Wednesday In January 2012 the two reunited on set
Wednesday In January 2012 the two reunited on set
Hollywood Bollywood Fashion Food “Radcliffe’s post-Potter career feels designed to wrong-foot anyone seeking to pigeonhole him. The play is his first time on the West End stage since 2007 Wheels 04 Pg QATAR TRIBUNE Publication Wednesday March 13, 2013 In January 2012 the two reunited on set, again in New Zealand, to film a richly layered crime drama, Top of the Lake, for television Hunter & Campion get together for TV crime drama RY O ST 2 R 0 VE PG CO Wednesday, March 13, 2013 In January 2012 Holly Hunter and Jane Campion reunited on set, again in New Zealand, to film a richly layered crime drama, Top of the Lake, for television. The seven-part miniseries, directed and co-written by Jane Campion KARL ROZEMEYER NYT SYNDICATE I T’S been more than 20 years since writer-director Jane Campion cast Holly Hunter in The Piano (1993) as Ada, a mute Scottish widow who, with her 9-year-old daughter (Anna Paquin) and a grand piano in tow, lands on a desolate beach in 19th-century New Zealand to enter into an arranged marriage. Her performance won Hunter an Academy Award as Best Actress, and her direction made Campion the first female filmmaker to receive the Palme d’Or at the Cannes Film Festival. In January 2012 the two reunited on set, again in New Zealand, to film a richly layered crime drama, Top of the Lake, for television. The seven-part miniseries, directed and co-written by Campion, will debut on the Sundance Channel on March 18. “I long to work more than once with A still from the film Top of the Lake. Hunter & Campion get together for TV crime drama people whom I love,’’ Hunter says. “It’s just so much fun. It’s a privilege to work with Jane, because my trust in Jane is without limits. And I think she has extraordinary taste. Many directors want to work with different people, because they want to create a different chemistry, they want to bring something new to the screen. Jane doesn’t feel that way to the degree that other directors do.’’ Hunter plays GJ, a curiously an-drogynous, guru-like character with long, straight, silver hair. She dresses in earthcoloured menswear and proselytises with a stoic yet cutting directness: “We are liv-ing out here at the end of the road, at the Holly Hunter in a scene from the film The Piano. Director Jane Campion in action. end of the earth, in a place called Para-dise,’’ GJ proclaims toward the end of Top of the Lake. “How’s it going? Perfect? No! You are madder than ever!’’ Paradise is a stretch of land in the soaring mountains of New Zealand’s remote South Island. There a group of disillusioned women, mentored by GJ, Wednesday, March 13, 2013 set up camp in a quest for relief from modernity, seeking equality, peace and tranquility. The area surrounding Paradise proves to be any-thing but a haven of serenity, however. A 12-year-old girl, having discovered that she is pregnant, disap-pears shortly after a failed attempt to drown herself. Her father, the local drug lord, claims ownership of Paradise and becomes increasingly menacing and violent. An inexperienced detective (Elisabeth Moss) who grew up in the area arrives, determined to find the missing girl, but begins to unravel when she is forced to confront the emotional wounds of her own, long-buried past. The character of GJ was written with Hunter in mind, but the actress herself wasn’t initially con-vinced. “Jane called me and said, ‘I want you to play this,’’’ Hunter recalls, “but she hadn’t fully written all the episodes. I read what she’d sent me, and I said ‘Why? Why do you want me? Why don’t you get Ben Kingsley?’’’ Campion has said that GJ is loosely based on Indian spiritual thinker UG Krishnamurti, but for Hunter Krishnamurti was only a reference point in the character’s creation. “The one thing that Jane didn’t hire me for was to do some weak imitation of this guy or to mimic him in any way,’’ she says. “What was useful was what he said through the course of his life, his lack of philoso-phy (on) how to live and his attitude toward people who approached him seeking answers. “But, at the end, what I valued the most was my trust in Jane and the words on the page.’’ Hunter, who describes GJ as both “otherworldly” and “incredibly grounded in her own mortal be-ing,’’ was struck by her character’s conflicting traits, androgyny included. “I found that was something that I really wanted to embrace,’’ she says. “I wanted GJ to look fully androgynous, and Jane guided me into that.’’ Throughout the conversation, Hunter’s thoughts turn back to Campion. “I think that Jane infuses each character, all of her characters, men and women, with a certain kind of empathy as a filmmaker, which she always does,’’ she says. “I feel like The Piano is a gift that came from Jane. It has a certain magic about it. It has an elevation about it: the characters, the place and the economy of the story. Each dramatic chapter of the story has a certain symmetry to it, a certain kind of perfection in its drama. “The movie breathes a certain rare air,’’ Hunter says, “and I in no way felt that I was owed anything after that movie, or that it now catapulted me into a different realm. It put me in the realm of itself.’’ After the success of The Piano, Hunter recalls, she was offered the role of Jane Eyre in Franco Zef-firelli’s 1996 film, and turned it down. “I didn’t want to do it because Jane Eyre came as close to typecasting as they could get,’’ she says. “Ada felt like something not to be repeated.’’ Instead Hunter chose a film that was the polar opposite of the ethereal, ambiguous The Piano. “Not long after I finished shooting The Piano,’’ she says, “I got offered Michael Ritchie’s film for HBO called The Positively True Adventures of the Alleged Texas Cheerleader-Murdering Mom. When I read that script, I went ‘Wow! This is the perfect thing for me to do after The Piano. This makes me feel really good, because I get to do everything that I didn’t get to do on The Piano.’’ They were opposites of each other, and I thought, ‘This is like poetry.’’’ Hunter is renowned for playing tough yet con-flicted women and for morphing into distinct, complete and often quirky characters. In 1987 she broke through with two landmark big-screen per-formances, playing a driven but emotionally compro-mised television-news producer in James L Brooks’ Broadcast News and an unstable, baby-obsessed police officer in the zany comedy Raising Arizona, courtesy of the directing-screenwriting duo Joel and Ethan Coen. “I can put myself in their hands and I’m safe,’’ says Hunter, who later co-starred in the Coens’ Depression-era comedy O Brother, Where Art Thou? (2000). “With a filmmaker you certainly cannot always do that. I can unerringly do that with Joel and Ethan. So that trust is something that is very special.’’ From the outset of her career, Hunter has moved regularly between film and television work, and she says that she has witnessed many changes in the industry along the way, especially for women. “I think that equal pay for women in Hollywood has been achieved,’’ she says. “The quality of female roles in television has improved exponentially. It’s hard to even measure the vast leap that television has taken with the advent of cable. Now the menu is so vast, and the number of women who are able to bring great creations to life – and make a great living too, and have a real, beautiful life of charac-ters spread out before them, spread out over several seasons – is unprecedented.’’ Hunter speaks from experience, having starred in and also served as executive producer for the TNT series Saving Grace (2007-2010). “I think executive producing Saving Grace put me in more of a directorial chair than I’ve ever been in before,’’ she says. “And in some ways that creative energy was ... God, man, it was fantastic.’’ That said, Hunter insists that she harbours no desire to direct. “I don’t know, maybe I’m too lazy,’’ she says. “It’s a bit mysterious to me.’’ Hunter has several projects scheduled for release this year. She has only praise for her experience on the set of Terrence Malick’s as-yet-untitled, musiccentered film set in Austin, Texas. “Once you get a little bit of Terry, you want more and more,’’ she says. “He is just an adorable person to be around. He’s extremely loving and extremely naive, and extremely well read and well educated. His references are vast and varied, and he has an extraordinary sense of humour.’’ Hunter and her Broadcast News co-star, Wil-liam Hurt, are both in the Lifetime series Bonnie and Clyde: Dead and Alive, in which she plays the mother of famed outlaw Bonnie Parker and he plays a Texas ranger on the trail of Bonnie and Clyde. The reunion, however, has been strictly off camera. “I just treasure that experience working with Bill,’’ Hunter says. “We’d actually talked about a couple of other movies and tried to make it work so that we could work together again. Nothing has ever really panned out. In Bonnie and Clyde I don’t think that we have a scene together, unless something has been created. But at this moment I don’t think Bill and I actually act together. “Maybe we’ll be in the makeup trailer at the same time.’’ Holly Hunter Wednesday, March 13, 2013 Daniel Radcliffe returns to London stage AP T HE time is coming — maybe sooner than you expect — when you look at Daniel Radcliffe and don’t think Harry Daniel Radcliffe Potter. The 23-year-old actor has gone from boy wizard to Broadway hoofer to Beat poet Allen Ginsberg, whom he plays in new film Kill Your Dar-lings. He has several wildly different films lined up, and is soon to take to the London stage as star of Martin McDonagh’s barbed comedy The Cripple of Inishmaan. The play gives audiences the chance to see Radcliffe in yet an-other new light, as Billy, a disabled orphan in 1930s Ireland who har-bours an unlikely dream of Holly-wood stardom. Cripple, which opens in June for a 12-week run, is part of a West End season of plays overseen by director Michael Grandage, who has assem-bled an A-list company of actors that includes Radcliffe, Ben Whishaw, Judi Dench and Jude Law. First staged in 1996, the play is a typically potent mix of comedy and cruelty from the writer-direc-tor of the violent, witty movies In Bruges and Seven Psychopaths. “He walks that line between tragedy and comedy so brilliantly,” Radcliffe said of McDonagh. “I think one of the hilarious things about this play is, by our standards today, how politically in-correct it is,” said the actor, looking lean if a tad tired — he’s been at the gym, working out ahead of rehears-als for the play — in the troupe’s of-fice atop a West End playhouse. “So much of the comedy is just people being relentlessly cruel to Billy. “I’m trying to write something at the moment, and it’s just so dark, and I think it’s funny, but I’m not sure if anybody else ever would. I aspire to be a poor man’s Martin McDonagh.” It shouldn’t come as a surprise that the one-time boy wizard is a fan of the edgier end of comedy — and that he’s working on a screenplay. His entire post-Potter career feels designed to wrong-foot anyone seeking to pigeonhole him. The play is Radcliffe’s first time It shouldn’t come as a surprise that the one-time boy wizard is a fan of the edgier end of comedy — and that he’s working on a screenplay. His entire post-Potter career feels designed to wrong-foot anyone seeking to pigeonhole him. The play is Radcliffe’s first time on the West End stage since 2007 on the West End stage since his 2007 run in Equus, Peter Shaffer’s play about a troubled stable boy who blinds horses. Radcliffe said Equus was “a signal of intent as to what I wanted to do.” “I didn’t just want to take an easy way out of this. I wanted to really try and take risks and make a career for myself.” Since then, he’s mixed mov-ies and theater work, including a 2011 Broadway run as a scheming businessman in How To Succeed In Business Without Really Trying. He’s shot three films due to come out in the next year. Kill Your Darlings, which premiered at the Sundance Film Festival in January, stars Radcliffe as Ginsberg. Radcliffe says he’s never been prouder of a piece of work. He’s also filmed The F Word, which he calls a “very funny, very sweet but also very smart” romantic comedy from Canadian director Michael Dowse. “I don’t want to say (I’m) playing myself, exactly,” Radcliffe said, “but (I’m) playing a character that’s fairly high-anxiety, slightly hyperactive guy.” He’s especially excited about Horns, a film by French horror Au-teur Alexandre Aja (The Hills Have Eyes, Piranha) about a bereaved man who grows devilish horns that allow him access to the thoughts and feelings of others. “It’s a love story, it’s a revenge movie, it’s a horror movie in parts — it’s going to be crazy,” said Rad-cliffe, who made an earlier foray into horror movies with The Woman in Black. Next up, he will star as mad-sci-entist’s assistant Igor in Max Landis’ pop-culture spin on the Franken-stein story. All in all, it’s an eclectic list of projects. Radcliffe says there is a philosophy guiding his career choices, but “it’s very basic. It’s just what excites me. It’s what gets me interested.” “Hopefully later on this year peo-ple will start to see some very dif-ferent performances from me. And hopefully some really good movies,” he said. “It’s about the movie as a whole, not just people studying my performance and seeing how I’m getting different and how I’m grow-ing up.” Radcliffe accepts that fascina-tion with how he’s growing up is unlikely to fade altogether. But he seems comfortable with the Harry Potter legacy, happy to have made the often tricky transition from child star to adult actor. The Harry Potter moviemakers have been praised for creating a stable creative home for their young stars, who went from pre-teens to adults over the course of eight films released between 2001 and 2011. “I feel like everyone wanted Pot-ter to be more of a handcuff than it actually was,” said the resolutely well-adjusted Radcliffe. “I think Harry Potter is going to be around for a while — a long while — but as long as it doesn’t inhibit me getting parts in the present time, then it’s fine. It’s a lovely association to have, because it’s something I’m incredibly proud of. “People always say, ‘Don’t you just want to forget about it?’ No! That was my entire adolescence.” HOLLYWOOD Wednesday, March 13, 2013 Disney’s ‘Oz’ bewitches box office with $80mn debut Jessica Parker bears the brunt of high heels AP O Z THE Great And The Power-ful clicked with moviegoers. Disney’s 3-D prequel to the classic L Frank Baum tale The Wonderful Wizard of Oz debuted in first place and earned $80.3 million at the weekend box office in the US and Canada and $69.9 million over-seas, according to studio estimates on Sunday. Oz tells the origin of James Fran-co as the wizard with Mila Kunis, Michelle Williams and Rachel Weisz as the trio of witches he encounters after crashing in the mystical realm of Oz. The updated take on Oz, which was directed by original Spider-Man trilogy mastermind Sam Raimi, was a gamble that looks like it will pay off for the Walt Disney Co. The film report-edly cost $200 million and opened a week after Jack the Giant Slayer, another big-budget 3-D extravaganza that reimagines a classic tale, flopped in its opening weekend, debuting with $28 million at the box office. Oz was also golden overseas. The film conjured up $69.9 million from 46 foreign markets, including Russia and the United Kingdom. Oz could fol-low