IA was formed in 1993 and now consists
IA was formed in 1993 and now consists
Bruun Rasmussen er blevet medlem af sammenslutningen International Auctioneers (IA). Bruun Rasmussen has now become member of the association International Auctioneers (IA). IA blev grundlagt i 1993 og består nu af otte af verdens mest prestigefulde uafhængige auktionshuse. Sammenslutningen har en halv million kunstkøbere og sælgere og omsætter årligt for ca. 600 millioner Euro. En halv million emner i kategorierne kunst, antikviteter, design og samlerobjekter bliver solgt på de ca. 1200 årlige auktioner. IA was formed in 1993 and now consists of eight of the world’s most prestigious independent auction houses. The association has half a million art buyers and sellers, 600 million Euros in annual turnover and over 1200 auctions annually, comprising half a million lots from all areas of the fine and decorative art and design. IA-medlemmerne indgår i et samarbejde om salgs- og marketingaktiviteter og de otte auktionshuses eksperter udgør samlet set en stor vidensbank. Sammenslutningen har udover en informativ hjemmeside også et magasin, der udkommer to gange årligt, april og oktober, og distribueres til auktionshusenes 50.000 vigtigste kunder. The IA members has joint advertising and sales promotion, combined expertise of the eight teams of specialists, an informative website and a twice-annual publication International Auctioneers Magazine. The magazine is published in April and October and distributed to the 50 000 most important clients of the eight member auction houses. De øvrige medlemmer i IA er Artcurial i Paris, Bukowskis i Stockholm, Dorotheum i Wien, Porro & C i Milano, Koller i Zurich, Lempertz i Køln og Swann Galleries i New York. The other members of IA are Artcurial in Paris; Bukowskis in Stockholm; Dorotheum in Vienna; Porro & C. in Milan; Koller in Zurich; Lempertz in Cologne, and Swann Galleries in New York. For yderligere oplysninger om Bruun Rasmussens medlemskab af IA kontakt venligst Frederik Bruun Rasmussen på 8818 1111. If you have any questions regarding Bruun Rasmussen’s membership of IA, please feel welcome to contact the IA representative Frederik Bruun Rasmussen, tel. +45 8818 1111. For yderligere information om IA, se venligst www.internationalauctioneers.com For further information about IA, please visit www.internationalauctioneers.com fine art days of sale tuesday 22 april 6 pm 1 - 126 wednesday23 april 1 pm paintings, drawings, icons and prints thursday 24 april 1 pm friday 25 april 1 pm monday 28 april 1 pm tuesday 29 april 1 pm au C ti on 786 selected paintings clocks, furniture and bronzes furniture and bronzes ceramics and glass jewellery and watches silver oriental art carpets 127 - 389 fine art paintings, drawings and prints auction preview 22 - 29 april 2008 wednesday thursday friday saturday sunday monday 16 17 18 19 20 21 april april april april april april 3 pm 10 am 10 am 11 am 11 am 10 am - 6 5 5 4 4 5 pm pm pm pm pm pm Bredgade 33 · DK-1260 Copenhagen K · Tel +45 8818 1111 · Fax +45 8818 1112 [email protected] · www.bruun-rasmussen.dk malerier au k ti on 786 følgende dage sælges tirsdag 22. april kl. 18 onsdag 23. april kl. 13 torsdag 24. april kl. 13 fredag 25. april kl. 13 mandag 28. april kl. 13 tirsdag 29. april kl. 13 udsøgte malerier malerier, tegninger, ikoner og grafik ure, møbler og bronze møbler og bronze porcelæn, fajance og glas smykker og armbåndsure sølv orientalsk kunstindustri tæpper 1 - 126 127 - 389 malerier tegninger og grafik auktion eftersyn 22. - 29. april 2008 onsdag torsdag fredag lørdag søndag mandag 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. april april april april april april kl. kl. kl. kl. kl. kl. 15 10 10 11 11 10 - 18 17 17 16 16 17 Bredgade 33 · DK-1260 København K · Tel +45 8818 1111 · Fax +45 8818 1112 [email protected] · www.bruun-rasmussen.dk Old masters og 19. århundrede malerier Bruun Rasmussen inviterer til årets første auktion over ældre malerier. Auktion 786 byder på et meget rigt og varieret udvalg i alle kategorier, lige fra old masters til skagensmalerier. I top blandt auktionens mange fine guldaldermalerier af bl.a. C. A. Jensen, Wilhelm Marstrand og P. C. Skovgaard, findes I. C. Dahls ”Prospect af Store Mariendahl”. Der er en sand rigdom af detaljer, figurer, arkitektur i skildringen af det danske kystlandskab nord for København anno 1812. Af samme maler skal også nævnes en detaljeret studietegning af Frederiksborg slot. Laurits Tuxen regnes i dag blandt de største skagensmalere på linie med Krøyer og Ancher. Når man betragter hans maleri ”Badeliv paa Skagens Nordstrand. Middagssol”, der er auktionens højest vurderede maleri, forstår man hvorfor. Der er tale om et værk i intet mindre end international topklasse. Dette hovedværk blev vundet af den nuværende ejers bedsteforældre ved lodtrækning på Charlottenborg-udstillingen i 1910 og har aldrig tidligere været udbudt til salg. Blandt de mange andre væsentlige skagensmalerier findes flere af P. S. Krøyer og Michael Ancher. Når Vilhelm Hammershøi arbejdede med portrættet, var det oftest med familie eller nære venner som modeller. Hammershøis portræt af søsteren Anna formidler en enestående fortættet indlevelse i modellens personlighed. Det orientalske betones mesterligt i C. C. Andersens ”Salem! Husets Herre vender hjem” fra 1885. Orientalismen i malerkunsten er genstand for stor international interesse i disse år, og i dette værk kan C. C. Andersen måle sig med mange af de bedste udenlandske udøvere af genren. På auktionen kan man desuden glæde sig over en meget fin samling malerier af Carl Fischer. Især hans følsomme kvindestudier er rigt repræsenteret blandt de ikke færre end 29 værker, der udbydes på auktionen. Ved sidste års auktion slog Bruun Rasmussen alle rekorder ved at sælge Paul Fischers ”Paa Højbroplads. April” for 4.000.000 kr. Også denne auktion byder på et meget fint udvalg af malerier af Paul Fischer. Med det smukke portræt af datteren Harriet viser Fischer sit absolut bedste som portrætmaler. Rigtig god fornøjelse! Maleri afdelingen Old masters and the 19th Century Bruun Rasmussen invites you to the first auction of fine art in 2008. Auction 786 offers a very large and varied selection in all categories, from Old Masters right up to Skagen paintings. At the top among the many fine Golden Age paintings by such artists as C.A. Jensen, Wilhelm Marstrand and P.C. Skovgaard, you will find I.C. Dahl’s “Prospect af Store Mariendahl” (View of Mariendahl near Copenhagen.). There is a true wealth of detail, particularly in the form of figures and architecture, in this depiction of the Danish coastal landscape north of Copenhagen in the year 1812. Also to be sold is a drawing by the same artist, and that is a detailed study of Frederiksborg Castle. Laurits Tuxen is today counted among the greatest of the Skagen painters, on an equal footing with Krøyer and Ancher. Looking at his painting, ”Badeliv paa Skagens Nordstrand. Middagssol” (Seaside Life on Skagen Beach in the Midday Sun), which is the highest-valued painting at this auction, you can understand why. We are talking about a work in nothing less than international top class. This significant work was actually won by the grandparents of the present owner in a draw at the Charlottenborg exhibition in 1910 and has never previously been offered for sale. Among the many other important Skagen paintings you will find several by P.S. Krøyer and Michael Ancher. When Vilhelm Hammershøi worked in portraits, it was mostly with relatives or close friends as models. Hammershøi’s portrait of his sister Anna conveys a unique intense empathy with the personality of the model. The oriental mood is masterly emphasized in C.C. Andersen’s ”Salem! The Master of the House Returns”, from 1885. Orientalism in painting is currently the object of great international interest, and in this work C.C. Andersen can compare with many of the best foreign interpreters of the genre. A very fine collection of paintings by Carl Fischer can also be enjoyed at the auction. In particular, his sensitive female studies are richly represented among the no fewer than 29 works offered for sale. At last year’s auction Bruun Rasmussen broke all records by selling Paul Fischer’s ”On Højbro Square. April” for DKK 4,000,000 (€ 535 000). This auction also offers a very fine selection of paintings by Paul Fischer. With the beautiful portrait of his daughter Harriet, Fischer shows himself at his absolute best as a portrait painter. Enjoy the auction! The department of fine art department of fine art head of the department cataloguing Kasper Nielsen Birte Stokholm 8818 1121 [email protected] 8818 1122 [email protected] Jeannette Trefzer 8818 1123 [email protected] Bettina Sinnet 8818 1125 [email protected] Nikolaj Brandt 8818 1126 [email protected] Tatiana Heikkilä 8818 1127 [email protected] paintings drawings icons prints wednesday 23 april 1 pm catalogue no. 127 - 389 127 Carl Balsgaard b. Copenhagen 1812, d.s.p. 1893 Still life with fruit. Signed C. Balsgaard. Oil on canvas. 33 x 43 cm. DKK 20.000 / € 2.700 127 128 I. L. Jensen copy after, 1847 Still life with fruit in a basket and game birds on a stump of tree. Signed and dated H. C. 1847. Oil on canvas. 63 x 68 cm. Exhibited: Øregaard Museum, "Dansk Blomstermaleri, I. L. Jensen og hans kvindelige efterfølgere", September 2006 to January 2007 no. 90. The original painting by I. L. Jensen is dated 1840 and is in the possession of ARoS Aarhus Kunstmuseum. The painting was exhibited at the above mentioned exhibition as no. 16. DKK 15.000-20.000 / € 2.000-2.700 128 136 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 129 O. D. Ottesen b. Broager 1816, d. Frderiksberg 1892 A bunch of roses, primula and hyacinth in a vase. Signed O. D. Ottesen. Oil on canvas. 24 x 19 cm. Provenance: The collection of Frands Hougaard, Doctor. DKK 10.000 / € 1.300 129 130 I. L. Jensen, school of 19th century Pink roses in a basket. Unsigned. Oil on canvas. 70 x 55 cm. DKK 25.000-30.000 / € 3.400-4.000 130 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 137 131 131 Anthonore Christensen b. Copenhagen 1849, d. Usserød 1926 Harebell, peaflower and blackberry runners on the forest floor. Signed with a monogram and dated 1889. Oil on canvas. 45 x 55 cm. DKK 30.000 / € 4.000 138 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 132 132 Painter unknown beginning of the 19th century Still life with roses, hollyhocks and a flowerpot. Unsigned. Oil on paper. 33 x 43 cm. Provenance: The collection of Frands Hougaard, Doctor. DKK 10.000-15.000 / € 1.300-2.000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 139 133 Vilhelm Petersen b. Copenhagen 1812, d.s.p. 1880 133 View of a lake, in the background a house with a thatched roof. C. 1868. Unsigned. Oil on paper mounted on canvas. 24 x 35 cm. Mona Christensen and Jan Faye, A Catalogue Raisonné of the Works of Vilhelm Petersen no. 326. Exhibited: Marienlyst, "Vilhelm Petersen - en glemt guldaldermaler", 1990 no. 326. Provenance: ABR auction 703, 2001 no. 126, from a larger collection of paintings by Vilhelm Petersen, owned by members of the painter's family. DKK 12.000-15.000 € 1.600-2.000 134 Ferdinand Richardt b. Brede 1819, d. Oakland, California 1895 134 Summer's day at "Hvidøre" in Klampenborg, Denmark. Signed and dated F. Richardt 1870. Oil on canvas. 32 x 50 cm. The dominant building in the painting by Richardt is "Hvidøre". This impressive villa was built in 1872 by Legationsråd (Counsellor) Frederik Christian Bruun. King Frederik VIII's sisters Dowager Empress Dagmar and Dowager Queen Alexandra spent their summers in the house in the years 1910-1920. Hvidøre was the permanent home of Dowager Empress Dagmar from 1920 until her death in 1928. For a period after 1938 Hvidøre served as a diabetic hospital for Novo. Today it is a conference centre for Novo Nordisk. DKK 15.000 / € 2.000 135 Ferdinand Richardt b. Brede 1819, d. Oakland, California 1895 View of the Sound from Odins Høj (Odin's peak), in the background Kronborg Castle and the Swedish coast. Signed and dated F. Richardt 1865. Oil on canvas. 40 x 63 cm. DKK 15.000-20.000 € 2.000-2.700 135 140 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 136 136 L. R. Lyngbye 137 David Monies b. Copenhagen 1809, d. Helsingør 1869 b. Copenhagen 1812, d. Frederiksberg 1894 Mother and children on a path in the woods. Signed and dated LRL 1837. Oil on canvas. 78 x 110 cm. DKK 20.000-30.000 / € 2.700-4.000 A grandfather and his little grandchild at one of the red gates of "Dyrehaven" (The Deer Garden) north of Copenhagen. Signed D. Monies. Oil on canvas. 30 x 46 cm. Provenance: The collection of Frands Hougaard, Doctor. DKK 10.000 / € 1.300 137 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 141 138 138 Danish painter 139 139 C. A. Jensen beginning of the 19th century b. Bredsted near Husum 1792, d. Copenhagen 1870 "Scene af Jægerbrud". Scenery from Carl Maria von Weber’s opera "Jægerbruden" ("Der Freischütz") composed in 1821. Unsigned. Oil on canvas. 41 x 34 cm. DKK 15.000 / € 2.000 "En liden Pige legende med en Hund, copieret efter en af Prof. C. A. Lorentzen i Paris forfærdiget Copie, efter J. B. Greuze". A little girl playing with a puppy, copy after C. A. Lorentzen who copied J. B. Greuze in Paris. 1815. Unsigned. Oil on canvas. 61 x 50 cm. Sigurd Schultz, A Catalogue Raisonné of the Works of C. A. Jensen no. 430, mentioned p. 18, 114, 116-18 and 132, reproduced p. 115. Exhibited: Charlottenborg 1815 no. 35. Kunstforeningen, "Arbejder af Maleren Chr. Albr. Jensen", 1922 no. 153. Frederiksberg Ovenlyssal November 1925 no. 31. Provenance: Henry Schou, Art Dealer, Frederiksberg. Winkel & Magnussen auction 384, 1953 no. 66b. ABR auction 156, 1963 no. 54a. C. A. Jensen copied several of professor C. A. Lorentzen's works in 1815. The professor painted his version of the girl and the puppy during his travelling abroad 1779-82. The painting assumed fundamental significance in his teaching. DKK 10.000-15.000 / € 1.300-2.000 140 George Henry Harlow b. London 1787, d. 1819 Two girls with a dove. Unsigned. Oil on canvas. 128 x 123 cm. DKK 35.000 / € 4.700 140 142 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 141 141 141 Wilhelm Bendz b. Odense 1804, d. Vicenza 1832 Two portraits. Sketches for "Finck's Coffeehouse in Munich" in Thorvaldsen's Museum. Portraits of Litographer A. Borum and Painter Morgenstern from Hamburg. Oil on paper mounted on canvas. 18 x 14 cm each. (2). Literature: Den Hirschsprungske Samling, "Wilhelm Bendz. 1804-1832. Et ungt kunstnerliv", 1996 p. 172-181. Provenance: The collection of Reinhard van Hauen. DKK 30.000 / € 4.000 142 Constantin Hansen b. Rome 1804, d. Frederiksberg 1880 "Fra Hønsegaarden". Two children feeding chicken in a doorway. Unsigned. On the reverse an old label with the initials C. H. Oil on canvas. 47 x 40 cm. Emil Hannover, A Catalogue Raisonné of the Works of Constantin Hansen no. 497, mentioned pp. 250251, reproduced p. 251 fig. 132. Provenance: Mrs. Marie Axelsen. DKK 20.000 / € 2.700 142 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 143 143 143 P. C. Skovgaard 144 Hermann Carmiencke b. Ringsted 1817, d. Copenhagen 1875 b. Hamburg 1810, d. Brooklyn 1867 "Begyndende aftenskumring i Dyrehaven". Twilight in The Deer Garden (Dyrehaven) north of Copenhagen. Unsigned. Oil on canvas. 