september 8, 2013 - Queen of All Saints Basilica
SEPTEMBER 8, 2013 · TWENTY-THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Queen of All Saints Basilica Committed to Christ, sharing God’s gifts and building the Church together through the ministries of word, worship and service. Mass Schedule Saturday 5:00 pm Sunday 6:45, 8:00, 9:30, 11:00 am 12:30 pm Daily Mass Monday-Friday 6:30, 7:30, 8:45 am Saturday 8:00 am Confessions Saturday at 8:30 - 9:15 am Perpetual Novena Monday at 7:00pm “Whoever does not carry his own cross and come after me cannot be my disciple.” ~Luke 14:27 6280 N. Sauganash Avenue ■ Chicago, Illinois 60646 ■ Phone: 773-736-6060 ■ Fax: 773-736-6099 2 | Queen of All Saints Basilica • Chicago, IL Do you have a few hours to make a difference in the lives of young women? St Joseph Services is currently looking for volunteer tutors to help in our after school tutoring program at Josephinum Academy, a Catholic girl’s high school 1501 N Oakley Blvd, Chicago 60622 (North and Western). The program runs September through June and volunteers are needed on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 3:30-5:00pm. The greatest need is for high school level math and science tutoring. St. Joseph Services is a nonprofit that serves both the Austin and Humboldt Park communities of Chicago. SJS develops youth, educates adults and transforms lives through Youth and Adult Programs. Please contact Jaikie Ceisel for further information. [email protected] or (773) 736-4485 WOMEN’S SPIRITUAL SPA DAY THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 26 We welcome you once again to a series of gatherings, this time to reflect and share our “Spiritually Alive” - sacred experiences in our lives and times; on Thursday, September 26 at the Felician Sisters Convent. Our program will be presented by Miriam Brown, OP, a Sinsinawa Dominican sister and member of the retreat program staff of Siena Retreat Center in Racine. She has an eye for the Spirit’s movement in the world and the blessed unfolding of God in the happenings of each person’s varied and precious life. Morning - 9:00am to 12:00noon Evening - 6:00pm to 9:00pm Gathering and refreshments 30 minutes prior to start times “People of Faith: Eyes to See the Workings of God” Remember how often Jesus spoke to the disciples about having “eyes to see” and “ears to hear” the nearness and coming-to-be of the Kingdom of God? That is what it is to be a “mystic” - to know Divine Presence and be at one with God in all that is. Please bring a story or a symbol of something in your experience when you did have “eyes to see” the wonder or workings of God. Felician Sisters Convent 3800 W. Peterson Ave. (Entrance in rear - follow signs) Cost $10 per session Pre-register with Susan Williams at 773-853-2605 or online at and click on Women’s Spiritual Spa Walk-ins are always Welcome! Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time • September 8, 2013 | 3 Next Sunday is Catechetical Sunday 11:00am Mass with Queen of All Saints School Open House following at 12:00 to 1:30pm Memorial Service for Aborted Children at Queen of Heaven On Saturday, September 14th, pro-life Americans throughout the country will gather at the gravesites of aborted babies and other memorial sties dedicated in their honor for the National Day of Remembrance for Aborted Children. Solemn vigils will be held at these sites to commemorate the more than 50 million children who have lost their lives to legal abortions since 1973, and remind our society of the humanity of the unborn child. Please join us for the memorial service in our community. Event: National Day of Remembrance for Aborted Children When: Saturday, September 14, 2:00pm Where: Queen of Heaven Cemetery, 1400 S. Wolf Rd, Hillside, IL More Info: Call Ann Scheilder at (312)965-1030 or [email protected] Cardinal Francis George will preside at the ceremony at Queen of Heaven Cemetery. Together let us remember the victims of