Pastoral Care for our Brothers and Sisters
Pastoral Care for our Brothers and Sisters
BASILICA OF SAINT MARY OF THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION Mass Intentions February 23, through March 1, 2015 Monday 12:10 p.m. Communion Service Tuesday 12:10 p.m. Mass Special intentions for the Basilica’s Parish Family 12:10 p.m. Mass Special intentions for the Basilica’s Parish Family Thursday 12:10 p.m. Mass Special intentions for the Basilica’s Parish Family Friday Saturday 5:00 p.m. Sunday 9:00 a.m. 12: 00 p.m. Mass Special intentions for the Basilica’s Parish Family Mass Intentions for the soul of Gloria Smith, requested by Consuella McCloud Mass Intentions for the soul of Lorenza A Percy, Jr. , Fr. Jim Curran & Basilica’s Parishioners Mass Intentions for the soul of Aunt Gracie McClease, requested by Nathaniel O. Simmons READINGS FOR THE WEEK MONDAY St. Polycarp, Bishop, Martyr Lv 19:1-2, 11-18 Ps 19:8-10, 15 Mt 25:31-46 Vi TUESDAY Is 55:10-11 Ps 34:4-7, 16-19 Mt 6:7-15 Vi WEDNESDAY Vi Jon 3:1-10 Ps 51:3-4, 12-13, 18-19 Lk 11:29-32 Send a card, make a call, visit and always pray for our suffering brothers and sisters in the faith. If you know of someone who should be added or removed from our Pastoral Care list, please call the office or email us at the Church. HOSPITALIZED: Edna Lacey, Sentara Leigh, #279 SICK/HOMEBOUND: PARISHIONERS: Marie Adams, Margaret Anthony, Clarence Banks, Jr., Mary Barnwell, Marion Bullock, Winslow Bullock, Vernice Case, Earl Cheek, Alma Jones Davis, Walter Green, Thado Greene, Sharon Haynes, Victor Haynes, Jerome Holloway, Diana Johnson, Margaret Jones, Martha Jones, Helen Kidwell, Edna Lacey, Paul Lacey, Regina Morgan, Barbara Moses, Wendell Paige, Johnnie Parker, Helen Rainey, Denise Reeves, Blanche Rhodes, Roland Ridley, Jr., Roland Ridley, Sr., Dorothy Sharp, Faye Shaw, Karen Smith, Inez Spruill, Annie Stoney, Hattie Washington, Leander Weston, Jimmie Whitley, Ms. Gary Williams, Rosie Woodis Friends of the Basilica: Lois Ambush, Frank Bailey, Horace Balmer, Nancy Bourcherie, Milton Michael Brown, Jean-Claude Condemine, Clarence Cuffee, Jr., Malcolm Everett, Berlyn Howard, Lucille Lattimore, Kinesha Lawrence, Patricia Nordstrom, Ernest Eugene Ponton, Fannie Powell, Clara Stanley, Verntinio Swinson, Jeanette Ward, Theresa Ward, Jacqueline Word NURSING HOME/REHAB: Clarence Calhoun Doris Cooper Connie Fenner Neil Pretlow Kema Rodgers Verita Thompson Sheppard Village, #103 Chesapeake Rehab, #13B Sentara Assist. Living #407 Chesapeake Place Sentara Rehab Newtown Lake Taylor Rehab, Rm B10 Remember our Military Members Lord, your Word says that whoever goes to you for safety, whoever remains under the protection of the Almighty can say to you, “You are my defender and protector, you are my God; in you I trust.” May our sons, daughters, husbands, wives, brothers, sisters and friends in the military, and all our troops turn to you and find rest in the shadow of your wings. Prayers, cards & letters to: MC3 Ivana Campbell THURSDAY Vi Pastoral Care for our Brothers and Sisters Clarence Calhoun, Sentara Norfolk General, #572, Wednesday 12:10 p.m. NORFOLK, VA Est C:12, 14-16, 23-25 Ps 138:1-3, 7c-8 Mt 7:7-12 USS Blue Ridge (LCC 19) X Division FPO AP 96628-3300 SSgt. Warren Sampson (Back in the U.S.) FRIDAY Vi Ez 18:21-28 Ps 130:1-8 Mt 5:20-26 SATURDAY Vi SUNDAY Vi Dt 26:16-19 Ps 119:1-2, 4-5, 7-8 Mt 5:43-48 SECOND SUNDAY OF LENT Gn 22:1-2, 9a, 10-13, 15-18 Ps 116:10, 15-19 Rom 8:31b-34 Mk 9:2-10 Sgt. Natalie Speller (Back in the U.S.) South Carolina Lieutenant Colonel Lisa Whittaker CMR 467 Box 3693 APO AE 09096 FIRST SUNDAY OF LENT February 22, 2015 THIS WEEK AT ST. MARY Monday, 12:10 p.m. 6:30 p.m. February 23rd Communion Serv. Zumba