Energy Efficient Radiant Panel Systems
Energy Efficient Radiant Panel Systems
Highest Credit Rating since 1997 Energetski efikasno plafonsko grejanje Energy Efficient Radiant Panel Systems Potpuno prirodno The natural way ofgrejanje heating! Sunce energije, koji The sunjeiszadivljujući an amazingizvor energy source, supportomogućava celokupan život na našoj ing all life on our planet. Radiant heatplaneti. enables Zračenje toplote omogućava sunčevim the sun’s beams to travel vast distanceszracima without da prevaljuju ogromna rastojanja loosing any energy along the way. bez It is ikakvih first when energetskih gubitaka. gubitak the radiant beams hit aPrvi surface thatenergije the energy is sunčevih zraka se javlja kada oni pogode tlo-i the released and transformed into heat. Simple transformišu u toplotu. Jednostavan, prirodan natural way ofseheating. način grejanja. Therefore we have used the sun as a model Zbog toga smodesigned koristili sunčev model kada smo when we have and manufactured our projektovali i proizveli naše panele za zračenje radiant heating panels. As a company, we are toplote. Kao kompanija, imamo iskustvoinuthe technically driven and have experience istraživanju i razvoju panela za zračenje toplote research and development of radiant heating od 1972. godine. Naša kompanija se rukovodi since 1972. Our company is managed with the očuvanjem životne sredine i održivim a environment in mind and our productsrazvojem, offer naši proizvodi su energetski efikasnija opcija u a very sustainable and energy efficient option odnosu nato ostale compared othervidove formsgrejanja. of heating. Ponosni smo na kvalitet koji pružamo, a potrebe i We pride ourselves on the quality we provide očekivanja naših kupaca su u centru svega što and our customer’s needs and expectations are radimo. Naši proizvodi su vrhunskog kvaliteta i at the centre of everything we do. Our products ovo je razlog zašto nam se naši kupci stalno are of the highest quality and this is the reason vraćaju. why our customers keep coming back to us. Pored toga što su energetski efikasni, paneli za zračenje pružajuefficient, nenadmašan toplotni As well astoplote being energy Radiant Panels komfor u poređenju sa ostalim vidovima offer superior thermal comfort to other forms of grejanja.So, Ono što jesavings važno jeare danot energetske heating. energy made at the uštede nisu postignute na račun narušavanja expense of excellent indoor climate. savršenih toplotnih uslova u objektu. Radiant is effective, efficient and Grejanjeheating panelima za zračenje toplote je quiet. Simple the natural way of heating. racionalno, efikasno i tiho. Jednostavno - potpuno prirodno grejanje. Advantages Prednosti • Energyefikasnost efficient · Energetska • Low running costs · Niska cena korišćenja • Competitively priced · Nisko investiciono ulaganje · Ravnomerna distribucija toplote • Even heat distribution · Minimalno kretanje vazduha • Minimal air velocities · Tiho grejanje, bez izduvavanja vazduha • Quiet and draft free heating · Jednostavna električna instalacija • Helpsmontaža to prevent spread of pollution · Plafonska - oslobađanje zidnih i podnih površina • installation · NemaEasy pokretnih delova • Ceiling mounting - free wall/floor spaces · Dug radni vek · Nema održavanja i servisa • No moving parts • Long lifespan • No maintenance or service required 2 Problem The Problem To heat and ventilatevelikih a largeobjekata building mogu can prove Grejanje i ventilacija biti to be a challenge and the traditionally used izazov, a kod tradicionalnih sistema grejanja warm convective systems can razni causeproblemi various vrućimair vazduhom mogu se javiti problems uneven temperatures, drafts and kao što su:with neravnomerna temperatura, wasted energy. izduvavanje i gubici energije. Wasted heat Spread of polluon When using airkoristi to heat space, you would Kada se vrućwarm vazduh zaazagrevanje normally add air at a temperature of čija 10-15° prostora, obično se uduvava vazduh je C above the ambient temperature, which will lead temperatura za 10-15°C viša od okolne to problems being created. temperature. Cold floor Air heating As theuwarm air rises in the environKako hladnijoj sredini vrućcooler vazduh ide naviše, ment yousewill create a temperature difference stvoriće temperaturna razlika između zone between the toplota ceiling area (where the heat willkoja plafona (gde prirodno odlazi) i zone naturally travel to), and the occupied zone. želi da se greje. Da bi se obezbedila dovoljnaTo provide to the occupied zonei kako it is količina sufficient toplote u heat zoni koja želi da se greje therefore necessary to heat the airkoja to aodlazi higher bi se