after***
noon program were 105 boys
Ingrid Milligan, 9928 S. Ci- and girls, according to Mrs.
cero ave., will be returning to Henry Schuberth, PTA recreaher homeland of Germany this tion chairman.
* ••
month when her husband David, Army Specialist 7 and I8 1
A festive party Feb. 11 for 80
programm~r, returns from a
friends and relatives marKed
year of duty in Korea. They met the 25th wedding anniversary of
while he was stationed in Ger- the Herbert McCarthys, 10020
many and came to the enited S. 52nd ave. The couple renewStates seven years ago. The fa- ed their vows during a mass in
mily which includes two .boys, St. Linus church earlier in the
Mike 17, and Billy, 10, lived in day.
North Dakota and Callfornia be*•*
fore settling in Oak Lawn in
ew first grade teacher at
1964. David was originally from Clark school is Mrs. Kline who
from the Minneapolis
Montana. Ingrid. a florist. has comes
been employed by Hultgen, and area and has taught for seven
years in Minnesota and orth
has also used hertalent in the
capacity of hospitality chair- Dakota. The mother of two small
chlldren, she has been an Il1iman for Sward PTA.
nois resident for the past two
An ambitious housewife and years.
mother of two children hils
completed her education and
The Harvey Fire Departgone to work as a full-time ment's women's auxillaryhostsubstitute teacher in a second ed all community auxiliaries
at the community officers dinner held at Banana's Steak
House, Oak Lawn, Feb 22.
The dinner was held in the
Crystal Room, which was decorated in the George Washington theme.
Members of the Columbus
Manor Fire Department Women's AUxiliary who attended
were: josephine Walker, Clara Snejberg, Anne LaCoco, Amanda Schultz, Myrna Bale, Rita
Martin, and Dorothy Carlachio.
Lucky ladies for the evening
were Mrs. Schultz and Mrs.
af,o-~t o~ £~
~-~ 424-3653.
More than 80 babies have res·
The Richard Petersens and
their four young ladies are gra- ponded to the tender loving care
by Mrs. Thomas
dually getting settled in their dispensed
new home at 9541 S. Brandt (Ruth) lcReynolds, 9001 S. Cicave., which they occupied March ero ave.,inthel years she
1. The former resident, for 17 has been a foster mother. Duryears, was Mrs. Charles Col- ing a brief six months retirement, she tried her hand as a
lings who has moved to 9132
S. Monitor ave. New neighbors nurse's aid inthedeliveryroom
in the Petersens' former dwell- at Christ Community hospital,
ing (also for 17 years), 4853W. but found the work exhausting,
96th st., are Joyce and John and so she Is back in the busiBisbikis with their six-month ness of caring for homeless
old son, Johnnie. Big John, who waifs. In her charge at present
grew up in Oak Lawn, was a are twO little guys, aged five
member of the first graduating months; although her quota, before she moved Into a mobile
class at Oak Lawn High. He
home seven months ago, was
teaches mathematics and
generally four or five at a
coaches wrestling at Reavis,
where his wife also taught beWhen lrs. 1\lcReynolds before they begain raising a famgan her career as a foster parily. They have been liVing in
ent, her son, Randy, now a sophChicago Ridge.
at OLCHS, was just a
Rev. C. H. Draper of Elk baby and she was interested in
supplementing the family inGrove Village will be the guest
speaker at Garden Methodist come without leaving home. She
found this a perfect answer and
Women's Society meeting at
enjoyed the double satisfaction
9:30 a.m. Tuesday, March 21.
of providing a service for people
He is a retired member of the
in need and of getting acquaintRock River Conference and well
ed with the delightful youngknown to parishioners through
sters. She often received babies
pastorates which he served duras young as two and a half
ing his ministerial career and
days old. They stayed various
through visits to the local
lengths of time, and occasionchurch as father of Mrs. Wesally as long as five years.
ley Jensen.
She and her husband, Tom,
the proprietor of Method MasTrinity Lutheran Couples'
ter in the center of town, have
Club has elected these new
raised three children in adofficers for the current year:
dition to Randy and their other
Ray Vogel, 9832 S. Warren ave.
president; Bob Zirngibl, first
vice president; Charles Yeager,
second vice president; Shirley
Grosz, third vice president;
Ruth Seiler, secretary; Colleen Pratt, treasurer; and Arlene Susemiehl, nursery chairman.
Robbins Lodge in Palos was
the noisy scene of an overnight March 3 for members
of the Acapella Choir atOLCHS
and March 10 for the gals in
Athena Tri-Hi-Y.
The dean's list of Illinois
Teachers College now includes
the name of Patricia F. Dougherty, 8735 S. Kolin, in recognition of her sustained superior
scholastic performance as a
part-time charges. They are:
Don, who lives in Worth, is the
father of three children, and
whose wife, Barbara, is also a
foster mother - of two, at present; Barbara Wisner, who lives
with her husband and three
children in Westgate, and has
had foster children; and Tom
in Worth, who works with his
dad and whose wife, Barbara,
is in nurse's training at St.
Xavier College.
Save those goodies as you're
cleaning closets and drawers.
Anything that can be worn or
used by someone else w til
make a perfect donation to any
church group or other organization sponsoring a spring rummage sale. One of those on the
docket is scheduled for April
3 and 4 at Pilgrim United church
by the Women's Guild. Items
may be dropped off at the church
April 2 or 3. For additional in'
call GA 2-7948.
Guild president is Mrs. Harold Richardson, 9711 S. 50th
ct., and sale chairman is Mrs.
Ralph (Betty) Cordes of Evergreen Park.
The Parent Teacher League
of St. Pau Lutheran church will
sponsor an art and science fair
at its meeting Thursday, March
• ••
Heide I. Schladitz, a graduate of Oak Lawn high school,
has accepted membership in
Alpha Lambda Delta, a National Scholastic Honor society for
freshman women, at University
of Illinois Chicago Circle.
• • • • • • • • ********************
ato-~t: o~ £~
: :•
The llllest title to be conferred 0'4 Fran and PercyCump
4844 W. 99th st., is that of
"grandparents". Their son,
David, and his wife. Norma,
became parents of a hefty nine
pound, ten ounce baby boy, David Walter Cump, Jr., March
6. The young family lives in
• ••
Send cheer to Mrs. Charles
(Millie) Reich, 9405 S.Tulley
ave., currently incapacitated
because of a broken leg. Back
in circulation following her recent confinement in Christ
Community hospital is Mrs.
Kenneth (Ethel) Schuemann,
9526 S. Parkside ave.
• ••
Gaddis PTA members heard
Dr. Robert Dolehide of the American Heart Association describe ways of preventing coronary heart diseases at their
March meeting. A spokesman
from Oak Lawn Community High
School outlined the details of
the bond issue to be presented to the voters April 8. Plans
are being made for the PTA's
main fund-raising event ofthe
year, Frontier days, scheduled
for May 6. President is Mrs.
Thomas Maras, 4031 w. 91stpl.
From Garland, Texas, comes
word of the birth of twins to
Bob and Carol Steensma, former residents at 10116 Harnew
rd., E. Cheryl Jean and Robert Allen arrived Feb. 18 and
together weighed almost ten
pounds. The Steensmas have
another son, Jimmy, age 6.
• ••
Guest ci hon~r at a luncheon
March 16 planned by the COVington school teachers was Miss
Irene Bradka, French teacher
in both that building and Hometown, who became Mrs. Glen
Kephart, last v.eekend in the
First Methodist Church of Oak
Park. New faculty member in
School Dist. 123 this year, she
plans to remain.
Members of Brownie Troop
99 enjoyed a performance of
"Alice in Wonderland" presented by the Beverly Hills Junior Women's Club March 18.
Accompanying the girls were
their leaders, Mrs. Betty Anderson, 10324 S. Kenneth ave.,
and Mrs. Betty Massare.10617
S. Kenton ave., along with Mrs.
Pat McLaughlin and Mrs. Pat
Horton, Troop sponsor is the
Kolmar School PTA.
ato-~t: O~ £~
~ ~ 422-3653 :
counducted by Mrs. Thomas
Whalen of Hometown, PTA
Council president. The Council
includes all of the PTAs in
School Dist. 123.
Happy 13th birthday to Briart
Gilmore. 10113 Harnew rd. E.,
seventh grade student in St. Linus school, who will celebrate
the big day March 24 by seeing
"Sound of Music" with his family.
Vicki Burich, nurse at Illinois Masonic Hospital, became
the bride of James Francis
Grace March 11 in St. Vincent
DePaul church of Chicago. She
is the daughter of the Anthony
Buriches who moved several
months ago from their home at
4818 W. 102nd st., to Owensboro, Ky. Vicki graduated from
Eisenhower high school.
Elaine Rodriquez, 9741 Warren ave., Is student teaching
in familiar surroundings - Oak
Lawn Community high school,
from which she graduated in
1963. She is majoring in English at Western Illinois university, with a minor in business,
and is employed part-time by
the English Department. One of
her most exciting courses currently is scuba diving. Elaineis
also a graduate of Gasteyer
elementary school.
Julie McCoy's ninth birthday
March 29 was celebrated with
a bunch of third grade classmates (Sward school) and the
traditional tasty tidbits at her
home, 4949 Paxton rd. The little gal's Easter excitement was
hippety-hopping In and around
Hultgen's Florist shop in a miniature bunny costume.
Covington PTA will host the
next meeting of the Oak LawnHometown PTA Council at 8
p. m. Thursday, April 6. The
program will include a presentation of classroom needs and
future plans for School District
123 by Bruce Middaugh, president of the Board of Education, and the introduction of
school board candidates. Program chairman is Mrs. Stanley
Sarniak, 4841 W 97th pI.
Also on the agenda is the
introduction of the PTA scholarship winner by Mrs. Robert
Eklin, scholarship chairman,
and the election of officers for
1967-68. The meeting will be
There'll be bargains galore
at the Spring Rummage Sale
being sponsored by the Women's Guild of PilgMm United Church of Christ. The doors
will be open from 7 to 9 p. m.
Monday, April 3, from 9:30
a.m. to 4 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.rn.
Tuesday, April 4. Items may
be dropped off at Colonial Hall
Sunday, April 2, or during the
day Monday. For additional information
call GA 2-7948.
Chairman of the sale is Mrs.
(Betty) Cordes of
Evergreen Park, and guild president is Mrs. Harold Richardson, 9711 S. 50th ct.
Earl DuPont, 5846 W. 8lst pI.,
has been elected president of
the Men's Club at St. Raphael's
church. The other new officers
are Herbert Meagher, vicepresident, and Joseph Hilton of
Worth, secretary. Continuing as
treasurer is Edward Forsberg,
The organization meets on the
fourth Tuesday of each month.
•••••••••••••••••• * •••• * ••••
: QtQ-",t o~ £~
'?p"v~ 422-3653 •
•* • • • • * • • • • • • • * •• *.*.*** •• ***
The Gary Engelmanns, 4924
Spring rei, welcomed the second addition to their family
March 7 - a little doll named
Susan Elizabeth who weighed
7 pounds, 13 ounces. The proud
papa teaches sixth grade at Gaddis school, and just recently
earned his master's degree in
administration at orthern Illinois university. Mama taught
kindergarten at Gasteyer school
prior to the arrival of their
other offspring, Andrew, now
The Covington PTA meeting
at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, April 11
will be devoted to a science
fair at which various types of
projects will be exhibited. Miss
Joan Corder, junior high science teacher, is in charge of
the display. Program theme for
the month is "A Time for Lei-
sure" and Mrs. Charles Batzel, 5223 S. 54th ct., program
chairman, extends an invitation
to all parents to leisurely view
:he work done by students in the
At last month's meeting, this
year's officers were re-elected. They are: Mrs. Chester Racinowski, 9232 S. 50th ave.,
president; Mrs. Joseph Ferjak,
vice president; Mrs. Lois Mirabelli, secretary; and Mrs. E.
