July 31, 2016 - St. James Parish
July 31, 2016 - St. James Parish
St. James Parish J U LY 3 1 , 2016 A Catholic Christian Community 820 N. Arlington Heights Road Arlington Heights, IL 60004 www.stjamesah.org 224-345-7200 I N S ID E T H I S I S S U E : Weekly Reflection 2 R.C.I.A. 4 Alpha at St. James 6 Financial Peace University 6 Marillac House Collection 7 Order of Worship Parish Staff Contact Numbers 10-14 20 S P E C IA L P O I N T S O F INTEREST: Please see pages 10-14 for our Order of Worship (Music, Psalm, Prayers) for use at Parish Center Masses. We invite you to take a bulletin as you enter, use it during Mass, and take it along when you leave, for reference during the week ahead. Fr. Gilbert and server John Miller, after Sunday Mass. Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time PAGE 2 A Reflection….from our St. James Religious Education Co-Coordinators July 31, 2016 Have you ever thought about teaching Religious Educa on??? What a wonderful experience to come into our children’s classrooms and teach them about our Catholic faith. Did you know we offer Religious Educa on classes on Tuesday evenings for 1st – 8th grade during the school year (September – May). We serve about 600 children! We need about 65 Catechists to successfully run our program each year. We are looking for people who are joyful and spirit filled. Don’t be in midated if you are not a teacher or don’t think you know our faith well. The provided materials will help you to gain a be er understanding of the lesson you are teaching. The Holy Spirit comes alive in class and being a Catechist you will unexpectedly deepen your rela onship with Jesus. Lesson plans are provided and there is minimal prep required each week. Many of our classrooms have 2 Catechists and we encourage Co-Teaching. If you have children in the program your family’s tui on is FREE! There are MANY opportuni es at St. James to teach our children in our Religious Educa on program: 3 needs for 1st grade (3 at 6:30pm) 3 needs for 3rd grade (3 at 6:30pm) 6 needs for 4th grade (2 at 4:30pm and 4 at 6:30pm) 8 needs for 5th grade (5 at 4:30pm and 3 at 6:30pm) 1 need for 6th grade (1 at 4:30pm) 2 needs for 7th grade (1 at 4:30pm and 1 at 6:30pm) 2 needs for 8th grade (1 at 4:30pm and 1 at 6:30pm) How do we keep our faith alive? ..by teaching the young children of the church in a loving community. The mission of the St. James Religious Educa on program is to ignite in our children a spark that will lead them to deepen their rela onship with Jesus Christ. Many of you do this daily as parents in your domes c church. Please prayerfully consider becoming a St. James Catechist to serve the children of our Parish. For more informa on please contact Carrie Conley or Rebecca Linsco , Co-Coordinators of Religious Educaon. Email:[email protected] If anyone serves Me, he must follow Me; and where I am, My servant will be also; If anyone serves Me, the Father will honor him. John 12:26 ‐ Carrie Conley & Rebecca Linsco , Co-Coordinators of Religious Educa on (A podcast of this week’s reflection is available on the St. James website and mobile website.) Spiritual Life Commission PAGE 3 Liturgy and Worship Pray the Rosary both before and after daily Mass: Monday: Human Life Tuesday: Military Wednesday: Marriage Thursday: Priests and Religious Friday: Sick Saturday: Souls of the faithful departed Holy Hour All are invited to the 7pm Thursday Holy Hour in the Church with Deacon Matthew Hahn. This 7pm Holy Hour includes Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, Evening Prayer, Rosary, and Benediction. How Are We Praying? Your Liturgy Board is interested in hearing about your experience of prayer and worship at St. James. Eucharistic Adoration Eucharistic Adoration takes place from 8:00am-3:00pm every Thursday in the Church. We will pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet at 3pm. We welcome your evaluation of Mass in the Church and Parish Center and your ideas about things we are doing well or ways we can improve our experience of praying together. E-mail us at: [email