nadoknadio gubitak toplote temperature thanjerequired counteract naviše, potrebno zagrejatitovazduh na the waste of heatznatno abovevišu headodheight. This willvodi leadu temperautu željene. Ovo to more energy energije being used and the running cost veću potrošnju i znatno povećanje increasing troškova. with it. You should demand a good indoor Od kvalitetnog sistema grejanja se climate očekujeas i well as economical running from što a complete toplotni komfor i ekonomičnost, se ne može heating This putem meanssistema that it issanot preferočekivatisolution. od grejanja vrućim able to use a ventilation system for heating, but vazduhom. leaving this to handle the air quality which is was primarily designed to do. Energo radiant panels Visina prostorije (m) Height of room (m) Rešenje The Solution 10 8 Wasted heat The solution to heating a large area is select Rešenje za grejanje velikih površina je to upotreba separate heating andgrejanja ventilation systems. razdvojenih sistema i ventilacije. 6 As radiant heating do nottoplote cause any air moveKako grejanje zračenjem ne izaziva ments, will not affect any form of ventilation nikakvoitpokretanje vazduha, idealno je za thus making it ideal in gde buildings where youdawant upotrebu u objektima promaja treba to keep drafts to minimum. bude svedena naaminimum. 4 2 Radiant will toplote also provide an even temGrejanjeheating zračenjem obezbeđuje perature, with minimal differences air ravnomernu distribuciju toplote, sabetween minimalnom temperatures near the ceiling or temperatures temperaturnom razlikom između zone plafona i in the occupied zone. Energotech’s panels can be željene zone grejanja. ENERGOTECH-ovi grejni used at installation heights up to 40 m. paneli se mogu koristiti do visine plafona do 40 m. Temperature profile Air heating Temperature profile Energo radiant panels 0 10 20 30 40 Air temperature (°C) 3 Paneli zračenje toplote RadiantzaPanels Radiant works by emitting heat radiaPaneli zaPanels zračenje toplote rade nasafe principu tion, or in other words the exchange of energy emitovanja bezbednog toplotnog zračenja, ili which betweenenergije two surfaces of dveju differing drugimhappens rečima razmeni između temperatures. Thetemperatura. heat radiationIzračena passes through površina različitih toplota the air, only releasing energy when it comes in prolazi kroz vazduh, oslobađajući energiju samo contact withu akontakt surface. kada dođe sa čvrstom površinom. The panels high proportion of radiPaneli daju provides visok nivoa toplotnog zračenja i nizak ant heat and low proportion convective nivo konvekcione toplote, štoofčini mogućimheat, which makes it possible largeplafonima, spaces with grejanje velikih prostora,tosaheat visokim high ceiling heights without unnecessary heat bez nepotrebnih toplotnih gubitaka. losses. Malo ko zna da paneliadvantage za zračenje toplote A seldom recognised with radiant zagrevaju pod, čestofloor i za it2-3°C toplijeoften od okolnog panels is the warm provides; 2-3° C vazduha. warmer than then surrounding air. A common reasonrazloga for choosing to odlučiti use radiant Jedan od važnijih zašto se za panels practicalities not being panele iszathe zračenje toploteof jethem i što vam se oni“in the way” which noi one has to take them nikada neće naćimeans na putu smetati, obzirom da se into consideration when making plans ofprostora where montiraju visoko. Takođe, pri planiranju to machinery, furnishings equipza put mašine, nameštaj i opremuor neother morate voditi ment. mounted outgrejna of the tela. way, the panels računaBeing gde ćete postaviti do not take up any valuable floor or wall space. The arezacomplete units, and can Svakidifferent panel jepanels jedinica sebe i lako se može be moved around relative ease should this pomerati, ukoliko with to zahteva rekonstrukcija be required in the future to accommodate for objekta ili promena rasporeda. layout changes. Željena temperatura Operative Temperature The operative temperature is atemperature way of taking into Željena temperatura zavisi od account radiant heating from surrounding okolnih površina i temperature vazduha. areas as well as the air temperature. By combining Kombinacijom ova dva faktora dobija se mnogo these two factors a more accurate preciznije merenje koliko je stvarnomeasurement toplo u of how warm feelsmerenjem can be achieved than prostoru, negoa space direktnim temperature ifvazduha. just measuring the air temperature. Radiant will increase PlafonskiCeiling paneliPanels za zračenje toplotethe će, temperapored ture leading to radiant heat togaof štosurfaces sami zrače toplotu, povisiti i being distributed, only from the panels themtemperaturunot okolnih površina, što vodi mnogo selves, but also from all surrounding boljoj distribuciji toplote. To znači dasurfaces. će se This means that the operative will željena temperatura postići uztemperature mnogo manju be higher than the air temperature. So, you will potrošnju energije nego direktnim zagrevanjem achieve vazduha.the same operative temperature with a lower design air temperature leading to energy savings. 