G. McKee. treasurer.
A "Candidates 'ight" will be
sponsored by the Northwest Oak
Lawn Homeowners Association
at 8 p. m. Tuesday, April 11 in
the Brandt school gym. The
public is invited to meet personally the candidates seeking
election as village trustees and
park commissioners. All who
have filed have been contacted
and have promised to appear.
Each will be given an equal
amount of time for their presentation, which will he followed by a question and answer
period. Refreshments will be
It's a new little son for the served at the close of the meetMark Wagners, 6224 W.91st pI. ing. President is Howard Dwan
Douglas Charles arrived March of 8836 S. 55th ct.
19 weighing a husky eight pounds
Other members of the family
Call 425-8100 for the facts
are Steven, 12; Cindy 10, Chert,
on Oak Lawn Community High
8; and Tami, 6.
School's bond issue. The re••
corded message is being pro"It'll be "April in Paris" at vided by the Oak Lawn Rotary
St. Raphael's Episcopal church,
9701 S. 49th ave., Oak Lawn,
Wednesday, April 12 when Wo"PTA Picture - Color it
men's Guild members put the
finishing touches to their at- Creative" is the theme of the
tractive booths for the Annual Sward PT. meeting at 8 p. m.
Sale and Luncheon. Between the Tuesday, April 11 featuring a
Barbershop Quartet for F athhours of 10 a. m. and 4 p. m.
er's 'ight. Officers for 1967shoppers can make selections
from the delicious assortment 68 will be elected that evening and kinderg:arten room reof homemadepastrles and candies, elegant paintings being exhibited by Mrs. Bea Leonard of
Hammond, Ind., and a wide variety of boutique items.
Luncheon will be served from
11:30 to 1:30p.m. and will feature "Coq au Vin" (Chicken
and rice with wine), tossed salad, French bread, and assorted French pastries. Tickets
are $1. 75 and are available
from Mrs. Edmond Hood, 9519
S. Kostner ave., Oak Lawn, or
may be purchased at the door.
In charge of the yearly event
are Mrs. Richard Bye, 5204
W. 105th pI., guild president,
and Mrs. Robert Simpson, 9722
S. Cook ave., ways and means
Others assisting with the various committees are: Kitchen,
Mrs. Joseph J Iilton of Worth;
white elephants, Mrs. Robert
Henthorne; decorations, Mrs.
Charles Klein, and Mrs. Edmund Smolinski; candy, Mrs.
David Culver and Mrs. T. H.
Gasteyer II; bakery Mrs. Eugene Pahnke, Sr.; waitresses,
Mrs. Edward Forsberg; and
publicity, Mrs. Donald Rogers
of Chicago.
at~t o~£~
~-~ 422-3653
• • **************************
Among the new arrivals are
two little boy babies: Robert
Michael Slavik, whose parents
the Robert Slaviks, live at 8948
S. Central ave.; and Kent Coltman Swanson, whose parents
are the Ronald Swansons, 9218
S. Meade ave. (She is the former Lynn Paser.)
From Downers Grove comes
news of the latest addition to
the Friedrich family, former
residents of Oak Lawn. Gloria
and Bob's third son has been
named Jamie - the others are
Jonathan and Christopher.
Bill Rudolph, 4301 Fairfax
ave., 1965 Eisenhower graduate
and star athlete, has enrolled
this spring quarter at Colorado
State university in Greeley, Co10., and, when not hitting the
books, is pursuing one of his
favorite sportS,baseball. He also excellec'l in football at DOE
high school, and during his senior year, was captain of the
team and was named "most
valuable player". He has previously attended Northern Illinois University and Bogan Junior College.
Linda Schultz was feted at a
bridal shower April 9 by the gals
with whom she works attheOak
Lawn office of Illinois Bell
Telephone Company. She will
become the bride of Bill Maxwell, 9109 S. 54th ct., April 5,
in Pilgrim United Church of
Clri st. Linda is the daughter
of Mrs
Lillian Schultz, and
Bill is the son of the William
Maxwells. Both of the young
people are graduates of Oak
Lawn Community high school.
The Allan Baker, Jr. family
has moved back to Birmingham
Ala. after a five-year residence
in Oak Lawn at 5009 W. 99th st.
Allan works for Stockum Fittings and Valve Company, and
Betty has .served as school edA round of parties have been ucation chairman for the Sward
given for Sharon Talsma, 9742 PTA. TheyhavethreechildrenS. 51st ave., who will become AI, a freshman at HLR high,
the bride of John Michael AlBill, 7th grader, and Denisa,
firevic of Palos Heights, April 6th grader.
15. An Army Private,he has
just returned from Viet Nam
Confirmed at Oak Lawn Comand will next be assigned to a munity Church Presbyterian on
base in Germany. Sharon was Palm Sunday were these boys
showered with miscellaneous and girls Dwight Baillie, Argifts April 3 in the home of thur Glenn Durbin, Carl EdMrs. Duclos, 12310 S. Natchez, win Krause, David Lomalie,
Palos Heights; and personal Preston Van Loon, Kimberly
items March 30 when Mrs. Ann Durbin, Beverly Jean EmLois Olson and Mrs. Lola Tieery, Debra June Fisher, Danberg were co-hostesses in the
na Rita Lomalie,Jennifer LouOlson home at 9608 S. 49th ave.
ise Schehl, and Cynthia Diane
The bride-to-be shared the
spotlight with her fiance and
several members of his family
at a combination shower, birthHeart-warming stories of
day and welcome home party gi- people
helping people make
ven by his parents, the John Al- news every day, but seldom
firevics, on Easter Sunday. are they neighbors living near***
by. Now r,ght in our midst is a
Baptized in Trinity Luther- young couple, the Ed Dolans,
an Church April 2 were Shawn 10717 S. Laramie ave., seekElizabeth DeFries, Catherine ing aid for their nine-month
Ann Kurtzweil, and Sheryl Anne old brain-damaged daughter,
Meghan. She has been examined
at the Doman-De~acotoInstitute
and has had a series of exercises (called patterning) prescribed, which involve three
people, four times a day for
five-minute periods. The program, which treats a child's
brain by non-surgical means is
described in a book entitled,
"Run Away, Little Girl," by
Marilyn M. Segal - the condensed version appeared in the
November, 1966 issue of the
Reader's Digest. and a television program, based on the true
story, was presented earlier
this year. What the family needs
is teenagers or adults with an
occasional five minutes to spare
who would be willing to stop
by and assist with these exercises scheduled for 9 a. m., 11
a. m., 2 p. m., and 4 p. m. each
day, seven days a week. Why not
call 423-7224 and offer your
at~t OaL £~
422-3653 •
The birth of a namesake April
7 was a happy event for the Benyon family, 5904 W. 90th pl.,
Gregory Alfred Benyon, Jr., is
their first son but second offspring - his sis is 18-month-old
Laura Ann. The happy grandparents areMr. and Mrs. Barnard Kryszak, 6838 W. 95th pl.,
and Mrs. Dorothy Benyon, 9629
S. Melvina ave.
• ••
Linda McCollum,
Denise Nyman, Janet Smith,
Cheryl Staley, David Swihart,
Susan VanKlavern, Mary Lynn
VanSickle, and Bill Webb.
All families in the area are
invited to the Mardi Gras celebration at Kolmar school, 105th
and Kolmar ave., Sat., April
22 from 4:30 until 8 p.m. Sponsored by the PTA, the annual
carnival is a cooperative effort involving parents, teachers, and students, and promises
to be fun for everyone.
First of all, a delicious homecooked meal prepared by southern belles and then a stroll
through the country store, the
bakery shop, and thepennycandy display. There'll be lots of
games, popcorn, balloons, and
all sorts of things to strike
your fancy. Everybody's welcomel
A news flash from Down er s
Grove concerns a recent flight
to Las Vegas, via Trans World
Airlines, of the entire Del Richardson family, former residents of Oak Lawn, with Randy
serving as flight engineer for
his dad,. a veteran TWA captain. Mon went along - just for
the ride. Randy, a graduate of
OLCH S and Brown university,
had just completed his training
at the Jack Frye International
Center in Kansas City, Mo., and
is assigned to TWA's Starstr•••
Dr. and Mrs. Earl Adams,
eam Jetliner Flights
9628 S. Tulley ave., have a new
O'Hare Airport.
grandchild - John Paul, who
The mommas and Poppas of lives in Kansas City, Mo., with
Oak Law n Community High his parents, the James Neveus.
school Tri-Hi-Y and Hi-Y club
members will be feted from 4: 30
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Crane,
to 7:30 p.m. Sunday, April 23 9 37 S. Brandt ave., are proud
at Nielsen's
restaurant, new grandparents with the arThere'll be food and entertain- rival of Derek Miles Crane in
ment at the cost of $3.50 per
Peurto Rico. Their son, Dale,
family. On the planning com- and his wife are on a tour of
mittee are Elaine Frantzen, duty with the Navy. The materLinda Lyon, Beth Malosti, Jean- nal grandparents are the Stene McTeague, Ed Nosal, Kathy ven Stanciks of Palos Heights.
Schodorf, Daune Stevenson, and
Bill Surin.
coffee house,
Members of the confirmation 5912 W. Addison ave., Chicago,
class were recently welcomed was the scene of a community
into the fellowship of Garden meeting April 12 for Tri-Hi-Y
Methodist church. The group in- and Hi-Y club members from
cluded Kurt Bihlmayer, Ellen Richards High school. They saw
Blue, Steve Boyle, Vicki Cars- movies of the recent ski trip
tensen, Nancy Diesel, Vicki Ev- sponsored by the South west
met Monte Un g e r,
ans, Gwen Fisher, Karen Ku- YMCA;
billus, Jim Lobbes, Deb b i e bearded ski trip photographer;
and heard some of Chicagoland's best folk singers. Accompanying the group were Del
Arsenault, "Y" staff member,
and Fred Monk, HLR history
teacher and sponsor of Psi Epsilon Hi- Y.
The Confirmation Class of
1967 became full-fledged members of the Trinity Lutheran
Congregation wring a Palm
Sunday worship service. In the
group were Lawrence Baker,
Louis Baker, III, Richard Blatchford, Joe - Kevin Burke,
Ricky Cordova, Warren ElNert
Patti Foca, Claudette Gibson,
Jerry Lee Grosz, Nancy Gustafson, Janis Hamel, Sharon
Harrenberg, Mark Hirsch, Michael Hiryak, Theodore Kaczmarek, Bonita Joy Karmie,
Janette Kelley, Michael Kirk,
Jameson Klasek, Kurt Krueger
Paul Lydigsen, Ian MacRitchie,
Debra Magnuson, William Mitterman, Jr., Cynthia McClure,
Pamela Nelson, James Neuman,
Scott Nielsen, Gayle Miller,
David Olson, Gary Lee Perkins,
Thomas Olson, David Peotter,
Linda Peterson, James Pratt,
III, Arthur Reck, Judith Ann
Reimer, Mary Robinson, Joseph
Seric1, William Skelly, Jr., Gary Smith, Pamela Spero, Kerry
Stoen, Andrea Svane, Thomas
Talsma, Jo Ellen Tieberg, Darlene Ullrich, Donald Wesselhoff
Donna Lee Williams, Robert
Wiltshire, and Denise Witt.
Vicki Twigg Scolari is thoroughly enjoying her student
teaching assignment in the
Lombard elementary school
system. She and her husband,
Jim, are living presently in
Wheaton, but will move to Joliet, his home town, this summer
in order to be closer to his job
wit h the state rehab1l1tation
program. The couple met on the
campus of Eastern Illinois University - he is a 1965 graduate, am she will receive her
degree this spring- and were
married during Vicki's senior
year. Both majored in elementary education. She is the daughter of the Morris Twiggs, 9402
S. 51st ave.
: O"o-",t o~ £~
Get well wishes to Mrs. Gus back to the high school dis• (Helen) Buzanis, 4905 W. 99th trict from which he graduatst., convalescing at home after
recent surgery.
