Issue No.2


Issue No.2
Rabigh Arabian Water & Electricity Company
Issue No. 2
October 2008
 A great place to work.
 A great place to perform.
EMD’s Welcoming Message
 A great place to learn.
Welcome all RAWEC employees to the second edition
of our newsletter covering the
third quarter of 2008.
I am happy to have seen you
all again on 21 September
during our Gathering Dinner
at Byblos Restaurant in Jeddah. The dinner presentation
highlighted another milestone
in RAWEC employees‟ compensation and benefits with
the announcement that the
C u rren c y D e va l u at i o n /
Inflation Allowance and the
Ramadan Bonus will become
a permanent benefit accorded
to all RAWEC employees.
Power Plant
Also, the new Performance
Management System is now
in place. Henceforth, performance bonuses and merit
increases will be based solely
on the achievement of individual performance objectives. As of end September
2008, each and every
RAWEC employee, from the
Administration Building
Inside this issue:
Open Forum
Safety - A Team Effort
Performance Management
Agreeing Objectives
2008 Performance Appraisal
Updated HR Policies
New Employees
3d Quarter Promotions
International SOS
English Language Course
Employees‟ Corner
Plant Manager to the Line
Managers, supervisors and
support staff, has established
Specific, Measurable,
Achievable, Realistic, Timed,
Mutually Agreed and Challenging (“SMARTMaC”)
individual performance objec-
tives. The SMARTMaC objectives provide a framework
for a new and more encompassing approach to performance appraisal which will be
rolled out to all staff
through a series of workshops to begin after the Eid
holidays. It is my wish that
every RAWEC employee
gets the highest possible
objectives achievement
rating, thus qualifying him/
her to a higher performance
bonus and merit increase.
The objective of the top
management is to create a
“lean and mean” team by
working on retaining high
achievers. We will continuously review and update
RAWEC‟s compensation
structure to be in line with
those of the best in the market. Keep up the good work
guys, Eid Mubarak and
Happy New Year to all.
RAWEC Website -
RAWEC‟S website is already
here. Please access and
provide us with your feedback before the site‟s official
launch in the next two weeks.
The website is composed of :
Homepage - Welcome to
About Us - Mission &
Vision; Project Overview; Project Agreements; Key Personnel;
and Plant Description.
News & Events - all the
latest news and events
within the organization.
Contact Us - Head
Office and PetroRabigh Site addresses
and contact details.
Emplo yment
RAWEC - A World
of Opportunities.
Key Features - Flue
Gas Desulphurisation
(“FGD”) System;
Reverse Osmosis
(“RO”); and Photo
Page 2
Open Forum
Arrival at the Byblos Restaurant
Following the Iftar meal, the
flow of discussion went
smoothly and everybody was
invited to freely ask questions, give constructive comments, feedback, suggestions, and share best practices. Concerns with regard
to the housing facilities in
Rabigh were raised as a
result of which the EMD
asked the Administration
Department to come up
with an action plan to deal
with all outstanding items
as soon as possible. With
regard to employee transportation and mobility within and
around the plant, the EMD
directed the Plant Manager
and the HSE Supervisor to
recommend a type of vehicle
that can be used for internal
site transportation. Again,
safety was highlighted during
the presentation. Employees
were once again reminded of
the need to strictly adhere to
the HSE training schedule.
The EMD also stressed the
importance of open and transparent communications between management and employees and reminded everyone that anonymous emails
will not be accepted/tolerated
as they are unprofessional and
encourage hearsay. Last but
not least, when asked, the
employees voted overwhelmingly for Jeddah as the venue
for the next gathering dinners.
Everybody enjoyed the night,
the gathering, the discussions,
the food, and the place...All‟s
well that ends well.
Waiting for the Iftar time.
Better to be safe...
Safety - A Team Effort
 Safety is not just about
keeping yourself safe. As
part of a team, safety is
also your responsibility
towards every member of
the team.
than sorry.
 If any member of the team
is unsafe, then the entire
team is unsafe.
 Take care of each other,
and keep each other safe.
 Remember, we work to
keep everyone safe so that
at the end of every shift, at
the end of every day:
Everyone goes home!