abortion and pray for a final end to this injustice in our land. Bereavement Support Group Phase I Sunday, September 29th 1:45 to 4:00pm in the Benedict Center (2nd Floor) Join us for an introductory meeting with a sharing of experiences and insight. Materials will also be available as well as opportunities for continued support. Follow up sessions will be held on five consecutive Monday evenings. For further information or to register, please call Pat Steiner at (773) 282-3746 or Karen Hansen at (773) 775-5785 4 | Queen of All Saints Basilica • Chicago, IL Friday, September 13th 3:30 to 5:00pm All are invited to our first meeting in the school cafeteria to plan out the 2013-2014 year. Refreshments will be served. Any questions, please contact Donna Lee Wilson at (773) 792-2070 Elizabeth Ministry 2013-2014 Meeting Schedule (Babysitting provided) Tues, Sept 10th - Benedict Center 3rd Floor Tues, Nov 12th - Benedict Center Basement Tues, Jan 14th - Benedict Center 3rd Floor Feb 21st & 22nd - Women’s Retreat Benedict Center Tues, May 13th - Benedict Center 3rd Floor The Elizabeth Ministry's mission is to cherish children, encourage families, and build community. We strive to support women as they embark on the journey of motherhood. We visit families, provide meals and prayers when indicated and support women who are overcoming loss. Our meetings are open to all women of the Parish. If you would like more information, to become a member and/or make a prayer request, please contact us [email protected] RCIA Inquiry (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) For those who are not baptized and are in the process of making a decision to become Catholic For those who were baptized and are in another faith, yet are thinking of becoming Catholic For those who were baptized Roman Catholic and have not received the Eucharist or Confirmation The RCIA is a process for those considering becoming Catholic. It’s designed to assist those interested in Catholicism, to learn about our faith, our traditions, and celebrations. Each person is invited to reflect on their own relationship with God as we journey though this process assisting each other in our response to God’s call. Please call the Religious Education Office (773) 286-1939 for more information. Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time • September 8, 2013 | 5 Pray for Our Military as They Protect the Homeland U.S. Navy John W. “Sean” Clifford, Jr. Michael Donnelly Megan Smith Donnelly Scott Feeley Rory Keel John Kajmowich John Lynch Andre Osma Wilfred Quejada John Schneider Samuel Schultz Trevor Skelly Patrick Steiner Justin Will Michael McGreevy, Jr.—RIP Other U.S. Army Matthew Allen Bruce Anderson James Ausmann Erwin Balacy Ian Buxton James Corcoran Francis DeRosa Allan Desiderio Luke Dondlinger Matthew Dondlinger Todd Fox Daniel Gomez David Gossard John Hannon Conrad Jakubow Mark Klein Maxim Klekot Kurt Kolwalski Lawrence Lentino Simon duBoulay - Brit. Army John P. Riordan - USAID Tim Kirschner - National Guard Francis Manalac Roy Marchert Robert Martin P.J. Mau Nick McCann Sean McDermott Michael McGuire Thomas Neuhengen Evan Sanborn Brian Sellergren Michael Sierakowski Adam Tomanovich Luke Waite Ryan F. Wherfel Michael Whitte Kevin Wiley Austin Will Joseph Zulkey U.S. Coast Guard Heidi Schmidt U.S. Marines Michael Blandin Barbara Feeley Heather Klein Matthew Lunkes Jon Leonard Mandro Brian McDermott Edward McDonough Laura Ramsey Nathan Schoemer U.S. Air Force Jacob Allen Joshua Brotman Julian Cagada John Drum David Janossy Stephen Migala John Monnelly Glenn Schar, Jr. Neal Skelly Gerald Szybist Timothy Wallen If you have a family member who is currently serving in any branch of the Armed Forces, we would like to include their name in our bulletin so that parishioners can include them in their prayers, please call the rectory with their name and their branch of service. 