Pastor and Mrs. S. M. Becker are looking forward to a three
week tour this summer of German cities and castles of the Reformation and the life of Martin
Luther. The trip, a gift from
the Trinity Lutheran Church
congregation, marks Pastor
Becker's 15th year of ministry
at Trinity, his 38th ordination
anniversary, and the 450th anniversary of the Reformation,
which Lutherans all over the
world are observing. Included in
the itinerary are such places
as Eisleben, where Luther was
born and died; Wittenberg,
where he taught; the Wartburg
Castle in Eisenbach; and the
cities of Leipzig, Marburg,and
Augsburg. Also, visits to the
Black Forest area, the Alps,
the Rhine, the Danube River,
and several famous German
castles and cathedrals.
Introducing newly elected officers of Roy Clark PTA, all
set to follow in the footsteps of outgoing president, Mrs.
Peter Kelly (heading the line-up). In order, left to righl,they
are: Mrs. Alvin Busch, 10316 S. Long ave., president; Mrs.
Joseph Cipolla, recording secretary; Mrs. William Froemke,
vice president; Mrs. Phillip DeGregorio, treasurer. Not present for the picture - Mrs. William Archaki, corresponding
secretary. The ladies will be formally introduced atthe second annual dinner dance being sponsored by the association. The gala event, scheduled for Wednesday, May 24 at Banana's Steak House, is open to the public and tickets at $3 per
person are available from Mrs. Raymond Weil, GA 3-6197, or
Mrs. DeGregorio, 636-5750. Dinner will be served at 8 p. m.,
with a social hour starting an hour beforehand. The "Three
N's Combo" will provide part of the entertainment.
Mrs. Kelly will preside over the final general PTA meeting of the school year at 8 p.m. Wednesday, May 17. The
program, based on the topic, "Delinquency and Your Children", will be presented by the Rev. Melvin Blume of Christ
Memorial Church, Oak Lawn. Following the discussion and
installation of new officers by Mrs. John Schraeder, president of Barnard school PTA in Chicago, the teachers will take
their places in the classrooms to greet the parents. Refreshments will be served by the kindergarten room representatives: Mrs. Carole Finn. mrs. Helen Witous. Mrs. Pat Leftus,
Mrs. Alice Mahoney, Mrs. Ann Glover, Mrs. Rita Kleinick,
Mrs. Rosemary Canfield, and Mrs. Mary LaVaque.
ed four years ago. He is teaching history at Richards high
school where his brother, Paul
is a junior, and not in any of
his classes. Bastien, who lives
at 4604 W. WIst st., will graduate from Northern Illinois University next month with a degree in political science. He
hopes to teach in a junior high
or high school and preferably,
world history.
* ••
St. Rlphael Episcopalians
will be readily identifiable by
the official church shields affixed to their auto or home
windows. The sale of the colorful stickers is a current
MEN'S Club project.
* **
Don Twigg and his bride, Janice Urbank, are living at 9212
S. 51 st ave., since their recent marriage in the Church
of the Annunciation. Both re
graduates of Oak Lawn Community High School. Don has
served in the Marine Corps,
and is employed by Sunbeam.
She has attended Elmhurst College.
Treat your family to some
goodies at McDonald's, 9128 S.
Cicero ave., Wednesday, May
17 and help the tornado victims.
to "Hi" Braude,
owner, all receipts taken in that
day during business hours, 11
Mrs. Don (Diane) Chapman
a. m. to 11 p. m., will be donated of 9828 S. Cook ave., Oak Lawn,
to th Disaster Fund.
has been elected president of
the Women's Guild for the co***
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Frigo ming year. The other new offiare back in their respective cers are Mrs. Howard Rickclassrooms following a honey- man, first vice president; Mrs.
moon in assau. Mrs. Frigo, Sidney Archbold, second vicethe former Sylvia Alexandra president; Mrs. Philip StevKezes, teaches a fourth grade ens, third vice president;Mrs.
class at the Roy Clark School, Robert Kane, fourth vice presDist. 123. and is a graduate ident; Mrs. Milford Hoyd, reof Northern lllinois l.'niversi- cording secretary; Mrs. Jay
ty. Frigo, also an N.LL'. grad- Ham, corresponding secretary
uate, is a chemistry teacher at and 1rs. James Sim, treasurH. L. Richards high school and er.
is curently completing work
on his master's degree at his
alma mater.
Phil Bastien's student teaching assignment has brought him
:***********.** ••• **.***.**:
at~1; O~ £~
~. 422-3653
eil J. Tarrant, former memThe Hugo Kammerers, 9708 ber of the governing board of
. C. C. W. Elected to serve
S. Minnick ave., are thrilled to
be grandparents at last. A very during 1967-68 are: Mrs. Wilsolid littleaitizen ofeight pounds liam (Marge) Edwards, 10221
nine ounces was welcomed April . 52nd ave., president; Mrs.
24 by their daughter, Gail and Dolores LaVoie, vice-presiher husband, Emil Koschinitski dent; Mrs. Fran Bronson, corsecretary; Mrs.
of Blue Island. She has been responding
Marie McCarthy, recording senamed Maria.
Be sure to visit the Flea cretary; Mrs. Shirley Kaspar,
Market at 95th st. and Cook treasurer. Chairmen of the afave., Saturday, May 20, for at- fair are Mrs. James Brennan,
tractive flower and plant ar- 10141 S. Mulberry ave., and
rangements to brighten your Mrs. William Riordan, 4949
home or someone else's. Mem- Harnew rd. S.
bers of the Oak Lawn Garden
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence SorClub, sponsoring the event, will
be on hand during the hours of ensen, 10360 S. Komeosky ave.,
9 a. m. and 4 p. m. to help you have added a new grandchild to
with your selections Chairmen their list - a bouncing baby boy
are Mrs. Mildred Meloun, 9541 named Eric, whose parents are
S. Major ave., and Mrs. Ida Karen and Bill Hodges of Woodridge.
Mann, 9344 S. Sproat ave.
The Stan Dawsons of 9801 S.
Baptized at Garden Methodist
church last month wereTimothy Kostner ave., and their six offJohn, son of Mr. and Mrs. spring, sailed their new 44-foot
Charles Corbin, 8304 S. La- boat from Frankford, 1ich., to
mon ave.; Beth Louise, daugh- its berth in Jackson Park Harter of Mr. and Mrs. William bor, and are looking forward to
Staley of Chicago Ridge; and another nautical summer.
•• *
Lisa Anne, daughter of Mr.
The Married Couples Club of
and Mrs. Kenneth McDonald,
5317 W. 96th st.
Oak Lawn community church
• • •
enjoyed a progressive dinner
A distinguished group of sci- together May 16. Appetizers
entists from Australia, Belgium were served at the Donald Gisand England were dinner guests selmans in Worth; salads at the
at the George Winslow home. Jens Ostergaards, 5931 W. 90th
4124 W. lOOth st., May 9. They st.; the main dish, prepared bv
were attending a 3-day confer- Claude lelzer, 9541 S. Marience on "High Temperature on ave., was offered at the
Chemistry" at Argonne Lab- church; and the desserts were
oratory, where Winslow is a enjoyed at the home of the Doug
physcicist in the chemistry di- Hausers, 9030 Southfield ave.
• • •
vision. He had previously been
entertained by the Belgian reMrs. Stayton (Arlene) Justpresentative while in Europe. us, 9740 S. Parkside ave., was
one of the delegates from this
• • •
Randy Rowsey, 8731 S. Mel- area to the recent Republican
vina ave., has been named the Women's Convention in Washrecipient of the Phi Mu Alpha in on. She and her cohorts
Sinfonia award by the Mu Xi bunked at the Hilton, and spent
chapter of the Phi Mu Alpha some time with the Chuck PerNational Professional Music cys. Arlene is a former presiFraternity. He is a junior at dent of the Worth Township
Stephen F. Austin state college Women's Republican Organizain Nacogdoches, Texas, major- tion.
ing in music with a biolgy mi**•
nor. Rowsey is a graduate of
lew members at Pilgrim UnOak Lawn Community high
ited Church of Christ in Oak
Lawn are Mr. and 1rs. Ed•
Halleran's restaurant will be ward D. Fuller, Mr. and 1rs.
the scene of a sociable evening Donald Kallquist. Mr. and Mrs.
for members of the Tabernac- Alfred Kruse, Mr. and 1rs. Edle Guild of St. Linus church ward R. Predl, Mrs. Perry
Thursday, May 25. The ladies Scott, Mr. and Irs. Roy H.
will be served dinner at 7 p. m. Zeller, all of Oak Lawn; Lorwith a social hour being held in en J. Peart of Hickory Hills;
advance, and will then see their lr. and Irs. Donald Perry of
new officers installed by Mrs. Chicago; Charles Zimny of Palos Heights.
s- \~ - \9~1
at~1; OaL £~
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. 422-3653
Those two grand parents,
Jane and Morrie Twigg, 9402S.
51st ave., are now grandparents with the arrival May 3 of
John Perry Twigg, a six pound
seven ouncer. The little guy is
the son and heir of the Bill
Twiggs of Winfield.
The Senior Stan Dawsons
were 'gUests of honor at a party lay 13 in the John Sloan
home, 9533 S. Mansfield ave.
They have been in Florida for
the winter and will leave shortly for their summer home in
Baptized May 10 atSt. Raphael's were Todd Rothman, son
of Mr. and Mrs. RobertRothman
of 10420 S. LaCrosse ave.; Kevin and Carolyn Sniatynsky, chlldren of Mr. and Mrs. Lew Sniatynsky, 8755 S. 52nd ave.
Members of Junior Troop
336 enjoyed an outdoor swim
party May 18 in the Lou Kole
pool, 9760 S. 50th ct. Trinity Lutheran
Women sponsor
the group.
Celebrating, birthdays May
23 were these three neighbors
on 54th ct.: Mrs. Vera Maxwell. 9109; Emil Godskesen,
9124; and John J. Rudnik, 9116
Congratulations were also in
order for Mrs. Helen Schiman, 5409 W. 88th st.; Mrs.
Minnie Gregor, 10536 S. Kolin ave.; and Mrs. Nan Fletcher,9300 S. 52nd ave.
• ••
Scouts in JuniorTroop 318 will
treat themselves to dinner and
a play at Drury Lane June 4 as
the finale to a busy year. Their
act i v i tie s
have included
marching in the Oak Lawn Youth
Parade, workinP: on art badges under the guidance of 1\1rs.
Diane Appelgren,art teacher in
the Hickory Hills school system; and earnin,," $100 for the
Disaster Fund through the sale
of soft dri:1ks at the Barbershop Concert. Participating in
the latter were Laurel l'\eu,
Cheryl Bunker, Mari Hofstatter, Sharon Cartensen, Nancy
Bearby, Karen McWilliams,
(troop co mmittee member,) and
Mrs. Conway Bearby, 5061 Wick
dr., (troop leader). Their sponsor is Garden Methodist Commission on Education.
Among the delegates at the
recent 'ICPT (Illinois Congress
of Parents and Teachers) Convention were these represellatives from District 123 PTAs:
Mrs. Thomas Sheehan, Mrs.
Stanley Sarniak, Mrs. Frank
Beran, Mrs. Perry Scott, from
Sward; Mrs. Thomas Cullin and
Mrs. David Morris, Brandt;
Mrs. William von Holst, Mrs.
J. Wagner, and Mrs. Richard
Lober, Gasteyer; Mrs. EugFred Klein,son of Mr. and
ene Tomaszek and Mr. G.Roth, Mrs. Godfrey Klein, 9812 S.