protected] Adoration Contacts: Sue & Jim McPherrin 847-506-1618 Summer Backyard Masses How do I sign up to host a St. James Backyard Mass? Pick a date for a Mass: Masses will be celebrated Monday-Friday until August 19 Please have 2 date options for your backyard Mass. Call or email: Liz Czajkowski in the Parish Office at: 224-345-7205 or [email protected] A Backyard Mass on July 14, 2016 Catholic Formation Commission PAGE 4 Thinking About Becoming Catholic? R.C.I.A R.C.I.A., Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults, is a process for those adults interested in learning more about the Catholic faith in order to receive the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist. This process is for all adults who: Are not baptized Were baptized in another Christian denomination or were baptized Catholic, but have not received the sacraments of Eucharist or Confirmation Every year we have people from all ages and walks of life come to the R.C.I.A. They come for many reasons, such as engagements, marriages, having children, personal losses or spiritual longing. R.C.I.A. will start meeting on Wednesday nights this fall, beginning on September 28th. The first two months of the process are called the Inquiry Phase, where you will learn more about the Catholic faith by listening to presentations and personal reflections by a team of parishioners, by sharing scripture, and by participating in group discussions. After the Inquiry Phase, you will discern for yourself if this feels right for you. You then decide if you wish to receive further instruction in order to receive Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist at the Easter Vigil next spring. Persons baptized in other Christian denominations would only receive Confirmation and Eucharist as the Catholic Church respects these baptisms. For more information, contact Jim Hamman at 847-347-1368 or email: [email protected] THEOLOGY ON TAP BusinessTaglineStatement or Motto Our Mission The St. James family is a welcoming Catholic community sent forth from our A speaker series for YOUNG ADULTS in their 20’s and 30’s celebration of the Eucharist to walk in faith, Theology on Tap 2016 live in hope, and act in love. As disciples of Jesus Christ, we are committed to justice and peace Wednesday, August 3, 7:00 pm St. Theresa, 455 N Benton St, Palatine Beth Knobbe, “Relationship Essentials for Singles and Couples" through Prayer, Education, Evangelization, and Contact [email protected] for more information. Stewardship. We Remember, We Celebrate, We Believe. To RSVP and for more info about any of these events, find us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/groups/yamnwc/ or email us at [email protected] St. James Youth Ministry Catholic Formation Commission St. James Youth Ministry attends a Steubenville youth conference and starts the Local Mission off on the right foot! Some pictures from Day One! Steubenville Youth Conference PAGE 6 Alpha at St. James Human Concerns Commission St. James Retired Men’s Group Retired Men’s meetings have been put on hold for the months of July and August, but will start up in September. Have a great summer! Save the Dates for these events… Ministry of Care Training at St. James Saturdays, October 8th & 15th 9am-3pm Attendance on both days and registration in advance are required. Please contact Deacon Tom if you are interested or have any questions. [email protected] or 847-253-3090 The Archdiocese of Chicago, Domestic Violence Outreach Ministry invites you to the First Archdiocese-Wide Mass on Domestic Violence. Saturday, October 29th, 2016 5:15pm Mass Holy Name Cathedral, Chicago Mass will be celebrated by Archbishop Blase Cupich. A reception will follow immediately. Please watch for more information in coming months. Human Concerns Commission PAGE 7 St. James Women’s Club is sponsoring its COLLECTION OF SCHOOL SUPPLIES FOR MARILLAC HOUSE Marillac House, located on the west side of Chicago, was founded by the Daughters of Charity 100 years ago. The Sisters and Staff of Marillac House continue to provide childcare for children