The HSE Department has a
lot of activities in store for
Q4 as follows:
October to November - First
Aid training from Basic to
December - Basic Fire Fighting; Fall Protection/Back
Safety; and Scaffolding and
Confined Space. These activities are physical in nature and
the participants are expected to
roll up their sleeves to do the
actual on-the-job training.
Page 3
RAWEC’s Performance Management
Performance Management
Systems aim to create a culture of high performance;
improving managerial performance; improve
employee engagement;
upgrade the talent
pool; and match actual
behavior with culture.
Performance Management is an on-going
management process.
There will be a balance between performance and development.
The system will differentiate between excellent, good and poor
performers. At RAWEC, the
performance bonuses and
merit increases to be awarded
to eligible employees at year
end will be linked to performance, in other words to the
achievement of the individual
performance objectives. The
Company‟s vision and
values will be at the
heart of Performance
other words, the objectives set and agreed
between the employee
and the Line Manager
are always in line with
the achievement of the
Company‟s goals.
Agreeing SMARTMaC Objectives
It was during the month of
September that individual performance objectives have been
agreed and set between the
employee and his respective
Line Manager. The objectives
setting activity was done in
two sessions: The first session
was conducted by Professionals, a third party management
consultant, and included the
Supervisors and Line Managers. The second session was
conducted by Human Resources and included the operators and support staff in the
presence of the respective Line
Managers and Supervisors. It
was important at the beginning
of the activity that each participant fully understands the principle of setting individual
SMARTMaC objectives and
how their inputs and commitment to the activity are valued.
Overall the objectives setting
Objectives Setting - Desalination
Objectives Setting - Maintenance
sessions went smoothly, and
were actively participated and
much appreciated by everybody. There is now a clear
understanding across all levels
on how the employee‟s performance will be measured and that is through the achievement of the agreed objectives.
Objectives Setting - Technical
2008 Performance Appraisal
This year the performance
appraisal activity will be carried out in November. Prior to
this activity, Human Resources will conduct a series
of briefings and orientation
sessions for the Line Managers on how to appraise based
on RAWEC‟s new Performance Management System,
and the staff on how to be
appraised. The new perform-
ance appraisal rating system
will be based on individual
performance level which is
linked to the achievement of
individual performance objectives. Performance level is an
evaluation of the extent to
which an employee has
achieved his agreed objectives. There are excellent
performers who achieve every
objective and some exceeded;
very good employees who
achieve objectives and maybe
one or two near misses; good
workers who are achieving
and require minor improvements. However, there are
those who need major improvements over the next
period and those who give
unsatisfactory performance.
Objectives Setting - Supply Chain
Page 4
New Employees
Reviewed and Updated HR Policies
The Director of Human Resources and Administration,
Mr. Mohammad Murci,
spearheaded the reviewing and updating of
RAWEC HR Policies &
Procedures during the
month of September.
Thirteen HR Policies &
Procedures have been
reviewed, updated, and
finalized. Mr. Murci specifically prioritized finalization of these thirteen
procedures as he sees them of
great relevance and application to employees at all lev-
els. The thirteen procedures
will be posted on the HR Self
Service for all employees to
access. These are: 1) Work
Schedule; 2) Allowances; 3)
Overtime; 4) Annual Leave &
Unpaid Leave; 5) Sick Leave;
6) Examination Leave; 7)
Compassionate Leave; 8)
Retirement; 9) Resignation; 10) Termination; 11) Grievance;
12) Disciplinary Action; and 13) Post External Training. Employees will now have
clearer understanding
of the abovementioned
policies & procedures.
HR will continue to
review and update all the
other RAWEC HR Policies &
Julio Gomez - Operations Director
Petronilo Madrid - Performance Engineer
Welcome Aboard, New RAWEC Employees!
We would like to welcome the
ten people who officially
joined Rabigh Arabian
Water & Electricity
Company during the
third quarter of 2008.
