August - Diocese of Lincoln: parish and church websites
August - Diocese of Lincoln: parish and church websites
GrapeVine Bolingbroke Deanery AUGUST 2013 ISSUE 446 Our Resource is the Gospel, and our aim is simple; “To secure a growing, worshipping, celebrating, proclaiming and caring Christian presence in each community of our Deanery.” 50p 1 Bishop’s Letter As I write this, I’ve just returned from General Synod where we were discussing the ordination of women as bishops. Whilst everyone agrees it will happen, there remain major differences about exactly how to enable the move. During the debate, I was very impressed with the nature and quality of the contributions from people who disagreed so profoundly about something. Being able to disagree honestly about something is very important – as Voltaire said, “I disagree with what you have to say, but I’ll defend to the death your right to say it.” The concept of free speech is one that underpins democracy. I came across these words from St Augustine of Hippo recently, carved in beautiful calligraphy on the floor of a chapel: ‘We come to God not by navigation, but by love’. It seems to me these words have something to say to us about how we handle disagreements in general, not just in the church. Rather than being angry and looking for someone or something to blame when something goes wrong, we would do better to look for God's providence. Of course God allows things to go wrong and for human beings to make mistakes, but the grace of God is always available for us to discover his will for the future. For me this means changing the language of our discourse from one of suspicion and mistrust to one of mutual respect and trust. To use Augustine’s metaphor, the method of plotting an accurate course across the ocean which we initiate and in which we are in control is not God’s way. Instead God invites us to respond to his love by building new relationships characterised by mutual respect and trust. This is not easy, but it is a path worth taking. If we can listen and understand views of those with whom we disagree, we can humbly explore the way God is calling us to walk. +Christopher Lincoln: 2 READINGS AT THE EUCHARIST Principal Service Sunday 4th August First Reading Psalm/Canticle Second Reading Gospel Sunday 11th August First Reading Psalm/Canticle Second Reading Gospel Sunday 18th August First Reading Psalm/Canticle Second Reading Gospel Sunday 25th August First Reading Psalm/Canticle Second Reading Gospel Sunday 1st September First Reading Psalm/Canticle Second Reading Gospel 10th Sunday after Trinity (Green) Continuous: Related: Hosea 11.1-11 Ecclesiastes 1.2, 12-14; 2.18-23 Psalm 107.1-9, 43 Psalm 49.1-12 [or 107.1-9 [or 49.1-9] Colossians 3.1-11 Luke 12.13-21 11th Sunday after Trinity (Green) Continuous: Related: Isaiah 1.1, 10-20 Genesis 15.1-6 Psalm 50.1-8, 23-end Psalm 33.12-21 [or 50.1-7] [or 33.12-end] Hebrews 11.1-3, 8-16 Luke 12.32-40 12th Sunday after Trinity (Green) Continuous: Related: Isaiah 5.1-7 Jeremiah 23.23-29 Psalm 80.1-2, 9-end Psalm 82 [or 80.9-end] Hebrews 11.29-12.2 Luke 12.49-56 13th Sunday after Trinity (Green) Continuous: Related: Jeremiah 1.4-10 Isaiah 58.9b-end Psalm 71.1-6 Psalm 103.1-8 Hebrews 12.18-end Luke 13.10-17 14th Sunday after Trinity (Green) Continuous: Related: Jeremiah 2.4-13 Ecclesiasticus 10.12-18 or Proverbs 25.6-7 Psalm 81.1, 10-end Psalm 112 [or 81.1-11] Hebrews 13.1-8,15-16 Luke 14.1, 7-14 3 Clothing/blankets etc for the Salvation Army GRAPEVINE MAGAZINE Could anyone with un-needed warm clothing (sweaters, coats, socks, shoes etc.) blankets, sleeping bags etc. please contact me as I am collecting on a regular basis for the Salvation Army to help with homeless people in Skegness, Lincoln and Boston. There are more than you might think. All donations would be much appreciated. I will collect. Please call Richard Walter on 01507 480632 be with the Editor by the 14th of All copy for next months issue to this month please. Editor: Jane Howsam The Vicarage, Spilsby, PE23 5EF Tel: 01790 752526 (Mon-Fri 1pm-5pm) email: [email protected] Advertising – For all advertising Please contact Jane, as above. Thank you Come and enjoy a friendly game of Whist in the Parish Rooms, Hundleby. 3rd Tuesday of every month 7.00pm Admission £2.25 (includes raffle, coffee and biscuits) Churchwarden’s Declaration If you are a churchwarden and didn’t attend the service at Lincoln Cathedral please could you arrange to make your declaration to Fr Peter by contacting the Deanery Office to arrange a convenient time. School’s Out: After the very moving end of term services at our local schools we wish our young people and all the staff a wonderful holiday. Several of us are very privileged to work as Governors and I would like to encourage you to think if you can commit your time and talent to one of our local schools. We have vacancies for Governors in several of our local schools both Church Foundation and Community Governors. Please contact me even if only for interests sake and we can talk through the ways Governors support our local students’ education. Fr Peter 01790 752526 4 SPILSBY GROUP OF PARISHES St James Spilsby, St Mary Hundleby, Holy Trinity Raithby, All Saints Great Steeping, and the three St Andrew’s: Halton Holegate, Little Steeping & Firsby FAMILY SERVICE Sunday 4th August – God the Weaver AUGUST 2013 PATTERNS of WORSHIP 4th August 10th Sunday after Trinity Spilsby Hundleby Spilsby Halton Holegate Raithby 8.00am 9.30am 10.00am 6.00pm 6.00pm Tues 6th August Firsby 11th August 11h Sunday after Trinity 18th August 12th Sunday after Trinity 25th August 13th Sunday after Trinity Eucharist Eucharist Family Service Evening Prayer Eucharist 10.30am Eucharist Little Steeping Spilsby Hundleby Halton Holegate Great Steeping 8.00am 9.30am 9.30am 11.15am 3.00pm Eucharist Eucharist Morning Prayer Morning Prayer Eucharist Spilsby Hundleby Raithby Firsby Halton Holegate 9.30am 9.30am 11.15am 3.00pm 6.00pm Eucharist Eucharist Eucharist Evening Prayer Evening