From the Principal - International School of Tanganyika


From the Principal - International School of Tanganyika
Secondary Spotlight
Secondary Campus
PO BOX 2651 • Dar Es Salaam •
Tel: +255 22 2601126/7
Fax: +255 22 2600954
E-mail: [email protected]
Friday 23 March, 2012
From the
Tom Pado
Mark your calendar:
(See online version of school calendars:
IST Online Calendar)
March 23
Last Show - Elementary
Campus musical performance
of Dig It! Location: Little
Theatre, tickets at Elementary
March 23 – 27
GISS - Johannesburg
Coming Up This Week…
Scholastic Book Fair: March 27, 28 & 29
(Tues, Wed. and Thurs)- The secondary
library is sponsoring a Scholastic Book
Fair, from 7:30 am - 3 pm on each of
those days. Great books for reasonable
prices for all ages. Just in time for the
Secondary Parent Network: March 27
(Tues)- The Secondary Parent Network is
scheduled to meet on Tuesday, March 27
from 8:00-9:00. The meeting will be held
in L-4, which is located in the Technology
area next to the library. Secondary VicePrincipal Liz Andrews will attend the
meeting at 8:30 and provide an update
on Security in the Secondary car park
and to acquire feedback on the draft of
the Pamoja values.
March 27, 28 & 29 Scholastic Book Fair @
7.30am, SS Library.
March 27
Secondary Parent Network
meeting @8.00 am, room L4
March 28
Gr. 12 IB Art Exhibition @ 5.00
pm in SS B4 and Library
March 29
Spring Carnival: @ 4.00pm, SS
Gr. 12 IB Art Exhibition: March 28 (Wed)The annual Gr. 12 IB Art Exhibition will be
held in B-4 and in the library from 5:007:00 PM. Come see the art produced by our Gr. 12 Visual Artists over the past 18 months. You
will be amazed by the creativity.
Spring Carnival: Thursday, March 29, 4 - 6:30 pm, Secondary Field, Student Council with the
school's Community Service Groups is coordinating a Spring Carnival, where there will be
games, food and a great raffle (prizes include an Airtel modem and Blackberry phones!).
Admission to the Carnival is 1,000, payable at the gate, and each booth activity will require
between 1 - 4 booth tickets, which will be 500 shillings each. There will be fun activities for all
age groups so please bring your elementary and secondary children!
The Spring Carnival will be followed by our very own Twiga Idol where five student singers will
compete against each other for the title of the 2012 Twiga Idol! Tickets to Twiga Idol will NOT be
available at the door and are on sale from Ms. Ilana in the library for 3,000. Twiga Idol is
expected to begin at 7 pm, and will finish at about 8:30 pm.
All proceeds from the Spring Carnival and Twiga Idol will be donated to charity.
We hope to see you and your children at one or more of these events! Pass the word!
Tom Pado,
Secondary Principal
Security Brief and Update on the Secondary Campus
Over the past few months, the incidents of petty crime have increased in Dar es Salaam and on
the Msasani Peninsula. This includes three incidents of petty crime in the Secondary car park
since December. Admittedly, IST’s response has not been as timely and as strategic as it could
have been.
Currently, IST faces some broad challenges in the area of security and specific challenges in
relation to securing the secondary car park. The challenges are:
The Secondary car park is public land; it does not belong to IST. Consequently, IST is not
able to secure this area with boundary walls.
IST contracts the services of a local company (Ultimate Security) to provide security.
Proper supervision of the guards employed by Ultimate Security has been problematic
which has resulted in theft on both campuses and petty crime in the Secondary car park.
Currently, IST does not have security expertise on staff- someone who is trained and
qualified to oversee and manage the services provided by Ultimate Security and
someone who can provide on-going technical advice to Senior Management about
security matters and infrastructure.
In spite of these challenges, some progress has been made over the past two years.
A campus ID system has been put in place for staff, teachers, and parents.
Ant-climbing devices have been installed on the boundary walls of both campuses.
Installing a secure fence/wall between faculty housing and school grounds on each
A sidewalk and lighting have been installed along the boundary wall on the right hand
side of the campus, so students and parents do not have to walk in the car park to get to
their parked car.
An agreement has been reached recently with the local municipal council to make some
security improvements in the car park. Reaching this agreement has taken quite a bit of
Security specialists from the US Embassy have agreed to provide IST with consultation
and an opportunity to become involved with a “soft target program” specifically designed
for schools. This program is sponsored by the US State Dept.
In the light of the challenges stated above, the following short-term solutions will be put in place
over the next few months.
An entry and exit security boom will be installed in the Secondary car park by the end of
this month.
“Flood lights” will be installed to provide lighting in areas where cars park. This work is
scheduled to be complete by the end of the school year.
IST will widen the walkway along the left hand side of the boundary wall in June/July.
IST’s contract with Ultimate Security expires on July 31. IST will facilitate a tender process
and consider contracting the services provided by other local security companies.
IST will arrange to deploy an additional six guards and assign an IST employee to
supervise the guards during scheduled evening activities on the Secondary campus.