They are now legitimate employees of
RAWEC and bonafide
members of the
RAWEC Team. Remember in RAWEC, it has to
be “one team, one focus”, and
so welcome to the team 1) Mr. Osorio - Chemist; 4) Rizalino
Julio Gomez - Operations Di- Tiu - Accountant; 5) Jalal
Akandai - Safety Officer; 6)
Abdullah Abo Daood - Maintenance; 7) Hassan Mahdi
Natto - Maintenance; 8) Bander Al Hasawi - Maintenance;
9) Rayan Al Rayani - Maintenance; and 10) Moideen Kutty
Alavi - Power Operation. Once
again, welcome new colrector; 2) Petronilo Madrid - leagues and have a fruitful
Performance Engineer; 3) Boy career with RAWEC.
Boy Osorio - Chemist
Rizalino Tiu - Accountant
3d Quarter Promotions
This is to congratulate the following RAWEC employees for
their promotion during the third
quarter 2008:
We wish you the best in your
new assignment and we want to
see this as the start of your career progression within
Jonathan Pia - from Power RAWEC.
Control Operator to Power Keep up the good work guys,
Shift Leader effective 1 and all the best!
August 2008.
Hisham Al Harbi - from
Electrical Craftsman to
Electrical Technician effective 1 July 2008.
Ahmed Faqeeha - from
Desalination Auxiliary
Operator to Control Room
Operator as of 1 July 2008.
Jonathan Pia
Jalal Alkandai - Safety Officer
Ahmed Faqeeha
Hisham Al Harbi
Abdullah Abo Daood - Maintenance
Page 5
RAWEC’s Subscription to International SOS
The Company has subscribed
to International SOS in order
to provide employees
with travel, medical
assistance and security
services. As per Rayan
Habis, HR Manpower
& Compensation Assistant Manager, this
subscription to International SOS is specifically intended for
“emergency” situations during which employees
can be provided with medical
evacuation or repatriation
services if need be. Interna-
Rayan Habis, RAWEC‟s
Manpower & Compensation
Assistant Manager, is usually
the most sought after
personality in the
company on or
around the 25th day of
each month. Why?
Because the 25th is
RAWEC‟s pay day
and Rayan is the Payroll Master, responsible for making the
pay happens on a pay
personnel matters, from payroll to insurance, manpower
portation, medical care during
transportation, communications and all required
services in moving and
transporting a Member
to the nearest hospital
where appropriate
medical care is available, which may be a
location other than the
Country or Country of
tional SOS may arrange for
the air and/or surface trans-
Rayan Habis
-tasked and multi-skilled individual, Rayan‟s main responsibility according to him is to
release the salary on
time, or on some occasions, ahead of time. So
far his batting average
has been 100%. Applause for Rayan!
As we are nearing year
end, Rayan will be busy
once more in the consolidation of performance appraisal results
and in the correspondRayan
ing computation of the
RAWEC on 1 July
most-awaited performHR Manpower & Compensation Asst. Manager
2006. He has since been
ance bonuses and merit ininstrumental in the smooth planning and recruitment, and creases. Good luck to Rayan
and efficient functioning of compensation. Indeed a multi and to all of us!
… continued ‘New Employees’
Hassan Mahdi Natto - Maintenance
Bander Al Hasawi - Maintenance
Page 6
English Language Course for Apprentices
As per the
list, there
O&M apprentices
and 2 Administration staff, or
a total of 18 participants, endorsed by their respective
Line Managers to take the 2month English Language
Course which will be conducted by a highly competent
English Language
Instructor, Mr. Mahmoud Sheetawi, from
Professionals, a third
party management
consultant. The classes
will start on October
11 at the Rabigh Site,
Administration Building. The course timescale will be 5 days a
week - Saturday to
Wednesday; and 6
hours a day - 9am to 4pm. It
is important that the concerned Line Managers had
given their „green light‟ for
the participants to attend the
classes full time, except
probably for the 2 Administration staff who cannot be
both in one class at the same
time, in which an extra arrangement in schedule may
Let’s speak
“ Learning how to learn
is life’s most important
be needed. This English Language Course is a vital part of
the participants‟ Apprenticeship Program and will aid
them in their daily conversation and interaction with coworkers of diverse nationalities. After the 2 months intensive English training, the
trainees will be sent back to
their respective departments
to put into practice their acquired English, while doing
 Power Department:
9 new joining apprentices plus Mohammed
on-the-job training for 2
months. From there, the Line
Managers will determine if
there is a need for further
English training. This time
the HR Training & Development is in close coordination
with the English language
instructor about the progress
monitoring of the participants. An effective testing
… continued ‘New Employees’
Rayan Al Rayani - Maintenance
and recording system has
been agreed as well as the
post-course individual evaluation. After the course and
while on-the-job training, the
respective Shift Leader or
immediate Supervisor will be
given a guideline by the instructor for a follow-through
mentoring and tutoring activity, such that the former can
practice and enhance the
newly acquired English of the
apprentices. This new
approach to learning English by the apprentices
will ensure positive results. The participants to
the course are as follows:
Moideen Alavi - Power Operation
 Desalination: Fahad
Yeslam, Bader Aljahdali
and Abdullah Alsubhi
Maintenance: Bander Al
Hasawi, Rayan Al Rayani, and Abdullah Abu
Administration: Amjad
Sedeq and Ali Al Badri.