Prayer Spilsby Hundleby Little Steeping Halton Holegate Great Steeping 9.30am 9.30am 9.30am 11.15am 3.00pm Eucharist Morning Prayer Morning Prayer Eucharist Evening Prayer Daily Prayer: 8.00am Daily at St James Spilsby Wednesday 10.30am St James Eucharist 5 Group Registers Funerals: Henry Patrick Howard Margaret Blanche Warren Kathleen Ada Carrott Linda Bell Baptisms: Alfie Eric Oliver Lucas Antony Miller Karlie Mae Benton 2 months 77 years 85 years 93 years Hundleby Spilsby Spilsby Spilsby Spilsby Spilsby East Kirkby 16.07.13 21.07.13 21.07.13 died 26.06.13 died 10.07.13 died 12.07.13 died 12.07.13 GROUP NOTICES July 30th Little Steeping coffee morning, 10.30am-12noon August 3rd & 4th Great Steeping Flower Festival, 10am-6pm 10th Partney Fair 11am-4pm th 12 Lunch Club Outing th 13 Churches Together Meeting, The Vicarage, 7.30pm th 14 East Keal Clean Up Day, 9am th th 24 & 25 Great Steeping Art Exhibition & Crafts, 10am-6pm 28th ‘God’s Acre’, Hundleby, 2-5pm God's Acre Ballads and Other Poems 1842 I like that ancient Saxon phrase, which calls The burial-ground God's Acre! It is just; It consecrates each grave within its walls, And breathes a benison o'er the sleeping dust. God'sAcre! Yes, that blessed name imparts Comfort to those, who in the grave have sown The seed that they had garnered in their hearts, Their bread of life, alas! no more their own. Into its furrows shall we all be cast, In the sure faith, that we shall rise again At the great harvest, when the archangel's blast Shall winnow, like a fan, the chaff and grain. Then shall the good stand in immortal bloom, In the fair gardens of that second birth; And each bright blossom mingle its perfume With that of flowers, which never bloomed on earth. With thy rude ploughshare, Death, turn up the sod, And spread the furrow for the seed we sow; This is the field and Acre of our God, This is the place where human harvests grow! 6 HENRY WADSWORTH LONGFELLOW St Mary’s Hundleby On what was the hottest day of the year at the time the summer fayre was held we were most grateful for all the support given. £1666 was raised. Thank you, Geoff Ness St Andrew's, Halton Holegate - Parish Records The records of St Andrew's Church, were recently made available for viewing in the Church (prior to deposit at the Lincolnshire Archives). Due to the amount of interest shown on the day, it has been decided to repeat the viewing of the Records, Birth, Death, Marriage Registers, Vestry Records, Historic area map, Visitor books etc, some dating to the 1700's. To be held on Saturday 24th August 2013 Church Refreshments available 10:00 to 12:00 at the All Welcome Halton Holegate 100 Club - July winners M Franks, Halton Holegate Mrs Y Brinkley, Spilsby J White, Gt Steeping Mrs P Spencer, Halton Holegate G Clarke, Halton Holegate M Middleton, Halton Holegate St Andrew's Church, Halton Holegate Saturday, 31st August at 7pm The Harlequins present "A Century of Show Songs" Admission £6, including refreshments All welcome All Saints Church Great Steeping All Saints Church Great Steeping FLOWER FESTIVAL AN EXHIBITION OF PAINTINGS by Anthony French Saturday 3rd August Sunday 4th August 10am – 6pm 24th & 25th August Also crafts made around the world collected by “Mr Peru” Refreshments Tombola 10am – 6pm both days SONGS OF PRAISE Sunday 4th August 5pm – 6pm Refreshments available 7 Bill's Building Bulletin Kitchen, Loos & Pews. Just a brief report this month, (hence the above!). Tenders have now been invited from several contractors, and are due to be returned by the 5th. August. This is too late, just, for us to publish the results in this edition of Grapevine, but we will keep you all informed by other means. Fundraising. Help and new ideas are still needed, but following last month’s appeal for someone to help us build a new Church website with an eye towards fundraising, James Howsam (talented family, the Howsams!) did come forward and is busy away doing just that. The costs of setting up are minimal, and this will represent a great step forward in publicising the Church and helping to raise funds. Well done, James, and many thanks. Finally. As always, please remember the Church building, and those who struggle to maintain and upgrade it, in your prayers. God Bless, Bill. St James’ Church Art & Craft Fayre Saturday 27th July ~ 10am – 5pm Sunday 28th July ~ 11am – 4pm Craft stalls, tombola, raffle, games, books Delicious refreshments – Come and try our ‘Meal Deals’ Proceeds to the ‘Kitchen and Toilets’...which will be arriving soon! PLEASE COME AND JOIN US OVER THE WEEKEND 8 Come and join us at Raithby Village Hall for something a little different A GREEK THEME NIGHT A lively night with Greek food and entertainment Quiz, music and dancing, activities and more Saturday 31st August Raithby Village Hall at 7.30pm Price £8.50 includes 3 course supper and entertainment Bar available Proceeds to go towards essential maintenance on the hall Contact Barbara - 01790 754453 Beth - 01790 754184 Ordination Words cannot express my thanks to everyone who has been part of my journey of discernment towards Ordination. What an amazing experience for us all. Over the last ten years I have been supported in prayer and challenges and changes in my life and owe much to those who have been alongside me on the way. On the Thursday morning before the Ordination those to be made Deacons and Priests gathered at Edward King House, ready for a practise run through of the Swearing in of Oaths of Canonical Obedience ( to take place in Evensong that evening) and a run through of the Ordination Service. Later in the evening, after dinner and the introduction to the retreat we were all to enter into Silence so as to enable us to make and give time into the Spiritual presence of God. The silence was maintained until the tea time on the Saturday prior to the Deacons going over to the Cathedral for the Priesting service. The 30th June 2013 will ever be sketched in my life. Gathering in silence we walked over into the Cathedral and