in the footsteps of Disney’s Alice in Wonderland, another costly 3-D film, which opened on the same week-end in 2010 and went on to gross over $1 billion worldwide. “Oz is the shot in the arm that the IANS A CTRESS Sarah Jessica Parker says A movie poster of Oz The Great And The Powerful. industry needed,” said Paul Derga-rabedian, box-office analyst for “We had six consecutive weekends where the box office was down. As a result, we’re at a 12-and-ahalf percent deficit year-to-date on box office revenues versus last year. Not a lot of movies have worked. There have been several underperformers.” In its second weekend, Jack stomped out second place behind Oz with $10 million, dropping 62 percent since its opening weekend. It earned just $4.9 million overseas. Jack, based on the Jack and the Beanstalk fable, was directed by Bryan Singer and stars Nicholas Hoult and Ewan McGregor. The only other new release this weekend, the FilmDistrict revenge drama Dead Man Down starring Colin Farrell and Noomi Rapace, opened in fourth place with $5.3 million. high heel shoes that she wore regularly for more than a decade have damaged her feet. Parker, known for her role as Carrie Bradshaw in hit TV series Sex And The City, wore high heels most of the time and now doctors have asked her to avoid wearing them. “For 10 or so years, I literally ran in heels. I worked 18-hour a day and never took them off. I wore beautiful shoes, some better made than others, and never complained,” online magazine Neta-Porter quoted the actress as saying. “I went to a foot doctor and he said, ‘Your foot does things it shouldn’t be able to do. That bone there... You’ve created that bone. It doesn’t belong there.’ “It’s sad be-cause my feet took me all over the world, but eventually they were like, ‘You know what, we are really tired, can you just stop and don’t put cheap shoes on us?’,” she added. Sarah Jessica Parker SCENE UNSEEN Gomez laughs at ex-beau Bieber SINGER Selena Gomez now laughs at ex-beau Justin Bieber’s immature and crazy behaviour. She also made fun of him when she heard of Bieber threatening a photographer in London earlier this week. “She doesn’t care anymore. Bieber is crazy and she doesn’t want to be his mom anymore. She feels so free and loves hanging out with her girl-friends. He is weird and she doesn’t find his behaviour hot or anything,” Selena Gomez quoted a source as saying. “Gomez wants to date someone who is mature and intelligent. Gomez is doing really well and feels relaxed after dumping Bieber. She finds him to be embarrassing since their breakup. He’s turned into exactly the kind of person she’d never want to be with,” the source added. Adele bonding with Lawrence Rachel Weisz wants to open production company OSCAR-WINNING singer Adele is reportedly bonding a lot with actress Jennifer Lawrence. Lawrence, who won the best actress Oscar for her role in Silver Linings Play-book at the 85th Academy Awards, has been invited by the singer to stay near her house, reports thesun. “Adele’s been hang-ing around with Jennifer Lawrence since the Oscars. Jennifer’s set to come to London later this year to film an X Men movie and Adele’s recommending she move to Notting Hill, where she has a house, a source said. ACTRESS Rachel Weisz would love to open a produc-tion company in future. However, the 43-year-old, who has worked in movies like The Mummy, The Constant Gardener and The Deep Blue Sea, feels she will have to learn how to multitask, reports “I’ve got to figure out how to multitask. But when I’m doing a film or a play, I can’t think about much else apart from my family. But I’d like a production company,” Esquire magazine quoted Weisz as saying. Rachel Weisz Adele BOLLYWOOD Wednesday, March 13, 2013 Dia Mirza Cinema can help bridge cultural gaps, feels Dia IANS B OLLYWOOD actor-producer Dia Mirza believes that since cinema transcends culture and has the power to facilitate better communication, it can be used to empower all individuals. She hopes women will continue to spread their wings across all fields. “Indian women have come a long way. They feature on power lists in the corporate world, they hold highest positions in government, they are emerging as leaders in many fields. There is still much to be done, but I think the fact that we have enough examples of such women indicates that the Indian woman’s presence will continue to grow on the global platform,” Dia said during a recent inter-action. As a working, independent woman herself, the 31-year-old believes she is “inherently” a part of driving social change for females. “If my example can provide direction, a sense of faith and encourage more women to find their independence then I’m on the right path. I take part in many initiatives that encourage women’s leader-ship,” she added. The former Miss Asia-Pacific shared her views during a chat at Times of India Film Awards (TOIFA) on Women’s Day celebration at British Columbia last week. She feels such events can help in bringing positive change. “Cinema as we know draws attention. If this attention can be channelised and used to empower “Cinema as we know draws attention. If this attention can be channelised and used to empower individuals, then it must be done” individuals, then it must be done. I think gender equality and women’s empowerment is topic that needs much attention and I am glad TOIFA is using their platform to highlight pertinent issues,” she said. TOIFA will be held in Vancouver in April. What benefits do you see Bollywood having by bringing TOIFA awards to Vancouver? “The greatest benefit is the exchange of culture. Cinema has no borders and it is one of the most powerful tools of communication and expres-sion. People coming together, celebrating cinema always encourages growth, well-be-ing and elevates the human spirit,” she said. Ungli, Rangeelay keep Neha thrilled IANS N EHA Dhupia has a lot to feel happy about. She has wrapped up shooting for Karan Johar’s production venture Ungli and her first Punjabi film Rangeelay is also ready to hit the screens. Directed by Renzil D’Silva, Ungli, a thriller, also stars Sanjay Dutt, Emraan Hashmi and Ran-deep Hooda. “I am excited. I am looking forward to it. Renzil is a great director. The shooting is pretty much over,” Neha said. “We have shot it in Mumbai.” In her debut Punjabi film Rangeelay, she has teamed up with Jimmy Shergill. “I had to work on it a little bit. My accent wasn’t very great, but Jimmy was like, ‘I think, you should start abusing because that’s when you learn the lan-guage.’” said the 32-year-old. The former Miss India will also host a section at the upcom-ing Times Of India Film Awards in Vancouver and says it will be a great opportunity to promote her film on foreign shores. “We have a large Punjabi audience in Vancouver. I will be talking about the film. It’s great for me,” she said. If that was not enough, Neha has signed her next film with Viacom. “My next film is a comedy with Viacom and I am looking forward to it. I will talk more about it once I sign the contract,” she said. Neha Dhupia Wednesday, March 13, 2013 Freida doesn’t carry Hollywoood baggage: Rajkumar Yadav IANS A CTOR Rajkumar Yadav, who will share screen space with interna-tionally acclaimed Indian actress Freida Pinto in NH10, is quite impressed with his co-star’s down-to-earth attitude and describes her as a wonderful person. Seen in films like Love Sex Aur Dhokha and Kai Po Che!, Rajkumar recently met the actress, who is making her debut in Bollywood with NH10. After the success of Slumdog Million-aire, Freida carved a niche for herself in the international film ciruit and later featured in Woody Allen’s You Will Meet a Tall Dark Stranger and Rupert Wy-att’s Rise of the Planet of the Apes. “I just met Freida, I was very