
JUL–SEP 2012 MICA (P) 066/08/2012
• ST Aerospace • ST Electronics • ST Kinetics • ST Marine • ST Dynamics • ST Synthesis
New Alliance,
New Markets
ST Electronics Envisions
the Future City
A Business
that Cares
New Centre
Celebrating Singapore’s
The Group marks National Day with observance ceremonies
This year, we celebrate Singapore’s 47th birthday.
Singapore is a First World nation today, a bustling
metropolis with a standard of living that is among
the highest in the world. The remarkable success
of Singapore has earned us the respect of countries
around the world, attracting many to work and
settle here.
The country has had a secure environment for
development and growth to take place. To a large
extent, we must thank the Singapore Armed Forces
(SAF) and the Home Team for this. Over the years,
the Group has innovated itself in order to meet the
changing needs of the SAF and other customers.
For the SAF, we began by providing it with basic
weapons and simple equipment servicing in the
early years. Today, we have progressed to becoming
a partner, designing sophisticated systems and
solutions platforms required by the 3G SAF.
Changing demands and challenges will continue
to confront the Group. Take for example the
current woes in the global economy. GDP growth
in Singapore will be between 1% to 3%, one of the
lowest in many years. All these result in fewer
business opportunities and greater competition.
Customers are likely to be more demanding.
We will have to work harder.
Amidst this sombre economic landscape, there
are also on-going conflicts around the world that
could compound the world’s economic woes.
Terrorism and natural disasters arising from
extreme weather conditions are factors that add
to the uncertainties confronting us.
We need to build the capacity to change and
adapt. While there are threats, there are also
opportunities. Technology continues to evolve and
harnessing it can improve our work processes and
products. Globalisation also allows us to source
for the most cost-effective supplies or services
worldwide. Furthermore, knowledge is now readily
available on the internet.
To stay ahead of the competition, we also need
to reinvent ourselves to remain relevant and
resourceful. There is a need to nurture a mindset
that predisposes us towards initiating, accepting or
adapting to changes. Besides nurturing the right
mindset, it is also important that we continually
equip our people with the right skills so that they
stay relevant. Towards this end, we will spare no
effort re-skilling or up-skilling our staff. In turn, our
staff must aspire to be the best in whatever they do.
In this highly competitive business environment,
we cannot emphasise enough the importance of
raising productivity. The quality of work goes up
with the right skills. Productivity helps us reduce
costs and keep customers happy. The whole
company benefits.
As we celebrate National Day this year, we rejoice
at how well Singapore and our company have done
over the past decades. Moving forward, we need to
be nimble. We need to adapt. We have proven time
and again that we can overcome challenges.
With capable and hardworking staff, we are
confident that we will continue to do what it
takes to be successful.
“There is a need to nurture a mindset
that predisposes us towards initiating,
accepting or adapting to changes.”
—Mr Tan Pheng Hock,
President and CEO, ST Engineering
Mr Tan Pheng Hock Clinches Best CEO Award
Award recognises leaders who carry out excellent governance,
strategic change and talent management
For his excellence in corporate
leadership, ST Engineering President
and CEO Tan Pheng Hock won the Best
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Award
(market cap of $1 billion and above) at
the Singapore Corporate Awards 2012
held by The Business Times on
17 July 2012.
The Award recognises CEOs
who have successfully
developed and implemented
ST Engineering
President and CEO
Mr Tan Pheng Hock won
the Best CEO Award
strategies that transformed their
companies’ competitive positions,
leading to sustainable growth, profits
and shareholder returns. The criteria
employed by the judging panel included
excellence in areas such as corporate
governance, performance orientation,
vision and strategic change, leadership
and talent management.
In his award acceptance speech,
Mr Tan emphasised that his priority
at ST Engineering is to create an
ecosystem that supports creativity
for 22,000 employees.
“At ST Engineering, we want to look at
things differently. We want to ask how
we can apply what we know in new ways
to meet new or changing requirements.
Doing this will keep us agile and
competitive in the long term,” he said.
In 2010, Mr Tan was named the Asia
Leader for Singapore by Platinum Circle.
He also received the CNBC Asia Talent
Management Award in 2009.
“At ST Engineering, we want to look at things differently.”
—Mr Tan Pheng Hock,
President and CEO,
ST Engineering
Learning – An Experience of a Lifetime
A group of ST Engineering staff graduate from the Master of Defence
Technology and Systems Programme
combines the best
of both worlds.”
MDTS graduates with ST Engineering senior executives
On 13 July 2012, seven ST Engineering
staff tasted the fruits of their labour when
they were presented with their certificates
at the Master of Defence Technology and
Systems (MDTS) Programme graduation
ceremony. The MDTS Programme is the
flagship programme of the Temasek
Defence Systems Institute (TDSI). It draws
upon two excellent institutions, namely
the National University of Singapore
(NUS) and the US Naval Postgraduate
School (NPS).