4 Energetske uštede Energy Savings As a general rule,dayou could save around 5-6% of Opšte je pravilo ćete za svakih 1°C sniženja your energy consumption for every 1° C decrease sobne temperature uštedeti dodatnih 5-6% in indoor temperature. energije. Kada koristite panelepanels za zračenje toplote, When using radiant you can use a 2-3° C projektovanu temperaturu za istu željenu lower design temperature than if using an all air temperaturu možete sniziti za 2-3°C system whilst prostora maintaining the operative tem- u odnosu na sistem sa direktnim zagrevanjem perature in a space. vazduha. Add to this thedodati decreased temperature differOvome treba još i smanjenu razliku ences between floor and ceiling compared to temperatura između poda i plafona, u poređenju convective heating systems. sa sistemima sa direktnim zagrevanjem vazduha. Korišćenje sistema heating sa direktnim zagrevanjem Using a convective system will lead to a vazduha vodi ka stvaranju zona vrućeg vazduha zone of hot air nearest to the ceiling leading to uz plafon i daljim velikim toplotnim gubicima great heat losses through the roof. kroz krov. The savingssistem compared to a convective Da lienergy ćete koristiti sa direktnim system will depend oniliwhat typesaofzračenjem building zagrevanjem vazduha panele and comparative heating system you are worktoplote zavisi od vrste objekta. Za objekte sa ing with. Radiant Heating will work excellent in visinom plafona preko 3 m preporučuju se paneli buildings with ceiling heights over 3 m where sa zračenjem toplote, kod kojih su uobičajene energy of 20-40% are common. uštede savings od 20-40%. Usage Upotreba Total Heating Kao glavno grejanje To provide the most comfortable and energy Obezbeđuje najkomforniji i energetski efikasnan efficient waypostizanja to quicklyiheat and maintain an način brzog održavanja optimalne optimal indoor climate. temperature prostora. Zone Heating Za zonsko grejanje To provide different different Obezbeđuje različitetemperatures temperature in u različitim areas in a building, maybe to concentrate delovima objekta, sa višom temperaturomheat u in an occupied zone ior worktemperaturama area whilst maintainželjenim zonama nižim u manje ing a lower temperature in infrequently used korišćenim zonama. areas. Zaštita od promaje Protection against problemi downdrafts Tamo gde postoje hladnih površina, Where there are problems with coldvazduh, surfaceskoji i.e. npr. kada veliki prozori hlade okolni large windows cooling the surrounding air Radise zatim prirodno kreće nadole i stvara promaju, ant Panels offer antoplote efficientzagrevaju protection providing paneli za zračenje unutrašnju heat where it is most needed. stranu staklenih površina i na taj način sprečavaju ovaj efekat. 5 VašaDecision odluka Your Potrošnja energije sethroughout udvostručilathe odworld 1970.has Energy consumption godine i na putu je da se utrostruči do 2030. by doubled since 1970 and is on track to treble godine. Rezultat će biti sve veća borba za for 2030. The result will be higher competition proizvodnju dovoljnih prices. količina energije i energy and increased povećanje njene cene. To prioritise energy efficiency today will secure Energetska efikasnost danas nam donosi sigurnu the future. As the debate around global warming energiju sutra. Kako je rasprava o globalnom gets more intense, so the interest for energy efzagrevanju sve intenzivnija, tako raste i ficient alternatives to traditional forms of heating interesovanje za energetski efikasnije sisteme is increasing. grejanja. A lot ofsefocus and investment is komplikovanija put into new Fokus usmerava na nova sve technology, but let’s not forgetsethe tehnička rešenja, a zaboravlja natechnology jednostavne, which already exists and has been tried and dokazane i proverene tehnologije koje su već tested for years with excellent results. Radiant dugo u upotrebi. Paneli za zračenje toplote su Panels an economical solution whilst not veoma offers jednostavno i ekonomično rešenje. compromising on comfort. Vaš izbor Your Choice Doneti odluku tip grejanja nije baš to To choose and koji decide on what koristiti type of heating uvek tako jednostavno. Paneli za zračenje use is not always straightforward. With energy toplote, energetskom