6 | Queen of All Saints Basilica • Chicago, IL Parish News Religious Education News Registration for Religious Education Classes Although the time for registering has expired, we are still accepting registration for the 2013-2014 year. All forms will be considered on a first come first served basis, and will be placed in classes if space permits. In some cases, there may not be a choice of day and time. Should this occur, we will put the students on a waiting list, until space opens for the desired day. Monday, September 9th 6:45pm Everyone is invited to join the Perpetual Novena group for the celebration of The Nativity of Our Blessed Mother. Join us for our regular Monday night Novena and Benediction, beginning with a procession of statues and offering of flowers at 6:45pm. Volunteers Still Needed The Religious Education Department is still in need of volunteers. If you are interested in teaching the faith, helping out in the resource center or attendance, serving on the Religious Education Board, please call Aline Reynolds at (773) 286-1939 for an appointment or for further information. Catechetical Sunday Next Sunday, September 15th at the 11:00am Mass, all those who are entrusted to teach the faith are invited to attend to be commissioned by the parish. Teaching the faith is one of the primary missions of the parish. Please hold these people in your prayers. Reception to follow. Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time • September 8, 2013 | 7 Mass Intentions Sunday, September 8th (Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time) - All Sunday Masses will be offered for the People of Queen of All Saints and the Benefactors of our Endowments for the School and the Parish. Monday, September 9th (St. Peter Claver) - School Endowment Fund Benefactors, Mateo Barlaan, QAS Homebound, Leonard J. Nied, Anna Born, Special Intention, Roy Munsayac, Christian Elena Munsayac, Loretta R. Chavolla, Estelle E. Sklodowski, Martin T. Murray Jr., Joseph McCarthy, Ann Ednunds, In Honor of Our Blessed Mother - Ben & Sara Testa, Mateo Barlaan, Dolores Schroeder Readings: Col 1:24 - 2:3; Ps 62:6-7, 9; Lk 6:6-11 Tuesday, September 10th - Deceased Members of the QAS Widowed Group, Michael J. Pollard, Adolfo Gonzales, Paul Cale, Helen Haley Readings: Col 2:6-15; Ps 145:1b-2, 8-11; Lk 6:12-19 Wednesday, September 11th (Patriot Day) - Basilica Fund Members, Salvy Monastero, Vanessa Kolpak, Christine Olender Readings: Col 3:1-11; Ps 145:2-3, 10-13ab; Lk 6:20-26 Thursday, September 12th (The Most Holy Name of Mary) - Ruth Stegmaier, Over 50 Club Members, Fred Stummer, Dr. Rigoberto J. Rodriguez, Charles Hohmeier Readings: Col 3:12-17; Ps 150:1b-6; Lk 6:27-38 Friday, September 13th (St. John Chrysostom, Bishop and Doctor of the Church) – Helen & Jerry Martin, George Stegmaier, Patrick Hardy, John Rosauer, Hamlon and Oroczo family, Joe Kilroy Readings: 1 Tm 1:1-2, 12-14; Ps 16:1b-2a, 5, 7-8, 11: Lk 6:39-42 Saturday, September 14th (The Exaltation of the Holy Cross) - Eileen Stegmaier, Angelina Graziano, Kissel and Sendor families, Glady Delgado, Lutgarda del Guzman, Mamerto Maddela, Ralph Boedeker, Kathleen Madden, Leonardo Pagfanjan Readings: Nm 21:4b-9; Ps 78:1bc-2, 34-38; Phil 2:6-11; Jn 3:13-17 We Pray for our Recently Deceased Helen Lackinger 8 | Queen of All Saints Basilica • Chicago, IL Queen of All Saints Basilica Information 6280 N. Sauganash Avenue • Chicago, Illinois 60646 • (773) 736-6060 Pastoral Staff Sunday Masses Pastor…………….……………….Rev. Msgr. John E. Pollard Pastor Emeritus………...…..….….Rev. Msgr. Wayne F. Prist Associate Pastor……….……………….Rev. Simon Braganza Associate Pastor………………..…..Rev. Thomas J. Campana Resident ……………………………….Rev. Edward D. Grace Resident…………………..……..Rev. Richard Conyers, CSC Deacon…………………………..Rev. Mr. Michael Monnelly Pastoral Associate……...Sr. Ann Kathleen McDonnell, BVM Director of Religious Education………..Mrs. Aline Reynolds Director of Music. …………………...…….Dr. Kenneth Sotak Assistant Director of Music………………….....Paul Scavone Saturday Vigil …………………..