For their outstanding performance in
NPS, Tan Yick Fung from ST Electronics
received the John Reynolds Wozencraft
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Academic Honor Award while Chiam Tou
Wei David from ST Aerospace obtained the
—Tan Yick Fung,
ST Electronics
MS Operations Research with Distinction.
“The MDTS Programme combines
the best of both worlds – NUS imparts
systems engineering knowledge from a
military perspective while NPS allows
me to explore in depth my chosen field
of study. I would strongly encourage our
engineers to join the Programme for an
experience of a lifetime,” said Yick Fung.
ST Engineering expands its scholarship offerings with
two new programmes
ST Engineering constantly builds up its talent pool to stay ahead in the competitive
global market. Here is a glance at some of the scholarship programmes offered by the
Group that groom the industry’s talents of tomorrow.
ST Engineering Overseas and Local
Scholarship Programme
The ST Engineering Overseas and
Local Scholarship Programme was
introduced in 2006 to offer scholarships
to outstanding young Singaporeans
to pursue their undergraduate and
postgraduate studies.
Besides internship opportunities
that allow the scholars to gain a better
understanding of the Group and its
businesses, mentors are also assigned to
scholars to provide them with guidance and
networking sessions are also organised.
ST Engineering Young Engineers
Programme (YEP)
The ST Engineering Young Engineers
Programme (YEP) is a new initiative by
the Group to enlarge potential talent pool
and promote greater awareness and
interest in engineering among Junior
College (JC) students.
YEP is now in its pilot run with students
from Raffles Institution and Hwa Chong
Institution, Besides offering a monetary
award, YEP also exposes students to the
professional world through interactions
with Chief Technology Officers, SBA
visits and a short attachment during the
vacation. This year, 11 students have been
selected to participate in YEP.
Mr Frank Schmidt sharing Siemens’
Compliance Programme
Living with Risk
Mr Tan Pheng Hock, President
and CEO, ST Engineering (sixth from
left), with the SgIS scholars at the
Award Ceremony
Singapore-Industry Scholarship (SgIS)
The Singapore-Industry Scholarship
(SgIS) is a new initiative by the Singapore
government and is aimed at nurturing a
strong core of Singapore talent with the
requisite skills and capabilities to steer
and contribute to the strategic sectors
in Singapore.
ST Engineering is one of 28 organisations
invited to partner the government in
this initiative. This year, ST Engineering
awarded the SgIS to 15 students.
ST Engineering China and India
Scholarship Programmes
ST Engineering has been awarding
scholarships to outstanding students
from 6 Chinese universities and 3 Indian
Institutes of Technology (IITs) since 2006 and
2008 respectively. This is part of the Group’s
effort to build up its pool of global talents.
The Group offers internship opportunities
to these scholars during their third year
summer vacation. This year, 8 Indian
scholars and 28 Chinese scholars
participated in the internship
programme. The internship
allowed the students to gain
hands-on working experience
in Singapore and a better
understanding of the Group.
ST Engineering’s 6th Annual Risk
and Governance Conference
On 30 August 2012, over 300 attendees
across the SBAs convened at the Matrix
Auditorium, Biopolis, for the 6th Annual
Risk and Governance Conference held
by ST Engineering. The theme of the
conference was “Living with Risk”.
Mr Tan Pheng Hock, President and
CEO, ST Engineering, opened the
conference recounting the challenges
faced by many businesses and how
corporate governance would continue
to be important for business growth
and sustainability.
It was an eye-opener when the first
guest speaker, Mr Frank Schmidt,
Vice President and Compliance Officer
Asia-Pacific, Siemens, shared with
the audience on Siemens’ “compliance
organisation”. Mr Ashok Hegde,
Managing Director & Global Head, Risk
Management & Information Systems,
Olam, continued with an in-depth
look into Olam’s risks and risk
management process.
Rounding up the conference was
Mr Dominic Phoon, Head Business
Development, KDM, ST Kinetics, who
talked about the “Warthog” Journey
and how ST Kinetics managed the
challenging schedule in delivering
the Warthogs.
ST Aerospace secures
S$370 million worth of
contracts in the second
quarter of 2012
ST Aerospace has secured about
S$370 million worth of new contracts
in the second quarter of 2012.
The contracts, which are for Aircraft
Maintenance and Modification,
Component Total Support and Engine
Total Support businesses, will be
carried out within ST Aerospace’s
global maintenance, repair and
overhaul network.
157 aircraft
New Alliance, New Markets
ST Aerospace Solutions and Madrid Aerospace Services form
alliance to market global landing gear maintenance services
A new alliance formed between ST Aerospace’s Scandinavian facility, ST Aerospace
Solutions, and Madrid Aerospace Services (MAeS) is set to expand global landing
gear maintenance services for the Airbus A320 family, A330 and A340 and Boeing
737NG, MD80 and MD90 aircraft platforms. MAeS is a joint venture company
between ST Aerospace and IBERIA Maintenance.
The alliance seeks to enable ST Aerospace Solutions and MAeS to stay committed
to the global market by understanding customers’ requirements and ensuring their
service offerings fit customers’ outsourcing needs and operational demands. It will
leverage landing gear repair and overhaul expertise and the customer bases of both
parent companies. It will also promote operational excellence through the sharing
of best practices and facilitate capacity growth for both companies.