38 x 42 cm. Contemporary frame. Provenance: Johan Hansen, Consul General. DKK 25.000 / € 3.400 "Fra Sabinerbjergene". From The Sabine Hills in Italy. Signed and dated H. C. 1847. Oil on canvas. 37 x 47 cm. DKK 15.000-25.000 / € 2.000-3.400 144 144 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 145 Wilhelm Marstrand b. Copenhagen 1810, d.s.p. 1873 A woman with a lace bonnet. Unsigned. Oil on canvas. 47 x 40 cm. DKK 40.000 / € 5.400 145 146 Julius Exner, copy after 19th century The little cousins are visiting the newborn. Signed "Copieret af P. T. Tax" (Copied by P. T. Tax). Oil on canvas. 110 x 150 cm. DKK 20.000-30.000 / € 2.700-4.000 146 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 145 147 147 L. A. Smith b. Copenhagen 1820, d.s.p. 1906 "Politici". Interior from a cafe. Two men discussing politics, other men playing billard. Unsigned. Oil on canvas. 67 x 82 cm. Exhibited: Charlottenborg 1863 no. 300. Provenance: Has been in the same family since 1863. DKK 20.000-25.000 / € 2.700-3.400 148 146 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 148 Heinrich Nickelsen b. Stockelsdorf 1819 "Omvandrende Lirendreiere i en holsteensk Landsbye". Strolling organ grinder in a Holstein village. Signed and dated H. Nickelsen pinx. Kjøbenhavn Marts 1844. Oil on canvas. 69 x 81 cm. Exhibited: Charlottenborg 1844 no. 206. Literature: Weilbach Dansk Kunstnerleksikon, volume 6, 1997 p. 92. DKK 20.000-30.000 / € 2.700-4.000 149 Jørgen Roed b. Ringsted 1808, d. Copenhagen 1888 Portrait of K. A. C. Mantzius at the age of 35. Signed with a monogram and dated Au. 1854. Oil on paper mounted on board. 35 x 28 cm. The actor and reciter K. A. C. Mantzius was member of an artistic family. In school he met C. Hostrup and they inspired each other. Mantzius made his debut in 1842 in Ludvig Holberg's "Erasmus Montanus". The turning-point in his career came in 1844 appearing as lieutenant von Buddinge in Hostrup's singspiel "Genboerne". (The Neighbours). Provenance: The collection of Reinhard van Hauen. DKK 10.000-15.000 / € 1.300-2.000 149 150 David Monies b. Copenhagen 1812, d. Frederiksberg 1894 A wandering singer and his family seeking shelter from the rain. Signed D. Monies Copenhagen. Oil on canvas. 70 x 59 cm. Exhibited: Charlottenborg 1843 no. 180. Bought by "Kunstforeningen". The painting was made a prize in a lottery in "Kunstforeningen" and won by Mr. Tønder, Titular Councillor of State. Provenance: Arresødal near Frederiksværk, North Zealand. DKK 30.000 / € 4.000 150 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 147 151 152 151 L. A. Schou 152 Dankvart Dreyer b. Slagelse 1838, d. Florence 1867 b. Assens 1816, d. Barløse 1852 "Bondestue med Bilæggerovn". Interior from a farmhouse with a jamp stove. Signed and dated L. S. 1860. Oil on canvas. 34 x 32 cm. H. I. Schou og Henrik Bramsen, A Catalogue Raisonné of the Works of L. A. Schou no. 14. Exhibited: Kunstforeningen, "Ludvig Abelin Schous Arbejder", 1906 no. 30. DKK 15.000-20.000 / € 2.000-2.700 "Nedtagelsen fra korset". The Deposition. Study for an alterpiece in Assens Church, Funen. C. 1840. Unsigned. Oil on canvas. 20 x 16 cm. Leo Swane, A Catalogue Raisonné of the Works of Dankvart Dreyer no. 83. Suzanne Ludvigsen, A Catalogue Raisonné of the Works of Dankvart Dreyer no. 114. Exhibited: Kunstforeningen, "Dankvart Dreyer", 1912 no. 48. Fyns Stiftsmuseum, Odense, "Dankvart Dreyers Mindeudstilling", 1952 no. 36. Kunstforeningen, "Dankvart Dreyer", 1989 no. 66. Provenance: P. N. Holst, Engineer. The collection of Reinhard van Hauen. . DKK 10.000-15.000 / € 1.300-2.000 153 Adolf Heinrich-Hansen b. Copenhagen 1859, d. Fredensborg 1925 Interior from a manorhouse. Signed Ad. Heinrich-Hansen. Oil on canvas. 50 x 62 cm. DKK 25.000 / € 3.400 153 148 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 154 C. W. Eckersberg, school of 19th century A nude. Unsigned. Oil on paper mounted on canvas. 88 x 60 cm. The study of the nude is painted in the Golden Age tradition of C. W. Eckersberg and the female model resembles one of Eckersberg's popular models. DKK 15.000-20.000 € 2.000-2.700 154 155 August Lorange b. Wienrode in Harzen 1833, d. Cairo 1875 Italian woman at the fireplace. Signed A. Lorange. Oil on canvas. 37 x 48 cm. DKK 15.000 / € 2.000 155 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 149 156 Vilhelm Petersen b. Copenhagen 1812, d.s.p. 1880 The village gate of Andernach at the Rhine. 1850. Unsigned. Oil on cardboard. 25 x 36 cm. An almost similar painting signed with Vilhelm Petersen's monogram and dated 1850 exists. Andernach is a small German village situated at The Rhine between Bonn and Koblenz. Vilhelm Petersen visited Andernach 11th-12th of July and 18th-21st of Juli 1850 on his way to Italy. DKK 15.000 / € 2.000 156 157 I. P. Møller b. Fåborg 1783, d. Copenhagen 1854 157 "Slottet Landeck ved Innfloden, oplyst af den dalende Soel". Landeck Castle on the river Inn in the rays of the setting sun. Signed and dated I. P. M. 1832. Oil on canvas. 78 x 100 cm. Exhibited: Charlottenborg 1832 no. 11. Provenance: Queen Caroline Amalie (1832). DKK 30.000 / € 4.000 158 Christian David Gebauer b. Neusalz 1777, d. Århus 1831 Cows in a meadow in the Alps. Signed Gebauer in the lower right corner. Oil on canvas. 39 x 50 cm. DKK 10.000-15.000 € 1.300-2.000 158 150 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 159 159 Wilhelm Marstrand b. Copenhagen 1810, d.s.p. 1873 Italian village scene with a mother, a sleeping child and a young woman on a donkey cart. Signed with a monogram and dated 1868. Oil on canvas. 51 x 63 cm. DKK 40.000-50.000 / € 5.400-6.700 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 151 160 Painter unknown 19th century Two landscape sceneries: A fisherman at the shore of a lake, in the background icebergs, presumably from Canada. A bay in the South of Italy with a fishing boat in the moonlight. Both unsigned. Both oil on canvas. 44 x 58 cm each. (2). DKK 20.000 / € 2.700 160 160 161 Eduard Henri Théophile Pingret b. Saint-Quentin 1788, d.s.p. 1875 An Italian couple sitting on the sea shore next to a horse carriage. Signed and dated Pingret 1844. Oil on paper mounted on board. 30 x 69 cm. DKK 30.000-40.000 € 4.000-5.400 161 152 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 162 162 Luigi Rubio b. Rome 1800, d. Florence 1882 Two young Italian girls and a fortune teller. Signed Rubio. Oil on canvas. 66 x 54 cm. DKK 40.000 / € 5.400 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 153 163 163 Holger H. Jerichau b. Copenhagen 1861, d.s.p. 1900 Coastal scene from the island of Elba, Italy. Signed Holger H. Jerichau Porto Ferrajo. Oil on canvas. 33 x 62 cm. Porto Ferrajo is the main town of the island of Elba. DKK 20.000 / € 2.700 154 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 164 Danish painter c. 1850 Two buffalos. Scene from Italy? Unsigned. Oil on paper mounted on canvas. 29 x 38 cm. It has not been possible to identify who painted these lifelike buffalos. The motif was popular among the Danish painters who visited Southern Europe. DKK 15.000 / € 2.000 164 165 French painter 19th century A shepherd and his goats near the coast. Indistinctly signed Maga...? Oil on canvas. 55 x 66 cm. DKK 20.000 / € 2.700 165 166 Gustav Wilhelm Palm b. Härlöv 1810, d. Stockholm 1890 A man and his dog on the fringes of the forest on a summer's day. Unsigned. Oil on canvas. 54 x 76 cm. Nationalmuseum in Stockholm owns several sketches for this painting. DKK 15.000-20.000 € 2.000-2.700 166 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 155 167 167 Niels Simonsen 168 Léon Geille de Saint Léger b. Copenhagen 1807, d. Frederiksberg 1885 French painter, 19th century, b. Algier 1864 Three Arabs at their boat. Signed N. Simonsen. Oil on panel. 13 x 23 cm. DKK 12.000-15.000 / € 1.600-2.000 North African landscape, Algier. Signed Geille de S.-Leger. Oil on canvas. 57 x 73. DKK 15.000-20.000 / € 2.000-2.700 168 156 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 169 Sculptor unknown 19th century A young Nubian wearing a fez. Unsigned. A bust cast in patinated copper. H. 96 cm. DKK 25.000 / € 3.400 170 Charles Emile de Tournemine, ascribed to b. Toulon 1812, d.s.p. 1872 Scene from Constantinople with people playing music and a lady dancing. Inscribed on the reverse Charles de Tournemine. Oil on panel. 27 x 36 cm. DKK 50.000 / € 6.700 169 170 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 157 171 Painter unknown 19th century A young woman with leaves in her long hair and a dark blue dress with stars, presumably Dante's Beatrice. Unsigned. Oil on canvas. 55 x 42 cm. DKK 10.000-15.000 / € 1.300-2.000 171 172 Painter unknown, 18th century 18th century A German nobleman in armour. Unsigned. Oil on canvas. 76 x 62 cm. DKK 15.000-20.000 / € 2.000-2.700 172 158 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 173 Jens Juel, school of c. 1800 A portrait of an elegant lady in a greyblue dress and with her hair taken up. Unsigned. Oil on canvas. 68 x 53 cm. DKK 40.000 / € 5.400 173 174 Johann Salomon Wahl, style of 18th century Portrait of a noble lady in blue. Unsigned. Oil on canvas. 81 x 66 cm. DKK 20.000-25.000 / € 2.700-3.400 174 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 159 175 Jean Antoine Watteau, style of 19th century Two elegant men flirting with a young lady. Unsigned. Oil on canvas. 74 x 118 cm. DKK 20.000 / € 2.700 175 176 176 French painter second half of the 19th century Elegant horsemen resting and Elegant horsemen greeting a crowd of people. Both unsigned. Both oil on canvas. 36 x 48 cm. each. (2). DKK 15.000-20.000 € 2.000-2.700 176 160 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 177 177 Francois Boucher, style of 18th century Chinese scene. A family in a boat. Unsigned. Oil on canvas. 82 x 110 cm. Rococo frame. DKK 75.000-100.000 / € 10.000-13.000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 161 178 Erik Pauelsen b. Bygom 1749, d. Copenhagen 1790 Portrait of the artist's wife Anna Elisabeth Pauelsen née Lobeck (1759-1840) in a blue dress and straw hat decorated with a blue ribbon. Unsigned. Oil on panel. 30 x 25 cm. Provenance: The collection of Johan Hansen, Consul General, no. 1392, his auctions, part VII, Winkel & Magnussen 135, 1933 no. 147. The collection of Reinhard van Hauen. DKK 8.000-10.000 € 1.100-1.300 178 179 English painter c. 1800 "Nightmare". Unsigned. Oil on canvas. 53 x 58 cm. Unframed. DKK 15.000-20.000 € 2.000-2.700 179 162 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 180 French painter c. 1800 French officer from Napoleon's Army. Unsigned. Oil on canvas. Oval. 70 x 55 cm. DKK 15.000 / € 2.000 180 181 Georg Mathias Fuchs b. Vienna 1719, d. Copenhagen 1797 Portrait of Hans Reimer Reiersen (17491788), Naval Officer, seated next to a globe. Unsigned. Oil on canvas. Oval. 77 x 60 cm. Gilt Louis Seize frame. Provenance: ABR auction 367, 1976 no. 205. DKK 20.000-30.000 / € 2.700-4.000 181 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 163 182 182 Italian painter 18th century The Annunciation of the Virgin Mary. Unsigned. Oil on canvas. Portal-shaped. 123 x 83 cm. DKK 50.000 / € 6.700 164 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 183 183 Dutch painter 17th century Baccanal. Unsigned. Oil on copper. 105 x 131 cm. 18th century George III gilt-frame. DKK 600.000 / € 80.000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 165 184 P. P. Rubens, style of 18th century A distinguished lady surrounded by good friends. Unsigned. Oil on panel. 50 x 65 cm. DKK 30.000-40.000 € 4.000-5.400 184 185 Italian painter 17th century The Adoration of the Magi. Unsigned. Oil on canvas. 40 x 49 cm. DKK 50.000 / € 6.700 185 186 P. P. Rubens, copy after 18th century The Slaughter of the Innocents. Unsigned. Oil on canvas. 59 x 86 cm. DKK 15.000 / € 2.000 186 166 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 187 187 Rembrandt van Rijn, style of 17th century An old man praying. Unsigned. Oil on canvas. 64 x 51 cm. On the reverse an exhibition label: “Rembrandt. Paris. Collection M. Dokowsky?” and an old wax seal. DKK 100.000 / € 13.000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 167 188 Greek-Venetian painter 17th century The Adoration of the Magi. Unsigned. Oil on panel. 35 x 30 cm. DKK 10.000-15.000 / € 1.300-2.000 189 G. Otti, German painter 19th century "Der Niebelunge Liet". (Lied). Scene presumably presenting the wedding of Attila and German princess Ildikó. Signed G. Otti. Oil on canvas. 77 x 100 cm. The historical core in the circle of songs tells us about the devastation of the Burgundy kingdom around the city of Worms, caused by the Roman commander Flavius Aëtius and his Hunnish auxiliaries in 436. Presumably this story also included the conflict at the Merovingian Court between Brünnhilde and Queen Fredegund (after 575) together with the narrative about Attila's and the German princess Ildikó's wedding in 453. DKK 50.000 / € 6.700 188 189 168 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 190 Pietro Testa, ascribed to b. Lucca 1611, d. Rome 1650 Aeneas fleeing the burning Troy carrying his old father King Anchises on his back. Next to him his son. His wife Kreusa is presenting them with a golden statue of the tutelary deity of Troy. Unsigned. Oil on canvas. 74 x 60 cm. DKK 20.000-25.000 / € 2.700-3.400 191 Flemish painter 16th-17th century The Fall of Troy. In the middle distance the Trojan Horse is depicted. In the foreground to the right Aeneas is fleeing with his family. Unsigned. Oil on canvas. 45 x 61 cm. It has been suggested that the painting could have been painted by a follower of Hendrik Met de Bles (b. c. 1485/90, d. c. 1560) or Lucas Gassel (b. between 1480 and 1500, d. c. 1570). DKK 60.000 / € 8.000 190 191 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 169 192 192 Nicolas Poussin, school of 17th-18th century The Rest on the Flight into Egypt. Unsigned. Oil on canvas. 75 x 93 cm. DKK 80.000-100.000 / € 11.000-13.000 193 Gaspard Dughet, ascribed to b. Rome 1615, d. 1675 Susanna and the Elders. Unsigned. Oil on canvas. 41 x 60 cm. DKK 50.000 / € 6.700 193 170 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 194 194 Marco Ricci and Sebastiano Ricci, style of 18th century Classical landscape with people resting in the mountains. Unsigned. Oil on canvas. 73 x 100 cm. It has been suggested that the present painting is the result of the co-operation between Sebastiano Ricci and his nephew Marco Ricci, Sebastiano having painted the figures and Marco the landscape. A brief report by professor Giancarlo Sestieri arguing the above is enclosed. DKK 300.000 / € 40.000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 171 195 French painter c. 1800 Figures in a mountainous landscape in windy weather. Unsigned. Gouache on paper. Visible size 37 x 51 cm. DKK 10.000 / € 1.300 195 196 French painter 18th century Landscape with classical buildings. In the foreground farm workers resting under shadowy trees. Unsigned. Oil on canvas. 