of working parents and single parent families for children from kindergarten through high school. The Saint James Women’s Club is sponsoring the collection of these supplies for the families who cannot afford this expense. Other than the supplies listed below, additional supplies for older children are always appreciated, along with appropriate backpack sizes. If shopping for supplies isn’t possible, monetary donations are definitely of value. Our goal is to donate as many filled backpacks as possible, but any donation will be greatly appreciated. * Backpacks * pocket folders *pens *#2 pencils * rulers * glue stick *loose-leaf paper *crayons *spiral notebooks (College or wide-ruled) Collections will be held after the Saturday evening Mass on August 6th and Sunday Masses on August 7th. Please bring donations directly to the designated cars in the parking lots behind the Church or Parish Center. Thank you in abundance for your generosity! If you have any questions, please contact: Anne Grego (847) 287-7370 ([email protected]) or Theresa Coglianese (847) 636-9757 ([email protected]) ST. JAMES ENCOUNTER! or PAGE 8 Human Concerns Commission St. James in Mission Join your fellow parishioners on St. James’ third annual trip to the Dominican Republic Orphanage of Nuestros Pequeños Hermanos (NPH) November 6th 13th, 2016 NPH houses and teaches over 225 children in this facility and also provides outreach services to some of the poorest neighborhoods in the Dominican Republic. In past years St. James volunteers have helped construct two en re houses in nearby communi es. This year we are performing some badly needed maintenance at the orphanage itself. Volunteer opportuni es: Painting, replacing faucets, making screens, other light maintenance Working with special needs children Assisting teachers A er each day of service we will pray and reflect on the day with fellow volunteers. We will be taking side trips to local areas as well as going to the beach with some of the children. Cost, including airfare, meals and accommoda ons, is about $900 per person. Please let me know as soon as possible if you are interested, as we have to “hold” the fare. Several parishioners who have gone on previous trips will be joining us again. Have a great me doing good work - join us! For more informa on, come to our informa on mee ng: Thursday, August 11th at 7:00AM in The Parish Boardroom Or call: Katherine Harig, NPH Dominican Republic Board 847-778-4432 [email protected] Human Concerns Commission Exodus Trekkers PAGE 9 A Lifetime of Faith Searching,Then Finally She Takes Her Climactic Leap of Faith at St. James… (originally posted in March, 2015 ) It was, she would say later, "the crowning moment of my spiritual life ." Nervously confident, Julia DesRochers waited for one of our three priests to lay his hands of blessing upon her head. She stood at the altar with 12 other adults, and behind each of them stood their "sponsor", the one who had patiently waited for this sacrament ever since he or she had brought Julia and the others to the Rite of Catholic Initiation for Adults (RCIA ) eight months ago. Today was the Easter Vigil, and the church was alive with music befitting the joy felt by Julia. Sitting in pews were friends and family with smiles that had lingered since this solemn Mass had begun. For Julia, a woman with a PhD in grain science and who now sings in the St. James 8:30 a.m. choir, these smiles came from her aunt, a cousin and her cousin's boyfriend, and a friend whom later Julia herself would sponsor. It was the climax of a long spiritual journey that challenged Julia with its many twists and turns… There's much more to read about Julia , beginning July 31 on the EXODUS TREKKER blog, along with several other inspiring interviews with people you might know. Go to: http://www.exodustrekkers.blogspot.com or to the St. James web site and click on "resources" then "blogs . " St. James Over 50 Social Group Save the Date! SEPTEMBER 14 (WEDNESDAY) Bus trip to Kendall College Chef School in Chicago for a chef-prepared lunch. Watch the students