Looking 10 Years Ahead Together
ST Aerospace seals component repair management MBH™
contract with AirAsia
for airframe-related maintenance and
modification work
For PTF conversions, redelivered
6 converted
to various customers
8,136 components
and 78 engines
for both commercial and
military customers
the acquisition of
its 50.1% stake in
EcoServices, LLC
and becomes a partner to
Pratt & Whitney in the joint venture.
Mr Tony Fernandes, Group CEO, AirAsia, and Mr Chang Cheow Teck, President,
ST Aerospace, at the signing ceremony
ST Aerospace and AirAsia have signed a 10-year agreement worth approximately
S$102 million. The contract involves component repair management Maintenance-Bythe-Hour (MBH™) support for 75 of AirAsia’s Airbus A320 aircraft. It will commence
immediately. With this contract, ST Aerospace effectively supports a total of 175 of
AirAsia’s A320 aircraft. The contract also marks 10 years of partnership between
ST Aerospace and AirAsia.
Mr Chang Cheow Teck, President, ST Aerospace, said, “This contract is a testimony
to our performance and ability to provide customers with safe and dependable
maintenance, repair and overhaul solutions. We are also fully committed to building
our relationship with AirAsia as the airline continues to expand worldwide.”
Full Flight
Simulator for
ST Aerospace
The Academy partners
Sim-Industries in
the Multi-crew Pilot
Licence programme
ST Aerospace’s commercial pilot
training arm, ST Aerospace Academy
(STAA), has signed a partnership with
Sim-Industries B.V., a Lockheed Martin
company. Under the agreement,
Sim-Industries will provide an Airbus
A320 full flight simulator (FFS) for the
STAA Multi-crew Pilot Licence (MPL)
programme. It will be housed in STAA’s
simulator training centre – currently
being developed in Singapore’s Seletar
Aerospace Park.
To be completed by the first quarter
of 2013, STAA’s simulator centre is
designed to house six FFSs and one
full-size fixed base simulator, as well
as state-of-the-art computer-based
training rooms for both Air Transport
Pilot Licence and entry-level ground
Frank Uit den Bogaard, CEO,
Sim-Industries B.V., said, “ST Aerospace
holds a strong position within the Asian
market. We want to fully support STAA
with our proven equipment to provide
the best possible training environment
for future pilots.”
STAA’s simulator
centre is designed
to house one
full-size fixed
base simulator
Scholarships Awarded
Recipients will receive both hands-on skills training
and theoretical knowledge
ST Aerospace has awarded 11 scholarships to deserving Aerospace Technology
and Aerospace Avionics students currently studying in the Institute of Technical
Education (ITE) College. This brings the total number of scholarships awarded
to ITE students to 49. Besides paying for tuition fees and providing them with a
monthly allowance, ST Aerospace also engages them in a six-month internship
to prepare the students for a career in the industry.
Recognising Excellence
I Like to Move it, Move it!
Winners of the Model Employee
Award 2012 announced
ST Aerospace’s Active Day
The annual ST Aerospace Model
Employee Award recognises
employees who are outstanding in
their work performance and attitudes.
This year, five employees were
conferred the award. The Model
Employees for 2012 are:
1. Yeo Chin Hwee,
ST Aerospace Engineering
2. Mohd Aziz Bin Montel,
ST Aerospace Engines
3. Chew Chang Soon,
ST Aerospace Systems
4. Kala D/O Velosamy,
ST Aerospace Supplies
5. Sun Zhi Yi, SASCO
All Model Employees are rewarded
with vouchers worth S$1,500 and a
trophy. The Singapore Industrial &
Services Employees’ Union (SISEU)
also rewarded them with a five-day/
four-night stay at SISEU’s Downtown
East chalet. Congratulations to all
Model Employees!
Ms Sim Ann, Senior Parliamentary
Secretary at Ministry of Education
and Ministry of Law (left),
presenting the Model Employee
Award to Ms Kala D/O Velosamy,
ST Aerospace Supplies (right)
What better way to kick-start
ST Aerospace’s Active Day than a
kickboxing session? Held on 6 August
2012, the 25-minute activity got the
participants to a rousing start before
the Walk-A-Jog began.
Together with Ms Sim Ann, Senior
Parliamentary Secretary, Minister
of Education & Ministry of Law, more
than 500 participants started off
the walk within the compound of
ST Aerospace at Paya Lebar. It ended
off with everyone collecting goodie
bags filled with nutritious
items like wholemeal bread,
muesli bars, fruits
and raisins.
ST Electronics Envisions the Future City
Key Innovations
Presented at SIWW 2012
Solutions for a Better City at
CommunicAsia 2012
ST Electronics and ST Dynamics showcase intelligent
systems for the future city
ST Electronics shows how cities can be safe,
clean and smart
ST Electronics and its sister company, ST Dynamics,
presented technologies for the future city at the annual
Singapore International Water Week (SIWW) 2012, held from
1 to 5 July 2012 at Marina Bay Sands Singapore. This is the
first time SIWW was organised with the World Cities Summit
and CleanEnviro Summit Singapore. It attracted participants
from over 104 countries.