McDonald-Hannum; Mrs. Alvin 51st ave., has received orders
Busch. and Mrs. Phillip De- to report June 28 at the Naval
Gregorio. Clark; Mrs. George Academy, Annapolis, Md. His
Kuper, Mrs. Byron Peterson, appointment carne through both
and Mrs. John Hardeck, Kol- the Naval Reserve, of which he
mar; Mrs. Lee ears, andMrs. has been a member for the past
Anthony Bucki, Hometown. The year, and Congressman DerOak Lawn - Hometown PTA Winski. Fred, a 1966 graduate
Council delegate was Mrs. Tho- of Oak Lawn Community high
Whalen of Hometown, school, has been attending Colpresident. A Brandt contingent .umbia Preparatory School in
was also in evidence among Washington, D.C.
the Convention workers - Mrs.
Lester Hatch, Mrs. Richard
Rebout, and Mrs. Lowell Phillips.
• ••
The new little resident in the
Richard Husch home, 9434 S.
McVicker, is Timothy Steven,
born April 28 - eight pounds,
six and 3/4 ounces He has a
brother, Wayne, 3, and a set of
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Husch, living nearby, 8730
S. Moody ave. The others, Mr.
and Mrs. Alfred Perry moved
to Johnson City, Ill, from Oak
Lawn within the past year.
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at a Solemn ~ass of ThanksgiVing ~ay31 on the 25th anniversary of the ordination to the'
priesthood of Rev. Fr. Leon B.
G. Adams, rector of St. JOhn's
* ••
eel their services during a three
hour teen dance party ~ay 20
in the V. F. W. Hall. The beat
was provided by •rr'he ~ods"
of Oak Lawn and 'rr'he ~otown
Sounds" of Hometown.
An elegant gift of 40 yards of
silk is on its way from Viet
Nam to ~rs. Ellis Smith,
9732 S. Nashville, ave., for~o­
ther's Day. Her son, ~arine
Corp. William Smith, 12th ~ar­
ine Division, purchased the material in four different colors
at 76¢ a yard. He has been in
Viet Nam for the past 15 months
and wfll be returning tot his
country in October. Bill is a
graduate of OLCHS.
It's not too late to register
for the golf lessons being given
by the Oak Lawn Park District
on Wednesday mornings at 10
a.m. at the Central Park building, 94th and Knox ave. The
lessons began ~y 31 and wfll
continue for six weeks. The fee
is $6 and the instructor is the
golf pro at Palos Country Club.
Brenda AUd, 5218 W. State rd., and Virginia ~cCollum,
5307 Otto pl., are shown at capping ceremonies at Illinois
~asonic Hospital school ~ay 19.
This special service is one of the important milestones
in the life of a nursing student, successfully culuminating
her freshman probationary period.
"B" Talaka. administrative
Officers have been elected assistant at the Southwest
to the women's honoraries on YMCA, was guest of honor at
the Northern Illinois Univer- a luncheon ~ay 19 acknowledsity campus.
Barbara Shep- ging her ten years of service
herd has been elected secre- with the organization. Her felltary of the Cwens, sophomore ow employees took part in the
women's honorary.
Walter Durkin.
10200 S.
Crawford ave., was among the
50 Loyola students recently inducted into the University Chapter of Alpha Sigma Nu, NationaI Jesuit Honor Society at the
Lake Shore Club in Chicago.
The three qualifications for
membership are scholarship,
service to others, and loyalty
to Jesuit ideals of higher educatio
~anuel and Ofelia Fernandez,
4409 W. 95th st., Oak Lawn,
were among 142 persons naturalized before U. S. District
Judge James B. Parsons. in
special Law Day ceremonies
The Kenneth Kopfs, 9325 S,
Raymond ave., are "pleased
as punch" to have their son
Bruce home for a few weeks:
An Arm Lieutenant, he has
been in Germany for the past
20 months, during which time he
managed to visit ~unich and to
ski in Austria. Kopt, a graduate of Oak Lawn Community
High school and RosePolyTech
(l'erra Haute, Ind.). has completed a service stint of two
years and will go to work this
summer for Firestone Racing
Division in London, England.
He is a mechanical engineer.
Alfred (Helen)Aulwurm
9533 S. ~innick ave., will present an organ concert in the
Palos Par k Presbyterian
church at 3 p. m. Sunday, June
4. Her selections wlll be 'rr'occata and Fugue in D minor"
by Bach and "Caprice" (the
brook) by Dethler. ~ r s. Aulwurm has many pupils in the
Oak Lawn and Worth areas. Also
appearing will be Steven Schrock of LaGrange, who s e
mother taught for many years
in School District 123, and
Shirley Griffin of Palos Park.
He wlll sing a group of songs
by Dvorak and she, selections
by Schubert.
• • •
The OLCHS Peppers enjoyed
a recent outdoor camping trip
at White Pines State Park in
Oregon,. I~\
The "Bud" Bearbys, 5061
Wick dr., just barely survived
their daughter Nancy's 2th
birthday ~ay 19. She and three
gal pals spent a very busy night
tenting in the backyard. Others
joined the group for a morning
of golf and refreshments the
next day.
• *•
The Disaster Fund was given
Rev. Edmond Hood of St. Rapa $333.40 boost through the eff- hael's church was honored by
Orts of two combos which donat- an invitation to be sub-deacon
If there is a Girl Scout in
your family, you might be interested to know about the new
uniform exchange which has
been established by ~rs. George (Gayle) Ponche, 5008 Oak
Center dr., Those in need of a
bigger size or a different variety wUl be put in contact with
others who have outgrown a r
discarded uniforms on hand•
~rs. Ponche may be reached
at Garden 4-7886.
Louis (Elvira) ~irabelli
formerly of 4828 W. 92nd st.,
(before tornado) was showered
with kitchen and linen gifts by
Covington PTA m em b e rand
neighborss ~ay 25 at the home
of ~rs. Lee VaUera, 4837 W.
92nd st. Among the goodies were
and ironing board, sewing basket, towels, blankets, mixing
bowls, pots and pans, glasses,
and miscellaneous everyday
cooking utensils. The ~irabelli
family will be moving soon into
a new home ft 98th and Tripp
At the final meeting of the
Simmons PTA, members and
their daughters modeled attractive fashions which they had
created themselves. Among the
pivoters were ~rs. David King
Linnea and Naomi Kloese. ~rs.
Baillie, ~rs. Raoul Anderson
and ~onica. ~rs. C. Tsurasaki
and Patty, ~rs. Stayton Justus
Nancy and Regina, ~rs. Herbert
Briggs and Laura, Mrs. Albin
Juraska and Pam, Mrs. Raymond Gorniewicz,
Nietz, Barbara Winter, Pam
Urbanick, and Claudette Gibson.
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a new job as division purchasing agent of U. S. Gypsum for
the head of the household. They
have two children - Robert,
age 8, and Richard, 4.
St. Linus eighth graders presented a condensed version of
"Bye bye Birdie" May 28 for
the benefit of their school library.
Two OLCHS seniors saw "government in action" during a
recent trip to Springfield as
guests of the Oak Lawn League
of Women Voters.
Briggs, 9631 S. Parkside ave.
and Priscilla Petersen, 9541 S.
Brandt ave., accompanied by
Mrs. John Baird, Mrs. Robert
Ihrig, and Mrs. James PasBonnieLu Perschau, 8948 S. quinelli, had dinner with Rep.
Meade ave., is the young lady Bus Yourell, and a lively diswho will head the Junior Girls cussion afterward with him and
Unit of the Johnson-Phelps VFW Rep. Leland Rayson on the proAuxiliary during the doming posed abortion and open occuyear. She will be installed along pancy legislation. During a seswith her fellow officers at a cer- sion in the House of Represenemony Sunday, June 11 at 3 p. m. tatives, the proposal for a Conin the post hall. 9514 S. 52nd stitutional Convention
ave., to which the puhlic is in- passed. and the Senate passvited. Serving as installing offi- ed, and the Senate passed sevcer will be her mother, Mrs. eral mental health bills. Both
Louis Pershacu, past auxiliary young ladies plan to major in
president, assisted by Mrs. political science - Laura at
Harry Frombach of Chicago Lyons Township Junior ColRidge, present auxiliary pres- lege, and Priscilla,a: DePauw
ident, as conductress. BonnieLu university in Greencastle, Ind.
has taken an active part in the Priscilla was also a particiunit's activities (as color bear- pant in the recent Youth in Goer. guard, and treasurer) since vernment program sponsored
she became a member at the age by the Southwest YMCA.
of five, the same year she enter•**
kindergarten in Harnew
9333 S.
schooL In the fall she will enpro at, created one 0 f 550 piecter the junior high at Sim mons
es of polished stone jewelry now
The other officers are Dottie on display at the Field ~1useum
Hejl, senior vice president; .of Natural llistory, Roosevelt
rd. and Lake Shore dr. ThedisMarge Joniak, junior vice president; Renata Martz, treasurer; 'play will continue through June
April Hejl, chaplain; Kim Paar***
en, conductress; Kim Ilejl,
Charlie Stanley, 4945 Paxton
guard; Pamela Weickelt, secrerd., has reported to Ft. Bragg,
tary; and Linda Karalaw, patriN,C. following a visit with his
otic instructor.
folks, the Dean Stanleys An
* ••
Army Private, he completed an
The Richard Niesyto family
eight - week administration
wUl be leaVing their home at
course at Ft. knox, jy. last
9936 S. Maple ave. for one in
month and will he a part of the
Houston, Texas, around the end
Adjutant General Corps at his
of the month. They have lived in
new post. Stanley is a Richards
Oak Lawn for the past eight
high school qraduate and has
years and in the southwest Chiattendedorthern Illinois l nicagoland area all their lives, hut
look forward to the challengeof
OtQ-u-t O~ £~
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•• *.*.***.****
were Port of Spain, Trinidad,
The new president of Athena Montevidea and Rio, Brazil;
Tri-Hi-Y is jan Rocque, 8929 Casablanca, Morocco; Lisbon,
S. 50th ave., who will be a se- Portugal (where Janey lived
nior at Oak Lawn high school in with a family for a week); Cothe fall. She takes business penhagen, Rotterdam, London
courses, and especially enjoy- and Dublin. Janey, whose home
ed being a Pepper last year. Her town is Rapid City, S.Dak.,
assisting officers are Judy Lin- had spent the first part of her
delsee, vice-president; Linda sophomore year at Greeley ColLyon, secretary; Linda Raap, lege in Oolorado.
treasurer; Betsy Ryan, chaplain
world service; Bonnie Mrs. Alleys Enzenbacher, of
ThorPl'!,lnter Club Council re- 5521 W. Oakdale dr., has been'
elected president of the GardThe Athena gals held their en Methodist Woman's Society
last regular club meeting May of Christian Service. Theother
16 at the home of their sponsor Miss Geri Van Der Kreke officers are: Mrs. John Turner,
OLCHS faculty member' had a vice president; Mrs. Ralph
progressive dinner Ma~ 26 _ Mosbaugh,
secretary; Mrs.
appetizers at Carl Eiseniger's Frank Klein, treasurer. Those
soup and salad at Becky Boyce's who will .serve as department
. secretaries are Mrs. William
' dchicken at
C' Bonme
d P G a dd'IS, sp i r it ua 1 lif'
e, Mr.
Th ~rpe s, ess:rt at 1Il y a- Wendell Eary, missionary eriut~k s, nuts, mInts, and. mer- cation' Mrs Phil Major Chrisnment at jan and Priscilla.
