05_10_2015 - Queen of All Saints Basilica
05_10_2015 - Queen of All Saints Basilica
MAY 10, 2015 · SIXTH SUNDAY OF EASTER Queen of All Saints Basilica FIRST COMMUNION 2015 Friday, May 15 www.qasupp.org Happy Mother’s Day www.qasparish.org Shane Abad-Singh Simone Abbasi Sebastian Alejandre Juan Pablo Alvarez Olivia Badame Lukas Beltz Gavin Berg Daniel Blanchard Andrew Bleser Alexander Boukalis Thomas Braasch Claire Brady Macyn Burns Sofia Cabrales Anthony Chlimon Isabella Christensen Charles Coleman Gwen Coleman Jacob Collings Benjamin Connell Sean Convery Allyson Cronin Ashley Crowley Katelyn Daly Charles Daly Natalie Dankha Luciana Deer Isabella Deer Raphael DeLara Madeline Dorris Liabella Eccarius Terrence Fabianski Michael Fattore Alexander Fernandez Sarah Fitzgerald Georgia Foster Amelia Gavric Luke Gaynor Rice GenykHuntsinger Ellen Gundlach Alexander Habernegg Marianna Pelagio Rocco Pelagio Timothy Haley Zoe Peoples Gavin Hamada Michael Peterson Joseph Herbert Payton Phoxay Giovanni Hernandez Kayla Podemski Joshua Herrera Nadia Popovic Jonathan Himawan Elizabeth Powers Jenny Hoffman Moises Quizhpi Katherine Hourihane Edrian Ranon Nikoli Hozian Lauren Reardon Patrick Jackson Ronald Rivera Joseph Keane Sofia Rodriguez Charles Kilmer Tatum Roeder Ronan Kirwan Jessica Root Gabriella Komar Frances Ryan Adrian Kosztya Colin San Roman Benjamin Lacour Daphne Lagazo Kimberly Sanaj Hafwen Le Megen Sanaj Frankie Locke Cindy Sanaj MacKenzie Mackin Franko Sanaj Courtney Mackin Luka Sentic Orla Mahon Nadia Shirey Jack Marino Declan Smith Matthew Martel Gerard Sola Claire Martinen Gabriel Sola Monty Martinez Oliver Stulac Alexandra McMaster Ava Swanson James Mercado Samantha Swords Thomas Merkel Wolfgang Szefer Mia Mesch Rustine Talaboc Zachary Miller Viet Tong Leah Miranda Kassia Torres Joseph Mullen Kathleen Truong Matthew Murphy Mike Truong Isabella Navarro Noa Tschoe Pauline Navarro Isabel Viere Maya Necor Nora Von Braunsberg Davyn Nguyen Tyler Weigand Eliana Nieves Leo Whalen Aidan O'Connor Olivia Winkin Joseph Parker 6280 N. Sauganash Avenue ■ Chicago, Illinois 60646 ■ Phone: 773-736-6060 ■ Fax: 773-736-6099 From the Pastor The month of May began to unfold beautifully at Queen of All Saints Basilica last Saturday morning with the celebration of First Holy Communion for our second graders. It continued the next day as the children received the second communions. We celebrated Mother’s Day and honored Mary, the Mother of God and Mother of the Church, as Queen of Heaven. What a wonderful Mother’s Day gift for the mothers of our parish who attended the 9:30 Mass to see a good number of the first communicants, dressed in their best, honor Mary in this way. This year one hundred twenty-three children from our parish school and religious education program received their First Communion. The children’s family members filled the church for two celebrations. Grandparents came from as far away as Ireland and godparents from as far away as Italy. Parents, of course, came from much closer distances, but were no less proud and excited. In the parents’ minds were memories of the day on which they presented their child for Baptism. On that day they sought to have their children receive God’s own life and be incorporated into the life of the Church. “You have asked to have your child baptized,” the priest said to them. “In doing so you are accepting the responsibility of training them in the practice of the faith,” he continued. “It must be your duty to bring them up to keep God’s commandments as Christ taught us, by loving God and our neighbor.” He then asked them, “Do you clearly understand what you are undertaking?” Parents are the first teachers of their children in the ways of the faith. They teach their children by what they say and what they do. By living Christian virtues and values in their homes, by providing their children with formal education in the Catholic