nervous but she made me feel very comfortable. The best part is that she doesn’t come with baggage of being a star in Holly-- wood. She is a wonderful person. I am really looking forward to work with her,” said Rajkumar. The film will start rolling by the end of March. “The film is set in North India and it’s a love story, thriller. We will be undergoing special workshops for the movie soon,” said the actor Director Navdeep Singh’s NH10 is being produced by Udaan fame Vikra-maditya Motwane. Indie pop - the place to look for new talent: Adnan Sami IANS S INGER-COMPOSER Adnan Sami feels that new independent singers and musicians should be encouraged and says Bollywood can find new talent in the Indie pop genre. “The face of today’s Bollywood music is result of independent musicians who were allowed to come in. Composers, including me, are primarily those people who initially started independ-ently,” said Adnan. “Every era has to come to an end and in order to get next generation of composers, there should be someone who you encourage. Who are you giving platform to? It is important to evolve and even Bollywood needs them,” he added. The 43-year-old com-Adnan posed albums like Raag Sami Time, Tera Chehra and Kabhi To Nazar Milao and carved a niche for himself. Later, he entered Bollywood and belted out Gela gela gela, Sun zara and Baatein kuch ankahee si, among others. “Indie pop music is a place for Bollywood to come and shop for the new talent. When this particular phase would come to an end, where will you go shopping? What other system of recruitment will you have?” he ques-tioned. Asked if Bollywood is an ulti-mate dream for any musician, Adnan said: “It may be for some, but if this was the case then independent music would have collapsed by now. “Though independent music has a major disadvantage, it does not have the backing of a film vehicle or a producer. The advantage with Bollywood is that a film’s music is financed by a producer. With independent music, you don’t have anybody spending money apart from record label,” said the singer-composer who recently released an independent album after five years. Freida Pinto SCENE UNSEEN Manisha Koirala likely to return in July ACTRESS Manisha Koirala, who is undergoing treatment in New York for ovarian cancer, will most probably return to India in July, said her manager. “Manisha is recovering well. She is better now. Most probably she will return to India by July. Nothing is decided now, but if things go well, then she might be back in India by July,” said Subroto Ghosh, Manisha’s manager. Known for her roles in Bombay, and Lajja, among others, Manisha, 42, was operated upon in Decem-ber last year in a hospital in New York. She is currently Manisha Koirala undergoing chemotherapy sessions there. The actress, who has also worked in critically ac-claimed films like Dil Se and 1942: A Love Story, made her Bollywood debut with Saudagar in 1991. She was last seen in Ram Gopal Varma’s Bhoot Returns. Paresh Rawal puts on dancing shoes for breakdance in Himmatwala Cinema has become more organised now, says Sridevi VETERAN actor Paresh Rawal, who has shown his acting prowess a number of times, has now put on his dancing shoes for director Sajid Khan’s Himmatwala remake. The 62-year-old, who tickled the audience’s funny bone in movies like Hera Pheri, Golmaal: Fun Unlimited and Bhagam Bhag, agreed to do breakdance on the direc-Paresh Rawal tor’s behest. “It was a comic scene and I wanted him to do some-thing, which he has not done before. So when I asked Paresh to do a breakdance, he started laughing, but agreed to do it. There were no rehearsals because he wanted to be spontaneous,” Khan said in a statement. “He emulated the moves I had conceived and tried his level best to be funny and get them correct. Eventu-ally he got them right, but that was one of the most challenging scenes to shoot,” he added. Himmatwala, a remake of Jeetendra and Sridevistarrer 1983 movie, stars Ajay Devgn and Tamanna. It is slated to release on March 29. SRIDEVI, the reigning queen of the 1980s and 1990s who made a comeback with English Vinglish after 15 years, finds filmdom a lot more organised now. “Cinema has changed for good. Every department has people and it has become well organised,” said Sridevi, who is married to producer Boney Kapoor. The 49-year-old has been part of blockbuster movies Sridevi like Chaalbaaz and Mr India. She feels that the interaction between celebrities and media has also grown. “Earlier, it was totally different because there were only a few magazines and you would just talk about the films if at all you were working in any at that time. The promotions have also become so lavish now,” she said. The actress is still in the process of reading scripts. Sridevi says her daughters Jhanvi and Khushi show a lot of interest in her career. “They discuss about my films, but they don’t discuss their careers in films,” she said. FASHION Wednesday, March 13, 2013 This is decidedly bad fashion form, a clear demerit...But it’s interesting to me that these are the collections, among others, that the mavens are craving A looser, comfy fit is flavour of the season W NYT SYNDICATE HEN designers talk about clothes with “raw emotion,” “desire” and “happiness,” as they have since the fall shows began a month ago, you wonder what they mean. Certainly the relaxed shapes at Stella McCartney on Monday – or at Celine, Prada and Marc Jacobs – come as a happy surprise. They are not only beautiful, they are comfortable as well. But isn’t comfort often associated with food and home? Could the message in the roomier coats, formless sweaters and the exquisitely refined slob appeal of Miuccia Prada’s undone tweeds be: Eat, enjoy! And, while you’re at it, pass the potatoes. This is decidedly bad fashion form, a clear demerit, and I’m sure I’ve missed some higher point about the virtue of an expandable waistband. But it’s interesting to me that these are the collections, among others, that the mavens are craving. Phoebe Philo’s fluttery skirts at Celine had everyone at her show in a swoon of desire, but I thought it remarkable that Philo had engineered the skirts (and their tops) in knits – rayon, silk or wool boucle – and without a waistband or a zipper. You just slip them on, not unlike your sweat pants. (I’ve been told by a Celine production manager that the skirts, which will retail for about $1,350 in silk or rayon, will retain their shape.) To be sure, Philo and her team that worked with an Italian mill to develop the knit, get technical bonus points for resolving the problem of a classically feminine style. In a woven fabric, it would have looked like nothing special, or new. But fashion that is life-enhancing, as much as figure-flattering, is surely something Philo cares about. So does McCartney. She and her mostly female design team have a com-pletely unfettered approach that keeps her brand distinctive. For fall she shifts the mood away from the feminine prints and sinewy cocktail dresses of recent seasons toward pinstripes and dark flannels, a haberdasher’s dream – ex-cept everything is a little off-kilter. Lapels are exaggerated or displaced, and some looks have a swag of fabric at the side that kicks out. But despite the appearance of structure, reinforced by the pinstripes, the clothes move dy-namically over the body. There’s also an amusing sense that McCartney’s women have occupied men’s tailoring on their terms. If they want a looser fit, then so be it. Also strong were long knockaround dresses in gray knit with deep black lace hems and some roomy silk separates in a scarred wallpaper print. McCartney had lots of colour in her prefall line, but she might have given more to the runway. The latest addition to Giambattista Valli’s ‘60s shifts and cocktail chiffon are chic parkas, mostly in creamy white. And moccasins! Chloe looked plenty comfortable, too, with its many uni-formlike capes, duffle coats and jump-ers, but it needed to break out of the girls’ school. In their explicitness, Ric-cardo Tisci’s clothes for Givenchy can often make people feel uncomfortable, and I like that. We can stand to be discomfited. But in the largest sense, this very soulful collection was about home, returning to the influences of Tisci’s career, like religious symbolism and subcultures. But now he has a much firmer grip on the parts. He knows what he wants. And that was coolly, if not brilliantly, conveyed in new versions of his influential sweatshirts, and dark romantic paisleys interrupted by half-undone corsets taken from the torso of a biker’s jacket. FOOD Wednesday, March 13, 2013 Cooking cassoulet the American way Y NYT SYNDICATE OU need cold weather for cassoulet, that rustic, earthy and not-exactly-light slow-cooked indulgence. I make it at least once every winter, usually in February, when spring is still weeks away. Cassoulet is an extremely particular kind of baked-bean dish, one accompa-nied by a lot of lore, legend and strong opinion. Once you have decided whose recipe to trust, there is work ahead of you. To make a proper cassoulet is a la-bour of love (several days’ worth, in fact). A truly proper cassoulet is a conglom-eration of specific ingredients. There are, of course, the all-important beans, frequently flageolets, unless you adhere to the school that wouldn’t consider us-ing anything but Tarbais beans. Both are French varieties, and each has its own character. Flageolets, with their beautiful celadon green hue, have a nutty vegetal flavour, and remain firm and distinct even after hours of cooking. Tarbais beans, on the other hand, are off-white and are extremely creamy when cooked. Either is a fine choice. I am just as inclined to use (horrors!) another type of bean, perhaps cannellini, or the common round Great Northern. But there are so many other types of dried heirloom beans available, I might well choose one of those. I have been accused and found guilty not only of making cassoulet with lentils, but also of taking other liberties of which my French friends would not approve. They would also be a bit shocked to find braised turkey in my cassoulet, but I am all for improvisation. In Southwest-ern France, the only kind of bird used in cassoulet is duck or goose confit. Duck fat or goose fat is deemed essential there, too. For my ad-lib cassoulet, turkey leg adds a similar depth of flavour, and I use a combination of olive oil, butter and meat fat (duck fat would be welcome, though). Undeniably, making cassoulet requires a good deal of patience. The beans must cook slowly for their initial simmering, so they keep their shape. Braising the meat takes time, too. And once the various ingredients are assem-bled, they must be baked slowly as well. The cassoulet must be nursed along, with the right amount of broth added to keep it juicy, and the bread-crumb top-ping must be allowed to gain its golden brown colour in a leisurely way. The rationale is simple: Slow cooking allows the flavours to deepen and mingle, so the beans, meat, thyme and garlic can sing in unison. Ad-lib turkey Cassoulet Time: About 4 hours, plus overnight soaking Yield: 6 to 8 servings Ingredients For the beans: 1 pound flageolets or cannellini beans 1 small onion, halved, peeled and stuck with 2 cloves 1 bay leaf Salt For the cassoulet: 2 turkey legs (drumstick and thigh), about 1 1/2 pounds each Salt and pepper About 8 cups hot chicken, turkey or bean broth 2 tablespoons butter, plus 2 table-spoons melted 1 large onion, diced Pinch cayenne 2 tablespoons chopped thyme 6 garlic cloves, minced 1 bunch small carrots, peeled, cut in 2-inch chunks 1/2 pound slab bacon, cut into 1/4inch lardons, simmered for 2 minutes in water and drained 1/2 pound smoked garlic sausage, cut into 1/2inch slices 2 cups coarse dry bread crumbs 2 tablespoons olive oil 2 tablespoons chopped parsley Method 1. The day before assembling the cassoulet, season turkey legs generously with salt and pepper, then wrap and re-frigerate overnight. Pick over beans and give them a rinse. Soak beans in a large bowl of cold water overnight. 2. The next day, drain beans and put them in a large pot. Pour in fresh water to cover beans by 3 inches. Add small onion stuck with cloves and bay leaf. Bring to a boil over high heat, then lower to a simmer. Cook gently for 60 to 90 minutes, until tender. Add 2 teaspoons salt and stir with a wooden spoon to distribute. Let beans cool in the cook-ing liquid. (Beans may be cooked up to 2 days ahead and kept refrigerated in their liquid.) Drain beans in a colander set over a bowl. Reserve and use broth if you wish. 3. Meanwhile, bring turkey legs to room temperature and heat oven to 400 degrees. Put legs in a roasting pan and cook, uncovered, until nicely browned, about 30 minutes. Reduce heat to 375. Add 3 cups hot broth to pan, then cover tightly and bake for 1 hour, or until meat is very tender. Remove legs from pan and let cool, reserving pan juices. Take off skin and gristle and remove bones (save these for stock), then tear or cut turkey meat into rough wide strips. Set aside. 4. Melt 2 tablespoons butter in a wide, heavy soup pot over medium-high heat. Add diced onion and season gener-ously with salt and pepper. Let onions soften and colour a bit, stirring, then add cayenne, 1 tablespoon thyme and 3 cloves minced garlic. Add carrots and stir to coat. Add reserved pan juices plus 2 cups hot broth, turn down heat, and simmer until carrots are cooked but still firm, about 10 minutes. Add beans and gently mix with onion and carrot. Add turkey and bacon. Let simmer for 10 minutes more, adding broth as needed to keep beans a bit soupy, but not drowning. Taste broth and beans and adjust seasoning. 5. Transfer bean mixture to a low, wide 3-quart baking dish. Arrange garlic sausage evenly over surface, then push down to bury each slice. Put bread crumbs in a small bowl and add olive oil and the 2 tablespoons melted butter. Add remaining thyme and garlic, and the parsley. Season with salt and pepper, and mix well with hands. 6. Sprinkle crumb mixture over beans in an even layer. Push down on crumbs so they absorb some of the liquid. Care-fully add more broth around edges of pan to make sure beans are well mois-tened. Cover tightly with foil and bake for 1 hour at 350 degrees. Remove foil and bake uncovered until bread crumbs are crisped and brown, about 30 min-utes. Let dish rest for 15 minutes, then serve, making sure everyone gets some crust. (May be prepared 1 or 2 days ahead and refrigerated. To reheat, bring to room temperature, moisten with hot broth and bake as directed above.) Wednesday, March 13, 2013 WHEELS The Range Rover's Automatic mode lets the computer choose throttle, transmission, differential locking, and hill-descent control operation strategies based solely on the input from myriad sensors Serene Survivalist NYT SYNDICATE J UST as Hurricane Sandy was ravaging Ameri-ca’s East Coast, a separate freak storm was lash-ing Morocco on the diagonally opposite African shores of the Atlantic Ocean with horizontal rains strong enough to provoke flash flooding and wreak havoc on the arid coastal roadways. Such weather would surely spell disaster for most new vehicle launch programmes, but it merely heightened the experi-ence of our first drive in Land Rover’s all-new, all-alumi-num Range Rover. After dashing to the test vehicles and plodding through growing puddles from the kite-surfing paradise of Essaouira to an area of coastal sand dunes, we get our first taste of the new Terrain Response 2 system. Its op-tional