IST is in the process of considering long strategies. They are:
Appoint a qualified security specialist (as a consultant or employee) to oversee services
delivered by the security vendor and to provide Senior Management with technical advice
on security matters.
Continue to develop the relationship with the US Embassy and become more involved in
the Soft Target Program.
Identify security as a strategic priority in the next Strategic Plan.
We are making the IST calendar for next year and need photos of the school taken by YOU!
Deadline is March 28, 2012
Read MORE:
We are accepting photographs for the IST school calendar for next year (2012-2013) from
students, teachers, and parents.
This wall calendar is a 12 month calendar with different photos from the elementary and
the secondary school campuses.
We would love to have pictures taken by students. Ideally, each grade (EC through IB)
would have a month with the best one being the cover page.
Details about the photos:
Your picture should be a high density photograph (minimum of 300 ppi) with no recognizable
people in them. You can submit two of your best photographs, but no more than two. Submit
your photograph (or photographs) in an electronic version (on a CD) and a hard copy in the
designated box in front office of either the elementary or the secondary school. You can also
mail in your photo to Becky McElroy at [email protected]
Once your work is submitted, we will consult with experts to choose the best images. The
people’s whose work is selected will have their names in the calendar. We would like to have
equal number of photos from the each campus.
The sale of the calendar will be used to raise money for different projects of the Social working
group of the Elementary Parent Network and of the Secondary Parent Network.
If you have any questions, please contact
Melissa Robertson (0756986986, [email protected],
Thauriya Bharmal (0784767556,[email protected]), or
Becky McElroy (0754788952, [email protected]).
From the IST Drama Department
The IST Drama Department is excited to present a special guest dance
performance by N. Srikanth on Wednesday, April 11, 2012 at 6:30pm in
the IST Black Box Theatre! In the production, “Expressions of Devotion,”
N. Srikanth will present Bharatanatyam, a classical Indian dance and
drama form, to the IST community with an interactive look at the history,
traditions and techniques used in Bharatantyam.
N. Srikanth is a well-known teacher, dancer and choreographer of
Bharatanatyam who has performed all over the
world, most recently in Singapore, the United States
and France. He is also an accomplished Bhagavata
Mela (classical Indian theatre) actor who began life on stage at the age of
6. He and his wife, Aswathy Nair (an accomplished dancer in her own
right), own and run Nrityalaya School of Classical Dance and Music in
Kerala, India. Together, they are one of India’s premier dance couples.
Tickets will be sold in advance (please see the attached information) at
IST’s Secondary and Elementary School offices. Please note that doors
will close promptly at 6:30pm and latecomers will not be allowed
Celebrating Female Empowerment at the
National Museum
Save the Date!
April 13, 7:30 pm
Secondary Campus
Tix @ Secondary School Main
VIP: 15,000Tsh
General Admission: 10,000Tsh
This year a committee of grade 10, IB1 and IB2 students have pulled together to plan
one of IST’s favorite annual events. After raising funds to pay for advertising, lights and
stage, holding auditions and callbacks for talent from the student body and seeking out
student MCs for the night, the International Night Committee is excited to announce a
night of entertainment from a diverse group of performers. Music, dance, food, and a
raffle draw will make this a night you don’t want to miss. The proceeds of the night will
benefit various IST Community and Service initiatives. See you at the show!
IST Class of 2012-University
(New acceptances are in red)
Said Abdallah
Boconni (Italy)
Ali Abdulrasul
Drexel (USA)
Carleton (Canada)
UBC (Canada)
Waterloo (Canada)
Toronto (Canada)
Tariq Al-Bakri
Rutgers (USA)
Alicia Burke
American (USA)
Northeastern (USA)
Alissa Aliassime
Westminster (UK)
Kent (UK)
Abdulrasul Alidina
Greenwich (UK)