At SIWW 2012, ST Electronics demonstrated its Intelligent
Water Management System (IWMS), which allows for quicker
and more efficient responses to events such as water leaks,
security intrusions, system demands and environmental
changes. ST Electronics also presented solutions that
integrate the automatic meter to an intelligent mesh
network. Operational efficiency is enhanced as agencies
can read electricity, water and gas meters remotely. They
can also better manage utilities usage by integrating meter
data with customer information and billing system.
ST Electronics’ Smart Utilities Suite was also on show.
The Suite provides end-to-end secure utilities solutions that
integrate smart application-enabled facilities to drive energy
efficiency and sustainability.
ST Dynamics exhibited the Hydro-Optic Disinfection™,
an efficient UV microbe inactivation technology that helps
industry and drinking water suppliers worldwide to provide
healthier and safer products.
ST Electronics believes that the future city needs to
continually uphold the values of efficiency, cleanliness
and safety. With that, it focused on these qualities at
CommunicAsia 2012, a summit for the information and
communications technology, satellite communications and
enterprise information technology sectors.
ST Electronics presented the following solutions at the
event with the aim of addressing urbanisation, sustainability
and environmental challenges:
Mr Max Thiam, Vice
President, Advanced
Systems, ST Electronics
(Info-Software Systems),
demonstrating the
Intelligent Water
Management System at
SIWW 2012
Safe City: This system analyses and makes sense of all
available information and alerts city operators on incidents that
require attention. It also recommends appropriate responses
for incident management that can positively impact security
in a city.
Smart Utilities Suite and Building & Home Energy
Management Solutions: The Suite enables utility providers to
increase operational efficiencies, reduce carbon emissions and
empower customers to better manage consumption through the
efficient monitoring and management of water, electricity and
gas. By embracing building energy performance simulation and
analysis technologies, the Smart Building Energy Management
Solution allows building owners to access, analyse and quantify
the sustainability of their building operations.
Other solutions and products launched at CommunicAsia
2012 included the telematics solutions for motorists,
satellite communications systems, smart cloud
technologies, pattern recognition solutions and cyber
defence and info-security solutions.
Dr Yaacob Ibrahim, Minister for Communications &
Information (fourth from right), visited the ST Electronics
booth with a VIP delegation
Celebrating Singapore’s
47th Year as a Nation
The Group marks National Day
with observance ceremonies
“ is the spirit of Singapore
that ensures the nation’s
progress and prosperity,
and most important,
a happy life for all.”
Ms Sim Ann, Senior Parliamentary
Secretary at Ministry of Education and
Ministry of Law, at ST Aerospace’s
National Day Observance Ceremony
—Mr Yeo Guat Kwang,
MP, Ang Mo Kio GRC
Guest of Honour Mr Yeo Guat
Kwang, MP, Ang Mo Kio GRC at
ST Electronics’ National Day
Observance Ceremony
ST Aerospace celebrated Singapore’s 47th
birthday with the National Day Observance
Ceremony on 6 August 2012. More than
1,000 employees joined in the event.
The Ceremony commenced with the
arrival of our Guest of Honour, Ms Sim
Ann, Senior Parliamentary Secretary at
Ministry of Education and Ministry of Law,
and Mr Ong Ye Kung, Executive Secretary,
SISEU. A delightful performance was put
up by a group of children who sang the song
“Home” and showcased a dance.
The SIESU representative gave a
message, followed by speeches from
Mr Chang Cheow Teck, President,
ST Aerospace, and Ms Sim, the Guest of
Honour. The last event of the Ceremony was
the presentation of the Model Employee
Award 2012 by Ms Sim to five deserving
employees from the different SBUs.
ST Electronics got in early on the
National Day celebrations, holding
its ceremony on 3 August 2012.
Mr Lee Fook Sun, President,
ST Electronics, and management
staff gathered to welcome Guest of
Honour Mr Yeo Guat Kwang, MP,
Ang Mo Kio GRC.
Mr Lee and Mr Yeo addressed the
crowd before awarding certificates of
appreciation to staff for participating in
the National Day Observance Ceremony.
Mr Yeo shared that it is the spirit of
Singapore that ensures the nation’s
progress and prosperity, and most
important, a happy life for all. Mr Lee
highlighted that it is crucial to nurture
the right mindset as well as equip and
re-equip people with the right skills
continuously to stay relevant.
Hundreds of ST Kinetics employees
gathered for the National Day Observance
Ceremony at Jalan Boon Lay and
Bukit Timah on 8 August 2012.
After singing the national anthem and
reciting the pledge, staff listened intently
as Mr Sew Chee Jhuen, President,
ST Kinetics, delivered the National
Day message. Mr Sew shared that to
succeed amidst growing uncertainties,
there is a need for everyone to be nimble
and adaptable. One needs to reinvent
to stay ahead of the competition.