were advised not to leave our group or have eye contact with others waiting in the Cathedral for the service. At 10.00am we were escorted into the chapel near the West door using the time before the service in reflection and prayer. This was very difficult as the exciting chatter from those gathering in the cathedral could be both heard and felt. 9 At 10.30 we entered into the Cathedral by the West door, very excited and nervous, but knowing that our families and many friends would be there supporting us. One of my fears was letting the Bishop wash my feet, as many of us find this act difficult simply because of being sensitive to touch and ticklish. Another concern was the thought of getting up in a dignified manner after we had been kneeling in front of the Bishop waiting for his hands to be laid on my head in order to be made a Deacon, The service seemed to fly by and I was amazed that in fact 2 hours passed and we were waiting on the cathedral steps for the official photo shoot for the Bulletin. My thanks go to all who have supported me on this journey, especially to Peter, the local churches, the Ladies Diocesan choir who sang an Anthem in the Cathedral. Also my thanks to the Ice cream parlour who served a splendid lunch, to my family and friends who had travelled many miles from Sussex, Bolton, Grimsby, Leicester and Essex. The other highlight of my day was the evensong which was supported by Margaret White and the Partney Choir. In this service I took the prescribed Oaths. It was a wonderful celebration and many friends from across our lives supported us. To Claire for her very long reading, well done! My special thanks must also lie with the Church ladies who provided generous refreshments. Thank you all for your kindness, support and thoughtful presents. I look forward to serving you and hope that I can come up to your expectations. Jean Thank You – to Fr. Martin and Joan for helping me on the coach and all who helped me in the Cathedral at Lincoln. Without your help I would not have been able to go to Jean’s ordination. Thank you to everyone – Janet B St James Summer Coffee Mornings Every Saturday in church 10.00am ~ 12 noon Coffee/tea and cake £1.50 10 Sue West wishes to thank all the ladies who have knitted jumpers for the little ones in Serekunda , The Gambia. As the evenings are cold now they are very much appreciated. We could see by the faces on the children how delighted they were. We could not get the jumpers off them to send home! Another batch are ready to go over in November as the ones currently being worn will be worn out by then. If you are still willing to knit your way through the winter please do! The teachers and parents send you all blessings and thanks. Garden party with Cream tea and usual stalls Saturday 31st August 2-4pm 81 Boston Road Spilsby Proceeds to the School in Gambia HUNDLEBY W.I. St Mary’s Church Hundleby Outreach Project COFFEE MORNING Saturday 17th August God’s Acre at 6 Winston Road, Spilsby Wednesday 28th August 2013 2.00pm to 5.00pm from 10.00am - 12 noon Helen Gamble Lincs Wolds Countryside Service will organise family activities in St Mary’s Churchyard cakes tombola plants bric-a-brac, raffle books woodcraft. (Children need to bring an adult with them) Advance Booking advisable Please telephone 01790 752526 Weekdays 1pm to 5pm Entry:- £1 (inc. tea, /biscuits ) Come and meet your friends 11 MARDEN HILL -East Keal-East Kirkby-Hagnaby-Hagworthingham-Hareby-Mavis Enderby-MiningsbyLusby-Old Bolingbroke-Toynton All Saints-Toynton St. Peter-West Keal AUGUST 2013 PATTERNS of WORSHIP 4th August 10th Sunday after Trinity 11th August 11th Sunday after Trinity 18th August 12th Sunday after Trinity 25th August 13th Sunday after Trinity West Keal Old Bolingbroke Toynton All Saints East Kirkby 9.30am 11.15am 11.15am 3.00pm Holy Communion Holy Communion Morning Prayer Holy Communion East Keal Hagworthingham Toynton St Peter 9.30am 11.15am 3.00pm Holy Communion Morning Prayer Evening Prayer Mavis Enderby Old Bolingbroke Toynton All Saints West Keal East Kirkby Hagworthingham 8.00am 11.15am 11.15am 11.15am 3.00pm 6.00pm Holy Communion Morning Prayer Holy Communion Morning Prayer Evening Prayer Holy Communion East Keal Lusby Toynton St Peter 8.00am 11.15am 3.00pm Holy Communion Holy Communion Holy Communion OLD BOLINGBOKE 100+ CLUB The winners in the June draw were:1. Mrs A Cooper Oxford 2. Mrs P Mincher Hagworthingham 3. Mr J Wain Hagworthingham 4. Mr R C Lingard East Kirkby 5. Mr G Francis Boston 6. Mr C Hanson Boston 7. Mrs F Smith Hagworthingham The next draw will be on Friday 30th August at Old Bolingbroke, 12 noon. 12 Toynton All Saints Lottery Winners June David Coles Tricia Mitchell July CF Pawson P.Pape C.Bolton S Shelley. Many thanks to all who continue to support us. Olive Tree News - August 2013 Would you like an evening out? Every Thursday during August Olive Tree will be open from 5.00pm 8.00pm for late night shopping and barbecue meals. It would be ideal for those working who cannot get along during the day, and we aim to provide a barbecue meal deal which would include a burger, a sausage, salad and an ice cream/dessert to make it the evening out. Don't forget to bring your papers and magazines for recycling :-) We look forward to welcoming you to Olive Tree Susan BOLINGBROKE DEANERY – ADVANCE DATES September 1st Eresby Hall th 8 Afternoon Tea Party and Teddy Bear’s Picnic, Tetford Church th 8 East Keal Valuation Afternoon in church, 2-5pm th 13 East Kirkby Harvest Festival th 14 Lincolnshire Churches Trust sponsored ‘ride & stride’ th th 14 & 15 Heritage Weekend. A ‘Brinkhill Childhood’ exhibition in Brinkhill church with Teas th 15 Aswardby Harvest Service, 9.30am th 15 Hundleby Harvest Service, 3pm st 21 Harrington Car Treasure Hunt with BBQ after st 21 New Leake Bingo st 21 Skendleby Harvest Supper st nd 21 & 22 Brinkhill Arts and Crafts Weekend 22nd Langton Harvest Service, 11am nd 22 Skendleby Harvest Service , 6pm nd 22 Stickford Harvest Service, 6pm rd 23 Stickford