Petersen's' and a picnic June nan SOCial concerns; Mrs. Ray
program materi~ls:
7 at Frog' Lake for their new Lumpp,
members, complete with out- Mrs. Lael Fennelssy,~UPPl~es,
door cooking, a sing-along, and and Mrs. Doug as. mbe by,
the disclosure of secret pals. mcember:shiP Culhti.vatlOn. M
ommlttee C airmen:
Don Lundquist, local church
RepresentIng the Oak Lawn activities; Mrs. William Beaty,
Lion.s cl~b at th: State Con- and Mrs. Ronald Wick, publici;.entl~~ In Peoria were the ty; Mrs. Richard Lober, emergBud Dug~ns, the Len Pear- ency; Mrs. Lewis Huber, kitchen;
sons, t.he Jim Stevensons, the and Mrs. William Hawken, sunRay Childers, th: Herm Nebels shine. New nominating commitand the Joe Bnlls. Pearson, tee' Mrs Richard Peterson
4244 W. 99th pl., will be in- Mr~. Harry Wheeler, Mrs. Don~
stalled as pr~sident June 16. aid Evans, Mrs. William SwiOutgoing preSident, Jay Harm, hart, and Mrs. Ronald Wick.
reports a profit of $1100 from
A salad luncheon Tuesday
the recent windshield wash June 20 at 1 p. m. will end the
sponsored by the club for the current year's activities for sotornado disaster fund. Parti- ciety members. The afternoon
CiP?ting were local L~ons and program will be a dramatic
their so~s, plus a contIngent of reading by Mrs. Donald Keyser
Worth LIOns.
of Evergreen Park.
The disaster fund has received a total of $768 from St.
Raphael's Episcopal church _
donations from local parishioners and those in sister churches throughout the contry.
• *•
Members of the OLCHS
A Cappella Choir were un ceremoniously routed out of bed at
an early hour May 27 for a
"come as you are" breakfast
at the home of Gary Sell, 5212
Linda Sarracino, 10037 S. W. 88th st. Some of his fellow
Kildare, spent a busy few days conspirators were Elaine Franafter her arrival home from zen and Ken Davidson.
college entertaining her cousin
Janey Severson, who had many
Lucille and Boh Henthorne,
mascinating stories to tell ab- 9629 S. Brandt ave., managed
fascinating stories to tell about a jaunt to Expo '67 following a
the semester she spent at the recent business trip to Detroit.
University of the Seven Seas. House and babysitters, in their
The student body of 410 lived on absence, were Donna Ilenthorne
board ship and studied the var- Roberts and her hubby
ious countries which they visited. Among the ports of call
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linois university - his was a
bachelor of science and hers, a
P. H. T. (Putting HubbyThrough)
Diane has worked in the miversity personnel department since
their marriage last Septemher.
Bob will begin his carrer as a
chemist with Sinclair Research
in Harvey, and will continue his
aduate work begun during the
past semester, at lIT, in the fall.
The couple has moved from DeKalb to an apartment in Alsip.
She plans to return to a former
job in personnel at the University of Illinois, Circle campus. Bob's parents are /l.lr. and
Mr!l. Robert Woods, 4921 Oak
Center dr.
• ••
Covington school teachers,
principal, secretary, custodians' and long-time PT.-\ member, 1\lrs. William (Vera) laxwell, 910Q • 54th ct., enjoyed
a pleasant end-of-schoollunchCATHY WEBER
eon at the Rranding Iron June 8.
Cathy Weber, 5258 W. 90th st. The conversation centered on
will be Oak Lawn's "Good wllI their individual plans for the
ambassador" in Switzerland summer and the immediate exduring the coming year. She citement in store for Rosalie
leaves this month for the town Kendrick. touring Alaska and
of Corcelles (20 miles from the visiting the cities ()f Juneau,
home of Fred Commend, former Anchorage, and Fairbanks.
exchange student) with brief
stopovers in Philadelphia and
The Men's Club of St. Michthe
etherlands for training
ael's church has scheduled
She'll live with a
Swiss family named Bockli- its annual steak fry for ThursVouga, who grow their own veg- day, June 22, at 8 p. m. at the
etables, raise rabbits, and home of the Joseph Hiltons in
speak French and German. Worth
Members of the family are:
the parents, Walter and FranThe BlII Zehrs, 10246 S.
coise; seven-year old Pierre; 52nd ave., entertained a Swiss
Marianne, 14; and Madelein, 17 aunt and her companion, neither
who wllI be an exchange stud- of whom spoke English, at a
ent in Iowa this year. In mid- family gathering June 11. The
July, they will visit their sum- twosome will spend several
mer home in Normandy, France months in the United States.
C thy was selected for this
• • •
adventure by the International
A warm welcome to new
Christian Youth Exchange com- neighbors at 9933 Harnew rd. E.
mittee of Pilgrim nited Church - 1r. and Mrs. Dave Morris of Christ. She is a recent gra- who formerly lived at 9819 S.
duate of Oak Lawn Community Crawford ave. He is employed
high school, was seventh in her by UARCO (a glue fastener opclass, and a member of the a- erator) and she, by North Amtional Honor Society for the erican
Accident Insurance
past three years. She has also company. Their homewasprebeen in the A Cappella Choir, viously occupied by the Bob Fothe French Club. and the GAA. gle family (for the past ten
Her four
year study of the
months), as they awaited comFrench language should be a pletion of their new dwelling in
considerable asset. She will at- Brandywine, in the Oakbrook
tend an all girl school of 500 area. Their former address was summer music camp of Illinois
5055 Wick dr.
Wesleyan University at East
Bay Camp, on Lake BloomingBob Woods and his wife, DiChuck PrllI, 9400 S. 84th ct. ton. The camp lasts from June
ane, proudly accepted degrees is among 145 high school stud- 11 June 24.
during the recent commence- ents attending the 15th annual
ment exercises at Northern 11-
• •
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Chicago Academy of Fine Arts
and McCormick Theological Seminary. Prior to her present
involvement. she served as a
volunteer trainer for the Girl
Scouts, and is still an associate member of the organization.
Bernard P. Flaherty, 4215
W. 95th st., and James L. Ridderhoff. 4529 W. 99th st.• were
among the graduates of the University of Illinois Medical Center Campus in Chicago, last
June 9. Flaherty received his
diploma from the graduate college. and Ridderhoff from the
pharmacy school.
Charlene Reich was valedictorian of the 1967 class which
graduated from Illinois Masonic Hospital school of nursing
June 25 at the Scottish Rites
Cathedral in Chicago. The
daughter of Charles Reich. public works director for the VUlage of Oak Lawn, and his wife.
Amelia. 9405 S. Tulley ave.•
she had previously graduated
from Oak Lawn Community high
school. Charlene plans to work
in the department of Orthopedics and Neurology at Illinois
Baptized in Pilgrim united
Church of Christ June 11 were
Jeffrey Allan. son of Mr. and
Mrs. Allan F. Glaser. 49000ak
Center dr., and Robert Allan.
son of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd W.
Haerr of Hometown. and grandson of Mrs Harold Hartman.
9221 S. 50th ave.
"How To Study in College"
is the title of a one-week evening course being offered at the
Harvey YMCA July 10 to 14. 7
to 9 p m. for high school graduates. This series will include
pointers on the &.-t of listening, how to take lecture notes.
techniques of review. themes
and reports. preparing for and
taking tests. how to plan your
tirre, and personal problems
in adjusting to college living.
Fee for the course is $18 - applications are available from
the "Y" 178 E. 155th st., or
call ED 1-6500.
Janet Olson, 9608 S. 49th
ave.. was guest of honor at a
bridal 'lhower June 17 in the
home of Donna Henthorne Ro-
Mrs. Harry(Vi) Baker, 10004
S.Tripp ave., was entertained
by a group of friends June 21 at
Beverly Woods restaurant. She
and her husband will be moving
next month to Richardson. Tex.
a suburb of Dallas, after living
in Oak Lawn for 16 years. He
is employed by General Portland Cement, and she is an administrative clerk in the central
office of Evergreen Park school
district 124 Their boys will
continue their education in this
area - Bruce is a senior at
Loyola Medical school and Brian is a senior at I.I.T.
Mrs. Lloyd (Theresa) Germann, 9616 S. Parkside ave.•
recently attended a two-week
special graduate course in
Theology for selected assistants in Christian education at
Edens Seminary in St. Louis.
She has served as C.E. assistant at Pilgrim United Church
of Christ for the past seven
years and has, at the same
time, taken an active part in
the Chri stian education committee of the Illinois Conference. the. C. E. Association. and
the South SideC. E. Committee (which conducts leadership
training sessions three times a
Mrs. Germann has attended
various seminars on leadership development at Purdue universit)'. and was part of a
team of ministers and directors representing the Illinois
Council of Churches which
toured central Illinois and led
discussions on "Ministry to
the Family" in local churches. She was educated at the
The Oak Lawn VFW Post is
among the many posts that have
sponsored parties for the veterans who are patients at ManteroState Hospital.
At the party. food was served
games were played, and prizes
were awarded. Lunches were
also sent to wards where veterans were unable to atted.
berts. 4829 N. Kimball ave..
Chicago. Co-hostess was Sharon Paden Pedigo of Worth.
and the group included friends
with whom Janet had attended
Sward School ( in addition to the
hostess) - Kathy Rosenthal.Dale
Barz. Nancy Lamparter, and
Debbie Ellis. Alsopresentwere
Mrs. Edgar Olson andherother daughter. Gloria. Mrs. Robert Henthorne and Barbara. and
Mrs. Paden. Janet will bemarried July 1 to Leslie Blair of
Paris. Ill.
GJb Scouts in Pack 4481 conducted a most successful paper
drive June 17 under the supervision of Cubmaster Alvin Wid~
el, 9824 S. 50th ct. Sponsor of
the pack is Sward School PTA.
dinner together June 11 at the
Martinique restaurant as they
bid "farewell" to their outgoing president. Karen Price,
and the other graduating members. Their summer activities
will include a car wash and an
Barbara Price. 4037 WainPi Theta Tri-Hi- Y gals have wright, w111 act as one of the
chosen Terry Phillipp. 10041 S.
counselors and therapists for
Kildare ave., for their presi- over 50 handicapped children
dent during the coming year.
as part of Northern Illinois
She will be a senior at Harold University's Residential Speech
L. Richards high school this and Hearing Program.
fall. and w ill also be serving
She is the daughter of Mr.
as first vice president of the and Mrs. A. T. Price.
Girls' Club. Her assisting officers are Pam LaCoY. vice
president; Carole Smith. secretary; KathyO'Hare, treasurer; and Judy Weitzel, chaplain. The young ladies enjoyed
:•. af,~t o~ £~ :•
Three boys in the St. Raphael parish completed their
training as acolytes and were
vested in their cottas at a
June 25 worship service. They
are Laur! Salovaara, 4113
Wainwright; Paul Koncevic, of
10816 S. Crawford ave.; and
Thomas Harvey of Chicago
Ridge. Their teachers were
J. S. Hilton of Worth, and Harold Harvey.
The couple were married in
Gary and lived in Chicago until their move 15 years ago to
Oak Lawn. Their son and his
wife, Phyllis, were already residents of the communityatthat
time. The Swahns have four
grandchildren - Richard, employed by the Pennsylvania railroad (also his dad's employer);
Susie, an OLCHS senior; Steve,
a sophomore at Oak Lawn high
in the fall; and Brad, a secSt. Raphael's Junior Choir ond grader at Sward school.
members were guests at a recent party at the home of their
director Mrs. A. L. Lorincz,
(CNS) Eight south suburban
9905 S. Kilborun ave.
residents were among the 130
.. •
new citizens sworn in last week
At a recent school district 123 in ceremonies before U. S. Disboard
of education meeting trict Court Judge Hubert L.
Mrs. Clarence Hosman, 9308 Will.
The new Americans are:
S. Tulley ave., was presentMartin Vanco, 7813 S. Meleel with a plaque honoring the
memory of her late husband, vina, Oak Lawn; Alphonse Aruna custodian in the Hometown as, 6220 W. 86th pI., South
school for 14 years prior to his Stickney, Oak Lawn, John Ralph
death last October. Her daugh- ~utsch, 5720 W. Chaucer dr.,
Debby and Judy were al- Oak Forest; and Edmund Fens~~resent. A simiiar plaque nel Phillips, 4104 W 91st pl.,
will also be hung in the school Oak Lawn.
at a later date - a library shelf
1- r~-\qb1
for extra special books has already been dedicated to the loved and respected man for his
years of faithful service.