make: roast beef and salmon, salad, vegetables, dessert, coffee or tea. Bus transportation by Bestway Charter. Meet at St. James old school parking lot at 10:45am, lunch at 12:00 Noon, return 4:004:30pm. RSVP Frank and Peg at 847-398-2233 to reserve your seat on the bus. Cost: $40 for lunch and transportation. Make your checks payable to “St. James Over 50” and make “Kendall College bus trip” on the bottom. Please bring check to the Parish Office. Tip for the driver is on individual basis. PAGE 10 Order of Worship Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Psalm Response Psalm 90: 3-4, 5-6, 12-13, 14, 17 R. If today your hear his voice, harden not your hearts. Order of Worship PAGE 11 Nicene Creed I believe in one God, the Father almighty maker of heaven and earth, of all things visible and invisible I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ, the only Begotten Son of God, born of the Father before all ages. God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God, begotten, not made, consubstantial with the Father; Through him all things were made. For us men and for our salvation he came down from heaven, (at the following words, up to and including “and became man”, all bow) and by the Holy Spirit was incarnate of the Virgin Mary, and became man. For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate, he suffered death and was buried, and rose again on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures. He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead and his kingdom will have no end. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life, who proceeds from the Father and the Son, who with the Father and the Son is adored and glorified, who has spoken through the prophets. I believe in one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church. I confess one Baptism for the forgiveness of sins and I look forward to the resurrection of the dead and the life of the world to come. Amen. All music used with permission Copyright © GIA Publications, Inc. All Rights Reserved. OneLicense.net A-704387. Copyright © World Library Publications. License #AL0924991. All Rights Reserved. Copyright © LicenseSing. All Rights Reserved. License #U2511. PAGE 12 Gathering Song Order of Worship Order of Worship Communion Song I Am the Bread of Life PAGE 13 PAGE 14 Closing Song Order of Worship Jubilation at James PAGE 15 PAGE 16 St. James Parish Groups Annulment Support Ministry Richard Nagengast 847-732-0970 Elizabeth Ministry We are a ministry of women reaching out to other women who are in their childbearing years. We offer support and resources regarding pregnancy, infertility, miscarriage, child loss, adoption, NFP, and other issues. To connect with us, reach out to Melissa Bertram or Sandra Chaplin at [email protected] or http://bit.ly/elizabethministrystjamesah. Grief Support Group The St. James Grief Support Group meets on every Tuesday (during session times) from 7pm-8:15pm in Conference Room 1 at the Parish Office. The group offers support through sharing, listening, and learning from each other’s story of grief and loss. You do not need to commit to all of the sessions, but may attend as many as you find helpful. For information, call MaryJo at 224-3457200, ext. 8512 and leave a message. St. Vincent de Paul St. Vincent de Paul is an emergency source for food and short-term financial help for parishioners and those living within the parish boundaries. Please call 224-345-7200, ext. 8517. Requests will be handled with care and confidentiality. Wheels to Worship Need a ride to Mass? Call Carol at 847-253-4680. [email protected] Community Groups and Events Lunches by Catholic Charities Luncheons are served Mon-Fri for seniors 60 and older at Arlington Heights Senior Center, 1801 W. Central. Suggested donation of $4.00 on a reservation basis only. Call 847-797-5354 for more info & reservations. Escorted Transportation for Seniors Escorted Transportation Services Northwest (ETS/NW) - is a service available to those 60 and over in our community who are in need of rides to medical and dental