Tuesday, 10:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 12:10 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. February 24th Staff Mtg. Tidewater Gardens Mass Prayer Group Tidewater Gardens Wednesday, February 25th 10-11:30am Walk thru Mass 12:10 p.m. Mass 5-8:00 p.m. Head Start (SH) 7:00 p.m. Y/A Bible Study 7-8:30 pm Walk thru Mass Thursday, 12:10 p.m. 7:00 p.m. February 26th Mass Adult Confirmation Friday, 12:10 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m. February 27th Mass Stations of the Cross Lenten Soup & Salad Marriage Awareness Saturday, 10am-4pm 1-3p.m. 3:00 p.m. February 28th PPC Retreat L&C Ministry of Consolation Mass 5:00 p.m. Sunday, 9:00 a.m. 10:45 am 11:00a.m. 12:00 p.m. March 1st Mass Rel.Ed,/RCIA KPC Mass Attention All Married Couples: February is the month of love. Come and celebrate your love for your spouse by joining us at our next Marriage Awareness Meeting. We will meet in the hall on Friday, February 27, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. Our speakers will be William and Carolyn Tatem from our nation's capital. They are leaders in their church's couple ministry. Carolyn has written a book and a manual called, Marriage From A-Z . We are excited about the wealth of information they will share. Enjoy this event to enrich your Sacrament of Marriage. Bring a snack to share. Parish Pastoral Council For 2015 Feb. 20-Mar. 27—Stations of Cross Soup & Salad March 14th— Confirmation Retreat at the Basilica March 30th— Chrism Mass at the Cathedral May 2nd — Health Fair May 17th — Mommy & Me Tea Interested in Volunteering in: FOOD PANTRY Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday HOURS: 10:00 AM TO 12:00 PM Or SOUP KITCHEN Monday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday HOURS: 12:15 p.m.—1:30 p.m. CALL: Ms. Ercelle Drayton 757-622-4487 God is Compassion. " I have heard the cry of my people," Yahweh says in exodus, " and I mean to deliver them." The basic spiritual question of life may be "Whose cries do we hear and what have we done to deliver them?" The Second Collection, taken on the first Sunday of each month, will be designated for EMERGENCY ASSISTANCE to help our sisters and brothers in Christ. Please give generously Chairman: Contact info: Dr. Alveta Green Mitchell [email protected] 757-817-4733 PPC email address: [email protected] Meets the 4th Tuesday at 7:00 p.m. Next meeting date: Tuesday, March 24, 2015 Parishioners are always welcome to attend the PPC meetings; however, if there is a particular subject you would like to bring up please, let the PPC know by using any of the above contacts no later than one week before the meeting date. World Marriage Day which honors husband and wife as the foundation of the family. Commit to making your marriage a priority in your lives and let your marriage relationship give glory to God. Strengthen, renew, and rekindle your marriage sacrament by attending a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend. The upcoming weekends are: April 17-19 2015 in Fredericksburg or June 26-28, 2015 in Richmond. For more information or to apply, visit our website at or contact us at applications or 757-483-3209. JUST A REMINDER Our Bulletin is sent to the printer on Monday evenings or Tuesday mornings. Therefore any information for that week should be in the Church office no later than the Thursday before. Information that comes in after Thursday, will go in the following Bulletin. Don’t receive the Catholic Virginian and would like to, please call the church office at 757-622-4487. IF WE WANT IT, WE WILL CHOOSE IT Lent will be a wonderful season of grace for us if we give ourselves to it. And we will give ourselves to it if we want it badly