Introducing Judy Jones, 9536
S. 52nd ave., 1967-68 president of Afiliae Tri-Hi- Y. She
will be a senior at Oak Lawn
Community high school in the
fall, and a member of the Student Council for the third year.
She served as Junior class treasurer and is a Pepper. Assisting Judy will be Cindy Pacourek
vice president; Sue Havlik, secretary; Karen Katsenes, treasurer; Val Wintercorn, chaplain; Connie Vail of Hometown,
sergeant at arms; Janet Vanklavern. Inter Club Council representative, along with Carol
Brooks; Kathy Scott, world service.
New members were welcomed into the club at an ice cream
social held at the president's
home and the entire group will
be attending an All Club picnic
later this month. Formal club
activities will resume when the
girls are back in school, according to Judy.
Sandy Cump, 4844 W 99th
st., vacationed in the East, attending the wedding of a friend
and spending sometfme at E xpo '67. She is a caseworker
with the Cook County Department of Public Aid. The younger members oftheCump household, Paul and Charlie, both
OLCHS students, are enjoying a
two-week session at a "Y"
camp in Independence, Mo. Paul
is a leader in training and
Charlie, a junior counselor.
Birthdays are a "double delight" when shared with a twin.
Little Sara and Adam Zart,
whose parents. the F. J. Zarts,
and grandparents, the John A.
Millirons, live at 9548 S. 1cVicker ave., will celebrate their
fourth birthday July 17 with ice
cream, cake, balloons, and four
pals. Their guests will be Billy DePattie, 6911 W. 96th pI.;
Pamela, Barbara, and Johnny
Garcia of Worth.
Frederique Gaide, French
exchange student sponsored by
Pilgrim United Church of Christ
will say "farewell" to her American family, the Walter Dales,
9601 S. 50th ct., July 28. They
showed her a bit of the United
States on a recent lO-day trek
to Mississippi to visit Mrs
Dale's folks - the Washington
D.C. area had already been
covered by Frederique on an
earlier trip with OLCHS classmates. Leslie Dale will be leav·
ing in mid-July for Ceuta, Morocco where she \Yill stay with
a family she met last year
while in Europe, and will spend
a night with the Gaides on her
way back.
The Bill Staleys have moved
from their home in Chicago
Ridge for the past 11 years to
5121 Wolfe dr. They bring with
them six offspring: Cheryl, 121/2; Gary, 11, Lynn, 7; Kurt,
5; Kevin 3, and Baby Beth, 4
months. Staley is the proprietor of a television and radio
A golden wedding anniversary
was the occasion for a family
gathering last month at the Ken
Swahn home, 4831 \\'. 98th pI. to
honor his folks. Mr. and 1rs.
Ernest Swahn, 9936 Harnew rd.
e. Dresent were his sister,
1 rs, Hazel Steindl of Chicago;
her brother, George Berg of
1'-1ilwaukee; and his cousens,
Lou i s Pearso:l 0' Downers
Grove: and Carl Larson of Park
: at~t
OaL £~
Two Thai teens were guests of the William Zehrs, 10246
S. 52nd ave., when a contingent of AFS students from California spent a weekend in the Oak Lawn area Nicknamed
"Jim" and "Jew", they are shown here with their teen
hosts: left to right, Elise Zehr, Pranom Totanakasem from
Pickit, Thailand, John Zehr, Fukiat Satsaguan from Bangkok, Thailand, and Colette Barton, 10404 S. 52nd ave. In
a whirlwind of activity they were whisked to the Pilgrim
Coffee House, through town to view the tornado damage.,
to Melody Lane., to Oakbrook on a shopping spree which
included a brief stopover at the Hinsdale Oasis, to a swim
party and outdoor dance at the Memorial Park in Blue Island, to the Museum of Science and Industry, the Planetarium , Navy Pier, the Loop,Old Town and Chinatown.
The girls' suitcases were bulging with new purchases and
souvenirs from the "windy city" when they rejoined their
group (45 students representing 24 countries) and headed
for the East coast.
Donald Oyler, assistant superintendent of School District
123, is attending a six-week
Cooperative Educational Research laboratory session at
Lawrence university, Appleton, Wis.. It concerns the developments of techniques to be
used in educating local school
district staff members. His expenses are being paid by the
South Cook County Educational
Development Cooperative.
•• •
Central Park is "where the
action is" on Saturday nights
from 8 to 11 p.m. Various local combos provide the beat
for the teens who assemble at
the weekly dances sponsored
by the Oak Lawn Park District
and the Southwest YMCA. A
s p e c i al summer committee
for hiring the
groups, collecting the entrance
fee ($1 per person), securing
chaperones, etc., includes Dan
Whitton, Dave Anderson, John
Krush, Bill Slowik, Tom Kasley, Bob Pitcher, Bob Smith,
Ed Smith, Gary Meade, Charles
LaFrancis, Dave Van Warren,
Roy Kammerer, and Lee Finder.
• ••
The most recent business
trip for Shirley and David Wunder, 9235 S. 54th ave., took
them to the Alderbrook Inn in
Union, Wash., (near Seattle),
and a Midwest Securities Administrators meeting. Wunder
represented the Securities Division of the Illinois Secretary
of State.
John Kuhfahl. former associate exceutive director of the
Southwest "Y" has been named
"General Executive"
of the
Buffalo (N.Y.) YMCA. He has
been serving as Metropolitan
High School Program Director
since leaving the Oak Lawn office.
• ••
Island hopping in the Bahamas, basking in the sun, and lolling on the various beaches
sounds llke anybody's dreambut Jack Pirie., 4028 W. 106th
pl., made it come true., although it was more llke a nightmare. His !Dlo adventure began
7-20 -\9.1
at Marsh Harbor in the Grand
Bahamas when he picked up a
27-foot rented sailboat (three
sails), 15 gallons of water, a
supply of canned goods, and half
an hour of instruction from the
boat's owner.
His previous
saillng experience had taken
place over a four-year span
in a single sail, 14-foot porpoise at Sister's Lake, Mich.
Feeling very much like Burt
Lancaster in his sporty yachting cap, he set sail for his first
port, May of War Cry.
There, seasoned yachtsmen
lined the dock as he made his
first landing, getting knocked
lnto the pit as three tons of
sail descented on top of him.
He kept the group entertained
with his next maneuver - mistakenly unplugging the dinghy
and sinking with it to the bottom of the harbor. The other
islands visited were., for the
most part, uninhabited - Cotland Cay, Great Guana, Gumelmi, Wh a I e., Treasure, and
Green turtle. It was on the
latter that he spent his one
night on terra firma, and as
the only motel guest, was treated to a special showing of
"Sinking of the Bismarck",
projected on a sheet between
two trees.
He managed to get his boat
hung up on a reef for a day
and a half, cut his foot on a
sharp shell, ride into a gale
which tipped him to a 70 degree angle., and to just miss
being engulfed by a seche. On
the plus side., however, were
hours of skin diving, collecting elegant rocks and shells,
swimming with a school of
angel fish, and seeing strange
and beautiful flora and fauna
in the tripical jungles. He arrived back at O'Hare in a pair
of shorts, cap perched rakishly on his head, three straw
bags dangllng from one arm,
skinnier than when he left,
sunburned, extremely tired,
but a happier man for having a
dream come true.
a&~t o~ £~
422-3653 ..
"Katy" Murphy, 4923 W. 99th
st., was the center of attention
at a bridal shower July 19 in
the home of Mrs. Richard Petersen, 9541 S. Brandt ave.
She will become Mrs .James
Rer1cha Aug. 12. Among the
guests were her future mother-in-law, Mrs. RrankRer1cha
of Downers Grove; her mother,
Mrs. John J. murphy; and a
number of family friends.
• • •
Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Ball.
10625 S. Lockwood ave., add-
7 -11- \Q".-1
ed an eleventh offspring to
their family this month, and
are delighted to have another
daughter after a succession of
The Walther Leagues at St.
eight sons. The little doll is
Paul Lutheran church are connamed Wendy Diane.
tinuing their activities during
• • •
. The Parent Teacher League the summer under the directof St. Paul Luthera n church ion of new officers. The Freshschool has e 1e c ted William man-S9phomore League electBrown. 10140 S. 53rd ave., as ed Gary Kloess, president;
president for 1967-68. The ot- David Platt, vice president;
Dottie Pralle, secretary; Harher officers and chairmen are:
Harry Musser, vice-president; ry Petersen, treasurer; Debbie
Mrs. Evelyn Neely, secretary; Pesek, Christian growth chairman. Last month the group went
Mrs. Barbara Steuben, treasurer; Mrs. Janet Hince, pro- to Warren Dunes, this month
gram; Mrs. Lorraine Zagra- to Starved Rock, and has schedkalis, refreshments; Mrs. Eve- uled a jaunt to Lake Geneva
lyn Racek, membership; Er- for Aug. 26.
Officers of the Junior·. Senwin Fenzau, publicity; Mrs.'
C h a rio tt e Thompson, room ior League are Vicki Gilchrist, president; June Petermothers.
The organization meets the sen. vice president; Anne Zap.
third Tuesday of each month latosch, secretary; Linda Betduring the school year. Its ka, treasurer; and Jean Almain fund -r a lsi n g project, brecht. Christian growth chalr"Hot Dog Days", has made man.The group Nill go to Warpossible the purchase of kit- ren Dunes Aug. 12 and join
chen equipment, a microphone forces with the other league
typewriter for the for the Lake Geneva outing.
school office, a television set,
shades for windows of classThe Heffernans, 1ary and
rooms with southern exposure, Frank, 4925 Oak Center dr.,
microscope, furniture for prin- have left Oak Lawn after an
cipal's office, and a science eleven year residence for Park
Current chairman is City, Fla. (near l\l1aml). He has
Mrs. Dolores Musser, 8400 S. been retired from the CTA for
Lockwood ave.
several years, and she just
completed 30 years of partGet well wishes to Mrs. time employment at \Viebolts.
George (Estelle) Flint, 10120 They will move Into a mobile
S. Cicero ave., in Christ Com- home in a retirement community hospital with a broken munity.
leg, suffered In a fall; and to
Teddie Smolinski, 10132 S.
First grandchild for the Ro52nd ave., who is nome after
bert \\'estergrens and the Roy
undergoing a series of tests Vandenbergs Is a five pound,
and coincidentally celebrating
his 19th birthday in Little Com- fifteen ounce baby boy. Michael Alan. The little guy's parpany of Mary Hospital,
ents are Lynn and 1ike VanThe Paul Havlik family, 5413 denberg of Chicago.
W. 89th st., vacationed at Lake
The new residents at 9559 S.
Tomahawk, Wis., and took along
Judy jones, a pal of their- Brandt ave., are Elaine and
Chris Coniglio, who formerly
daughter Sue.
lived at 5125 \\'. lOOth st. They
have two children. Lisa, a first
Welcome to our new neighgrader at Sward schol, and J efbors, the Frank J. Lockfrey, age four. Chris sells inwood's, who recently moved insurance for the Bob Stitt Agency
to their new home at 9258 Lyn- and Elaine has taught at Covwood dr. Mr. and Mrs. Lock- ington school,
wood and their seven children,
formerly resided in Chicago
• ••
Gwen Gulik. 10604 S. Kolmar
ave., is the Richards senior gal
who has been chosen president
of Rho Epsilon Tri-Hi-Y Club
for the coning year. She is a
member of the Fine Arts Club
and Girls Club: and has been
on the staff of the Bow Wow
Bulletin (school newspaper).
She most recently served as
one of the teen hosts at the
Southwest YMCA Community
Committee luncheon.
Her fellow officers, all from
Oak Lawn and also seniors,
are: Pam Johnson. vice president: Sharon Disabato, secretary: Nan Houdek. treasurer:
Phyllis Langland, chaplain:
Cheri Stillwell, sergeant-atanns: Laurie Haedtler, Interclub Council representative:
Sue Byrne, world service.