40 x 56 cm. Provenance: The collection of Frands Hougaard, Doctor. DKK 10.000 / € 1.300 196 197 French painter 18th century Figures in a park with classical ruins. Unsigned. Oil on canvas. 72 x 98 cm. DKK 20.000-30.000 € 2.700-4.000 197 172 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 198 198 Giovanni Paolo Panini (Pannini), style of 18th century Capriccio with figures among classical ruins. Unsigned. Oil on canvas. 74 x 111 cm. DKK 300.000 / € 40.000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 173 199 Andrea Piazza, copy after Guido Reni active in Parma. b. 1803, d. 1838 Lady with a turban, sheets of music and lute. Unsigned. Oil on bone. Visible size 16 x 12 cm. DKK 8.000 / € 1.100 199 200 Andrea Piazza, copy after Corregio active in Parma. b. 1803, d. 1838 The Virgin and Child with Saints Jerome and Mary Magdalene. Signed A. Piazza. Oil on bone. 21 x 14 cm. The original painting is in the Galleria Nazionale in Parma and was painted by Antonio Allegri da Correggio (1489-1534) in 1527-28. DKK 10.000 / € 1.300 200 174 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 201 201 Frans Francken II and Jan Brueghel II, style of 17th century Venus at the forge of Vulcan. Unsigned. Oil on panel. 57 x 94 cm. The painting is accompanied by an expertise by Jose Manuel Arnaiz, Jose Manuel Arnaiz y Asociados S. L., Centro de Estudios Pinacológicos. This paper argues that the painting is the result of a co-operation between Frans Francken II and Jan Brueghel II. DKK 600.000 / € 80.000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 175 202 203 202 Venetian painter 203 Carlo Dolci, copy after 18th century 17th-18th century Biblical scene with the Virgin Mary and child with two Saints. Unsigned. Oil on canvas. 68 x 58 cm. DKK 15.000-20.000 / € 2.000-2.700 "The Madonna of the Veil". Unsigned. Oil on canvas mounted on panel. 95 x 76 cm. Provenance: Acquired in Florence in the 1950s. The original painting is in the Galleria Corsini in Rome. DKK 15.000-25.000 / € 2.000-3.400 204 Italian painter 17th century Christ carrying the cross to Golgata. Unsigned. Oil on canvas. 85 x 76 cm. DKK 30.000 / € 4.000 204 176 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 205 English painter 17th century Elegant young lady in an evening dress with flowers in her hand. Unsigned. Oil on canvas. 108 x 78 cm. DKK 50.000-60.000 / € 6.700-8.000 205 206 Italian painter 17th century The Holy Family and Anna and Johannes. Unsigned. Oil on canvas. 79 x 65 cm. DKK 25.000 / € 3.400 206 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 177 208 207 Italian painter 208 Painter unknown 18th century 17th century Scene from "Orlando Furioso". "Angelica e Medoro". Angelica is carving her name and her lover's into the bark of a tree. It was the discovery of these proofs of their love that caused Orlando's jealous rage. Unsigned. Oil on canvas. 77 x 84 cm. DKK 60.000 / € 8.000 Scenes from the Old Testament. The creation of Adam and Eve and other scenes from the Creation. Unsigned. Oil on canvas. 98 x 130 cm. Unframed. DKK 20.000-30.000 / € 2.700-4.000 207 178 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 209 209 David Vinckebons, style of 210 Antonio Allegri da Correggio, school/style of 17th century 16th century The Baptism of Christ. Unsigned. Oil on panel. 45 x 65 cm. DKK 80.000-100.000 / € 11.000-13.000 Jesus carrying the cross to Golgatha accompanied by Mary and Mary Magdalene. Unsigned. Oil on canvas. 86 x 106 cm. Unframed. A ring binder with documentation from a thorough investigation of the painting is enclosed. The report contains several pieces of evidence indicating that this painting might be a work by Antonio Allegri da Correggio painted in 1521. DKK 125.000 / € 17.000 210 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 179 211 211 Cornelis de Heem b. Leyden 1631, d. Holland 1695 Still life with peaches, abricots, grapes, plums, melon, raspberry, blueberry, cherry and a corn cob. Unsigned. Oil on canvas. 52 x 41 cm. 17th century frame. DKK 50.000-60.000 / € 6.700-8.000 180 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 212 212 Flemish painter 16th century Pieta in the form of a triptych with verses from the Stabat Mater Dolorosa hymn on the wings. Unsigned. Oil on panel. Centerpiece with frame carved in one piece. Closed 25 x 18 cm. Presented in a velvet lined oak box. Text: “Quis homo qui non fleret, matrem Christi si videret, in tanto supplicio” – “Is there one who would not weep, whelmed in miseries so deep, Christ's dear Mother to behold?” “Quis posset non contristari, piam Matrem contemplari, dolentem cum Filio” – “Can the human heart refrain from partaking in her pain, in that Mother's pain untold?”. DKK 125.000 / € 17.000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 181 213 Italian painter 18th century A young woman is playing music for a man with flowers in his hair and a glass of wine in his hand. Unsigned. Oil on canvas. 72 x 90 cm. DKK 15.000-20.000 / € 2.000-2.700 213 214 Painter unknown 17th-18th century A wounded soldier is getting handouts from a group of pepole. Unsigned. Oil on canvas. 51 x 61. Unframed. DKK 15.000-20.000 / € 2.000-2.700 214 215 Painter unknown 18th century Bacchus riding on a donkey surrounded by people in a festive mood. Unsigned. Oil on canvas. 50 x 74 cm. DKK 30.000 / € 4.000 215 182 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 216 216 216 Johan Christian Vollerdt, style of 18th century A pair of romantic landscapes. Cattle crossing the river and A village in the mountains. Both unsigned. Both oil on canvas. 64 x 45 cm. each. (2). DKK 100.000 / € 13.000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 183 217 218 217 Jean Raoux, ascribed to 218 Painter unknown b. Montpellier 1677, d. Paris 1734 17th century Kitchen scene with young girl plucking a bird. Unsigned. Oil on canvas. 60 x 65 cm. DKK 50.000 / € 6.700 Three standing women in long dresses. Unsigned. Oil on canvas. 20 x 15 cm. DKK 20.000 / € 2.700 219 Dutch painter 17th-18th century Skaters on a frozen lake. Unsigned. Oil on panel. 23 x 29 cm. DKK 10.000-15.000 € 1.300-2.000 219 184 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 220 220 Painter unknown 16th century A young female Saint with the Bible under her arm is praying in front of a crucifix. Unsigned. Oil on canvas. 75 x 57 cm. DKK 100.000-125.000 / € 13.000-17.000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 185 221 Painter unknown c. 1800 Figures and grazing goats among classical ruins. Unsigned. Oil on canvas mounted on board. 83 x 107 cm. DKK 20.000 / € 2.700 221 222 Painter unknown 18th century Landscape with a hunting party taking a rest. Unsigned. Oil on Canvas. 105 x 132 cm. DKK 20.000-30.000 / € 2.700-4.000 222 223 Raphael, copy after 16th-17th century? “The Marriage of the Virgin”. Unsigned. Oil on canvas mounted on canvas. 40 x 54 cm. Raphael's original painting is an altarpiece painted at the age of 21 and nowadays exhibited in the Pinacoteca di Brera in Milan. The painting here is trimmed compared with Raphael’s motif which is completed by a circular temple behind the figures in the front. Provenance: Peter Hougaard, Painter, and wife Laura Hougaard, née Dinesen, Rungstedgaard. The collection of Frands Hougaard, Doctor. DKK 15.000-25.000 / € 2.000-3.400 223 186 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 224 Painter unknown 17th century The holy Hieronymus. Unsigned. Oil on copper. 24 x 17 cm. Carved and gilt baroque frame. DKK 15.000 / € 2.000 224 225 Frans van Mieris, the elder, ascribed to b. Leyden 1689, d.s.p. 1763 A gentleman with a red hat and a sword. Unsigned. Oil on panel. 18 x 13 cm. DKK 30.000 / € 4.000 225 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 187 226 Dutch painter 17th-18th century Herdsmen and their cattle are taking a rest under a tree. Unsigned. Inscribed on the reverse Van der Does. Oil on panel. 34 x 41 cm. DKK 15.000 / € 2.000 226 227 George Morland, style of b. London 1763, d.s.p. 1804 A young girl milking the cows. C. 1795. Unsigned. Oil on canvas. 54 x 73 cm. On the reverse a label from the 4th of July 1875, where the painting was verified as painted by George Morland. Provenance: In 1989-1990 the painting was lent to Sønderjyllands Kunstmuseum. DKK 40.000-50.000 € 5.400-6.700 227 228 Adrian van der Velde, school of 17th century, b. 1636, d. 1672 Cows, goats and a horse in a landscape. Inscribed on the reverse Adrian van der Velde. Oil on canvas mounted on board. 34 x 42 cm. DKK 20.000-25.000 € 2.700-3.400 228 188 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 229 Nicolaes Berchem, style of 18th century Herdsmen with their cattle in a river landscape. Bears the signature Berchem 1657. Oil on canvas. 70 x 58 cm. DKK 20.000 / € 2.700 230 German painter 17th century Landscape with two horses with long ears. Unsigned. Oil on canvas. 77 x 98 cm. Provenance: ABR auction 461, 1984 no. 351, reproduced p. 93. DKK 50.000-75.000 € 6.700-10.000 229 230 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 189 231 A 19th century Russian icon depicting Christ Pantocrator flanked by Sct. Nikon and Sct. Lavr. 53 x 44 cm. DKK 20.000 / € 2.700 231 232 A 19th century Russian icon depicting the Crucifixion, "Image not made by hand", the Lifegiving source, Mother of God with the child and Mother of God "unexpected joy" flanked by Saints. 44.5 x 38.5 cm. DKK 20.000 / € 2.700 232 190 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 233 233 A 19th century Russian icon depicting the Saint Prince Alexander Nevsky on a golden back. 53 x 44 cm. Alexander Nevsky (1218-1263) was the Prince of Novgorod and Vladimir during some of the most trying times in the country’s history. Commonly regarded as the key figure of medieval Russia. He was canonized by the Russian Orthodox church in 1547. DKK 40.000 / € 5.400 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 191 234 234 A 19th century Russian icon depicting four sceneries, "Virgin of the Burning Bush", "Protecting Veil", "Virgin of the Sign" and "Mother of God Vladimir". 31 x 28 cm. DKK 8.000-10.000 / € 1.100-1.300 235 An 18-19th century Russian icon depicting The Exaltation of the Cross. Tempera on panel and gesso. 31 x 26,5 cm. DKK 6.000 / € 800 236 192 235 236 A 19th century Russian icon depicting Mother of God "Joy of all Sorrows". 40 x 35 cm. DKK 5.000-7.000 / € 670-940 237 A late 19th century Russian "Protection of the Mother of God" icon ("Pokrov"). The upper part depicting the Mother of God with raised arms protecting the devotees, surrounded by angels and apostles. 36 x 31 cm. DKK 5.000-7.000 / € 670-940 237 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 238 238 A 19th century Russian icon, the Resurrection surrounded by twenty-eight traditionel icon motifs. 51 x 40 cm. DKK 15.000 / € 2.000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 193 239 240 239 An 18th-19th century Russian icon depicting St. John the Forerunner pointing at the Christ Child, whom he holds in his other hand in a chalice. Above the naked Christ Child asterikos has been placed with a star, symbolizing the Eucharistic Sacrifice that Jesus Christ will bring. Tempera on panel. 65 x 51 cm. On the reverse two struts. DKK 8.000-10.000 / € 1.100-1.300 240 A 19th century Russian icon with four sceneries depicting the Resurrection, the Virgin of the Sign (Znamenie), a crowd of archangels floating on clouds supporting a medallion with the figure of Christ, St. Peter and St. Paul below the sudarium with a print of the face of Christ. Moscow or Vladimir region. Tempera on wood panel. 53.5 x 45 cm. DKK 15.000 / € 2.000 242 241 194 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 243 241 A 19th century Russian icon depicting Christ Pantokrator flanked by St. Vlasij and St. Elisabeth on the left side and St. Nedost and St. Leonila on the right side. 53 x 46 cm. DKK 12.000 / € 1.600 242 A large late 19th century/early 20th century Russian icon depicting the Mother of God with the Child, with a silver-plated brass oklad and cut-out haloes. 55 x 48 cm. DKK 8.000 / € 1.100 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 243 A rare 19th century Russian icon depicting Christ surrounded by the tools of passion. 51 x 41 cm. DKK 15.000 / € 2.000 195 244 244 Fedor Flinzer b. Reichenbach 1832, d. Leipzig 1911 Cats on a ridge of a roof at full moon. Signed F. Flinzer. Oil on canvas. 66 x 56 cm. Fedor Alexis Flinzer was a German painter, illustrator, writer and teacher. His favourite topic was animals and especially cats and he was nicknamed "KatzenFlinzer" (Cat-Flinzer). He specialized in representing animals like humans and in a humorous and satirical way. Flinzer was also known as an illustrator of children's books and picture books. The present painting shows four cats displaying their temperaments in a fantastic full moon atmosphere - not unlike the universe of Walt Disney and Andrew Lloyd Webber. DKK 50.000 / € 6.700 196 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 245 245 CD Valdemar Irminger b. Copenhagen 1850, d. Frederiksberg 1938 "Amor i Løvekulen". Amor in the lion pit. Signed and dated V. J. 97. Oil on canvas. 70 x 124 cm. H. Chr. Christensen, A Catalogue Raisonné of the Works of Valdemar Irminger no. 366. Exhibited: Charlottenborg 1898 no. 203. Provenance: Otto Lemming, Art Dealer. Mrs. Sophie Lemming. DKK 25.000-30.000 / € 3.400-4.000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 197 246 247 198 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 246 Carl Bøgh b. Copenhagen 1827, d.s.p. 1893 Running roe deer in a forest. Signed C. Bøgh. Oil on canvas. 47 x 71 cm. DKK 15.000 / € 2.000 247 Carl Bøgh b. Copenhagen 1827, d.s.p. 1893 A horse and two dogs at a gate to a half-timbered house. Unsigned. Dated 1879. Oil on canvas. 39 x 42 cm. DKK 20.000 / € 2.700 248 CD Peder Mønsted b. Grenå 1859, d. Fredensborg 1941 Cows grazing in a forest, presumably from Sweden. Signed and dated P. Mønsted 1892. Oil on canvas. 80 x 72 cm. DKK 30.000-50.000 € 4.000-6.700 248 249 Carl Bøgh b. Copenhagen 1827, d.s.p. 1893 Swedish landscape with cattle near a lake. Signed and dated Carl Bøgh 1893. Oil on canvas. 