Harvest Supper 13 ERESBY NEWS Eresby Hall opened its doors to visitors as part of the National Care Home Day. More than 40 visitors enjoyed looking round the communal lounges, bedrooms, tea shop, pub and hairdressing and beauty salon. Florence Hewitt, a resident, was the receptionist welcoming the visitors who included the Mayor and Mayoress, Peter and Pamela Grant, town councillors Michael Lenton and Trevor Beaumont and representatives from the NHS and Social Services. Peter Mackinder sang songs and recited poetry in the Lincolnshire dialect. Flo as Receptionist at the Open Day Helena Shelton,the Manager received some positive feedback and enquiries from visitors regarding placements for relatives. Well done to everyone who put in so much effort for this event. Eresby was the only local home that participated in this event. Church services take place once a fortnight and the first service in July was taken for the first time by Ann Keast, a Methodist lay preacher from Hundleby. Unfortunately Reverend Marty Presdee has been unwell so Ann kindly agreed to take her place. The residents enjoyed her service very much and look forward to seeing her again in September. Two residents had a special treat in June. They were taken to Gibralter Point and enjoyed a meal in the cafe. The First Spilsby Brownies have spent time planting flowers in the garden. They chose the theme of the forthcoming Brownie Birthday as celebrations for 100 years of Brownies starts in September. Residents sitting on the balcony can enjoy the flowers throughout the Summer. They also presented a cheque for £50 to go into the amenities fund which was a very generous contribution. Thank you Brownies. Margaret Cook Volunteer. 14 THE PARTNEY GROUP OF PARISHES Ashby by Partney, Aswardby, Candlesby, Dalby, Langton w Sutterby, Partney, Sausthorpe, Scremby, Skendleby AUGUST 2013 PATTERNS OF WORSHIP 4th August 10th Sunday after Trinity Partney Partney Scremby 11.15am 11.45am Family Service Holy Communion NO SERVICE 11th August 11th Sunday after Trinity Aswardby Skendleby 9.30am 11.15am Morning Prayer Holy Communion 18th August 12th Sunday after Trinity Candlesby Sausthorpe Partney 9.30am 11.15am 6.00pm Holy Communion Family Service Evening Prayer 25th August 13th Sunday after Trinity Langton Skendleby 11.15am 6.00pm Holy Communion Evening Prayer Group Registers Funerals Barrie Frank Hunter 71 years Skendleby died 25.06.13 Group Notices – August 3rd Picnic in the Park, Aswardby Hall 4-9pm th 10 Partney Fair, 11am-4pm th 18 ‘Wedding Flowers’, Skendleby church, 2-5pm th 24 Candlesby Church Gift Day, 2-4pm th th 17 & 18 Lusby Church Annual Teas and Cakes Weekend, 2-5pm 15 Garden Open day Aswardby Hall Sunday 28th July 11.30am – 4pm Refreshments available Rose Garden White Garden Japanese Garden Formal Gardens Stunning Borders, Trees and Shrubs Candlesby Church GIFT DAY Saturday 24th August 2 - 4pm Tea, Coffee and cake Tombola Cake stall Scremby Thank you to all those who came along and supported the Scremby Open Gardens Afternoon. We had an extremely successful afternoon and raised just over £2000, so enough to be able to repair the stained glass window in the church, as well as paying for some essential electrical work that needed doing. We think we had over two hundred people and the Tea Team were kept very busy all afternoon! St Peter’s Church, Lusby Annual Teas and Cakes Weekend Saturday 17th August & Sunday 18th August 2-5pm In aid of church funds 16 St. Peter & St. Paul’s Church, Skendleby COME AND SEE THE WEDDING FLOWERS SUNDAY 18TH AUGUST 2.00 ~ 5.00pm Light refreshments available Aswardby Hall Picnic in the Park Saturday 3rd August 4pm – 9pm Entry closes at 7pm Donation entry All donations to St Helen’s Church Funds Jazz/Pop Music with ‘Just Chilled’ and ‘Alex and the Pandas’ Tombola Raffle Stalls 17 PARTNEY FAIR 2013 SATURDAY 10th AUGUST 11 am to 4pm FREE PARKING AND ADMISSION Incorporating CRAFT FAIR – 01790 754 355 CAR BOOT SALE – 01754 890 392 FUN DOG SHOW – 01790 752 074 VINTAGE TRACTORS AND ENGINES BBQ ~ CAKES ~ TEAS REFRESHMENTS STALLS GALORE and GAMES FOR CHILDREN – at the Rectory & Glebe Field CHURCH OPEN – for memorabilia & family history ALL PROCEEDS TO PARTNEY GROUP “SHARE” FUND For further details contact: John Hudson on 01790 752 566 SPILSBY ORGAN GROUP Monthly meetings 2.00pm at St James’, Spilsby Contact: Alf Tunnicliffe, group co-ordinator Tel: 01790 755552 email: [email protected] 18 STICKNEY GROUP Eastville ~ Midville ~ New Leake ~ Stickford ~ Stickney For New Leake, Midville, Eastville - AUGUST 2013 PATTERNS OF WORSHIP 4th August 10th Sunday after Trinity Stickney 11.15am All Age Worship 11th August 11th Sunday after Trinity Stickney Stickford New Leake 9.30am 11.15am 3.00pm Morning Prayer Morning Prayer Holy Communion 18th August 12th Sunday after Trinity Stickford 11.15am Holy Communion 25th August 13th Sunday after Trinity Stickney Stickford New Leake 9.30am 11.15am 3.00pm Holy Communion Morning Prayer Evening Prayer Morning Prayer takes place every Thursday morning at 9.00 am at St Luke's, Stickney, followed by a coffee morning Stickney Group Registers Baptisms Millie Marie Clarke Stickford 06.07.13 A Coffee Morning is held in St. Luke's, Stickney every Thursday starting at 10 am Cakes ~ Coffee ~ Chat 19 St. Luke's Church Stickney Sat. July 6th was a very warm, sunny day. St. Luke's, Stickney was prepared for a coffee morning with biscuits and home-made cakes for people bringing donations for the annual Gift Day. A steady flow of visitors came and went but some stayed to welcome our lycra clad friends on their annual sponsored pilgrimage from Nottingham to Skegness. Twenty-one of them arrived extremely hot and tired, later than expected: much traffic, a puncture and a fall from the saddle had caused delays. The anticipation of the cool Church spurred them on; they say it's the highlight of their journey. Plenty of cold drinks, cake and home-made sausage rolls were enjoyed while they rested. Amy Dodds, one of Stickney’s most senior