faith through either our parish religious education program or school and by attending Mass with their children every Sunday parents fulfill the responsibility that they freely accepted on the day they presented their children for baptism. I am very grateful to all the parents for sharing the Catholic faith with their children and accompanying them to the Lord’s Table of the Eucharist. As I looked out over the assemblies and into the particular circumstances of some of the families, several remarkable details stood out. In one situation, a mother who was recently welcomed into full communion with the Catholic Church was able to receive Holy Communion for the first time with her son. For some families, it was their first child to receive Holy Communion; for others it was their last. Because some families are moving out of town at the end of the school year, we won’t be able to see their first communicants grow in the faith. Others are the grandchildren and great-grandchildren of families that have lived in Queen of All Saints Parish for generations. In all situations, however, the children seemed so happy to be sharing in Christ’s greatest gift to the Church, his own Body and Blood. My prayer for them is that they will be as close to Christ on the last day of their lives as they were on the day of their First Holy Communion. I know they join me in thanking the teachers and catechists who helped them prepare for their First Communion: Elizabeth Adamczyk, Linda Carbone, Santina Harris, Marizel Abad, Vanessa Gomez, Jenny Hester, Barbara Lannon and Melanie McAllister. They gave many hours of dedicated and generous service as well as the good example of their lives. I also want to thank Paul Scavone for organizing the beautiful liturgy and running the practices. Our parish director of religious education, Aline Reynolds, and our school principal, Pete Tantillo skillfully managed the whole event. I am grateful to them all. God bless them. Monsignor John Pollard 2 | Queen of All Saints Basilica • Chicago, IL Parish News Queen of All Saints Basilica will host a Month’s Mind Mass for Francis Cardinal George on Sunday, May 17, 2015 at the 11AM Mass. Bishop Raymond Goedert will be the principal celebrant and homilist. The Queen of All Saints Basilica Choir under the direction of Dr. Ken Sotak will perform music composed especially for Cardinal George. All are welcome. Monsignor Pollard We will have a Special Mass for the Mentally Ill at the 8:45 a.m. Mass on May 15th, the feast of St. Dymphna. To honor the patroness of the mentally ill, a relic of St. Dymphna will be venerated after the Mass. She is also the patron saint for nervous disorders, Alzheimer’s disease, and rape victims. After the mass, there will be a speaker, Alexa James (executive director of NAMI, Chicago), will talk on services and mental health awareness month of May. All are invited to attend. Call 773-777-6022 for more information. Sixth Sunday of Easter • May 10, 2015 | 3 LIVE AUCTION 2015 ONE OF THESE GREAT ITEMS COULD BE YOURS… JUST MAKE SURE YOU RSVP TODAY FOR THE UPP “OUR FIELD OF DREAMS” FRIDAY, MAY 15TH A Weekend in the Big Apple Enjoy lively style and warm hospitality with a 2-night stay in a deluxe room accommodation at the stylish 70 Park Avenue Hotel in Midtown Manhattan, 2 premium orchestra box seats to Broadway's Funniest, musical, Something’s Rotten! a (10 time Tony Award nominated, world-premiere) show about the Musical comedy that started it all and a $100 gift card to enjoy the “steaks and sketches” at New York’s The Palm Restaurant. Vacation in Palm Springs, CA Spend a week at one of America’s most recognized vacation spots! World class golf, spas, restaurants, shopping, and attractions! Three bedroom condo with private pool inside of the private golf community of the PGA West. Driving distance to Disneyland, Legoland, and Joshua’s Tree. Sleeps six comfortably. 