appointments. It is a multidenominational outreach to the elderly. If you are in need of such assistance, or Mended Hearts - a national non-profit if you would like to volunteer to serve support group for cardiac patients and seniors in our community as a part of families meets monthly at Alexian Bros. this outreach team, please call Vicki at Hospital in Elk Grove Village on the 847-222-9227. first Tuesday of each month in 2015. Call Jack Hanahan at 847-398-0791 for AA (Alcoholics Anonymous) - meets in the old St. James School Basement , 821 the schedule, information and support. N. Arlington Heights Rd. (east side of Arlington Hts. Rd.) every Monday and Senior Health Insurance Program Volunteers trained by the Illinois Wednesday evening. (Monday is a Department of Insurance offer a free Men’s Meeting.) Both the Monday and counseling service to help you compare Wednesday meetings start at 8:30pm. alternative Medicare, Medicare Supple- Enter through Door A5. AA is a selfment, Medicare Drug, HMO or Long help group for people with a drinking Term Care Insurance Plans and to assist problem. in processing billing or appealing denied Cancer Research Network claims for these plans. Call 847-253The American Cancer Society has Can5532 for information. cer Information Specialists available 24 hours a day, seven days a week - call 1Community Resources Alcoholics Anon. 312-346-1475 800-227-2345. Information is available Alanon/Alateen 847-358-0338 on the Internet at www.cancer.org You Narcotics Anon. 708-848-4884 may also call Ron Marwitz, the ACS Families Anon. 847-795-8320 parish contact, at 847-870-1862. A self-help program for family and friends of those with substance abuse For Post-Abortion Counseling Help: and/or behavioral problems. Meets reg- Project Rachel - Catholic Charities: ularly at 7:30pm on Wednesday eve312-337-1962 nings at Our Savior Lutheran Church in http://www.hopeafterabortion.com Arl. Hts. NAMI—National Alliance on Mental Illness—Family support group, meets at 7:00pm, the third Wednesday of the month at Alexian Brothers Center for Mental Health, 3436 N. Kennicott, Arl. Hts. 847-899-0195 Office for Protection of Children and Youth www.archchicago.org 312-534-5254 LOSS Loving Outreach to Survivors of Suicide is a free, non-denominational program offered by Catholic Charities to support individuals grieving the loss of a loved one to suicide. 312-655-7283 or www.catholiccharities.net/loss for info. St. Edna Parish Bridge Group St. Edna’s Bridge Group has openings for new couples. If you love bridge and socializing, please call Loretta Altpeter at 847-577-0696. Weekly Intentions Please pray for our sick... Edna O. Martin, Theresa Kazak, Ann Caselton, John Coleman, Sr. PAGE 17 Rose for Life This week’s Rose for Life is donated by the LaVeau Family in loving memory of Robert Rossdeutcher. Remembrances Baptisms Casey McGuire Korab….son of Drew & Kristen (Ptack) Korab Jacob Julien Krams….son of Nicholas & Jessica (Soraparu) Krams MacKenzie Marie Mansfield….daughter of Erik & Caroline (Lang) Mansfield Liam Robert Baruch….son of Mark & Lauren (Fraczek) Baruch Wedding Banns August 6, 2016 Robert Shaw & Katherine Mijal August 13, 2016 Nicholas Farison & Sarah Micksch Saturday Evening/Sunday Morning, July 31 Frank Brennan, Dana Mangi, Thomas Rothfus, Michael Vincenzo (5th Anniv.), James Sherer, Scott Colabuono, Jessie Cooney, Nancy Fisher Kubkowski Monday, August 1 Dick Kozak, Joseph O’Mally, Sally Crosby Tuesday, August 2 Dana Mangi Wednesday, August 3 Louise M. Pancratz, Marge Szulborski, Edith Michelini Thursday, August 4 Gertrude (Trudi) Pietrolonardo (1st Anniv.), Leonard L.Waller, Bob Rossdeutcher (5th Anniv.), Kevin Rossdeutcher Friday, August 5 Marreddy Chitta, George Nelleson Saturday, August 6 Raymond J. Bieniasz (12th Anniv.), Donald J. Seiler, Sharon Lynn Scanlan, Norberto & Florencia Peñas, Edith Michelini, Francesca Grimaudo Saturday Evening/Sunday Morning, August 7 Tom King (1st Anniv.), Greg Boyes, Christopher Kilian James Bouquet & Patricia Henley In Loving Memory August 19, 2016 Cyrilla Kowalski….mother of