citizens, together with Sarah Gosling, Jubilee Queen and Boston Mayor's Guide, presented Phil Purdy, Frank Ciaurro and Dr. Kev with a cheque for £365.00 for Cancer Research U.K., raised at a recent bingo and from donations in the village. Last autumn Angela Brady, Flora Gill and Doreen Cooley were privileged to attend a special event at the Cambridge Research Laboratories to learn how funds raised by the cyclists are used and were shown some of the developments being made by advancing modern technology. Phil Purdy was specially acknowledged for his sponsored ascent of Everest in aid of Cancer Research U.K. A few weeks ago he inspired the pupils of Spilsby Primary School when he visited them for a day, to talk of his adventures. After their cooling break the cyclists set off on the last leg for Skegness assuring us they 20 would be back next year. An awe-inspiring bunch of people who truly lift our spirits. All the donations for Gift Day also lifted our spirits. To date £1560-30 raised with an extra £200 from Gift Aid, thank you so much to all who generously donated to help care for St. Luke's through the coming year. Words cannot fully express our gratitude for your encouragement. Monday 26th August Stickney Youth Centre 7.30pm Proceeds to St Luke’s Church Fund Caption Competition July winning caption:‘Fr. Peter. Is he loitering within tent.’ ~ Bill Isherwood Runners up ~ ‘Quantative Easing!!!’ ~ Robin Healey ‘No Jean’s not in here she has her own cassock.’ ~ Jean Gates And just to make you smile… - I didn’t realise I had lost so much weight. - I always knew he was full of the Holy Spirit - Doreen Cooley - Oh dear! I’ve shrunk in the wash! - This one will be great for our joint Services. - Brian Pinnion 21 - Fr. Peter’s new initiative to help spread the Gospel. His own one tent mission. - Bill Isherwood - They’ve certainly given me value for money, this time! - This is a good habit to get into! - Elizabeth Pinnion - I know I have been dieting recently but did not realise I had lost that much weight. - Geoff Ness - As it’s raining you are welcome to stand under here. – Ethan Ellerby - There’s room for two in here! - They make these with plenty of growing room.! - Look how much weight I’ve lost! - Jenny Williams - I ordered it in centimetres but they’ve made it in inches. Perhaps I could use it as a mini marquee for the summer fete. - June Fitz Gibbon - I am a Dalek - Rupert Parsons - I must take my wife shopping with me next time. - Irene Gale - Anyone seen those pesky choir boys? - Peter Hubbard - Who ate all the pies? - Len Bourne August Photo Please send your entry to Spilsby Vicarage by the 14th of the month. Don’t forget a small prize is awarded to the winner. Thank you to all who keep sending captions. If anyone has any photographs that could be used for the caption competition please send them in – we will return them of course. 22 SOUTH ORMSBY GROUP OF PARISHES Bag Enderby, Brinkhill, Calceby, Driby, Farforth, Harrington, Haugh, Ketsby, Maidenwell, Oxcombe, Ruckland, Salmonby, Somersby, South Ormsby, Tetford & Worlaby. SERVICES FOR AUGUST 4th August 10th Sunday after Trinity South Ormsby Tetford Somersby 8.00am 10.30am 3.00pm Said Communion BCP Family Communion Tennyson Service 11th August 11th Sunday after Trinity South Ormsby Somersby 8.00am 10.30am Said Communion BCP Holy Communion 18th August 12th Sunday after Trinity Ruckland Harrington 8.00am 10.30am 6.00pm Said Communion BCP Holy Communion Evensong 25th August 13th Sunday after Trinity Bag Enderby Tetford Ruckland 8.00am 10.30am 6.00pm Said Communion BCP Holy Communion Festival Songs of Praise 1st September 14th Sunday after Trinity South Ormsby Brinkhill 8.00am 10.30am Said Communion BCP Holy Communion Service of Prayer every Wednesday 10.00am St Mary’s Church, Tetford. First Wednesday each month Holy Communion DATES FOR YOUR DIARY August 4th Tennyson Service, St Margaret, Somersby, 3pm th 11 Harrington Hall Open Gardens th 18 Safari Lunch, South Ormsby th 20 Tour led by Jean Howard, Bag Enderby, Somersby, Harrington th th 24 , 25 Ruckland Flower Festival th & 26 23 Every Sunday in August and the Bank Holiday Monday – Teas in Brinkhill Church 2-5pm, with a small History Group Exhibition. September 8th Afternoon Tea Party and Teddy Bear’s Picnic, Tetford Church th th 14 & 15 Heritage Weekend. A ‘Brinkhill Childhood’ exhibition in Brinkhill church with Teas st 21 Harrington Car Treasure Hunt with BBQ after st nd 21 & 22 Brinkhill Arts and Crafts Weekend What is a Deacon? Many of you have been asking this question following Teresa and Jean’s ordination to the Diaconite. Both Jean and Teresa are now Deacons and the Bishop told us at that most awesome of services in Lincoln Cathedral on June 30th that; “ Deacons are ordained so that the people of God may be better equipped to make Christ known. Theirs is a life of visible self giving. Christ is the pattern of their calling and their commission; as he washed the feet of his disciples, so they must wash the feet of others…. Deacons are called to work with the Bishop and the priests with whom they serve as heralds of Christ’s kingdom. They are to proclaim the gospel in word and deed as agents of God’s purposes of love. They are to serve the community in which they are set, bringing to the church the needs and hopes of all the people. They are to work with their fellow members in searching out the poor and weak, the sick and lonely and those who are oppressed and powerless, reaching into the forgotten corners of the world, that the love of God may be made visible. Deacons share in the pastoral ministry of the Church and in leading God’s people in worship. They preach the word and bring the needs of the world before the Church in intercession. They accompany those searching for faith and bring them to baptism. They assist in administering the sacraments; they distribute communion and minister to the sick and housebound. Deacons are to seek nourishment from the Scriptures; they are to study them with God’s people, that