60 x 49 cm. Carl Bøgh exhibited two paintings with Swedish motifs at Charlottenborg in 1893. One entitled: "Landskab med Køer. Østergøtland. I Baggrunden Vetteren". Landscape with cattle. Østergøtland. In the background Lake Vetteren. The other one with the title "Engparti med Køer. Ved Bredden af Taakeren. Østergøtland". A meadow with cattle. On the shore of Lake Taakeren. Østergøtland". DKK 15.000-20.000 € 2.000-2.700 249 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 199 Carl Fischer Carl Fischer was a regular and committed participant in the annual exhibitions at Charlottenborg, The Danish Royal Academy. Although also a painter of landscapes, street scenes, flowers and still lifes he was primarily known for his representations of young women in half or full figure in interior settings. Fischer liked to work with simple forms in subdued colours occasionally contrasted by strong colour accents. His style appears thus quite modern and focused on the interplay between form and colour. Never however at the expense of the psychological representation. The exquisite collection presented here gives a very fine impression of the painter’s sense of form and colour and moreover his eminent ability to capture the personality of the models, who were by the way often members of his family: His wife Ely, his children and grandchildren. The paintings are collected through a number of years by the painter Peter Hougaard and his son Frands Hougaard, doctor, who both knew Carl Fischer and his wife privately and much appreciated the artist’s work. Peter Hougaard studied art at the same time as Fischer and the two went to Paris together with the painters Sigurd Kielland Brandt, Axel Simonsen and Robert Storm Petersen (Storm P). Frands Hougaard kept in contact with the Fischer family and supported the painter who was always short of money. Fischer let his wife handle the sale of his paintings and the couple often had to sell much too cheaply because of an urgent need of cash. After the death of Carl Fischer Frands Hougaard bought several paintings from the widow. Futhermore many of the present paintings were bought on auctions, including Bruun Rasmussen, especially by the end of the 1950s and in the beginning of the 1960s. Peter and Frands Hougaards fascination with Carl Fischer’s art seems quite far-sighted today. This very fine and representative collection bears traces of the style of the French modernists like for example Paul Cézanne and Raoul Dufy. 200 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 250 250 CD Carl Fischer b. Vejle 1887, d. Copenhagen 1962 Young girl at a commode. Signed and dated Carl Fischer 36. Oil on canvas. 69 x 65 cm. Exhibited: Charlottenborg Foraarsudstillingen 1937 no. 98 with the title "Interiør" (Interior). DKK 30.000-40.000 / € 4.000-5.400 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 201 251 CD Carl Fischer b. Vejle 1887, d. Copenhagen 1962 Young girl in a red-chequered jacket. Signed Carl Fischer. Oil on canvas. 57 x 40 cm. Exhibited: Charlottenborg Foraarsudstillingen 1924 no. 160 with the title "Figurstudie" (Study of a figure). DKK 7.000-10.000 / € 940-1.300 251 252 CD Carl Fischer b. Vejle 1887, d. Copenhagen 1962 Geranium and lemons on a table. Signed Carl Fischer. Oil on canvas. 57 x 48 cm. DKK 15.000 / € 2.000 252 202 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 253 CD Carl Fischer b. Vejle 1887, d. Copenhagen 1962 Girl in a floral dress at a commode. Signed Carl Fischer. Oil on canvas. 101 x 72 cm. Exhibited: Charlottenborg Foraarsudstillingen 1933 no. 80 with the title "Interiør" (Interior). DKK 30.000-40.000 / € 4.000-5.400 253 254 CD Carl Fischer b. Vejle 1887, d. Copenhagen 1962 Pot plant. Signed and dated Carl Fischer 17. Oil on canvas. 51 x 42 cm. DKK 7.000-10.000 / € 940-1.300 254 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 203 255 CD Carl Fischer b. Vejle 1887, d. Copenhagen 1962 Two ladies taking a walk. Signed Carl Fischer. Oil on canvas. 46 x 57 cm. DKK 10.000 / € 1.300 255 256 CD Carl Fischer b. Vejle 1887, d. Copenhagen 1962 Pears in a fruit bowl. Signed and dated Carl Fischer 1922. Oil on canvas. 30 x 38 cm. DKK 10.000 / € 1.300 256 257 CD Carl Fischer b. Vejle 1887, d. Copenhagen 1962 Mother with her three children dressed in winter clothes. Signed Carl Fischer. Oil on canvas. 65 x 80 cm. DKK 25.000 / € 3.400 257 204 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 258 258 CD Carl Fischer b. Vejle 1887, d. Copenhagen 1962 Young girl in front of a mirror. Signed Carl Fischer. Oil on canvas. 69 x 52 cm. DKK 20.000-25.000 / € 2.700-3.400 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 205 259 CD Carl Fischer b. Vejle 1887, d. Copenhagen 1962 Leeks and lemons. Signed and dated Carl Fischer 39. Oil on canvas. 43 x 64 cm. DKK 15.000 / € 2.000 259 260 CD Carl Fischer b. Vejle 1887, d. Copenhagen 1962 Children in a village street. Signed Carl Fischer. Oil on canvas. 49 x 68 cm. DKK 15.000 / € 2.000 260 261 CD Carl Fischer b. Vejle 1887, d. Copenhagen 1962 Vegetables and fruit on a table. Signed and dated Carl Fischer 1939. Oil on canvas. 49 x 62 cm. DKK 15.000 / € 2.000 261 206 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 262 CD Carl Fischer b. Vejle 1887, d. Copenhagen 1962 Girl in a white slip. Signed Carl Fischer. Oil on cardboard. 42 x 36 cm. DKK 7.000-10.000 / € 940-1.300 262 263 CD Carl Fischer b. Vejle 1887, d. Copenhagen 1962 Elegant young lady at a café. Signed and dated Carl Fischer 32. Oil on cardboard. 62 x 41 cm. DKK 7.000-10.000 / € 940-1.300 263 264 CD Carl Fischer b. Vejle 1887, d. Copenhagen 1962 Girl with green mittens. Signed Carl Fischer. Oil on cardboard. 50 x 39 cm. DKK 7.000-10.000 / € 940-1.300 264 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 207 265 CD Carl Fischer b. Vejle 1887, d. Copenhagen 1962 Houses in the city. Signed Carl Fischer. Oil on canvas. 72 x 61 cm. DKK 12.000-15.000 / € 1.600-2.000 265 266 CD Carl Fischer b. Vejle 1887, d. Copenhagen 1962 Still life with pot plants. Signed Carl Fischer. Oil on cardboard. 74 x 77 cm. DKK 25.000 / € 3.400 266 267 CD Carl Fischer b. Vejle 1887, d. Copenhagen 1962 "Udsigt fra Taget". View from the roof. Signed Carl Fischer. Oil on canvas. 73 x 59 cm. Exhibited: Charlottenborg Efteraarsudstillingen 1938 no. 133. DKK 12.000-15.000 / € 1.600-2.000 267 208 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 268 CD Carl Fischer b. Vejle 1887, d. Copenhagen 1962 Girl with a green bonnet. Signed Carl Fischer. Oil on canvas. 46 x 38 cm. DKK 7.000-10.000 / € 940-1.300 268 269 CD Carl Fischer b. Vejle 1887, d. Copenhagen 1962 Thoughtful young girl in a green jacket and hat. Unsigned. Oil on canvas. 50 x 42 cm. DKK 7.000-10.000 / € 940-1.300 269 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 209 270 CD Carl Fischer b. Vejle 1887, d. Copenhagen 1962 Young couple at a white fence. Signed Carl Fischer. Oil on cardboard. 53 x 63 cm. On the reverse an exhibition label. DKK 15.000 / € 2.000 270 271 CD Carl Fischer b. Vejle 1887, d. Copenhagen 1962 Girl at a table with a bluechequered cloth. Signed Carl Fischer. Oil on canvas. 70 x 59 cm. DKK 20.000-25.000 € 2.700-3.400 271 210 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 272 272 CD Carl Fischer b. Vejle 1887, d. Copenhagen 1962 Girl with a pot plant. Signed Carl Fischer. Oil on cardboard. 68 x 55. DKK 15.000-20.000 / € 2.000-2.700 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 211 273 CD Carl Fischer b. Vejle 1887, d. Copenhagen 1962 Young girl in an evening dress. Signed Carl Fischer. Oil on cardboard. 45 x 35 cm. DKK 7.000-10.000 / € 940-1.300 273 274 CD Carl Fischer b. Vejle 1887, d. Copenhagen 1962 Young girl in an interior with a French balcony. Signed Carl Fischer. Oil on canvas. 63 x 52 cm. Empire frame. DKK 30.000 / € 4.000 274 212 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 275 CD Carl Fischer b. Vejle 1887, d. Copenhagen 1962 Young sitting girl. Signed Carl Fischer. Oil on cardboard. 45 x 35 cm. DKK 7.000-10.000 / € 940-1.300 275 276 CD Carl Fischer b. Vejle 1887, d. Copenhagen 1962 The red cloche. Unsigned. Oil on canvas mounted on cardboard. 56 x 48 cm. DKK 15.000-20.000 / € 2.000-2.700 276 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 213 277 CD Carl Fischer b. Vejle 1887, d. Copenhagen 1962 Girl with a dog. Signed and dated Carl Fischer 32 and inscribed: "Glædelig Jul ...." ("Merry Christmas ...."). Charcoal on paper. Visible size 56 x 46 cm. DKK 5.000 / € 670 278 CD Carl Fischer b. Vejle 1887, d. Copenhagen 1962 Two girls doing their homework. Signed and dated C. Fischer 1917. Oil on canvas. 49 x 61 cm. Provenance: The estate of the late Vilhelm Storm, Architect, ABR auction 106, 1959 no. 305. DKK 12.000-15.000 / € 1.600-2.000 279 Bertha Wegmann b. Switzerland 1847, d. Copenhagen 1926 "Det svenske pensionat". The Swedish boarding house. Signed B. Wegmann. Oil on cardboard. 35 x 37 cm. DKK 20.000 / € 2.700 277 278 214 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 279 280 Einar Hein b. Copenhagen 1875, d. Frederiksberg 1931 "I Vinterhaven". Grandmother and grandchild are having tea in the winter garden. Signed and dated Hein - 26. Oil on canvas. 96 x 109 cm. Exhibited: Charlottenborg 1927 no. 209. DKK 15.000-25.000 / € 2.000-3.400 280 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 215 281 282 216 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 281 J. Sellenati, Italian painter late 19th century Three fishermen and a young girl playing cards. Signed J. Sellenati. Oil on panel. 46 x 67 cm. DKK 20.000 / € 2.700 282 Alfons Spring b. Libau (Latvia) 1843, d. Munich 1908 Interior with a kitchenmaid and three gentlemen drinking beer. Signed A. Spring. Oil on panel. 37 x 53 cm. DKK 30.000 / € 4.000 283 283 Painter unknown end of the 19th century Scene from a fancy-dress ball with a cook's boy asking an Italian girl for a dance. Signed and dated M.C.C. 1890. Oil on canvas. 126 x 101 cm. DKK 30.000-40.000 / € 4.000-5.400 284 C. Ostersetzer/Osterselzer c. 1900 A monk is plucking a goose in the cloister's kitchen. Signed and dated C. Ostersetzer or Osterselzer 1904. Oil on panel. 45 x 34 cm. DKK 25.000 / € 3.400 284 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 217 285 Constant Guillaume Claes, Belgian painter b. Tongres 1826, d. Hasselt 1905 Toddlers playing on the beach. Signed and dated Constant Claes 1872. Oil on panel. 48 x 38 cm. DKK 30.000 / € 4.000 285 286 S. Rossi, Italian painter 19th century Three girls feeding donkeys. Signed and dated on the reverse S. Rossi Roma 1888. Oil on canvas. 115 x 87 cm. DKK 25.000 / € 3.400 286 218 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 287 Camille Alfred Pabst b. Colmar 1821, d. Paris 1898 "La Toilette". Interior with a young girl combing her hair. Signed C. A. Pabst. Oil on canvas. 108 x 78 cm. DKK 50.000 / € 6.700 287 288 Carel Eliza Sande-Lacoste b. Dordrecht 1860, d.s.p. 1894 Interior with a little girl in a white dress. Signed and dated C. v. Sande-Lacoste 87. Oil on canvas. 145 x 102 cm. DKK 30.000-40.000 / € 4.000-5.400 288 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 219 289 Edwin Hughes, English painter 19th century The butler is polishing shoes while flirting with the maid. Signed and dated Edwin Hughes 1890. Oil on canvas. 61 x 45 cm. DKK 20.000 / € 2.700 290 Rudolf Klingsbögl, Austrian painter b. 1881, d. 1943 Franz Schubert at the piano. Signed Rudolf Klingsbögl. Oil on canvas. 74 x 100 cm. DKK 20.000 / € 2.700 289 290 220 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 291 Johann Ferdinand Julius Hintze b. Wittingen 1849, d. Munich 1877 Two poor children sharing a bowl of soup at a farmhouse, with the servant girl and a little girl watching. Signed Julius Hintze München (Munich). Oil on panel. 46 x 29 cm. DKK 15.000-20.000 / € 2.000-2.700 292 Francesco Bergamini, active in Rome b. 1851, d. 1900 Scene from a convent. Signed F. Bergamini Roma. Oil on canvas. 45 x 68 cm. DKK 50.000 / € 6.700 291 292 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 221 293 English painter 19th century Two boys in a landscape. One boy with an apple the other with an orange. Unsigned. Oil on canvas. 166 x 120 cm. DKK 20.000-30.000 / € 2.700-4.000 293 294 Segundo Matilla Marina b. Madrid 1862, d. Barcelona 1936 A bullfighter and a guitarist in a tap room in Seville. Signed S. Matilla. Oil on canvas. 88 x 63 cm. DKK 30.000 / € 4.000 294 222 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 295 Erik Henningsen b. Copenhagen 1855, d.s.p. 1930 "Kaninføden samles mellem Bygerne". A boy and a country girl are gathering feed for the rabbits between the showers. Signed and dated Erik Henningsen 1913. Oil on canvas. 61 x 46 cm. Provenance: The estate of the late Erik Henningsen, Winkel & Magnussen auction 89, 1931 no. 106, reproduced p. 15. DKK 20.000-25.000 / € 2.700-3.400 295 296 Otto Bache b. Roskilde 1839, d. Copenhagen 1927 A horseman. Study for "Parforcejagt i det 18de Aaarhundrede. Efter Frokosten paa Eremitagen skal Jagten begynde igen", finished 1881. Parforce hunt in the 18th century. After lunch at "Eremitagen" the hunt continues. The horseman has changed position in the final painting. Signed and dated Otto Bache 1878. Oil on canvas. 66 x 46 cm. DKK 15.000-20.000 / € 2.000-2.700 296 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 223 297 297 Erik Henningsen 298 Erik Henningsen b. Copenhagen 1855, d.s.p. 1930 b. Copenhagen 1855, d.s.p. 1930 "He loves me, he loves me not". Two girls picking flowers in a meadow. Signed and dated Erik Henningsen 1916. Oil on canvas. 53 x 72 cm. DKK 75.000 / € 10.000 A grandfather and his grandchild on their way to the market. Signed and dated E. Henningsen (in one word) 1923. Oil on canvas. 46 x 53 cm. DKK 30.000-40.000 / € 4.000-5.400 298 224 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 299 299 Erik Henningsen b. Copenhagen 1855, d.s.p. 1930 "Efter Nattevagten". After the night duty. Signed and dated E. Henningsen 1907. Oil on canvas. 50 x 45 cm. Exhibited: Charlottenborg 1907 no. 184. DKK 50.000 / € 6.700 300 Erik Henningsen b. Copenhagen 1855, d.s.p. 1930 Three people talking in a doorway in the light from a lamp. Signed and dated Erik Henningsen 1913. Oil on canvas. 58 x 54 cm. DKK 20.000-30.000 / € 2.700-4.000 300 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 225 301 Paul Fischer b. Copenhagen 1860, d.s.p. 1934 "Emil Reesen dirigerer Radioorkesteret". Emil Reesen conducts the Radio Orchestra. 1929. Signed Paul Fischer. Oil on canvas mounted on cardboard. 34 x 26 cm. Provenance: Emil Reesen, Conductor. A present from Paul Fischer. The painting has been with the Reesen family until recently. The scene shows Emil Reesen conducting the Radio Orchestra at Axelborg for a recording. The red light is on, that means please do not disturb!. DKK 50.000 / € 6.700 301 302 Paul Fischer b. Copenhagen 1860, d.s.p. 1934 Rainy day in Copenhagen. Signed Paul Fischer. Oil on panel. 25 x 20 cm. DKK 20.000-30.000 / € 2.700-4.000 302 226 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 303 303 CD Carl V. Meyer b. Aalborg 1870, d. Frederiksberg 1938 "Glad dreng ved morgendrikken". A happy boy at the breakfast table. Signed Carl V. Meyer. Oil on canvas. 68 x 82 cm. Exhibited: Charlottenborg 1937 no. 350. DKK 12.000-15.000 € 1.600-2.000 304 Luplau Janssen b. Sørbymagle 1869, d. Copenhagen 1927 Interior with a mother and two children. Signed and dated Luplau Janssen 99. Oil on cardboard. 38 x 36 cm. DKK 15.000-20.000 € 2.000-2.700 304 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 227 305 305 305 305 Otto Bache b. Roskilde 1839, d. Copenhagen 1927 Eight sketches for the Royal Theatre in Copenhagen. 1 Scenery from Holberg's comedy "Jeppe på Bjerget": Jeppe in the Baron's bed. Signed and dated O. B. 1872. 31 x 24. 2 Scenery from Henrik Hertz's "De fattiges Dyrehave": The family on a picnic with the baby in a push chair. 31 x 16. 3 Scenery from the play "Abekatten" with Rosenkilde and Mrs. Sødring in the doorway. 30 x 15. 4 - Scenery from Shakespeare's "Hamlet": Rosenkrantz and Gyldenstjerne talking to the gravedigger. 30 x 15. 