efikasnošću efficiencysvojom and sustainability now becomingi a priodrživošću, postaju sve Radiant interesantnija ority in mostsada developments, Panels offer alternativa. an excellent alternative. ENERGOTECH dugogodišnje iskustvo Energotech hasima long experience in heatinguand razvoju sistema grejanja, tako da se možete energy, so you should feel safe to work with us. osećati koristeći naše proizvode. Utrošili We havesigurno spent years developing and manufacsmo godine rada razvijajući i proizvodeći turing the best electric and water suppliednajbolje radielektrične vodene paneleAll zaour zračenje toplote ant panels ion the market. products are na tržištu. Svi našiinproizvodi proizvedeni u manufactured Sweden su to the highest quality Švedskoj, po najvišim standardima kvaliteta. standards. Energotech is happy bepomogne of help wherever ENERGOTECH će radotoda kad god je we can; weuwill be pleased to provide potrebno: pružanju tehničke pomoći,technical support, energy and heat loss gubitaka, calculations, proračunima energije i toplotnih layout designs and any otheri assistance you may preporuci rasporeda panela davanja svih ostalih require. informacija koje tražite. When choosing Radiant Heat, you are choosing Kada birate sisteme za zračenje toplote, birate the right heat. pravu toplotu. 6 Products Proizvodi EnergoStrip A flexible electric radiant which can be mounted frommontirati 2-40m. Can Fleksibilni električni panelpanel za zračenje toplote, koji se može na be used from the smallest room to large industrial buildings. 8 different models visine od 2-40 m. Područje upotrebe mu je od najmanjih prostorija do velikih to suit any installation, industrijskih objekata. 8600-3600W. različitih modela pogodnih za najširu namenu, u rasponu snaga od 600-3600 W. EnergoCassette Designed intouaspuštene suspended ceiling,alibut can equally Dizajnirantozaintegrate integrisanje plafone, isto tako možebe bitimounted ugrađen on the underside of aplafon. ceiling.Pogodan For ceiling heights up to 4m for i direktno na običan za plafone visine do and 4 m approved i sertifikovan use in dry, damp, wet and fire hazardous areas. 300W or 600W. za upotrebu u vlažnim prostorijama i prostorijama sa rizikom od požara. Raspoložive snage su: 300 W i 600 W. EnergoInfra An aesthetically pleasing infrared heater suitable terraces, Estetski elegantan infracrveni grejač, pogodan za for upotrebu naconservatoterasama, ries or patios. Also anTakođe excellent choice for zone iheating applications. holovima i baštama. je odlično rešenje za zonsko grejanje. 500W, 1000W or 1500W. Raspoložive snage su: 500 W, 1000 W i 1500 W. EnergoInfra Industry An idealproizvod product for total orilizone heating in larger areas with ceiling heights Idealan za glavno zonsko grejanje velikih površina sa visinama above 3m. Also suitable for outdoor use, for example in loading bays plafona preko 3 m. Takođe je pogodan i za spoljnu upotrebu, npr. na or stadiums. 3000W, 4500W or 6000W. i sl. Raspoložive snage su: 3000 W, 4500 W utovarnim rampama, stadionima i 6000 W. EnergoLine Underbench offersispod a discreet heatingjesystem for rešenje, churches, schools,za Sistem panelaheating za grejanje klupe/stola diskretno pogodno waiting rooms etc. Can also ceiling up to 3m. anddo elegant crkve, škole, čekaonice, itd. be Takođe semounted može montirati i naSlim plafon, 3m heater in two imodels, 150W or 220W. visine. Tanak elegantan grejač, sa raspoloživim snagama: 150 W i 220 W. EnergoAqua Industry Water Radiant Panels for heating large areas su such manufacturing Paneli supplied za zračenje toplote sa protokom vode pogodni za as grejanje velikih or storagekao facilities, halls, tennis courtshale, or workshops. Suitable for most površina, što su sport proizvodne ili skladišne sportske hale, teniski ceiling heights and available in two widths with an output of up to 500W/ tereni i radionice. Odgovarajući su za većinu visina plafona. Dostupni su u linear meter. dve širine, sa rasponom snaga do 500 W/dužnom metru. EnergoAqua Line Water za supplied Radiant Panels for heating or za cooling. Cani hlađenje. be used freePaneli zračenje toplote sa protokom vode grejanje Mogu da hanging, surface mountedu or integrated in a suspended ceiling. Would budu viseći ili integrisani spuštene ili obične plafone. Dostupni su u trisuit any commercial, retail or education application. Available in three different širine, sa rasponom snaga do 700 W/dužnom metru. widths with an output of up to 700W/linear meter. BRAVUS d.o.o. Ivankovačka 8 | 11000 Beograd, Srbija || (011) 33866 70 698 [email protected] Energotech AB | |Box 8053 | SE-200 41 Malmö, Sweden +46 40 90 || [email protected] | |