cervia events preview 2012
cervia events preview 2012
CERVIA EVENTS PREVIEW 2012 www.turismo.comunecervia.it we are also on: Happy Birthday MiMa! 100 This naturally sparkling resort is turning , one century of beauty and style. Set up in the century old Pinewood from an ambitious and modern design by the painter Giuseppe Palanti, the garden city has seen its unique image and elegant and prestigious services grow. August 14th 2012 is its official date of birth, but the celebrations will begin earlier and last for the entire year with events, showings, exhibitions and original happenings. The starting date is December 2011 with a Nativity - created by the artists of Milan Brera Academy - “spread out” in Milano Marittima, to continue into the year of 2012 with a program full of appointments, one more exciting than the other. Events Lasting a Whole Season ART WAVES 4th Ed. 15th April /15th May Milano Marittima Outdoor exhibition in the most glamorous resort of the Riviera of Romagna. The shop windows of Milano Marittima’s city centre will exhibit works of art of various artists for a whole month. Painting, sculpture and the most innovating techniques of figurative arts indeed find in MiMa their ideal place. BORGOMARINA ROMAGNA SHOWCASE 17th May/27th September on Thursdays Via Nazario Sauro In the course of the whole summer, this typical fishermen’s village will offer chances for taking pleasant strolls and discovering local flavours and traditions. Each week, gastronomy and craftwork products will “explain” Romagna’s culture and laboriousness. Every corner, from the ancient lighthouse to the modern bascule bridge, will alternatively display enogastronomic products and craftwork artistic creations, local products tasting spots ... and traditional menus in the village restaurants. And again exhibitions, shows, book presentations, conferences on local traditions, history and hinterland boroughs of Romagna. GIUSEPPE PALANTI. PAINTING, URBAN PLANNING AND ADVERTISING FROM MILAN TO MILANO MARITTIMA The salt storehouse, May 2nd - September 2nd landscape architects from every part of the world. Until the end of September, the gardens can be admired at any hour of the day and night, strolling in the city. The event is an important occasion of interchange and interaction of techniques, methods and strategies in Scheduled along with the the development of public great exhibitions of the San Domenico Museum in Forlì, and private landscaping. In 2012 the 100th birthday which will be dedicated of Milano Marittima, the to the 20th century and to Rationalism – Wildt, l’anima famous Garden City, will be celebrated along with e le forme fra Michelangelo e Klimt, from January to June the 40th edition of the 2012, and Dux, from January exhibition that will host over 50 participating Italian and to June 2013 – the display foreign cities. about Giuseppe Palanti will present a portrait of the life in the 20th century, from the GUIDED TOURS TO point of painting, urban plan- CAMILLONE SALTPAN ning, advertising graphic and 1st June to15th September architecture. The great artist SALTWORKER from Milan is considered as FOR A DAY Milano Marittima’s father 15st June to 15th September founder. He had the vision MUSA, Salina Camillone to set up a society called Milano Marittima, that gave The initiative of MUSA, the its name to the place. We also salt museum, will start in owe him, who was called by June with the free guided the people of Cervia “e nostar tours to Camillone saltpans. pitor” – in the local dialect This is the sole small saltpan “our painter”- the garden city left which is still worked urban planning, as well as the using craft methods on the first advertising posters. several plots, each worked by a single saltworker. The GARDEN CITY CERVIA saltpan is an integral part of 40th May in Blossom the Museum (on Thursdays May 26th/September 30th and Sundays). From 15th Local green areas and historic June onward, visitors will centre be offered the chance to become Saltworkers for a Day (on Tuesdays) and extract It is the most important salt together with “real” decorated floral exhibition saltworkers. Both initiatives in Italy. Thousands of plants will be repeated until and flowers are used to mid-September. give life to this open air Workshop-visits will be festival with flower beds under the guide of expert salt and gardens created by workers. FAIRY TALES IN THE HISTORIC CENTRE June 14th, July 12th, August 16th, September 6th Children-customized guided tours in the historic centre Children-customized guided tours in the historic centre 19th June/11th September on Tuesdays The past of the city, strongly linked to salt working and extraction, the transfer of salt from the saltpan