The Ceremony ended with the launch
of the ST Kinetics Learning Festival,
an enrichment course initiative. Staff
were treated to exciting demonstrations
by a wide variety of invited vendors.
Reciting the pledge at ST Kinetics’
National Day Observance Ceremony
The Group clinches top honours at
the Total Defence Awards 2012
The Group’s commitment to the nation’s defence
was recognised when it clinched top awards at the
Total Defence Awards this year. Paying tribute to
these companies, Then-Minister of State for
Defence, Mr Lawrence Wong, called for all to
continue to work together to uphold National
Service and Total Defence capabilities for a better
and safer future.
Dr Lam (right) presented certificates to Mr Ng Sing Chan
(left),President, ST Marine, in appreciation for
ST Marine’s participation in NDOC 2012
ST Marine
It began with a recitation of the pledge.
At ST Marine’s National Day Observance
Ceremony (NDOC) on 8 August 2012,
Dr Lam Pin Min, MP of Sengkang West SMC
and Guest of Honour, ST Marine’s senior
management staff and representatives
from NTUC came together to show their
love and pride for the nation.
Dr Lam then gave his National Day address
to ST Marine staff. He was also given a special
tour to view scaled models of vessels designed
and built by ST Marine. ST Marine’s Pneumatic
Waste Collection System was also on display
and Mr Yacob Mokti, Design Engineer, STSE,
explained the workings of the System to
Dr Lam.
At the end of the Ceremony, Dr Lam
presented certificates to Mr Ng Sing Chan,
President, ST Marine and union representative,
in appreciation for ST Marine’s participation in
NDOC 2012.
Some of the awards received by the group include:
Minister for Defence Award
ST Electronics (Info-Software Systems)
ST Kinetics
Honorary Members of the MiDAs League
ST Aerospace Systems
ST Electronics
Distinguished Defence Partner Award
Advanced Material Engineering
Allied Ordnance of Singapore
ST Aerospace Engines
ST Aerospace Supplies
ST Electroncis (e-Services)
ST Electronics (Info-Comm Systems)
ST Electronics (Info-Security)
ST Electronics (Training & Simulation Systems)
ST Marine
ST Synthesis
Singapore Test Services
Unicorn International
Popcorn and Poses
Going for Goal
A movie outing with residents of
the Moral Home for the Disabled
The annual ST Electronics Soccer Tournament
The Dark Knight Rises ran for no
shorter than 2.5 hours, but each second
of the highly thrilling movie grabbed
the attention of ST Electronics staff
and residents from the Moral Home
for the Disabled. The movie outing on
26 July 2012 at Kallang Leisure Park
was part of ST Electronics’ corporate
social responsibility initiatives. After
the show, everyone eagerly discussed
their favourite scenes and a few
residents also had some fun posing for
pictures at the movie theatre.
Catch me in my superstar pose!
The day started off with a light drizzle in the morning, but it did not dampen the
mood of the soccer players at the annual ST Electronics Soccer Tournament on
14 July 2012. Although it was a friendly tournament, the players took every game
seriously and gave their best. It was a fierce competition. The final two teams went
into penalty kicks to determine the Champion. Lady Luck shone upon them as the
light rain turned into heavy shower only after the prize presentation was over.
No rain can dampen the spirits of Team LSG, which celebrated their victory
as champions
Making a Better Home for the Elderly
Visiting the Apex Harmony Lodge
On 11 July 2012, the Apex Harmony Lodge welcomed 14 volunteers from ST Electronics
(e-Services). After a sharing session with the Home’s key personnel on future
contributions for the Home, the volunteers visited the wards with a group of social
workers. The volunteers interacted with the elderly residents and participated in
their daily games and dance activities. The residents also enjoyed the companionship,
snacks and drinks brought by the volunteers.
The group of volunteers, social
workers and key personnel working
together to make the Home a better
place for the elderly
A Business that Cares
ST Kinetics’ sustainable and green business practices
recognised at the Singapore Sustainability Awards 2012
Beyond being a responsible business, ST Kinetics also strives
to be a responsible citizen of the world. This year, its efforts in
sustainable and green business practices were recognised at
the annual Singapore Sustainability Awards. ST Kinetics was a
winner in the Enterprise Category, joining five other enterprises
including Coca Cola Singapore and Shell Companies in Singapore.
ST Kinetics’ green practices include streamlining its operation
to reduce its carbon footprint, reducing energy usage by
almost one-third and recycling more than 55% of its waste like
waste paper, ink cartridges, scrap metal, waste oil, wood and
cardboard. Its green products include the Hypower family of
hybrid electric drive and full electric solutions for trucks and
city buses that reduce fuel consumption and emissions.
On clinching the Award, Mr Sew Chee Jhuen, President,
ST Kinetics, said, “We strive to not only ‘do well’ for our
company but also ‘do good’ for the environment and
communities we work with, as we know that the choices we
make today will affect the generations of tomorrow.”