Aston (UK)
Kent (UK)
Portsmouth (UK)
Drexel (USA)
Toronto (Canada)
UBC (Canada)
Juhi Ahluwalia
Kent (UK)
Buckingham (UK)
Anindya Bhagirath
Bristol (UK)
Royal Holloway/U of
London (UK)
Sussex (UK)
Warwick (UK)
Shuchi Bhardwaj
Greenwich (UK)
Aberdeen (UK)
Kingston (UK)
Lincoln (UK)
West Virginia (USA)
Hollins (USA)
Naomi Bowers
Northampton (UK)
Westminster (UK)
Richmond (UK)
Carleton (Canada)
Mairi Calder
East Anglia (UK)
Glasgow (UK)
Lancaster (UK)
Sussex (UK)
Guelph (Canada)
Western Ontario
Queens (Canada)
Wilfred Laurier
Paurav Dana
Thompson River
Vancouver Island
Alberta (Canada)
Old Dominion (USA)
Winthrop (USA)
Mohammed Dawood
Bradford (UK)
Brunel (UK)
Portsmouth (UK)
Nottingham (UK)
Eugene Felten
American University of
Rome (Italy)
Natasha Gajjar
York (Canada)
Alberta (Canada)
Alefia Ghadiyali
McGill (Canada)
Waterloo (Canada)
UBC (Canada)
McMaster (Canada)
Toronto (Canada)
Naomi Gibson
King’s College/U
of London (UK)
Sussex (UK)
Kent (UK)
Northeastern (USA)
Syracuse –
Scholarship (USA)
Alex Grodzicki
Glamorgan (UK)
Southampton Solent
Dundee (UK)
Kingston (UK)
Asadali Hiriji
McMaster (Canada)
York (Canada)
Toronto (Canada)
Yael Horowitz
Wesleyan (USA)
Caroline Hoekman
York (UK)
Lancaster (UK)
Southampton (UK)
Edinburgh (UK)
Utrecht (Netherlands)
Aliya Kara
Waterloo (Canada)
Western Ontario
UBC (Canada)
York (Canada)
McMaster (Canada)
Riya Karia
Anglia Ruskin (UK)
Plymouth (UK)
Bradford City (UK)
City (UK)
Malaika Kapur
McGill (Canada)
UBC (Canada)
York (Canada)
Carleton (Canada)
Shahista Kassam
Western Ontario
UBC (Canada)
Waterloo (Canada)
Toronto (Canada)
Shreeta Lakhani
Bath (UK)
Kent (UK)
Queen Mary/U of
London (UK)
Northeastern (USA)
Scholarship (USA)
Carla Lyimo
Hult (UK)
Kingston (UK)
London Met (UK)
Regent’s College (UK)
Westminster (UK)
Greg Machura
Florida Institute of
Technology (USA)
Austin College (USA)
St. John’s (USA)
Rutgers (USA)
Drexel (USA)
Rukhsaar Manji
UBC (Canada)
McMaster (Canada)
York (Canada)
Carleton (Canada)
Western Ontario
Huba Mduda
Florida Institute of
Technology (USA)
Ben Moshi
Coventry (UK)
Greenwich (UK)
Hertfordshire (UK)
Victoria Laney
Scholarship (USA)
Lelia Mufuruki
Carelton (Canada)
Toronto (Canada)
Akshay Lodhia
Birmingham (UK)
City (UK)
Leicester (UK)
Warwick (UK)
Patience Munyikwa
Lynn (US)
Thompson River
Memorial (Canada)
Michelle Musindo
Kingston (UK)
Lancaster (UK)
Kent (UK)
Leister (UK)
Queen Mary/U of
London (UK)
Carelton (Canada)
York (Canada)
Waterloo (Canada)
UBC (Canada)
Katadaki Mbowe
Drexel (USA)
American University in
Paris (France)
Lynn (USA)
St. John’s –Scholastic
Excellence Scholarship
Begum Nathoo
McGill (Canada)
UBC (Canada)
Winthrop (USA)
Clemence Nsindo
Gonzaga (USA)
Taylor Nutt
Penn State (USA)
U of Massachusetts
American (USA)
Yasin Omar
Carleton (Canada)
Waterloo (Canda)
UBC (Canada)
Dalhousie (Canada)
Anne Orr
Queens (Canada)
Western Ontario
Carleton (Canada)
Guelph (Canada)
David Orr
Scholarship (Canada)
McGill (Canada)
Guelph (Canada)
Toronto (Canada)
Urjita Patel
UBC (Canada)
Queens (Canada)
Western Ontario
McGill (Canada)
Toronto (Canada)
Vlad Podgurschi
Imperial (UK)
Lancaster (UK)
Saania Punja
Waterloo (Canada)
Queens (Canada)
Carleton (Canada)
McMaster (Canada)
Toronto (Canada)
Eckerd College (USA)
Aliabbas Rajan
Brunel (UK)
Hertfordshire (UK)
Reading (UK)
Royal Holloway/U of
London (UK)
City (UK)
Anuj Ramaiya
Adrian College (USA)
Eureka College (USA)
Sophia Samaras
King’s College/U of
London (UK)
Warwick (UK)
Mariam Shebe
Toronto (Canada)
Trent (Canada)
Hofstra (USA)
York (Canada)
Manavi Singh
Waterloo (Canada)
Guelph (Canada)
Cincinnati (USA)
Sam Houston (USA)
York (Canada)
Sonia Somaiya
Regent’s College (UK)
West London (UK)
Mujtaba Somji
Coventry (UK)
Kingston (UK)
Middlesex (UK)
Portsmouth (UK)
Anna Strampelli
Bristol (UK)
King’s/U of London
University College/U of
London (UK)
Aleksander Strinic
Boconni (Italy)
Akash Suchak
Buckingham (UK)
Shivani Suraiya
St.George's University
Caribbean Medical
School (Caribbean)
Trinity School of
Medicine (Caribbean)
Sakina Tejani
Tampa (USA)
Zoe Wang
Oxford (UK)
King’s/U of London
University College/U of
London (UK)
Edinburgh (UK)
McGill (Canada)
Gloria William
Gonzaga (USA)
Suffolk (USA)
Sarah Wilson
Susquehanna (USA)
Penn State (USA)
Temple (USA)