Automatic mode lets the computer choose throt-tle, transmission, differential locking, and hill-descent control (HDC) operation strategies based solely on the input from myriad sensors. For climbing these sodden dunes, we engage low range and raise the air suspension by 3 inches to its Off-Road mode. We also engage Sand mode to sharpen throttle response, disable HDC, and automatically lock the centre and rear differentials at rest for maximum breakaway traction. Because its 39-percent-lighter aluminum body-shell contributes to a total weight savings of about 700 pounds, there’s less Rover to haul up these impressive dunes, and closer gear spacing in the ZF eight-speed automatic makes the job even easier for the largely carryover engines. Both dash displays can show the off-road info panel, which indicates percent lock of the differentials, and peripherally monitoring their progres-sion from green to orange provides a useful indication of changing grip conditions. The sand grip afforded by the closely spaced tread blocks on the Goodyear Eagle F1 AT (all-terrain) tyres is amazing at a reduced tire pressure of 25 psi. After an hour or more in the soggy sandbox, the terrain turns to shale and rock. The hardy Land Rover technicians braving the elements air our tyres up to 38 psi for this stretch, and I depress the Terrain Response 2 knob to engage Automatic mode. Now HDC is operating and the speedo is shaded green for 20 mph, the relevant range for rock crawling. Following my spotters’ direc-tions, the Rover tiptoes up and down impossible-looking rocky paths with the surefootedness of a Himalayan tahr. Ground clearance and approach-departure angles are improved to 11.7 inches and 34.5/29.5 degrees, and a smooth, flush underbelly provides nothing for a rock to snag on. Former gullies have become raging rivers, but the new Rover’s intake system now has a wading depth of just under 3 feet—7.9 inches deeper than before. With CNN footage of knee- and hip-deep roadways back home still fresh in my mind, this suddenly seems the new Rov-er’s most pertinent advance. My passenger and I are well coddled in the guilt-in-ducing comfort of our Autobiography model ($130,950 to start), swathed in twin-needle-stitched semi-aniline leather accented by carbon-fibre trim, listening to 1,700 watts of Meridian audio through 29 speakers (a $4,450 option). Our guilt comes from looking out at our wa-terlogged hosts and imagining how our friends on the northeast coast could better utilise the 3-foot-deep wad-ing and interior comfort we’re enjoying in Morocco. Eventually we hit the toll road toward Marrakech and marvel at the utter lack of road noise coming from tires that were slinging sand so effectively just hours ago. The combination of a 0.35 drag coefficient (0.36 on S/C models) and nearly flush acoustically laminated side glass and windshield delivers library quiet at 70 mph. An Evoque-like touch-screen makes do with half as many buttons as before, and its screen gives my passenger the option of watching a movie while I see the nav screen. Rear riders get 4.7 inches of added legroom and electri-cally reclining heated and cooled seats (Autobiography model). The Rover tops out at 155 mph on 22-inch tyres, but our more off-road-oriented ones are limited to 130. The slipperier, lighter bodywork and eight-speed automatic improve fuel economy (and range) by 7-15 percent. Traffic in suburban Marrakech affords a chance to sample the active cruise control’s new traffic-jam stop-and-go capability, which scares me into hitting the brakes myself once. The next morning, our plan to scale the highest pass in the Atlas Mountains is thwarted by washed-out roads, so we set out instead on a one-lane, two-direc-tion gravel ledge hogged out of the mountainside. The “kerb view” mirror camera affords a dramatic view of the unguarded drop-off. Today I also sample a naturally aspirated HSE model, which feels like less of perform-ance downgrade than before, thanks to the eightspeed’s closer gearing, and the new variable intake’s broadening of the torque curve. Our run back down the mountain on tarmac provides the trip’s only real opportunity to assess on-road han-dling, and the revised suspension geometry reduces roll even without the new Dynamic Response active anti-roll bar system that comes only on supercharged models. Electric-assist steering feels linear and responsive if isolated, but such isolation can prevent broken thumbs when rock crawling. Both engines feel so much more lively that most drivers may not find the S/C worth the $11,450 premium. Morocco never used to see three days of hard rain in October, and storms like Sandy were incredibly rare, but we’re warned that climate change will make weather increasingly harsh and unpredictable. Buyers of highend SUVs may never venture into the wilderness, but if Mother Nature is increasingly likely to make our roads into off-road adventures, maybe the go-everywhere Range Rover makes more sense than it used to. Tuesday, March 12, 2013 Best on TV Tonight 8:00 pm CNN International: INTERNATIONAL DESK 7:35 pm Disney Channel: GOOD LUCK CHARLIE 7:00 pm MBC 4: THE DOCTORS TV Prime Time Guide 7:00 pm A.N.T FARM WORLD SPORT 7:30 pm THE DOCTORS CITY CENTRE RACES GOOD LUCK CHARLIE CITY CENTRE RACES JESSIE NRL FULL TIME NEWS SPECIAL 8:00 pm 8:30 pm INTERNATIONAL DESK EZEL THAT'S SO RAVEN CNN INTERNATIONAL DISNEY CHANNEL MBC 4 TRANS WORLD SPORT OSN SPORTS 3 Television Listing AL JAZEERA 05:00 NEWSHOUR 06:00 News 06:30 People & Power 07:00 News 07:30 The Stream 08:00 News 08:30 News 09:00 Al Jazeera World 10:00 News 10:30 Inside Story 11:00 News 11:30 The Stream 12:00 News 12:30 Witness 13:00 NEWSHOUR 14:00 News 14:30 Inside Story 15:00 Revolution Through Arab Eyes 16:00 NEWSHOUR 17:00 News 17:30 The Stream 18:00 NEWSHOUR 19:00 News 19:30 Earthrise 20:00 News 20:30 Inside Story 21:00 NEWSHOUR 22:00 News 22:30 The Stream 23:00 Al Jazeera World 00:00 NEWSHOUR 01:00 News 01:30 Football Rebels 02:00 NEWSHOUR 03:00 News 03:30 Inside Story 04:00 Revolution Through Arab Eyes ANIMAL PLANET 05:20 Escape To Chimp Eden 05:45 Animal Precinct 06:35 The Really Wild Show 07:00 Dogs 101 07:50 Crocodile Hunter 08:40 Too Cute! 09:35 Monkey Life 10:05 Bondi Vet 10:30 Rescue Vet 11:00 Escape To Chimp Eden 11:25 Wildest Africa 12:20 Ned Bruha: Skunk Whisperer 12:50 13:15 14:10 15:05 16:00 16:30 17:25 17:50 18:20 19:15 19:40 20:10 20:35 21:05 22:00 23:50 00:45 01:35 02:25 03:15 04:55 Baboons With Bill Bailey My Cat From Hell Animal Cops Houston Animal Precinct The Really Wild Show Dogs 101 Jeff Corwin Unleashed Jeff Corwin Unleashed My Cat From Hell Monkey Life Bondi Vet Shamwari: A Wild Life Escape To Chimp Eden Wildest Africa Glory Hounds Animal Cops Houston Killer Sharks: The Attacks Of Black... Untamed & Uncut Wildest Africa Glory Hounds Shamwari: A Wild Life BBC LIFESTYLE 05:35 Bargain Hunt 06:20 Bargain Hunt 07:10 James Martin's Brittany 07:35 James Martin's Brittany 08:00 The Hairy Bikers USA 08:25 Celebrity Fantasy Homes 09:15 Homes Under The Hammer 10:05 Bargain Hunt 10:50 Antiques Roadshow 11:40 Extreme Makeover: Home Edition 12:25 MasterChef 12:55 Come Dine With Me: South Africa 13:50 Perfect Day 14:20 Perfect Day 14:50 Holmes On Homes 15:40 Bargain Hunt 16:25 Antiques Roadshow 17:15 Extreme Makeover: Home Edition 18:00 Homes Under The Hammer 18:50 The Hairy Bikers USA 19:20 Baking Made Easy 19:50 Rhodes Across The Caribbean 20:35 Come Dine With Me 21:30 Celebrity Fantasy Homes 22:20 Antiques Roadshow 23:15 Bargain Hunt 00:00 Homes Under The Hammer 00:50 Extreme Makeover: Home Edition 01:35 Come Dine With Me 02:25 Holmes On Homes 03:15 MasterChef 03:45 Celebrity Fantasy Homes 04:35 Bargain Hunt BOOMERANG 05:20 Tom & Jerry 05:45 The Garfield Show 06:00 Bananas In Pyjamas 06:25 Gerald