area, its characteristic city centre, its main square and its churches, its theatre, its “measures stone”, the salt warehouses and San Michele tower will be described along a very interesting guided tour. 15th WORLD MASTER SAND SCULPTURES CHAMPIONSHIP 15th June to 15th October Lungomare D’Annunzio Exhibition of the sand masterpieces created by master sculptors from all over the world. CERVIA, BOOKS ON THE BEACH 20th Ed Books to love, books to read under sunshades 20th July to 15th August A series of cultural events on Cervia’s beach. Reading under sunshades is as pleasant as bathing in the sun or in the sea. Tourists visiting Cervia may happen to meet face to face with the latest-season best seller’s authors in bookshops or on the beach. They may even have a chat with them, buy or just read through the books object of presentation. Novels, essays and detective stories will be introduced by their same authors in many different sites of the city, while they are taking a few-day relaxing holiday and enjoying the summer season. A SPASS PAR ZIRIA WALKING AT LEISURE IN CERVIA October /April – City Centre Entertainment events, markets and gastronomic products each last Sunday of the month. DELICIOUS CERVIA November /April City Centre Gastronomic specialties from the various Italian Regions, each second week-end of the month. Epiphany day to Garibaldi Square where they perform traditional disguising games, recite traditional rhymes and sing ancient carols dating far back in time, when the pagan world tradition had its own propitiatory rites for the perpetuation of the natural life cycle. FEBRUARY SAINT VALENTINE’S WEEK-END 11th/12th February A whole week-end dedicated to Cupid. Love will crown the whole city. Shop windows, market stalls and initiatives will all be devoted to lovers. Romantic candle light dinners with unique menus are organized by the local restaurants. Cervia’s Main Events, January MARCH to December JANUARY TANGO REVOLUTION 5th/8th January. Montaletto di Cervia 6th Edition of the Tango Nuevo International Festival. Four days fully spent in the sensuous world of the most exciting dance. A really good chance to become Tango dancers. . PASQUALOTTI Festival of Romagna New Year’s folk songs and rhymes 6th January, Piazza Garibaldi Pasqualotti belong to the ancient traditions of this region, traditions which Cervia succeeded in preserving and further enriching. Pasqualotti have been returning each year on SAINT JOSEPH’S FAIR 14th Cuttlefish Fair 18th/25th March Pinarella’s Shopping Mall “Focarina” 18th March, Cervia’s Public Beach Traditional feast opening cuttlefish season. Animation spaces, shows belonging to the folklore of Romagna, music shows, flower market stalls and traditional markets will all crown tempting gourmet stands offering typical fish dishes. Visitors will all also enjoy the traditional “Focarina” (fire) on Cervia’s public beach on the 18th March accompanied by gourmet stands, music events, markets and a fantastic firework display over the sea at night!!! In the old times, people used to light fires with wood and shrubs during Saint Joseph’s night to burn away the last rigours of winter. They considered such fires be promising good harvesting times. While passing by the country fields at night time, here and there you may still happen to see such “focarine”, reminders of a tradition which, though missing these days most of its ancient significance, still makes a merry moment for children and grown-ups. CHOCOLAT 23rd/25th March Milano Marittima’s City Centre The exhibition of chocolate master craftspeople is an event to enjoy and taste. In Milano Marittima’s city centre, the best chocolate craftspeople will welcome guests offering them opportunities to commit the most extraordinary and most special “gluttonous sins”. SPORTUR BICYCLE SHOW 25th March /1st April Important and exciting event fully dedicated to bike-riding with competitions, shows, and an especially dedicated exhibition. Great emotions connected to love for bikeriding and more generally speaking for sports. Eight days fully dedicated to the bicycle and its world. A unique event linking sport to entertainment and gastronomy. Many initiatives will be especially dedicated to children and a lot of opportunities will be offered to visitors and exhibitors APRIL RADIO3 INFESTIVAL Historic Center, April 13th/15th For the fifth consecutive year, the Italian radio broadcasting RAI 3 has chosen Cervia to meet their fans. Three days of non-stop live music, cultural events, meetings and live shows on RAI radio 3 in the most impressive places of the city. A fantastic occasion to meet “the radio people” in Cervia, to experience three days of great emotions along with important top international artists, personalities and musicians. 