5 - Scenery from Henrik Hertz's "Ninon" with Mrs. Heiberg and Michael Wiehe in the leading roles. 31 x 17. 6 - Scenery from Mozart's "Don Juan" with "court singer" Christian Hansen. Below a quotation: "The halo of life surrounds me -". Signed O. B. 30 x 23. 7 Scenery from the ballet "Valkyrien": Bjørn dancing with the elf girls. Signed and dated O. B. 72. 30 x 23. 8 - Scenery from Adam Oehlenschlæger's "Hakon Jarl". 30 x 15. All oil on canvas. (8). Exhibited: Foreningen for National Kunst, "Otto Bache samt nulevende danske kunstneres arbejder", 1964 no. 146. Literature: Otto Bache, "Malerier, Studier og Tegninger", 1928 reproduced fig. 62 - 68. Provenance: Mrs. Olga Knock. DKK 50.000 / € 6.700 305 228 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 305 305 305 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 305 229 306 CD H. A. Brendekilde b. Brændekilde 1857, d. Jyllinge 1942 A troll at a barrow at dusk. Signed H. A. Brendekilde. Oil on canvas. 54 x 71 cm. On the reverse an exhibition label from Charlottenborg. DKK 25.000-30.000 € 3.400-4.000 306 307 Pauline Thomsen b. Roskilde 1858, d. Ry 1931 "Ved Knud Sø". Autumn morning with trees and flying birds at a lake. Signed and dated P. Thomsen 1909. Oil on canvas. 125 x 191 cm. Exhibited: Charlottenborg 1910 no. 473. DKK 30.000 / € 4.000 307 308 C. A. Kølle b. 1827, d. Copenhagen 1872 "En Sommeraften i Slesvig". Summer's evening in Schleswig. Signed and dated C. A. Kølle 1855. Oil on canvas. 47 x 62 cm. DKK 10.000-15.000 € 1.300-2.000 308 230 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 309 309 CD Julius Paulsen b. Odense 1860, d. Copenhagen 1940 Moonlit harbour scene. Signed and dated Jul. Paulsen 1916. Oil on canvas. 60 x 71 cm. DKK 20.000-25.000 / € 2.700-3.400 310 CD Julius Paulsen b. Odense 1860, d. Copenhagen 1940 Sunset. Signed and dated J. P. 06. Oil on canvas. 31 x 50 cm. Exhibition label from Commeters Kunstausstellung in Hamburg no. 1900. DKK 15.000 / € 2.000 310 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 231 311 311 Nicolaas Johannes Roosenboom b. Schellingwouw 1805, d. Holland 1880 Dutch landscape with people on a frozen lake. Signed N. J. R. Oil on panel. 20 x 26 cm. DKK 20.000-25.000 / € 2.700-3.400 312 232 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 312 August Achilles b. Rostock 1798, d. Altona 1861 Winter scene with soldiers on horseback. Signed and dated August Achilles 1860? Oil on canvas. 64 x 90 cm. DKK 10.000-15.000 € 1.300-2.000 313 A. Andersen-Lundby b. Lundby near Aalborg 1840, d. Munich 1923 Late afternoon in a forest with a frozen brook. Signed and dated A. Lundby 1877. Oil on canvas. 72 x 61 cm. DKK 20.000 / € 2.700 313 314 A. Andersen-Lundby b. Lundby near Aalborg 1840, d. Munich 1923 Winter scene with people walking along a brook. Signed and dated A. Andersen 1872. Oil on canvas. 27 x 35 cm. DKK 10.000-15.000 € 1.300-2.000 314 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 233 315 CD H. A. Brendekilde b. Brændekilde 1857, d. Jyllinge 1942 Fowls under a tree near a whitewashed cottage. Bears the signature H. A. B. Oil on canvas. 61 x 51 cm. DKK 25.000-30.000 / € 3.400-4.000 315 316 CD Peder Mønsted b. Grenå 1859, d. Fredensborg 1941 Sunshine in the yard. An old woman and her cat standing in the doorway. Signed and dated P. Mønsted Blaabæk Mølle (Mill) 1918. Oil on canvas. 48 x 70 cm. DKK 30.000-50.000 / € 4.000-6.700 316 234 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 317 317 C. F. Aagaard b. Odense 1833, d. Copenhagen 1895 "Klipper i en Bygmark. Optrækkende Bygevejr. Motiv fra Allinge paa Bornholm". Rocks in a field, Allinge, Bornholm. Signed and dated C. F. Aagaard 1887. Oil on canvas. 106 x 188 cm. Exhibited: Charlottenborg 1887 no. 3. DKK 150.000 / € 20.000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 235 318 Carl Martin Soya-Jensen b. Odense 1860, d. Copenhagen 1912 Landscape with a stream and ship’s masts in the background, summer. Signed S. J. Oil on canvas. 56 x 95 cm. DKK 15.000 / € 2.000 318 319 CD Niels Skovgaard b. Copenhagen 1858, d. Lyngby 1938 "Sløret Solskin over en gammel vandmølle i Halland". The old mill, Sweden. Signed with a monogram and dated Østerøø 1891. Oil on canvas. 65 x 102 cm. Literature: Aksel Rode, "Niels Skovgaard", 1943 reproduced p. 187. DKK 25.000-30.000 € 3.400-4.000 319 320 Christian Zacho b. Grenaa 1843, d. Hellerup 1913 Summer's day at Gentofte sø (Gentofte Lake). Signed and dated Chr. Zacho 1906. Oil on canvas. 40 x 63 cm. DKK 35.000 / € 4.700 320 236 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 321 I. T. Hansen b. Randers 1848, d.s.p. 1912 Hvilsager Church. Signed and dated I. T. Hansen Hvilsager Kirke 1892. Oil on canvas. 30 x 22 cm. Hvilsager Church is located in Århus diocese in Jutland. The church was build on a ridge and was a seamark for the strait of Kolind in the Middle Ages. DKK 10.000-15.000 € 1.300-2.000 321 322 Viggo Pedersen b. Copenhagen 1854, d. Roskilde 1926 "Sneen smelter i Haven". The snow is melting in the garden. Karlsberg 1908. Signed and dated Viggo Pedersen 1908. Oil on cardboard. 66 x 78 cm. On the reverse an exhibition label. Karlsberg was the artist's home in Hillerød north of Copenhagen. DKK 15.000 / € 2.000 322 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 237 323 Theodor Philipsen b. Copenhagen 1840, d.s.p. 1920 "Fra Saltholm Strand". At the beach, Saltholm island. C. 1900. Signed with a monogram. Oil on canvas. 24 x 41 cm. Vibeke Skov, A Catalogue Raisonné of the Works of Theodor Philipsen no. 478. Provenance: The estate auction of the late Theodor Philipsen, 1916 no. 166. DKK 12.000 / € 1.600 323 324 Carl Schlichting-Carlsen b. Flensburg 1852, d. Hellebæk 1903 324 "Fra Moesgaard Strand". View of Moesgård beach. Signed and dated S. Carlsen 189? Oil on canvas. 57 x 60 cm. On the reverse an exhibition label from Charlottenborg. Provenance: The collection af Frands Hougaard, Doctor. DKK 10.000-15.000 € 1.300-2.000 325 CD H. A. Brendekilde b. Brændekilde 1857, d. Jyllinge 1942 Summer's day with a cromlech. Signed H. A. Brendekilde. Oil on canvas. 53 x 71 cm. DKK 30.000 / € 4.000 325 238 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 326 326 David Monies ? 327 C. F. Aagaard b. Copenhagen 1812, d. Frederiksberg 1894 b. Odense 1833, d. Copenhagen 1895 Boys on the beach. Signed D. M. Oil on paper mounted on canvas. 26 x 37 cm. Provenance: The collection af Frands Hougaard, Doctor. DKK 10.000 / € 1.300 Two young girls picking up water from a spring in a forest. Signed and dated C. F. Aagaard 1865. Oil on canvas. 55 x 74 cm. DKK 20.000 / € 2.700 327 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 239 328 328 CD Johan Neumann 329 Carl Baagøe b. Copenhagen 1860, d.s.p. 1940 b. Copenhagen 1829, d. Snekkersten 1902 "Sommerdag udfor Raageleje". A summer's day at sea near Raageleje. Signed Joh. Neumann. Oil on canvas. 58 x 90 cm. DKK 20.000 / € 2.700 Sailing ships in the Sound off Kronborg Castle. Signed and dated Carl Baagøe 1877. Oil on canvas. 21 x 31 cm. Provenance: The estates of Mr. Sigurd Abrahamson and his wife, ABR auction 266, 1971 no. 5. DKK 15.000 / € 2.000 329 240 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 330 330 Christian Eckardt b. Copenhagen 1832, d.s.p. 1914 Two-masted schooner "Caroline og Trine" from Troense. Captain of the schooner was Mr. Mogensen from Fåborg. Signed and dated C. Eckardt 63. Oil on canvas. 71 x 102 cm. C. Eckardt painted "Caroline og Trine" during a voyage on board the schooner in 1863. Eckardt gave the painting as a present to the Captain after the trip. Mr. Mogensen later gave it to C. R. Møller a shipbuilder. Mr. Møller's great-grandchild sold the marine in 1989. The schooner "Caroline og Trine" was wrecked near Agger in Jutland November 1863 on a voyage from London to Copenhagen. DKK 30.000-40.000 / € 4.000-5.400 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 241 331 331 Jacob Petersen 332 Jacob Petersen b. Flensburg 1774, d. Copenhagen 1855 b. Flensburg 1774, d. Copenhagen 1855 Ship portrait of "Briggen Colibri af Apenrade, fört af Capitn. N.C. Grönnebæk". Signed and dated J. Petersen 1844. Gouache on paper. Visible size 48 x 65 cm. DKK 30.000-40.000 / € 4.000-5.400 Ship portrait of "Briggen Dronning Marie af Kiöbenhavn, fört af Captn L. A. Ditzel". Signed and dated Jacob Petersen 1834. Lead and gouache on paper. 45 x 61 cm. DKK 20.000-30.000 / € 2.700-4.000 332 242 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 333 333 Jacob Petersen b. Flensburg 1774, d. Copenhagen 1855 Ship portrait of "Galeasen Prindsese Lovise Auguste fört af Captn. Hans Nissen 1832". Signed: Tegnet af (Drawn by) J. Petersen. Pen, watercolour and gouache on paper. Visible size 48 x 63 cm. DKK 20.000 / € 2.700 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 243 334 334 Christian Blache 335 C. F. Sørensen b. Århus 1838, d. Copenhagen 1920 b. Besser on Samsø 1818, d. Copenhagen 1879 View of a beach in Brittany. Signed and dated Chr. Blache 1880. Oil on canvas. 85 x 127 cm. DKK 40.000-60.000 / € 5.400-8.000 Warships in Østersøen (the Baltic) near Rügen. Signed and dated C. F. Sørensen 16. Sep. 1877. Oil on canvas. 35 x 60 cm. DKK 30.000 / € 4.000 335 244 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 336 336 CD Vilhelm Arnesen 337 Vilhelm Bille b. Flensburg 1865, d. Copenhagen 1948 b. Copenhagen 1864, d.s.p. 1908 "Lauge Kochs Expeditionsskib "Gustav Holm" og andre smaa Sejlere paa Kjøbenhavns Red". The Polar Explorer Lauge Koch's expedition ship "Gustav Holm" and other small sailing ships in Copenhagen Roads. Signed and dated Vilh. Arnesen 1935. Oil on canvas. 75 x 112 cm. DKK 20.000-30.000 / € 2.700-4.000 Sailing ships and fishing boats at sea. Signed Vilh. Bille. Oil on canvas. 60 x 115 cm. DKK 30.000 / € 4.000 337 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 245 338 Alfred Jensen b. Randers 1859, d. Hamburg 1935 Hamburg Harbour. Signed and dated Alfred Jensen Prof. 1918. Oil on canvas. 53 x 78 cm. DKK 20.000 / € 2.700 338 339 I. E. C. Rasmussen b. Ærøskøbing 1841, d. The Atlantic Ocean 1893 Coastal scene, presumably Svendborg, Funen in the background. Signed JECR. Oil on canvas. 30 x 49 cm. DKK 20.000-30.000 € 2.700-4.000 339 340 CD Fritz Lund Danish painter, 20th century Danish and Swedish warships in the Battle of Køge Bay. Signed F. Lund. Oil on canvas. 70 x 100 cm. DKK 15.000 / € 2.000 340 246 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 341 341 341 O. Brystorp Scandinavian painter, 19th century A pair of views of Norwegian fiords. Both signed O. Brystorp. Both oil on canvas. 74 x 47 cm each. Broad gilt frames richly decorated with flowers, fruit and leaves. (2). DKK 30.000 / € 4.000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 247 342 342 Georg Stoopendaal b. Sweden 1866, d. 1853 Indians with their horses. Unsigned. Stamped on a label on the reverse: "Original av Georg Stoopendaal". Oil on board. 29 x 44 cm. The art historian and professor Sixten Strömbom has written about Georg Stoopendaal and has verified the authenticity of the work on a label on the reverse of the painting. Stoopendaal was Swedish, he travelled on the American prairie at the end of the 19th century and depicted the life of the Indians. DKK 15.000 / € 2.000 343 CD Harald Moltke b. Elsinore 1871, d. 1960 Two Greenlanders with their dog sledge. Signed Harald Moltke. Oil on canvas. 49 x 64 cm. DKK 10.000-15.000 / € 1.300-2.000 343 248 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 344 CD Emanuel A. Petersen b. Frederiksberg 1894, d. Farum 1948 Greenlandic woman carrying her child on the back. Signed Emanuel A. Petersen. Oil on canvas. 110 x 90 cm. DKK 25.000-30.000 € 3.400-4.000 345 CD Emanuel A. Petersen b. Frederiksberg 1894, d. Farum 1948 Summer's day at a Greenlandic fiord. Signed Emanuel A. Petersen. Oil on canvas. 92 x 120 cm. DKK 15.000-20.000 € 2.000-2.700 344 345 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 249 346 Louis Gabriel Eugène Isabey b. Paris 1807, d.s.p. 1866 Portrait of a young girl with corkscrew curls. Signed E. I. Oil on canvas. 55 x 45 cm. According to information the painting was sold at the estate auction of the late Isabey. DKK 20.000-25.000 / € 2.700-3.400 347 Hector Caffieri b. Cheltenham 1847, d. 1932 Young girl taking a rest on the bank of a stream. Signed H. Caffieri. Oil on canvas. 60 x 77 cm. DKK 50.000 / € 6.700 346 347 250 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 348 348 Jenny Montigny b. Gent 1875, d. Deurle 1937 Three young girls in white dresses near a lake on a summer's day. Signed J. Montigny and inscribed on the reverse "Deurle, Belgique". Oil on canvas. 71 x 71 cm. DKK 200.000-250.000 / € 27.000-34.000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 251 349 349 CD Johannes Larsen 350 Paul Gauguin, style of b. Kerteminde 1867, d.s.p. 1961 20th century A chaffinch in the brushwood. Signed with a monogram and dated 1922. Oil on canvas. 55 x 53 cm. DKK 25.000 / € 3.400 A naked dark woman laying with a white string of pearls around her neck. On the wall a painting by Paul Gauguin. Unsigned. Oil on canvas. 46 x 55 cm. DKK 12.000 / € 1.600 350 252 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 351 351 CD Alphonse Mucha, ascribed to b. Ivancice 1860, d. Prague 1939 “Primrose” and “Quill”. C. 1900. A pair of Art Nouveau reliefs after the design of Alphonse Mucha. Both unsigned. Both made of bronze. 48 x 22 cm. each. (2). Alphonse Mucha was one of the most important artists from the Art Nouveau period. He produced a flurry of paintings, posters, advertisements, and book illustrations, as well as designs for jewellery, carpets, wallpaper and theatre sets in a very characteristic and decorative style, later known as "Art Nouveau". As seen in these reliefs, Mucha's works frequently show beautiful young women dressed in long Neoclassical looking robes, and they are often surrounded by lush flowers which sometimes forms haloes behind the women's heads. DKK 60.000-80.000 / € 8.000-11.000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 253 352 Laurits Tuxen b. Copenhagen 1853, d.s.p. 1927 A young female nude in lamp light. Signed and dated L. T. 83. Oil on board. 36 x 24 cm. DKK 30.000 / € 4.000 352 353 Painter unknown 20th century A beach scenery with children playing while parents are enjoying the summer day. Signed with a monogram C. K. P. ? Oil on canvas. 60 x 75 cm. DKK 20.000 / € 2.700 353 254 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 354 355 354 CD Carl V. Meyer 355 Peter Ilsted, ascribed to b. Aalborg 1870, d. Frederiksberg 1938 b. Sakskøbing 1861, d. Copenhagen 1933 A naked man and woman standing among ruins. He is treading on a sword. Signed and dated Carl V. Meyer 1914-1915. Oil on canvas. 180 x 222 cm. A young woman with her hair taken up, seen from the back. Unsigned. Oil on canvas. 46 x 35 cm. DKK 15.000 / € 2.000 On the reverse an exhibition label from Charlottenborg (1915) and another label from the same year with the title: "Altid frejdig" (always dauntless). Carl V. Meyer painted a series of large paintings with symbolic contents that reflect World War I. The present work can be understood as the Adam and Eve of a new era, treading down the sword (the war) and rising from the ruins. DKK 20.000 / € 2.700 356 José Frappa b. Saint-Étienne 1854, d. Paris 1904 Young naked beauty. Signed and dated José Frappa 1880. Oil on canvas. 