John (Eileen) Kowalski and Robert (Halina) Kowalski; grandmother of Ryan Kowalski Milo Dela-Cruz & Marisol Arreola August 20, 2016 Joseph Doyle & Amanda Johnson Josephine Colombini Our Charity Stewardship Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 24, 2016 Weekend Masses — 522 Envelopes $22,111.75 GiveCentral — 95 Online Donations $4,911.00 July 24th Total Collection $27,022.75 Thank you for your generous contributions to our weekly collection, which support our parish, and also allow us to assist various local and international charities that need help. Your donations are very much appreciated. Liturgical Ministers and Scripture Readings PAGE 18 Scripture Readings Jubilee Year of Mercy July 31, 2016 Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time READINGS FOR THE WEEK OF JULY 31st Monday: Jer 28:1-17; Ps 119:29, 43, 79, 80, 95, 102;Mt 14:13-21 Tuesday: Jer 30:1-2, 12-15, 18-22; Ps 102:16-21, 29,22-23; Mt 14:22-36 or Mt 15:1-2, 10-14 Wednesday: Jer 31:1-7; Jer 31:10, 11-12ab, 13; Mt 15:21-28 Thursday: Jer 31:31-34; Ps 51:12-15, 18-19; Mt 16:13-23 Friday: Na 2:1, 3; 3:1-3, 6-7; Dt 32:35cd-36ab, 39abcd, 41; Mt 16:24-28 Saturday: Dn 7:9-10, 13-14; Ps 97:1-2, 5-6, 9; 2 Pt 1:16-19; Lk 9:28b-36 Sunday: Wis 18:6-9; Ps 33:1, 12, 18-22; Hb 11:1-2, 8-19 [1-2, 8-12]; Lk 12:32-48 [35-40] “You fool, this night your life will be demanded of you” (Luke 12:20). Hardly sounds like mercy! Unlike some contemporary rich folks, there is no indication of lying, stealing, or cheating in Jesus’ parable. The rich man made a living, not a killing. Why does Jesus name him “fool”? First, because of presumption. Five times in nine verses, the rich man declares, “I shall.” God’s not in charge here, I am! Second, selfishness—four times, “my/myself.” No God, no neighbor; he talks to himself, about himself: my possessions, my productivity, my plans! So, instead of chasing “treasure for ourselves,” Jesus and Pope Francis’ Jubilee Year of Mercy bid us grow “rich in what matters to God” (12:21), namely, the corporal and spiritual works of mercy. Give food, drink, clothing, and healing; visit the imprisoned; bury the dead. Heal with Jesus’ own gentleness the doubt, ignorance, and sins of others; comfort, forgive, be patient; and pray for the living and dead. —Peter Scagnelli, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co., Inc. Mass Times 5:00 pm 7:00 am 8:30 am 10:00 am 11:30 am Lectors Altar Servers J.Staley A.Hemminger J.Lee I.Kennedy Weekend of August 7, 2016 Presider Eucharistic Ministers B Team Fr. Gilbert R.Cruz, J.Garlick, S.Garlick, T.Johnston, M.Meissner, Mashurano S.Resch, G.Stec. S.Stec, L.Trzesniewski, B.Jaffe, C.Williams, R.Howe, J.Houlihan Coordinators: B.Jaffe, R.Cruz, J.Garlick Fr. Matt Foley Fr. Matt Foley Fr. Derek Ho C.Jones M.Cripe, G.Roller, J.Shrader, J.Shrader, M. Walsh, Jr. M.Lorincz-Michaels, C.Sierri-Sokop Coordinator: M. Walsh, Jr. J.Novotny W.Michellini P.Sokop S.Michellini E.Cahill, P.Cahill, L.Holland, T. Holland, V.McQueeney, K.Newgard, K.Parus, M. Phillips, B.Scullion, M.Vanderwiel, L. P. Martin, T.Stengren Coordinators: F.Miossi, D.Varchetto K.Sowa B.Sheldon M.O’Hare E.Bleasdale R.O’Grady M.Bleasdale T.Baldoni, D.Barrett, M.Bayer, K.Brunner, D.Burke, C.Coleman, M.Belter, A.Brown C.Colleran, W.Liszka, M.Schade, M.Lombardi, M.Ruane, C.Marqui, C.Colleran M.Koclanis, B.Minaglia, L.Fonsino, L.Nono (Choir) M.Rutkowski M.Massa, R.Becker, V.Curtis, S.Gaske, S.Hussey, J.Lippert, J.McDermott, R.McDermott, (2 EMs for choir) Coordinators: D.Burke, B.Minaglia Fr. Gilbert J.Gedmin, J.Zitkus, N.Paulson, E.O. Martin, C. Zitkus, D.Murphy, Mashurano J.Van Eck Choir: M.Beck, .Douglas, J.Hopper, J.McCarthy Fr. Derek Ho J.Soukup, J.Coleman, E.Krause, L. Matz, H.Thornton, M.Purk, M.Purk Coordinator: L.Matz K.Sheehan A.Zebron J.McDonagh J.Kruase R.Klicki J.Curtin Coordinators: C. & C. Zitkus 5:00 pm J.Dillon E.Oskroba S.Sykes G.Hoffman L.Matz K.Miletic G.Gaggiano Upcoming Events FREE Rainbarrels! PAGE 19 Call Today for a free, no obligation consultation CENTRAL PLUMBING COMPANY, INC. (847) 690-9825 • Housekeeping & Laundry • Errands • Companionship • Medication Reminders SINCE 1980 4 GENERATIONS OF PLUMBERS COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL Repairs & Remodeling Water Heaters - Disposals Sump Pumps - Rodding “MR. FIX-IT” Electrical * Carpentry * Doors Phone * Miscellaneous Maintenance If you don’t see it listed, ASK! 847-253-9181 TOM RYAN KEVIN RYAN IL Lic. # PL16019 Lic. # 055-012918 • Meal Preparation • Dressing Assistance • Bathing Assistance • Personal Care Frank Zavaski Phone: (847) 767-7737 36150 N. 