the whole church may be equipped to live out the gospel in the world. They are to be faithful in prayer, expectant and watchful for the signs of God’s presence, as he reveals his kingdom among us…” Well you did ask. 24 I sat in the Cathedral, behind Teresa as her training incumbent and I felt totally unworthy to be there. Who am I to believe I have acknowledged my calling from God? Who am I that I truly believe my calling was and is from God? Who am I to continue to follow that calling to the end of my days? I am me and I do know, with absolute certainty that God has called me, warts and all, just as he has called Teresa, to the ordained ministry. I know something else without absolute certainty; some are called to the ordained ministry, to minister to God’s people in that way. BUT, God has called each and every one of us to follow him and to believe the word, the truth, given to us by his son. We are all called to be deacons in that sense. We are all called to be faithful in prayer, serve our communities, reach out to all in need, to make the love of God visible, all of those things. God asks each one of us to go that extra mile in his name. He will give us the strength, the faith, the love to do so. We have to believe his calling. St Margaret, Bag Enderby, July 7th The sun shone, the church looked beautiful and the congregation was happy and joyful. The perfect setting to welcome our new Deacon, Teresa. Teresa spoke to us of her journey thus far. We shared a wonderful service of Holy Communion together. It was lovely to have some of our newly confirmed with us. After the service the sharing did not stop, we walked to Malcolm’s and in true South Ormsby Group style, very much enjoyed our Bring & Share Lunch. Marlene’s cake, resplendent with an iced picture of our new Deacon, was admired by all and not just for the icing. A truly memorable morning and as one person said; “It was such a lovely occasion, I felt we really embraced Teresa.” It certainly was and we certainly did, Teresa, welcome. 25 TETFORD ST MARY'S CHURCH Advertising space available LENDING LIBRARY Offers a wide selection of books Every Wednesday 11am - 2pm in the Church. 1 /8 page ~ £40 1 /4 page ~ £60 1 A warm welcome - Tea/Coffee and Biscuits (including a book) 50p. /2 page ~ £90 Full page ~ £160 Everyone welcome – come and see Please contact the editor C.J.S Established 1990 Painting and decorating Tiling Property maintenance (internal and external) Phone Chris on 01790 754808 or 07904 276695 Free estimates. Good rates for senior citizens. 26 27 MANOR CARE HOME FEN ROAD, EAST KIRKBY, Nr SPILSBY LINCOLNSHIRE PE23 4DB Manor Care Home is a converted country house on the edge of the Lincolnshire Wolds. Constantly upgrading, we are able to offer the following: Residential care & Dementia Respite and holiday care Hairdressing and Chiropody service Local library facilities Good home cooking with special diets catered for Single, double and bed sitting rooms available Fortnightly church service Friendly, caring staff Day care Aromatherapy Weekly craft afternoons For further information, or to call in for a coffee and an informal chat, contact The Manager on 01790 763381 email: [email protected] Visitors always welcome Our Philosophy is: “To treat each resident as an individual; to care for with respect, privacy and dignity. To carry out tasks for that resident in the manner that, if able, they would do so for themselves” 28 LOUTH PLAYGOERS Spye House RIVERHEAD THEATRE FORTHCOMING PRODUCTIONS West Keal August 8th – 10th ‘Grease’ the musical performed by Students of Playgoers Summer Workshop Bed & Breakfast Places still available on Summer Workshops 19th – 23rd August ages 10-13 and for Zest Theatre’s Summer Workshop 27th-30th August ages 11-19. Further details from Theatre Box Office. Quality en suite accommodation in the Lincolnshire Wolds September 6th – 14th Fawlty Towers by John Cleese and Connie Booth performed by Louth Playgoers Tel: 01790 752102 e-mail: [email protected] Box Office 01507 600350 STICKNEY FOOT-CARE Peter Atkin Chrissie Chapman Dip TCFCP (NCFE Approved) Illustrated Talks to Groups and Organisations across Lincolnshire Mobile Foot-care Practitioner Treatment and advice relating to: Corns, Calluses, Bunions, Hard skin, Verrucae, Ingrown nails, Fungal/Hard nails, Nail cut & file, Diabetic foot recognition, Foot massage and General foot-care advice Please contact me for more details Telephone: 07590 691 471 Contact me on: 01205 481427 or 07960 460746 email: [email protected] 29 1 Funeral Director Raven-Louise Van-Daccus 30 J & J FUELS (BOSTON) Your local suppliers of Domestic Heating Oil & Farm Diesel ------------------------------------------------------ Family owned and run for over 30 years. ----------------------------------------------------- Prompt delivery Competitive prices Friendly service ------------------------------------------------------- Contact us on 01205 760638 Anytime All major credit cards accepted Stephen Northgraves WHITE COTTAGE JOINERY Established 1981 KITCHENS & BEDROOMS WINDOWS – DOORS – GUTTERS UPVC – WOOD or METAL REPAIRS & REPLACEMENTS ALSO SMALL BUILDING WORK AND DECORATING NO JOB TOO SMALL FREE ESTIMATES White Cottage, Mill Lane, Keal Cotes, Spilsby. PE23 4AJ Tel: 01790 763791 Mobile: 07814 444533 31 Wildmans Motorcycles & Scooters Jacky & Simon welcome you to BLUELINE COTTAGE BED & BREAKFAST Sales, Service MOT Testing Tyre fitting 37 HUNDLEBY ROAD SPILSBY PE23 5LP Tel: 01790 754970 Mobile: 07958 650927 15 Halton Road Spilsby Lincs PE23 5JZ Eresby Hall is situated in Spilsby providing residential care for older people offering high quality long and short-term care and flexible day care in a homely environment. Peter & Lisa McDowell Please contact Helena Shelton on 01790 752495 for more information. 