32nd INTERNATIONAL KITE-FLYING FESTIVAL 21st April/1st May Pinarella’s Beach Ever since 1981 kites from all over the world have been gathering here and flying over the beach on the occasion of the International Kite Flying Festival which matches creativity and fantasy. Stands and workshops dealing with kites will explain and continue the secrets of the ancient art of constructing such amazing flying masterpieces. This festival will be further enriched by wind energy works, concerts and nigh-time flying which will add magic to this wonderful event suspended between the sky and the sea. This exciting festival will gather artists from all over the world in Pinarella. Here they will compete in a whirlpool of peculiar colours and forms entrusted to the wind. MAY LUIGI LEGNANI INTERNATIONAL GUITAR FESTIVAL 15th Ed. 5th , 12th, 19th and 26th May– City Theatre The international classic guitar festival will come this year to its 17th edition. Four will be the events with great protagonists from all over the world coming on stage: a sort of showcase of young talents and world-wide known guitarists. TRANSAPPENNINICA XXVII EDITION Historic Center, May 6th and 12th Even for its 27th edition, the prestigious tourist-sport exhibition, one of the most coveted and exclusive at a European level, has chosen Cervia as the starting city for its usual annual journey to discover striking Italian lanscapes. This year, as a tribute to Milano Marittima for its 100th birthday, the journey of the exhibition will have Milan as its finish. There will be more than 40 radiant antique automobiles lined up in the historic centre on Sunday 6th, ready for the starting. Built prior to 1940 and coming from every part of the world, these precious gems are witnesses of history and culture in worldwide motor racing. Another exciting moment, the arrival in Cervia on May 12th, in Piazza Garibaldi “ALLEGROMOSSO” FESTIVAL May 18th and 19th Over 5000 young European musicians between 12 and 25 years old meet in Emilia Romagna at the eleventh European Youth Music Festival, called “Allegromosso”. The event takes place in Italy for the first time and in Cervia it will offer music performances in the most impressive spots of the town. The aim of the festival is to foster the encounters between young people from different countries and achieve a united Europe, also in the music art. 568th MARRIAGE OF THE SEA 19rd/20th June This is a really fascinating rendezvous, somewhat suspended between reality and legend. The Marriage of the Sea will come this year to its 568th edition. In 1445 Cervia’s Bishop, Pietro Barbo, made a vow when caught in a terrible storm at sea. This vow has ever since been kept. That is why this traditional ceremony taking place on Ascension Day has come to these days. Bishop Barbo kept it in his heart even when he became Pope under the name of Pope Paul II. To remember his vow, he had a fountain constructed in Rome, in the inner garden of Palazzo Venezia, and named after the “Marriage of the Sea”. In 1986 Pope John Paul II celebrated this peculiar marriage when he was a special guest of this traditional event. The sea is at the same time both protagonist and background of the whole ceremony. Civil and religious authorities are all on board of boats. The sea is urged to gather in its brotherly hug all the ethnic groups who live by it. With a bit of local pride, it is also urged to propitiate a good season for Cervia and its inhabitants. After two days, celebrations, exhibitions, shows, singing and dancing events will all end up in the ancient ceremony’s revival. On the occasion of the 100th birthday of Milano Marittima the Wedding of the Sea 2012 will host Milan, the partner city of the year. The partner cities of the past editions were: Venice, Split (Croatia), Sliema (Malta), Kalajoki (Finland), Aubusson (France), La Fionia (Denmark), Malahide (Ireland), Aalen ( Germany), Hasselt (Belgium). A gathering of historical lugsails boats will take place on 17th and 18th June. Then on 19h June, the Cursa di Batel, a boat competition named after Paolo Pozzarini, will close the rendezvous. CERVIA THE GARDEN CITY 40th Anniversary May in Blossom May 19th and 20th Roses for the new century” a rose-scented weekend, May 26th and 27th Verde Mercato A rose scented weekend dedicated to Roses for the new century programmed the 19th and 20th of May in the Salt Miners Piazza in Cervia. An exhibition market of all the new varieties of roses, with hundreds of climbing, tree and bush roses, among the most rare and perfumed. On May 26th, the important official opening of the gardens is enriched with a Market exhibition (May 26th and 27th, from morning until 11 0’clock