……………………5:00 pm Sunday…...…………….6:45, 8:00, 9:30, 11:00 am, 12:30 pm Rectory Hours Monday-Friday……………………..……….8:30 am-4:00 pm Telephone Numbers Rectory………………………………………....773-736-6060 School/Preschool………………………...……..773-736-0567 Parish FAX……………………………….…….773-736-6099 Religious Education Office………………….....773-286-1939 Daily Mass and Rosary Monday-Friday…….……………...………6:30, 7:30, 8:45 am Saturday………………………………………...……..8:00 am Rosary………………...………...Daily after the 8:45 am Mass Devotions and Holy Day Masses Perpetual Novena……….…………………..Monday, 7:00 pm Benediction…………….….First & Third Mondays at 7:30 pm Please consult the parish bulletin or website for the holy day Mass schedule. The Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday………………………………………...8:30-9:15 am To Register in the Parish Please contact the Rectory Office……………...773-736-6060 Accounting Office The Sacrament of Baptism Business Manager……………………..……….Gerald Farrell Accounting Assistant……………………....Kate Dombrowski Queen of All Saints rejoices in the incorporation of new members into the Body of Christ. The Sacrament of Baptism for infants is celebrated on the 2nd, 3rd & 4th Sunday of each month at 1:30 PM. Please come into the rectory to schedule the baptism for your child. Prior to the baptism, the parents are invited to attend a baptismal preparation session. If an adult or a school age child seeks baptism, special arrangements should be made with one of the priests. Rectory Office Staff Parish Secretary……………………………...Pam Hautzinger Parish Secretary………………………………....Michael Jolls Parish Secretary…………………..…………..Jan Praznowski Building and Grounds Ralph Meschewski, Bobby Brooks, Victor Miranda, Mike Farina, Jonathon Hernandez Queen of All Saints School Early Childhood through Grade 8 Principal……………………………….....…Mr. Peter Tantillo Administrative Assistant ……….…………….Mrs. Ida Segreti School Secretary………...…………….… Mrs. Janet Santicola Visit Our Website Queen of All Saints Basilica…………… Queen of All Saints School…………… The Sacrament of Matrimony Queen of All Saints helps couples prepare not only for their wedding day, but the lifelong commitment of living a Christian marriage. Parishioners of Queen of All Saints Basilica who are baptized and free to marry in the Catholic Church may celebrate their marriage in Queen of All Saints Basilica. Couples from Queen of All Saints seeking marriage in Queen of All Saints Basilica should contact one of the parish priests at least six months prior to their intended date of marriage. The couple must meet with one of the priests before the date for the marriage can be confirmed. Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick If a member of your family would like to receive the sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick, please contact the Rectory. Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time • September 8, 2013 | 9 Parish News Celebrant Schedule Sunday, September 15th 5:00pm - Fr. Rich Conyers 6:45am - Fr. Rich Conyers 8:00am - Fr. Simon Braganza 9:30am - Fr. Brendan Horan 11:00am - Msgr. John Pollard 12:30pm - Fr. Edward Grace Today’s Readings First Reading — You sent your holy spirit from on high and thus were the paths of those on earth made straight (Wisdom 9:13-18b). Psalm — In every age, O Lord, you have been our refuge (Psalm 90). Second Reading — Paul asks Philemon to accept back his slave Onesimus as a brother (Philemon 9-10, 12-17). Gospel — Which of you wishing to construct a tower does not first sit down and calculate the cost to see if there is enough for its completion? (Luke 14:25-33). Parish Financials for August 25th, 2013 Actual to Prior Year YTD Week $25,292 $226,373 Last Year $25,941 $233,938 Difference ($649) ($7,565) Actual to Budget YTD Week $25,292 $226,373 Weekly Budget $27,500 $247,500 Difference ($2,208) ($21,127) 10 | Queen of All Saints Basilica • Chicago, IL Considered Electronic Donations?
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