The club is having meetings
during the summer and is currently planning a car wash.
The Johnson-Phelps V.F. W.
Post hall, 9514 S. 52nd ave.,
will be the scene of a gala
party Saturday, Aug. 5 honoring Dr. Joseph Lieberstein of
Palos Park. He has just completed a year as Surgeoir General. National Veterans of Foreign Wars, while serving in
the same capacity for the Department of Illinois, the Third
District. and the JohnsonPhelps Post. He has carried on
a district blood bank program.
and has visited all of the Veterans Administration hospitals
in Illinois and many in other
The festivities will start at
8:30 p.m. and will include a
brief ceremony. during which
he will be presented with a
gift: refreshments: and a buffet
supper, to be served by the
auxiliary ladies. Master of
cere monies will be Ray Soden
National Voice of Democracy
chairman and past commander
of the Department of Illinois.
Chairmen of the affair will be
Edwin Maciong, 5413 W. Alexander pI., past commander of
the local post, and Mrs. James
Bennett, 9510 S. 55th ct., past
president of the local auxiliary.
Qf,o-n-t o~ £~
~ .
~*****.*.** •• *******.****.**
The St. Linus parking lot is
a beehive of activity on Monday nights when various combos
provide the beat for teenagers'
dancing feet. The admission
charge is 50¢ and the weekly
dances are sponsored by the
St. Linus Teen Club, with Mrs.
Millie Cronin acting as chaperone chairman. Adult volunteers with a few hours to spare
are urged to contact her at GA
Joan Carberry, 9123 S, 53rd
ave., became "sweet sixteen"
last month and marked the happy occasion with an outdoor
barbecue to which she invited
nine gal pals - Susan Anderson, Dianne Milashoski, Mary
Anne Madden, Susan Zarnecki,
Diane Patch, Colleen Brady,
Marilyn Boyce of Hometown,
Marge O'Halloran and Janet
Coleman, both of Chicago. Joan
is a junior at Queen of Peace
High School, and enjoys her
history classes most of all, and
loves to horseback ride in her
spare time, budget permitting.
A number of Oak Lawn folks
were in Marshaltown, Ia., July
29 when Barbara Jean Dobron
became the bride of Robert
Gerald Harken in the Elim Lutheran Church. The group included the Kenneth Swahns, the
A. J. DeLances, the Will Gierach family, Alice and Bob Ihrig, the Bob Lydigsens, Barb
Weeber, Ann Murphy, and Rita
Lee. The Dobrons formerly lived in Oak Lawn, and Barbara
• ••
Wort~ of'your support are the
"Annual l:3enefit Nights" being
sponsored by the Oak Lawn Police Department Club Aug. 21
through 24, Aug. 28 through 31
at the Double Drive In Theatre,
2800 Columbus dr., Chicago.
Last year's proceeds provided
camera equipment,
radios, training films, ammunition for training purposes,
and safety helmets for the department; and helped to offset the cost of safety folders
distributed to juveniles, the
sponsorship of three Little
League teams and three bowling teams, and the entertainment for 500 safety patrol boys
and girls. If you haven't already forwarded your check for the
tickets received in the mail, it's
not too late. More may be obtained at the Police Station,
9433 S. Cook ave.
• ••
Ed Winkler, 6456 W. 93rd pI.
is leaving School District 123
after 15 years to become principal of Crab Orchard Junior
high school in Palos Heights,
district 128. His new
Supt. Henry Hoppe, was formerly his boss as principal of
Hometown school. Winkler has
taught physical education and
health in the Hometown, Gaddis,
Covington, and Clark
~- \0 - \,,\<01
Marge and Jim Irwin, 10032
Harnew rd. E•• became grandparents May 4 when their daugh
ter Suzanne, presented her
hu;band, Guillermo (Bill) Meneses, with identical twin girls,
Cristina Marie and Theresa
Ruth. Each weighed four and
one half pounds at birth. The
young family lives on the northwest side of Chicago.
• ••
The Phillip Fassiottos, 9135
S. 54th ct, vacationed in Montana, South Dakota, ebraska,
and Colorado, stopping along
the way to visit with relatives.
Their daughter, Linda, took
Kathy Scott, 5409 W. Otto pl.,
as her guest, and then joined
Kathy's folks on a trip to Montreal. Both YOtmg ladies are
students at Oak Lawn Commtmity high school.
• ••
A Progressive Dinner for
the Couples Club at Garden
Methodist church July 22 was
a huge success, with hors d'·
oeuvres at the Fetters home,
the main course at Van Klavems, 4621 W. 98th pl., and
homemade ice cream with cake
at Lumpps. Twenty-four couples participated.
Marlene and Kurt Roth;, 6634
W. 95th st., became the parents of a little doll, Kimberly, July 24, who weighed six
pounds, eight ounces. Her grand
are Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas Manz, 9822 S. Minnick
• ••
Mrs. Elmer (Esther) Anderson, 10124 S. Cicero ave., was
recently hospitalized in Christ
Community hospital.
The Oppenheims, Helen and
Ted,. 5836 Lynwood dr., headed
for Alaska with their son, Mark
following his 3D-day leave from
his Airbase in Anchorage. In
diesel engine maintenance, he
has seen a good bit of the
country-side - Tin City, on the
Bering Strait; Shemya, near the
Aleutian Islands; and Ft. Yukon
north of the Arctic Circle. His
folks included the latter in their
itinerary, as well as Prince
Rupert, which they reached via
the Marine Highway, Sitka, Juneau, where they visited a friend
and Fairbanks, to which they
rode the Alaska Railroad from
Anchorage, taking in McKinley
National Park on the way.
• ••
The past month has been a
delight for the Gil Lindelsees,
9825 S. 54th ave., as they have
gotten acquainted with the newest addition to their family Anne Margrethe Lindaas from
Haugusund, Norway. They not
only share a similar name but
also an avid interest in camping which will be tested out in
a forthcoming excursion to the
"wild west".
Anne is 17 years old, speaks
excellent English, and is very
friendly and outgoing. At home,
her father is chief engineer of
the town (population - 18,000),
her mother is a registered
nurse who works part time in
the hospital, and she has an
ll-year old sister and a 13year old brother. Her Oak Lawn
family is a little larger, with
two sisters, Jean a freshman
this fall at Thornton Junior College, and Judy, an OLCHS senior; and Bobbie who will be
entering seventh grade at Sward
Anne has brought with her an
elegant native costume, many
slides showing the Norwegian
countryside, and her Girl Scout
tmlform, which she showed off
to day campers at a recent session. She is active in her church
and Y 1C.-\, and hopes to follow in her mother's footsteps
someday. She will attend Oak
Lawn high school and Pilgrim
United Church of Christ, which
is sponsoring her under the International
Christian Youth
Exchange Program.
¢**************** ••••••••••
'af,~t o~ £~
. .
week-long convention in Chi-
cago was also a 50th anniversary celebration for the association.
Marie and Irv Rudolph, 4301
Fairfax, were at Ft. Leonard
Wood, Mo., for parents' weekend. Their son, Bill, became a
G.t July 7 and will complete
his basic training next month.
• ••
Barb Wee~. 10124 S, 53rd
ave., is the attractive young
school-marm who wlll be greeting fourth graders in the Kimberly Heights school of Tinley
Park when classes start. Sheis
a recent graduate of Central
University (pella, Ia.) where
she served on the Student Council, was a member of the
Queen's Court for Athletic Achievements, and was chosen
"Best Dressed Girl" last year.
Her specialty is science, which
she taught to sixth, seventh, and
eighth graders of Pella during
her practice session.
Barb is also a graduate of
Eisenhower high school, and attended Trinity college in Palos,
for her freshman year. She
spends her summer working at
the Oak Lawn Pool. Her brother, Bob, wlll begin his college
studies at Central this fall - he
is a recent graduate of H. L.
Richards high school.
• ••
Ruth and Joe D'Amico, 9212
S, Sproat ave., spentthree heavenly weeks this summer in Hawaii with their daughter, Diane and her husband, David
Anderson, at the Schofield Army Base on Oahu. The young
have been stationed
there since April and wlll remain another month or so.
The D'Amicos thoroughly enjoyed the friendly Hawaiian
people and the relaxed atmosphere. They drove 1,000 miles
in a rented car, missing few
of the island's attractions.
During their stay, they were
entertained by Mrs. Evelyn
Laubaugh, (fonner Oak Lawn
resident and first grade teacher at Cook School) and her
husband, Russell, who is with
the F.A.A. They've lived in Hawall for the past eight years.
Their house guests earlier in
the summer were Village President Fred Dumke and his wife
• ••
The new little charmer at
10053 Harnew rd. E. is named Pamela. She was born several months ago and is the
third offspring for Lynn and
Jerry Taylor. He is on the Oak
Lawn Pollee Force.
Mrs. Charles Cavaiani and
Richard Bovey, 5029 W. WIst
Mrs. Robert Ihrig entertained
st., has been accepted by the
friends who. would be attendUniversity of Notre Dame,
ing the American Dietetic AsSchool of Law. A recent gradsociation convention at a party ·uate of Upper Iowa UniversiAug. 13 in the Cavaiani home,
ty, he was a member of the
Tutor Scholastic Society and
10028 S. Cook ave. Among the
co-editor of the college newsguests were Mr. ;and Mrs. Ralph
paper. He was also a member
Kline of Glen Ellyn, fonner
and officer of the Political Isresidents of Oak Lawn - she
was a food consultant at Hlllsues club.
mans' when the local store first
opened; Mrs. Carl Lessing of
Glen Ellyn; Miss Jessie Johnston of Chicago, and Miss Esther Rhoades of New York,
home economists for
Corning Glass; Mrs. Roger
BalUette of Madison, Wise.;
Mrs. Jean Lorentz ofOak Lawn,
dietician {or American Dairy;
Mr. and Mrs. Don Lee - she's
a home economist with McCall Pattern Company. The
o~ £~
~ . 422-3653 •
Vicki Twigg Scolari and her
Rich Paulsen, 9811 S, Tulley
little daughter, Christine,were ave., a recent graduate of Norshowered with gifts at a re~ thern Illinois University, is
cent party in the home of Mrs. presently working on his masEarl Oftedahl, 4608 W. 98th st. ter's degree at the Art InstiAmong the guests wer.e Mrs. tute.
Morrie Twigg (Grandma) Mrs.
Miss Antonine Federico,
William Twigg, Mrs. Del Richardson of Downers crove, 4229 W. 99th st., Oak Lawn,
John Broom and her was among the recipients of
daughter, Bonnie, Mrs. Per- Northern Illinois University,
cy Cump, Jr., and her daugh- DeKalb, Alumni Association
ter, Sandy, Mrs. HenryBatten- grants-in-aid. She is the dauburg of Harvey, the new Mrs. ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Mel Oftedahl, and Linda Ofte- J. Federico.
• •
dahl, who was co-hostess with
Members of the Talowa (Indher mother.
ian Guide) Tribe had a "heap
Betty and Joe Carberry, 9123 big" weekend at the summer
S. 53rd ave., spent a recent cottage of the Jack Pirie famweekend in Newport, N.J., at- ily, 4028 W. 106th pI., located on
tending a niece's wedding and a Big Crooked Lake in Michigan.
reunion of the Carberry clan. Twenty-two big braves, little
Relatives came from various braves, squaws, and miscellaparts of the state, and Ol)e neous family members gathgroup from California. Their ered together for meals - 40
daughter, Joan, was chief cook chicken legs and 40 chicken
and bottle washer in their ab- breasts disappeared in nothing
flat at one repast. Hot dogs and
marshmallows were the piecl
One day at Expo '67 was en- de resistance at a campfire
ough for the Jack Springer family, 9800 S. 55th ave., after session, followed by games and
prizes. Thethree-room cottage
they spent hours waiting in line expanded to house eight of the
to enter exhibits. Much more
adults, vA1ile six of the small
pleasurable was their visit to fry, wearing pajamas on top of
Nial?f\ra Falls on the return sweat shirts and jeans, crowded
trip. They arrived home justin into a tent in the adjoining yard
time for the start of classes at Participating in the merriment
Oak Lawn High, where their were the Art Ozarks, the John
son, Boyd, is a freshman this Burrafatos, and the John Armyear. He had, earlier in the strongs of Evergreen Park.
summer, gone to CampOwasippe in Michigan.