p.m. in the historic center and Viale Roma) with plants, flowers, natural products, pots, outdoor furniture, are the protagonists a weekend dedicated to lovers of gardening and natural products. JUNE ARTS FESTIVAL salt workers piazza 8 June 28th/30h A major fair of art masters for a weekend characterized by creativity. From painting to poetry and music, a line up of artists at work will fascinate people of all ages. There will be various workshops dedicated to children, to stimulate their artistic side while having fun. JULY PINK NIGHT 6th July “Pink Night” in the Riviera of Romagna! This meeting has already become a must and has come to be loved and named the new summer’s day of the Romagna Coast, enriched by side events and by Cervia’s “pink agenda” for the year 2012. 22° VIP MASTER TENNIS 14th and 15th July - Milano Marittima’s Tennis Club Prince Albert of Monaco, Valeria Marini, Franco Nero, Brigitte Nielsen, Piero Chiambretti, Andrea Mingardi, Simona Tagli, Francesco Salvi, Ugo Conti, Joe Squillo, Paolo Mengoli, Laura Pausini, Manuela Arcuri were but a few of the many famous people who took part to the Master previous editions. They will all perform really exceptional challenges on the Tennis Club earth courts thus raising interest towards this great VIP Tournament. Among the participants, many journalists. It will be a great chance to meet one’s favourites. SALT ROUTE 18th July Piazzale dei Salinari Magic farewell show dedicated to the historical boats leaving for the ancient salt trade route to Venice. It will be accompanied by music, tales and stories, history and charm all dealing with the city traditions which are strictly connected to salt and its extraction. Saltworkers will charge the precious “white gold” on the boats of the fleet “Mariegola delle Romagne”. These will then sail along the ancient salt routes. The event will also be an occasion to recollect ancient ties with the Serenissima Republic of Venice. AUGUST IL SARCHIAPONE 21th Ed. 4th August - Piazza Garibaldi Up-and-coming young comedians will challenge in a contest dedicated to Walter Chiari Many among the comedians who performed on Cervia’s stage then reached success: the genial Enrico Bertolino and Max Pisu, who then became famous on TV with “Mai dire Goal”. Each year many are the showbiz people attending the event. They will all pay their tribute to the famous comedian telling anecdotes, stories or videos. Besides awarding the best comedian with the “Sarchiapone” prize, further “Walter Chiari” prizes will be awarded to showbiz people who distinguished themselves in the various artistic sectors. Among those who won the previous editions: Gerry Scotti, Cesare Cremonini, Gaspare e Zuzzurro, Neri Marcorè, Fichi d’India, Fabio Testi. one side and to those used by sculptors on the other one. Works can be up to 8 metres high. They issue from the skilled hands and from the lively fantasy of artists coming from all over the world. The results are really striking and sort of magic. The works of art will then form an exhibition continuing even after the prize-giving ceremony in a sort of openair museum on the beach. In case you are a bit perplexed, we may reveal a small secret: a special mixture of water and glue shall be constantly sprayed on the works thus preventing water from evaporating and allowing the works to last for a long time. Many famous professional sculptors from all over the world will take part in the contest. NIGHT OF SAINT LAWRENCE 10th August 15th WORLD MASTER SAND SCULPTURES CHAMPIONSHIP Lungomare D’Annunzio 8th/10th August: contest 11th August/15th October: Sand Sculptures Exhibition Charm, magic and mystery will characterise the celebrations of Saint Lawrence. This special day will end up in a firework cascade on Cervia’s public beach. Bathing in the sea at night will as always be a must especially under the magic atmosphere created by falling stars and by the sparkling sea said for this reason to be “in love”. According to popular tradition, bathing in the sea on Saint Lawrence Day has special therapeutic effects, equal to those derived from seven different sea-bathings. The whole celebrations are characterised by magic and romantic moments in the many city sites, including the beach. The city band and the traditional bingo on the main square should not be missed in the afternoon. The tools used by participants are somewhat similar to those used by masons on the THE BIRTHDAY CONCERT Milano Marittima, August 14th Today Milano Marittima turns 100. The town’s birthday gift consists of a musical celebration full of great emotions and fascination, a very special party for a unique resort. CERVIA, BOOKS ON THE BEACH, 20th Ed. Books to love, books to read under sunshades 