62 x 81 cm. DKK 25.000 / € 3.400 356 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 255 357 CD Hans Hilsøe b. Thystrup near Faxe 1871, d. 1942 Interior with a maid serving tea for her mistress. Signed H. Hilsøe. Oil on canvas. 58 x 68 cm. DKK 25.000 / € 3.400 357 358 Godfred Christensen b. Copenhagen 1845, d.s.p. 1928 View of "Møns Klint", the Cliffs of Møn. Signed and dated G. C. 1871. Oil on canvas. 45 x 62 cm. Provenance: The collection of Frands Hougaard, Doctor. DKK 10.000-15.000 € 1.300-2.000 358 359 Carl Carlsen b. Copenhagen 1855, d.s.p. 1917 Interior with two women sitting at a table. Signed C. C. Oil on canvas. 34 x 46 cm. DKK 25.000 / € 3.400 359 256 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 360 Laurits Tuxen b. Copenhagen 1853, d.s.p. 1927 The catch. Signed and dated L. T. 76. Oil on canvas mounted on panel. 36 x 28 cm. Provenance: Winkel & Magnussen auction 327, 1946 no. 475. Study for "Fiskere losse Sild. Bornholm". “Fishermen unloading”. Bornholm". 1877. This reproduced in: V. Jastrau, "Laurits Tuxen, 63 Gengivelser", 1929 p. 7, here reversed. DKK 25.000 / € 3.400 360 361 Holger Drachmann b. Copenhagen 1846, d. Hornbæk 1908 P.S. Krøyer's House at winter. Signed and dated Holger Drachmann Skagens Plantage (Plantation) 29. Decbr. 1906. Oil on canvas. 60 x 37 cm. "Skagens Museum" has a similar painting dated on the 28th of December 1906 - the day before this painting was done. DKK 30.000-40.000 / € 4.000-5.400 361 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 257 362 Portuguese painter 19th century Drunken Portuguese men fighting in an inn. Unsigned. Oil on canvas. 43 x 58 cm. In 1960 Sixten Rönnen, MA, from Stockholm ascribed the painting to either Antonio Manuel Da Fonseca (17951890) or Domingo Antonio de Sequeira (1768-1837). DKK 20.000-30.000 / € 2.700-4.000 362 363 CD H. A. Brendekilde b. Brændekilde 1857, d. Jyllinge 1942 A boy meeting Death. Signed H. A. Brendekilde. Oil on canvas. 125 x 155 cm. DKK 30.000-40.000 / € 4.000-5.400 363 364 Otto Bache b. Roskilde 1839, d. Copenhagen 1927 An Italian family with their donkies on the Campagna. Signed and dated Otto Bache 1919. Oil on canvas. 28 x 38 cm. DKK 20.000 / € 2.700 364 258 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 365 366 365 Persian painter 366 Augusta Dohlmann 19th century b. Frederiksberg 1847, d.s.p. 1914 A young Persian dancer. Behind her is a table with a decanter and fruits. Unsigned. Oil on canvas. Portal shaped. 185 x 70 cm. Unframed. DKK 12.000-15.000 / € 1.600-2.000 Autumn flowers in a vase. Unsigned. Oil on canvas. 68 x 51 cm. DKK 20.000-25.000 / € 2.700-3.400 367 CD Grand Duchess Olga Alexandrovna Romanova of Russia b. Peterhof (Russia) 1882, d. Toronto 1960 Flowers in the garden at Knudsminde. Signed Olga. Painted on cardboard. 50 x 60 cm. Knudsminde was a farm in Ballerup on the outskirts of Copenhagen where the Grand Duchess Olga lived with her family from 1928-1948. DKK 20.000-30.000 / € 2.700-4.000 367 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 259 368 Bertel Thorvaldsen b. Copenhagen 1770, d.s.p. 1844 368 Sketch of a male nude with notes. Inscribed: “Written and drawn by Thorvaldsen, chancellor to the King, C. Wilkens, Custodian”. Pencil on paper. 10.8 x 18.8 cm. Provenance: C. F. Wilkens worked as a valet for Thorvaldsen from the year 1838 when Thorvaldsen returned from Rome to Copenhagen until Thorvaldsen’s death in 1844. There was a friendly relationship between the two and Thorvaldsen gave several drawings and sketches to his valet. Wilkens was later appointed custodian at Thorvaldsen's Museum in Copenhagen. In 1874 he published the book "Thorvaldsen's sidste Aar, Optegnelser af hans fordums Kammertjener" (Thorvaldsen's last years, records by his former valet). DKK 3.000-5.000 / € 400-670 369 Constantin Hansen b. Rome 1804, d. Frederiksberg 1880 369 Three young Girls. (The artist's Sisters: Alvilde, Ida and Henriette). 1827. Unsigned. Study for the painting in Statens Museum for Kunst, Copenhagen (museum inv. no. 125). Pencil on paper. 17 x 21.4 cm. Unframed. Provenance: Jonas Collin (1776-1861), Danish High Official. The collection of the Collin family. DKK 4.000 / € 540 370 Constantin Hansen b. Rome 1804, d. Frederiksberg 1880 "Kunstforeningen" (The artistic circle). Caricature of self-conceited Danish golden age artists gathered in the artistic circle, Kunstforeningen. In the centre the poet Adam Oehlenschläger. Bears the signature Konst Hansen. Pencil and pen on paper. 23 x 37.5 cm. Unframed. Provenance: Jonas Collin (1776-1861), Danish High Official. The collection of the Collin family. DKK 4.000 / € 540 370 260 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 371 C. W. Eckersberg b. Blåkrog near Aabenraa 1783, d. Copenhagen 1853 "Nyhavn med Charlottenborg's gavl og Træerne i Botanisk Have". (By the old Botanical Garden, Nyhavn, Copenhagen). Inscribed and signed verso: “Reverse drawing for the linear perspective. C. W. Eckersberg”. Pen and wash on paper. 13 x 10.5 cm. DKK 20.000 / € 2.700 372 C. F. Hetsch b. Copenhagen 1830, d. Frederiksberg 1903 "Bregentved". Interior from the Danish manor house Bregentved. Signed and dated Chr. Hetsch, Bregentved, June 77. Pencil, pen and sepia on paper. 15.6 x 27 cm. DKK 5.000-7.000 / € 670-940 371 372 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 261 373 374 373 Adrien Dauzats 374 Peter Ilsted b. Bordeaux 1804, d. Paris 1868 b. Sakskøbing 1861, d. Copenhagen 1933 "Bains du Vernet". A view of Vernet les Bains in the Pyrenees with dedication from the artist to the Danish poet and writer of fairytales H. C. Andersen. Signed and dated Bains de Vernet Juillet 1846 á M. Andersen, A Dauzats. Pencil on paper. 10.4 x 13.6 cm. Unframed. Provenance: Jonas Collin (1776-1861), Danish High Official and a close friend of H. C. Andersen. The collection of the Collin family. H. C. Andersen visited Vernet in July 1846. The dedication on the drawing clearly establishes that H. C. Andersen on this occasion met with the painter Adrien Dauzats. DKK 2.000-3.000 / € 270-400 Girl sewing outside an Italian villa. Signed Peter Ilsted. C. 1928. Mezzotint in colour. Plate size 26 x 19 cm. Visible size 34.5 x 27 cm. DKK 7.000 / € 940 375 Italian painter, 19th -20th century Four views of Piazza del Popolo. All unsigned. All gouache on paper. Visible size 27 x 37 cm each. In one frame. DKK 15.000-20.000 / € 2.000-2.700 375 262 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 376 376 Thorald Læssøe b. Frederikshavn 1816, d. Copenhagen 1878 An Italian landscape with antique ruins. Signed with a monogram and dated 1868. Watercolour and gouache on paper. Visible size 24 x 34 cm. DKK 10.000 / € 1.300 377 Painter unknown, c. 1800 Walking figures in the ruins of the Coloseum in Rome. Unsigned. Pen and gouache on paper. 47 x 71 cm. DKK 40.000 / € 5.400 377 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 263 378 Painter unknown, 17th-18th century Portrait of the Danish King Christian V. Unsigned. Sepia and wash on light blue paper. Oval. 12.1 x 9.5 cm. Wide margins. Erroneously inscribed on the mounting: V. Erichsen, Frederik IV Danmark. . DKK 6.000-8.000 / € 800-1.100 379 Johannes Mejer b. Husum 1606, d.s.p. 1674 "Newe Landtcarte von dem Hertzogthumbe Schleswieg. Anno 1650". 1652. Map of the duchy Schleswig. Handcoloured copper engraving. Platesize 42.5 x 55.5. Visible size 46 x 59 cm. Literature: Bo Bramsen, "Gamle Danmarkskort", p. 104, reproduced fig. 92. DKK 7.000 / € 940 378 380 French or Italian artist, 16th-17th century, after Primaticcio A classical scene, Ulysses? Unsigned. Verso indistinct inscription in French suggesting that the drawing is a work by Theodor van Thulden in the style of Primaticcio. Two indistinct collector's stamps M? and AF? respectively on the far left and the far right by the lower margin. Pen and wash heightened with white on laid paper. Sheet size 18.5 x 25.8 cm. DKK 20.000 / € 2.700 379 380 264 381 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 381 Pieter Janssen Quast ? b. Amsterdam 1606, d.s.p. 1647 The fight between the clay pot man and the cooper man, an allegory. Indistinctly signed with a monogram Q (?) and dated 1635. Collectors stamp Kgl. Kunst-Akademie in Königsberg Pr., Dorgerloh'sche Stiftung (Lugt 682). Pen on vellum. Unexamined out of frame. Sheet size 22.7 x 17.4 cm. Provenance: B.R. Auction 633, 1997 no. 543. DKK 6.000-8.000 / € 800-1.100 382 Albrecht Dürer b. Nürnberg 1471, d.s.p. 1528 "The Adoration of the Magi". Signed in print with a monogram and dated 1511. Bartsch 003. Meder 208 f. C. 1600. Woodcut. Block 29.2 x 21.9 cm. Narrow margins. Thin and fragile laid paper with yellow brownish tone. Watermark: Crowned double eagle with flower. Attached to cardboard passepartout with old paper hinges. Weak streak on horisontal centerfold partly repaired with paper patch verso. Otherwise no repairs. Tear below hinge upper left. Tears upper and lower right edge. Serious tear upper right side with a loose piece of paper c. 2 x 2 cm. DKK 15.000 / € 2.000 382 383 Rembrandt van Rijn b. Leiden 1606, d. Amsterdam 1669 "The Adoration of the Shepherds - A night piece". Date assumed: 1652. Unsigned. Eight state of eight. B-46, BB 52-1, Bl.-19. Etching on laid paper. Plate size 14.7 x 19.3 cm. Margins 3-4 mm. A nice later impression in very good condition. Probably by Basan. Gently mounted with paper hinges on cardboard. DKK 12.000-15.000 / € 1.600-2.000 383 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 265 384 384 384 Max Liebermann b. Berlin 1847, d.s.p. 1935 A landscape study. Signed M. Liebermann. Charcoal on paper. Visible size 11.5 x 18.6 cm. Dutch cityscape with figures crossing a bridge. Verso study of a woman. Signed M. Liebermann. Charcoal on paper. Visible size 11.9 x 19.5 cm. Both framed behind glass. (2). Provenance: The collection of Reinhard van Hauen. Both stamped verso with the collector’s stamp of Rein. van Hauen (not in Lugt) with the date 1934. DKK 30.000 / € 4.000 266 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 385 385 385 Pierre Auguste Renoir b. Limoges 1841, d. Cagnes 1919 “Le Chapeau Epinglé”. (first version, c. 1894). Signed in print Renoir. Delteil 6. Etching on laid paper. Plate size 11.9 x 8.1 cm. The young girl on the left is Julie Manet, Berthe Morisot’s daughter and Edouard Manet's niece. “Buste d'Enfant, tourne a droit”. Unsigned. Delteil 22. Softground etching on laid paper. Plate size 13.7 x 9.6 cm. Portrait of Claude Renoir, the youngest of the artist's three sons. Each Sheet size 22.5 x 16 cm. Both with protecting coversheet of silkpaper with flower pattern bearing title printed in German. Both lifetime impressions from Th. Duret "Die Impressionisten". Berlin, Bruno Cassirer 1914. (2). DKK 10.000 / € 1.300 386 Pierre Auguste Renoir b. Limoges 1841, d. Cagnes 1919 "Baigneuse debout à mi-jambes". Published in Theodore Duret: “Manet and the French Impressionists”, 1910. Etching on wove paper. 17 x 11 cm. Wide margins. Traces of paper hinges on the reverse by the upper margin. DKK 10.000 / € 1.300 386 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 267 387 388 387 Edouard Manet b. Paris 1832, d.s.p. 1883 "Les petits cavaliers". 1860. Unsigned. 2nd state of 4. Etching. 25 x 38.5 cm. Wide margins. Unexamined out of frame. DKK 6.000-8.000 / € 800-1.100 388 Pierre Auguste Renoir b. Limoges 1841, d. Cagnes 1919 "Étude de femme nue assise". 1904. Stamped signature lower right Renoir. Ink wash lithograph. Visible sheet size 32 x 24.5 cm. Not examined out of frame. DKK 12.000-15.000 / € 1.600-2.000 389 Alexander John Drysdale b. Georgia 1870, d. Louisiana 1934 Marshland in New Orleans. Signed and dated A. J. Drysdale 1916. Stamped verso "Max Art Store/New Orleans". Watercolour on paper. Visible size 50 x 76 cm. DKK 20.000-30.000 / € 2.700-4.000 389 268 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 Visit our online-auctions Bruun Rasmussen are holding online-auctions, taking place every week. Monday: Antique Furniture and Carpets Tuesday: Modern Art and Design Wednesday: Paintings, 18th-19th century Thursday: Varia Furthermore books, coins, stamps, weapons and wine are sold online every month. You can follow these auctions on: www.bruun-rasmussen.dk P. C. Holm: Ship portrait of the Danish barque Herman of Copenhagen sailing under the Danish flag plus houseflag and signalflags passing the coast of Elsinore Castle. Oil on canvas. 46 x 54 cm. Sold for 13.000 dkk / € 1.750. BRUUN RASMUSSEN bredgade AUcTION 786 269 index A D Hansen, Heinrich Hansen, I. T. Achilles, August 312 Dahl, Carl 4, 73 Ancher, Michael 54, 55, 57 Dahl, I. C. 13, 22 58, 59, 60, 71 Andersen, C. C. 4 Andersen-Lundby, A. 313, 314 Arnesen, Vilhelm 336 Askevold, Anders 40 B Bache, Otto 296, 305, 364 Balsgaard, Carl 127 Bendz, Wilhelm 8, 141 Dauzats, Adrien 373 Dohlmann, Augusta 366 Dolci, Carlo, copy after 203 Drachmann, Holger 35, 65, 361 Dreyer, Dankvart 152 Drysdale, Alexander John 389 Dughet, Gaspard 193 Dürer, Albrecht 382 E Harlow, George Henry 140 Heem, Cornelis de 211 Hein, Einar 280 Heinrich-Hansen, Adolf 153 Henning, Gerhard 126 Henningsen, Erik 295, 297 229 Eckardt, Christian Bergamini, Francesco 292 372 Hilsøe, Hans 357 Hintze, Johann Ferdinand Julius 72, 74, 330 Eckersberg, C. W. 371 Hughes, Edwin 39 Eckersberg, C. W., school of 154 Bille, Carl 33 Eriksen, Edvard I Bille, Vilhelm 337 Exner, Julius Blache, Christian 334 F Brasen, Hans 86 Bredsdorff, J. U. 42 Brendekilde, H. A. 101, 115, 119 306, 315, 325, 363 Bromley (III), William 51 Brueghel (II), Jan, style of 201 Brystorp, O. 341 Budtz-Møller, Carl Bøgh, Carl Baagøe, Carl 94 48, 49, 50 246, 247, 249 28, 329 C Caffieri, Hector 347 Camradt, Johannes Ludvig 12 Canal (Canaletto), Giovanni Antonio studio/style of 80 Carlsen, Carl 359 Carmiencke, Hermann 144 Christensen, Anthonore 131 Christensen, Godfred 358 Claes, Constant Guillaume 285 Correggio, Antonio Allegri da school/style of 210 270 Fischer, Carl 24 146 250, 251, 252, 253 254, 255, 256, 257, 258 259, 260, 261, 262, 263 264, 265, 266, 267, 268 269, 270, 271, 272, 273 274, 275, 276, 277, 278 Fischer, Paul 97, 98, 104, 105, 107 109, 110, 111, 112, 113 114, 116, 117, 301, 302 Flinzer, Fedor 244 Francken (II), Frans, style of 201 Frappa, José 356 Fuchs, Georg Mathias 181 Fuchs, Therese 41 G Gauguin, Paul, style of Gebauer, Christian David Geille de Saint Léger, Léon Grand Duchess Olga of Russia Grönland, Theude 350 158 168 367 11 H Hammershøi, Vilhelm 89 Hansen, Constantin 142, 369, 370 291 Holsøe, Carl Bergh, Edvard 177 298, 299, 300 Hetsch, C. F. Berchem, Nicolaes, style of Boucher, Francois, style of 21 81, 124, 321 Ilsted, Peter 84, 85 289 46, 374 Ilsted, Peter, ascribed to 355 Irminger, Valdemar 245 Isabey, Louis Gabriel Eugène 346 J Janssen, Luplau 123, 304 Jensen, Alfred 338 Jensen, C. A. 6, 7, 20, 139 Jensen, I. C. 79 Jensen, I. L. 15, 128 Jensen, I. L., school of 130 Jerichau, Harald 47 Jerichau, Holger H. 163 Johansen, Viggo 61, 62, 64, 67 Juel, Jens, school of 173 Juuel, Andreas 5 K Klingsbögl, Rudolf 290 Koekkoek (I), M. A. ascribed to 120 Kraft, Frederik 9 Krøyer, P. S. 53, 63, 69 Kyhn, Vilhelm 38 Købke, Christen, style of 19 Kølle, C. A. 30, 308 L la Cour, Janus 31, 82 BRUUN RASMUSSEN bredgade AUcTION 786 index Larsen, Johannes 96, 349 Liebermann, Max 384 Locher, Carl 66 122, 322 Simonsen, Niels 344, 345 Skovgaard, Niels 319 331, 332, 333 Skovgaard, P. C. 10, 16 Pedersen, Viggo Petersen, Emanuel A. Petersen, Jacob 43, 167 Lorange, August 155 Petersen, Peter Thomsen (Tom) 108 Lund, Fritz 340 Petersen, Vilhelm Smith, L. A. 147 Lundbye, Johan Thomas 1, 3 318 136 Philipsen, Theodor Soya-Jensen, Carl Martin Lyngbye, L. R. Spring, Alfons 282 Læssøe, Thorald 376 Pingret, Eduard Henri Théophile 161 Stoopendaal, Georg 342 Poussin, Nicolas, school of Sørensen, C. F. M Manet, Edouard 387 Marstrand, Wilhelm 145, 159 Matilla Marina, Segundo 294 Mejer, Johannes 379 Melbye, Vilhelm 32 Meyer, Carl V. 303, 354 Mieris, the elder, Frans van, ascribed to 225 Moltke, Harald 343 Monies, David 137, 150 Monies, David ? 