McBoing Boing 06:45 Jelly Jamm 07:00 Ha Ha Hairies 07:25 Bananas In Pyjamas 07:50 Lazytown 08:15 Krypto: The Super Dog 08:40 Jelly Jamm 09:05 Gerald McBoing Boing 09:30 Cartoonito Tales 09:55 Bananas In Pyjamas 10:20 Ha Ha Hairies 10:45 Lazytown 11:10 Krypto: The Super Dog 11:35 Baby Looney Tunes 12:00 Jelly Jamm 12:25 Gerald McBoing Boing 12:50 Cartoonito Tales 13:15 Krypto: The Super Dog 13:40 Lazytown 14:00 A Pup Named Scooby-Doo 14:25 Tom And Jerry Tales 14:50 Sylvester & Tweety Mysteries 15:20 Johnny Bravo 15:45 Tiny Toons 16:10 13 Ghosts Of Scooby-Doo 16:35 The Garfield Show 17:00 What's New Scooby-Doo? 17:25 Sylvester & Tweety Mysteries 17:50 Tom And Jerry Tales 18:15 The Looney Tunes Show 18:40 Tiny Toons 19:05 13 Ghosts Of Scooby-Doo 19:30 Scooby Doo And The Witch's Ghost 20:45 Moomins 21:10 Dexters Laboratory 21:20 Johnny Bravo 21:35 Puppy In My Pocket 22:00 The Garfield Show 22:25 What's New Scooby-Doo? 22:50 Sylvester & Tweety Mysteries 23:15 Tom & Jerry Tales 23:40 The Looney Tunes Show 00:05 Taz-Mania 00:30 Pink Panther And Pals 00:55 Moomins 01:20 Tom & Jerry Kids 01:45 A Pup Named Scooby-Doo 02:10 Puppy In My Pocket 02:35 Wacky Races 03:00 Looney Tunes 03:25 Duck Dodgers 03:50 Dastardly And Muttley 04:00 Dexter's Laboratory 04:30 Wacky Races 04:55 Sylvester & Tweety Mysteries CNN INTERNATIONAL 05:00 Quest Means Business 06:00 The Situation Room 07:00 World Sport 07:30 African Voices 08:00 World Report 09:00 World Report 10:00 World Sport 10:30 Talk Asia 11:00 World Business Today 12:00 World One 12:30 News Special 13:00 Amanpour 13:30 CNN Newscenter 14:00 Piers Morgan Tonight 15:00 News Stream 16:00 World Business Today 17:00 International Desk 18:00 Global Exchange 19:00 World Sport 19:30 News Special 20:00 International Desk 21:00 Quest Means Business 22:00 Amanpour 22:30 CNN Newscenter 23:00 Connect The World With Becky Anderson 00:00 Amanpour 00:30 World Sport 01:00 Piers Morgan Tonight 02:00 World Report 02:30 World Sport 03:00 Anderson Cooper 360 04:00 Piers Morgan Tonight CRIME & INVESTIGATION 05:00 John Wayne Gacy 06:00 Crime Central 07:00 Crime Stories 08:00 Crime Town USA 09:00 Crime Central 10:00 Crime Stories 12:00 Beyond Scared Straight 13:00 Forensic Evidence 14:00 Curious & Unusual Deaths 15:00 Crimes That Shook Britain 16:00 Beyond Scared Straight 17:00 Snapped: Women Who Kill 18:00 Crime Stories 20:00 Crime Central 21:00 Snapped: Women Who Kill 22:00 Nightmare In Suburbia 23:00 Britain's Darkest Taboos Wednesday, March 13, 2013 Best on TV Tonight 10:30 pm E!: E! NEWS 8:30 pm Fox Movies: DEATH PROOF 7:30 pm MBC Max: DISASTER MOVIE Television Listing 17:00 18:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 00:00 01:00 02:00 03:00 04:00 Snapped: Women Who Kill Crime Stories Crime Central Snapped: Women Who Kill Nightmare In Suburbia Paranormal State Psychic Detectives Snapped: Women Who Kill Jerome Brudos: The Lust Killer Paranormal State Psychic Detectives DISCOVERY CHANNEL 05:15 Factory Line 05:40 How Stuff's Made 06:05 Sons Of Guns 07:00 Mythbusters 07:50 Ultimate Survival 08:45 Wheeler Dealers 09:40 Border Security 10:05 Auction Kings 10:30 Auction Hunters 10:55 Factory Line 11:25 How It's Made 11:50 Outback Truckers 12:45 Driven To Extremes 13:40 Finding Bigfoot 14:35 Border Security 15:05 Auction Kings 15:30 Auction Hunters 16:00 Unchained Reaction 16:55 Wheeler Dealers 17:50 Mythbusters 18:45 Sons Of Guns 19:40 How Do They Do It? 20:05 How It's Made 20:35 Auction Kings 21:00 Auction Hunters 21:30 James May's Man Lab 22:25 Superhuman Showdown 23:20 Mythbusters 00:15 James May's Man Lab 01:10 Superhuman Showdown 02:05 Mythbusters 03:00 Mythbusters 03:55 How Stuff's Made 04:20 Auction Kings 04:50 Auction Hunters DISNEY CHANNEL 05:10 Emperor's New School 05:35 Brandy & Mr Whiskers 06:00 Fish Hooks 06:15 Suite Life On Deck 06:40 My Babysitter's A Vampire 07:05 A.N.T. Farm 07:30 Austin And Ally 07:55 Jessie 08:20 Good Luck Charlie 08:45 Doc McStuffins 09:10 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse 09:35 A.N.T Farm 10:00 Jonas Los Angeles 10:25 So Random 10:50 Hannah Montana 11:15 Sonny With A Chance 11:40 Kim Possible 12:05 Shake It Up 12:30 Wizards Of Waverly Place 12:55 13:20 13:45 14:10 14:35 15:00 15:25 15:50 17:00 17:30 17:55 18:20 18:45 19:10 19:35 20:00 20:30 20:50 21:15 21:40 22:05 22:55 23:45 00:35 01:25 02:15 03:05 03:55 04:45 That's So Raven Austin And Ally Art Attack A.N.T Farm Suite Life On Deck My Babysitter's A Vampire Shake It Up Jessie Good Luck Charlie Gravity Falls Suite Life On Deck Austin And Ally My Babysitter's A Vampire A.N.T Farm Good Luck Charlie Jessie That's So Raven Cory In The House Phil Of The Future Hannah Montana Good Luck Charlie Wizards Of Waverly Place Hannah Montana Brandy & Mr Whiskers Replacements Emperor's New School Brandy & Mr Whiskers Replacements Emperor's New School E! ENTERTAINMENT 05:05 E!es 06:00 THS 07:50 Style Star 08:20 Opening Act 10:15 THS 12:05 Khloe And Lamar 13:05 Married To Jonas 14:05 Kourtney & Kim Take New York 15:00 Style Star 15:30 THS 16:30 Extreme Close-Up 17:00 Giuliana & Bill 18:00 E! News 19:00 Fashion Police 20:00 E!es 21:00 Keeping Up With The Kardashians 22:00 E! News Special 22:30 E! 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Kuch Khatti Kuch Meethi Kyaa Hua Tera Vaada Bade Ache Lagte Hai Darr Anamika Kuch Toh Log Kahenge Amita Ka Amit Hongey Judaa Na Hum Parvarish - Kuch Khatti Kuch Meethi Kyaa Hua Tera Vaada Bade Ache Lagte Hai Dil Ki Nazar Se Khoobsurat Anamika Amita Ka Amit Parvarish - Kuch Khatti Kuch Meethi Kyaa Hua Tera Vaada Bade Ache Lagte Hai Kuch Toh Log Kahenge Dil Ki Nazar Se Khoobsurat Anamika Amita Ka Amit Parvarish - Kuch Khatti Kuch Meethi Kyaa Hua Tera Vaada Bade Ache Lagte Hai Adalat STAR MOVIES 06:30 Beaches 08:15 Disorganized Crime 10:00 Hidalgo 11:45 Deceived 13:30 Clash 15:00 Tristan & Isolde 16:45 Beaches 18:30 Bringing Out the Dead 20:00 Pirates Of The Caribbean II 21:45 Renaissance Man 23:30 The Last Shot 01:15 Clash 03:00 Renaissance Man 04:45 Pirates Of The Caribbean II TCM 05:20 06:40 08:00 09:30 12:00 14:30 16:15 18:00 19:45 21:40 23:00 00:30 02:25 04:00 Red Dust The Public Enemy The Devil Makes Three East Side, West Side Rebel Without A Cause Lovely To Look At Show Boat The Wreck Of The Mary Deare Please Don't Eat The Daisies Village Of The Damned Point Blank Get Carter Rich, Young And Pretty Village Of The Damned THE HISTORY CHANNEL 05:00 Mud Men 06:00 Pawn Stars 06:30 07:00 08:00 08:30 09:00 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 13:00 13:30 14:00 15:00 15:30 16:00 17:00 17:30 18:00 19:00 19:30 20:00 21:00 21:30 22:00 00:00 01:00 01:30 02:00 04:00 American Restoration Ancient Aliens Pawn Stars Storage Wars Seeking Salvage Pawn Stars American Restoration Pawn Stars Storage Wars Ancient Aliens Storage Wars Storage Wars Texas American Pickers Pawn Stars American Restoration Seeking Salvage Storage Wars Storage Wars Texas American Pickers Pawn Stars American Restoration Seeking Salvage Pawn Stars Storage Wars Ancient Aliens Grave Trade Pawn Stars Storage Wars Ancient Aliens Grave Trade THE STYLE NETWORK 05:15 Glam Fairy 06:10 Chicagolicious 07:05 Clean House: New York 08:00 Videofashion News 09:00 Videofashion Daily 10:00 Open House 10:30 Big Boutique In The City 11:00 Top 10 11:55 Giuliana & Bill 12:55 Tia And Tamera 13:50 Videofashion News 14:20 Videofashion Collections 14:50 Dress My Nest 15:45 How Do I Look? 17:35 Clean House 19:25 Chicagolicious 21:20 Tia And Tamera 22:15 Tia And Tamera 23:10 Empire Girls: Julissa And Adrienne 00:05 Fashion Police 01:00 Chicagolicious 02:00 Videofashion News 02:25 Videofashion Collections 02:55 Big Rich Texas 03:50 Big Boutique In The City 04:20 Jerseylicious ZEE AFLAM 06:30 Sansar 09:30 Prem 12:30 One Two Three 16:00 Love Aaj Kal 19:00 Pyaar Ishq Aur