15th August – Cervia’s Beach On 15th August, the final event happening will take place on the beach in front of Cervia’s Grand Hotel. Best-sellers authors, journalists and showbiz people will disembark from historical sailing boats to take part in the Assumption Day Chat Show. 21st PALIO DELLA VOGA ROWING COMPETITION 20th/26th August Salt Warehouses area Ever since 1992 the coast lifeguards have challenged in Cervia’s port harbour in a rowing competition “in the Venetian way”, that is standing in an upright position while rowing. The typical red “mosconi”, twin-hull pleasure boats, will compete in the Salt Warehouses area, next to the bascule bridge. The competition will proclaim the quickest “Mariner”. There will also be a special challenge reserved to women – the “Pink Trophy”. Other events and activities will take place over a full week, including water lifesaving shows performed by Newfoundland dogs, rowing courses – some especially dedicated to young children, too – and another rowing competition, “Voga Ziria”, a challenge dedicated to Alessandro Camprini, a lifeguard who died very young. A WEEK AS SWEET AS HONEY 19th/27th August City Centre Two week ends dedicated to honey and to the world of bees. Many markets, performances and tasting sessions will be dedicated to the sweetest among the local products. There will also be workshops focusing on the use on honey while cooking, special training restaurants and theme dinners SEPTEMBER SALTY TASTE 16th Ed. 7th/9th September Salt Warehouses area These days will be especially dedicated to the “white gold” with meetings, cultural events, exhibitions, markets and shows. The ancient tradition of salt delivery to sheds will be revived once again, charging salt on board a “burchiella”, a typical boat used in saltpans, which is then tugged along the canal harbour banks from the saltpans to the salt warehouses. These days, salt is no more stocked for subsequent distribution, but given away as gift wishing good luck and prosperity to those taking part in the event. Many are the local products for sale in the many market stalls and gastronomic stands. No doubt those products which are strictly linked to Cervia’s salt will be there, too: anchovies, the delicious salt chocolate, cookies or the liqueur made from blackthorn (special berries from the saltpans) and those products to be ranked as “wellness and beauty” products. Again, food tasting workshops, mini-courses teaching how to prepare homemade pasta and piadina, traditional events, shows and exhibitions. The city restaurants will prepare dishes typical of sea and salt tradition. The kiosks selling “piadina” will offer this typical sort of flat bread seasoned with Cervia’s flavoured salt. A conference, a special postal cancellation and guided visits, all dedicated to salt, will crown Cervia’s “white gold”. . PRODUCTS AND FLAVOURS FROM EUROPE, 9th Edition 14th, 15th and 16th September - Piazza A. Costa Over a long weekend, shopping will turn international in Cervia’s city centre, thus offering chances to come to know other Countries of Europe, their cultures and habits. Over 100 street vendors coming from all over Europe and from other Italian Regions will meet in Cervia and offer local handicraft and gastronomy products typical of the areas they come from. This initiative was held for the very first time in Strasbourg in 1990 and over the years hosted various cities including, Manchester, Zaragoza, Florence and Trieste. 8TH “FOUR-LEGGED” SPORT AND CULTURE EVENT Fantini Club Beach, Lungomare Deledda Promenade, September 15th and 16th A curious happening on the beach of Cervia introduces you into the amazing world of canine breeds. It is an interesting way to spend two exciting days, attending dog-friendship lessons for adults and children, as well as training or search and rescue demonstrations by the dog teams and their trainers. Other themes will be the pet therapy, cultural moments, sports and recreation activities. 22° SPRINT KITE NEWS 21st /23rd September Public Beach Extraordinary performances of stunt kites over the beach. The various specialities will show how engineering studies and the technological materials employed changed the traditional kite-flying game which made us all dream as children. Kite Jumping: a sort of long jump contest while hanging from a special kite; Kite Buggying: a three-wheel or three-hull chassis where the kite operator sits while driven by the wind; Kitesurfing and Kiteboarding: a surf or snow board are driven by a kite. RIDING ALONG THE SEA 8th Edition 30th September/1st October Fantini Club, Lungomare Deledda This week end will be fully dedicated to sports and passion for sports thus offering a chance to enjoy the sea in an