“We strive to not only ‘do
well’ for our company
but also ‘do good’
for the environment
and communities we
work with, as we
know that the choices
we make today will
affect the generations
of tomorrow.”
—Mr Sew Chee Jhuen,
President, ST Kinetics
Mr Sew Chee Jhuen (centre), President, ST Kinetics, receiving the
award from Minister S. Iswaran (left), the Guest of Honour at Singapore
Sustainability Awards 2012
New Partnership
Energy-efficient AGVs
ST Kinetics partners PSA Singapore to
develop prototype green Automated
Guided Vehicles for seaport automation
ST Kinetics was awarded a contract by PSA Singapore (PSA) to
develop two models of Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs) that use
energy-efficient hybrid technology for the transport of containers in
PSA’s container terminals.
The prototype AGVs developed by ST Kinetics will utilise a
navigation system to be developed by Cargotec and deployed with
ST Kinetics’ proprietary HyPower Hybrid Electric Drive. A series
of pilot trials will be conducted over the next two years under local
operational conditions.
ST Kinetics
Singapore Chapter
Receives Global
Singapore is recipient of the 2012
International System Safety Society
Chapter of the Year award
SDDA engineer Balasubramanian Baskar
- a model supervisor who takes good care
of his workers
for Workplace Safety Efforts
He is one of ten recipients of the distinguished
WSH Award for Supervisors
Congratulations Balasubramanian Baskar! The SDDA engineer was one
of ten individuals nationwide to receive the Workplace Safety & Health
(WSH) Award for Supervisors from Mr Hawazi Daipi, Senior Parliamentary
Secretary for Education & Manpower, at the WSH Awards dinner held on 17
July 2012 at Swissôtel The Stamford.
WSH Awards 2012 was organised by the Workplace Safety & Health
Council and supported by the Ministry of Manpower. This year, the theme
was “Celebrating the Best”. Baskar attributed his win to the collective
efforts of the SDDA family as well as the solid support from the SDDA
management on workplace safety.
For Baskar, workplace safety and health is important because it
impacts not only his workers, but also their families. He derives a sense of
satisfaction knowing that after a safe day’s work, his workers can return
home to have a nice dinner with their families.
Singapore Chapter receives the Chapter of
the Year award from the International
System Safety Society
In recognition of Singapore Chapter’s active
commitment to system safety, the International
System Safety Society awarded it Chapter
of the Year. The award was presented in
August 2012 at the 2012 International System
Safety Conference held at Atlanta, USA.
ST Kinetics and Defence Science and
Technology Agency (DSTA) are key members
of the Singapore Chapter. ST Kinetics’ early
corporate engagement with professionals
in the International System Safety Society
helped the Singapore Chapter communicate
the needs and benefits of system safety to
the local engineering community and various
organisations. DSTA’s support was vital
to the start-up of the Chapter’s activities.
It supports the advancement of system
safety practice internally and carries out
endeavours to promote system safety.
The International System Safety Society
currently has 20 active international chapters.
The award provides the local system safety
community with a good dose of motivation
while it prepares itself for Singapore
Chapter’s 10th anniversary celebrations.
Wholesome Living Fuelled by Passion
Bike Bash to Desaru
ST Kinetics launches the Learning Festival to encourage staff
to pursue their hobbies
Cycling enthusiasts enjoyed an
80km ride to Sungei Rengkit
Encouraging the spirit of learning and
work-life harmony among its staff,
ST Kinetics held its inaugural Learning
Festival on 8 August 2012, showcasing
various enrichment and lifestyle courses.
Workshop and course vendors
included Travelclef, which offers ukulele
and guitar classes, and Soap Ministry,
which conducts workshops on organic
hand-made soaps. ST Kinetics staff also
enjoyed demonstrations on the making of
the Cosmopolitan cocktail by DrinksDings
and kickboxing moves by Active Red.
There were also long queues formed
at Carrie Academy, which generously
offered complimentary beauty
makeover sessions.
In ST Kinetics, there is always
room for the adventurous soul.
On 25 July 2012, members of
ST Kinetics’ cycling mini-club
headed out for their annual cycling
expedition to Desaru. Under the lead
of veteran cyclist Mr Pek Hwa Keng,
the team began their first 15km from
Tanjong Belungkor Ferry Terminal to
the small town of Sungei Rengkit.
According to the team, this town is
a “must-visit” rest point for cyclists
as it is the only place providing
decent local delicacies. After lunch,
the cyclists persevered for another
35km to reach Lotus Desaru, where
a sumptuous dinner awaited them.
The next day, the entire team set off
in high spirits to ride another 30km to
an ostrich farm. The team got to taste
the famous ostrich meat and even had
the rare opportunity of witnessing the
hatching of a newborn ostrich chick!
After an eventful two days, the team
then journeyed back to Singapore, eager
for the next bike bash to quench their
never-ending hunger for adventure.
Have a hobby you want to pursue?
ST Kinetics launched its new
enrichment course initiative as part of
the Learning Festival. The new initiative
allows eligible staff to enrol for
enrichment courses of their choice and
claim for a portion of the course fees,
subject to a 50% co-payment by staff.