4 | Queen of All Saints Basilica • Chicago, IL LIVE AUCTION 2015 Private Chef’s Dinner - for 8 Cooking on your own for a dinner party can be very stressful. Our Executive Chief, Justin Frankenberg will cook a four-course dinner. If you’re nice to him, he’ll even let you take all the credit. Each course will be paired with a fine wine selection and be served by one of our professional wait-staff. Dinner is for you and seven of your guests. First Pew at Family Mass on Christmas Eve A UPP favorite! Take in the splendor of the Basilica at Christmas Mass in the first pew. As you attend this joyful children’s Mass (4:00pm), you will enjoy the beautiful scenery, and best view of our talented choir. Seating is for ten and is the first pew behind the handicap seating. Sail with Monsignor Pollard & Father Simon A lucky group of 4 will set sail on beautiful Lake Michigan with Monsignor Pollard and Fr. Simon. Enjoy a relaxing day/evening on the Eagle, a 38' sailboat and 4-time overall winner of the Chicago to Mackinac Race. A delicious light meal will be prepared by Chef Donna Pawlus and served by none other than Paul Scavone. Vacation in Beaver Creek, Colorado Enjoy one week in the summer or four days during Ski Season at a stunning 3 bedroom, 3-bath condo in Avon Colorado (Beaver Creek), ten miles west of Vail. The summer trip includes two full days of fly-fishing for two people on the Colorado River with gourmet shore lunches and Orvis endorsed professional guides. Also enjoy member access for one round of golf for four at The Club at Cordillera in the Vail Valley. Includes cart, lunch, pool, and amenities. OTHER GREAT ITEMS IN THE WORKS Sixth Sunday of Easter • May 10, 2015 | 5 Tickets are only available for purchase prior to the UPP on May 15th. Winner must be present at the UPP to claim prize and will select an item from the live auction offerings before it begins.* Your assigned lucky star number(s) will be on your name tag. To purchase, please send cash/check with this form to the Rectory or pay by credit card below. Please make all checks payable to Queen of All Saints, or charge my credit card: Visa MasterCard Discover Card#: _______________________________________________ Expiration Date: ____________ Printed Name:___________________________ Signature: ______________________________ *Some exclusions may apply 6 | Queen of All Saints Basilica • Chicago, IL Raise your Paddle on May 15th! OUR GOAL IS TO DEDICATE $80,000 to completely renovate the cafeteria and turn it into a state-of-the-art facility to benefit all school and parish activities. This year, your contribution will be matched up to $40,000. If we can raise $40,000 at UPP, the upgrades will include: ~ new sound deadening movable partitions ~ new ceiling & furniture ~ new audiovisual equipment (HDTV, sound) ~ new aesthetics such as paint and window treatments. All that stands between our goal, is you… Make a difference! $80,000 $40,000 MATCHED GOAL OUR GOAL Donate now to this important cause by logging onto www.events.org/qasfieldofdreams and help us reach our $80,000 goal to renovate our cafeteria. Drop off your pledge to the rectory with this form □ $50 □ $100 □ $200 OR... □ $500 □ $1,000 □ $2,000 6280 N. Sauganash Ave Chicago, IL 60646 Sixth Sunday of Easter • May 10, 2015 | 7 Help Stock the Wine Pull! The Wine Pull is back for 2015! We need your help to stock the raffle with 100 bottles of wine. Drop off a bottle ($20 minimum) at the school, at the rectory or at the back of church after any Mass. Thank you for your support! 