01790 753219 Registered charity no 1048355 32 Nigel Coe R&P Decorating Services Handyman All Painting and Decorating work undertaken. Property maintenance Over 10 years experience. For advice or quotation Ring Rob – Contact: Tel: 01790 752457 Mob: 07739 286142 Email: [email protected] Office 01790 756877 Or Mobile 07950 244219 Philip Boulton Gardening Services Hair Salon 4 Market Street Spilsby Tel: 01790 752537 Tel: 01790 753981 Mobile: 07760130356 33 Scentiments Floral Design Flowers for all occasions Local & International deliveries Venue Decoration Helium Balloons Greetings Cards Giftware Scott’s Cobblers & Keys Julie Pagram – Proprietor 49 High Street, Spilsby, Lincs PE23 5JH 01790 753539 Shoe Repairs & Key Cutting Suppliers of English Hand Crafted Shoes Engraving, Tankards, Hip Flasks, Gifts, Watch Batteries & Straps MAYDEW’S HOME & GARDEN The Old Stores, Tumby Woodside 01507 568529 Mob: 07740 774746 HOUSE CLEARANCE SERVICES Tel: 26-28 HIGH STREET SPILSBY, LINCOLNSHIRE PE23 5JH Part or full clearance Garages & outbuildings cleared Local friendly service, references available Email: [email protected] 07712 405 975 34 Serving Boston, Spilsby & surrounding areas PAUL EVERARD TJ Communications & Services Telephone & broadband equipment installed and repaired REGISTERED PLUMBING AND HEATING CONTRACTOR Trevor Barber (Thirty years’ BT experience) Tel: 07749167866 Email: [email protected] Business and residential THE BUNGALOW,TOYNTON FENSIDE, SPILSBY, LINCS., PE23 5DB Telephone/Fax: 01790 753101 Mobile: 07774 661017 Email: [email protected] Ray Ford Est. 1973 – Time served City & Guilds Tradesman Serving the area for thirty years. Carpentry & Joinery Bespoke/Heritage FOR ALL TYPES OF PLUMBING AND HEATING REPAIRS AND HEATING Mob: 07776 288639 Tel: 01790 754006 CONTACT PAUL FOR FREE QUOTATIONS AND INFORMATION 9 Winston Road, Spilsby, Lincs. PE23 5HJ R H BUILDING SERVICES Carpentry & Joiner, Brickwork, Block Paving, Flooring, Tiling, Fencing & Roofing. Time served apprenticeship For a Free Quotation Tel: 01790 754382 Mobile 07949539591 Email [email protected] Roy Harness. The Briars, Hall Lane, West Keal, SPILSBY LINCS PE23 4BJ 35 Highlights Multimedia PETE RAITHBY MOWERS New & Second-hand Mowers ALL GARDEN MACHINERY Serviced & Repaired Over 16 years Experience New End, Hemingby, Horncastle Family Films & Videos to DVD Indoor & Outdoor Sound System (on site engineer/operator/announcer available) Wedding and Social DVD Production Video & Sound Media Production, Presentation and Technical Services. Harold Houldershaw 01205 481364 [email protected] 01507 578336 Shirley’s Hairdressing Services SKEGNESS DAY CENTRE Telephone: 01754 766763 Old Bolingbroke Home Salon or will do mobile Tel: 01790 763557 Mob: 07955 038815 Transport available Respite for carers Activities Companionship Call in and visit us at the rear of Skegness Hospital MNM Pest Management NPTA Accredited Technician Problem with wasps, ants or flies moles, rats and mice? Prompt, affordable, service, covering the Coast and Wolds in Agricultural, Commercial and Domestic Premises Contact your local Technician, Mick Dales (RPPT) on: 01754 890637 or 07904 170033 Please call for any help and advice 36 Quality Meats Fine Foods Product displays Our own chef second to none prepared ready meals Finest quality meats Creative cuisine for from local farms dinner parties Award-winning pies Personal service & sausages & advice Tel: 01790 754543 Market Street, Spilsby Lincs PE23 5JT Newhome Computers Does your computer need retraining? Or do you need training? Has it stopped doing as it’s told? Worse it’s gone on a go slow! Internet problems or worries? Simply call Steve on 01754 830 506 I speak ‘English’ and ‘Computer’ so you both understand. We also build new models arrange retirement for old or naughty machines, as well as training if it really is you. 37 The Red Lion Inn, Partney 01790 752271 Homemade food using local produce Full menu available lunchtimes and evenings Lunchtime specials also available Tuesday to Saturday £6.50 for main course or £12.95 for two courses with coffee/tea Comprehensive buffet menu for christenings, parties and wakes Sunday lunch – traditional Sunday lunch plus a large selection from our regular menu Large parties catered for Tastes of Lincolnshire and Tastes of Excellence Award winners 4* ensuite accommodation – twin, double and super king beds, ground floor rooms available (one with a wet room and suitable for a wheelchair user) Open Tuesday to Sunday (closed on Monday) 12 noon to 2pm and 6pm to 10.30pm Food served 12 noon to 2pm and 6pm to 9pm 38 ALLWOOD TIMBER SUPPLIES LTD TEL: 01205 36 22 88 “ALL THE WOOD YOU WANT” Treated timber fencing o Feather edge and field rails o Posts and fencing stakes o Pickets o Decking Claddings T & G flooring Rough sawn & planed timber Skirting boards and architraves Beadings & mouldings. Sheds, summer houses, workshops etc made to order Screws, nuts, bolts, washers, nails - all sizes Wood preservers Fence erecting service and prompt delivery available All major credit cards accepted TEL: 01205 36 22 88 FAX: 01205 36 99 88 Maurice Bird Author - Speaker It is almost here – “The Girl who wanted a Horse” - Will be available as an ebook from Kindle and Kobo. If you like horses you will love this book. Check press releases, my Facebook page and – Want more info? email me at [email protected] Estate Agents – for all your property requirements Free Valuations Town centre offices Accompanied viewings Full details on internet ( 27 years local experience Open 7 days a week Friendly personal service No sale – no fee All inclusive competitive fees Advertised in both Spilsby and Boston offices Distinctive FOR SALE boards Another book selling well is “No Place for Blind Elephants” ****** Available as Kindle or Kobo. See for further details or email me at [email protected] ******** Need a speaker? Book early because the diary is filling for 2013/14. No fee, just travelling expenses if more than ten miles from Spilsby. 