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ARLINGTON HEIGHTS Materials For Industrial Applications LENNOX • CARRIER 847-253-0866 www.ibbotsonheating.com Office (847) 297-4510 $$ Parishioner Discount $$ Fax (847) 297-8617 2110 Oxford Road Des Plaines, IL 60018 847-492-1444 LAUTERBURG & OEHLER FUNERAL HOME Serving Families In Our Community Since 1917 2000 E. Northwest Hwy • Arlington Heights • (847) 253-5423 PARISHIONERS RECEIVE A 10% DISCOUNT ON FUNERAL/CREMATION PREARRANGEMENTS James R. Murray, Jr. | Michael Murray | Christina Raitano – PrePlanning Specialist | Cari Yopchick - Parishioner Heating & Cooling Energy Specialists Heating • Air Conditioning Ventilation • Sheet Metal Family Owned Since 1987 847-394-9591 Humidifiers • Air Cleaners $50 OFF Shop Well Eat Well Live Well Tents • Tables • Chairs • Linens • Moonwalk • Games Service Call 802 E. Northwest Hwy. 500 S. Hicks Road, Palatine 847-394-8213 www.arlingtonrental.com with ad. Not valid with any other offers. Arlington Heights KATHLEEN E. 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Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170 COMPETENT CAREGIVERS • • • • • • • Foreign & Domestic Auto Repair Towing & Recovery $10 OFF ANY REPAIR OVER $50 Registered Nurse & LPNs Certified Nursing Assistant Highly Trained Caregivers & Companions Live-Ins & Hourly Care Personal Care & Assistant Nurse Conducts Monthly Visit Licensed/Insured/Bonded Mention ‘Jesus’ & Receive Parish Discount www.competenthhc.com 847-804-3207 Route 12 (847) 394-2666 Rental Co. Inc. J.R. Auto Collision (with coupon) General Dentistry 217 S. ARLINGTON HEIGHTS RD. 847-392-3344 August J. Durso, Jr. DDS DICK’S TILE SERVICE Cerec Crown • Whitening NEW PATIENTS WELCOME! • Kitchen & Bath Remodeling • Heated Floors • Tile Repairs 847-635-0117 • Cultured Marble • Porcelain • Natural Stone • Granite Tops 1661 Feehanville Dr. Mt. Pros. • Custom Shower Doors Brian Schulz 847-228-0224 www.drdursoandassoc.com 445 S. Arlington Heights Rd., A. H. 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Lic. #055-008817 847-702-7524 Hail Damage Insurance Claims Leaf Defier and receive 10% off of your Lic.-Ins. first clean and check PREMIER Phone or email for service: JANITORIAL SERVICE 847-818-4300 Commercial & Residential www.drozdroofing.com [email protected] 847-338-2642 3733 N. Ventura Drive, Arlington Heights Free Estimates Insured • Bonded Arlington Heights www.atomatic.com 847-670-1237 Parishioner WILLIAM S. HOIJER, D.D.S. GENERAL DENTISTRY JOHN’S ROOFING INC. 1430 N. Arlington Hts. Rd. 847-297-9984 Arlington Hts., Ste. 107 Roofing • Gutters • Siding Insured 24 Hour Protection at HOME and AWAY! ✔Ambulance Solutions as Low as ✔Police ✔Fire FREE Shipping ✔Friends/Family FREE Activation $1a Day! Arlington Heights Free Any 6 Inch Sub With A Purchase of a 6 Inch Sub of Equal or Greater Value Plus Purchase of Drink With This Ad 800-566-6150 www.wlpmusic.com Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. OVERHEAD DOOR SOLUTIONS, INC. Sales & Service of Garage Doors & Controls Broken Springs & Cables (847) 359-3667 COUPON 800.393.9954 Year round fencing. All types of fencing including entry gates and gate operators. 