The William Maxwells, 9109
S, 54th ct., are getting a firsthand report on conditions in
Fairbanks, Alaska, through
newspaper stories and letters
from their daughter, Sue Howells, whose husband is stationed at Ft. Wainwright. The
flood waters came up to the
rafters in the basement of their
home, damaging appliances and
clothing. they have been without electricity and water ever
since, and have been eating Crations by candlelight. A camp
stove is available for limited
food preparation, and drinking
water is being delivered to
the home twice a day.
: Oto-M-t o~ £~
• • ******.***.***************
vin'g as chairman.
Those who have purchased
tickets for the dinner may use
them for admission to the style
show, or get a refund by mailing them to the ticket chairman,
Mrs. Frank Gilbert, 5356 W.
Kimball pI.
Nancy Kane, 4835 Oak Center dr., was among the student teachers who took part in
the School District 123 preschool workshops and were then
on hand for the first few days
of the new school year. A senior majoring In elementary
education at the University of
Illinois, she will begin her own
classes laterthls month and return to the district to complete
her practice session with sixth
graders In Gasteyer school by
Christmas. Nancy Is a graduate
of Mt. Assisl Academy In Lemont.
"Fashions and Fancies" will
be featured by the Oak Lawn
Police Wives AuxlliarySunday,
Oct, I, instead of spaghetti, as
originally planned. The annual
dinner, previously postponed,
has been cancelled In favor of
the style show which will highlight adult and children's clothing modeled by auxillarymembers and their offspring. There
will also be a demonstration of
wigs, wiglets, and falls by Betty Cole, owner of Betty's Cut
or Curl Beauty Salon, and a past
president of the auxiliary. The
affair will be held in the VFW
hall, 9514 S. 52nd ave., with
Mrs. Charles (Annette) Domailea, 9440 S. Kilbourn ave., ser-
The Garden Methodist Wo°
men's Society will meet at 1
p. m. In the church Tuesday,
Sept. 19. Luncheon will be served by members of the Ruth
circle and the program is entitled "The Convert" . from
the book "Facets of Faith".
Reservations may be made
through Mrs, Alice Galloway,
GA 5-5229, or circle chairmen.
Mrs. Evelyn Enzenbacher, of
5521 Oakdale dr., is society
Johnson-Phelps VFW AUXiliary has scheduled its fall rum·
mage sale for Sept. 27 and 28 the first day, Wednesday, from
12 until 9 p. m., and the second,
Thursday, from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m
. In the post hall, 9514 S. 52nd
ave. Co-chairmen are Vera
Dahlstrom and Ann Bennett.
Articles of clothing, housewares, toys, books, and whathave-you are requested, and
will be picked up by arrangement through Lucille Perschau
8948 S. Meade ave., GA 43192.
• ••
Green Oak American Legion
Auxiliary will hold Its fall rummage sale Friday, Sept. 29 from
9 a. m. to 4 p. m. and Saturday
Sept. 30 from 9 a. m. to 2 p. m.,
in the post hall, 9354 S. 53rd
ave. Keep these ladies in mind
as you clean out your closets
and drawers. Coffee and - Will
be available both days for shoppers, according to Mrs. ,Flora
Linn, 8630 S. Mayfield ave.,
GA 2.1233, sale chairman. /ler
co-chairmen are Gertrude Vickers and Charlotte Hoban.
Mrs. Arthur Hess, the for
mer !"rene Reed, was presented
with a plaque in recognition of
her service toSchool District
123 at the ,\u . 29 hoard/staff
dinner in Kilty's restaurant.
She has taught in the district
since 1949 11ometown, Gaddis
and COVington schools - and
plans to devote more time to
her professional singing career.
·: af,~t o~ £~ .:'
****** •• ** •• **** •• * •••• * •• **
422-3653 .'
* • * * ." * • * * * .. * * * ••• -Ii *'••• * •• *
' I
Highlight of the summer for
Doris and Goff Klein, 9812 S.
51st ave., was Parents' Weekend at Annapolis where their
son, Fred, is a midshipman. A
total of 4,070 family members
were on hand for the event which
marked the end of the plebe
summer, an eight-week period
devoted to rifle instruction,
sailing, and drilling. It would
be the only opportunity for a
lengthy visit in the four years
of training facing the boys.
The y toured the campus,
where many new buildings are
going up; saw the immaculate
dormitory rooms; watched a
dress parade; heard a band
concert; attended chapel services, for which the midshipmen lined up in formation - as
they did for the dally noon
meal; and participated in a foum, aimed at answering any and
all questions the visitors might
The Men's Club' of St. Raphael ' s church will sponsor a
box social and auction at 8 p. m.
Sunday, Sept. 24 in the community room of Blake-Lamb.
The ladies will do the fiXing,
the gents will do the bidding.
Mary Sue and Ed Timm, of
11040 S. Kilbourn. welcomed
their first offspring, Suzanne
Marie, Aug. 28. The little doll
weighed six pounds, eleven ounces on arrival. Both sets of
grandparents live in Chicago,
but a great-grandmother, Mrs.
Barbara Mazey, lives nearby at
4311 W. Kathleen In.
•• •
9136 S.
Sproat, has returned to Augustana college in Rock Island
for her senior year after an
exciting 12 months of study and
travel in Europe. Enroute from
the University of Freiburg in
Germany, she visited the Troy
Stanleys, former Oak Lawn reidents now living in a London
suburb. She was met in New
York Cty by her parents, the
Emrick Swansons, who had
rented a cottage at Buzzard".
Bay in the Cape Cod area for
a family reunion. The threesome managed to spend some
time with Sandra Swanson Herbert and her darling little
daughter, Kristen, who were In
the process of moving to Washington, D.C., where Jim, the
head of their household, win
teach at the Catholic University of America, and Sandra will
do research work for the Smithsonian Institute starting in November.
Get well wishes to Mrs. John
(Crystal) Surin. 9147 S. Sproat
ave., and to Village President
Fred Dumke, 9800 S. Kolin ave.
both recent surgical patients
in Christ Community hospital
The Robert Wallace family,
8932 S. Sproat ave., is back in
town after a year in Urbana
while Bob worked on his Ph.D.
at the University of Illinois•
Doris was kept busy as head
nurse at the University hospital, where she came in contact
with a steady stream of wounded
athletes and students with a variety of ailments who made her
feel like a house mother.
Nancy Lamparter, 9611 S.
50th ct., will be continuing her
college studies at Athens college in Athens, Ala. She formerly attended Western Illinois university. Jim Woods,
4921 Oak Center dr., will begin his junior year at Eastern
Illinois university - he attended
Northerastern Oklahoma A&M
last year. Also at E. I. U. are
Mary Begitschke and Phil Steffen.
Peter George Vlasis of Oak
Lawn, will enter Monmouth college as amemberofthedassof
1971, this fall, it was announced by Glen 0 Rankin, director
of admissions.
The new student is the son of
Dr. and Mrs. George Vlasis
of 9800 S. Kilbourn, Oak Lawn.
* •••••••••••••••••••••••••••
af,~t o~ £~
c.~THERI"'E B~RZ .~~. 422-3653 •
* •••••••••
Not mentioned in the many
stories about the United States
Junior Wrestling team is the
lady who played "Mom" to the
20 strapping young men between
the ages of 15 and 18 on their
recent European trip. Coach
C.-aig's wife, Connie, had that
unique privilege and found that
being with such a group was a
distinct advantage in that they
did not follow the typical tour1st path. The Craigs, who live at
5110 W !lOth st., had exactly
one week to prepare for the
jaunt and that week was the one
1n which Jim had to take two
summer school finals.
The wrestling meets were
held in Germany where the entourage traveled from Frankfort to Ludwigshafen on the
Rhine river, with a side trip to
Mannheim and its chemical factory; to Heidelberg and its
charming shops; to Stuttgart
and the Merecedes Benz plant;
Munich, where everyone
spent their Yankee dollars; to
the beautiful Bavarian Alps,
and the towns of Gruenwald,
Chiemsee, and Ebersbach. Elegant castles were sprinkled
over the countryside, and flowers bloomed in profusion around the attractive German
Not so cheerful or pictureesque was the scene behind the
Iron Curtain in Bucharest, Rumania, where the senior division of the World Greco - Roman championship was taking
place. There, the Craigs went
sightseeing in a Russian limousine, saw the farmingcommunals, and many sad-faced people
who barely spoke to each other.
It was quite a contrast. On the
way home, they stayed overnight in Berlin, and during a
brief lay -over in London, visited the town of Windsor. They
hope to return in 1972 when the
World Olympics will be held in
Munich, where preparations
are already underway for the
big event.
Bill Vail, the Hometown hero who made the trip possible,
had been coached by Craig all
during his four years as a stud-
ent at Oak Lawn Community
high school. In his spare time,
the coach manages the tornado trailer park, and is in the
process of editing the 400 slides
he brought back for a public
showing at a later date.
Get well wishes to 1rs. Lloyd
(Theresa) Germann, 9616 S.
Parkside ave., confined to her
home, and to Tom Dillon, 9626
S. Parkside ave., still hospitalized in Illinois Central.
Congratulations to the John
Borgs, 9728 S. Mansfield ave.
on the birth Oftfielr' second
daughter, Karin Sue, a little
eight pound darllng who arrived Sept. 9. Their older gal
is Julie, age four. Grandparents are the Elmer Borgs of
Chicago, and the Roger Burgoynes of Riverdale.
• ••
Board members of the Pilgrim W>men's guild put on a
clever show depicting their various roles ata morning brunch
Sept. 21. Director of the production was Mrs. Sidney (Betty)
Archbold, 9317 S. 51st ave.
Those who participated were
circle chairmen Mrs. Robert
vonStower, and Mrs. Gil Lindelsee, rumnage; Mrs. Howard
Haaker, friendly service; Mrs.
James Sim and Mrs. William
Maxwell, kitchen' , and Mrs.
Don Chapman, president.
Scheduled for Oct. 9 and 10
is the guild rummage sale.
Your castoffs would be appreciated by the group and may
be dropped off at the church,
9411 S. 51st ave., just prior
to the event. Pickups for bulky
items may be arranged by calling the office, 422-4200, or the
guild president, GA 3-7692.
Ass i s tan t
Po s tmaster
Charles Worrell, 9316 S. 53 rd
ct., retired this month after
serving 25 years in the Oak
Lawn post office. He and his
wife, Cleo, moved here in 1932
and raised three children: Patricia, who is married to the
dean of the Episcopal church in
Davenport, Ia.; Roberta, whose
husband is chaplain at the St.
Luke's hospital in Davenport,
and Charles, in advertising for
the past 15 years in Ft. \'iJrrh,
Tex. There are eight grandchildren altogether.
The couple will move to
Chester, Ill.,
(the Randolph
county seat) in the area where
they formerly lived. They have
been members of the Pilgrim
L1nited Church of Christ.
Spencer Maxcy, social studies teacher and debate coach
at H. L. Richards high school,
has accepted a fellowship at
the University of Indiana in
For lots of bargains, be sure
to visit the rummage sale being sponsored by the Green
Oak American Legion auxiliary between the hours of 9
a. m. and 4 p. m. Friday, Sept.
29; 9 a. m. and 2 p. m. Saturday, Sept. 30 in the post hall
at 9354 S. 53rd ave. Chairman
is Mrs. Flora Linn, 8630 S.
Mayfield ave.