8 | Queen of All Saints Basilica • Chicago, IL NEW THIS YEAR! SIGN UP PARTIES ARE NOW ONLINE! SIGN-UP PARTIES ($50 per person for each party) QASapalooza II The Comeback Tour March 2016 Back by popular demand, we’re getting the neighborhood bands back together for a night of great live music and entertainment. Your VIP Groupie Pass also includes appetizers and drinks. Join the fun and come hear fellow parishioners perform. Don’t miss out on the hottest ticket in town. Tiki time Luau September 18, 2015 Aloha to a Polynesian-inspired evening with a fun tiki vibe. We’ll be mixing up cocktails, cooking up luau fare and offering traditional Hawaiian entertainment. Hula on over to this fun and festive Rockin’ the Hood Like Totally 80’s Party April 29, 2016 Break out your best 80’s gear ‘cause we’re turning back the clock for a Totally Awesome party that’s definitely gonna Rock! Dust off your leg warmers and tease up your hair! It will be a night full of fun – be there or be square! Roaring 20’s September 11, 2015 Come as a flapper or silent screen star, dress as a gangster; this speak easy isn’t far. It’s going to be fun no matter the dress; just come to “Chicago” and we’ll do the rest. Ladies Day Off June 26, 2015 Book your sitter! Take the afternoon off and soak up a summer afternoon with QAS Ladies. Enjoy lunch, drinks, pool, sunshine and lots of laughs at Ridgemoor Country Club. There will be a luncheon with beer and wine followed by relaxation at the pool. Moms and Margaritas August 29, 2015 It’s a Fiesta! Join our fellow moms for a night of great conversation, tons of laughs and a whole lot of fun! We’ll have plenty of tequila, salt and lime, ‘cause its been declared Margarita time! “When life gives you limes….make Margaritas”! Skating Party January 2016 It’s time for the kids to skate the night away! Have your kids start off the new year with an evening of skating with their friends, while the DJ jams music and plays interactive games. Pizza will be served and the kids can be picked up after the parents have had a few hours to themselves. Use the iBid system to sign-up for the parties you want! Don’t delay! Space is limited! Bid on any party you want - from anywhere! How Do I Find Items? Under “view by category” – find all of the SIGN UP PARTIES offered. How Do I Bid On An Item? Update the number of person(s) attending (select either 1 or 2) and touch PLACE BID. Sixth Sunday of Easter • May 10, 2015 | 9 Today’s Readings First Reading — The gift of the Holy Spirit was poured out on the Gentiles also (Acts 10:25-26, 3435, 44-48). Psalm — The Lord has revealed to the nations his saving power (Psalm 98). Second Reading — God is love (1 John 4:7-10) or 1 John 4:1-16. Gospel — No one has greater love than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends (John 15:9-17) or John 17:11b-19. Join us Friday June 5th at 2:00pm at the Cahn Auditorium in Evanston for Fantasticks. Tickets are $24 - send along order with stamped self addressed envelope to: Celebrant Schedule Next Sunday, May 17th 5:00pm - Fr. Simon Braganza 6:45am - Fr. Rich Conyers 8:00am - Fr. Thomas Campana 9:30am - Fr. Brendan Horan 11:00am - Bishop Raymond Goedert 12:30pm - Msgr. Wayne Prist Kate Meeker 6149 N. Karlov Chicago, IL 60646 Wedding Banns Checks should be made out to the “Over 50 Club” Deadline by May 16th! Brendan Quinn & Therese Frapolly Edward Podlasek & Nertilla Lumani We will be having a pizza party this Friday - May 8th in the Holy Name Room from 3:30 to 5:00pm. Any questions, please call Donna Lee Wilson at 312-956-5095. 10 | Queen of All Saints Basilica • Chicago, IL Taking pictures at the UPP? Please feel free to email [email protected] with photo submissions for printing in the May 24th bulletin. Parish News “As for me and my house, we shall serve the Lord.” Hear the call to Liturgical Ministry The Liturgy is the source and summit of all we do as Baptized Catholics. To serve your fellow parishioners through Liturgical ministry is a special gift indeed. We are currently in need of new Eucharistic ministers and new lectors. These two ministries are open to all parishioners, high school age or older. According to Liturgical guidelines, those who would consider these ministries should be a baptized Catholic in good standing with the