41b High Street, Spilsby. Lincolnshire PE23 5JH Telephone: 01790 754888 ****** At the moment I am working on a picture/reading book designed for reading to a young child. It is a lovely story called “Nite, Nite Twoo” Email: [email protected] Give me a ring on 01790 752458 Maurice Bird 5 Woodlands View, Spilsby, Lincs PE23 5GD 39 Mature Professional and Personal Service Ring today for your Free Valuation and Marketing Advice Unrivalled promotion and advertising on ALL major property websites and in both the Target and Standard newspapers Specialising in local property sales, letting and management 43 High Street, Spilsby. 01790 756958 8 South Road, Chapel St Leonards. 01754 874445 35 High Street, Wainfleet. 01754 882333 10% Discount off our selling fee with this advert The Compleat Gardener Ltd We stock a large range of Household items e.g. Every Day Crockery, China, Utensils, Furniture and much more…….. We are professional, qualified gardeners working for domestic and commercial clients throughout the area. HAGWORTHINGHAM SECOND HAND SHOP We have established an enviable reputation for our work and can offer you a quality service backed by garden design expertise DIRECTIONS: From Horncastle take the A158 towards Skegness for 6 miles, then take the first right in Hagworthingham signed Lusby; we are 150 yards on the right. We are also able to provide a total lawn-care package to give you the emerald green lawn you have always wanted. ADDRESS: Church Lane, Hagworthingham. PE23 4LP Email:[email protected] For further information and a free estimate – without obligation, please call Mark Fort on 01790754479 TEL: 01507 588275 40 WILLS & POWER OF ATTORNEY FREE HOME CONSULTATIONS OFFERING ADVICE & GUIDANCE Call me David Mobile: 07927 961154 or 01754 228773 Freephone Email Single Will £97 Mirror Will £174 Power of Attorney £297 Double Power of Attorney £497 Chambers & McClay 0800 0322 477 [email protected] WILL ELLERBY TYRES SPILSBY 24 Hour Mobile Service TYRES – BATTERIES ONSITE SERVICE – 24 HOURS Will: 07956 299801 Office: 07946 027466 PARKER’S FUNERAL DIRECTORS For personal, caring and sympathetic service. Family business established over 100 years. Choice of Prepayment Plans – Private Chapels of Rest – 24 Hour Service. Contact: SANDRA PARKER 16 St. John Street, Wainfleet, Telephone: 01754 880334 4 Church Street, Spilsby, Telephone 01790 754700 And 1, Sea Road, Chapel St Leonards, Telephone 01754 873035 www. 41 Get a new outlook with GM Electrical Registered Domestic Electrician ‘Top Quality Windows, Doors, Conservatories & Roofline Products and Services from a Local Company with the Personal Touch’ For all domestic electrical work. From the simplest of repairs to complete re-wires. Windows – UPVc, Aluminium & Timber Doors – UPVc, Composite, Patio, French & Bi-fold Conservatories – To your Design Roofline – Fascias, Soffits & Guttering The Window Man Repairs Service (not 24hr) Conservatory Refurbishment Service Call Graham on 01754 830654 or 0791 7058230 Part P Qualified, Fully Insured. For a friendly & professional service. Call us now for a fuss free, no obligation quote on 01507 588400 or email us at [email protected] Neil Heyes Electrical NICEIC Approved Registered Company Friendly, Reliable and Professional service. All work fully insured and guaranteed. For all your electrical needs, phone me on: 01790 753213 or 07894 290355 Ironing Services Large or small loads Can collect and deliver Cleaning Services Telephone: Karen Home – 01790 755222 Mobile – 07920 473764 42 BOSTON ELECTRICAL SERVICES UNIT D1 BOSTON INDUSTRIAL CENTRE NORFOLK STREET, BOSTON PE21 9HG TEL 01205 350737 CHECK OUT OUR WEBSITE WE ARE A FAMILY OWNED BUSINESS SERVING CUSTOMERS IN THIS AREA NOW SINCE 1985. WE REPAIR MOST ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES FROM VACUUM CLEANERS, MICROWAVE OVENS TO COOKERS AND WASHING MACHINES. IN OUR EXTENSIVE SHOWROOM WE HAVE ON DISPLAY over 100 fridges and freezers over 40 washing machines and dryers over 40 cookers and over 40 ovens and hobs. vacuum cleaners microwave ovens cooker hoods all colours of kettle and toaster food mixers and fryers table lamps and light fittings WE CAN OFFER EXTENDED GUARANTEES AT VERY COMPETITIVE PRICES DELIVERY AND CONNECTING (NOT GAS) PLUS REMOVAL OF THE OLD APPLIANCE IS FREE OF CHARGE WE ALSO SELL lots of different sorts of lamps including pearl light bulbs, fluorescent tubes and fittings salt for water softeners cooker hood filters and spares for washing machines plus lots of unusual bits and pieces COME IN AND BROWSE NEXT TIME YOU ARE IN BOSTON YOU WILL FIND US FRIENDLY AND HELPFUL 43 BOLINGBROKE DEANERY MINISTRY The Bishop of Lincoln The Rt. Rev. Christopher Lowson Tel: 01522 50 40 90 or 01522 534701 Office: Edward King House, Minster Yard, Lincoln LN2 1PU email: [email protected] Deanery Synod Joint Chairmen: The Rural Dean and Lay Chair Mr. Bill Rose Vice Chair Mr David James The Archdeacon of Stow & Lindsey The Venerable Jane Sinclair Sanderlings, Willingham Road, Market Rasen, Lincs. LN8 3RE Tel: 01673 849896 Bolingbroke Deanery Administrator Jane Howsam The Vicarage, Church Street, Spilsby, Lincs. PE23 5EF Tel: 01790 752526 email: [email protected] Mon-Fri 1pm-5pm The Rural Dean of Bolingbroke Canon Peter Coates The Vicarage, Church Street, Spilsby, Lincs. PE23 5EF Tel: 01790 752526 email: [email protected] Retired Clergy The Rev’d. Joan Thornett 93 Boston Road, Spilsby, PE23 5HH Tel: 01790 754151 email: [email protected] Rector of the South Ormsby Group The Rev’d. Cheryl Hilliam The Rectory, South Ormsby, Louth, Lincs. LN11 8QT Tel: 01507 480236 email: [email protected] Readers Mr. David James (Area Secretary) 80 Halton Road, Spilsby Tel: 01790 752711 Mr. Frank Richardson (Local Secretary) 8 Ashby Meadows, Spilsby, Lincs. PE23 5DN Tel: 01790 753510 Marden Hill, Partney, Spilsby & Stickney Groups Canon Peter Coates (address as above). Mr Paul McLaughlin c/o The Vicarage, Church Street, Spilsby, PE23 5EF Tel: 01790 752526 Assistant Curate The Rev’d. Martin Faulkner The Curate’s House, 3, Woodlands View, Spilsby, PE23 5GD (Chapter Clerk) Tel: 01790 753553 mob: 07954 559904 email: [email protected] Deacons c/o The Vicarage, as above The Rev’d. Jean Coates The Rev’d. Teresa McLaughlin 44