326 Montigny, Jenny 348 Morland, George, style of 227 Mucha, Alphonse, after 351 Møller, I. P. 157 Mønsted, Peder 83, 99 100, 102, 103, 106 118, 121, 248, 316 N Neumann, Johan Nickelsen, Heinrich 328 48 Olga, Grand Duchess of Russia 367 Ottesen, O. D. Otti, G. 323 199, 200 284 14, 129 189 P 192 Quast, Pieter Janssen ? 381 Testa, Pietro, ascribed to R 23 Thomsen, Pauline 307 45 Thorenfeld, Anton 37 Raoux, Jean, ascribed to 217 Thorvaldsen, Bertel 368 Raphael, copy after 223 Tom-Petersen, Peter 95 Rasmussen, I. E. C. 27, 339 Rabes, Max Friedrich Tournemine, Charles Emile de, Rembrandt van Rijn 383 ascribed to Rembrandt van Rijn, style of 187 Toussaint, Fernand Renoir, Pierre Auguste 385 Tuxen, Laurits 386, 388 Ricci, Marco, style of 194 Ricci, Sebastiano, style of 194 Richardt, Ferdinand 134, 135 Ring, L. A. 87, 88 Ring, Ole 90, 91 Roed, Jørgen 149 76, 78 170 125 56, 68 70, 352, 360 V Velde, Adrian van der, school of 228 Verschuur, Cornelis Wouter 52 Vinckebons, David, style of 209 Vollerdt, Johan Christian, style of 216 W Roosenboom, Nicolaas Johannes 311 Wahl, Johann Salomon, school of Rossi, S. 286 Rubens, P. P., style of 184 Watteau, Jean Antoine, style of 175 Rubens, P. P., copy after 186 Wegmann, Bertha Rubio, Luigi 162 Y S Sande-Lacoste, Carel Eliza 174 279 Yorke, William Howard 288 287 Schelfhout, Andreas 29 Palm, Gustav Wilhelm 166 Schendel, Petrus van 2 26 Z Zacho, Christian Zahrtmann, Kristian Panini (Pannini), G. P. style of 198 Schlichting-Carlsen, Carl 324 Pauelsen, Erik 178 Schou, L. A. 151 Å 309, 310 Sellenati, J. 281 Aagaard, C. F. BRUUN RASMUSSEN bredgade AUcTION 786 190 Thaulow, Frits Pabst, Camille Alfred Paulsen, Julius 34, 36, 335 T Q Rohde, Frederik O Ostersetzer/Osterselzer, C. Piazza, Andrea 133, 156 17, 18, 143 320 92, 93 77, 317, 327 271 Jubilee Auction Autumn 2008 Jens Juel: ”View of Oresund”, 55x76 cm. From a collection of Danish Golden Age paintings. Will be sold at auction in November 2008. Estimated: DKK 1.500.000 - 2.000.000 An invitation to consign This autumn Bruun Rasmussen Auctioneers celebrates its 60th anniversary and already at present we are looking for consignments for this extraordinary jubilee auction. For further information, please contact the relevant department on +45 8818 1111. 272 BRUUN RASMUSSEN bredgade AUcTION 786 Russian sale at Bruun Rasmussen an invitation to consign Russian art and antiques remain highly desirable commodities in the international market. Bruun Rasmussen is conducting an important Russian sale in November 2008 and is now inviting consignments. For further information, please visit www.bruun-rasmussen.dk, write us an e-mail at [email protected] or call +45 8818 1111. Igor Grabar. Still life in red tones. Sold for 620.000 dkk Russian diamond brooch. Sold for 180.000 dkk Leonid Pasternak: Pink roses. Sold for 1.2 mio. dkk BRUUN RASMUSSEN bredgade AUcTION 786 273 Panoramaudsigt over Holckenhavn Fjord Gl. Vindingevej 14, Nyborg - 792 m2 · Opført 1891/2003 · Vær. 9 · Grundareal 10.603 m2 kontantpris: 13.500.000 Udbetaling 675.000 bruttoNetto 78.033/62.886 www.br-properties.dk · telefon 2424 9898 274 BRUUN RASMUSSEN bredgade AUcTION 786 information AFHENTNING DISPATCH Afhentning af effekter købt på traditionel auktion SKAL SKE senest 2 uger efter sidste auktionsdag (eller efter aftale). Collection of purchases bought at traditional auctions must be no later than 2 weeks after the last auctionday. Uafhentede effekter vil herefter uden yderligere varsel blive sendt til opbevaring for købers regning og risiko. Uncollected items will without further notice be sent into storage at the expence and risk of the buyer. salgsresultater sales results Hammerslags-priser fra de seneste auktioner kan ses på vores hjemmeside: www.bruun-rasmussen.dk Sales results from the latest auctions are available at our website: www.bruun-rasmussen.dk Hammerslags-priser kan også fås ved at ringe til vores automatiske telefonsvarer på telefon: 8818 1113. Sales results are also available at our answering machine. Please call: +45 8818 1113. FOTO PHOTO Fotos af alle effekter kan ses på vores hjemmeside: www.bruun-rasmussen.dk Photos of all items are available at our website: www.bruun-rasmussen.dk euro euro Det bydes og faktureres i danske kroner. Bids and invoicing are made in DDK. Ved omregning fra DKK til Euro er anvendt Nationalbankens officielle valutakurs på tids punktet for udarbejdelse af kataloget. For the conversion from DKK into Euro, Bruun Rasmussen has used the official rate of exchange from Denmarks Nationalbank (the Danish National Bank) at the time of preparation of the catalogue. Beløbet i Euro er afrundet til et tal, der efter Bruun Rasmussens skøn fremtræder på en præsentabel måde i forhold til beløbet i DKK. The amount in Euro is, in Bruun Rasmussen's judgment, roughly adjusted to presentable figures. Bevaringstilstand Condition Bruun Rasmussen henleder opmærksom heden på, at katalognumrene som udgangs punkt ikke er forsynet med oplysninger om tilstand (jvf. købskonditionernes § 9). Vi henviser imidlertid til vores hjemmeside: www.bruun-rasmussen.dk, hvor der under det enkelte katalognummer ofte er oplysninger om bevaringstilstand, reparationer o. lign. Er disse oplysninger ikke tilstrække lige kan én af afdelingens sagkyndige kontaktes for yderligere informationer. Bruun Rasmussen draws attention to the fact that, as a rule, no information is provided regarding the condition of the lots (cf. conditions of purchase § 9). However, we refer to our website: www.bruun-rasmussen.dk where infor mation regarding condition, repairs, etc. can usually be found for the individual lot. Should this information be insufficient, further details can be obtained by contacting one of the experts of the department. Bankforbindelse Bankers Danske Bank · Konto: 30014310970638 IBAN: DK4130004310970638 Swift-BIC DABADKKK Danske Bank · Account: 30014310970638 IBAN: DK4130004310970638 Swift-BIC DABADKKK virksomhedsregistrering business registration CVR-nr. DK25472020 CVR-nr. DK25472020 BRUUN RASMUSSEN bredgade AUcTION 786 275 katalog i s e r i n gspr i n c i pp e r e x pla n at i o n of catalog u i n g pr i n c i pl e s Forklaring vedr. kunstnernavne i katalogerne Explanation of names of artists used in the catalogues Jens Juel: I henhold til vor opfattelse: Et originalt arbej de af kunstneren, for hvis ægthed Bruun Rasmussen indestår i henhold til købskonditioner § 9. Jens Juel: In our opinion, an original work by the artist the genuiness and authenticity of which is guaranteed by Bruun Rasmussen according to the Conditions of purchase § 9. Nedennævnte forbehold ved katalogiseringer er foretaget efter vor bedste overbevisning og tjener som vejledning for køber, men kan ikke gøres til genstand for reklamationer. Below cataloguing reservations are made according to the best of Bruun Rasmussen's knowledge. They are for guidance only and cannot be subject to claims. Jens Juel tilskrevet: I henhold til vor opfattelse: Værket er sandsynligvis fra kunst-nerens tid og muligvis udført af denne. Jens Juel tilskrevet (ascribed to): In our opinion, pro bably a work of the period of the artist, and possibly executed by the artist. Jens Juel's atelier/skole/værksted: I henhold til vor opfattelse: Udført under kunstnerens indflydelse og antagelig fra dennes tid. Jens Juel's atelier (studio)/skole (school)/værksted (workshop): In our opinion, a work made under the influence of the artist, and probably of his period. Jens Juel, (?): I henhold til vor opfattelse: Kan være udført af kunstneren eller en senere kopi efter kunstneren. Jens Juel, (?): In our opinion, possibly a work by the artist, or a (later) copy of the artist’s work. Jens Juel, kopi efter/Jens Juel's stil/Jens Juel efterfølger: I henhold til vor opfattelse: En senere gentagelse eller i stil med kunstneren. ?: Yderligere forbehold for den i kataloget angivne beskrivelse. Sign.: Efter vor overbevisning original signatur af kunst neren. Betegnet: I henhold til vor opfattelse: Kunstnersignatur er gengivet, men ikke nødvendigvis udført af kunstneren. Hvis ingen signatur nævnes i kataloget, drejer det sig om et antagelig usigneret arbejde Hvis ingen aldersangivelse nævnes i kataloget, drejer det sig om et antageligt nyere eller helt moderne arbejde U.r.: Uden ramme. Jens Juel, kopi efter (copy after)/Jens Juel's stil (style of)/ Jens Juel efterfølger (follower of) : In our opinion, a later copy of a work by the artist or in the artist's style. ?: The catalogue description is subject to further reservations. Sign.: In our opinion, the work has been signed by the artist. Betegnet (bears the signature): In our opinion, the inscription may be by a hand other than that of the artist. If no signature is mentioned in the catalogue the work is apparently unsigned. If no date is mentioned in the catalogue the work is apparently from the last century or of comparratively resent date. U.r.: Unframed. No compensation is given should the frame be damaged. For beskadigelse af ramme ydes ingen kompensation. Ovenstående beskrivelse er Bruun Rasmussens opfattelse og tjener som vejledning for køber. Det er ikke nogen garanti. Køber skal selv overbevise sig om de forskellige katalognumres autencitet og kondition. Above description is a statement of opinion by Bruun Rasmussen and is to be considered only as guidance to the buyer and not as a statement of fact. The buyer is to satisfy himself of the authenticity and the condition of the works of art. Forkortelser: Abb.: L. = Længde =Copy-Dan L. = Length =Droit de Suite B. = Bredde W. = Width sst. = Samme sted H. = Højde sst. = Same place H. = Height Diam.=Diameter D. =Dybde Diam.=Diameter D. =Depth 276 = Fuld moms = Full VAT * CD * CD BRUUN RASMUSSEN bredgade AUcTION 786 moms og k u n st n e rafg i ft vat a n d copy - d a n i n format i o n standard auktionsomkostninger BUYER’S STANDARD PREMIUM 25% - brugt moms 25% AUCTIONEERS’ MARGIN SCHEME 1. januar 1995 trådte nye love i kraft i EU vedrørende moms ved handel på auktion med brugte varer, kunst genstande, samlerobjekter og antikviteter, der nu kan handles til brugt moms. As of 1 January 1995 new EC regulations came into effect regarding the sale of secondhand goods, works of art, collector’s items and antiques; these items may now be traded under the Auctioneers’ Margin Scheme. Efter de nye regler er det kun auktionsomkostninger, der skal tillægges moms, og ikke som tidligere varens fulde pris. I auktionsomkostninger er indregnet ikke fradragsberettiget moms. Under the Auctioneers’ Margin Scheme the premium only is subject to VAT, i.e. the hammer price is exempted from VAT. The buyer’s premium of 25% will thus henceforth include non-refundable VAT. Fuld moms * full vat * anvendes for visse varer som ikke kan handles i brugt moms. Disse er mærket med en stjerne *. Købere skal betale 20% i auktionsomkostninger, hvortil lægges 25% moms af hammerslaget og auktionsomkostningerne. will be charged on goods that cannot be traded under the Auctioneers’ Margin Scheme. These lots are marked with an asterix *. The buyer pays the auction premium of 20% plus 25% vat on the hammer price as well as the buyer’s premium. Reducerede auktionsomkostninger 20% BUYER’S REDUCED premium 20% betales af købere der opfylder følgende betingelser: is paid by buyers fulfilling the following terms/conditions: 1.Danske momsregistrerede købere kan vælge at betale 20% i auktionsomkostninger + 25% moms af hele (fuldmoms). Momsbeløbet kan køber modregne, og betaler derved 20% i auktionsomkostninger. 1.Danish VAT registered buyers may choose to pay the 20% buyer’s premium + 25% VAT on the total amount (Full VAT). The buyer may have the total VAT refunded and thus pays 20% in buyer’s premium only. 2. Momsregistrerede købere i andre EU-lande kan, ved at anvende deres EU-momsnr., undgå den danske moms og derved betale 20% i auktionsomkostninger. 