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here - Jason Holley
Organic Sexuality
From Shame into Mystery
Talk by Jason Holley, MA LPCC
for the New Earth Institute
Southwestern College, Santa Fe
November 20, 2013
Eros Phanes
At the beginning there was only Khaos,
Nyx, dark Erebos, and deep Tartaros. Ge,
Aer, and Ouranos had no existence.
Firstly, black-winged Nyx laid a germless
egg in the bosom of the infinite deeps of
Erebos, and from this, after the revolution
of long ages, sprang the graceful Eros
with his glittering golden wings, swift as
the whirlwinds of the tempest. He mated
in deep Tartaros (Hell-Pit) with dark
Khaos, winged like himself, and thus
hatched forth our race, which was the
first to see the light. That of the
Immortals did not exist until Eros had
brought together all the ingredients of
the world, and from their marriage
Ouranos, Okeanos, Ge, and the
imperishable race of blessed gods sprang
into being. – Aristophanes, Birds
Eros Phanes Hatched from the World-Egg
- 2nd c. Roman bas relief
Eros, fairest among the deathless gods,
who unnerves the limbs and overcomes
the mind and wise counsels of all gods
and all men within them…
- Hesiod, Theogony
Two-sexed, two-faced, glorious Eros!
- Orphica Argonautica
Eros Phanes - Francesco de Rossi
Eros 433, Near-Earth Asteroid - Photo by NASA
Eros the Winged God – Unknown / Red Pottery
Sleeping Cupid – Caravaggio
Time Clipping Cupid’s Wings
– Pierre Mignaurd
Nemesis Punishes Cupid - Andrea Alciato
Virtue Conquers Love - Andrea Alciato
Two-sexed, two-faced, glorious Eros!
- Orphica Argonautica
Eros, fairest among the deathless gods,
who unnerves the limbs and overcomes
the mind and wise counsels of all gods
and all men within them…
- Hesiod, Theogony
Venus and Mars - Carlo Sacareni
Venus and Mars - Poussin
I am the ancient Apple Queen,
As once I was so am I now.
For evermore a hope unseen,
Betwixt the blossom and the bough.
Ah, where's the river's hidden Gold!
And where the windy grave of Troy?
Yet come I as i came of old,
From out the heart of summer's joy."
--William Morris
Demeter and Pomona – Giovanai Rominelli
Veil of Despoina –
Temple at Lycosaura
Demeter Grieving – Evelyn von Morgan
Demeter Grove in Arcadia – Photo Jason Holley
Arcadia - Konstantin Makovsky
Pan and Daphnis - Unknown
Piper at the Gates of Dawn – Paul Bramson
He called her gently to him, lovesick and weary as she was, and soothed her with these consoling words. ‘You are an elegant girl,
and I am a rustic herdsman, but my advanced years give me the benefit of considerable experience. If my hazard is correct–sages
actually call such guesswork divine insight–I infer from your stumbling and frequently wandering steps, from your excessively pale
complexion and continual sighs, and not least from your mournful gaze, that you are suffering grievous love-pains. On that
account you must hearken to me: do not seek gain to destroy yourself by throwing yourself headlong or by seeking any other
means of death. Cease your sorrowing, lay aside your sadness, and instead direct prayers of adoration to Cupidos [Eros], greatest
of gods, and by your caressing attentions win the favour of that wanton and extravagant youth.’ - Apuleius
Pan and Psyche – Gustav Klimt
Pan and Psyche – Edward Burne-Jones
Pan Reclining - Francesco de Sangallo
Faunus – Pal Merse
Arcadia – Karoly Marko