Church, who attends Sunday Mass regularly. The minister will be a person of faith who believes in God, follows Christ and trusts in the Holy Spirit. ***** Experience the joy of serving the Body and Blood of Christ to the Body of Christ Eucharistic ministers are those who share the Body and Blood with the assembly at Mass. It is a wonderful calling to participate in the sacred nourishment of your fellow parishioners. The ministry of Extraordinary Minister of Communion is open to any parishioner, high school age or older. Because of the flexibility in serving with no specific schedule, high school students are especially encouraged to consider this ministry. Ministers simply sign up in the Sacristy for a station at whichever Mass they happen to attend. There are two training sessions scheduled for NEW Eucharistic ministers. You only need to attend one of these: Tuesday, May 12 at 7:00 p.m. OR Saturday, May 16 at 11:00 a.m. ***** Proclaim the Lord through the Word of God Lectors proclaim the Sacred Scripture at Mass. At Liturgy, we meet Christ first in the Word. Any parishioner, high school age or older, who has a strong public speaking voice is a candidate for the ministry of Lector. There is a training session scheduled for new lectors on Thursday, May 14 at 7:30 p.m. Sixth Sunday of Easter • May 10, 2015 | 11 Religious Education News Thank You The past few Saturdays, Queen of All Saints has celebrated both the sacraments of Confirmation and 1st Eucharist. Both celebrations were inspiring as well as beautiful. None of these parish sacramental moments could have happened without the involvement of many faithful people offering their gifts and talents. We are most grateful. We were led in prayer by the Most Reverend George Rassas, the Vicar of Vicariate 1, who was joined by Msgr. Pollard, Fr. Simon, and Fr. Campana at the Mass. All the altar servers were the brothers and sisters of the confirmants. The music for the Mass was provided by our Basilica choir. First Communion was celebrated on Saturday, May 2nd. Parents were asked to participate in committees to coordinate the many aspects of the celebration. They served on the Bench Banner Committee, the Rehearsal Committee, the Rosary Committee, and the Antependium Committee. All of these parents did an outstanding job in making the day meaningful. Those that served on the Rosary committee, however, need some special recognition since they worked with both the R.E. students and the school students in making rosaries for their prayer partners, which was no easy task. Headed by Jenny Rupert, along with Patti Braash, Michelle Christensen, and Nicole Berardi, and the other ladies of the committee, all did an outstanding job of working with the children making the rosaries, but also packaging them and hand delivering them to the recipients on the nights of the rehearsal. The focal point of the environment for the 1st Communion Mass was the antependium (cloth in front of the altar). I am sure most of you who came to the Sunday Mass, and got a chance to view it. The committee for the cloth was led by Kristen Cronin along with Greg Daly who designed it. A most sincere thank you goes to all who lent a hand in making these faith journey moments as memorable as possible. God bless you all. RE Registration Registration for the 2015-2016 Religious Education school year for classes is now posted on the parish website. Simply download all the needed documents and bring the filled out forms to the RE Office. If you complete the process before June 18th you will be eligible for a discount. All registrations must be accompanied with a deposit of $100. One of Us Is Honored Each year, the Religious Education Office is asked to submit a name of a worthy candidate to be recognized for outstanding service to the RE Program. Melani McAllister received not only a parish award but also an Archdiocesan award for her 44 years of dedicated service to Queen of All Saints Religious Education Program. Since 1971, Melani has served in teaching the faith to many of our parishioners. As of late, she has taught both Tuesday Grade 6 class and the Saturday sacraments class. She was presented a certificate of Recognition by Archbishop Blase Cupich on May 6th . Please express your gratitude to her when you next see her. Domestic Violence You deserve to be safe. If you are a victim of domestic violence, or know of someone who is, please contact: WINGS Hotline and Counseling 24 hour service. 