847-906-3231 • [email protected] WWW.FCFENCE.COM Brian P. Zulawinski, DDS Parishioner - St. James 847-253-7477 www.ArlingtonDentalOnline.com Part Roomy We r Cate OF ARLINGTON RESTAURANT & LOUNGE BREAKFAST SAT/SUN 11AM-2PM Sun-Thurs 11am-9pm • Fri-Sat 11am-10pm DAILY SPECIALS COMPLETE MAINTENANCE SERVICE LAWN AERATION • SOD • TRIMMING SPRAYING OF WOODS / PLANTING Vincenzo Bondi, Parishioner 847-797-8361 www.jspaluch.com For further information, please call the Parish Office. Family Owned Mark A. Lallas, DDS ntracts NO Long Term Co 360600 St James Church (A) (Just North of Mariano’s) 15 N. Arlington Heights Rd. Free Estimates Arlington Heights, IL 60004 If You Live Alone You Need LIFEWatch! CALL NOW! 007199 9 x 12 Hardcover 812 Kensington Rd. $16.99 each • Special Offer — 2 for $25.00! Soffit • Fascia Mon-Sat & Evening Hours 847-818-1188 to help adults pass on their Catholic faith. .® resh eat f Inc. Roofing/Siding/Gutters 847-670-6950 New Work • Remodeling • Repairs Heating and Air Conditioning All Types of Sewer Rodding Service and Installations 8420 Lehigh, M.G. 965-1883 Mention St. James Church Parish Member families! Includes a glossary of questions 847-577-1800 www.samsofarlington.com 1863 W. Central Rd., Arl. Hts. (In Arlington Senior Ctr. Shopping Center) YARDWORK Bush Trimming Planting Edging Free Estimates 630-464-8958 For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170 PAGE 20 Welcome to St. James! St. James Pastoral Staff St. James Parish 820 N. Arlington Heights Road Arlington Heights, IL 224-345-7200 St. James Parish Website: www.stjamesah.org St. James Parish Council Contacts: Halina McManaman ([email protected]) Dave Chaplin ([email protected]) Weekend Masses Saturday Evening Sunday Morning Sunday Morning Sunday Morning Sunday Morning Sunday Evening 5:00pm: Parish Center (Cantor) 7:00am: Church (Cantor) 8:30am: Church (Traditional Choir) 10:00am: Parish Center (Contemporary Choir and Children’s Liturgy of the Word) 11:30am Parish Center (Contemporary Choir) 5:00pm Church (Teen Ensemble) Weekday Masses (Church) 831 N. Arlington Hts. Road Monday – Friday. . . . . . . . . . . 7:30am Mass Saturday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8:30am Mass Holy Day Liturgy Please refer to publicized special schedules for Holy Days. Debbie Bolash, Business Manager 224-345-7212 - [email protected] Liz Czajkowski, Office Manager 224-345-7205 [email protected] Tamaron Conseur, Director of Music Ministry 224-345-7204 - [email protected] Mary Lederer, Director of Development [email protected] Matt Marcheschi, FOCUS Parish Missionary 224-345-7210 - [email protected] Sr. Faustina Ferko, Director of Youth Ministry 224-345-7214 - [email protected] Carol Desmond, Communication Coordinator 224-345-7207, [email protected] Carrie Conley, Co-Coordinator—Religious Education 224-345-7217 - [email protected] Rebecca Linscott, Co-Coordinator—Religious Education 224-345-7216 - [email protected] Patricia Farrell, Director of Spiritual Formation, School 224-345-7149 - [email protected] Sacramental Celebrations Baptism Parishioners must notify the Parish Office of preferred Baptismal date at least one month in advance. Marriages Congratulations on your engagement! At least six months prior to your wedding date, we warmly welcome you to contact the Parish Office. Our Office Manager will explain the process of preparing for a Christian marriage and assist you in selecting a date for your wedding liturgy. Judy Pappas, Principal 224-345-7145 - [email protected] Judy Tomasiewicz, Bulletin/Liturgy 224-345-7206 - [email protected] Priests Rev. Matthew Foley, Pastor 224-345-7222 –[email protected] Reconciliation Saturdays. . . . . . .3:30—4:30pm In the Chapel—820 N. Arlington Hts. Road, or you may call for an appointment anytime at 224-345-7200. Parish Office Hours Monday-Thursday 9:00am—8:00pm Friday 9:00am—6:00pm Saturdays 9:00am—1:00pm Sundays Rev. Derek Ho, Associate Pastor 224-345-7201 - [email protected] Rev. Gilbert Mashurano, Associate Pastor 224-345-7202 - [email protected] Rev. Bill Zavaski, Pastor Emeritus Permanent Deacons 9:00am—1:00pm James Bannon (Laura) 847-577-6328 Parish E-mail Address: [email protected] Parish Fax Number: 224-345-7220 St. James School Matthew Hahn (Zuly) 847-222-1944 Paul Schmidt (Paulette) 847-253-3656 Pierce Sheehan (Midge) 847-259-1743 St. James School Number: 224-345-7145 St. James School Fax : 224-345-7140 Tom Westerkamp (Diane) 847-253-3090 William Reinert (Joan) - Retired