enough. We need to prepare our hearts. We can do so by realizing how much we want to grow in freedom, how much we need to lighten our spirits and experience real joy, and how much some parts of our lives really need changing. Preparing our hearts is a process of preparing our desires. This means practicing a sense of anticipation. If I imagine Lent as an “ordeal” or a time I dread in some way, then I’ve already predisposed myself to not get very much out of it. Lent is a time to anticipate something wonderful that is about to happen. Andy Alexander & Maureen McCann Waldron. Praying Lent. I need a clean heart, Lord, for the Lenten season just ahead and so I pray you'll: sweep dust cleanse mend repair forgive purify and strengthen this heart of mine... And I need a new spirit within me so just as Lent begins, Lord, I pray you'll: renew my listless spirit lift up my drooping spirit rekindle my burned-out spirit open up my selfish spirit refresh my failing spirit energize my tired spirit pardon my sinful spirit and put a right spirit within me, within this heart of mine... From A Concord Pastor Catholic Diocese of Richmond Office for Black Catholics Young Adult Ministry “Hunger for God” “When Jesus looked up and saw a great crowd coming toward him, he said to Philip, ‘Where shall we buy bread for these people to eat?’ “ March 6-8, 2015 Cost: $85.00 Shalom House 15340 Robert Terrell Road Montpelier, VA 23192 Mario Dance, Retreat Leader For more information contact: Angela Jackson—804-622-5262 [email protected] Upcoming Events Diocesan Youth Conference in Richmond, VA. - February 27 / March 1, 2015 1st Quarterly Birthday Celebration - March 29, 2015 Youth Ministry Regional Event Virginia Beach, VA - April 2015. Speaker Paul J. Kim Kujenga Retreat - April 24 thru 27, 2015 - Roslyn Retreat Center Richmond, VA. Youth Ministry Host Mini Retreat for Middle and High School Students - TBA ============================================= Attention Saint Mary’s Youth The Cherone Gunn Youth Usher Ministry is seeking new members. If you are a responsible, dependable young person who wants to serve his or her Church by ushering, please contact: Mr. Mark Lawson or Ms. Yvonne Johnson after the 9am Mass any Sunday. The youth generally usher on the third Sunday each month and fifth Sundays when they occur or as needed. Thank You for your support! A Call To Help Minister To Our Youth PARISHIONER NEEDS A RIDE TO CHURCH Parishioner who lives in Portsmouth would like a ride to Mass. Phone: (757) 673-6379 or (816) 541-0215 Our Youth Ministry Leader is looking for volunteers help coordinate youth activities for kids grades K – 5 Please contact: Ricardo D. Givens 757-567-5865 or [email protected] If someone could provide this service for him, he would be very grateful. Flexible for any Mass. WE NEED YOUR HELP CHURCH FAMILY!! SKATE PARTY JR. KNIGHTS & DAUGHTERS OF PETER CLAVER March 1, 2015 from 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm $ 7.00 per person Greenbrier Family Skating Center We are looking forward to OUR FIRST trip to the Junior National Convention in Orlando this Summer. We have been fundraising, however, because all want to go, we need financial assistance. There are several ways for you, our church family to help. Support our fundraisers. Currently we are collecting GENTLY worn shoes. There is a box located in the fellowship hall. Clean your closets and bring at least one pair of shoes. 1409 Stephanie Way Chesapeake, VA. 23320 Tickets must be presented at the door for entry Deadline to purchase your tickets Sunday March 1, 2015 between 9am -12noon Mass Please contact: Stephanie Smith 757-757-214-3478 George Ennels 757- 439-9026
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