2. VAT registered buyers in other EU countries may avoid Danish VAT by using their VAT registration number and thereby pay a buyer’s premium of 20% only. 3. Alle købere med bopæl i et land uden for EU, der opfylder de danske toldmyndigheders krav i forbindelse med eksport, betaler derved 20% i auktionsomkostninger (se købskonditioner, §3, Afgiftsfritagelse). Kunstnerafgift til Copy-dan CD 3. Residents of countries outside the EU meeting the Danish customs authorities’ requirements regarding the export of goods pay the buyer’s premium of 20% only (see Conditions of Purchase §3, Exemption from VAT). Artists’ royalties payable to copy-dan CD Ifølge gældende dansk lovgivning om ophavsret, skal der opkræves 5% i kunstnerafgift af hammerslagsprisen med tillæg af auktionsomkostninger på 20% excl. afgift på værker af alle nyere danske og de fleste udenlandske kunstnere. Disse værker er mærket CD for Copy-Dan ud for katalognummeret. Pursuant to current Danish legislation on copyright an artists’ royalty of 5% of the total price exclusive of VAT (i.e. hammer price plus buyer’s premium 20%) shall be collected on works of modern art by all Danish and most foreign artists. These works are marked CD for Copy-Dan next to the lot number. For nærmere information henvises til købskonditionerne. For further information please refer to the Conditions of Purchase. BRUUN RASMUSSEN bredgade AUcTION 786 277 k ø bsko n d i t i o n e r § 1. Budgivning Køber er den byder, der får hammerslag. Den, der byder for andre, hæfter som selvskyldnerkautionist for berigtigelsen af købet. På opfordring fra Bruun Rasmussen Kunstauktioner (herefter benævnt Bruun Rasmussen), skal alle bydere, hvadenten de øns ker at afgive et bud ved personligt fremmøde på auktionsstedet eller afgive en kommission pr. brev eller fax eller byde direkte pr. telefon, kunne dokumentere deres betalingsdygtighed samt til enhver tid identificere sig. Bruun Rasmussen er altid berettiget til at nægte at acceptere et bud, hvis på forlangende ikke tilstrækkelig sikkerhed er stillet eller en passende à conto beta ling har fundet sted. Bud afgives af byderen ved personligt fremmøde på auktions stedet eller ved skriftlig kommission. Afgivelse af bud pr. telefon er muligt under visse forudsætninger, der afgøres af Bruun Rasmussen. Bruun Rasmussen påtager sig intet ansvar for eventuelle fejl eller fejltagelser, der måtte opstå ved brug af denne service. Auktionarius bestemmer overbuddets størrelse og træffer ligeledes afgørelse i alle tvivlstilfælde om budgivningen. § 2. Betaling For katalognumre, der handles til brugtmoms, opgøres købesummen som hammerslagsprisen med tillæg af 25% i auktionsom kostninger inklusive afgift. Visse katalognumre handles efter særlige regler til fuldmoms, så udover auktionsomkostninger på 20%, beregnes moms på 25% af hammerslag og auktionsomkostninger. Hvilke katalognumre der sælges til fuldmoms fremgår af kataloget med stjerne *. Danske momsregistrerede købere skal overfor os oplyse deres SE-/ CVR-nr. (moms-nr.), da dette skal anføres på de fakturaer, hvor varen købes i fuld moms. For visse udenlandske købere gælder der særlige regler for afgiftsfritagelse jvf. § 3. Afgiftsfritagelse omfatter ikke EU private købere, som ligestilles med danske købere jvf. gældende dansk lovgivning om handel med brugte varer, kunstgenstande, samler objekter og antikviteter. Købesummen forfalder til betaling ved tilslaget. Der kan betales kontant op til DKK 100.000 eller med Dankort, banknoteret check, rejsechecks, Visa-, Master-, Diners Club- eller Eurocard. Personlige udenlandske checks kan kun anvendes efter forudgående aftale. Betaling kan finde sted under eller umiddelbart efter auktionen og under alle omstændigheder skal betaling finde sted senest 8 dage efter fakturadatoen. Betales købesummen ikke rettidigt, skal der svares rente heraf med 1,5% pr. påbegyndt måned. Betales købesum og renter ikke inden 8 dage efter at Bruun Rasmussen har afsendt påkrav herom til køber, er Bruun Rasmussen berettiget til at annullere købet og bortsælge det købte på ny auktion hos Bruun Rasmussen eller underhånden og afkræve køber ethvert herved opstået tab. Et eventuelt overskud tilfalder den, der har indleveret det købte til auktion. Har den misligholdende køber tilgodehavender fra salg af effekter hos Bruun Rasmussen, er Bruun Rasmussen berettiget til at berigtige ethvert tilgodehavende hos køber ved modregning. Har den misligholdende køber indleveret andre effekter til salg, er Bruun Rasmussen berettiget til at bortsælge sådanne effekter på auktion hos Bruun Rasmussen uden at være bundet af en af den misligholdende køber fastsat mindstepris. Den misligholdende køber er ikke berettiget til at kræve udlevering af effekter indleveret til salg, så længe forfalden gæld til Bruun Rasmussen ikke er betalt, uanset om værdien af sådanne effekter må anses at overstige forfalden gæld. 278 Bruun Rasmussen er berettiget til at afvise bud afgivet af en køber, der er i misligholdelse med sine betalingsforpligtelser over for Bruun Rasmussen eller et bud afgivet af en anden på den pågældendes vegne, ligesom Bruun Rasmussen er berettiget til at kræve et depositum som betingelse for accept af fremtidige bud. § 3. Afgiftsfritagelse Udenlandske købere, der opfylder nedennævnte betingelser, betaler 20% i auktionsomkostninger af hammerslaget, og bliver ikke belastet af danske afgifter. A. Købere med bopæl i et andet EU-land: Købere, som er momsregistreret i et andet EU-land, fritages for at betale dansk moms, når momsregistreringen dokumenteres over for Bruun Rasmussen, som skal påføre momsnummeret på fakturaen. B. Købere med bopæl uden for EU: 1 Forsendelse gennem speditør: Effekter, der eksporteres gennem en af Bruun Rasmussen godkendt speditør, fritages for afgift. 2 Udførsel som rejsegods: Der kan ske fritagelse for dansk afgift, når køberen selv medtager det købte under forudsætning af, at følgende betingelser er opfyldt: Fakturaen skal være betalt, og den danske afgift på 25% af fakturabeløbet skal være deponeret hos Bruun Rasmussen. a Købere med fast bopæl i Norge vil få den danske moms refunderet, så snart Bruun Rasmussen har modtaget købsfakturaen retur med påtegning om officiel indførsel fra det endelige lands toldmyndighed eller anden på omsætnings afgiftsområdet kompetent myndighed, hvis købet overstiger DKK 1.200. b Købere med fast bopæl andre steder uden for EU vil få den danske moms refunderet, efter at effekterne har været forevist til toldbehandling i forbindelse med køberens udrejse fra EU. Eksportørblanketten returneres til Bruun Rasmussen efter at være forsynet med et toldvæsens attest for udførslen, hvis købet overstiger DKK 300. Dette gælder også for Færøerne og Grønland. § 4. Afgiftsbetaling A. Momsregistrerede i andre EU-lande, der ikke ønsker at gøre brug af § 3, kan i stedet vælge at handle til brugtmoms/fuld moms på lige fod med private købere. Dette skal meddeles os inden kl. 10 den følgende auktionsdag. B. Momsregistrerede i Danmark kan vælge at købe til fuldmoms med 25% af både hammerslag og auktionsomkostninger. Dette skal meddeles os inden kl. 10 den følgende auktionsdag. § 5. Udlevering Købesummen skal være betalt, inden det købte kan udleveres til køberen. Det købte henligger fra hammerslaget for købers reg ning og risiko. For varer, der ikke er afhentet 14 dage efter hammerslaget, vil der blive opkrævet opbevaringsgebyr. Købte varer, der er betalt, men ikke afhentet, vil efter 1 år blive videresolgt for købers regning ved auktion eller underhånden. § 6. Forsendelse Såfremt Bruun Rasmussen påtager sig at emballere og fremsende købte varer, sker dette på købers regning og risiko. Bruun Rasmussen kan således ikke drages til ansvar for skader forvoldt på købte varer under forsendelse eller for forsvundne forsendelser. BRUUN RASMUSSEN bredgade AUcTION 786 § 7. Kunstnerafgift til Copy-Da n • 1% af den del af hammerslagsprisen, der ligger mellem DKK 1.242.917 og DKK 2.175.104 med tillæg af auktions omkostninger på 20% ekskl. afgift en korrekt katalogbeskrivelse må antages at ville have resulteret i, er køber berettiget til at annullere købet, hvorefter den samlede erlagte købesum, dog højst den i kataloget angivne højeste vurderingspris tillagt auktionsomkostninger og evt. moms, vil blive refunderet køber. Væsentlige fejl i katalogbeskrivelsen relateret til mål eller vægt erstattes kun procentuelt i forhold til differencen. Retten til under de her anførte betingelser at annullere et køb kan kun udøves af den, der købte den pågældende effekt hos Bruun Rasmussen og er betinget af, at krav om annullering fremsættes skriftligt over for Bruun Rasmussen inden 2 år efter købsdagen, og af at det købte inden samme frist returneres til Bruun Rasmussen i den samme stand i enhver henseende, som det købte var i på hammerslagstidspunktet. Køber kan i tilfælde af annullering ikke gøre krav på betaling af renter af købesummen og er ej heller berettiget til at kræve anden udgift eller tab, herunder eventuel mistet videresalgsfortjeneste, dækket. Et køb kan ikke kræves annulleret efter ovenstående bestemmelser, såfremt: • 0,5% af den del af hammerslagsprisen, der ligger mellem DKK 2.175.104 og DKK 3.107.292 med tillæg af auktionsomkostninger på 20% ekskl. afgift a beskrivelsen i kataloget på hammerslagsdagen var i overensstemmelse med den på dette tidspunkt gældende opfattelse blandt lærde og eksperter. CD Ifølge gældende dansk lovgivning om ophavsret skal der opkræves følgeretsvederlag på værker af alle nyere danske og visse udenlandske kunstnere. Følgeretsvederlaget opkræves hos køber af Bruun Rasmussen på vegne af kunstnernes organisation Copy-Dan, for de kunstværker, der er omfattet af loven. Disse værker er mærket CD for Copy-Dan ud for katalognummeret. Følgeretsvederlaget beregnes som følger for det enkelte kunst værk, når hammerslagsprisen overstiger DKK 1.864: • 5% af den del af hammerslagsprisen, der ligger mellem DKK 0 og DKK 310.729 med tillæg af auktionsomkostninger på 20% ekskl. afgift • 3% af den del af hammerslagsprisen, der ligger mellem DKK 310.729 og DKK 1.242.917 med tillæg af auktions omkostninger på 20% ekskl. afgift • 0,25% af den del af hammerslagsprisen, der ligger over DKK 3.107.292 med tillæg af auktionsomkostninger på 20% ekskl. afgift Copy-Dan afgiften kan ikke overstige DKK 93.219 for det enkelte kunstværk. b den eneste måde til på katalogets udgivelsestidspunkt at få fastslået et falskneri var iværksættelsen af videnskabelige processer, hvis gyldighed først blev anerkendt efter katalogets udgivelsestidspunkt eller som ville have været uforholdsmæssigt omkostningskrævende eller uigennemførlige uden beskadigelse af den pågældende effekt. § 8. Eksporttilladelse Kulturværdiudvalget er blevet ansøgt om eksporttilladelse, hvor dette kræves iflg. gældende dansk lovgivning om sikring af kulturværdier i Danmark. Foreligger en sådan ikke, vil dette blive meddelt den udenlandske køber umiddelbart efter hammerslaget. Derefter vil Bruun Rasmussen igen ansøge Kulturværdiudvalget på købers vegne, nu hvor prisen kendes. Gives eksporttilladelse ikke, er Kulturværdiudvalget forpligtet til at overtage det købte til den opnåede pris, hvilket betyder at købet bliver hævet for køber. § 9. Katalogisering Alt sælges i den stand, hvori det ved hammerslaget er at forefinde og som beskrevet i kataloget med senere offentliggjorte ændringer og modifikationer. Katalogiseringen er foretaget efter bedste overbevisning og under anvendelse af de anførte katalogiseringsprincipper. De solgte effekter er ofte af en alder eller af en art, der bevirker, at de kan være behæftet med fejl, mangler, restaurering eller beskadigelser, der ikke nødvendigvis angives i kataloget. Afbildninger i kataloget er blot til identifikation og kan ikke anvendes til vurdering af effekternes stand. Enhver der ønsker at byde på auktion, bør derfor ved selvsyn på de før auktionen afholdte eftersyn forvisse sig om de ønskede effekters stand. Katalogbeskrivelsen er udtryk for den på tidspunktet for katalogets trykning blandt lærde og eksperter herskende opfattelse. Skulle der efter købet opstå tvivl om det købtes ægthed eller dettes overensstemmelse med katalogbeskrivelsen, skal dette straks meddeles til Bruun Rasmussen. Såfremt det må erkendes, at det købte er en forfalskning, eller såfremt katalogbeskrivelsen har været behæftet med væsentlige fejl, der har medført en væsentlig højere hammerslagspris, end BRUUN RASMUSSEN bredgade AUcTION 786 Bruun Rasmussen Kunstauktioner Jesper Bruun Rasmussen, Auktionsholder Jørgen Byriel, Auktionsleder KOMMISSIONER Bruun Rasmussen påtager sig at byde i kommission for bydere, der ikke kan være til stede ved auktionen. Det er en forudsætning, at kommissionen er Bruun Rasmussen i hænde 24 timer før auktionens start, så om nødvendigt bydernes kreditværdighed kan undersøges. Bruun Rasmussen påtager sig intet ansvar for eventuelle fejltagelser, der måtte opstå ved brug af denne service. Konditionsrapporter Bruun Rasmussen påtager sig, hvis det er muligt, at orientere nærmere om katalognumrenes kondition og tilstand. Dette er ment som en service for kunder, der ikke selv har mulighed for ved selvsyn at undersøge numrene på eftersynet. Det understreges, at de givne oplysninger ikke kan gøres til genstand for reklamationer; her henvises til katalogteksten. FRITAGELSE FOR DANSK FULDMOMS Købere skal ifølge § 2 betale fuldmoms af de varer der i kataloget er markeret med stjerne *. Når virksomheder, der er momsregistrerede i andre EU-lande, køber hos Bruun Rasmussen og videresælger til private, skal der ikke betales dansk moms, men moms i henhold til de regler der gælder, hvor den udenlandske virksomhed er momsregistreret. Det tilrådes at søge oplysning hos de lokale myndigheder. 279 co n d i t i o n s of p u rchas e § 1. Bidding The buyer shall be the highest bidder at the “hammer price”. Any person bidding on behalf of a third party shall be liable in surety for completion of the sale. At the request of Bruun Rasmussen Kunstauktioner (hereinafter called Bruun Rasmussen), all bidders, whether they wish to make bids in person at the place of auction or commission bids by letter or fax or direct telephone bids, should be able to document their ability to pay and be able to provide proof of identity at any time. Bruun Rasmussen is entitled to refuse to accept a bid if, when requested, adequate security or adequate payment on account has not been rendered. Bids should be made by the bidder in person at the place of auction or by written commission. Telephone bidding is possible within certain conditions made out by Bruun Rasmussen. Bruun Rasmussen is not to be held responsible for any errors that may occur using this service. The auctioneer shall have absolute discretion as to the increment of the bids. The auctioneer will also make decisions in all cases of doubt regarding the bidding. § 2. Payment The purchase price is the hammer price plus 25% in buyer’s premium, including VAT, for lots sold subject to the special VAT scheme for sales of Works of Art, Collectors’ items and Antiques, and secondhand goods by Public Auction (hereinafter called Special VAT). Certain lots are sold in accordance with specific rules on normal VAT arrangement (hereinafter called normal VAT), so that the purchase price is the hammer price plus an additional 20% in buyer’s premium and VAT of 25% levied on both the hammer price and the buyer’s premium. The lots subject to Full VAT are indicated as such in the catalogue with an asterix (*). Danish VAT registered buyers shall provide us with documentation of their SE-/CVR-number (VAT No.) as this has to be quoted on the invoice for goods bought at full VAT. For some foreign buyers, specific VAT-exemption rules apply (cf. Article 3). VAT-exemption does not apply to private buyers from the EU who are considered as Danish buyers (cf. current Danish legislation on Special VAT Scheme for Sales of Works of Art, Collectors’ items and Antiques by Public Auction). The purchase price falls due for payment when the goods have been knocked down. Payment may be made in cash up to DKK 100,000, by Dankort, banker’s cheque, traveller’s cheque, Visa-, Master-, Diners Club- or Eurocard. Personal foreign cheques may only be used for payment by prior arrangement. Payment may be made during or immediately after the auction. Under all circumstances payment must be made no later than eight days from the date of the invoice. Should the purchase price not be paid by the due date, interest at 1.5 % per new month will be charged. If the purchase price and interest are not paid within eight days after Bruun Rasmussen has sent its demand to the buyer, Bruun Rasmussen shall be entitled to rescind the sale and resell the goods at a Bruun Rasmussen auction or privately, and to demand reimbursement of any related losses from the defaulting buyer. Any further profit on the sale shall be payable to the person who had deposited the goods for sale by auction. If the defaulting buyer is entitled to proceeds from a sale of goods by Bruun Rasmussen, Bruun Rasmussen shall be entitled to set off its receivables against its payables to the defaulting buyer. If the defaulting buyer has deposited other goods for sale, Bruun Rasmussen shall be entitled to sell such goods at a Bruun Rasmussen auction without being bound by the reserve stipulated by the defaulting buyer. 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