Page 7
Employees’ Corner
Start-up of #1 Steam Turbine Generator at CCR1
By: Saad Juhani
Local Operator - Power Operation
It was 21 August 2008, the
day for the first start-up of #1
Steam Turbine Generator at
CCR1. It was a Thursday and
usually on this day, no other
people would be with us except our Manager Mr. Alfredo Torrente and our consultant Mr. Kevin
Sapp. Previously, I
had been a Turbine
Operator and my
friend Yasser Deo
Selosa is the Control Room Operator. But since our
Shift Leader was
on vacation, I was
assigned as a Control
Room Operator and
Yasser as a temporary Shift Leader. I
really looked forward to experience a start-up of either
the boiler or turbine during
my stint as a temporary Control Room Operator, and at
last that day had arrived. I
came to know about the startup of Unit #1 Steam Turbine
Generator at CCR1 a day
before the activity which
made me nervous and excited
at the same time. We reviewed the process with the
help of the procedure done by
Yasser, and began simulating
step by step the start-up of
steam turbine on automatic
mode in the OPS (operator
station). I continued to review the procedure even
while at home, attempting to
sleep. The day came and we
Saad Juhani
proceeded to CCR1 with Mr.
Masumura and Jeffrey Onofre
of MHI, I&C Leader Peter
Suiza, and Mr. Kevin Sapp.
Yasser had lined up all the
steam turbine auxiliaries prior
to the activity, and already
had a permissive start-up of
steam turbine on ATS
(automatic start-up). I had
with me the printout of the
steam turbine procedure and
Mr. Kevin was with me all
the time, supporting me and
Mission Statement
Rabigh Arabian Water & Electricity Company seeks to optimize
the safe, reliable and environmentally responsible generation of
guiding me step by step. He
explained to me the importance of each parameter to
monitor prior to the activity,
especially the trending. We
finished the start-up of the
steam turbine and ramped up
to 120 MW at around 7:00 in
the evening. The
only problem we
encountered was
vacuum leak at
the manhole on
top of the condenser
gasket replacement upon inspection was forgotten. However,
the entire activity
and all was well.
I am very proud to be the first
one to start up the steam turbine at the CCR1. I feel that I
have made history even
though my position as control
room operator is temporary.
Thanks to all the people who
supported me, my friends, my
manager and of course Mr.
Kevin Sapp. Really RAWEC
is a great place to learn and a
great place to perform.
power and water. This will be
accomplished by encouraging
employee initiative, creativity and
open and transparent exchange of
information throughout the company. We will strive to create a
safe and efficient work environment and promote teamwork and
pride of ownership among our
employees, who are our most
valuable resource. Our goals are
to exceed our shareholders’ expectations and to continually endeavor to become a world class
company and a benchmark in the
independent power business.
A leading utility company providing safe and reliable operations
through a commitment to excellence.
Steam Turbine
Rabigh Arabian Water &
Electricity Company
11th Floor, Al-Souhaili Plaza
Al-Andalus Street,
P.O. Box 11133, Jeddah 21453
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Phone: +966 (0) 2 657 7506
Fax: +966 (0) 2 657 7528
One Team, One Focus
Issue No.2 October 2008