unusual and really special way. The month begins with a series of horse rides on the beach especially dedicated to horse-riding lovers and also to those simply wishing to have a look. Participants will ride in very beautiful environments: along the seashore, in the luxuriant pinewood and in the saltpans natural milieu. Again, Horse Agility exhibitions and further peculiar shows. For the youngest, “First Time on Saddle” OCTOBER 8° MOTORS BEACH SHOW 6th, 7th and 8th October Fantini Club, lungomare Deledda A great time for shows for the public, and an enthralling experience for Bikers and those simply fond of motorbikes. Excursions to the city most typical sites, music, show and entertainment events. Live performances including quad, trial, tractor pulling, rally cars, and off-road racing cars and motorbikes. The youngest will be offered mini-cross, mini-moto and mini-custom motorbikes. DECEMBER CHILDREN’S CHRISTMAS A warm atmosphere of lights and colours will shroud the city. In Piazza Garibaldi visitors will stroll under the big decorated Christmas tree. Countless Christmas initiatives will be dedicated to the young. Games and animation spaces will be there, too. The ice-skating rink in Piazza Garibaldi will become a meeting place both for children and lively adults. Father Christmas will be there and many will meet and keep close to him while listening to his fantastic tales. Many will be the special Nativities: from the really “unique” one made of salt at MUSA museum, to the many animated Nativities with their small mechanisms giving life to clay handdecorated statuettes, and again to the living Nativity, a magic, moving performance with modern people wearing traditional costumes. In Milano Marittima, a peculiar Nativity will be set inside Stella Maris Church. Its theme changes each year, even though its main peculiarity is that it is made with materials taken from the local natural environment. Especially dedicated to the youngest will be the House of Santa Claus. MILANO MARITTIMA’S SPARKLING CHRISTMAS Milano Marittima will “put on” a very special Christmas atmosphere with glamorous places, markets and animation activities both for children and grown-ups. A pleasant stroll in the city centre will be a very good opportunity to dedicate to Christmas shopping. The renewed Viale Gramsci “living room” will offer many interesting opportunities. So, it will be pleasant for visitors to go shopping or have an aperitif under the trees sparkling with Christmas lights, with music in background and sparkling lights all around. Then, in the evening ... pleasant meetings and surprises in the locality’s most famous and trendy places. Programmes and dates may be subject to changes. Markets and Market Places All-year-round Markets 8.00 am/1.00 pm Cervia, Piazza A. Costa Thursdays Pinarella, Piazzale Premi Nobel Tuesdays 1st April to 31st December Seasonal Markets 3.30 pm/01.00 am Milano marittima, I^ traversa, Mondays 1st May to 30th September Cervia, Viale Roma, Fridays 1st May to 30th September Pinarella, V.le Italia Tuesdays 15th May to 23rd September Tagliata, Piazza Gemelli Saturdays 15th May to 15th September Markets selling medicinal and aromatic plants and natural products ore 19.00/24.00 Il Giardino dei Semplici Milano Marittima, V.le Bologna Tuesdays 20th May to 15th September Bees, Butterflies and Flowers: Garden Show Cervia, V.le Italia Thursdays 1st June to 27th September Market-show of medicinal herbs, officinal and organic products Pinarella, P.zza Unità e della Repubblica Mondays 1st June to 7th September Market of aromatic plants Tagliata Via Sicilia/Piazzale Pesci Sundays 10th June to 7th September Antique Market 5.30 pm/0.30 am Cervia, city centre Wednesdays 23rd May to 15th September Pinarella, shopping mall Friday 1st June to 14th September Children Flea-Market 8.00 pm/11.00 pm Cervia, Viale Roma Mondays 15th July to 15th August Media Partner Media Partner Tourist Information: www.turismo.comunecervia.it Phone +39 0544974400 Fax +39 0544 977194 [email protected] Hotel Booking: www.cerviaturismo.it Phone +39 0544 72424 [email protected] Edited by Council Department of Tourism Cervia Municipality Via Circonvallazione Sacchetti 99 48015 Cervia (RA) Phone +39 0544 915211 fax +39 0544 974420 www.turismo.comunecervia.it blogturismo.comunecervia.it [email protected] CERVIA RISPETTA L'AMBIENTE Comune Certificato Cervia Environmental Certification on ecological paper Project co-ordination and texts: Annalisa Canali Graphic Design Project: Gianni Grazia Pictures: Piero Alvisi, Records of the Council Department of Tourism, 24/36 Photography Club, Giorgio Montanari, Studio Montalti, Mario Rebeschini, La Foto.
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