847-221-5680 12 | Queen of All Saints Basilica • Chicago, IL Sixth Sunday of Easter • May 10, 2015 | 13 14 | Queen of All Saints Basilica • Chicago, IL tewardship f Queen of All Saints Basilica Committed to Christ, sharing God's gifts, building the Church to- Sixth Sunday of Easter 2015 Stewardship in Action The “Raise the Paddle” portion of our Field of Dreams party on May 15 will be dedicated to raising funds to renovate our school cafeteria, to provide a better space for both school and parish activities: • new sound deadening movable partitions • new ceiling & furniture • new audiovisual equipment • new paint and window treatments Through the generosity of a benefactor, the first $40,000 pledged during this portion of the event will be matched dollar for dollar. Even if you cannot attend you can still contribute at www.events.org/qasfieldofdreams. Our Weekly Stewardship for April 26, 2015 Actual to Prior Year YTD Week $26,725 $1,137,788 Last Year $30,978 $1,144,574 Difference ($4,253) ($6,786) Actual to Budget YTD Week $26,725 $1,137,788 Weekly Budget $27,850 $1,169,700 Difference ($1,125) ($31,912) Stewardship is an important concept for our spiritual growth as Catholics. It is a way of thanking God for all God’s blessings by returning to him a portion of our time. Giving of our time involves being with God in prayer and worship and volunteering our time in the church and community activities that help others. For convenient and safe giving please consider Give Central. For more information or to sign up, go to GiveCentral.org Search for “Queen of All Saints Basilica” Sixth Sunday of Easter • May 10, 2015 | 15 Mass Intentions Sunday, May 10th (Sixth Sunday of Easter) - All Sunday Masses will be offered for the People of Queen of All Saints and the Benefactors of our Endowments for the School and the Parish. Monday, May 11th - School Endowment Fund Benefactors, Agapito Manaois, Sixta Carreon, QAS Homebound, Lauretta Pollard, Angelia Tadel, Marie Calcagno, Daniel McBath, Charles Hohmeier, Jorge Manaois, In Honor of Our Blessed Mother - Ben & Sara Testa, Antonina Skapars, Eufrocina Manaois Readings: Acts 16:11-15; Ps 149:1b-6a, 9b; Jn 15:26—16:4a Tuesday, May 12th (St. Nereus, St. Achilleus, St. Pancras) - Deceased Members of the QAS Widowed Group, Eileen Stegmaier, Robert Delfeld Readings: Acts 16:22-34; Ps 138:1-3, 7c-8; Jn 16:5-11 Wednesday, May 13th (Our Lady of Fatima) - Basilica Fund Members, Rocco Salvator, Fred Stummer, George Stegmaier, V.R. DeRose, Jean V. O’Brien, Salvy Monastero Readings: Acts 17:15, 22—18:1; Ps 148:1-2, 11-14; Jn 16:12-15 Thursday, May 14th (St. Matthias) - Over 50 Club Members, Ruth Stegmaier, Napoleon Sienes Sr., Anne Yale, Edmund Younano, Irving Bet Neasan Readings: Acts 1:1-11; Ps 47:2-3, 6-9; Eph 1:17-23; Mk 16:15-20 Friday, May 15th (St. Isidore) - Helen & Jerry Martin, Veranel & Tommy Piazza, Anita T. DeRose, Francis & Margaret McCormick, Tony Rotella, Winifred Duffy Readings: Acts 18:9-18; Ps 47:2-7; Jn 16:20-23 Saturday, May 16th - Andreus Wolf, Charles J. O’Connor, Marek Michon, Jude Menard, Diana Reczek, Elmer Tadel, Remo Salzetta, Deceased Members of the Gaite, Mariano, and Tulen families Readings: Acts 18:23-28; Ps 47:2-3, 8-10; Jn 16:23b-28 We Pray for our Recently Deceased Erwin Blumenschein James L. Jansen John Pawlikowski 16 | Queen of All Saints Basilica • Chicago, IL Queen of All Saints Basilica Information 6280 N. Sauganash Avenue • Chicago, IL 60646 • (773) 736-6060 • www.qasparish.org Pastoral Staff Sunday Masses Pastor…………….