Health Matters!
Health screening exercise carried out for staff
As part of the Workplace Health
Promotion Programme in ST Kinetics,
RC Wellness organised the annual
Health Screening for ST Kinetics staff in
July and August 2012. A total of 767 staff
participated in the Screening at various
ST Kinetics premises.
Staff got to better understand their
own health status and on how to detect
diseases early. They were provided with
a complimentary package of tests and
measurements. The package included
measurement tools for coronary
heart disease, body mass index, blood
pressure and cholesterol, among other
Don’t panic! Do your regular health
check at ST Kinetics
conditions. Participants will receive a
detailed individual report. RC Wellness
has also provided the company with an
overview of its health profile.
Adventurous souls pose for
the camera
New Centre Flourishes
Official opening of ST Marine’s Engine Service Centre
ST Marine’s Engine Service Centre
official opening ceremony
Just two months after officially opening
its doors to the public on 21 June 2012,
the Engine Service Centre has already
served numerous satisfied customers.
One of them is Heavy Engineering
Industries & Shipbuilding Co. (HEISCO).
Mr Salem Marafi, Business
Development and Proposals Manager
– Shipyard, HEISCO, wrote in a letter
to ST Marine, “HEISCO would like to
express its appreciation to ST Marine.
Despite the obstacles faced due to a
short supply of spare parts, ST Marine
went out of its way to ensure on-time
delivery. HEISCO considers ST Marine a
partner for success. We look forward to
future collaborations.”
Dr Tan Kim Siew, Permanent
Secretary (Defence Development),
MINDEF, was Guest of Honour for the
Centre’s opening ceremony. Dr Tan
together with Mr Seah Moon Ming,
Deputy CEO and President, Defence
Business, ST Engineering, and Mr Ng
Sing Chan, President, ST Marine, cut
the red ribbon to signify an auspicious
start for the Centre. This was followed
by a tour of the workshop for Dr Tan and
his entourage.
Gold for ST Marine’s
Workplace Safety Project
ST Marine wins national Workplace Safety &
Health Innovation Award
ST Marine’s workplace safety and health
group, Team Work With Safety (Team
WWS), clinched the Gold Award in the
Workplace Safety & Health Innovation
Award category at the 14th Workplace
Safety & Health Competition.
The event, held on 17 July 2012, was
organised by the Association of Singapore
Marine Industries and jointly presented
by the Workplace Safety & Health Council
and Ministry of Manpower.
Team WWS’s winning project was the
“Safe Block Alignment Process”. The
team chose to work on block alignment
as this task entails higher safety risks
in the shipyard’s daily operations as
compared to others. Through the use
of Kaizen tools, Team WWS conducted
a cause-effect analysis to reveal the
triggers of safety risks. The goals of
the project are zero accidents and a
significant reduction in man-hours during
the block alignment process.
Through the project, Team WWS
learnt that safer work processes do not
necessarily have to cost more. Innovation
and improvements in the right places can
significantly improve work productivity at
low costs.
Congratulations, Team WWS!
First Anchor
Handling Tug
Supply Vessel
Ceremony also celebrates
the vessel’s new name,
Pacific Diligence
On 2 August 2012, the senior
management, staff members and
representatives from Swire Pacific
Offshore (SPO) and ST Marine
gathered at the Benoi Yard to witness
and celebrate the launching and
naming of SPO’s first Anchor Handling
Tug Supply Vessel, Pacific Diligence.
The vessel was officially launched
and named by its Lady Sponsor,
Mrs Lisa Horsington, wife of
Mr George Horsington, General
Manager, SPO. At about 10.48pm,
Pacific Diligence slid down the
launch-way and into the sea to the
thunderous applause from guests.
ST Marine would like to express its
gratitude to Mrs Horsington for being
the Lady Sponsor of Pacific Diligence,
and to Mr David Marren, Technical
Director, Mr Robertus Achten,
Superintendent, and the SPO Project
Team for their strong support.
Pacific Diligence making her
maiden voyage
A worthy day at SWAMI Home
The Way Forward
for Waste Management
STSE showcases Pneumatic Waste Collection System at
inaugural WasteMET Asia 2012
STSE presented the Pneumatic Waste
Collection System at WasteMET Asia
In July 2012, WasteMET Asia was launched
and STSE Engineering Services (STSE)
supported the inaugural event as a
co-sponsor. Held in conjunction with the
Singapore International Water Week and
World Cities Summit at Sands Expo and
Convention Center from 1 to 4 July 2012,
WasteMET Asia is organised by Waste
Management and Recycling Association
of Singapore and the National
Environment Agency.
Themed “Waste Management in
Growing Cities”, it was apt that STSE
showcased a testbed of its Pneumatic
Waste Collection System (PWCS), the
solution that it is installing in the Tianjin
Eco-City. STSE secured a contract two
years ago to provide a proprietary
loop-based PWCS to collect recyclables,
non-recyclables and food waste in
Tianjin’s Eco-City’s Eco-Business Park.