Mohabbat 22:00 Ten On Ten 22:30 Kasoor 01:00 Dhoom 03:45 Aparichit - The Stranger Wednesday, March 13, 2013 Beetle Bailey Blondie Popeye For Subscriptions Contact us at: Phone: 44666810 Fax: 44654975 Post Box No: 23493 Email: [email protected] Spiderman Learn Arabic Yawmeyyan Daily Shahreyyan Monthly Sanaweyyan Zits Yearly Ash-shetaa Winter Ar-rabeea Spring As-sayf Summer Hoy en la Historia March 13, 1992 The newspaper Pravda ceased publication after a decree by Russian President Boris Yeltsin shut down the Communist Party and seized all of its property 1781: William Herschel detected the planet Uranus in the night sky but thought it was a comet 1877: A teenager who used fur pads on a wire frame when skating, got the first U.S. patent for earmuffs 1926: The first commercial air route across Africa, from London to Cape Town, was established 2001: As foot-and-mouth disease spread from Britain to Europe, the U.S. and Canada banned imports Picture: Getty Images © GRAPHIC NEWS Wednesday, March 13, 2013 SUDOKU Yesterday’s Answer Star Talk By King Features Syndicate, Inc. ARIES [mar 21 – apr 19] TAURUS [apr 20 – may 20] GEMINI [may 21 – jun 20] CANCER [jun 21 - jul 22] LEO [jul 23 – aug 22] VIRGO [aug 23 – sept 22] Be very careful today; you may be quick to lose your temper since you feel quite emotional about something. But whatever you do will just be a detour. Cool your jets. This is a loosey-goosey day, and you know it is because you feel it. Use this energy for creative, playful fun. Avoid important decisions, especially major expenditures. You’ll enjoy schmoozing with others today, especially female acquaintances. Quite likely, someone has a surprise for you. Be prepared. Even though you might be caught off guard dealing with authority figures recently, don’t try to patch anything up today. Things are too unpredictable and loosey-goosey. Travel plans are full of cancellations, delays and surprises. Just accept this. This same level of uncertainty applies to higher education, publishing, medicine and the law. Do not agree to important decisions about shared property, insurance matters or inheritances. This is a poor day to sign important documents. LIBRA [sept 23 – oct 22] SCORPIO [oct 23 – nov 21] SAGITTARIUS [nov 22 – dec 21] CAPRICORN [dec 22 – jan 19] AQUARIUS [jan 20 – feb 18] Pisces [feb 19 – mar 20] Although this is a poor day to do business, it can be a fun day for just goofing around and enjoying the company of others, especially partners and close friends. Take it easy. Don’t push yourself with respect to being super-productive at work, because it isn’t going to happen. Too many loose ends. Just cope as best you can. This is a wonderfully creative day! It’s also a fun day for playful activities with children, sports events and the arts. Surprise romance will flourish for some of you. Although this is a good day to entertain at home, some surprises might take place. Small appliances could break down, or minor breakages could occur. Unexpected company might drop by. Guard against knee-jerk reactions today regarding how you do things and even how you speak. Take an extra moment to give everything a sober second thought. Avoid major expenditures today. Only spend money on food. If you have moneymaking ideas, write them down and just think about them -- don’t act. This is a creative day, but not very practical. MOVIES IN QATAR Wednesday, March 13, 2013 Oz Great And Powerful (Adventure) A small-time magician arrives in an enchanted land and is forced to decide if he will be a good man or a great one. Playback (Horror) A cop investigates the case of a missing local teen, though he discovers a dark secret that has been unleashed in his town, and an evil spirit that will stop at nothing to find its heir. CITY CENTRE CINEMA OZ THE GREAT & POWERFUL (ADVENTURE): 12.45 PM, 3.30 PM, 6.15 PM, 9 PM, 11.45 PM. (3D): 11.45 AM, 2.30 PM, 5.15 PM, 8 PM, 10.45 PM. [VIP GOLD] 12.15 PM, 3 PM, 5.45 PM, 8.30 PM, 11.15 PM VEHICLE 19 (THRILLER): 11 AM, 1 PM, 3 PM, 5 PM, 7 PM, 9 PM, 11 PM PLAYBACK (HORROR): 11.30 AM, 1.30 PM, 3.30 PM, 5.30 PM, 7.30 PM, 9.30 PM, 11.30 PM TAKE THIS WALTZ (COMEDY): 11 AM, 1.15 PM, 5.30 PM, 9.45 PM AL HAFLA (ARABIC): 12.30 PM, 2.45 PM, 5 PM, 7.15 PM, 9.30 PM, 11.45 PM A MOMENT IN TIME (FILIPINO): 11.45 AM, 2 PM, 4.15 PM, 6.30 PM, 8.45 PM, 11 PM PARKER (ACTION): 11 AM, 1.30 PM, 4 PM, 6.30 PM, 9 PM, 11.30 PM. IDENTITY THIEF (COMEDY): 10.30 PM, 12.45 PM, 3 PM, 5.15 PM, 7.30 PM, 9.45 PM, 12 MN. SNITCH (ACTION): 12 PM, 2.15 PM, 4.30 PM, 6.45 PM, 9 PM, 11.15 PM DIE HARD 5 (ACTION): 11 AM, 1 PM, 3 PM, 5 PM, 7 PM, 9 PM, 11 PM TOP CAT (3D) (ANIMATION): 12 PM, 2 PM, 4 PM SILENT HILL: REVELATION (3D) (HORROR): 6 PM, 8 PM, 10 PM, 12 PM MAMA (HORROR): 3.30 PM, 7.45 PM, 12 PM SAHEB BIWI AUR GANGSTER RETURN (HINDI): 11 AM, 2 PM, 5 PM, 8 PM, 11 PM VILLAGGIO CINEMA LANDMARK CINEMA MALL CINEMA OZ THE GREAT & POWERFUL (ADVENTURE): 1 PM, 3.45 PM, 6.30 PM, 9.15 PM, 12 MN, 1 AM (3D): 12 PM, 2.45 PM, 5.30 PM, 8.15 PM, 11 PM VEHICLE 19 (THRILLER): 11 AM, 1 PM, 3 PM, 5 PM, 7 PM, 9 PM, 11 PM PLAYBACK (HORROR): 10.30 PM, 12.45 PM, 3 PM, 5.15 PM, 7.30 PM, 9.45 PM, 12 MN TAKE THIS WALTZ (COMEDY): 12 PM, 4.45 PM, 9.30 PM AL HAFLA (ARABIC): 12 PM, 2.15 PM, 4.30 PM, 6.45 PM, 9 PM, 11.15 PM PARKER (ACTION): 11.30 PM, 2 PM, 4.30 PM, 7 PM, 9.30 PM, 12 MN IDENTITY THIEF (COMEDY): 11.15 PM, 1.45 PM, 4.15 PM, 6.45 PM, 9.15 PM, 11.45 PM SNITCH (ACTION): 12.15 PM, 2.30 PM, 4.45 PM, 7 PM, 9.15 PM, 11.30 PM DIE HARD 5 (ACTION): 5.30 PM, 7.30 PM, 9.30 PM, 11.30 PM TOP CAT (3D) (ANIMATION): 11.45 AM, 1.45 PM, 3.45 PM SILENT HILL: REVELATION (3D) (HORROR): 5.45 PM, 7.45 PM, 9.45 PM, 11.45 PM MAMA (HORROR): 12 PM, 2 PM, 4 PM, 6 PM, 8 PM, 10 PM, 12 MN SNOWFLAKE (ANIMATION): 11.30 AM, 1.30 PM, 3.30 PM BROKEN CITY (ACTION): 10.30 PM, 2.45 PM, 7 PM, 11.15 PM ALA GOSETY (ARABIC): 12.30 PM, 4.45 PM, 9 PM BEAUTIFUL CREATURES (ROMANTIC): 2.15 PM, 7 PM, 11.45 PM AL HAFLA (ARABIC): 2.30 PM, 7.30 PM, 9.30 PM PARKER (ACTION): 5 PM PLAY BACK (HORROR): 11.30 PM TOP CAT: THE MOVIE (3D) (ANIMATION): 2.30 PM OZ: THE GREAT & POWERFUL (3D) (ADVENTURE): 4.15 PM, 6.45 PM, 9.15 PM VEHICLE 19 (THRILLER): 3 PM, 11.30 PM SAHEB BIWI AUR GANGSTER RETURNS (HINDI): 5 PM, 8 PM THE ATTACKS OF 26/11 (HINDI): 11 PM MEGAMIND (ANIMATION): 2.30 PM, 4.30 PM DESPICABLE ME (ANIMATION): 6.30 PM MELANCHOLIA (DRAMA): 8.30 PM JACK REACHER (ACTION): 11 PM OZ: THE GREAT & POWERFUL (3D) (ANIMATION): 2.30 PM, 5 PM, 6.30 PM AL HAFLA (ARABIC): 2.30 PM, 4.30 PM, 7.30 PM PLAY BACK (HORROR): 9.30 PM, 11.15 PM VEHICLE 19 (THRILLER): 11.30 PM PARKER (ACTION): 9 PM ROYAL PLAZA OZ: THE GREAT & POWERFUL (3D) (ADVENTURE): 2.30 PM, 5 PM, 9.15 PM AL HAFLA (ARABIC): 7.30 PM VEHICLE 19 (THRILLER): 11.30 PM RIO (ANIMATION): 2.30 PM, 4.30 PM TAKE THIS WALTZ (COMEDY): 6.30 PM, 9 PM, 11.15 PM KUNG FU PANDA 2 (ANIMATION): 3 PM OMAR WA SALMA 3 (ARABIC): 8 PM, 10.30 PM SNOWWHITE & THE HUNTSMAN (ACTION): 5 PM OMAR WA SALMA 3 (ARABIC): 8 PM, 10.30 PM Movie review NOTICE: Timings are subject to change without prior notice. Take This Waltz WHEN Margot (Michelle Williams), 28, meets Daniel (Luke Kirby), their chemistry is intense and immediate. But Margot suppresses her sudden attraction; she is happily married to Lou (Seth Rogen), a cookbook writer. When Margot learns that Daniel lives across the street from them, the certainty about her domestic life shatters. She and Daniel steal mo-ments throughout the steaming Toronto summer. Swelteringly hot, bright and colourful like a bowl of fruit, Take This Waltz leads us, laughing, through the familiar, but uncharted question of what long-term relationships do to love and our images of ourselves. For events, opinions and suggestions contact: [email protected] Phone: 44422077
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