……….……….Rev. Msgr. John E. Pollard Pastor Emeritus………....…..….….Rev. Msgr. Wayne F. Prist Associate Pastor………..……………….Rev. Simon Braganza Associate Pastor………….……..…..Rev. Thomas J. Campana Resident ……………….……………….Rev. Edward D. Grace Resident……………….…..……..Rev. Richard Conyers, CSC Deacon………………….………..Rev. Mr. Michael Monnelly Pastoral Associate…….....Sr. Ann Kathleen McDonnell, BVM Director of Religious Education……..…..Mrs. Aline Reynolds Youth Minister…………………….…………..……Kim Riley Director of Music..…………………...…….Dr. Kenneth Sotak Assistant Director of Music…….…………….....Paul Scavone Saturday Vigil …………………..……………………5:00 pm Sunday…...…………….6:45, 8:00, 9:30, 11:00 am, 12:30 pm Rectory Hours Monday-Friday……………………..……….8:30 am-4:00 pm Telephone Numbers Rectory………………………………………....773-736-6060 School/Preschool………………………...……..773-736-0567 Parish FAX……………………………….…….773-736-6099 Religious Education Office………………….....773-286-1939 Accounting Office Business Manager……………………..……….Gerald Farrell Accounting Assistant……………………....Kate Dombrowski Rectory Office Staff Parish Secretary……………………………...Pam Hautzinger Parish Secretary………………………………....Michael Jolls Parish Secretary…………………..…………..Jan Praznowski Building and Grounds Ralph Meschewski, Bobby Brooks, Victor Miranda, Jonathon Hernandez, Eric Martinez, Ken Skokowski Queen of All Saints School Early Childhood through Grade 8 Principal……………………………….....…Mr. Peter Tantillo Administrative Assistant ……….…………….Mrs. Ida Segreti School Secretary………...…………….… Mrs. Janet Santicola To Register in the Parish Please contact the Rectory Office……………...773-736-6060 Daily Mass and Rosary Monday-Friday…….……………...………6:30, 7:30, 8:45 am Saturday………………………………………...……..8:00 am Rosary………………...………...Daily after the 8:45 am Mass Devotions and Holy Day Masses Holy Hour……………….…………………..Monday, 7:00 pm Please consult the parish bulletin or website for the schedule. The Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday……………After the 8:00am Mass until all are heard The Sacrament of Baptism Queen of All Saints rejoices in the incorporation of new members into the Body of Christ through the Sacrament of Baptism. If you are a registered parishioner, please come into the rectory during business hours to schedule your child's baptism. If it is not possible for you to come into the rectory, please call the rectory to make arrangements. The Sacrament of Baptism for infants is celebrated two or three Sundays of the month, depending on the time of year, at 1:30 PM - call the rectory for the exact schedule. A Baptismal Preparation class for the parents is required. They are held on select Mondays at 7:30 PM in the Rectory and must also be scheduled in advance. If an adult or a school age child seeks baptism, special arrangements should be made with one of the priests. The Sacrament of Matrimony Queen of All Saints helps couples prepare not only for their wedding day, but the lifelong commitment of living a Christian marriage. Parishioners of Queen of All Saints Basilica who are baptized and free to marry in the Catholic Church may celebrate their marriage in Queen of All Saints Basilica. Couples from Queen of All Saints seeking marriage in Queen of All Saints Basilica should contact one of the parish priests at least six months prior to their intended date of marriage. The couple must meet with one of the priests before the date for the marriage can be confirmed. Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick The sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick is not a sacrament for those who are the point of death. As soon as one of the faithful begins to be in danger of death from sickness or old age, the fitting time for him/her to receive this sacrament has certainly already arrived. Therefore, any member of the faithful who is seriously ill because of sickness or advanced age, may properly receive this sacrament. Sixth Sunday of Easter • May 10, 2015 | 17 MINISTRY TO THE HOMEBOUND One of the very important ministries at QAS is bringing Holy Communion to our home-bound parishioners. It remains a very welcoming way of keeping them in touch with Jesus and continuing to be a part of our parish community. Being a minister a very rewarding experience. Your participation would mean visiting them about once a month. Please consider becoming one of the ministers If you are interested or have any questions, please contact Sr. Annie for further information at 773-736-6060. Training sessions will be starting in the middle of May. ALBANY ROOFING & TUCK POINTING Aluminum Gutters – Siding – Fascia and Soffit Gutter Cleaning, Tuck-Pointing and Roofing Inside Remodeling, Decorating, Insulating Basement Cleaning & Painting Established 1962 Phone: 773-878-1281 2637 W. 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Devon (773) 763-3183 MARTY GARRITY, Parishioner (773) 763-3633 512158 Queen of All Saints Church (C) www.jspaluch.com Licensed • Bonded • Insured “Senior Citizens Discount • $15.00 Off Any Job with Ad” FREE ESTIMATES Lic # PL15534 Lic # 058-123449 773-774-1340 4343 West Peterson, Chicago, IL 60646 773-545-5700 • www.nscbank.com Dennis G. Hammer – President Daniel J. Carini – Vice President / Branch Manager A WINTRUST Bank For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170 JOSEPH’S FINEST MEATS Let Us Help You Get Where You’re Going Michael Janet Agent A Good Neighbor for Over 40 Years Serving Quality Meats Since 1977 USDA PRIME BEEF • DRY-AGED STEAKS VEAL & LAMB • GRADE A PORK Contessa D’Oro HOMEMADE: Specializing In Engagement SAUSAGES, ITALIAN ROAST BEEF, Rings & Custom Designed Jewelry MEATBALLS, HAMBURGER PATTIES Michelin Lentino Ben Camarda [email protected] 847-677-9009 773-736-3766 7101 W. Addison St. Chicago, IL 60634 Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. 6336 Cicero Ave., Suite 101 Chicago, IL 60646 (773) 777-7111 VIP Nails Daily Special (224) 534-7079 Mon thru Wed ONLY ED THE PLUMBER ED THE CARPENTER $30 No-Chip Mani $30 Mani & Pedi $23 Pedicure Best Work • Best Rate $12 Manicure Satisfaction Guaranteed As Not Valid with other Offers. 6451 N. Cicero Ave., Lincolnwood We Do All Our Own Work Lic# 055-026066 $$ Parishioner Discount $$ For further information, please call the Parish Office. [email protected] 773-471-1444 A way for you to partner with service providers who support your parish through their sponsorship of the parish bulletin. www.PALUCHPARTNERS.com Gifts Flowers Weddings • Corporate Parties Sympathy • Or Just Because... 773-282-6363 www.donnasgarden.com TÜNDI M. FRANK, D.D.S. Sauganash Center for Dental Health, Ltd. • Comfortable Setting For The Entire Family • Low Radiation Digital X-Ray • Drill-Less Dentistry Avail. 773-481-1940 4200 W. 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CICERO (CICERO & DEVON) *First Three Months 4948 N. Pulaski, Chicago, IL 60630 773-777-TILE (8453) Distributor of Pratt & Larson, Ken Mason, Dirk Elliott, Oceanside, Mandala, Rocky Mountain, Lunada Bay, McIntyre, Artistic Tile, Saltillo, Mosaics, Leather Tile www.mosaicostile.com George Banuelos - Parishioner H O L L AN D E R STORAGE & MOVING CO. ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Since 1888 Local Moving Long Distance Moving International Moving Employee Relocation Packing ❖ Crating ❖ Storage www.HollanderMoving.com 800-323-6600 Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA www.CatholicCruisesAndTours.com Jerry & Shawn O’Neill Agents ~ Parishioners For a Free Quote, Call 773-685-3600 512158 Queen of All Saints Church (A) www.jspaluch.com For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170
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