During the exhibition, Mr Goh Chee
Beng, Vice President and General
Manager, STSE, presented the workings
and benefits of PWCS to Ms Grace Fu,
Senior Minister of State, Ministry of
Environment and Water Resources,
as well as to visiting media.
A Smashin’ Good Time
Twoon Kok Yam Challenge Trophy 2012
Six teams woke up bright and early on 28
July 2012 to meet at Jurong West Sports
Hall for a grand badminton tournament –
the Twoon Kok Yam Challenge Trophy.
Mr Twoon Kok Yam, Senior Vice
President, Benoi Yard gave out the Ladies
Championship prize to Zhou Yanfang,
Tuas Commercial, and the Men’s Team
Championship prize to 1st Tuas Team A.
Mr Twoon (second row, third from
left) with the tournament participants
Singing Hope into a Home
ST Marine’s visit to SWAMI Home
ST Marine continues its welfare
outreach – this time, to residents at
SWAMI Home. On 11 August 2012,
16 staff brought cheer to the residents
as they hosted two singers and
a caricaturist to celebrate the day.
Mr Goh Kok Ann, Senior Supervisor,
Crane & Transportation Department,
and Mr Fong Chee Meng, Chargehand,
Tuas Mechanical, also presented
Chinese oldies. The purpose-filled
day ended with conversations and
interactions with the residents.
Health Pit-stop
for Women
Health talk on cervical cancer
How does one protect herself
against HPV-related diseases and
cervical cancer?
This was addressed at a health talk
held on 31 August 2012 and organised
specifically for the ST Marine female
colleagues. The health talk is part
of the overall Health and Well-ness
Programme to promote healthy living.
During the talk, Dr Fong, the
speaker invited to the talk, shared
on the link between cervical cancer
and HPV, the causes of cervical,
vulvar, vaginal, anal cancers and
genital warts, and ways to prevent
and protect oneself from HPV-related
diseases and cervical cancer.
Participants found the health talk
informative and useful
A New Home for ST Synthesis
It has shifted its corporate headquarters to Tai Seng Street
ST Synthesis has a new home! It has shifted from
3A Joo Koon Circle to 12 Tai Seng Street, #06-02, Luxasia
Building. July 2012 was a busy month for ST Synthesis staff
as they shifted the company’s corporate headquarters.
This was part of a consolidation initiative to integrate the
company’s two operations divisions as well as harness greater
administration productivity.
The three-day office packing proved to be a good workout
session as everyone cleared their tables and “closet secrets”
into tidy carton boxes for transportation. Most staff will be
biding the light grey warehouse farewell, but the premise
will still remain as the company’s commercial warehousing
facility and will be renovated to support air-conditioned
storage requirements.
Use the clues below to help you find the correct
words and unscramble the letters to form them.
1. E R V N E N I T
3. N E N I T E L I G T L
Mr Tan Pheng Hock, President and CEO,
ST Engineering, urged staff to continuously
_______ themselves so that the company
will stay relevant in the competitive global
2. A I A S I A R
This year, ST Aerospace and _______
celebrate ten years of partnership with
a new agreement worth approximately
S$102 million.
June and July 2012 were busy months
for ST Electronics, which presented
various technologies at SIWW 2012
and CommunicAsia 2012 to address
urbanisation and sustainability for the
future ___________ city.
Name of Employee:
Employee Number:
Contact Number:
4. G A S P O I N R E T E C P R H A
ST Kinetics is a key member of the
_________ _______, which won an award
recently at the 2012 International System
Safety Conference for its commitment in
system safety.
5. A F I C I P C L I E N C D I E G
For this issue,
get to win
NTUC vouchers!
printed on
Named _______ _________, Swire Pacific
Offshore’s first Anchor Handling Tug
Supply Vessel made its maiden voyage on
2 August 2012 from the Benoi Yard.
Closing date: 30 November 2012
Send your entry to: Yeo Kwee Luan
HR Dept, ST Engineering,
51 Cuppage Road #09-08,
Singapore 229469
The following winners of the quiz
for Sunburst Alpha Apr – Jun 2012
will each receive a watch:
1. Lim Hsiao Ching Carol, ST Aerospace
2. Ng Kian Wee, ST Aerospace
3. Lawrence Lim, ST Engineering
ADVISOR: Tan Nga Kok (ST Engineering) EDITOR: Hazel Goh (ST Engineering) EDITORIAL TEAM MEMBERS: st engineering
Jasmine Kua, Yeo Kwee Luan st aerospace Koh Chin Seng, Lim Soo Heng st electronics Tay Cheng Bee, Angela Bek
st kinetics Lim Jit Chek, Janey Lee st marine Teresa Lee, Chow Song Chee ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We extend our
heartfelt appreciation to all contributors of Sunburst Alpha. Sunburst Alpha is produced by and for the staff of Singapore
Technologies Engineering. All rights reserved. Have you noticed any change in this issue of Sunburst Alpha? We look
forward to your feedback.